#nathema arc
anchanted-one · 3 months
Playing the Nathema conspiracy again.
Words can't describe how much I hate this arc. Sorry for the rant.
1. Reset button. The whole arc is a reset button designed to wipe zakuul and all KOTFEET plot points right off the board. To pretend, poorly, that it never happened. If you really wanted that done, just have us blow up the fleet while sacrificing the Gravestone. Only thing left is Zakuul's offscreen destruction.
2. Leaves us looking really foolish and incompetent. In just a matter of months, the Order of Zildrog manages to do what we couldn't in the main campaign. Songs are sung across the galaxy of how we, the player characters, had ultimate power in our grasp only for it to be snatched away by a relatively small cult.
3. A Gemini droid. A fucking Scorpio Clone. The ghost of that smug robot had to rear its head one last time. Not like i was itching for more self-important droid (AI is getting on my nerves irl as well). And she won. Got what she wanted
4. Vinn Atrius. A final reminder that Zakuul worships Valkorion. And sees us as having thrown the first punch. Heck, Zakuul even tells us we can fuck off now, since we no longer have a fleet. If the rival faction turns up to destroy them, I'd love to be the one to tell Vinn the tragic news. Remind him that destroying the alliance ironically led to Zakuul's final destruction. Like Gemini, he too accomplished his objective.
5. The nathema mission itself. Yet another moment when Force users forget they can use it. Literally drop the ceiling on zildrog! That would ending the stupid plot. And the idea of the secret allies... we don't know half of them, and the rest were irrelevant. Like Mortis. Why is he back? Now, of all times? And what's his beef with Lana?
6. The plot was way too dumb, and required our characters to be proportionately dumber. Even the villains suffer from this when needed. Theron alone could've foiled it in several different ways, since the 5D chess players trusted him so easily.
7. I just hate the Theron "betrayal" and the possible execution.
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thenachlegacy · 1 year
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This is the outlander during the entirety of the Umbara/Nathema arc.
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cryo-lily · 1 year
Whaat? Has Hell frozen over? I’m actually sorta posting more about pieces I’ve been working on?? Jokes aside, I know It’s been forever since I was able to get back into writing formally with life blindsiding me once again but I digress!
Thank you Thank you to both @pentacass & @magicallulu7 for tagging me in the WIP Wednesday/whenever or Six sentence Sunday thingy. Sorry it took me so long to get around to...Whatever this turned into!
Isadola’s brow furrowed slightly as she tilted her head back up to meet her partner’s gaze once more, “It really doesn’t bother you?” she questioned, trying her best to hide the apprehension in her voice.
“You’re just asking this now? Why not back on Yavin years ago when-” Lana caught herself as she felt a wave of fear from the miraluka in front of her. It became clear to her then that Isadola was still learning to overcome her fear of letting anyone, even herself, see her without her mask; of possibly seeing the unfortunate scars across her eye sockets that she tried so hard to keep hidden behind the mask she always wore.
Before getting a full response back Isadola began to tilt her gaze toward the floor once again before the Sith caught her gently by the cheek and stopped her, tenderly running her thumb across her cheek. What little fear on the matter Isadola still had quickly melted away with the loving gesture, before the pair leaned in for a short kiss before pulling away.
“Does that answer your question?” Lana briefly smiled back, catching the other mid-blush.
“I’m not going to start crying if that’s what you're after…” Isadola joked as she pouted slightly, pulling away from her lover’s grasp. Making it clear if she could joke about it she was already feeling better.
The Sith tilted her head slightly taking in the little details of the Jedi’s face before responding. It was no secret to her by this point of her love’s unique traits even for her species. It being extremely rare for any miraluka to still have any genetic trace of the eyes they once had. Regardless if it was questionable that having only tear ducts allowed her the ability to cry at all, but the scars across Isadola’s face conveniently stopping at such features allowed her to fill in the gaps of her limited knowledge on the matter. It was clear whatever was done to Isadola when she was younger, they wanted some answers to the matter of the species losing their eyes and the connection of their ability to see with the force.
It all mattered little to her in the long run, what was done to Isadola didn’t define the reasons she had fallen for the Jedi in the first place. Noticing the black-haired woman had turned away from her again in a vain attempt to compose herself, “What’s this the wise Barsen’thor herself caught off guard once again?” Lana couldn’t help but poke some fun to try and break through whatever that still lingered in her love’s mind that had kept her so reserved this whole time.
“Do not call me that.” Isadola bristled, “I hated the title when it was given to me back then, and I hate that it still follows me now… Besides I’m no longer a Jedi anymore than you are a Sith'' She crossed her arms slightly frustrated.
“Speak for yourself Darling.” an eyebrow slightly twitched with annoyance with her partner seemingly wanting to be stubborn today.
“Oh forgive my lord. My deepest apologies…” Isadola half mockingly held a hand to chest as she bowed slightly.
A sly smile crossed the Sith’s face when she heard the rare imperial accent slip through the mocking statement made towards her, “Your accent is slipping again dear.”
Isadola bit her lip nervously, clearing her throat before responding back, “Well I suppose it’s good thing it’s just us then. Not that anyone would believe you that it was real at any rate” She couldn't help the gentle smile that crossed her face as she took another step closer once again to her partner.
**I have no idea who to tag for WIP Wednesday or Six sentence Sunday, so I suppose just whoever reads this and feels like they want to do it as well!
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eorzeashan · 1 year
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Wheezes at his "I'm a resource??" like of course you are Eight, that's been your story arc ever since....well, your Intelligence days...
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My poor Inky, going through yet another chain of traumatic events that will surely scar him for the rest of his life... Theron, you better be the most loving, caring and supportive partner ever. Ahiyah needs you.
(Yepp, did the 'Traitor Arc')
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larena · 6 months
Polyamory in SWTOR?
Performing a high-risk experiment in my current SWTOR playthrough. Romanced Koth in KOTFE/ET because I've never done it before, and I love him, and I wanted to see his Date Night (which is really great). But then got to the end of ET and though about how *little* content Koth gets after that point. He *may* get more in coming updates, since they got Ike Amadi in the booth for Date Night. But it's still so little. Meanwhile you know who's gotten a lot of screentime lately and I've also never romanced? Arcann. And I actually really like the paralels between my Jedi Knight's arc and Arcann's. But am I really gonna dump Koth for him? That doesn't seem great. Then I had a thought. You... don't have to actually do the "Things Left Unsaid" quest that leads to a character breaking up with you if you get with someone else. What if I just... date Arcann *and* Koth. And I was very unsure if this would work. I don't know how the flags work in SWTOR - would Arcann's romance flag override Koth's anyway even if I didn't do the mission? But I was curious, and it seemed like a decent risk. So I started Arcann's romance, and untracked Things Left Unsaid, and went forward waiting to see what happened. And so far, just before starting Jedi Under Seige... it seems like it's working. I received Koth's post-Umbara romance letter, *and* saw Arcann's romance scene pre-Nathema. And Arcann's Date Night is available as well. We'll have to see if I get Koth's romance scene in Hearts and Minds but I'm feeling confident. Very happy to get my extremely unintended form of polyamory. If anyone at Broadsword sees this, please don't fix this. Or make the fix just *enabling* dating everyone for real.
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serenofroses · 1 year
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Darth Marr x Ania x Darth Jadus. [1/?] sw:tor Nevrakis legacy. Marr and Jadus in this verse goes by she/they pronouns.
this likely to be the case of polytriad au + Jadus' atonement outcome for canon divergent IA story where they became the main trio. comes after my constant contemplating over what to do with Jadus' fate outcomes and my dislike for chapter 3 The Hidden Masters arc.
Jadus was trapped into a rayshield cage then was taken to prison by Tenebrae for their crimes. Ania had conflicted feelings over that outcome, lamenting her regrets and started to feel their pains through the Force Bond at some time inbetween chapters. Ania asked Marr if she had made a mistake by not siding with Jadus due to her hesitation. Marr wondered the same since Tenebrae had been... quiet and the rise of power creep and infightings within the Sith begun.
After being mindraped constantly by Hunter and Ardun Kothe, Ania left the cryptic recording to Marr to investigate as they set off to Nathema to seek assistance from Jadus and freed them from prison which could jeopardise their position as the Empire's defender.
Marr did not cared--they needed Jadus' help and seek a way to free Ania, advising the former Dark Councillor to fix the mistakes they've done. Though, they learnt a surprising discovery about Hunter. Once they freed Ania and they compromised on granting a new keyword that can be only used by two of them, Ania set off on unfinished business with Hunter after learning his real motive while slowly building the polyamory relationship with Marr and Jadus. The two Siths never left her side.
Marr and Jadus have done a lot of bad things as Siths themselves (their past, the war, tells it all) but they're more willing to put their differences aside for the sake of Ania and their love for her if anything. Marr and Jadus shared their express to unify the Empire with their own visions and their mutual dislike for Tenebrae--sought for equality amongst aliens and sith hybrids and put humans in their places.
anyways, i'm rambling too much.
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pentacass · 1 year
I know it’s not your canon for your OCs; but how different do you think things would be if Ves *was* the Outlander? How would Lana have dealt with that loss and how would Ves have dealt with everything? I’m so fascinated by the thought of it
^ ask equivalent of throwing my brain into a blender loll thanks for the ask!! <3 Short answer:
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Long answer:
Things will be much bloodier. And, unfortunately, post-KotET Ves will not become a better person (or heal, at least) as she does in canon.
Let's do this based on my fic: where Ves meets Lana much earlier in the timeline, because I'm not sure Ves is able to fall in love so quickly, and with so much happening between SoR - KotET.
With this, things will be simultaneously much better and much worse for Lana when Ves is thrown into carbonite. Better because their bond already exists, and she knows for certain that Ves is still alive. Worse because her search spans five long years, which makes her question her own sanity in darker moments, wondering if she isn't just deluding herself with an imagined presence. When the carbonite poisoning sets in, Lana will feel so much more pressure to find her soon, before losing her forever.
Finding Ves will be a huge relief, and after Ves becomes the Commander, I'd wager things couldn't be better for Lana. The Commander, her hope, and her love are one - her direction is clear, loyalty unquestioned. Ves is hers to follow unto death.
There will be angst about pushing her love to the forefront of danger of course, but that's a given for any Outlander who romances Lana. I just find this interesting because it contrasts with Lana's actions in my fic, where she chooses not to turn to Ves, instead following some Force-led belief to find the Jedi Knight who would be Outlander. This creates tension within Lana: that she'd placed a saviour's mantle on her friend's shoulders, in order to protect her love from facing the same risks.
So Lana will have things easier, in a sense, for this AU :p Same for Ves too, up til the end of KotET. After, however... *sharpens knife*
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Waking from carbonite after five years will not faze her badly - she'd seen and done much weirder shit. Being thrown right into a race to save the galaxy won't slow her down either - she'd won the struggle from slave to Dark Lord. She can and will ascend further onto the Eternal Throne.
What will drive her is the need to take revenge on Arcann and, more importantly, to relieve the pain Lana had endured through the five-year search.
With Darth Avriss at the helm, the Alliance takes a much darker path - enemies are executed without hesitation, allies kept on a tight leash. No regard is given to Zakuulan lives - she lets the reactor explode, and cripples Zakuul with Kaliyo's bombs.
When the time comes, she'll kill Senya for protecting her son, slay Arcann with the galaxy as witness, and end Vaylin without remorse. She will claim the throne as Empress, to Lana's delight.
She'd have an easier time with Valkorion squatting in her head, having been through it before. But Valk's presence does disturb her - she can feel faint ripples of the power he keeps hidden beneath the surface. He isn't under her control, and she knows he's a snake lying in the grass, waiting to pounce. So she doesn't take any of his offers, only falling prey to it that first time to save Lana. (Who proceeds to kick her ass about it.)
She doesn't kill Theron during the Nathema arc, knowing Lana would be upset by it, deep down.
But here's the kicker for Ves, post-Alliance. In this timeline, she hadn't suffered through Zakuul's invasion, watching her own power fray, confronted by the ephemerality of everything she'd built in the Empire. Her spirit hadn't been broken by her own struggle against a superior force. Her belief in the Sith Empire and her own power is still intact, and she is determined to get it all back.
Her Alliance joins the Empire. She wrests back her own seat on the Dark Council, and reclaims the title of Darth Avriss in full. She is restored to her former glory, power at her fingertips, love at her side, and yet, yet.
The core struggle of Vestra's character is this - she is someone who was meant to walk in the light, but was stolen by the dark. She was born with a heart that loves unabashedly, that will fight hard to right wrongs. Even as a slave, with hope dimmed in her eyes, she worked with her parents to care for the others, protecting slaves younger and weaker than her.
Then the Sith came and broke her, rebuilt her, taught her to view the world through blood-smeared eyes. She took to her new life and flourished, yes; but she is also prone to vicious self-hate if she looks into the eyes of her reflection for too long, to moments in the dark with a knife's point held to her own chest, to drowning herself with spice and sex to escape her reality.
When she returns to the Empire, with an Alliance purged of those who'd be willing to help her (my JK and JC), she cuts off all possibility of climbing out of this cycle of self-hate and destruction.
Lana would still be happy with her, in all her power-drunk, strutting glory. But Ves, Ves, Ves. I'm sorry. You will die thinking that with your passing, the galaxy will be made a better place.
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sullustangin · 1 year
Just wanted to say that your Eva/Theron series is amazing. I just finished your Yavin 4 story. It's so rare to find a finished piece with this kind of length and quality. Although romance is clearly the main part of the story, I also loved your secondary characters, especially Kallig and Fria. I loved the conversations about the nature of the force and the odd friendship between these two. Any plans to include these two characters in more of your writings?
Thank you so much! The Yavin fic is probably the biggest thing I'll ever complete (or attempt to complete!). There were a few moments when I was just thinking, "Oh, I need more OCs."
Then it became "oh noes, too many OCs, I need a spreadsheet, a 20-sided die, and a bottle of Bombay Sapphire." :D It worked out.
Spoilers for the series below the cut for those who wish to avoid them:
Yes, Fria and Kallig will be seen again in the series, sporadically. There is a LOT that will happen between now and when Fria joins the Alliance full-time. She joins shortly after the resolution to the Nathema Conspiracy and after Theron and Eva elope. I wrote about it here as part of the second anniversary of Eva's creation. This has wider arc spoilers, buuuut at the same time there's a LOT in between that the reader won't be spoiled on.
Fria and Rass Ordo may be a thing? I don't know yet. This is still very nebulous -- I'll have to see what Fria says when we get there. But Rass is smitten.
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swtorpadawan · 1 year
Well...if you're doing it again. Pages 42, 173, and 210 for your dearly departed and presumably still cherished writing journal.
Thanks for this ask, @abysskeeper !
‘Bad Ideas’ - My Writing Journal - Is Dead So i can't show you guys the screencaps, since some of the notes on these pages may be used in future WIPs.
Having said that….
Page 42: This is a side project that i might never actually go through with. Star Wars in general - and SWTOR in particular - has not been kind to the Rodians. Most SWTOR Rodians are petty, selfish, cowardly and annoying, regardless of who they are or what they are actively doing. Sure, a few are antagonists, but strictly as patsies. That's my postion. Page 42 includes a list of the Rodians you encounter in the game, and how their characterization buries an entire species.
Page 173: So… my Halcyon Legacy differs veers greatly from the "canon" story post-Knights of the Eternal Throne. The canon story gives you the "Traitor" arc and the confrontation with the "Order of Zildrogg". Mine doesn't do that. Having said that, their IS a secret order, one that includes several established enemies from the game. (Remember "The Nathema Conspiracy" where some of the enemies are player dependent? That was cool.) Page 173 was an early list of characters for MY Order. MY Conspiracy. That's gone through some iterations since i came up with the idea, but several of them are still on the "current" list, and it discusses their motivations for plotting against the Eternal Alliance.
Page 210: This is a list of "random" headcanons for my Halcyon Legacy that didn't seem to fit in any other area. Most of it is boring, but some fun parts include various friendships that form between Alliance members. One example is Ashara and Guss, two characters who don't fit into the Jedi/Sith dynamic. They're very different, of course, but both are kinda outsiders. Another pairing is Doctor Lokin and Darth Malora, both of whom give off serious "mad scientist" vibes. I imagine two two discussing their experiments over tea.
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Hope this is interesting. Thanks again!
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wayfinderlegacy · 1 year
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I may not LIKE the traitor arc, but the Nathema flashpoint is pretty! ...I would honestly love an absolutely gratuitous story piece where we time travel back to when this place was Medriaas because as local Sith Nerd I would LOVE to see this city (at least it looks like a city in a lot os portions of the flashpoint) in its prime!
...Need to work on my Sith Pureblood headcanon lore doc some more because I have THOUGHTS about those temples!
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roguescarlett · 2 years
6. Do you primarily play Republic, Empire, or a mix of both sides? Is there a specific reason for this preference? 10. Favorite love interest? 23. Share some of your favorite quotes/dialogue with us!
6. Do you primarily play Republic, Empire, or a mix of both sides? Is there a specific reason for this preference?
A mixture of both. I like playing a force user classes and a bit of Sniper. Nowadays I'm playing repside classes more since I like to send Jazzeira and Blizz out on adventures. :> just patiently waiting for when Tau becomes a permenant companion and I would be very happy.
I used to play impside a lot in the past.
10. Favorite love interest?
ooh tough to choose because I like Felix Iresso and Andronikos Revel. They're both interesting characters and were so lovely. Though if I have to choose between them, I definitely say Felix Iresso because he is such a sweetheart and deserved all the best in the galaxy (we'll ignore that Nathema arc in this house).
I wish he had been an early companion to the Consular because the romance with Iresso is so soft and were underappreciated--just a shame he's being overlooked by Quinn/Torian/Doc. shrugs. That's just me.
23. Share some of your favorite quotes/dialogue with us!
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anchanted-one · 2 years
I'm thinking about the Nathema arc again
Specifically, Zakuul.
They spent years aiding and abetting Arcann and Vaylin's tyrannical rule, so you know the Imps and Pubs would dearly love to serve them some sweet justice pie.
And they just had to "declare independence" from the only power that would have stood up for them.
Wonder if we'll get a letter someday where Zakuul is begging us to come back and save them from the pounding they're getting
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cryo-lily · 2 years
So this is another clip for Isadola I couldn’t help posting as well.
This is quite possibly the furthest she’s been pushed up to this point. One of her best friends betrays her and shoot the love of her life. I say it a lot but Theron is lucky Issie just didn’t snap his neck then and there for shooting Lana.
You can literally see the conflict playing out in Issie’s head as the scene goes on. From pure anger and rage at Theron betraying them and again shooting Lana, to just the weight of the betrayal starting to weigh her down, then to genuine hurt that one of her closest friends and pretty much a brother to her would do this.
Then to just confusion to what he’s on about, as Isadola was genuinely didn’t want the Eternal Throne but tried her best to keep or make peace, all while trying not to forget what it’s like for everyone else in the galaxy trying not to let the power she controls get the better of her and blind her to what’s actually going on. 
But when it’s clear Theron won’t see reason she goes right back to stage one of her grief and settles back into anger for a long while. Theron knew exactly what he was doing, but even he didn’t think how far this betrayal of his would push Issie past a point of no return for her. And if Theron actually did manage to kill Lana, Theron would’ve created the very thing he was swearing to destroy.
Then after everything on Umbara we get this small exchange:
Lana & Isadola up to this point haven’t even discussed together what went down on Umbara. And this formal debrief was only scratching the surface of what each of them were going through.
In a small moment, Lana could feel under all of the surface anger how badly Issie was hurting from everything that went down; And she tried her best to show some of  her own sympathies on the matter before trying to apply to Isadola’s pragmatic side to get her to focus on the task at hand which worked to a degree. Lana knew there would always be time to comfort Issie better in a more private setting later, for that moment they had a lot of work to do.
And I think the biggest key into Issie’s feelings here is her choice of message to Theron. Despite all of her anger, despite her desire to on some level kill Theron, Issie still believes theres hope for Theron, that there’s more to the whole situation then what was said by both on that train. Theron, whether Issie likes it or not is basically a brother to her, and she refuses to give up what few meaningful attachments she has over disagreements.
In the end under her anger, she just want her brother back, she wants to continue trying to make the galaxy a better place. And despite what comes out of her mouth through anger, rage & betrayal, she still has hope that all of this doesn’t have to end in tears or blood.
Playing a Miraluka really makes you think of how emotions are conveyed and how it’s pick up on by those closest to them. And yes if asked about any of all this I could ramble for hours, thus my working on similar WIPs to cover such topics for Issie.
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eorzeashan · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
Awawa, it's upon us again! Wow, it's been awhile. I'm sure I've missed too many of these I've lost count, but if I've ever been tagged I love and appreciate you and am sorry my writer's gauge ran empty at that time. Now, onto the wip.
It's Nathema Conspiracy hours in my brain, specifically thinking about that botched Watcher 2 reunion and then the whole deal with Eight's version of the Traitor arc where he goes with Theron and...lots to think about. lots to unpack.
“You!” Vinn Atrius bristled at the sight of Theron, who quickly drew his blaster and answered in kind. The Zakuulan knight shrieked as the bolt impacted against the exposed portion of his armor, sparking and smoking. He spun and tumbled to the ground, motionless. 
“Been wanting to do that for ages,” Theron grit out, his expression flinty and hard. Betrayal was a two-headed snake, but he was more than happy to bite the hand that fed him. What was it Vinn said to him? ‘Know your place?’ 
He knew his place. Exactly where it was. 
Theron glanced back at Eight and Lana just a breadth’s width behind him. 
Eight’s stare was steady, razor focused as ever. Yet behind those dark, murky eyes was a man who devoted himself to causes beyond the pale, to people he loved, and Theron’s gaze softened.
Even when the world was against him, Eight had chosen to follow because he hadn’t wanted Theron to be alone. Words didn’t even begin to explain what Theron felt for the other operative, who had broken through the walls he'd built around himself as a spy just to make sure Theron wouldn’t regret his choices.
Theron set his jaw. A soul like that deserved more than what the Alliance had burdened him with. 
Lana locked eyes with him next, pulling him away from Eight. 
For a moment Theron could sense the uneasy mistrust behind those intense eyes of gold. He’d left her hurting and confused ever since Umbara, and if Lana was anything, it was frighteningly driven when her anger was given form. He couldn’t say he deserved her friendship at this time, nor the trust of the Alliance. For all he knew, she’d come here specifically to choke the life out of him. Letting her was a stretch, but…
As if sensing the guilt gnawing at him from inside out like a worm that had buried itself in his guts, Lana’s tight-lipped demeanor gave way to a flicker of emotion– and she nodded.
To the end, whispered the memory of those heartracing moments when they promised to die fighting together seizing the throne. He tightened his pistol grip.
Right. To the end. 
Emboldened, he quickly turned his attention to the remaining offender, only for his advance to be stopped short by the hexagonal net of the rayshield activated by GEMINI 16. 
Theron banged on it with the butt of his pistol, frustration mounting in his blows- it didn’t give. 
“Theron,” Eight called to him, anxiety painting his usually collected voice in an odd note that Theron had never heard  before.
“Organics fight so hard for their survival. But you’re too late–the thrones have been filled. Zildrog is summoned.” GEMINI 16’s monotonous voice grated against his ears. Theron banged harder against the forcefield, futile as it was.
“Theron!” Eight sounded desperate– frantic, even. Theron whipped around. 
Eight’s gaze was trained on one of the pods. It contained a woman in an Imperial uniform, her eyes closed as she sat unnaturally still in the seat of her cage. 
Theron recognized her from the holo as the one who had set the guardian droid on them. Shara, Eight had called her, with a wistful air that bordered on nostalgic. 
His voice contained none of that gentleness now, all previous softness cut away like the dull trim of a knife on a sharpening block as his attention turned to their enemy. “What have you done to these people?” Eight leveled at Gemini 16, the midnight of his eyes compressed into fine points of lethal focus.
The promise of death, the ring of metal removed from its sheath- a silent fury so intense it raised goosebumps on Theron’s forearms roiled beneath that smooth veneer like ink released into water, and the SIS spy felt nothing but pity for those who had ever earned Cipher Eight’s ire– an honor not even Emperor Arcann had been subjected to. 
Unphased by his intimidation display, GEMINI 16 continued. “They served a purpose they hadn’t anticipated– fuel for Zildrog’s awakening.
First, he will destroy the shackles that kept me enslaved to your kind. Then he will obliterate your pathetic Alliance as a reward to Atrius for playing his part.”
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izmagicallulu · 2 years
Here’s some facts about my main 3 Swtor Ocs.
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Fact 1: Kailani means “sea and sky” in Hawaiian.
Fact 2: Kailani found out she was a Lesbian at the age of 15 and she previously dated a fellow Padawan at the ages of 19 and 20, before they decided to break things off on good terms.
Fact 3: Kailani loves to cook and she learned how to cook during the days when she was a youngling training to become a Jedi.
Fact 4: Kailani sometimes cooked meals for her dates with Kira and she loves making Kira's favorite foods.
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Fact 1: Matilda means “Mighty in battle” in German.
Fact 2: Matilda’s bio father is Darth Vowrawn and she found out that he is her father during the Nathema Conspiracy arc.
Fact 3: Matilda has dated another Jedi for a year, but things has ended badly for them. Which lead her to be pretty wary of getting into another relationship, but Arcann had surprisingly swept her off her feet.
Fact 4: Matilda was abandoned on Shili, but she was taken in by a family of Torgutas and she was taken by the Jedi a few years later. She was also a part of Lani’s crew a few years after she joined the order.
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Fact 1: Osamu means “Discipline, Study” in Japanese.
Fact 2: Osamu was manipulated by a Sith Lord to join the Empire as a Padawan and sometimes he regretted it, but it also made him view that not all imperials are evil.
Fact 3: Osamu has met Ashara when he joined Adelaide’s crew as Adelaide’s apprentice and they’ve begun dating after a year they’ve met.
Fact 4: Osamu owns a Mouse Droid named “MC-71” and had it since he joined the empire.
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