#nail art training centre
milswrites · 8 months
~Azriel X Reader
Summary: While on a mission with Azriel, Y/N finds herself captured by the enemy. Will Azriel get to her in time to save her or must Y/N find another way out of this situation.
Warnings: Angst. Graphic descriptions of wounds. Mentions of torture. Violence. Minor character death. Badass MC with a happy ending though :).
Notes: Most definitely should have been two parts I’m sorry for the length <3
Your eyes flickered open slowly, lids struggling to lift fully as your head agonisingly throbbed in pain. Even through your blurred vision you could tell the surroundings were unfamiliar and there wasn’t much information to gain from them other than the fact you were locked in a cell and it was dark. Very dark. The only source of light being the dim flicker of candlelight that squeezed its way through the edges of the door before you, the shadow in your cell dancing in the soft glow that broke through.
Aching, you tried to move, twitching your fingers only to be met with an unsettling numbness that travelled up your arm. Forcing your eyes to open fully, sight becoming less foggy, you glanced to your side. Your eyes drifted from your shoulder and followed the length of your dirty, blood-stained arm to your hand. Your hand, which you had only now noticed was softly trembling, was a picture of horror. A large, rusted nail had found its home in the centre of your palm. Clearly the wound had been there a while as the blood down your arm and on the floor was cracked and dry, congealed around the base of the nail where it met the skin of your hand. Alarmed, your eyes snapped to the other side, head throbbing at the fast movement. Your other hand bore the same wound. Choking back a sob, you stilled your breathing, the anxiety-born shaking your body was doing was only causing you more pain in your hands. You were pinned to the wall like a piece of art. Like you were a trophy.
A sudden wave of panic flooded your system as you recalled how you ended up here in the first place, Azriel was with you on the mission where you had been knocked out and captured. Your wide, alarmed eyes scanned the room, there was no sign of him in here. No traces or makings on the floor that showed any sign of a struggle other than that of your own. Was he safe? Or was he trapped somewhere in this building in another cell? You wondered if he had managed to slip way and if he was looking for you, if he would come save you from entrapment and carry you back to Velaris where you would be safe. Cursing yourself, you shook the thoughts from your mind, you were disposable to him. A young, newly trained spy for the night court. Azriel wouldn’t risk his safety and the safety of his court to ensure your well-being.
You prayed to the mother that Azriel wasn’t in the same situation as you. Locked up in a separate cell. From the moment you met him, when he had saved you from the beating your father was gifting you in Hewn City, you knew you couldn’t just be friends with Azriel. Over the past year of training under him you would be a fool to deny that you had fallen under his spell, those feelings that sparked in you when you first laid eyes on him the day you met only grew and grew until they were a wildfire. The countless hours spent by his side working, training and travelling for your court did nothing but amplify your school-girl crush on the spymaster. But it would be ridiculous for you to assume you ever meant anything more to him than just another person to train. He had never shown much interest in you other than when it came to training and work. In fact most days he struggled to meet your eyes, mumbling the days tasks to you as he busied his gaze elsewhere. There was no way Azriel reciprocated your feelings. But it didn’t matter now. Now you were trapped and this cruel form of punishment bestowed upon you was surely a sign you would not be making it out of here alive.
Eyes stinging with tears, you brushed all thoughts of your unrequited love aside. Now was not the time to get distracted, all your energy had to be directed into finding a way out of this situation. If Azriel was here you had to make sure you wouldn’t do anything stupid that could end up unintentionally harming him in the process. But if he was here, and wasn’t too heavily injured, you’d both at least have a chance of fighting your way out of this.
If he wasn’t…you would have to attempt this alone and in your injured state. You could wait and see what they wanted from you, see if they kept you alive but the chances of them letting you go were slim to none. You could wait, hope Azriel got back to Velaris and told Rhysand of your capture, hope that they deemed your disposable life worth saving. You didn’t see the likelihood of either option.
No. You would have to try and find a way to discover if Azriel is here and if not it was up to you to ensure your safety. To try and work your way out of this cell in a place you don’t know, guarded by an unknown number of people. The odds were not in your favour.
By this point the tears were freely flowing down your cheeks, despite attempting to hold the sounds in, small sniffles and sorrowful whimpers forced their way out of your mouth. A small part of you wondered if it would be easier to just stay here, anything they were going to do to you already was surely better than what they would unleash upon you if you tried to escape. Head pounding, you awkwardly rested it on your shoulder, the weight of it causing you arm to shift downwards a small amount, your hand seizing with pain as the nail rubbed against the open wound once more.
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to ignore the pain. Maybe it would be easy to just shut your eyes and pray for a swift death. Hope that if you close them and sleep you won’t have to open them again. As if replying to your thoughts, you felt a small tug in your chest, an unusual sensation that you wouldn’t have noticed if it wasn’t for the fact the lack of sound and light in your cell had made your senses very sensitive to even the smallest change. Hope bloomed in your chest, filling your body and soothing your thoughts of giving up. You would try. If it was fate that you were going to die here then at least you would go out fighting. At least you would die trying to stay alive, trying to get back to Azriel.
You weren’t sure how long you sat there since waking, coming up with scenario after scenario, plan after plan. The new sense of determination that coursed through you, prevented you from getting the rest your body so desperately craved. The pain in your hands had reduced, the unbearable stinging was replaced with a dull numbness, you weren’t sure whether that was because the wounds were actually getting better or because you had grown used to the pain. Certain that you’d have to remove the nails soon for fear of infection, you kept them in. You would play the role of their prisoner as long as you were unsure that Azriel was locked up here as well. Only when you found out he was safe would you risk removing the nails and escaping.
The screeching sound of a metal door opening in the distance broke the silence. It was the first sound you had heard that hadn’t been made by you. Your head raised quickly, ears twitching with anticipation as you tried to listen and gather what information you could. There was no speaking, but definitely the sound of multiple footsteps, gradually getting louder as they moved closer. Two? No, three pairs of feet. You were grateful for Azriel’s intense training that allowed you to come to this conclusion. Taking down one person in this situation would have been easy, even with the nails, but three? No you would bide your time. Their footsteps got louder and louder until they stopped. They had come to a halt outside your cell.
Unsure of how to handle this, you dropped your head to your shoulder again at the sound of rattling keys, softly grunting at the pain that flashed through your skull, your eyes snapped shut, pretending to still be unconscious.
The door slowly creaked open, only one pair of footsteps came into the cell, the other two people staying outside.
“I told you that you hit the bitch too hard”
It was difficult not to flinch at the gruffness of the man’s voice, but you managed to stay still, keep your breaths deep and eyes closed. He huffed, unsatisfied at your believed unconscious state, clearly having come to your cell hoping you’d be awake for him to torture some night court secrets from you. Hoping to stir you, you heard the scrape of his boot against the stone floor before you felt it collide against your ribs. Unwilling to give him the satisfaction of you waking for him only so he can undoubtedly prod and poke at you until he felt he had enough information, you lolled your head forward, hands tugging downwards against the nails. You bit back your cry of pain, hoping this action was enough for him to leave you be.
He nudged your leg with his foot a few times, body shaking but you continued to play your part. Until finally he released a disappointed sound and you heard his feet dragging towards the door.
“What did I say? The spymaster would have been the better choice than his pet, shame you let him get away.” And with that he exited your cell, you heard the sound of the lock clicking shut and the low mumble of the man say to his companion, “stay here, send for me when she wakes. Then we can try have some fun.” Muffled steps walked back towards where they originally came from. Two pairs. Only one man had stayed behind to watch the cell.
Now the cell was once again empty and you were in the safety of your own company you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief, eyes flicking to the door in realisation you’d have to be quiet now there was a guard outside. Azriel was safe, he hadn’t been captured. Resisting the urge to cry once more you now hardened your emotions. You had to find your opportunity, try and find a way out of this hell before the man came back and realised you were awake. You needed to get out of this cell and get far away from here, you had never learnt to winnow so you’ll have to run, perhaps if you’re lucky you’ll have some idea where you are and where you can go to.
But first you had to sort out the predicament you were in. The nails had to come out. By this point your panic was almost unbearable, this was going to hurt. Your deep shaky breaths doing nothing to quell the rising anxiety in your body. That odd tug you felt earlier in your chest once more showed itself but in your terrified state it just felt like your heart was trying to rip itself out of your body.
It must have taken an hour or more for you to calm yourself, steady your breathing and prepare yourself for the worse. Ideally you knew you should sleep, gain some energy back that you no doubt were going to need to aid in what you were about to do. However, rest wasn’t an option. You’d already wasted enough time in your panic, sure that if you waited any longer your captor would return.
In fear of being too loud and alerting the man stood outside you moved your head down and bit into the thick collar of the Illyrian leathers you wear for your missions. And you pulled. Starting with your left hand, you pulled it forward, teeth clenching onto the leathers hard. An uncomfortable mixture of sweat and tears streamed down your face as your wound that had healed around the nail broke open, hand flying forward and off of the nail lodged in the wall. One hand was free, now for the other.
Wanting to get it over with you gripped the nail in your right hand with your really released left one, blood streaming down your arm. Once more you pulled only this time you tugged at the nail itself. Mouth falling open in a silent scream, you managed to get it out of the wall and out of your hand. A bitter chuckle slipping from your lips, these idiots locked you in a cell with nails for weapons, even with the knowledge that you were trained by the spymaster himself.
With the wounds in your palms soaked in blood, you used a nail to tear at the bottom of your leathers. Ripping two strips of material from your top, you wrapped them around your hands, pulling the ends tight with your teeth to make sure they were secure. You weren’t sure how hard you would have to fight to make your way out of this.
Once your hands were wrapped you took the nail back into your hands, flipping it from either hand to test its weight and flexing your fingers to make sure that when you needed to use them the ache in your hands wouldn’t be a hindrance.
It was time. There was one man outside and all you needed to do was to get him to open the cell and kill him. Weighing out your options until you settled on the easiest, hoping he would fall for it and so you yelled out.
“Excuse me!…. Can-… can you please help me? I need a drink.”
You made sure to sound as weak and pathetic as you could, which honestly wasn’t hard considering the situation you were in. Listening, you heard him stand to attention, having not expected your voice. You take in his hesitant steps in the direction the rest of his friends went in, clearly wanting to go get them. Desperation spiking in you that this was your only chance, you tried again.
“Please! Just some water, it’s not like I can try anything anyways.”
A string of expletives followed. Then the sound of sloshing water. Standing where the door would open you braced yourself, nail in hand and stance wide. A click of the key turning. A grunt as the heavy metal door is forced open. Light glaring through the gap. And nothing. Your nail finding its home in his throat before he could live to make another sound, body slumping onto the floor of your cell, a pool of blood forming around him.
Checking him for weapons you grabbed his sword, it was too heavy but it was better than the nail so it would have to do, hopefully you wouldn’t need to use it. The last thing you grabbed were his keys to the cell from the door, tucking them into your pocket, unsure whether they will be needed in your escape.
Stepping out into the corridor you glanced around. There was only one way out and that was the way the men from earlier had left from. You steeled yourself and pushed forwards, walking down the cell corridor and opening the door. Met with yet another corridor on the other side, you picked a direction and walked that way, thanking the mother there was no one around and praying to the cauldron that no one would come.
The architecture was unfamiliar, you were definitely in unknown territory. The halls winded on and on, the more you walked the more stressed you became, sure that if you were to go through any more of them you were going to get caught. As if the mother had taken pity on your already situation and heard your silent pleas of despair the next corner you turned had an archway that led outside. Adrenaline coursed through you as you bolted to the arch, eyes squinting in the brightness of the sun.
Now out in the open you wildly scanned your surroundings, choosing the best pathway forward to ensure you had the best chance of escape possible. It was busy outside, stalls full of market goods, with people bustling about them. Afraid of being caught you hid your bloodied arms and sword behind your back but thankfully when you scanned over the crowd you didn’t lay eyes on anyone who looked like a threat.
Hesitating, you were lost on which direction to go in, until out the corner of your eye you caught a merchant’s horse and carriage, a large chest situated on the back. Perfect. Skillfully, you snuck past the crowd of people gathered together, all stretching their necks to look at something you couldn’t see, and you opened the chest. It was empty. At this point you were grinning widely, and you hopped into the chest, hands throbbing as you gripped the edge to haul yourself up into it before pulling the lid to, enclosing yourself in darkness.
You hadn’t been in the chest long when the owners had returned and thankfully they had not opened the chest and found you, bloodied and dirty hiding inside. The carriage pulled away and you have to admit you weren’t the most comfortable, already sore head banging against the wall of the chest with every bump in the road, but it was a whole lot better than being inside of that cell. You didn’t know where this carriage was heading to, but you would catch a lift as long as possible before you had to get out and gather your bearings. Exhaustion overwhelmed you as the adrenaline slowly dripped from your system and despite your best efforts to stay awake, you could stop your eyes drooping as sleep eventually caught up with you.
You woke up to an overwhelming bright light and a petrified scream. Startling, you sat up in shock and attempted to take in your surroundings, the lid of the chest had been opened and you were staring into the face of a horribly distressed woman who was clearly not expecting to find you inside.
“Shhhh… it’s ok, I’m sorry. I’m leaving” you tried to sooth her as you speedily hopped out of the chest, taking your sword with you. Turning in a circle you took note of the inn before you and the dense forest that surrounded the area.
Unfortunately, the sight of your blood-stained arms and the glint of your sharp edged sword did nothing to calm the merchant lady who was screaming bloody murder. You backed off, arms raised in surrender, eyes travelling to the group of angry men standing outside of an inn, whose attention had been caught by the wailing woman. You cursed, brain trying to come up with excuses you could give to get them off your back so you could be on your way but your stream of thoughts was interrupted by the ringing of bells that had started in the distance, presumably where you had just escaped from. Fuck. The carriage hadn’t taken you as far as you’d have hoped.
“They ringing those for you sweetheart?” One of the men asked, cracking his knuckles together after having seen the panic flash through your eyes over the sound of the bells, “we’d get a pretty penny for bringing you in if that’s the case.”
At this point you weren’t even going to stop and try talk your way out of this. Azriel had always said your tongue would get you killed one day. So you didn’t only thing you could think of. You ran. Bolting towards the forest behind you, you moved as quickly as you could, muscles burning after your limbs had been squeezed together in the chest for a little too long. Shouts broke out behind you and you knew that they had followed. The haunting sound of the bells still carried in the wind, a reminder of the place you had come from. A reminder of where you’ll be stuck at once more if you don’t get yourself out of this. That is if the brutes don’t bring you in dead.
You run and you run, throat squeezing in agony at every breath. But no matter how fast you could run it was no use, you could hear their jeers and taunts getting louder, voices turning gleeful as they realised there was no way you could get away. Adamant you weren’t going to get captured again after putting in all that effort of getting out you didn’t give up, flying through the trees until your feet dragged you to a halt. You were met with the rocky face of a cliff.
Survival instincts still being in control of your body, you grabbed the rocks, trying to pull yourself up the rocky feature in order to scramble to the top to get away from the brutes chasing you, but the flash of agony up that started in your damaged palms and flashed up your arms reminded you that you were injured. Your hands shot open at the burst of pain and you fell off the side of the cliff and onto the floor. Scrambling to your feet, you turned back round to face the forest and gripped your sword as tight as your hands allowed. No more running. You were going to have to fight your way out.
Snarling at the men as they approached did nothing to deter them, horrible grins plastered on their faces as they rounded in on you. Even if you weren’t as injured and exhausted as you were you were certain you still wouldn’t be able to take them all, not by yourself.
The boldest of the men, the one who had called you out outside of the inn, lunged forward, sword swinging towards you. You jumped backwards, reactions sluggish as the sword caught your arm and your back slammed against the rock face behind, a shout of pain came from your lips. Insistent on the fact you won’t go back to the cell, you clenched your jaw and advanced, raising your sword. You would die here sooner than being a captive of the men who took you again.
The memory of him flashed through your eyes. Tears of frustration falling down your cheeks at the thought of the man you were never able to have. Once more thankful that he hadn’t been captured with you, thankful that you wouldn’t see the disappointment on his face as he realised that even after all his training you were still too weak to fight your way out of this. His name, a final prayer on your lips as you hope that whoever he finds himself stuck with next does better than you had.
Then you fight. The world around a blur of swords, spears and limbs, unsure whether you were actually hitting anyone you swung your sword around you, parrying blows and kicking people back. The holes in your hands cracking open and bleeding once more, blood causing your grip to slip, unable to keep a firm hold on the hilt.
It only took one more move from your attackers and your sword went flying. Instinctively your hands shot to your leathers expecting to find your holsters for your daggers, only to remember they were stripped from you before you woke in your cell. You didn’t even have the nails that were lodged in your hands with you, both left in the cell you escaped from, one in the throat of one of your captors.
The hilt of one of the men’s sword caught you in the back. Weaponless, you fell to your knees in defeat before you closed your eyes. This was it. They would either kill you or take you back and there was nothing more you could do but shut your eyes as to avoid seeing the gleeful smiles of victory on their faces as they enact their final punishments. Your ears rang, their voices all blurred into one mass of yelling. The bells. All you could hear was the bells as you gripped your head, crying out and waiting for the death blow.
But it never came. You were aware of the change in atmosphere around you, maybe even aware of the screams that had began breaking out. But you stayed focussed on holding your head, fingers plunged into your ears as you sat on the floor, rocking backwards and forwards. The haunting sounds of the bells calling for your death lingered. It seemed as if they were getting louder and louder until they stopped altogether at the call of your name.
Hands grabbed you. Pulling your hands from your head. A crack in their voice that must have been born from the realisation of the state your hands were in.
“Y/N can you hear me?”
It was Azriel. Still unable to open your eyes a you laughed. The mother worked in strange ways but you never could have predicted that death would arrive to you in the form of Azriel. Your final moments met with the soothing tones of his deep voice. And so with limbs like lead, body tired and unmoving you allowed yourself to drift off for the final time, a whisper upon your lips that was met with a cry.
“I’m ready”
Your pain had returned. The wounds on your palms so unbearable it drew a whine from your lips. Pain so intense it was clear you had somehow survived. You were in a bed, you could feel the soft sheets against your back and the weight of a blanket above you. The information did nothing to quell the fear inside you. Fear that when you opened your eyes you would be back with your captors. Your heart rate increased, the muscle thudding in your chest and you pressed your eyes together so hard it hurt.
“Hey…hey, don’t do that, it’s ok you’re safe”
Azriel’s voice broke through the silence. Your ever increasing heartbeat stilled. You were safe. You jumped upright, eyes snapping open. Azriel not expecting this fell backwards into his chair in shock before realising what was happening and was then rushing forward to steady you as you swayed from the fogginess that had found its home in your head.
“Woah careful now, it’s alright it’s just me. You’re home” his voice shaky as he moved his hands from where they were gripping either side of your shoulders, running them gently down your arms before they settled over your bandaged hands which were laid in front of you.
Brain frog still present, you just couldn’t put together how you got there. Azriel wasn’t with you when you were captured, “how… how did you-“
Already knowing the question being asked he promptly replied, “the second they took you I went straight back to Rhysand for help. It was hard ignoring the… the need to get you back as quickly as possible but I knew I’d be stupid to do it on my own,” he swallowed hard, as if the subject of your capture was a difficult one for him, “I tried to tell you we were coming, find out where you were I tried to tell you through…well I tried to tell you.”
He took in another deep breath, “ and then we found out where you were, only when we got there the bells were ringing and you were gone. We were too late, you’d gotten out on your own because you thought we weren’t coming,” at this point pearlescent tears were flowing down his cheeks, “I didn’t give up and I kept searching for you and when I finally found you and you were knelt before all those men covered in blood…I…I.”
Even though you were the one who had been captured and pinned to the wall, and chased down by a hoard of angry men, watching Azriel break down in front of you because he thought he had failed you had to be one of the worst things you’ve ever experienced.
“Azriel,” you croaked, throat dry from lack of water, “the only reason I’m here now is because of you. The thought of you is what kept me alive in that cell and it was your training which was the reason I was able to escape,” it was at this point that you were sobbing along with the spymaster, “and I know for damn certain that I definitely wouldn’t be here now if you hadn’t found me in those woods. So thank you Azriel, thank you for saving my life.”
You slowly lifted a shaking, bandaged hand to his cheek, thumb brushing away his tears, pain shooting up your arm at the action but you didn’t care. You only cared that this beautiful man before you hadn’t given up on you. That all the while you were captured he had been searching for you. Trying to get a message to you. That all the time in the cell you had spent thinking of him, he was thinking of you too.
His lips softly brushed over your bandage, right where the hole of your palm was stinging underneath. It was an intimate moment, your wrapped hand against his face was possibly the most you’d ever touched him aside from training.
Perhaps out of fear of that you weren’t worthy of Azriel, that he couldn’t possibly like you as much as you’ve grown to love him over the past year, you drew your hand away from his face, ending the moment. Agonisingly tearing your eyes away from his perfect face to settle them on your ruined hands which were now uncomfortably laid on your lap.
“So, uh. Did you find my replacement?” You asked nervously, dreading what he was going to say in response but knowing you’d rather get the pain of it over with sooner rather than later. Especially since the feel of your hand on his cheek had ignited that odd feeling in your chest.
For the second time since awakening, you had Azriel shocked, “r-replace you?”
“I failed right? I got captured and if it wasn’t for you I’d be dead right now. Surely you can see I wasn’t made for this, that I should just go back to my father-“
His eyes now full of fury, Azriel cut you off, “You Y/N L/N are irreplaceable,” he moved his body so he was sat at the edge of the bed, hands holding onto yours, “you are the strongest woman I know and there is no one, no one else, that I could wish to be at my side more than I wish for it to be you.” The rage in his eyes settled, morphing into an emotion you couldn’t quite put your finger on and he continued, “in the past year of being together you have changed me as a person more than I care to admit and I can not, no I will not, carry on living my life without you by my side. You are irreplaceable… because you are mine.”
That was all you had ever dreamed of hearing and you just couldn’t believe it was true. Azriel felt the same way for you as you did for him, and so in fear of it being a cruel dream made up by your conscious, or afraid he would come to his scenes and change his mind, you crashed your lips to his.
Mouths connecting in firey passion, you poured every ounce of love and affection you had locked away in your heart the past year into it, hoping Azriel would understand just how much he was yours as you were his. He groaned into the kiss, deepening it as he gripped your face in his hands. You were unsure what to do with your damaged hands, still placed in your lap, but that didn’t matter, nothing about this kiss was awkward or painful. It was as if his lips were made for you, fitting together with yours like it was the missing piece of a puzzle and every part of you wanted to jump right into whatever this was between you and explore every single part of it.
It was only when the two of you needed to breathe that you broke away from the kiss. Still tangled in a sweet embrace, you gazed into his eyes, now certain that unreadable emotion you had seen swimming in them earlier was love. And it was this realisation of his love that caused the tugging sensation, the one that had been occurring in your chest since you found yourself in that cell, to finally pull free. It dull knot that you hadn’t even known was there, morphed into a beautiful golden thread which linked you to Azriel.
Azriel who’s gorgeous smile bloomed at the sight of you realising you were looking into the eyes of your mate, the person created for you. Your equal. And as he began to litter kisses all over your face and neck he mumbled in your ear the sweetest words you have ever heard, “my beautiful, irreplaceable mate.”
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incognitobobcat · 8 months
The Earthrealm Boys and Female!Reader who is laughing hysterically with the below poster involved:
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Warning: swearing (for the younger eyes) and subtle mentions of suicide and depression.
Johnny Cage
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“Ah! Hsbfhhdhwbhwjssnjjkiakkkk!!!!!!!” You cussed internally as the nerves of your fingers couldn’t take any more of you literally pounding sand, a big basin filled with hot sand, which was part of your Shaolin training. You were careful not to actually cuss in the Wushi Academy for obvious reasons.
“Looks like you wanna tell yourself to go “pound sand!”” Johnny called out to you, laughing.
You glared at him, blowing a lock of hair off your face before retorting, “You pound this sand, then!”
“Oh, no no NOOO!” Johnny laughed, “I’m good! I’ve had my fill of that!”
You groaned pathetically, not wanting to go on, as you have been doing that for the past half hour. You listened to your sore, red hands, waving them in the cool air to alleviate the pain.
Johnny beckoned you by waving his hand towards himself, “Hey, I’ve got a gift for you!”
Curious, you followed Johnny. He led you to a tree, where there was a large sign. The first thing that caught your eye was the wording inside a large circle in the centre that read “Bang Head Here”. You then read the rest of the poster before bursting out in hysterical laughter.
“It’s something for your noggin to get it off the pain. You’re welcome!” Johnny exclaimed before walking away.
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After a full day of training, the last task being crawling forward down several flights of stairs built on one of the downhill slopes as fast as you humanly can, all you wanted to do was throw up from the pain.
How you held it in was a miracle. You wanted to cry, and cry you did. You contemplated your life choice, which included joining the Shaolin, wondering why on earth you thought it was an excellent challenge to upgrade your skills, as it seemed brutal and unforgiving so far.
You found yourself walking down a trail lined with trees until you spotted Johnny’s “gift”. Your sadness transitioned to you being greatly amused as you walked towards it, chuckles intensifying to laughter.
Before you could stop yourself, you banged your head against the poster, not hard enough to hurt yourself, of course.
“Y/N! What are you doing??”
Your laughing subsided some as you turned to see Raiden walking towards you with a concerned expression. Your face softened a little.
“Don’t do that! You’ll hurt yourself!” Raiden chastised you gently.
You waved a hand in the air reassuringly, “Oh, don’t worry, I was just having a bit of fun with myself while contemplating my life choices. Look what Johnny got me! Isn’t that hilarious??” You gestured towards the poster nailed to the tree.
Raiden approached the sign and read what it said silently. Then he sighed, shaking his head.
“Johnny!” Raiden exclaimed in an exasperated tone.
“I think it’s the best!” You laughed hysterically, then held up both hands when you saw Raiden’s concerned face turned towards you.
“Not to minimize your concern, Raiden! I totally appreciate your concern! It’s just a little humour and fun in a stressful situation. I promise you, I’m not hurting myself!”
You appealed with a reassuring and apologetic look for worrying him.
Sighing, he relented, “Alright, I’ll let it go this time. But if you need to talk to de-stress from training, I’m here.”
You nodded appreciatively, “Thank you! I’ll keep that in mind.” You felt bad that your amazing human of a friend worried about you, though.
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Another day of gruelling training meant another day of extreme pain. It never seems to get better over time and you were frustrated as hell from what you perceive was a lack of improvement. It has been months since you joined, and though you had a martial arts background you were no spring chicken either.
In order to release yourself from any self-loathing, you need some senseless and random humour. That was how you you’ve always countered any “tragedies” (over exaggeration) of life; that or listening to Sum 41, Linkin Park, Rammstein, and the like, which was not allowed in a Buddhist institution. By the Elder Gods, you missed your music!
You headed to a wall where the “Stress Relief Kit” was tacked on, hidden from the masters as best as it could be. Sighing, you started head banging on it, repeating, “No…no…no…” in sync with each banging.
Without warning, you yelped as were lifted of the ground and were sent flying a few yards before landing on a soft patch of grass with a thud.
Confused, you scrambled onto all fours as you saw Kenshi walk past you.
“There are other ways to distress, Y/N,” he said with a stoic expression without looking at you. He continued to walk and he disappeared into the trees.
Out of all reactions, a bout of hysterical laughter hit you once you processed what just happened.
Kung Lao
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Whenever you were paired with Kung Lao as a sparring partner, you had so much fun. Even though Kung Lao had an ego, it was the kind of ego that a child has when he wanted to be praised for his attention-seeking antics.
He was an absolute riot. You didn’t know if lost more calories and got flat abs from training or from dying of laughter.
That does not mean that he wasn’t a good fighter. In fact, he’s got an awesome fighting style, even without the hat.
“Hey, Y/N,” he began, beaming, “You know that sign that Johnny gave you? Where is it?”
”Oh! It’s on a wall!”
“Go get it! I’m gonna show you something amazing!”
You quickly went to retrieve the letter paper-sized metal poster, then you handed it to Kung Lao.
You followed Kung Lao to where there was a long wooden plank of about an inch thick and six feet long that was held up on either side by stone pillars of around four feet high. Kung Lao placed the poster on the centre of the plank.
“Now, watch and learn, Y/N,” Kung Lao said with bravado and a grin. After taking off his hat and handing it to you, he stood up straight with his arms on his sides, closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and then-SNAP! At lightning speed, he broke the plank in half with his head.
It happened so fast and you stared at him with jaws hanging open and wide-eyed. Kung Lao smiled at your reaction as he took his hat back from you.
“OMG!! Teach me! Teach me!!” You exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and down and pumping your fists in front of you.
Smirking, Kung Lao took another plank that was leaning against a wall and set it on the stone supports. He then took the dented sign that now resembled a bowl and flattened it as best as he could before placing it on the centre of the plank. He gestured towards the plank.
“Your turn,” he said.
You eagerly stepped in front of the plank and mimicked Kung Lao’s stance and breathing before you have at it. You smashed your forehead against the wood with all your might and, no surprise, nothing broke.
“OW!” You screamed as you fell on your butt, laughing hysterically while massaging your head.
“Y/N, a word.”
You recognize the voice of who called to you. Uh-oh.
Liu Kang
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You clumsily scrambled onto your feet, trying to kill your hysterical laughter, but failing miserably.
You struggled to muster the most apologetic expression.
“Lord Liu Kang,” you greeted. Kung Lao, who was behind you, also bowed respectfully.
“Follow me,” the Fire God instructed.
You intuited the seriousness of the mood, so your laughter significantly subsided to a smile. You were led to a quieter spot of the area before Liu Kang spoke.
“Y/N, what is this I hear about you banging your head against hard surfaces?”
“Oh,” you began sheepishly, “It’s something fun that I have been doing to relieve stress. It’s for humour’s sake, I’m not really hurting myself!”
“While humour has its time and place,” Liu Kang began, “Further harming oneself as a joke to relieve stress has no place in training. There have been a few who have brought your behaviour to my attention. And, what is this “stress relief” poster?”
“Oh, Johnny gave it to me as a joke,” you quipped, slightly lighting up, “To lighten my mood!”
“Please retrieve this gift, Y/N.”
You did as you were ordered and handed the bent poster to Liu Kang who looked as it before sighing.
“I will have a word with Cage. In the meantime, I don’t want to see or hear about any more of this behaviour from you. If the intense training is more than you can handle, perhaps consider a break.”
“No, Lord Liu Kang. I will manage,” you replied, “I’ll bear it.”
Liu Kang nodded, “Good. One more thing, Y/N.”
You nodded expectantly, “Yes?”
“Don’t always follow whatever Kung Lao wants you to do. He has been training for far longer than you, and while his skills are indeed impressive, you are not yet at his level. The last thing we need is for you to needlessly injure yourself. It would be such a loss to Earthrealm. We need you, Y/N.”
Touched, you bowed deeply, “I apologize, Lord Liu Kang. It will never happen again.”
Smiling, the Fire God nodded, “ I trust that it won’t.”
He turned to walk away and you sighed in relief. As gruelling as Shaolin training was, you were glad that you didn’t get kicked out.
Sub Zero (Bi Han)
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You and a couple of trainees were taking turns sparring each other in the courtyard of the Lin Kuei palace, where it was unrelentingly cold. Not only do you have to train under hard conditions and get your human bodies used to it, you also have to endure the dead serious attitudes and moody atmosphere.
You knew that you and a few others would love to let loose and be yourselves, but that can only happen out of the sight and earshot of your battle-hardened seniors, especially the frigid Grandmaster.
Luckily for you, the two trainees who you were sparring with were somewhat like-minded in terms of a sense of humour.
“I’ve got something to show you!” You said to your mates in a sing sing voice. It was your break anyways, and you took advantage of the situation. Your mates looked at each other then back to you with quizzical expressions.
You grabbed your bag and pulled out a metallic Stress Relief Kit sign and held it up. It only took a few seconds before the two erupted in hysterical laughter, followed by yours.
“If unconscious, cease stress reduction activity?!” The first mate said, “I think that’s a given!”
“Where are you gonna put it?” Asked the second one.
“Here!” You exclaimed, pointing to the nearest wall. You held the poster in place at face level, “Go ahead! Try it!”
“Excuse me??” the second one said, “It’s your poster. YOU do it!”
“Yeah! You do it!” the first one said, taking your place in holding the poster against the wall, “Go on! Show us how it’s done!”
You stood in front of the poster, braced yourself, and then banged your head against the circle three times. The three of you erupted into hysterical laughter and you were high fived.
“What’s the meaning of this?!” Came a harsh and gruff voice.
It’s safe to say that the hysterics stopped and the three of you froze solid with horrified looks, turning gingerly to face your Grandmaster.
If looks could kill, all three of you would be shattered ice statues by now.
Bi-Han eyed the three of you coldly, then he saw the poster held against the wall by the first mate.
His scowl deepens and he growled before speaking, “The Lin Kuei is an elite of highly trained assassins and warriors. We have a reputation and an image to uphold! I do not tolerate foolish and frivolous behaviours that will drag the Lin Kuei name down to the level of idiots! Conduct yourselves with dignity or face my wrath! And dispose of that at once!”
With a last growl, he turned on his heels and stormed off in a dignified manner, muttering, “Bird brains!”
The three of you just stood there staring at each other with held breaths. You guess you wouldn’t be having fun for a long time.
Scorpion (Kuai Liang)
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It has been a few months since you became an initiate. Since the inception of Shirai Ryu, there was an urgency to expedite everyone’s training to get all of you where you needed to be, which is why the new clan was very selective of their initiates. Where time is if the essence, quality counts.
Since you had a friend who was accepted in first, she had dropped your name and were approached to become an initiate. You were lucky to have made the cut, since you had years of martial arts training.
While the training was held to very high standards, Grandmaster Scorpion was also fair and took into consideration a reasonable work-life balance. Because of the nature of your current profession, it only makes sense to include as much laughter as you can, while you’re still alive.
When you and your friend were still room mates back in college as international students, you had this one Stress Relief Kit poster for good laughs. Now that you were both initiates, that poster had found its way on the wall of your group’s designated dojo.
Everybody seem to have a great laugh out of it, but the most frequent user seem to be you, which put you and your friend in hysterics every time. That is why you got called into the Grandmaster’s office one day.
“Have a seat, Y/N,” Kuai Liang gestures towards the chair in front of the desk. You sat down, feeling anxious.
“How are you?” He began, looking you in the eye.
“I am well, Grandmaster,” you replied, slightly shifting.
“Is training going well?”
“Yes, it is.”
“Good,” he replied; then, “Is everything alright with you?”
Confused, you nodded, “Everything is ok.”
“Are you sure?” He held eye contact with you, expression serious.
Confused even more, you nodded, feeling uncomfortable.
“It has come to my attention that you’re engaging in self-harming behaviour,” Kuai Liang said seriously, “Your team mates report that this often happens during training.”
Your face softened, “Oh,” you began.
“They reported that you are “stressed out” and that the frequent banging your head against the wall to music of a questionable nature is catharsis,” Kuai Liang began, “If that is the case, that tells me that your mental health is affected to the point where I am concerned. Do you need to talk to someone, Y/N?”
The genuine concern in his eyes made you feel guilty and cornered like a child being questioned about bad behaviour by a parent or a teacher.
“Oh, no, I am fine Grandmaster,” you began explaining about the poster that you and your friend had since college, and that the poster was meant for nothing more than lighthearted fun.
After you finished, Kuai Liang kept eye contact with you, and you can’t help but feel like he was a human lie detector. He finally spoke.
“Y/N, the Shirai Ryu takes training seriously. We hold ourselves to high standards as we are now one of Earthrealm’s protectors. We also need to be vigilant as the Lin Kuei can strike us at anytime. Our bodies and minds need to be in top condition in order to withstand the stresses and dangers of this way of life. If you feel that you cannot handle the stress that being in our clan brings, maybe this is not the right fit for you.”
Feeling bad, you reassured the Grandmaster that you are able to handle the stress of training, and the poster, again, was a joke to help cope with stress. You are indeed fine.
Kuai Liang seemed to accept your answer, and continued, “It is imperative that we check in with ourselves and each other. Your team mates did the right thing by coming to me. Do not hold this against them. Also, be mindful that you’re in a different country and therefore you need to be sensitive to the culture and its nuances. Many people may not understand your sense of humour and may take offence at it.”
“I understand, Grandmaster,” you affirmed, nodding solemnly, “I apologize for my actions.”
“Good,” Kuai Liang nodded, “ You are dismissed.”
You stood and bowed with both hands clasped in front of you respectfully before exiting the office a changed person!
Smoke (Tomas Vrbada)
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Long before the above meeting with your Grandmaster happened, you were having just another typical training day, where part of it was spent training with your group, and the other half was either working out and honing your skills on your own.
You and your friend were sparring. Since it was just the two of you in your designated dojo, you whipped out out your iPhone and went through you play lists to play some music while training to hype things up.
“Oooh! That’s a good pick!” Your friend exclaimed with eyes wide as she hovered over you shoulder while you tapped the screen to select your music. You turned the volume up to a reasonable degree as rhythmic clapping started, shortly followed by the guitar riff, then the drums and the rest of the instruments.
At this point, you were both head banging to the music going, “Yeah!” “ I miss this song!”
“Wake in a sweat again
Another day’s been laid to waste
In my disgrace.”
The opening lines of Linkin Park’s “Given Up” were sung; hyped up, you each picked up your bo staff and worked on your technique and form taking turn as offended and defence. Sticks clashed seemingly in beat to the music as both of you eyed each other trying to read each other’s moves.
There were more clashing of sticks, grunts, cries, spins, evasive maneuvers, and deflections with your intense sparring.
You felt a hard whack at the back of your calves as your friend swept her staff at a low angle, knocking you on to your back.
As if on queue, you heard Chester Bennington sing, “I’VE GIVEN UUUUUUUUUP!” This elicited hysterical laughter from the both of you. As your friend helped you up, you leaned on her shoulder for support, struggling from laughter.
Your friend was far more skilled at the staff than you were, as so far, you’ve lost count of the number of times that she’s knocked you on your back.
“Aaaaaaaah!” you cried out, heading to a specific spot on the wall. You started to bang your head to
Your head banging was halted when your forehead suddenly made contact with something soft and warm.
“This again?”
You looked up and locked eyes with those of your Sensei, Smoke. The Shirai Ryu’s Second-in-Command had an amused look on his face as he placed his hand between your head and the wall that was home to the Stress Relief Kit.
Still in hysterics, you struggled to stand straight so that you can bow in greeting.
“At least you didn’t progress to the “unconscious” part,” Tomas chuckled, reading the poster, “And what an interesting choice of music to train to, Y/N.”
You managed to control your laughter enough to give an answer, “We miss this song from our college days.”
“You know,” Tomas began, “I have been noticing that you’ve been having a little too much fun with this.” He knocked a knuckle on the poster twice.
“It’s called catharsis! You should try it!” You quipped back.
“I can think of other ways that you can destress besides head banging against a poster on a wall to this kind of music.”
“What do you mean?” Your friend countered, “It’s frickin’ epic!”
“If you think about it, don’t you think that it’s counter productive to train hard to survive to music about giving up on life?” Tomas asked, “Are you Going Under?”
“What do you mean?” you asked, looking to your friend then back to him.
“You know, like, you want to stay in love with your sorrow, but God, you wanna let it go through “catharsis”?” He looked at you deadpan this time.
You paused for a minute before answering, “Aren’t you poetic, Sensei.”
You got a stare back in return, his expression still serious, but his eyes with a hint of teasing, which confused you.
“if you ever feel like you’ve tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn’t even matter, my ears are open,” Tomas offered.
”Geez, I’m fine!” you protested, feeling more annoyed about being teased.
“You don’t have to hide. We’d rather you talk, rather than you walk alone on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams.”
Something about what he said sounded familiar, then it clicked! That’s when your friend started howling.
“Oh! HAHAHAHAAA!! I see what you did! That’s very clever, man!” Your friend raised a hand to Tomas, which he returned with a high five.
Tomas cracked a smile, chuckling a little.
You shut your eyes in relief and laughed along. He had a sense of humour after all!
“I was, like, what’s going on?? Then, I’m like, “Oh, gotcha!!” You choked out.
“You’re fine,” Tomas lightly shoved your shoulder. As he turned to leave, he stopped and warned, “Y/N, being goofy is fine, just don’t overdo it. I might start getting worried, then I would have to have a serious talk with you one day if it continues. Remember, safety first!”
With that, he disappeared through a doorway leading to the next room.
Both of you were in high spirits and still giggling. It was a pleasure to see this subtle and humorous side of Smoke, which you hope you’d see more of.
**Can anyone guess what songs Tomas was quoting from? 😁😁😁
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Updated: September 26, 2024
Reworked Character #4: Fio Germi
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death and alcoholism.
Real name: Fiolina Hortensia Germi
Alias: Teatime in the Battlefield
Occupation: Master Sergeant of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. and the medic of the P.F. Squad
Retirement plans: Become a sports doctor and astrophysicist, open up a bakery, and start a family
Special skills: Chiropractic and massage therapy, medical training, housework, acupuncture, and astronomy
Hobbies: All types of sewing (hand sewing, machine sewing, embroidery, and quilting), ballroom dancing, giving her friends massages, cooking delicious meals and enjoying it on a picnic outside, and frequenting petting zoos, nature reserves, and art and outer space museums
Likes: Peppino (she had him since birth), her family heritage, the beauty of nature and outer space, baking cakes and other sweet treats, and Tarma (especially the sound of his voice, pleasant smile, jokes, and knack for building professional motorcycles)
Dislikes: The idea of Peppino being torn apart or stolen, scolding hot and freezing cold baths, the time she had to wear orthodontic braces, insects and creepy crawlies, and cheating
Favourite food: Homemade sandwiches and gelato
Favourite drink: Ice tea (preferably Queen Mary)
Sexuality: Heteroromantic demisexual
Gender: Female
Age: 15 (in 2022), 21 (in 2028), 23 (in 2030), 25 (in 2032), 27 (in 2034), 34 (in 2041), 36 (in 2043), 37 (in 2044), and 40 (in 2047)
Blood type: O+
Weight: 145 lbs. (66 kg)
Design: She’s a 5’ 2” (157.48 cm) Italian mesomorph with sloping shoulders, upper arms that carry some of her weight, a bit of belly fat, voluptuous breasts and hips, and prominent thighs. She has pale ivory skin, droopy blue-grey eyes, and brownish freckles scattered across her face and neck. Fio has a tad messy orangish-brown hair with blunt bangs and straight strands that fall just above her shoulders, but she prefers to keep it tied up in a ponytail. Her fingernails are painted an English lavender hue, and she wears thick, winged dark brown eyeliner, a soft rosy red blush on her cheeks and nose, and cherry blossom pink lip gloss. As a result of battle injuries and her own clumsiness, she bears a bullet wound near the centre of her left calf and numerous cut marks, stab scars, and scrapes on her arms and legs.
Her military gear consists of polarised, silver-plated transition lens eyeglasses, a metal dog tag necklace with her name, and a cordovan Eisenhower jacket. She wears a pink lavender T-shirt with a dogwood rose stripe running along the front and a carmine bra underneath. She wears carmine gloves and a gold-buckled leather belt to secure her ebony army cargo shorts, which fall just above her knees. She also wears ebony paratrooper boots, dogwood rose knee and elbow pads, and over-the-calf bittersweet shimmer socks. She has a khaki waist pack attached to the front of her belt, which carries her nail polish, lip gloss, eyeliner, two makeup brushes (a large one and a small one), a makeup sponge, and a powder blush palette.
She wears a leather sheath for her hatchet, a gun holster for her handgun, and a holder for her tonfa. The pockets of Fio's Eisenhower jacket carry around Peppino, her beloved greyish-brown teddy bear with a pearlescent blue bowtie, a red wooden maneki-neko figurine with its right arm raised and its left paw holding a koban coin (a gift from Eri), and a deck of cards. The pockets of her army cargo shorts carry a canister of pepper spray, a Ventolin inhaler, a bottle of azithromycin pills, and a bottle of specialised prescription supplements specifically designed to manage her cystic fibrosis.
Over her T-shirt, she dons a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a MultiCam pattern, which carries her walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. Her black ammunition bandolier is slung over her right shoulder, and the back of her Eisenhower jacket features an embroidered S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. logo. Fio carries an ebony load-bearing backpack containing camping equipment, fire bombs, stones, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, a picnic basket filled with prepared sandwiches, a Hexagon Arms M-3685, a cat o' nine tails whip, medical supplies, and a scientific telescope. She always wears a pair of teardrop-shaped pink opal earrings and a gold chain necklace featuring a red coral cornicello amulet, believed to ward off bad luck and bring good fortune. She also wears a khaki army cap that once belonged to her father during his military service, personalised with a rosy pink patch depicting a European bee-eater perched on a tree branch on the front.
Personality: She's initially reserved and timid around strangers but warms up and opens up once she becomes familiar with new people. She's a compassionate, considerate, and overly cautious listener who's really good with children and lends everyone a generous helping hand. She's sensitive and unafraid to show her true emotions, often engaging in introspective thought. Despite her quiet and calm demeanour, she's surprisingly prone to stress and anxiety, particularly when confronted with obnoxious noises or situations where she can't escape. Even though she's a seasoned warrior, she harbours an intense fear of insects and creepy crawlies, often resorting to hiding behind Tarma, Marco or Eri and insisting they handle the situation. On occasion, she displays an almost childlike naivety and exuberance, typically after completing a mission or while off duty.
She's a very friendly and gentle clean freak who'll do anything to help out her family, friends, comrades, and those in need. She prepares all her meals with love and dedication, considering others' likes and dislikes, hoping they'll enjoy what she's made. When talking to others, she often uses lively hand gestures and animated facial expressions to emphasise certain ideas. She gets easily flustered by compliments and flirtatious advances, blushing deeply and becoming nearly speechless. She's a somewhat superstitious person, believing in things like placing one's hat on a bed being a sign of bad luck for homeowners and spilling salt being a harbinger of financial troubles. She's a nature-loving girl who's incredibly clever and always thinks optimistically. She's a great strategist who excels in keep-away tactics. However, she often pushes people away due to fear and isn't the most skilled fighter, but can fight when necessary.
Whenever she's faced with the death of a child, a comrade or friend being severely injured, being touched inappropriately or being rudely insulted, her face darkens. She becomes cold-hearted and deadly serious, and her tactical prowess shines through most. She's quite curious around strangers, nervously trailing them and asking a few questions to get to know them. Despite cherishing the importance of friendship, she sometimes feels isolated by her exceptional intelligence, privileged upbringing, and cystic fibrosis. She values maintaining a healthy work-life balance and prioritising her time with loved ones, holding both in higher regard than success. She believes that living in or exploring beautiful places helps her become a better person by gaining a deeper appreciation of the world around her.
She originally harboured romantic feelings for Marco, but they dissipated after he disclosed that he isn't interested in romantic and sexual relationships. Her affections eventually shifted to Tarma, whom she found charming due to his silliness, emotional intelligence, Hokkaido dialect, and the soothing sound of his voice. She finds immense comfort in Tarma's presence and often offers him solace when he's having a rough day or struggling with self-doubt. After her romantic relationship with Tarma fully blossoms, she forms an exceptionally close physical and emotional bond with him. However, her tendency to become overly attached manifests at times, especially when feelings of fear or loneliness arise.
She eventually enters into a polyamorous queerplatonic relationship with Marco and Tarma, which she deeply cherishes and further satisfies her craving for emotional intimacy. She's displeased when Nadia takes advantage of her kindness to avoid responsibilities. However, she appreciates Nadia's help with dessert-making, although Fio often has to bribe her by offering something equally sweet or letting her have the largest share of a batch to persuade her to lend a hand. She's frustrated by Eri's overprotectiveness, especially when it comes to Tarma, as it reminds her of her father's behaviour and makes her feel like she's being treated like a child.
When she's reached her limit, feels threatened or needs to express her authentic feelings about something that gets under her skin, she's capable of standing up for herself and making her voice heard. She rarely swears, but when someone's pushed her too far, she'll unleash a stern reprimand, peppered with profanities in Italian. She's not fond of drinking alcohol due to its bitter taste and intoxicating effects, which make her feel nauseous and slightly nervous. However, on rare occasions, she’ll let loose and indulge in alcohol with her friends, especially after a challenging mission. When intoxicated, she starts to act playful, flirtatious and sexually teasing towards Tarma, obnoxiously loud, agitated, and bluntly honest. 
She has a tendency to fall asleep extremely quickly at bedtime or naptime, and her loud snoring can be disruptive to others who are trying to rest or focus on important tasks in the same room. She believes that war serves no purpose other than to be destructive, resulting from conflicts that escalate beyond the control of free will. In her view, war profoundly alters the moral fabric of society, while accelerating the advancement of weaponry and technology used in conflict. She’s a firm believer in virtue ethics who holds that life is more powerful than death, as it continually finds innovative ways to adapt and flourish.
Backstory: Fiolina Hortensia Germi was born on October 2, 2007 in Genoa, Italy. The Germi family is renowned for their vast wealth, military service, and philanthropic endeavours. Originally merchants and nobles, they amassed their fortune in the Mediterranean region during the Age of Exploration and have since maintained their wealth, now managing various corporations and philanthropic organisations. True to their militaristic heritage, the Germis have participated in numerous conflicts, including the Napoleonic Wars of the 1800s, the Italian Unification Wars of the 19th century, and modern-day wars against terrorism worldwide. Sadly, many Germi warriors lost their lives, leading to an important family custom where the chosen heir of the Germi family must serve in the military.
Alessandro Germi, Fio's father, was a fearsome soldier in the Regular Army in his earlier years, serving alongside Fabriclus Roving. However, he was forced to leave military service after being severely injured during a shootout, which left him crippled and suffering from debilitating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). After returning to civilian life and receiving proper support, Alessandro successfully restored his family's struggling business. He also started a family with his beloved wife, Giulietta, a talented seamstress and manager of a luxurious art museum.
Alessandro's wish was to have a healthy son as he feared that sending a daughter onto the battlefield would be a perilous ordeal. To his surprise and dismay, Giulietta gave birth to a daughter, and due to health complications, she couldn't bear any more children. Fio's mother would also experience postpartum depression after childbirth and passed down a disease that runs deep within their heritage: cystic fibrosis. Alessandro's deep-seated fears for Fio's safety often led him to become overly protective, causing tension with his wife, Giuliette, who found his helicopter parenting suffocating.
Despite her parents' mental health struggles, they went above and beyond to care for her, providing unwavering love and support. For half of her elementary school years, she was homeschooled with her parents teaching a diverse range of subjects, including mathematics. They encouraged Fio’s appreciation for friendships, the outdoors, and the finer things in life. They even fostered her love of astronomy, gifting her a scientific telescope on her 10th birthday, which she still has to this day. Giulietta often took her on enriching outings to nature reserves and art museums, where she learned about biology and art history. Her mother also taught her the importance of domestic duties, showing her how to do her chores and clean the house. On special occasions, her mother would dress her up in pretty dresses and give her adorable animal plushies, which she still keeps.
She was bullied and exploited by the other children because of her wealthy status and overt politeness, but her father and teachers consistently intervened. As she grew, she discovered her own voice, learning to assert herself with courage and conviction. Standing up to her bullies with firm yet gentle confidence, she effectively silenced their taunts and earned respect. Like Marco, Fio excelled in all her classes, demonstrating exceptional academic prowess and a deep appreciation for effort and lifelong learning. However, her life took a devastating turn near the end of her secondary school days. A sudden and tragic terrorist airstrike, attributed to the Ptolemaic Army, struck Genoa, Italy, claiming Giulietta among its many victims. Her father was the most affected by this loss, turning to a life of alcoholism and self-isolation. Although Alessandro still cared about Fio and tried his best to support her, his alcoholism and newfound self-isolating behaviour made it challenging for him to do so.
It took time for Fio and Alessandro to heal from this loss, but they remained resilient. To cope with the loss of her mother, she turned to sewing, baking, and reading books on ancient and modern medical practices. Eventually, Alessandro sought help and went to rehab and therapy to address his issues with Fio's support and encouragement. After graduation, Fio was awarded multiple awards and scholarships, which enabled her to attend university. There, she pursued an interdisciplinary course of study, exploring chiropractics, acupuncture, physics, and astronomy.
Fio would eventually express her interest in joining the military after coming across a persuasive flyer to serve in the Regular Army. This revelation horrified Alessandro, as he didn't want to send his only child off to the battlefield, risking her life. He wanted to disregard the Germi's military traditions, believing that war is repugnant and a never-ending cycle of hate and violence. Alessandro tried to deter Fio from joining, but she persisted, driven by her desire to join the fight against terrorism and protect the lives of innocent people. He reluctantly agreed and sent her off to the military at the age of 19, but attempted to minimise her risk by using his connections and friends from his own military days to secure her a desk job, hoping to keep her out of harm's way and away from the front lines.
However, everything changed when a paperwork mistake caused by militant bureaucracy resulted in Fio's transfer to the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., a special operations branch of the Regular Army's Intelligence Agency known for carrying out high-risk missions. Surprisingly, Fio was ecstatic to hear the news as she had been eager to be deployed on the battlefield and make a real difference. In contrast, her father was furious and stormed into military headquarters, threatening officers in an attempt to prevent his daughter from being shipped to the front lines.
He would often try to extract Fio from the battlefield, but she consistently resisted. Eventually, she had enough of his overprotectiveness and bravely told him that this was what she wanted—to fight on the battlefield and provide medical aid. She assured him that she was capable of handling herself. Alessandro finally understood and let her pursue her life as a military woman. In return, she promised to keep in touch with him after each mission, providing him with reassurance and comfort.
Like Eri, she played a crucial role in the Great Morden War by providing Marco's team with useful intel on Rebel Army positions. She also dedicated herself to providing medical support for Marco's team, which led to her being recognized as the medic for the Peregrine Falcons Squad. Her countless battles against worldwide criminality, terrorism, and corruption enabled her to rapidly rise through the ranks, becoming the Master Sergeant of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. special forces unit. However, her time in the military has taught her a harsh reality: even the good guys can't always protect the innocent or save their friends and comrades. She has witnessed many deaths and severe injuries that left people crippled and traumatised in each battle. Nevertheless, with the emotional support of friends like Eri and Tarma, she has persevered and continues fighting to this day.
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
Shouto and his friendship with some of his classmates, headcanons ~  
note: this have been on my wip list forever, and I really wanna write something soft rn, so... yeah! also, if a friendship you enjoy isn't here, it's not because I don't like it, I just might have to do a part 2 <3
when Shouto started at UA, he hadn't had a real friend in his whole life, and frankly, at that point, he was okay with that
there's something about how you don't know how to miss something you've never had
but suddenly, Shouto has a few friends
he didn't even mean for it to happen, it just did
and oddly enough, it kept happening
before he knew it, he was spending one-on-one time with almost everyone in his class
and the oddest part of it all was that he enjoyed it a whole lot
some of them made sense to him, like with Mido-, no, Izuku, and Ochako, Iida, and even Bakugo, who he either had a lot in common with, or spent a lot of time with early on
others made no sense to him what so ever, but he enjoyed them all the same
like his "self-care nights" with Mina and Ochako
he wasn't sure why they kept inviting him, but he enjoyed it too much to ask
he enjoyed how they offer to paint his nails (he always says yes), and he thinks they both have very interesting thoughts and goals for being Heroes
and they always help filling him in on internet slang and pop-culture stuff, and never make fun of him for not knowing
the same goes for Sero and Denki, they'll occasionally have a chuckle when he asks very seriously about these silly stuff, but they both think Shouto is the coolest guy ever (he has no idea tho), and they listen to him talk about training and stuff like he's a genuis
Kirishima tries to help him with the pop-culture stuff too, but Shouto have learned that Kirishima is sometimes as clueless as him, he is just clueless with confidence
so Shouto always thanks him for his help, but does a quality check with Mina, Ochako, Denki, Sero or even Izuku
when Denki finds out Sero and Shouto have these little manga nights where they trade mangas and discuss them etc, he decides he wants something fun to do with Shouto, too!
he tries a few things, but it turns out they both really like drawing
so they take a couple of courses together online, tries different methods, coal, acrylic, pencils, oil paint, yanno, just a bunch
while Shouto isn't interested in eating much other food than soba (he does it, but out of necessities), but when he sees Sato bake one day, suddenly he's very interested in baking
it's kind of like art, you see?
Sato is a little shy about it at first, but after a while they have a real good time together
to be fair, Shouto had a good time the whole time, he couldn't tell Sato was shy at all lol
one day he hears that Izuku, Tsu and Koda is going to volunteer at a local animal shelter, and when Izuku invites him, he's very happy to join them
but while Shouto expected kittens and puppies, it turned out this was a wildlife centre
at first he was a little awkward, he knew how to handle kittens and puppies, but raccoons, badgers and foxes???
but quickly, he and Koda starts helping this little raccoon baby, and Shouto is delighted
not only is the thing fascinating, and cute, and happy to see him, it purrs when he cuddles it!
so now, the four of them do this every couple of weeks, or more when they have the time
one day, Shouto is in the common baths pretty late, and he's surprised to find Shoji there as well
he's used to finding others there at this time, but what surprises him is that Shoji isn't wearing his mask
Shouto isn't sure if he should mention it, but he's curious, so he does (the convo can be read at the end of this post)
after Shouto tells Shoji that he has a "nice face", Shoji actually starts taking his mask off sometimes when he and Shouto is alone.
Shouto doesn't know it, but Shoji is planning to talk to him about it some more, and is actually so grateful for that blunt, but honest conversation
Shouto isn't sure how it works, but sometimes he and Bakugo do homework and study together, and while Bakugo sometimes growls when Shouto mentions it, he is pretty sure it means they're friends now, because Bakugo is sure not denying it
and that's good enough in Shouto's book
one time in their second year, Shouto gets sent to Hawks' agency with Tokoyami when Endeavor is our of town, and Shouto is very happy to get someone else to study for a while
Tokoyami tries to warn him what Hawks can be like, that even though he's much better at including Tokoyami in the work now, and that they do more background work after Hawks' wings were injured in the war, Shouto is still very excited
but fifteen minutes in, Hawks has already made ten jokes about grilled wings, called Tokoyami his "lil' bro", and shown Shouto the little Badtz-Maru plush he refers to as "Tiny-yami" and Shouto is just like
"...is he always like this?"
and Tokoyami just keeps doing his work while going; "yep."
and maybe Shouto understands Tokoyami a bit more, after that
did he learn a lot from this work study? sure.
did he also have some fun while doing? yes, he did.
does he also feel like he aged 50 years during the study? he sure as hell does.
Shouto and Shoji convo: Shouto: You're not wearing your mask. Shoji: No, not right now. Shouto: ...You have a nice face. Shoji: You do not have to lie, Todoroki. Shouto: You can call me Shouto. And I'm not lying, I hate lying. Shoji: Well, I know my face is not nice. It makes kids cry. Shouto: A lot of things makes children cry. My face does sometimes, too. Shoji: I didn't know that. I'm sorry. Shouto: That's not your fault. And I try not to take it personally. *silence* Shouto: Well, I'm going shower now, but I meant what I said. You're face is nice. Shoji: Thank you, Todo- Shouto: You can call me Shouto. Shoji: ...Shouto. Thank you, Shouto.
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khira-queen · 25 days
Day #2 - Horizon
Sheltering beneath a tree from a particularly scorching Thanalan Sun, just beyond Horizon's Sunset Gate, sat Khira. The pale Miqo'te Keeper squinted through beads of sweat perched on her eyelids, searching the rocky landscape for something, anything... interesting. Sighing, she put her brush and palette down to the ground before wiping her eyes clear with the back of her hand. It was an absolutely average day, with nary a spectacle, just wandering peiste's and... *smack* ...swarms of midges. Khira rubbed her cheek as she slumped back against the tree, pouting at the 'training' she had been given by an obliging tutor.
"I go to the effort of travelling all the way to Sharlayan, trading my knowledge and expertise for arcane tutelage, and that smug JERK of an educator insists on sending me around the world to find 'inspiration' before he'll teach me anything useful." She huffed, nails digging at the dirt beside her in frustration. Khira was already an accomplished arcanist, had been a lecturer herself at Mealvaan's Gate and had even advised the Maelstrom once upon a time. The thought of being treated like a novice stung, all the more when the task at hand seemed so irrelevant to her interest.
A few bells passed before the Khira returned to Ul'dah, painting in hand, canvas stained with dust and sweat. She had eventually pushed beyond her frustrations, she knew she would, it was the only way to get the knowledge she was after.
"Where is that insufferable... ah" Wandering through the stall of the Sapphire Avenue Exchange, she spotted her teacher, perusing a stall selling what could only be described as 'colour splashed haphazardly on parchment by a blind coblyn'. Khira was sure he would call them modern or, twelve forbid, 'avant-garde'.
"Ahah! Khira, my wayward pupil, you return! Quickly, quickly, over here." Shushulufa Fafalufa was a slightly rotund, dark haired Dunesfolk Lalafell, who, were it not for the splotches of coloured paint over his clothes, hands and even sometimes face, would easily be mistaken for a barrel of ale from a distance. The man spoke as if he were an expert on all things artistic, though after having visited countless purveyors of paintings with him, she wondered if art might be all he actually knew. "This stall owner was just apprising me of a new movement sweeping through Eorzea, artists painting without thought, letting fate drive their works! isn't it just fascinating! I may have to revise your..."
"Here." Khira interrupted, thrust her own painting into his gesticulating hands. "I've done as you asked, found 'inspiration' in the beauty of the land." The picture itself was barely more than an amateur attempt at landscape art; mottled brown jagged shapes for rocks, green sweeps of the underbrush, a sandy looking road cutting through it all, finished with a spiky orange ball in the centre. A bomb had wandered out of Copperbell.
"O-oh! How... marvelous!" Shushulufa smiled awkwardly, instinctively wanting to find a way to praise the piece while being simultaneously bewildered by its lack of refinement. Khira could only grunt in return, frustrated. She was beginning to think she had been conned into escorting an art dealer around the continent.
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almostarts · 2 years
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Fernando Campana (1961 – 2022)
Born in the rural town of Brotas, the São Paolo-based designer earned a degree in architecture from the Faculdade de Belas Artes de São Paolo in 1984, before creating Estudio Campana that same year with his older brother Humberto, an attorney.
During the 1980s the studio produced a series of sculptural metal chairs welded from iron called Desconfortáveis (Uncomfortables), eventually moving toward a practice using everyday materials like cardboard, rope, wicker, bamboo, and wood.  Their iconic Favela Chair, from 1991 was fabricated with scraps of wood from discarded fruit crates, nailed and glued by hand. “The people who live in favelas construct their own homes, so I thought, why not construct a chair myself,” said Fernando in a discussion about the seat with curator Darrin Alfred from a 2010 interview. It was, he explained at the time, meant to symbolize a Brazilian shantytown.
It was in the 1990s—a time when the design world was primarily focused on the post-World War II movement of the Italians—that the Campanas came on the scene, with work that underscored Brazilian culture and its craft, sculpting furnishings from a range of raw and found materials. Their 1993 Vermelha Chair was a lesson in resourcefulness, hand-woven from cotton rope that enveloped a metal frame. 
Design journalist Arlene Hirst was “gobsmacked” when she first encountered the chair, manufactured by Italian manufacturer Edra, at the Salone del Mobile in Milan. A year later the chair was included in Project 66: Campana Brothers/Ingo Maurer, a 1998 exhibition at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), curated by Paola Antonelli, the museum’s senior curator of architecture and design, an associate at the time. For this show, Antonelli paired the Brazilian brothers’ furniture with German lighting designer Ingo Maurer’s luminaires in vignettes that highlighted a shared passion for materiality and invention.
Both Fernando and Humberto were active in the production process as well, but as is often the case with partners, they remained elusive about specific roles. “Fernando had the training, so he was the more pragmatic one,” noted Antonelli in a recent interview, referring to his architectural roots. “He never discussed it. And I never questioned it. It was implied,” she said. The younger Campana also drew inspiration from his daily routines, local markets and wandering São Paolo’s streets. Antonelli recalled asking him about his use of found objects, asking if they weren’t too cute? His response, “They are not too cute. They are part of my life.”
Many of those found objects—including stuffed animals—made their way onto upholstered seating like the 2002 Banquete series, which became the equivalent of a sold-out Broadway show. It is still produced out of the Campana São Paolo studio, and handsewn by local craftspeople who are considered part of the extended Campana family.
In 2010 the New York- and L.A.-based gallery Friedman Benda began global representation of the brother’s work. “Campana Studio brought a completely fresh perspective, creating a dialogue with local crafts and the use of the readymade,” says co-founder Marc Benda, adding, “They were trailblazers.” The gallery assisted with support of the studio and helped them to balance the commercial success of their practice with its roots in the hand made.  
One of the brothers’ last collaborations—presented in June at the 2022 Salone in Milan—is a collection called Metamorfosi, comprising five large-scale, pouf seats and a tapestry, created in collaboration with Italian textile designer Paola Lenti. Woven from remnants Lenti sorted and saved with CouLture Migrante, a social tailoring atelier (involving men and women asylum seekers residing in Como, Italy) the limited-edition pieces make their North American debut at Design Miami in December.
The work of Estudio Campana can be found at the Vitra Design Museum, Centre Pompidou, Musée Des Arts Décoratifs, MoMA, among other design-focused institutions. In 2020, they were the subject of 35 Revolutions, a retrospective at Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro on the occasion of their 35th anniversary.
Words by Melissa Feldman
Favela Chair for Edra, 2000, Pine, Height: 29.14 in (74 cm)Width: 26.38 in (67 cm)Depth: 24.41 in (62 cm)Seat Height: 15.75 in (40 cm),
Vermelha Armchair for Edra, 2019, Aluminium, Cord, natural cotton, Steel, 86 x 58 x h.77 cm,
Tornado Vase, Ghidini 1961, Bronze, W 11.81 x D 9.45 x H 14.57,
Jackfruit Table Lamp, Ghidini 1961, Polished Brass, Height: 19.69 in (50 cm), Diameter: 12.21 in (31 cm),
Bomboca Sofa GM, Objets Nomades, Louis Vuitton, 46.9 x 34.5 x 94.9 cm (18.5 x 13.6 x 37.4 in),
Bolotas Sofa (Cherry), 2019, Sheep’s wool, ipÊ, H: 95 W: 125 L: 215, Carpenters Workshop Gallery,
Edward Scissorhands side table, Giustini/Stagetti, 2014, Portorotype black marble and gilded bronze, 12 dia. x 22½ h in. (Casati Gallery),
Corallo Armchair for Edra S.p.A., Italy, 2004, Steel wire and epoxy paint, 38 x 60 x 39" (96.5 x 152.4 x 99.1 cm), Courtesy MoMa,
Sushi Buffet, 2012, Carpet, rubber, EVA, fabric and estela handcrafted into sushi rolls partially covering brass structure 28.25 x 78.75 x 17.75 inches (72 x 200 x 45 cm)
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iamracheltang · 3 months
Hello, I am Rachel Tang.
Most people know me as the Founder of our local pioneer nail academy in Singapore @pinkroomnailacademy, a Veteran Nail Expert, Founder of N.A.I.L.S Association @nailsingapore.sg, beauty brands owner, and an International Judge.
Many may not know, I hold a Bachelor of Arts. I was a lecturer in our local Polytechnic prior to embarking into the Beauty services sector. In my 20s, I was roped in to help develop the new Multimedia module for NP’s School of InfoComm Technology, formerly known as Centre for Computer Studies (CCS). Prior to that, I was a professional CG Animator for numerous years.
I left NP thinking I didn’t want to continue in the educational sector, but #teacherslifechoseme… and I eventually started my own school. I had been developing courses, building our education system and team of educators, for the past 20+ years. It was difficult at the start, but it was all well-worth it.
It is PRINAcademy's 20th anniversary celebrations this year. Looking back, I am heartened to see that our Diploma certification and training systems have changed so many lives. It had given many of our white-collared grads the extra entrepreneur boost to start a side biz of their own. PRINAcademy continues to be a safe space to learn and grow together.
I am an advocate for skills training & women empowerment. I believe that besides owning an academic qualification, each of us should also have under our belt, other skillsets as career alternatives, and a side income option in times of need.
I love to share and am passionate about what I’m doing. I hope that our paths cross, and we can chat more about things that you are passionate about, too.
@pinkroomnailacademy @nailsingapore.sg @theshoppinkroom @qttiegelly @angelpronail
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henrydavis123 · 6 months
Top Cosmetology Institutes & Training Centres To Craft Your Way Up The Beauty Path
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Cosmetology is a multidisciplinary field that integrates various areas of beauty and wellness. It involves not only enhancing a person’s physical appearance but also boosting self-confidence and overall well-being. From getting scar removal treatment, chemical peels, and laser liposuction to getting your hair styled and makeup done, cosmetology encompasses everything. Cosmetology is seen as a medical as well as non-medical discipline. Some colleges and institutes offer a wide range of courses for graduates as well as doctors to explore. You can complete a degree course, a diploma course, a postgraduate diploma course, or a certification course in a subject of your choice and interest.
Which Course Is Best For Cosmetology?
Here are some of the best and most popular courses in cosmetology that you can choose from. Depending on the curriculum these courses have a duration from 2-3 years to a few weeks to a few days.
Hairdressing and Hairstyling- Addressing various scalp and hair issues and mastering the art of hairdressing and styling is vital if you want to focus on hair for your career. Courses offered in this area teach students about the different medical conditions of the hair and scalp along with their treatment, haircutting, hairstyling, and hairdressing. The duration of these courses varies from 1 to 2 years to a few weeks. MBBS, BHMS, BAMS, and BDS graduates are eligible for various scalp and hair treatments like hair transplant, PRP treatment, etc. A minimum high school graduation of 10th +2 is essential for taking up courses in haircutting, styling, and spa treatments.
Skincare and Aesthetics From getting treatments like Botox, thread lifts, microneedling, and chemical peeling to address various skin issues to getting impeccable makeup done to glow on your big day, there are several reasons why you would visit a cosmetologist. There are several courses offered in this branch of cosmetology that teach you the basics of skin care for different skin types, and the various products used for procedures done on your skin. These courses are offered at the basic and advanced levels. The duration of these courses is anywhere between a few days to a month. MBBS, BHMS, BAMS, and BDS graduates are eligible for various skin treatments like microneedling, chemical peeling, microdermabrasion, botox, etc. A minimum high school graduation of 10th +2 is essential for taking up courses in makeup, facial and spa treatments.
Makeup Artistry Makeup artistry is an art form that allows the cosmetologist to bring out the beauty in the client in a nuanced way. Makeup is not just about layering layers of chemicals on your face. Makeup artistry courses include a wide curriculum that teaches students about the basic understanding of skin types, the products used for makeup, their formulation, and the basic and detailed techniques of makeup application. A minimum qualification of 10th or 10th +2 is required to enrol for courses in makeup artistry.
Nail Art and Nail Extensions Nail art has gained incredible popularity in recent years. Gone are the days when ‘getting the nails done’ meant cutting, filing, and getting a coat of colour on your nails. Today nail artists create intricate designs and apply techniques like acrylic nails and gel extensions. Nail artists are in high demand and so are the courses that teach nail art. A minimum qualification of 10th or 10th +2 is required to enrol for courses in nail and nail art extensions.
Salon And Spa Management For those interested in having their set-up of a salon or chain of salons, there are management courses that teach you about how to be a successful entrepreneur in the field of cosmetology. From customer service to financial management to the day-to-day nitty gritty of having your own business, these courses prepare you well. A graduate degree is required for enrolling in management courses.
Starting from certification and diploma courses, students can gain the advanced and highest degrees possible in cosmetology. Associate's, Bachelor's, and Master's degrees are examples of advanced degrees with specialisations in fields like dermatology, trichology, or cosmetic chemistry. These programmes prepare graduates for leadership positions, teaching positions, or entrepreneurship in the beauty business by delving into sophisticated techniques, research methodology, and management strategies.
What Is Diploma In Cosmetology?
A Diploma in Cosmetology is a thorough course that offers extensive instruction in a range of skincare and cosmetics topics. This six- to one-year-long programme gives students the theoretical and practical abilities they need to pursue employment in the beauty business. Numerous subjects are covered in the coursework, such as salon management, skincare procedures, hair styling, cosmetics application, and nail care. Students acquire abilities in product knowledge, client consultation, sanitation procedures, and strategies for improving natural beauty. Graduates can go on to work in salons, spas, or as independent contractors as cosmetologists, hair stylists, makeup artists, salon managers, or skincare specialists.
What Is Cosmetology Course Duration?
Cosmetology training in India typically lasts from six months to a year. These courses offer coaching in a range of beauty and grooming topics, such as skin care, makeup application, hair care, and salon management. Some institutions provide more comprehensive diploma courses that run up to a year, while others may offer shorter certificate programmes that last about six months. The curriculum frequently blends academic knowledge with hands-on training to give students the skills they need to pursue professions in the beauty industry. Furthermore, certain educational institutions could provide specialised programmes that concentrate on particular fields of cosmetology, including hairdressing or bridal makeup.
What Is The Cost Of Cosmetology Courses In Bangalore?
Depending on variables including the institution's standing, the length of the course, and the particular curriculum offered, the price of cosmetology courses in Bangalore might differ significantly. Shorter certificate programmes typically cost between ₹30,000 and ₹1,00,000, whereas six-month to one-year diploma programmes can cost between ₹50,000 and ₹2,50,000. Lengthier, complex programmes, such as degree courses or specialised certificates, can cost up to ₹5,00,000 or more. It is recommended to learn more about and compare various institutions to identify one that both suits your needs academically and your budget.
Which Is The Best Place To Study Cosmetology?
KAAM’s cosmetology and dermatology courses are specially designed for doctors and aestheticians. In the course, we ensure that students are exposed to the practical aspects while learning and will spend most of their time working and learning hands-on on real patients. This will give them the confidence to start practising immediately after the course. At KAAM, we offer various multi-disciplinary cosmetic courses at par with the latest technology and innovation. Our state-of-the-art equipment enables the students to take complete advantage of enhancing their aesthetic skills and flourishing clinical practice. Our faculty is highly qualified and well-trained in various aesthetic procedures and hands-on training is conducted along with theoretical demonstrations during the training programs. The courses offered at our institute help increase the clientele base of the students once they begin their clinical practice. These courses act as add-ons to the already set-up clinical practice. Workshops during these training programs at our institute expose the students to many aesthetic industry veterans, which increases their professional contacts. The training programs have varied durations- short-term, long-term, crash courses, diploma courses, a day's workshop, etc. This benefits students to choose the course that fits their busy schedules. The students who have completed the courses from our institute have emerged to become successful aestheticians and cosmetologists. At KAAM, we also offer professional support to our students in setting up their clinics and increasing their client base. A holistic approach and stringent protocols make KAAM unique, with unmatched credibility with an excellent team of dermatologists and skin therapists.
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ukbeautys-blog · 7 months
Have you never felt you used to be confused about what it would like to suddenly enter into such a fascinating world as the one of professional makeup artistry Come with us for backstage tours to see just how in a typical day of beauty, these experts raise the veil on true excellence at the private UK International London Beauty School. Best beauty school in Noida The centre of London is our home, so why not be proud of standing out as a beacon of skilful craft in our art institution which creates leaders of tomorrow from talented artists? Today, we invite you to craft the narration about a makeup artist’s master craft, when bristles describe incidents that are many-sided and could be obtained in different versions.
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It is like taking a plunge into the ocean of knowledge, where we will brush up on the basics, starting from skincare to beauty techniques and untangle the complex mystery of the art of makeup. The qualified trainers, who are known and admired due to their professional skills and business wisdom are engaged with the participants in practical classes and interactive workshops. Equipped with the state of art facilities and a curriculum, which is refined to the utmost level, we provide the best education for each student of our school and strongly support their further progress in future careers.
In the daily hubbub, this single sentence reverberates with a powerful message — “ The best beauty school in Noida.” This honour, given to us by concerned professionals, is an undisputed evaluation of our unbending devotion to supreme standards. We have unwavering commitment and promise to go beyond the standard of our students not only just to fulfill but surpass the expectation hence graduating with the relevant skills, required knowledge and confidence that the industry can use them.
That time of the day arrives when the sun leaves behind a trail to mark the day with passion and drive. This moment is to celebrate the success students have had. It is not only about learning fine skills but also establishing long-term relationships that are both fulfilling and satisfying while moulding a professional makeup artist. And at the UK International London Beauty School, best beauty school in noida we make a wholehearted commitment to mentoring the young leaders of tomorrow prepared to take the sector to a whole new level.
Summarizing, however precise each spectacular makeup effect looks, the true effort and motivation tied with the process are always portrayed in detail in addition to the unparalleled exquisite look. While on this journey that is unfolding and uniting point students, UK International Beauty School London, The latter will therefore be guiding students during each step. Are you the one who has a knack for artists, but you want it to be more than just a passion? Then, look no further than the “Best Beauty School in Noida”. Join us, let’s create a masterpiece for the whole world, one brushstroke at a time.
Uk International is the best beauty academy in Noida. Can you provide the best beautician course near me? We are the best bridal makeup course providers, and we provide you with all the different types of courses, such as cosmetology courses, haircuts, chemical makeup courses, and many more. We provide you with 100% job assistance, and we are the one where the skill meets the expertise. We provide you with the best knowledge and make you the best artist in this field. We run on the latest modules to provide you with the best quality education. We are the best beauty school in Noida, Ghaziabad, and Delhi, and we have the best faculty on campus across India. Join us fast for your makeup, hairstyling, cosmetology, nail art, and booster skills and become a certified beautician and makeup artist. We are best at creating experts.
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jhavelikes · 7 months
‘There will never be enough nails in the wood.’ The ‘pseudo-Marxist’ Austrian art collective Total Refusal creates short films with visuals generated entirely from within popular video games. In Hardly Working, they train their focus on just a few of the hundreds of non-playable characters who populate the background in the western action-adventure game Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018). These often-seen, rarely scrutinised carpenters, laundresses, stable boys and street sweepers occupy a circular, uncanny reality centred on the repetitive tasks that hardly make a mark on the world around them. At first dryly humorous, the proceedings grow disquieting as the narrator prods the viewer to consider the ‘infinite loop of labour performance’ of life within a capitalist system.
Does capitalism make ‘non-playable characters’ of us all? An uncanny exploration | Aeon Videos
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nailcreativeus · 8 months
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Come to our nail salon and enjoy the comfortable relaxing moments at Orchid Beauty Centre located conveniently in British Columbia, V5V 3E1.
Orchid Beauty Centre provides high-quality nail services in a clean and comfortable environment. Our priorities are client-focused services, high-quality products, and above all else, grade-A sanitation standards. We are committed to bringing you the latest advances in beauty care and only using the most trusted brands in the beauty industry. With our state-of-the-art equipment and highly experienced staff, our desire is to simply make each and every visit a soothing recovery from life in the real world.
Above all, we place the highest emphasis on cleanliness, and all the technicians are trained to adhere to the strictest sanitation standards. Buffers and files are used only once and then discarded. Paraffin waxed is also never recycled for another use. All pedicure procedures are done with liner protection.
We are ready to serve you and make you look and feel wonderful. Call us at 604-873-9388 for appointments!
Website: https://orchidbeautycentre.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086230417189
Location 1 
Address: 1298 Kingsway, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5V 3E1
Phone: 604-873-9388
Get directions: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ud8bCtnF1XvhDERy9
Booking link: https://booking.gocheckin.net/v2/5179
Location 2
Address: 1638 East Broadway #102, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5N 1W1
Phone: 604-558-4883
Booking link: https://booking.gocheckin.net/v2/5180
Social link
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pritysinghrajput007 · 11 months
Dr. Bhawna Gupta is a highly regarded and accomplished skin specialist practicing in I.P Extension, known for her exceptional expertise in dermatology and her unwavering commitment to providing comprehensive skincare solutions. With a stellar reputation in the medical community and a long history of delivering outstanding patient care, Dr. Gupta is the go-to expert for all your skin-related concerns.
Education and Credentials: Dr. Bhawna Gupta holds an impressive academic background, having earned her medical degree from a prestigious institution. She has also completed extensive postgraduate training in dermatology, equipping her with the latest knowledge and advanced techniques in the field.
Clinical Excellence: As a board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Gupta brings a wealth of clinical experience to her practice. Her diagnostic skills are exceptional, enabling her to accurately identify and treat a wide range of dermatological conditions, from common skin issues to complex disorders. Her patients benefit from her ability to provide tailored, evidence-based treatments that yield outstanding results.
Comprehensive Skin Care Services:
Dr. Bhawna Gupta offers a comprehensive suite of services, including but not limited to:
General Dermatology: Diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and more.
Cosmetic Dermatology: Expertise in cosmetic procedures, including Botox, dermal fillers, chemical peels, and laser therapies.
Skin Cancer Screening: Early detection and treatment of skin cancer.
Hair and Nail Disorders: Management of hair and nail conditions.
Anti-Aging Treatments: Customized approaches to reduce signs of aging and enhance skin health.
Patient-Centered Care: Dr. Gupta is known for her compassionate and patient-centered approach. She takes the time to listen to her patients' concerns and objectives, ensuring that treatment plans are tailored to their unique needs. Her dedication to patient education fosters a strong doctor-patient relationship, which is essential for achieving the best possible outcomes.
Cutting-Edge Technology: Dr. Bhawna Gupta's practice is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, allowing her to deliver the most advanced treatments available in the field of dermatology. This commitment to staying at the forefront of medical innovation ensures that her patients receive the highest standard of care. If you're seeking a skilled and compassionate skin specialist in I.P Extension, Dr. Bhawna Gupta is the name to trust. With her exceptional qualifications, vast experience, and dedication to patient well-being, she's your partner in achieving healthy, radiant skin.
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Discover the Glamorous World of Mahak's Makeover Salon in Yamunanagar
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Welcome to Mahak's Makeover Salon, a premier beauty haven nestled in the heart of Yamunanagar. With its exceptional services and a team of skilled professionals, Mahak's Makeover Salon has garnered a reputation as the best salon in town. From stunning nail art to exquisite party makeup and luxurious spa treatments, this salon has it all. Let's explore the various offerings that make Mahak's Makeover Salon stand out from the rest.
1. Best Salon in Yamunanagar:
When it comes to hairstyling, makeup, and beauty treatments, Mahak's Makeover Salon takes the crown. The salon prides itself on staying ahead of the latest trends and techniques, ensuring that every client leaves feeling transformed and satisfied. The warm and inviting ambiance adds to the overall experience, making your visit a relaxing and enjoyable one.
2. Nail Art in Yamunanagar:
Nail art enthusiasts rejoice! Mahak's Makeover Salon houses a talented team of nail artists who can turn your nails into stunning works of art. Whether you prefer intricate designs or simple elegance, their expertise and creativity will leave you mesmerized.
3. Party Makeup Services in Yamunanagar:         
Preparing for a special event or a night out? Mahak's Makeover Salon has you covered. Their party makeup services are tailored to enhance your features and complement your outfit, leaving you looking radiant and camera-ready.
4. Best Bridal Makeup Salon in Yamunanagar:
For brides-to-be, Mahak's Makeover Salon is a dream come true. With years of experience in bridal makeup, the salon understands the importance of your big day and strives to create a look that reflects your unique style and enhances your natural beauty. From traditional to contemporary bridal makeup, their expert makeup artists ensure you look absolutely stunning on your wedding day.
5. Best Bridal Makeup in Yamunanagar:
Not just the best bridal makeup salon, Mahak's Makeover Salon also offers the best bridal makeup services in town. Their attention to detail and use of premium products make for a flawless and long-lasting bridal look that will make you the centre of attention.
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6. Best Spa in Yamunanagar:
Step into a world of relaxation and rejuvenation at Mahak's Makeover Salon's spa. Indulge in a range of spa treatments designed to melt away stress and leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized.
7. Best Beauty Parlour near Me:      
If you're on the hunt for the best beauty parlour near you, Mahak's Makeover Salon is the answer. With its central location in Yamunanagar, the salon is easily accessible, making it a convenient choice for all your beauty needs.
8. Beautician Course in Yamunanagar:
Aspiring beauticians in Yamunanagar can enhance their skills and kick-start their careers with Mahak's Makeover Salon's beautician course. Led by experienced professionals, this course provides comprehensive training in various beauty techniques and services.
9. Best Hair Salon in Yamunanagar:
Whether you want a chic haircut, a trendy hair color, or a stylish hairdo, Mahak's Makeover Salon is the best hair salon in Yamunanagar. Their hair experts stay up-to-date with the latest hair trends to ensure you leave with a hairstyle that turns heads.
10. Eyelash Extensions Price in Yamunanagar:    
With eyelash extensions gaining popularity, Mahak's Makeover Salon offers this service at competitive prices. Enjoy the allure of voluminous lashes without the hassle of mascara.
In conclusion, Mahak's Makeover Salon in Yamunanagar stands tall as the city's best beauty destination.
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Best Diabetes Doctor in Hyderabad – Evyahospital
The aspects of diabetes care are changing due to the increasing incidence of diabetes, an ageing population with multiple conditions, changing patient expectations, as well as the creation of new treatments and remedies.
The best diabetes doctor in Hyderabad is now at Evya hospital, where we are committed to providing state-of-the-art diabetology treatments, including early detection technologies, diabetic patient education (awareness and counselling), and the most effective treatment procedures.
For people who are diabetic to have access to the wide range of diabetes skills and expertise, Evya hospital recognises the need for local services and must have a focus on quality care and effectiveness. Our dedicated and highly qualified Best diabetes doctor in Hyderabad and diabetic specialists offer greater comprehensive diabetes care, including much of the ongoing support for many diabetics.
Our multidisciplinary specialist diabetes team, which includes doctors, dieticians with experience in diabetes, and nurses, aims to be the centre and voice of high-quality treatment for everybody. We provide patient-centered care because we think that people who have diabetes should be empowered to make whatever lifestyle adjustments necessary and, whenever practical, given the opportunities to take care of themselves.
Treatments & Procedures by our best diabetes doctor in Hyderabad
Before referring patients back to their general healthcare doctors for ongoing care, we want to promote them to obtain early speciality care and education to get them started treating their diabetes.
Amputation rate among diabetic patients are high because of inadequate foot care and barefoot walking, especially among the poor, as diabetes more frequently affects the nerves and blood vessels of the foot, which can lead to foot ulcers and ultimately amputation. In addition to educating patients about basic foot care, we regularly check patients using methods like the Bio-thesiometer and Doppler to detect for neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease.
Wound treatment and ulcer management are managed by experienced plastic surgery specialists. We also regularly screen for additional diabetes problems such retinopathy, amyotrophy, diabetic gastroparesis, and nephropathy.
Moreover, we offer diabetes podiatry procedures to prevent foot ulcers from developing. The feet are taken care of by having the nails cut, getting corns and calluses removed, etc. The podiatry service is managed by a male nurse with podiatric expertise.
In order to start the appropriate treatment, patients with diabetes are routinely screened for cardiac disease using baseline ECG and serum cholesterol.
We can do biochemical tests like lipid profiles, apo proton studies, blood sugar measurement, etc. since we have a lab that is open twenty-four hours a day.
We provide training and start for insulin pumps as well as diagnostic continuous glucose monitoring evaluations. Our Diabetology Department may provide comprehensive, intense care for patients with Type 2 diabetes, difficult-to-control diabetes, or high-risk diabetes (such as diabetics who have recently had a heart attack or had bypass surgery).
In the ICCU, we handle diabetic emergencies. Diabetes patients must have their blood sugar levels constantly checked, particularly if they want to become pregnant or are already having a child.
Diabetology Technologies
Podoscopy ECG HCP Study Echo and Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy Screening Biothesiometry Doppler and ABI Measurement Thyroid Biopsy Filament testing Micro Albuminuria Renal Function Tests Renal Ultrasonography Hormone Testing Fundoscopy
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back-and-totheleft · 2 years
Despite my many differences with Oliver Stone as an artist, I congratulate him on having managed both to present an unhysterical assessment of Latin American leaders and issues in South Of The Border, and also to get it seen in the US. The latter, especially, is achievement indeed.
A rare precedent is Costa-Gavras's Missing, which netted Oscars in 1982 with its horrifying story of the US State Department's involvement in the murder of one of its own citizens during the US-backed Chilean coup of 1973. In retrospect, it looks like the last gasp of those liberal Hollywood instincts that saw producer Bert Schneider thanking the Viet Cong leadership as he accepted his Best Documentary Oscar for Hearts and Minds in 1975.
Elsewhere the story is one of movies ignored, shelved, suppressed and sabotaged. Roger Spottiswoode's Under Fire, set in Somoza's Nicaragua, barely squeaked on to US screens in 1983 amid rumours of studio nervousness – and political interference – when the Contras were at their barbarous high tide. Stone's Salvador was a critical hit you could barely find in cinemas. Ditto Haskell Wexler's Latino, in which Vietnam vet Robert Forster, sent to train the Contras, comes to see how his country is sponsoring mass murder overseas.
Even Missing has its antecedent in Costa-Gavras's career, State Of Siege, about the reasons behind the kidnapping of an American USAID official, which explicitly indicts Fort Benning's School of the Americas, a finishing school for aspirant tyrants. Scheduled as the inaugural screening at the Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts in 1973, it was withdrawn with the lame excuse that its themes might upset the Kennedy family. It was unavailable for almost 30 years after I saw it in 1981 at, of all places, the self-same Kennedy Centre.
It's the same story with documentaries. Good luck finding Blood Of The Condor, about the US Peace Corps' enforced sterilisation programmes among Bolivian Indians. Patrizio Guzmán's epic The Battle Of Chile (in which one cameraman filmed his own murder by a government soldier) is available – finally – from a US micro-distributor with great taste but little money. The Zapatista documentary A Place Called Chiapas never got serious American distribution; likewise The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, an account of the Venezuelan coup attempt of 2002.
In a way, none of this is surprising. If your country's relationship with an entire continent can be boiled down to a hot-button list that includes Guatemala 1954, the Bay of Pigs 1961, the murder of Guevara in 1967, the overthrow of Allende and the subsequent, continent-wide kindermord of the Condor assassination programme, shame is the decent response. No wonder no one's talking – except Stone. Good for him.
-John Patterson, "Oliver Stone nails Latin America's troubled relationship with the USA," The Guardian, Jul 23 2010 [x]
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salon09 · 2 years
Best loreal Salon in Kolhapur
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Loreal is one of the largest beauty brands in the world and it has been in the business for over 100 years. The company sells products in more than 130 countries around the world and it has been a pioneer when it comes to developing new technologies that are now used by other companies as well. Loreal Salon offers a wide range of services including haircut, hair color, hair perm and many more.
The Salon has one of the Best loreal Salon in Kolhapur. The salon offers services for both men and women, and it also provides hair removal services. They are well-trained professionals who are passionate about their work and know what they are doing. The salon also has a wide range of products that can help you maintain your hairstyle at home with ease. The Salon is the best place to go for all your Loreal Professional hair needs in Kolhapur!
Best loreal professional salon in Kolhapur have the best quality of service, they have a wide range of products, and they are always up to date with the latest trends. The salon that provides services to customers with a range of different needs. They offer Loreal Professional hair styling, hair colouring, and make-up application. It is one of the best salons in Kolhapur in terms of customer service and quality. The salon has five floors, comprising an international standard beauty salon and a nail care centre. The beauty salon offers a range of services including hair styling, hair colouring, make-up application and manicure/pedicure services. The nail care centre offers manicure/pedicure services only. The salon has a team of expert stylists who provide high-quality services to their customers.
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Best loreal Salon in Kolhapur
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