#nalia's turning
nalia-tsukino · 2 years
Nalia's Turning into a Kitsune
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About the Turning
The fox goddess Inari is able to turn humans into half kitsune or full kitsune and also half kitsune into full kitsune. Since the turning is a divine gift, Inari must recognize an appropriate reason before she agrees.
To perform the turning, Inari holds a hand above the head of the human or half kitsune and lets the divine power flow.
Probably the turning itself, personal feelings and impressions always proceed differently.
Kitsune turned by Inari belong to the Zenko.
Yuuto and his family took Nalia in as a friend of the Zenko. Although being only human, she was accepted and integrated from the beginning. Still, Nalia felt the difference. After learning that turning into a kitsune was possible, her wish to become one grew. The goddess Inari recognized her yearning and offered a deal that Nalia accepted.
Nalia only wanted to become a half kitsune. She wished to be like Yuuto in order to feel even closer to him and to grow old together under the same conditions.
At the moment, Nalia does not attach much importance to her skills. But of course, she is grateful for them and happy with them. However, she does not want to be a super kitsune.
Experiences and Impressions
During her turning, Nalia could feel the magic flowing into her. Overwhelmed by the process, she was unable to think.
Her eyes changed color and became typical kitsune amber-yellow.
Hot, teal flames enveloped her entire body.
It was difficult for Nalia to breathe.
After the turning was done, she passed out for a moment. The fire disappeared along with her consciousness.
When Nalia woke up again, she had her greenish, human eyes again instead of the fox eyes.
Nalia felt the magic flowing through her body. But other than that, she did not feel very foxy.
Within a short time after the turning, the initial feeling of being flooded with magic disappeared. Except for the high sense of smell and hearing, she was like a normal human.
Inari explained to Nalia that she first had to find her inner fox and her inner human. Unfortunately, she did not know how to do this. Nalia could not sense her inner fox and just felt human.
A few days later, Nalia experienced something that made her very angry. Suddenly, her foxfire appeared and her hands were on fire. At the same time, her eyes changed color and became amber-yellow.
After Nalia calmed down a bit, her eyes became greenish again. With willpower, she managed to let the hot flames grow cold.
Through this incident, Nalia could finally feel her inner fox.
Whenever Nalia gets angry, her whole body tingles and her eye color changes. The tingling is a sign that her fire is about to break out.
In any case, Nalia does not want to hurt anyone or burn anything down, she tries everything possible to calm down and hold back the flames.
After the Turning
Nalia found out about her true origin.
Nalia can bring out and control her foxfire by will.
However, every now and then she has difficulties to hold back and/or control it because of her fieriness.
A short-sided change of her eye color will happen again and again due to strong emotions like anger, joy, sadness, disappointment and fear. Since Nalia is very emotional and fiery, she will never manage to control the eye color changing.
At first, Nalia does not notice her fox eyes. But over time, she can feel the difference.
When the emotions subside, Nalia's human eyes return. Depending on the situation and the emotion, her fox eyes may only flash for a brief and barely noticeable moment.
Nalia can change into her fox form completely or partially by will.
Since her turning, Nalia is a fox in her own dreams.
Nalia will not be able to go into other person's dreams.
Furthermore, she will not learn to seperate her kitsune star pearl.
She will learn to communicate with the spirits of the deceased.
Also, she will learn to enable beloved ones to talk with the spirits of the deceased when her power is heightened because of Samhain.
In addition to high sense of smell and hearing, she now has increased regenerative abilities and a higher pain tolerance.
Her skills are weaker than those of a full kitsune.
She is not immortal, but will have a longer lifespan than a human.
Nalia's appearance has not changed. The greenish eyes and red hair have remained.
However, her eye color can turn to the typical foxy amber-yellow.
If Nalia changes to her fox form or only brings out her fox ears and foxtail, her eyes remain amber-yellow regardless of her emotions.
In her fox form, Nalia has pinkish red fur. Her tail tip and ear tips are darker red. Her paws, neck and chest area are white.
Nalia's foxfire is teal.
Due to her origin, Nalia will not get more tails.
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Protection from the Yako
Now that Nalia is a female kitsune, the Yako pose a danger to her. Afraid of being kidnapped into the Demon World, she asked Inari for help. The goddess blessed Nalia's engagement ring, giving her protection from the Demon World's kitsune. To remain hidden from the Yako, Nalia must always wear the ring. If she does this, the Yako will not notice her kitsune nature. However, if Nalia touches them, they are able to smell the kitsune in her and expose her.
To the Zenko, she is still recognizable as a kitsune.
Energy Snatching
Yuuto and Nalia, as half kitsune, snatch each other's energy during sexual intercourse or other sexual actions. What one loses, the other gets back from the other.
Similar to energy snatching from humans, it causes tingling sensation, enjoyable feeling that fills the body and mind, heightening the pleasure. But afterwards both feel normal. The typical feeling of being more awake and not being able to sleep is absent.
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General Kitsune Lore and Headcanons (written by @yuriko-tsukino-rp)
Note: The kitsune lore of Nalia's story is based on actual folklore stories but mixed with @yuuto-tsukino's and my own input.
This post is a work in progress and will be updated in the future.
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think-like-a-poet · 4 months
Can you write something about Lewis not finding his dog and he saw Y/n with him in the park, you can write smthg about it and what comes after
wc: 513
Lost and Found ♘ Lewis Hamilton
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Lewis was lightly panicking as he looked around the park. He had let Roscoe run around for a bit. He knew that his dog wouldn't go far away from him and he always made sure he had the dog in his eye sight. Except for today.
Lewis had turned around once at the sound of someone falling off his bike and he looked to make sure he was okay. When he turned back, the dog had escaped his eyesight. Everywhere he looked he couldn't find him, even when calling his name.
"Roscoe, come here boy." He yelled as he clapped his hand on his legs. People around him gave him weird looks, but that didn't matter. All he needed was to find his dog.
Lewis ran around a bit more, trying to spot a lead where the dog could have wandered off. Could he call 911 for a missing dog?
His head shot up by the sound of a voice speaking. "Lets find your owner, sweetie." He turned to see a woman knelt down beside his dog, who was wagging its tail excitedly as it sniffed at her own dog.
Lewis walked towards you, roscoe, and the dog's tails started to move by the sight of his owner. "Is this your dog?" you asked as you looked at the man. You couldn't help the blush that formed on your face when you saw him. He was very handsome.
"Hello, boy, I looked for you. You can't just walk away." Lewis put the leash back on and gave the dog a pet on his head. As he stood up his eyes locked with yours. "Hi, sorry. Thank you for finding him." he said gratefully, trying to sound calm despite his racing heart.
"No problem. It is more like he found me. Probably wanted to play with Nalia." You pointed to your own dog, a Bernese mountain puppy.
Lewis laughs as he sees the two dogs play, but the leashes make it difficult for them and they are soon wrapped in the leash. "They like each other."
"Maybe we could arrange a play date for them. If you are okay with that."
"I am sure he would like that." Lewis answers with a smile on his face. He couldn't help but sneak glances at you throughout the conversation. "My name is Lewis, by the way and this boy is called Roscoe."
The woman smiled and introduced herself, "Nice meeting you Lewis. I am Y/N, and this sweetheart is Nalia."
"Can I have your number?" Lewis asked, already looking for his phone. "For the play date for the dogs of course." he quickly added.
You smiled at his attics as you grabbed his phone to put your number in it. " Here, you can text me and I will have your number too."
Lewis thank you and you both said your goodbyes.
"I wouldn't mind if you called to plan a date for us," you smirked as you saw him turn around quickly. You just smiled and waved at him as you walked further with Nalia.
Tag list: @hiireadstuff @nikfigueiredo @elliott-calls @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e
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nipuni · 3 months
Hello! Will you drawing anything to celebrate the Dragon Age news? Your beautiful Lavellan and your equally beautiful Solas maybe?
Hello, ahhh thank you! I most likely will! I can't wait to try my hand at DA art with more years of experience under my belt, I wonder how it will turn out, especially the tarot style, I haven't drawn in that style in a million years it's going to be so fun trying it out again 😭 I also want to draw Emmrich and my Lavellan Nalia nine years older and design a Rook ahhhh I didn't realize how much I missed this game until now 🥺
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the-dancing-coeurl · 5 months
Mayqo'te- Adventure
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"Nalia, come on. Let's get out of here already. It's an abandoned mine, I could lose my job!" "We're here because it's abandoned, dumb-dumb! No one's supposed to be here, so how could we get caught?" "I think you're missing Bana's point, sis..." "Ven, stop being a worrywart and help me look! There's gotta be something big still down here!"
Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here
E'nalia Zekiel, one of E'venna's younger siblings, has always had an adventurous and rebellious streak to her. So it was no surprise to her when she and their brother E'bana found their sister trying to sneak in to the Copperbell Mines to "search for treasure." Knowing it was next to no use to convince E'nalia to turn back around, the two decided the best course of action was to accompany her to keep her safe down there.
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yuriko-mukami · 8 months
It’s a…!
The story is based on a private RP and written together with @ruki-mukami-dl and @nalia-tsukino (thank you for portraying doctor Kageyama Takeo).
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The gel on Yuriko’s lower belly was as cold as ever, making her shiver slightly. Or perhaps, there was another reason for her quivering after all. What if something was wrong? She had been feeling okay, but there was always a chance that everything wouldn’t go well… and with such a special baby. There weren’t many Vampire-Kitsune hybrids, weren’t there?
Holding Ruki’s hand, Yuriko didn’t voice out her worries. They had talked about this before, with the doctor, Kageyama Takeo, too. The man would have told them if there was a problem. So, Yuriko inhaled, focusing her gaze on the screen with the black and white view.
Such tiny feet and hands. Last time, the baby had looked more like a scrimp, but now, the human form was clear. Not a fox but a human.
Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump.
The steady sound of the bouncing heart. Ruki was able to hear it if he pressed his ear on Yuriko’s belly, but she could only listen to this song of life here.
Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump.
“Everything is well with the baby. The size is perfect, too.” The doctor's voice sailed into Yuriko’s ears, but she didn’t move her gaze from the screen. “Would you like to know the gender?”
Slowly, Ruki turned his head. The storm of his eyes glued to Yuriko as he squeezed her hand a bit too roughly. Yuriko didn’t mention it, for her heart had just become jumpy. The blue-gray depth moved back to the monitor. “I’d like to know.”
“Umh… me too.” Yuriko’s words wavered in her own ears as well, but she confirmed them with a nod. Of course, it didn’t matter if the baby was a boy or a girl. Still, she couldn’t help but be curious.
Ruki was already staring at the screen, leaning in a bit with a frown between his brows as if he had sunk deep into his thoughts.
“Since you both agree…” The doctor cleared his throat. “As you can see here…”
Yuriko lifted her glasses a bit but didn’t dare to move otherwise. Even with the doctor explaining everything, she couldn’t see any indicator of either boy or girl. She could only take his word for it, but of course, she trusted this man.
“So, in spring, you will be welcoming home a baby girl.”
A baby girl.
Yuriko’s heart hopped, and she couldn’t prevent her lips from curling as she searched for Ruki’s gaze. He looked calm and collected as if the information did not affect him.
Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump.
For a moment, there was nothing else. The heart kept singing. And then… a grin. Wider than Yuriko had ever seen on Ruki’s face. His gaze had turned inwards, yet his beaming radiated through the room, lighting it bright.
Ruki blinked, his smile settling down a little. "Now, we know. That's good. Then we can buy things for a girl." He laced his fingers with Yuriko’s, clenching her hand gentler this time. "The gender doesn't matter. But it's useful to know."
Yuriko tilted her head. “Yeah… the gender doesn’t matter.
But a girl. That was something. Yuriko decided then and there that she would not be like her mother. She would make sure that this girl would have attention and love as much as she would be able to give her.
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The library bedroom was quiet. Yuriko stretched her arms and yawned, the familiar drowsiness sneaking into her muscles and mind.
“Did you put the photo in your purse?” Ruki adjusted his new, blue blazer Yuriko had gotten for him just a few days ago.
“Mhm… It’s right there… You can take it out.” She pulled off her cardigan. A nap would be perfect at the moment, but she could have a snack, too. Perhaps a bit of sleeping first and then eating… hmm…
“Look at her. She is perfect.”
Turning around, Yuriko blinked. There it was again: the grin. She inched closer, leaning in as Ruki held the ultrasound picture. A smile broke out of Yuriko. “Yes, our beautiful little girl.”
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“We should frame this and put it in her room.” Ruki brushed Yuriko’s cheek.
Yuriko nodded. “Or in…” A yawn vibrated out of her. “...ours…”
Ruki put the photo on the table and glanced at Yuriko. “Sleepy again?”
The Kitsune was about to nod, but another yawn forced her mouth open. Hastily, she lifted her hand, covering her lips.
“Off to bed then.”
Before Yuriko had time to resist, Ruki had already collected her in his arms and carried her into their bed. He nested her in the middle of the large, angular pillow he had given her at Christmas and scooted closer, massaging her belly through the fabric of her dress.
“Close your eyes.” Just a whisper, but it didn’t even occur to Yuriko to object. Her lids slumped down while she shifted her neck to find perfect support from the pillow. “That’s my good girl~” Ruki’s words traveled into her mind, painting her face with heat.
As Yuriko was sinking into soft sluggishness, she felt how Ruki lay his cheek against her belly while his hand caressed the side of it. “And here is my other one. Such a good girl.”
“Nhh?” Yuriko opened her mouth but closed it right away.
“Shh, just sleep.” A mere whisper again. “That’s right. We let your mama sleep for now. You drained all her energy today, didn’t you?”
As tired as she was, Yuriko still reached her hand, entangling her fingers with Ruki’s hair. This time, she didn’t even try to speak, nor did she peek but simply stayed put and relaxed.
“Our little girl… You will be protected. I’ll make sure of it.” Ruki’s voice was a low murmur. “I will recite you any book you want to hear and teach you to read too. I did that with my brothers and I’m sure you will learn fast when the time is right. We can do puzzles together, visit any place you wish, and I’ll show you how to ride. You can even have your own horse…”
Yuriko drifted, the sound of Ruki’s voice turning more and more distant. But she couldn’t quite let go, for somehow the situation was way too adorable.
“You’ll be my little girl forever, my very own baby girl…” Ruki placed a kiss on Yuriko’s belly. “You and your mama will always be my precious treasures. I promise to protect and cherish you eternally.”
He is so happy… Perhaps… he wished… for a girl… Yuriko’s head slid to the side, and her cheek hit the pillow. It could be that Ruki said something more, but that was between him and the baby, for Yuriko heard his voice no more.
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I made the pic for the fic with a CG (Ruki’s LE route), fake ultrasound picture, and edited a photo as a background.
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lewdcookies · 2 months
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"Slay-kill the lightning one!" The Grey Seer's impending rant about how he was going to personally gut Nalia was interrupted as his head exploded suddenly. With their leader dead the fight drained out of the rest of the pack and with a collective shriek they scampered in all directions. "Skaven," the tone in Vespine von Carroguard's voice dripped with venom as she strode through the panicking rats, one hand holding her smoking pistol raised while the other rested on the pommel of her sword.
She gestured at her accompanying house guard. "Get them out of my sight."
There was a distinct flush on the noblewoman's face as she took in the gore drenched Stormcast surrounded by skaven corpses. But she composed herself before speaking, even if it was with slight a purr.
"I must thank you for rooting out this infestation. I shall not delay you more in clearing out the last of them. But once you're done, come see me in my manor. I'd be happy to show you my... gratitude."
I really like how the jacket turned out, for a while I was on the fence on how that would work. But once I had gotten the shades down I was all like "Oh yeah. It's all coming together." The boots got a bit naff, due to me overpainting previous steps because I didn't like it. In hindsight I should've just gone straight for black contrast instead of going for a grey undercoat. But at that point I was mostly done with it so couldn't really stripe that down.
Otherwise, it's Glaurion ven Alten III from Cursed City but with a headswap with a Sisters of Battle head. The body is armoured enough for it not to really make much of a difference in the end.
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matchademi · 11 months
She hopped into my brain and won't leave
Tw child abuse and just Krell in general
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Her name is Nalia and she is 13
She is a Nautolan. She is a very light purple with brown eyes
She is INCREDIBLY shy, especially in the after events dealing with Krell
While Krell was her master if she spoke out of turn, she was punished, whether be training till she gets sick or she gets locked in her room
She has ZERO self confidence ask Krell to constantly tell her she won't ever make it to knighthood
She hates the way the clones are treated but can't do anything or she gets punished
When a clone, she starts to get close to dies it leaves physical marks on her skin
When meeting the 501st, she knew she wanted to help them. So she gave them orders opposite to what her master said despite her getting punished, usually done by giving her migraines through their messed up bond
When Krell ordered the 501st to attack the 212th, she used to face to shove them away from each other, stopping the killing after relising her master went to far she followed and helped the clones to arrest him
When Dogma shot Krell she felt what was left of the bond snap and she hugged him crying in relief
She later was swept up to a mind healer, and after saying she wanted another master she immediately got swept up by Quinlan Vos
She later gets super close to the corrie guard
She will sit and hang out with them for hours
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likestvrlight · 10 months
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THE  SHADOWHUNTER  SLIPS  THROUGH  the  crowd  ,  smiling  at  nalia  when  she  finds  her  .  “  okay  ,  the  faerie  cocktails  are  still  my  favourite  ,  but  this  is  pretty  good  too  .  ”  ayla  says  ,  holding  out  a  glass  to  nalia  .  she  turns  to  look  around  ,  humming  at  the  sights  of  the  ball  .  it  all  fascinates  her  ,  one  reason  the  demon  friends  she  holds  are  all  taking  turns  following  her  when  she  strays  from  the  group  .  “  it’s  so  beautiful  .  ” @effcrvcscents
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itzynabi · 2 years
deserve it
summary: in which eve is in need of encouragement
set: late april 2022
word count: 1.3k
warnings: mention of food and some cute little swear words
an: nalia have my heart 😩. words in bold are english. mediocre writing from a mediocre writer 💅. send asks or messages to be added to the taglist. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💘
eve’s masterlist
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Preparing for a solo debut was a lot of fun. But way more stressful. Eve had to do everything on her own — recording songs, shooting the music video and attending dance practices. Let's not even get started on music show performances. And the crazy thing was, Eve had only recorded two of the songs so far. Just thinking about everything she had to do made her want to flee the country and never return.
So there she was. On the floor of the dance practice room after fooling around with choreography ideas with one of the dance trainers, thinking about what she had planned for the next day.
“Nabi, don’t forget to do cool down stretches,” the trainer, Jongseob, instructed her, picking up his things. Eve raised her hand and did an ‘okay’ sign, letting it fall to the ground soon after. He shouted out a goodbye over his shoulder and exited the room, leaving her alone.
Eve exhaled deeply. “Go over it one more time, and then go home,” she told herself. She stood up and went to the speaker. Turning it on, she danced to glassy again, coming up with her own choreography at the parts they hadn’t come up with anything yet. She was so busy dancing that she didn't notice Lia walking into the room. When the song ended, Lia started clapping, alerting Eve of her presence.
“Yah, don’t scare me like that,” Eve scolded, holding her hand over her heart.
Lia raised her hands in mock surrender. “Sorry. I forgot you’re jumpy.”
Eve skipped over to Lia, engulfing her in a hug. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to visit you,” Lia answered after Eve pulled away. “And bring you food,” she shook her hand, bringing Eve’s attention to a plastic bag in her hands.
“Wah, thank you!”
Lia and Eve went to the bench in the back of the room, putting the plastic on the seat and sitting on the floor against the benches, facing each other.
“What did you bring for me?” Eve asked, clapping her hands excitedly as Lia took the food out.
“Bibim nengmyun,” Lia answered, opening one of the containers with a flourish.
Eve groaned. “Just what I needed.”
Lia handed Eve her container and opened her own one. They both took bites of their food, groaning in pleasure.
“You… are heaven sent,” Eve told Lia, who smiled in response.
The two girls finished eating their food in silence, turning around so they were sitting side by side against the bench.
“What did you do today?” Lia asked, reaching for the water bottles in the plastic bottles.
Eve accepted the bottle Lia gave her and twisted it open, taking a sip. “We just fooled around with choreography. Trying to come up with something. We’re obviously also using the demo’s we got sent, but we’re also changing some of the choreo to better fit the song.”
Lia nodded. “Have you practised with the dancers yet?”
“No,” Eve said with a shake of her head. “Trainer Jaebom said we’ll all practice once the choreography is done. No point in learning the dance together when there is no dance, right?”
“Did you record a song?”
“Um, I finished glassy yesterday, so it’s all up to the producers to come up with a finished product. And I did only last week, I think.”
Lia looked at Eve intently. “It must be hard. Doing this by yourself.”
“It is,” Eve confirmed. “But it is what it is. I’m just trying to prepare for my debut safely and healthily. And then we’ll start preparing for our comeback.”
“Don’t overwork yourself,” Lia instructed. “We need you in good health.”
“Okay,” Eve said, nudging Lia’s shoulder with hers. “What did you do?”
“Yeji and I went to a spa,” Lia said. “We got massages and my body feels like jelly,” she finished with a laugh. “The members were wondering if you’d want to go on a walk tomorrow? Just around the neighbourhood, get some fresh air and spend some time together?”
Eve furrowed her eyebrows. “I would seriously love to, but I’m supposed to get the first demo for the choreography tomorrow and then I’ll have to review it — say what I like and don’t like — and then learn and practise it and–” Eve cut herself off with a sigh. “I’m sorry.”
Lia shook her head. “It’s fi–”
“It’s not fine!” Eve shouted, causing Lia to flinch at the sudden loudness. “Sorry,” she whispered. “You guys keep asking me to do things and I keep saying no all the time and it’s just… so fucking frustrating to not be able to do things with you.”
Lia nodded, putting her hand on Eve’s knee and squeezing. “We understand why you say no, though. We just want to help you relax when possible.”
Eve smiled at her and looked at her hands. “Should I just say I don’t want to do it? That I don’t want to debut? Then I’ll get to spend time with you guys and it’ll give me more time to focus when we start preparing for our comeback.”
“Unnie, that’s crazy,” Lia said, shaking her head.
Eve continued speaking, seemingly not hearing her, “I mean, it makes sense. And why is my debut so close to the comeback anyway? That doesn’t matter. I ‘ll just tell PD-nim that I don’t want to debut anymore. It’s not like I deserve it anyway and since we’re sti–”
Lia interrupted her, “What do you mean you don’t deserve it?”
Eve looked up at Lia. “Hm?”
“You–you just said that you don’t deserve to debut. What do you mean by that?”
“Oh. Just that, out of all the members, I don’t think I should be the first to debut,” Eve explained. “I always thought that if we were to have solo debuts, Yeji or Ryujin would debut first. They’re arguably the most popular members–”
“So are you!”
“–and they just have the aura of people that would be great soloists — like Chungha sunbaenim — so it makes sense that they would debut. Me however–” she sighed and rolled her eyes– “it just doesn’t make sense. And so early in my career? I guess the public wasn’t lying when they said JYP treats me like a princess–”
“Unnie!” Lia sharply interrupted, cutting Eve off. “First of all, you’re an idiot.” Eve opened her mouth to protest but Lia raised her hand to silence her. “You work so hard! Doing so many things for us - half of them you don’t even want to do! But you do it for us. For our team. And now, you have an opportunity to do something that showcases you and your talents. You can’t give it up. Or I will fight you,” she threatened. “And PD-nim shows favouritism to more than one member, let’s be honest. He didn’t give you this opportunity because you’re the apple of his eye or some dumb shit like that. He gave it to you because he trusts that you’ll do good. You’re our team's ace, you’re literally good at everything.” Lia rolled her eyes playfully.
“As for not having enough time to spend with the members… we can work something out. But don’t you ever, for a second, think that you don’t deserve this. You deserve this and more.”
Eve gulped. “If I didn’t have the emotional capacity of a table, I’d be in tears by now,” she joked, leaning forward to hug Lia. Lia wrapped her arms around Eve, tightening and squeezing. “Thank you, Jisu,” Eve whispered.
“You’re welcome, Nabi unnie. We’re supporting you every step of the way.”
Whilst Eve didn’t feel any less stressed, she did feel a weight get lifted off her chest. What Lia said to her were words she didn’t know she needed to hear, but was thankful that she did. All she needed to do now was keep pushing forwards until her debut. She deserved to, afterall.
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tagging: @seolboba @ateezivy @ateezjuliet @cafemilk-tea @smh-anon
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©️ kim nabi
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clownsgobeepbeep · 7 months
Updated Clown Details
Cosmos still lives with his parents 'cause why not? He doesn't feel the need to move out and his parents are totally cool with it
Jelly moved out some time before Ula came into her life and has her own apartment (it has a spare room which was originally her guest Maggie's room but will be turned into Ula's)
Pepper also happened to move out because he has Jeff and Bubbles(he didn't want to burden his parents)
The story here is that Pepper actually had a partner who broke up with him because they deemed him too immature. However, years later and to his surprise the twins were dumped onto him because the ex couldn't handle them
Cosmos is harboring some slight feelings towards his best friend Cuckoo but it's nothing serious and he tends to push them away
The D'Vitt trio still works at the toy shop(I need a name for it). Cosmos is the current manager while Jelly is a supervisor being trained for more(aka inheriting the actual family business)
Jelly's very much sought out by suitors but none of them can really be considered potential suitors. They're attracted but are also interested in her future inheritance.
Jelly is still too heartbroken about her relationship with James which will have happened more "recently"
James never cheated on Jelly, it was simply a rumour that she just didn't want to believe. The truth is that while he was on his voyage, Missy found the right moment and made her daughte Evie end his life (and probably did so to the rest of the crew he traveled with to leave no witnesses to say anything to Jelly). Evie did it instead of Missy to strengthen the rumour that James ran away with another woman
Jelly not wanting to believe the rumour stayed many nights and days waiting for James. There came a point where she unfortunately just gave up and tried to forget about him, thinking that he may have forgotten about her and the rumours probably were true.
Cuckoo will still own their small antique shop
Ace works under Cuckoo in the shop and are even roommates because Cuckoo has continously insisted Ace have a place to live in
Ace does have feelings for Jelly but it's nothing creepy nor obssessive. He also does understand that she "recently" had her heart broken and she's not in the space for anything romantic
Ferry will be introduced much sooner. She is a deadlight who will have just recently moved into town after certain devastating events(her family's death which perhaps may not have been at her own hands but she still had some sort of influence)
Ferry is looking for a job and quite conveniently the D'Vitt toy shop is hiring
Pepper and Ferry will become friends much sooner because of their love for baking and sweet things(this is how he slowly develops the idea of his future bakery+flower shop which Ferry is co-owner of)
Ula is still her silent tiny self that is very much a momma's girl. She actually spends most of her time with Jelly + uncles at the D'Vitt toy shop. She just hangs out in the backroom and does her own things
This is how her love for Alice in Wonderland is developed, especially as Jelly uses her as inspiration for new products
I imagine some time later is when Atlas comes into the picture and meets everybody
One year later on Ula's birthday is when Cuckoo takes her through an alternate dimension and she receives an egg for her future companion Biollante, her domesticated Utahraptor
The D'Vitt toy shop and Cuckoo's antique shop have some customers that frequent the places a lot, easily recognizable by Cuckoo and the D'Vitt Trio. Two of these customers are Conllium and Nalia in human disguise. They are keeping a close eye on both their descendants and Elder associate Cuckoo(formerly Logium)
More to be added prolly...
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nalia-tsukino · 1 year
Nalia's Origin
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For a long time Nalia wondered why Inari had agreed to the turning without hesitation. At some point she could no longer stand the constant pondering and decided to ask the goddess about it. Inari explained to Nalia that she sensed a hidden fox side in her. So her origin was reason for agreeing to the turning. Long, long ago, Nalia had an ancestor who was a Celtic Fox. Over all the years, the fox genes were mixed more and more with human genes until the fox side became completely unrecognizable. For this reason, Nalia has always been perceived as human. Only the goddess Inari was able to recognize the fox in her.
Of course, this information brought up new questions. But Inari could not answer them. So the goddess sent Nalia on a journey to her homeland and encouraged her to search for her origin. Here she actually found out some things.
The Celtic Fox goddess Sionna created foxes that served her as messengers. She herself was a shapeshifter and could change her human appearance into that of a fox.
However, not all foxes agreed with the pact made with the goddess and rebelled. Thus, two different clans were formed. Sionna Foxes and Underworld Foxes.
The Sionna Foxes were still loyal to the goddess and lived hidden among the humans.
The Underworld Foxes retreated to the Celtic Underworld and made a pact with the demons.
To this day, Sionna Foxes live hidden in the Human World and Underworld Foxes stay in the Underworld.
Every now and then, the Underworld Foxes caused mischief and fooled around in the Human World, which led to the Christians starting to persecute and kill foxes just like witches.
Because of this, the population of both clans decreased drastically. Nowadays there are hardly any Celtic Foxes, only a few are left and live completely hidden.
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Appearance Sionna Foxes
Sionna Foxes have reddish fur.
In their human form they have reddish hair.
Appearance Underworld Foxes
Underworld Foxes have blackish fur.
They have blackish hair in their human form.
Sionna Foxes and Underworld Foxes have only one tail.
The eyes are always amber-yellow.
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Abilities Celtic Foxes
Moving freely between the physical and spiritual realms
Communicating with the spirits of the deceased
High sense of smell
High sense of hearing
Faster healing
Higher pain tolerance
Not immortal but a longer lifespan than a human
Heightened powers during Samhain, an ancient Celtic festival on October 31st
Sionna drank water from a magical well to gain more wisdom. Suddenly, as if by some divine magic, the waters in the well rose, rushing out. Swept away, Sionna drowned and the water carried her body out to sea. She did not remain dead for long and was reborn as a goddess with new knowledge and power. Thus, Celtic Foxes are afraid of open waters.
About Nalia
Nalia's ancestor on her mother's side was a Sionna Fox.
Nalia's red hair is of foxy origin. During her turning the red was mixed with the typical Zenko white, which is the reason for her pinkish fur color.
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Note: The Celtic Fox lore is based on actual folklore but mixed with my own input.
This post is a work in progress and will be updated in the future.
Picture source: Picrew & Pinterest
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yuuto-tsukino · 1 year
Ruki held Yuriko's hand tightly in his when he entered Yuuto's and Nalia's living room together with her. For a brief moment he remembered last year. Back then, they were celebrating in Yuuto's tiny apartment. So much had happened in one year...
Focusing on the present again, Ruki stepped forward and patted Yuuto's shoulder while smiling kindly at him. "Happy birthday, Yuuto."
After the brotherly gesture, the vampire took out a gift wrapped in dark blue wrapping paper. "Yuriko informed me about what movie you watched together last year. Very interesting choice, by the way."
No idea how she made him watch such a movie...
"Well, I am happy to help you quench your thirst for knowledge and tell you more about vampires." Grinning, Ruki handed over the nice looking package. "Bram Stoker might help you with this as well."
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A hearty laugh escaped his throat. "Just kidding. Dracula is very well written. Great work of literature that everyone should have read once."
Lovingly, Ruki wrapped his arm around Yuriko's waist, but kept his eyes on Yuuto. "I am sure you appreciate good reading and will enjoy the book."
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Yuuto nodded as Ruki walked in with Yuriko. It was kind of nice that the Vampire had wanted to come to visit him today with his sister, yet Yuuto couldn't wait the evening he would have alone time with his wife.
Still, Yuuto remembered that Ruki and Yuriko had visited him last year too. Back then things had been very different. Who would have thought how everything had turned out in a year?
Nodding again, Yuuto returned Ruki's gesture and patted his shoulder too. It seemed he was in somewhat friendly acquaintance with a Vampire now.
"Thanks, Ruki." Yuuto took the present, noting that the color of the paper was to his liking. Perhaps Yuriko had told something. Yet, he couldn't help but be puzzled when Ruki mentioned that Yuriko had blabbered about a completely different matter. "Huh? She told you that? It was her choice, not mine. You should know how little siblings are. When they insist somethin'..." Yuuto frowned theatrically.
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Unbelievable and also a bit embarrassing that Yuriko had mentioned Moon Child to Ruki. Yuuto scratched his head. "Well, I gotta know what I'm dealin' with." He chuckled.
Starting to unwrap the gift, Yuuto listened to Ruki. "Bram Stoker? You mean Dracula?" He pulled the book out, gazing at the cover. "I'll look into this. Thanks, Ruki. I do enjoy good books."
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Yuuto glanced at Yuriko who was beaming next to Ruki. "You two have made collusion to inform me 'bout the Vampires, haven't you?
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the-dancing-coeurl · 5 months
Mayqo'te- Clan
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E'venna and her family never grew up with the E Tribe apart from her mother, E'shaya. Wanting more from her life, E'shaya ran away as a teenager and found herself working for and eventually falling in love with a Miqo'te merchant trying to make a name for himself in Ul'dah: N'zekiel Tia. While never officially wed, the two did have several children together before N'zekiel tragically was captured by Amalj'aa and tempered by the Primal Ifrit before the birth of the triplets. E'venna and her four younger siblings always very close and fiercely protective of one another. Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here
From left to right, the family is as follows:
E'talia Zekiel (16)- The "oldest" of the three triplets and the most abrasive. With the family still struggling on occasion to make ends meet, her self imposed guilt over her family's living situation has turned her outlook on life to be bitter. She constantly is trying to join the Brass Blades to try and "take care of herself" but is always stopped by someone else in the family.
E'shaya Vant (48)- The widowed mother of the five, working as a waitress in the Quicksands of Ul'dah. Calm and warm to everyone around her, she is quite a popular member of the establishment's staff. She works long hours and while she will say otherwise, she is beyond grateful for the help E'bana and E'venna put in to helping give Talia, Kalia, and Nalia better lives.
E'kalia Zekiel (16)- The "second" of the triplets. Smart, quiet, and polite, compared to her sisters Kalia is much more introverted, preferring the company of a book more than a person. The fastest to learn how to read and fascinated by the sciences she had read, she is currently apprenticing in the Alchemist's Guild.
E'nalia Zekiel (16)- The "youngest" of the triplet sisters and the most outgoing. Nalia is friendly, excitable, and hates being told no. She is currently just drifting through life in between her education courses the family is paying her and the other two to attend, but currently she has dreams of becoming an explorer of the ruins dotting Thanalan.
E'bana Tia (22)- The only boy amongst the children, and according to E'shaya the most like his late father. Meek and soft spoken, he was always a timid boy. But, when his father died he took to trying to be more assertive and a positive role model to his new younger siblings. Currently he is employed by the Miner's Guild and takes any opportunity he can get for more work experience and better pay, even if it keeps him away from his family for longer periods of time.
E'venna Zekiel (25)- The eldest sibling and the one the other four all look up to. A very responsible and unwaveringly optimistic young woman, Venna tries her absolute hardest to see the good in everything in her life. While she did push herself to become more mature for her siblings' sake she never forced herself to "grow up" any faster. Wide eyed and loving life, she is currently a competitor in Ul'dah's gladiator fights, being popular enough to earn the ring name "The Dancing Coeurl" by her small but devoted fanbase. Her family all collectively wish she would stop risking her body in these fights but beyond the pay, deep down Venna loves the adrenaline rush that these matches give her.
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yuriko-mukami · 11 months
Holy crap!!! Can you reveal more Mukami family secrets?
The Extended Mukami Family Headcanons – Part 2
Part 1
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Family Dinners
Since Ruki, Yuriko, and Christine all enjoy cooking, they are often found in the kitchen. Azusa has started to spend more time there too. Even though it seems Azusa is doing much better these days, Yuriko still worries a bit and tries secretly to keep an eye on him so that accidents won’t happen in the kitchen.
When Maria visits with or without Laito, she might also cook with the others.
Ruki trusts all the young women handling his kitchen with care and isn’t too worried. But there is one guest he is hesitant to let do cooking there: Yuriko’s sister-in-law, Nalia. It annoys him that Nalia was the first to discover how kitsune udon affects the Kitsune. He feels like Nalia is his kitchen rival and sometimes call her a witch because of that.
Family dinners can be chaotic when everyone is at home but they are also cozy and fun. They are also a good way to catch up on how everyone’s doing.
Kou sometimes complains that there is Vongole Bianco too rarely these days. Ruki doesn’t care about his whining and says it’s only fair that everyone gets to eat their favorite dishes. Since the family is bigger than it used to be, that means each favorite dish comes more rarely.
Family Activities
Last summer, the whole family went on a beach vacation for a weekend. When they booked the rooms, there was some hassle because Eri wasn’t sure if she wanted to have her own room or not. Yuriko booked a room for both Eri and Yuma and made sure there was one bed only. 
The family had surprisingly much fun on the beach even though many of them don’t actually enjoy the heat. But they like water, and it wasn’t a problem to hang out on the beach during the night time too.
While Kazemi is the most active one occupying the pools in the manor, other girls like to join her every now and then. Sometimes this turns into family pool time. Kazemi has mixed feelings about that. She is happy to have friends around her but values her alone time too.
Other than that, they sometimes spend family evenings with board games or puzzles. Ruki enjoys those a lot.
When there is a show, concert, or movie with Kou in it on TV, everyone gathers in the living room to watch it. Ruki and Yuriko usually sit in the corner of the couch, reading the same book, but they still want to be part of the occasion.
Alone and Couple Time
Since the manor is rather crowded these days, it might be difficult to get alone time and sometimes this causes arguments when the noises of others annoy someone.
Yuma tends to retreat into his garden when he has had enough of the company of others. He enjoys his garden work in general, but sometimes that also offers peace and a break from everything. If he finds Yuriko napping there as a fox then, it annoys him even more, and sometimes he picks her up by her nape and carries her to Ruki.
Eri takes her alone time to work on her art. While she is happy others are interested in her works, she sometimes wishes she could be in complete silence and just focus on drawing in peace.
Kou is more extroverted than Kazemi. Sometimes this causes arguments between the couple.
Azusa used to spend much more time alone before meeting Christine, but now these two are enjoying each other's company most of the time. If they want time of their own, they retreat to their room.
Ruki simply yearns for a time of his own. He still uses his study occasionally when he needs a retreat. Also, sometimes he has headaches and then he can’t stand any noise. Since he and Yuriko moved into the library on the third floor of the manor, they can be there in peace.
Full Moon
Once a month, there is chaos in the manor. The full moon puts everyone on the edge.
Eri tends to disappear completely when the moon is full, and no one knows where she goes. When asked, she only says that the moon makes her feel odd or not well. This annoys Yuma to no end. He would love to have her home during that time.
Other couples stay together and spend their couple alone time.
Sometimes, Ruki and Yuriko go for a nightly flight during the full moon, but many times they simply retreat to the third floor of the manor and sleep late the next morning.
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Blogs involved into these: @eri-talks @mermaid--bride @seaoflove07 @askazusablog @mr-laito-sakamaki @ruki-mukami-dl @nalia-tsukino Again, I hope you don't mind me involving you in this. I simply enjoy thinking about our little (big?) family... 🙈
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Anomen: My father never told me he loved me.
Edwin: And he was right to do so. Builds character.
Nalia: Really? My papa told me how much he loved me all the time.
Edwin: Exactly. And look how you turned out.
Nalia: …With high self-esteem?
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matchademi · 11 months
Hi! I have never really interacted much on your posts but I just wanted to say that your child Nalia is so precious and gave me so much inspiration juice that she has been on my mind constantly lately (mainly cuz I also have an oc who was Krell's padawan that has been cooking in my brain for about a year) and I just couldn't not draw her. Sooo my hand slipped and–
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i also wanted to ask what her saber color would be and if she would have a double-bladed lightsaber?
Anyway this is 4 u and I hope you have a lovely day/night. <3
Also yes she has a double bladed saber that can be turned into a dual weld and her saber color is pink!
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