#naruto astrology
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gogoani · 5 months ago
Powerful Anime Couples
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al-hekima-madara-blog · 9 months ago
Tobirama birth chart (headcanon)
Tobirama is a headcanon I've procrastinated a lot because as a Madara hardcore fan, of course I'm not enthusiast about the Second hokage. But hey! I need to conclude the cycle of founders birth's chart. And I swear, I'll be fair play !
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I strongly advise you to read Madara and Hashirama's chart. For this birth chart, I'll go a little bit more technical in astrology. We will talk briefly about rulerships, aspects and synastry. I'll try to explain as simple as possible but if you don't understand don't hesitate to ask me more precision in comments. Ok let's go:
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Based on the official databook, Tobirama Senju is born the 19th of february which made him a 0° pisces. At first glance, it's an intriguing choice. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac traditionally described as encompassing all the previous ones. Pisces is compassionate, creative, mystical. It talks about total acceptance, the dissolution of the ego. The drop of water reaching the ocean and merging with the divine before moving to a new cycle : a new aries. Actually in the beginning of Christianity it's not a mistake that Jesus was associate with Pisces symbol. It's the same self-sacrificing figure for a transcendent cause. We agree that it seems far... far away from the rational and composed Tobirama...
It seems that I need to articulate a coherent idea between his sun (ego), his rising sign( body) and his mars (action). Say in a different way, this triptych talks about public image. The king comes with a vision (sun), he shows himself to the public wearing a formal dress, an etiquette, a way to behave in public (ascendant/rising sign) and defend its vision with the help of a general (mars).
☉ Sun : Ego – Branding to the world
♓ Pisces
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Some clues shows an association of Tobirama with pisces : his element is suiton. His blue charadesign, he's also one of the strongest sensor of the verse capable of recognising chakra kilometres around, determine their ancestry ect... and what is a sensor? but a shinobi using his empathy as a tool? More trivial he's favourite dish is fresh fish from the river. But I think what shows the most his affinity with this sign is his self-sacrifice nature for this new entity that was the village in a time when people were strongly clan-oriented. It's something no one could believes possible, it only existed inside Hashirama's mind. You truly needed to have faith on him to invest all your energy on it. If we go back to Tobirama's speeches, he always justify his actions for the village. We can almost say that he had a religious devotion for his brother's dream and he gave his life for it. He's never seen coming with a vision different from Hashirama's (contrary to Madara), actually like a zealous servant to a higher cause he's ready to kill immediately anyone threatening this village when he clashed with Sasuke for suggesting he might destroy Konoha depending on the answers he got to his questions. But I'll talk deeper about the Uchiha's obsession later in the moon part. The moment when Hashirama strongly forbid his brother to attack Sasuke was also the moment when everybody knew who's actually the boss and who obey. Tobirama was a faithful follower of Hashirama's will and dedicated his life to translate it into a realistic project (using his mercury and mars).
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In a more positive light, anyone accepting the will of fire are nurtured and loved even if they are Uchiha like Kagami. Tobirama had a strong attachment to his students, much more that his brother. I know it seems strange but from the first time he appeared, Tobirama was the one always calling Hiruzen Sarutobi by his pet name "Saru" meaning monkey in japanese, or his other student "my dear Danzo". Hashirama is a goofy character, but doesn't seem to have such proximity with them even if he loved Tsunade, he immediately doubted her ability as a hokage. Later during the war, Tobirama is also the one always complimenting or supporting the new generation : He acknowledged Minato as being faster than him, Naruto for having the potential to be a stronger hokage than his older brother.
Ascendant/Rising Sign : Social personality – Physical Body
the image that come to my mind when I think of Tobirama is an ocean surrounded with a giant dam. The mass of water is controlled, accurately measured, divided and distributed only when necessary. But, you might ask, can we really controlled the immensity of an ocean with a river dam? Of course not! but what matter in a rising sign is to display the illusion of control.
Virgo is the sign coming to correct the extravagant of Leo. End of august, mid September is the period of the year in the northern hemisphere with the best natural light. Not too hot , not too bright. Soft and round with million nuances of gold, orange and red. Traditionally it's also the time of harvest when you need to select and separate the wheat from the chaff. It's a sign that excel in precision, expertise, high fashion but in the bad side can tends to be narrow-minded because the devil is in the detail.
Rising virgo also talk about his physical appearance. Virgo is concerned about good health, best routine. Usually they are in good shape, average height unless the ruler of Virgo which is mercury is place in a sign with difficult aspect. And what set appart Tobirama from all the other founders is his charadesign flattering his albino's appearance. The cool colours of grey and blue, the fluffiness, it shows a natural sense of elegance without being extravagant for a shinobi.
And also the Senju are filthy rich, Hashirama have a strange (Madara would say ugly) sense of style, but Tobirama was like : "I may not be the most powerful in this house but I'm wealthy and smart, so does my style. And I will die on this hill."
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☿ Mercure : Intellect – Communication
♒ Aquarius
I must find an explanation of the over analytical aspect of Tobirama. He's to Hashirama what Shikamaru would be later to Naruto : his brain.
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Mercury in Aquarius is a big thinker, able to make atypical discovery, out of the norm and also subversive. Tobirama is the inventor of Edo Tensei which I remind you need to make a human sacrifice. In which condition Tobirama came to the creation of this forbidden jutsu ? And even during the 4th Shinobi war, he learned nothing from his past mistakes and proposed to sacrifice again someone else to bring back Madara and extort from him intels about Kaguya.
Aquarius as a fix air sign has the tendency to be stubborn and certain of their philosophy. Many people believe that the sign of Aquarius is humanitarian then nice by nature. Not always... Aquarius avoids emotional approach. It rather privileges logic, rationality to dissect human society. And it doesn't shy away from experimentation. The long lists of jutsu created by Tobirama is a proof of his brilliant mind.
♂ Mars : Action - Desire
Mars : Gemini
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Reading again the 4th shinobi war and trying to focus on The Second Hokage rather than Madara was a difficult exercise but it helps me see his role in the war differently. He's one of the most important support character. If you remember my analysis of Hashirama's mars in taurus, the first hokage is a powerhouse ( a bit like Gojo in JJK) and thus tends to fight alone or one-on-one with Madara. Hashirama strength is to resist prolonged attacks and controlled someone else chakra. Yet his power is tremendous and can change the geography.
Tobirama has a different style. Although a powerful shinobi who can fight alone, he rarely does. He immediately fits with any partners he's close too. Hashirama, Minato, Naruto, Sasuke. He's often the one observing, testing and explaining a jutsu and reminding that HE created most of them 😂. On the spot, he also invented a way to save Sasuke's life with Kabuto.
Reason why I choose mercury in aquarius and mars in gemini is that he thinks as fast as he moves. in his chart mercury and mars form a trine which is considered a favourable aspect. being in the same air element, his mind and his action are flowing smoothly. Before Minato, he was considered the fastest of his generation.
Madara noted that his favourite way was to strike last moment when his opponent lower his guard. This cunning strategy is befitting mars in Gemini . This is traditionally represented as twins both crafty and fickle. Tobirama adapts to any situation, any war companions even those from the new generation he barely knows and immediately comes up with a new tactic.
I believe this adaptability is a direct consequence of fighting Izuna for years. We know that the sharingan can copy any technique except kekkei genkai. Hashirama can protect himself behind the mokuton but not Tobirama. If a technique is used once in front of an Uchiha he can't use it anymore and lost the surprise effect. Also the Sharingan can predict a movement. Tobirama found a way to outperform the sharingan by blizz speed with the Flying Thunder God Technique. Fighting Tobirama must be a terrifying experience, rest in peace Izuna😭. Imagine, he's there... then disappeared. then strikes and you only notice him when you know it's too late.
☾Moon : Emotion – Comfort zone
♒ Aquarius
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If you remember in my previous HC charts, moon is easily guessed by childhood because children tend to be more lead by their emotions than adults. In volume 65, Tobirama was shown to be already a serious child, ready to defend his older brother from his father. Maybe the violent outburst of his father taught him early in life that the best way to deal with people is self-control, and strict procedures. And that's something that he often admonished his brother or his students. It's not that you shouldn't feel, but to him you have to keep your emotions in check.
Moon in Aquarius intellectualises emotions, and sometimes distance themselves from them. They can treat friends like family member since they believe in brotherhood beyond blood relative. Tobirama did everything to distance from the Senju heritage, he suggested a democratic election for choosing the first hokage and after his death the Senju ceased to hold power in Konoha, it diluted into the will of fire. In Aquarius there is this idea of giving privilege to the people rather than some monarchy (which is the leo's way).
Remember when I've talked about an ocean falsely controlled by a dam ? If the weather is nice it works but what will happened if one day a (red) full moon provoke a super tide able to engulf the dam and flood the world ? Nothing can control the chaos of emotion, it always moves somewhere and erupts somewhere else.
Moon talks about your emotion but also your irrational fear. And paradoxically Tobirama never checked his obsession of the Uchiha and this blindness caused many of the darkness that befall the Konoha he cared so much.
I said earlier that his fear of the sharingan was a driving force behind many of his inventions. Also Tobirama had an epidermic detestation for Madara. And the funny part is that it's not really reciprocal. Yet Madara had got all reason to be obsessed by vengeance since Tobirama killed his last brother but after he accepted the truce and created Konoha, he was willing to « tolerate » Tobirama's presence, but the younger Senju was unwilling to do the same gesture and kept his obsession to control Madara or any Uchiha willingly to follow his path. The databook says also that Anbu was specially created by Tobirama to put the Uchiha under surveillance.
We need to ask ourselves what an aquarius moon would hate the most ? As an air moon, this sign is unease with strong display of emotion, narcissism, drama... something typical of its opposite sign leo. An opposition is annoying but you can deal with it more or less. Aquarius also square 90° to scorpio. A square is considered as a strong source of tension than an opposition. Scorpio is ruled by mars. This sign thrives in passion, struggles, crisis, war, violence and transformation throught strong emotional turmoil. All those energies are challenging, and exhausting for an aloof, etheral and conceptual moon in aquarius.
Taurus is also a square to Aquarius, the lazy nature of this steady sign, rooted in tradition, is hard for an Aquarius interested by innovations and futuristic perceptive.
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Now let's introduce a little bit of synastry. The art of synastry is to compare two charts and to gauge their compatibility. It's often use for couple or parent/children but what if we apply it to enemies?
Now remember my Madara's chart? His mars in leo is in the 8th house, conjunt his jupiter and square his pluton in scorpio. In other words : The expansive actions of Madara illuminate the house related to death and crisis. Madara's violence reach its peak in the house of destruction. In the positive side, it means Madara is built for battle and he loves that. Better to have him in your team than against you. And this tremendous tension can be source of transformation for the world and himself. In the negative side he is a natural disaster. He's a menace and unless your name is Hashirama he's impossible to stop and will create massive disturbance in the world. He transform and impact deeply the life of many characters in the verse like : Obito, Kurama, Onoki and obviously Tobirama.
So for Tobirama, his moon in aquarius opposes Madara's mars, and his moon also square Madara's pluto. So for the second hokage, any action (good or bad) made by Madara is source of concerned and suspicion. also the plutonic nature of Madara leads Tobirama to irrational fear and paranoia. On top of that he explains himself very well: The Uchiha clans is wired on everything he detest. Their power needs strong uncontrolled emotions to thrive. The deeper the feeling the higher the power, and the sleepless are Tobirama's night.
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And yes Tobirama admits that Madara is the biggest sentimental of the verse😅.
♃ Jupiter : Infinite Expansion – House of wisdom
♍ Virgo
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Considering that Tobirama is Hashirama's younger brother, jupiter spend in average one year in a sign. Depending how big is there age gap. His jupiter could be either in Leo, virgo or Libra
I choose virgo because it amplifies his uptight attitude. Jupiter is on his ascendant. His very procedural approach to life can outshine his sun in pisces. He likes precision and proper etiquette. He admonished Hashirama for not showing a proper dignified position during the hokage meeting. He reminds Naruto to respect his actual title, and correct anyone forgetting he owns the copyright of 80% of Konoha's jutsu!
♄ Saturne : Restriction – Time - Enlightenment
♑ Capricorn
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Saturn in capricorn talks about authority and power. Time and stability. Here, Saturn is the ruler of capricorn. which means it express itself at the fullest in its quality and its flaw.
In positive Tobirama is the creator of all the institutions we know in modern Konoha. The ANBU, the chuunin exams, the academy, the military police forces. It's as if Hashirama was the spirit and Tobirama the architect. After him, Konoha was more powerful, stable and don't need anymore to rely too much in charismatic leaders in order to survive.
Again if we apply synastry between him and Madara, Tobirama's saturn conjunct Madara's sun. A conjunction is when planets come together and influence one and other. Saturn being strong in capricorn than the sun, it tends to have a highter toll on Madara.
If this saturn is close to Madara's ego, it would tend to exert a hold over him, a slow pressure to contain his sun. The big institutions of the village, Tobirama's political influence, the Uchiha under close surveillance. From Madara's perpective, he knows Tobirama can't fight him directly in close combat but he's building a system resembling a prison for him: he can't fight anymore his ally, he can't change his reputation, he can't have any political power (here I don't know if the Uchiha went to the military police force before or after the Valley of the end but anyway Madara wasn't included in discussion considering the nomination of the Hokage), and even his clan doesn't trust him anymore. And without a surprise even after Tobirama's passing those institutions and policies against the Uchiha ended up being their final downfall. And it took 8o years.
For saturn, times is always its ally.
♀ Venus : Attraction – Seduction
Hard choice because we don't know if he had a flirt, or was married but it seems not. And we don't know anything about his personal dream. He's almost married to Konoha at this point. So by simplification I'll say venus in pisces. Which is an excellent place for venus based on rulership it's exalted in this position. Here she can expresses her most creative side. It would be funny if Tobirama is low key an artist but as practical as he is he probably brings all his imagination into his scientific researches and maybe his fashion tastes.
To conclude : Tobirama was a character more complex than I initially thought. Dedicated, efficient and caring for his village. I still don't like him though but now I precisely know why😂. Although I respect his steady strategy to destroy the powerful clan of the Uchiha, he really fooled them all. It was methodical and well planned. Compared to the other founders, Tobirama is more down to earth than his big brother, but also more patient and attentionate to the new generation than Madara. And if you love the will of fire (which I don't), yes Tobirama was probably one of the best hokage!
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joy-girl · 1 year ago
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How this conversation feels like
Kabuto: "if I don't store dead bodies with different age range in chronological order I get... anxious"
Orochimaru: "you must be a Virgo... right Kabuto?"
Kabuto: "Pisces actually."
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dianynn · 9 months ago
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Aspect Celestial 💫
* Design: @dianynn
* Para doação futuramente.
* Clique na foto para ver em melhor qualidade. 💫
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cloudabserk · 1 year ago
i’m making astrological charts for the characters now and i think the way to go (for me at least) is to place the birth year in 1974 (kishimoto’s birth year). i think this fits better with the setting than to make it 1986 or 1999, which feel way too late.
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shinoposting · 2 years ago
I'm trying to find Shibi's personality typings and I think I'm on the money with my interpretation of his character.
I think the astrological signs that were assigned to the characters were assigned for good reason so a lot of the stuff about INFJs aligning closely with information about virgo men is very validating.
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strawberrycakelove · 1 year ago
I love astrology and I read an article that perfectly described Sasuke’s personality and I came to the conclusion that he was born in the Year of the Dragon, in addition to being a Leo of type AB, which is well known, just like Naruto is a Libra of type B and Sakura is an Aries of type O. I didn’t read the descriptions for the rest of the K11, but I thought the descriptions fit perfectly with the characters of Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura. Without further ado, if you want to access the links and read, I will put the links here, but the sites are in Japanese. For Sasuke: https://spitopi.com/blog/20191015141212.html For Naruto: https://spitopi.com/blog/20191224175058.html For Sakura: https://spitopi.com/blog/20180201180929.html
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streetwriter · 1 year ago
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Wallpaper outer space with human
Wallpaper scary samurai
Wallpaper anime naruto
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hypn0sdaughter · 10 months ago
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Gemini Rising & Sun Virgo Moon
Slytherin & Ravenclaw Mix
Hekate, Hades, Hypnos & Apollo’s Daughter
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Lovers 🩵
Enji Todoroki
Gray Fullbuster
Sebastian Michealis
Usui Takumi
Itachi Uchiha
Sasuke Uchiha
Madara Uchiha
Kakashi Hatake
Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Luka Couffaine
Killian Jones
Regina Mills
Theodore Nott
Regulus Black
Luna Lovegood
Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes
Daryl Dixon
Jethro Gibbs
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
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amy202301 · 1 year ago
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Contact me: Threema:SYTCU7VZ Telegarm/Signal/ WhatsApp:+852 54328276 Strong Noids ADBB, 5cladba for sale! Good quality EUtylone, APIHP crystal for sale, best prices! Europe warehouse, ship from Europe, safe and fast delivery, factory price, strong quality! Potent cannabinoids/stimulants/benzos/opioids analogues, great reviews safe delivery to your door!
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gogoani · 4 months ago
Sakura, One of the Luckiest Girls in Anime World
Being saved by the Handsome Kakashi
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Being held like a Princess by Itachi
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Being Naruto First Love & the Funniest Duo
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Married to Sasuke Uchiha, the last survivor of Uchiha
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Being the World's Strongest Kunoichi 🔥
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al-hekima-madara-blog · 9 months ago
The Founders : Astrology Masterlist
Birth chart, headcanon
Madara Uchiha => read here
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+ read more analysis of Madara by @mistresssofdarkness let's go deeper into his houses placements
Hashirama Senju => read here
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Tobirama Senju => read here
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Izuna Uchiha (by @mistresssofdarkness )
Izuna throught Madara's birth chart
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joy-girl · 11 months ago
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Tags of @container-of-apple-juice
The way my jaw dropped because I didn't know their astrological signs... this makes so much sense omg
Kishimoto I see what you did there 👀
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Naruto 333
This quote made me insane btw
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astrow1zar6 · 5 months ago
Astrology Observations- 34
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Capricorn moons are very uncomfortable expressing emotions and can get kinda weird when others express strong emotions to them. A lot of cap moons felt they needed to detach from their emotions to survive when young so it can be harder for them to get in tune with their emotional nature. (They are surprisingly sensitive tho however)
Mercury in Pisces usually struggled with logical thinking and speaking when growing up. They usually understand things without having to think about them it’s like they get a hunch and just know without explanation but they usually have a hard time expressing what they know in logical terms so that others can understand. Because of this inability many people might’ve thought they weren’t smart or are never paying attention.
Sun in the 1st house people are so magnetic. Even if they barely speak they usually have a a bunch of people trying to date them or be their friend. If any of you ever watched Naruto I feel like Sasuke definitely had this placement. He really didn’t care to be around anyone or socialize but people were so obsessed with him. They just have the IT factor whether they realize it or not.
Moon in Leo’s really enjoy being babied by people especially by their partners! They really crave emotional attention low-key.
Mars in the 8th house people can be without human touch for too long or they start acting really unstable. They are very physical people.
Saturn in the 8th house people don’t really experience true intimacy till later in life. I’ve seen a lot of people with this placement deal with very surface level relationships that are usually unsatisfying. they deeply fear emotional connections mainly because they are very sensitive to criticism and rejection which causes them to avoid it completely. when things get too deep they put up more walls which prevents their relationships from blossoming past a certain point. As they age however they will learn to trust others more.
Pisces sun/moons loved to play pretend when they were kids. They were always pretending they were fairytale creatures and usually had imaginary friends.
Jupiter in Leo is such a slay placement. If you have this placement you ARE the main character (especially if it’s in the 1st, 2nd, 7th or 10th house) chefs kiss 😘 🤌🏼
Virgo moons can be veryyyy petty when mad mad. I know a lot who enjoy throwing others flaws in their face, they can be very notorious for that (if underdeveloped however) they can be more impulsive with their words than Aries moons at times.
Leo risings can be very blinded by others beauty. I’ve seen some that date the shittiest people just cuz they’re attractive they can be very superficial (similar to libra rising) they just really appreciate beauty and love showing off attractive partners they can almost see it like a trophy.
Pisces sun/mercury can become very confused easily. They can be listening to someone so intently and then completely forget what they were talking about or vice versa they can be telling a story to someone and then in the middle of the story completely forget what they’re talking about 😂 (I’m guilty for this 😭)
Sag risings could’ve been called obnoxious a lot growing up :(
Leo suns love attention negative and positive. That’s why they usually take fame better than most signs they just really love being seen.
Having a lot of 3rd house placements can make even the most introverted person talk A LOT. Especially when it’s in Venus or mercury. When given an opportunity they can yap all day and when it’s something they’re into you’ll never hear the end of it😂 it’s very cute tho
If a Capricorn rising looks really bothered while you are talking to them they are lol. They HATE pointless yap.
Saturn in 7th house have DADDY ISSUES!!!
Moon in 5th house composite is sooooo adorable 🥺 you feel so happy inside being near them even if you don’t say a word to eachother you just want them there. You also love touching eachother.
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gayou01 · 2 years ago
Astrology observations pt 27
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t
-people with Neptune in the 11th house don’t usually end friendships on bad terms, the parties involved just drift apart and never really speak again
-if you’re an Aries moon, chances are your mom ran the household, married or not. Even if your father was around, she was the main one handling things
-people with pluto in the 11th house are usually loners and prefer having a close circle of friends they knew for a very long time rather than make new connections that they view as superficial
-people with mercury in water or fire signs have the tendency to let their emotional biases cloud their judgement, especially cancer
-on the other hand, people with mercury in earth or air signs tend to put so much emphasis on logic that they seem to lose their ability to empathize (ahem, Capricorn and Aquarius)
-people with Uranus aspecting mercury tend to be absolute nerds and they have the most interesting hobbies. Think of that one kid you knew at school that loved anime and would Naruto run down the hallways
-Scorpio moons have an especially hard time fully getting over their exes, even if they are in a new relationship
-Chiron in the 1st house aspected with Venus and/or mars can indicate being constantly body shamed and being made to feel unattractive by a lover
-Juno in the 9th house can indicate marrying outside your race and/or culture, meeting your spouse in school or while traveling
-people with mercury in earth signs require a lot of time and practice to be good at something while people with mercury in air signs tend to learn faster and experience beginner’s luck more
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phoenixrisingastro · 1 month ago
Astrology of Naruto Characters: The Big Three Edition
Naruto Uzumaki
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Sun: Sagittarius
The eternal optimist and adventurer, Naruto’s Sagittarius Sun embodies his boundless energy and unyielding faith in his dreams. He’s the flame that keeps burning, no matter how dark the night.
Moon: Aries
Emotionally driven and fiercely protective, Naruto’s Aries Moon shows his impulsive yet passionate heart, always ready to fight for what he loves.
Rising: Leo
Charismatic and larger-than-life, his Leo Rising makes him impossible to ignore. He’s destined to be the center of attention, whether he wants it or not.
Sasuke Uchiha
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Sun: Leo or Cancer
A king without a throne or a deeply emotional soul haunted by loss—Sasuke’s Sun teeters between Leo’s pride and Cancer’s sensitivity. His core burns with ambition, yet his heart aches with memories of home.
Moon: Scorpio (4th House, Negatively Aspected)
Pain runs deep for Sasuke, with a Scorpio Moon in the house of family. This placement reflects his obsession with avenging his clan and the emotional scars that drive him.
Rising: Aquarius or Leo
Detached and rebellious as Aquarius Rising or commanding and charismatic as Leo Rising, Sasuke’s presence leaves an indelible mark on everyone he meets.
Sakura Haruno
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Sun: Virgo
Sakura’s analytical mind and practical nature reflect her Virgo Sun. She’s meticulous, hardworking, and always striving to improve herself.
Moon: Libra
Emotionally, she seeks harmony and balance. Her Libra Moon highlights her struggles with relationships and her desire to connect meaningfully with others.
Rising: Cancer
Sakura’s gentle, nurturing energy aligns with Cancer Rising, showing her deep care for her team and her journey toward emotional maturity.
Itachi Uchiha
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Sun: Gemini (8th House)
A brilliant strategist and master of secrets, Itachi’s Gemini Sun in the 8th house reflects his dual nature—one of compassion and one of calculated sacrifice.
Moon: Scorpio (Conjunct Rising)
With a Scorpio Moon conjunct his Rising, Itachi’s emotional world is intense and transformative. He bears his burdens in silence, embodying the depth and loyalty of Scorpio.
Rising: Scorpio
His magnetic, mysterious aura and his ability to command respect align with Scorpio Rising. Itachi carries the weight of his decisions with grace and power.
Kakashi Hatake
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Sun: Aquarius
Innovative and unique, Kakashi’s Aquarius Sun highlights his forward-thinking and unconventional approach to life and leadership.
Moon: Scorpio
Beneath his laid-back exterior lies a Scorpio Moon—intense, secretive, and deeply loyal to those he holds dear.
Rising: Sagittarius
His Sagittarius Rising reflects his humor and philosophical outlook, inspiring his students in unexpected ways.
Rock Lee
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Sun: Aries
Pure determination and fiery energy define Rock Lee’s Aries Sun. He’s the embodiment of perseverance and courage.
Moon: Virgo
His emotional world is practical and disciplined, reflecting a Virgo Moon. He channels his emotions into self-improvement and loyalty.
Rising: Sagittarius
His optimistic and inspiring nature aligns with Sagittarius Rising, making him a beacon of hope for those around him.
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Sun: Scorpio
Obsessive, power-driven, and transformative, Orochimaru’s Scorpio Sun reflects his dark ambition and relentless pursuit of immortality.
Moon: Aquarius
Detached, experimental, and innovative, his Aquarius Moon fuels his eccentric experiments and boundary-pushing mindset.
Rising: Capricorn
Methodical and calculating, his Capricorn Rising mirrors his ability to play the long game and command respect through sheer determination.
Hinata Hyuga
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Sun: Cancer
Gentle, nurturing, and deeply emotional, Hinata’s Cancer Sun shows her unwavering love and loyalty to those closest to her.
Moon: Pisces
Her dreamy and empathetic nature aligns with Pisces Moon, reflecting her quiet strength and deep sensitivity.
Rising: Libra
Hinata’s soft-spoken grace and natural charm align with Libra Rising, making her presence calming and harmonious.
Which Big Three resonates most with you? Let me know your thoughts or share your own interpretations below!
© PhoenixRisingAstro, 2025. All rights reserved
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