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rrat-king · 11 months ago
mayhaps i could… see the police chart?????
if you mean the fantasy high quantum lesbian polycule i will share it of course:
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i am deeply passionate about this pls hmu with any questions
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cirrostatus · 1 year ago
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Princess Naradriel of Fallinel is such a meaningful addition to our family here at Wolfsong.
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sylvansleuth · 1 year ago
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What part of this is unholy to you? The hot cocoa??
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magicratfingers · 11 months ago
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islandoforder · 1 year ago
love brennan so much but like. the man cannot do an english accent. he can do like half of one, and he applies it across all english npcs even though i’m like i’m sorry you think garthy o’brien and princess nara would have the same (bad) east end accent???? brennan plzzzz how do siobhan and jasper handle it
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sugaldean · 1 year ago
Bold of Brennan to put out "She's not like you. She's you if you had money"
Like oh you mean my personality and how I react to others would maybe not have made me unlovable if I had a support system and money?
You mean if I wasn't at the bottom of the capitalist pyramid maybe my issues might have been "tiny things I should work on" instead of highly disabling features?
Wow. Wow. I'm so okay. I'm so cool.
I UNDERSTAND why Tracker dated Nara after Kristen. It makes sense.
But what I hear is: there's a better more lovable version of me that people can and will leave me for.
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echosfandoms · 1 year ago
I just finished this most recent fantasy high episode (I'm late, I know.) and so much shit happened, but I'm such a sucker for how tracker and Kristen's relationship has evolved, I'm gonna hyper focus on that for a second. And how fucking tragic this separation truly is, and how their dynamic has changed.
They're so awkward in a way thats so realistic. And actually, I think breaking up has helped them communicate with each other more effectively. Both Kristen and Tracker call each other out on their religion bullshit, in a way that's maybe not the nicest, but is truthful. And it's so upsetting that this truly was probably the best thing for both of them.
I think what fucks me up the most though, was actually the conversation between Nara and Kristen this episode. That comment Brennan made about Naradriel being exactly like Kristen, if Kristen had money. That hit something in me and I can't quite articulate why. It could just be a comment about how Tracker has a type, or perhaps alluding to how Tracker has an unhealthy tendency to try and "fix" people, just like she's trying to do with galicea even. But there's something in there to me, of Kristen possibly having this moment of "this girl is so similar to me, whats so different about her then? Why am I not good enough, but she is? Would Tracker have stayed with me if I had x y z" and just.. the fact that some part of Tracker is still attracted to Kristen, because fucking of course. Kristen is a great person, but Kristen's also a mess. Makes you wonder if she's going to do it all over again with Nara, and what happens to wolfsong when Naras family takes away that help.
So many parallels between characters this season, it has me going feral oh my god.
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fully-functioning-pigeon · 10 months ago
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Princess Naradriel, officially nicknamed as “That bitch on her lap”
Whoever uploaded this I hope both sides of your pillow are cold 🥰
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wyrmwright · 8 months ago
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klck, gertie, and naradriel form a party called the apple smashers with the purpose to destroy kristen applebees but they keep getting distracted and dating her instead
(the curse of adventuring party names)
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hellishfig · 1 year ago
so much happened this episode...
i spent the whole time kristen was talking to naradriel fucking convinced that nara had done the spies/spy's tongue curse/agreement on that 3 week retreat with her family and been taking devil's nectar/honey to start to believe the lie that she believes in wolf song and loves tracker
when emily mentioned spies/spy's tongue i got incredibly excitwd and then was immediately crestfallen when she was talking about the gods
but clearly something is up with the gods! AND ADAINE LEARNED THE NAME OF THE DEAD GOD! and everything went IMMEDIATELY WRONG!!!
the moon attacking fig's curse! adaine counterspelling it! the curse on fig being broken, sort of not quite maybe! baron's return!
i'm so excited for next episode, but having minis for baron... seeing his fucking. skeleton smile as a weird little boy. and then his final form of long, snaking limbs of bone with that same smiling face... terrifying! i look forward to it!
final thought is that i hope the werewolf we saw isn't jawbone, but also i think it is jawbone and that makes me nervous about emotional damage, which is turn actually makes me hope that it is jawbone bc i enjoy pain and suffering in my stories
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pinetreegoblin · 1 year ago
I can't stop thinking about how much of a complex relationship/power dynamic it is for Naradriel's family to have like fully have funded the success of Tracker's church. Like whether or not Naradriel has connection to the main mystery or not, if Tracker ever wanted to not be in that relationship that puts her in an extremely difficult place.
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embraceyourdestiny · 25 days ago
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flowersosa · 11 months ago
I think the fandom can agree that it was for the best that Tracker and Kirsten broke up.
What I don’t think we were prepared for was the theories about the timeline leading up to it.
Nor the fact that Tracker is currently dating Naradriel, who is similar to Kristen, but with resources and stability.
Or the fact that Tracker still has unresolved feelings for Kristen, and I personally (and of course I may be missing something here) can’t see how you can fully move on from someone while dating another who reflects the same qualities and characteristics that caused you to fall in the first place.
I do think it’s fun that Kristen is in a relationship with Gertie, who bares no semblance to tracker. I think this makes it easier for Kristen to focus on what’s important, but also remind her that she’s litterally just a teen.
I’m also glad that Tracker is dating someone else too, who can keep up with her, and shares her values! The efforts of Naradriel and Tracker has made headway to saving Trackers religion, and they seem to have a healthy relationship!
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Nara talking to her friends about her breakup
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maybebi47 · 1 year ago
thinking about nara and kristen, about how they are both full of love and kindness that they give so willingly without expectation, about how they are truly mirror images of eachother, except for the fact that nara had money and a support system that allowed her to florish and made her reliable and consistent, something that kristen never had, and yet kristen still has something that nara doesn't...trackers heart, and friends who would lay down their life for her without a showdow of a doubt
and thats why nara will always look at kristen wishing that was her, and kristen will always look at nara with that same envious look, two reflections, both never satisfied.
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islandoforder · 1 year ago
the nara/kristen conversation where kristen is realising like oh god was i merely tracker’s type?? haunting honestly
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