daytomad · 1 year
aku menghindari jika sampai sampai aku dianggap pemberi harapan palsu, atau malah aku yang terbawa harapanku sendiri dan yang disebrang sana ternyata tidak 😅 [dan emang belon nemu]
Namun sampai saat ini aku belum bisa jeli, untuk pilihanku sendiri.
Dan masih banyak yang belum bisa kutemui.
Yang didepanku pun seringnya adalah sesuatu yang tak kukira.
Walau saja tebakanku sesekali mengena.
Kalau saja...
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menepih-sejenak · 2 years
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dinaandme · 8 months
Emosi. Sebagaimana air tenang namun arus bergerak deras pada suatu sungai.
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letthefairyinyoufly · 5 months
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Patricia Velasquez as Anck Su Namun
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nefertiris · 5 months
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the mummy meme; both movies in general • favorite quotes (either by one character or all your fave quotes).
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sushietieee · 2 years
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mistressvera · 2 months
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Patricia Velasquez as Meela | Anck-Su-Namun
The Mummy Returns, 2001
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travelinglikethelight · 6 months
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Anck Su Namun / Meela Nais (portrayed by Patricia Velásquez)
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nnobodoodles · 1 year
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Happy 24th Anniversary to the movie, ever! ✨
(Closer images under the cut)
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I drew Rick, Evy, Jon and Ardeth back in September like this, and they looked pretty bad, so I thought I'd try my hand at them again AND finally draw Imhotep and Anck. Tried to somewhat stay loyal to the actor's likenesses, somewhat get more shapey and cartoony, but nevertheless, had a LOT of fun.
Universal, please, I need another sequel, comics and a new animated show 🥹
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evelina-maar · 6 months
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Why, of course I watch The Mummy 1999 for the plot!
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thatseitagremlin · 5 months
gremlyn's danganronpa: despair time x limbus company au (drdt spoilers under cut up to chapter 2!!)
i LOVE making aus with a target audience of one person (1) by blendering two of my current interests together. this truly was our despair time.
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everyone except mai's "sprites" are drawn based on official sprites, and they're meant to be height accurate! or, uh, a valiant attempt was made. at the very least i got to practice drawing everyone 🎉
(complete but constantly changing AU & character notes under cut: LOTS and i mean LOTS of yapping down there. spoilers up to chapter 2 and literature girl insane MV. content warning for "standard danganronpa stuff"; the hidden text in here is about the same level as drdt's hidden tumblr page quotes)
first up is a quick crash course on limbus company! that being said, i don't think i explained myself well at all, so i recommend just checking out the official website. or straight up playing it. i'm happy to answer any and all questions, though, whether here or in my limbus-centric main (@iamjustagremlin)!
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and now here are the character notes. i have a Lot to say.
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one more minor thing i'm 99% sure forgot to include and am too lazy to fix: the canon sinners are each assigned a color code and a cool descriptor (it doesn't even need to be an adjective. cool factor always wins), such as "oblivion yellow", "dreamy gray", and "inferno red". my brain won't let me tackle these yet, but my first attempt for xander was "courageous crimson", and my first attempt for teruko was "cursed clover".
once again, if you've made it this far: thank you for reading! and my askbox is always open for mutual brainrotting 👉 👈
(also, if you squint at the character notes for long enough, there might be even more to read... it's not much, but it's honest work. do note that it should be about as "heavy" as drdt's hidden tumblr page quotes)
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starofthedawn · 5 months
Just got back from seeing The Mummy 25th Anniversary Re-Release in theaters and man it was so special!
I had never seen this movie in theaters before and I was there with my best friend who also loves The Mummy with her whole heart. The movie begins, Ardeth starts speaking, I grab her hand and tears start to well up in my eyes.
Throughout the movie I could tell who in the theater were my kind of people, as they were the ones laughing at the jokes, bouncing to the music, and saluting when Winston died. It was delightful to see some people bring their loved ones who maybe hadn’t seen the film before. They were jumping at all the scary parts, wincing at the bugs and death, but most delightful of all, reacting to Brendan Fraser’s facial expressions!
The cinematic experience is truly how The Mummy is supposed to be watched, as I was able to discern the more subtle whispers in the background that indicated Imhotep was nearby and reacted viscerally to the scarabs because there was surround sound.
This movie may not be a perfect movie, but to me this is my perfect movie. I look forward to being able to watch The Mummy Returns in theaters.
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livingfandomly · 2 months
25 years ago I was born but, more importantly, 25 years ago The Mummy was released. Had a lil rewatch and the smile has not left my face.
First things first, thank you to the cast for awakening my bisexuality. Secondly, Evie is my hero and one of the first female characters I saw growing up that was not only doing a job I daydreamed about but was a badass as well as a librarian. Thirdly, Brendan Fraser…. No one is hotter than you or will ever be. You’re everyone’s type. You’re THE type. Each individual lock of hair on your head deserves its own room in a 5 star hotel. The clothes on your skin as Rick make me want to burn down the entire fashion industry for never being good enough, for never matching the standards you set. Fourthly, Jonathan……. You’re a cash-hungry kook and I will always appreciate you for it. Fifthly, Ardeth Bay… Ardeth Bay…….. Ardeth Bay…………… baby girl……………… you’re gay. You saw a white man trudge through the desert after being in a forbidden city and instead of killing him, as you would do with anyone else, you let him go. The second you saw him the next time your first words were “he’s strong”. When you first came face to face with him and his gun, you walked away AFTER you disarmed him. Then, you ran into mummy zombies to give your boyfriend time to save his girlfriend. Then you came back to say goodbye. You’re gay, son. And you made Rick gay for you too. Sixthly, Imhotep I hate you but in the kinkiest way possible. It’s giving screaming-“fuck you”-just-to-get-you-to-fuck-me vibes and I wouldn’t expect anything less unhinged from myself. Seventhly… Anck-Su-Namun, I too would raise hell and bring every plague to earth if it meant getting to spend time with you. Never seen a hotter human being in my entire liFE. Lastly…. Given that The Mummy has had two perfect movies, I’m still waiting for the final part of this incomplete trilogy. I am a patient child. I will wait forever.
That’s all.
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letthefairyinyoufly · 5 months
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But for their love, they were willing to risk life itself.
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iamjustagremlin · 1 month
gnombus company (eternal wip unless i get a sudden bout of inspiration once more)
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I AM STILL ALIVE AND I DO STILL THINK ABOUT DON EVERY WAKING HOUR IN MY LIFE. its just that i am Shy............ maybe i'll start regularly reblogging don art again one day...
this was supposed to have all 13 sinners and i actually planned out the gnome design choices. like extensively planned out-ome. from memory:
everyone has their "assigned colors". most of them also get santa hats, where dante's has a star instead of a pompom and heathcliff + outis had green santa hats and ribbons (since they got holiday egos). hong lu and ishmael wear reindeer headbands and bells while gregor just has antennae
there's a variation in eye, ear, and mouth type. yi sang and sinclair have ears resembling wings, while most others have the more triangular ears, and some stragglers have "boxier" ones. faust, ryoshu, meursault, outis, and gregor have "beak" mouths like yi sang; heathcliff, ishmael, and rodya have the row of misaligned teeth like sinclair; and hong lu has a teefless :3
some of the sinnergnomes would also have patterns; you can barely see stars on don's body. heathcliff's would've been something like thunderstrikes, while ishmael's would've been like a spotted seal and/or sand grains (nod to her freckles)
meursault carries a gift bag, gregor still has a bug arm that is taller than him, and ryoshu still has a cigarette in her mouth. assume everyone else has their standard weapons, i just didn't want to draw yi sang's and sinclair's at the time
they are vaguely height accurate
incidentally, don's lance is supposed to evoke a christmas tree here, and yi sang's bandaged ears are based off fly my wings' illustration
i don't think i've seen many, if any sinner gnomes.... if you do know of them please share them with me
also yes i am fully caught up with the stories. Yes I know of the Horrors you do not need to tell me Anything. I know now. I know now......... (spoken with the cadence of ishmael telling anecdotes about the great lake)
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