#nadia and jason destroy me........
lohstandfound · 7 months
17 + richjake!
it's time for some bapo au
The sanctuary of their room was both comforting and restricting.
Rich found they could be themselves when they were away from all the prying eyes, (aside from God, of course). When they were alone, especially in their room, this was the closest he got to seeing the real version of Jake Dillinger. Jake didn't need to put on an act when it was just them.
But it was only in these moments of privacy that they got to be true to themselves.
"Do you think..." Rich started slowly, tracing shapes on Jake's chest. The question sat on the tip of his tongue. It was always risky bringing this topic up. He knew how Jake felt about it- the answer was always no.
The way Jake's hand froze in his hair, Rich could tell he knew what he was going to ask.
Rich sighed. "Even if it's just Christine-"
He shifted as Jake got up, Rich rolled onto his side.
"Come on, it's not like she'll go around and tell everyone about us."
Jake: "You don't know what."
Rich: "Uh- yeah, I think I do. Jake, she's your sister for Christ's sake."
Jake: "I don't want to tell her."
Rich: "Why not?"
Jake: "Why- fucking why? Because it's not safe."
Rich: "She's the safest person we could even think of telling."
Rich stood up and walked over to Jake, taking his hands. "The world isn't going to fall apart if we tell her..."
Jake was quiet for a moment, avoiding Rich's eyes as he held his hands tightly. He was bloody terrified of how he felt. Everything about this terrified him. Rich had a point, he was being ridiculous. Christine was the safest person they could confess to.
But he was terrified that she would turn on him. He was terrified he would lose the one other person he could rely on. He was terrified he would lose her.
The only thing that felt right, the only thing that felt truly safe was Rich. Being alone in their room, their lips pressed together, feeling Rich's hands hold him close.
He didn't want to talk about this anymore, this wasn't a conversation he ever wanted to have. He didn't want to think about it anymore.
"Jake...?" Rich asked softly. "It's going to be okay, she's not going to tell anyone..."
Jake didn't reply. Instead, he pressed his lips against Rich's. This wasn't going to stop Rich from thinking about it, this wasn't going to be the last time Rich would ask about it, this wasn't going to change anything. If he was being honest, this was probably more of a distraction for him than it was for Rich. If he could just focus on the feeling of Rich rather than the ever present feeling of fear and guilt, that would be nice for a while.
The way Rich gave into the kiss and snaked his hands to Jake's hips told him that he was going to get his momentary distraction.
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godteri-takk · 10 months
Do you like old synthpop? Then OHM: The early gurus of electronic music is something for you!!
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The whole compilation is on Spotify(some songs missing) and YouTube (3 songs missing) and probably other sites too :) it consists of the most important early composers and pieces from many different places, time periods and styles.
Some pieces uses one of the first ever electronic musical instruments: the theremin! It was invented by soviet musician-physicst Leon Theremin around 1920, therefore the name. This instrument is space-controlled, so you play it by moving your hand around it, not really touching it. It looks really cool!
In the first track (CD:1), "Tchaikovsky: Valse Sentimentale" (2:08) 1977, Clara Rockmore, a true pioneer in space-controlled electronic music, plays the Theremin together with her sister Nadia Reisenberg, who plays piano. This piece is truly magnificent and strange-soundig :D Rockmore actually was Leon Thermins student and protégé in the beginning of her career!
Before this gets way too long I must tell about one of my favourites in CD:1, which is the 4th track: "Williams Mix" (5:42) 1952 by John Cage. ...... And at the end of it you can hear a long abd roaring applause, which is very much deserved, of course :D Chris Cutler (musician, composer) tells about this piece in the booklet included with the CD collection.
"Williams Mix" follows a score five hundred pages long, which has never been reproduced, each page made up of two ten-inch graphic sections. The tape is to be laid directly on the page, which is a pattern showing all the edits and the angles at which tape should be cut, as well as recipes for constructing the sounds each piece of tape should contain -Cutler, 2000
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The score he's talking about (a piece of it pictured above, x) is a sort of pattern or guide for making the pieces of magnetic tape that was used, making it possible to split, splice and edit the sounds. Around 600 tracks of sounds from for example the country, the city, wind- and electronically produced sounds. (X) This took about a year and was absolutely groundbreaking work! More info here!
If you liked that one, "He Destroyed Her Image" (1:59) 1973 by Charles Dodge is also a mix of different sounds, but made with newer and more advanced technology, and it's far more melodious and, well, structured. It plays with words like a poem, and Dodge has the following to say about it (from the booklet, source below):
I'd never been able to write very effective vocal music, and here was an opportunity to make music with words. I was really attracted to that. It wasn't singing in the usual sense. It was making music out of the nature of speech itself. I've always liked humor and had an attraction to the bizarre, the surreal. These poems were almost dreamlike in their take on reality. So that made me feel at home somehow. -Dodge, 2000
This is my favourite in CD:3 and the vibes are really amazing! I think thats all for this post but if you are interested, just ask me and I'll write about more of the songs! The whole collection has 42 in total :)
Sources for images are provided in the main text or ALT text, as well as links with other sources for information. Source for the booklet that came with the CD: OHM: the early gurus of electronic music: 1948-1980 (2000) by Thomas Ziegler and Jason Gross, ellipsis arts.
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dumbkiri · 4 years
My Universe
Part Three Time Flies
Summary: Jason is struggling to have a starting point in finding the truth. When Clark gives him the chance to figure things out, Damian and [Name] go visit the Kent Farm for two weeks. Within days, the trio (Damian, Jon and [Name]) find trouble when [Name] accidentally teleports them to a random location due to her growing power. Jon and [Name] are tasked with finding Damian.
Pairing: Damian Wayne x HoH! Female! Reader, Jon Kent x HoH!Female!Reader (platonic)
Word Count: 4.1K (you guys deserve a long chapter)
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Time was all Jason really wanted in life. He wanted to spend time with Aurora and to grow old with her while raising their only child. He wanted time to slow down and also keep up with him; his own agenda. It was really valuable to him. 
“[Name], no,” Jason softly scolded the girl and gave her a disapproving look. She was currently in a [f.color] dress with black flats on. Her hands reached for a frog that was sitting in a pile of mud. She didn’t allow her shoes to go in the mud because she despised getting dirty. But the frog! It needed to go away! And Jason knew that she would eventually fall into the mud if he didn’t stop her. 
He began by standing on the opposite side of the puddle and held his hands out to her. Jason caught her attention and he frowned, signing, “You’re going to get your dress dirty.” 
[Name] only shook her head and brought her hand down, responding to her father, “No.”
She stood on the tips of her toes and reached for the frog again. The amphibian made a disapproving noise and jumped away from her incoming hand. 
This made the five year old girl sigh, but that didn’t stop her from chasing after the frog. Her careless actions gave Jason a heart attack and he chased after her. He never knew how fast a five year old could be. He watched her jump then run with her little legs carrying her closer to the frog. He cursed Wayne Manor for having such a big backyard. 
“Todd, what do you think you’re doing!” Damian yelled from the backyard door. 
Jason stopped in his tracks and glared at the boy, “Don’t you have eyes, dumbass?” Jason was grateful that [Name] couldn’t hear his obscene vocabulary or his dead jokes. Jason would have continued to glare at Damian, but then he heard a loud cry coming from his daughter. He snapped his neck at the sound and watched [Name] run at him with open arms.
She ran into his legs, her head bumping into his hip. Her face was buried in his clothes and she whined. Then she pointed to the entrance of the maze. 
Jason rubbed [Name]'s back and laughed. He kneeled down and signed, “Hey, princess, the maze isn’t scary at all. “
[Name] pouted and looked over at Damian. The green eyed boy was still standing by the door watching them communicate. [Name] then turned to her father and pouted. Her hands moved, “But Damian told me that if I ever go in there I could get lost.”
Jason resisted to throw a hateful glare at Damian. Instead, the older male nodded in understanding, “Right, you can get lost. But I’ll always find you and if not me,” Jason turned his head and gestured to Damian, "then he will." 
Damian looked away from their prying gazes although the boy already knew what was said. The green eyed boy was surprised to say the least that Jason admitted he could be one of [Name]'s saviors. To keep her from harm. He wouldn't have argued, Damian knew he could protect her. He knew that he was capable of shielding her.
Damian will always be there for her that much he knew.
 Two weeks later and [Name] has aged up 7 years. It was a long process that kept her bedridden for a whole week. Damian was upstairs with Alfred watching over the girl while the other males were down in the cave. 
Jason held his head in his hands babying the headache he had for hours. He had his eyes closed and he listened intently to the voices of his family. Their words are filled with questions and doubts. 
"If what Jason said is true then we have to make sure Damian doesn't confess to [Name] on her 17th birthday," Tim said with actuality and an unsure tone. The words were an unlikely pair. 
Dick nodded his head casting a worried glance at the slumped form in the corner of the Batcave. "Yeah, I'm sure we can handle that," His sarcasm was showing, "but we can't forget that they are soulmates! Meaning that it isn't possible to separate them!"
“We need to figure out how much time we have left because at the rate she is aging up, we don’t have much,” Tim put a hand under his chin in thought.
“We have ten years, right?” Dick looked around for confirmation. 
Bruce walked in and shot Dick’s answer down, “No. Damian is 13 years old and looking at the timeline we only have four years left.” 
Jason opened his eyes finally getting rid of the visions he's been seeing. The images of Damian's body and the destroyed Justice League. His mind was being plagued with real nightmares. His mind was broken as is, he didn’t need more weight added on.  
“The thing is I still need to figure out the Inklopiatian Legend. I have to go back and visit Aurora’s mother,” Jason said and lifted his head up to catch the attention of the family. “Nadia must know what [Name] is because she got a vision from the Elders about her future.” 
Tim looked at his computer and it was loading files from the Justice League’s database on alien life. Bruce had contacted Clark about their situation and the Kryptonian said he would come to Gotham today to investigate the young girl. But before Tim could dwell more on Clark and [Name] meeting, Jason’s words caught Tim’s interest. 
“Aurora’s mother got a vision about [Name]’s future?”
“Yeah and it isn’t flowers and rainbows, Tim.” Jason didn’t bother using his nicknames for the younger male. 
Dick nervously chuckled and pressed Jason for more information, “Is it more like puppies and unicorns?”
Jason exhaled from his nose, “[Name] is going to wipe out the Justice League and Damian is the reason why she does.”
[Name] stared at the big man standing in front of her. He wore one of the nicest smiles she ever saw. Although the unknown man’s smile wasn’t close to being compared to her father’s. The big man knelt down in front of her and [Name] stayed hidden behind Damian’s body. 
Clark Kent looked up at Damian and asked the boy if he could get [Name] to introduce herself to him. Damian nodded his head and signed to the younger girl, "This man is Superman. He's kind of like you and he wants to get to know you better. He wants to be your friend." 
[Name] let go of Damian's shirt and moved around him. 'He's kind of like me? What does Damian mean by that?' She asked herself and she stood in front of Superman and shyly waved at him. 
Clark smiled and waved back then he crouched down to her height. Granted he was still taller than her. He noticed how her aura shined brighter than anyone he has ever met. He knew that she belonged with the night sky glittering along with the other stars.
"My name is Clark Kent. My home is sort of close to your own home. My people got along really well with your people and I believe we can be friends," Clark signed. 
[Name] gave him a quizzical look, "My people? Are you talking about my mother's people; the Inklopiatians?" 
"Yes, I am. I never met an Inklopiatian before, you would be the first one I've encountered." 
"That makes you the first Kryptonian and the last one," [Name] sighed with a frown. 
Clark had tensed up at her words. He didn't know she was capable of knowing his situation. Was her powers advancing already? 
"[Name], have you noticed anything different about yourself? Any sudden changes?"  Clark questioned her. He had to know if anything besides her aging up was different. 
[Name] looked at Damian and felt her heart race when he looked down at her with his emerald eyes. She quickly looked away and shook her head furiously with a blush adorned on her cheeks. Clark had chuckled while the remaining boys stared not completely getting why he was laughing. Although Jason knew exactly why Superman was. [Name] has recognized her feelings for Damian. 
“No need to feel embarrassed about liking so-”
[Name] pounced on Clark’s hands shielding it with her tiny hands. She slapped his hands and pushed them away from each other. Then she gave Clark a look that said ‘secrets STAY secrets’. Clark understood and patted her head. He looked at Jason and smiled, “I would like for her to stay at the farm for awhile. I can’t really say her powers are advancing without actually seeing what she is capable of.”
Jason ruffled his hair and was very hesitant to say yes. He wanted to spend more time with his daughter yet he needed more time to figure out the truth. Clark was here to give him that opportunity. “Y-Yeah- No. I mean,” Jason groaned and restarted his sentence, “Yes she can go, but with one exception.”
“I get to go as well,” Damian stepped up, bringing the attention to himself. 
“What he said,” Jason agreed. 
Clark shrugged his shoulders, “That’s fine by me. I’m sure Jon would love to have Damian over.” The Kyrptonian had spoken further with Jason and the other Batboys with the exception of Damian. The boy was helping [Name] pack her clothes reassuring her that they were going to stay with Clark at his farm with his family. 
[Name] was excited to go outside of Wayne Manor and meet more nice people. When Damian told her about another boy around their age, she couldn’t help feeling ecstatic. So much so that she accidentally burned a t-shirt of hers. She hid the ashes in her dresser and closed it with a loud shut. Damian looked around and scrunched his nose, ‘Do you smell smoke?’ 
[Name] looked around and sniffed the air. She definitely smelled the ashes of her tee, but she wasn’t going to tell Damian it was because of her. She was scared of what he might think of her. ‘I don’t smell anything. I’m done packing by the way.’
The arrival to Kent Farm was uneventful considering that Damian fell asleep on the ride and [Name] kept busy watching her surroundings. It wasn’t odd that she remembered how to get home just by memorizing how the soil changed or where the stars aligned. She took notice how the scenery changed to city life to absolute nothing besides land untouched. 
The sun was beginning to set, changing the sky from blue to orange then to a calming pink. She loved how the sky offered unlimited visions. It may be the changes Mr. Kent explained to her about. Although he said it was very rare for an Inklopiatian to have visions of the past or future. [Name] was getting both vision types. 
When she saw the past, it came with colors and pictures. It was different with the future. When she saw the future it was blurry and colorless. She thought it was because the future wasn’t set until someone made an impactful decision. 
A tug at a strand of her hair brought her out of her trance. She turned her head away from the window and saw Damian with his eyebrows furrowed, “What were you thinking about?” 
[Name] smiled and waved her hand, “I just like looking at the sky.”
Damian unbuckled himself and scooted closer to [Name] then he leaned himself over to see what she was looking at. His hand bumped into hers and he pulled away to sign, “You like looking at the sky too?” 
“Yeah, it reminds me of you,” [Name] unconsciously replied and noticed how Damian’s body turned stiff with her response. She panicked and her hands moved to explain further “I mean that the sky is pretty.”
“You’re calling me pretty?” Damian gave her a weird look.
[Name] wanted to jump out of the car, but she knew Mr. Kent would freak out if she did that. “No! Not pretty, but fascinating. I don’t know how to explain it correctly, but whenever I look at the sky it suddenly reminds me of you.”
Damian nodded his head and went back to his seat and buckled himself up. Before [Name] could ask why he likes looking at the sky, he turned his head away from her and looked out his window. [Name] imagined herself facepalming into a million trees. She shouldn't have told him the real reason. 
“This will be the room you sleep in,” Clark signed and carried [Name]’s belongings in the guest room. She turned around and thanked him for helping her out. “But what about Damian? Where is he staying?” [Name] showed concern for her friend and Clark pointed to his left. 
“Damian will be staying in the same room as Jon. Hopefully we all can survive the next day with them sharing a room together,” Clark joked and [Name] tilted her head for more clarification. Clark smiled, “The boys have hit many rough patches along the way, but they finally accepted their differences much like Bruce and I.” 
[Name] was even more confused by now, “But you and grandfather don’t like each other that much. You guys still banter and try to one up each other, isn’t that right?”
Clark sweatdropped and knew immediately that [Name] had acquired vision which allowed her to see the past and future. “I like to believe we have gotten better with handling our differences,” Clark set her suitcase down. "Anyways, I believe it's time for you to meet my son." 
"Oh my god," Jon stared at the girl with long [h.color] hair and [e.color] eyes with amazement. "She's so pretty." 
Damian looked away from the sunset sky and glared at Jon, "Don't even try, Kent." Damian warned the young boy and pointed at [Name] who helped Clark tend to the horses. "She is not gonna be interested in the likes of you."
Jon turned around and felt offended, "Okay, wow, I wasn't going to try anything. I was only complimenting her." 
"Keep your lame compliments to yourself," Damian muttered and crossed his arms. He didn't have to explain why he felt so protective of [Name]. He knew that she was important and that she needed to be protected which was why Jason wanted him to go on this trip too. 
"Hello, my name is Jon," Jon ran up to [Name] with a big smile on his face and his hand out for a shake. 
[Name] shook his hand happily and pulled back to sign, "I can read your lips, but I'm not sure if you can understand sign language?" 
Clark rested his hand on Jon's shoulder and laughed, "Oh, he learned sign language when he heard about you. I made sure we all took lessons on it." 
"That is very kind of you to do that," [Name] smiled and looked over at Damian. He had his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes were hardened, glaring at the back of Jon's head. This brought attention to the ten year old boy. 
"I can feel you burning holes at the back of my head, Damian," Jon turned around and put his hands on his hips, "if you keep up with your...silly...ways I'll- I'll take [Name] flying." 
Damian growled as he uncrossed his arms, "You wouldn't dare." 
Jon smirked, "Try me." 
"Alright that's enough of you two," Clark stepped in and made sure the boys were a safe distance from each other. "I don't want [Name] caught in between your fights. As of right now, she can hardly protect herself." 
After establishing rules, Jon was tasked with showing [Name] around the farm. Damian had tagged along making sure he put himself between the Kryptonian and the Inklopiatian. Jon looked around Damian's body to address [Name], "We have a lot of land and it's usually good for us to train and dad helps me with flight training. Which I forgot to mention!" 
Damian backed away from his loud voice. 
"Dad says that Inklopiatians can fly! Hey, [Name] can you fly?" 
The trio stopped in an area of fertilized soil. [Name] looked at Damian then back to Jon. "No, I can't. I don't know how to do that. My mother passed away before she can teach me anything and my grandparents live on Inklopiat which is too far from Earth. As far as I know, I'm the only Inklopiatian on Earth." 
Jon noticed her crestfallen expression and moved around Damian. Jon grabbed her left hand and started floating in the air slowly bringing [Name] with him. This in turn caused her to freak out and grab onto Damian's hand with her right. 
"She doesn't trust you," Damian said and held his ground not letting go of [Name]. 
Jon smiled and brought her [e.color] eyes to his blue ones, "I promise I won't let you go. I'm letting you get the feeling of flying around. You can trust me, scouts honor." 
[Name] looked back at Damian and he reluctantly agreed, "Jon will catch you if you do fall." Gradually they both released their hold and Damian felt something strike his heart when he let her go into someone else's hold. He knew that Jon would keep her safe, but the happy look in her eyes- it didn't sit well with him. 
Jon carried [Name] higher in the air and helped her do flips and turns. Both the half aliens were enjoying their little flight. It made Damian curse because he wanted to be up there with them; with her. 
Hearing her laughter slip past her lips all because she was flying with his friend made him extremely jealous. Yes, Damian has admitted to feeling jealous of his friend getting closer to his...what was [Name] to him? 
He won't think about it anymore. It only caused a bigger headache for him if he called her his friend. He knew that she wasn't a friend. She was something more and it bothers Damian that he couldn't figure it out. 
After four days, Clark has figured out that [Name] has the ability to fly (with the help of Jon's fun training), has pyrokinesis and has attained vision. Now all he had to do was wait for two out of five other abilities.
Psi, strength, speed, magic and Clark had forgotten what the last one was. He was more focused on the kids practicing hand to hand combat. Damian was the one in charge of the sessions Jon and [Name] received. 
"Hey! That attack was totally not cool, Damian! I thought we were supposed to be moving slow to show [Name] how to fight!" Jon yelled as he rolled onto his stomach to stand up from his fallen position. 
Damian scoffed, "What? Can't handle a punch?" He knew that what he did was uncalled for, although he couldn't fight like this. [Name] needed to see an actual fight that flowed with attacks. 
"Maybe I can fight one of you?" [Name] suggested making sure she did what Clark always did which was to step in between them. 
"No!" Both the boys yelled and ignored her presence. 
Jon started flying a few feet in the air, "I'll give you a real fight if that's what you want. But don’t think I’ll hold back." 
"Finally stepping up for yourself, Kent?" Damian smirked and pushed [Name] aside grabbing his batarangs in his hands. 
[Name] wasn’t going to stand by and let them fight. This was supposed to be training for her, not for these boys to prove who was strongest. Although, [Name] knew that Jon had the upper hand considering that he was Superman’s son. She had to do something, these boys could cause a world of hurt especially with Jon’s unkempt emotions. 
Her hands began to sparkle and her body started twinkling unbeknownst to the kids. She was activating a new ability that allowed for her and the others around her to teleport. Meanwhile her transformation, Jon launched himself at Damian and Damian readied himself for the impact, but they were shocked to see [Name] in between them with her eyes glowing [f.color]. 
Jon ran into her which triggered them to run into Damian. Then the trio started rolling down a hill of rocky edges and loose branches. While rolling downhill, Damian slowed himself down by using his arm to grab anything and when his hand came into contact with a stump, he gripped it tightly. Then in a flash of blue and red, Jon rolled by Damian’s still form down the hill unconscious. 
Damian reacted quickly by getting his grappler out and sending the grappler to wrap around Jon’s leg. The young kryptonian stopped rolling down the hill and Damian didn’t notice that if he didn’t get Jon in time, the boy would have rolled off a cliff. 
His green eyes frantically looked for the girl and he saw her at the edge of the cliff, ten feet to the right of him. Her right hand was holding onto an unsteady log and her left arm was bloody, severely cut. “[Name]!” Damian yelled knowing full well she couldn’t hear him, but she looked up and caught his eyes. 
“Stop moving!” Damian shouted at her and saw her body remain still. The log was gradually slipping from its grounded spot. He had to find a way to get her before the log gives up and [Name] ends up falling. He looked down at Jon and pressed a button on the grappler which sent a strong voltage to the unconscious boy.
Jon woke up with a start and he groaned while hanging upside down. “W-What the?” Jon muttered and looked up to see Damian’s mouth moving. His domino mask crinkled at his nose. Jon didn’t know what Damian was saying or why he was hanging upside down. 
“Jon, get [Name]!” 
Jon felt his body shake and he looked to his left to see [Name] giving him wide doe eyes. It was like she was screaming help at him with her scared expression. His vision was lacking, but that didn’t stop Damian from sending another shock in his system. 
“I swear I’ll kill you if you don’t start moving!”
Jon heard Damian’s threat and he was finally coming to his senses. [Name] was in immediate danger. He felt the grappler lose its hold on his leg and Jon flipped himself around to jump at [Name]’s falling body. How did he not notice she fell already? Did Damian let him go to save her? 
Jon reached out for [Name]’s glowing body. And within seconds, he wrapped his arms around her torso to stop her falling. He tumbled to the ground and his back met a large boulder where a huge crack was made from the impact. “Ow, ow, ow,” Jon cried dramatically and looked down to see [Name] curled up in his arms. She looked up at him and signed with a weak smile, “Damian was right. He said you would catch me if I would fall.”
Jon blushed and stood up wiping her hair that had twigs and pebbles in it. “Oh man, Damian is going to kill me,” Jon said and gingerly touched her wounded arm. It was covered in her blood and dirt. He brought her over to a creek and wiped her arm carefully with the cool water. He was astounded to see that there was no wound. [Name] pulled away from him shyly and signed, “It healed while my body started glowing, but-”
“That’s amazing! We gotta get Damian, he’s up there!” Jon looked up and noticed tall trees providing shade from the sun. He looked around to see that they were surrounded by trees. There was no cliff which meant no Damian.
“Oh this is bad,” Jon panicked while pulling at his hair, “Damian is going to kill me for real this time! We have to find him now and show him that you’re okay and-”
[Name] covered Jon’s mouth to stop his rumbling. “Damian knows I’m okay.”
Jon stared at her and removed her hand, “H-How? All he saw was you falling and me going down the cliff to save you. In his eyes, he saw you fall to your death and he’s probably hoping I died if you did. Wait, he wants to kill me himself so that’s an obvious no.”
“In his heart, Damian knows we both survived the fall. Now we need to go and find him before he gets into trouble. This place gives me the creeps.” [Name] began walking in one direction and Jon followed, not sure what to do at this point.   
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thefrostedfeather52 · 3 years
incorrect bapo quotes (part 3)
link to the generator: https://incorrect-quotes-generator.neocities.org/ conclusion: i can’t be trusted with incorrect quotes generators because i 100% will make it y’all’s problem.
(fyi i’m laughing way too much at these)
Nadia: Ivy and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's- Ivy: Sentences. Nadia: Don't interrupt me.
Peter: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Jason: Several traffic violations. Nadia: Three counts of resisting arrest. Ivy: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Matt: Also, that’s not our car.
Peter: What’s something you guys are better than Jason at? Nadia: Mario Kart. Ivy: Yeah, video games. Matt: Emotional vulnerability.
Peter: You kidnapped Jason? That’s illegal! Nadia: But Peter, what’s more illegal? Briefly inconveniencing Jason, or destroying our dreams? Peter: Kidnapping Jason, Nadia!!! Matt: Peter, listen, whatever I may think of you right now- these guys are counting on you to inspire them! Peter: What, to kidnap people?!?! Matt: To work together! Peter: TO KIDNAP PEOPLE?!?!?!?! Lucas: Peter, we all agreed a celebrity is a not a people.
Peter: That's it, we're gonna go out and find what we need! Ivy: To the city? Peter: Yeah, no matter what! Matt: Well- How exactly do you propose we do that, exactly? Peter: I... I don't know! Jason: Oh come off it, be serious! Peter: I am serious! Jason: You're insane! Lucas: Why, if only we were all wiener dogs, our problems would be solved! Everyone: Peter: What??? Lucas: Or maybe it was a basset hound! Jason, panicked: YOU'RE ALL INSANE!
Peter: Bye Jason! Bye Nadia! Bye Ivy! Bye Matt! Bye Jason! Nadia: You said ‘bye Jason’ twice. Peter: I like Jason.
Peter: Favorite horror movie? Jason: It Nadia: Saw Ivy: Annabelle Matt: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Peter: Is Ivy sleeping or dead? Nadia: Hopefully dead, I hated her guts. Jason: Yeah, so did I. Ivy: Okay first of all, fuck you-
*Peter is cooking* Jason: Any chance that’s for me? Peter: It’s for Ivy. I’m planning on making some bad choices tonight, and I need her on my side. Nadia: I never realized the forethought that went into being a disappointment.
Peter: Matt isn’t answering his phone Ivy: I’ll call Peter: Nadia and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi- Matt: Hello?
Matt: *Gently taps table* Jason: *Taps back* Nadia: What are they doing? Ivy: Morse code. Matt: *Aggressively taps table* Jason: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Nadia: Truth or dare? Jason: Dare Nadia: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room Jason: Hey Ivy Ivy, blushing: Yeah? Jason: Could you move? I’m trying to get to Peter
Nadia: Why are Peter and Jason sitting with their backs to each other? Ivy: They had a fight. Nadia: Then why are they holding hands? Ivy: They get sad when they fight.
Matt: You know those things will kill you, right? Jason, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point. Lucas, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process. Peter: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
Peter: Jason, I'm sad. Jason: *Holds out arms for a hug* It’s going to be okay. Ivy: Nadia, I'm sad. Nadia, nodding: mood.
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lecfosism · 5 years
I sent in those Bare asks and I recently rewatched it, so I’m curious. What are your thoughts on how the theme of society and religion play into the character’s actions and development? I’ve always seen it as the impetus and pushing point for most all of the conflict, and it’s obvious in the way that the characters speak as think. For example the “You want me to kiss you, don’t you? / kiss you us what I’m supposed to do.” From One is super important to Jason's internalized homophobia conflict.
anyway, first of all i just want to say how much i appreciate your asks and how much i love writing the replies. i already wrote an extensive response to this, but tumblr deleted it so i’m sorry if this is messy and not as long as my original answer!
and yeah, definitely! everything in bare is based around society and the church, because all of the characters’ actions are based on what they think society expects them to do. in addition to that, i’d argue that most of the characters, especially the kids, are not inherently or fundamentally homophobic. for their entire lives, the church and society have told them what to believe and what’s best for them and what to do. they never even had the chance to form their own opinions, because the church forced them on them before they even knew what being gay was. being gay was introduced to them as this terrible thing that needs to be antagonised at all costs and realistically... why would they question it? they only begin to question it when they are directly confronted with being gay when peter and jason get outed. suddenly it’s no longer just a concept that they antagonise and hate for whatever reason, it’s a real thing in their environment and they have to actually deal with it. suddenly, they realise that they’re hating actual people, and only then do they wonder what the reason is. of course, this promptly gets shut down by father flynn (the church), as seen in confession when matt questions whether the church might be wrong about what they say about being gay.
even peter and jason are heavily influenced by society and the church! role of a lifetime consists entirely of peter questioning society. he begins to wonder whether conforming to what society expects of him would even make him happy and he realises that maybe it’s not what he wants or even needs in order to live a happy life. this is when peter slowly begins to break out of the mold of society. throughout the entire musical, he is slowly escaping the rules and ideals of society, because he realises it would never make him happy and that pretending to be something he’s not would ultimately destroy him (best kept secret: “you know we can’t go on forever this way”). and this is where peter and jason’s paths divide. peter has long realised that there is no way he can fit in and now he’s just trying to understand and figure out how to live properly if he can’t live the way he’s always been taught (role of a lifetime: “god, i need your guidance, tell me what it means to live a life where nothing’s as it seems”).
jason never had this moment of sudden clarity and instead forced himself to conform to societal expectations, even if it hurt countless people around him, because he felt like he needed to do this, he needed to fit in and there was no other option. he kept pretending that he could maybe, maybe be happy eventually, that he could learn to fit in and eventually it would be okay until the very end when he suddenly realised that no, he would never be happy and he couldn’t live in a world where he would always have to hide who he was and act like he was something else. additionally, there’s so much extra pressure on jason. everyone expects him to live a perfect and ideal life, he’s the golden boy (plain jane fat ass: “we always knew you’d keep the mcconnell flame burning, love dad”). even peter expected jason to inevitably succumb to societal pressures (although peter knew jason would not be happy living like that). role of a lifetime, while also being about peter’s own struggles with society and its expectations, is also how peter views jason’s struggles in the situation (role of a lifetime: “but i know the scene will change, white picket fence and a dog, a trophy bride and children, god i know that’s what he wants”). note how he says trophy bride. peter knows jason will never truly be happy if he’s only pretending for the sake of fitting in. and he knows it’s impossible to live this way, it’s impossible to spend your entire life pretending and hiding. but jason hasn’t had this realisation yet and that’s the problem (role of a lifetime: “one day realise that these feelings aren’t going away, so we drive ourselves insane, spinning circles in our souls as we dance around and play pretend and once again reprise our roles”).
this entire response only covers a fraction of the effect society and the church have on the plot of bare and it’s only viewing it from the (internalised) homophobia angle, but i feel like it would be too much to also write about the effect it has on other characters such as ivy and nadia, but maybe i’ll write about that in a different post! and like i said, tumblr deleted my original response so i might have forgotten something important i mentioned in it, but this works too hopefully!
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forwardiscalling · 6 years
names in bare: a pop opera
y'all wanted this so here it goes! ill be looking at the meaning of each name, if there is a saint sharing their name, and any other little things. i got all this information from the internet (save for some of the biblical stuff). i've also stuck with the mainish characters (and st. cecila) just because these took me a while. hope y'all like this!! (this is under the keep reading bc he's a big boi)
st. cecilia
meaning- ‘cecilia’ has a latin origin and means ‘blind’.
patron of- st. cecilia was the patron saint of music and musicians.
overview of life- during her life, st. cecila took a vow of virginity. despite this, her parents made her marry. it is told that during their wedding she sat apart singing, so she became the patron of music and musicians. she told her husband that an angel was watching over her and that she had taken a vow of virginity. he said that if he could see the angel, he would convert too. he saw it and converted. when she was put to death, she was stabbed three times, and lived for three more days. her body was also incorrupt when it was found, meaning that it had not decayed, and it is rare and only happens to some saints
prayer of st. cecila- 
Dear Saint Cecilia, one thing we know for certain about you is that you became a heroic martyr in fidelity to your divine Bridegroom. We do not know that you were a musician but we are told that you heard Angels sing. Inspire musicians to gladden the hearts of people by filling the air with God's gift of music and reminding them of the divine Musician who created all beauty. Amen.
meaning- ‘jason’ has a greek origin that means ‘to heal’. 
saint- st. jason was a man in the new testament (the books from after the death of jesus). he sheltered paul and silas, two men who cast out a bad spirit from a girl being exploited. he also led the macabees, a  priestly family of jews who organized a successful rebellion against the seleucid ruler antiochus IV and reconsecrated the destroyed temple of jerusalem.
other- ‘jasone’, a spanish feminine name, means ‘assumption’. also, in the greek myth 'jason and the argonauts,’ jason is the leader, who defied his father and married a sorceress who helped him on his quests. 
meaning- ‘peter’ has a latin origin and means ‘rock’.
saint- there are many many saints named peter in the faith, due to the influence of simon, jesus’ right hand man of sorts, who was renamed simon peter by jesus, and since the apostle simon peter was the second pope, the first being jesus, he was the rock to build the church on. he was the patron of popes and many labor jobs. some more are sts. marcellinus and peter, often honored together. sts. marcellinus and peter are two martyrs (people who died for thier faith) who converted many people. marcellinus was a priest and peter was an exorcist [fucking sick man]. according to legend, these two, when they were put to death supposedly converted the jailer and the other occupants to the jail at a time where christianity was illegal. [i included this pair because does that sound heterosexual to you??]. they were the patrons of many intestinal sicknesses and things related to childbirth.
meaning- ‘ivy’ has an english origin and means ‘faithfulness.’ it could also mean ‘fidelity’ and ‘eternity’.
saint- there is no saint or sisters named ivy. there is a male saint named st. ives, but there are no strong connections between the character and him. 
other- ‘ivy’ also means climber, due to the plant (i did not see much purpose in that, so i included it down here).
meaning- ‘nadia’ has a russian origin that means ‘hope’.
saint- there is no saint nadia, but there is a saint nadine, who is the patron saint of hope.
meaning- ‘mathew’ means ‘the gift of yahweh’ (yahweh is the jewish name for god) the two roots of ‘matthew’ mean ‘god’ and ‘gift’.
saint- st. matthew is one of the disciples of jesus. he wrote one of the gospels and is a very common saint in the faith. he was a tax collector, who were generally unliked at the time. jesus took him as a disciple to show that they aren't sinners. he died a martyr and is the patron saint of bankers and accountants. 
meaning- ‘lucas’ has a latin origin meaning ‘light’ or ‘luminous’. it could also mean ‘bringer of light’.
saint- st. lucas del espiritu santos entered an order of monks at 16. he evangelized the far east and became a lecturer at a university. he was arrested and died from torture in 1633.  
other- some believe the name is derived from ‘loukas’, a contraction of Loukanos, who was another early christian. 
meaning- ‘flynn’ is irish and means ‘red’ or ‘red haired one’.
saint- there is no saint named flynn.
meaning-  ‘chantelle’ is french and means ‘song’ or ‘singer’.
saint- there are no saints, nor famous sisters names chantelle.
other- ‘chantelle’ is a variation of ‘chantal’ which means ‘stony’.
that's all everyone! if there is anything else you guys would like me to research pls send me an ask!
tag: @wilding-throught-thehallways 
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aceduchessdragoness · 6 years
The Arcana Shuffle
A response to @xroguex1027, who made this.
Rules: I know a bunch of you have arcana playlists or playlists for each carachter so lets put them to use eh?
Put your device on shuffle and use the name of each song that comes up to answer the question. (You know, like you did back in 2006)
No skipping songs, no cheating, but you can do it as many times as you want.
Not gonna lie, I don’t have any playlists, I just wanted to see what I would get. lol
Describe the person you are romancing
Asra: Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz 
Describe your familiar:
A chicken named Lele: From Shadows by Jeff Williams (EDGY CHICKEN?!?!)
How did you die?
I’m sticking with the canon, so I burned: East Asia by Miyuki Nakajima (a lovely song. Too bad I die to it. :/ Think of it as the scene where Shinji destroys Asuka while  Kyou no Hi wa Sayounara plays)
What happened in your past?
Cinderella by Steven Chapman (wooOOOW)
Marelda was kinda given tough love in her past. Her parents definitely loved her...they just weren’t very good at showing it. They had a lot of responsibilities, so she was also alone a lot and sometime they would snap at her for “being childish” and such.
What do you like about your chosen love interest?
Floatin’ Safari by Jodi Benson (lool this is a Bible song I have for nostalgic purposes)
What does he feel about you?
Awake My Soul by Mumford & Sons (aw <3)
How do you feel about them?
Shine a Light from the Heathers musical (HAAAAA) 
What does the future hold?
Valjean’s Soliloquy from Les Miserables (foreshadowing??)
What would they give up for you?
Bright Eyes by Art Garfunkel 
Where are we going?
Fragments by Jeff Williams (uuUUH FORESHADOWING??)
Describe Faust.
In My Life / A Heart Full of Love from Les Miserables (accurate)
How does she feel about you?
Red Like Roses P2 by Jeff Williams (aw D:)
How do you feel about her?
Make It Mine by Shaka Ponk (HELL YEEEAAH)
What needs fixing?
The Song of the Heart by Prince
Where should we go?
The Cell by C2C (pretty much instrumental)
What do you dream about?
The Schuyler Sisters from Hamilton (true, she’s an only child and wanted sibs)
Describe your siblings.
She has none. But: Half Life by Trocadero (hm, makes sense)
What are you wearing?
Uptown Funk ft. Bruno Mars by Mark Ronson 
How do you feel about him?
For the First Time in Forever from Frozen (lol)
How does he feel about you?
She’s Country by Jason Aldean (not entirely false)
What do salty bitters taste like?
In Spite of Fear by Trocadero & David Levy (instrumental song)
(Wow, based on the scene this played in, this is very sad)
How does magic work?
Dear Everyone by Trocadero & David Levy (instrumental song)
What do you need?
Firework by Katy Perry
What gets you rowdy?
Straight to Video by Mindless Self Indulgence
How does she feel about you?
Spiral by Jeff Williams (instrumental song)
How do you feel about her?
Drink With Me from Les Miserables (Marelda why are u so sad??)
Describe that secret place you found.
When Can I See You Again? by Owl City (aww)
How do you feel about cats?
Girl Next Door by Saving Jane (lol what? Well, I guess she would choose kitties over us. --3--)
How does he feel about you?
Hates me: I’m Picky by Shaka Ponk
How do you feel about him?
Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol (aw)
What are you doing here?
The Lonely Goatherd from The Sound of Music
What do you remember about him?
You Can’t Take Me by Bryan Adams
How do you feel about him?
Come Fly With Me by Frank Sinatra (HONEY NO)
How does he feel about you?
Pray by Jeff Williams (hmm...)
What is your vice?
All Things Must Die by Jeff Williams (DAMN, I GUESS MURDER)
In actuality Marelda would use her magic to mess with people she didn’t like.
What is your reaction to the plague?
Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons
Did you miss me Vesuvia?
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds by The Beatles ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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eddycurrents · 6 years
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For the week of 2 July 2018
Quick Bits:
Ant-Man & The Wasp #3 is another fun issue in this mini as Scott and his tiny alien friends try to come up with a way to rescue Nadia. I’m still highly impressed by Javier Garrón’s art on this series, as it continues to push inventive designs, combined with Israel Silva’s bright, bouncy colours.
| Published by Marvel
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Astonishing X-Men #13 begins Matthew Rosenberg and Greg Land’s run on the title and it’s very well done. It kicks off what looks to be Havok’s redemption arc, but the road is very rocky and unlike say, Magneto or Sabretooth, he’s not being given too much slack from his former compatriots. This first issue has a good deal of Rosenberg’s trademark humour and some pretty decent art from Land, Jay Leisten, and Frank D’Armata.
| Published by Marvel
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Avengers #4 made it dawn on me what this run reminds me of, Grant Morrison and Howard Porter’s run on JLA. It’s intelligently crafted, widescreen action with Jason Aaron, Paco Medina, Ed McGuinness, Juan Velasco, Mark Morales, and David Curiel pulling it off very, very well.
| Published by Marvel
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Captain America #1 is great. Ta-Nehisi Coates’ debut on the series finally addresses the fallout of Secret Empire on a personal and emotional level and it leads to an incredibly compelling story of war and pieces, as a new threat begins to surface and we’re left in a world where people don’t know who to trust. The story is enriched immensely by Leinil Francis Yu, Gerry Alanguilan, and Sunny Gho’s artwork which is just incredible. Yu is a consummate storyteller and this book is just flawless with its visuals. I’m very interested to see where this creative team is going to take this story.
| Published by Marvel
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Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 continues the fun that was to be had during Donny Cates, Geoff Shaw, and Antonio Fabela’s excellent run on Thanos, with Cates’ Interceptor/Reactor collaborator, Dylan Burnett taking on the art chores. You don’t need to have read the earlier Thanos series to come in here, but I still highly recommend reading that run. “Thanos Wins” was a damn good story and so is this. The irreverent humour is here in spades, the art is glorious, and Frank Castle’s new mission should be interesting.
| Published by Marvel
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Dark Ark #8 takes a very interesting turn as Shrae confronts the monster of the deep plaguing Noah’s ark. Juan Doe’s designs for even more of the monsters, and the deep one, are amazing.
| Published by AfterShock
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Deadpool #2 has more glorious art from Nic Klein. This is among the best art in a Deadpool series and the character has seem some pretty incredible artists work on him. I can again easily recommend the title on the art alone, but I do have to say that the story is growing on me. I like the somewhat serious yet patently ridiculous interplay between Klein’s art and Skottie Young’s dialogue, with some very nice humorous moments here.
| Published by Marvel
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Death of the Inhumans #1 is going to break your heart. Even if you hate the Inhumans, this is pretty harrowing. Donny Cates, Ariel Olivetti, and Jordie Bellaire are crafting a tale of loss here and this issue really makes that loss feel real, the threat possibly inescapable, as the Kree threaten genocide. This is pretty epic and I’m anxious to see what happens next.
| Published by Marvel
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Death or Glory #3 is a harrowing issue, cutting deep twice, once as we go on a trip through Glory’s past and once again in the present, with a few other punches for good measure. Rick Remender and Bengal are delivering an incredibly nuanced, well-thought out, well-illustrated crime tale here and I recommend it highly for everyone. Loving this series.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Delta 13 #3 reaches the point in the horror story where there are weird shenanigans going on, but the creature(s) haven’t yet revealed themselves to the crew. Steve Niles and Nat Jones are really milking the atmosphere they’ve established, it should be very interesting when the story explodes.
| Published by IDW
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Doctor Strange #3 is labelled as an Infinity Wars tie-in and given that it advances the plot and whereabouts of the Time Stone, it is absolutely essential to the overall story (even if “Infinity Countdown tie-in” might be a better label at this current point). Mark Waid and Jesús Saiz deliver a mostly standalone story here, fleshing out some of the character development between Strange and Kanna, but this issue should have interesting ramifications on the wider Infinity Stones arc.
| Published by Marvel
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Giant Days #40 sees the welcome return of Max Sarin to the art chores, coinciding with Ed moving back in from the hospital. I’m impressed with what John Allison does with the confrontation between Ed and Esther. It’s not at all what I would have expected, but it feels right.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / BOOM! Box
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The Gravediggers Union #8 is the quiet before the storm, with Cole having a talk with his daughter before the end, trying to convince her to walk away from destroying the world. I still love how Wes Craig, Toby Cypress, and Niko Guardia have turned this huge, weird epic into a deeply personal story of a girl who feels betrayed by her parents. Very much looking forward to seeing how this concludes next issue.
| Published by Image
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The Highest House #5 is another brilliant issue in this series that everyone should be reading. Everyone. The layers of characters, the intricacies of the plot, the absolutely amazing artwork, Mike Carey, Peter Gross, and Fabien Alquier are crafting a masterpiece here.
| Published by IDW
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Hunt for Wolverine: Weapon Lost #3 takes a turn as the detective group searching for Wolverine find a Wolverine. As with the other Hunt for Wolverine minis, most of this looks to be shaping up to be a wild goose chase, but for the most part these are still interesting stories in their own right. Charles Soule gives us another cliffhanger at the end here, I wonder if it will end up like last issue’s?
| Published by Marvel
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Immortal Hulk #2 I’d probably argue is even better than the first issue. While that feel of the lonesome wanderer that’s reminiscent of the television series and the Marvel Knights run from Bruce Jones is still present here, of a Bruce Banner terrified of the Hulk, the story here twinges a different flavour, Len Wein and Bernie Wrighton’s Swamp Thing. This issue taps into that feel of the reticent monster, hunting down things that are even worse. This is a great standalone tale from Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, Ruy José, and Paul Mounts.
| Published by Marvel
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Incognegro: Renaissance #5 concludes this wonderful series, working out the final details leading up to Xavier’s murder. Like the original Incognegro graphic novel, Mat Johnson and Warren Pleece have crafted a wonderful mystery that weaves into it some very important, very interesting history and sociological themes. I’m hoping that there will be more.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Infinity Countdown: Champions #2 makes some big changes, huge developments really, that make this issue absolutely necessary if you’re a regular Champions reader. Jim Zub, Emilio Laiso, and Andy Troy conclude this tale on a bittersweet note, including an epic confrontation between the team and Warbringer.
| Published by Marvel
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Joe Hill’s The Cape: Fallen #1 reunites the team who adapted Joe Hill’s short story the first time around, Jason Ciaramella, Zach Howard, and Nelson Daniel, for a new mini set between the panels of the original story. While reading the original certainly informs this, I feel like you can still enjoy this new mini so far on its own merits.
| Published by IDW
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The Last Siege #2 brings us round to gathering the pieces for the conflict between this last bastion against an upstart king, as well as the ramifications of capture and exile of Sir Feist. Like the first issue, the art from Justin Greenwood and Eric Jones is perfect.
| Published by Image
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Medieval Spawn & Witchblade #3 incrementally advances us forward, giving us a fight between Spawn and one of the Queen’s minions and delivering a bit of exposition on the Witchblade’s legacy. I’m not sure if it’s in Brian Haberlin’s originals, since it kind of looks like he’s using digital models, or ultimately completely Geirrod van Dyke’s work, but the rendering on Spawn and Scourge’s armours looks incredible.
| Published by Image
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Paradiso #5 returns with some incredible world-building as we learn more about the religion of the world as it is now and of some of the history and landmarks throughout the city. Everything about this series is amazing, with Ram V, Devmalya Pramanik, Alba Cardona Gil, and Aditya Bidikar, creating something very unique here.
| Published by Image
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The Quantum Age #1 begins a new ongoing series in the Black Hammer empire, with Jeff Lemire riffing on the Legion of Super-Heroes, and Wilfredo Torres and Dave Stewart providing some beautiful artwork. I’ve loved what Lemire and his artistic collaborators in Dean Ormston, David Rubín, Max Fiumara, and Stewart have done previously, deftly working through the various different eras of comicdom (mainly with analogues to DC stuff), while still telling engaging surface level stories. This looks to be no different, although featuring a future gone wrong rather than the optimism of the usual LoSH stories.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Submerged #1 is an enthralling first issue, with Vita Ayala, Lisa Sterle, and Stelladia capturing an almost perfect balance of magical realism, juggling between the fantasy and horror of the descent into the underworld and the mundane of Elysia’s family life.
| Published by Vault
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Thief of Thieves #38 comes a little more than a year and a half after the last issue, with a transition from Andy Diggle to Brett Lewis on writing duties for this final arc. There’s a decided stylistic shift, from all out action to Lewis’ epistolary narration, but with Shawn Martinbrough’s art it still feels like a continuation of the overall story. It does a decent job recapping what happened previously in story through a flashback of Conrad’s last moments, but even as someone who’s read the rest of the series, I feel like I need to go back and re-read them again for full impact.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Transformers: Lost Light #19 adds a step away from zombie robots to the mix as the series races towards the end. There are a lot of moving parts coming together in James Roberts’ script, plot threads and characters converging from years of storytelling, and the payoff is pretty epic. It’s also really nice to see a return of IDW’s original Transformers artist, EJ Su. It seems fitting as everything starts coming to an end to return to the beginning.
| Published by IDW
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Unnatural #1 begins republishing in English Mirka Andolfo’s Contro Natura, which was originally published by Panini in Italian. It’s definitely different for North American markets, but I welcome more translations and more funny animal books. Especially ones as good as Andolfo delivers here. The art is phenomenal and the story, putting forth a society that is oppressive in its reproductive rights, making taboo any number of unions that don’t follow conception, is a much needed one.
| Published by Image
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Weapon X #20 continues this transition into a new incarnation of the team. It’s not as hard a break into the new as the solicitations and some of the ads would have you believe, continuing on the story of Omega Red and the Russian mutant death camps, but it’s working towards setting up a new status quo under Sabretooth’s lead. The humour and action from Greg Pak and Fred van Lente is still present, but they’re joined here by Ricardo López Ortiz, just recently having finished an arc on Hit-Girl, who brings a decidedly different verve to the story.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Ask for Mercy #2, Assassinistas #6, Cloak & Dagger #2, Dungeons & Dragons: Evil at Baldur’s Gate #2, Elephantmen: The Death of Shorty #2, Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #1, Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #4, Go Go Power Rangers #11, Hillbilly #11, Jazz Maynard #12, Jeepers Creepers #3, Jim Henson’s Beneath the Dark Crystal #1, Jimmy’s Bastards #9, Judge Dredd: Under Siege #2, Lowlifes #1, The October Faction: Supernatural Dreams #5, Paper Girls #22, Prism Stalker #5, Pumpkinhead #5, Red Sonja/Tarzan #3, Ruin of Thieves #3, Spawn #287, Spider-Man vs. Deadpool #35, Spidey: School’s Out #3, Star Trek: Discovery - Succession #3, Star Wars #50, Star Wars: The Last Jedi #4, Throwaways #14, Transformers: Bumblebee #1, Vagrant Queen #2, Xerxes #4
Recommended Collections: Animosity - Volume 3: The Swarm, Betty & Veronica: Vixens - Volume 1, Doctor Strange: Damnation, Fear Agent - Volume 2, James Bond - Volume 2: Eidolon, Quantum & Woody! - Volume 1: Kiss Kiss Klang Klang, Rogue & Gambit: Ring of Fire, Scales & Scoundrels - Volume 2: Treasurehearts, Skin & Earth, Sleepless - Volume 1, Spider-Man - Volume 4, Transformers: Wreckers Saga, Witchblade - Volume 1
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d. emerson eddy often feels like a stranger in a strange land
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hellyeahheroes · 7 years
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This....makes zero sense.
Marvel: Legacy in a nutshell - This makes ZERO sense. I mean, I don’t even know where to begin. This is gonna be a long read, to strap on people.
Okay, I’ll start with what appears to be the main plot. Loki sends a bunch of Ice Giants to steal something from SHIELD, they’re interrupted by Ironehart, Captain America, and Thor. The latter two of whom are still making out, which Riri doesn’t like.....I should probably mention Thor and Captain America are Jane and Sam before somebody thinks I’m queerbaiting. Anyway, after a brief fight, during which somehow Riri forgets Avengers catchphrase is Assemble because... I dunno, MCU would pull out a joke like that and it would be as cringy as it’s here. Only they would put it on Tony so it wouldn’t seem to be a jab at the new kid. How do you forget Avengers rallying cry? Anyway (times two), one giant escapes with the cargo only to be murdered by Wolverine (Logan, as in, not Old Man Logan but the Logan who was dead Logan) who takes the cargo - one of the Infinity Gems....I’m sorry, stones *cringe*. So Loki and fucking Wolverine are after Infinity Ge....Stones. Something tells me Jason Aaron might be taking over Avengers books and the team will be Jane, Riri, Sam and Logan. And maybe Robbie.
Which brings us to the B-Plot. Robbie Reyes wakes up in Cape Town, South Africa, after having weird dreams about Avengers of 1 000 000 B.C. Which included Odin, Agammoto (in human, Doctor Strange-esque form because fuck creativity and him being a monstrous giant caterpillar) and a bunch of people who should not be looking like humans because we didn’t come to our current evolutionary step at that point. Starbrand looks more like they all should. Also, inclusion of Phoenix host and Iron Fist really screws up the lore of those two. But it’s nothing compared to this atrocity:
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No, this is not a Celestial. These are the Celestials
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What you have is a generic giant robot who seems to be at best inspired by Celestials and equally as much by anime. Anime Celestial, if you will. And maybe I wouldn’t be harping on it so much but this year is Kirby’s 100th anniversary and Marvel just decided to go and fuck up the design of one of his most iconic creations like this and it pisses me off.
Anyway, this Celestial has been beaten and buried underground (so, Dreaming Celestial 2: Electric Bogaloo) near the place where Cape Town is today. Robbie wakes up in the city and is attacked by Star Brand, who acts INCREDIBLY out of character. Last time I checked he was a well-meaning teenager traumatized because his powers caused the death of hundreds of people. And here he rants like a maniac, tries to murder Robbie, casually burns alive two people without as much as an eyeblink and at one point forgets what his powers are and starts throwing boulders at Robbie. I mean, assuming it’s the same character, with this art he looks like someone much, much older. Then again, Robbie has his original haircut back, which is good...but he also looks like he’s tripping acid through the whole thing.
Then Robbie suddenly discovers he can use Penance Stare and for once in ever it actually works and makes Star Brand explode. And it’s not even a proper explosion that would destroy the entire area, just a small one.
And all this crap is somehow connecting with Loki.
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Also in the issue:
Ponder the pointless teasing of Return to Planet Hulk we already know is happening! Stare in confusion at Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers both carrying the same shield at the same time thousands of miles away from each other! Watch Nadia and Jarvis fail to notice new character being added to founding Avengers! Because it worked so well when DC did it with Triumph in the 90′s! Scratch your head how the hell did Wakanda managed to start an interplanetary empire under everyone’s noses! Be amazed by Mike Deodato desperately trying to draw teenage Jean Grey without sexualizing her and accidentally devoting an entire panel to just her legs when he tries to censor her ass with a panel border. Behold dozens of random pages that seem like somebody going through the checklist of plot points without even trying to properly incorporate them into the story! And be fooled by last page appearance of Valeria and Franklin Richards into thinking Marvel will bring Fantastic Four back!
This book is all fucking over the place. When DC Rebrith special made me want to read more and check out these many plotlines it hinted at, it piqued my interest by focusing on very few even in those it devoted entire pages to (Legion, Blue Beetle, JSA). This book jumps around, every page being somewhere else, by somebody else, it feels like a poorly disguised previews issue. And they killed Star Brand after making him horribly out of character and by the hand of another teen hero to boot (I’m having Arena flashbacks....).
This was bad. Plain and simple, this was bad. Instead of being curious and hyped up it made me dread what seven tons of bullshit Aaron will unleash upon everything.
And fuck that godawful Anime Celestial!
- Admin
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aropippin · 8 years
unpopular opinion: idk if this is unpopular but bare the musical kinda messed up the plot and the point of so many characters of the pop opera, like nadia for exemple. It hurts my heart watching that thing bc bare (POP OPERA) is my favourite musical
strongly disagree | disagree | neutral | agree | strongly agree 
from at least the people i talk to i think this is a pretty common opinion but i totally agree. nadia character got totally destroyed and so did her relationship with jason (i watched the musical first and didn’t even realize they were siblings), jason singing role of a lifetime didn’t make sense, ivy being like “the new girl” took away the group dynamic that they all have known each other for years, and i’m bitter abt them replacing sister chantelle. also a lot of the changed lyrics were...bad. i will say that i really liked you don’t know 
send me unpopular theatre opinions
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itsfinancethings · 5 years
This Friday, the Nobel committee in Oslo, Norway will announce the winner of the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. The prize is awarded annually to the person or organization that has done the most to promote world peace.
Last year, Congolese doctor Denis Mukwege and human rights activist Nadia Murad jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war.
There are 301 nominees for this year’s prize, out of which 223 are individuals and 78 are organizations, according to the Nobel Institute. The official list of nominations remains a secret, but that hasn’t stopped a lot of speculation about who is in the running.
Here is a selection of oddsmakers’ favorites for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize — with the caveat that the Nobel committee is rarely predictable in its choice of winner:
Greta Thunberg
Jason DeCrow — APYouth activist Greta Thunberg addresses the Climate Action Summit at the United Nations on Sept. 23, 2019 in New York City.
Greta Thunberg is the clear favorite to win the Nobel Peace Prize this year, according to oddsmakers. Thunberg, who featured on a recent cover of TIME magazine, has become famous for her speeches and protests over climate inaction. At 15 years old, she began her school strike outside the Swedish Parliament in August 2018. Little more than a year later, an estimated four million people joined the teenager in a global strike on Sept. 20 — with activists, many of them schoolchildren, joining the protests from Thailand to Afghanistan to Haiti. A few days later, Thunberg gave an emotionally-charged speech at the Climate Action Summit on Sept. 23, where she condemned world leaders for their lack of action in halting climate change.
Despite her achievements, conservatives have criticized Thunberg and suggested that her win would be controversial. Some see her courage and drive to hold world leaders to account as confrontational, divisive and unhelpful. “The problem is that the principle of ‘flight shame’ brings her chances… down. Shame is not a constructive feeling to bring about change,” Sverre Lodgaard, a deputy member of the Nobel award committee from 2003 to 2011 told Reuters.
Even so, Thunberg remains the favorite to win. If she does, she would become the youngest person ever to be awarded a Nobel Prize — a title currently held by Malala Yousafzai, who won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize aged 17.
Abiy Ahmed
Mulugeta Ayene — AP/ShutterstockEthiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed welcomes an Eritrean delegation in Addis Ababa on June 26, ahead of a Summit where the leaders agreed to end the 20 year war.
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed made headlines in 2018 after instigating the end of 20 years of conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea. War between the two countries began over border disputes in 1998, five years after Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia. At least 70,000 people were killed before the two sides signed a peace deal in December 2000 — but tensions have remained high as Ethiopia refused to accept the border.
When Ahmed took office in April 2018, he freed political prisoners and went on to sign a peace agreement with his Eritrean counterpart Isaias Afwerki, indicating that Ethiopia would accept the border and he would hand over disputed land territories. Since taking power, Ahmed has also championed the role of women in politics — he appointed women to half of the government’s 20 ministerial posts, including the country’s first female defense minister. British oddsmaker Ladbrokes offers odds of 4/1 for the Ethiopian Prime Minister to win.
Jacinda Ardern
Hagen Hopkins—Getty ImagesNew Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern hugs a worshipper at Kilbirnie Mosque in Wellington on March 17, 2019, two days after the Christchurch attacks.
In the past year, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been a symbol of empathy, defiance, and strength in the face of tragic events.
The Christchurch attacks, where mass shootings at two mosques in March this year left 51 people dead and dozens injured, shocked and devastated the country. Arden has been swift to react — less than a month after the attacks, New Zealand’s parliament voted 119 to one to pass gun control legislation outlawing most automatic and semi-automatic weapons as well as components that modify existing weapons. Arden, the world’s youngest female leader at 38 years old, has also been vocal in her determination to deny the gunman a platform to elevate his white supremacist views, famously saying: “You will never hear me speak his name.”
Her actions make Ardern a strong contender for the Prize, with Ladbrokes putting her chances at 8/1 — if she wins, she would be the first person from New Zealand to win the Peace Prize.
Raoni Metuktire
Eric Feferberg—AFPBrazil’s indigenous chief Raoni Metuktire looks on as he is welcomed by French Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition in Paris on May 13, 2019.
As a Brazilian indigenous chief, Raoni Metuktire has spent his life protecting his home, the Amazon rainforest. Metuktire, 89, traveled to the 2019 G7 Summit in August this year to discuss the Amazon with world leaders, after a surge in fires destroyed large parts of the rainforest. Metuktire has been critical of Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro and his exploitation of the Amazon. Since his inauguration in January this year, the rate of deforestation has soared by up to 92% according to satellite images.
Reporters Without Borders
Abdulhamid Hosbas—Anadolu AgencyMembers of Reporters Without Borders Organization stage a protest demanding justice for murdered Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi outside the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Berlin, Germany on Oct. 1, 2019.
Reporters Without Borders, an international watchdog group, is at the forefront of efforts to preserve media freedom and freedom of expression by protecting journalists across the world and highlighting injustices toward them. The organization has spoken out against Saudi Arabia after newspaper columnist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder by Saudi operatives inside his country’s consulate in Istanbul on Oct., 2 last year. If Reporters Without Borders won, they would be the first organization promoting independent reporting and press freedom to win the Peace Prize.
The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Sakis Mitrolidis—AFP A refugee woman sits next to a tent in Nea Kavala camp, near the city of Kilkis, northern Greece, on September 3, 2019. Some 1000 refugees and migrants were transferred from the Greek island of Lesbos to the Nea Kavala camp in Sept. 2019.
The U.N.’s refugee agency, set up after the Second World War, aims to help displaced people fleeing war and persecution across the world. Its office has received two Nobel Peace Prizes in 1954 and 1984, and a prize now would be timely. In July this year, the UNHCR publicly stated its concern about the Trump administration’s new rule barring the majority of people crossing the southern U.S. land border from seeking asylum.
0 notes
gokinjeespot · 8 years
off the rack #1154
Monday, March 6, 2017
 Another successful Capital Trade Show with my partner Chris yesterday at the Jim Durrell Recreation Centre. Saw a few more folks that I haven't seen for a while stop by our table. The next one is on April 2 and we hope to be there.
 Congratulations to Brent for 32 years of comic book goodness at The Comicshop in Vancouver. He and Keith continue the proud traditions that Ron Norton established and I wish them many more years to come.
 America #1 - Gabby Rivera (writer) Joe Quinones (pencils) Joe Rivera & Paolo Rivera (inks) Jose Villarrubia (colours) Travis Lanham (letters). Marvel is really loading the racks with female heroes these days and the latest to join the ranks with her own solo book is the leader of the Ultimates. I don't read that book so excuse my ignorance about this woman. The last time I saw her was when she was a Young Avengers team member. Gabby starts this off by having America go to college which was very similar to the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1. We do get a peek at her civilian life as America breaks up with her girlfriend before leaving for college. I thought she was a jerk about it and that started me into not liking her much. Then she meets up with an old Young Avengers teammate and a time travel element is added. That's when I said "hasta la vista, baby". I'm not hip enough to enjoy this book but I think the cool kids will like it.
 Savage Things #1 - Justin Jordan (writer) Ibrahim Moustafa (art) Jordan Boyd (colours) Josh Reed (letters). This is more up my ally. A dangerous dark ally where you could be attacked by a government sanctioned homicidal maniac. The flashbacks show us Cain and Abel being recruited as boys and the present shows them exposing the bad guys they used to work for. Both were part of a covert team of killers that did the government's bidding. I want to see what they're up to now.
 Rat Queens #1 - Kurtis J. Wiebe (writer) Owen Gieni (art) Ryan Ferrier (letters). Yay, the Queens are back on the racks. What happened to Violet's beard? Doesn't matter because that great camaraderie that the Queens have is the same as I remember and that's why I like these gals so much. This new adventure has them fighting a giant Canada Goose with amazing powers. Whoa and zut alors, I can't wait to see what happens next.
 Totally Awesome Hulk #1.MU - This Monsters Unleashed! Tie-in has three short stories and the main reason that I grabbed it off the rack to read is because of the first one called "Flawless Victory" is by Bryan Edward Hill (writer) Ty Templeton (art) Mat Lopes (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Ty and I go way back and I always enjoy his work. If you're a comic book geek like me you should check out his blog at https://tytempletonart.wordpress.com/bun-toons/. He posts almost every week and his stories are a lot of fun, just what comics books should be. The second story "Mind Over Monster" by Bryan Edward Hill (writer) Ricardo Lopez Ortiz (art) Rico Renzi (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters) has Hulk saving South Korea from Xemnu, he of the spiral eyes. The last story "Math is Magic" by Leah Williams (writer) Jahnoy Lindsay (art) Esther Sanz (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters) features Maddy Cho trying to find help with fighting the Leviathons that are landing on Earth and destroying everything. Maddy contacts Lady Hellbender the Monster Queen but what the monster collector tells her does not bode well for Earth. I liked how Jahnoy tried to mimic Frank Cho's style when drawing Lady Hellbender.
 Riverdale One Shot - This features four of the Riverdale teens and boy are they different from the old Archie gang. If you haven't watched the TV show on the CW network this might get you to tune in. "Archie" by Brian E. Paterson (writer) Elliot Fernandez (art) Thomas Chu (colours) John Workman (letters) will shock you with the affair with Ms. Grundy that you may have heard about. "Betty" by Britta Lundin (writer) Jim Towe (art) Glenn Whitmore (colours) Janice Chiang (letters) has my guilty crush Ms. Cooper going to L.A. for a summer internship. "Veronica" by James DeWille (writer) Thomas Pitilli (art) Andre Szymanowicz (colours) John Workman (letters) surprised me again because she and her family are Hispanic. "Jughead" by Will Ewing (writer) Alitha Martinez (pencils) Bob Smith (inks) Andre Szymanowicz with Thomas Chu (colours) Janice Chiang (letters) changed my attitude towards Archie's best friend. I won't watch the show because I don't like who they cast as Betty. They had a chance to usurp Winnie Cooper from The Wonder Years as my biggest TV Cooper crush but they failed. I would definitely read another comic book about these guys though.
 Royal City #1 - Jeff Lemire (writer & artist) Steve Wands (letters). I really like Jeff's stories. Trillium amazed me with some of the ways Jeff used his art to tell that story. Essex County made me feel very Canadian. Old Man Logan made me care about Wolverine again. Here we have a story about a family with one missing sibling and it's hard to categorize. At first I thought it was a ghost story but it's much more than that. The Pike family seems typical but their brother Tommy makes them unique. This gets added to my "must read" list.
 Doctor Strange #18 - Jason Aaron (writer) Chris Bachalo (pencils & colours) Al Vey, Tim Townsend, John Livesay & Victor Olazaba (inks) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The answer to "where's Wong?" is revealed. This is a team-up with the Mighty Thor and because Jason writes both books he gave Thor another new cool super power to help save lives and made it look natural. It's very far fetched but it's neat that he thought it up. Now the task of saving Wong from the villain Mr Misery starts in earnest.
 Superman #18 - Peter J. Tomasi & Patrick Gleason (writers) Patrick Gleason (pencils) Mick Gray (inks) John Kalisz (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Part 1 of "Superman Reborn" gets deeper into two mysteries that have been teasing us since Rebirth started. The other Clark Kent and the hooded guy with the scythe. I really like the new Superman family with Lois and Jon and I hope DC doesn't go back to the single Superman. If they do, I want a new book like Marvel did with Peter, Mary Jane and Annie. I hated when Marvel unmarried Peter and Mary Jane.
 Paper Girls #12 - Brian K. Vaughn (writer) Cliff Chiang (art) Matt Wilson (colours) Jared K. Fletcher (letters). It's handy to have a universal translator. There's got to be an app for that now right?
 Clone Conspiracy Omega - there are three complete stories in this finale to the most recent clone kerfuffle. "Collateral Damage" by Dan Slott & Christos Gage (writers) Cory T. Smith (art) Justin Ponsor (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters) sets Ben Reilly the Scarlet Spider up with his new solo book out April 26 where he chases after himself. Huh? You have to read "Give Us a Wink" by Peter David (writer) Mark Bagley (pencils) John Dell (inks) Jason Keith (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters) to find out what I mean. And finally "King's Favor" by Dan Slott (writer) Stuart Immonen (pencils) Wade von Grawbadger (inks) Richard Isanove (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters) sets up the return of Spider-Man's greatest enemy. How are they going to explain that comeback?
 Batman #18 - Tom King (writer) David Finch (pencils) Danny Miki (inks) Jordie Bellaire (colours) John Workman (letters). It's good issues like this one that reward me for sticking to a book the I like through some weaker issues. The fight between Batman and Bane juxtaposed with the evolution of each man as they grew older intensified the growing anger of the villain with each page. I can't wait to see the next phase of Batman's plan.
 Hawkeye #4 - Kelly Thompson (writer) Leonardo Romero (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). I was thinking about benching this book once this first story arc ended but Kelly snuck in a special guest star right at the end there that made me want to stick around for the next arc. I wasn't really happy with how Kate defeats the super villain but what happens to the guy later made up for the feel good solution.
 Champions #6 - Mark Waid (writer) Humberto Ramos (pencils) Victor Olazaba (inks) Edgar Delgado with Nolan Woodward (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I thought the Freelancers weren't going to be that bad after teaming up with the Champions last issue but Mark establishes that they are a bunch of douche bags this issue. Wait until you see what these bullies have lined up for the good guys.
 Unstoppable Wasp #3 - Jeremy Whitley (writer) Elsa Charretier (art) Megan Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I really like Nadia's personality and Jarvis is a hoot. I need fun comic books like this to balance all the doom and gloom that's out there on the racks.
 Monsters Unleashed #4 - Cullen Bunn (writer) Salvador Larroca (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). Even more super heroes fighting giant space monsters. I know this might be boring for some fans but the kids love it and I loved the art.
0 notes
itsfinancethings · 5 years
October 07, 2019 at 10:17AM
This Friday, the Nobel committee in Oslo, Norway will announce the winner of the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. The prize is awarded annually to the person or organization that has done the most to promote world peace.
Last year, Congolese doctor Denis Mukwege and human rights activist Nadia Murad jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war.
There are 301 nominees for this year’s prize, out of which 223 are individuals and 78 are organizations, according to the Nobel Institute. The official list of nominations remains a secret, but that hasn’t stopped a lot of speculation about who is in the running.
Here is a selection of oddsmakers’ favorites for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize — with the caveat that the Nobel committee is rarely predictable in its choice of winner:
Greta Thunberg
Jason DeCrow — APYouth activist Greta Thunberg addresses the Climate Action Summit at the United Nations on Sept. 23, 2019 in New York City.
Greta Thunberg is the clear favorite to win the Nobel Peace Prize this year, according to oddsmakers. Thunberg, who featured on a recent cover of TIME magazine, has become famous for her speeches and protests over climate inaction. At 15 years old, she began her school strike outside the Swedish Parliament in August 2018. Little more than a year later, an estimated four million people joined the teenager in a global strike on Sept. 20 — with activists, many of them schoolchildren, joining the protests from Thailand to Afghanistan to Haiti. A few days later, Thunberg gave an emotionally-charged speech at the Climate Action Summit on Sept. 23, where she condemned world leaders for their lack of action in halting climate change.
Despite her achievements, conservatives have criticized Thunberg and suggested that her win would be controversial. Some see her courage and drive to hold world leaders to account as confrontational, divisive and unhelpful. “The problem is that the principle of ‘flight shame’ brings her chances… down. Shame is not a constructive feeling to bring about change,” Sverre Lodgaard, a deputy member of the Nobel award committee from 2003 to 2011 told Reuters.
Even so, Thunberg remains the favorite to win. If she does, she would become the youngest person ever to be awarded a Nobel Prize — a title currently held by Malala Yousafzai, who won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize aged 17.
Abiy Ahmed
Mulugeta Ayene — AP/ShutterstockEthiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed welcomes an Eritrean delegation in Addis Ababa on June 26, ahead of a Summit where the leaders agreed to end the 20 year war.
Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed made headlines in 2018 after instigating the end of 20 years of conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea. War between the two countries began over border disputes in 1998, five years after Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia. At least 70,000 people were killed before the two sides signed a peace deal in December 2000 — but tensions have remained high as Ethiopia refused to accept the border.
When Ahmed took office in April 2018, he freed political prisoners and went on to sign a peace agreement with his Eritrean counterpart Isaias Afwerki, indicating that Ethiopia would accept the border and he would hand over disputed land territories. Since taking power, Ahmed has also championed the role of women in politics — he appointed women to half of the government’s 20 ministerial posts, including the country’s first female defense minister. British oddsmaker Ladbrokes offers odds of 4/1 for the Ethiopian Prime Minister to win.
Jacinda Ardern
Hagen Hopkins—Getty ImagesNew Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern hugs a worshipper at Kilbirnie Mosque in Wellington on March 17, 2019, two days after the Christchurch attacks.
In the past year, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been a symbol of empathy, defiance, and strength in the face of tragic events.
The Christchurch attacks, where mass shootings at two mosques in March this year left 51 people dead and dozens injured, shocked and devastated the country. Arden has been swift to react — less than a month after the attacks, New Zealand’s parliament voted 119 to one to pass gun control legislation outlawing most automatic and semi-automatic weapons as well as components that modify existing weapons. Arden, the world’s youngest female leader at 38 years old, has also been vocal in her determination to deny the gunman a platform to elevate his white supremacist views, famously saying: “You will never hear me speak his name.”
Her actions make Ardern a strong contender for the Prize, with Ladbrokes putting her chances at 8/1 — if she wins, she would be the first person from New Zealand to win the Peace Prize.
Raoni Metuktire
Eric Feferberg—AFPBrazil’s indigenous chief Raoni Metuktire looks on as he is welcomed by French Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition in Paris on May 13, 2019.
As a Brazilian indigenous chief, Raoni Metuktire has spent his life protecting his home, the Amazon rainforest. Metuktire, 89, traveled to the 2019 G7 Summit in August this year to discuss the Amazon with world leaders, after a surge in fires destroyed large parts of the rainforest. Metuktire has been critical of Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro and his exploitation of the Amazon. Since his inauguration in January this year, the rate of deforestation has soared by up to 92% according to satellite images.
Reporters Without Borders
Abdulhamid Hosbas—Anadolu AgencyMembers of Reporters Without Borders Organization stage a protest demanding justice for murdered Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi outside the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Berlin, Germany on Oct. 1, 2019.
Reporters Without Borders, an international watchdog group, is at the forefront of efforts to preserve media freedom and freedom of expression by protecting journalists across the world and highlighting injustices toward them. The organization has spoken out against Saudi Arabia after newspaper columnist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder by Saudi operatives inside his country’s consulate in Istanbul on Oct., 2 last year. If Reporters Without Borders won, they would be the first organization promoting independent reporting and press freedom to win the Peace Prize.
The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Sakis Mitrolidis—AFP A refugee woman sits next to a tent in Nea Kavala camp, near the city of Kilkis, northern Greece, on September 3, 2019. Some 1000 refugees and migrants were transferred from the Greek island of Lesbos to the Nea Kavala camp in Sept. 2019.
The U.N.’s refugee agency, set up after the Second World War, aims to help displaced people fleeing war and persecution across the world. Its office has received two Nobel Peace Prizes in 1954 and 1984, and a prize now would be timely. In July this year, the UNHCR publicly stated its concern about the Trump administration’s new rule barring the majority of people crossing the southern U.S. land border from seeking asylum.
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