#nadia wrestling
teeth-farie · 10 months
My first route in the Arcana was Nadia but literally all my thoughts were about Vulgora it was insane
Admittedly I don’t remember the little details of Nadia’s route- I enjoyed the political romance theme but (gestures to myself) I am not a sub so I didn’t replay it a whole lot out of personal preference. I DO love vulgora too they’re such a chaotic demon
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softgrungeprophet · 4 months
the real dilemma of a large canon divergent alternate timeline w very particular events is that i think it would be nice to incorporate terry somehow but
1) i can't have it be when kaine is high in nevada because that's before louise and the whole point with louise is that she's the first person who is kind to him
2) there's zero time between slc and houston (less than a year) in windowverse and he's still very emotionally unhealthy then and not in any kind of relationship in that interim
3) after he leaves houston he stops having relationships for a while again 😅
also the whole issue of ben plot stuff but i'm ignoring that for now
maybe later in life but it would probably not be in vegas in that case (i mean, maybe) and also i'm not sure how long it takes for kaine to work out his own sexuality (if he ever does) beyond the kind of reciprocal responsive thing he does out of a need for human affection... (arguably unhealthy)
though i could see him encompassing less of a "gay" vs "straight" thing and more of a gnc4gnc or androgyne4masc thing esp considering annabelle's menswear, louise's arguable butchness, etc... even if his relationship w annabelle in au is very compulsory (at least early on idk)
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richardbecool · 5 months
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I ready to see Nadia Sapphire put her hands on Nikki Bella for a one on one wrestling match. I love them and both are two of my favorites in women wrestling . Love them beautiful wrestling outfits they are wearing and hope they put them on if they have a match with each other. Nikki Bella smiles ready love to pin Nadia Sapphire for a three count pin😍❤️💯🤟🏼👏🏼
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Raw Talk 2/12/24
Nadia Ruched Midi Dress in Gradient Blue from Selfie Leslie ($36 - ON SALE)
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angelamoroso · 1 year
Come see Myself The Goddess of Gore Queen of Hardcore Angel Amoroso and ECW original Jason Knight as we relaunch Assault Champion Wrestling! This Saturday August 12 in Williamstown NJ! There's even a fan fest before the show from 12-4 with toys, horror, wrestling vendors and much more! The show starts at 5pm! Don't miss out on this EPIC event!!!
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angel5ofp0rn · 4 months
♡ part nine ♡
ExHusband!Price x f!reader
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You and John have been pretty distant during the past two months, basically just coparenting in the same house.
You decided that depending on how this goes, how John and his ex wife interact, how the kids all get along, that's how you’ll decide the next step for the two of to get back together.
On the train from London to Bath, John holds your youngest in his lap and listen to her ooh's and ah's about being in a new country.
Meanwhile, you listen to every little question your oldest asks you about the new country, about the plane ride, about why everyone here “talks like daddy”.
After a while the train finally arrives at the station. John takes the lead out the door, carrying your oldest on his back as you carry the youngest on your hip.
The two of you are pretty silent, only talking to the children rather than each other.
The kids go crazy, suddenly getting a burst of energy as they explore the rental John booked for this trip.
They’re clearly more interested in the temporary house than anything else.
"So," you look at John as the kids giggle and wrestle on the floor. "When do we meet them?"
John takes a deep breath before he speaks. "Tomorrow morning. I thought the four of us could get breakfast and then head out to Nadia's house." He speaks carefully as if he’s trying not to say something that might upset you.
You just nod, turning your attention back to the kids.
He doesn’t say it, but he’s just as nervous as you. He doesn’t know what it’ll be like tomorrow, if the kids will all get along, if you and his other ex-wife will get along.
The kids definitely don’t sense any tension, that's for sure.
You and John tucked the kids into bed in the larger room of the house, letting them share the king bed. It’s just John and you in the second room, separate beds, as had become the norm for the two of you.
John's quiet in his bed simply staring at the ceiling, his mind filled with thoughts of the following day.
"John..?" You sit up in your bed and look over at him.
John turns his head, a tiny bit surprised to see that you're still awake. He just gives you a small smile.
"Can't sleep?"
You shake your head. You’d been trying to sleep for the last two hours but the anxiety isn't letting you.
"Yeah... Neither can I..." John rubs his face and lets out a small sigh. He lifts his covers. "C'mon, love."
You should put your foot down or tell him off... But you don’t.
He has you. Divorce, secret family and all.
You slowly get out of your bed and crawl into his, instantly cuddling up to his warm body.
John wraps his arms around you, pulling you to his chest. He closes his eyes, savoring this moment with you.
You're in his arms, and although things between you two are still tense, you're at least here with each other.
Things are okay as long as you two are together, he thinks to himself before slowly starting to drift off to sleep.
After breakfast the four of you head off. You have John park your rental car down the block hoping that the fresh air would help calm your nerves…
Or maybe you were just stalling.
John's leading the way, carrying your youngest in one arm and holding the oldest’s hand with the other.
The kids are both pretty excited to meet Theo. They took the news that their father has another child very well… That wasn’t surprising, as they're just kids and don't fully understand.
You, on the other hand, are a nervous wreck. You thought of what would happen if Nadia hates you, since John meeting you made him leave her, or what if Theo wants nothing to do with your kids, his half-siblings.
What if Nadia and John still have feelings for each other?
John looks over at you, noticing the slight panic and anxiety on your face even though you're trying to hide it from the kids. He keeps his expression calm, even when his heart feels like it's pounding out of his chest.
He knows you're going to have questions and feelings about this no matter what, but he just hopes the two of you can get through his visit with his other family without any more damage.
The four of you continue walking, the house that Nadia and Theo live in coming into full view. John's grip on your oldest’s hand tightens slightly, you could notice. He lets go of the five-year-old’s hand once you're all at the front door and he rings the doorbell.
After a moment Nadia stands in the doorway, her blonde hair pulled back in a claw clip, a small smile on her face...
Damn it, she's gorgeous.
She's older than you, John's age, with these gorgeous green eyes and the prettiest long eyelashes and full lips… She even has the cutest dimples in her cheeks.
You felt like couldn't even blame John if he decided today that he wants to go back to her.
John didn't really think much about Nadia's appearance. To him she was just an old flame of the past. She was beautiful, sure, but he had moved on years ago.
She was just his son’s mother.
But, seeing how you looked at her caused John a bit of pain. He knew it was bothering you. He wanted to assure you that there was nothing to worry about between the two of them, but he didn’t have a chance to do so just yet.
Instead, John smiles a bit as he starts to introduce you all.
"Nadia... Uh, this is Gabriel, my son.” Your oldest, just excited to see his older brother soon, waves a bit, "and this is Linnie, my little girl.” Your youngest, feeling shy around the stranger, buries her face into John’s chest.
John then gestures to you, turning his head towards you then glances back over at Nadia. "And this is Y/N... My, erm..."
"Ex-wife." You offer, blushing a bit. No need to complicate it. "It's really nice to meet you, Nadia. Thank you for letting us all be here."
Nadia smiles, genuinely. "Of course. I'm glad this is all finally happening. Come in, come in. Tea's on."
You follow behind John as we walk into Nadia's house, holding Gabriel's hand tightly.
John walks in with you and the kids, a lot of nervous energy still adiating from him. You sit at the table with everyone, holding your youngest in your lap now as your oldest sits between John and yourself.
"Where's my brother?" Your oldest whispers to John as Nadia sets tea in front of John and you, then herself as she sits across.
John looks down at your son and smiles, his nervousness temporarily gone when asked about Theo. "I'm sure he'll be out of his room in a moment."
Nadia just seems to be staring at John for a moment, her expression hard to read, before she smiles and gestures to the children. "These two are adorable."
"Thank you,” you laugh a bit. "They're a couple of little monkeys."
Nadia laughs as well, finding your description of your children funny. She takes a drink of her tea as she sets her cup down on the table. "They're beautiful. They really look like Theo when he was their ages."
As if on cue, Theo walks into the dining room.
Of course he’s gorgeous.
He looks like ten year old John.
He see's his dad and immediately runs up to him and hugs him tightly. You watch as John smiles widely, hugging his oldest son tightly.
Your oldest, upon seeing that John is now hugging his big brother, starts to get excited. He hops out of his seat and goes running towards Theo as well.
“Big brother!" The five year old’s arms immediately wrap around Theo and hugs him tightly as well. Theo hugs him back, unfazed, as if he's know him his entire life instead of this being their first time meeting.
"Oh my God…” You smile, the sight warming my heart.
Nadia seems to be having a similar reaction to you, grinning broadly as the two boys hug each other. She turns to look at your daughter for a moment, who just watches intently, taking in the sight of her brothers. She seems excited too, wiggling around in your lap to see them better.
"Do you want to meet Theo as well, little one?" Nadia asked her gently.
Your youngest nods shyly.
You put her on her feet, and the oldest child kneels down, anticipating a hug from the toddler.
Instead, the little one runs to Nadia and climbs into her lap for a hug instead. You and John both laugh, surprised by this.
Nadia smiles and wraps her arms around Linnie, hugging her tightly. Her embrace is comforting and reassuring to the bashful little one.
"It's nice to meet you, Theo." You finally smile at John and Nadia's son. "I'm Y/N."
Theo's smile grows as he sees you, his bright blue eyes studying you carefully almost like he's trying to memorize your appearance. "It's nice to meet you, too.”
"Can we play?!" Your oldest asked John’s oldest, then looked back to John for permission as well.
John nods quickly, giving him permission to play with his older brother. Nadia, meanwhile, just smiles and nods as well. "Theo has loads of Legos in his room. Go ahead. Get to know one another as well."
Your oldest smiles widely before following his “new” big brother to his room. Linnie just clings to Nadia's chest, looking between the two of you, trying to take everything in.
"I might just keep this little one." Nadia teased, hugging her a bit closer.
You can't help but smile. This isn't at all how you thought this would go.
It's so much better.
The boys are now playing in the room, building Legos and just enjoying each other's company. Your daughter seems content to be with Nadia, who's holding her in her lap, stroking her hair softly with her fingers and talking quietly with her.
You feel John take your hand under the table, squeezing it a bit as he sips his tea.
John leans in closely, whispering to you as Nadia speaks with your youngest. "Everything's goin’ well... right?"
You nod with a small smile, then sip at your tea as well. You watch as Nadia gets your little one to open up a bit, getting her to talk and giggle.
It only takes a few minutes before Nadia convinces the two year old to go into Theo's room and play with her big brothers, and to get to know Theo a bit. Now it's just her, John and you at the table.
John looks around and seems to sigh in relief, leaning back in his seat as he continues to squeeze your hand.
Nadia and you finally get a chance to have a proper conversation as the two of you continue to talk and sip on your tea.
Everything has gone so smoothly; especially now when Gabriel and Linnie seem to have just bonded with Theo like the three have known each other for years rather than just having met today.
John sighs a bit, smiling over at Nadia and you as she holds a conversation with you, seeming more than happy that things are working out.
For the first time in a long time, today he feels at ease, like everything's going just like it's supposed to go.
After spending the entire day together, You decide it's time to get the kiddos back to the rental and get them into bed.
John helps Nadia with the dishes after dinner while you help the kids clean up Theo's room after playing.
You and John finish bathing the children after their long day and tuck them into the king bed once again.
John follows you into the other bedroom, shutting the door behind him as he goes over and sits on the edge of his bed. He just takes a deep breath in there, sighing as he rubs his face.
Today went well, sure. But that doesn’t exactly change anything between the two of you just yet.
You sit on John's lap, his arms instantly wrapping around your waist. It was just natural.
John just exhales. Your warmth against his chest helped him to feel at ease for a moment.
"Nadia is gorgeous." You sigh. "You didn't tell me that part."
John chuckles softly. "Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
"How can I not be?"
John rubs his thumb over the top of your thigh. "She's my past, love... We don't have... We've never had what you and I have."
You look at him, meeting his eyes. You try to find even a tiny hint of dishonestly.
That makes the next part harder.
“I don’t understand how you could have done that to them.” You start slowly. “The man I married isn’t a man that would just abandon his family for some random girl at a bar.”
You could feel John tense at your words. You stand up off of his lap now, pacing the room a bit.
“I didn’t abandon them-“
“You left your wife and child in a different country. What would you call that?” You retort.
“You don’t understand how things were between Nadia and I before I met you.” John insists. “It’s not like I left a happy marriage.”
“You still left your child.” You shake your head. “If you visit fucking Italy right now and meet a younger woman, would you leave Gabe and Linnie back in the states and only see them once a month? I always thought, ‘maybe John and I aren’t a good match, but at least he’s a good dad’… But I don’t know if I believe that anymore.”
“I’m a damn good dad. To all of them.” John defends himself through gritted teeth.
“You’ve been lying to my kids their whole lives!”
“Your kids?” John quirked an eyebrow at that.
“My kids.” You double down, arms crossed.
“I don’t wanna fight.” John sighs finally, rubbing his eyes. “Can we talk about this in the morning?”
“Fine.” You exit the room, going back to where the kids slept, leaving John alone.
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M6 sharing a living space - and I’m not talking one of Nadia’s palaces where they can avoid each other, but like, a tiny safe house or something like that
Imagine the chaos 😭
Vesuvia Weekly: A Date With Disaster
"So, it's settled, then." You stand up and dust off your hands. "We're ... going camping ... all seven of us ... together ... in one tent."
"It would seem so." Nadia looks down her nose at her tea in poorly concealed disgust. "I'll make a note to bring a fair amount of wine."
"Can you double that?" Asra asks from the floor. Muriel, sulking in the corner nearby, seems seconds away from breaking his characteristic silence to ask if the amount could be tripled.
"C'mon, Noddy, nobody likes a party pooper!" You can see the bead of sweat trickling down Lucio's temple, but you appreciate his skewed levels of optimism for once. Portia takes her cue from him.
"Yeah, this isn't all bad! We can bring snacks, and games, and - ooh! I call sleeping next to MC!"
"Pasha, noooo ~" You don't think you've ever heard Julian sound so whiny in your life, but nothing brings out someone's inner child like the person they grew up with. "I wanted to sleep next to MC."
"You can always take their other side -"
"I'm calling it." Asra grins smugly up from Nadia's carpet. The Countess in questions meets their eyes with a sly smirk.
"If I recall correctly, you and our darling MC have been sharing sleeping arrangements for the last several years at least. I shall occupy their other side."
Asra shrugs. "Fine. I'll be their pillow, then."
"WHAT -" Lucio screeches. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Muriel silently holding the door open for a speedy escape. The two of you slip out practically unnoticed, just as you catch the tail end of Julian's demands.
"In that case, I volunteer to keep their feet warm -"
You glance up at the silent shadow next to you as he guides you through the fastest route out of the Palace.
"Did you have any requests?"
"Me?" He looks down at you in surprise, and then turns away with a pout. "No. I'll be sleeping across the door."
You laugh. "So you can be the first to escape?"
He shakes his head as you part ways. "So I can keep guard."
Well, you think, here goes our date with disaster -
Notable highlights of the trip:
Lucio figured out how to grill meat over the fire on his metal hand. He did not figure out how to wash the residue off
Everyone discovered Julian's fear of the dark as soon as Nadia turned off the last lantern and he immediately latched onto your feet, causing you to reflexively kick out and accidentally igniting a short, tent-wide wrestling match
Portia brought so much homemade food you were almost tempted to stay an extra day and finish it all. You did not.
Nadia's insomnia made a fierce comeback as soon as she was sleeping in a flimsy bag with cloth for walls and uneven ground underneath. She was very grumpy and uncharacteristically disheveled in the morning
Muriel accidentally stumbled on a lost baby squirrel, which promptly imprinted on him and followed him around everywhere. Portia and Lucio both threw whining fits when he couldn't force it to like them or willingly sit in their hands
Asra "accidentally" tripped Lucio right next to a cold, muddy spring and then so happened to have a change of clothes in his size - which is to say, an adult-sized goat onesie. They also had onesies for everyone else, including a puppy one for you!
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 4 months
The Arcana M6 Learning How to Crochet
This man does not have the attention span to crochet.
Sure, they love to lay in bed and watch you do it, sure, he'll try, but after about thirteen and a half stitches he gets distracted and decides it's naptime, or he needs to reorganize the spice drawer, or that you don't have enough pumpkin bread, or–
Once you sit his ass down and make him actually retain knowledge they actually do pretty good
Has tons of ideas for what he'll make next, will probably never get to any of them, he is the ultimate procrastinator
Loves to buy you the most random yarn, if it catches his eye it's going with him. Even though they aren't necessarily aesthetically pleasing, you love your drawer of tie dyed, bejewelled, and glittery yarns
He makes Faust a snake sweater (sock?) and declares she will never be cold again
Listens to you intently, super eager to learn and immediately become the best
Completely silent. Doesn't say a word to you until she's figured it out, determined to please. She keeps trying, an ambitious fire in her eyes. You ask her if she needs help a couple of times but she's insistent that she'll be okay
That is, until the middle of the night when she crawls into bed with you, seething
Why did the hook keep slipping out? Why did her knots keep coming undone? This was clearly a defective ball of yarn, what even is a "factory knot"?
The next time she's free you sit on her lap and talk her through the process
Unfortunately as much as she adores the countess, Chandra wouldn't be caught dead in anything either of you make
Please, MC, I have the steady hands and patience of a doctor. I appreciate what you do but really, how hard could it be?
Oh, how wrong he was
Skip to him sobbing into your lap and profusely apologizing for underestimating you and your talents, you are so, so, talented and he wants you to know that, can you ever forgive him? Do you st-
Oh and Portia, he realizes he's been doing that to her oh God what has he done to you both he's so horrible and oh no oh no oh no
You and Portia sit through several one man plays, ballads, and interpretive dances featuring the both of you (or rather, julian in wigs pretending to be you)
Malak doesn't care for crocheted bird clothes but he certainly likes to steal your buttons and shiny metal hooks, forcing you to opt for the wooden ones
Oh, she already knew how to crochet
Believe me, if you were crocheting she would be doing it right next to you if she had the time to
The thing is, Portia isn't just okay at crocheting. She's good. Amazing, even. The first time you crochet together, one glance at her soon turns to you dropping your hook (and your jaw)
Even though she is the supreme crochet champion, she still showers you with compliments and adoration
The type to crochet and read at the same time, gets super into the book and stops focusing on her project completely yet somehow manages to crochet flawlessly
Pepi loves to roll around in your buckets of yarn, whenever you want to make something all your yarn is frizzy and full of cat fur (you will have to physically wrestle Pepi to get a garment on her)
Convinced he'll be bad at it before he even tries
Begrudgingly accepts your offer to teach him anyways, he mumbles something about having clumsy hands and looks away
He takes a while to learn, but after he gets the hang of it he does really well. At heart, he's an artist, no matter how much he tries to deny it
He had watched you crochet before, but now he watches you extra, extra carefully to learn more without intruding
There is now a shelf designed for all your amigurumi plushies placed just next to the one for his wood carvings
When winter hits, you notice all the chickens have been tucked into sweaters, as well as an extra toasty looking Inanna, which is enough to make your heart melt and send you into cardiac arrest (rip MC)
After a brief explanation and a quick tutorial he picks up the hook and gives it a go
Holy mother of what is this trickery
He's shocked about how difficult it is, and yes he is being resilient for you but god he wants to scream and chuck the hook into the woods and never see it again
He can snip yarn with his metal arm for you though so that's pretty sick
You're pretty sure you catch him glaring at the hook when he thinks you aren't looking
He's super proud of you for being able to crochet though, he thinks you're the coolest ever and brags about it to everyone who will listen
Mercedes and Melchior love the sweaters you inevitably make for them and Lucio pulls all sorts of shit so you'll make him one too
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mrxcreepypastamadness · 3 months
Here's my official reveal of BJ Harpyboo, and I wasn't even joking or kidding around with this mentioned character with this host I created since she looks similar to Peacock.
She's actually a mix of Peacock and DJ Hallyboo.
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BJ Harpyboo
• Skullgirls 2nd Encore (Unlockable character) (Canon AU)
• Sugar Rush Party DS Anti-Piracy
• Friday Night Funkin': Sugar Rush Madness
• Sugar Rush Party DS Anti-Piracy: The Sequel (Upcoming)
• Skullgirls 2nd Encore Anti-Piracy Arc (Upcoming)
Real name: Bethany Hallyboo
• Host
• Harpyboo
• Dr. Mammon (Main creator)
• Dr. Avian (Creator from Lab 8)
• Peacock (Twin cousin)
• Big Band (Partner of the Federal Law)
• Lab 8
• Human ("was" before her tragic death)
• Top Hatted Being
Parasite: Annie P. Mammon (Top hat)
Gender: Female
Birthday: November 13
Blood Type: B
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 94lbs./Varies
Measurements: 18A-17-20
Sexuality: Pansexual
Eye Color:
• Red
• Yellow (Hat)
Likes: Cartoons, movies, video games, vigilantes, TV breakfast, lunch & dinner, Late night coffee, police cars, cages, wrestling cage matches, formal apology notes, being a personified host, being above the law, teaching pirates a painful lesson
Dislikes: Sinners, corrupted officers in general, the Medici Mafia, Lorenzo Medici, Vitale Medici, Black Dahlia (obviously), the Skull Heart, pirates who pirate the games for free, the fools who think they're above the law, Nadia Fortune (cause she rather lock her up for thievery), bland food, robbers and crooks
• Deceased father (unknown)
• Deceased mother (unknown)
• Patricia Watson aka Peacock (Twin cousin)
• DJ Hallyboo (Stepfather)
• Happyboo (Stepmother)
• Peacock (ally)
• Marie (neutral ally)
• Big Band (federal ally)
• Officer Collie (The cop girl from The Finale)
• Donut Cop men/Wynchel and Duncan (Donut Cops from The Finale)
• Beard Papa (Equal Dislike but Business Partners)
• Julie (enemy and victim)
• Lorenzo Medici (enemy)
• Vitale Medici (enemy)
• The Medici Mafia (enemies)
• Host of Sugar Rush Party (piracy crack-downer)
• Anti Skullgirl Combatant
BJ Harpyboo is the protagonist of Skullgirls 2nd Encore for an unlockable secret Story Mode and the main antagonist of Sugar Rush Party DS Anti-Piracy ARG. Her nature is seemingly evil, but she sides with the authorities in the ARG and not apparent "criminals" that pirated Sugar Rush Party DS. She's also upcoming for the sequel of the ARG series, and Skullgirls 2nd Encore Anti-Piracy Arc.
1. Story Mode/Freeplay (Canon AU):
• "I'm going to kill you!"
• "Hereee I come!"
• "Geeet Ready! For Soccer Survival!"
• "Now you get to face my true power."
• "That doesn't cut it, criminal."
• "We don't serve criminals here!"
• "Looks like you didn't learn your lesson Ms. Nadia!
• "You know what they say Ms. Fortune, Piracy is no party."
• "You are always destined to fail, just like Lorenzo!"
• "What kind of apologies are these?! I can't except this!"
2. Friday Night Funkin': Sugar Rush Madness (Hellish Hallows):
• "We don't serve criminals here!"
• "Looks like you didn't learn your lesson, Mr. Boyfriend!"
• "You know what they say, kid; Piracy is NO PARTY."
• "If you can't have some accuracy, don't do the piracy!"
• "You were always destined to fail! Just like Taffyta!"
• "TobiKomi does what Boyfriend doesn't!"
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softgrungeprophet · 1 year
ironically if sony movie don't got me apparently sony video game does (re kraven the hunter)
(i just want him to be Large)
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riptidelix · 3 months
a small introduction. Hello, I'm Nadia, this is not my first blog, I've had one before but I forgot the email and shit for it. So I've made this one !! I'll have a mix of everything from K-Pop to WWE to Wrestling all together. I hope y'all follow me. I'll also be adding some photos from different WWE shows that I've taken.
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protectmuriel · 1 year
Just your average angry rant on Muriel's route development.
Warning: it contains nothing but spoilers! And I probably missed some points and it's nothing that hasn't been said before and it's probably not very well written because English is not my native, but still.
So, I finished Muriel's route last night for the second time and it was going okay! I like the route, I loved learning about Muriel's past and his identity, I loved watching him grow and learning to trust others and himself. But then... The ending books. The freaking games? I think the first time I was too absorbed to actually stop and think, but... Are you for real?
The battle did have potential, at least a lot more potential than the final confrontation, and after all that training and Nadia's speeches I was so disappointed not to get more immersive scenes or descriptions of MurielxMC fighting together side by side beyond of a few lines like "we were like a whirlwind together" or something like that. I would have enjoyed to see Vesuvia's people fighting for more than 5 minutes, and not to have it all depend on Prakra's army. And by the way, you're telling me the /Devil/ reincarnated in Lucio –who was already depicted to be very good at battlefields– decided to build an army and it was so weak that it went down in ten minutes?
Then Valdemar summons Muriel and MC to the Lazaret where Devil! Lucio asks them for a... Fight? Honestly, the goddamn DEVIL, with all the cleverness in its deals and plans it'd struck during the main routes, who yearns to be entertained BIG time... It settles for a fight two on one? A series of simple games? It seems very out of character, even if the Devil did merge with Lucio. And the Devil/ Lucio relation is not greatly explained either (or, at least, not to me.)
The games are treated so carelessly. There's a feast during them, like the entire future of a country was not at risk. Where did they even get all that food...? Vesuvia was in ruins and people were not even working since they were focusing on training like their lives depended on it, because, well, they did. Where did all that food come from? Prakra? It made little sense.
The games were not taken seriously, either. Where was the tension? The build up? In the other routes MC has to break the Devil's chains, they have to go through so many dangerous, weird, amazing stuff and in Muriel's route it's just... Archery! Wrestling! Racing! And then puff! Puff, Lucio's gone, route over!
And what really bothered me too was that Muriel and Lucio's fight wasn't even fully written!!! We just see Lucio saying something along the lines of "We all knew you were better at muscles than me" or something like that. This was THE MOMENT I was expecting to see. Muriel facing Lucio, facing his past, the past that tormented so, so much that led him to strike a deal to be forgotten by the rest of the world, and it was treated like nothing.
Why is Lucio and Muriel's past not discussed more in depth? Lucio kept talking about it, kept insulting him, and none of it was actually used as an opportunity to do explore it. Actually, before Lucio died/ disappeared at the end, Muriel says "I know you didn't mean it, but I know you won't change either". What are you saying? He didn't mean to force kids to work for him? He didn't mean to have you chained to a coliseum? Why would Muriel say that so casually? It felt very OOC. Honestly, it could have been good, Muriel could have gotten at least SOME closure.
We also get to see so little MC development... They learn little about their past/death and have little to none exploration of his true potential. And just... WHAT happened to Muriel's curse??? It just... Disappeared????? What?? So many plotholes.
All these things have been said before, it's nothing new, but I just HAD to rant about it because everyone in this route (everyone) deserved better.
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angelamoroso · 1 year
Me and my girl Nadia Steele taking care of business at the Con!!! Check her out on onlyfans 🖤
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goalhofer · 2 months
2024 olympians representing non country of residence part 1
USA: Jaime Czarkowski, swimming (Calgary, Alberta); Catalina Gnoriega, archery (Mexicali, Mexico); Colin Heathcock, fencing (Beijing, China) & Jennifer Mucino-Fernandez (Ciudad Mexico, Mexico) Afghanistan: Kamia Yousufi, athletics (Mashhad, Iran) Albania: Chermen Valiev, wrestling (Moscow, Russia) Algeria: Saoussen Boudiaf, fencing (Roubaix, France); Mehdi Bouloussa, table tennis (Saint-Denis, France); Carole Bouzidi, canoeing (Paris, France); Messaoud Dris, judo (Paris, France); Zohra Kehli, fencing (Bagnolet, France); Koceila Mammeri, badminton (Lyon, France); Tanina Mammeri, badminton (Lyon, France) & Kaylia Nemour (Saint-Benoît-La-Forêt, France) Antigua & Barbuda: Ellie Shaw, swimming (Fairfax County, Virginia) & Tiger Tyson, sailing (Auckland, New Zealand) Argentina: Pascual Di Tella, fencing (Brooklyn, New York); Emiliano Grillo, golf (San Diego, California); Nadia Podoroska, tennis (Alicante, Spain); Alejandro Tosti, golf (Gainesville, Florida) & Rocco Ríos-Novo, soccer (Los Angeles, California) Aruba: Philip Elhage, shooting (Willemstad, Curaçao) & Just Van Aanholt, sailing (Willemstad, Curaçao) Australia: Alex De Minaur, tennis (Alicante, Spain); Thaisa Erwin, equestrian (Middleburg, Virginia); Raphaelle Gauthier, swimming (Montreal, Quebec); Daniel Golubovic, athletics (Manhattan Beach, California); Min Jee, table tennis (Seoul, South Korea); Miloš Maksimović, water polo (Novi Sad, Serbia); Jacob Merčep, water polo (Dubrovnik, Croatia); Kathryn Mitchell, athletics (Monte Carlo, Monaco); Georgii Okorokov, wrestling (Yakutsk, Russia); Hilary Scott, equestrian (Valkenswaard, The Netherlands); Ajla Tomljanović, tennis (Boca Raton, Florida); Josh Turner, rugby (Hamilton, New Zealand); Samantha Whitcomb, basketball (Ventura, California) & Joshua Yong; swimming (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei) Austria: Lorena Abicht, sailing (Hamburg, Germany); Valentin Bontus, sailing (Poetto, Italy); Alina Kornelli, sailing (Munich, Germany); Lukas Mähr, sailing (Eichenzell, Germany); Elisabeth Straka, archery (Hamburg, Germany) & Josef Straka, golf (Vestavia Hills, Alabama) Azerbaijan: Tiffany Hayes, basketball (Winter Haven, Florida); Uşangi Kokauri, judo (Gori, Georgia); Zelym Kotsoiev, judo (Vladikavkaz, Russia); Magomedkhan Magomedov, wrestling (Aleksandriskaya, Russia); Georgi Meshvildishvili, wrestling (Tbilisi, Georgia); Alexandra Mollenhauer, basketball (Lindale, Texas); Mariya Stadnyk, wrestling (Lviv, Ukraine) & Marcedes Walker, basketball (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Bahrain: Amani Al-Obaidli, swimming (Brisbane, Australia); Tigist Gashaw-Beday, athletics (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia); Askerbii Gerbekov, judo (Roscha, Russia); Gor Minasyan, weightlifting (Gyumri, Armenia); Lesman Paredes (Buenaventura, Colombia) & Akhmed Tazhudinov (Gergebil, Russia) Belgium: Thomas Detry, golf (Dubai, U.A.E.); Adrien Dumont-De Chassart, golf (St. Johns County, Florida) & Delphine Nkansa, athletics (Paris, France) Benin: Valentin Houinato, judo (Sainte-Geneviève-Des-Bois, France) & Alex Kpade, swimming (Le Havre, France) Bermuda: Dara Alizadeh, rowing (Brookline, Massachusetts) & Erica Hawley, triathlon (Boulder, Colorado) Bolivia: Esteban Núñez, swimming (Antibes, France) Brazil: Nicolas Albiero, swimming (Louisville, Kentucky); Angelina Costantino, soccer (Jersey City, New Jersey); Laura De Andrade, tennis (Barcelona, Spain); Tatiana Dos Santos, surfing (Kauai County, Hawaii); Camilla Gluckstein, gymnastics (Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey); Nathalie Mollhausen, fencing (Milan, Italy); Thiago Monteiro, tennis (Buenos Aires, Argentina); Rodrigo Pessoa, equestrian (Wilton, Connecticut); Luana Silva, surfing (Honolulu County, Hawaii); Felipe Toledo, surfing (San Clemente, California) & Thiago Wild, tennis (Buenos Aires, Argentina) British Virgin Islands: Adaejah Hodge, athletics (Douglasville, Georgia) Brunei: Hayley Wong, swimming (Pudong, China) Bulgaria: Aik Mnatsakarian, wrestling (Akhalkalaki, Georgia); Kevin Penev, gymnastics (Penfield, New York) & Magomed Ramazanov, wrestling (Khasavyurtovsky, Russia)
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M6 hearing MC telling them they love them while MC is asleep
M6 with an MC who blasts music on their headphones to regulate themselves (due to overstimulation, really loud music at the max volume)
M6 with an MC who doesn't sleep because "I have to finish this" (homework, an art piece, or literally whatever)
M6 realising they are MCs muse
I don't know if any of these have been asked before, but yes XD
Full or mini HC, as you see fit
Although if you could do the last one a full HC hshsjsjs
I'm sending you a pineapple 🍍 friend
The Arcana Mini-HCs: M6 hear you say "I love you" while they're sleeping
Julian: can't hold himself back, is immediately whipping around so he can say "I love you too" with the biggest puppy dog eyes he has
Asra: doesn't stop snoozing but does snuggle closer and tug you into their arms and bury their head in your chest to mumble "you too"
Nadia: opens her eyes with a sleepy smile and murmurs "I love you too" - and then closes them again so she can savor her sleep
Muriel: doesn't respond and would easily fool you into thinking he's asleep, except the whole bed just got 5 degrees warmer and he's red
Portia: pops awake with an "awwwww I love you too!!" only to wrestle you into the kind of tangled cuddle you can't leave and fall asleep
Lucio: rolls over to say "I love you too" and demand at least five minutes of sloppy kisses before he lets either of you sleep again
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thencd · 1 year
Lucifarian Family 80s Redux: Bios:
The Princess of Sloth: Anna Lucifarian / Hosanna Arendse (1984)
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The fifth of the seven sins, sloth is often regarded as laziness, but chemicals can put people to sleep much faster.
"I can make the dream world your reality."
Full Legal Name: Hosanna Tabitha Arendse
First Name: Hosanna
Meaning: From the Aramaic religious expression 'Hosha' na'' meaning 'Deliver us' in Hebrew
Pronunciation: ho-ZAN-a
Origin: Biblical
Middle Name: Tabitha
Meaning: Means 'Gazelle' in Aramaic
Pronunciation: TAB-i-tha
Origin: English, Biblical, Biblical Greek
Surname: Arendse
Meaning: Variant of 'Arends', which means 'Son of Arend', which is the Dutch and German variant of 'Arnold' (Which comes from a Germanic name meaning 'Eagle Power', derived from the elements 'Arn' 'Eagle' and 'Walt' 'Power, Authority'), as well as the Dutch word for 'Eagle'
Pronunciation: A-rents
Origin: Southern African, Afrikaans
Aliases: Anna Lucifarian, The Princess of Sloth, The Slothful Princess, The Slothful Hound, The Hound of Sloth, The Lazy Hound, The Hound of Laziness, The Princess of Sloth Anna Lucifarian, The Slothful Princess Anna Lucifarian, The Slothful Hound Anna Lucifarian, The Hound of Sloth Anna Lucifarian, The Lazy Hound Anna Lucifarian, The Hound of Laziness Anna Lucifarian
Nicknames: Anna, Tabby, Tibby, Princess A, Hound, Lazybones
Titles: Miss
Age: 24
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: African-American (Human)
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: African-American
Birth Date: October 20th 1960
Sexuality: Pansexual
Religion: Raised Christian
Native Language: English
Spoken Languages: English, Dutch, Afrikaans, Spanish
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological Sign: Libra
Theme Song: 'Jolene' - Dolly Parton (1980-)
Voice Actor: Queen Latifah
Singing Voice: Queen Latifah
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Asbury Park, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
Current Location: On The Road
Current Residence: Albany, Albany County, New York, USA
Hometown: Asbury Park, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
Height: 5'6" / 167 cm
Weight: 150 lbs / 68 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: 5
Piercings: Ear Lobes (Both, Double), Helix (Both, Double), Tragus (Both)
Scars: None
Clothing Style: Whatever she can find at 6 am
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker, Smoker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: Ves Lucifarian, Bon Lucifarian, Nadia Lucifarian, Kat Lucifarian, Nora Lucifarian, Syn Lucifarian, Gorilla Monsoon
Enemies: Moolah, Wendi Richter, Freddie Blassie, Hulk Hogan, Bob Orton, Mr Fuji, Paul Orndorff
Mentor: Moses Arendse
Significant Other: None
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Moses Arendse (R.I.P, Father), Naomi Arendse (72, Mother, Née Obama)
Parents-In-Law: None
Siblings: Omar Arendse (39, Brother), Phoebe Waterman (36, Sister, Née Arendse), Raphael Arendse (33, Brother), Sapphira Vogel (30, Sister, Née Arendse), Thaddeus Arendse (27, Brother)
Siblings-In-Law: Vashti Arendse (40, Omar's Wife, Née Simon), Zion Waterman (38, Phoebe's Husband), Abigail Arendse (34, Raphael's Wife, Née Richard), Benjamin Vogel (32, Sapphira's Husband), Candace Arendse (28, Thaddeus' Wife, Née Post)
Nieces & Nephews: David Arendse (19, Nephew), Edna Arendse (16, Niece), Felix Arendse (13, Nephew), Gomer Arendse (10, Niece), Hoshea Arendse (7, Nephew), Jemima Arendse (4, Niece), Kenan Waterman (16, Nephew), Lois Waterman (13, Niece), Michael Waterman (10, Nephew), Noah Waterman (7, Niece), Obed Waterman (4, Nephew), Prisca Arendse (13, Niece), Rufus Arendse (10, Nephew), Shiloh Arendse (7, Niece), Teman Arendse (4, Nephew), Zeruiah Vogel (10, Niece), Abel Vogel (7, Nephew), Bathsheba Vogel (4, Niece), Caleb Arendse (7, Nephew)
Children: None
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Hell Itself
Trainer: Moses Arendse
Managers: Damo Lucifarian
Wrestlers Managed: None
Debut: 1980
Retired: N/A
Wrestling Style: Submission Artist
Stables & Teams: The Lucifarian Family (1980-)
Regular Moves: Roundhouse Kick, Diving Crossbody, Diving Elbow Drop, Suicide Dive, Step-Up Enzuigiri, Springboard Clothesline, Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker, Sitout Suplex, Slingshot Somersault Senton, Naptime (Arm Trap Swinging Neckbreaker)
Finishers: Dirt Nap (Arm Trap Triangle Choke), Lullaby(Fireman's Carry Dropped Into A Knee Lift)
Refers To Fans As: The Slothful, The Slothful Ones, The Apathetic, The Apathetic Ones
Commentary Name: The Sloth, The Hellhound
Backstory: Raised by her mother (Naomi) in a small apartment in New Jersey, Hosanna decided to move to England to be with her father (Moses). Hosanna didn't know much about her father, the only real information she had on him was, he wrestled for a living, and had once teamed with Damo Lucifarian. Hosanna lived with her dad while in England, and he taught her everything he knew about wrestling. Hosanna eventually had a good relationship with her father, unfortunately, it was cut off when he died in a plane crash, the month before she turned 18, By the time she was 20 (1980) Holly had joined the 'Lucifarian Family' as Sloth, because of her lackadaisical attitude towards care for her opponent, if Hosanna split someone open, she couldn't care less, and often says that her opponents should be tougher.
Hosanna is very cuddly towards the other girls
Hosanna is very much the kind of person who clears her promos first
Hosanna is the 'mom/mum friend'
Hosanna does accidentally give stiff shots
Hosanna views Gorilla Monsoon as a father figure
Hosanna's role is as the Mouth (sort of), Brain (sort of), and soul/heart of the group
Hosanna is Forgetful, Lazy, Loving, Polite, Stoic and Untidy
Hosanna will ask permission, before verbally tearing someone to shreds
Hosanna is very calm and focused during matches, especially when she wants to win quickly
Hosanna can forget where she's supposed to be, and accidentally no-shows events if she isn't with the girls
Hosanna doesn't care how hard she hits her opponents
Hosanna has a work/gym bag messier than a junkyard
Hosanna likes: Sleep, Hotels, Blankets, Blue, 4th July, Christmas, Slushies, Goats, Sloths, Taxis, Hydrangeas, Pillow forts, Cuddly toys, white noise, Hot chocolate, Comedy movies
Hosanna dislikes: Loud parties, Itchy sweaters, Police sirens, Snakes, Rats, Construction sites, Cooking, Bicycles, Needles, Neon signs, Hawaiian pizza, Trains, Buses, Suits, Pools, Social events
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Left: Hosanna in 'Human form' (With her natural brown eyes)
Right: Anna in 'Demon form' (With blue eyes)
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