#native american comics
bixels · 1 year
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As they say in the industry, you either know fashion or you don't. And Miss Rarity certainly knows it!
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yesterdaysprint · 1 year
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San Francisco Examiner, California, September 25, 1911
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billfinarts · 10 days
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The Hunt... has begun.
It's here! It's here! Tales of the Hunt has officially started!
The beginning of our story dates back to 1562, in Eastern Canada. The Algonquin tribe are unaware that something is watching them from the trees. Something lurks in the dark and is ready to strike...
@kenosisofabrami and I are so excited to finally start sharing this story and bring it to life for all of you! We've been having an absolute blast working on this together so far and can't wait to bring more!
New pages will drop on Wednesdays! Stay tuned!
@kenosisofabrami did the amazing colors!
I did the lineart and storyboard :D
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ungoliantschilde · 12 days
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“Autumn”, by Goran Parlov
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browsethestacks · 6 months
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Art by Maria Wolf
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biophonies · 10 months
I come from a long line of people who raised hogs, smoked them in the earth as technique inherited from indigenous kin (who - more broadly - introduced the west to the method: more on that here!) and seasoned them beautifully.
so pork specifically meant a lot to my family... but it is also undeniably tied to hereditary health problems...
so here's a story on how we departed from that, what tradition even is, and what it means to me now ft the humble black eyed pea, for EATER!
some of my favorite panels:
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find the recipe for Yoruba àkàrà in my new book, COOK LIKE YOUR ANCESTORS <3
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choppedcowboydinosaur · 9 months
Is Kahhori in the comics? Is she some obscure Marvel character they repurposed for the What If show?
Because most of the native american characters I know from Marvel are usually X Men characters like Forge, Dani Moonstar and Thunderbird. And then you get some other native american characters like Puma who is a Spider Man villain and Echo. So, it makes me wonder.
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rs-hawk · 14 days
Throwback to a comic I was working on a few years ago. I had to bench it due to not having the supplies to keep it up. I am thinking about starting it again.
TW: gore
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ducklooney · 3 months
Hello, I'm writing a story where Grandma Duck has everyone in the family at her home, and they asks her to tell them a story. She proceds to tell them a love story about a forbittten romance. At the end of the story she reveals the couple is their family's ancestor. Who out of the existing Ducks do you think I could choose to be the couple? (and what should be the current Ducks reactions when they find out they are their ancestors?)
Hi, sorry for the late reply, but I think I answered this question before which you can read here: https://ducklooney.tumblr.com/post/753671286120644608/hi-im-creating-a-short-story-here-grandma-duck
However, when you mentioned the story of Grandma Duck, I would have mentioned her grandfather Cornelius Coot who was the originator of the Duck family we know today. Humperdink Duck is a descendant of his ancestors Don Dugo and Pintail Duck, while Grandma Duck has a special role, because her father Clinton Coot was the founder of Junior Woodchucks, while her grandfather Cornelius Coot was the founder of Duckburg. Yes, Elvira Coot (Grandma Duck) married Humperdink Duck. In the early 19th century, Cornelius went west to the Calisota area and founded the future town of Duckburg there and married a Native American duck. Although she was never named, some call her Pluckahontas. It can be said that their love has links to Romeo and Juliet and a mixed race love affair can be labeled as such. I guess that's what Grandma Duck meant when she told her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. There are also pictures of Cornelius and his wife, unfortunately I am not sure who the author is.
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And if someone asks me, this is not Don Rosa, but some anonymous artist (artist who signed "M. W.") who did it for Don Rosa.
Yes, it can be said that it was a forbidden love, because they come from different people and Pluckahontas herself was the daughter of a chief of a tribe who did not want her to marry a white duck. However, they eventually got married and created their new family. Again that's just my theory and my guess.
I imagine that Donald and his nephews would be more in favor of being Native Americans after learning about their family tree, which is not surprising, since in the comics Donald's nephews often play Native Americans. They would have more of a spirit for freedom and what Native Americans usually have, a gift for nature and an understanding of animals.
Again, it is not certain if Clinton Coot was actually their son, as it is not known if Pluckahontas married Cornelius officially. Certainly, even if they didn't, they certainly felt for each other. At least in my opinion, but I think that couple would be the answer to your question.
And I'm glad that you asked that and that you are satisfied with my answers, to help you with your story. But by all means, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. Again that's just my opinion.
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fandom-official · 10 months
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Get to know Echo as we gear up for her solo series ⚔️ 
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ty-pesh · 2 years
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the american life
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knjbrin · 9 months
First post of the new year! Working on some exciting things for my comic so here’s the Main cast’s Redesigns! I’m gonna be working on making more character sheets, expressions, and Oc interactions this entire year as a challenge for myself so here’s to hoping future me succeeds in that anyways Here’s the art
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I’ll be posting general intros later on this week 🥳
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meloartist · 4 months
Yeah, I also want to see 2 season, especially Destiny and my favorite Delirium, but I'm also curius who will play Remiel and Duma.
[i think this ask was pre-s2 announcement bc 2022 but YEAH]
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i'm a HUUUUUUUUUGE duma stan you dont even KNOW
#sandman#the sandman#duma#asks#answers#continuing my trend of answering asks from 2022#anyway im on my duma sign language train#i consider duma's domain to be the *concept* of silence. like as an audio phenomenon. that doesnt mean he cant talk!!#i'm glad that in the lucifer comics they respect him and usually seem to be able to understand him without oral speech#potentially bc (per canon) he *can* mentally project what he wants people to know#but i think they missed an opportunity to actually have duma tell lucifer in *words* that he is both deeply loved And a little bitch#like creatures like lucifer know every language so????#(also. signed angel conlang anyone??? with WINGS???)#(actually i think that's impractical since it needs to be usable during flight. but having different forms is also awesome.)#lucking out on this that the sign for me too/same seems to be the same in asl & bsl#ultimately i don't think that duma should need to speak a human signed language at all -- but for clarity idk which to pick you know?#considering that this is an english-speaking comic with a british writer with a largely american audience#*probably* asl bc i am american and don't want to mix myself up but#anyway if you are a native speaker of asl. if i ever do more comics with duma and others i Will need help#i know a few asl words but i do Not have a good grasp of grammar#so please feel free to correct or suggest or dm me idk !! i really want to interact w the d/Deaf community more#always open to language critique#and i kind of would love help designing angel sign conlang. bc the concept of duma giving lucifer a name sign lives in my head forever#fwiw i'm fully on the duma/lucifer qpp train by the way. like duma has been PINING.
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billfinarts · 3 days
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Predator: Tales of the Hunt
Pg. 3
Oooooooooo, new page has arrived as promised for Wednesdays :D
The first to fall has been claimed by the beginning hunt ✨️
What shall the preds target next 👀
Colors done by the amazing @kenosisofabrami
Lineart and storyboard by yours truly 😆
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glitterwolfvi · 5 months
here's some lore for the Fallout idea I have!! just been calling it Fallout Northwoods! it's an idea for a Fallout story taking place in Minnesota!
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I have a server for it, for helping me come up with ideas & such! you can dm or send an ask off anon to join! :]
(reblogs ok and appreciated!)
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hannahalexart · 2 years
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Prince Damien and his little twink butler 🐕
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