itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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Temple of Witchcraft‎  Full Moon Ritual
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
  time for a week on the beach - hope you all enjoy the moon tonight - I can see her out the window - she said to turn off my computer - lol - time to go dance, hope you join me where ever you are.
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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Live by the Sun. Love by the Moon
source: Unity of Witchcraft
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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You got to love The Dance ^_^
source: The Whimsical Pixie
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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It's a young Great Horned Owl in Utah, USA.
Amazing photo by KAR Photography - 
More about Great Horned Owls
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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This is my favorite time of year
via The Whimsical Pixie
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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By Artist: Tomasz Alen Kopera
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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"Earth is not a platform for human life. It's a living being. We're not on it but part of it. Its health is our health." ~ Thomas Moore Original photo by Phil Snyder, Flickr Revering the Universe. Caring for Nature. Celebrating Life.
via Pantheism
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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Time to Dance in the moon light
The Moon will be void of course today at the same time it becomes full. This simply means She is taking a rest as she moves from one period of time to the next. However, it is considered a time when magickal workings should be avoided unless they are internal and require no outside help or raising of energy. Magicks done at this time rarely come to fruition or turn out totally different then you planned.
Moon void 3:15 PM EST (she rises during the day) wait until dark for the magick, but observe her magick.
source: The Whimsical Pixie
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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"Dracula's Castle" in Transylvania is for sale!
By Christopher Middleton 11 May 2014 The Telegraph
Something to get your teeth into: Bran Castle, in Romania, is at the heart of the Dracula legend
Transylvania’s most famous fortress is for sale. Previous occupants: one vampire, one queen and an Impaler
The property comes with a long list of previous owners: everyone from Saxons to Hungarians to Teutonic knights. And although the facilities may not be exactly state-of-the-art (the plumbing is reported to require some work), there’s no questioning the detachedness of the property. It stands on top of a hill, and is most definitely not overlooked by neighbours.
The views are similarly uninterrupted. The original property particulars don’t survive, of course. But you can bet that the estate agents in the nearest town (Brasov) would have put plenty of emphasis on the number of miles away from which you could spot an advancing army.
There’s no doubt, either, that the structure (real name Bran Castle) comes with several centuries’ worth of history clinging to its sheer walls (proven to be cannonball-resistant, no surveyor’s report required). First records of a fortress on this spot date back to 1211. Since then it has been through numerous fortifications and invasions (for many years, it stood in the path of invading Turks).
And yes, we all know that the bloodsucking vampire Count Dracula was a purely fictional character, invented by the Irish writer Bram Stoker, and made famous in films starring sharp-fanged Christopher Lee. But the fearsome real-life Vlad “The Impaler” Tepes famously operated in this area in the 15th century. Indeed, he is said to have been imprisoned in Bran Castle for a couple of months. On top of which, Transylvanian legend and folklore are full of characters called strigoi. These ghostly beings leave their corporeal bodies when darkness falls and roam the surrounding valleys searching for sleeping villagers to terrify.
In the real world, too, the castle has a whole dungeon full of gripping stories. In 1920, back in the days when Romania had a royal family, the fortress was given to Queen Marie, the granddaughter of our own Queen Victoria. When she died, in 1938, she bequeathed the castle to her daughter Princess Ileana, who in 1944 set up a hospital at Bran, to treat soldiers wounded in the war. The royal tenure came to a sudden end, though, when the communists came to power.
“In 1948, the entire royal family was given 24 hours not just to get out of the castle, but out of the country,” says Meyer. “They were packed off in a train.”
Before they left, though, one of the princess’s six children, 10-year-old Dominic, ran into the village, to give his bicycle to his best friend. Naturally, he did not expect to return, but 58 years later, following the fall of the Ceausescu regime, Bran Castle was restored to the royal family, and both Dominic and two of his sisters (Maria Magdalena and Elizabeth) have been running it ever since.  Read on
An other source: road trippers
Anyone looking for some new digs
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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Free Spirit - you know the steps to your dance
via Spirit Science
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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Get out and Dance under the Flower Moon
via The Whimsical Pixie
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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A creature of wind & water, dragonflies have inhabited this planet for almost 300 million years, so It's not surprising that in most cultures throughout the world they have been the object of many associations & superstitions both good and bad. They are a much admired & respected symbol of good luck in Japan as well as in China where they are associated with prosperity & harmony. To the Native Americans dragonflies were a sign of happiness, purity and speed, able to travel at 45 mph. In Swedish folklore they were known for sewing the mouths closed of children who told a lie. The Welsh called them snakes’ servants, believing that they followed snakes around to stitch up any wounds they might incur. They were also reported to measure human souls for good & evil. Dragonflies have a strong connection to Freya, a Norse goddess of love, fertility and warfare. It is speculated that the source of our modern symbol of love may be from the paired bodies of mating dragonflies which form the shape of a heart. Decorative tile set by earthsongtiles
via The Elder's Grove
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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Granny's Pod
The World's Oldest Orca (103 years Old)By Ben Guarino
Despite being a 103-year-old great-grandma, the orca named J2 -- or, more affectionately, Granny -- is in great shape. In little over a week, Granny and her pod have traveled 800 miles.
This weekend, Granny was spied swimming off the coast of Canada, after a trek up from northern California. The centenarian cetacean can be identified by a white marking on her back and a notch in her fin.
Michael Harris, the director of Pacific Whale Watch Association, tells Canadian newspaper The Province that her life span is an estimate based on her children’s ages. Whale experts have also confirmed Granny in photos dating back to the 30s.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, wild female orcas usually live for about 50 or 60 years -- although killer whales as old as 90 are not unheard of. SeaWorld, however, contends that “No one knows for sure how long killer whales live.”  
That might be because impressive ages like Granny’s have never been mirrored in captivity.  For whales born at SeaWorld and other aquaria, says the Whale and Dolphin Conservation, the average life span -- excluding stillborn orcas -- is only 4.5 years.
They come here every year - first time I saw them I was in a canoe. The ocean at alder cove was like a mirror. For a moment time stood still, the pod broke the the surface for a moment, and I wondered if I just imagined what I saw. Then they were just jumping and cutting the water and their fins were racing, cutting the water like a knife. One last leap, and they were gone. About 45 seconds that I will never forget. It is amazing what greed makes people do. To lock up such an amazing creature (the orca people), ... hurts my being.
Image: environmentalaska.us/orcas
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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source: Humanity Healing
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
"Dancing in the Moonlight" /|\ ☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer - I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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Hello! a red squirrel and a Tawny Owl
Photo by Lars Halkjær in Denmark.
More photos and info about Tawny Owls
☽✪☾ The Dance at Alder Cove - Youth/Father/Geezer  -  I see you
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itmovesmemorelol · 10 years
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Two long-eared (Asio otus) baby owls in a locust tree, third baby is in the nest and mother is on a nearby branch, May 1st, 2014, Djurdjevo, Serbia
More about Long-eared Owls
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