#nakamura emi
snazzystarlight · 2 years
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This was gorgeous! This is “I” by Nakamura Emi as I see it because of synesthesia, a condition that impacts sensory input and can cause music to me see as well as heard!
Support my work on Patreon!
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apcomplexhq · 10 months
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✦ Nome do personagem: Nakamura Emi. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Hikaru Yokota - Modelo. ✦ Data de nascimento: 03/01/1993. ✦ Idade: 30 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Feminina, ela/dela. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Japão, japonesa. ✦ Qualidades: Paciente, responsável e solícita ✦ Defeitos: Teimosa, distraída e dissimulada. ✦ Moradia: Elysian Fields. ✦ Ocupação: Médica veterinária no Pegasus Wings, dona de um blog monetizado sobre gatos e consultora comportamental felina. ✦ Twitter: @EF93EM ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, ROMANCE/SHIPPING, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: É uma condômina fascinante, conhecida por sua personalidade enigmática e cativante, que parece refletir características felinas. Ela se move com graça e possui uma elegância única que a distingue dos outros moradores do condomínio. Alguns a consideram misteriosa e observadora, outros apenas quieta demais. Mas a verdade é que ela é bastante seletiva com as pessoas: é amigável, apenas escolhe cuidadosamente com quem compartilha seu afeto. Seu jeito independente e reservado pode ser desafiador para alguns, mas aqueles que conseguem conquistar sua confiança descobrem uma amiga leal e protetora.
Emi Nakamura nasceu em 3 de janeiro de 1993, na província de Saitama, Japão, em uma família de classe média. Desde pequena, demonstrou um interesse avassalador por animais. Cresceu em um ambiente onde foi incentivada a explorar suas paixões, formando-se em medicina veterinária na universidade de Tóquio, ciente de que viveria uma vida humilde. Foi enquanto trabalhava numa clínica pequena que descobriu que sua história não seria escrita de forma tão simples.
A japonesa recebeu a inesperada notícia de uma herança que seu tio havia deixado para si na Coreia do Sul: um apartamento espaçoso e uma quantia generosa de dinheiro, o qual renderia por longos anos. Decidida a honrar a memória dele e desvendar os mistérios em torno de sua vida, Emi deixou o Japão para trás e embarcou em uma jornada para Seul, apenas com algumas roupas, seu notebook e três pets. Seu tio, um homem misterioso e reservado, deixou tudo pronto para a mudança de sua sobrinha logo após seu falecimento, no final de 2023.
Em busca de novas aventuras e decidida a seguir o legado familiar, Emi embarcou para as terras estrangeiras. Lá, se deparou com o conforto deixado pelo tio e uma oportunidade na área de cuidados com animais, conseguindo um emprego em uma clínica veterinária renomada chamada Pegasus Wings.
Emi nunca foi uma garota submissa e não se deixaria levar apenas pelo conforto. Ainda no Japão, criou um blog dedicado a bichanos, compartilhando dicas sobre cuidados, curiosidades e histórias engraçadas. Com o tempo, seu blog tornou-se popular e foi monetizado, tornando-se uma fonte adicional de renda. Mesmo na Coréia, ela não parou de atualizar seu site, passando a estudar ainda mais sobre o assunto. Além disso, sua paixão por felinos a levou a se especializar como consultora comportamental, ajudando donos de gatos a entenderem melhor seus companheiros de quatro patas.
A vida agitada de Emi na Coreia do Sul se dividiria entre os cuidados com os animais na clínica, seu blog cativante e suas consultorias. Enquanto administrava a herança do tio, ela mergulhou profundamente no mundo gateiro, descobrindo novas técnicas e estratégias para melhorar a vida desses animais e de seus donos.
Sempre foi considerada uma mulher reservada, mas dona de uma língua afiada. Prefere lidar com animais a pessoas, porém com essa mudança de ares, também decidiu mudar de atitude.
Enquanto organizava a herança do tio, ela se viu com um novo propósito em Seul. Entre os cuidados aos animais e a descoberta das raízes familiares, Emi encontrou não apenas um legado, mas também um lar e uma comunidade que a acolheria calorosamente.
A história dessa japonesa nascida no interior só está no início. Caso queira fazer parte dela, prepare-se para mergulhar numa história repleta de perguntas, mas pouquíssimas respostas.
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Tonight on "The Yakai".
Tonight's episode of "The Yakai" , airing tonight at 22.00. p.m. on japanese time and 16.00. p.m. on Israel time on "TBS", will feature a ten metre dive and a special "Scary Wife" show!
#nakamurakaito from "Travis Japan", #soyaigari from "HiHi Jets" and #kenjimotonami , all talents who are afraid of heights, will take on the challenge of the "ten metre diving derby" ! Who can dive the fastest?
We will also take a look at the love between #akirahokuto and #kensukeasaki ! Can you guess who his wife is by looking at just one part of her body? If you get it wrong, you'll be attacked by her scary spouse.....
In addition, former child genius #kentasuga will take on the "sixty seconds of rapid crying" challenge ! Will he be able to shed tears without shuddering at Kintaro's imitation?
Also in "Last Child's Lunch" #emikurara, who is currently starring in Tuesday's drama "Saionji-san Doesn't Do Homework", is very excited about the children's lunch! Who will eat it last?
Enjoy the Challenges from our stellar guests.
𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆★
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Films Watched in 2023:
56.  東海道四谷怪談/The Ghost of Yotsuya (1959) - Dir. Nobuo Nakagawa
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screamscenepodcast · 2 years
It is yet another TOKAIDO YOTSUYA KAIDAN (1959), but this time from experienced horror director Nobuo Nakagawa!
Balancing a return to its kabuki roots with a forward-looking use of colour and surrealism, this horror takes your hosts by storm! The film stars Shigeru Amachi, Katsuko Wakasugi and Shuntaro Emi.
Context setting 00:00; Synopsis 28:53; Discussion 44:01; Ranking 1:00:54
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nicolilylucy · 10 months
dont look at me i didnt want that as my top genre either
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gooner-media · 2 months
Goo.ner Media: "Real Lives, Real Stories"
The Incident: A Bold Stand Against NMCA Legislation
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In an audacious and highly organized effort, five young women aged 20 to 22 from Tokyo University not only staged a mass protest against the NMCA legislation but also engaged in acts of civil disobedience that captured national attention. Their actions, while driven by a desire for change, led to severe repercussions that turned them into a public spectacle.
As a result of their conspiracy, these women now face harsh punishments. They are prohibited from wearing any tops and must adhere to the NMCA dress code, which mandates that no more than half their diapers can be covered. For the remainder of their time at university, they are permitted to wear only their diapers, backpacks, socks, and shoes. Additionally, they endure a daily public bare-bottom spanking in the center of campus for the rest of the semester.
Meet the Protesters
1. Yui Tanaka, Age 22 Yui, a sociology student, is known for her outspoken views on human rights. She led the group in not only protesting but also staging a sit-in that blocked access to a government building, demanding the repeal of the NMCA.
2. Haruka Nakamura, Age 21 Haruka, an art major, created provocative art installations that were displayed in public spaces without permission. Her works criticized the NMCA and the government's overreach, sparking significant media attention.
3. Aki Yamamoto, Age 20 Aki, a political science student, orchestrated a hacking operation that temporarily took over a government website, displaying messages against the NMCA legislation. This act of cyber protest was pivotal in their severe punishment.
4. Emi Sato, Age 22 Emi, a literature student, wrote and distributed an underground pamphlet that criticized the NMCA and called for nationwide civil disobedience. Her writings were considered seditious and led to her being heavily penalized.
5. Mei Suzuki, Age 21 Mei, a psychology major, organized unauthorized public demonstrations and utilized social media to coordinate simultaneous protests across multiple campuses, defying government orders and regulations.
The punishment imposed on these brave women is severe and serves as a deterrent to others who might consider challenging the NMCA legislation. Their daily public spankings and strict dress code enforcement are stark reminders of the government's zero-tolerance policy towards dissent.
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akkivee · 2 months
Hello again vee 💥💥❗ i have a question for you to agonize over yippee !!! What producers would you like to see for hypmic ? Me and my friends have made a small list but i wanna see what others think abt it in general
Anyway, THE LIST !!: fake type, shimon, oster project, hiiragi kirai (biggest hear me out here), biz, and teddyloid (NOT A REMIX !!! A new song preferably...)
ngl hypmic’s actually fulfilled most of my asks lol: i wanted orange range to give me a kuukou song and i got hypnotic summer, i wanted queen bee to write a kuukou song and got omamagoto, i didn’t dare think chelmico would write a song for the ladies since they’re a duo but they pulled up anyway lol
ig i still think it’d be cool if nakamura emi as a lyricist for otome could be a thing🤔 eill is too much of a romance lyricist but i think she’d make a great song for one the ladies, and maybe i can finally get daoko too for nemu or honobono lol. it’d also be reeeeeaallly fun if they got bimi, kuukou’s og stage actor, to write a kuukou song lol and like put sambomaster on instrumentals 🥺👉👈
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imasallstars · 1 year
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Information regarding the first IJIGEN FES 2023 live has been revealed! The live will occur in the TOKYO DOME on the 9th and 10th of December 2023. This first fes will feature three branches of IDOLM@STER performing with four branches of Love Live!
The voice providers participating in this stop are as follows:
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS  Kotomi Aihara (Shiki Ichinose), Hiromi Igarashi (Anzu Futaba), Asami Takano (Frederica Miyamoto), Yuki Nakashima (Yuuki Otokura), Yuko Iida (Kanade Hayami), Honoka Inoue (Nanami Asari), Sumire Uesaka (Anastasia), Aya Suzaki (Minami Nitta), Miyu Tomita (Akira Sunazuka), Ru Thing (Syuko Shiomi), Teru Ikuta (Natalia), Hina Tachibana (Nagi Hisakawa), Nanami Yamashita (Yui Ohtsuki) IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE  Haruka Yamazaki (Mirai Kasuga), Azusa Tadokoro (Shizuka Mogami), Machico (Tsubasa Ibuki), Momo Asakura (Serika Hakozaki), Kotori Koiwai (Tomoka Tenkubashi), Atsuki Nakamura (Roco Handa), Emi Hirayama (Reika Kitakami), Yui Watanabe (Nao Yokoyama) IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS  Karin Isobe (Kogane Tsukioka), Chisa Suginuma (Mamimi Tanaka), Anna Yamaki (Sakuya Shirase), Shio Watanabe (Yuika Mitsumine), Yuina Mizuki (Kiriko Yukoku), Honoka Kuroki (Amana Osaki), Ryoko Maekawa (Tenka Osaki), Noriko Shibasaki (Chiyuki Kuwayama), Yuu Wakui (Toru Asakura), Rio Tsuchiya (Madoka Higuchi), Saran Tajima (Koito Fukumaru), Miho Okasaki (Hinana Ichikawa), Azusa Shizuki (Nichika Nanakusa), Aya Yamane (Mikoto Aketa)
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS  Ayaka Ohashi (Uzuki Shimamura), Ayaka Fukuhara (Rin Shibuya), Sayuri Hara (Mio Honda), Amina Sato (Arisu Tachibana), Tomoyo Kurosawa (Miria Akagi), Hana Tamegai (Risa Matoba), Makoto Koichi (Haru Yuuki), Asaka Imai (Chie Sasaki), Natsumi Haruse (Kaoru Ryuzaki), Misaki Kuno (Nina Ichihara), Yuri Komori (Koharu Koga), Mina Nakazawa (Yukimi Sajo), Maki Hanatani (Kozue Yusa) IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE  Aimi (Julia), Miku Itou (Yuriko Nanao), Ibuki Kido (Kana Yabuki), Arisa Kori (Kaori Sakuramori), Yuri Komagata (Sayoko Takayama), Rie Suegara (Fuka Toyokawa), Saki Minami (Tsumugi Shiraishi), Rikako Yamaguchi (Rio Momose) IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS  Hitomi Sekine (Mano Sakuragi), Reina Kondo (Hiori Kazano), Mayu Mineda (Meguru Hachimiya), Hiyori Konno (Kaho Komiya), Haruka Shiraishi (Chiyoko Sonoda), Mariko Nagai (Juri Saijo), Wakana Maruoka (Rinze Morino), Akiho Suzumoto (Natsuha Arisugawa), Yuki Tanaka (Asahi Serizawa), Eri Yukimura (Fuyuko Mayuzumi), Sayaka Kitahara (Mei Izumi), Rina Kawaguchi (Luca Ikaruga), Haruna Mikawa (Hana Suzuki), Rena Ozawa (Haruki Iketa)
DAY 1&2
AQOURS (LOVE LIVE! SUNSHINE!!)  Anju Inami (Chika Takami), Rikako Aida (Riko Sakurauchi), Nanaka Suwa (Kana Matsuura), Arisa Komiya (Dia Kurosawa), Shukai Saito (You Watanabe), Aika Kobayashi (Yoshiko Tsushima), Kanako Takatsuki (Hanamaru Kunikida), Aina Suzuki (Mari Ohara), Ai Furihata (Ruby Kurosawa) NIJIGASAKU SCHOOL IDOL CLUB  Aguri Ohnishi (Ayumu Uehara), Mayu Sagara (Kasumi Nakasu), Kaori Maede (Shizuku Osaka), Miyu Kubota (Karin Asaka), Natsumi Murakami (Ai Miyashia), Akari Kito (Kanata Konoe), Coco Hayashi (Setsuna Imura), Maria Sashide (Emma Verde), Chiemi Tanaka (Rina Tennoji), Moeka Koizumi (Shioriko Mifune), Shu Uchida (Mia Taylor), Akina Homoto (Zhong Lanzhu).  Support Member: Hinaki Yano (Yu Takasaki) Liella! (LOVE LIVE! SUPERSTAR!!)  Sayuri Date (Kanon Shibuya), Liyuu (Keke Tang), Nako Misaki (Chisato Arashi), Naomi Payton (Sumire Heanna), Nagisa Aoyama (Ren Hazuki), Nozomi Suzuhara (Kinako Sakurakoji), Akana Yabushima (Mei Yoneme), Wakana Okuma (Shiki Wakana), Aya Emori (Natsumi Onitsuka), Yuina (Wien Margarete), Sakura Sakakura (Tomari Onitsuka) HASUNOSORA SCHOOL IDOL CLUB  Nirei Nozomi (Kaho Hinoshita), Kokona Nonaka (Sayaka Murano), Nina Hanamiya (Kozue Otomune), Kotoka Sasaki (Tsuzuri Yugiri), Kanna Kan (Rurino Osawa), Kona Tsukine (Megumi Fujishima)
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mayhempro · 18 days
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Mayhem Pro Wrestling is a semi-au, kayfabe, discord based efed, that's been up and running since 2021! If you're looking for a unique, fun, and welcoming group where YOU get to book your own matches, write your own story, and make some friends - or enemies - along the way, Mayhem is your next destination! In MPW, you have your character's career in your hands, and you get to decide how their story unfolds.
We are officially on the road To Hell on Earth, and we have started with a BANG! But with so much time to go before we head to London - will you answer the call to action?
most wanted:
Will Ospreay, Kenny Omega, Jay White, Mercedes Mone, Nick Wayne, Jordan Oliver, Mariah May, Billie Starkz, Alexa Bliss, Blake Christian, Mike Bailey, Kazuchika Okada, Matthew & Nicholas Jackson, FTR, Alec Price, Tetsuya Naito, Shinsuke Nakamura, Adam Cole, Jacob & Zilla Fatu, Skye Blue, Maki Itoh, Giulia, Christian Cage, Adam Copeland, Dalton Castle, Kris Statlander, ASUKA/KANA, Dakota Kai, PAC, Chris Hero, Konosuke Takeshita, Ricky Starks, Chris Sabin, The North, Mina Shirakawa, Emi Sakura, Hikaru Shida, Thunder Rosa, Charles Mason, Kyle O’Reilly, Queen Aminata, Rhea Ripley, Roderick Strong, Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, Hiromu Takahashi, Utami Hayashishita, Yuka Sakazaki, Tracy Williams, Kylie Rae, AR Fox, Minoru Suzuki, Sareee, Natsupoi, Lee Moriarty, Tam Nakano, Starboy Charlie, The Gunns, & Cheeseburger!
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ficoandleo · 1 month
Ok guys.From the last post.
The students that said your hair a wig is
Arata Tanaka-Third Year
Emi Nakamura-Second Year
That them,alright.
I’m only snitching because so I can have a chance to Dat-*Cough*I mean work for Fico-Sama
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"Sounds good! If you're gonna be working, I'll go back to the garage."
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"Yeah. You head home, Kurossa--I'm going to be. . .busy for a bit. But before you go--or before I see you next--" Romeo swings an arm around Leo's shoulders, stroking his hair affectionately, and places his other hand on Leo's chest. He whispers in his ear, and Leo nods along, smiling innocently.
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"Okay~ I can do that!"
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"Good. Let me know when you're done." Romeo gently pushes Leo towards the door, and Leo lets himself out, a spring in his step. Finally, Romeo turns to you, smiling eerily but speaking ever so sweetly as he strides over. He slides his gloved fingers lightly over your cheek and along your jaw. "Now then, what should I do with you. . .I'm not so angry as to shoot the messenger, so I won't punish you too harshly for being gullible. . .after all, everything about me is so beautiful, it's hard to believe it's real, right? So of course you'd believe something so ignorant. . . ."
Arata and Emi, however, may be in for a traumatizing time in the future. . . .
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gangnamsearch · 1 month
podem dar opções de mwf? de preferência chinesas e japonesas!
Claro, meu bem. Separei algumas opções com idades variadas, meu bem!
JAPONESAS — Nakamura Ataru (1985), Okamoto Tao (1985), Akimoto Kozue (1987), Yuka Mannami (1991), Anna Sawai (1992), Miyauchi Haruka (1993), Yoshioka Riho (1993), Lyrica Okano (1994), Baba Fumika (1995), Kawaguchi Haruna (1995), Furukawa Kotone (1996), Sakurai Hinako (1996), Nana Komatsu (1996), Ayaka Miyoshi (1996), Takahashi Juri (1997), Miyawaki Sakura (1998), Tsunematsu Yuri (1998), Tomonaga Miku (1998), Miyoui Mina (1998), Mashimoto Hanna (1999), Sakamoto Mashiro (1999), Abe Haruno (2000), Matsuda Momoka (2000), Hamabe Minami (2000), Kurusu Rin (2000), Katsuno Rise (2001), Tokunaga Yuuri (2001), Utaha (2001), Yabuki Nako (2001), Emi Fujita (2001), Honda Hitomi (2001), Tanaka Miku (2001), Fukutomi Tsuki (2002), Asaya Jurin (2002), Moki Koyuki (2002), Lisa Yamada (2002), Sakata Sora (2003), Nakamura Kazuha (2003).
CHINESAS — Yin Tao (1979), Xin Zhilei (1986), Liu Yifei (1987), Ni Ni (1988), Angelababy (1989), Sun Feifei (1989), Ming Xi (1989), Song Yi (1989), Wu Jinyan (1990), Zhang Yuxi (1991), Zhu Xudan (1992), Jenny Zeng (1993), Chen Fang Tong (1993), Bai Lu (1994), Liang Jie (1994), Ju Jingyi (1994), Esther Yu (1995), Meng Ziyi (1995), Xu Jiaqi (1995), Jelly Lin (1996), Kong Xueer (1996), Leah Lewis (1996), Wan Peng (1996), Zhang Ruonan (1996), Shen Yue (1997), Guan Xiaotong (1997), Caroline Hu (1997), Zhang Nan (1997), Silja Kang (1997), Estelle Chen (1998), Zhao Lusi (1998), Amberly Yang (1998), Cheng Xiao (1998), Zhou Jieqiong (1998), Lareina Song (1998), Elkie Chong (1998), Zhang Jingyi (1999), Ren Min (1999), Song Yuqi (1999), Shen Xiaoting (1999), Sabrina Zhuang (2001), Ning Yizhuo (2002).
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docrotten · 6 months
THE H-MAN (1958, BIJO TO EKITAI NINGEN) – Episode 173 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
“What if by some bizarre phenomenon, his physical form just melted away? Would that fit your crime scene?” Hmm … bizarre phenomenon? Let’s run with it. Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, Doc Rotten, and Jeff Mohr along with guest host Chris Peters – as they discuss Toho’s The H-Man (1958), directed by the great Ishirô Honda.
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 173 – The H-Man (1958)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
ANNOUNCEMENT Decades of Horror The Classic Era is partnering with THE CLASSIC SCI-FI MOVIE CHANNEL, THE CLASSIC HORROR MOVIE CHANNEL, and WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL Which all now include video episodes of The Classic Era! Available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, Online Website. Across All OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop. https://classicscifichannel.com/; https://classichorrorchannel.com/; https://wickedhorrortv.com/
When a narcotics dealer disappears, leaving only his clothes, Tokyo police are stumped. A scientist claims H-Bomb tests in the Pacific have created radioactive creatures – “H-Men” – who ooze like slime and liquify anyone they touch.
  Directed by: Ishirô Honda
Writing Credits: Takeshi Kimura (written by); Hideo Unagami (story)
Produced by: Tomoyuki Tanaka
Music by: Masaru Satô
Cinematography by: Hajime Koizumi
Editing by: Kazuji Taira
Production Design by: Takeo Kita
Special Effects by: Eiji Tsuburaya (director of special effects) 
Selected Cast:
Yumi Shirakawa as Chikako Arai, singer in the nightclub
Kenji Sahara as Dr. Masada
Akihiko Hirata as Inspector Tominaga
Eitarô Ozawa as Police Sgt. Miyashita (as Eitaro Ozawa)
Koreya Senda as Dr. Maki
Makoto Satô as Uchida, gangster
Yoshifumi Tajima as Detective Sakata
Yoshio Tsuchiya as Detective Taguchi
Ayumi Sonoda as Emi, lead exotic dancer
Hisaya Itô as Misaki, the dissolved gangster
Nadao Kirino as Shimazaki, the waiter-thug
Naomi Shiraishi as Mineko, Dr. Maki’s assistant
Tetsu Nakamura as Mr. Chin, gangster
Tadao Nakamaru as Detective Seki
Minosuke Yamada as Chief of Inspectors Kusuda
Akira Sera as Horita – Fisherman
Haruya Katô as Sochan – Fisherman
Yasuhiro Shigenobu as Yasukichi – Fisherman
Senkichi Ômura as Daichan, 1st dissolved fisherman (Let me try on the pants!)
Haruo Nakajima as Chosuke, 2nd dissolved fisherman & Liquid Human Being
Shigeo Katô as Matchan, 3rd dissolved fisherman
Paul Frees as Various Voices (American dubbing)
Are you ready to battle an invasion of liquified men? Watch out, The Blob (1958), The H-Man (1958) is here to make you rue the day. Toho Films and director Ishirô Honda (Godzilla, 1954) blend sci-fi, horror, film noir, and… cabaret… for all kinds of horrifying shenanigans. Yup, people liquify left and right throughout the short 87-minute runtime. That’s right, only gooey globs of clothes and hairpieces remain. Join the Grue-Crew along with special guest-host Chris Peters (aka, José) as they revisit and review this unusual yet highly entertaining entry from the film company that gave the world Akira Kurosawa, Ishirô Honda, Godzilla, Mothra, and so much more.
At the time of this writing, The H-Man is available for streaming from the Classic Horror Movie Channel, Classic Sci-Fi Movie Channel, and Tubi.
You may be interested in these other Decades of Horror episodes focused on Ishirô Honda-directed films:
GODZILLA (1954, GOJIRA) – Episode 58 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era
HALF HUMAN (JÛ JIN YUKI OTOKO, 1955) – Episode 16 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era
RODAN (1956) – Episode 101 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era
MATANGO (1963, ATTACK OF THE MUSHROOM PEOPLE) – Episode 135 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era
THE WAR OF THE GARGANTUAS (FURANKENSHUTAIN NO KAIJÛ: SANDA TAI GAIRA, 1966) – Episode 57 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era
SPACE AMOEBA (1970, YOG: MONSTER FROM SPACE) – Episode 127 – Decades of Horror 1970s
TERROR OF MECHAGODZILLA (1975) – Episode 165 – Decades of Horror 1970s
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. Up next in their very flexible schedule, as chosen by guest host Scott Wells is King of the Zombies (1941), a horror comedy directed by Jean Yarbrough (The Devil Bat, 1940; House of Horrors, 1946; The She-Wolf of London, 1946) and starring Dick Purcell, Joanne Woodbury, Henry Victor, and the great Mantan Moreland.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: leave them a message or leave a comment on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel, the site, or email the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast hosts at [email protected]
To each of you from each of them, “Thank you so much for watching and listening!”
Check out this episode!
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produce101blog · 11 months
Live Audience Ranking
Note: this only includes the LIVE audience of the performances in ep3+4, plus the additional 3,000 bonus votes. Whoever won out of the two groups that performed the song got 3,000 bonus votes.
Second note: These are essentially useless rankings as they weren't actual fan votes submitted online/through mobile.
Third note: Tumblr hates ties in lists. Use the vote count to determine a tie. Most everything from rank 36 onward is a tie.
Ebihara Tsuzumi (3172)
Takami Ayane (3151)
Kitazume Sakura (3139)
Ishii Ran (3123)
Kasahara Momona (3093)
Nakano Konona (3084) - tie
Sasaki Tsukushi (3084) - tie
Takahashi Hina (3082)
Takabatake Momoka (3073)
Aoki Yuka (3071)
Nakayama Honoka (3068)
Mizukami Rimika (3064)
Tanaka Yuuki (3064)
Kato Kokoro (3064)
Murakami Rinon (3061)
Uchiyama Rin (3061)
Kamio Ayano (3056)
Yamamoto Suzu (3055)
Akiyama Ema (3054)
Hatta Mena (3050)
Kanno Miyu (3046)
Kitazato Rio (3044)
Sakaguchi Rino (3043)
Ando Yui (3041)
Tanabe Karin (3038)
Abe Nagomi (3037)
Otsubo Karen (3035)
Aramaki Joa (3031)
Tanaka Koto (3031)
Kamada Moe (3029)
Matsushita Miyu (3028)
Sakurai Miu (3028)
Kenmotsu Nano (3026)
Kawabata Ranka (3023)
Shimizu Keiko (3021)
Kino Riko (3012)
Hidaka Hazuki (3011)
Nakamori Kotone (3011)
Yoshida Ayano (3011)
Kikukawa Aki (3010)
Kobayashi Sae (3010)
Nakamori Mikoto (3010)
Sato Ameli (3010)
Nakamura Aoi (3008)
Okabe Nonoka (3007)
Sano Jueri (3006)
Shiromaru Maho (3004)
Bando Fuka (3003) - whatever the opposite of MVP is (lowest votes) of winning groups
Yoshida Hana (81) - MVP (highest votes) of non-winning groups
Moro Anon (56)
Ando Chiharu (55)
Kato Kagura (55)
Yamazuki Mitsuki (46) - potential elimination cutoff
Fujimoto Ayaka (45)
Oyanagi Emi (45)
Hosoi Ayaka (37)
Kato Airi (37)
Kawagishi Runa (35)
Oda Aruha (35)
Sakata Kotone (30)
Sudo Sakura (28)
Mogi Shion (27)
Sutani Yurara (26)
Sekiguchi Rikako (25)
Shibuya Mei (24)
Watanabe Miyu (22)
Koyama Mana (20)
Kurokawa Honoka (18)
Sakuraba Haruka (18)
Tanaka Hana (18)
Iida Shizuku (16)
Hamasaki Aiko (13)
Saito Serina (13)
Oikawa Rio (12)
Sasaki Kokona (11)
Aita Rin (8)
Wakimoto Mihaya (8)
Okamura Nana (7)
Tani Seia (7)
Furuhashi Sayaka (6)
Kato Konomi (6)
Sugai Natsuho (5)
Tabata Nana (5)
Ueki Mimi (5)
Iyota Hana (5)
Nakamura Riro (4)
Yamaguchi Misaki (4)
Shibagaki Arisa (3)
Shinzawa Mika (3)
Tabuchi Miu (3)
Kataoka Rio (2)
Suzuki Rena (2)
Kurihara Kano (1)
Motohashi Meika (1)
Ota Sara (1)
Takagi Mayu (1)
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hellishmox · 1 year
𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫
{ 𝐚𝐞𝐰 }
adam cole
bryan danielson
brody king
buddy matthews
chris jericho
christian cage
chuck taylor
claudio castagonli
darby allin
dustin rhodes (platonic)
ethan page
evil uno (i just think hes neat)
hangman adam page
isiah kassidy
jon moxley
jungle boy jack perry
kenny omega
konosuke takeshita
malakai black
matt jackson
nick jackson
orange cassidy
penta el zero miedo (MY WIFE)
rey fenix
wheeler yuta
anna jay
the bunny
britt baker
emi sakura
hikaru shida
jade cargill
jamie hayter
julia hart
kris statlander
nyla rose
ruby soho
skye blue
taya valkyrie
thunder rosa
toni storm
williow nightingale
yuka sakazaki
{ 𝐰𝐰𝐞 }
baron corbin
bray wyatt
cody rhodes
damian priest
dominik mysterio
drew mcintrye
finn balor
john cena
jey uso
jimmy uso
kevin owens
kofi kingston
randy orton
rey mysterio
roman reigns
sami zayn
seth rollins
sheamus (the chrollo of wrestling, only the homies understand this)
shinsuke nakamura
solo sikoa
xavier woods
alexa bliss
becky lynch
charlotte flair
candice lerae
chelsea green
dakota kai
iyo sky
katana chance
kayden carter
liv morgan
nikki cross
piper niven
rhea ripley
sonya deville
trish stratus
xia li
zoey starks
zelina vega
{ 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜. }
aj lee
bret hart
brie bella
cora jade
kairi sane
nikki bella
nikkita lyons
renee paquette
sasha banks/mercedes mone
shawn michaels
triple h
william regal
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