#naked bolin
orangepanic · 8 months
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I love in actuality how conservative Asami's character design is. She's unquestionably beautiful and her role in the show and comics reflects that she's supposed to be sexy (boo hiss her continued use as a love interest is a different rant), but when you look at her she's not at all projecting femme fatale sex kitten. Her standard design in each season has her completely covered, and not in a leather suit, either. Look at her coat! Asami's special occasion outfits really only show arms. Even her bathing suit has little shorts that go halfway down her thigh. Her nightgown makes Mako look half-dressed.
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In fact, with Bolin and Mako's rolled-up sleeves, Asami is consistently the most conservatively dressed of the entire Krew.
What I love about this is that a) Asami's appeal has little to do with tight or scanty outfits, which is honestly refreshing in a female character meant to be pretty, and b) I think it says a lot about her, personally, that someone with unquestionable taste and fashion sense knows she can look good without looking naked. Asami updates her outfit every season in a way the other characters don't, which reinforces she's trend-conscious and cares about her clothing, but it's never to dress sexier. And idk I kind of love this for her. She knows who she is and she knows she's pretty no matter what.
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thatoneguy56fanfic · 2 months
The Krew 2.0 group chat shenanigans:
Bolin: I can never unsee what I just saw 😭
Mako: What happened?
Korra: He dropped by without calling ahead.
Iroh: Oh no.
Kuvira: To be fair, I tried warning him.
Bolin: I didn’t think you’d be naked! I thought you said “come here.”
Mako: Wait, why were you naked? 🤔
Korra: If I can’t be naked in my own home, then is it even MY home? 🙄🍑
Mako: Touché I guess.
Asami: This is why I always call ahead and tell them to put on pants.
Bolin: My poor innocent eyes 😭😭
Kuvira: I’ll pay for your therapy session.
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wilcze-kudly · 9 months
1, 3, 4, 7 weilin :)
Wheee someone's asking me about the rock boyfriends! 😊
1. Who is the better cook?
Bolin. Hands down Bolin. He's canonically a decent if not outright good cook. I can see him really enjoying cooking and food. Probably very excited to have so many ingredients at his disposal. But I imagine he can be a bit of a hoarder with food. He doesn't like throwing food out, even when it goes bad, because it feels like such a waste.. so Wei usually does this for him.
Wei has rich kid disease and grew up with a private chef. Can't cook for shit. Doesn't mean he won't try and make something for Bolin. Bo is touched by the gesture but wishes his boyfriend would stop tripping the fire alarm. He still eats the horrible, burnt foods Wei makes. Even though Wei keeps telling him to stop and he won't be upset if Bolin doesn't.
Eventually I feel like Wei and Bolin start cooking together. Which basically equates to Bolin doing most of the work while Wei stirs and chops stuff.
3. Are they into PDA? Who initiates most?
Oh absolutely! They're probably a very physically affectionate couple. Especially when in company of friend and people they trust because it's like the 1920s and folks weren't exactly nice to them queers at the time.
Bolin probably initiates most of the PDA. He's very affectionate regularly and probably even more so with a partner. He adores his boyfriend and wants everyone in a 5 mile radius to know.
Wei is probably more reserved with his affection. Probably doesn't initiate very outwardly romantic gestures but will often search out physical contact. He will, for example, just lean on Bolin or plop himself into his lap. Bo will linstinctively pet or cuddle or kiss him and that is what Wei is banking on.
4. Their favorite show to watch together?
Honestly, it pains me to say... Nuktuk. Definetly Nuktuk. Not only because it's like the only known tv show in universe.
I feel like it definetly started off with Bo being a goof filled wuth hot air over his show and really, really wanting to show Wei.
Wei ends up enjoying the silliness of it. And they absolutely cuddle and watch it to destress. Yes Wei also likes Bolin being half naked through it.
[And yes, before you ask, they have definetly brought, Nuktuk, hero of the South into the bedroom]
7. Who's clumsier?
It's hard to imagine either of them as clumsy in the conventional sense, due to their hobbies and skills. However, I think Bolin would better fit the term.
While he's very athletic and coordinated I can absolutely see him becoming overly animated and in his own world when excited. He gestures a lot while rambling and waves his hands in the air and forgets to look where he's going. He's definetly spilt many a tea while... spilling tea.
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yurmomsawh0r · 2 years
Tribute. - LightingBoltZolt x Mako
Synopsis: Bolin always gets himself into trouble leaving his big brother Mako to always clean up after his mess. What happens when Bolin gets into debt with Lighting Bolt Zolt.
Warnings: Consensual Servitude, light male bondage, chastity, exhibition, dub-con, Male Orgasm, anal play (fingering), Oral (M. Recieving), Penetrative Sex (P in A)
This was a request from @xxx-princeasimdiya12
Oh gosh. Bolin had done it now. Mako, no doubt, loved his brother and would do anything for him, but this! He'd never been so upset with him until now.
All the shenanigans he could've pulled and he chose this one.
Sweat trickled down from Makos forehead onto his brow. He was struggling to keep himself together. Zolt made it perfectly clear that if he was to slip up, even in the slightest, would cause him to be punished.
Zolt pushed another finger into Mako, slowly easing him open. He had made Mako strip down to nothing but skin - with the exception of his scarf being used as a gag.
His cock strained in its little cage as it grew with his arousal. He never expected for his brother debt to be settled like this, - in reality this wasn't even the real intended punishment. Zolt had changed it once Mako offered to take Bolins place.
A chill ran down Makos back as he remembered the look Zolt gave him when he volunteered.
Mako walked into the the dark and gloomy den held most of Republic Cities nastiest criminals. He was alone, just as the letter had stated for him to be.
Bolin had gotten himself into some serious trouble all because he accidently beat up one of Zolts informants. To Mako - it was a justified incident, but Zolt had thought otherwise.
As he made his way deeper into the den, the lights flashed on. He found himself surrounded by Zolt and four other masked figures.
Mako instantly through himself into a fighting stance which only made Zolt burst with laughter.
"We're not here to fight you boy." Mako lifted a brow in confusion. "-There here to watch."
"Watch what?" Mako questioned. He was here to do hard labor, apparently, but it seemed Zolt had other things in mind. The masked figures began to walk backwards, soon placing themselves in seats. Watching the scene unfold.
"Strip." His booming voice commanded. Mako nervously chuckled, not expecting those words to come out the shitheads mouth. "Haha. . . What?"
"You heard me. I said strip."
This only made Mako cross his arms with annoyance gracing his face. "Look, I'm not here to strip, I'm here to pay off a debt." He said sternly, not wanting to waste his time here.
The sound of Zolts heavy footsteps bounced off the walls. So big and powerful, it even made Mako sweat a little. "I won't ask again boy. I'm trying to do the nice thing, but I don't mind doing this my way. Strip." He commanded again.
When Mako made no efforts to move, Zolt snapped his fingers and his masked servants sprung into action. In a heart beat, Mako was pinned down on his back. "Get the fuck off me!"
Zolt watched with a sick grin as they shred the clothes from off him. "Bring out the cage." He once again commanded.
Mako was now stark naked - execpt for his favorite scarf adorning his neck. He could feel all the attention on himself. "I'll tell you this again Mako, behave and listen, then this could all be . . . Enjoyable - but, disobey me and I'll punish you."
The young man couldn't understand just what could this do. Maybe he was just a sick bastard who wanted to humiliate him. "Get him ready for the cage."
"The w-what?" The mask figures began to move at Zolts orders - 4 men holding down each one of his appendages while the 5th person crouched in between Mako's legs.
"W-what are y-you doing!?" Blood rushed to the boys face. The masked figure placed his mask to where the top half of his face was still covered - leaving his mouth bare.
In a quick motion, Mako's cock was wrapped in warmth. The wetness of his mouth on him made his dick twitch.
Never had Mako done something Iike this before. Especially in a room full of criminals. Male criminals. "Ughh." He moaned out as the man wrapped his tongues around the tip of his shaft.
"Seems like your enjoying yourself Mako." Caressing his hair tenderly, as he watched his new toy be played with like a helpless doll. It made him erect with pleasure.
He couldn't wait to break him, tearing into his tight little hole. Zolt couldn't help but palm himself at his own thoughts.
Mako was a handsome boy indeed. A pretty face that Zolt wanted to ruin. "Ffuck yyou!" Mako groaned out, his body now getting hot from behing used. He was beginning to buck his hips upwards causing gags to leave the man's lips -, no doubt already nearing his climax.
"Seems like that pretty little mouth of yours needs to be dealt with." Another snap of his fingers soom had Makos mouth stuffed with his same red scarf he seemed to care so much about.
"That is enough!" Zolt boomed. The masked figure released Mako, who's dick was not standing at full attention. His eyes glossed over and drool pooled to the corners of his lips, and his cock throbbed, wanting to be tugged on in such pleasurable ways.
He hated this! Yet his body told him other wise. It felt good. Too good even.
Suddenly, a cold set of metal bars was placed on his erection. As they closed it, he noticed it was getting tighter and tighter. Squeezing him with a pleasurable pain that he thought he would never be able to fathom.
Mako grunted uncomfortably, but it was muffled by his thick scarf. The fat of his meet was sticking out from between the bars, showing the sheer display of just how small the cage really was against his erect member.
"We're gonna play a game boy -." Zolt paced around Makos body. Eyeing him with so much lust.
"- Sit him over the table." He felt himself being lifted from off the ground. A cold surface net his skin - it felt as though his skin burned from the cold. He felt the peaks of his nipples erected causing pleasure to course through his body down to his dick.
"Leave us." Mako heard from behind him. Footsteps retreat to an unknown corner of the room - a door slamming shut leaving the two of them in silence. " You know. I was really glad that you decided to take your brother's place." Zolt brushed a hand on Makos back side. Soft and rough calloused hands that sent shocks to the tip of his penis.
He shouldn't want his touch, in fact he should hate it. Loath it, - but he wanted nothing more then to be touched by this monster.
To get his climax that was building, his blood filling his length to its full girth. Zolts fingers lightly brushed over Makos puckering hole, smirking once he saw it clench with need.
Although Mako was lightly bound at the wrist and ankles. They weren't tight enough for him. He could escape if he tried a little harder, but he didn't want to give Zolt a reason to go after his brother. So for now, he would bear it. Bear all this pleasurable sin.
"The game we are gonna play will be an easy one." Zolt gave a light spank to Makos ass, chuckling as he watched his slave buck his hips.
He was practically bursting through the chastity. "I'm going to make you feel good - and if you climax before I tell you too, even one little drop of cum on my floors, I'll get to punish you."
Mako gulped. It was already hard enough with his dick being squeezed behind the little bars. "But, if you can make it through our little game, then I'll let you go, better yet, I'll let you cum."
Mako tried the best that he could, but inevitably Zolts task was impossible. The constant stroking of Zolts big - thick fingers only made his climax harder to hold in. "Would ya look at that. Your ass hole is gripping my fingers."
"Mmm, ugh!" His moans filled the room, Zolts fingers spreading him faster and deeper. Squelching noises rang in his ears alongside his moans.
Zoltn started to undo the belt to his slacks. He slid them down till they pooled at his ankles. Mako was too far gone to even realize that Zolt had too his fat erect penis out. His fingers feeling to good to even think about anything else.
Zolt then removed his fingers before placing his tip at Makos puckered hole. Just one simple thrust allowed Zolt to push deep into Mako.
Breaking any type of hold Mako had on himself. Just the sheer bit of force, and Zolts constant thrusting, rubbing his girth along Makos walls.
"Ugh, you squeezing me so tight." Zolt rut into him. He loved the way Mako gripped him. Tugging and slicking his member all at the same time.
He never wanted this to end. "Ah! Zolt, -d-dont sto-st-stop!" And like a damn breaking, all of Makos fluids shot out from his leaking hole. Zolt trusted harder, taking his claim and relishing in his victory.
With a few more thrust, he too found his climax. Spilling his cum deep into Makos insides. Painting his walls beautifully.
Makos breathing started to calm down from his intense orgasm. The cage not so tight as it was before. More like a perfect fit.
Deep vibrating rumbles were felt from behind him. Zolts deep chuckling soom followed. He had won.
And he was no where near done defiling his little tribute.
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brn1029 · 1 year
On this date in music history…
July 19th
2022 - Queen
Queen made UK chart history when they become the first act ever to reach 7 million UK chart sales of an album with their 1981 Greatest Hits album. The Official best-selling album of all time in the UK, the record includes such classic tracks as 'We Will Rock You', 'Don’t Stop Me Now' and 'Bohemian Rhapsody.' The record also recently celebrated its 1000th week on the Official Albums Chart, with Queen becoming the first British act ever to achieve this landmark milestone.
1993 - Rage Against The Machine
Rage Against The Machine walked out on stage naked at their Lollapalooza set in Philadelphia in a protest against censorship by appearing completely nude except for black electrical tape over their mouths. They stood in protest for their full 15 allocated minutes of stage time with the letters PMRC written on their chests, a reference to the Parents Music Resource Center.
1991 - Steven Adler
Steven Adler ex drummer with Guns N' Roses filed a suit in Los Angeles county court alleging that he was fraudulently removed from the group and that the band introduced him to hard drugs.
1987 - Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen played his first ever show behind the Iron Curtain when he appeared in East Berlin in front of 180,000 people. The show was broadcast on East German TV.
1986 - Peter Gabriel
Genesis went to No.1 on the US singles chart with 'Invisible Touch'. The bands former lead singer Peter Gabriel was at No.2 with 'Sledgehammer'.
1976 - David Coverdale
Deep Purple split up at the end of an UK tour. David Coverdale went on to form Whitesnake, Jon Lord and Ian Paice formed a band with Tony Ashton. The classic line up of Blackmore, Gillan, Glover, Lord & Paice reformed in 1984. Glenn Hughes returned to Trapeze and Tommy Bolin put together his own band, (but would die before the end of the year).
1974 - Ozark Music Festival
The Ozark Music Festival was held over three days on the Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia, Missouri. One of the largest music festivals ever held, some estimates have put the crowd count at 350,000 people. Acts who appeared included, Bachman–Turner Overdrive, Blue Öyster Cult, the Eagles, America, Marshall Tucker Band, The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Boz Scaggs, Ted Nugent, Lynyrd Skynyrd,Electric Flag, Joe Walsh, Aerosmith and Spirit.
1954 - Elvis Presley
Sun Records released the first Elvis Presley single, 'That's All Right', a cover of Arthur Crudup's 1946 tune 'That's All Right, Mama'. Only about 7,000 original copies were pressed, but the disc became a local hit in Memphis.
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originofkaen · 2 years
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"Come on the waters fine!" You yelled out to Mako who was setting up a area for you both on the grass. You both were at Asami's lake house for Fourth Of July . You two decided to relax outside for little while the other two couples did their own things inside. "Y.N you're not even wearing a bathing suit to go swimming right now. " he explains.
You raise a eyebrow. "Who says I need clothes then" you teased. Hitting him with shock. His face turned red. "Y.N" he only says in a serious tone. "I'm joking. Relax! I rather not have your friends and brother see me naked. Just you Is good" you say smiling. He let's out a small sigh of relief. You took off your outfit and wore your under clothing as you swam around. Minutes later he takes off his clothes but tanktop and boxers. Joins with you . Causing small water fights and wrestling in water. Till you both started kissing each other. Then the others join in hearing them all way from the house. "Man can you both laugh any louder ? " Fire princess Misa laughs. But suddenly you splash her and she jumps in after you. Korra and Asami decided to steal Makos spot and take the lounge chairs to tan and talk. Bolin goes after Mako in the water. Seeing who can swim fastest.
All in all. You had a wonderful week at Asamis lake house!
Even shared a nice time with Mako in bed because you were scared of the fireworks noise. He made you hear music loud enough to calm you. Then made love to you till you slept peacefully on his chest.
((Sorry if eh bad.. trying to do more of these for yall. Next one is Kaen and Mako one . But this one for Yn and mako lol. )
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kingwuko · 3 years
Wuko in the Comics: Ruins of the Empire, Book 1 part 2
Welcome to my series of posts discussing Wuko in the Comics. In this post I'll continue to discuss RotE Book 1. There are some... interesting moments in the second half of this comic, including a very famous line that all but confirms canon Wuko.
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Plot Summary
Fearing that Guan will use violence to stop the election, the Krew decides to bring Kuvira along with them to Gaoling, hoping that she can talk him down. When they come face-to-face with Guan, however, they discover he does not intend to use violence, but will run in Gaoling’s election. The Krew decides the best solution is to find another candidate with enough public support to defeat Guan fair and square; and they decide to ask Toph to run. It is revealed, however, that Guan does not intend to win fair and square. He’s planning to brainwash Gaoling’s citizens to vote for him.
Major Plot points in the second half of Book 1
We start off right away with the Sauna Scene. Everyone looks excellent. The ladies' sauna wear is lovely. Mako and Bolin have their classic swim suits seen in season 1. Wu is literally just wearing a towel. I found myself googling saunas and steam baths to see if it’s normal to wear swimsuits or just a towel, and everything I read said pretty much anything goes as long as you are comfortable, but I do find it interesting that everyone wears swimsuits except Wu. Maybe because he does steam baths more often and he’s just more comfortable in that setting? He seems pretty confident and not at all shy. I don’t have anything analytical to say about it, I just think it’s an interesting detail, that he doesn’t seem to have any hang-ups about being nearly naked around Mako his friends.
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They are discussing Guan’s militaristic movement toward Gaoling, and tossing ideas around to handle the situation. Mako not-so-helpfully suggests using force with the united forces which Zhu Li shoots down right away, not wanting to escalate the situation. Wu agrees and wants to find a peaceful resolution. Korra, remembering her conversation with Kuvira, thinks she has the answer. She proposes bringing Kuvira along to Gaoling, which NOBODY is happy about. Asami is upset because she made it clear earlier she does not want to be in the same room as Kuvira, Bolin is distressed because Kuvira nearly had him killed when he defected from her inner circle, Mako points out that he nearly lost his arm taking down the mech, Zhu Li says she invaded republic city, Asami reminds everyone that Kuvira killed her father, and Wu boldly declares that we can’t forget she ruined his coronation… He quickly reads the room and apologises (character growth?).
Korra acknowledges everyone’s concerns and points out that she truly believes Kuvira can be an ally- she was their ally when Zaheer was trying to kill her and the airbenders; and when her spirit vine weapon ripped open a new portal to the spirit world, Kuvira thought she had died and Korra believes that changed her. Bolin points out that Kuvira is very persuasive and may have a good shot at convincing Guan to stand down. Everyone is convinced and declares their support for the plan.
Zhu Li orders Kuvira’s release and Korra brings her onto the airship taking them all to Gaoling. And, I’m sorry, this frame is like, the bitchiest collective look from Mako, Wu, Bolin and Pabu. I just love it.
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They initially plan to restrain her, but decide it’s pointless when Kuvira points out if she wanted to escape that she would have already. They arrive at Gaoling and there’s no sign of Guan and his army. Kuvira is certain he’ll be there, and points out that she needs to change so she doesn’t meet with him looking like a prisoner.
Korra and Wu go to meet with the election candidates. Their portraits are on the wall and it’s revealed that the candidates are both elderly magistrates who have been working in the local government for a long time. They are practically indistinguishable from each other, which causes Korra concern. Wu isn’t happy about it either, he was hoping the elections would bring in new leaders to take the earth kingdom in a new direction. Instead, it looks like nothing will change in Gaoling or the rest of the earth kingdom if things play out the same way. They are both disappointed but Korra is optimistic that this is the first election and over things will improve as they iron out the political kinks
Back in the flying machine, they give Kuvira an outfit of Asami’s that is…. Like I can’t put it into words. I’ve never seen asami wear it and that is a shame. The word that comes to mind is “Dapper”. Like is we saw Asami wearing it when they first introduced her character literally everyone would have predicted Cannon Korrasami and immeadiately said “yup Asami’s gay straight women don’t dress like that”. Slacks, a collared long sleeve shirt, with a grey vest over top. Just like, amazing. I am so disappointed we never saw Asami wear this. Someone point me to a fanart of Asami in this outfit that canonically belongs to her please.
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Guan arrives and Kuvira tries to talk to him, which goes about as well as you’d expect. So she tries to appeal directly to his troops and urges them to surrender, and they all say in unison “Hail Commander Guan!”. So Kuvira decides to challenge Guan and beats the crap out of him in a punch that looks like something directly out of a WWII propaganda poster or something.
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Kuvira is literally about to kill him by bending the metal collar around his neck when suddenly Asami electrocutes her with some device she had hidden in the belt she gave Kuvira.
Once Mako and Bolin drag Kuvira away, Korra attempts to reason with Guan and tells him she won’t let him interfere with the election. Guan then reveals he has no intention of interfering- he plans on running in the election! He immediately turns in all the necessary paperwork to be on the ballot. He informs the Krew that soon, all the upcoming elections will have Earth Empire representatives running and once they have power in every territory, no one will question the Earth Empire's right to rule.
They reconvene back on the airship, where Kuvira is detained in the platinum box. They explain to Kuvira that she was wrong to provoke him, but right that he is an excellent strategist. Mako then tells Wu that he should just call off the election. Wu replies “Mako, you know I love you, but I’m trying to encourage democracy. I can’t just go around canceling elections because I don’t like one of the candidates. We need to see how this plays out”
Yes. “Mako, you know I love you”
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We’ll discuss that at length in a bit.
They decide the best path forward is to find a new candidate who is popular enough to beat Guan. Korra excitedly suggests Toph. Which, like, wouldn’t have been the first person to come to mind for me, but I guess she’s the only person they know who is originally from Goaling? But everyone seems on board, except presumably Toph because she doesn't like to get involved in worldly affairs… So Korra announces they will just have to convince her!!
We then cut to Guan's encampment, where he is discussing Kuvira’s actions with a Doctor Sheng, observing that Kuvira just isn’t the same, and that the Avatar has corrupted her mind. The doctor suggests they “recalibrate” Kuvira’s mind and leads him into a structure where she shows him their latest “recruits'. We then see Goaling citizens tied up in chairs with devices on their heads. They are being brainwashed to vote for Guan! Yikes!
Mako and Wu Scenes
The Sauna scene
The meeting that took place in the sauna was at the behest of Wu. He said he was very stressed out so he couldn’t miss his steam bath. I know there are lots of jokes about Wu being high maintenance because he needs his spa days or whatever, but he is in a highly stressful situation right now and we know that self care is essential to maintain one’s mental health and in order to perform one’s job well. I think this was an interesting way to weave together his seemingly superficial hobbies with his new maturity and responsibility. I really loved this scene for that (though seeing all the hot people in sauna-wear is a bonus).
Also there is a recurring thing where Mako is just offering the worst advice to Korra. He wants the United Republic, a completely separate Nation from the Earth Kingdom, to just.. March into another country and ‘enforce’ their democratic process??? Like…. If you know anything about world history and current events we know that is awful and wouldn’t be received well and would be a recipe for political instability and long term conflict. Thank goodness everyone is like Mako no. I’m pointing this out because, as much as we think of Wu as being immature, irresponsible, whatever, the reality is that he has a level head while Mako is actually giving the irresponsible solutions here. It’s a really interesting evolution from the infamous Wu meltdown scene where Mako was the voice of reason, but here things have reversed.
Also, I want to point out the moment where Wu backs down after he adds his grievance to the list everyone is giving (She ruined my coordination!), it’s kind of played for laughs but like… Wu has a totally valid reason to be upset on par with everyone else, considering Kuvira had him drugged and kidnapped…. Why wouldn’t he have said that? Well, the simple and obvious answer is- the writers wanted to make a “Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking” joke. But since us fans like to give depths to the characters that they deserve, maybe Wu is genuinely traumatized and just doesn’t want to bring it up. And maybe everyone knows he’s traumatized and doesn't want to bring it up, because no one else is like “Wu, did you forget she had you drugged and kidnapped???” They just give him a look and he’s like “LOL oops sorry should have said my thing first!!” maybe Team Avatar understands that it was a really scary moment for him and they just let him shield himself with humor.
I know it isn’t isn’t exactly a strong Wuko moment, but the bitchy look that Moko, Bolin, Wu and Pabu give to Kuvira in the airship breathed life into me for some reason. I’m loving how they look like a group of mean girls who were just badmouthing Kuvira before she walked in. I think they were having a nice bonding moment before this.
Mako, you know I love you
Ok. So after Mako casually mentions just calling off the election, Wu flat out says “I love you” to Mako. This is a line us Wuko shippers just DIE for. The full line is as follows:
Mako: I say you call off the vote, at least for now. Make it impossible for Guan to win
Wu: Mako, you know I love you, but I’m trying to encourage democracy. I can’t just go around cancelling elections because I don’t like one of the candidates. We need to let this play out.
So. Like, what the heck are we supposed to make of this?
I’m not going to dig too deep and force my own interpretations and headcanons onto you. This I love you could mean a number of different things. I just want to pose some rhetorical questions about it and the context to give us all some things to think about.
Is Wu flirting? Does Mako actually know that Wu loves him? Is this an extension of Wu’s many other instances of flirting with complimenting Mako (on par with ‘my big tough guy” while staring at his ass)? Has Wu said “I love you” to Mako before? How many times has Wu said “Mako I love you” before? Is this evidence of them actually being in a romantic relationship during this comic? Or is it evidence of romantic tension building? Is Mako just totally oblivious to the fact that Wu said I love you? Or did he hear it and his brain blue-screened from the shock of being blatantly told I love you? Has Wu just gotten fed up that Mako seems oblivious to all his previous flirtations and he just decided to up the ante? Does Mako love Wu back?!
Lots of questions. Lots of interpretations. But (as far as I remember) Mako has only said I love you to two people- his brother and Korra (I don’t think he said I love you to Asami but I could be wrong). And if you’ve read this you know that Mako’s relationship with Wu is not brotherly. We’ve never heard “I love you” from Wu toward anyone else that I can recall so I don’t think he makes a habit of throwing the phrase around lightly. Also, worth noting: Literally no one reacts to the casual “I love you”. Everyone just goes on with the conversation at hand. The next frame that we see of Wu and Mako’s faces together, Mako is SMILING at Wu.
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So like, he’s clearly not uncomfortable with being told that Wu loves him. And no one else is uncomfortable with it either. So what gives? Are they together? Are they flirting? Is everyone else just like “yup Wu said I love you Mako nothing out of the ordinary here because it’s painfully obvious Wu is into Mako, let's move on, nothing to see here”?
Wu and Korra
One thing I LOVE about these comics is the friendship between Korra and Wu. During the series, Korra tolerated Wu, warming up to him a bit at the very end when he told her his plan to abdicate. But through these comics there seems to be a comfortable familiarity between them. A bit of teasing, loads of moral support, and not a hint of her (or anyone) being super annoyed by him. He also doesn’t hit on her or anyone else except Mako, which is a very refreshing character growth because it was very tiresome to watch him objectify women in the animated series.
Korra and Wu spend a good amount of time together as she accompanies him to Gaoling’s city hall. They seem very comfortable with each other, comfortable enough that the writers included a fart joke.
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Korra reassures Wu when he expresses worry about the election being pointless, she steps forward somewhat protectively when Guan shows up- the entire scene with Guan, Korra is standing between him and Wu.
Basically I bring this up because I genuinely love the idea that Korra and Wu are close and friendly, that they have moved on from his cringy behavior from the series (I like to think he apologized to both her and Asami?)
What this means for Wuko
If you are writing fic or just coming up with headcanon, there are two ways to look at the scenes. Either they are in a relationship, or they aren’t. You could easily just say they are in a relationship and are being quiet about it, because they aren’t ready to be fully public, or maybe because they are still figuring things out, or they are waiting for Wu to abdicate and move back to Republic City, etc. “You know I love you” is such an easy piece of canon content to make this your headcanon.
Likewise, one could say they are Not Together right now. Pre-relationship, if you will. Maybe they’ve danced around the idea, discussed feelings without actually getting together. Or maybe they are still clueless that there is a potential for a relationship. Wu might be putting out feelers to see how Mako responds to his flirtations. Mako might be wondering if he’s misinterpreting Wu’s affectionate touches and words. Lots of romantic tension, pining, each wondering if the other one has any feelings.
I also love the idea that Wu and Korra are friends and have discussed or will discuss Mako and Wu’s feelings for him.
So, in summary, Wu loves Mako. It’s canon. It’s right there in black and white. Make of it what you will!
Next post I will discuss Wuko in the first half of RotE Book 2. Wu goes on a life-changing field trip with Korra to meet Toph and confront a swamp-vision of his Late Great Aunt, while Mako gets captured and brainwashed by Guan. Wu and Mako are not together during these scenes but there will be lots of wonderful Wu backstory along with plenty of angst potential from the brainwashing storyline.
Wuko in Turf Wars
Wuko in RotE part 1
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wrestlingbabe · 4 years
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Bolin smut that once again no one asked for but I delivered!
Bolin/Reader- Reader is always cold and Bolin is always warm, they figure out a way to deal with it.
Warnings: SMUT!, so much of it, friends becoming lovers
 I got this prompt from someone a long time ago and had it saved in my notes on my computer, if anyone knows who this belongs to please let me know and I will credit them!
 Prompt: Person A is always hot and constantly turns down the air conditioner which annoys Person B who is always cold.
“There is NO way you’re turning that down Bolin!” You looked across the room to your roommate of two years. You both moved in together after all the stuff with Korra finished and at the moment, his hand was on the thermostat and was shirtless and wearing what looked like his Nuktuk shorts. You on the other hand, had a sweater, sweatpants and socks on due to how cold your shared apartment always was, “And did you cut your pants into shorts or something?”
 Bolin stopped in his track and blushed a little, “Yeah I did. It is just so hot in this apartment and I’m really trying to keep it a temperature okay for you but it is just so damn hot!” Bolin waved his hand in front of him trying to get a little breeze.
 You huffed a little, crossed your arms and stuck your nose up some, “There is no way you’re cold, not with the temperature in here.” When he didn’t respond to you, you glanced over to him to see what he was doing and threw out your arms as you saw the broad man rushing over to you, “Wait! What are you doing?” You squealed as you felt one of his hands wrap around your wrist and pull you into a tight squeeze, “BOLIN!” You felt like you were suffocating by the heat.
 “I told you! I told you!” Bolin said as he squished you more against his chest. You would say something but you were absolutely tongue-tied. You have always wondered what it felt like to press against him like this and yeah he is your roommate and friend of many years, but you were growing attached to him. Bolin glanced down at you and grew concerned as he saw your concentration face, “Are you okay?”
 You shook yourself out of your thoughts and relaxed in his hold, “Never better.” You all but hummed as you grabbed both of Bolin’s hands and placed them on your lower back, “Can I ask you a favor?” Bolin nodded as you start to lift the bottom of your shirt just enough that his fingers grazed your skin right above your pants. You wanted nothing more than to have his skin on yours, to feel his warmth, “I know this might be weird and you can totally say no but will you please just place your hands on my back? I feel warm but still cold.” You let go of his hands and watched his face to see if his facial expression would tell you anything.
 Bolin tried his best to make his hands stop shaking, but he was so enthralled with you that it was rather hard, “Oh uh yeah I can do that.” He brought his hands to your lower back and started to inch his hands further under your shirt. He stopped when his entire hands was under your shirt.
 Your skin erupted with goosebumps but not by how cold you were but instead with the contact you had with Bolin. You hoped he couldn't feel them, “You really are warm.” You couldn’t help the sigh/moan that fell from your lips when his skin explored further up your back. His fingers dancing across your bare back and shoulder blades. Your eyes fluttered shut and you knew you were hooked, “I never want you to leave.” You murmured against Bolin’s chest.
 You heard a small chuckle above you and looked up at him, “You only like me for my warmth.” Bolin was looking at you slightly offended as you smirked at him, “I’m being serious.” That tone told you otherwise.
 “No! I like you for many other reasons.” You proclaimed as you felt him spread his fingers as far apart as he could, as if he was trying to feel all he could.
 “Oh yeah?” Bolin rested his forehead against yours as you gulped at the question. It was now or never and you felt like this was the time to just say it.
 “I like you.” You were always a blunt person and that was something Bolin liked about you, “I like your personality and how you make me smile with almost everything you do. I like the way you can’t really cook but you always try to make my favorite food. I have liked you for a while and I should of told you but I was worried about what that would do.” 
 Bolin smiled as he heard your words because everyone of them is how he felt about you. The way you were slightly grumpy in the morning but after being around him for 2 or 3 minutes your attitude would change, or how when you smile really big you get little wrinkles near your eyes, and his favorite at the moment would be how cold you always were and how it lead to this moment, “I feel the same way if not more about you.” 
 You felt like you wanted to cry some but instead you leaned forward and crashed your lips against his. You both sighed at the feel. Bolin quickly pulled you closer to him, your whole body now pressed against him. You moaned as you felt his bulge against you. You wiggled your body and got a low moan from the man, “Should we- go to the bedroom?” You smiled into the kiss and went to move away but Bolin reached down, picked you up and walked towards his bedroom, “I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” The neediness in his voice sending electricity through you.
 “Please?” You dropped your head onto his shoulder when you felt his hand squeeze your ass, “Please now!” You could feel your face getting hot by how pathetic you sounded.
 “Don’t go quiet now. I want everyone to hear you.” Bolin said as he dropped you onto the bed gently. You scurried to get your sweatpants and sweater off, “Allow me to help.” You could hear the faint chuckle as you peak out from under your sweater. Bolin grabbed the sides of it and pulled it off the rest of the way before standing back and admiring your naked body, “You weren’t wearing anything under that?”
 The confusion in his voice made you giggle, “I never do! Yeah I’m always freezing but having a bra and stuff on isn’t going to make me any warmer so I choose not to wear it.” You shrugged your shoulders as you moved towards him at the end of the bed, “Now if you could, I think it is your turn.” Bolin smirked at you before slowly removing his shorts, his only piece of clothing, “Where do you want me?” The question threw Bolin for a loop as he tried to slow his frantically beating heart.
 “Oh that was hot.” Though he was always super warm, he felt like every inch of him was on fire. He couldn’t believe this was happening, “Where do you want to be?” You all but smiled at the question before sinking to your knees in front of him, “OHMYSPIRITS!” He didn’t mean to make it that high pitch but he was dreaming. He had to be dreaming. The girl of his dreams was literally on her knees for him.
 “May I?” You asked as you wrapped your hand around the base of his cock. Bolin’s knees went weak as you squeezed you hand around him, “I want to hear you say it.” You whimpered as you slowly started moving your hand, up and down, slowly.
 “Yes! Oh please yes!” Bolin was practically begging at this time. He wanted your hands all over him and your mouth and, well other things too but he couldn’t think straight as your lips wrapped around his tip, “Oo-oh fuck.” His head tilted back as you lightly sucked his tip in and out of your mouth.
 You hummed around his thick cock as you took more of him into your mouth. Your mouth was stretched so much already and the further you went, the more you thought about how sore your jaw would be tomorrow, but the thought slipped away as you heard a string of profanity fall from Bolin’s mouth. You pulled off with a pop and looked up at him, “Am I doing good?” Bolin’s eyes looked heavy and his bottom lip was swollen from biting it so hard.
 “Yes! Spirits yes. You’re incredible! I want to fuck you so badly.” Bolin wrapped his hand around his now slick cock and pumped it a few times. Your mouth fell open a little as you saw his jaw clench while he concentrated on his strokes. His eyes fluttered shut and you saw that as your opportunity to get onto the bed.
 Bolin heard the shuffle of the sheets and opened his eyes to see you slowly get on all four and lower your chest against the bed, “What are you waiting for them?” You smiled as you looked back towards him. Doggy was your favorite position and you had a feeling it might be his too by the way he nearly sprinted onto the bed.
 Bolin got onto his knees and placed them between yours before pushing your legs out further, “Is that okay?” His concerned voice and hand running down your back, all but made you melt.
 “Yes. Please just go-” Your words were cut off by the stretch as Bolin pushed into you, “Oh Bolin!” Your hands flailed out to reach for the sheets, your hands twisting the material around as Bolin slowly thrusted into you. You felt so at ease with him and when he placed his arm underneath your chest, pulling you against you, you allowed him to do it.
 Bolin smiled at the state you were in and quickened his thrust, “You like that don’t you? You like how my thick cock stretches you out?” All you could do is moan as the ecstasy of it all started to take over. Bolin pinched one of your nipples making you sigh. You reached for one of his hands and brought it to your clit, “Oh, you want to cum?”
 You pleaded with him, begging and begging for your release. Bolin smiled against your skin before gently lowering you back onto the bed, your chest pressing up against the cool sheets. You hummed as you felt Bolin’s fingers quicken on your clit. Your walls pulsing against him, “I’m going to cum! I’m going to cum! May I please?” 
 “Oh fuck yes. You feel so good baby!” Bolin’s fingers slowed as he felt your walls clenched around him hard, “There you go baby, damn, Oh fuck!” Bolin quickly pulled out before stroking himself a few times and cumming onto your back. He bit his lip so hard that he thought he broke skin.
 The room now fell silent except for both of your breathing, “I’m cold.” You exclaimed as you caught your breath. Bolin smiled against your shoulder before kissing it.
 “Let me get something for us to wipe off with and then I’m all yours babe.” Bolin got up from the bed looking around for a towel. You on the other hand couldn’t stop smiling for the nickname, “Babe.” Yeah you could get used to that and his warmth. 
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grapefruitflavoured · 4 years
some kya hc :)
- neurodivergent kya neurodivergent kya neurodivergent kya
- she stims when shes really happy/excited
hand flapping/ little hops and twirls
shes very social but gets overstimulated when there are too many lights and loud sounds
when that happens she closes her eyes and covers her ears, not many people understand it but when lin or her brothers notice they find a quiet place for her to calm down
she likes it when they wait with her and will hold them really tightly
- since bolin is basically her son, they will spend the day together when mako and lin are too busy. they love to play music and stim dance (its very fun would highly recommend) together and not have to worry about masking
- tattoos! she has a bunch of little ones all over her body from places shes visited
- lots of piercings too, but shes let some of then heal over
- katara gave her the necklace when she went to travel
katara had her mom's necklace and wanted kya to have smth like that too
- she was very insecure about her body when she was younger but realized theres no point to that and now she walks around her and lin's apartment completely naked 90% of the time
- hates mornings, she wakes up past noon but still cant get out of bed for another hour or two
- will bring the entire bed spread onto the couch, duvet around her shoulders, hugging a pillow, the sheet trailing behind her, the whole thing
- really good at math, like Really good its kind of scary
- the teen angst was Intense
- a "will sit in your lap no matter where you are or who youre with" type of gf
- has no impulse control so lin is Constantly saying "no kya, please dont"
- lin has too much control and kya gets her to loosen up so they have a nice balance
- cannot cook. at all. youd think she could but shes actually the person who tries to microwave pasta because "it should cook it faster and you dont have to stand and watch it. lin. lin no come back im sorry. im sorry! i didnt think it would burn the microwave! or the wall behind it,, lin!"
- loses everything, no one understands how she made it alone because very few days someone will find her keys under the bahroom sink or her hair brush in the fridge
- also the "comes up behind u and picks you up when you arent paying attention to her" gf
- if she were in our world, she'd be the person who randomly says things in a british accent
- if you put your hand over her mouth she will lick it
- i cant explain why but she would've done the tide pod challenge
- calls everyone hon or darling
- do not say swag around her bc everytime that happens she will use it in Every Single Sentence
"hey lin I think you're pretty swag ;)"
*someone walks into her* "that wasnt very swag of you"
kya: meditation is so swag
tenzin: kya please, it's been 3 weeks
(be scared for the day someone says poggers near her)
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bumi + lin getting caught or how everyone found out about their relationship :-))))
Title: Discretion
Note: Here’s what I have for this particular Lin/Bumi II prompt. Hope you enjoy 😊
· Pairing: Lin/Bumi II
· One-shot, post-series AU
· Rating: Teen
Bumi was whistling as the hustle and bustle around Air Temple Island continued in preparation for Varrick’s wedding. Why they allowed the wedding and the party on the island, he had no idea.
He watched the tired teenagers who were hovering excitedly around the affianced. He supposed they all deserved some sort of merrymaking after what he had dubbed in his mind as the Kuvira Incident. It also was not a bad idea to have them use this time to work out their romantic entanglements, he thought as he eyed the various couples gravitating toward each other.
It also gave him a lovely excuse to meet up with his ownromantic entanglement.
The former military man faced the city pensively.
He frowned as the water lapped against the shore. The sun continued to shine brightly even as the buildings at the island across showed devastation, some still slightly smoldering days after the attack.
The Kuvira Incident did put things into perspective.
Well, that went dark quickly.
He blinked away grim thoughts and focused instead on the fairy lights being hung around the courtyard.
As he decided earlier, they all deserve some merrymaking.
“What are you doing skulking around?” Bumi asked the lady in green, who was looking down at a kebab that had seemed to have displeased her.
Lin Beifong scoffed. “I am not.” And continued to examine the mystery meat on the stick.
Bumi sauntered closer to her, standing at her side, joining her quiet observation of the party. “What on earth did that kebab do to you?” He waved his free hand to said meat on a stick; his other hand occupied with helping him take a swig of whatever fruity punch Varrick was serving.
She bit it furiously while rolling her eyes. “It’s a bit tasteless, if you must know.”
Bumi bit back a laugh and just hummed.
While she could eat instant noodles as well as any cadet living off rations, Lin did have her snobby side to food when it comes to social events thrown by the upper-class.
“Then again, Varrick is tasteless when it comes to most things.” Lin added, her scowl scaring off a Nuktuk-attired waiter who had the misfortune of glancing their way to offer more refreshments.
This time, Bumi let out a laugh, earning him a smirk from the metalbender.
“Well, that’s true. Let me join you in disparaging the libation too – not a single touch of alcohol in this drink.”
They stood there, at the fringe of the party crowd for a while – he sipping the vile drink, she chewing the tough meat.
“They allowed you to wear that?”
It took Bumi a moment to understand she meant his uniform. “I am a retired commander after all.” That and because he did not want to be dressed in formal wear that was almost identical to what his brother was wearing.
Lin swallowed her food. “Hmm, I've been thinking of that too…”
“Me in a military uniform?” Bumi waggled his eyebrows and received a smack on his arm. “You in my uniform?” Another smack.
“Retiring.” She said it so quietly he thought he must have misunderstood her.
He briefly wondered what could have made her arrive at a such a life-changing decision. Then again, if that meant that she would be closer to safety than danger…
“I don’t see why not?” He tossed back with a grin, noting the veiled concern on Lin’s face, worried about his reaction. “As long as it’s what you truly want.”
Lin’s posture relaxed after that.
They continued to sip and eat in silence.
They saw Rohan running at the other side of the court, weaving through the people who were starting to go to the dance floor. Huan was noticeably dragged by Ikki to dance (“Kid takes after her mother, doesn’t she?” Bumi murmured in jest, only to get an elbow to his side as Lin shook her head.).
As people went over to the dance floor, it would not be long before someone noticed the lady beside him. Chief of Police or not, she always did strike quite a figure. Without all the armor (literally and figuratively), it could be easily argued the Lin could be approachable.
He stood closer at her side. He twitched his pinky finger to touch hers.
Her eyes darted to him.
The mood of the party was happy and hopeful. He knew this feeling. He had seen this before. The sigh of relief and desperation for something good after a long hard military campaign.
His face remained cheerful and proceeded to talk about everything and nothing.
Lin’s expression softened. “Want to leave the party?” Her pinky finger hooked around his.
“Thought you’d never ask.”
As always, Lin was the only one who saw through him.
Propping himself up on his elbow, Bumi watched her sleep.
Lin had always been a light-sleeper. He got that – living with a constant threat hanging at their back or having a long career that required alertness and rapid reaction time does that to you. That was why it never ceased to amaze him that the metalbender manages to have long uninterrupted sleep whenever they were together.
Spirits knew how much she deserved to sleep in.
He had sighed in relief when Lin said she had lied last night. She had not just been thinking of retiring from the police force – she had already filed her retirement to both President Raiko and headquarters. And, in true efficient Beifong fashion, she had secured approval within days. He did not think she had fully recovered and taking a break (albeit a permanent one) was more than needed.
His eyes traced the dark eye bags and pale complexion. The rebuilding efforts and the ton of work post-Kuvira Incident took a toll on her.
Her skin, already marred with various scars and marks throughout the years, was much too pale. Each imperfection was linked with a story. Each story building up to who Lin was now today.
Her ankle had a small scar, almost invisible unless you knew where to look, from her childhood escapades.
There was the jagged scar, stitches very much apparent on her calf from her earlier days as a beat officer.
A smattering of bruises at her lower back was still present, souvenir from being tossed off the colossus.
Her shoulder, while exhibiting any outer trauma, was still healing from being dislocated from the same scrimmage with death.
There were more across her body, but the most recent ones were those that hit Bumi the hardest.
He was the one who found the Beifong sisters unconscious in the arm of the mecha giant.
He had been beyond terrified until found their respective pulses.
He feared it would have been too late for him, for them. Then Lin fluttered her eyes open, and, despite her shallow breaths, managed to croak out in a less than acerbic tone to help her down.
He mused now in the pale daylight that he ought to have done something then, said something then. He decided to rectify that now.
Before he could even reach over to wake her up in that delicious manner he was planning, several loud knocks beat at his door. He subconsciously tightened his grip around Lin’s waist.
“Bumi? Bumi!” Tenzin.
“We know you’re in there.” Su. “Open up!”
Bumi threw a worried glance at Lin, but she was still asleep and simply buried her face closer to his chest, ensconced under his fluffy comforter and buried under his equally soft pillows. He leaned back and closed his eyes, willing their unwanted siblings away.
Maybe if I pretended to be asleep, they would leave us alone…
Knock-knock-knock! A pause. Knock-knock-knock-knock-knock-knock!
He closed his eyes tighter.
“Wait a minute, maybe it’s unlocked anyway…”
What are they talking about?
Bumi found out soon enough when the sound of the door sliding open reached his ears.
“Bumi – I can’t find -!”
He sat up quickly, making sure Lin was comfortable and quite hidden from view.
His visitors stopped at the doorway, enough to trespass but not enough to take a full scan of the room.
“Ohhh, I’m – we’re – sorry –.” Tenzin stammered, quite apologetic for bursting in his brother’s room.
Su did not have the same misgivings. “Bumi has a lady friend!”
“He does?!” A new voice called out with shock.
Tenzin and Su, he can tolerate but having the kids over – Bumi decided he drew the line there.
Fight shock with shock.
He stood up quickly, unmindful of being seen in his birthday suit.
“Oh sweet Spirits Agni! Bumi! Cover yourself!”
“My eyesss!”
The Avatar and Bolin immediately shouted over gasps of shock.
Bumi stretched languidly, pretending that nothing was amiss. He will not be embarrassed. That was their problem, they were the ones who were invading his privacy.
To be fair, he had no issues about his nudity so it was not really a big issue. It was just that with Lin in his bed – well, the situation was a bit tricky. Fortunately, her face was still hidden under the comforter. He pulled it higher, never mind that part of her leg is still visible.
“To what do I owe this wake-up call?” Bumi scratched his beard, acting as though this was a normal occurrence. He did delight in making his brother uncomfortable. They became closer in the latter years. Old habits die hard though.
“Bumi, we apologize for barging in this morning.” Tenzin was looking over his shoulder. “But could you – at least -.” He waved at the general direction of the naked man.
Bumi took his sweet time going around the room to pull on some clean shorts.
Su took this opportunity to push out the kids out of the room, who he now saw included both pro-bending brothers, Asami, Opal, and the Avatar.
“Why is the entire cavalry here?” Bumi sauntered to the door, blocking everyone’s view of the room and angling his body to stand in the way of the bed. “What’s up?”
“It’s Lin.”
A beat.
“What about her?”
“She’s missing. I didn’t know when she went home last night.” Su wringed her hands in worry. “I called her house, no one answered. We went over and she wasn’t there.”
It annoyed Bumi how they were suddenly on Lin’s case when they barely said two words to her the night before. There was bound to be a hidden agenda to this sudden worry.
“Your sister is a grown woman and she's been taking care of herself without you lot for more than a decade now.
He scanned the faces around him.
Postures stiffened, Tenzin flinched, eyes avoided Bumi’s.
Yeah¸ that’s what I thought.
Su stomped lightly. “Regardless of that,” The woman was adamant and would not back down. “We intend to go to the station to report her missing, with or without your inputs.”
Mako looked downright uncomfortable, Bumi thought the boy genuinely cared for his mentor.
“Boy, anything you’d like to add, detective?” Bumi nodded at the firebender.
“We can’t file a missing person’s case unless the person has been missing for more than 24 hours.” Mako shifted his eyes.
“There you go. Drop the matter, Su. I’m sure Lin is fine.”
Su looked like she was about to argue and Tenzin was about to say something but Mako beat him to it.
Still not catching anyone’s eyes, Mako started. “And well, what if the Chief also had a lady friend like Bumi? Or a gentleman friend?”
Bumi almost snorted.
Gentleman friend, what?
The detective was looking ill now but props to the boy.
“Lin with a special friend is highly unlikely.” Lin’s sister said decidedly, waving off Mako’s theory.
Bumi snorted now. “Right, because you’d know, ain’t it right?”
“I don’t see why not?” Suyin frowned, crossing her arms.
Moments like this Bumi was reminded why Lin still held some form of dislike towards her sister.
Asami tried to mediate. “I don’t think Chief Beifong would appreciate her private life being discussed like this.”
Bumi knew he always liked the Sato girl, he nodded and added. “Please don’t do this to try to assuage your…guilt.”
As expected, there were reactions from Su and Tenzin.
“We are not -!”
“Nonetheless, Bumi, Lin is…” Tenzin’s words trailed off and color drained from his face as he continued to look over his brother’s shoulder.
Bumi knew the moment Tenzin realized who was in his bed. He quickly slid the door closed. He tried to meet his brother’s eye, but the man was resolutely looking away.
“Safe.” Tenzin managed to choke out. “Let’s go everyone, I’m sure Lin is very safe.”
Su turned on Tenzin, obviously shocked by his sudden change. “What are you talking about, Tenzin – we -.”
“If Bumi says Lin is okay, then she probably is.” Was the simple yet shifty response.
“But we need Lin to -!”
Opal elbowed her mother gently, asking her to drop the issue. It did not escape Bumi’s notice.
There was the hidden agenda – Su needs Lin for something.
The group scurried away as both Tenzin and Mako helped herding them away from the bedrooms.
Bumi figured it was too early to be dealing with anything.
He rejoined a sleeping Lin in bed, who in turn, burrowed into his side.
He will deal with the real world later. For now, he will enjoy this.
Ignoring Suyin who was still chattering about one thing or another (in all likelihood berating him for not supporting her call to search for her sister), Tenzin mulled over his earlier discovery.
Lin and Bumi are together.
Not just together but together – together.
He wringed with his hands as they walked to the dining hall.
How long have they been together?
He had thought that this knowledge would bother him – well, it did, he reconsidered, but not for the reasons he might have initially thought of.
It was bothering him the same way it would have bothered him to see any woman sleeping with his older brother.
He had reconciled with his siblings and the Beifongs in the recent years, but some things should have remained private between them.
Like Bumi’s sex life.
Like Lin’s sex life.
Like their sex life.
Oh, how he wished he gone back to the past few minutes when he was still blissfully unaware. Or he hoped he would have already forgotten the markings and scars on Lin’s legs in order to not have recognized her in his brother’s bed.
Ah well, Tenzin eyed Lin’s family, the Avatar, Bolin, Asami, and Mako walking beside him, here’s hoping they not find out soon.
He doubted greatly that Lin would enjoy her relationship being disclosed before she deemed it necessary.
He recalled Bumi’s stance earlier, how protective he was of an unknowing Lin.
End of the day, Tenzin just wanted both of them to find happiness. He had did them both wrong in their lifetime and was at a loss on how to rectify it. The airbender had been trying in the past years, but there was only so much he could do.
Too little, too late, he always thought.
Tenzin waved at the acolytes that were leaving the dining hall. Pema sat down beside him and smiled as she handed him the platter of food. He smiled back, thinking still how lucky he was to have her by his side.
And now, by some peculiar twist of fate, Bumi and Lin found each other.
And, if, they make each other happy and content, then, Tenzin decided then and there, he will support them in any way that he can.
“Bro, are you going to eat that last piece?”
Mako was shaken from his reverie. Bolin stabbed the food on his plate at his head shake.
“Are you alright, Mako?” Asami was always the sensitive and observant of the group.
The firebender tossed a look at the Avatar chatting with Bolin and Opal at the other side of the table. After making sure that they were preoccupied, he turned to Asami.
Asami raised her eyebrows at him. “Well?”
“I think I know where the chief is.” He could not help but dart a wary glance at the Beifongs. “But it’s not my place to say.” Mako quickly added.
Asami leaned back at her seat and looked at him quizzically. “How did you know where?”
Mako dropped his utensils on the plate and covered his face with his hands. He was not one of Lin’s proteges for nothing.
One of his strengths as a detective is his keen eye for detail.
And details did not evade him in that brief view of Bumi’s bedroom.
It was quite obvious to him that the strewn pieces of clothing belonged to someone he had seen in attendance in the wedding reception earlier.
And that someone is his commanding officer.
Said commanding officer made her presence known at the lunch table that noon, surprised at seeing everyone still on the island.
That Chief Beifong was not expecting that there were still other guests at the residential area of Air Temple Island was fairly obvious, as Bumi was walking beside her, whispering at her side with a smile.
The plan was, actually, for most of the guests to have already gone their own ways but that morning’s excursion to Republic City made everyone’s itinerary delayed and their breakfast turned into brunch.
She exchanged a look with Bumi who shrugged and tried to sit at one of the empty tables unnoticed.
Now, while Mako might have been blessed with a sense of discretion, the same cannot be expected of his brother.
This became much apparent when said brother had gaped and thoughtlessly exclaimed, “Lin! We’ve been looking for you all morning – at what corner of Air Temple Island did you sleep at? I doubt this is the walk of shame.”
This pronouncement drew the attention of everyone in the hall – attention at her (their) very late entry and at her clothes which were clearly too formal for the day.
No one dared speak up as the metalbender simply glared at the earthbender, not responding.
There was complete silence in the dining hall.
…until comprehension dawned on Suyin Beifong’s face.
Then all hell broke lose.
Note: That could have probably gone better but let me know what you think. Anon, hope that worked for you (feel free to leave a note/msg :) ) Hope everyone is doing good, at least.
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Saying this once again— I know you're gonna get a lot of prompts, but here it is.
Hi friend, this in no way is a one word prompt but you were cute about wishing me and all so I'll use the whole thing. ALSO you scared me there for a second so er OUCH? But here's your share xD
14days to go🌼 Need to plan and order my cake omg!
"Bumi, are you sure about this?" Lin asked nervously as she stepped off the ferry trudging arm in arm, behind her boyfriend.
"Yes, I'm sure! I wouldn't bring you all the way here if I wasn't!" Bumi scurried on towards the main house.
"This is too risky. What if someone comes home?" Lin lurches at the threshold of the house.
Bumi catches her other hand and leads her through the dark entrance, “Well, that’s the thrill, right? We’re always shacking up at your place and I have never seen you naked at Air Temple Island. That needs to change. Now.”
Lin couldn’t feel for anyone through the wooden flooring as she skeptically looked around, seeing nothing but black. Bumi could sense how she was feeling: nervous and vulnerable. He could read her perfectly nine out of ten times and that's what made them work so well as a couple.
“Lin, nobody’s here." He placed his hands on her shoulders and chuckled, "I made two rounds just the way you would, the entire house was empty. I shut all the lights before coming to get you and look, they're still off. Even if someone does pop in, you can just say you needed to speak with Tenzin- you work together, after all. It’s that simple!" He shrugged as if he had the perfect alibi.
"Bumi! I can't say I needed to speak with Tenzin while I'm naked in your bed!"
"Who said we're doing it in my bed?" Bumi smirked as he pulled her in his arms.
Lin gave him an aghast look- that of course he couldn’t see in the dark so he continued grinning.
As soon as they entered the dark living room from the entryway, Bumi pushed her up against the wall closest to him to kiss her breathlessly, one hand holding her jaw, pushing her hair behind. She responded just in kind as she ran her hand in his wild hair and pulled him closer.
When suddenly, the lights came on followed by a too-loud-for-that-moment, "SURPRISE!" 
Alarmed, Lin immediately pushed Bumi off her, he too used his own force and sprung all the way across to the other wall. 
When they fearfully scanned the room they thought was empty, they saw no traumatized, but beaming faces. This was pre-meditated. It was a trap and they were caught red-handed. Lin was baffled- if it weren't for Bumi, she would’ve seen right through this simple rouse. 
Lin exhaled, face flushed, and looked at Bumi who was just as flushed as her. Their faces were red from the adrenaline from that short, yet powerful kiss and then the sheer horror of having an audience that thankfully didn’t see and hear everything.
Slowly, together they started to register the faces of the people around them. All the airbenders (That knew all too well how to trick Bumi and evade Lin's seismic sense), both their nieces, nephews, and their friends, including the Avatar, Tenzin- ugh the whole clan really!
Meelo's singing broke the silence, "Uncle Bumi and Chief Lin sitting in a tree-"
"No no no- it's not- no-" Their eyes widened at the young boy.
"Are you two dating?" Bolin winked at the embarrassed couple.
"Daddy, I TOLD you I saw them kissing!" Ikki smacked Tenzin's back harder than she meant to.
"How did you-" Bumi began.
"This is such great news!" Jinora and Opal were jumping with joy, "If they get married, we'll be related!"
“Okay okay enough, all of you.” Bumi walked around to the center of the room to attract everyone’s attention, “No one’s getting married. Let us talk about this like adults,” He turned to face Meelo who was still spelling out the word ‘kissing’.
“Of course! Care to explain what’s going on, Bumi?” Tenzin smirked at his brother. 
“You’re up, Linny.” Bumi quickly pulled her by the hand to the center of the room and hid behind her, hoping the walls would suck him in. 
“Well, umm- Bumi and I are.. umm.. friends. And we’re-” Lin was at a loss for words. Some instincts this friend had, “And sometimes, as friends we, umm- Why is there cake?” She joined her eyebrows in confoundment, now noticing the decor. 
That’s when Jinora spoke up, “It’s for you and Uncle Bumi! We’re very happy that you’re together and so we planned this party.”
The couple looked at each other, trying their best to have a wordless conversation in a room full of people. Sure it was a party, almost everyone they knew was there, the house was even decorated. And nobody seemed to care how they defined their relationship, just their happiness. They must've set this up in the short time it took Bumi to bring her here, which was impressive and well thought out. It all really was very sweet. The least the couple owed them was honesty.
Lin nodded at Bumi, their wordless communication ending seamlessly. And as if Bumi had fully understood her he yelled, “LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!” 
And the whole room cheered in joy and Asami even popped a bottle of champagne. 
Nine out of ten times, remember?
Lin slapped her forehead. She wanted him to repeat the three words he had said to her a week ago. While she couldn't quite say it back, overwhelmed, she risked kissing him at the Island and now there was a party thrown in honor of that.
But she smiled and went beside him to grab a glass of champagne.  If her man wanted a party, a party is what he’d get. And if this didn't clue him in, perhaps she'd tell him she loved him later that night when he finally gets to see something he never has at Air Temple Island.
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writing-mlm · 4 years
Date night
request: tooth rotting fluff, something a lil risky/ if you catch my drift or literally anything (accept angst)
warnings: cursing and smut don't mind canon, there are canonical inaccuracies in this 
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"Are those swim trunks?" You covered your mouth to hide the chuckle trying to escape at the sight of Mako's nightwear. The green and white boxers nearly touched his knees and were so wide you almost didn't recognize them.
    "Harhar," Your boyfriend rolled his eyes before turning to face you, his face instantly lights up a bright red. It was morning so it was easy to see the blush on his pale face, not to mention his eyes instantly darted around your body and settled on the door behind you. "Shouldn't you be heading to the arena?" He stammered, taking a step back when you took one forward.
"I dunno if you can tell, but I need to get dressed," You tugged at the knot keeping the towel around your hips. Not that he saw, he was too busy looking away from you despite having seen you naked the night before. Sometimes you dreaded the fact that the self-proclaimed Team Avatar had split nearly a year ago but you learned to cherish the newly found time you could spend with him now. You even had time to move in together, although you had separate rooms. 
"Right," He cleared his throat, going to leave the room when you closed the curtains to your room. "I'll be in my room, if you need me," Letting out a hum you dropped your towel on your desk on your way to the closet while he left the room. As soon as he left, you let out a sigh and ran your hand over the marks he left last night, a grin spreading across your face all the while. 
Even if you loved teasing him outside of sex, you couldn't deny the fact that you were a major bottom. You loved it when he left marks or when he held you close as he degraded you. It was also fun to see him do a complete 180° when you weren't being intimate. 
"We're still on for tonight right?" You asked him in the kitchen as he made breakfast. It was date night but it was also the last match of the season and your team was counting on you since your replacement was less than ideal.
    "Of course," He nodded, moving over to the fridge to grab another egg, his lips catching your own on his way back. "Lin gave me the night off so I'll be able to watch your game," It was rare for him to watch games with his schedule, you both worked at the same times for the most part so it allowed more time together away from work. Though, he'd managed to catch the radio broadcast of the tournament and congratulate or console you.
    "Amazing, maybe I could get a good luck kiss," You grinned, wrapping your arms around his torso, your head resting on top of his while he flipped the eggs into an omelet. Mako hummed, his hips swaying with yours to the music faintly playing from outside 
"And when you win…" He trailed, subtly curving his body into yours. "You can take charge tonight," Kneading his sides, you shifted your head to his neck and pressed a slow kiss to it. His smell mixed with the food filled your nose as you pressed another kiss to his neck, that time it caused a slight moan from Mako. 
    "The eggs are burning," You whispered into his ear before walking away, the smell of slightly burnt eggs leaving your reach. All the while Mako grumbled about distractions. Going over to the fridge, you grabbed a jug of orange juice and poured it into the two cups set at the table. 
"Hope you like burnt eggs because I'm not remaking them," He called over his shoulder, sliding the eggs onto two plates making you laugh.
   "I've eaten literal trash, I'm sure slightly burnt eggs isn't going to be a bother, my love," When you lived with Korra, she often dared you to eat trash and you hardly ever said no. Not because you were afraid to, no, you did it because you didn't want to back down from a dare.
After breakfast, you checked the time and decided to head to the arena to get in a couple of hours of practice while Mako was at work. Even though you had a certain distaste for the prince, with his not so subtle flirting with your boyfriend.
"I love you," You whispered against his lips, your fingers playing with his baby hairs on his neck that he forgot to gel up again.
    "I love you more," He pecked your lips, hesitant to leave but the honk of the car outside pulled him away. Dropping your hands from his hair, you grabbed the keys to his moped and tossed it towards him before grabbing your own set. It was a Christmas gift from Asami around two years ago when you both were dating- when you thought you liked girls.
Like Mako, until you realized your feelings for each other you both thought you were straight. That the feeling Asami (and Korra) gave you both was romantic rather than the familial/platonic that you were actually feeling. It took Asami pointing it out during an event for Korra for you to notice that you had a crush on Mako. It also took another five months for you to ask him out, which didn't go as planned due to the fact that he passed out since you decided to do it in the middle of a fight.
It wasn't one of your brightest moments. 
"On the left side are the Fire Ferrets!" The announcer yelled into the microphone as you and your team waved at the fans in the stadium. When Mako, Korra, and Bolin gave up pro-bending you decided to take over and brought on a fire bender named Anika and an earth bender named Genji. Anika was a recent addition to the team after the previous fire bender moved and she was way better, in your opinion at least. Genji was still wary of her. 
"And on the right, we have the Red Sand Rabaroos!" The all-girls team waved as you stepped off of the platform and stepped to the left while Anika took the front and Genji went to the right. You tried to spot Mako in the crowd but so many people were standing up and blocking people that it made it nearly impossible so you turned your attention back to the match.
At some point into the first round, you managed to knock Adi, their team's firebender, into the water advancing your team into their territory. With that bit of confidence, you jumped up and used your right leg to swing the water in the direction of Ula, their earth bender just as Anika finished sending a fire shot towards her stomach. The two hits sent her back a zone while Genji got hit in his side by a disc.
In most games, you ignored the announcers play by play since it took you out of the game and it helped a lot during final games but as he called time, you got hit by a disc. The pieces of rock shattered and got inside your helmet, one of them managed to scratch your cheek. 
"Yellow card to Ula just as the first round finishes!" The announcer yelled as you took your helmet off and dusted your face off. "First round goes to the Fire Ferrets!" Letting out a relieved sigh, you let your shoulders slump and walked over to the extended platform with the rest of your team. 
"You good?" Anika asked back in your little room in the area, a small patch of water on your check cleaned the small cut. There were smaller parts of rock inside it so you needed to get it out before you healed it.
   "Yeah," You nodded, moving your fingers to start to clean it, the water glowing a light blue as the familiar tingle rushed over your face. "Just a small cut," Dropping the water back into the bucket, you fixed your hair back and stood up, Anika following you up.
    "Are you-" She tried to speak but was cut off.
"Is it too late for a good luck kiss?" Mako asked from the entrance of the room, his hand on his hip and head tilted to the side.
   "Maybe I need two since you're late," You teased meeting the distance and pulled him close. He placed his hands on your face and rubbed your cheeks while you played with the end of his shirt.
   "Seems reasonable," He grinned as the both of you kissed twice, the second one longer than the first.
"Sorry I'm late, I got caught up with Prince Wu, he wouldn't let me leave until he found a new set of pajamas," He apologized, his hands slowly drifting to your shoulders. "I got in just as the match started, though," Unwrapping your arms from him, you were pulled away by the sound of the cabinet slamming closed. 
"Hey, Mako!" Genji greeted, walking over from outside the room, and shook his hand. "Nice of you to make it, (y/n) was pouting the whole time we were training. Going on about missing you," Gasping, you smacked his arm with the back of your hand and crossed your arms. 
   "Don't act like you weren't complaining about the fact that you had to go against Adi," You recalled, chuckling when he struggled to say something back. 
"I didn't know you had a boyfriend," Anika drifted off, her eyes moving from Mako to you. 
   "Oh, yeah," You nodded, hooking your arm around Mako's shoulder. "Anika, this is my wonderful boyfriend, Mako. He used to be the leader of the Fire Ferrets until he started working with the cops and then he came back and now he's working with Prince Wu," You trailed and the sour look on your face quickly went away before Mako had a chance to see and point it out.
"You make it sound bad," Mako laughed but stopped when the announcer said the next round was about to begin. "I'll see you after you guys win, nice meeting you Anika!" He gave a wave to the others and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek before leaving the room. 
The rest of the tournament went by relatively easy, your team ended up winning with a K.O. from Anika.
"You wanna grab a bite?" Genji asked you, Anika and Mako, on your way out of the arena, his hand running through his hair that was still damp from when he fell off of the platform in the second round. "Same place," It wasn't unusual for you to go and get a victory dinner with the team, it was slowly becoming a tradition. 
   "It's date night," You shook your head as Mako slowly eased his hand into your grip. "next time, though. See you!" Parting ways with the two, you looked over at Mako and gently pulled on his arm to get his attention.
"How about we head home and have some fun…" You trailed off, your eyes shifting from his to your hands as you rubbed the back of his hand. "Maybe we can finally put that rope to use," A while back Mako had gotten some rope that he wanted to use in the bedroom but up until now all of your chances to use them had been a spur of the moment and the idea wasn't even in either of your minds.
   "We better hurry then!" He agreed with a clearing of his throat, his grip tightened around your hand when he saw your moped knowing it would only be so long before you'd be home.
"Fuck!" You moaned as your face pressed against the white sheets of Mako's bed, unable to hold yourself up due to the fact that your arms were tied behind your back. The rope that held them also held your legs up, spreading you to be in the perfect position for Mako as he rammed himself inside of you. "Harder- ah- please!" Gripping the red robe as you felt Mako angle himself higher, your eyes squeezed shut with anticipation, and the drool that was pooling on the sheets only got bigger.
   "You're so fucking hot like this, (y/n)," He whispered out, his hands coming down to get you off of the bed. His left hand was holding you by your stomach and the other was around your neck, the tips of his fingers pressed gently to the sides of your neck. "Look at you, so eager and ready for me," 
With your back to his chest, you were able to finally see him, his eyes were on the mirror beside the door that gave him the full view he was otherwise unable to see. Your legs were between his, your fingers just brushed the base of his dick that was twitching inside of you. You could feel your own twitch with every accidental thrust that came when he was admiring your body.
"Mako," You whined, dropping your head forward as you tried to bounce yourself on him. "Please, fuck me, please," Stretching your fingers as far as you could, you managed to loosely wrap them around his cock, the base was damp with lube but it wasn't as much as the rest of the shaft since he never bottomed out. His thrusts were always too fast for him to do so.
   "Is that what my prince wants?" He asked coyly, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear as his hand that was previously around your neck trailed down to your neglected dick. "Hmm? Want me to press that handsome face of yours against the bed and have you screaming my name until you can't speak?" Nodding, you closed your eyes as he gave you a few pumps before you gasped at the feeling of his dick bottoming out.
"God, I love you," He kissed the sides of your neck before he pushed you back down to the bed and resumed his pounding. "Come on, darling, moan for me!" With an arch of your back, you called out his name, your eyes closing as you tried your best to push yourself back on him but with both of his hands keeping you in place you couldn't move.
"Don't stop! Please-" You were cut off by another moan as he gripped your hair, giving it a tug to pick your head up enough so that you could see the mirror.
   "Look at how hot you look, baby," He rasped, his eyes trailing from your ass to the mirror to meet your eyes. "Fuck, yes, keep looking at me," As much as you tried to keep your eyes on him, you found it getting increasingly harder with the tears welling up in your eyes from the pleasure. 
"Why're you crying?" He asked, his pace slowing down in case he was going too far and his hand dropped from your head but you shook your head and started moving your hips to bounce on him making him chuckle.
   "Feels good, keep going," You mumbled, trying to lift your head without his help but he went right back to what he was doing and leaned down. His lips grazed your back, they were slightly chapped but felt good nonetheless.
    "You're ethereal," He grunted, his pace getting slower and his thrust getting sloppy. "If I saw a picture of you I'd think you weren't real," Smiling at the compliments, your eyes closed again as you felt the knot in your stomach that had been there for a good couple of seconds start to unravel.
"I'm cumming," You panted out, your dick bobbing as you came on his sheets while it took him a bit longer. But it wasn't long before he was painting your insides white, the few twitches he gave along with it nearly tipped you over again. 
     "We should do this more often," He grinned while undoing the rope with a single tug at a certain loop, your arms and legs fell down without a moments notice and you collapsed onto the bed. "Poor baby," He cooed as you laughed and rolled over, cum now dripping out of you and smeared on your chest.
"I love you, too," You said, hooking your arms around his neck and gave him a tired smile. "But I'm so close to passing out," Mako only hummed and hooked his arms around you before he picked you up.
   "Go ahead, I'll clean you up," Nodding, you laid your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes, letting the sleep that had washed over you pull you under while Mako took you to the bathroom.
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boltwrites · 4 years
Fandom: The Legend of Korra Pairing: Bolin / Reader (AFAB, gender neutral) Rating: E Tags: Rough, Multiple Positions
Anon Requested: Can we get some rough bolin smut pls? Maybe like bolin and reader doing it in different places around a new apartment? (I LOVE your writing, I spent the better part of my day off on your blog)
A/N: this was originally waaaaay down my request list but. uh. inspiration struck? literally just Bolin and reader defiling every goddamn room of their new apartment. hell yeah. also this better go in the tags tumblr i stg.
By clicking read more you verify that you are at least 18 years old
Moving into an apartment together with your boyfriend was quite possibly the best decision you had ever made. It was just so fun, living with Bolin. You could wake up curled next to each other, Pabu pawing over Bolin’s face, chittering for his morning meal. You two could cook together, and do the dishes, and even that tedious task was manageable, when you had someone to do it with. When you came home from a long day at work, he was waiting, or you could expect him home soon, and you could talk to each other about everything under the sun. It was so sweet, and you couldn’t ask for anything more.
And, living together came with other perks.
Your back slammed against the wall of the hallway. What had been a heated makeout session in the living room had turned into something more, and with half your clothes gone, you didn’t know if you and Bolin would even make it to the bedroom.
“Bo, fuck-“ you tugged at his thick hair, gasping against his lips as he kissed you like you were water and he had been in the desert for days. You had been dating for well over a year at this point, and both of you should have been well past the honeymoon phase, but sharing your own space had brought something out in both of you. If you weren’t sharing sweet kisses and laughing at radio dramas, Bolin was shooting you hungry looks that you had never seen from him before.
He had always been gentle, and sweet, and so loving. But ever since you slammed him against the door to your apartment, kissing him so hard it could bruise after he brought the last of the furniture up, something had shifted. You couldn’t keep your hands off each other, and with an extensive knowledge of each other’s bodies and limits, combined with no roommates to be quiet for – you couldn’t help yourselves.
Bolin ground his hips against yours, drawing your attention back to the present as he kissed down your neck, a mix of suckling marks and gentle nips that had you gasping, nails raking against his naked shoulders.
“Bed?” he asked, kissing down to your exposed chest. You shook your head, keening as Bolin laved over a nipple, your hips thrusting against him, a low whimper escaping your lips.
“No, here,” you gasped out.
You had joked with him over dinner the other night that you two had fucked in practically every room of the house, and he had chuckled at it. You both had rattled them off over fire noodles.
Against the front door, that was first. You had slammed Bolin’s hips against it and he had gasped, the last box of trinkets discarded on the ground. You actually popped the button on his pants with how desperate you were to get him in your mouth, and when you did, Bolin had threaded his fingers through your hair, his hips pinned firm to the wall as you took him, and he screamed your name as he came down your throat.
The bedroom was next, of course. It was normal enough – you were under him, and he was loving you down like he always did, slow and sweet and perfect, when something clicked for him.
“Wait. We can be as loud as we want, can’t we?” he had whispered against your skin, and you had groaned, wrapping your legs around his hips, drawing him further inside you.
“Yeah, I guess so,” you had replied, not fully understanding his implication.
“Can I try something?” he had asked then, looking at you with a nervous smile, his green eyes shining with so much love for you that your heart might burst. “If you don’t like it, just say the word and I’ll – I’ll stop right away!”
He leaned back to gesture, swinging his hands across his chest, but you could hardly pay attention to him, with how the change in position pressed against you just right, the surge of pleasure distracting you.
“Yeah,” you breathed, nodding. You trusted him more than anything, and if there was something he wanted to try, you were all for it.
You smiled up at him, and he leaned over to press a small peck to your lips. It was gentle, and sweet, but as soon as his lips left yours, he pulled out – and he slammed into you, hard, and fast. You screamed, half in shock, and half in pleasure as he filled you, grabbing at Bolin.
“Y/n! Are you-“
“Spirits, don’t stop,” you whined, wiggling against him. “Spirits, Bo-!”
His name turned into a keen as he listened to you, thrusting into you hard, and fast – so rough that you saw stars, that the bed rocked and groaned in time with you. It was nothing like any other time Bolin had fucked you – he thrust into you like he was starved for it, and the noises that fell out of his mouth were sinful, his shoulders flexing as he braced his arms on either side of your head.
You touched yourself in time with his thrusts, and when you came, you pulled so taunt you never thought you could come back down.
The bathroom was next.  You had most definitely decided to shower with Bolin to help with the water bill, and not because he looked mesmerizing with water dripping down his back, the droplets sliding over his shoulders, dipping into that sweet space between his shoulder blades, where you could kiss them away, wrapping your arms around him.
He had laughed, asking you if you really wanted to get clean.
“But we’ve never had the chance to, before,” you had goaded him, your hands trailing down his chest, the planes of his abs, the slope of his stomach, tracing his hipbones with your fingers as he gasped.
“Haven’t you ever wanted to be clean and dirty at the same time?” you teased, trailing a single finger along the underside of his dick. His breath had caught, his weight shifting so he leaned against you. You smiled as you kissed his neck, wrapping one hand around his hard cock, firm and full in your hand, while the other squeezed his ass, tracing a finger along the crease there.
He had gasped, and when you pressed a single finger into him, he had shivered against you, thrust into your hand. You had him like that, pressed together under the warm water, massaging the spot inside of him that made him see stars until he all but sobbed at the twin points of pleasure that were your hands.
Then the kitchen, where he had hiked you onto the counter, and you had broken a jar of sugar in his haste to accommodate you, both gasping against each other’s mouths as he fucked into you hard and shallow, leaving marks all along your chest, your neck, that your coworkers had eyed you for the next day.
And then the living room, where he had worshiped you with his fingers and his mouth, his fingers curling inside you harsh and desperate, as if he demanded another orgasm from you, despite the fact that your voice was hoarse and your legs were shaking from the three orgasms he had already pulled from you, each one leaving you breathless.
The hallway was the last frontier for the two of you, and as his eyes met yours, you saw just how blown his pupils were, how much he needed you.
He kissed over your stomach, his fingers already working at your underwear. You wiggled, trying to help him ease you out of them, and he fell to his knees.
“Bo,” you gasped, as the clothing fell to the floor, and his lips only drew lower, biting along your hip, his fingers already sliding between your thighs to spread your legs. Something about that, about him parting your thighs, so he could have access to you, made you weak in the knees, tangling your hands in his hair and tugging harsh.
“Want you like this,” he mumbled, nosing at the junction of your thigh and groan, and you made a pathetic, desperate noise. “Like you had me.”
Your thoughts flashed back to that first day, when you had pressed him against the door and taken him into your mouth, and you moaned, your hips moving of their own accord, and he kissed against you there roughly, wrapping his arms around your legs.
Before you could even comprehend it, he was hooking your thighs over his shoulders, sliding you up the wall as he nuzzled against your heat, licking a long stripe against you as he held you up. You gasped as he held your whole weight on his shoulders, and he smothered himself in you, licking into you deep and desperate. You moaned so loud, your heels digging into his back as you arched, pressing him even closer, his nose rubbing against you just right, so perfect that you couldn’t even believe it.
His thumbs dug into your thighs, and he sucked at you, long and full, punctuated by a flick of his tongue that made you writhe on his shoulders.
“Bo please, please-“ you begged. It was all too much, too hot, and you ached with need for him.
He listened, sucking you harsh, rocking into you, his tongue never leaving the center of your need as you tugged at his hair, earning a low, rumbling moan from him as he pleased you, never letting up. You arched, your nails scraping against his scalp as your orgasm crashed over you, the pleasure leaving you gasping, pulsing against him as he licked you through it, moaning at the feeling of your release.
Your hands and thighs shook when he finally set you down, pulling back to lick his lips and smile at you.
“I think that counts as the whole apartment, now,” you gasped, still shaky on your feet. Bolin raised an eyebrow, then your words caught up to him, and he laughs, nuzzling against your stomach, still on his knees. You pressed his cheek to your skin, once again reminded of just how much you loved living with him.
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wilcze-kudly · 4 days
weilin au’s…
Ah, I have too many lol.
I often like to just imagine small tweaks to canon where Wei and Bolin meet earlier, or have more interaction etc. But if we're talking like fullblown different universe shit I have a few favourites.
I think the first AU I've ever come up with is a selkie AU where the Beifongs are selkies and Bolin is a fisherman who accidentally finds Wei's coat and shenanigans ensue. (Kuvira is adopted and instead of being a selkie she is a huge carnivorous deep sea mermaid with deep sea gigantism bcs big scary lady.) Featuring the Triple Threats as seal hunters who also moonlighting as selkie hunters. And Lin who is a selkie who lost her coat and is therefore stranded ob land and her family believes her to have been killed by the triple threats. Ooh intrigue... and Mako is just concerned why Bolin keeps bringing this weird naked man who eats raw fish around the house.
Being the nerd that I am I do have a greek mythology AU. I chose to romanticise the myth of Hephaestus and Aphrodite's arranged marriage bcs honestly I think it has even more potential to be a good love story than Persephone and Hades ever did. I think Bolin would be a cool as fuck Hephaestus, living in a volcano and using lava to power his forge. Also disabled Bolin with cool mechanical prosthetics why not. And Pabu can be a mechanical ferret friend Bolin built. Wei would be an interesting Aphrodite bcs he is just... just such a bitch lol. Which honestly matches canon Aphrodite's personality let Wei start a war over a fucking apple he deserves it. Also the plot of two characters being in an arranged marriage and not happy about it but slowly growing to fall in love is an oldie but a goldie.
I did once come up with a Skyrim AU and I'm still gearing up to fit Bolin and Wei and the rest if the characters into it. But I think having Bolin as a half-Dunmer half-Breton working as muscle for the thieves guild (Mako acting as an actual thief), while Wei is a Altmer noble on the run after rebelling against the Thalmor would be an interesting concept? Might put in some background Wuko too (planning on Wu being a wood elf whose only skill is speech which he maxed out lol)
I have a few other Aus but these are the big three that I think about most and have built up so enjoy lol.
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nautiscarader · 3 years
19 Mako and Bolin give Korra a double facial
Korra fondly remembered how one quite eager pro-bending fangirl of hers approached her a few hours ago, congratulating her after the game and asked, in a rather blunt manner, if the things people say about her and her two teammates were true.
Oh, if only she could tell her the truth...
Mako and Bolin's cramped apartment might not have been the best place to celebrate their recent streak of victories, but if anything, it kept bringing the three together, in one way or another.
It was unusual for the Avatar as feisty as Korra to submit to anyone, but even she had to admit, that if it wasn't for the pro-bending brothers and their coordinated work, they would have lost. And so now, here she was, on her knees, congratulating them for their excellent play.
With a cock in each hand, Korra had to take turns licking, kissing and worshipping the bending brothers, as much as she could. She never thought of herself as particularly good at oral, preferring to ride her lovers, but judging from the moans coming from the couch, she wasn't doing a bad job.
With the two cocks so close to her face, Korra could see and feel all the differences between the two. Mako was longer, while Bolin was much, much thicker, giving her slight problems taking them completely into her mouth even.
But if there was one thing about Korra was that she wasn't the one to give up, especially when challenged. With each pass, she tried taking each cock slightly further into her eager mouth, adding as much movement of her tongue as possible.
She tried tracing some letters with her tip around their twitching heads, per one tip she heard a while ago, but she has never been good at calligraphy... That being said, Mako moaned loudly when Korra's tongue swirled around him, and when she switched to Bolin, he gave her equally loud serenade of half-mangled praises, meaning the tip was working.
With her mouth taking care of one of her boys, the other one had to be satisfied with just her hand and fingers, stroking him and massaging various ridges and veins that usually stretched her pussy or ass. This time, Korra was allowed to explore their manhoods, feeling the subtle differences in the texture of her lovers.
As time went by, she continued her work, pushing and pulling, stroking and bobbing, filling her senses with her lovers' smell and taste, back and forth, back and forth...
And as she performed those moves, a wicked idea came to her mind, as she remembered some of her teachings. She never thought about it before, having barely anyone her age to talk about these things, but... After all, it was still mostly water, wasn't it?
Listening to Mako and Bolin's moans, Korra made sure to detect the right moment. With her hands, she cupped the brothers' testicles, and closed her eyes concentrating on the element she was most attuned to.
Oh, they were ready, bless their hearts. They might try to hide it, and prolong the pleasure she was giving them, but she felt the tension and churning inside them, and that they were more than eager to release it.
But why-
And when she opened her eyes, and looked at them, she realised their plan. Just like that double hit, they were going to do it at the same time, and as she eyed them with a sly smirk and a spark in her eyes, now they knew she was onto them.
She let go of Bolin's cock, giving him a final kiss, before she situated herself directly between the two, and with her slightly tired jaw taunted them.
- Come on, boys, let's finish this...
Stroking their cocks, she performed the same basic water-bending moves: pushing and pulling, back and forth, like waves and tides...
And the change of pitch in their voices meant it was working. They stood up, feeling their climaxes, suddenly manifesting themselves much faster than they thought, and Korra welcomed their hands on the back of her head.
She closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and continued her synchronised moves. Push and pull...
- Korra!
Mako and Bolin cried her name at the same time, as their cocks erupted with hefty streams of their seed, painting her face with thick layers of their cum. Two, three, four... their cocks were not stopping, so much so that Bolin found his knees getting weaker with each moment of their prolonged orgasms.
Meanwhile, Korra was on cloud nine, feeling her boys' love covering her face, shooting into her mouth and leaking onto her naked body, while she milked them for more with her water-bending.
Their orgasms lasted a minute and a half, until Korra felt she has properly emptied them, and wasn't surprised to hear two loud "thuds" when her lovers slumped all over their couch. She wished she could see their faces, but alas, something was blocking her view...
Judging by their erratic breathing and lack of any more coherent words than "wow" coming from them, she did her job, getting her body utterly painted with layer after layer of thick, gooey cum.
What would be the results of dozens of cumshots, spread over weeks, maybe, was now all over her, the image of Avatar drenched in cum firmly planting itself in Bolin's and Mako's minds.
But it wasn't the end of Korra's performance. She raised her hand, covered in some of their essence, and moved them in a circular motion, feeling the heavy droplets of Mako's and Bolin's baby batter move with her powers. Soon she was able to see again, as the mess covering her was gradually moving away to forma small white ball between her hands.
The boys watched as their cum mixed and swirled in her palms, cleaning her of any droplet better than any shower would have achieved. And when Korra finished, getting the cum from her face and hair, she found herself somewhat longing after the warm, sticky feeling of the brothers' love for her.
And so, without any hesitation, she brought the swirling ball to her lips and took a bite of it, as if it was ice-cream.
Bolin and Mako let out a gasp, as they watched the Avatar, their girlfriend, lick and swallow their combined essences as if it was a delicacy from Republic City's most expensive restaurant.
And that wasn't entirely false. Korra revelled in the thick, aggressive, musky taste and smell that overwhelmed her senses, as she licked more and more of it, until all of the brothers' potent warmth made it to her mouth and, with one loud guttural gulp, to her stomach.
Just like before, Mako and Bolin were left flabbergasted by Korra's erotic show, and only when she stood up and sat between them they regained their senses.
- Korra, that was- - That was amazing! - Bolin ended with almost child-like excitation. - Figured you've never dated a water-bending girl. - she smirked - We know how to get what's ours...
She giggled when boys' mouths closed around each of her nipples, and their fingers gravitated towards her wet folds. Korra threw her head back, and let her pleasure engulf her mind.
She came back once more to her eager fangirl, and how the woman eyed her two male cosplayer friends after Korra gave her a bit of advice on handling two boyfriends. She wondered if the three are having as wonderful evening as the real Fire Ferrets...
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cassandra-moon · 4 years
Bolin NSFW Alphabet
A request made from @💜🔮Ssunmii🔮💜
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A=Aftercare (what are they like after doing the dirty)
Bolin is exactly what you would expect. Sweet, caring, and gentle. He’ll ask you on over and over again if you’re alright. Did he hurt you? Was he too rough? Do you need anything? He’s a true teddy bear and he knows it.
B=Body part (what’s their favorite body part on themselves and on their S/O)
Bolin likes is arms. They’re strong and have helped him through many of the worlds toughest battles and he just feels like he can protect you with them. On you, he loves your eyes. He thinks they’re beautiful and would give anything to see them sparkles when you smile and laugh.
C=Cum (Do I have to explain?)
Let’s see. At some point in the future, wants to finish inside you, but until then he’ll settle for your back, stomach, or face.
D=Dirty Secret (a secret they don’t want you to know)
Bolin really, really, REALLY, wants to hold you down with his earth bending and go to town on you until either you can’t think anymore or until his legs go completely numb from moving so much. He wouldn’t DARE let you know this in fear of you thinking less of him or even worse, leaving him. But let’s be honest, we’d love that🥴
E=Experience (do they know what they’re doing? Do they have any experience)
NO! He has no experience what so ever. The boy barely even knows how to touch himself. He had to either ask his brother or read about that shit.
F=Favorite position (pretty self explanatory)
He loves mistionary, but he will NEVER argue with you riding him. But he’s also a huge fan of the corckscrew and anything with your legs over his shoulders.
G=Goofy (how serious they are during the act)
He’s pretty goofy. He’d crack a joke every now and then , or pretend to be a warrior, strike a pose and fall out the bed. Yeah, he’s goofy.
H=Hair (Does the curtains match the drapes)
He’s pretty well groomed down there. He’s honestly pretty self conscious about it so he tries to be tidy
I=Intimacy (how are they with romantic aspects)
He’s incredibly intimate. Bolin is the king of romance. He kicked things off with flowers then good food. During the act he’ll constantly tell you that he loved you and how great your doing. He’s a true romantic and it shows with everything he does for you.
J=Jack off (I’m not explaining)
Y-yeah. He does pretty often, especially when you’re either with Korra helping her do work or when you’re performing with with Fire Ferrets, stuff like that gets him going. Especially when he sees you naked for the first time. That was a wild night for both of you
K=Kink (Anything kink related)
He loves to steal you underwear. Like you’ll be sleeping in your pajamas and you’d wake up completely exposed with your goods open. He loves hair pulling. Pull his hair, please , dear lord please. He will unleash the most sinful sound that will ever reach your ears.
L=Location (where they prefer to do it)
He prefers to keep it in the bedroom, but he’s not opposed to doing it anywhere else, like in the break room or training room or even in the forest of Air Temple Island(yes y’all have sullied Aangs sacred grounds)
M=Motivation (what makes them want you)
He loves seeing in the arena clad in your uniform, gives him an instant hard on, Mako’s teased him a few times for it but helps him out to take care it by coving for him during work. Also you fight just in general. Whether you’re a bender or not, the way your independence shines through makes him glad to have you and makes him want to take you instantly
N=No (Something they will not do no matter what)
He will NOT hurt you, degrade you, choke you, or anything that can cause harm to you it will never be an option no matter how much you beg and plea, it’s not happening.
O=Oral (preference of giving and receiving, how good are they)
He loves both equally, but he LOVES watching you writhe when your so close or when you’ve finished like three times before and he’s not showing any sign of stopping. Now what REALLY gets him going is seeing how your cheeks fill when he’s shoved down your throat, not THAT, is some real motivation.
P=Pace (How fast are they)
He’s honestly pretty slow when it comes to sex, now if he’s feeling possessive and dominant, he’s gonna go from loving and caring to YOU WANNA SEE SOME REAL SPEED BITCH.
Q=Quickies (does he like them)
He’ll do then but he prefers to take his time and stretch it out as long as he can, but he’s not opposed to it, if you’re on an adventure and he’s desperate he’ll pull you away from the group when you’re resting out he’ll make up some excuse to either follow you or whisk you away and do it with you wherever you two are. The time it takes to finish during one of these is about fifteen to twenty minutes. A round.
S=Stamina (how long can they go? How many rounds)
Boy. Can go. FOR HOURS!! Each round takes about fourty minute, and the amount of rounds he can go, well, lest just say you don’t get ANY sleep. AT ALL!
T=Toys (do they have any toys to use during the act)
No, they make him feel self conscious that a toy can make you feel better.
U=Unfair (how much do they like to tease)
He’s not much of teaser, but, BUT, if you tease him, OOOH child you’re in for a ride
V=Volume (how loud are they during the act)
He’s not too loud but he’s definitely a moaner. Him moaning, just does something to you, and he knows it and he takes advantage of it.
W=Wild Card (Random Headcanon)
Bolin wants you to do BDSM at some point just as long as it’s okay with you
X=X-Ray (Now let’s see what’s going on underneath those pants baby boy)
Y=Yearning (pretty self explanatory)
He NEEDS you in whatever way he can get, it doesn’t matter
Z=Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep)
Boy is out like a poler-bear dog, lets be honest
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