#naked laundry
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thebeautycove · 2 months ago
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Catching sensations. Paradox. Provocation. Transgression. Audacity. Innovation. Freedom. All’s fair in the fragile Universe of Seduction. This fragrance trilogy is the final evidence.
Captare sensazioni. Paradosso. Provocazione. Trasgressione.  Audacia. Innovazione. Libertà. Tra primordi e futuro. Tutto è lecito nel fragile universo della seduzione. Questa ultima trilogia ne è la prova.
Nessuno spazio alla banalità nella tavolozza olfattiva di BORN TO STAND OUT. 
Ennesima prova evidente, le ultime tre creazioni del marchio sudcoreano fondato e diretto da Jun Lim: Naked Laundry, L’Animal, Filthy Musk. Tre concept olfattivi che sfidano certe paludate convenzioni in nome di una sperimentazione audace, trasgressiva, profondamente innovativa.
Tra purezza e peccato, candore e malizia, pudore ed erotismo questa trilogia mette in scena una sensualità provocatoria, mai narrata, nel fragile universo della seduzione.
• NAKED LAUNDRY - Come ai tempi della nonna, un'innocenza non priva di malizia e astuzia. La freschezza un po' d'antan delle aldeidi, frizzanti sfumature citrine e la sensazione di camiciole bianche ben lavate e stese al sole in un mattino di primavera. Poi affiora, nel calore del giorno, la premura degli accenti ambrati accostati con cura, per un repentino effetto lusinga, alla gentilezza della mimosa, alla ghiotta nuance di caramello e miele. Nelle profondità di legni ambrati e fava tonka si nasconde infine una dolcezza lattea soffice e muschiata, un abbraccio amorevole, carico di sensualità. Sofisticato candore, disarmante tentazione. Lolita docet. Creata da Maxime Exler.
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• L'ANIMAL - Impulso primordiale, il lato wild, molto wild, della personalità. Istinto, audacia e una innata sensibilità/attitudine alla provocazione, senza imbarazzo e tabù alcuno. Potente l'apertura con rum, calda e alcolica, definita in carattere dalla sfumatura speziata densa di noce moscata e prontamente alleggerita dalla soffice soavità della mandorla. Intimità presto raggiunta nel silenzio degli sguardi, tattile, carnale, intrisa di mistero. È un invito a perpetuare carezze e abbracci l'accordo che si leva nel prosieguo, di suede, eliotropio, mughetto, sa di pelle ardente e arrendevole. Irresistibile, irrequieta, animalica la scia restituisce un'intrigante combinazione di miele legni di gaiac e sandalo e tanta afrodisiaca satisfaction nel giogo della vaniglia. Creata da Cécile Matton.
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• FILTHY MUSK - Per chi osa oltre ogni possibile convenzione. Jus complesso e viscerale, definitivo nel rendersi così personale, qui i muschi, origine della sensazione nettezza, candore, pulizia, mutano attitudine, si distendono in modo inusuale, provocano la pelle restituendo un effetto olfattivo 'sporco', di rude trasgressione, di corpi accaldati su fresche lenzuola percalle, di orme odorose profonde e persistenti. Chi ama sperimentare esperienze olfattive non standardizzate, troverà qui il next level del muschio, un'inedita espressività dentro imprevedibili accostamenti aromatici. Attraente l'invito iniziale di ananas e miele, quasi un abbaglio prima di perdersi nelle falde terrose, misteriose di muschio animale, patchouli, noce moscata a cui si giustappone la gentilezza leggera e sensuale del gelsomino. Come solenne richiamo a percepire la profonda connessione con gli elementi, nell'accordo finale svettano note poderose di muschio, zibetto, tonka, ambra grigia, una natura satura, selvaggia, ribelle, che prende il sopravvento e confida nel tempo tutta la sua energia e la sua compiuta bellezza. Creata da Margaux Le Paih-Guérin.
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Eau de Parfum 50ml, 100ml. In selezionati p.v.
©thebeautycove  @igbeautycove
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crustycrackhead · 6 months ago
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*Throws my swampcat brain rot at y’all*
Swampcat MorningKrem (Morning Frost x Kremy Lecroux)
I’m in literal rare pair hell man, no one understands me nor my freak. I’m gonna be the crazy one that draws them like crazy (draws them only once)
Clean Freak 4 Clean Freak, they both particular and shit okay?!?? SIGH, they would prolly even hold hands but to me… they can be silly (do taxes togther)
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imminent-danger-came · 1 year ago
Current mental breakdown:
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Pigsy giving his gross dad clothing to baby MK
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balmungkriemhild · 9 months ago
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I have made some sort of attempt at an alternate design so that Rêverose fits in the HSR setting more.... It feels like i'm speedrunning carpal tunnel (consider reblogging & donating to my Ko-fi, thank you!)
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island-in-the-shadows · 11 months ago
I can't help but keep imagining Felix having had a fancy ass treehouse made on the grounds for himself and he catapults his laundry out to the main house when he's run out of clothes.
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citrine-elephant · 3 months ago
validation for lion bioweapon leon makes me want to appeal to the monsterfucker crowd more often
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niccage · 6 months ago
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Need my credit card taken away
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bengiyo · 1 year ago
Top 5 AroAce headcanons/hints in BLs? (or whatever there is 🤍)
I'll preface this by saying that I tend not to like doing Aro-Ace headcanons of Asian characters because of historic western biases and how Westerners tend to view Asians as a bit sexless. I also don't like how we often view traumatized characters as ace when I feel like they're managing other issues and it feels wrong to conflate the two.
That out of the way, I'll talk about characters I connected to as someone on the spectrum who's placement on the spectrum feels supported by the text (and don't come off as traumatized or an incel).
Ichijou Souta in Naked Dining
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This man is going through one of the most explicit demisexual awakenings ever. This show fumbles on the back end, but Souta's arc is compelling.
Kat in The Warp Effect
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She was explicitly aromantic. I feel the show muddled her arc a bit at the end with the way they paired her with Joong's character--an unfortunate prelude to worse offenses in Only Friends.
Sakuma Shu from Minato's Laundromat 2
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This is another character that explicitly doesn't experience much desire or attraction, and is trying to find it in himself for his partner.
Ask me Top 5 BL 2023 Anything
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couriernewvegas · 2 years ago
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love when jubilee is like asleep somewhere then gets up to go closer to where i am but is so tired she just completely flops like one step away from where she originally was
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forkaround · 2 years ago
My dash is a little dry. I'm looking to follow people into QLs. anyone into QLs who is also Asian reblog this post.
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ppeonppeonhan · 1 year ago
I'm usually binge-ing Thai BLs in my downtime, but there were a lot of Japanese BLs this summer, and some that just recently ended. Wondering which I should try first.
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Keep in mind that I loved Cherry Magic (above), hated season 1 of My Beautiful Man, and thought (below) Old Fashioned Cupcake, Kieta Hatsukoi, and Mr. Unlucky Has No Choice to Kiss! were decent.
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rezcowgirl · 10 months ago
noooo there was a mega final boss spider in the bathtub and now I have to clean the entire apartment
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punkbach · 11 months ago
Changed my bedding today so I’m clearly a god
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Truly, the wildest feeling is when you know that you're about to pass out.
(For me, at least) there is this moment of sudden realisation. Just a single moment when the fog clears and the only coherent thought formed is "Oh shit."
Sometimes, that feeling comes minutes before it happens; other times, it's only seconds.
Sometimes, it happens early enough that you can do something to try and stop it or attempt to make it safer when it inevitably happens. (sitting or laying down, standing still while your vision clears, and focusing on taking deep breaths)
And sometimes you turn to sit down, and suddenly you're laying on the floor, your wrist sore from hitting the counter on the way down, and unable to move as your body catches up.
Sometimes, you're conscious as you lay on the floor. Your body completely unresponsive as you wait for the lead weights to disappear from your limbs
Sometimes, you feel like you've evaded it only to realise that the water beating down on you is at the wrong angle and your music has skipped ahead, and when you notice your eyes are closed, you open them to see all the bottles are strewn across the shower floor, your legs folded beneath you as you slump against the wall. Your head sore where you must have hit the water control on the way down.
The one thing that never changes is the panic in your chest as you realise how badly the situation can become in just seconds if you're not careful.
And the sudden clarity that your mind is slowly shutting off and losing control of your own conciseness. That you're going to go down. You're going to lose seconds, and that thought terrifies you. Because seconds could mean life or death in the wrong situation.
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bear-cubs-art-things · 2 years ago
Doing laundry at 9:30pm and I'm kinda glad I drank that doubly caffeinated drink earlier 😳
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badkarma1998 · 2 years ago
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