#nadia al hanaki
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Me in my campus gym listening to Sam yell at Nadia for almost killing me
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runbookzombie · 1 year
Zombies Run S3M50 Listen All You People
I ran the C&O Canal while listening to this mission. Big mistake though being at the C&O as the gravel path had lots of puddles due to the rain from the previous night.
In other news, my teeth are in disarray. I’ve been going to the dentist almost every other week to fix some of the ones that have cracked due to old fillings. I have a huge bruise on my jaw now from all the numbing injections and people are asking me whether I was punched in the face. No… it’s nothing like that.
Spoilers after the image below:
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This is an AI-generated image of a sewer/dungeon.
Every time I am tasked to help out New Canton, some horrible thing is bound to happen. Now everyone at NC is under Moonchild’s control.
So glad Moonchild can’t control me anymore. Don’t want weird hallucinations and I definitely don’t want to kill innocent people for her crazy ideas.
How far is the tree top base from NC?
I still don’t understand how some people are not affected by Moonchild’s dosed water supply.
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kelzebub · 8 months
Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Zombies Run! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Runner Five/Sam Yao, Janine De Luca/Peter Lynne Characters: Sam Yao, Runner Five, Janine De Luca, Peter Lynne, Veronica McShell, Brett Valmont, Original Characters, Annie, Amelia Spens, Paula Cohen, Maxine Myers, Sara Myers-Cohen-Yao Additional Tags: Psychological Torture, Grief and Loss, Trauma, Imprisonment, Rescue Mission, Don't mess with my operator, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Swearing, Drug Withdrawal, Human Experimentation, Fake Character Death, Reunions, Angst with a Happy Ending, Suicidal Thoughts, Canon Divergent, Escape, Adventure, journeys, Found Family, Kids, OCs - Freeform, Family Reunions Summary:
Sam Yao has always been an optimist, but that was before. Spoilers up to s9m30, canon divergent from s9m28 or so. Sam is imprisoned and experimented on. He doesn't expect a rescue.
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curiousobsession101 · 9 months
Zombies, Run! Secret Santa Gift Exchange
@enbeast I'm your secret santa this year!
Thank you @delucadarling and @notforconsumption for running the secret santa gift exchange this year!
Sunny, one of your listed favorite ships was Nadia Al Hanaki and Archie Jensen. I'd never seen anyone ship them before but the second I read that in your list I realized how absolutely perfect they would be together, so I've written a fluff piece for them. I hope you like it!
This fic doesn't take place within the canon Zombies, Run! timeline but it does include spoilers for season 6. Also, I'm not British myself so I apologize in advance if my phrasing is off at any point in this fic.
Skate Date
Archie looked around in obvious delight. “Abel looks so pretty covered in snow like this, don’t you think? It’s like a fluffy sheep – only not shaped like a sheep.”
Nadia smiled. Archie could always make her smile, her near-permanent cheerfulness even cutting through Nadia’s serious demeanor when she was being professional while guiding runners on missions. Although truthfully Nadia still didn’t see the point of going to Abel Township for their date since it seemed like Archie just wanted to do things they could have done back in New Canton. Like right now, Archie was leading her to Abel’s frozen-over pond to go ice skating. New Canton had a pond too; they could have gone there. But Archie had insisted. “Silly Nadia, why stay in New Canton when we can go on holiday?” so here they were for a day trip to Abel.
When they got to the end of the cleared path to the pond, Archie asked “Would you like me to help you into the skating sled? Obviously you can get into it yourself, but if you would like some help I should do that before I put on my skates.” Nadia nodded.
Once she was on the sled, it naturally took Nadia much less time to get settled comfortably than it took Archie to put on her skates. So Nadia started sculpting a flower out of the snow piled up by the side of the path. She could tell when Archie had finished lacing up her skates because she gasped and exclaimed “That snowflower is so pretty!”
Nadia smiled up at her. “I’d first thought to make a picture of you, but I knew I wouldn’t have time.”
“Aw, that is so sweet of you anyway! Maybe later we can make snowmen together! Hm, snowwomen? I suppose they don’t have to be people. You could make just about anything from snow. Well, not anything. Some things are too complicated and some things would take too much snow-”
Nadia laughed. “Sure. That sounds like fun.”
They slid onto the ice. Unlike Nadia’s bike, the skating sled had to be propelled manually. Nadia could move it herself, but for now Archie was using the handles on the back of the seat to push her in wide laps around the edge of the pond. Nadia started to understand her insistence on “going on holiday”. It was very pleasant to be whirling past scenery that didn’t include imposing castle walls or endless trees shading a carpet of blue flowers for once. In fact, just knowing she was in a different place from her work made her feel more relaxed.
After a while, Archie let go of the skating sled as they both headed closer to the center of the pond. Archie started pirouetting on the ice. Nadia laughed to see her enthusiasm in her spins, and started experimenting with just what her sled could do. It couldn’t turn on a dime like her bike, but the turning radius wasn’t too terrible for a sled. She was challenging herself to make tighter and tighter turns when disaster struck.
The residents of Abel of course kept the ice as smooth and clear as possible, but this was a naturally iced-over pond with no convenient zamboni to help resurface it. And even if there was, the two of them had been doing some serious skating and would have undone all its work by now. Nadia felt a sudden jolt. The next thing she knew she was lying winded on the ice and the sled was tumbling end over end through the air. She didn’t see where it landed.
“Oh no, Nadia!” Suddenly Archie was standing over her looking even more worried than she expected. Nadia sat up, focusing on getting her breath back. Once she could speak again she said, “It’s alright, Archie. I’m fine.”
“No you’re not. Look at your leg.”
Her leg? Which leg? She looked down at her lower half and realized one of the skates on her sled must have come down on her right leg. It had cut right through the fabric of her winter pants and left a bloody gash on her thigh. “Oh. Well help me back onto my bike and I’ll go have Maxine take a look at it.”
“Yes. I think it does look like it needs stitches.” Archie looked anxious.
“Don’t worry so much, babe. It doesn’t even hurt, remember?”
“Yes, I’m glad of that.” She frowned. “It is too cold to take off my coat and use it as a bandage – oh!” She deftly removed her shirt from under her coat and tied it tightly around Nadia’s leg.
“Thanks.” Nadia waited just long enough for Archie to take off her skates and put on her boots, then the two of them sped off towards Abel Township’s hospital.
. . . . .
The hospital wasn’t crowded when they arrived. People hadn’t been getting sick as much lately and presumably there had been fewer accidents too. Well, aside from this one. Music was playing faintly but clearly through the hospital. Dr. Myers must have the radio on to keep the patients from getting too bored, but quietly enough that some of those patients could sleep. She hurried over to them as soon as they arrived. “Archie! Nadia! What’s wrong?”
“Skating accident. I just got a bit cut up. It’s nice too see you, by the way.” Nadia said. “Yes, hello Dr. Myers,” Archie added, “it’s too bad we’re only seeing you because Nadia’s hurt though, hey?”
Maxine couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, it’s nice to see you both too.” She led them to a cot. After Nadia got herself situated, Maxine untied the makeshift bandage. “Ah. Because of where the gash is, I’m going to need to take your pants off to get to it.”
“Not a problem. You’re a doctor, and it’s nothing Archie hasn’t seen before” Archie chuckled. “You’re very pretty without your clothes.”
“Maybe we should save the flirting for later. Wouldn’t want to make Maxine uncomfortable.” But Nadia sounded amused, not embarrassed.
“Oh that’s nothing. You should hear what some of my patients have said to their loved ones while on morphine.” Maxine said with a laugh.
“Speaking of flirting, how is your wife?” Archie asked.
“Paula’s doing well. Want me to tell her you said hi?”
“Please do.”
“And tell her hi from me as well.” Nadia added.
Maxine finished examining the injury. “It’s not too bad. I’ll just disinfect it and stitch it up, and you can go. Since you use that sled you can even go right back to skating if you want.”
“Thanks, but I think we have other plans.” Nadia grinned up at Archie. “We do?”
“Do you still want to make snowmen after this? Or snow-whatever?”
“Oh! Yes. But we should go get the skating sled first so it’s not just lying out on the pond.”
“You’re right.”
Maxine brought the bottle of disinfectant over. “This is going to stin- oh wait.”
Nadia laughed. Then she and Archie fell silent as Maxine worked, just in time to hear Eugene talk about the history of the song that had just played. Nadia was fairly certain he made it all up. Jack joined in with some banter, and Phil jumped right in too. Zoe waited for the three of them to be finished before cutting in with some dry remark that had them dissolving into laughter. Since Zoe spoke a little quieter than the rest of them, Nadia didn’t quite catch what she’d said.
A few songs later, Maxine was done with the stitching and Nadia’s pants were back in place. Maxine had even let her use a bit of surgical thread to mend the tear. Unfortunately Archie’s shirt would need some serious cleaning, but she didn’t seem to mind with her winter coat on. Nadia levered herself back onto her bike and the couple went to retrieve the skating sled and then go make snow sculptures. That may or may not have devolved into a snowball fight halfway through but, well, the laughing pair didn’t mind.
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wanderingandfound · 1 year
Zombies, Run! spoilers through S02E04.
Season 1, Episode 8
LEM: Nadia? Nadia, there's nothing you can do. [coughs] I'm bit, okay? I'm gone already. Oh, Nadia, don't cry. We've had a good time, haven't we, honey? More than most people got. I don't want you to hear this, honey. I don't want you to hear me change. Just you remember me just as it was, okay?. That night, in the old barn. You remember me just like that, okay? You promise? That's a good girl. I'm turning off the mic, now.
Season 2, Episode 4
NADIA AL HANAKI: What if I did? You shouldn't have let me think Lem was still alive. You should never have let me think that!
SAM YAO: Grow up! We've all lost someone, everyone has! That's the - that's the world now, that's just the way it is! What gives you the right to -
Nadia got a goodbye! I know grief is hard, and I know there's always some part of you that thinks maybe they are still alive out there. But Nadia. Nadia!
Anyways, do y'all think Sam got a goodbye from Alice?
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Janine: How do you like your coffee?
Tom: So strong I don’t need sleep.
Peter: Straight from the coffee pot.
Five: Bitter, like my soul.
Peter: She’s lying. She likes cinnamon lattes because it reminds her of Christmas.
Sam: I drink tea.
Veronica: I’m not allowed to drink coffee anymore because the last time I did I was working on an experiment and drunk so much to stay awake that I couldn’t tell the difference between the ceiling and the floor and freaked Nadia out.
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dorkylittleweirdo · 3 years
i assign zr characters a dog breed based on the Vibes and no i won’t justify my choices actually
sam: pug
janine: german shepherd probably
jody: jack russell or rat terrier
simon: husky
archie: labrador retriever
sara: rottweiler
maxine: border collie
paula: corgi
jamie: dalmatian would be the obvious answer However he’s a rhodesian ridgeback
nadia: afghan hound
amelia: basenji
tom: pit bull
peter: golden retriever or great dane. alternatively just a mutt
steve: belgian malinois
van ark: doberman pinscher. or like idk some kinda crusty little purse dog
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crownleys · 4 years
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Some pokemon AU doodles I’ve been doing over the last few weeks! It was really fun to pick and chose who would have what pokemon! This turned into a real monster ahaha, with Janine and Tom, Sam, Nadia, Simon, Sara, Jody, Steve and Amelia all being ones I really wanted to draw. It really makes you think, which pokemon would suit other characters, huh? (also shoutout to @puptart who did the colors on Tom and Janine for me <3) [and here’s a lil part 2]
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homeboundrunnerfive · 4 years
Nadia: This is a miracle!
Veronica: That’s right! It is a miracle!
Veronica: Except, when you think about it, it’s actually not. It’s science. Which I’d argue is actually better and more convenient than a miracle because you don’t have to spend the next two thousand years worshiping the scientists. You can just be like “thanks”.
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runner5ive · 4 years
Okay but there's a primal part of me that needs Nadia's Scottish accent to get stronger and harder to understand the angrier she gets.
Nadia: Listen up ye wee bastards nae a single yin o' yer aff tae harm mah runners or ah will come oot thare 'n' murdurr ye a' masell!
Five: ???😍???
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runbookzombie · 1 year
Zombies Run S3M49 Sowing Season
I did this run on Oct 12th after a very hectic three days at work. I didn't get my three-day weekend. Hope I can replace it with another day this year.
Spoilers after the image below:
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This is an AI-generated image of a tequila distillery with some nettles in front of the door. Why nettles? I guess because they are rough around the edges.
Six vats are missing from the distillery and I don't know what that signifies. In the meantime, Veronica is going back to the treetop base to learn about something relating to the Natural History Museum. I hope it can help us stop Moonchild. I'm getting so sick of her yellow aura, why hasn't she choked on it already.
Wow, I just realized that it's been a while since I've heard Nadia's voice. I kinda missed her.
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incorrectzombiesrun · 4 years
Five: You can’t set all of your problems on fire.
Amelia: You’d be surprised about how many things are flammable.
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littlelionmay · 4 years
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I'll shake the ground with all my might I will pull my whole heart Up to the surface
- Atlas: Eight, Sleeping at Last
Requested by @kaoticfive. Nadia is really complex and a hard one to type, so I hope I did an okay job!
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curiousobsession101 · 2 years
Zombies, Fanworks! Secret Santa 2022.
This fic is for @bebtea​ I hope you like it!
Thank you @runnerzero​ @puptart​ and @notforconsumption​ for setting up this year’s Secret Santa exchange!
The Noah Base Bash
This fic takes place shortly before Season 5 Mission 23 and has spoilers for Zombies, Run! up to the end of that season. This is an AU where a certain major character death didn’t happen. Also I’m not totally sure what year season 5 takes place in but for the purposes of my fic Chanukkah overlaps Christmas. This is basically fluff without plot.
Also, I am neither christian, nor Muslim, nor from England. If I get any details wrong as a result, I’m sorry.
One last author’s note: This fic includes a character (Andrew) who canonically has no screentime at all. He is mentioned offhandedly twice in the entirety of Zombies, Run!
“And... there’s mine. This tree is officially decorated.” Peter said cheerfully as he stepped back from hanging his ornament.
“Perfect timing too; the Abel - that is, Noah Base holiday party is scheduled to start in just a few minutes.” Janine said, stepping up beside Peter. He smiled at her. Coming from Janine, that was a compliment.
“That tree looks really good, guys.” Sam enthused from where he stood next to Maxine, Paula, and their daughter. “Those improvised ornaments made from stuff the runners have found look even nicer than I would have expected. And there was enough for each of us to make an ornament with our own names!” He had been particularly thrilled to “help” baby Sara with her own ornament.
“Yeah, too bad we couldn’t get an actual tree.” Jody chimed in with a laugh.
“Oh I don’t know,” Peter replied, “I think this tree we made from the pieces of the furniture we found that wasn’t sturdy enough to use anymore is perfect for the Noah Base holiday party. It’s like a modern sculpture.” This earned him laughs from the others.
“Honestly,” Jody addressed Kytan, “I still can’t believe you were able to find real tinsel.”
Kytan grinned. “Oh yeah, I had to fight my way through so many zombies for it I had to use my nunchucks. It was like, ‘Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!’ and then ‘Kapow!’ right to their faces. I wasn’t even there for tinsel, but I saw a box labeled ‘tinsel’ and was like ‘Jackpot!’. But even after I got all the supplies there were still a bunch of zombies left so I had to backflip out the window like this.” He stood up from where he’d been sitting between Cameo and Andrew with Yang on Cameo’s other side and did a backflip.
“Kytan, you don’t have to demonstrate; we all believe you did a backflip.” Cameo said as if she wasn’t always delighted by Kytan’s exuberant displays.
“Oh no, as I’ve told you before,” Kytan replied in a faux-serious voice, “there is always a need for a backflip.” The other three laughed and Kytan sat back down.
“You know, Jody,” Tom said from where he stood next to her, “I’m just as impressed that you were able to get so much wool and knit it so quickly.” Jody was the only one whose holiday presents had been given out before the party. Everyone was wearing the sweaters she had knitted especially for them. Tom’s had the Jurassic Park logo on the front, except that the t-rex skeleton was wearing a santa hat.
Jody smiled at the praise. “Oh, it wasn’t that much work.”
”No, Tom’s right.” Yang said. “Take a moment with that achievement. You should be proud.”
Jody smiled a little wider. “Thanks.”
“Alright everyone.” Janine’s voice cut through the chatter. “Miss Al Hanaki will be transmitting shortly and then the party will officially begin.”
As if on cue, the broadcast system started transmitting Nadia’s voice. “Noah Base, can you hear me?”
“Yeah, we can hear you Nadia.” Sam responded.
“How are you, Miss Al Hanaki?” Janine asked. The question sounded almost businesslike, but it was clear she asked out of real concern.
“Oh I’m all right.” Nadia reassured Janine (and everyone else). “Owen and Veronica and me are still on the Minister’s good side so we’re treated pretty well. Owen’s even come up with a little Christmas celebration for the three of us. Speaking of which, happy Christmas and happy Hanukkah everyone!”
The not-quite-in-sync chorus of responses was mostly “Happy holidays!” but a few responded specifically with the holiday they themselves grew up celebrating and there were a few “You too!”s in the mix also.
After the tumult had died down, Sam said “I wanted to say Happy and then whatever you celebrate but um, what holiday do you celebrate this time of year?”
Nadia laughed. “I really don’t celebrate any particular holiday this time of year. But you can always say ‘happy Christmas’ to me too, since I’ll be celebrating it with Owen and Veronica.”
”Oh.” Sam thought about it for a second. “Well then happy Christmas. And I hope this Friday is a good one for you.”
“Thanks.” Nadia laughed again. “I don’t think I’ll be able to go to the mosque this week, but I’ll see. Alright, I should go. Owen’s ready to start. Have a great party!”
Noah Base chorused its goodbyes.
The party kicked off with Paula lighting the menorah on the dinner table. She carefully explained what she was doing and what all the prayers meant to a wide-eyed Sara who seemed totally enraptured by the bright candles. All the adults enjoyed the adorable scene - in addition to the Christmas tree patterned sweater Jody had knitted for her, she was also wearing knitted socks with dreidels on them (knitted by Sam after he got Jody to teach him how). But the truth was the explanations were just as helpful for some of the adults present as the baby.
“Hey Paula,” Sam said as an idea struck him, “do you think you could teach Maxine and me how to dance the horah? Then we could dance with Sara.”
“Oh, I’m not sure if-” Paula started.
“Oh, I’d love to learn too if that’s alright.” Peter said, smiling.
And then practically everyone in the base was begging Paula to teach them. She finally agreed, looking a little embarrassed but also happy. She taught them a version of the horah with a Yiddish name she told them translated to “crooked dance”. Everyone had a great time; even baby Sara seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself from where she was held in Maxine’s arms.
Afterward everyone sat down to eat the best holiday dinner a bunch of fugitives could make out of their scavenged supplies. Without access to Abel’s farm there was more canned and shelf-stable food than usual, but by this point the residents of Noah base were experts at making delicious meals out of canned food.
“Is that Christmas cake?” Peter asked. “How did you manage to make a Christmas cake?! Where could you possibly have gotten the ingredients?”
“Well, we couldn’t get all the ingredients exactly.” Sam admitted. “I had to improvise. It should still be good though.”
“It’s great.” Yang enthused. “Especially for a cake made while in hiding during a zombie apocalypse.”
After eating, everyone gathered in front of the tree to exchange presents (other than the sweaters Jody had made). Before the gift exchange could start, however, a machine in the corner of the room clacked to life. It was the machine Cameo had made that printed out snippets from Radio Abel. Apparently they were doing a holiday broadcast. Everyone clustered around, but Cameo pushed through and read the snippet out to everyone else. “And happy holidays to everyone back at Abel and New Canton, and all our friends wherever you happen to be. We’re sending you our best wishes.” She looked up from the paper. “That’s all it printed.”
The group returned to the tree, and nothing else interrupted the gift exchange. Tom gave Jody an automatic crossbow. She looked so happy she was almost lost for words. Peter gave Janine a bottle of good whisky he’d managed to find during a supplies run and had kept hidden in anticipation of the holiday since. Janine gave him a new pair of running shoes she’d had scavenged especially for him. He seemed touched. Most of the good shoes to be scavenged already had been; these wouldn’t have been easy to find.
Cameo, Yang, Kytan, and Andrew gave gifts as a group. For those within the group the other three banded together to get their gifts. Kytan got weapons scavenged from a dojo where it seemed everyone who might have minded had been eaten. Cameo received broken phones to work with, in light of how skillfully she had used just such tech as part of the machine that printed snippets of Radio Abel. Yang got a handful of batteries he could keep all to himself. And Andrew got books scavenged from a bookstore.
Once the rest of the gifts had been given, Sara started to fuss. Maxine and Paula excused themselves to put their daughter to bed and then go to sleep themselves. Everyone else stayed, chatting and laughing quietly long into the night. And for that night in Noah base, everything was peace and camaraderie.
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an excellent moment of ANGERY SAM!!!!!!
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