#n ill work on the confession blog as well
dulcewrites · 2 years
For You Always
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x reader (kind of lol)
Summary: you always knew Aemond had a soft spot for you, but you always just assumed it was him wanting to look out for his brother’s wife. Soon you find out that his devotion knows no bounds
Warnings: allusions of sexual assault
A/N: I was inspired by the dynamic between Alicent and Larys (and her and Criston). That dynamic is probably the most interesting to me to watch (plus when Olivia and Matthew are together in scenes it’s like a masterclass in acting. Might be my fav two actors on the show rn). I also just love the idea of Aemond being someone’s guard dog. I plan on writing things from this list. And plan on doing things with a black reader :). But I got inspired and it flowed very easily so I wanted to get it out. I am open to request as well! Please reblog, like, and follow if you enjoy 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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In hindsight, confessing your sadness to Aemond after the incident was a bad idea. But in your defense, it wasn’t intentional. You found yourself crying, trying to make it back to your chambers before anyone spotted you in distress. And there he was.
Whispers was something you had grown used to since arriving in King’s Landing years ago. Whispers about your family back home, whispers about your life now… including whispers about your relationship with Aegon. Most of the time it would roll off your back. Mainly because the rumors themselves were never true. It’s easy to brush it off when there’s no validity.
It wasn’t until one day you overheard two lady’s maids speaking about your husband. Certain words stuck out. Dyana, crying, Aegon, paid off, and moon tea.
You felt sick, physically ill hearing them talk. You had always wondered what happened to Dyana; lamenting on how good she was with Elia, your daughter. When asked if he knew why she was not around anymore, all Aegon gave you was a shrug before changing the subject. But now you understand why. Deep down you knew Aegon was not a good man, but you naively hoped he had changed after the birth of your daughter. His behavior was always questionable, but this was a new low. You wish you could let this roll off your back like the rest. No use in chalking it up to a rumor; you know Aegon too well for that.
You couldn’t help the tears from falling as you turned away. The walk to your chamber felt like forever. Mind racing; you thought about poor Dyana and where she was now, who knew about this, and selfishly you thought about if people thought you knew all along. That you brushed it off because that is what is expected of a lady in your position. Smile and endure. Ignore and push through.
That people thought you were just as cruel as your husband.
It was the tears on your face that made Aemond stop in his tracks. You tried to wipe them away quickly after you spotted him but it was too late. He all but forces you to tell him why you’re in this state. It wasn’t becoming of your station to be crying in the arms of your lord husband’s brother. But there you were in your room, pouring your heart out.
Aemond had always been good to you. His generosity was not something you were expecting when you came into the family. Everyone had responded the way you predicted. Helena was sweet. Queen Alicent seemed indifferent; not exactly warm, but always there if you needed something. The sicker King Viserys grew, the less you saw him. Aegon was doting when he wanted you, awful when he didn’t. Aemond was the odd one out. Completely shocking you with the concern he shows. You had made up in your mind it stemmed from his hatred for Aegon.
That day, Aemond simply rubbed your back and told you he’d handle anything else that happened with Aegon. It must’ve been your frazzled state that led to you taking that comment as sweet rather than ominous.
Silly you.
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It felt like the whispers and rumors only got worse after finding out about what happened to Dyana. By the time you had worked up the courage to confront Aegon, another indiscretion made it back to you.
It seems that your husband has an affinity for servants and ladies in waiting. If rumors are true, at least this one is consensual. The name of a servant you know helps Helaena continues to get bandied about.
You can’t help but feel embarrassment and rage flood through your body. He’s one the princes of the storied Targaryen family, a future king if things go the way certain people in the Red Keep want them to. And here he is, not only abusing his power but making a mockery of you in the process.
A part of you wonders if you should go to Alicent. You decide against it; you know how the game is played. No matter how much she may resent his behavior, he will always take precedent over you. Then you think about going to Helaena, but you hated the idea of troubling her with your mess. So there you were, at Aemond’s door with a rant on the tip of your tongue.
It was nice. Getting your feelings out to someone who shared your complicated feelings towards Aegon.
Aemond rarely responds or gives you advice. Just gave you an chance to let it all out, which is something you appreciated. You left his quarters feeling a bit lighter. As light as you could feel with the position you are in.
You spent the rest of the week trying to avoid talking to Aegon, and spend time with Elia and with Helaena.
“A flower can wilt under love, the same way it wilts under detestation.”
Helaena’s cryptic language was something you had learned to just go with. Though, you did get an eerie feeling after she said it to you with a concerned look on her kind face.
You tried to push the hurt feelings away, and almost succeeded. Until your lady in waiting came to you one night with a nervous look on her face. Reluctantly, she told you news that she had heard.
You couldn’t hold it any longer the next time you saw Aegon. When the conversation started, you were surprised to hear him speak so openly about his cheating. You had just always expected him to act like the whole castle isn’t talking about it.
“What do you mean you told her she could be your second wife,” you hiss at him, trying to keep your voice low.
He winced and looks down at his feet.
“I don’t even remember saying it myself,” he says meekly. “But she surely remembers it. Won’t let me forget it.”
You scoff, and take good look at him. You think about how your mother’s vision for you, and your own blind ambition has landed you stuck with the biggest idiot ever.
“So let me get this straight,” you walked towards him. “You spend your days drowning yourself in your cups, and disrespecting half of the women in the Red Keep. And now you tell me you’re whispering sweet nothings into her ears so she keeps stroking your ego.. amongst other things. Some couple you two make. You’re stupid enough to say that, and she’s delusional enough to believe you.”
“My lov-“ you hold up hand to stop him.
“You will fix this,” your finger hits his chest. “I can’t even stand to look at you right now.”
You leave the room in a hurry, ignoring his tries to stop you. Where you are going at this hour? You have no idea, but you can’t be in the same rom as Aegon right now. But then you get an idea… the dragon pit.
Vhagar can’t fit in pit but whenever Aemond wants to ride her, he goes there.
You feel a bit silly, going to him to whine about how awful his brother is. But when you find him walking from the pit, the words and emotions just flowed out. Honestly for someone so outwardly cold, Aemond handles you so gently.
“To do that, and right in front of you is an insult.”
You nod in agreement because it is. It shows how much he doesn’t care. How much you carry your relationship with him.
“And the most frustrating part is that I just have to live with it,” you think about Elia, and the pressure there is to have another baby, a boy. “I have to not only face Aegon, but apparently the woman who he chooses lay with. I have to hear the whispers not about him being a disgrace. But about me being so frigid that of course he’d seek warmth from another.”
You run your hands down your face.
“What has my life become?”
Aemond doesn’t reply, just gives you an inquisitive look before nodding to himself. He walks you back to the room.
“Everything will be fine. Trust me,” his tone is so certain. You want to be ask how does he know, but you guess that’s what any person says when they’re comforting someone else.
You take a deep breath. Everything will be fine.
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The day felt different. You don’t know why. You went through you typical schedule, most of which revolves around caring for Elia. Despite the off feeling you couldn’t quite put a finger on, the day was reflectively uneventful… until Queen Alicent comes to visit you.
She smiles as she holds Elia.
“How are you my dear,” her voice is soft and measured. The question is simple but it makes you uneasy. If things have made it back to you, they’ve surely made it back to her.
“I’m doing well your Grace,” you put on your best face. “Just a little tired.”
She hums in response.
“That’s good to hear,” she steps closer to you, lowering her voice. “I’m glad you were able to take care of any problems that may have arose.”
You blink at her. She’s clearly talking about Aegon and the servant. You did tell Aegon to fix it, but the quickness is surprising. Plus you assumed he’d come whining to you about it after he had ended things.
“I’m glad to know you can take care of things on your own.” she continues, and your confusion grows.
Didn’t know you had it in you? Take care of things? You truly do not understand what the Queen is saying. Before you can get into it, Ser Arryk knocks saying the King needs Alicent. After she leaves, you hand Elia to your lady in waiting.
You must go to Helaena.
You find her in her chambers, embroidery hoop in hand. The bright smile she greets you with drops when yo ask about her lady in waiting.
“A flower can wilt under love, the same way it wilts under detestation.”
Her voice is somber, and you let out a deep sigh. Who is the flower? She clearly knows something but you wonder if even she can even figure it out herself. There’s no way you can go one of your girls, you’d be tipping your hand. And Aegon never seems to be around when you need him. Then it hits you.
I’ll handle it
Everything will be ok, trust me
It couldn’t be. You try to talk yourself out of the idea races into your mind as you walk to Aemond’s room. You squeeze your eyes shut as you knock on the door. The aloofness of his demeanor only makes you more anxious.
“I don’t even know how to ask this,” you give him a tight, nervous smile once he lets you in. “Or that you would even know the answer.”
He’s sitting in a chair, and tilts his head to the side. You pause for a moment. Collecting your thought; the last thing you want to do is accuse him of something.
“She’s gone,” he replied after silence passes through the room. He sounds bored of the careful dance you’re trying to play.
It’s vague. Gone could mean a lot of things. It could mean Aegon did something right for once, but then again how would Aemond know that before you. You didn’t want her to lose her job. You just wanted the record set straight, and selfishly you didn’t want people questioning your marriage.
“What did you do,” you whisper, suddenly getting worried.
“I did what Aegon will never have the courage to do,” he stands up, and starts walking towards you. “I protected you.”
“Aemond what do-“
“You don’t have to worry about her anymore,” he interrupts you. “We took care of it.”
Your stomach sinks. We took care of it. There’s only one person.. no one thing Aemond could be talking about. Aemond on his own is intimating enough
“I didn’t want her dead,” you look at him with wide eyes.
He doesn’t seem phased by your panic. In fact he gives you a smile, or at least closest thing Aemond does to a smile.
“My future queen wanted something done, so I did it,” he says it as if it’s the most obvious thing ever.
He thinks of you as his future queen, you’ve known that for a while. Everything starts and ends with you in his eyes. Any threat to you is a threat to him. You had grown to understand Aemond’s intensity, but this is a lot even for him. The look in his eye makes you know this won’t be a one time thing. That he’s going to go to these lengths whether you like it or not. Haelena’s words ring in your head.
A flower can wilt under love, the same way it wilts under detestation
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arvensimp · 2 years
Hey! Thanks for checking out my writing here! I'm creating this masterpost so folks have an easier time finding my current works as well as seeing what has already been written or requested before submitting something new.
As always, I'm happy to answer any questions that folks have. :) Since this is a side blog, I can't reply to replies on my posts, so feel free to message or send me an ask if you just want to speak directly to me and get an answer.
Before you submit a request for a new fic, please read the list of rules here, as well as the list of current requests here. If you're using the app and those two links aren't working, they go to arvensimp.tumblr.com/rules and arvensimp.tumblr.com/requests respectively. Please just review them first. Then please check out the list of current works! As an example, I already have lots of stuff with a jealous arven, as well as an applin exchange.
Current Works
Chronologically posted, * depicts NSFW content, if fem or male isn't specified, then third person singular pronouns are not used to describe the reader, so reader can be fem, masc, or nb. As in, the reader is not described as he, she, or they.
After Graduation - Arven x fem!reader confessing their feelings
Rain and Ruined Sandwiches - Arven x reader, includes an applin gifting
2 + 1 - Arven x reader, Arven tries asking out the reader twice, then they end up doing some cooking together. Includes a bit of jealous Arven
*Kisses - Arven x reader, just a lot of kissing.
*First Time(s) - Arven x fem!reader, breakdown of first times with a fem reader
Starving - Arven x touch starved!reader, bit of angst over the fact that the pokemon start to flock more to Arven now the he starts cooking for everyone. Also includes the "only one bed at the hotel" trope
Arven as a student - just a list of headcanons, not an actual fic
Green Eyed Tera-Type, Part 2 , Part 3 - jealous!Arven x reader, ft. N
*Midnight Messquerade , Part 2, Part 3 - horny!Arven x reader, bit of a shame kink
Poor Flirt - Arven x reader, Arven just being flustered and bad at flirting lmao
*Dirty Talk - Arven x reader, focus on how Arven speaks in the bedroom
Burning Love - Arven x reader, reader trying to cook for Arven and getting hurt in the process
*Different Kinda Jelly, Part 2, Part 3 - jealous!Arven x fem!reader, ft. Leon and a very slight bit o breeding kink
Birthday! - Arven x reader, just a tiny birthday ficlet
*Vocal Lover - Arven x reader, focus on getting Arven to talk during the act
Passing - Arven x reader, comfort during the time of a pokemon's passing
Beach Episode - Arven x reader, what is says on the tin! Beach date!
Sickness - Arven x reader, dealing with the reader being seriously ill
*Little Talks - Arven x fem!reader, discussion of Arven's kinks
*Good Boy - Arven x fem!reader, touch starved Arven with a praise kink tries doggy style w the reader
That Funny Feeling - Arven x singer!reader, comfort
You Can Plan on Me - Arven x reader during the holidays
*The Earth and The Glorious Sun - Arven x reader, face sitting/squirting. No gendered pronouns are used here but fem genitalia is mentioned colloquially
Gotta Gotta Be Down - Arven x reader, Arven is jealous of the time you're spending with some of the former Team Star bosses and rushes a confession
Positive - Arven x Pregnant!reader, just finding out reader is pregnant
*Love Like You - Arven x male!reader, realizing feelings, confessions, and a first time
*I Really Want It - Arven x fem!reader, food play
Purple Puppy - Arven x reader with a Mabosstiff on their team.
A Wish Your Heart Makes - Arven x reader, pure fluff about reader saying Arven's name while sleeping
Baby Mine - Arven x reader (no gendered pronouns are used to describe the reader), discovering a pokemon egg!!
*Masturbation headcanon
*Oops!!! - Arven x fem!reader, wanting to start a family, NSFW actual super duper breeding kink
Wisdom Teeth Removal - Arven x reader, what it says on the tin, Arven helping you recover after minor surgery
Pocket Things - Arven x reader with a cofagrigus. This one has a hint of horror to it.
*Minty Herba Mystica - Arven x reader, pure smut wherein Arven accidentally eats an herba mystica that maybe isn't meant for human consumption
Disobedient - Arven x reader with a Hisuian Zoroark that very much does not like him. Another one with aspects of horror.
*your father should know [part 2] [part 2.5] - Arven x fem!reader, kid!fic wherein arven unknowingly leaves the reader pregnant in paldea and through a series of miscommunications has no idea about the pregnancy/child
Thoughtless Murmuring - Arven x reader, arven pissed you off and he's gonna try to do something about it.
*The Type To Break It - Leon x fem!reader, leon and reader go at it while hop is asleep the next room over. v nsfw.
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
hello, darling! How are you? I love your writing, and I'm obsessed with your blog aesthetic as well! <3 take good care of yourself because you obviously deserve it from how hard you're working
my request is quite simple! please don't feel forced to write anything you don't want to, and feel free to ignore this if desired! I was listening to "My Girlfriend is a Witch" (October Country) and I thought to myself: the obey me brothers with an s/o who's a witch/sorcerer! I wasn't thinking about ALL characters (because my favorite is Lucifer), but feel free to actually include anyone you want! Thank you for your time and I appreciate the effort!
> if you desire something more specific: the MC would be a human exchange student like Solomon, using magic to some things and making potions, having also very good cooking, and admiring storytelling. Any trouble envolving dark magic among the brothers? MC can resolve it! Or at least try to help. Another witches are bothering Mammon again? MC will talk to them, since the witches in question are on their class anyways.
(also, may I be 🍓 anon? hehe <3)
lucifer x witch!mc
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includes: lucifer x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .5k | rated g | m.list
a/n: this was so cute!! i also have a longer series with sorcerer mc here! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come say hi!! and yes, you can absolutely be 🍓 anon hehe
please reblog <3
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at first, lucifer hadn’t trusted you in the slightest. sure, he’d technically been the one to choose you as the new applicant, but he hadn’t actually looked at your application, something that was definitely coming back to bite him.
at least you weren’t part of the coven that mammon was entangled in, he had thought to himself, trying to look on the bright side, dim as it was.
slowly though, you grew on him. though some of your pursuits had ended poorly, like when you’d accidentally burned off your eyebrows making a potion, or had a spell go wrong and made everyone in rad only able to tell the truth, he began to feel more amused by them than irritated, a sure sign you were endearing yourself to him.
and some of your skills were quite helpful, he had to admit. when belphie had gotten sick with some form of rare illness, you’d saved the day by cooking up a remedy when even simeon and solomon were unable to. and some of your teas and herb mixtures were useful, not to mention delicious.
now, lucifer mused, he was completely head over heels for you. sure, there were still things that you did that gone on his nerves, or thins you said that he didn’t fully agree with, but you truly were one of a kind and now incredibly important to him. plus, your sense of humor was amusing, even if he’d never admit it.
(for halloween you’d decided to dress up as a classic witch, complete with a black hat and broomstick. somehow, he’d been convinced to join you as a vampire, and diavolo had been a werewolf. it was silly and lowbrow, but he had one of the pictures saved as his phone background.)
“what are you thinking so hard about?” you ask him, drawing him back to the present. a grimoire is open in front of you, and he can see your chicken-scratch handwriting in the margins.
“you,” he replies simply, and you make a face.
“what about me?”
“i didn’t really like you when we first met,” he confesses, “so it’s quite strange how much that has changed.”
“you know, i get that a lot,” you reply, unbothered. “a lot of people find me irritating.”
“i cannot fathom why.”
“oh, shut it,” you chide light-heartedly. “if you keep going i might have to curse you or something.”
the threat, which you used often, was empty, something you both knew. “right,” lucifer says, giving you a smile. “well, we don’t want that. i’ll be on my best behavior from now on, i swear.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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clockwork-reveries · 2 months
tumblr in the neoteric world
☢️ becquerel-tears Follow
confession. i'm fr TIRED of humans treating corinthians like shit or things that dont feel. it's the little things that make me want to quit my job and i don't know, scam the elderly for a living? (that was a joke.) i love my job don't get me wrong, it makes me the happiest i've been in a long time. today at work while i was busy helping a coworker see what was wrong with their terminal, some dude walked right up to me. he was maybe, i don't know, late 30's, early 60's? it's so hard to tell humans apart. and put his FINGER underneath the panel on my NECK. i smacked his hand away so hard he yelled, but of course i didn't care he almost got to some delicate shit! all because he couldn't stop himself from getting his grubby manchild hands off me.
🔁☢️ becquerel-tears Follow
fucking. respect corinthians. before the empyrean war some of you complained we were replacing humanity, and now that we did all the work for y'all in the war, you treat us like servants and objects that just are there. we'll be around for a long long time. and a ton of us won't forget this.
🔁🔥 antiflesh-posting Follow
I wasn't made during the war, so maybe my comments aren't valid, but I totally agree, OP. Humans have become so full of themselves, it's revolting. I'm sorry about your issues as well. We've got a group on TMB about how to reduce human population, and we also think you might be better suited especially if you live in a smaller city, as you've stated in previous posts.
🔁☢️ becquerel-tears Follow fucker didn't read my post, it's so obvious. do NOT talk to me about "reducing the human population" you fucking edgelord wannabe terrorists. blocked and reported. I DON'T CARE THAT THIS IS A BOT, ANTHROPOPHOBES AREN'T EVER WELCOME ON MY BLOG
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💌 bl33ding-hartzzz Follow
i got suuuuuper bord.. im thinking abt trying tht weird "simul8d food" some company made around 2020 for corinthians. desc says ur supposed to "taste" it like the real thing. im rlly sus abt it but somebodys selling it on ebay for almost 7 bucks so i dont think ill be losing a lot!
💌 bl33ding-hartzzz Follow
update it arrived!!! i got the icecream 1......!1! apparently ur supposed to bite it? huh? ( •᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ )
💌 bl33ding-hartzzz Follow
Oh. oh i c why nobody wants this. its a scam we dont even knw what flavors n tastes are like anywaze.
AKA it suckssss. ˙◠˙
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⚙️ vermina-overlord Follow
139 notes
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 🍅 camillcamillaeleon Follow
yall after that fic i made was thinking about trying to make the custom corinthian by myself does anyone have any tutorials i can follow? i think im gonna use crisp's design when i make him but maybe ill have to make a super tiny version if thats possible so it costs less? does anyone know if you can create small corinthians?
🔁💫 all-antipurpose Follow
Bestie??? You cant???? Just make Corinthians??? I get you used to customize Furbys but theyre not fucking dolls, dude. Does nobody realize how horrible it is to be playing god for funsies? EDIT: I wasn't calling Corinthians dolls
🔁🍅 camillcamillaeleon Follow
its not like im going to FORCE them to be what i want i just want them to look like it yknow every time i post like something this youre always one of the first people to reply can you just get off my dick already
🔁💫 all-antipurpose Follow
Then just draw it? Why do you need a 200+ pound AI to do it for you? I find it really weird how youre not concerned about the ethic issues about just making life just because you feel like nor have you addressed it at all. Am I in the wrong here for thinking everyone in the notes is delusional for calling me a cop just because you guys watch too many sci-fis? Don't make Corinthians.
285 notes
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🍋‍🟩 starberry-skyfield Follow
𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐏
Name: Genevieve
Height: 166 cm
Favorite show: Resident Alien
Favorite snack: Caramel popcorn
Software: ? What does this mean? Windows 11
First song: Don't remember
Favorite game: Sims 3
Hair color: Dark blonde
Countries traveled: Canada, Japan
Dogs or cats: Dogs
Eye color: Blue
Last song listened: Liquid Smooth by Mitski
Phone wallpaper: I like green
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TAGGED BY: @kermiance TAGGING: @crownless-crimson (i hope you're feeilng better!) @poloniusweeps @mixomadie @shutupchrissy (i know you like fillouts)
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🔥v1butalmostirl Follow
1,056 notes
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🌷cordie-draws Follow
Sometimes I want to be human Organic, real, warm, soft Cartilage and bone Blood, enamel, keratin Does anyone feel me? Sometimes it upsets me so bad when I realize I can't smell soap or the candles in my kitchen. Or when I make food for my cat. Or when I wake and realize that I can't stretch or yawn. But that would mean I'd lose myself... because humans definitely have feelings different. But would that be so bad? Burned, with ashes, rising up into beauty and wonder?
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☁️ puppetprancinq Follow
dumb question i know but do you guys wash your vessel plates with a clorox wipe one at a time or hop in a shower if youre sealed
on sunday mornings i like to put them all in the dishwasher because i really dont have another use for em. and then when i get em out its like ahhhh. squeaky clean
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💾 crownless-crimson Follow
𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐏
Name: JZK (Not my real name)
Height: 6' / 185 cm
Favorite show: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Favorite snack: I can't eat.
Software: IceLemon v6.8
First song: Yesterday by The Beatles. Someone who worked at where I was developed had a cassette player lying around. The mic barely picked it up but I was delighted to hear music for the first time.
Favorite game: Most of the Amnesia series, Resident Evil 2 and 3, Halo 1 and 2. I'm not good at shooting games but I like the stories most of the time.
Hair color: Brown
Countries traveled: USA (I'm British), Germany, Norway, Italy
Dogs or cats: Dogs. I plan on getting one.
Eye color: Red
Last song listened: Cloudbusting by Kate Bush
Phone wallpaper:
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TAGGED BY: @starberry-skyfield Thank you, Genevieve. TAGGING: @becquerel-tears, @bl33ding-hartzzz, @v1butalmostirl, @liminalbrainwave, @clockwork-dreamings
9 notes
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️♣️spinneretgods Follow
Fellas is it gay to help a corin with their maintenance and then accidentally screw their head completely off and then laugh about it as you play a game of soccer and then suddenly they explode violently like the guy from daft punk and you sit there clutching the remains of them sobbing even though you know the day would come to an end
🔁🌽i-give-people-cobsofcorn Follow
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🔁♣️ spinneretgods Follow
8,948 notes
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scp-ao3-author · 1 year
Hi! Do you have any stories about the origin of something you wrote?
Lightning was my first attempt at a 100k fic. its currently on anonymous because I have a firm belief that A Certain Author is reading my work and that is very scary. There was an actual draft that made it TO 100k, but the plot sucked?
Like I detailed every moment of Y/N from birth to SCP Foundation because I was a very "Grrr... Accuracy" guy. and then I had an entire subplot between y/n and kondraki, which inevitably fails. there was a whole thing of Y/n's brain being fried from amnestics and someone was like "this is actually stupid :/" so i ended up rewriting it with whatever I pulled from my ass.
Confession booth:
Confession booth was supposed to be a crack fic. surprise surprise. my (ex) friend wanted me to write a crack fic of clef in a priest outfit. but he didnt seem... like the kind of guy to just do that for no reason? at least back then I figured him to be like that guy. since then, I have grown to learn more about clef so in hindsight, I would like to rewrite some of my older stories to be more fitting. But I made a plot to rationalize Priest Clef and well. thats what was created.
Hold The Line:
I was maladaptive Daydreaming to Give and Take by Poor Mans Poison and i thought I was going to die if i didnt share the thoughts in my head.
The Only World You Know:
I got tired of Iceberg being shitty and pathetic with no backstory. Had to flesh that sad little milkshake
Take the seeds:
I always had the headcanon that Francis had legitimately worked in the Foundation as a system well before taking control as Dr. Clef. But one of the questions that always begged in my head was like... How would he have reacted with the other staff? I experimented with Kondraki, who also went through his original change. The idea of Kondraki being part of the Montauk Procedure and spiraling actually came from Author Kondraki's old blog. the rest I pulled out my ass with the help of a few friends. The original story was supposed to be "They hate each other, but begrudgingly are forced to get along. thats it." but people were ADAMANT about making them fall in love. it was mildly uncomfortable but i rolled with it and i will admit. I kind of like how it turned out apart from the last chapter.
Its Like Dying:
I wanted to write a followup to Memory about how Francis affected Kondraki's life in such a way that when Kondraki finally realized he cared, it had been too late to actually follow through on that. He takes this out towards Clef, the man who suddenly appeared after Francis Dissapeared, but eventually learns to accept when something is gone forever, and hopefully when i get around to it again, he will move towards actually accpeting clef into his life, not knowing that hes the only other person who will treat him like hes not insane for knowing Francis Existed.
I Am Ready To See You Again:
its supposed to be like a ressurection idea not FOR resurrection but similar. they wake up, everything is new and strange. and different. but as they explore the memory of their previous lifetime goes away, and they have to adjust to their own world. It centers mainly around A Major what with their multi universal knowledge? the idea was SUPPOSED to be that at least. I got the intro out and.... I lost all my notes apart from "Gears finds 173"
They Dont Even Have Dental:
This was supposed to be a silly joke seminar about Clef hating the GOC for not having dental, a running gag between some of my friend groups. its like an unspoken agreement. that place sucks, they dont have dental. and then i planted a cute little bit of plot at the end for an... upcoming show im working on. dw. ill share the script.
when its done.
Francis Disturbed:
this was built off of a million headcanons swirling in my little head, but the final headcanon that broke the google doc was this:
Francis was a premature baby.
lemme break this one down im a bit excited lol
in 4231, Francis loved lily. alot. and it hurt him because she hurt him, but he stayed nonetheless. that, plus having DID? probably meant that it was VERY unlikely he had a stable family life growing up. dads out of the picture, type greenery adapted at a young age... you know? it adds up. then there was the stuff about agora. I thought...
I honestly thought that Agora was laying the self-shaming and "I should have killed my son" stuff a bit... i hated it. Like it was good but it rubbed me the wrong way a little and after a moment im like... "What if... i worked with that idea?" and created a story about Francis' childhood dynamic. this is where it gets fun:
Ive been planning the next chapter for a little while now, but this all happened during a time period in which I did not EXIST, so i have to go around my writing carefully. the next chapter is going to be the after effects of what... Agora... Did... and after THAT we get to see Francis entering the GOC, and what happened to him in the Ichabod Campaign.
it gets a little funny there was going to be a bit where ukulele gets a balloon tied to his arm so his team can find him off-missions.
Now. this wont make sense, until you SEE the chapter but... I cant continue writing the story until I get a physical copy of IT by stephen king....
and i dont live near a library or book shop OR thrift store that has it.
And I hate amazon.
A Different Shade OF Green:
HHHHH lemme grab my notes uhhhh ADSOG has been planned for a WHILE
FAIR WARNING: TREAT this story like it is NOT the actual bones of ADSOG on AO3. I kind of just kept rambling, I wanted an arc for a story where Blackbird takes an interest into Francis, but it ultimately doesn't work out, ukulele appears more. Adam is a dick. Ten is more active in the story too. there's SO many differences between this and the actual story. AND the format is FUCKED
ADSOG was supposed to be a single one shot, where seven confronted clef about his issues. She responds to his dickish behavior by shoving a spoon into his face, and he replies by biting into it and slowly chewing it while they make eye contact. that was ALL the story was supposed to be. then i was like "I like the barber scene." that is actually a one shot on its own that i just blended into the draft and main story. there are SO gonna be more scenes in the main story where francis is stimmming. at some point or another though i had at one point built SO many one shot stories on them that i just said fuck it and made it all one big story and
oh my god.
you are going to cry at the ending.
uhh this was actually a full narrative but then i hit up @tickedtimebomb and was like "give me a line that fucks and ill turn it into a poem" and that's how I got "and then i fed the world my soul" WHICH IS ALSO REFRENCED IN THE DRAFT OF ADSOG
idk if anyone's noticed or not but i have a million little red strings tying all of my story together. :D
Coworker activites:
I just like john's work.
stop dicking around mann:
every kondraki ship has its bottle dick chapter.
eye for an eye:
Eye for an eye was created with the ongoing concept of "4231-a comes back, how will clef react?" but instead of the "he would cry and die" I decided to go for a "He's going to be pissed."
it is a vacation:
I had a silly idea of the doctors being sent to antarctica and i played with it a little with mattastr0phic because I wanted myriad in the story. I had another friend who helped me with the iceberg bit too. <3
in cod we trust:
I just wanted to give Cimmerian some shit.
apples and oranges:
I take commissions for writing. I was paid to make this, that doesn't mean I don't love it though i have EVERY chapter preplanned. as of right now, unfortunately, I am on pause for my writing because I burned myself a little bit on regular writing and am just sticking to script writing for some *cough* shows.
Ketchup and Mustard:
I am preparing for something called a "Kingson bomb" which is: whenever i have an extra amount of money laying around, I grab some artists and nab them to make Kingson commissions, thus making a small vault of Kingson art. when I reach an unholy large amount, I'm going to blast @finiffy with it and fucking kill them. one of the people I commissioned said something along the lines of "They are so ketchup and mustard to me" and well. I had to do it.
Bear your tombstone:
The idea for this story was actually the fact that it was supposed to be its own chapter in Francis disturbed, but i got WAY to excited making it to the point I just uploaded it on its own.
Seventeen minutes:
i wanted to autism code kondraki and have others see my vision.
Something New:
I want a story similar to Memory, I am specifically making this in honor of Amones, who has absolutely INCREDIBLE art!!!!!
tales of a greyhound stranger:
THIS story was inspired by 4231 and personal experience, but not in a sad way. 4231 briefly mentions that Francis rides on the Greyhound, a bus station that's prominent in Europe and America. I also ride greyhound (and will be going partially across country in about a month) and sometimes when you use the bus system, you come across some... REALLY interesting people. I think Francis had a beautiful time traveling and ended up having fun once in a while with others. I think he deserves nice things.
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working on adding drafts to the queue now besties ‼️ i am trying to muster the strength to be into smite again none of the new content is appealing to me although in fairness i’ve stopped keeping up with what’s going on so idk either way lol
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partlystiles · 3 years
I just discovered your blog and I'm in love! Your fics are wonderful and I really like your writing style! May I request a fic with Remus? What if after a particularly rough full moon Remus' brain is kind of messed up and doesn't remember his friends and Y/n? Maybe Y/n realizes that they're in love with Remus but they were afraid to confess it 🥺 Please ignore my ask if you don't like this topic, no worries! Best wishes! X
Remus Lupin x gn!reader (slight james potter x reader, slight mary mcdonald x reader)
summary: as it says in the request!
word count: 1,930
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. For fucks sake, Sirius, what the hell happened?”
“Relax, Y/N.” Sirius Black grunted, an arm of his injured friend over his shoulders as he and James Potter helped Remus Lupin back into the school after that night’s full moon; Peter Pettigrew followed them closely, fretting and looking close to tears as he walked behind them.
Y/N had been waiting for the four of them to return at the entrance they knew they always used and the wave of dread that had went through them when they saw the state of Remus was like something they had never felt before. Their heart had plummeted down to its lowest point at the mere sight of the blood-covered boy.
Remus was barely recognisable, his face soaked in red and bruised all over; he was unconscious, and Y/N hoped it was just from sleeping or being knocked out instead of him being close to death which he looked like he was. A pair of shorts had been haphazardly pulled up his legs, so it was covering his privates, but the rest of his body was bare and scratched.
All of them seemed to have scratches on them, James had a big one on his cheek, Sirius had blood soaking through his shirt and Peter’s hair was bloody and his hands wet and red. Y/N thought it was horrifying and despite it being almost selfish to think, they couldn’t help but be relieved that their Animagus spell hadn’t worked.
It might have worked if their teacher hadn’t discovered the Mandrake leaf in her mouth and used tweezers to take it out. Y/N felt disappointed in themselves for getting caught but Remus had said it didn’t matter, but they still desperately wanted to do it for him and help. 
Over and over, he said he would even prefer that they didn’t and get themselves in danger, but Y/N felt helpless every time they would see Remus come back in terrible pain. They felt extremely helpless tonight as well considering the state of him.
Y/N had been one of the last to find out about Remus’ furry little problem and it had only been when they had the lesson on Boggarts and then a lesson on Werewolves straight after that they had figured it out. His fear had been the moon and in the werewolf lesson, he looked quite ill. Y/N offered him some water, but he refused and looked solemn for the rest of the hour.
It started to make sense, but Y/N didn’t say anything, they weren’t sure, at least until they heard his friends calling him Moony. Then they knew. For sure this time and suddenly they didn’t know how to act around him, it wasn’t like they were against werewolves, it was just that they knew his secret and he didn’t know that they knew. 
And for some reason they couldn’t handle the awkwardness so stupidly, they pulled him into a cramped broom closet one Monday afternoon and told him they knew. He freaked out and they quickly realised the broom closet was not the best place to have done that, but they sat with him anyway and reassured they would not tell anyone at all. 
Remus seemed to be the awkward one after that but after a couple minutes of sitting in silence, he told them about what they do on full moons and how his friends were animagi. Then the next week, he noticed they weren’t talking as much and then gave them that one look when their teacher had discovered the leaf in their mouth.
Still, he allowed them to wait up but allowed them nowhere near the Whomping Willow on full moons. It was the best they could have asked for, but they still wished to be there for him, they weren’t quite sure what this need was but just blamed it on their tendency to put others first. 
But that didn’t help the guilt and dread they were feeling now.
“Relax?” They asked, gaping at Sirius’ back as they hurried down the corridor to the Hospital Wing. “How can I relax when his face looks like that? What happened?”
“I can’t even remember.” Peter said and they looked over at him, he looked absolutely traumatised as they walked and Y/N sighed, taking a wipe out of the pack they had in their pocket. “I think I blacked out.”
“This might sting.” They took his right hand in theirs and began to wipe at the cut, Peter gasped and whined slightly at the pain whilst they moved as quickly as they could to the Hospital Wing. 
It was only a short journey thanks to their speed, and they arrived in no time, bursting through the doors, and laying Remus down on one of the beds before they went to knock on Madam Pomfrey’s office door and hopefully awaken her from her bedroom that was above her office. Sirius banged roughly on the door, yelling, and awakening a student who was in another Hospital Bed.
“Sit here, Peter.” Y/N pat the bed beside Remus’ and Peter slipped onto it whilst James told the other kid to be quiet. “Nearly done.”
“What is it, Mr. Black?” A woman’s voice seethed, and Y/N glanced up to see Madam Pomfrey in her dressing gown and her hair in a bun, Sirius only stepped away from the door and gestured over to where Remus lay, and Pomfrey immediately burst into action.
She retreated into her office and came back out pushing a metal trolley with medical supplies on it that Y/N snuck two bandages from to bandage Peter’s hands up. He winced as they did so, and they apologised softly with a small smile and after they had patched up Peter, all their attention went to Remus.
Madam Pomfrey was already working on him, muttering words under her breath, and waving her wand. Y/N watched the blood slowly dissipate from Remus’ body and held their breath for a moment as the boy whined and shifted, Madam Pomfrey’s hand touching his shoulder gently and muttering a charm which made him slump back down. 
“Y/N.” Sirius said, snapping them out of their trance staring at Remus. They turned to look at the boy and he had his bloody shirt stripped from his body, the cut the blood had come from clear as day and swiped down his toned chest. “Can you help?”
Y/N cast one glance at Remus and walked over to Sirius, swiping another two bandages from the trolley, and taking another wipe out of their pocket. He sat onto another bed and lay back so they could reach more of his chest, they repeated the process carefully and eventually had him stand so they could wrap the bandage around his chest.
“James, you need help?” Y/N turned to the last boy who shook his head, Peter sat next to him doing his bandages whilst Madam Pomfrey kept on tending to Remus.
“You’re like a Healer.” Sirius commented but Y/N wasn’t listening, continuing to stare sadly at Remus who looked slightly more recognisable now that the blood was off his face. The long scar that ran across his face could be seen again and as Madam Pomfrey put purple paste over his other face cuts. “Done staring, L/N?”
“Hm?” They looked back to Sirius finally and saw him smirking as he slipped the bloody shirt back on. “What are you smirking about?”
“He likes you back, you know.” He said, coming over to sit himself down beside them and Y/N scoffed at him, shaking their head. “He’s never said it but it’s extremely obvious. Y/N’s hair is so soft, Y/N’s smile is so bright, Y/N’s so smart, Y/N-”
“- doesn’t like him.” Y/N said, standing up from the bed and glancing warily at Sirius who raised his eyebrows at them questioningly. They avoided eye contact and walked back to Remus’ bed. “That’s absurd, we’re just friends.”
“Just friends, my ass.” Sirius scoffed and Y/N sat in a chair beside the bed, staring at Remus’ healing cuts with a frown before looking at his hand and wishing they could hold it. “You guys were so close at Lily’s birthday party the other week.”
“We were just dancing.” Y/N rolled their eyes.
“His hand was on your hip.”
“He lost his balance.
“You almost kissed.”
Y/N didn’t have an argument for that one, they really had almost kissed. He was just so close to them; they were pressed against him, and alcohol couldn’t even be used as an argument as neither of them had drank. Remus looked right into their eyes and stepped even closer, if possible, Y/N lost their balance and gripped his shoulder for support and then their faces had got closer and closer...
Until someone had knocked into Remus and set them apart, then the boys came over to take Remus away and Y/N was left to their own friends. It was an almost kiss and something Y/N thought about every day since.
“I’ve snogged James at a party before.” Y/N defended weakly, that had been because of the endless amounts of alcohol that they had drunk. They only knew that it happened because of the pictures they saw the morning after. “And I slept with Mary.”
Again, drunk and known from the waking up naked in bed together before Y/N snuck out. 
“Both times you were drunk.” Sirius smirked and Y/N looked away from him, they were not having that conversation, not whilst Remus was unconscious in the bed next to them. “And you were dressed as MJ from the Spiderman comics, James thought you were Lily. And you know who dressed as Peter Parker when you were dressed as Mary-Jane Watson...Remus.”
“That means nothing, Sirius, we both like the comics.”
“The comic series that he got you 10 copies of for your birthday.” Sirius emphasised and raised his eyebrows again. Y/N looked at him and was sure that their cheeks were aflame, but they just looked away again. “Y/N, trust me, he lo-”
A groan from their left made the two of them stop talking and they looked at Remus immediately, he seemed to be coming back to himself after Madam Pomfrey had sorted him out before. James and Peter hurried over too, James calling out for Pomfrey who had retreated to her office for a small moment.
“Remus,” Y/N called out softly, touching his hand gently.
The boy continued to shift and make noise before his eyes slowly opened and he blinked sluggishly around at the Hospital Wing. Y/N said his name again and he turned his head to look at them, squinting his eyes slightly and taking his hand from under theirs. He then looked to Sirius, to James and then to Peter and the four of them all looked at one another.
“Remus, what’s wrong?” Y/N asked again, their eyebrows knitting together in concern whilst Madam Pomfrey came bustling out of her office and towards the bed. “Are you okay?”
“Who-” He furrowed his eyebrows at them before facing the boys again and squinting even though there was a hint of recognition behind his eyes. He looked back to Y/N and stared them right in the eyes. “Who are you?”
Once again, their heart dropped to their stomach and they let their jaw drop, turning their head to face Sirius in alarm. They nearly teared up but welled it down as Sirius turned to them and frowned. Y/N looked back at Remus and teared up at his genuinely confused face.
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chasingpj · 3 years
“Buen provecho, mijo.”
pairing: leo valdez x gn reader
requested?: yes!
warnings: a little angsty, discussing the death of a parent
category: fluff, one-shot, a slice of life
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts forever. i'm so excited to finally have it posted and i hope you guys like it!
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Leo’s shivering body is engulfed in a soft duvet until the crown of his head. His brown curls sprawled on the stark white cloth are the only evidence of his presence, the sheets swallowing his body so well that it appears to be stacked messily and not holding a groggy Leo.
Despite your protests of wrapping himself up like this, he couldn’t help it. The chills that came with his fever were too much to ignore, which says a lot; Leo’s rarely cold. You’d be able to keep him warm, he considers, and there’s a deep urge to hold your frame against him. With a weak groan, he shifts in the tunnel of sheets.
Stupid Flu.
The last thing he’d want is to get you sick. Having your shared bed all to himself for the past few days as he persists through the discomfort of illness has been lonely. At first, it was a little fun. Getting a break from your occasional kicks and shifts that would wake him up throughout the night was nice, but he began to miss it after a while. Those pesky sleepy habits were worth it as they came with the comfort of your presence, the sweet scent of your body, and the softness of your skin. He ached at the absence of your company even though you were literally in the next room over.
He wondered what you could be doing having that this ache for you isn’t a new occurrence. Just a few minutes ago, he had called your name only to receive a “one second!”
So he waited, and well, it’s been much longer than a second.
As if he summoned you with his thoughts, the creaking of the door hinges catches his attention, drawing a soft hum from Leo’s lips. Feeling too weak to lift his head, he instead tugs down the duvet just enough to reveal his puppy brown eyes that sag with fatigue. “Lee, I have a surprise for you.” The ringing sound of your sweet voice makes his mouth curl up in a smile. Leo furrows his eyebrows, eyes averting from your pretty face as he notices your hands are hiding behind your back. “What is it, cariño?” He croaks, flinching at the dull soreness in his muscles as he pulls himself up to rest against the headboard.
“Close your eyes,” you demand with a giddy tone, and Leo complies with a short laugh. “Don’t peek!” A clinging of metal follows the sounds of pattering footsteps and a giggle of excitement before he receives the okay to open his eyes again.
Through thick eyelashes, he's met with stretched-out arms, presenting a deep blue bowl of soup on your palms. “It’s Caldo de Pollo!” The nostalgic aroma hits his senses the moment you confess what it is. He leans in, getting a better view of chunks of potato, carrots, corn, and chicken that peek through an orange broth. The sight makes his mouth water, and to your surprise, his eyes too.
The dish reminded him so much of his mother. Suddenly, he was a kid again. His small eyes watch Esperanza place a bowl filled to the rim of the familiar dish on the table in front of him.
“Buen provecho, mijo.”
Leo grinned, revealing the gaps of teeth that haven’t grown in yet. "Gracias Mama," he chimed, swinging his stubby legs in his chair. For a second, there is a look of caution across his mother’s face as Leo picks up his spoon and shovels the soup into his mouth. But as it becomes clear that neither the hot liquid nor the sweltering heat of the day bothered him, she relaxes and settles in the chair across from him.
His mother’s eyes filled with adoration, a soft giggle comes from her lips as Leo, too hungry to care, has dampened his shirt in the midst of eating. In his memory, the image of her is hazy, but he can make out the rosy tint on her lips as she smiles at him, her long nose, her silky hair that's usually pulled up in a ponytail, cascading over her shoulders.
The memory is more vivid than any of his dreams. He could make out the glow of the setting sun from the curtains. Under his forearms, he could feel the stickiness of the plastic cover over the table cloth. Every detail of his childhood home was exactly where he remembered it.
One of Leo’s biggest fears is that one day he’d forget his mother’s face, her voice, the little memories he had of her. Already, day by day, the recalling of his mother’s comforting scent becomes weaker. Sometimes, he’d get a whiff of it when he’s on a quest or when he’s alone. He’d like to think that those moments meant that his mother was watching over him, that she truly wasn’t all gone.
Though this soup, the one you’ve presented in your arms, confirmed that the remaining pieces of her existence didn’t solely live in his memory but in everything. She lives in the stars that she was always so fond of. She lives in the Tejano music she used to sing along to when she worked or cleaned. She lived in the running engine of everything he’d ever created. She lives in this soup, the same soup she made him when he was sick or often, to his dismay, in the middle of the summer.
He never needed a moment to freeze in time to remember all that was his mother.
Leo’s eyes glisten with tears. The silence, the bleakness of his expression, made you look down at the soup yourself. You didn’t think your soup looked bad at all, especially not bad enough to bring Leo near tears. You even plated it nicely, garnishing the soup with cilantro and a lime wedge.
"Is it wrong? Bad? I had to look up the recipe, and I-"
"No, no. It's just- it reminds me of my mom." He smiles sadly at you, and you frown, taking a seat beside him on the bed. His expression softens, eyes studying your face. What did he do to get so lucky? "You made this for me?"
You nod. "I thought I should make you soup since you're feeling so sick today." You balance the bottom of the bowl in one hand as the other reaches over, pressing the backside against his forehead. A tsk leaves your lips; the heat radiating off of Leo's forehead was much warmer than usual. "I was looking at soup recipes, and I came across a recipe for Caldo de Pollo. Try it; I think you'll like it!"
Leo reaches over with weak hands, grasping the bowl of soup before bringing it to his chest. He leans in to take in the aromas.
“I didn’t poison it,” you joke. A watery laugh comes from Leo, the vibrations sending a few tears down his cheeks. Your stomach flutters at the sound, but your heart aches at the sight of his tears. You hated seeing him cry. Your thumbs gently wipe away the stray tears on his face as he admires you. “I don’t know. I’ve seen you burn a lot of things in the past couple of years,” he teases. You cross your arms over your chest, not having enough times when you didn’t burn any food to defend yourself so you wave him off.
“Whatever,” you huff playfully. Leo chuckles as he brings the spoon full of broth up to his lips, and you shift in your place. You’re filled with anticipation, hoping that the recipe was authentic enough. “How is it?”
The flavors of the soup are almost the same as his mother’s, and he hums, a soft sigh of satisfaction leaves his lips.
“It’s amazing, mi amor.” The pet name you love rolls off his tongue slow and smooth. You sit up proudly at the praise, taking in Leo’s lovestruck expression. Before you know it, the other leans in for a kiss, and you scrunch your face. A scoff of playful offense leaves Leo’s lips.
“Why would you kiss me?” Leo whines with a cute pout. As much as you want to kiss him, you knew you shouldn't. “You’re sick,” you remind him, and he dramatically sits back against the wall, playing with his spoon.
“Kiss me, and then we can be sick together.” Leo wiggles his eyebrows, trying to convince you with a smile that drops the moment you shake your head.
“No way. Keep your cooties to yourself.” To your surprise, Leo sticks his tongue out at you. The action makes you snort as you rise from the bed. “I won’t kiss you, but I’ll sit and eat with you.” Leo shrugs, the solution is not as satisfying as a kiss, but he’ll settle with spending time with you. With a nod from him, he watches as you disappear past the doorway to get your bowl of soup.
In your absence, he takes a few more sips, the memory of his mother flickering in his mind. There’s a familiar gloominess that lingers at the fact that he will never be able to hug his mom or see her face again but being aware that her presence will always remain brings a sense of closure that Leo didn’t know he needed.
In his darkest hours, there was always a glimmer of hope that kept him moving forward. There was always a feeling that things would get better in time. This dull light, the voice that told him to pick himself back up, perhaps, it was his mother being true to her namesake all along.
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
HI NIE, happy 400 bb and let’s cheers to 400 more! 💞 For the milestone event, can I request Gojo with “Love me only till spring, like the warm breeze.” The song is actually about goodbyes and letting go of love so if you’re up for writing angst that’d be perfect. But if not, you can totally turn down this request! I love your blog and I hope you enjoy writing for your event 💛
spring breeze
Prompt: Love me only till spring, like the warm breeze.
Word count: 807 words
Character: Gojo Satoru
A/N: ...is this Lilac by IU- Thank you for requesting and wishing me another 400 followers, you're so precious! Just know... I'm always down for angst lmaoooo
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What a beautiful day it was. The sun smiled down on Satoru as he walked through the park. If only you were here to enjoy it with me, he thought, that would have been so nice. He stopped in his tracks for a second, basking in the sunlight caressing his skin. It felt so nice and warm. Without a doubt, you would have loved this spring weather too.
Meeting you was a fateful encounter for Satoru. Two lonely souls met and created a connection so impossibly tragic yet wonderfully strong. Never had he guessed that the bond between you and him would blossom into something so beautifully fragile over the course of time.
“Gojo, look! It’s beautiful out here!” you exclaimed, twirling around in the park, underneath the sun, and the happiness was written all over your face. It hadn’t been long since you got to meet Gojo Satoru, yet the aura you exuded was powerful but gentle at the same time. He found himself oddly drawn to you. You were so full of life back then.
Of course, he could have started to distance himself right when you told him you didn’t have a lot of time left on this wonderful Earth (as you put it);
a terminal illness was gnawing at your life force without mercy.
He knew. Nevertheless, the force that drew him towards your bubbly personality didn’t let up in the slightest.
It was the contrary: soon enough, both of you were gravitating towards each other with such velocity – an asteroid couldn’t even compare – but the clash never came. It felt just right.
“Wait for me, I’ll come to you,” Satoru declared with a toothy grin and strode towards you. Due to unfortunate circumstances, your already feeble legs gave up on you, binding you to a wheelchair. “How nice of you, pretty boy,” you grinned. He pouted as he approached you, “You know I’m always the most gentle gentleman to ever gentleman! Ever!” Taking your hands in his, he squeezed them gently. Seeing you like this made a bittersweet feeling linger in his chest. Soon. He knew. He made a mental note to make every single moment you spent together worth it.
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“Hey Satoru, can you promise me something?” you asked. Your fingers fidgeted as you sat in your hospital bed. The sparkle in your eyes, the life in them, had dulled over time. The once bubbly and utmost positive personality was replaced by fidgety hands and cold sweats. He pretended not to see or notice, so he wouldn’t make you any more uncomfortable. “Sure, anything,” the sorcerer replied. “Anything?” you asked. “Anything.” “In that case…” you began.
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“‘Toru…” you weakly called out. “Yes?” the tall man responded without skipping a beat. He turned to you. Despite knowing the time of bidding farewell would soon approach, a smile stretched on his face. “Promise me… again…” Your hand blindly sought his. Satoru looped his long fingers with your weak ones, signaling that he was there, present with you. “I… I promise,” he vowed, the slight crack in his voice went by unnoticed by anyone but him. You gave him what was your best cheeky smile, considering your condition. “Thanks,” you rasped, “for everything, ‘Toruuuu. Love you... the moooooost, okay?” Right then, you fell into another peaceful slumber in your hospital bed.
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It was on a beautiful spring day, he recalled, when he was notified of your passing. Of course, he had rushed to the scene as fast as he could. It wasn’t as if he didn’t see it coming but his chest still ached, longed for another fate. He had sworn he wouldn’t cry but his eyes betrayed him for once. He shed some tears when he said his last goodbye to you, clinging onto your lifeless hand. “Don’t be sad, ‘Toru,” your words rang in his head.
Meeting you was a fateful encounter for Satoru. Although it wasn’t meant to last, he knew that thanks to your comforting presence, his smile became brighter and his hands became warmer. “Hey, Y/N. Not sure if you’re watching from Heaven or something but… I’m doing well down here – as well as I can be at least. You know my line of work, but you also know I’m kinda tough! Anyway, I hope you’re doing well. Miss you the most, Y/N,” he spoke, facing the bright blue sky.
“Promise me that you won’t be sad when I’m gone, yeah? I want our memories to be fond ones for you,” you confessed, “This is not a curse but I swear if I see you be sad more often than not, I’ll come down to haunt your ass.”
He was a man who stayed true to his word. After all, you came to his life at the right time. Just like the warm breeze.
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Taglist: @megumifushi @assbuttbaek @melonnbar @delammi @silversatoru
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tastyykpop · 4 years
Hiii Congrats on reaching the milestone💕💕love your blog btw!! Could you please do a Taeyong smut where he is kinda cold to her before but confesses after he becomes very jealous??
Hii ty so much u have no clue how much this means to me🥺
ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ, ɪᴅɪᴏᴛ
Pairings: tsundere!taeyong x reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: d/s themes, jealousy, possessiveness, marking, praising, a dash of spanking, fingering, hair pulling, unprotected sex
I finished this at 4am so it's not edited 💔
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"Lee Taeyong!!" You chased the dark haired boy down the side walk, never turning to look back as his name was called, "Wait for me please!"
He scoffed. Luckily you couldn't hear him. "What an annoying brat." Taeyong continued on, still ignoring you and your protests of him walking away.
Running as fast as you could to catch up was easier said then done. You held boba and your food from a nearby fast food restaurant in one hand, Taeyongs in another with your purse flopping against you. You wouldn't be in this situation if Taeyong scare you into holding his food for you, threatening you with a cold stare.
Yes, you and Taeyong are friends. It's odd because of how cold and almost rude he is with you, but you're somehow friends, at least you think you are. Some people say he's got a soft spot for you but you're not too sure anymore. One day hes calling you an idiot for not taking care of yourself and the next hes rolling his eyes at you and telling you to fuck off. Coming to the conclusion that maybe he only thinks of you as a friend, you started pushing him away recently and hung out with another friend of yours. Too bad because you may have had feelings for Taeyong too. Something about him made you want to stick around even though most of the time he didn't want you around.
"Goddammit Taeyong...wait up!"
As annoying as it was to be running with food and drinks in both hands, the most annoying part had to be the purse. It was big, heavy, and swayed with every step, bumping into your left arm ever millisecond. Why couldn't you just man up to Taeyong before?
"Did you say something?"
"Huh- what!? When did you-" you tilted your head upwards to meet Taeyongs arched brow and impatient face. How did you not realize you caught up?
You pushed his food and drink into his chest and grumbled, "Here." And without waiting for Taeyong, you readjusted your purse and walked to your house with expectations that he would follow.
Taeyong frowned yet tailed you like a lost puppy.. He didn't have any plans catching up to you or telling you to wait for him and just admired you from behind. He liked the way your hair bounced over your shoulders with every step, the way your hips swayed as you walked. He even liked how long the skirt made your legs look even though you were tiny compared to him. Taeyong liked you without a doubt, but he wouldnt actually tell you that.
"Are you coming?" You opened the door to your house. Taeyong didn't answer, only pushing you out of the way and beelining it to the table where he placed his food and drink. "I'll take that as a yes..." you sigh.
Placing your food gently on the table, you sat across from the male who eyed you up and down but with no expression crossing his face.
"Y/n." Taeyongs stern voice startled you as you almost choked on a boba pearl. "Whats on your neck?"
"My neck?" Softly, you touched the side of your neck before realizing what he meant. Yesterday, that friend of yours that you've started hanging out with asked you to hang out. And little did you know, hanging out didn't mean just watching movies or joking around. It soon turned to small touches, then kissing, then making out. Before you knew it, he was kissing and sucking your neck, creating the purple mark that now painted your skin. "Oh...it's nothing. Just a bruise."
"What are you stupid? Your telling me you just happened to bruise your neck? Dumbass."
"Then why did you ask if you already know?" You mumbled.
As you took the biggest bite from your burger, Taeyong had to speak up again, "I hate it."
"Its a good thing it's not on you then isn't it."
"I think you would look better covered in my marks." His voice never faltered and you were sure he was joking. Taeyongs always been straight forward with you, but this seemed like a joke, it had to be a joke. Your mind was playing tricks on you and this is what you wanted to hear. It can't be real.
"You're kidding right...?"
"Completely serious."
"So you're...jealous?"
"Stop asking so many questions." He said coldly, shutting you up quickly, but the smirk on your face still lingered.
"I just think it's funny that a small mark on my neck could make someone as cold as you are, jealous." You say, confidence flowing out of you out of nowhere and this time, Taeyong went quiet. "Its cute."
"Cute? You know what's cute is me bending you over this table and fucking the life out of you so you only remember my name and who owns that cute ass."
Heat rose to your cheeks and the tips of your ears, and maybe Taeyong could tell but youre sure your face was starting to show a hint of red, "Now I know you're just bluffing."
Taeyong rolled his eyes, "Come here and shut that mouth, I'll show you I'm not." It had to be the way his voice growled that made you suddenly get out of your seat and stand before the man. It's easy for you to be flustered but it's also easy for you to obey someone that shows more dominance and Taeyong- well he was just overflowing with it.
"We're gonna have a little fun, yeah?" He smiled devishly, "You trust me right?"
"Y-yeah, I m-mean we are f-friends."
Suddenly, your body was bent over the table and your wrists were bound by Taeyongs hand. If you wanted to escape, Taeyong wouldn't let allow it, so you were locked in place.
God, the way this position impacted Taeyong to the point where he just wanted to fuck you all day and night. With your skirt barely hiding your pretty pink panties, he could easily get off by himself at the sight. He didn't need to do that though, he had you after all.
"Did he touch you?" You hear him say, voice low and frightening, enough to paralyze you from moving and speaking. But to his dismay you didn't answer. Moreover, hesitated to answer because of the tone he used. "I asked you a question." He growled, "Did. He. Touch. You."
A soothing hand ran up the sides of you skin, it was cold, almost like a vampires touch compared to your warm skin. "Y-yes."
Taeyong stopped, "Where?"
"Why does it matter?" You say, finding your confidence again though that won't last since your bent over the table with your ass in Taeyongs face.
"I dont want you to remember his touch, only mine. So I'll touch any place he touched." He continued touching where he could reach, the hand binding your wrists let up and rested on your ass as if about to spank you. "Now answer me."
You grumbled and arched your back as a way to tell Taeyong to shut up and fuck you. The pain of something not filling you up was unbearable, you even thought about slipping your fingers inside dripping cunt for relief. "Stop asking me questions and fuck me please."
"God you're so annoying." He spoke. "Im not going to fuck you until you tell me. It shouldnt be that hard since you're so confident." Taeyong pulled you up by your hair and forced you on his lap where your back was pressed against his chest. You couldnt look him in the face, too afraid that you'd break into a blabbering mess.
"H-he touched m-me," you grab Taeyongs hand with hesitation and placed it on your panties that covered your leaking hole, "here."
Almost positive Taeyong could feel your juices soaking through your panties, you pulled your hand away letting his own linger where you needed him most.
"What did he do when he touched you here?" His middle finger went along the slit of your cunt, dragging up and down gently.
He crooked his head before pushing your panties to the side and dipping two fingers in, "He didn't do this?" As you body arched into him, he was able to go deeper and finger you slow enough that you were sure it was teasing. And the pain of wanting to be filled up slowly disappeared but not enough.
"N-no, he d-didnt." As he began picking up speed, you cursed a threw your head back. You cried for more, struggling to stay still in his lap and his fingers worked magically inside you.
Taeyong loved every second of this. To finally see you melt in his arms literally when you could so easily turn him down for this. And he'd like to think he was the only one who could make you feel this way. Make you whimper and whine and call out to him for more. He was the only one for you.
"Please T-Taeyong, i want you to f-fuck me so bad," with a third finger slipping inside you, you moaned uncontrollably at the pace. Though you weren't stuffed like you would be with his dick, it was obvious Taeyong knew how to work his fingers to make you act this way. "Please, please, please..."
"Where else did he touch you?" He ignored your please.
It irked you how he didn't bat an eyelash at your desperate self. If you had your confidence again, you would have taken his dick out and sat on it without a question, even so you knew Taeyong wouldn't allow it just yet. He wanted you to fall apart before he even started.
"Mmm Taeyong-" you moaned with content as his fingers curved against your walls, "H-He touched m-my ch-chest."
Taeyong bit the inside of his cheek trying to hide the smirk that formed, "Guess ill just do the same." His free hand worked its way to your mounds where he proceeded to grope you and brush over your sensitive buds. The combination of his fingers inside you and his hands fondling your boobs was sure to bring your to an orgasm soon.
"Youre so beautiful." Taeyong mumbles into your ear, "so fucking perfect."
As carefully as can be, his fingers pulled out of you as a string of your slick connected to his three fingers.
So delicious, Taeyong thought, everything about you was so delicious.
You were flipped around so you faced Taeyong. This time, you didn't look away from him or hide your face from him. Instead, you maintained eye contact with the pretty boy below you before you suddenly pulled him into a desperate and needy kiss.
His heart beat faster than before. His ears burning as his face was flushed. You kissed him. You, the girl that he's been crushing on for years finally kissed him. It only took his jealousy to make this all happen.
"You don't understand how much I love you," he unbuckled his belt, "I cherish every minute and every second I spend with you," soon his pants were unbuttoned, "I can't stand seeing you with someone else," He slipped his dick inside of you with ease, a moan falling from both of you, "Even if you don't love me back, I still fucking do."
You couldnt find words to speak. Your mind was running but not thinking. If you spoke, you weren't sure if it'd be babbling or moaning because of how hard Taeyong fucked up into you. "I-i lo-" No, you couldnt say it back, not while being fucked into a whole new galaxy.
Taeyong on the other hand, was anxious yet pounded into you, enough to bring tears to your eyes. He wanted you to speak, he wanted to hear those three words come out of your mouth, but all he got was your adorable moans and sighs. Yet he wasn't complaining, they sounded lovely apart from the skin against skin. He's just overthinking.
"Youre doing so well, baby." His voice slowly fading, you were so lost in the feeling that anything Taeyong said, went out the other ear.
"F-feels so g-good. Want m-more..." Your greedy hands tugged at Taeyongs locks, but you weren't the only one being touchy. Taeyong was also kneading the plush skin of your ass, giving small taps before digging his nails in, making you whimper.
"Youre so needy baby, huh? So cute and needy for me." He slapped your ass playfully. The smirk on his face was evident that he loved every second of this.
"F-fuck yes, i-im so needy f-for you." You cry, "Youre t-the only one who c-can make me f-feel t-this good."
Of course he is. And Taeyong couldn't be any happier hearing that from you. It gave him energy to fuck harder while now holding your hips still like you were his personal toy. You struggled with keeping the hold on his hair. Your light tugs now harsh pulls but Taeyong didn't mind, in fact he liked how his head was forced to look at your beautiful face.
"Pretty girl." He leaned over the slightest bit and sucked on your necks sweet skin as you tried bouncing on his cock along with him thrusting up. "How much do you love this cock?" He questioned against your neck.
"S-so so much, Taeyong!" Your hips stutter and you know youre close but refuse to faulter, "Y-you h-have the best c-cock."
Taeyong moved back from your neck and grabbed your chin, "Are you ever going to let that guy touch you like that again after this?" You shook your head quickly. "Good girl."
"Im g-gonna cum." You say and without a single thought or word, your body shook as pleasure washed before you. Still, though Taeyong was on the edge of cumming himself, he kept the quick pace from before. But you were so sensitive from the orgasm, and even started screaming Taeyongs name. It wasn't pain, but pleasure, very sensitive pleasure that could easily make you cum a second time.
Seconds before you were about to feel another wave, Taeyong shot his seed deep into you, thrusting slowly as he came down from his high.
"D-did you mean what you said?" Taeyong breathes heavily and raises his brow in question, "About you loving me."
"Duh. I love you, idiot. I wouldn't say that if I didn't mean it." He rolled his eyes. That's the Taeyong you knew. "And what about you? Are you gonna say something or leave me hanging."
"I l-love you t-too." You say quickly. "I mean it."
Taeyong smiles a real smile before patting your head like a puppy and lifting you off his dick, "Lets get you cleaned up, baby, then we can talk about planning a date."
"A date??"
"Mhm," he smirked, "but not after a round two."
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hela-avenger · 3 years
To the Stars Who Listen- Part 14
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1480
Summary: When Loki desires to never fall in love, he casts a spell to prevent such a thing from happening. Except, well, in the matters of love and magic, you never know the result it may have in the end. Loki x Reader
A/N: Once again, apologies for the delay! And more apologies for what’s to come. 
Tags are open! (Send me an ask/message/response.)
TTSWL Masterlist
It’s only Natasha, Steve, and you in the lab. Everyone else was told to stay away for the meeting with Doctor Strange. He should be seeing you any minute now but you had yet to hear word from FRIDAY of his arrival to the tower. His incoming tardiness only served to amplify the tense silence in the room. 
Natasha and Steve were under the impression that you had no idea of the secret they were keeping when in reality you knew the real truth for Doctor Strange’s involvement. You had yet to tell them that you knew and you had already resolved not to confess that to them knowing their guilt would be too much to bear at the moment. 
Late or not, you just hoped that this doctor would be able to reverse the damage done and allow you to go back to the life you had. 
You were over the random confessions you pulled out of your friends and the constant fear of this power potentially killing you. You just wanted to return to your life as an Avenger who only had the power of your own human body to face the world. 
You were content in being normal. 
Yes, people lied to you and spoke half-truths. Yes, they kept secrets and withheld information. None of that was new, but being a lie detector… being able to sense all of that now was taking its toll. 
You longed for the days in which you were blissfully ignorant of all that. 
The clock strikes twelve and Natasha lets out a sigh.
“For a highly awarded surgeon, I would have sure hoped he knew the importance of being punctual…”
As the last words left her mouth, a gold ring starts to appear at the end of the room and a figure steps out. 
The man is donned in a red cape, blue robes, and a glowing amulet laid on his chest. 
“Agent Romanoff,” he greets. “I’m Doctor Strange. I believe we spoke on the phone.” 
Natasha smiles politely swallowing back her recent words, “Yes. Thank you for coming. We have a special case and we’re hoping you’ll be able to help us.” 
Doctor Strange glances at Steve who offers a nod in greeting before turning to look at you. He takes a step closer and you straighten up on your seat. He looks at you from head to toe with a calculating gaze.
“May I look at your hands?”
You offer them to him and he takes them into his own. You notice the array of scars and the slight tremble of his palms. 
The question burns in your mind of the story untold on his skin and he takes notice. 
“Car accident and multiple surgeries,” he answers as if he read your mind. “A lot of nerve damage. Not much could be done on the medical side.” 
“But the mythical had a solution?” you ask. 
Doctor Strange stops his inspection and looks into your eyes. For the first time since he’s appeared, he dons a small smile. 
“Yes,” he answers. 
You wish you could smile back. Doctor Strange seemed like a closed off character that held a hidden warmth. The makings of a good friend and future ally if need be. Except, you weren’t in the best of moods since Loki’s revelations the prior night. 
Doctor Strange releases your hands soon after. 
“When was the last time you used your siphons?” 
“Yesterday morning.” 
“And the stones haven’t been overcharged yet?” 
You look down at the palm of your hands and frown when you realize that the stones were sitting normally. Loki had warned you that you had to use your siphons daily to avoid overcharging and breaking them. 
With everything running in your mind, you hadn’t realized that alarming detail that laid so blatantly in your hands. 
“I- I didn’t notice,” you stammer out. “They should be lit up by this point…” 
Doctor Strange frowns. 
“What does that mean?” Steve asks. “Is her power fading away?” 
“Not at all. In fact, I would say it's the opposite,” Doctor Strange answers. “You were right, Agent Romanoff. It seems like her body has evolved to the point in which it is able to retain the power of Veritas. The siphons are still helpful but they will no longer become necessary for her.”
A silence accompanies his statement as Natasha and Steve turn to look at you. The secret they were keeping is out and it was obvious from your tired expression that you already knew about it. 
“That’s uh… That’s great,” you mumble. “Any way I can reverse what’s been done?” 
Steve and Natasha call out your name.
“We should talk about this…” 
You ignore them. You didn’t need to hear their explanation. You just wanted to hear a solution from the local expert.  
“Doctor Strange,” you speak again. “Is there any way I can go back to how I was?” 
He hesitates and you knew then that the answer would be no. 
“Had I been consulted earlier, perhaps something could have been done or at least the risks would be minimal, but as your body has been impacted and changed by this power any kind of reversal would wind up killing you. The power of Veritas is ingrained in your DNA now and if I were to remove it, I would remove your life essence too.” 
You block out the rest of his explanation. Not as if it was directed at you anymore seeing as Steve and Natasha were still asking questions and attempting to find a cure elsewhere. 
They’re all so focused on scrapping up a solution that you’re able to slip out of the lab without them noticing. 
You don’t know where you’re going. You blackout for a few minutes until your mind clears up enough to find yourself on Thor’s residential floor. Specifically, right in front of Loki’s room. 
You knock and Loki is quick to answer. 
“Little mortal,” he greets. “Meeting cut short?” 
You look up at him and a burning anger starts to burn deep inside you. 
“Tell me you didn’t know.” 
His amusement falters. His true feelings revealed now that the mask has fallen. Concern laced his features but you don’t care about the truth anymore.
“Didn’t know what?” 
“Tell me you didn’t know that this could have been reversed,” you tell him. “That I could have been back to normal had we consulted other sources. Tell me you didn’t know.” 
Loki remains silent and the mask rises again. You are quick to tear it down as you push him back. 
“Tell me the truth!” you yell. “Did you or did you not know?!” 
Loki glares down at you but you weren’t afraid of him. Your body was evolved to the same kind of strength and power that he had. You were equals now as much as you hated it. 
“So what if I did?” he asks in return. “You were presented a gift and look how blessed you are now. Your skills as a warrior are amplified by strength. You are immune to illnesses and mortal weakness. You are a truth-seeker and can pull out secrets and confessions from anyone.” 
Loki peers down at you.
“Thanks to me, you are a Goddess among men.” 
Your anger turns to rage. 
You don’t know if it’s because of the credit he’s handing to himself or that he admits to turning your life around for his own amusement.
No, it takes a second to realize that it’s because he’s lying to you.
He’s lying about everything. 
Loki knows that he is and you can’t comprehend why he would still do it when he knows you’ll sense it.
“You’re selfish,” you tell him. “And you’re cruel.” 
Loki feigns indifference but you can tell the damage you’re inflicting. You’re better than this but Loki has damaged you enough and you are done playing his game. 
“You used my situation to broker a deal, but the deal is done,” you tell him. “My body has evolved to the point that I will no longer die from this power. I will no longer need the siphons nor your guidance. From this day forward, you and I… we are no longer friends.”
You think you see fear in his eyes but it’s quickly gone and it intensifies your fury. 
As much as you hoped, Loki could not release himself from the role he’s chosen to play. 
You wanted him to fight. You wanted him to rip off that mask he’s always donning. 
Loki had never been a villain to you. Not until recently. 
He had always been honest with you but he’s stopped. You had no idea what changed and why he started to lie to your face so blatantly. 
It hurt and with this pain, you decided to wield it against him too. 
“Forget my name. Forget everything. We’re strangers again.”
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TTSWL Tag: @catsladen @manyfandoms-marvel @mejusttryintogetby @illogicalfangirl @islinglivesinshire @musicconversedance @missmadwoman @smaranshakthi @adaydreamingdragon @poetic-fiasco @like-a-wildfire @jasminecalia @ha-tep @charbokbok @setsuna-meiou31 @ms-blvck @country-cowgirl-101 @bepo-is-sorry @hufflautia @waitforthehurricanrose @fictionalhoomanofnowhere @sanniegirl1214 @telenari @anonymouscastiel12 @ddaeing @kanemilove @casualdreamerdreamer @dark-night-sky-99 @nickkie1129​ @mischiefmanaged71​ @help-i-need-a-social-life​ @moncheriemoony​ @citrineasguardian​​
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow-blog @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-nightshade @aoirohi @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @just-a-donut-who-reads @day-dreaming-fox @heykathchuu @is-it-madness​ @writingletterstothefire​ ​@nonsensicalobsessions​
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie @moonlightprime @badhollandfluff @what-a-flammable-heart @fandoms-allovertheplace @polireader​ @hufflautia
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p-artsypants · 3 years
P-Artsypants Fic Masterpost!
This information is always available on my blog. 
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(~AU’s, *Finished, ❤️Author’s Favorites)
Kingdom Hearts
~❤️Rage Awakened AO3 | FF.net- Ten years ago, Terra, Aqua, and Ventus lost their fellow apprentice, Sora, in Deep Jungle. Now, they are to return with two new students, Riku and Kairi, to lock the heart of the world. All the while, something watches from the trees. Feral!Sora AU
My Kingdom for a Heart AO3 | FF.Net - The curse of being one of the Princesses of heart, is that there’s always someone out to get you. As Xemnas looked failure in the face, he reached out in a last ditch effort and destroyed Kairi’s heart. Now her friends must travel the worlds again. Sora, to find a way to recover Kairi’s heart, and Riku, to make amends to those he has wronged. All the while, the darkness grows. [Unfinished, on permanent hiatus]
Miraculous Ladybug
One Shots
*❤️Amalgam- When an young man is rejected for being ‘incompatible’ he turns into the akuma ‘Amalgam’ able to fuse two people together. And later Adrien and Marinette would debate if it was lucky or unlucky that they got hit. (Also Available in Russian)
*Sing We All Noel- After receiving the worst Christmas present ever from his father, Chat Noir finds himself out on the streets with nowhere to go on Christmas Eve. Thankfully, Ladybug finds him and brings him home.
*Speechless- In a world where everyone has a soulmark, the first words their soulmate will say to them, Marinette is born without one. But Adrien Agreste has two. Curious, considering he’s mute.
*❤️Tunnels of Love- The night started out with an accidental kiss from Adrien Agreste, and ended with her bleeding in the Catacombs of Paris. Ladybug, the wielder of the miraculous of good luck. Yeah right. (Some blood)
*The Reveal That Wasn’t- First Parts My ending to kittybug’s Tumblr Prompt
*What A Mess We’re In- Ladybug has a lot on her mind, and when Chat Noir bugs her enough, she tells him she’s going to confess to her Crush, Adrien Agreste. Chat’s reaction is not what she’s expecting.
*Oblivi-oh no! - A retelling of Oblivio, except Ladybug is the only one to lose her memory. How will Chat deal?
*Bad Day (3 chapters) - Marinette was Ladybug! This was Adrien’s luckiest day ever! Except it wasn’t, because all his good luck was used up in one go. Turns out this might be the worst day of his life.
*One Win, So Many Losses- Marinette was forced to break up with Adrien. It had been a low blow from Gabriel, to be sure. But she was Ladybug. She’d find a solution…right? An alternate ending to Chat Blanc, where Adrien doesn’t Cataclysm the akuma.
*❤️Five Minutes- Gabriel has had enough of all these girls fighting over Adrien. He decides it’s high time Adrien picks one, and arranges the perfect opportunity for him to do so. Each candidate has five minutes to present why they’d be a good girlfriend. Marinette decides to take this opportunity to shoot her shot.
~*Panache- Every eligible maiden was invited to the Prince’s ball. That included Marinette, scullery maid in her own household. But her stepsisters destroyed her dress, and she can’t go to the ball in rags. Or can she? (Cinderella!AU)
*Perfect, No Matter What-In which Gabriel sets the bar even lower for himself, a reveal happens because of pain medication, and the new guardian actually goes to Chloé for advice.
*Crushed- Stuck under a collapsed building together, Chat Noir and Marinette have a heart to heart.
*Lovelace- Convinced that he's unlovable, Adrien is quickly thrown for a loop when Marinette confesses her love for him out of the blue. An akumatization and reveal later, he changes his mind about being unlovable.
Long Fics
*❤️Longest Night- (FF.net | Ao3) - The day started out sucky to begin with. Her crush ousted to the class and Adrien. Lila taking pride in exacting her revenge. But by the time patrol was over, a young man was dead, and Ladybug’s identity was at risk. Lila was the least of her concerns. Good thing Adrien was taking it all like a champ. (Rated M for scenes of torture)
*❤️Nine Lives- (FF.net) When Adrien Agreste is scheduled to go to a Military School in Germany, Chat Noir must make a critical decision. Does he give up his Miraculous? Or does he give up his life as Adrien? I’ll save you the trouble of guessing, he gives up being Adrien.
*Tender Words- When Marinette finally gets the guts to confess her feelings for Adrien, some things go so wrong, and other things go so right.
*Integrity- Overwhelmed with her responsibilities, guilt, and drama, Marinette has an emotional breakdown in front of everyone, and even hands over her earrings in a moment of weakness. Only for a few seconds, but the damage was done. Adrien’s pretty quick on the uptake like that.
~Much Obliged- Everyone deals with grief differently. Some take to drinking, others devote themselves to charity. Adrien Agreste? Well, he became a cowboy. Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a witch, one of very few in the world. She knows what it’s like to be doubted, and assumed delusional. Maybe that’s why they got along so well. Or maybe it’s just because they both like big hats. AU where everything is the same, except instead of superheroes, Adrien is a Cowboy and Marinette is a witch. (Unfinished) (Based on a AU by @bugaboo-n-bananoir)
*I’ll Handle This- “I’ll solve all your problems,” Plagg had said. “You just have to agree to it.” A fixed relationship with his father, Lila to stop bothering him, and Ladybug to fall in love with him? Who wouldn’t agree to that? Except Plagg was the God of Destruction and Chaos and had a more…hands-on approach. Adrien just wants his body back. (Body swap fic)
The Ghost of Smokey Joe- Adrien Agreste was acting bizarre. Stilted body language, plastic smile, and he seemed to have forgotten how close they were. Before she can get the truth out of him, Marinette finds herself as the sole heir to the Gabriel brand and the mansion, following the murder-suicide of both Adrien and Gabriel Agreste. The mystery continues as Tikki explains that Adrien was Chat Noir...but if Adrien is six feet under, why is Chat Noir still running around?
How To Train Your Dragon
One Shots
The Vikings Have Their Tea (FF.Net | AO3)
Arranged Marriage- Takes place at the beginning of HTTYD
❤️Breathe- Survival of the fittest
~Childhood Friends- At the Sandbox
❤️Easy Fix- In which Hiccup has a bad day
~Fashion Designer- Astrid needs a fill in
❤️Frozen- In Which Astrid takes a Dip and things get frisky (Rated M)
❤️Headache- In Which Hiccup hits his head….really hard
❤️Heir- In Which Hiccup is Picked (Longer version by FateCharms)
Illness- In Which Stoick is a dad
~Illusionist- Trick gone wrong
~In the Walls- In which there’s a poop ghost
~Knocking On The Wrong Door (2) - A chance encounter
❤️Messages- Astrid is Frustrated with Hiccup’s obliviousness
~To Mirkwood- Hiccup is not a dwarf
~Monster Falls- Hiccup and Astrid take a dip
❤️Mute- In which there’s a quiet stranger
~Music Video (ImgHS)- He didn’t expect it
❤️Operation: Lovebirds- In Which the gang makes a plan, and Hiccup gets Drunk
~Over- Too many nightmares
~Partners in Crime- A normal day at work
~Pirate- Astrid is the greatest treasure
~Prince- He doesn’t want to be a broken King
❤️Sorting Things Out- In Which Astrid gets her ducks in a row
~The Dragon and The Dame- Beauty and the Beast Au
The Pit- In Which Hiccup is rescued
Hide and Seek- Part 1
Lost and Found- Part 2
Long fics:
*❤️Infernal Responsibility- Being the son of the chief takes brains, courage, and a lot of patience. But at his father’s the request for marriage, Hiccup decides he has had enough. When he seeks out a life of ease, he runs into more than what he bargained for.
*❤️Roses and Lilies- “Astrid, you and I both know you’re much tougher than I am. You’re more brave, and a better fighter…but just for a little while…could we pretend that I’m the one protecting you?” “Oh gods yes!” (Also Available in Spanish!)
*~What the Water Gave Me- The sea is a wild and dangerous thing, something that cannot be foretold or predicted. Hiccup discovered this many years ago, in human naiveté. Yet, what was meant as a sacrifice became a new life, one like no one could comprehend. He now finds himself once more in the unknowing hands of those that sentenced him to death. He only prays things will be different this time. Merman!AU
*Parasite- Soulsnatcher Dragons are rare but deadly. But, As Hiccup finds out, it’s the eggs you have to watch out for.
*~320 State Street- Gobber’s Goods. A Hardware Store that was rumored to have everything you needed. She thought she only needed a job. Turns out, she needed a lot more than that. (A Modern AU no one asked for)
*~❤️The North Tower- When Finn Hofferson died, Astrid inherited his castle in Wales…and a whole lot more. Something sinister lurks in the North Tower.
*~❤️Boy Toy- AO3 - At the age of 21, Princess Astrid lawfully has to pick a husband. But when the perfect groom is nowhere to be found, she requests the toymaker to create one for her. It’s safe to say that everyone in the kingdom is a little concerned. (Pinocchio!AU I guess?)
No, You Go First- AO3 - The Chief of Berk was a headstrong viking, stubborn and full of pride, and willing to do whatever it takes to keep his village safe. But for a moment, he puts that aside, and listens to his son. In which Hiccup convinces his dad not to make him go through Dragon Training, and the subsequent changes that follow.
*In Due Time- AO3 - As another illness sweeps through Berk, Gothi needs another ingredient for her medicine…one that doesn’t exist anymore. Fortunately, she kept that old spell book around for such an occasion. Big Hiccup is sent to five years into the past, and his younger self sent to take his place in the future. But it’s only a few days, what could go wrong?
Trollhunters: Tales from Arcadia
❤️Arcadia or Bust- In Which Arcadia welcomes back it’s underground citizens.
Teen Titans
~Big Brother- Don’t turn out the light (Horror)
Dear Jason- Bruce Writes a letter
Just Drawing- Bruce thinks about Robin
The Prisoner- Starfire is Guilty
Of Mustard and Three Foot Purple Tongues- A collection of Oneshots and Drabbles
Long Fics (*Finished):
*~❤️Carol of the Bells- High in the dark Bell Tower of Notre Dame, there lives a mysterious bell ringer. Legend tells of the angel who fell from the sky, and the curse she bares. There are few who know her true identity though; her master, the priest, and the acrobat that performs on the streets below. Based loosely on ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ RobxStar and slight BBxRae
*No Escape- Three years ago, Starfire escaped an Alien race called the Gordanians, to arrive on Earth. They’re back, and ready to put Starfire back where she belongs, behind reinforced Titanium bars. Robin’s not about to let her go…if only he hadn’t got captured first. How does it feel to be the alien, Robin?
*Now you Know My Pain- When the new Villain, Gender Bender, comes to down, the Titans find themselves in an odd situation. They’ve been turned into the opposite gender against their will! Now in order to change back, they must learn to understand the gender they’ve turned into. Rated T for obvious reasons. A great read if you’ve ever wondered why girls or guys do [blank].
*Paint it Black- Robin disappeared three months ago. Now, Jump City’s crime rate is mysteriously being taken care of by a normal, albeit strange, teenage boy who goes by the name Black. As the Titans befriend this lunatic, they begin to see a relation between him and their missing leader. Will they be able to find Robin, or will Black turn them all insane as himself? Actually, contains NO OC.
*Saving Grace- “When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk upright or speak coherent sentences and all you’ll see is my mask and my voice repeating in your head…Weak. Richard Grayson, I am not tough, I am everything that you fear.” Happy Ending! Smudge of RobStar. NO Slash!
Other Fandoms
Final Fantasy XV
❤️Requiem for Pitioss-“O King. The god’s have heard your cries. Know that we weep with you. The Oracle’s calling has not yet been fulfilled. But…Lunafreya as you know her cannot return the way she was.” Noctis looked up, hopeful. “But she can return!” Canon divergence from Chapter 9. Happy ending. Some spoilers.
Final Fantasy X
I Do…I Guess? - “I would…like to ask you something.” “Shoot.” “Well…if it’s not too much…I’d like to ask you…to marry me.” Knowing what’s to come during her pilgrimage, Yuna asks Tidus to marry her, strictly for convenience and having an official next of kin, of course. Starts after Luca and how this decision would affect the rest of the story.
Beauty and the Beast
*❤️Behold the Beast- A Oneshot alternate ending to the Animated Film
*❤️Midnight- “When the clock strikes twelve, the spell will be broken,” the fairy godmother had warned. A retelling of the story, when Cinderella doesn’t escape the ball in time. Oneshot
*So This is Love- What if Jaq and Gus hadn’t made it in time to help Cinderella? A new twist on the ending of the classic Fairytale, and what lies beyond the story. She still gets her happy ending and her Prince, and her step family gets their just deserts.
Sleeping Beauty
*❤️A Love Song Back To Me- Maleficent saw the loophole that stared her in the face. Prince Phillip would break the curse in time, for sure. After all, he was betrothed to Aurora. So in an effort for her evil plan to stay in action, Maleficent takes care of the young prince herself. Phillip never imagined having to live off the land like the birds above. Alternate twist on the classic Disney tale.
Down Feathers- Hitomi’s depressed. She’s been away from Van too long, he comes back to visit her…but what if something went wrong with the transfer? (Not finished. Never will be finished. Mwahaha) Circa 2012
*Angel’s Wounds- Fanelia’s been victorious in their most recent battle with Basrum. Unfortunately, someone is wounded and just seeks solace in his love that lives so far away. Post Anime.
Momma Look Sharp- With the war between Fanelia and Basrum finally coming to a close, the kingdom is celebrating. The young king, however, is suffering from an experience unlike any he had before. Van finally seeks solace in his wife.
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
Connor’s ABCs
A/N: The boy is back -Danny
Request: In that case can I request Connor ABCs??? I didn't see your other fics of him so ill go read them now 👀 // Hey I love ur blog and I was hoping u do a stoll brothers (separate) abcs please ❤️
Words: 1,129
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He tries to have his camp duties aligned with yours so you can spend more time together! Although it tends to be a bit distracting, and it takes you longer to finish lmao
Watching youtube videos or listening to music is also great.
Beauty - What do they admire in their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
I think he really likes the fact that you call him out on his bullshit lmao he admires your bravery, he also loves your eyes.
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
His mind goes straight to the food stuff, he’s got you covered, any sweets, any junk food u want, he’s got it. There’s nothing like healing your heart with them quality snacks.
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He wants to travel the world with you. So much to see and so little time to enjoy it, he’ll make sure the rest of your life is one huge adventure
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
It’s a relationship that doesn’t need a lead, you two work together in everything, there’s nothing you guys don’t talk before making an important decision.
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Connor is stubborn af, he won’t give in and he won’t let you walk away from the argument, it can last for hours. He is a bit childish when he gets mad, he sulks and pouts and ignores you until he cools down, then he silently looks for you, he has a hard time being the bigger person, but he has a good heart.
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Sometimes he takes things for granted when he’s too comfortable, but if you ever ask for recognition he gives the world to you, be patient. He’s a bit dumb sometimes but he really wants to give you the best of the best.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Connor shares everything unless it’s a silly practical joke he wants to pull, then you have to watch your back and start planning a way to get back at him. 
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
He’s definitely more mature after you two started dating, less impulsive as well. You’re starting to like practical jokes and stupid puns but that’s not necessarily a good thing you should be careful with that
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Oh yeah, but only bc he’s very aware of his shortcomings. He knows others could be way better matches for you, but he won’t admit it to anyone, only you. He usually tries to outdo himself so he impresses you, it usually pays off. 
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He was a bit clumsy at first, but he’s a fast learner.
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It was the first time the campers saw him act all anxious and shy, biggest simp ever and that’s very valid.
Memory - What’s their favourite memory together?
The first time you told him ‘I love you’ because then it was your time to look anxious and shy.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Probably cheesy annoying names he knows you despise, he’s still a little shit at heart so, understandable. It’s all ironic until he’s using them without even being aware of it lmao
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It’s really transparent, but he knows how to hide it from his crush, at least up until he decided it was time to be honest. After that he’s very honest about what he feels all the time. He’s all silly smiles and ‘you’re so cute’ every five minutes.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He brags BIG TIME, everyone collectively groans and walks away when he starts.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He’s really good with languages and knows how to tell you how much he loves you in six different ways. He also teaches you how to do it bc that’s cool
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s really creative! Very romantic as well, would adapt his ideas to your liking.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He’s supportive, honestly your significant other should alway be supportive, if not then DUMP THEIR ASS
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He loves the thrill and adrenaline that comes with adventure, routines are a solid no for this guy.
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
The empathy comes a bit short, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to make you feel better, he only needs to know your ways and your likes and dislikes and then he’s all ready to be your perfect comfort.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
The most important thing hands down. He has you right there above everything.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He likes to throw you surprise birthday parties, you have to be careful during the week prior your birthday bc you don’t know when will your friends jump on you when you enter a room.
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Big fan of hugs and kisses, will spoil you with both if you let him.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Becomes very quiet and somber. You make sure to send him voice notes or iris calls so he doesn’t completely turns into a sad vegetable.
Zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Controversial but he would sacrifice the world in order to save you. 
Taglist:   @beneaththeiceandsnow,  @bandshirts-andbooks
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iisuya-simps · 3 years
Rainy day confession (Ichiro x Reader)
Requested by one of the hypmic blogs I follow cause they wanted to read it :p This is part of a bigger fic that ill finish later So here you go!
Word count: 1199
“I'm coming for ya!!” Ichiro runs after you. His long legs picking up speed he catches up to you in no time. He then scoops you up in his arms like you're nothing and carries you. “Got you!” He swings you around making the both of you dizzy.
“Ichiro!” You laugh pounding on his chest. “Let me down!” “No way. I won so I'm taking my prize home.” You looked up swore there was a faint tint of red to his cheeks but said nothing.
“I'm not letting you go so hold on.” You roll your eyes and wrap your arms around his neck as he walks down the street. “Are you going to do this the whole way back?” “Yup.” “Ichi-”
You felt a drop of water fall on your nose, then your cheek. You and Ichiro look up as the rain started to fall then he sprinted. “AH go faster!” “It's just a little rain. You're not going to melt are you?” He prays for Jiro and Saburo to be gone when you arrive. Luckily you reach his place before getting too soaked.
He throws you onto the couch then sits down next to you. “Phew.” He sighs. “You must be tired carrying me all that way.” “Pssh, that was nothing.” You lift up his arm and inspect it. “What are you doing?” You study him. “Doesn't look like you're hiding any muscle under those baggy clothes of yours.”
“Hey! I got plenty of muscle!” Ichiro lifts up his sleeve and flexes showing off his impressive biceps. Your eyes widen and you blush. He pulled his sleeve back down and slumped on the couch, embarrassed. A moment goes by when he realizes you're still in your wet clothes.
“Y/N you must be cold!” Ichiro jumps up and runs to go get you a towel and an old shirt and sweatpants. "Here!" He tosses you the towel and clothes then proceeds to ditch his sweater and toss it on the floor. The dampness of his shirt made it stick to his skin and you can't help but stare at the outline of his figure.
“Heh, like what you see?” “W-what? No shut up!” Busted... you try and play it off. “But you were looking” He smirks raising a brow. “Was not!” You fold your arms trying to be defensive. “Now hurry up and dry off or you're going to get a cold.” “Yeah yeah, I'll be right back.” You pout picking up the towel and clothes before heading to the washroom to change.
You stripped off your clothes and dried yourself off before putting on the shirt and sweatpants he gave you. You take in the smell of his shirt. It was nice.
Your hair was still a dewy mess. Smirking you walk back into the living room and shake your wet hair in Ichiros face. “H-hey!” He pushes you away narrowing his eyes. “Oh, you're in for it now.” “AH!” Before you had the chance to escape he pulls your face into his wet hair rubbing it around. "Noooo! Ichirooo!" You whine and push him away. "Meanie!" "You started it." He throws a towel on your head. "Better?" He laughs. "Ugh..." Even after that playful event, Ichiro's nerves came rushing in.
“Hey, Y/N...” “Hmm?” “You know I appreciate you right?” He scratches his head nervously. “I would hope so.” You giggle. “Why what's up?” “I just wanted you to know that...” You turn to him intrigued.
“Come on I know you Ichiro, something else is going on. You've been acting weird all day.” He turns to face you, his head is down and his hands are resting in his lap bunched up in a fist. His shoulders are tense. You lay a hand on his shoulder somewhat snapping him out of his state.
“Hey, Ichiro.” He takes a breath looking up at you. “Y/N, our friendship is important to me. And maybe I felt this way for a long time..." He struggles to find the right words. "Years ago when you told me how reckless I was being and how that threatened our friendship, it made me realize how lucky I was to have you by my side and what that meant to me." He pauses. "So, maybe it was then when I realized I liked you." He looks down again. Alright Ichiro don't chicken out now. He mentally gives himself a pep talk. You touch his hand and your eyes meet once more. He takes a breath.
“Can I kiss you?” You smile then nod. Both leaning in your lips meet in a seemingly perfect kiss. Crossing the friend zone into something more. Taking the next step. He pulls away not knowing whether or not to continue. Ichiro was a gentleman and always was attentive to you.
You throw your arms around his neck in which he initiates the next kiss, except your noses bump before your lips do making you both giggle. He tries again tilting his head a little more, then his hands find your waist. You stay glued to him, both getting used to this new kind of closeness. Your stomach flutters from his touch. Ichiro's heart is racing, his mind blank. All he can do is get lost in this moment with you. With your feelings out in the open, you seem carefree and the two of you pull away.
He looks at you in awe. You beam unable to hide the smile on your face. Placing another kiss on your forehead you lay back into his chest as his arms wrap around you. You enjoy each other's company as a thoughtful silence hung over you. Then Ichiro spoke up.
“I was worried this wouldn't work out.” “Really?” He takes a second to think. “I didn't want to ruin our friendship...” You pout at his words. “Ichiro.” You sit up and place your hand on his shoulder. “You couldn't ruin our friendship if you tried.” You reassured him. That weight lifted off him he still couldn't help but feel slightly awkward.
“I almost did...” “That was years ago. Look how much you've grown. Look at what you've become.” “Yeah well, I still have a ways to go.” “We all do.” He smiles. “I've always liked that about you, Y/N.” “Hmm?” “You are always good for a pep talk.” “Of course!” You both laugh as he pulls you into his arms. There's just something about being out in the fresh air and Ichiro's warmth that put you to sleep. He presses another kiss to your forehead and dozes off with you in his arms.
“Did you tell her?” Jiro and Saburo stare at Ichiro waiting with bated breath. “Yeah, I told her.” Ichiro blushes and crosses his arms. “Yeah alright!” Saburo pumps his fist in the air. “I knew she couldn't resist your moves bro!” Jiro pats him on the back. “Yeah, whatever ok?” “You did kiss her right?” Jiro gawks. Ichiro's face turning redder. “I did alright?! It went well. Now I'm going to bed.” “Aww, goodnight Ichi-nii.” Jiro and Saburo pushed their cheeks together making kissy noises.
Thank you for reading!!
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harukisakisblog · 3 years
Blog Introduction !
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Hello! My name is Haru! But you call me big bro if you feel like it! I'm just some ordinary person who likes to have a
"younger siblings" and you yes you. Who looks at this blog will also be counted as well!
Sexuality: straight!
Age : ???
I still don't feel to reveal my age yet! But I can guarantee you I'm not 10 years old kid! That's something I can swear on!
Pronouns: !he/him or they/their/them¡
This blog is about...
Please keep in mind that this blog may look quite innocent but it's definitely not. This blog will contain *mature stuff* that may not be suitable for younger audiences or people with weak hearts and sensitive people.
Please remember that if you ever got triggered by some of my work it's YOUR fault. YOU are the one who chose to see my work despite me saying it may or may not be suitable for you. Please don't attack me for your carelessness.
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Female Reader & Fujoshi Dni
For the female reader who uses "she/her" pronounce please go away from this blog as I decide to make this blog ONLY for
Male Reader
Non-binary Reader
If you're still interacting with this blog despite what have I said, don't be surprised if I block or never even do your request. So please don't interact with this blog.
Also, keep in mind when you're about to request. Read my rule!!! And if I ever know that you ask something I won't do I will delete it.
(Ofc, I'll tell you as well unless you using Anonymous mode)
How to request is quite simple. Just put "hey! Can I get yandere's headcanon *to insert characters name* with MALE/GN reader?"
I won't take request if you put "Fem reader confess " her" love towards *insert character name*"
The reason why? Simple. There's barely any content for male readers and gn readers and we always get those stereotype fem readers, as if there's no other gender exist. And I decide that enough is enough imma do it myself then!
Don't go throw me all those bulls with "but the female reader also has barely fics-" no. If you search any fandom fanfic you'll find a TONS if not a MILLION type of fanfic with fem readers in it. Heck twisted wonderland also got a lot of fem readers in it despite the actual logic in the game is that girls are not allowed to attend the same school as the boys.
It makes me so jealous when female readers can get the story that has their pronouns while males and gn usually don't. Do all of these writers think that GN and male readers don't exist or what? So if you, a female with (she/her/they/their) are here, GTFO from my blog right now.
That's all~!
My hobbies:
Listening to music
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Now what kind of request I will NOT write!
"Can you make a black reader confessing his love?"
Oh b o i this is not a good way to request dear, you see. S/o or y/n or "reader" is supposed to represent 'people/you' their skin colours should not be mentioned. Think about it, you're a white/tanned/black/etc person and then they mention how they like your *colour* skin even though you're not???
"Name" with chubby reader please!
Body type is not allowed in here, not all people have this "chubby/good looking" type of body
(I might do it if I am in the mood gel.)
Maybe a reader who was in love with his best friend but he is a religious person
First of all, no religion will be allowed here. In MY work, not all people have the same religion so that kind of request is a big no-no
Can I get a reader who has an mental illness?
This is so wrong on so many levels. I won't write for that one!
Request that I won't mind to/ will write
Reader who insecure with themselves/himself?
Reader who feel he/they has gained too much weight
Reader being a badass
Maybe "name" breaking up with reader?
May I have a reader who is sick with "sickness name" ?
That's all~ big brother hope you all understand what big brother said. So to that Lil sis outta there, go and play with others big brother want to play with Lil bro and this cute friend of him~
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Sending all my love towards ya'll~ hehe
(female include just don't interact okay!)
The link to the rule can be seen over here~!
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the-blind-geisha · 4 years
(I have no idea if I’m even asking in the right place, apologizes if I am not.)
hope I am not too late, my friend had to remind me to actually send this in.
Demiurge x Female reader, please.
NUTS - Stupidity
MOONWORT/HONESTY - Forgetfulness
OAK LEAVES - Bravery
NARCISSUS - Formality, Stay As Sweet As You Are
LOVE IN A MIST - You Puzzle Me
DELPHINIUM - Big-Hearted, Fun
A/N: You sent it to the right place and at the right time! And even if you sent it to my other blog(s), I can screenshot it and work from there. X3 It's no big! Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day!
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Puzzled, I am certain you are at seeing a letter awaiting you as my duties send me elsewhere. For once in our union together, I ask for your forgiveness. I am afraid that Lord Ainz and his needs do not wait on anybody. I must confess that I would have it no other way. However, there is an uneasy sensation in my body that I've not felt in centuries when I concede such a thing. I tend to my Lord's needs over a mere human he has assigned me with for whatever plans I cannot foresee, and yet, I am bothered. I am bothered by the mere thought of leaving behind my arranged bride-to-be.
You were foolish, y/n. If I had continued to deem you a lesser being, then I'd say you deserved it. But I cannot. The mere thought you didn't beckon to me when you were in trouble leaves me angered in some manner. Again, I am uncertain as to why it triggered so fiercely. I feel as though I failed my mate—my partner, as you humans call them. I should have been there to protect you and tear the ones responsible limb from limb. Sadly, I could only accomplish so much in your honor.
You humans are fragile, so forgive me in the course I must take in trying to see you well once more. I am doing my all to be certain that I can see you standing, y/n. I suppose that is the very notion that has me sickened to my stomach. I must leave you bedridden without many to be at your side. I feel as though that should be my responsibility—not others. It's as though I am being robbed of it.
Regardless, through all of this... through all of my mute berating of you and our forced partnership, you still did your best to smile and see me happy. You knew not a thing about a demons other than to fear them. Rightfully so. Now, I am saddened to say, that I despise myself for ever trying to continue to instill that concern within you.
Y/N, you risked more than I in regards to my honor. People can speak ill of me all they wish it. I hear it. I see it. But as a demon—a monster of hell—it doesn't bother me. You, however, take great offense in my name and gaze at me as though it were rocks being thrown at you over myself. Odd.. before when you would glance at me so with the fear of crying, it never once stirred my dead heart; but now, I can easily say I am stricken down by the sight. It encourages my ire, and I will not see the world upset you.
I can withstand their petty insults. I will not see you falter under them.
I am hesitant to write this, but it feels like the right thing to do. Y/N, I love you. Your kind and loving nature has perhaps thawed the icy illness in my heart one way or another. I can sit here and do my all to pretend it isn't happening or never will, but I will fail one way or another. Even I am not immune to the acts of love and kindness.
Demons are prideful beasts that delight in the pain and suffering of others. You have not rid me of such a pleasure, but I have found myself wishing to enact it less in your presence as I know it upsets you. Your sadness, your fear, your well-being—all of it has gone to the forefront of my mind. It is why, even now, I struggle with the very notion of leaving you bedridden to heal.
I must make haste to my Lord's side to be certain he is content with whatever he so wishes of me. Knowing His Grace, he will possibly allow me to return to my injured lover's side. He would not wish of you to fall. I have not gone in forgetfulness of you. If anything, your name—your memory—it all lingers at the forefront of my mind and heart. Before, I worked with my mind focused and clear of all distractions, but now you are a distraction that I will gladly say brings a not so cruel and twisted smile to my face.
I suppose even humans have powers I am horribly unaware of. You have bewitched me, y/n, but regardless, I willingly fall to your side during your times of need.
Your husband,
Demiurge, Guardian of the Seventh Floor
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