#naruto mizuki
canonsinthehead · 3 months
Naruto Modern AU/Hollywood pt.5 - Evolution of Tecnologies & The Strongest Podcast
Since the industrialization of most large cities, new technologies, wireless devices, diversity of media, and better Internet connection have opened the flow gate for diverse opportunities and career paths online.
Streaming took over since techno scientists rushed the installation and promotion of such interfaces, after getting a glimpse of the promised profit along with funding from the rich families (Hyuuga and Senju) to do so. Video streaming and online media grew overnight across large and small nations as it is a new ineffective way of communication. Ideas can be shared and reach an unlimited audience to support your work. This new way of doing work proved itself to be helpful, as it reduced unnecessary paperwork for the Hokage.
In these times, an individual named Mizuki grew in popularity for strange reasons. A nobody like him released a series of videos, raging and insulting an elementary school teacher, Iruka Umino who was trying to teach his audience phonetics and how to improve reading skills. Out of nowhere, he called this man everything but a child of God. Red in the face, relentlessly huffing and puffing.
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His rants gained a lot of attention because of their absurdity. This deranged weirdo made bold and outrageous claims about the teacher. His audience was perplexed (and low-key entertained) since Iruka was the least problematic person on the Internet. Efforts to shut down Mizuki made him angrier as he noticed people either clowned him or defended Iruka.
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It went for the worst when Mizuki started doxing him and his students leading to the teacher unfairly losing his job. The turn of events took everyone by surprise, but in all humbleness, Iruka made an apology video taking the blame for the situation and the inconvenience it caused his students and their families. He likely touched on his past and how him and Mizuki were friends (they were dating, but he did not say that) before leaving social media to Mizuki’s enjoyment.
Months passed, and net-citizens searched to the end of the Earth for their favorite sweet Professor but couldn’t find him. They could not predict that the next time they would see him would be on TV…
Well, in the height of the crazy debacle with Mizuki, the lawyer turned A list actor Kakashi Hatake watched the whole scandal go down. He was practicing and training for his next movie: Speed Hour. An action comedy with fellow fitness influencer, celebrity trainer, and part-time actor: Might Guy.
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The movie involved speaking a foreign language, which was not Kakashi’s best asset. His manager has been harassing him to improve his pronunciation because of that damn mask he wears 24/7. Let’s knock out two birds with one stone, so he reached out to Iruka after he heard the teacher lost his job to then hire him as a speech specialist and help him prepare for his role.
Iruka was hesitant at first but accepted. Due to the movie's success, he became a celebrity speech specialist. Kakashi was a long-time watcher of Iruka’s former video channel. He found his videos, relaxing (and thinks the nice teacher is super cute). Iruka can now be seen on the red carpets of special events and is dating Kakashi. What an upgrade!
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When Mizuki found out his attempts at sabotaging the former teacher failed, he had a mental breakdown during one of his live streams.
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He vanished from the Internet to let the dust settle but came back with “The Strongest Podcast” where he discusses subjects important to men. Don’t hope too much because it is just questionable conspiracy theories, red pill narratives, and “exposing celebrities” content with his unhinge antics. He has not changed at all.
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Matter of fact, he had made a tradition with his cohosts to call everyone and their mama gay. He has been on Iruka since his newfound popularity. Mizuki spilled every single intimate detail of their past relationship not realizing he was exposing his orientation and abusive antics (I made him blow me when I was driving & the cheeks are clapping). Don’t call him out, Mizuki would foam at the mouth if you call him gay. (I’m a strong, alpha male! I don’t do that gay shit!). One day, Anko (invited as a guest) called him out for just being a bitter, scorned ex missing his narcissistic supply and how he would still hit it if he could (She was right) but got dragged out of this studio by force.
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Mizuki has a larger following than most people would like to admit. He has a really supportive fan base who 1000% agree with him and go to the front lines to defend him. A lot of people (supporters and hate watchers) tune in for his conspiracy theories, and when he exposes celebrities along with another random dude named Kabuto. They claim to have exclusive sources and hidden information in the deepest pit of the dark web. 95% of anyone coming across their content laugh it off as insanely far-fetched and move on with their lives. Many theories, claim to be real have their audience in a chokehold:
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               •             The Uchihas are devil worshippers
               •             They leaked Sasuke’s real surname and aristocratic affiliations, rushing the disbandment of Taka
               •             Demeaning and toxic ideologies against other nations disguised as scientific facts
               •             Red pill content
We give them less credit than they deserve because they are still two deranged grey men who make such unhinged statements that it overshadow any “ truth” they put out there like:
               •             Calling anyone and everyone gay (with “proof”)
               •             The Earth is shaped like a cube
               •             Konoha’s president, Minato Namikaze is in fact, a woman.
               •             All men from Kiri have 10+ inches dicks
               •             Claiming to be the perfect example of masculinity and handsome looks
The recent trick up their sleeves is swearing on God, the famous actor Itachi Uchiha is homosexual. They came up with the most outlandish, mind-boggling proofs to support their bogus claims
Most of their accusations were ignored by the general public and still are till this day. The minute they threatened to release hotel security footage, revealing the identity of the basketball player the actor was allegedly entangled with, Itachi’s PR team came through the back door (literally) and shushed the duo for good. They vanished overnight, without a trace. The supporters of the channel are still trying to give Justice to Mizuki by keeping remnants of his account alive as much as possible (This is an attack on freedom of speech!) but are struggling since the claims made barely scratched the actor's public image.
The most ironic thing about all of this is that Itachi’s sex tapes could be leaked tomorrow and not affect his career or the public opinion of him AT ALL. Weirdly, he could walk out of this level of controversy untouched and brand deals intact. People would just blink twice and keep it pushing like nothing happened.
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hinatahyugacute · 2 months
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karion4 · 7 months
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Iruka × Mizuki / Kakashi×Iruka
Bad and good relationships. Poor Iruka, he suffered with Mizuki, but in the future everything is fine with Kakashi🤭
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teatitty · 2 months
A funny thing I've noticed is that people tend to make Iruka's back scar diagonal but if you go back and re-read/rewatch that scene... it's vertical. A straight up and down line, you can even see the slice it made in his vest
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And honestly? A vertical wound is worse imo, because a diagonal wound means there's a chance it only hit one bone, but a vertical like this? That's easily 2 or 3 at least, not to mention the actual chakra points in the spine too. Fuma Shuriken are even noted as being so deadly you aren't allowed to use them in the academy. The same academy that teaches kids how to fight with kunai and regular shuriken and probs some other weapons too. The same academy that lets the kids spar even if one of them has like a fireball jutsu but their opponent doesn't yet a Fuma Shuriken is where they go "this is too dangerous we forbid its use"
And Iruka not only takes this thing VERTICALLY TO THE SPINE he then proceeds to rip it out one-handed, throw it back, and keep fighting while the wound is bleeding. In the manga his wounds are even worse because he also still has regular kunai stuck in his legs arms and body like a pinchushion
Ended up ranting a bit there my bad the point of this post is that I make a little chuckle whenever I see art of him shirtless and this wound is diagonal instead of vertical I have no idea why everyone does that or where it stems from but it amuses me nonetheless
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microrockets · 5 months
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YOOOO it’s a month long holiday get excited 🗣️‼️ @uminoirukaevents is hosting a birthday bingo for the bestest birthday boy and i have Plans 😋💛
first up: college au!
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rebisrot · 13 days
make a line up of the weirdest and most off putting men in hidden leaf village and bam you have a list of iruka's crushes
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toweroftickles · 3 months
Three-Sentence Drabbles: Ticklish Dads
This was supposed to be a cute, wholesome little tribute for Father's Day, but obviously that's no longer the case. I never seem to have inspiration for holiday-themed compilations until too late. It's also surprisingly difficult to cram setup and payoff into a three-sentence limit (not to mention varying grammatical structure in a way that's coherent), so as per usual I kind of cheated with quotations and inserts.
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Chrom, Lucina, and Inigo
"H-Heh-Ha-Ha! Stop that...Ha-HaI'm...I'm g-hoing to...be....Ngk...your f-ha-ther someday, and...Heh...I-I...order you to...Heh-Heh Ha-Ha!" Chrom laughed and jumped around in his creaking wooden chair, while Lucina turned blue and scurried in a tornado of panic around the war room table.
In his right hand, Inigo was holding a rigid yellow quill, and its purpose was twofold: to tickle the father-daughter pair at intervals, and to scrawl the results of his "research" in a small red leather notebook.
"Sheesh, you two, get a grip...you're always so on edge," Inigo grinned as he chased Lucina around the room like an exuberant toddler, menacingly waggling the feather toward her, desperate pleas of "No, keep that away from me!" jostling his eardrums.
For those unaware, in Fire Emblem Awakening, Inigo has canonically tickled Lucina and Chrom just to make them smile. ^^
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Ellie and Joel (Game)
Sure, Ellie knew that her awful dad jokes weren’t all that funny, but at least she was trying to ease the tension, and Joel’s irascible stone face was really getting on her nerves…especially now that her backup plan wasn’t working either.
“URRRGH, shit; you’re seriously not ticklish?!” she griped, jabbing her index finger repeatedly into Joel’s lower back like an impatient kid with an elevator button.
Ellie quickly regretted her impertinence when her guardian wordlessly picked her up by her armpits and shoved her against a brick wall, and soon, she found herself kicking her legs, cursing, and giggling uncontrollably above the ground as rough fingers squeezed into her belly over and over, no matter how much she yelled…maybe Joel did have a sense of humor after all.
Ok, so not every dad on the list is ticklish, but I wanted to write about him pulling an Uno Reverse Card on Ellie. XD
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Jake, Kiri, and Tuktirey Sully
"Huhuh, Huh-Ha...Heh! Heh HAA HAA HA...Qu-hittit! Ah-Hn-Hn Hng-Hng Hng!!" Jake Sully laughed loudly and futilely attempted to shield his armpit among the grass.
"Hihih! T-hickle tickle tickle tickle tickle," Tuk giggled sweetly, scratching her dad's belly button with her impish finger while he thrashed around.
The olo'eyktan had slipped from his mount and landed in the midst of the direhorse herd, and now, surrounded by curious baby calves, his whole body was being lashed by their long, fleshy tongues...his stomach, his underarms, his feet...everywhere...but rather than restraining their pets, his two daughters had decided to gleefully join in the tickle torture, and were poking Jake wherever their wicked little hands could reach.
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Johnny and Dennis
One of the first skills a young vampire learned was to control bats, but despite the tutelage of his mother and grandfather's combined centuries of experience, Dennis was rapidly losing control of his "training swarm."
A torrent of the little beasts (over a hundred of them) careened around the castle's dining hall, upending candlesticks and chairs as they went, until they eventually dove headlong into Jonathan like a blast from a fire hose and carried him high into the air.
"WhoaAAho, hohohohohold it, YAAaHahaaaaThatssouncomfterble, NG! Wha - Eeeeeeeeeeeeek! Hehelp me down!" the incomprehensible syllables blurted out of Johnny's mouth at a warbling pitch and his body twisted into noodles...dozens of the bats were swarming inside his clothes...but his wife and son were too busy giggling to assist.
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Naruto and Boruto Uzumaki
Naruto stood rooted to the training courtyard ground, iron and resolute, taking body-blow after body-blow with nary a flinch as his son's practice dummy.
This test was one of Boruto's strength, to see if he could force the immovable to move, but Naruto remained steadfast for a long while, until the boy’s knuckles dusted across his abdomen one too many times and he shuddered in place.
“HHEHH; Heehee-Heehee Hee, Quihit it!” the Hokage snickered like a little kid, slightly embarrassed and frustrated that he (like many other "tough" adult ninjas) hadn’t quite outgrown a ticklish tummy yet - a fact which delighted Boruto.
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Kass and His Kids
Of Kass’ five daughters, Cree struggled the most with playing his bandoneon, always fumbling with it and letting it slip through her feathers (but in her defense, it was difficult for the bird bard to teach her properly while the rest of his chicks used him like a jungle gym).
“No, you gotta squeeze it really hard,” Kotts instructed during a slow glide down off of her dad's shoulder, continuing as she landed behind him: "...liiiiiiike......this!"
One harsh pinch around his waist, and Kass fell down helpless on the flight platform in a heap of laughter, a wide open target for the army of five teeny soldiers that hopped and bounced all over him with their iron talons and fluffy wings, grinning and squealing…he wasn't sure how many more tickle attacks he could take in one day!
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Miguel and Gabriella O'Hara (Earth-TRN1042)
This one’s for @trrickytickle, who was the only one to offer me a suggestion for this comp. 😂
Every Miguel O'Hara throughout the vast multiverse was always tethered to some type of “spider” in one way or another, and young Gabriella...skittering slowly along the living room floor, all four limbs splayed out and giggling excitedly...certainly looked the part.
“Hmm…must’ve been my imagination…could’ve sworn I heard a little bug crawling around somewhere…” Miguel smirked and politely pretended not to see or hear her (not even when her tennis shoes squeaked on polished hardwood), until she cried out “Spider attack!” and dove onto him with insectoid hands.
"AHH-HA No no wait wait wait wait wait; Ha-Ha Ha-Ha!" Miguel's raspy laugh broke out as soon as those sharp, unclipped little fingernails nibbled his stomach, for that was his jubilant girl's superpower - tickle torture! - and no weapon was powerful enough to stop her reign of terror…well, except maybe the big raspberry he blew right on her squishy tummy.
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Mufasa and Simba
Like all cubs, Simba firmly believed he could take his dad in a fight despite their 600-pound size difference, but his illusion was quickly broken by the set of jaws that lifted him up by the scruff of his neck, and the lion prince had no other recourse than to struggle wildly, swiping and pawing and wagging his tail at Mufasa's belly.
“Hn-Hn, Heh-Heh Heh-Heh Ha-Ha Ha-Ha!” That voice wasn’t just deep, it was subterranean, and Mufasa's booming laughter always drew big smiles out of his mate and cub alike.
Collapsing into one another, the king and his son tumbled down the grassy hill until they were both exhausted, warm and safe in a snuggle of dandelion fuzz.
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Phoenix and Trucy Wright
For her 13th birthday, Phoenix Wright scrounged together enough dough to buy his little magician a new Hans Moretti Sword Box, and he'd even agreed to let her practice with him...with the provision that she use floppy toy weapons, of course.
"Now just hold still dad, I've gotta get this right!" Trucy announced and shoved a wobbly rubber sword into the box's open slot.
Its hard tip bent against Phoenix's spleen, causing him to warble "BaAAaah, that tickles!" and rattle inside his felt-lined prison.
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Ashley and Richard Robins (Trace Memory/Another Code)
Ashley’s bond with her father was still tenuous, even after all they’d been through...so many questions unanswered and lost years irretrievable...and so she spent most of her vacation in awkward, divorced silence with him, usually draped over the couch and moodily leafing through a book.
But one afternoon, as she laid there on her stomach and doomscrolled through Instagram, Ashley suddenly felt a nerve-tingling scratch along the bottom of her bare foot, and with a loud and involuntary scream, she whipped around and pulled her knees into her chest, her cheeks the color of strawberry jelly.
“DAaaA-aaaad!” she whined, full to bursting with angry embarrassment, but instead of letting her socially-awkward father mumble an apology, she angrily hopped up and tickled under his arms until he slid down to the floor in fits of anxious laughter...it surprisingly made her feel better.
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Will Taylor and his Dad (NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams)
“Hey, dad, you're gonna be at the game on Thursday, right?” Will asked with a twinge of trepidation in his voice (he didn't want to seem too concerned) as he carried the soccer ball under his arm.
Smiling, his father teased the blonde boy “Oh, you think I forgot…huh, you think I forgot?!” and suddenly wrestled him down into the sunny campsite grass in a merciless flurry of tickling fingers.
Will had been lonely and missing his dad terribly these past few weeks, but as he lay there squeaking and laughing helplessly (and despite his struggle to tickle his dad back through that heavy three-piece suit), all that heartache slowly melted away.
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Aang and Kya
Ankle-deep in the Nan Shan River (for familial waterbending lessons), Katara was struck from the heavens with a brilliant idea, and while Aang was distracted, she knelt down delivered wicked whispers into the ear of her young daughter, whose grin grew wider and wider.
At the direction of Kya’s wildly-flapping limbs, bubbles and seaweed and soft nodes of jasmine ice all gently coalesced into swirling, semisolid eddies that snaked beneath the water and wrapped themselves around Aang’s lower legs before he noticed them, and suddenly, the Avatar went cross-eyed and began to dance around in the whirlpools like a caffeinated monkey.
As father and daughter both failed to contain their hysterics, Katara stood there snickering at her own clever prank, beaming with pride at her little girl...but in her mirth, she failed to realize that Kya might want to try out this "traditional Southern Water Tribe technique" on her next.
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Vander, Vi, and Powder
Vi and Powder plopped down on the elder sister's bed and angrily wiped their bruised, stinging cheeks and damp lips, only marginally comforted by Vander's tree-trunk arms around their shoulders...though the thing that really hurt most was their pride.
"That's what you get for taking on boys twice your size...you learned your lesson or do they need to whip your hides again?" their guardian teased the girls and tussled their hair, and Vi (who was clearly trying not to smile) answered by twisting her left elbow into his ribs.
"Ha-ow! Oi, so you think you wanna scuffle, eh?" Vander laughed and quickly immobilized the sisters, who shrieked like tea kettles and kicked ecstatically in his embrace, unable to escape the smothering bear-hugs and armpit-tickles that bombarded them.
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danizmomota · 4 months
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guh Instagram is currently in flames so ppl are moving to tumblr and I’m here with a HUGE doodle dump LETS GO ‼️‼️
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Me and mother cosplaying ^_^
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A design I made of Kakashi, I kinda just saw those cool masks and thought “yk what ima draw him in that” but then I ended up making it a whole thing LMAO
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Went back to my Slime rancher phase, so I decided to draw Iruka and Kakashi bc why not
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Professional Yapper and Not rlly listening getting boba
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POV it’s summer and you have a Student VS Sensei water fight
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So this was a concept where I thought of Kakashi playing Animal Crossing meanwhile Iruka and Naruto demolishing (and or failing) Doom
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^^ I forgot which episode this was but it was the filler episode where Mizuki came back and tried to fight the father and son themselves only to take a fat L
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Back when I forgot what Guy looked like,,
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If you dislike Lee then consider yourself an opp 😇😇
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oh no he became scenecore’d cringe!!111!1???!
anyways yeah
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4nim3 · 11 months
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canonsinthehead · 5 days
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is beefing with a kid
got sent to jail over a "failed" mission
is mad that the kid in question elevated to "hero" status after destroying his life
feline zoan devil fruit
bitter as fuck
was working for the gouv/fed/educational system but not lives the pirate/criminal life (and proud of it)
fights against somebody supporting/swearing over that kid's potential
gets beat up really bad
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The way pronouns work in Japanese is culturally and linguistically different from how they work in English. This is quite different from how "you" works in English. "You" in Japanese is more associated with a person, and anything related to or speaking to a person in Japanese carries ranking, status, respect, and Pollitnes. The way people talk in anime/manga is completely different from the way people talk in real life.
Japanese people frequently drops pronouns. Instead of saying "you" to call a person you are speaking in Japanese, speakers usually use the person's name with an honorific like さん = San or their title. Because some Japanese people feel uncomfortable. But it depends on one's personality. Japanese people don’t usually call someone with chan or kun/ nickname or yobisute when they meet them for the first name. And you can always ask people how they want you to address them casually. If you don’t know the name, just skip the subject.
1. 「あんたの名前は?」 = anata no namae wa? = What is your name?
「お名前は?」 = onamae wa? = What is your name?
2. 「お仕事は何をされているのですか?」 = oshigoto wa nani o sareteiru nodesu ka? = What do you do?
「お仕事は?」 = o shigoto wa? = What do you do?
3. 「あなたはどこに住んでいますか?」 = anata wa doko ni sundeimasu ka? = Where do you live?
「どこに住んでいますか?」 = doko ni sundeimasu ka? = Where do you live?
In manga, it sounds a bit stiff to use character names all the time, so pronouns are used instead.
Omae お前 : you (rough)
Japanese has many second person pronoun and Omae is one of them. It is super rude if you use it with strangers. This word normally guys would use. It is okay to use when you're talking to your close friends. But if you use this word to a stranger or old people they would think you want to have a fight. And it is often used in a derogatory way or when you fight. So, guys normally should call each other omae if they're close friends. And also, occasionally it is used in a friendly manner. As blunt as it may seem,but there are affectionate husbands or boyfriends who call their wife/girlfriend お前. And also there are parents who address their children お前.
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Teme てめえ: You (rude)
Another word for 'you' (the person before me) which is rude is "Teme". It is also a second person pronoun and it is pretty insulting. It's generally only used when angry. It would use to call someone teme to start a fight.This word is used by rough people basically.
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The word omae & Teme are still use in real life by some people.
Anata あなた : You
(It's also spelled アナタ with katakana)
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Anata is supposed to be a polite second person pronoun but in Japanese anata hardly uses in conversation. Anata is more polite than "kimi" Or "Omae". Anata is fine if you are talking to general unspecific "You", like talking to a group of people and not taking to a specific person. Even though some people use it sometimes but it may sound kind of aggressive if you say. If you say "anata" they would think you are looking down on them or would think you looks like bossy. Also, if the person is superior to you, you can call them by their titles. Using "anata" to address someone who is older or of higher status can be seen as disrespectful. Some older people might call you "anata" and some old people wouldn't. Even with someone the same age, using あなた would feel a bit awkward. And "anata" also sounds like you're better than others.
Among married or dating couples, there is no effect of age/rank factors because they are equal. Generally, wives call their husbands "Anata" or husbands first name with "-san". Technically あなた is a gender free word so both husband and wife can use. And it is not just for a married couple. And also never use "Anata" with clients, business partners or even work colleagues and also don't use "Anata" for someone superior like your teachers, friends, parents, etc.
Anta あんた : you
(It's also spelled アンタ with katakana)
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あんた is for both men and women. It is fairly casual and it could sound pretty rude to many situations so be careful when to use. Anta is a short version or contracted version of anata. It is a rude or less informal way of saying "you". When you use あんた in quarrels, it has insulting or aggressive tone. Japanese people often use it with really close friends because they know it's not used in a seriously rude context and same as あんた uses when an elderly person is talking to a familiar person. So あんた also uses to express familiarity.
Kimi 君(きみ) : You
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Using "Kimi" in real life is rude. If you call them "kimi", they would get annoyed. It depends on the person. It is mostly used by men. If it is used in song or poetry it sounds romantic or cute but in real life it sounds weird. Kimi is commonly used in Japan's vertical, hierarchical society, where elders speak to young people and children, seniors speak to their juniors, teachers speak to their students and parents addressing their children etc. Some men call women with their family name + 君(kun) . Somtimes bosses use "kimi" when talking to their employees or family name with "-kun" to male employees. Though it can be insulting if "Kimi" used to address elders. Therefore, Kimi is used to refer to people who are probably inferior to you, such as people of a lower grade than you or of a lower age than you. So calling someone with 君 (kimi) might sounds snobbish and you may have to be careful when you use it. And also kimi uses the same kanji as "kun" which place after a person's name. You don’t usually call your female friend with an honorific, kun. Calling a female friend with "kimi" not necessary gives closeness. It may give someone the impression that you are looking down on that person, so be careful. If someone you know calls you with your first name and drops -kun and -san because they feels close to you. Using san is too formal between friends.There are husbands who refer to their wife as きみ.
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hinatahyugacute · 2 months
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queensakuradefender · 6 months
Hinata and her vc Nana Mizuki🎀
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Beautiful character = beautiful vc🤷‍♀️
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teatitty · 2 months
Was rereading the first Naruto chapter just to get some Iruka panels for a moot and wow I completely misremembered the Mizuki relationship. Iruka actually is entirely fucking friendless in the manga! Mizuki's backstory of being a fellow orphan and childhood friend of him is both a fanon and anime invention, in fact Mizuki only mentions Iruka's parents as having died to the fox, and it's somewhat implied that he was the only kid in his class to have lost anyone in that attack. Look how depressing he is here
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This is also an interesting bit of lore I forgot about and I'm pretty sure this is bc it gets retconned at some point later so that everyone knew he was the jinchuuriki from the jump. This was also back when Iruka's adult age was given as 25 rather than 22, so this bit of lore was probably meant to imply he was one of the people who fought the fox, since he would've been 13 at the time [so a genin] instead of 10 as he was in current canon
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Honestly the timeframe stuff even back in these early days was still very wonky and messy so I guess Kishimoto is consistent in one thing and its being bad at timelines and having to retcon a bunch of stuff lolol
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kyuuhinajinchuuriki · 3 months
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𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑺𝖍𝖎𝖕𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝑂𝑓 ....〈𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 1♡〉
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🦄 𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖉𝖊🌈𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒉❢。🦄💕
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✿ノ𝑲𝖆𝒘𝖆𝖐𝖎 𝒙 𝕭𝖔𝖗𝖚𝖙𝖔⚣𝑲𝖆𝒘𝖆♡𝕭𝖔𝖗𝖚
✿ノ𝑳𝖚𝖐𝖊 𝒙 𝒀𝖚𝖌𝖆⚣𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌𝑺𝖍𝖎𝖕𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌
✿ノ𝑲𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖔 𝒙 𝑬𝖚𝖌𝖊𝖔⚣𝑲𝖎𝖗𝖎♡𝒀𝖚𝖏𝖎
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