#n when we just got reacquainted...
metabolizemotions · 4 months
Every time an OG easter egg drops...
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This scene alone...
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avatar-anna · 10 months
Just a Taste
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i was feeling inspired and i missed the young dadrry universe. enjoy!
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader
"Harry Edward Styles, don't you touch that!"
Harry's hand paused on his way to a mixing bowl filled with royal icing, a guilty look on his face. He really thought he'd been quiet enough to sneak past her. "Come on, Mama. Just a little taste?"
Y/n pinned her husband with a stare until his hand backed away. He went over to where she was rolling out dough with a rolling pin, a mix of holiday themed cookie cutters scattered around her. Flour coated her hands and arms, and a little had found its way to her cheek. Harry quickly wiped it away as he came around, his arms circling around her waist as he kissed the spot her flour had been.
He continued to kiss her until a smile appeared on her face and she finally stopped what she was doing to rest her hands on top of his, which had been Harry's goal, of course. She'd been up before he was to bake cookies, and he was feeling thoroughly ignored.
"Don't think by distracting me you'll get what you want," Y/n said, her eyes fluttering closed as Harry continued to nuzzle her neck.
"Think I want something else now," he murmured. Harry reached beneath her sweater, splaying his fingers along her heated skin. He knew every inch of her by now, each and every place that was the most sensitive and would make her arch into him or sigh contentedly. He wanted to reacquaint himself upstairs while they had time. "Come on. Simone's down for her nap. We can sneak upstairs for a little while."
Y/n all but melted at the promise in his voice, but she held fast. "I have to get this done. I told my parents I would bring cookies to their party."
Ah, there it is, Harry thought.
This was the first time Y/n, Harry, and Simone would be spending Christmas with Y/n's family. For the last couple years they spent the holidays in London with his family, but her parents reached out for a chance to start over and make amends this year. Y/n hadn't wanted to accept, but Harry encouraged her to at least hear them out. It had been years since she'd seen them, and even though things had been rocky when she left home, he thought both her and her family deserved a chance to set things right.
Plus, who would be able to resist Simone? She was the most perfect kid on the planet. It would be impossible not to love her, let alone hold any resentment over her.
"Everything is going to be just fine, my love," Harry promised. "Why don't you tell me what's really going on?"
Harry felt her body slouch as she exhaled a long sigh. Y/n turned in the circle of his arms and came to rest against him. She didn't say anything for a while, just relaxed against him while she gathered her thoughts.
She smelled like cinnamon and sugar, and over the top of her head, he spotted the gingerbread cookies she made earlier cooling on racks on the stove. They were his favorites, and he couldn't wait to get his hands on a couple of the miniature gingerbread men she'd cut the cookies into. Y/n had a knack for baking that really only came out around the holidays. Harry never thought he'd had a sweet tooth, but he had a weak spot for his wife's baked goods, and if his schedule was slow she spoiled him and Simone with all kinds of sweets. It was enough to make him work out for weeks after the holidays.
Before his thoughts got too carried away, Harry looked back at Y/n. He tipped her head up so she had to look him in the eye. He kissed her nose once, then her forehead, then her lips, until a small smile appeared. "Talk to me, Mama."
She sighed again, but this time she spoke. "I just...I want them to know that I'm doing a good job, I want them to know I'm a good mom."
"What? Baby, you're a fantastic mum," Harry said, a frown marring his features. That's what this is about? "You don't need their stamp of approval, Y/n."
"I know, I know. It's just that we're raising Simone so differently to how I grew up, and that's fine she's a great kid," Y/n explained. "I just don't want to give them any ammunition to judge how we're living our lives, you know? Making memories around the holidays were huge for me growing up. Christmas cards, decorating the tree, cookies, matching sweaters, and I—I don't want them to think Simone is growing up without that. I—I know it's stupid, but—"
"It's not stupid if that's how you feel," Harry said, cupping her cheek. His eyes searched hers, trying to decide if there was more that she wasn't saying. He'd become quite good at reading her, and he decided there wasn't. "But I don't think Simone is missing out on anything. Do you?"
Y/n shook her head. "She's happy, right? I know we don't lead the most conventional lifestyle, but she's happy, isn't she?"
"I'd say so. And hey, conventional's overrated. Remember when Niall dressed up as Santa so we could have a family picture? Or when we brought a Christmas tree with us on tour so we could put Simone's presents under it?"
Y/n grinned at the memories. "Or when the boys covered for us so we could sneak out and go to a Christmas market."
"I don't remember that one," Harry said as his brow furrowed.
Stretching up onto her toes, Y/n kissed his cheek. "That's because we never actually made it to the Christmas market."
"That's right! Simone was in Liam's room, and we stayed in, and you were wearing that little red set with the bows—"
Y/n kissed him properly this time, her arms crossing around his neck to bring him closer. His skin was soft and freshly shaven, a preference of Y/n's as she brought her hands to his face, though Harry had been trying to grow a little facial hair during his time off. He probably could've stayed like that all day, but he knew there was work to be done, and Y/n would be upset with herself if her icing went to waste.
"Let's get these cookies done and then head upstairs, hm?" he said even as Y/n began to kiss up and down his neck and his hands slid past her waist.
"Then get your hands off my ass, Styles."
"As soon as you untangle yourself from me, L/n," he said.
When she finally did, Y/n's lips were swollen, and her hair was a little messy. But she looked relaxed, not as tense as she had been when Harry came downstairs.
"Where do you need me?" he asked her, going to the sink to wash his hands before slinging an apron over his neck. "I can help with the baking part. I did work in a bakery, you know."
"Don't get me started," she murmured before offering the rolling pin. "Cookie cutting or decorating?"
"Mm...cutting. And maybe we save some just for us and Simone to do later?"
Y/n's grin was as wide as he'd ever seen it, which practically melted his heart into a puddle of goo at his feet. "Yeah?"
"Course, Mama. Between us, our little tyke is bound to be a baking genius."
Y/n rolled her eyes and swatted him with the towel that had been over her shoulder. They got to work, music playing on speakers, but low enough to hear Simone through the baby monitor if she woke up. Harry stole glances at Y/n as she got to work decorating the gingerbread men. He knew she was nervous, but he was thrilled that everything was starting to fall into place. Harry was home now that the band was on hiatus, Y/n was starting to mend her relationship with her parents, and Simone was about to get everything she asked Santa for and then some. At four years old, she didn't ask for much, but she had lots of uncles who were eager for a reason to shower her with gifts.
To Harry, everything was perfect.
Or, nearly perfect. Once the last batch of cookies were cooling and Y/n had decorated enough gingerbread men to take to her parents' house, Harry hauled her upstairs. "I still have that cute little set that you love so much," she murmured as she hastily pulled off his shirt. Excitement zinged through Harry at the thought, but he was too eager.
"Next time," he promised, falling back against the pillows, decorative ones Y/n had bought the week before.
"How do you want me?" she asked him, crawling to his side to run a hand through his hair. When he didn't respond right away, her brow furrowed. "H? Am I losing you?"
"No, I'm trying to think how much time we have before we're inevitably interrupted," he said.
"And then we have to get ready," Y/n said with a sigh, flopping on the bed next to him so that they were shoulder to shoulder. "Kiss and cuddle?"
Harry grinned. "You read my mind, Mama."
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 7 months
My Favorite Pet
Tease Me (2)
BDSM Preformer!Fem!Reader! X subby! Wanda
Summary: You find yourself alone in bed, but that's okay because you can smell breakfast
Warnings: None! Here you all go have some fluffy morning after loving.
Word Count: 1,570
A/N: I promise pt 3 is going to be full of smut once more, but I wanted to explore their morning after.
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You woke up to the smell of bacon stretching out on your king sized bed. Your back is popping after a week of staying on Kate and Yelena’s couch. You fell asleep on the couch, right? Did Wanda move both of you in here?
You got up feeling cold from only wearing a tank top and shorts to bed, grabbing one of your throw blankets and making your way out to the kitchen to find Wanda there, swaying her hips to music as she made breakfast. You smirked and watched her for a moment before speaking up,
“Damn I could get used to this.” you startle her a bit with your voice, but she sees you smiling. You saw the blush on her face as you walked over, wrapping your arms around her waist and looking up.
“I tried waking you up earlier, but you refused so I figured I'd start making breakfast for you Mommy.” Her voice was so soft right now. You were an absolute menace to try and wake in the morning.
“You don't have to call me that outside of the club or the bedroom. Please just call me by my name.” you lean up on your tiptoes to kiss her.
“Are you sure? All my previous-” You cut her off before she can finish that sentence.
“Wanda. I'm sure.” you tell her putting emphasis on her name. “Outside those spaces you're Wanda and I'm Y/N. We are two people and not just our roles.” She simply nods and you kiss her again.
“Okay well Y/N I've made breakfast I hope you like bacon, eggs, and pancakes.” Wanda smiled and so did you.
“I love those things. I'll grab the juices and milk.” You untangled yourself from her grabbing out the pitchers for the two of you.
As the two of you sat and ate you talked about a lot of things and got to know each other better. Conversation with her seemed to flow easily between the two of you. You had never felt this way before. You were typically a guarded person especially after her though opening up didn’t even feel like you were. Instead it felt more like getting reacquainted with an old friend.
“So you have this place because of working at the club right?” Wanda asked looking around my spacious penthouse.
“Yeah Tasha helped me get it originally since it was close to the club and honestly I came from nothing. My parents were poor when I was a kid, but it was by choice. Neither of my parents wanted to work and didn't care that my brother and I were starving. I took care of my brother and raised him. He lived with me for a bit and still comes by, but he went off and became a businessman. He's climbed the ladder to almost being the CEO of the company he works for.” You’re reminded of just how different you and your brother turned out.
“You must be proud of him.” you smile, pushing around the little food left on your plate.
“I am. Sometimes I wonder if he feels the same about me.” You admit solemnly.
“I'm sure he understands that without you doing this he wouldn't have been able to be where he is. You paid for his college right?”
“Yeah through the fucking teeth…” you definitely didn't want to mention fucking the dean to get him in or lowering his tuition rates.
“Then I'm sure he understands. My brother on the other hand is just as bad as me. He creates, designs, and builds BDSM gear like beds and crosses and shit. He's really good at it and runs his own business with a couple of his buddies.” Wanda told you.
“Hmmm I'd love to meet him. I have a spare room I've always wanted to turn into a playroom.” Wanda blushed a scarlet red. You wanted to keep teasing her, but your phone was going off,
“Ughhhhhhhhh!” you picked it up quickly changing your tone, “Hi Tasha. You’re interrupting my breakfast so please make it quick.”
“Wow rude and here I thought you had a good night.” she responded, but you could tell she was smiling.
“Oh I did so good in fact it has continued into breakfast so again if you could make it quick.” I snip at her really not wanting to do this until later.
“Of course it has. Finally back on the horse I see. Well that’s good, anyways since you’re both there I expect to see you tonight.” you rolled your eyes.
“Of course you do. Were people asking for us?” you put the call on speaker.
“Of course they were. You two gave the best performance last night. You’re lucky I’m nice and let you keep all those tips. Most places would take some from you especially with how much you made last night.” you chuckled at her words. As tough as Tasha could be on you she was also soft; she knew you too good at this point.
“Well thank you Tasha for taking such good care of us. When will we be preforming tonight?”
“Opener and then a solo from each of you later in the night once aftercare is done let me know and we’ll work you in.” You could hear the sound of her typing in the background probably trying to figure out the schedule of performers for tonight.
“Okay Tasha. We’ll be there for 5.”
“Okay once your solos are done you’re free to go tonight because Friday I want you two to do multiple shows.” You groan a bit doing multiple shows was always hard for you. It takes a lot out of you to go from Dom to not to Dom again.
“Fine...” You replied reluctantly to your best friend. You knew she heard your tone, but chose not to call you out on it.
“Okay I’ll see you two tonight and I’m glad you found someone again Y/N/N.” You rolled your eyes. Trying to take the phone off speaker before Wanda could hear it.
“Yup kay bye.” You hung up, throwing your phone over onto the couch.
“What’s wrong Y/N?” Wanda asked concerned.
“Nothing amor. I just get frustrated sometimes. It’s not that I don’t like this job because I do. It’s the only thing I’ve ever known it’s just difficult for me sometimes. I have to get into the right headspace. Also I’m not going to lie doing more than one show in a night can be exhausting and I want to make sure you have a good time. I’ve just never been good with multi show nights.” Wanda reached across the table, holding your hand,
“Everything is going to work out fine because this time you’ll have me.” She was smiling, biting her lip as her nose scrunched up.
“You are absolutely beautiful amor. I am so lucky...” You let your words trail off. All Wanda is, is my stage partner, nothing more, and you feel yourself curl into yourself ever so slightly as you retract your hand.
You see her searching your face as to why you pulled away, “Sorry did I do or say something wrong?” Wanda asked and you felt a pit in your stomach.
“No, no meu amor. I just get stuck in my own head. I’m sorry. I have a lot going on with myself and sometimes I’m my own worst enemy. If I ever start pulling away just pull me back harder please?” Wanda is speechless for a moment. “I-if you want to that is you don’t-“ Wanda pushes aside her plate and then your own, climbing on the dining room table and making her way into your lap.
“I’ll pull you so deep you’ll be drowning in me and forget all your problems.” Wanda husked against your lips, making you lean up, chasing her lips for a kiss as she keeps pulling back until you’re whining,
“Wands...” You were pouting and looking up at her, “Please?” She smirked and finally let you kiss her, melting against her as you sighed into it. You needed this, you needed her. You need her? How are you so deep already? How did she do this to you?
“Hmmm?” You let your eyes flit open and look up at her.
“I’ve never met anyone like you, never had a partner like you. Before last night I thought everything I’d experienced with a Dom was normal...I don’t think...no I know I don’t ever want to go back to that. I know it’s a little forward of me, but would you please continue to be my dom as well as a partner I can rely on?” You reached up and cupped her cheeks.
“If we’re being forward then I’d like to answer your question with a question. I would like to be those things and more so would you be my girlfriend?” You ask, feeling so nervous until she crashes her lips into yours, her hips rolling against you, moaning out at the feeling as you grab her hips.
“Yes. Yes I’d love that.” She husks out against your lips and this is a moment you want to remember forever, every part of it. The sound of her voice, the faint smell of breakfast, her vanilla perfume, the way her lips taste and feel against you, the pressure of her hips and your nails digging into them.
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daydreaming-nerd · 3 months
Shadows and Sins (Ruhn Danaan x Reader)
Takes place pre HOFAS
My masterlist
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this for so long and guess what I GAVE HIM A BIKE HAHA biketok girls we ride at dawn. 
Summary: All is fair in love and war… (enemies to lovers inspired by House of Balloons by The Weeknd) 
Warnings: SA, intoxication, banter
Word count: 3981
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Prince, starborn, bad boy, party animal, loose cannon and playboy, those were the words typically used to describe Ruhn Danaan. 
Asshole, spoiled brat, antagonizing, vexing and unfortunately handsome…those were the words I used to describe my best friend's brother.
Ruhn came into my life about a year ago when I started working at the archives with his younger sister Bryce, who I became friends with almost instantly. He came in one day demanding to speak to Bryce and since I thought he was just some lovesick guy like all the others who came panting after the redhead I promptly told him off. It wasn’t until 30 minutes of fighting back and forth that Bryce returned from lunch with Hunt that I found out I was wrong, and the prince never let me live it down. 
Since then, we were like oil and water, order and chaos, and love and war. Though I suppose all was fair when it came to that. 
We fought whenever we saw one another, which was often since him and Bryce had become reacquainted. At first she hated our squabbling, but with Athalar’s calming presence in her life she had grown to use it as free entertainment. So when the bell over the door to archives rang and her laugh echoed subsequently I knew I was in for a fight… 
“Brought your wallet,” called the voice I dreaded to hear. “You gotta stop leaving it at my place.”
“Thanks Ruhn,” Bryce chirped, confirming the worst. 
Sure enough I turned around to find Ruhn Danaan waltzing in like he owned the place, which I sure he could if he wanted to, he was a prince after all not that you could ever tell. In all the fairytales I had read as a little girl the prince’s always wore fine tunics and rode on white horses. But Ruhn opted for a black t-shirt and a speed bike and unfortunately if he had been anyone but who he is I would’ve found that incredibly hot.
“I still don’t know why you insist upon hanging out with the rabble,” Ruhn said to Bryce leaning his forearms against the countertop. 
Bryce shoots her brother a look that begs him to behave himself for once in his life, and part of me thought I should be the bigger person and not fight back. But I wasn’t a bigger person-I was a petty bitch, and I’ll be damned if I let Ruhn Danaan come into my place of employment and talk smack to me. 
“It’s probably because she needs at least one acquaintance who doesn’t need someone to wipe his ass for him,” I said with a fake smile, continuing to polish the silver chalice in my hand.
Bryce snorts as she shoves her wallet into her purse. Both of us turn to her to find her trying to hide her giggle at my comment. 
I cross my arms over my chest giving Ruhn a self satisfied look and as usual he won’t let me win that easily. 
“Funny you should mention it. I've been looking for someone else who would wipe it for me. Interested? I’m sure you’d love the view,” he smirks that godsdammned lip ring making an appearance. 
“One of these days I’m going to rip that ring right out of your lip,” I growl bracing my arms on the counter like I might do it right now. 
“Oh the women of Crescent City would weep at the loss of my beloved lip ring, they do so love when it grazes their-” 
“That’s enough!” Bryce shouts pushing Ruhn towards the door. “I do not want to hear about your bedroom activities!” 
“Same here I just ate lunch!” I shout from behind the desk. 
“Please, you're begging for more images of me to get off to!” Ruhn shouts from the threshold of the door as Bryce continues to push him. 
“If I wanted to see mediocre fucking I’m sure there’s a website for it!” I holler as Bryce closes the door. 
I smirk and waggle my fingers at him as he bangs on the door. Once again I got the last word and oh boy did it feel good. 
Bryce didn’t walk away from the door until the revving of Ruhn’s bike could be heard taking off down the road. She turned to me with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. My lip twitched up in amusement and her scorned look broke as both of us roared with laughter.
“Okay I have to admit the ass wiping bit was pretty good,” she chortled, coming around to help me polish again. 
“You like that one? I’ve been saving it.” I laugh remembering the look on his face when his own sister laughed at him. 
“I still hate that you two fight, but at least it’s like getting my own comedy show now,” she shakes her head. 
We finish our polishing in peace, talking over last night's episode of Fangs and Bangs, and our raucous plans for tonight. It was friday, which meant girls night was happening at The White Raven. It was honestly my favorite day of the week, I looked forward to it more than I cared to admit. Society called us vicious party girls, but how bad were we really? 
“So I’ll meet you there at 10?” Bryce asks, locking up the shop. 
“Yeah what are you wearing though?” I ask rummaging through my bag for the key to the lock on my scooter.
“I was going to wear that red silk dress, you know the one Hunt tried to tear off me,” she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“Ooo someones playing dirty trying to get laid tonight,” I muse, if Bryce did one thing well it was ruffle Hunt’s feathers everytime he had to pick her up after a girls night. 
“Like I even have to try that hard anymore,” she laughs tucking the keys into her bag. 
“Oh how I wish I had a man to carry me home from the bar and dick me down afterwards,” I sigh with fake longing, though we both know I was telling the truth.
“Prince Charming is out there and who knows you might meet him tonight,” she smiles as she begins to walk towards her apartment. “Wear the black and silver dress!” she calls back. 
I shake my head and continue walking towards the other side of town. I hadn’t planned to wear the black and silver dress tonight but Bryce was never wrong about fashion, so black and silver it was. 
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The White Raven was alive and bouncing per usual. Couples coupling in dark corners, some drunk girls grinding on each other wearing bachelorette tiaras, men shouting at their friends to finish their beers. Among those rowdy men, Ruhn Danaan. 
He had kindly greeted Bryce and unkindly greeted me when he first arrived. Bryce promptly shooed him off letting him know that it was girls night and he said he’d rather chew glass than stick around. While he was across the bar it didn’t help with the awareness that he was there. 
Normally girls nights were carefree, Bryce and I might end up dancing on a bartop and of course they would call the Umbra Mortis to haul us over his shoulders. Sometimes we would kick Hunt out his own bed and force him to sleep on the couch so us girls could have a “sleep over”. 
Tonight was different. The last thing I needed was to commit some atrocious behavior that Ruhn could put in his arsenal of insults. I could already hear him jesting about how I made out with a lion shifter or fell over on the dancefloor. So Bryce and I stuck to sitting at the bar, sipping our drinks and talking shit like sophisticated women.  
Two drinks turned to four, and four turned to six. The colorful lights only made my head spin faster as I downed the rest of my drink. I looked to my right to find Bryce’s nearly untouched. Athalar had showed up about ten minutes ago after our bartender told him we were approaching being cut off. Of course the moment Bryce saw him all bet were off… she now stood with her tongue down his throat and he didn’t seem inclined to protest. Turns out she was right about that red dress. 
I roll my eyes and grab her martini and down it slamming it back on the bartop, not like she was going to need it.
“Bryce I’m heading out,” I say, putting my hand on her shoulder. 
She gave me a thumbs up as Hunt moved from her lips to her neck. I just shook my head and grabbed my purse. It wasn’t uncommon for me to go home alone, she had my location and we always kept tabs on one another.
The second I stood on my feet all the alcohol rushed to my head, and I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath to steady myself. I looked at my barstool and thought about sobering up, but the last thing I wanted to see was the mate makeout session, so I shook my head to try and clear my mind and sauntered out towards the door. 
The night air did little to sober me up, and my stilettos didn’t help with the wobbling. I pulled out my phone to try and find a ride home, but when the rideshare app quoted me $100 to go two miles I shoved my phone back in my purse with a huff and started walking towards my apartment. Like hell I was paying that for two miles.
My heels clicked on the pavement, echoing off the alley walls. Suddenly another pair of shoes echoed off the walls as well, not light and feminine steps, big clunky shoes. 
“Where are you going darling?” crooned a voice I didn’t recognize. 
I tried my best to pick up the pace, but the nature of my delicate shoes did little to give me any sort of advantage. My hands fumble with my purse trying to pull out the pepper spray Hunt got me for my birthday last year but those last two drinks were starting to catch up with me and my world was spinning. 
I feel a pair of hands grab my shoulders and slam me against the wall of the White Raven. My purse falls to the ground and I’m met with a pair of brown eyes. The guy had a backwards sunball hat and a blue shirt and he reeked of liquor. 
“Come on baby it’s not safe for pretty things like you to be out here,” he slurred, his body pressing closer to me. 
I cringe at the smell of his breath, “Get off of me creep!” I shout hoping that the alley isn’t that empty. 
My hands try to push him off but my intoxicated nature doesn't allow for much dexterity on my part.  
“Oh come on sweetheart don’t be that way,” he mumbled drunkenly, attaching his mouth to my neck. 
I try to push him off once more but I wobble, uneasy on my shoes. His hands fall from the small of my waist to the hem of my dress and I feel my blood run ice cold. 
“NO!” I shout scrumbling to get the sleeze off me. 
A hand grabs the back of the males collar and the sound of a fit making contact with his jaw reverberates through the alley as the male hits the ground. I stand shocked with my hands over my mouth as Ruhn Danaan shakes out the hand that delivered the punch and kicks the limp male. 
“You okay?” he asks nonchalantly, giving me a once over. 
I stand there still too stunned to speak, my eyes wandering from the male on the ground to Ruhn standing there with that damned black t-shirt clinging to his torso. 
He bends down to pick up my purse and shoves it into my arms. The gesture that finally breaks me out of shock. 
“T-thank you,” I mutter, still a little slow. 
“Where’s Bryce?” he asks looking around the alley, the sound of the club music inside still booming. 
I push myself off the wall stumbling a bit, “Inside sucking face with Athalar,” I slurr. 
“Thanks for the visual,” Ruhn purses his lips.
I straighten myself up and take a deep breath trying to act as sober as possible which probably was making me seem even more drunk, but I had to at least try. 
“Well thank you for uh…that,” I say gesturing towards the man still unconscious on the pavement. “I’ll see you around I guess.” 
I start wobbling down the alleyway once more, blinking my eyes rapidly to get my mind to clear and focus on walking home. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going princess?” he croons. 
Princess. Gods that fucking nickname. Most people would use it as a compliment or a pet name, but Ruhn knew how it drove me insane. He claimed I was just a spoiled princess one time and when I freaked out and yelled at him about it he proceeded to make that his nickname for me.
“I’m going home,” I sneer, trying to walk as best I can. 
“Like hell you’re walking home alone,” he growls, gripping my arm.
My eyes fly too the tattooed hand on my arm, and then up to those violet blue eyes that sparked with rage. 
“I do it all the time I’m fine,” I growl trying to rip my arm out of his grasp but I only succeed in making myself stumble more. 
He steadies me before speaking again, “Stop I’ll give you a ride,” he says motioning to his blacked out R1 parked in the alley. 
“I am not getting on that death trap with you after you’ve been drinking,” I scoff. 
“I’m not drunk, I don’t get drunk in public, it’s bad for appearances,” he says, irritation flitting across his unfairly handsome features. 
“Then how do I know you’re not going to dump me into Istros?” I sneer and the muscle in his jaw ticks and I can tell it’s taking everything in him not to fire back at me. 
“Because Bryce and I are finally on good terms and I’m pretty sure she would never forgive me if something happened to her best friend,” he explained, his words cold as ice. 
Maybe I was stupid, maybe I was drunk, maybe I was just cold and wanted to go home, but I actually believed him.
“Fine, let's go,” I say, walking towards his bike. 
I had to admit I always wanted to ride a motorcycle. Now riding on the back of Ruhn’s while I was drunk wasn’t exactly the time I wanted to do it, but I suppose beggars couldn’t be choosers. The bike was large and completely blacked out, if the moon hadn’t illuminated it just right I wouldn’t have been able to see it. 
Ruhn approaches the bike and starts the engine, every movement is like second nature to him. He takes the helmet off the seat and goes to put it on himself but then stops, turns to me, and punks it down on my head. The darkness of the visor mixed with the late hour making it impossible to see. I huff and flip it up, giving him a pointed glare. 
“I don’t have both helmets so this will have to do,” he says studying the way it fits me a little big. 
Tattooed fingers brush under my chin, tilting it up so he can buckle the strap for me. I would protest and say I’m capable of doing it myself but in my drunken state I’m not so sure. When he clips the buckle it pinches my skin for a moment and I yip.
“Ouch you pinched me!” I yelp smacking him in the arm. 
“Well if you stopped squirming I wouldn’t have pinched you,” he smirks, throwing his leg over the bike. “Now swing your leg over the bike and put your feet on these pegs,” he instructs me. 
I do as I’m told, using his broad shoulders as support as standing on one leg, drunk, in stilettos was never a good idea. Once I’m seated I keep my hands on his shoulders lightly and my bum on the edge of the seat, putting as much distance away from each other as possible. 
“You gotta hold on or you’ll fall off sweetheart,” he laughs, somehow finding humor in the precarious situation we’re in. 
“Yeah fucking right, like I’m going to wrap my arms around you like a little lovesick puppy,” I huff. “Just drive.” 
He shakes his head and revs the engine making the bike jerk forward. The momentum has my bum moving further into the seat and my arms instinctively wrapping around his middle, like I was afraid to fall off.
“There we go much better,” he smirks before revving the engine a couple of times. “Hold on tight princess.” 
I’m not given another warning before he speeds out onto the streets. Thankfully there aren’t a lot of cars and people out this late at night, but it doesn’t stop the crown prince from weaving around traffic that is there. He goes so fast I feel compelled to hold onto him with a deathgrip. 
By the time we pull up to my apartment my stomach is queasy. I swing my leg off the bike and nearly fall over until Ruhn catches my arms and hauls me up. 
“Woah there princess, maybe we better keep the helmet on, you’re a walking liability.” he laughs clearly enjoying seeing me in a vulnerable moment. 
“Take it off,” I grumble as I stand up straight again. 
He repeats the motion from earlier, tilting up my chin to help me take the damned thing off instead this time he ruffles my hair when he’s done. 
“You did pretty good for your first time as a backpack,” he smirks as I glare at him. 
I go to walk up my front steps and slip on my damned heels again, the ones that were definitely going to the back of the closet after this outing. Arm wraps under my shoulders and I feel Ruhn helping me up the steps to my second floor apartment. 
“You don’t have to do that, I can make it,” I grumble. 
“Trying to stay in Bryce’s good graces remember,” he says as I fumble with my keys.
My apartment wasn’t the nicest. It wasn’t a dump by any means, I did my best to keep it homey and clean, but it also wasn’t as nice as Bryce’s. Well I suppose Bryce and Hunt’s apartment now. God she was definitely having a better night than me. 
I walk inside and go to close the door but that damned tattooed hand stops me. 
“Not going to invite me in? That’s not very friendly,” Ruhn tuts walking right past me.
I scoff at him, walking in like he owns the place. Part of me wants to drag him out by his ear, but the logical part of me bends over to get myself out of these death trap shoes. I throw them across the room as punishment for their crimes tonight. 
When I walk further into my apartment I find Ruhn has completely made himself at home by grabbing a beer out of my refrigerator and cracking it open. 
“Are you serious?” I scoff walking to the sink across from him and getting myself a glass of water. 
“Consider it payment for the free ride home, I’ll take my thanks at any time you know?” he says smugly, taking another sip.
“Thank you for the ride,” I sigh. “Now will you please go?” 
He furrows his brows, “And waste a freshly opened beer? I don’t think so.” he says. 
I lean against the counter adjacent to him and sip my water. I can’t help but roll my eyes at the male. This was just like Ruhn, finding simple ways to get under my skin. I hated the fact that I liked the way he looked in my kitchen, black t-shirt in jeans, hair tied to the nape of his neck. 
Ruhn’s eyes flicker with amusement and then he chuckles, “I really do get under that delicate skin of yours don’t I princess?” he croons. 
“I told you. Don’t. Call. Me. Princess.” I snap at him, oh god if looks could kill. 
He pushes himself off  the counter, “Then stop fucking acting like one,”  he says low prowling forward with every step. 
The closer he gets the taller he looms. I know this little scare tactic, him trying to invade my space and make me feel small. It’s not like I have much of a choice either, not with the way my back is pressed into the counter. 
I can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or the expensive cologne pouring off him but there’s something about the way he’s looking at me that is so damn arousing. A fucked up part of me wanted him to stick his tongue down my throat but I quickly threw that thought away. 
He was mere inches away from me when I started to think he would do just that. My pulse raced and my thighs clenched. But when his arm reached up brushing the shell of my ear it just kept reaching until it came to the top shelf of my cabinets and plucked the bag of chips off the shelf. 
My shoulders sag as I realize he was just reaching for a snack to go with his beer, and I mentally cursed myself for hoping it would be more. 
He chuckles, opening the bag of chips and popping one into his mouth, not moving from where he stood just inches away from me. He clearly was loving this little power trip he was on. 
“You look disappointed, princess,” he chuckles, fishing another chip from the bag. 
I roll my eyes and look to the side, unable to meet the predatory gaze that almost had me throwing my moral code out the window just minutes ago. 
His hand drifts under my chin pulling my gaze to his as he takes a step forward again. 
“Did you think I was going to kiss you?” he asks low, his thumb and forefinger pinching my chin so I can’t look away. 
I swallow the lump in my throat. My logic screams to shove him, my alcohol induced brain says to kiss him and my mouth can’t find the words to speak. 
Ruhn smiles, lowering his head to me, “Maybe I should kiss you, it would be good to shut you up,” he laughs, voice gravely. 
His lips are so close to mine I can feel the warmth of his breath, I swear the cool metal of that damn lip ring brushes my mouth. My body leans forward of its own accord but then he reaches his other hand up and pops another chip in his mouth thoroughly running the moment.
“No I don’t think I will kiss you, even though it’s clear that you want me to,” he smiles, that damn knee wobbling smile he gives every woman to bring them to their knees. 
I stand in a state of shock as he back up to his side of the kitchen again, he plucks his keys off the counter and twirls them in his hand as he walks towards the front door. 
“Have a good night, princess,” he says on the way out, putting an emphasis on the name that drives me crazy. 
I’m left standing alone in my kitchen, glass of water long since forgotten and mouth agape. Ruhn Danaan almost just kissed me, and the fucked up part of it was I wanted him to.
part 2 coming... Lmk if you want to be on the taglist for this little mini series.
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always @crystalferret202, @batboyrhyrhy , @kennedy-brooke , @sunshineangel-reads , @lilah-asteria , @evergreenlark, @cheneyq, @readingislife2006, @tincanhat, @shadowofazriel, @tumblgirlie0210, @panther-girl-124, @callsigns-haze
(if you are on my permanent taglist and you don't want to be just let me know! I'm not offended!)
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buckyownsmylife · 11 months
don't - manager!henry cavill smut
The one where Henry is your much older manager, but that doesn’t stop you from falling for him.
Warnings: age gap, secret relationship, parents disapproval, smut, unprotected sex, celeb!reader
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Henry’s P.O.V.
I watched her from afar, the flashing lights not nearly as blinding as she could be. She was magnificent, but not because of the designer dress or the bling that she was always scared would be too much. It was all her. Her personality, her smile, the way her eyes shined brighter than anything under the sun. And when her eyes met mine after she was done posing for the pictures, I felt like time had stopped right then and there.
I should be so lucky.
She smiled at me, and I couldn’t help but think that this was unfair. Why was I so much older than her? Why did we have to meet in these circumstances? Why had I met someone so close to perfection, only to be unable to ever have her?
Those were ridiculous questions, I knew. Questions I’d never know the answer. And while sometimes the anger of having to stand so close to paradise without being able to live in it did consume my waking thoughts and recurring nightmares, most of the time I was able to live with that knowledge.
The knowledge that at least I could be near her. Touch her. Have her the way I wanted to. Even if it wasn't exactly that. It was something, at least. It was better than nothing. Having her was better than not being near her at all.
“You ready to go?” She asked when she approached me, and I swallowed down the lump in my throat to guide her through the sea of people in the direction of our seats. She hesitated for a second, looking in the direction of the exit, but came anyway. I knew what she was thinking and feeling - I’d known her long enough, intimately enough, to know that there was nothing that she despised more than this sort of event.
“It’ll be over soon,” I reminded her, even though it wasn’t necessarily the truth, simply because I couldn’t reach out and hold her hand like I wanted to actually comfort her. “We’ll be back home in no time.” When she looked up at me, I could see in her eyes that the words had elicited the same thoughts in her as they did in me.
Home. The place where we didn’t have to hide.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I took a deep breath when we were inside the house again and the door closed behind us, signaling the end of a long and tiring day. It felt like the first one I’d done in a long time, like I’d been deep underwater and only now was able to get back to the surface, reacquaint myself with the oxygen again.
It wasn’t all bad, I know, but it *was getting harder and harder to get through these things when I had him so close to me, but had to stop myself from reaching out and just hold his hand like I wanted to. The more in love I fell, the harder it was to remember that the world shouldn’t know about this feeling that had grown between us. It was difficult to believe that opening our relationship to outsider’s views wouldn’t simply maximize this feeling of peace that I only got when I was with him.
“Tell me the truth,” he started, and I already smiled, despite my somber mood. “Didn’t you have a good time, after all?” It had been a nice night, that remained true despite my tendency to focus on the bad. I’d even won a couple awards, and that always felt nice. Still, it hurt so much not to be able to thank him when I went up there, and I couldn’t recognize his role in my life for what it truly was - my inspiration, my love.
“Yes.” It was clear that my word hid a ‘but’. “I just wish everyone could know I’m yours.” It was then, and only then, that I turned around to meet his eyes. I don’t know what I expected to find there - probably understanding, maybe even resentment for finding himself stuck in this situation with me, but when pain was what I found in his beautiful eyes, my bottom lip started trembling.
“I owe you so much, Bear.” I’d been calling him that ever since we first started working together, when I was still a teenager with big dreams and no real understanding of how Hollywood worked. “I just wanted to be able to acknowledge that.”
He pulled me into his arms then, but instead of just holding me against his chest, like he usually did when he wanted to comfort me, his hands cradled my face and I instinctively raised to my tiptoes so he could lap into my mouth, tasting me for the first time in the evening. It felt so good to have his lips on mine again, it felt like a lifetime away when I was last able to kiss him. So I lost myself in the kiss, allowing him to take my hair out of the fancy bun so he could bury his fingers in my strands, curl them to pull me away from him and say, “You’re everything to me, darling. People knowing about it won’t change a thing. My smile is still for you and you only, just like I know yours is for me.”
My heart filled with love for the man in front of me. I let him pick me up, wrapping my legs around him as he took us to the bedroom we’d been sharing for so long, promising me that he’d “make me forget all about it.” 
And that’s when I remembered why we stayed together despite the hardships. I’d live through one thousand shitty days if it meant I’d get to have him like this at night, mine and only mine.
Our lips were still fused together when he deposited me by the foot of the bed, and I felt his fingers slowly unzip my dress until he could slip it off of me. “Let’s go to bed, baby.” I’d follow him anywhere if he just kept looking at me like that.
Henry’s P.O.V.
I couldn’t stop the small smile from spreading over my face as I watched her join me in bed, her body trembling with anticipation. She was always so eager, my little angel. It only made me feel more powerful, knowing how thoroughly she enjoyed it when I took care of her. 
And God, how I loved taking care of her. “You look so beautiful like this, my love,” I whispered as I cupped her face with one hand, guiding her to climb my body with the other. “You want me to fuck you?” By now she couldn’t speak, just whine. Her smaller body rubbed against my lower belly, her pussy betraying her desire as it slathered her wetness just over my stomach.
“Come here, let me give you what you need.” I easily adjusted her so she’d be hovering right over my cock before I pulled her down by her hips, a gasp escaping me as I felt her tightness slowly engulfing my hard member. Instinctively, my thumb found her nub, rubbing it in tight little circles so I could be sure she would find her pleasure before me. “Yeah, you like that, huh?” I teased when she whimpered, hips following my movement as she narrowed her eyes at me.
I raised my feet to the bed so I could have the leverage I needed to invert our positions, taking advantage of the space between her legs to stuff myself inside of her over and over again. I loved feeling her from the inside. I loved that I was the only one to have her like this, the only one who knew what made her fall apart and meet the heavens above. I’d spent the entire ceremony thinking about this moment and now that I had her, I wanted to appreciate every single sound that escaped her perfect lips.
It was bliss, having her like this, hearing her moans and being the cause for them. I knew just how to make her louder, I knew just what and how she liked it. Thinking back on how it had all started, I never expected to have the luck I now knew I possessed, being with her like this.
I came inside of her with a shudder. It was the sight of her fucked out face, her eyes hazy with bliss, and the knowledge that I was about to get her dirty with my seed that ultimately had me reaching my own orgasm.
“You’re mine, darling,” I assured her, pulling out to lay back on the bed and bring her to my chest. “I’d do anything for you.” And I knew she was aware of that. Her only response was to push away from my heartbeat to deposit a kiss on my lips - a passionate, breathtaking kiss, that left me with my eyes closed for a few seconds after we parted.
“I love you, Henry.”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I woke up with a familiar ache between my legs, the perfect mixture of sensitive and empty that had me filling myself with two fingers only to find the remnants of last night waiting for me. My heart pounded as I considered talking to Henry about stopping taking the pill. It was something that had been in my mind for a while and never failed to make me aroused, but I still hadn’t found the courage to address it with him.
Maybe today was the day.
Deciding to take a quick shower before finding something to eat - I was always starving when I woke up, considering all the exercise Henry made me do just before falling asleep - I quickly washed my body before throwing a simple dress over it, hopping downstairs to fix the both of us breakfast before he woke up.
That was how Henry found me in the kitchen, wearing only some sweatpants, his body still deliciously wet from his own shower when he pressed it against me to give me a quick kiss on the temple.
“Hmm… Good morning, honey,” I greeted after he parted, laughing lightly when he went back to press another peck on my lips.
“Any morning with you is a great one, my love.” My heartbeat raced out of control, still not used to hearing these sorts of comments from him, even after all this time together.
The food was ready, so I turned the stove off, fully prepared to plate it for the both of us, but before I could, two hands made their way to my hips, quickly spinning me around to meet his lips once more.
“Henry!” I jokingly admonished, laughter spilling from my lips whenever he let go just to come back for another kiss again. “Baby, the food is going to get cold…” He didn’t seem to mind, too preoccupied with stealing kisses from me. I was about to give up and pull him in for a deep one when the doorbell rang, startling me into jumping away from his embrace.
“Gosh, who could it be?” The answer came sooner than expected since instead of waiting for one of us to go get the door, keys were heard and then it was being opened by the visitors, who clearly had a way of entering my house, which could only meant one thing: they were my parents.
“Oh, no.” The words escaped my lips before I could reel them in, as I considered the situation my parents would find us: Henry without a shirt on as we made breakfast for the both of us.
“Good morning!” My mom greeted us before stopping by the threshold of the kitchen, her eyes skimming the scene in front of us, just as my father did the same. “Are we interrupting something?”
That was a heavy question because the truth was a resounding yes, they were. In all of the years Henry and I had been together, my parents had never even gotten close to finding out about us - I made sure of that. But the last few months, with the paparazzi shots and inquiring fans, even they had become a bit uncomfortable about my relationship with my manager, and I couldn’t blame them for questioning when I knew what was the truth.
I was in love with a man twice my age, and there was nothing I could do about it. There was nothing that I wished to do, except keep on loving him forever and ever, until my dying days.
“Sweetheart, we came here to congratulate you on your win last night…” My mother rushed to explain, but not before sending a weird look towards Henry and I. “But also to grab that jacket that you promised to let me borrow, remember?”
I did. I also knew this was nothing but an excuse to get me out of the room, but I didn’t know how to fight back. “Please, go grab it for me,” my mother insisted, and after sending one last look to my beloved, I did exactly as she told me to, feeling a heavy weight on my chest for having left Henry behind.
Henry’s P.O.V.
“Stay, Henry.” I had tried to escape after she left, even though it was rude to leave guests unattended, but we all knew where this was headed, and it was a shit storm I was not looking forward to face. “We’d like to talk to you.”
I nodded and waited, wondering which one of the two would be the first to break the apparent calm exterior they were working so hard to maintain.
It was him.
“How could you?” Punching the island, it was a surprise that Y/N didn’t run back at the sound that she surely heard. “That’s my baby, and you took advantage of her!”
“I did no such thing,” I rushed to defend myself. “She’s an adult, she can make her own decisions. Don’t diminish her intelligence by making it seem as if she can’t.” He shook her head vehemently at that, and I knew I wouldn’t get through to him. It was his daughter we were talking about, his baby.
“Mom, dad.” It was her, and she looked pissed. So I was right, she had heard the sound of him punching the island because she didn’t even have the jacket her mother had told her to go get.
“Yes, it’s true. Henry and I are together, and there’s nothing that you can do about it.” Her parents’ mouths opened in protest, but she shut them up by holding her hand up in a gesture of patience.
“No, you need to hear this.” We all remained silent as we waited for what she had to share, and my heart sped up in anxiety at the prospect of what was to come. “I owe him everything. He knows me better than anyone else. And I can’t stand the thought of you ever doubting his character.”
While her parents rushed to apologize, all I could do was stand there and stare admiringly at the woman that I loved, the woman who had defended me so fiercely to her own parents.
Too bad I wouldn’t be able to show her my appreciation tonight.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Henry? What are you doing here?” I whispered-yelled at the man who was climbing onto my bed as if my parents weren’t on the room next-door.
“I can’t sleep without your body on top of mine,” he explained, and how could I be mad at that? Relaxing against my sheets, I allowed him to move so he’d glue his body against mine, but I wasn’t counting on feeling his incredible hard-on pressed against my thigh.
The rush of lust that engulfed me was instantaneous, and I turned around to capture his lips in a kiss, all while I climbed onto his body so I could rub my cunt against his clothed member.
“Are you sure?” Was all he asked, always so in sync to me that we didn’t need more than a few words to know what the other wanted, so I nodded. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to walk in the morning, but it would be worth it.
“Shh… You’ll have to be quiet, baby,” he tried to quiet me down as he slipped inside of me, and I inhaled sharply, trying to get through the first bite of pain of being stretched so throughly.
“There you go…” He silenced my cries with a kiss, and it didn’t take long for us to meet bliss together, as I laid spent on his chest.
“Are they right?” He asked suddenly, cutting through the silence of the night.
“No.” My answer was instantaneous, and I pushed myself away from his chest so I could stare into his eyes as I spoke the next few words in my mind: “No one can love me like you.”
“Do you love me?” It was my turn to be insecure, even though I knew the answer to the question, and I was reminded of it by the smile in his face.
“You’re the only one for me,” he reassured me with a deep kiss that left me breathless, and I kept my eyes closed after we parted.
“I hate the thought of not waking up next to you tomorrow,” I admitted, knowing he’d have to sneak out after I was asleep. He clutched me tighter against his chest, brushing a kiss against my forehead.
“I hope you know, I’ll never let you go.” I nodded, almost asleep when he completed, “You do know you don’t owe me anything, right?”
“It’s thanks to you I found out what love is,” I quietly explained. “I owe you everything.”
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hockeylovee12 · 5 months
Crossing Enemy Lines
Chapter Two
Luke Hughes x Original Character
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Warnings: Cussing
A/N This chapter was updated on 04/11 to replace the photo and then improve the text. The story line remains there's just a few minor adds.
November 11th, 2023
The mid-morning sun filters through the curtains in Luke’s room, casting a gentle glow across his face, as he slowly stirs awake. 
His eyes flutter open and he immediately feels the dull throb of a slight headache. 
With a groan, Luke rolls over and buries his face into the soft pillow. He silently thanks the hockey gods that his coach-even if it was done reluctantly-gave the team the day off, allowing him to nurse his minor hangover in peace. 
Fumbling around on the nightstand, his long fingers finally find his phone. He squints at the screen, taking a moment to adjust to the brightness as he swipes through his notifications. 
A text from his brother Quinn catches his eye: Tough game last night bud. 
Luke sighs, remembering the bitter taste of defeat, his team suffered last night at the hands of their fucking rivals the Rangers. 
He makes a mental note to call Quinn later, and check in on how his game went, knowing the Vancouver Canucks played the reigning cup champs last night, but having no clue how it went. 
The next message is from his mom: Hi sweetie, Dad and I are so excited to see you and Jacky this weekend! How’s everything going? 
A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, as he types out a response to his mom indicating his excitement to see her too, before hitting send and returning to check the rest of his notifications. 
As he scrolls a text from an unknown number appears on his screen: Hey it’s Jordan. I had a great time tonight, let’s do it again :) 
Luke’s heart skips a beat as he reads through the message, and a flutter of excitement courses through his veins. Memories of the previous night flood his mind-the laughter, the easy conversation and the undeniable spark he felt between him and Jordan. His smile widens as he types out the response: I’d like that. 
Just as he hits the send button, the door to his room swings open and Jack strolls in, uninvited of course-a habit Luke has had to become reacquainted with since joining the Devils, and moving in with Jack. 
“What’s got you smiling so early in the morning?” Jack asks, his voice equal parts teasing and curious. 
Luke quickly locks his phone, trying to play it cool “Don’t worry about it,” he mumbles
But Jack, ever the perceptive older brother, narrows his eyes and in one swift motion snatches the phone from Luke’s grasp, ignoring his younger brother’s protests, as he types in his password. 
“Lets see what we have here” he says, a mischievous glint in his eye as he reads the text from Jordan “Ah is this the girl from last night?” 
Luke swiftly stands up and lunges towards Jack trying to grab his phone, but Jack holds him at arm's length. 
“Fine, yes, now give me back my phone” Luke grumbles, his cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance. 
“Not so fast,” Jack grins, his eyes still glued to the screen “You like her, don’t you?” 
Luke hesitates, his mind racing. He likes Jordan, he likes Jordan a lot. There’s something about her-about her laugh, about her smile, about her energy, the way she carries herself. As he ponders for a response, his phone beeps, signaling a new message. 
“She’s asking when you’re free” Jack informs him, his eyes scanning the screen. 
“Today?” Jack says, his fingers flying across the keyboard, to type out the very question he said aloud. 
“Wait. Jack don’t-” Luke tries to warn, but it’s too late. Jack hits send, a triumphant grin on his face. 
Luke finally manages to snatch his phone back, his heart pounding as he stares at the screen. 
Three little dots appear, then disappear, and for a moment Luke forgets how to breathe. 
Then, a white bubble pops up, with a single word that sends his pulse racing: Sure.
Jack leans over Luke’s shoulder, a smirk playing on his lips “You’re welcome” he says his tone equal parts smug and supportive. 
Luke playfully shoves Jack away, a genuine smile spreading across his face “Get out” he laughs, guiding his brother towards the door. 
As the door clicks shut behind Jack, Luke leans against it, his eyes fixated on his phone, as his smile widens. 
He quickly types out a message, asking where they should meet, and Jordan’s response comes almost immediately suggesting a cafe in New York City. 
Luke responds: Sounds good. How’s 1pm? 
Jordan replies: Works for me! I’ll send you the address. See you soon. 
With a grin Luke types out Looking forward to it, and sets his phone down, a flutter of anticipation rises in his chest as he thinks about seeing her again. 
He takes a deep breath, then pushes off the door, making his way to the bathroom, to start getting ready. 
Luke’s breath forms a cloud in the crisp New York air as he pushes open the door to the quaint cafe nestled on the corner of a bustling street. 
His heart races with anticipation as he scans the room for Jordan. 
He spots her at a table, her face lighting up with a smile, as she waves him over. 
“Hey” Luke greets her sliding into the seat across from her 
“Hi,” Jordan replies, her eyes sparkling. 
They order their drinks- an ice tea for Luke and a matcha latte for Jordan, before easily falling into a conversation.
“Oh before I forget,” Jordan says, reaching into her bag. She pulls out a well-worn paperback and hands it to Luke. “You asked me to recommend something for you and uh this is one of my all time favorites” She explains
Luke smiles, turning the book over in his hand, and looks at the title The Great Gatsby
“Thank you Jordan, that was really kind” Luke expresses 
“Well, you did promise me you’d actually read it” Jordan teases her eyes twinkling with mirth. 
Luke chuckles setting the book down on the table, “I’ll dive into it as soon as I can”
 They continue chatting, swapping stories and laughing at each other's jokes. They delve into various topics from their favorite movies, to their most embarrassing childhood memories.
"...and then I tripped, face-first into the cake," Jordan recounts, laughing at the memory. "My mom was horrified, but my brother couldn't stop laughing."
Luke chuckles, imagining a young Jordan covered in frosting. "Siblings, they never let you live anything down, do they?"
“Definitely not, do you have siblings?” 
“Ya I uh, I got two older brothers” Luke tells 
“Baby of the family?” Jordan teases. 
“Something like that” He jokes
“Don’t worry I’m the baby of mine too” She says, eliciting a laugh from Luke. 
They continue their conversation, shifting the topic to their favorite places. 
At one point their hands brush against one anothers on the table sending a jolt of electricity through both their bodies. Luke looks up, his eyes meeting Jordan’s, and for a moment the rest of the world fades away. 
They lean in, drawn to each other like magnets. Luke’s heart races as he inches closer, his gaze dropping to Jordan’s lips. 
And just as they're on the brink of sharing what would most likely be a magical kiss, the loud buzzing sound of a notification on Luke’s phone startles them both. 
Instinctively, he turns the phone face up, his brightness fully illuminated, and as he clears the random alert, his lock screen comes into view-a picture of him in his New Jersey Devils uniform, standing proudly on the ice. 
Jordan’s eyes widen as she catches a glimpse of the image, and her heart skips a beat. 
Luke notices her reaction and realizes his mistake. 
"Alright, um, I guess you kinda caught me," he admits sheepishly. "I'm not a student. I, uh, I play in the NHL."
Jordan is silent for a moment, processing this newfound information. Luke laughs nervously, trying to lighten the mood. "You know, most girls think it's pretty cool. Did you have a terrible experience with a hockey player or something? Promise not all of us are the same."
Jordan hesitates before speaking. "You play for the Devils?"
"Yeah," Luke confirms, studying her reaction.
"Don't tell me you hate hockey?" He somewhat jokes, hoping to god and beyond her answer isn't yes cus that's the biggest deal breaker in the world. 
Jordan hesitates, her expression unreadable. "No I um, I don't hate. My, uh, my brother plays," she reveals, her voice soft.
Luke's brows furrowed in confusion. "Oh, cool. In the NHL?"
"Yeah," Jordan sighs.
"Who's your brother?" Luke asks, curiosity getting the better of him.
"Jacob Trouba."
Luke's jaw drops, his eyes widening in shock. "Your brother is Jacob Trouba?!" he exclaims, a hint of anger creeping into his voice.
"Guilty," Jordan half-jokes, trying to diffuse the tension.
Luke runs his hands through his hair, muttering under his breath, "What the fuck."
Jordan bristles at his reaction. "Hey, it doesn't really change anything."
"Are you kidding me?" Luke scoffs, his frustration mounting.
"What?" Jordan challenges, her own irritation rising to the surface.
"Your brother is the captain of the Rangers, and I'm a Devil," Luke points out, as if it should be obvious.
Jordan laughs, but there's an edge to it. "So?"
"So? What do you mean, 'so'?" Luke asks incredulously.
"What does it change?" Jordan counters, her eyes narrowing.
"Wh-what? Everything!" Luke sputters. "Why didn't you mention this?"
Jordan's face hardens. "Are you kidding me? I didn't mention my last name because I had no fucking clue you gave a shit about hockey. In case you forgot, you told me you were a college student. Failed to mention you're actually in the fucking NHL."
Luke tries to defend himself. "Yeah, but that's different. I didn't tell you cus I figured you be some kinda fan girl, which by the way would be a hell of a lot better than you being the sister to the captain of my biggest rival" 
Jordan lets out a harsh laugh, "Rival? Oh My God! Are you serious? Do you hear how ridiculous you sound?" 
"It's not ridiculous" Luke claims
Jordan scoffs "You're right it's not ridiculous, it's just fucking comical" She stands abruptly, grabbing her purse "Grow the fuck up, Luke" 
With that, she turns on her heel and storms out of the cafe, leaving Luke sitting there, stunned. 
The copy of The Great Gatsby still lies on the table, a painful reminder of the moment that had slipped away.
With a heavy sigh, Luke stands, tossing a few bills on the table to cover their drinks and picks up the book, scoffing at the irony of it all, as he walks towards the exit of the cafe, and steps back out onto the bustling streets of New York, a scowl plastered across his face, at the unfortunate turn of events. 
Luke returns to his and Jack’s apartment, his mood sour and his thoughts consumed by the disastrous end to his date with Jordan.
As he enters the living room, he finds Jack sitting on the couch, his phone propped up in front of him. The familiar voice of Quinn filters through the speaker, indicating that they're in the middle of a FaceTime call.
Jack looks up, a smirk playing on his lips. "Hey, Lukey! How'd the date go?"
"Shut up," Luke grumbles, plopping down on the couch beside Jack.
Quinn's voice chimes in, concern evident in his tone. "What's wrong, Luke?"
Luke sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Just didn't go well," he says vaguely, not wanting to delve into the details.
Jack and Quinn exchange a glance through the screen, their brotherly instincts kicking in. "Come on, man," Jack prods gently. "Talk to us."
Luke shakes his head, his gaze fixed on the floor. "It's not gonna work out, that's all."
"Why not?" Quinn asks, his brow furrowed.
"Just... not going to," Luke responds, his tone indicating that he doesn't want to discuss it further.
Jack and Quinn sense Luke's reluctance and decide not to push the matter. "Alright, bud," Quinn says, his voice sympathetic. "I'm sorry, but maybe things will still work out?"
"Not gonna happen" Luke mumbles, anger creeping into his voice. 
Jack leans back on the couch, trying to lighten the mood. "It's probably for the best, come on, man. You don't gotta be hung up on some random girl when we're trying to win a Cup."
Luke nods, forcing a small smile. "Yeah." He stands up, stretching his arms above his head. "I'm gonna go lay down for a bit."
"Okay," Jack says, understanding in his eyes. "We'll be here if you need us."
Luke makes his way to his room, and decides to take a shower, hoping the hot water will help clear his head.
As the steam fills the bathroom, Luke's internal monologue takes over. He knows he doesn't need to be in a relationship, but the idea of having someone by his side isn't entirely unappealing.
His thoughts drift to his past relationships, or lack thereof. It seems like everyone around him has someone - Quinn with his girlfriend, Jack with his rotating roster of dates. But for Luke, finding a genuine connection has always been a struggle.
The last real relationship he had was back at Michigan, and even that ended in heartbreak when he discovered the girl was only using him for his family name. But now, with Jordan, he thought he'd finally found something real, something special and the fucking irony that for once it wasn’t his last name that ruined something, it’s stupid, it’s fucking stupid. 
As he steps out of the shower and changes into comfortable clothes, Luke can't shake the feeling of loneliness that settles in his chest. He lies in bed, scrolling aimlessly through his phone, trying to distract himself from the ache in his heart. 
It doesn’t work, he tosses his phone to the side, staring at the paperback book he threw on his nightstand. 
Suddenly, his phone buzzes with a notification. For a brief, hopeful moment, he thinks it might be Jordan, reaching out to apologize or explain. But instead, it's a message in the Devils' group chat,
Reminder practice tomorrow 9 AM. 
Luke groans, his disappointment palpable as he tosses his phone onto the nightstand and buries his head in his pillow.
A/N Part 3 coming soon
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close to home | chapter twenty nine
close to home | chapter twenty nine
plot: the reader and Daryl keep watch overnight
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 1,604 Warnings: violence, blood, typical twd A/N: thank you for reading!!!
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Getting out of Georgia was easy, but the trip started getting slower as you had to keep stopping to move cars out of the way or recline the seats and hide from a passing herd. It was nearing evening, and you were only a quarter of the way into the trip. 
Rick must’ve pulled over because the van did, and then so did Daryl. You were sitting up front with him now. You were driving a few hours ago before Daryl took over. 
“I’ll go see what he wants,” You said, getting out of the car. You jogged over to where Rick stood by the van, talking with Abraham. “What’s going on?”
“It’s going to be dark soon. I don’t like the idea of driving around in the dark. I think we should get off the highway, stretch our legs. But we’re not familiar with the area. I think it’s a good idea to sleep in the cars tonight.” Rick said. 
“There enough room in the van for you guys?” You asked the redhead. 
“Yeah, half of them slept the whole way anyway,” Abraham said. “I like the plan. Let’s get a move on, don’t need our asses hanging out in the breeze.”
You chuckled as you walked back to the SUV, looking for walkers on the highway before climbing into the car. “Rick wants to stop for the night off the highway. He wants us to hold up in the cars tonight. He doesn’t know the area and would rather us all be safe and tucked away. How sweet.” You joked.
Rick led the line off the highway and into an underpass, where a decent amount of wrecked cars were just sitting there. Daryl drove the SUV into one of the wrecks, so it didn’t stand out. You grabbed your belongings as everyone unloaded from the car. 
“Wait, Daryl,” You said as he started to get out of the car. Everyone else had left already. “Don’t go hunting tonight.”
You looked at where most of the group was, all talking and stretching their legs. “It’s just, we don’t know where we are, really. And if something happens, we have to leave, and you’re not here…” You trailed off. 
“We need the food,” Daryl said, looking at you in confusion. 
You closed your eyes momentarily and tried to push away your anxiety. “Please, Daryl. For me. Please.”
Slowly he nodded, and you thanked him with a nod before you both joined the group. Carl was getting reacquainted with Tora, who wanted nothing more than to be put down so she could go about her business. 
“Alright, guys,” Rick said, and everyone stopped talking. “We’re in unfamiliar territory. We can’t afford anyone getting split from the group. I know it’s gonna be uncomfortable, but I’d like to ask you all to sleep in the cars tonight. If something happens, I wanna be able to hit the road. I want each car to have a watch rotation going. We’ll park ‘em right next to each other so we can see. Work out the rotation amongst your cars. But for now, let’s stretch our legs, eat some food and enjoy the fresh air before we go to sleep.”
The group moved to the grassy area beside the underpass to set up a fire and get dinner going. You, Sasha, and Tyreese got to work while Carol and Michonne did a quick loop around the area to make sure it was decently safe. 
You kept an eye on Daryl to make sure he wasn’t going to sneak off. But he kept his word and stuck by Rick, talking in hushed voices about whatever it is they talk about. 
After eating, you and Carl played with Tora for a while to make sure she was getting her energy out. When the sun was nearly set, and Rick started nagging everyone to get in the cars, Carl begged you to let him take Tora for the night. You were hesitant, but you knew how much the kid loved the cat, and you couldn’t say no to him. So you made sure he understood that he didn’t let her out until the sun rose, to which he readily agreed. 
Once in the car for the night, you all discussed how you wanted to do watch rotations. You all decided to do it in pairs of two since you thought it was safer. Glenn and Maggie would take the first watch, then you and Daryl, and then Carol and Noah. You managed to score the back seat and got it to recline decently, so Carol and Noah could do the same. 
Too soon, Maggie was waking the two of you up for your watch. You yawned as you fixed the seat and shook your head awake. It was pitch black outside, which kind of gave you the creeps. Being under the underpass didn’t help. But this provided cover, and it would be safer in the event of something happening. 
Looking out your window, you could barely see Rick and Abraham’s cars. You knew they were there, but it still crept you out. 
You and Daryl were on watch for about four hours, and it felt like it would stretch on for eternity. The car was a bit warm but had cooled down considerably, and it was so dark you could barely make out Glenn and Maggie in the front. 
“This is really creepy,” You whispered to Daryl, pressing your face against the back window and making out a few shapes. 
“Ya fine,” He replied, his voice just as low as yours. 
You sighed through your nose and pulled your legs up. You weren’t sure how much time had passed; you were pretty confident that the clock on the dashboard wasn’t correct. It must’ve been about an hour or so of silence. You kept yourself amused by having fake arguments with Abraham, imagining everything you wished you’d said to him back when you were on the road to D.C.
Your eyes started to close just as you felt something thud against the car. You jumped slightly and scootched closer to Daryl, who was looking out the window.
“You see anything?” You whispered.
“Just a walker by itself,” Daryl whispered. “Wait, hold on…”
Your fingers twitched with anxiety, and you moved closer, so your knee bumped against his. “What is it?”
He didn’t respond, and you grew impatient, so you quietly moved so you were kneeling on the seat, and you leaned over his lap to look out the window too. It took your eyes a few seconds to adjust to the darkness outside the car, and you could spot two figures walking toward the cars. You couldn’t tell who or what they were, but when you heard a silencer go off and the sound of the walker dropping, you knew they were alive. 
You weren’t sure why you were feeling so scared. You hadn’t been scared like this since the beginning, but something about the group being split up into three cars and unable to see anything had your hands shaking. The past week had been hell, and you just wanted a break. Your anxiety was starting to get the better of you. 
“Daryl,” You whispered so low you weren’t even sure he heard you. 
“‘S okay, (Y/N),” He said just as quietly. 
You thanked God the back windows of the SUV were so tinted, and it was too dark to see anything through the front windows anyway. Still, your hands shook as you watched the two figures get closer and closer to the car. 
“Come on, we’re almost there,” One of them said. It was a man.
“I told you we should have found someplace to hold up for the night,” The other said; it was a man. 
“We’re almost at the safe house. Just another mile or so,”
“We should just hold up in one of these cars or something,”
Your breath hitched, and you tried to steady it. You felt a hand on your back, and you glanced at Daryl, who was focused on looking out the window. 
“Nah, I wanna get these meds back to Lily. The fever’s been kicking her ass. Come on, man, we’re fine.”
You watched as they started walking away, and when their figures fully disappeared you sighed with relief. You weren’t sure who from the other cars heard the two guys, but you knew they had to. You wondered if they were as worried as you. 
You sat back and let out another shaky breath. Your stomach was anxious, and you shivered a bit. But Daryl’s hand was still placed squarely on your back, and the heat from it made you warm up. 
“You okay?” He asked. 
You glanced over at him and realized how close you two were. His face was only a few inches from yours. You couldn’t distinguish his features well in the dark, but he was there. It was probably the closest you’d ever been to his face, and your heart started beating quickly. Your mouth was dry, and you felt your fingers twitch. 
“Yeah, sorry,” You finally whispered and moved back. His hand dropped from your back as you sat down. You took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then you grabbed your water bottle and took a small sip. 
“There a lot of us,” Daryl reminded you, “You’re safe.”
You tried your best to believe his words. 
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threelionsgirl · 8 months
may i request a Jadon Sancho story please! where he’s hanging out with his friends 1 night but you text that you miss him and so he ditches them and they clown him for it 😭 he comes to pick you up and there’s a sweet reunion kiss/cuddle in the car :’)
i miss u | jadon sancho
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warnings: none, just fluffy!!
word count: 601
notes: hope u like!! sorry for the bad title, I was out of ideas 🫠
masterlist | for now, requests are open!
It was a busy night when Jadon Sancho went out with his friends, laughing loudly amidst the excitement of the city. After returning to Dortmund, all he wanted to do was get reacquainted with the city he had lived in for a while and get to know his new clubmates better.
Meanwhile, you were at home, missing him, and decided to send him a message full of nostalgia:
y/n: "I miss you love 😔❤️".
It had been three days since you last saw each other, but for you it seemed like an eternity. You understood that he needed time off to go out with his friends, and that was fine with you, but that didn't stop you from missing and being affectionate with your boyfriend.
When he received the message, Jadon turned away from his friends, concentrating on his cell phone to answer you. He always replied on time when he wasn't busy with games and training.
jadon: I can't wait to see you again, do you want me to pick you up?
y/n: ah no need jad, you're with your friends I don't want to get in the way
jadon: you're not in the way y/n, I love my friends but your company always makes any place better for me
Y/N could swear she felt her heart melt. She was so lucky to have him as her boyfriend.
Jadon's distraction caught the attention of his friends who began to ridicule him. "Hey, Jadon, looks like Y/N's getting some attention, huh?" teased one of his friends with a mischievous grin.
Ignoring the jokes, Jadon replied: "You know how it is, when the right person calls, we answer." He turned away from the group and headed towards where you were.
Jadon parked in front of your house and flashed his headlights as it was always empty. You went downstairs and ran quickly to his car. As you approached, he opened the driver's door with the clear intention that this was where Y/N should enter. She got the message, got into the car and snuggled into his lap. Jadon closed the door and turned on the radio and the car's heating, making the atmosphere perfect. He turned to you, his eyes reflecting affection, wrapped his arms around your waist and you wasted no time in grabbing the back of his neck and giving him a kiss. As you looked at him, you noticed the sympathetic look in his eyes and, before you could say anything, Jadon smiled and said: "I've been missing you too."
"You're so cute!"
"You're the cute one." He said, giving you an Eskimo kiss and you laughed. Jadon stroked your hair and you hugged him tighter. All the time in the world wouldn't be enough to make her miss you.
"Do you want me to hold you closer?" He laughed when you squeezed him a little tighter. Jadon ran his hands up your back, caressing you lovingly.
"No that's not it, ugh-I just want to curl up inside you. Is that weird?"
"A little, but I don't mind at all."
"The fact that you love me even though I'm weird makes me love you even more."
"You're my weirdo and I love you anyway." She smiled and moved closer to kiss him again. No matter where they were going, they could always look forward to those moments and the affection they shared in the car.
As Jadon drove through the illuminated city, the conversation between you flowed with laughter and confidences. The tension of your friends' mockery disappeared completely.
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abbatoirablaze · 10 months
Sealed, Steve Rogers
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings:  sexual tension, slight angst, mentions of fighting, underage drinking, dubcon/noncon relationship.
Part 2 of 3.
Part 1, Signed
Part 3, Delivered
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“My god, you’ve grown so much, (Y/N),” your future mother-in-law cooed as she pulled you into a hug.  You gave Mrs. Rogers a small, albeit forced smile as you pulled away and she got another look at you.  She reached out and stroked your cheek, “my god, I remember when you were just a little girl.  Barely knee high and going at it with Stevie like cats and dogs.  Now look at you!  You look like a refined young woman…”
“Yeah…it has been a while…”
“Been a while,” she giggled, pulling away from you, “been a while might have been a holiday or two…I haven’t seen you since your mother squirreled you and your sisters away from sight when you hit the end of fourth grade.”
You gave another forced smile, “yeah…I’m sorry.  I-I would have called…or written, but I-I didn’t have anyone’s numbers memorized.  A-and, well…mum thought it was best that I focus on school.  She always said a good education helps all.”
“It’s okay sweetie,” she smiled softly, “we understand…Steve’s sister just got married to that Parker boy…sweetest little couple you’ve ever seen…you’ll see them at the reception at the end of the week.  They’re still finishing their honeymoon.”
Your eyes widened, “oh no…I-I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to interr-“
“Oh, you’re not interrupting anything,” she laughed, “we insisted on Peter taking her on a nice little honeymoon to one of our villas in Milan.  They get back from there in about a day or so, so they’ll have plenty of time to unwind before your nuptials…”
“Sarah…maybe we let (Y/N) get reacquainted with everyone…I don’t believe she’s gotten to say hello to her father yet…have you dear?”
“Oh…uhm no,” you admitted sadly, the smallest of frowns crossing your lips, “I-I haven’t seen daddy yet.”
“He’s in his office,” she smiled as she looped her arm through Mrs. Rogers, “go say hello to him and pull him from whatever he’s doing in there.  He should be out here…enjoying the party.  It is your homecoming after all…and soon you’ll be a Rogers and not a Barnes.  All of you should be mingling…it’s your graduation and engagement party after all…”
“I still don’t see why we couldn’t do two separate parties,” Mrs. Rogers sighed as she gave you a soft look, “the girl should be celebrating all of her accomplishments…a party for graduating high school, and a party for becoming officially engaged to my Stevie.  I keep telling you Winnifred this all feels too cluttered…you should have let me plan at least one of the parties…allow me to showcase our home...”
“You’re too kind, Mrs. Rogers,” you offered, giving your mom an out as you put a hand on her arm, “I’m perfectly fine with just the one party.  Two parties so close to the wedding would have made it seem forced, wouldn’t it?”
She gave you a firm smile, “perhaps you’re right, sweetheart…you know, you always were a wise one, well before your time.  And how many times do I have to remind you, it’s mom…you’re practically our daughter as it is, (Y/N).  Lord knows Stevie’s been in love with you since the two of you were little…call me mom, sweetie…”
She chirped excitedly to your mother, cooing at how you calling her mom as well felt ‘all too right.’
Meanwhile, you rolled your eyes as you started back to the house, promising both mob wives that you would go to find your father, while ignoring the rest of the party goers and well-wishers. 
You barely had an idea on who many of them were, only knowing that they were associated with one of the five families, and here to ‘strengthen ties.’ 
It sickened you to your stomach. 
Everything was done to ‘strengthen ties,’ while they bickered behind closed doors and made stomach-turning deals.  All of them wearing faux masks of happiness to see one another, when they would all too quickly stab one another in the back for a chance on a higher rung.  But that was the nature of the beast.  One that you’d become all too accustomed to. 
You were glad when your parents sent you off to finishing school back in London.  You didn’t have to deal with anyone and could just blend in without having to be a Barnes, or the future Mrs. Rogers.
“Champagne, miss?”
You smiled politely, holding a glass in each hand.  When he gave you a look, you shrugged, “going to take one to my fiancé…or father.  Whomever I can find first I suppose.”
He gave a nod, one that said that he didn’t believe you, but he didn’t question it as he turned on his heel and went back to the main part of the party.  When he was out of sight, you downed the first.  Feeling the crisp, dry bite of the champagne, you rounded the corner and took the other, as though it was a shot yet again. 
A shiver ran down your spine as the warmth from the alcohol filled your belly.  You placed the two empty glasses along a desk sitting in the entryway. 
Sighing, you noticed that your father’s study door was closed.
It was always business with him. 
But stepping forward you could hear voices behind the heavy wooden door.  You frowned when you couldn’t recognize the one that was speaking, nor make out any words that he’d been saying.  But a roar of laughter made you pause from knocking. 
You recognized the melodic laugh of your brother, despite not seeing him since you were ten. 
“You gotta stop getting into fights, punk,” the thirteen-year-old chuckled as he ruffled the sandy blonde hair of his best friend, “you’re twelve and nearly losing to a eight year old.”
“He was nine,” Steve grumbled, shooing his friend’s hand away, “and anyways…I didn’t need your help, Buck.  I’m Steve Rogers.  The heir to the Itali-“
“You’re the heir of every ass-kicking from here to the Bronx with how you go picking fights…” Bucky replied sternly, his laughter fading away, “come on man…I shouldn’t have to rescue you from a little kid…all I wanted to do was enjoy my book and-”
“He was annoying (Y/N).”
Bucky gave you a small frown and you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your eight-year-old chest, “he wasn’t annoying me nearly as much as you were, Rogers…”
Steve’s nostrils flared, “you know…I did it to help you, (Y/N)!  I did it because I was standing up for my wif-“
“Don’t you dare say it, Steven Grant Rogers!” You growled, cutting the older boy off as you wagged your finger in his face, “don’t you dare!  I am not your wife!”
“But (Y/N), you are going to be it one day!” he said quickly, “you’re going to be my wife!  And I’m going to burn down the world for you…or at least anyone that gets in your way.”
“You’re in my way,” you growled, “you’re always in my  way.  News flash, Steve…I don’t need you lurking around every corner waiting to be chivalrous.  I don’t want it!”
“But (Y/N) I’m doing it because I love you,” he simpered, attempting to take your hand in his own, “I-
You sneered, your face scrunching up at the words as you ripped your hand from his, “stop it, Steve!  I will never be your wife…because you won’t make it to adulthood.  You won’t ever be anything other than a scrawny little twerp who can’t fight his own battles let alone the ones you pick over me…and you’re gonna get Bucky hurt…just like the last time.”
Steve frowned as he turned to look at his best friend.  Bucky nervously pulled the sleeve down so that his cybernetic arm was covered by the sweater, “(Y/N)…”
You looked at your older brother, still angry over the accident that Steve caused years ago when he and Bucky first became friends.
“I-It was an accident, my lo-“
“I’m not your anything, Steve!” you spat, glaring at the young man, “now go away!”
Bucky took a step forward, “(Y/N), that’s enough.  Steve was being a good fiancé and looking out for you.  And right now, you’re being a spoiled brat and pushing people’s buttons.”
“You had to come save his butt!”
“Yeah…and he saved yours…it’s what family does for one another…” Bucky growled, defending his friend, “family makes sure that they’re safe and sound.  That they-“
“Then why did he let you lose your arm, huh Bucky?”
You were snapped from your thoughts, and you noticed that the door to your father’s study was open, and man just inside the door, holding it open was none other than your big brother.  You felt a bit of pride in your stomach as you launched yourself at him, “BUCKY!”
“Pipsqueak!” Bucky exclaimed happily as he easily lifted you from the ground, “What are you doing in here?  You’re supposed to be out there enjoying your party!”
“Ughh, gag me with a spoon!” you groaned, “last thing I want is another snotty person from one of the families telling me congrats.  I wanted to see you, robo-boy!”
“(Y/N)” your father scolded as he stood from his desk.  Your heart melted as you peeled yourself away from your older brother and started towards your father. 
In the years since you’d last seen him, he’d definitely aged. 
He was only about fifty years old, but time had not been kind to him. 
He kept his hair short and tight on the sides, as was normal from his military days, but the salt and pepper look that had graced the longer hair on top was all but silver on the sides. 
He looked like an aged version of your older brother.  A little bit smaller, and definitely less muscle-mass, as well as the obvious differences in the fact that your father had both of his arms, while one of your brothers was a robotic one, but they were very much the same otherwise. 
He smiled as you wrapped your arms around him, becoming wrapped in the scent of the posh cologne that he wore that reminded you of smokey bourbon and fresh leather. His scolding of you had quickly faded and he allowed himself to melt under your touch. 
“Oh, sweetheart…I’ve missed you…it’s nice to have all of my children so close to home again…”
“How’ve you been.  Wha-“
“Good…good!” he smiled, pulling away from you, “but I don’t want to talk about me.  Tonight is about you, honey.  You and Steve!”
You groaned, hearing your fiancé’s name, “Daddy….can we just not talk about Steve Rogers for a second…you know that I don’t want to marry him.”
“Don’t worry…I think you’ve made that abundantly clear since we were children.”
You paled as you turned around and noticed a man that you didn’t recognize, standing off to the side of the room.  He was watching you interacting with his father while he kept his hands in his pockets.
You felt a blush rising to your cheeks as you stared back at the attractive man. He was tall and muscular…well built.  His sandy blonde hair was styled elegantly, and he was dressed to the nines.  You felt your heart fluttering as he looked at you with his cerulean stare and pouty lips. 
Was he someone new to your father’s crew?
But then the words snapped in your mind.
‘Don’t worry…I think you’ve made that abundantly clear since we were children.’
And you paled once more.
It couldn’t be.
Your stomach turned. 
Had you just been guilty of finding yourself attracted to him?  To Steve Rogers. 
You took a few steps away from your father and started to back out of the study.  “Sweetheart, where are you going?”
“Anywhere but here,” you muttered softly as you backed through the door.  You were nearly there until you stumbled when you took another step back.  You thought you’d hit the edge of the door frame, but when you heard the crashing of a silver platter behind you and the crunching of glass, you spun, “oh fuck…”
You had knocked over a waiter carrying a tray of champagne from the catering space in the kitchen to the party outside. 
“And here I was thinking it was bad luck to see the bride just on the night before the wedding,” the charming blonde smiled as he leaned against the bookcase.  You shot him a glare, trying to focus your rage into him, instead of staring at his chiseled jawline and the way that his clothes clung to his muscular frame and slim waist.  He pushed himself away from it and pulled his hands from his pockets.  In three quick steps he was nearly on top of you, his arm already looping around your waist and pulling you close.  Your lips parted as you stared into his cerulean eyes, unsure of what to do or say.  A smirk tugged at his lips, “why did no one tell me that it’s also two days before?”
He chuckled, and the action sent a pulse straight to your core as he watched you, “have you been drinking, (Y/N?)”
You felt a whimper escaping the back of your throat as you lost all resolve.  You weakly nodded, unable to form the words. 
“I can smell it on your breath,” he chuckled softly, still holding you close, “You naughty girl…”
“Sweetheart…I’m sure you remember Steve…” your father reminded you, “perhaps…your brother should take you to the powder room though…or the kitchen and get you sobered up before we address the guests for coming to celebrate you and him…”
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basiccortez · 1 year
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Best Actress | A Miles Teller Fanfic
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synopsis: you get nominated for your very first Oscar the same year your husband's movie gets nominated
word count: 2.8k
warnings: none:) fluffy shit
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When the nominations came out at the end of January, you couldn’t believe it. You had actually been asleep, just coming home from finishing up a press tour in London for your latest film. You had been counting down the days until you could join your husband back in bed in your home in California. Miles had promised you a quiet morning in, just the two of you getting reacquainted with one another, however, he had different plans. 
The Oscar buzz had been in the air for weeks, as he was awaiting to see what awards TopGun was going to be nominated for. He didn’t think that the film was going to have as successful of an award season as they had been having. Hell, he didn’t think the movie was going to be as big as it was, period. He had woken up before you, and was sitting on the back porch watching the sunset, refreshing his twitter feed every forty-five seconds, when he saw the Best Actress nomination pop up. He nearly spit his coffee halfway across the backyard as he quickly ran up to your room, and all but jumped on the bed to wake you up. 
“Best fucking Actress! Baby, you got fucking nominated for best fucking actress!” 
You could hardly understand him as he was shaking you awake, his voice full of excitement. It took you several moments to realize what he was talking about, and your agent called you to tell you the news that Miles had already broken. 
“Best fucking Actress, Y/N. You got nominated for best fucking actress!” 
You broke down in tears as Miles held you in his arms and placed kisses all over your face. You had been along for the ride this award season, feeling the honor of being nominated and winning a couple awards. Your name had been mentioned a couple times during the Oscars talk, but never did you think that you would be nominated. You were still relatively new to the movie scene, this film has been your breakout start. The world couldn’t get enough of you, calling you the next ‘Hollywood Sweetheart’.  
“The Oscars,” You mumbled after you hung up with your agent, still not believing a single word that had been spoken in the last hour. You. Nominated. For an Oscar.
“The fucking Oscars,” Miles mumbled against your skin, “You did it, baby.” You blushed and turned to face your husband. You let out an excited squeal and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him to lay back down in bed next to you. He chuckled and ran his hands down your back, as you intertwined your legs together. You brought your lips up to kiss his soft ones, your hands tangling in his brown curls. Ever since he got his role in ‘The Gorge’ he had been growing his beard out, and you actually liked it. You thought that the ‘Rooster’ stache had driven you crazy, this beard was a thousand times worse.  
Miles hummed against your lips as he easily moved so he was on top of you. You were in just one of his shirts, so he easily slid his hand up your bare thigh and hooked it over your hip. 
“We should celebrate,” He said, placing kisses on your lips. 
“How so?” You let out a moan as he nipped at your skin. 
“I can think of a few ways. . . both of them require very little clothing,” His hand had barely touched your rib cage when your phone rang. You groaned and looked over to see who it was, immediately pushing your husband off of you, “Hey!” 
“It’s Glen,” You said, and Miles rolled his eyes. You swiped to answer the call, “Hel-” 
— — — 
The last two months had been a whirlwind. You had interview after interview lined up after the Oscar nominations had come out. You were in New York in the morning, and LA at night. Miles felt like he had hardly seen you at all. It even got worse when he moved to London to start shooting ‘The Gorge’ and you stayed in LA, working on a new project. He missed you like crazy, and called you any time he could. 
You were up early. Earlier than you needed to be but the nerves had started early. You sat on the small balcony of the hotel, watching as the sun rose over the waves. Today was the day. The day that you had watched on TV for years, and dreamed of what you would say if you ever won. You were running through the list of people to thank in your head, but you knew that you’d probably miss someone and get a text about it later. Miles was still fast asleep in bed, his bare back on display and the sheet hiding his modesty. He had flown in two days ago, and he had hardly let you leave the bed. You bit your lip as the memories of the night prior filled your mind. The touches, the kisses, the words that were said.
Taking a deep breath, you stood up from your chair and walked back into the bedroom. Miles stirred slightly as you pulled the blankets back and climbed back in next to him. He turned on his side to face you, putting his arm around your waist and pulling you back against his warm chest. 
“Sleep,” His voice was raspy, “Need it.” 
“I have my sleep schedule back to normal,” You said, and placed a kiss on his bicep tattoo, “Too nervous to sleep.” 
“Don’t be,” He sighed, and tried to pull you even closer to him, “You will be amazing. You’re always amazing. That’s why I married you.” 
“I thought you married me because I like Kyle Schwarber.” 
“That’s an added bonus,” Miles chuckled, “But I also married you because you’re beautiful, talented, smart, caring, kind, amazing, and I love you.” 
You turned your head back to look at him, his brown eyes open. You could see the different strands of green that were mixed in his irises, “I love you too,” You pecked his lips for settling back in his arms for a couple more winks of sleep. 
— — — 
The carpet was at five, and your glam team had shown up at noon to start getting you ready. Your agent, Amanda, was right there the whole time, helping call the shots. You hardly knew a thing about makeup other than how to put on foundation, eyeshadow, mascara, blush and lip gloss. Most days you weren’t wearing makeup at all, either too tired or didn’t care enough to put it on when you were doing something like going to the grocery store. Miles was getting ready in another room, since your team was taking up most of it. 
“You said you wanted something classic,” Leo, your stylist said, “Very old Hollywood, nothing too eye-catching. I feel like we’ve had a good run this award season. We are yet to make the worst dressed list, and the tiktokers agree,” You giggled and sipped your tea as another stylist was doing your hair, “So, I decided on black, and ball gown-ish. Can never go wrong with a good black dress.” 
You stood up from your chair and walked to the garment rack full of black dresses. Your fingers skimmed over the various fabrics, halfway listening to Leo explain about the dress. It wasn’t until you got to the last one that you gasped and looked over at Leo, who had a knowing smirk on his face.
“Oh, I’m damn good at what I do,” Leo praised himself and grabbed the dress from the rack and held it up, “Valentino, classic ball-gown, off the shoulder, a train for days.” 
“That’s the dress,” You smiled and bit back a childish giggle as you sat back in the make-up chair and let the professionals do their job. 
Leo helped you into your dress and zipped the back of it. It fit just right, hugging your curves and pushing your breasts up just right. Your hair team decided to put your hair up to showcase off your neck and collarbones. Leo had given you a gorgeous diamond choker to wear, making sure not to take away too much from the top of the dress. There was a slit in the dress which would showcase the black Louboutin, which was going to match Miles’ dress shoes. You were finishing up putting in your diamond stud earrings that had been a gift from Tom Cruise on your nomination, while Miles walked in and let out a low whistle. 
“Holy shit,” He said, “I thought you were perfect on our wedding day, I didn’t know it only got better.” 
You blushed and looked over at him, “This is okay? It’s not like. . . bad is it?” 
“No, sweetheart,” Miles walked over to you and gently lifted your chin up to look at him, “I don’t wanna be a cliche, but you take my breath away,” You playfully rolled your eyes as he laughed at his own pun, “But you are beautiful, breathtaking, there’s nothing else like you on the planet.” 
“You flatter me, Mr. Teller,” You put your hand on his chest, leaning into him. 
“Just doing my husbandly duties,” He smiled and kissed your lips quickly, knowing how you felt about smudged lipstick, “Now come on, we are going to be late.” 
You took a deep breath and took his hand, letting him lead you out of your room. Your heartbeat was in your ears as you stood in the elevator, his hand on your hip and him standing behind you. He was humming the melody to ‘Take My Breath Away’, drawing small circles over the fabric. He knew you were nervous, it was like his sixth sense. No matter how many carpets and premieres he’s dragged you to over the years, you still felt that ball of nerves in your stomach. 
The drive to the Adobe theater made you want to throw up. The second you pulled up, you could see the fans gathered around start to whisper to one another about who had arrived. You gulped and felt your hands begin to shake as cameras and phones were pointed towards your car. Miles reached over and grabbed your hand, giving it a tight squeeze. 
“Is it too late to decline?” You asked, your voice shaky. 
“Yes,” Miles said and you gave him a look, “I know you’re nervous,” He leaned over towards you, talking low, “but sweetheart, you got this. This is your night. I’m just the arm candy. You are the Oscar Nominated Best Actress. . . I’m just some dude who grew a mustache and did a shimmy on the beach.” 
“Should win an oscar for that scene alone,” You joked and Miles cracked a smile. 
“There’s my girl,” He said, bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing your diamond ring, “Now, let’s go so the whole world can see how stunning you are.” 
You nodded and Miles got out of the car first, fixing his tie and jacket, waving to a couple fans who yelled his name. You closed your eyes, taking in a few slow deep breaths, as the door opened. Miles smiled at you and held his hand out for you to take. You mouthed a thanks as you carefully stepped out of the car. Much like on your wedding day, Miles was careful of the train of your dress, lifting it in his hand so it didn’t drag on the ground until you got to the red carpet. The fans standing by yelled and screamed your name, and you turned to wave at them as the two of you walked towards the entrance of the theater. The second you stepped onto the beige carpet, Miles let go of your train, but made sure to spread it out. You looked over your shoulder and smiled at him as he stuck his tongue out a bit as he spread the fabric. 
“What?” He asked, looking at you as if you were the only one standing in the room. 
“Nothing,” You smiled, and held your hand out for him to take. He walked up and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers and kissing them as you made your way towards the first stop of pictures. 
Miles went first, giving his best smoldering look at each of the cameras. You couldn’t help but giggle as he moved from side to side, looking at the various cameras. The director of the carpet nodded for you to start your walk. You held your hands together, fiddling with your ring as you got to the first red X on the carpet. You took a deep breath and rolled your shoulders back, looking at the photographers yelling your name. Miles stood off to the side and watched you. You were so effortlessly beautiful and confident getting your picture taken. He swore you did not have a bad angle. He could watch you all day stand in front of a camera. 
“Miles! Come get next to your wife!” One photographer yelled and he nodded, going over to stand by you. He wrapped his arm around your waist, settling his hand on your hip. 
You felt more comfortable having your husband behind you, like a strong wall holding you up in the storm. You relaxed a bit more, your true smile coming out instead of the fake one you had perfected from years of standing next to Miles at premieres. When you were done having your picture taken, he guided you to the next stop on the carpet which was the various interviews. Your friend Vanessa Hudgens smiled brightly at you and waved you over while Miles went to do an interview for Entertainment Tonight. 
“Darling, look at you!” Vanessa said, giving you a hug, “How do you feel about not only your husbands, but your nominations tonight?” 
“Oh boy, where do I begin. . .” 
As the award show dragged on, the worst your nerves seemed to get. You and Miles were sitting next to Jennifer and her husband. The rest of the TopGun cast sat behind you, Tarzan having quickly come up with a drinking game like he always does. Lewis was texting Glen updates on winners. They had won one award so far, and were by far the loudest in the room when the sound team stepped up on the stage to receive it. 
When the announcer announced the next presenters, it felt like pterodactyls had just been launched in your stomach. Your hands grew sweaty as you pulled your palm away from Miles’ to wipe the sweat away. He grimaced and grabbed your hand again, holding it tightly in his. You looked at him, your eyes wide with anxiety and nerves. He smiled at you and leaned down to place a kiss on the side of your head. 
“I love you,” Miles whispered, “You are spectacular, and amazing, and I can’t believe I get to sit here next to the Oscar nominated best actress.” 
You looked at your husband and nodded, a smile easing on your face. You sat back in your chair and listened as the nominees were showcased. When your name and movie were presented, you could hear your friends around you stand up and start cheering. You turned red as Tarzan let out a whistle and Jay had to grab his suit coat to pull him back down in his seat. 
“And the winner is. . .” 
You felt like you could throw up. You closed your eyes and held Miles’ hand tightly in your own, as you heard the winner be announced. You opened your eyes and looked towards the front of the auditorium, where Michelle was sitting, a giddy smile on your face as you clapped for her. You stood up with the rest of the crowd, giving Michelle a standing ovation as she accepted her award. When you sat back down in your chair, it felt like you could breathe again. 
The second you got to the afterparty, you lost sight of Lewis, Tarzan and Danny as they went off to go get drinks. Monica had found some old co-stars, and Jay was talking with his wife. You had a smile on your face as you watched your fellow castmates congratulate other actors on their awards. A glass of champagne was placed in front of you and you turned to see your husband standing next to you. He kissed your temple again, and put his arm around your waist. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” He said. 
“Cause I didn’t win?” You asked and he nodded, “I didn’t deserve to win. I was in a tough category against legends. It was an honor to even be talked about to be perfectly honest.” You looked up at your husband, “Just gives me something to work towards next year.”
“You amaze me,” Miles kissed your perfectly painted red lips. You hummed into the kiss and scratched your nails along the scruff on his cheeks, “Now come on! I want to dance with my Oscar Nominated Best Actress.” You giggled as he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the dance floor.
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NOTE: this is a work of fiction. All scenarios, and relationships are made up and constructed in a fictional realm. Any hate of any kind will not be tolerated.
tagging some people who may enjoy: @fanboygarcia @topgun-imagines @sunlightmurdock @seresinsbabe
if you want to be tagged in more RPF let me know:)
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stevenbasic · 6 months
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Growing into the Job, Post 391: Cat n Mouse, p2
“You’re wondering about me, about what’s happening. You were snooping because you’re curious, you’re nervous and scared. It’s okay, sweetie, I understand. I haven’t told you as much as I should about myself. A good girlfriend would, do that right? Well, I didn’t because I was a little, like…embarrassed. I was a little nervous about how you’d react, if you knew too much about me. I thought that you maybe wouldn’t like me anymore if you knew more about my past, how I grew up, how I got this way.”
“N-no Melissa…I w-want to know.” he stammered, “I want to know…you.”
That brought her a smile. She looked at him.
He sat there, on the counter, his 6’8” girlfriend's hands planted to either side of his hips. He’d just been caught, found in his hiding place. Melissa had been worked up, aggressive…she could get that way, he knew, and sometimes it got scary. Especially when she was so fresh and massively pumped-up from her weightlifting, her earlier workout. She was intense,  but as soon as she sat him down her mood had changed, like it tended to do, on a razor-edged dime. Right now she seemed earnest, still really energized but sincere. 
Jay, though, looked terrible. His face had gone ashen, and his stomach was in knots. Melissa knew all this of course, and she knew exactly what he needed.
“Here baby, hold this,” she said, offering him her bra and placing one of its huge, white, underwire cups over his nose and mouth. It dwarfed him, it dwarfed his face, and it could have easily covered his whole head. Immediately, though, his first breath began to make him feel better. Relief flowed through him as he was reacquainted with the scent of her skin. She could have released her perfumes to ease him, but this was haha better at the moment. I wanna make you know what you need.
From behind his bra-mask, he took nicely deep breaths as he looked sheepishly up at her, He tried his best not to look too embarrassed, but that was hard to do.
Satisfied, she smiled. “Feeling better? Good. Okay anyway, well, I guess I’ll keep going.”
Wordlessly, he nodded.
“You know it, right?. I’ve been able to do things, always, things other people couldn’t, even as a young girl. My mom knew about it. My sister is actually the same way, kinda, but different. I know you’ve seen it, or at least you’ve started to. Like how I grow quicker than other people, or how I get stronger and, whatever, faster and taller? My body does what it needs to, really really well.”
He looks confused. That’s normal.
“We didn’t have a lot of money, growing up, when I was young,” she continued, “my mom put everything she had into her, like, work I guess - but we traveled around a lot.” As she spoke, she made sure to position herself in just the right way to keep her big boobs bulging right in front of his face. Despite how enormously jacked she looked right now, she knew her breasts were still soft and hugely comforting to him. Staring at them made him feel better, just like that huge bra-cup covering his face.
“Me and my sister lived in a bunch of different places, so my mom could do her studies. West Coast, East Coast, Japan, Kentucky.  She also started showing me off, as I started to get older, when I started to…develop. When my body became, like, perfect. I got tall, strong. I got pretty. I never got sick. She brought me around the world to show me to…people. People and businesses with a lot of money. She was trying to…I dunno…see what she could get. Finally we ended up here, hooked up with Evolution, and finally I ended up with…you.”
Melissa was trying her best to be honest, mostly telling him what she thought she could. What she wasn’t telling him was…well, a lot. She wasn’t telling him that, after years of being groomed and grown by the people around her, this was her first real ‘mission’. This was the first time they actually asked her to do anything real instead of just studying and testing her. They normally just wanted what was inside her, like her…whatever. DNA. 
This had all become so much more than an ‘assignment’ to her though. This had become her new life. He had become her new life. This little man, breathing her ‘perfumes’ from her used bra, sucking on it for air like his life depended on it. This was the love of her life, her everything.
“You see…” Melissa’s voice grew quiet as her gaze shifted to the floor, down and away. For the moment, she looked uncharacteristically vulnerable. “...I never really got the chance to have someone, or make real attachments. I was always told not to, and that I shouldn’t. That I had much more important things I had to be doing. I needed to be training. I needed to be taught. I needed to be studied.” 
He could hear it. As confusing as this was to him, it was hard for her, too. She’d never felt like this before, either.
“But now, as weirdly as it started, I have you.” There was a palpable frustration and desperation in her voice, but with Jay there she realized: really, she’d only been living a half-life, part of her had been asleep. He had woken her up.
She looked down at him, and the powerful emotions that warmed her insides doubled, then doubled again in a rising tide, a swelling wave. At the same time an intensely manic glee returned to her speech, speeding it up as she looked down at the object of her affection. “And I love you! I love you so much. I never knew I could feel this way about a person, a guy. I was always told men were, like, less. Less than human. Not worthy of our time or emotions, that we were superior. But being with you had taught me a lot. You’ve taught me a lot, and now I don’t care what they say! They don’t get to decide what happens between, like, you and me.”
“W-who? W-what??”Jay asked, his voice muffled by her bra. He was, of course, confused and bewildered - and he wasn’t even getting the whole crazy story. Even with the most unbelievable parts left out - her position as an asset for the Movement, to say nothing of the witchery, the origins of she and her sister, or who her mother actually was - he was incredulous. ”Wait, wait, wait. Who’s t-telling you wh-??”
“My mom, and my doctors mostly, their bosses. People who want to study me, or use me. People who I’m starting to figure out don’t really care about me, they just care about what I can do. What I’m made up of.”
What the hell does she mean?? This is so weird!
“But I’m getting kinda fed up. I love you, and I want to be your girlfriend. I want to protect you from all these people that want to hurt you or take you, or study you. So, if that means getting bigger and stronger and more powerful than - oh god, sweetie - I want to get enormous. If that’s what it takes to keep you safe I want to be twenty feet tall. I want to be able to break down buildings and be your Momazon giant she-hulk girlfriend! I want to keep developing, keep growing, keep growing my body and all these things I can do and be your superhero, your…omigod…whatever you need.” 
It was happening, again. He could see it in her eyes, again. She was getting worked up, again. There was a manic energy building in her. His nervous fear and crippling arousal, though they’d never really left, started to redouble themselves  - again. 
She reached out, stroked the side of his head, fighting back the urge to grab his skull. 
Looking at him like this, watching him needily breathe from her bra cup, just manifested in her how dependent he was getting. His eyes were a puppy dog’s, and, gah, he was just so fucking adorable. She loved it. She loved him. She wanted to protect him. “I just feel all these people, all these, like, forces outside, trying to get to you, trying to take you from me. And it makes me so mad. Like…like…these lawyers. When I first saw them, in my place, in my office…nnngh oh my god.”
Her place? Her office? At this point, his mind was reeling. His attempts to find out what was going on just seemed to bring up even more questions and he could feel himself gradually retreating into denial, acceptance, and eventually acquiescence to all these powers around him that were beyond his comprehension. In her presence now, assaulted by her beauty and breathing in the scent of her from her used clothing, he’d completely lost himself. Lost in a fog, He forgot why his nausea had come, and why it had suddenly gone. He forgot about his shrinking, and why he could no longer swim or drive or tie his shoes. It was all gone. He was focused, once again, entirely on her. And he wanted to hear more, more of what she could do.
”Wh-what were you going to d-do to them?” he asked, his voice shaking in arousal as she saw him twitch, “To the lawyers that were trying to…stop us?” 
She smiled, hearing him use the word ‘us’. He didn’t even really know what he was saying, but she liked the sound. “What did I want to do? When they burst into the office?” she asked, still using one hand to stroke a gentle finger down the side of his quivering face, petting him. Her other hand still held her weight on the counter. When I heard that they wanted to take you away,” she said, her voice even and chillingly tender, “I wanted to kill them. I wanted to punch my hand into their chests and rip out their hearts. I wanted to break every bone in their bodies, arms, legs, skulls, and tear their heads off.” 
Jay flinched under her touch. The violence she described, the way she described it - such detail, with such casual confidence - it shocked him. This was his girlfriend. It was terrifying, but also strangely arousing and he groaned, his loins surging as he pictured it, the scene, the physical power she had, the grisly demonstration of her obviously immense strength. It seemed so surreal, but in the dark parts of himself he knew it was possible, what she could do to another human being. There were parts, darker still, that wished he could see it. He wanted to see how strong she really was. “Y-you would…oh god…you would do that? To p-p-protect me?”
”Omigod baby I would do anything to protect you,” her breath hot and sultry as she, put her weight back on both hands and leaned in closer inches from his face. Her big chest was beginning to heave in her out-matched white tank top as she sensed his growing arousal. He likes this. “I would fucking rip them to shreds.” Describing this to him was turning him on, she realized. He likes thisss he doessss. He likes the real me hahaha. In a manic flourish of raven waves, she let her hair down, throwing more caution to the wind. If he likes it so much why hold back?
She let her voice deepen. “Oh, but I'm not gonna stop there. To protect you. I want you - nnngh, oh god - as close to me as possible. And, I wanna keep you there.” Her heart had begun to beat hard, powerfully. “I feel like I want you against me, against my skin, always, actually inside me, in the safest place possible.” 
She saw how the deepening of her voice, its power, made him quiver. She knew she needed to try to control her urges, because they were strong, they were beasts, mastodons, giant she-mammoths inside her. They wanted to overwhelm him with their size, they wanted to smother him under their weight. For a moment she collected herself, puffing up her cheeks, then exhaled.
The poor little man almost fell backwards. Her breath - omigod my breathhh - it blew him backwards. He needed to catch himself with his hands behind himself, on the counter. He’d dropped her bra; it now draped down dangling over and between his legs. 
She groaned, her eyes fluttering when she saw him faltering, recovering. Oh my god he’s so weak. Her pheromones came from her skin, unbidden, instinctively.
“wh-wh-what…” he stammered, “wh-what was th-that..?!?”
“Hold on honey,” she purred, her voice deepening yet another octave as she saw another opportunity to show him his place. “I’ll show you.” She drew in a deep breath, pursed her lips, and once again blew.
This time, it was stronger, like being in a wind tunnel with gales scented of mint and honey. And with it he moved, he slid back on his butt nearly two feet across the slick granite of the kitchen island under him, nearing the far edge. His eyes went wide and the power of her breath began to falter as it broke down into laughter. Mad giggles erupted from her as she reached out and had to catch him by the ankles before he fell off the other edge of the counter. She’d just pushed him back with her breath, with the power of her lungs, and it made her giddy with laughter.
“Oh my god,” he managed, in his amazement, his eyes wide, “M-Melissa…how strong are you?!?" His voice was a mix of awe and intimidation, and it fueled her.
She smirked at his disbelief, her laughter cut as a sharp thrill of dominance coursed through her veins. Her eyes were locked on his, and with a gleam to her eyes that nearly made him whelp, she answered him. “I’m very. Fucking. Strong. I think I could blow you through the wall if I wanted.”
He was sitting still on the counter, but now his legs were splayed out in front of him, outstretched. Her bra lay across his lap, and, as he looked at her, he couldn't help but spread his thighs, slowly, timidly, further apart. He showed her its straining, tenting the leg of his slacks begging to be set free. He showed her his painfully trapped erection.
“Oh, Jay, oh my god,” she breathed seeing his member throbbing in his slacks, seeing the empty white bra so close to it, “look at you. Look at how excited you are. Do you like this? Do you like when I show off strength? What I can do?”
“M-Melissa, p-please,” he peeped, pleading with her for…what? Was he asking her to stop, or did he want her help taking care of him? Was he trying to show her how uncomfortable she was making him, or did he want her to show him more?
The confusion on his face made her smile. The poor little thing was just so lost. He needed her to show him more. “Shhh, watch, sweetie,” she said, as she stood up straighter,
flexing and curling her arms up into a double-biceps pose over him. Her muscles, her enormous muscles that emerged like this after training, bulged and flexed like two footballs. Their strength made her physical superiority even more apparent.  The sight made her tiny little boyfriend shake and gibber anew.
She now had visible lats flanking her chest, spreading to a cobra’s hood and exaggerating the V-shaped taper of her torso. The outline of her abdominal cavity beneath her tight-fitting top was apparent, with several inches of midriff and the bottom of her clearly defined six-pack visible. Her trunk and waist were ridiculously narrow in proportion to her chest and shoulders, but they were powerful with a lithe array of obliques. She had an impressive body, so tall, so perfect, and she wanted to show it off.
“Oh, sweetie,” she growled, allowing her upper body to relax for a moment before flexing again into an even more jaw-dropping display of her huge upper arms, “you look terrified. Why? Does it bother you, Jay? That I’m twice as strong as you? Haha, well, maybe a bit more than twice.” She flexed again; veins bulging from her biceps. “Ten times as strong as you? Maybe a hundred  times as strong as you?” She flexed once more, and her biceps grew to mountains that would rival her father’s. “And every day I’m getting stronger and stronger. Every day I’m getting bigger and bigger.”
When she spoke, her voice growing deeper with each word, he could swear he felt the pressure waves produced by her mighty vocal cords, waves of sound flowing over him. He squinted against the force of it bombarding him, but he bathed in its energy. He groaned, and would have closed his eyes, but he needed to look upon her, up at her.
Melissa loved it, she loved seeing him succumbing to her power, submitting to it. She’d held back before, like she’d always done. People, when they saw what she could do, always became afraid, backed away from her when she came on too strongly. They couldn’t handle her, accept her, or meet her charge. But him? She could see it: he loved this. He loved her being big and strong. And he loves being my boyfriend.
“Sweetie, you should come to the gym with me sometime, and watch me get bigger,” she said, “I can show you how I do it, how I’m going to get so. Fucking. Huge.” At that she moaned, dropping her arms down to cross her wrists in front of herself, so she could flex the mighty muscles of her neck and shoulders in a crab pose. Her trapezius muscles swelled, growing upward into a pyramid around her long and otherwise graceful neck. She groaned again as she watched his eyes goggle at this new display of her massiveness. “So. Fucking…HUGE,” she finished with a near-roar, blowing his hair backwards.
She laughed.
He quivered.
He trembled in front of her, and watched as she now began to lean over, above him. He could see individual muscles rippling in her shoulders and chest as she struggled to hold back a new wave of manic, unhinged laughter. She picked the discarded bra up off his lap, and dropped it on the counter beside them. Thick veins snaked across her arms and shoulders drawing his eyes down to her powerful chest.
”M-Melissa..?” he asked, not knowing what she was about to do. 
“Shh, shhhh Jay,” she growled, thunder rumbling deep within her chest before warping into the sing-song voice of a fairytale princess, ”Jay, Jay, Jayyyy…you are so good for me, so so good for me…” Her  mind was racing, becoming determined as she began casually taking off his shoes. “All I think about now is building muscles and fucking you with them.”
“Wh-what…?” he sputtered, “M-M-Melis-“
“Growing bigger, and holding you, and caring for you, and overwhelming you,” she continued, as she pulled off his socks - first one, then two - and dropped them on the floor, “I want to overwhelm you Jay, I want to become more than you could ever handle. I want to become so big that I’m like your whole world.”
His mind was racing, both scrambling for a way to calm her down and eagerly anticipating what she might do next. She’d already set to unbuttoning his shirt, undoing button after button with a frenetic fervor.“M-Melissa, y-you know you’re the most import-“ 
If she could hear him, he couldn’t tell. 
”You’re getting smaller, Jay,” she interrupted, having finished the last button, “Littler and weaker.” She opened his shirt wide and, after a moment of impatient consideration, ripped it in two, pulling both sides off his shoulders. “You need a big woman like me to protect you.”
She eyed his body, the hollow thinness of his chest, the meagerness of his now-bare arms. Fucking amazing. Compared to her own female brawn - which she loomed above him menacingly now - he was a twerp, a weakling. Incredible.
She’d always known, even as a girl, that she was basically physically perfect, usually the strongest, fittest person in the room. It was just her reality, that she had physical advantages over others that just grew from year to year. It was, like, natural - well, haha, not completely natural. It was just the way things were. But here, now? Compared to him? It was…nnngh. She made him look like a bug. A tiny little bug. And she loved it.
And what does he think he’s doing now, this little bug of mine?
As she’d ruminated, he’d started to struggle. She’d pushed him down with one hand to the chest. She had him pinned, with his bare back to the granite countertop, and he’d been half-heartedly trying to stop her from undressing him. She’d worked his belt loose already, and was set to task on his fly. 
He seemed to have only half his wits about him, and grabbed at her arm, trying to get it off him. His efforts, though, seemed half-hearted. He was pushing hard, sure, as hard as he could, though to her it felt like the struggles of a small child. He was obviously so helpless against her, and it was as if he wanted to test that. He wanted this, she knew. He wanted to be helpless as a child for her, and that started getting her even more excited.
“Yeah, I like that,” she said, fingers still fumbling on the fly of his dress pants, “Try to fight off my big arm, little man. I’ll show you how weak you are compared to me.” She cocked her head as he grunted and groaned, trying to dislodge the hand which she had pushed harder into his chest. He was using all he could, but she wasn’t going anywhere. She knew he couldn’t do anything, just from watching him. Maybe once he was a strong enough guy, or maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he was always weak like this. But now he’s no match for even one of my arms. Though, to be fair, not too many people are.
“You can fight it, but you can’t win,” she said. Her voice was preternaturally calm, but her lady-parts were all worked up and juicy. Sex is coming omigod sex is coming I’m going to fuck him so good. They were going to do it her way, her way, her way. She would show him, show him how things were going to be. 
The way they needed to be at work? In the outside world? Him, supposedly her boss? Fuck it. Here, alone, this is how it really is. The two of them could be themselves. She could be herself. She had so much she wanted to show him. It’s time to fuck some sense into him and show him how the world’s gonna work.
She took a nice long look at her wimpy little boyfriend as he pathetically pulled at her arm and looked up at her with his needy little face. With her eyes fixed on his, she tore his pants right off…
Thanks oodles to RiF for editing and help with the copy.
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buckybarnesisdaddy · 6 months
Fun Times & Thin Walls
Summary: Peter shows you around the compound and the team find out that Hydra has grown more than anyone thought. Bucky and you take every moment to get reacquainted.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Rating: Mature 18+
Warnings: Sexual jokes, sexual innuendoes, and smut (Not too graphic yet.)
A/N: I combined two chapters so this one was longer. 🥰
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*You and Peter are outside*
Peter- Well, I've showed you just about everything...except one thing. I saved the best for last. *Peter had the biggest smile on his face*
*15 Minutes later*
*You and Peter come crashing to the ground and roll. Thankfully the couch broke your fall and Peter landed on his feet.*
Y/N- okay that was AMAZING!!
Peter- See what I mean!?!? And Tony says swinging from the rafters is dangerous. *You and Peter laugh*
Y/N- Thanks Peter.. that was a lot of fun! *You give Peter a hug and you start to walk away*
Peter- Hey want to see something else..
Y/N- Sure! *Peter leads you downstairs into a big room. Lights come on as you walk in. You realize it's Tony's workshop* Wow, this is so cool, but are you sure it's okay for us to be in here. *Peter smiles and leans in closer as he whispers*
Peter- Yeah, it's totally fine.
Tony- Actually it's not *Tony appears between you and Peter. You and Peter jump and yell because you thought you were alone* but I needed to talk to you anyway so whatever, follow me! *Tony rolls away and heads back to the group. You and Peter follow him. You and Peter catch up to Tony and follow him into the conference room.*
Tony- okay now that everyone is here we can start. *You go stand next to Bucky and he notices you have a cut on your arm from where you and Peter fell earlier.*
Bucky- what happened?!? *He holds your arm and looks you over. You look and laugh a little.*
Y/N- oh I didn't even notice! It's nothing! I must have scratched it when me a Peter fell. *You brush off his concern.*
Bucky- fell?? From where? *He raises his voice slightly*
Y/N- The rafters. *You answer, not knowing the chaos you would cause. Everyone expresses their concern*
Bucky- excuse me?!? *He looks you over from head to toe, checking your eyes and fussing over you. You laugh and push him off a little.*
Y/N- We were swinging from the rafters using his Web- *You see Peter motioning you to stop talking, he groans as Tony whips his head around to Peter.*
Tony- you were what?!? Kid how many times have I told you this isn't a jungle gym. One wrong placed web could bring this whole place down. You've lost your web privileges for a week! Hand them over! *Peter sighs and tosses his web shooters over to Tony.*
Peter- you know you've already taken them away 3 times this week and I just keep making more.
Tony- Fine make it two weeks *you laugh to yourself as Bucky continues to look at your cut*
Bucky- this is pretty bad, y/n. W need to get this fixed. *Thor looks over your shoulder.*
Thor- I agree with metal arm. *You turn around and toss Thor an annoyed glance. Someone walks in behind you all*
Clint- ahh she's survived worse. *He stands there, arms crossed and just smiling. You beam and walk over, giving Clint a hug*
Y/N- hey old man! How are you?!? *Clint laughs and hugs you back.*
Clint- Hey! You might want to look at who your boyfriend is before you start calling me an old man.
Bucky- Hey Clint * He smiles and shakes Clint’s hand*
Clint- Got a call from Nat and Tony asking me to come in, so what's up? *Tony clears his throat loudly, everyone glances at him*
Tony- Now that the groundings, punishments, and reunions are done can we get back to the reason I called this meeting, yes? *He looks at everyone and nods* Awesome! *A map pops up with at least 50 red dots all over the world. You sigh and Bucky squeezes your shoulders*
Y/N- Hydra?
Tony- yes and I'd say last night was a pretty good indication they want you back or dead. *Steve moves closer*
Wanda- So we take them all down before they can get Y/N. *She looks at you and you smile*
Thor- Just like before. *Thor agrees*
Sam- except this time we will have two people who know Hydra inside and out. *Steve shakes his head and stands up.*
Steve- No, there is no way y/n is about to go walk into a Hydra camp. The whole point of her being with us is for them to not know where she is. We don't need to parade her around for the world to see. *You glance at Steve and you start to speak when Nat speaks up.*
Nat- But she could be useful Steve- *Nat start to explain and Bucky cuts her off*
Bucky- yeah until they get her, then what?! I'm not kidding when I say she could make what I do look like child's play. *Bucky exclaims*
Peter- but you said for yourself she's fine- *Peter tries to chime in*
Clint- she still needs to stay safe. *Clint says finally*
Y/N- can I speak?!? *You say in outburst and everyone looks at you*
Tony-you have the floor Chai *He motions for you to fall and you roll your eyes as you smile*
Y/N- Look considering what happened last night I think I need to lay low for a while- *The guys interrupt you, directing their words to the ladies and Sam.*
Bucky/Steve/Tony- See, thank you! That's what I'm saying! Voice of reason. *You cut them off and shoot a glare their way.*
Y/N- not forever though. We should let last nights events settle and then I can join in the fight.
Nat/Wanda/Sam- Sounds good! We will need you! Awesome! *Tony rolls closer to Clint*
Tony- and that's why you are here Barton. We will be down one man for awhile so we will need you.
Clint- okay *He nods and grabs his bag.*
Steve- Alright, suit up. We leave in 20 minutes. *Bucky looks at you then looks at the cut on your arm again. You caress his face.*
Y/N- You know I've been through a lot worse. *Bucky knows you are referring to your fall from the plane and he can’t help but glare at you for bringing that up again.*
Bucky- don't remind me *He grumbles and he pulls you in close and kisses you* let's go clean this up.
Y/N- Yes Sir * you say in a mocking tone. You add a little salute for good measure. Bucky smirks before he laughs and throws you over his shoulder, he walks to his room. Steve sees and yells after him down the hall*
Steve- Buck! You don't have time for that! *Bucky just laughs and kicks open his door. Steve sends Peter to find Bucky. As he is walking into Bucky's room he hears you and Bucky in the bathroom.*
-Ouch Bucky!
-oh sorry *Bucky laughs* I thought you were ready
-does it hurt
-yeah *you laugh* but in a good way! *you kiss him and then gasp.* Whoa that's really deep.
-well, I gotta get in there *Bucky laughs again and you let out a scream. Peter is absolutely traumatized by what he has heard but he knows Steve is serious about the jet leaving any minute. So he knows he has to interrupt.*
Peter- Um guys, *his voice cracks* Steve said it's really time to go. *The bathroom door swings open and Bucky walks out. He smiles and pats his shoulder.*
Bucky- Hey could you finish up in here? Thanks kid *Peter peaks in and looks at you. He realizes Bucky was helping you clean up your cut and he can’t help but exclaim.*
Peter- oh thank God! *You look up at peter*
Y/N- what was that Peter? *You look up at him.*
Peter- oh nothing! *He blushes* Nothing. Okay let's bandage this and you should be good to go. *Peter bandages your arm while blushing the whole time. You watch him and smile as he works.*
Y/N- Thanks Peter you're the best! *You give him a kiss on the cheek* oh by the way, we knew you were outside the door. *you wink at him and walk away. Peter groans and then laughs. You and Peter get to the Jet just in time. As Peter walks on you can see Bucky and Steve teasing him about what just happened in the Bathroom. You yell to Bucky and Steve*
Y/N- Play nice!! *Bucky and Steve look at each other and then look at you*
Bucky/Steve- We always do! *The door to the jet closes and they fly away.*
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*For the next 3 months while you are laying low the Avengers go on mission after mission. They take down one Hydra base after another. When they get home you always have a little celebration for them and when you and Bucky are alone you two always have a little special celebration of your own.*
Y/N- Lock the door *you say breathlessly as Bucky rips off your clothes*
Bucky- Too many clothes *Bucky picks you up and takes you to the bed. He kisses you all over and makes his way down your stomach. He takes extra time in between your legs. He is the definition of a tease, it has been 3 weeks since you had seen him last and he wants to savor every moment of this reunion.*
Bucky- Tell me what you want. *he says as he is still pleasuring you with his mouth. Your arch of the bed and moan between breaths*
Y/N- I. want. you! *Everything he is doing feels so good it's hard for you to speak, he smiles. Bucky kisses his way up your body till he gets to your lips*
Bucky- I can do tha- *You cut him off*
Y/N- in the shower. *You smirk against his lips and Bucky looks at you with a devilish grin*
Bucky- as you wish *Bucky picks you up from the bed and takes you to the bathroom. The room was filled with steam in a mater of minutes. The water hadn't been turned on yet. He sets you on the counter while he turns on the water. Bucky comes back and picks you up, carry’s you into the shower. The water was freezing at first but it quickly heated up. He used everything he could think of to pleasure you, his hands, his mouth, himself. Even the detachable shower head and you came every. single. time. You tried to return the favor but he wouldn't let you. Bucky kept saying he wasn't finished with you yet. God you loved this man so much, by the time Bucky was done with you the water was freezing again. You don’t care, you have Bucky and that's all that matters. Bucky helps dry you off and get ready for bed. And you need the help, your legs are so shaky you can hardly stand.*
*Bucky has a soft side that very few people know about but when you two are alone he always lets his guard down for you. You are laying in bed and Bucky has his arms around your waist*
Bucky- I just wish we could end all the fighting. I know I am no longer the Winter Soldier but sometimes when I fight I can feel him trying to break free. *Bucky stops talking, you turn over to look at him and even in the dark you can tell he is crying. You snuggle into his chest and run your hands over his back just the way he likes.*
Y/N- Bucky I understand and it's okay. I feel the same way about Odette. We can get through this together. *you look up and kiss Bucky* You are no longer the Winter Soldier, He is gone, just keep reminding yourself of that.
Bucky- Well, *he gives you another devilish grin* he's not completely gone. *He smirks and rolls over on top of you, kissing you. He looks at you with a killer smirk as he grinds a little against you.* Ready to Comply, Soldier? *You giggle and even though you start to ache for him at the sound of his voice and that phrase you know you both needed to sleep*
Y/N- I just complied for the last 2 hours, so let's just sleep. *Bucky laughs and leans in to kiss you but stops and gets very serious for a moment*
Bucky- I love you so much, Y/N. I don't know what I would do without you. *He brushes his thumb across your lips.*
Y/N- I love you too, Bucky. *He kisses you and then settles back down behind you. You both snuggle in and go to sleep*
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*The next morning you are so sore. Bucky teases you about it before he picks you up and carries you downstairs to get breakfast. He puts you down right outside the kitchen door and you hear Tony talking to Sam, Steve, and Nat.*
Tony- I knew I should have splurged for the sound proofing in every room. *He rubs his temples*
Sam- For real man, *Sam groans* like damn we get it you're really into each other but I don't need to know when you're actually into each other. *Nat gasps and wacks his arm.*
Nat- Eww Sam, we knew what you meant you didn't have to- *Sam turns on Nat*
Sam- oh don't even get me started on you two *Sam points to Nat and Steve.* Steve's all "I can do this all day", ya nasty! *Nat rolls her eyes and Steve blushes. Tony groans as he looks up to the sky*
Tony- I just hope Peter and Morgan were asleep by the time they started- god, the nightmares those kid would have. *Peter shouts from the other room*
Peter- I wasn't! And I wouldn't call them nightmares. *you and Bucky look at each other and try not to laugh. He motions to you to head back upstairs and you shake you head. You walk right into the kitchen with no shame*
Y/N- Hey guys! How did everyone sleep last night? *you grab an apple and walk towards Bucky* I know I was exhausted and super sore *You give Bucky a love tap on his butt and a wink as you walk back out of the room. Bucky lightly laughs and turns to look at you and you leave. He then looks at everyone*
Bucky- we will keep it down next time. *He starts to leave the room when Tony calls after him*
Tony- that's all I ask, think of the children Barnes, the children! *Peter shouts from the other room again*
Peter- This child will sleep with earplugs so go crazy. *Everyone busts out laughing, Tony rolls his eyes. Bucky just shrugs.*
Tag list: @cadencejames87 @hisredheadedgoddess28 @jessieasher1616 @janineb86 @cjand10 @anastasiamariebarnes @slytherinqueen4life @theinheriteddutchess
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selunesdreams · 28 days
Somebody in the Hells Loves You
“Gale, I don’t mean to sound unappreciative, but what are you doing here? We haven’t spoken in years - we’re practically strangers-”
A bright white flash interrupted Florence, and she lifted her gaze to find a strange, tentacled ship tearing through the night sky.
“What in the hells?” Her body was frozen in terror. “Is that a-”
For once in his life, Gale was speechless, and as the ship rapidly approached, he cursed and grabbed Florence by the hand.
“Unless you want to see that thing from the inside, I suggest we run.”
Pairing: Gale x Named Tav/OFC
Summary: It’s been nearly a year since anyone has heard from Gale Dekarios. Once a promising mage, he now lives as a recluse, stripped of Mystra’s favor and cursed by netherese magic due to a well-intentioned but catastrophic mistake.
For Florence Ashveil, who left Blackstaff Academy years ago after circumstances thwarted her dreams of becoming one of the best and brightest wizards of her generation, the silence has been even longer. But when their paths cross again just as they are abducted by a Nautiloid ship, it seems they’ll have plenty of time to get reacquainted.
Rating: mature
Words: 3.8k
Tags: just-fucked-it-up-with-Mystra era Gale, slow burn, mutual pining, mysterious past, baggage, sexual/romantic tension Warnings: brief tangential mention of Astarion-related trauma, not graphic, viewed as flashback.
a/n: Welcome to my first Gale fic! The pipeline is real. This story is still developing, so I'm not sure how the rating/tags will be impacted. It's reasonable to expect some eventual smut. Sorry if you were waiting on the next installment of Forms of Imprisonment, I got distracted by this one but promise it’s coming soon!
There were countless times in Florence Ashveil’s thirty years of life when she complained she “ was in the Hells .” Secondary school, family reunions, her first breakup - her mother had chastised her on each occasion, explaining ad nauseam how everyone endures such things, that they don’t equate to suffering a place like Avernus. Once, during exams week, her second year at the Academy, she wrote the phrase in a letter home and received a pigeon from Cora Ashveil the next day.
“I pray you never truly experience the hells, Flossie, because I fear your poor tolerance for distress would set you up poorly for surviving them.”
If only her mother could see her now.
*Hours Earlier*
Florence perused the offerings of the crowded Waterdeep Market alone, following her usual Tenthday ritual. Hundreds of stalls and camped vendors shouted at passing visitors, vying for their gold. A few called out to her with flirtatious compliments, encouraging her to come closer or try a free sample, and she shook her head with a terse smile, keeping wary of thieves. Her fingers touched her coin purse several times to confirm it was still there. She stopped at her usual booth, inspecting produce with a frown as she tried to ignore the never ending voices screeching in her mind.
Check for worms, maggots - what if they’re infested with maggots and you don’t see-
Relief came as distraction - an ostentatious, familiar voice, chatting with a nearby vendor, as if incapable of stopping.
“Did you know the skin of a kiwi is just as edible as the rest of it? I had a friend from Snowdown as a child, his family had vines upon vines of the things growing-”
Gale Dekarios.
It had been roughly a year since the public had seen him, and even longer for Florence. The last time they were in the same room, he’d given her a wistful look as she carried her belongings out of the Academy, books tucked under one arm, her bag slung over the opposite shoulder. She’d kept her eyes downcast, and shuffled out the door as her mentor, Vajra Safahr, solemnly escorted her out. Gale had opened his mouth, as if wanting to say something, but quickly closed it and disappeared down the hall. Florence somehow found the idea of him pitying her more mortifying than the whispers as she left Blackstaff Academy for good.
So when she’d heard he’d become a recluse after an erroneous act of devotion to gain Mystra’s approval, she’d wondered if it had felt the same to him as it did her - to lose your chance at greatness because your weakness got in the way. There had been rumors he and the goddess were involved in romantically, beyond the magic and mentorship. The news hadn’t shocked Florence. Gale Dekarios, a man of massive talent with the Art, was also not difficult to look at.
And Mystra was…Mystra.
“Florence, is that you?”
He squinted in her direction right as she attempted to duck behind a fruit crate and clumsily, she dropped the cabbage she had been examining into the dirt.
She stooped to grab it just as Gale’s fingers reached it, and he held it out in his palm, like some sort of offering.
Contaminated, filthy, don’t touch it, throw it away, throw it away-
“Gale! I-”
“Apologies, I didn’t mean to frighten-”
“-such an idiot, head’s always somewhere else these days-”
They both fell silent, realizing they’d been nervously chattering over one another, and Gale placed his hand on her arm with a soft chuckle. The gesture was tender, unassuming, and a wave of warmth spread through her body in response. No one had touched her in years, save the occasional side-hug from her mother.
“It’s good to see you.” He said earnestly, with a thin-lipped smile as he stood from his crouch beside her. She caught something in his gaze, akin to pity, as he assessed her, and she felt sick.
“Likewise, I…how have you been?” She passed the produce vendor a few coins with an apology and awkwardly carried the cabbage as they stepped to a nearby wall to move away from the busy path.
“I spent most of the last year in my tower, essentially a hermit. Gets rather lonely, but I do at least have-“ he stopped himself and cleared his throat. “Apologies, I’ve…not spoken to anyone but my Tressym in quite some time.”
“I had heard, are you…well?”
“Yes, yes, everyone’s familiar with the rumors.” He waved dismissively, and a shadow crossed his features. “But how are you , Florence? Surely up to something magnificent. As I recall, you were talented with the Art, much more so than our peers…”
“Oh, I…I’m actually…” she released a long breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, “I have nothing impressive to report, honestly. I work at St. Laupsenn as a potions artificer.”
“St. Laupsenn, truly? I spent a little time convalescing there with a nasty case of ruddy pox. For all their kindness, leaving that place was a relief like no other…” He trailed off. “Surely there are other notable things happening in your life? Extracurriculars? Don’t tell me you’re wasting your talent brewing healing potions for a living…”
“I…have a shift at the Hanging Lantern a few nights every ten-day.”
As the words fell from her lips, Florence realized she’d just told him she moonlighted at one of the most notorious Festhalls in Waterdeep with no further context. She watched his face reveal all his thoughts as he processed what she’d said.
He blushed. “The Hanging Lantern? Ah - not what I’d expected, but I’m sure you - do you…?”
“Oh! Oh no, I hardly have the looks for that-“ she forced a laugh to displace her discomfort, “I play piano. Set the ambiance, you know, so they can do all the hard work.”
She swallowed and glanced over her shoulder.
“Of course! How could I forget! You always had a beautiful way with music, invariably working your craft into how you wielded magic. Truly creative, poetic, even…”
Florence had appreciated his verbosity, and never quite succumbed to the bitter jealousy her classmates had towards Gale. Perhaps he stumbled over words or bragged a bit too much, but at his core, he meant well. She believed that sincerely. However, as she stood in the middle of the market, she wished she was anywhere else as she made small talk with the renowned wizard.
“I ah…I apologize, Gale. You caught me at an inopportune moment. I have actually somewhere to be, but it was lovely catching up with you.” She placed a delicate touch on his forearm. “Perhaps we’ll cross paths again soon?”
“Yes, yes, I hope we do. Don’t let me keep you. It was a pleasure speaking with you.”
If he tried to conceal his disappointment, he did a poor job of it. Gods, he must have been so lonely this past year. She nodded politely and, as she change direction to leave, his smile faltered. She’d gotten several steps away before she heard him clear his throat and call after her.
“Yes?” She turned, her mind focused on the produce still in her hands. Invisible dirt and grime on her fingers preoccupied her every thought. She yearned to toss it in the nearest bin as fast as she could and scrub underneath her nails until they bled.
“I…for what it’s worth, if you wanted to, I think you have the looks for anything. I’m sure you look lovely at that piano every night.”
She blinked at him as he turned and walked away without another word. Behind her, a rothé reached over the wooden fence of its pen and nibbled at her hand. She stepped away, startled.
“Here,” she said, extending the cabbage to it, “it’s all yours.”
The rothé accepted her offering and dropped it to the earth, grazing at it with appreciation. Florence wiped her hands on the waist of her trousers several times and walked home with an empty market basket and the makings of a headache.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
He was in the crowd.
Gods-be-fucking-damned he was in the crowd. She should have never told him where she worked.
Florence set her sheet music on the piano, despite her lack of need for it. She’d memorized everything, but it gave her something to focus on, particularly on nights like tonight when she was prone to distraction. Typically, an over-familiar gentleman would question her about her personal life, or a fight would break out at the bar. Tonight, Gale Dekarios beamed at her and waved cordially from a booth.
Surprisingly, the night progressed without incident, and she eventually forgot he was there. Once she’d packed her things into her bag and walked out onto the dimly lit street, Gale was leaning against the side of the tavern, arms crossed in front of him.
“Excellent musicianship.” He complimented her and pushed off the wall. “Apologies if my attendance was disruptive, it’s…been a while since I’ve been out or seen an old friend.”
Friend? She thought to herself. How loosely did this man define friendship? To seek her company. How lonely must he have been?
“Thanks…I rarely have people stop by to listen to me play. I’m more…background noise.”
“I did have to, rather awkwardly, explain my business there when I wasn’t interested in paying for…companionship, but it’s always good to get away from typical comforts…”
She stopped walking and turned to him.
“Gale, I don’t mean to sound unappreciative, but what are you doing here? We haven’t spoken in years - we’re practically strangers and-”
A bright white flash interrupted Florence, and she lifted her gaze to find a strange, tentacled ship tearing through the night sky. People screamed around them and the streets flooded with chaos as bodies collided with one another, stampeding towards hope of escape.
“What in the hells?” Her body was frozen in terror. “Is that a-“
For once in his life, Gale seemed speechless, and as the ship rapidly approached, he cursed and grabbed Florence by the hand.
“Unless you want to see that thing from the inside, I suggest we run.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The tadpole wriggled in her brain like a slithering migraine while her breath fogged the glass of her containment pod. As she returned to consciousness, she kicked and slammed her fists against the window, desperately trying to break out.
A sphincter shaped gate opened across the room, splayed apart in a disturbing manner. Through the fogged window, she glimpsed a githyanki searching the room, trailed by a dark-haired woman with unfortunate bangs and…
“Help! Get me out! Please!”
Florence prayed her cries would make it through the thick walls of the pod, and to her relief, Gale’s head snapped towards her and he rushed over, investigating the exterior for any indications of weakness.
“There you are! Hold on!” He pressed a hand to the glass to reassure her, and she touched it from the other side.
He’d been looking for her.
Muffled by her vessel of containment, she heard the gith arguing with him, insisting they leave her to die. When he refused, the gith left on her own, and Florence couldn’t blame her. They were wasting valuable time.
She watched him run back and forth across the ship several times before he made any progress, the dark-haired woman lingering near the door until he returned to the pod with a triumphant grin and a strange rune. He inserted it into a nearby console and the seal broke and hissed. A mist rose around her before she was ejected onto her hands and knees, and she struggled to catch her breath, body convulsing as she vomited. Gale rushed to her side, dropping to his knees, and rested his hand on her shoulder with a grimace as she retched.
“Never thought I’d get you out of there.”
“Thanks for saving me.” She panted and wiped her mouth with the back of her arm.
“There will be time to debrief later. The ship’s crashing and if we delay any longer, we’re dead!” Shadowheart yanked Florence from the floor and shoved her towards Gale. He held an arm around her shoulders to steady her.
With a cough, Florence nodded in agreement. “Lead the way.”
They followed the woman through vesseled passageways, using Gale as a support until she got her bearings.
“I see you made friends.” She said as they dodged smoldering piles of ash and carrion as dragons soared dangerously close to the sides of the vessel, screeching and roaring as they set fire to the ship.
“That’s Shadowheart. I found her trapped in a pod, like you.”
“Enough dawdling! We are wasting time.” The githyanki shouted as they met her at the ship’s helm.
“And that’s Lae’zel.” He murmured.
Blocking their path, a Mindflayer fought a large cambion in, and Florence clutched her head as his voice echoed inside of her brain.
“Get to the helm, I’ll hold them back.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.” Gale said and drew an arcane gate for the four of them. He gripped Florence around the waist and pulled her through, letting go once they stepped through the portal, and began fumbling with the controls. As he did so, a brain with legs and claws scrambled up and stopped at Gale’s feet.
Florence’s eyes widened in alarm, and she instinctively took a step back. “What is that?!” she shrieked.
Gale, his attention still fixed on the console, replied, “I... don’t rightly know, but it seems to be on our side.” He paused for a moment, his brow furrowing. “It called itself Kitty at one point, but I pulled it out of a human skull, so I’m not sure if that’s a comfort.”
“Gods, I’m going to faint.”
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t.” Gale responded, and with a final flick of a switch, the console hummed to life, stopping the vessel dead in the air.
“Ha!” He said triumphantly, “See? Everything will be just-“
Suddenly, the ship jolted, emitting a loud creak, and darkness consumed all light in view.
“K’chakhi!” Lae’zel pushed Gale out of the way and studied the console. “You’ve cut the power. We’ll crash!”
“Brace yourselves!” Shadowheart warned. Florence searched for something to hold on to, but when the Nautiloid careened to the side, she slipped through the air with no hope of saving herself. Panic gripped her as she plummeted towards her certain death, the others falling just a few feet above her.
“Take my hand!” Gale’s voice cut through the chaos, grasping for her as they free fell. “There’s a transportation sigil on that rock below. I’ll try to get us there-”
His strained fingertips grazed her skin, and he seized her by the wrist. Midair. He seized her by the wrist and pulled her against him, transporting them from the sky to the arcane sigil. Suspended in time and space, Florence’s panic grew. Gale held her close enough that she could smell the cologne that lingered on his neck. An earthy, spicy blend of cedar, sage, and ginger. Just underneath his shirt, she caught a faint glow. Some sort of magically infused tattoo?
“My magic is…diminished, of late.” He confessed over the dull roar of the void. The sporadic swirls of light inside the sigil illuminated his grim expression. “I can only get one of us out. Find me and-”
She hit the solid ground with a thud before he even finished speaking, and the force knocked the wind from her lungs. Blinded by the sun, Florence squinted and threw a hand in front of her face, looking out at the vast body of water shimmering ahead of her. Time passed differently in magical planes, and it seemed hours had elapsed in the seconds the sigil had trapped them. Fortunately, Gale had transported her to this beach, and not an entirely different dimension.
She pushed herself up from the ground and clapped away the sand sticking to her palms. When she turned, she found the Nautiloid wrecked behind her. From the state of it, survivors were unlikely. She kept vigilant as she moved through the rubble, scanning her surroundings for any signs of Gale.
“I saw you. You were on that ship. You’re one of them.”
A pale, ruby-eyed elf with white hair darted into her path and drew his dagger. She raised her palms in a peaceful gesture.
“I fell from the Nautiloid, abducted, just like you.”
“Do you take me for a fool? You teleported!”
“I don’t have time for this,” Florence grumbled. She pushed past him and stormed up the beach and into the wreckage.
“Wait! Where are you going?” He shouted, too stunned to react.
Ignoring his protests, she wandered through the smouldering remains of the ship until a familiar, whooshing sound of a portal caught her attention. Florence exhaled with relief at the sight of Gale’s arm sticking out of the swirling violet hole.
“A hand? Anyone?”
Without hesitation, she grabbed his arm and pulled with all her strength until the portal spat him out. She fell backwards, and he landed on top of her, inadvertently pinning her down.
“Are you alright?” Concern etched his face as he stared down at her. “I hope I didn’t send you too far...”
“I’m fine, but Gale, what-“ Florence began, her words interrupted by a voice from behind.
“My, my. Seems you found your missing friend.” The elf from the beach was leaning against a nearby boulder, hand still on the hilt of his dagger. A clear warning.
“Ah, I didn’t realize we had company.” With an apology, he scrambled off of Florence and helped her to her feet before turning to the elf.
“I take it you too were the victim of a rather unpleasant ocular insertion?” Gale tapped his temple and brushed himself off, extending a hand. “I’m Gale, of Waterdeep-”
“I suggest you stow that hand if you’d prefer to keep it, wizard.”
“Lovely friend you’ve made already, Florence.” Gale mumbled and shoved his hands in his trouser pockets as he bowed his head to Astarion. “I’d advise you to stow that blade or I’ll have to- ack!”
A sharp, searing pain erupted between Florence’s temples. The world seemed to spin as visions, not her own, flashed before her.
You sat cross-legged in a tavern with a hand atop a young patriar’s, sharing a bottle of wine. His other hand touched your knee, and you kissed him, but your chest caved in with repulsion. You insisted he blow the candles out when you reached his room, and eyes open in the dark, you focused on one spot of light, cast from the window, until it was all over -
The vision stuttered and slipped away, fading into…
Darkness. Never ending darkness. Violet-black of the shadow weave swirling as the mark on your chest throbbed harder than your aching heart. You almost had everything, and you gave it all up to impress her. You failed, never good enough. She’ll never forgive you. She doesn’t want you. Nobody could want you, not if they knew-
Florence held her arms out, grasping for anything to anchor herself as another vision flooded her senses like a crashing wave. Her fingertips brushed against the coarse surface of the boulder, and she leaned on it for support as a surge of alien memories invaded her mind.
Swiftly maneuvering through the streets of Baldur’s Gate, you ran for your life, but it was too-
A thunderous crack suddenly filled her head, causing her to lose her balance and fall on all fours.
The woman at the piano was someone you thought you could have fallen for, once. Her chestnut hair fell across her face as she played, the soft curve of her half-elvish ears peeking through thick waves as her bottom lip jutted out. You recognized that look, the focus in it. Such talent, such promise. What terrible thing befell her? Why did she leave the Academy? You never got a goodbye, but perhaps it was foolish to expect one. But you approached her at the market because she was like a beacon of hope. Something familiar from your past that you wished you’d paid more attention to rather than-
As Florence regained consciousness, she blinked furiously to ease the pulsating burn in her head. Her tadpole seemed to wriggle with recognition, then settled, seemingly sated. She spared a glance in Gale’s direction. Sweat trickled down his forehead, his hand pressed tightly against his heart with a pained expression, as he avoided meeting anyone’s gaze.
“What in the hells what that?” The elf demanded.
“I think we were in each other’s heads…” she groaned.
“Well, it seems you were telling the truth, after all.” With an apologetic smile, he sheathed his blade and wiped his hands on his belt.
“Let’s start over. I’m Astarion.”
“Pleasure.” Gale responded sarcastically and stood with a grunt. Strategically, almost possessively, positioned between Florence and Astarion, he supported her as she rose from the ground, not turning his back to their new acquaintance. Once more, the peculiar tattoo caught her attention, visible beneath his shirt collar. It no longer glowed, but in the light she could see that it subtly connected to the crinkle of his eye, as if magic tunneled through the capillaries under his skin.
“Likewise.” Astarion said. “So, do you have any idea what these…things are in our heads?”
“Tadpoles.” Gale said, “It appears our minds are linked. Unless you know a healer, in a few days’ time, we’ll undergo ceremorphosis and become mindflayers.”
“Mindflayers? Ha… ha!” The elf cackled, “of course we will.”
“We should stick together until we find someone who can extract them. There were others on the ship. I’d like to see if they survived the crash as well.”
“The more the merrier.” Astarion’s demeanor was suspiciously cheerful, a stark contrast to their earlier interaction. Florence had worked in a Festhall for three years, she could easily spot a charlatan. But rather than press the issue, she chose instead to concentrate on surviving the night without becoming illithid.
They found Shadowheart unconscious on the beach as they wandered the debris in search of supplies. Procuring bedrolls, some abandoned packs from fishing posts nearby, and a few dinner rations, Gale suggested they regroup and rest until morning.
“Out here? In the wilds?” Florence picked at the skin around her thumb and glanced towards the burning ship behind them.
“Presumably, there won’t be a tavern for miles. I think we’re roughing it.” Gale’s expression seemed genuinely sympathetic, which came as a relief, because she felt quite high maintenance complaining under the circumstances.
Astarion edged closer to her, “Don’t worry, darling, I’ll keep you safe,” and she swore she caught a disapproving scowl on Gale’s face before he retreated to the edge of camp, explaining, with some urgency, that he needed to get a sending spell to someone in Waterdeep to check on his Tressym.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment/feedback/constructive criticism (this is not peer read) and a kudos on AO3 if you enjoyed (or feel free to hate-kudos it, I won't mind.)
If you'd like, you can connect with me here on Tumblr or check out my Astarion fic (that features Gale), Forms of Imprisonment!
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ladylooch · 1 year
Hi, can you please write a timo meier imagine about reader and timo having sex and reader fakes an orgasim at night and tells some of the wags about it next day about how she really fooled him with her acting, not knowing that timo and his teammates overheard everything, his teammates laugh at him and timo gets embarrassed and upset at reader?
Eager Beaver with Timo Meier
A/N: Sometimes I write things and I’m like lmao a man would never say this, which is why we all love it 😆 Hahahaha. Poor Timo just wanted to show you a good time after he got home! Why you gotta do him like that!? Literally!
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ Content, Swearing, Angst. 
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Tonight, Timo is an eager beaver. He’s been on the road for a long time, bouncing around the  East coast. He came roaring into the bedroom when he got home, flipping the covers off your body and dive bombing your breasts. He spent time kissing along the swells, but then he was dipping into your pants with quick fingers that had you reeling trying to catch up to what was happening.
“Please tell me you are close.” He moans into your hair. His thrusts are sooooo slow. And you’re nowhere near there. But his breathing is picking up. And his moans are filling the air of your bedroom. And you think the right thing to do is to perform a little bit to help him out. 
“Yeah, baby. Feels so good.” You coo into his ear, tugging his ear lobe between your teeth. His jerky hips buck into you as you heighten your breathing, moaning his name and arching your back like you’re coming. Timo finishes inside of you, melting into your body afterwards. 
“I needed that.” He confesses, running his hand along your cheek. “It was too long of a trip. I hate missing you that much.” You smile, ignoring the guilt of your conscious that pokes at you for pretending.
He’s happy. You’re happy. No harm done. 
The following day, Timo is whistling as you and him walk into the Children’s hospital visit you both agreed to. A few other team members and their significant others are joining too. He is happy after being reacquainted with you and has an extra pep in his step at seeing some young fans too. The Sharks are filming the visit for a PR video, so both you and Timo get mic’d up when you enter.
“I think this is where I leave you.” He smiles, leaning down to kiss you. The boys are going to do room visits while the girls are heading to some arts and crafts time. “Thank you for coming. It means a lot to me.”
“I know. Me too.” You kiss him back with a little tongue that adds a bright glint to his eyes. 
“Last night not enough, eh?” You widen your eyes and laugh off the pinch of guilt. 
“Good night, huh?” Erik’s wife, Melinda, asks you.
“Ah, yeah I’m letting him think that.” You chuckle. You and Melinda have a good relationship and it feels silly to lie to her about something so minor. 
“Little bit of a show?”
“Eager beaver didn’t know how to wait.” You joke back. 
“Babe.” Timo calls urgently. “Your mic is hot.” You cringe, looking at Melinda who covers hers in shock too. You had completely forget. 
“Sorry.” You cringe, looking at the producer who shrugs like he doesn’t care.
“We can cut it out.”
You look over at Timo who’s cheeks are red and eyebrows pulled down in agitation over his blue eyes. Can the producers cut it out of his brain too? Shit. You open your mouth to say something and he shakes his head, walking off with the rest of the group to the elevators. You close your eyes, knowing him well enough to understand he is really upset. 
The day drags on, The kids are cute and you do your best to interact with a positive attitude. But all you want is to see Timo and explain. What you’ll say, you still haven’t figured out, but it has to be something to soothe him. 
At the end of the event, he is somehow in a worse mood than before while you’re walking to the car together.
“What the fuck was that?!” He snaps at you. “I just spent two hours being annihilated by the guys for that. In front of the PR team. And young kids.” 
“I’m sorry. I forgot about the mic.” 
“I don’t..” He trails off, hands slapping against his thighs as he keeps walking to the car. “I don’t know what to say.” He completes his thought when you’re both in the car. You try to reach for his hand and he pulls away. “No, I’m really upset. I’m going to drop you at home and leave.” His tone is final. He refuses to look at you on the speedy ride home. You get out of the car and Timo roars off behind you before you’ve even gotten into the front door.
It’s agony being at home without him. You have no idea where he is. Your heart aches for what happened this morning. You feel so awful about what you did last night too. Why didn’t you tell him to slow down? Why didn’t you show him what you needed instead of pretending everything was fine? Why didn’t you remember the mic they put on you literally two minutes before that happened?
The sun has set when the garage door begins to open. You set your glass of wine on the end table and turn to look over the couch at the door. Timo comes in with take out bags for dinner and a bouquet of flowers. You hide your face in the couch cushion, feeling completely unworthy of whatever romantic display he is about to do. He puts a hand on your hair, tugging your pony tail for you to look at him.
“I was really embarrassed earlier and I didn’t know how to communicate with you about why.” You rest your chin on the back of the couch while he kneels down to be eye level with you. His thumb strokes your cheek while the rest of his fingers caress your neck. “I missed you and thought I showed you how much last night. That’s why it was so upsetting. I can take the heat from the guys. Whatever. But not giving you that experience feels awful.” 
“I’m sorry. I should have told you, but you were so eager. And it was hot. I loved so much of that but I was also half asleep when you came in and…” You close your eyes, having a hard time seeing his forehead crinkle in worry. “It wasn’t enough.” You finish, not having any other words to describe it. He nods. 
“That is fair.” He leans forward to share a tender kiss with you. “Let’s make a deal to not do that again.”
“Never.” You agree, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He lifts you over the back of the couch, standing with you in his arms. Your ankles hook together at his lower back. The hug lasts for awhile, softly stroking each other’s back, leaning heads together and sharing a few more smooches. “I love you.” You say sweetly. He smiles, the corners of his eye crinkling in joy. 
“I love you too.” He murmurs. “Come see what I got us for dinner.” 
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aylacavebear · 7 months
She Thought She was Normal
Story Summary: Maria really thought she was normal, for most of her life. It was normal for people to have natural talent, she would tell herself the older she got. Many things came easy for her, and that was probably how their rivalry began when she was five and he was seven and she met the Winchesters. Little did either of them know that it wouldn't stay like that forever, both having a far larger destiny than they could imagine.
Word Count: 2922
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. May have future SMUT 18+!
Warnings: Angst, Fluff. Mention/Insinuation of Sex.
A/N: I am currently working on further chapters. Everything is coming to a head.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 32 - A Taste of Normal
Days passed, and she still hadn’t shared what the book said with any of them other than Dean. Things around the bunker were serene. One of Maria’s favorite things was seeing Bobby and Mari hanging out, reacquainting themselves, and catching up on their lives.
She could have sworn she saw a glimmer in both their eyes when they looked at each other, but she didn’t want to read more into it and make any assumptions.
That fifth morning, as they all sat around the library tables having coffee, Maria finally spoke up, “So, I have a couple more things I need to do but…” she paused, biting her bottom lip nervously for a moment, “I can only take Mari and Cas with me, and only on one of my tasks.”
She wasn’t looking up at them, but she could feel them. The worry and concern that washed over her from all but the angels was a little overwhelming, causing her to take a slow, shaky breath. 
“I don’t like the sound of that, kid,” Bobby told her.
“I know Uncle Bobby. It’s just, physically, none of you can go,” she tried to explain, taking several slow, deep breaths, but they were shaky. Maria had been working on not letting the emotions of others take her over, at least. It had been difficult just to let them flow around her as she couldn’t put up a wall. That would have been like shutting her family out again, and she didn’t want that, not again.
“What do you mean?” Jess asked, tilting her head slightly, puzzled.
“Well, I have to go to Heaven and Hell,” Maria answered her, daring to glance up at all of them, “Physically, your bodies can’t go to Heaven, and it’s too dangerous to take any of you to Hell. But more than that, the book said I couldn’t take you with me.” 
Dean had spent the last several days attempting to come to terms with the entire thing. Seeing her now, he sighed, then gently squeezed her hand. He looked at everyone around the tables and even managed a small smile, “We knew she’d have to do some of this on her own. So, I suggest that we listen and we stay here. We can support her, make this easier. And I can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but we also shouldn’t worry or think that the worst will happen.”
The others looked at him, a bit surprised at his response. It wasn’t something they thought he would say. He probably worried more than the rest of them, but he’d had four days to come to terms with all of it, which they didn’t know. Bobby ran his hand down his beard. The one thing he was hoping for was for Dean not to agree with her.
“Then we’ll do just that. We’ll support you from here,” Mary told her, giving her that soft mom smile.
“I’m proud of you, Little One,” Mari told her, feeling the slight sting of tears in her eyes. 
Maria felt herself relax again. She could tell that her family was still apprehensive about what she had to do, but she could also tell that they would support her, “Mari, Cas, I need you to go to Heaven with me,” she told them more confidently than she felt as she looked over at them.
Cas was slightly puzzled, “Why wouldn’t you want us to go with you to Hell?” 
She chuckled a little, ducking her head slightly before looking back at him, “It’s more of a feeling than something I can put into words. I know what I’m asking of both of you.”
“The night your glow returned, I made my choice to stand with you. Nothing has changed since then. I will go with you when you’re ready,” Cas replied. He, too, had a smile, which Maria found endearing.
“Thanks, Cas,” she told him, relaxing again.
“When do you think you’ll be going, and which place will you visit first?” Mari asked her. She’d seen outcomes, in bits and pieces, of a few different ways things could go. She just didn’t know which ones would play out.
Maria took another deep breath, “I’m not quite sure yet. Every time I think of one being first, I get pulled toward the other one to be first. It’s been… frustrating,” she replied, then took a sip of her coffee.
“Don’t force it, feel it. When it’s time, you’ll know,” Mari tried to reassure her.
“Thanks,” she chuckled.
“On a brighter note, since Thanksgiving, when that shockwave came off you, the crime rate has dropped in almost the entire midwest,” Sam told her.
She looked over at him, furrowing her brow as she took in his words, “Trippy,” was all she could say. She’d been so focused on what she had to do that she hadn’t thought about much else.
“There also hasn’t been any monster attacks either,” Mary added.
“When did you guys find that out?” Maria asked them.
“Yesterday. I was looking up some of the cases, from those books when I noticed it online,” Bobby answered her, “Lots of different papers have articles out on the drop in crimes.”
It was more than that, though, and Bobby began explaining that some people were also moving away from places and to them. Peace, Maria thought to herself, it wasn’t for everyone. Then there was what Mari had told her, that things would happen quickly now.
“It’s happening,” Mari said happily.
“What’s happening?” Jess asked her, furrowing her brow in confusion.
“Maria’s peace, it’s spreading,” Mari replied.
All eyes were on Mari at this point. Maria had figured out enough to know what was going on, but she didn’t have the whole story. That was when Mari shared it with them, the things she’d shared with Cas almost a week ago now. They weren’t sure what to say, as it was a lot to take in. Maria felt all their emotions wash over her in waves, causing her to wobble slightly in her chair. Dean leaned close to her so that she could lean against his chest.
“It’s okay, I’m here,” he told her as he tried to soothe her with his presence.
She felt slightly dizzy. It was a lot to feel all at once. Maria took those slow, deep breaths, focusing on letting their emotions pass over her and not consume her. At that moment, Dean realized he didn’t need to protect her; he just needed to be her rock. That was a different thing for him entirely. He was used to being the strong one, taking the lead, and taking care of his family, but it was all around hunting. What Maria needed was the same thing, but on an emotional level, a comfort level. The thought made him smile as he held her close while she centered herself.
“You okay, kid?” Bobby asked her as he sat forward in his chair, concerned.
“Yeah, Uncle Bobby, I’ll be okay. I’m still getting used to feeling everyone’s emotions,” she chuckled, “I can’t turn that one off. It has to do with not closing myself off from those closest to me.”
“Yes,” Mari began, ”It will only be uncomfortable till you get the hang of maneuvering through that one. You’ll figure it out. Just remember, they aren’t your emotions; don’t let them consume you.”
Maria nodded and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She also allowed the comfort from Dean to help her find her center again. This particular power was going to take some getting used to. It also made her realize another reason why she couldn’t take any of them with her on her tasks. She had to be able to focus and couldn’t do that when she felt their more challenging emotions, their concern and worry. She closed her eyes as Dean put his arms around her. Something so simple brought her so much comfort.
Briefly, her mind went back to when she met the brothers, and a smile tugged at the corner of her lips as the scene from her Uncle’s scrapyard played through her mind. It felt like a lifetime ago now. That was when it hit her. She had to go through hell before she saw the light at the end of it all and chuckled at it.
“What’s so funny, Sis?” Sam asked, slightly puzzled.
“I figured out where I have to go first,” she replied, finding amusement in the irony of it.
“Care to share with the rest of us?” Bobby asked.
She looked over at him, “I have to go to Hell first.”
“When?” Bobby sighed.
“Honestly, I’m not sure yet. I’ll know, though, when it’s time,” she told him, wondering when that would be.
“Well, until then, we’ll take care of things the way we always do, together,” John told her, as he too was proud of the woman she’d grown into. He still saw her as part of the family, even with what she was, the woman his son loved.
Dean did really well at not worrying, especially holding her close like he was, “Then I think we take a day, just relax, do something fun.”
None of them had gotten out of the bunker since Thanksgiving, and Jess had been stuck in there since getting her tattoo. Maria felt some of them tense up at the suggestion and understood why. Azazel had made that threat before they’d taken him out, that if Jess stepped outside, she’d go up in flames. There was also the fact that Mary was supposed to be in heaven, not alive on Earth. Plus, Mari was in hiding due to bringing Maria into existence. Then there was the God/Chuck issue, which she wasn’t sure yet how to deal with. She debated how to ease their worry. 
“I think if we stay together, things will be okay,” Maria offered.
It was the beginning of December, and most of the East Coast and parts of the Midwest had snow on the ground at varying levels. Being in the bunker, it was sometimes difficult to remember what time of year it was or the weather outside as the place stayed a reasonably even temperature all the time.
“So, what do you guys want to do? It’s December,” Jess asked, debating things for herself in her thoughts.
There was silence as they thought about her question, and Maria watched them as she leaned against Dean, “Think about it as if you could go anywhere in the world,” she finally told them, chuckling a little.
That definitely opened some options for them, although they also didn’t want to be around many people either. Plus, they didn’t want to run into anything that would bring trouble. There were many places they could go, things they’d enjoy, but somehow, they all had the same thought.
“How about just a walk through the forest outside?” Mary suggested.
After they thought it over, they all agreed. Everyone except the angels dressed in warm clothes, as well as their coats. Dean opened the bunker door, squinting at the sunlight outside for a moment as he stepped out and into the fresh afternoon air, followed by the others. There was no danger out there that confronted them, just the serenity of the forest around them. 
There was a slight chill in the air and about three inches of snow on the ground. Once they were all outside, Jess crouched down and made a snowball, then threw it at Sam. At first, there was mild shock at the action, then there was laughter, and a snowball fight erupted. No one was spared from the flying snowballs, not even the angels, who got in on the fun. 
Maria used her powers and flung snowballs at everyone, making sure to get Dean a good one. When the snowball hit him in the face, he had an unamused look as he wiped the snow from his face and out of his scruff, watching her laugh like a happy child. He couldn’t help the smile the sight of her brought to him. While he was busy being lost in the moment and his thoughts, another snowball hit in the back of the head, that one from his brother.
For once, they were having one of those normal family moments. They weren’t thinking about monsters, hunting, or even the tasks that Maria had ahead of her. Jess and Maria even built a snowman, Maria using her powers to make the items to decorate it in. Some of them even made snow angels, which Cas didn’t understand. Mari found Cas somewhat adorable, like a child wanting desperately to understand the why of things. 
Afterward, they all went inside, having hot chocolate, some with marshmallows and some without. Maria hadn’t even had to concentrate, and it just happened: the cups appearing in front of each of them, just how they liked it. The word “normal” kept running through Maria’s mind. This was the most normal she’d felt in a long time, if ever. They had dinner and opted for a board game afterward, Mousetrap.
Dean attempted to set the game up, and Maria did her best to keep her giggles to a minimum when he would get frustrated that something wouldn’t snap together correctly. He didn’t get mad or throw anything; he just took a deep breath and would try again. Since the game was only four players, they made teams; Jess and Sam, Dean and Maria, John, Mary, and Bobby, and Mari and Cas.
Cas didn’t understand the point of the game, but his curiosity won out in the end, and he agreed to play with them. There was more laughter and family jabs that brought even more laughter than the game itself. However, Cas wasn’t happy when his mouse got caught, which made the entire room light up with laughter.
That night, as Dean and Maria were cuddling together, she still felt that sense of normalcy from earlier in the day. For a bit, the two just stayed in silence, relishing the moment with each other, the closeness, the comfort, and the contentment their love brought them.
“Maybe normal isn’t so bad,” Dean told her softly.
Maria tilted her head so that she could look at him instead of being nuzzled against his chest, “I had a lot of fun today, too.”
Dean touched her cheek, gently caressing it, wondering again how he’d gotten so lucky to have her in his life like this. Then he chuckled slightly when he knew it was because of Jess and something that had happened between the two girls.
She tilted her head a bit, “What’s so funny?” He chuckled again before he slid a few strands of her hair behind her ear, “Just wondering how I got so lucky to have you in my life. Then I remembered what you said about Jess. It made me chuckle,” he paused for a moment, taking in the softness in her expression, almost getting lost in her eyes again, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she sighed happily before she felt his lips on hers.
She was used to feeling his emotions. However, he wasn’t used to feeling hers. At that moment, when he kissed her, he felt her, and he had to pull away a bit, surprised and slightly overwhelmed by it. He didn’t even know what to say to her.
Maria tilted her head slightly, confused, “You okay?”
It took him a moment to snap out of his thoughts, “I uh, I felt what you did, or do, or…” he trailed off, unsure how to word it.
“Wait? What?” she asked, still attempting to understand him.
He propped himself up on his elbow so he could look at her better than the way he was, “When I kissed you, I think I felt your emotions,” he managed to tell her, and even that sounded odd.
It took her a minute to fully process what he had said before she could respond, “Well, that might have been my fault. I was thinking that I wanted you to know how I felt. It’s like, I love you just wasn’t enough to say it,” she confessed, a bit shyly.
Dean felt a smile spread as he listened to her, “Can we try that again, only during sex?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
She couldn’t help the giggling that erupted, “You’re adorable, and I don’t see why not, just not tonight.”
He pouted, attempting to look serious in his pout, but his smile won that little fight with his lips, making her giggle again. Dean brushed his fingers along her forehead, moving a bit of her hair as his eyes washed over her expression. She was right; I love you didn’t really say how they felt toward each other.
He leaned down and kissed her again, “Let’s get some sleep, beautiful.”
She blushed a little, not completely used to his compliments, which he still found adorable, “I just meant that we couldn’t do the shared emotion thing tonight.” Dean could hear the insinuation in her tone, and he practically purred, “Mmmm, I love the way you think,” he told her before leaning down and kissing her again.
The two spent a very intimate night together. It was the perfect way to end their first normal day that they’d had in a really long time, even if there were still things that needed to be taken care of.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 33 - Hell
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glimmerlofsea · 4 months
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Jason Scott x Reader
PT. 1.
Warning : Fightinggg
WC; 3,5k
#TALKISSA; This part two of 'Ranger What'!
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Jason explain it to you all the parts and every detail. That Jason and his friends are the Power Rangers, heroes of Angel Grove— well, your brain can still accept it. But not when he started mentioning that you were the next Ranger, the Lost Ranger, the White Ranger with their instinct abilities, and other nonsensical things.
You sat on a chair in the empty room, Jason sat next to you,
"...And we purposely arranged the tour to come to this museum, because we just found out that our last coin was here, Y/N. And it called you, didn't it? That means you are-"
"A Ranger, yes I know." You replied, cutting him off, still trying to digest what he said.
Your gaze was locked on the floor, Jason said being a Ranger required great sacrifice, even if you guys had to die you had to be ready- but you couldn't. Never will.
"Jason." You turned to him, "I have a family, Jeremy is not old enough to be able to take care of my father who is getting older, if I do this and what if I die? What if I fall? I'm not a soldier. I'm just a girl-"
"Hey, hey."
You stop what you're talking about,
"I won't let that happen. We won't let that happen."
He held your hand, holding it tightly, "We take care, we protect each other because that is our principle."
You controlled your breath, "I can't. I still can't."
"The coin chose you, Y/N. It has to be you. Somehow, the coin believes that you are the right choice for it." Kimberly said which made you looking at her.
You could feel Jason releasing his grip, "How about we get reacquainted first?"
"Y/N. I'm Jason Scott, The Red Ranger."
"Kimberly Hart. Kim, The Pink Ranger."
"Billy Cranston. The Blue Ranger."
"Zack Taylor, The Black Ranger."
"Trini Kwan. The Yellow Ranger."
You look at the girl named Trini, she looked petite and very beautiful, she looked like she had Latin blood.
"I love yellow." You said while smiling slightly looking at her, she smiled, "Thank you."
"Your turn, Y/N." Jason said.
You nodded and looked at them all, "Y/N Y/L/N."
They all seemed to be waiting for you to say what color Ranger you got, you smiled awkwardly and shook your head, "No. That's not gonna happen and I won't say it."
"You're still in denial, I get it, Y/N. But the coin chose you. There's nothing we can do about that, and we can't just change it." Trini said walking towards you.
You took a breath.
And here you are, trying to accept the fact that you were one of them, the heroes of Angel Grove.
You and the others are walking towards a mine that is still under construction.
Trini and Kim were seen early in front, Billy and Zack chatted and joked, you walked alone behind. Your mind is not in sync with your body, as if someone is taking over your body.
You felt your feet slipping, until finally a hand grabbed yours,
You widened your eyes with what just happened, you could have died.
"Careful, White." Jason said smiling, you faked a smile, "Yeah, thank you, Red." He chuckled at your reply.
He matched his footsteps with yours, "Jason,"
He cleared his throat, you opened your mouth, "The huge sacrifice that a ranger requires... Have you ever done it? I mean- on the verge of death and so on?"
He smiled, "No. You know, the last time Angel Grove was under siege by evil—like huge gold-plated monsters was a few months ago, so that's when me and the others were really fighting for our lives."
You nodded and took a breath, "Hey," he said which made you look at him, "I know maybe you're nervous, feel weird, scared, and so on, believe me, I was like that too when I first experienced it. But, Y /N, everything will be fine. We'll just take you to Zordon and you'll take a little training."
You nod again,
"Guys, we have reached the edge of the cliff. Do you want to jump first or jump straight into the water?"
You heard Zack screaming. Slowly you advanced your steps— and saw how high it was to reach the surface of the water. You didn't know the Angel Grove mine had this.
"Forget it, I'll go straight into the water." Zack said, he looked at you and waved his hand, "See you, odd girl."
He immediately dropped to the surface there, you swallowed your thirst, Billy followed Zack, Trini grabbed your shoulder before she caught up with Billy and Zack, Kim approached you, "Don't worry, we won't die." She smiled and jumped.
You just stay silent, it was just you and Jason left up there. You looked at Jason who smiled at you, “Jump together?”
"I would love to do that."
Jason took your hand to hold it, "Ready?" You nodded.
You can't explain the situation, but when you jump you scream as loud as you can and it feels like you're in the air for a long time, like you're moving in slow motion, you know?
Once you reach the surface of the air, you close your nose to not let air in.
You floated in the air and saw Zack, Kim, Trini, Billy, and Jason looking at you. You rubbed your face so the air on your face wouldn't interfere with your vision, feeling strange that they were all staring at you, you let out a voice, "What?"
"You are the brightest." Billy said.
You were confused, but after seeing their bodies glow according to the color they had, you looked at your own body which was surrounded by white light. You let out a smile, happy to see the radiation of the light you had.
"Okay. Without further ado, let's go to Zordon?" Kim said a little hesitantly.
You nod, they start to dive back down, you follow them, and suddenly in your blurred vision in the water you see them slowly disappear as they touch the reflection of the water. Only yourself is left in the water, you are out of breath, for now you won't ask too many questions, you follow them.
Touch the reflection and everything is upside down, you fall due to gravity. Luckily you didn't fall right to the bottom of the rock, you groaned and then realized you were on top of someone, you widened your eyes when you realized you were on top of Jason, your hair was still wet, dripping onto Jason's shirt.
"Hello there," he said with a sly smile, you stiffened and immediately smiled awkwardly, maybe you could say you were a little comfortable with that position...?
You heard Billy clear his throat, you immediately got up and stood up straight, "Sorry,"
"No problem." Jason smiled back, he also aroused himself like you.
You shook the dirt off your clothes, that's when you realized that you were in a cave.
"Come on," said Trini.
You follow them, and are amazed by what you see, a large ship hiding in the cave. Long story short, they take you on the ship,
"Zordon! Zordon! Zordon! She's here! The white ranger is here!"
You hear a shrill voice shout. That's when you see robot prototypes walking around. You were so confused that you put on your stupid face, you heard Jason chuckle, “Come here.”
You follow Jason, "That's Alpha 5. Weird I know, but can we say he's like our mentor's assistant?"
You nod.
You are taken to a room that could be said to be the heart of this ship,
"Y/N Y/L/N. White ranger. Welcome back."
You were speechless... What really spoke to you was just a face, "Oh my fucking god." you whispered.
You heard the face chuckle, "I know it's weird, as do the rest of your friends when they set foot here. And I'm so glad our missing Ranger is back. It was nice meeting you, Y/N."
You smiled awkwardly, "Nice to meet you too, Zordon?" Your tone sounds unsure.
"I'm sure Jason has explained everything to you?" Zordon asked, you nodded, “Then today we will try to get you to morph into your costume, understand?” You nodded your head a second time.
"And how?"
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You are taken to another cave on the ship, but Zordon's voice can still be heard.
"Actually, our previous enemy has fallen... And I'm not sure I would use a hologram of our old enemy. So, Y/N, you will fight your friend." Alpha 5 said, at first you were confused, “What?”
Until you see the 5 Angel Grove heroes in their costumes, you chuckle in disbelief, "I won't fight them in those costumes, right?" You looked at Alpha 5, he didn't say anything back, "I wish you a good luck, Y/N."
You looked back at those who were really ready to fight you, "Great. I'm fucking dying."
You prepare your moves, you actually don't know how to actually fight, it's only because you often watch several movies that you know some of the moves you have to use when fighting.
The blue one stepped forward— Billy came forward to fight you, his movements were very fast, he threw a punch but you quickly dodged and kicked him, your legs were in pain from the attack of the silver plated costume, "Damn it!"
Not long after, Trini and Kimberly came forward, Trini managed to land a punch on your face while Kim aimed for your stomach, you felt cramps all over your body, you tried to fight it, slowly you twisted your leg so that Trini suddenly fell, when Kim's attention was distracted by Trini, you punched her in the face which was visible through her mask.
You felt blood flowing from your nose, you saw Zack who was advancing his steps, you immediately wiped your blood, he pushed you until you were cornered on the rocks of the cave, you hit his back using your elbow, you thought you were starting to get used to the presence of this coin on you. You feel.. Stronger.
You kicked Zack's genitals with your knee, cliche but successful enough to send Zack sprawling on the floor. You immediately chuckled at him.
No sooner had you seen Jason standing side by side with Kim, as if they were ready to fight you, again, than you groaned, “Ugh.”
Kim goes forward and throws all the punches she can, you grab her hand and twist it so she groans, you immobilize her on the surface and push her far away.
You looked at Jason who was taking off his mask, he smiled, "You're getting used to it, aren't you?"
You smiled and he put his mask back on, "Take it easy on me, Red." You said before your fight started.
Your fight with Jason didn't require what you went through with all of them, he didn't hesitate to throw punches, kicks and whatever he had to paralyze you. You threw your fists, but he grabbed your hands and lifted you onto his shoulders then pushed you back, making you groan, you took the opportunity to wrap your legs around his neck.
"Sorry." You said before hitting him on the head again with your elbow, making him lose his balance and the two of you just fell.
"It's so tense here!" shouted Alpha 5.
As you fell together, Jason and you looked at each other before you were completely pressed against him, he was on top of you, holding your hand with both of his. Your breathing is irregular, you try to control your breath.
He took off his mask and showed a sly smile, "Am I 'take it easy on you', White?"
You smiled, “Sure you are.”
You heard a lot of fake coughs, as did Jason, you immediately stood up, you were amazed to see that their costumes had completely changed to how they were before.
You sigh, "So what? I don't see me 'morphing'?"
Trini looked at Kim, then Kim looked at you, "If this doesn't work, then we'll do something else."
"Oh, please, don't fight anymore. My body hurts so bad." You whined.
Jason chuckled, "No, we won't. Come on."
You follow them, they take you to the edge of the mine which is not far from Zack's residence, he said. You sat around the campfire, you sat between Zack and Jason.
You took off your leather jacket to reveal yourself wearing only a white tank top, you looked behind your shoulder which had many wounds, you thought that during the fight you accidentally rubbed against a rock.
"So what are we going to do? I don't think I have much time because my dad will be worried and I really need to treat this." Your words ended by pointing to several wounds on your face.
Zack chuckled, "You pretty much beat us there, Y/N. I mean... You're cool because you can fight us in costume."
You smiled, "Thank you. And I'm sorry for kicking your dick."
Zack was seen feeling embarrassed while the others laughed. You brought out your sly smile.
“Did you learn martial arts, Y/N?” Trini asked, you shook your head, “I watched a lot of movies, plus this coin's ability, I think I became more… I don't know, stronger?”
Trini smiled and nodded.
“So, the first thing we do when we can't change is open up to each other, Y/N.” Kim said.
You nod your head, “Okay, then my assignment is open to you all?” You looked at everything slowly, until your gaze stopped on Jason who nodded.
You don't mind sharing your story, "Okay.. I'm Y/N Y/L/N, a new kid from a town far from here. I live with my dad and my little brother, Jeremy, who really likes you guys. I mean, really. Like a maniac. And you have a lot of that maniacs, Scott." You said looking at Jason, the others groaned making Jason chuckle shyly.
You smile.
"Where is your mom?" Billy asked, your smile faded, things got quiet, Zack slapped Billy lightly on the chest, "Dude."
Billy, who looked confused, showed his flat face, "What?"
You smiled, "It's okay. Actually I don't know. And I never want to know. She was rude. To me, to my father, and before she managed to touch Jere, my father decided to move first leaving my mother. And I'm glad he did it."
"She was not only physically abusive... But mentally, she often cursed me with obscene words, such as being called a odd girl, a worthless girl, kind of a bitch, and other insults."
Recalling all those bad memories made you stare straight at the fire and felt warm drops of water fall from your face, you felt someone gently caress your back—and without you looking you knew it was Jason.
You blinked a few times and tried to smile, “That's all I think?”
“I'm sorry, Y/N.” Kim said followed by nods from Billy and Trini.
You smiled, "No need, Kim. But thanks."
"Okay... And as I remember the last time we morphing there must have been a sacrifice?" Zack asked.
You looked at him quickly, your whole face tensing up, Zack chuckled, "No, I'm kidding. It's just because of that creepy witch, Rita."
You breathed a sigh of relief.
At first Zack chuckled, but his smile disappeared again when he looked at you, again and again you were confused, they all looked at you, "What?"
You looked at Jason who smiled in awe, "You did morphing."
You look at your own body in a white costume... You did it! Whatever the term, you morphed!
But it's strange that you don't wear a mask like them...
“But why isn't she wearing a mask?” Billy asks which one is confusing you.
“Take her to Zordon, perhaps?” Trini suggested.
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"Good job, Y/N. I didn't expect you to change so quickly." Zordon said to you.
"Thank you. But do you have a reason why I'm not wearing a mask?"
"Oh! Of course. Don't panic, the White Ranger doesn't have a mask because its ability is specifically for physical contact. If you want to use your contact ability, you need eyes to see clearly without a mask."
Ah, that makes sense.
"So cool! Can I be white?!" Zack exclaimed while laughing.
"No." Zordon answered, making you laugh a little.
"However, Y/N. Promise me, all of us, to use your abilities only for good, only for Ranger purposes, and no evil."
You nodded your head, “Thank you for entrusting this coin to me.”
You could see Zordon smile, "You're the one who deserves it, kid. Wear it well."
After that you separated from Trini, Kim, Zack, and Billy. Jason offered to take you home since he was the one who caused all this. If I'm not mistaken, you only got home at 2 in the morning.
The streets were very quiet, Angel Grove was very quiet, only Jason and your footsteps could be heard.
Until you were in front of your house, "This is where we have to part ways." You said with a smile.
He smiled, "It's a shame I still want to spend time with you."
You chuckled, "Thank you. Thank you for promising me and believing in me, Jace."
He chuckled, "Jace? I love that. And also, anytime, Y/N. And everything I said on the bus, it's true, I watch you a lot in class."
You stepped forward and kissed his cheek, then stood up again, “Goodnight.”
Before you heard his answer, you went straight into your house, usually your father would turn on the lights if you weren't home yet, but not this time. Something is wrong and you don't like it.
You open your door... The door is unlocked.
You felt something was wrong, because you felt Jason was still there you screamed his name, "Jason!"
You see your house is completely a mess. Your family photo frame is broken, scattered on the floor,
"What's wrong?!" Jason exclaimed.
You didn't answer him, your breath was already short, you were afraid, you were afraid that the consequences you got as a Ranger would be passed on to your father, and what was worse... to Jeremy.
You took your steps towards Jeremy's room, "Jere?!" Your voice trembled, but there was no answer at all.
The room is no less messy than your living room... What actually happened?
You sobbed, you put one hand on your waist while the other hand you held tightly to your hair, Jason noticed that and held your hand gently so as not to hurt yourself, "Hey. Hey, breathe."
You cried uncontrollably, "What happened? Where are my father and brother, Jason?"
He pulled you into his arms, gently stroking your back, "Sshh. It's okay. We'll figure it out together, okay?"
You cried into his chest. Now the house that was once filled with your father's laughter and Jeremy's jokes has dimmed, even the light that illuminated your own father no longer appears in the house. Where are they? What really happened? You don't like this.
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Author Note : I apologize profusely if there are any typos because I originally wrote this from a first point of view... Hihi. I really hope you enjoy it, issea! and I'm really bad at writing fights...
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