#n-sfw ish
animeomegas · 17 hours
Idk if requests are open, but how about a most to least for bondage (be it tame bondage like handcuffs, to extreme bondage with ropes, and the omega can barely even wiggle) for Shinso, Aizawa, and Hawks?
He can definitely enjoy being a rope bunny every now and then.
Shibari style is his favourite, both over his clothes and while he's naked.
You can suspend him in the air if you have a place in your house for that, you can tie him up so he can't move at all, you can do a lot of shibari with Shinsou.
He doesn't want it all the time, but it's a fun scene for when he has a weekend free, because it's so relaxing for him.
You should grab some lavender ropes to match his hair lol.
Hmm, he'd probably let you tie his hands above his head if you were in to it, maybe a few times a year, and on your birthday lol.
Mainly, he likes to be unrestrained.
Unless you're restraining him by pulling his hair, that's allowed and encouraged.
Handcuffs feel a bit ironic in a non-sexy, so that's a no go.
But he loves rough sex best when he's allowed to contribute to the roughness, so tying him up isn't his favourite thing.
I really debated on where to put Hawks.
Because I genuinely think if you could get him to feel safe, properly safe, he'd love to be tied up.
You could tie his hands and feet to the bed, you could do shibari on his wings, you could do a lot.
But getting him to feel safe enough for that is almost impossible. I think he's extremely anxious under his laissez-faire attitude. Even if he trusts you completely, he won't trust the people around him enough to be so vulnerable. What if someone breaks in and you can't get him free in time? That ruins it for him.
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kingkuru · 2 months
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The heart of the cards will not save you from the hand of Mr. Stern!
Art by Gairon on DA.
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redheartedtramp · 2 years
Ruby: Ooh, yes, that’s it. Rub that oil all over~
Ruby: Yeah, yeah, nice and gentle. Ooh, you’re going so slow. You’re such a tease.
Ruby: Fuck Jaune, speed up a little! You’re driving me crazy over here!
Jaune, polishing his sword: Okay, Ruby, I can’t tell if you’re looking at ME or Crocea Mors, and frankly, it’s making me uncomfortable.
Ruby: Look, Jaune, I have a weapon fetish. You knew this about me when we were at Beacon and nothing has changed.
Jaune: Ruby, this is my family’s sword. It’s been passed down from generation to generation of Arcs! It’s not some harlot like Crescent Rose!
Ruby: Okay, first of all, Crescent Rose is a classy lady. Second; so you’re telling me that this sword has been used by other hunky blondes throughout history?
Jaune: Yes. And my Great-Grandma, who inherited the sword since she had no brothers.
Ruby: That’s hot.
Jaune: RUBY!
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the-ghost-king · 7 months
I want that twink creamed
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phantompanties · 2 months
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Did no one ask for a Lucius tattoo map??? Because here you go! Uncensored version here:
And some bonus visual notes too bc i love u mwah
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mysebacielblog · 7 months
Tiny Naughty Sebaciel bedroom stuff headcanons below
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What’s interesting from quotes by Toboso is that for Sebastian, his gloves are like his “underwear” and for Ciel, it’s his eyepatch. I like that touch of seal intimacy.
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Because of obvious sexual trauma, Ciel is usually the one to initiate, but sometimes they go at it after both giving each other knowing looks or a heated argument. Ciel is also the one to top in the beginning until they both get comfortable with each other. But 100% has taken on Sebastian’s true form as a “Challenge”. Ciel hates intimacy of any kind on a normal day, and does not allow Sebastian to touch him (in a normal manner) without strict permission, but when he Does want something, it’s a 0 to 100 difference. This flip flop of sexual intimacy only gets worse at night after ptsd nightmares, when he can be clingy and affectionate, AND also hate the feeling of physical touch.
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Sebastian is (clearly) the more experienced one; however, playing with Ciel is an Entirely New Experience altogether. Orders that worked in the past can change on a whim, and there’s not much of a pattern or an instruction manual to unlock his little earl, which both frustrates and fascinates him all the same. His touches are always extremely soft, and deliberately delicate prodding until it infuriates Ciel. He can handle it! (He can’t). Similar to Finny, Sebastian learns thresholds of strength, which Ciel exhaustingly guides him through. The hunger doesn’t help much either, watching his master gasp for air. The craving of ending it so soon. Canonically, Sebastian abhors aiding his master after a sexual encounter with another human without sanitizing himself completely. Because of this, it might affect his behavior for a week. He’s learning also.
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shokupanda · 1 year
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im in shambles drowning in uni work so take this random drawing for now
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onelastfic · 4 days
Jun - Lust 3 & 9
3. is your muse vanilla, or are they kinky? if kinky, what are their top three kinks, and why do they like them? if vanilla, what position(s) does your muse have sex in?
I guess Jun would qualify as vanilla-kinky. Like he thinks he’s kinky but compared to Basteta and his friends, he’s pretty tame kink wise. Like even his top 3 kinks would be pretty tame. Top 3 being: Cosplay/Roleplay Sex, Dirty Talk (preferably praise), & Exhibitionism. Jun would probably try much more kinks, but that’s more because Baseta can be quite convincing. As for his favorite positions, he likes straddling positions (usually with Basteta on top) or positions where it’s easy to cuddle and kiss (he really likes cuddling/kissing). He might be vanilla but that doesn’t mean he’s ain’t delicious.
9. what was your muse's first time having sex like? who was it with, why did they choose that person, where did it take place, how old were they, and what happened?
Jun’s first time was with Basteta. As for where and when, I’m on the fence about that. One hand, I could see it happening some months after they officially start dating and even then Basteta waited for Jun to be ready (I mean, they probably did some ‘other stuff’ be doing the actual deed though). But on the other hand, I also see it happening as a more spur of the moment thing, like a big bad/world ending cataclysmic event and Jun doesn’t want to die a virgin. Either way, Basteta would be honored to be Jun’s first time and try to make it very, very rememberable.
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camelotfallen · 6 days
Does the mask stay on during sex?
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kingkuru · 2 months
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Comic commission from BadlyBeatenAguacate on DA.
Kitty runs late and ends up getting her butt busted by Mr. Stern.
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redheartedtramp · 2 years
Scenario: Jaune, Ruby, Nora, and Blake are playing Mario Party. And Jaune just made it to Boo. Everyone panics.
Jaune, in Last Place: Well, well, welly-well-well~ Look who has all the power now! No more pushing Jaune around today! So, who’s he stealing a star from?! *cursor lands on Blake*
Blake, in 2nd Place: Now look, Jaune. I-I know I’ve been leading the way in most of the Minigames. But you don’t want to steal from me. W-we’re pals. Buddy.
Jaune: *Finger slowly starts to fall*
Blake: Wait! R-remember today! At lunch! I gave you my chocolate pudding! I didn’t have to do that! I like pudding!
Jaune: ...Okay. You’re spared. For now. *cursor lowers to Nora*
Nora, in1st Place: Come on, Jaune~ We’re on the same team. Doesn’t that give your good friend Nora immunity?
Jaune: Well, you did beat me in that duel... *finger lowers*
Nora: Wait! Wait-wait-wait-wait! Remember on turn 4! I threw that 1v3 so you could get that star! 
Jaune: Oh, yeah. Alright, I do owe you one. *cursor lowers* Ruby?
Ruby, in 3rd: This is bull spit! Nora’s in 1st place!
Jaune: *finger lowers*
Ruby: Jaune, come on! What did I ever do to you?!
Jaune: You stole my stars!
Ruby: I mean recently!
Jaune: That WAS recently! *finger lowers further*
Ruby: *grabs Jaune’s leg* Jaune. If you don’t do this, I will suck your dick.
Jaune: EH?!
Blake: WOW! Desperate, much?
Nora: She’s playing hard ball!
Ruby: No cap. I will do it right now if you want me to. But I know I’m THIS close to winning and I need this star.
Jaune: ...
And so...
Congratulations, Jaune! You’re the Super Star!
Ruby: *crying on the floor*
Nora: Wow, Jaune-Jaune. I can’t believe you gave up a sloppy toppy from Rose just to win a game of Mario Party.
Jaune: I came to win, Nora.
Blake: (I bet Pyrrha sucks him off anyway..)
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stardust-3saders · 1 year
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My friends reminded me of the existence of these Ship Memes, so might as well share these here!
Info based in a post-SDC timeline.
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they-callme-ami · 3 months
Alright I'm finally at that stage of being broke and unable to hold down a job, and being 18+
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white-nolse · 4 months
Fluff hours are over, I need to see Lia getting her back blown out
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onelastfic · 2 months
Servant AU: Kitsune and Basteta Interactions
Kitsune reached out to pet Basteta on the head.
Basteta reacted instinctively, swatting his hand away with a hiss.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” She growled, her tail lashing behind her.
Undeterred, he reached out to pet her head.
Basteta hissed, swatting his hand away again with lightning speed. “Try to touch me again, and you’ll lose that hand.”
Kitsune chuckled, unfazed. “Such hostility. You know, a little affection might soften your punishment.”
Basteta narrowed her eyes. “I’ll never soften to you.”
Undeterred, Kitsune tried again a few moments later, aiming to stroke her ears. Again, Basteta slapped his hand away, her claws grazing his skin.
“You’re persistent.” Kitsune noted, more amused than offended. “But so am I.”
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NSFW–ish content below ⬇️
Basteta stood defiantly, arms crossed, as Kitsune inspected her work, paddle already in hand. He was revving up to use it too, considering it seemed his disobedient servant had purposely left a few tasks unfinished.
“You think this is acceptable?” Kitsune asked, his voice was calm, but his eyes were hard.
“Acceptable for a fuck boi prince who can’t even wipe his own as—AHHHHH?!”
Without a word, the shock collar activated, sending a jolt through Basteta’s body. She gritted her teeth, refusing to cry put at the intense waves of pleasure coursing down her body from the detested neckwear. When shocks finally subsided, Basteta panted as she tried to recover from the sensations.
“…goddamn fucking collar…”
"You never learn, do you?" Kitsune said, raising the paddle.
"Learn that you’re a perverted jackass with a twisted spank fetish?" Basteta scoffed. "Oh, I’ve learned that well."
Kitsune delivered a sharp smack to her backside, making Basteta grit her teeth.
"Then perhaps you need a refresher course. You’ll be cleaning the courtyard in a stress position today.” Kitsune declared. “On all fours, with that tail and your soon-to-be scorching rear end high in the air. Let everyone see what happens to disobedient servants.”
Basteta’s hands were tied behind her back to a post in the center of the courtyard. Her body trembling with rage and pain. Her rear end was on full display and still sore from the Kitsune’s latest spanking escapade, and she could barely move without wincing. Around her neck hung a sign: “I am a disobedient servant that doesn’t show her master proper respect.”
Villagers walked by, some snickering, some pitying, and some just stopping to laugh or point. Kitsune watched from a distance, satisfied.
“Enjoying the view?” Basteta called out, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
Kitsune approached, lifting her chin to meet his gaze.
“Quite.” He replied. “What about you, my dear? Enjoying the attention?”
“Got to hell, asswipe!” Basteta hissed.
Kitsune chuckled. “I’d be careful with those words. Hell might seem pleasant compared to what I have in store for you. Remember, this is your doing. Obey, and you won’t have to suffer such humiliation.”
“Maybe if ya weren’t such a twisted and sadistic bastard, I’d be more inclined to listen to ya.” Basteta spat, really wishing she could claw his face off.
Kitsune’s hand shot out, grasping one of her ears and twisting it. Basteta winced but didn’t cry out.
“Ah, ah, do be careful at minding your words. Pain is a good teacher.” Kitsune said, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “And I’m an excellent instructor.”
In the lavish ballroom of the castle, Kitsune reclined on a velvet chaise lounge, sipping wine. Basteta stood at his side, her posture rigid.
“Dance for me.” Kitsune ordered, gesturing to the open space before them.
Basteta scoffed, her eyes narrowing. “I don’t dance for tyrants, especially not asshole prince tyrants that take me as a fucking sex slave.” She replied icily.
Kitsune’s expression remained calm as he snapped his fingers, activating her shock collar. Basteta gasped as jolts of painful pleasure coursed through her body, forcing her to her knees.
“Dance.” Kitsune commanded. “Or face more than just the collar. I believe it’s been sometime since we’ve tried out the pillory and cane.”
Basteta hesitated for a moment, but with a sigh she rose to her feet. She began to move, her body reluctantly obeying the rhythms of an Egyptian-style belly dance. Each movement was sharp with defiance, yet she danced, knowing resistance would only bring more pain in the ass. Literally.
Basteta hissed, bound tightly, her knees pressing into the rigid and uncomfortable wood block. Kitsune placed another stone block on her legs, enjoying watching her squirm.
“Stealing knives again?” He asked, his tone mocking.
“I like to be prepared.” Basteta shot back, her voice strained as she tried to keep up a strong front.
“Prepared for what? Another failed escape?” Kitsune chuckled. “You’re not going anywhere.”
Basteta gritted her teeth, glaring up at him defiantly. She hated the feeling of helplessness, but she refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her break. “One day, I will. And when I do, ya ass is fucking grass.”
“Well, until then, you’ll stay right where I want you.” Kitsune leaned in close, pressing down on the stone blocks making her hiss. He straightened up, admiring his handiwork. “Better get comfy. You’ll be here for a while.”
Kitsune belongs to @kururu418
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kururu418 · 7 months
Favorite nsfw fic that isn't yours?
It took me forever to decide on this one lol.
I think I have to go with @princesscallyie's fic where Hody and Topaz go at it at the beach that time. Spicy and funny.
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