#myths tournament asks
myths-tournaments · 5 months
Any idea when the angel & devil tournament will start?
🙈 i have no idea
i'd like to do it sooner rather than later but there's a lot of other (unrelated) stuff i'd rather do first, so this is far from a priority right now
can i offer you a picture of a pigeon in these trying times?
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majorlysapphic · 1 month
glassheart headcanons! <3
Chloe is an early riser whilst Red is a night owl
Because of their sleeping habits, Red usually skips/misses breakfast in favour of getting more sleep before classes (Chloe does not settle for this and starts carrying breakfast bars in her bag for Red)
Red always sits on the bleachers and sketches during Chloe’s Swords and Shields practice
Red wears Chloe's varsity jacket during Chloe's tournaments
After time travelling, they have journalling sessions together (so they can try differentiate memories from their old timeline and what they need to remember in their new timeline)
Chloe is REALLY big on physical affection, you can always find the two of them holding hands on campus
Red makes amazing tea and always brings Chloe mugs during her intense study sessions
Red is touch-starved when it comes to Chloe but touch-averse with anyone else
Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) knew they were dating before they did
When they told their parents, Ella handed Bridget a £20 note (they were betting on when the girls would finally get together)
The inside of their lockers are decorated with Polaroid pictures of eachother
Whilst they CAN use their phones to communicate, they prefer to write letters to each other when they're apart
They'd also send eachother little trinkets with these letters!! (Ex: Red sends over pressed flowers that are native to Wonderland)
When Chloe nervously tells Chad she has a crush on Red (which will be the first time she'sshared that information with anyone), he responded with "the colour?" (Despite the fact he has in fact met Red multiple times in the past)
Chloe fell first (her attraction to Red being sparked during their time changing the past together), but Red fell harder (after she clocked that she felt truly safe with Chloe in their new timeline)
Chloe is as charming as her namesake, so she has quite a few admirers (so Red gets a bit jealous at times but that's quickly solved by stealing Chloe's clothes or PDA)
Though it should be noted that when someone else is interested in Red, Chloe's jealousy is x100 worse (she takes after her father in that aspect)
They keep their relationship fairly private (like most royal couples), but once they hit their one year anniversary, they go fully public (I'm thinking with Chloe asking Red to dance at a televised ball)
Before this, there would be multiple blogs/fan accounts about whether the two were just really close friends or dating
Wonderland would obviously be very different in their new timeline, so once their first semester at AP ends, Chloe goes to Wonderland with Red for the holidays so they can explore it together (but first Red has to reassure and pinky promise to Chloe that the Jabberwocky is a Wonderland myth and not a real creature)
Bridget is ecstatic to host Chloe at their castle, and this starts a tradition of the Charming family and Heart's family taking turns to stay at eachothers places every other holiday
Red teaches Chloe how to interpret Wonderland’s riddles (and plans to teach Chloe how to talk in riddles one day)
Chloe's first language is French, so over time, Red gains a proficiency in the language (this is all sparked because Chloe starts speaking French when she's tired)
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 11 months
Hi I was thinking what about yan!mafia boss who kidnaps and baby traps(no need for smut scene) reader and how life would be for reader while pregnant
Yandere! Ex-patient! Mafia Boss x AFAB! Nurse!Reader
Hmm baby trapping.
Well I can say for sure y'all like the pregnant fics LMAO
I hope you don't mind me putting more details to yandere! This is like the much more twisted version of a greek myth story, so be warned!
Also, Rowan cameo? (Since Rowan is also a mafia boss)
Yandere! Mafia boss name: Hades
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"Sir! Rowan's men are closing in!"
Hades clenched his teeth and looked at his right hand man. He was injured and not able to use his left arm right now.
"Fuck. Do we really need to retreat?" Hades pondered, clutching the empty Thompson in his hands and not minding his broken leg.
"Sir, please, let's just retreat!"
Hades bit his tongue and messed up his hair in frustration before opening up the intercom. "Retreat! Get out of there and retreat!"
It was hard extracting his men from that warehouse lot. But in the end, they were left with only 75% of the number of men that went to this mission, much to Hades' disappointment.
He doesn't have a surname, nor a family.
All he has is his mafia and his men.
He remembered when he desperately clawed at the feet of the old mafia boss, asking him to take him in.
He remembers the rigorous training he had to go through in order to be accepted inside their famiglia, and just to be recognized by his boss.
After years of being the underdog, he won a do or die tournament inside the famiglia. And he became the new boss once the old one retired.
As somebody who didn't have anything, he knew how hard it is to have nothing at all. Nothing to eat, nothing to sleep on, nothing to drink.
So he made sure to claw as much as he can to his territory.
He is relentless in his pursuit. With his cold eyes and violent tendencies, it's no wonder his wealth and circle expanded exponentially.
His temper always flare up whenever he saw something he wants.
Envious even.
Filled with envy, he would stop at nothing to get what he wants.
He's temperamental, vicious, cold, and jealous.
He's always jealous. Envious.
He wants everything.
So, when he saw the opportunity to extend his territory once more with the Silas famiglia's territory, he had to.
But it landed him in the hospital.
It was a close fight, but in the end, Rowan won due to an error with Hades' group.
Hades sighed and brushed back his hair to his scalp, not even flinching when the nurse accidentally bumped into his broken leg.
"I-i'm so sorry sir! Forgive me!" The nurse panicked, their breathing fast and short.
Hades frowned, his eyes glowering in anger as he stared daggers at the nurse.
The nurse gulped and ran away, scared for their life.
Hades leaned back to the pristine, luxury hospital bed. The ache in his leg didn't faze him as he looked outside of the window, annoyed at the lost oppurtunity.
For now, he's going to let the Silas' go.
The door opened and in came a new nurse, you.
"Hello sir. I'm your new nurse! My name is y/n." You said, gently holding the clipboard in your hand. Your light blue scrub was clean and spotless.
"Hmph." Hades mused. "Did the crybaby ran to you and tattled on me? Telling i'm a big bad man?" He cooed, like talking to a child.
But rather than getting angry or scared, you only laughed and shook your head.
"You could say that." You told him straightforward, and this amused Hades.
"Well, whatever. Just do your best to take care of me." Hades said before he allowed you to come close to him.
You were an amazing nurse.
Nothing short of caring, you made sure to attend to Hades to the best you can do.
It was like you were a family member, taking care of him with such tenderness that even touched Hades.
Your hands, like the work of an angel, had the touch of a skilled healer and caregiver as you even tended to the most mundane tasks that he could do, like eat.
He didn't mind though. The pretty nurse was taking care of him. Who is he to refuse?
At first, he thought you were only after his money, which understandably made him upset. But you never crossed the line to flirt with him. You acted like an old friend, bantering and joking with him.
He liked this. You were not tense around him. You're not intimidated by the man in front of you, only annoyed whenever he refused to do something you needed him to do.
You both become friends, and Hades always looked forward to your care.
Just pure, adulterated caring hands of a mother-like figure.
Mother, huh?
If you took care of Hades like this, how would you take care of your own children?
He innocently pondered. Imagining you pregnant, he daydreamed of you give birth and having children.
But he flinched, suddenly feeling his body hot.
Seeing you pregnant aroused him.
No, seeing you get pregnant due to him aroused him to no end.
It was just supposed to be an innocent thought. Since he wanted to imagine what would it be like for you to have a family of your own and taking care of them.
But he imagined that the husband is him, the children are his, and you are his wife.
He imagined you moaning under him, clutching his back and screaming his name as he blew his load into you, pumping you full.
He imagined you with a round belly, filled with his baby or two, waddling around his mansion as he took care of your every need.
He licked his teeth, suddenly, suddenly liking the prospect of you with him.
Ever since then, he saw you in a different light.
He had to have you.
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Hades moved his leg and smiled.
It doesn't hurt anymore, and he knew it was fully healed.
"Thanks for this, doll." Hades said, his husky deep voice breaking the silence inside the hospital room. His sharp, dark eyes bored into your giddy form that was clapping for him.
"That's great then!" You grinned, looking at the clipboard and nodding. "You're good for discharge then! Can't believe you abused your stay here in the hospital until your broken leg actually healed."
Hades howled in laughter, feeling light.
"Hey, I had to. It's much more peaceful here." He lazily grinned. "And, I had my pretty little doll take care of me. That's two birds in one stone."
You flushed pink and gave a small chuckle.
"Haha. So funny." You rolled your eyes.
"What can I say? I'm a clown." Hades joked "Honk honk." He squeezed his nose, pretending it's the red, squeezy clown nose that clowns have.
"The whole circus, you mean." You teased.
The both of you got quiet once more as you helped his men who just got inside the room to move Hades' things out.
He watched you interact with his men and frowned, jealousy bubbling inside of him. And his eyes narrowed when he saw one brush his hand with yours.
In his eyes, it wasn't an accident, it was a deliberate act of flirting with you.
"Okay, I got to report to your physician first. Be right back!" You said, waving to Hades before jogging out.
"Oi, you."
All of his men stopped, heart rate suddenly picking up as Hades pointed at the man who brushed his hands with yours.
"Yes sir?" The man approached him and Hades immediately grabbed his hand, twisting it.
The man was about to scream in agony but only got to whimper in pain when Hades bore holes in him.
"Those hands you touched? I am the only one who's able to do that." Hades seethed, jealousy and envy bubbling inside of him again, threatening to boil over. "So don't you dare do that again."
He let go of the man as he nodded, scrambling away from him. His other men only bowed and continued to do their work.
They knew not to touch the boss' future wife, as what Hades told them.
But they don't know the scope of 'touch', and it seems that even accidental touches aren't out of the question.
They were glad that their boss found a woman to be his partner, and was happy that the boss seemed like he found something to be happy with.
Especially with how hard his life was before, he needed somebody who will love him unconditionally.
But they forgot that Hades was the epitome of envy and jealousy.
They prayed for your soul. May it be to escape Hades' clutches, or for you to tolerate his behavior and his overly possessive nature.
But, six months later, their hair stood on their ends when they saw you inside the boss' mansion, confined, and kidnapped. You had a defeated look on your face as you glared at their boss, who only smirked.
You were kidnapped by Hades.
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six months before the kidnapping
Hades visited you in the hospital, bringing a bouquet of flowers in hand. It was an assortment of different floras, most of them of your favorite flower that you mused to him one day.
He sighed, suddenly feeling nervous. It was the first time he felt like this, but he shook his head and clicked his tongue before walking inside.
His long legs strode towards your floor. The other hospital personnel, who once cowered in fear, looked at him curiously and started to gush amongst themselves.
They knew who he was here for.
And once he got to the 4th floor, he saw you, working on your computer.
"Hey little doll." He drawled out, smirking as you looked up to him.
"Hades! How are you?!" You excitedly jumped up, eyes sparkling. Hades felt warm inside, knowing you were smiling like that because of him.
"Oh, you know. Doing the same. Your care is spectacular. I got healed in such a short time. You're an angel, you know that?" Hades winked and you giggled.
"Oh shut you. What are you here for?" You asked.
You gasped, seeing the bouquet of flowers in his hand.
"Grant me the pleasure of being with you, doll?" Hades said, his voice low and quiet, but his resolve was strong.
You grinned and accepted the bouquet, smelling the amazing aroma and smiling.
"Of course!"
At first, dating Hades was fun.
He spoiled you rotten. Giving you jewelry, clothing, food... Anything you looked at, he would buy.
He was a gentleman. A clear and distinct difference from how he's always been.
It was supposed to be a fairytale love story. Well, as much as a fairytale it is being with a mafia boss.
But he was so possessive and overly jealous.
"Why are you looking at him?"
"You don't have male patients, right? No, scratch that. Even women can see how amazing you are."
"Why did he talk to you? Is he asking you out?"
"What did she say? Did she flirt with you?"
"I'll rip their skulls out if you even try to glance their direction."
You groaned, annoyed by his jealousy. You tried to reassure him, that nothing was wrong, that he was the only one for you, but he won't listen.
He was draining to be with. He's always watching other people like a hawk, threatening them if they tried to interact with you, then getting so manipulative with you.
And while you made sweet, sweet love with him one night, with your body filled with his marks and bites, you knew you had to let go of the man.
You can't even work in the hospital right because of his jealousy.
So you have to.
But when you woke up, were kidnapped by him.
"What the fuck?! Hades!" You screamed, looking at the windows. It was grilled. The doors, all unlocked except for the exits.
Nobody was allowed inside the mansion, only you and Hades were residing there.
Hades smirked, looking at you pacing around the mansion. His eyes, dark, obsessed, and possessive, swept your form up and down.
"Doll, you're in the right place." Hades stalked towards you. His long legs, which you once helped heal, was now transporting your twisted boyfriend in front of you. "You think I don't know you want to leave me?"
You seethed, eyes boring betrayal and hatred.
"Why did you kidnap me?"
Hades smirked.
"Like I said, I know you want to leave me. And I can't have that." Hades licked his lips and gently clutched your hips. His thumbs, dangerously close to your core. You shivered, your body responding to his touch. "I did well training your body to like my touch." Hades mused.
You looked away, defiant arousal filling you inside as his hips fit with yours.
You could feel his excitement prodding at your stomach.
"I know you want me, doll." He whispered, leaning down to your ear and licking it. "Doesn't this feel forbidden? If you really hated me, hated my touch, and want to go out, you should have ran away from me. But hey, look at this. You're letting me touch you."
He chuckled darkly as he saw your red face.
"Come on doll." He whispered, kissing your neck. "They said hate sex feels phenomenal. Want to try it?"
Accepting it was the dumbest decision of your life.
He pumped you full, not even bothering to put protection.
And you, swept away by his divine touch, didn't care also.
You only regret this decision once you got pregnant.
Hades gave a triumphant, evil lopsided grin as he called his men to introduce you.
His men's eyes widened in fear at him.
Nobody can even get inside his mansion, let alone his men.
But now, he's openly letting people go inside his mansion. They knew you were inside the mansion, kidnapped. But why is he letting them go inside now?
Hades scoffed and shielded your form from the inquisitive eyes of his men, jealousy filling him.
"Welcome my fiancée, everyone. Treat her well, will you? She's pregnant with my child."
They all froze, before they felt like they were showered with cold ice water.
Baby trapped.
You were baby trapped.
That's why Hades opened the doors to them.
You can't leave no matter what.
And as Hades smirked at your glaring form, they prayed once more.
You're never going out of his clutches.
You were now forever confined in Hades' world.
His Persephone.
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bi-hanslefttittie · 1 month
We need more things of Johnny being a fucking weirdo with blood, honestly. That mf really pushed a whole CAMERA into someone's ribs. I want to SEE MORE OF THAT!! A DIVA ON SET!!!
Like for example, people know he is a martial artist, right? And he always swears his stunts are all real and shit.
Let's then imagine this scenario:
he once disappeared from the public for about 3 months, like, no public appearances, no social media. It was rumored that he went to a tournament, but no one was really sure. And being the celebrity he is, it was strange that PR wasn't pushing new projects and instead relying on old commercials he filmed and unreleased content from years ago along with his lawyers doing sketchy things under the table.
He came back to the spotlight weirdly, doing a couple interviews. Having bad moments with the press and paparazzi, a few fights here and there that made the rumors louder until one day, on big letters on a gossip magazine. "Johnny Cage: cold hearted killer!" The myth began that the martial arts legend had killed someone and gotten away with it, tainting his reputation and causing hundreds of theories online about who his victim was and why.
In an attempt to cover up the rumor, Johnny Cage did a cover for playboy which read. "Lady Killer" as a way to make light of the situation, but it seemed inescapable. When asked about it, Johnny simply smiles and shrugs. No one really knows if it's true.
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bestfictionalplant · 8 months
Welcome to the Best Fictional Plant Tourney!
A WHILE ago someone sent an ask to @namedafterflowerstournament asking if they'd consider a 'best fictional plant/flower' tournament, and they said it'd be cool for someone else to do. After much sitting around to see if someone else would do it (and if you HAVE done it and I missed it im so sorry!!!!) I've decided to be that person >:)
Any kind of plant is allowed and because I'm feeling silly, I'll allow mushrooms. Trees, flowers, berries, fruits, veg, ferns, mushrooms, whatever
My only media restriction is no Harr/y Po/tter, don't worry she didn't actually invent anything so you can submit mandrakes from other properties. Myth/folklore is ENCOURAGED!!!
Sentient plants are ALLOWED, including SOME Pokemon. Oddish is def allowed cause he's a lil radish w leggies, walking mushrooms from dungeon meshi are allowed, Pokemon like dhelmise and decidueye not so much, some of these may go to prelim polls if im not sure.
EDIT: by fictional plants I mean plants that aren't found in the real world. Inspired and based on real plants is fine, ie endura carrots, maxim tomatoes, nilotpala lotus, but if it's like, beauty and the beast rose, that's just a rose, sorry for any confusion EDIT for the EDIT: Real world plants with like. their own magical abilities in a series, ie vervain in the vampire diaries, wolfsbane in folklore, WILL be allowed. Exceptions might happen if i think it's funny :)
I've not thought about time limits/bracket count I just miss having something to Organise and I want to make my little lists and graphics again :)
Submission Link Here
for visibility @tournamentdirectory @tournament-announcer @bestvegetablepoll
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prying-pandora666 · 1 year
The Bachelorette: Toph Beifong Edition - Who is the Dad?
(Adapted from a Twitter thread of mine)
Since I’ve been asked several times if I know the answer to this question, let’s just compile a post.
Who is the father of Toph’s children? A comprehensive guide of the five most cited candidates.
It’s stated in canon that Lin and Suyin have different fathers. Right away this complicates matters as we can’t use the evidence for one sister and apply it to the other.
So let’s break them down separately, starting with the youngest.
Suyin Beifong
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Bachelor #1: Sokka
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We all know who he is. The man, the myth, the legend himself. FOR: Probably the most popular as he’s a fan favorite and canon tells us he never married or had children (not officially).
Toph had a crush on him in childhood, and Sokka considered her his best friend, so it’s not impossible these two developed romantic feelings down the line, especially if Sokka’s long-time squeeze Suki was out of the picture. Suki doesn’t seem to be around for unknown reasons in LOK.
Suyin has a noticeably swarthy complexion compared to her mother or sister, which many credit to Sokka.
Her more light-hearted and free-spirited personality compared to Lin is also cited as potentially coming from Sokka.
AGAINST: Sokka is absent from Lin and Suyin lives in flashbacks. Even though we see he still works with Toph well into adulthood and there doesn’t seem to be any bad blood between them.
After losing his own mother and his father being absent due to the war for most of his childhood, it seems unlikely that Sokka wouldn’t be present in his child’s life.
Some fans argue that perhaps Sokka didn’t know Suyin was his daughter, but considering that Sokka and Toph stayed close friends and worked together into adulthood, it’s hard to believe that brilliant detective Sokka wouldn’t have put it together. Unless Toph went out of her way to deceive Sokka, but given their positive relationship it seems out of character for Toph to deprive Sokka of his own child and vice verse.
Unless more information comes out to explain what reasons there could’ve been to keep Sokka away from the girls, this theory falls apart. There just isn’t enough evidence to support both him and Toph acting so bizarrely unlike themselves
Bachelor #2: Satoru
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Satoru was an engineer and industrialist who worked for the Earthen Fire Refinery. Lao Beifong (Toph’s dad) left him in charge after Satoru’s corrupt Uncle had a change of heart and resigned.
Satoru is kind and naive to a fault. He has an “adorkable” quality about him and is a HUGE Toph fan.
FOR: Toph became co-executive-partners for Earthen Fire Refinery with Satoru, and although we never saw them progress to a relationship, there was clear mutual attraction.
Satoru admired Toph greatly and advocated for her against his bosses; his Uncle and Toph’s father.
He has wavy hair that resembles Suyin’s.
Works with metal. Zaofu is made of metal. That’s about it.
AGAINST: There isn’t a whole lot to go off of. Satoru isn’t even mentioned by Toph when he isn’t around, and despite her strong interest in him in The Rift story, in Imbalance Toph seems more interested in Sokka, indicating she may have moved back to her initial crush.
Satoru’s naïveté and capitalist employment practices inadvertently served as a catalyst for the bender supremacy movement in the colonies. Womp womp.
Neither he nor Toph has Suyin’s tanned complexion. So where did it come from?
Satoru’s presence is so vague that it’s hard to make a case for him other than a case from exclusion. There aren’t any huge issues disqualifying him, but neither is there much to support him over other candidates.
Bachelor #3: Sun
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Sun was a street urchin and prodigy lava bender competing in underground fighting tournaments until Toph plucked him from obscurity and made him her student.
FOR: The resemblance. He’s swarthy, he has a similar smirk and distaste for authority, and is a young prodigy bender.
His distaste for authority and rebellious spirit make him a suitable match for Toph, especially if she was trying to reconnect with her old self by then.
He was a wild spirit and not fan of Aang and the group due to perceiving them as being subservient to the Earth King. This makes a case for why Toph may not have told anyone he was the father, and is more justified than hiding it from Sokka if he were the dad.
He spent time with
Toph as her student, presumably.
AGAINST: Toph was police chief by then (I know, I hate it). If Sun remained a hooligan, they may not have still been compatible.
Sun is never mentioned outside of the one comic he appears in. Despite her initial fascination with him, Toph seems to have forgotten him.
There is no indication from what we saw that Toph’s fascination with him was in any way romantic, but rather she was intrigued by his bending abilities.
I personally find him the most likely candidate simple due to Suyin’s looks and personality. Sun and Toph not working out due to her job as a cop and him being an anti-authority hooligan could well explain why Toph doesn’t talk about Suyin’s father. Their relationship could’ve ended disastrously.
Sun may have also been a catalyst for Toph reflecting on what she had become and deciding to abandon her job as chief of police, deciding to instead go be a swamp with in retirement.
But this is all speculation.
Bachelor #4: Someone else!
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A character we haven’t met and who hasn’t been named.
FOR: We have no information so it could be anyone.
AGAINST: Why name-drop Lin’s dad and not Suyin’s unless there’s reason to hide it?
CONCLUSION: Possible. But why?
The most boring possibility.
Bachelor #5: Kanto
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FOR: He’s the only canon relationship for Toph we’ve had confirmed.
AGAINST: It’s been stated clearly that Lin had a different father from Suyin, and there isn’t a good reason to suspect Toph is lying.
That’s about it for Suyin. So let’s get into her older sister.
Lin Beifong
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The GOAT and the most unfairly disrespected character in LOK.
Bachelor #1: Sokka Again
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He really was a rizz-bender in the end… FOR: Same reasons. Fan favorite. Him and Toph are BFFs for life.
Older Lin has a hairline very similar to Katara’s. Could that be a sign of Sokka’s genes?
AGAINST: Same reasons. Why would Sokka not be involved in her life? Why would Toph lie about him?
Even worse, Lin was in a serious relationship with Tenzin for years. They were even engaged at one point. Seeing as Tenzin is Sokka’s nephew, if he were Lin’s father it would’ve made Lin and Tenzin first cousins. I doubt Toph would’ve hidden her child’s parentage to the point she would allow incest.
CONCLUSION: Impossible.
For all of our sanity, let’s not make kissing-cousins a thing in Avatar.
As Sokka would say, “MAJOR OOGIE!”
Bachelor #2: Satoru
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FOR: Same reasons as Suyin
The hair resemblance is still there, but there’s no longer the issue of skin tone. Satoru is a similar complexion.
AGAINST: Why would Toph lie about Lin’s father being named Kanto? Unless there was a falling out we’ve never heard about.
Toph just didn’t seem to be that into Satoru after their initial appearance, and she never brings him up outside of dealing with the company.
Probably the most likely candidate at this time, though the Kanto question is still an odd curveball.
Bachelor #3: Sun
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FOR: Same reasons as Suyin.
Sun and Lin’s hair have some similarity.
AGAINST: Same reasons as Suyin x10.
Toph would‘ve been at the height of her role as police chief. Not exactly a great time to be having affairs with hooligans who oppose authority. (Unless maybe Bryke wants to decanonize Toph becoming a cop? Pretty please? Hey, I can dream!)
Although Sun has more reason for Toph to lie about Lin’s parentage and throw out the made-up name “Kanto”, there just isn’t enough to support the idea, especially given how strict and serious Lin’s personality can be compared to her sister.
Bachelor #4: Kanto
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FOR: Toph said Lin’s dad was a nice guy named Kanto but that it didn’t work out between them. We’ve been given no concrete reason to believe Toph was being deceptive.
That’s about it.
Seriously, not even a flashback or a picture? No one else ever mentions him? Sus. Even Asami’s mom got a character design.
It could just be some rando named Kanto no one stayed in contact with.
Anti-climactic but sometimes life be like that.
Bachelor #5: Zuko
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Yeah. That Zuko. Fire Lord Zuko. Son of Ursa and Ozai. Great grandson of Roku. The Blue Spirit. Aka the fandom bicycle.
Buckle up. This one is a doozy.
FOR: Politically it’s a smart match. Zuko has to make amends with the Earth Kingdom. Political marriages were a common tool to broker peace between nations. Toph is EK nobility from the fine house of Beifong and would be an ideal candidate.
Toph has the capacity to be a refined Lady and hold court, she just chooses not to.
Toph has a built-in perfect response anytime Zuko starts to spiral about his scar. “Looks fine to me!” She’s the only person who has never seen it and doesn’t associate him with a scar upon mention.
Toph seems to have a small crush by the end of Book 3, insisting on going on a field trip with him and glomping onto him. In the comics, she roots for Zuko over Sokka in a sword match, indicating she may have transferred her crush from Sokka to Zuko.
Iroh would be all for it. He loves Toph. He even calls them a perfect match for each other in Legacy of the Fire Nation.
Mai dumped Zuko in The Promise and as of yet they haven’t gotten back together.
Toph and Zuko are depicted standing under twin doves together during their field trip. One of the doves even has a black spot where Zuko’s scar is, making it clear these doves represent him and Toph. Doves are a sign of eternal love. And just as Zuko walks away from Toph in this scene, the doves kiss. Perhaps a sign of their future?
Zuko and Toph both left abusive homes due to the Avatar. Zuko was banished and sent to chase Aang, while Toph ran away from her stifling home to teach Aang. Parallels.
Both act tough as nails but have a sensitive heart that can’t handle rejection.
Izumi and Lin look quite similar. Izumi has glasses (vision problems, like Toph) and Lin has a prominent facial scar (like Zuko). Were these intentional choices to tie them to their respective parents?
Zuko and Lin have facial similarities, and Izumi shares some with Toph’s mom Poppy.
AGAINST: While it’s easy to make a case for Toph crushing on Zuko, there is no evidence that Zuko has ever returned such feelings. He never even says her name for the entire show.
Toph claims he still owes her a life-changing field trip in old age, implying they didn’t get one.
That would’ve made Toph Fire Lady, even temporarily, and it seems like SOMEONE would’ve mentioned that! Kind of a big detail to leave out!
Zuko shows no interest in Lin. Then again he doesn’t show interest in Izumi either, so who knows?
All evidence is circumstantial at best.
CONCLUSION: Crack but compelling
I love everything about this theory but personal biases aside it’s just pure crack.
Still, I’ll leave you with this: It gives a good reason for Toph to lie about Lin’s parentage. And Kanto can be written as “冠都” which means “crown capital”.
You’ve heard the evidence! So you decide!
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twisting-echo · 4 months
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Just a collage of some crossover crackships that I've had in my head for a while now. 😳👉👈
Rumpelstiltskin (Shrek 4) x Belle (BATB/RBTI): This ship came to me about two years ago because I thought it was funny that they could be Once Upon a Time's Rumbelle but on crack. Plus, Rumpy needs someone to love and for someone to love him back. 🥺
Merida DunBroch (Brave 2012) x Gutsy Smurf (Smurfs 2011): I've always had this funny idea of what if the archery tournament went differently, and Merida is instructed to shoot an arrow into the sky, and whoever Lord's son (or crest) the arrow landed closest to would be her future husband. But Merida, taking fate into her own hands, found a loophole and shot the arrow far away from the designated area and into the woods. So the arrow landed closest to Gutsy, and despite Merida's reluctance, she's now engaged to marry him. I based my story idea on the European fairy tale "The Frog Prince" and the Russian fairytale "The Frog Princess." (I might write a fanfic about it one day.)
Rapunzel (Tangled) x Big Jack Horner (PIBTLW): I first based their relationship on the fact that Jack collects magical artifacts and objects from various fairytales, fables, and myths. So maybe he tried to collect Rapunzel's magic hair but got a frying pan to the face and fell in love with her instead. He may be an irredeemable monster who's “dead inside,” but something about Rapunzel makes him soft and fluttery. Plus, the woman can bake a mean pie~
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daifukumochiin · 3 months
Summary: Sasuke's orderly life at elite Sairiumu Academy is disrupted by the arrival of Hinata, a timid transfer student whose obvious crush on him, a young man dedicated to his craft and his current relationship, stirs unease. (Initial SasuSaku with SasuHina endgame, modern Norse myth AU, high school, angst, romance, photography, postmodern-ish fic). Rated T
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BOWS, and
an entry for SasuHina Month 2024, Day 27 : Forget and Remember
(for peachy-hina, since December)
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ffnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14369143/1/Lights-Bows-and-Mistletoes
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57030778
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Part 1: Lights
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It wasn't a baseless assumption.
Sakura wanted to ride the train home that day. For a magnate's princess like her, the commuter's daily struggle was a novelty.
"Let's hit the rush hour!" she said, eyes gleaming.
Sasuke huffed. "Don't wanna. The last time I was with you during rush hour, you left me at Hashirama’s bridge in the rain, remember?" 
"Oh, come on. That was different. We're taking the train. Forgive and forget, okay?" She pinched his nose playfully. "Don't you love what we have now? Isn't this better than before?"
Sasuke thought about the apartment she got for them. She broke up with him in a fit of rage after losing at an inter-high kyudo tournament. Now they shopped together, visited convenience stores late at night, and went to school holding hands.
"What about the car?" Sasuke asked.
"Park it near the station. We'll get it tomorrow."
Sasuke nodded, impressed. "Getting street smart, are we?"
"Of course," Sakura smiled, poking him in the ribs. "Learned from the best."
"But wouldn’t it be smarter to just drive? I have a lot to do. Plus the laundry—" He didn't mention her lack of help around the house, how that meant he had to squeeze in doing house chores for the both of them amid schoolwork and his creative projects.
"Oh!" Sakura smacked her glossed lips. "Make me one of those omelet rice you made last Sunday!"
"Were you listening?" Sasuke could only sigh and protested no further.
While they waited for the train at the subway station, Sasuke passed the time by observing the other commuters, the play of light and shadow across faces, making diagnoses which club camera he'd use, which lens, and the camera settings. Then a figure briefly caught his attention—a flash of dark indigo hair that stood apart from the muted tones of the crowd.
Hinata Hyuuga.
How had she managed to track them down here?
No Sairiumu student would normally be found in subways mingling with common people.
How long does she intend to keep stalking him?
He has a girlfriend—shouldn't that deter her enough?
Does she know where they live?
He’s had the worst experience with stalkers that do and his parents didn’t even know. They left messages on his window sill and inside the flower pots on his balcony, and he always felt like he was being watched everywhere.
Suddenly, Sasuke's fight-or-flight response went haywire. His pulse quickened as questions swirled in his mind, his fingers turning cold.
"Take one like this."
Sakura's voice snapped him out of it. She embodied a sultry pose with the subtle tilt of her head towards the direction of the incoming train, her eyes appearing soft and drowsy, her lips not fully closed.
"Or perhaps this?" She adjusted her hair, fingers combing through it to the side.
Sasuke looked around but couldn't see Hinata anymore.
"What's the matter?" asked Sakura.
"You looked spooked."
Sasuke shrugged. "No way."
"Well, if it's nothing, don't miss this chance. Who knows when I'll be in the mood to come down here again? Come on, take a photo." She motioned towards herself.
Sasuke pulled out his phone, adjusting for the best lighting and how shadows fell across Sakura's face as he framed the shot. While he scanned over the details in the background, she hadn’t been noticeable, blending into the bustling crowd waiting on the platform. Only when he zoomed in did he spot Hinata, partially obscured behind Sakura, her presence almost ghostly against the backdrop of the arriving subway train.
More people rushed onto the platform as the rails clattered against the weight of the incoming train. 
Sakura grabbed his phone. 
"Not bad. Needs a little editing." Sakura made a face. "Post this on your Dinsta."
"No," Sasuke answered abruptly, regretting it immediately.
"Are you saying it's ugly?" Sakura asked, irritated.
“We need to go."
He grabbed her wrist as they joined into the sweep of the crowd boarding the train. 
The doors shut, the cubicle crammed on every side. Sakura's bright, electrifying peach perfume mixed in with the various other human odors assaulted his nostrils.
"Isn't this romantic?" Sakura giggled, her body fully pressed into him.
"Too hot and too crammed is romantic now?" Sasuke smirked.
The train suddenly jerked, causing Sasuke to step back and unintentionally bump into someone behind him. When he glanced over his shoulder to apologize, he froze—it was Hinata Hyuuga. The indigo dome of her hair brushed against his scapula, faintly emanating an unexpected blueberry scent.
So that's what she smelled like... Tenderly sweet—fruity, with a hint of tartness that lulls one into lowering defenses—clean and crisp, like the freshness of morning dew on flowers when he'd camp out for landscape photos in the prairies of Mist region. The blend of natural sweetness and subtle floral notes was almost comforting in its familiarity, and he felt an immediate easing of the tension in his nerves.
It’s a well-known fact that scent influences animal perception and behavior, and Sasuke couldn’t help but think: what a sly, underhanded girl.
Did she deliberately choose this scent to disarm him?
Was it her strategy to make him perceive her as kind and harmless, despite her stalking?
He almost wanted to laugh.
He'd hate to break it to her, but such tactics wouldn't work on him. 
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Calling ALL Helsa shippers!!!
@helsadiscord proudly presents Helsa Week 2023. The annual event to celebrate Helsa is coming this summer.
Save the dates! From 7 - 13 August 2023, we invite you to celebrate and appreciate Helsa in any form of fan creations. For every 2 days, there are a one-word prompt and one AU prompt that can be used interchangeably (or even combined!). We are looking forward to see your submissions! 😊
DAY 1 - 2 (7 - 8 August). INTERTWINED / MYTHS AU.
“Intertwined, like two boats tied together at the docks or the hands that are joined in camaraderie.” / Folklore, a retelling of the stories of the Gods and Goddesses (Norse, Greek, Celtic).
DAY 3 - 4 (9 - 10 August). MEMORIES / SPORTS AU.
“Memories - the good and the bad, treasured or forgotten - may have a way of returning.” / Olympic Games, Professional Athletes, E-Sports Tournaments.
DAY 5 - 6 (11 - 12 August). ENCHANTED / HISTORICAL AU.
“Enchanted, almost like a deer in the headlights; bewitched, as if a spell is befallen upon you.” / Medieval, Regency, Victorian, Vikings, American Old West.
DAY 7 (13 August). FREE.
Free space for your creativity! Let your imagination shine, do whatever your heart desires!
⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯⎯
When posting your work, please:
1. @helsaweekmasterlist​
2. Tag #Helsa Week 2023, #HelsaWeek2023 and #HelsaWeek along with other appropriate tagging (fandom, characters, ship, spoilers, NSFW and content warnings).
Don’t be afraid to be creative, let inspiration flow! Create fanfiction, fanart, comics, edits, mood boards, headcanons, poems, essays, cosplay, meme, anything you fancy! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
♥Have fun and Happy Helsa Week!♥
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razzle-zazzle · 2 months
what's your raised by serpentine au about again?
Okay okay so. First off if you go through the tag for this AU some of the older posts are no longer super accurate because I changed things around since then (Cole is no longer the only human still alive in the tomb when Pythor breaks the seal is one of the biggest). And also I think there's a lot of stuff I came up with and then just. Never talked about. So this ask is incredibly serendipitous LMAO
Anyway. In RBS, the first major change is a timeline one—the Serpentine War that saw the Serpentine sealed into tombs occurred about 250 years pre-canon, not 40. This is mostly because it makes the whole "they've been gone so long that most people think the Serpentine are a myth" thing that was going on in Rise of the Snakes still a thing, and also because... why not? Wu and Garmadon would have still been around to commit war crimes, and it's not like there aren't ways for Chen to live to be nearly 300 years old.
The next major change is a bit more based in canon; remember how, in the flashbacks to the war in Tournament of Elements, when Garmadon was describing how Chen managed to turn members of the elemental alliance against the others, the one shown attacking the alliance was a Master of Earth? I do. I constantly think about that fact, if I'm being honest. Though, of course, the timeline being what it is, in RBS that Earth Master isn't Lily's father but rather a great great grandfather. Regardless, they turned against the alliance thanks to Chen's manipulations, so when the war ended and it was decided that sealing the Serpentine into sunless tombs against their will and regardless of whether they were soldier or civilian was a good idea (it was not), that Earth Master and a whole bunch of other humans were sealed into the Constrictai Tomb. So there's been a whole community of humans and Constrictai in there for two and a half centuries, with the Master of Earth among them the entire time.
You can probably guess where I'm going with this. But yeah, Lily, Lou, and Skalidor were in a sort of polycule (it was more qp on Skal's end but like. you get it). So when Lou and Lily both die via cave-in and sickness respectively, Cole ends up largely in Skalidor's care. Hence the title of the whole AU :]
tl;dr past master of earth was sealed into the constrictai's tomb and so cole never saw the sky until pythor rolled up to crack that tomb open
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hoe4sports · 6 months
Katie Mccabe x reader
A/N: No trigger warnings issued. Can be read as a prequel to “In the enemy’s locker”.
The little girl on the video was wearing cleats some sizes too big for her. Her messy hair in to pigtails, and way too big shorts on her short body. She had the proudest look on her face even thought her jersey was probably 4 sizes too big. The girl was waving as she laughed. “Where are we going, Y/N?” an older woman’s voice asked carefully. The little girl was beaming, practically jumping up and down. “To the tournament!” the little girl screamed out as she giggled. “Yes, your first tournament! Are you gonna get a goal today?” the woman asked again as the little girl had a sassy look on her face while she demonstrated by tapping her chin making a thinking expression. “Duuh, grandma! I’m gonna score loads of goals!!” the little girl proudly announced as she giggled again and the video was cut. You sat in the warderobe thinking about that tournament. That was your first tournament as a happy 5 year old living in a Northern town called Tromsø. That was 15 year’s ago. Just a little girl with dreams bigger than herself. Now, its serious. You still felt like a little girl, but now you are the little girl that got signed by Manchester City at 16. They signed you because your strength as an attacker is that you are undetectable. You move towards the box without getting noticed which often got you in situations where you would smash the ball in. You were also a decent defender, which made you an attractive player.
One of the things you have to do in order to have a good game is to put your shoes and socks on in the right order. You do left sock, left shoe, right sock and right shoe. Mary is always on your ass about this. She and Alanna will sometimes stand there crying laughing when you are getting ready whike strapping your shoes on. Honestly, it dosent bother you one bit. The teasing is all in good spirit and it helps the team feel energised before a match. “A quick word, Y/N.” a voice above me stated. For a second, you thought you were loosing it but you looked up and there he was. The man, the myth, the legend; Coach Gareth. You obeyed and fallowed him outside of the warderobe as you were eyeing the walls plastered with women of Arsenal. Speaking of Arsenal, that was the challenge for today. “There are scouts here, and i know that your name is on their list. Command their attention on the field, we need a good sale.” he stated and you nodded. You had been in Manchester City for 4 years, and the coach was wanting to sell you. The economics wasnt the best, and you would be happy to be challenged with a new team for a good price.
You hopped back into the warderobe just in time for the assisting managers to start their pep talk. “Y/N, Mary, don’t let their defense get to you. One of them has a reputation of being carded, so make sure that your ankles are taped and warm.” You and Mary shot eachother a look, and nodded slowly. «Lana, Laia, Steph. You three make sure to play the ball upwards on the wing as much as possible. They are strongest in the middle, so we need to use that to our advantage. Y/N, you will have to go all out, and support on the left wing.” You all nodded, feeling the seriousness of the situation. “Laura, Jill. For the love of god, do not let them break the ankles of our golden duo up front.” he pleaded as you playfully shoved your shoulder into Mary’s. “Everyone else, stop them. Break their ankles if needed. If they play hard, we play harder.” he finished. He took his hand inward to do the teamchant “1-2-3, CITY!!!” You yelled as you got back to the last finishing touches before the game. You grabbed some extra tape and taped your right ankle a second time. You tore your acl at 18, and you were not letting that happen again.
You stood in the tunnel lined up as the 4th judge did a quick control of what you were wearing. You were in your own world, when she tapped your socks. You weren’t a fan of long socks and would cut yours. “They are short” she said, and I winked “but not too shirt.” The ref shook her head and moved on. You looked forwards and got eyed down by one of their defenders. You send her an attitude and she rolled her eyes. The little mascot next to you reminded you of yourself as a little girl. She was beaming with excitement. “Ready?” You asked her, and she looked up at you as she nodded. Her hand gripped your hand tighter as the crew signaled for you to walk onto the mat.
You stood on a line as the camera crew walked passed. You smiled to the camera and made eye contact before you winked. Mary gave you a nudge, and you smiled as you shrugged. You did the good all friendly handshakes as the teams crossed over at each other. Everyone seemed pretty friendly, except Katie McCabe. She sent you an annoyed look and you just winked back at her. She nudged her shoulder into yours, and you did the same. She was not getting to your head. Arsenal got the advantage of starting the ball, and you stood in position. As the judge whistled, the girls of Arsenal quickly got to work. You were standing on the outside mid as you could do most positions except goalkeeper. The defenders pushed the pressure higher, and you were right behind of McCabe.
One mistake was made on their behalf, and the ball got passed towards McCabe. You were on the alert and tunnelled the ball from behind her legs, as you went full sprint upwards. The crowd was screaming and you could hear my coach screaming on the sideline. “SHOOT!!” but you refused. You knew that McCabe was gonna tackle you and just as you had predicted; she came with her leg out at full force. But you were prepared, and jumped over her while still keeping the ball, before sending it in the net just above the keeper. Alana and the rest of the girls came sprinting as we celebrated. It took you roughly 1.5 mins to get the first goal in and as you walked back into position, you walked past McCabe who was standing with her hands on her hips in annoyance. You nudged her as you walked past her and mumbled “maybe you should try playing by the book next time” as you laughed.
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The rest of the first half was quiet. They were closing in on you, but you cleared it every time. You were however really struggling with keeping the pressure higher on the field with resulted in a lot of tiki taka from Arsenal. You looked at the time, and it was 2 mins left when your keeper cleared the ball. You got into position fast, and you signaled Alanna and Jill that you were gonna try out a formation you did in practice the other day. Alanna got into position as Jill did the same. Alanna got the ball immediately, and passed it to Jill who started sprinting. You could see McCabe pacing Jill on full speed as she got ready to tackle. Just when she tried to tackle her, she did the sharp turn we had practiced and lifted the ball over to you. You was fetched the ball, and you were clearing up towards their goal. Mary was right beside you, and she was no stranger to reading the room. You positioned yourself as another Arsenal defender chased on you before you shot the ball towards Mary. Next thing you knew, you were lying flat down on the ground, your face planted in the field. An ugly tackle. You lifted your heat to look around you, and who stood there with a grin on her face. Katie fucking McCabe. You jumped up as you could feel you ankle burning, and you lunged at her as you pushed her on to the ground. You sat on her and screamed at her. “What the fuck is wrong with you??” as you squeezed her shoulders. The referee came running whistling and the Arsenal team lifted you off of her. You were lunging towards her again, and she came back at me. You pushed her with my chest feeling fed up. Then your captain came and literally lifted you up, as she walked you away. “Stop, stay cool. Don’t let her win. Get yourself together.” The referee called you both in and you both were given warnings. “Cut it off. One more time, and it’s red. That goes for either of you.” She wasn’t kidding and you just lifted your hands in frustration as you walked away. Mary took the penalty kick, and sent it straight into the cross. A classic Mary shot. The whistle went off, and you all walked towards the warderobe. You knew what you had coming for you.
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“Y/N. What the HELL was that??” Your coach yelled, infront of everyone. You gulped and looked up at him. “Do you know what you just risked??” He shouted as he stormed out of the warderobe. You sat down and has some water while one of the assistants came to tape my leg right back up since McCabe had decided to try and cut it off. Gareth came back, slightly pink in his face. He moved towards you and said quietly “You are lucky, they are still interested. Perhaps, even more than before. Sorry for losing my cool.” He said as he patted your back lightly. “Alright, ladies. I see a lot of good technique, but I see that we are struggling with pressure. I believe in us. Just stay patient. Don’t let them knock you off your good streak.” and with that you were walking back on the field. You walked past McCabe and looked sharply on her as you spat out “You messed with the wrong bitch in the wrong era.” as you walked to your spot. The game started and you had jumped a few tackles from McCabe. As you got closer to the end of the game, you were comfortably high attacking them. You could see McCabe try to knock Mary of her mojo, and she did. Mary was rolling on the ground. Katie stole the ball out of the talented girls legs and pushed forward. That was enough to tip you over. So you sprinted like you never had before, and you cough up with the midfield. You threw myself forward and tackled her, but you hit the ball so it was no fault. She looked up with a gasp. You winked at her. “How does it feel to taste your own medicine?” Katie looked furious, and that made you feel so good about yourself. You had tamed THE Katie McCabe. “Don’t tell me I didn’t warn ya babe” you winked as you pushed yourself off the ground. Minutes later, the match was over and you won with a solid 3-0.
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As the referee called the game off, you broke out in celebration. You jumped, laughed and shouted together. It felt amazing beating arsenal knowing this was the last win you needed to finish on top of the league. You still had a few games left but even if you had lost all games and everyone else would’ve take points: you were still in the clear for being announced as the winners. You loved the team, it was like your family. “Mary!! You were amazing!” You shouted as you hugged Mary . “Me? You TACKLED McCabe for me!! It was probably the best feeling in the world except from my foot feeling like it was gonna fall off.” she stated as she laughed. You and Mary had come to City around the same time. You made the starting roster together and had our first injuries together. You were close, just like sisters. As you both had left our families young to go play far away from home, it felt good having each other. When you and Leah trued dating for a while, it was good to have Mary as a sense of security. When you and Leah decided to call it off as you grew apart, it was even better to have her.
You and Leah was still close as ever. Your paths crossed when she came to us on a loan after an injury. You had a good relationship, but it just wasn’t working for the pair of of you and you were better off as friends. There was no hard feelings and she was still one of your very closest friends. The pictures were still on your accounts and the media loved to speculate about it. You had a new rumour planted about us everyday from having babies to running away to get secretly married in Bali. You still loved her, and she still loved you. You used to say that you were soulmates from another lifetime that met too soon as you both needed to grow. This was your last few weeks together before the season was ending, and you took advantage of it. You had hooked up a few times, and sometimes spent the night together. All in good fun, as you both were consenting adults. She came running towards me “Y/N! Baby!! You did so good!” She yelled as you jumped up and she held you around her waist. You laughed together as she spun, and you could hear the cameras flashing like crazy. She leaned in and whispered in you ear, “McCabe is looking, has been checking you out since cut off.” She then proceeded to kiss your nose as she put you down. She and Katie were still teammates, as she was returning to her mother club, Arsenal, in a few weeks. The cameras once again, going wild as her lips touched your nose. You loved playing the media together, hell, you even made bets about who could create the wildest front page. You just knew one thing; Leah was incredibly hot and you all knew.
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You got off the field and walked into the warderobe. Once again, you celebrated. Gareth was pleased with the team, and had ordered pizza to the warderobe as a prize. After eating pizza, celebrating and showering, it was all done. You had grabbed your bag, your blonde long hair still soaked as you didn’t bother. Gareth stopped you on the way out, and mentioned that there had been an offer from one of the teams that were scouting. You thanked him for letting you know, as you headed towards the bus. When you walked outside, there were these young girls wanting signatures and pictures. You loved fans, so you always made sure to stop for them. You took pictures, you signed shirts, cleats, books and what not. As you waved goodbye to them, you saw Katie McCabe staring at you from the door that you had walked out of a few minutes earlier. She looked mad; but you didn’t give a flying fuck. She got what she deserved, and you didn’t care.
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myths-tournaments · 8 months
Is the tournament supposed to be answered to as "who would win in a fight?" or "which one do you like more?"? I think these will overlap in any case, but I think it's important to think about in case of submitting propaganda and such.
it's supposed to be which one do you like more but if you want to make a case for winning in a fight i won't stop you, i think it'd be funny
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mea-laetitia · 11 months
So I’m reviving my Jegulus Triwizard Tournament AU fic! I’m super excited about it I have big plans for it hehe the first chapter is up right now and here is a little preview of chapter 2. Enjoyyyy!
The Marauders had never found it so easy to score weed than they had that night. Now that Sirius and Regulus were reunited, they had an almost unlimited supply. James couldn’t remember exactly when, but at some point Regulus had become the school’s unofficial weed dealer, growing batches under his bed with some strange magical lights as well as somewhere off in the forbidden forest that no one else was privy to. Until now, they had been fortunate enough to procure what little they had, albeit very rarely; Regulus had always favoured Remus for they had a shared love of muggle literature. Who knows how that was discovered, James never bothered to ask, but Remus would occasionally turn up after studying in the library with a telltale grin and a small black bag he had charmed to be void of smell. How he managed it, James didn’t care. As long as they had weed, he was happy, and now they were positively rolling in it and he was absolutely over the moon.
“Merlin bless your brother Sirius.” He sighed wistfully as he finished rolling up the fattest joint of his life.
They were sat in their usual smoke spot overlooking the Black Lake, the shared bounty between them was larger than it ever had been, and they had decided there was no better way to celebrate the commencement of their final year of school than to smoke in excess, something they had seldom been able to do before.
Peter’s own was several times smaller than the rest of theirs. He hadn’t smoked since fifth year, when he had horribly greened out and swore it off for the rest of his life. But Sirius was not about to let him miss this golden opportunity.
“What was the point in me reuniting with my brother if you’re just going to let it go to waste?”
James didn’t see fit to mention that it certainly wouldn’t have gone to waste if Peter didn’t join them. Peter high was a phenomenon he had sorely missed, for the boy would become a giggling mess and say some of the funniest things in the world that even while high James wasn’t sure his own mind could think of.
When they were all finished, they stuck their joints together in cheers and Remus used his wand to light them all at once.
“That is some good shit right there.” Sirius said proudly, relishing in exhaling his first puff.
Remus took another drag and peered at Peter with concern. “Okay so far Pete?”
The boy nodded almost too enthusiastically and took another puff that turned him into a coughing mess. James pat him roughly on the back a few times with a fond grin.
“Attaboy Wormy. More you cough the higher you get y’know?”
“That’s a total myth Prongs.” Remus rolled his eyes. “How would that even work?”
“It recycles it through your lungs.”
“Honestly listen to yourself mate.”
Five minutes later even Remus wasn’t making much sense. James leaned back against the tree they were sitting by, staring into the sky and wishing not for the first time that he was capable of taking his broom out for a fly right now, but any time he tried to form an intelligent string of thoughts he was reminded that that was most likely a terrible idea. The only downside of Peter’s newfound drug lust was that he could no longer take them each in turn for a fly on the back of his broom. Oh well.
“What’s even the difference between the stuff he grows outside versus under his bed?” James pondered aloud.
Sirius’ eyes were comically bloodshot. “I think the outside stuff he grows the muggle way, whereas the charmed lights and shit he uses for the inside weed makes it stronger. I think, he’s never actually told me.”
The four stared silently at the bank of the Lake as it lapped softly from whatever movement from a creature within stirred it.
“So what are we smoking right now?” Peter asked.
James examined his own joint as if he would be able to tell the difference just by looking. The ember at the end slowly devoured the weed, gradually making it smaller and smaller. He took a hasty drag so as not to allow it to all burn up.
“Muggle shit I reckon. He’s not been at Hogwarts long enough to have grown a proper batch of the good stuff yet. But he said the stuff he grew in the forest he just left there all summer, so I’ll bet he has an absolute motherload of it.”
The thought of Regulus tending to his plants makes James grin. He had never really pictured Regulus as being a person with his own life and hobbies, despite knowing for years that he had been doing this. But certainly, he must have been passionate about it enough to take the growing so seriously. James wonders what Regulus must be like when he smokes.
“He’s aggravatingly no different to when he’s sober.” Sirius replied, James hadn’t realized he wondered that question out loud. He thanks his good fortune that the sun has lowered enough by now that no one can see his burning face. Really, he shouldn’t care so much about his best friend’s twin, but the boy was fascinating to him, and now that he was allowed to mention him, he just couldn’t help himself.
“When did you smoke with Regulus?” Remus puzzled. “Surely your parents wouldn’t allow that under their roof?”
Sirius smirked. “When have my parent’s rules ever stopped me?”
“Hey, the top of that tree looks like it’s flipping me off right now.” Peter pointed across the lake. “Is that just me?”
James laughed loudly and looked at the tree in question, which sat inoffensively still and very much was not flipping Peter off.
“You should go give it a piece of your mind mate. I wouldn’t let that slide.”
“I dunno, it looks pretty intimidating to me.” Remus grinned.
Sirius used his wand to relight his own joint and added. “Yeah Wormy be careful, you’re clearly on thin ice already.”
“What did I do to it?” Peter whined, throwing his head back in exasperation.
“Um, dude you’re literally smoking a fellow plant right now. That hash was probably it’s best friend.”
“WELL YOU’RE ALL SMOKING IT TOO!” Peter shouted defensively.
The other three laughed uproariously at their friend. Thank Merlin Peter was a stoner once again because James dearly missed fucking with him when he was high. After a few moments Peter cracked a grin and started to laugh as well, and even though James was utterly content he still couldn’t help the thought from creeping in that moments like these were in short supply now, a year from now they’d have to find a new smoke spot. Or maybe they’d all be separated doing different things with their lives.
James pushed the thought away, grateful that at least that was a year away. He could worry about that later. He took another drag and looked at his friends with a smile.
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Well! people wanted a season 2 this year so!
Hello hello! so OCD charcter polls ended with our honary mentions round but people want a season 2 so!
the polls wont start till after @the-coolest-bi-romantic is over, but I will open nominations now, for fun!
Congrats to our old winner, Death the kid, and petunia
Submit character in asks
Basic guidelines :
-- No real people, unless its funny, or character based on real people, there are exceptions if you wanna ask, no Harry potter, inside Job, attack on titan, or greek myths and there are other media i dont like but ill sort those if they come in
I will accept ocs
Character don't need to be canno-ly OCD, it can be a headcannon
You can submit characters from last season, but ONLY if they lost in round 1 or 2. Maybe ill use people who lost later on but you have to convince me they deserves that spot.
submit character by telling me:
Their name
media they are from
if they are canon or headcannon
and optionally, ramble about them :)
i dont have inspirations because I already had this poll but come pols i think you should check out/i like are: @no-not-everyone-ships-that @yuribait-battle @crustaceanclash @who-do-i-know-this-man @ultimate-poll-tournament (Im sure there are more i am blanking so hard rn :()
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usagirln12003 · 4 months
Nami Mikan: Hogwarts AU
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Nami Mikan is a Muggleborn witch that was born on the 3rd of July 1979 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1990, being sorted into Slytherin house.
She has a Vine wand with a Dragon Heartstring Core.
Her Patronus is a Ginger Cat.
Her favorite subject is Charms and her least favorite subject is Potions.
She was one of the Slytherin Prefects of her year.
Along with Robin Nico, Usopp, Sanji, Tony Tony Chopper, and Franky, Nami is one of the smartest amongst Luffy's friends. And Nami is also the student with the third highest grade in their year.
At the beginning of her Hogwarts, Nami despised magic. She viewed people that possessed it as universally evil after losing someone close to her due to magic, only changing her mind after she met Luffy (although Nami still reminds Luffy that not all wizards are like him). Before her view on magic changed, she was perfectly fine with giving a captive Luffy up to Buggy but refused to kill him when asked by Buggy to do so, as she could not bring herself to stoop to their level. Nami has been deeply affected by her adoptive mother's death and Arlong's enslavement and imprisonment of her. She remembers vividly of the abuse she suffered such as one of Arlong's minions refusing to feed her as well as the pain and exhaustion on the streets from stealing money in an attempt to buy back her childhood home from Arlong. Upon failing to do so, Nami was utterly distraught and when Genzo and rest of the villages went to die for her, Nami took the knife she was holding and madly stabbed her shoulder before Luffy stopped her. Her experiences left Nami with many painful memories, that she has since then successfully buried but Nami still retained a fear and distrust of people who are half-merfolk as a whole until she learned the painful history of human cruelty towards them. By the time of the Triwizard Tournament, she was willing to give half-merfolks a chance and even befriends some of them while claiming she solely held a grudge against Arlong.
Nami is also disbelieving in myths and legends, as she dismissed Horcruxes as myths, disbelieved the existence of the Chamber of Secrets, and was dubious over claims of a connection between Sanji and the "mythical evil army", Germa 66. Ironically, all these legends were proven true to her when she found one of Teach's horcruxes, when Robin insisted that the Muggleborns being attacked was proof of its existence, and when Pekoms confirmed Germa and Sanji's history together. Nami was shocked to see and hear that she was wrong but slowly accepted the unbelievable things in front of her.
Nami can be seen ordering her to study or stay out of trouble. If she deems an idea dangerous, she will often try to convince Luffy (usually along with Usopp and Chopper) to not go through with it but will nonetheless follow Luffy's orders when he demands so. She seems like a coward, but she has been referred to by multiple people being a "bold woman." Usually, she is called that when she stands up for her friends and what she believes to be right. She is aware of the dangers they face every day and has a much better understanding of the world and its more dangerous individuals (e.g., the Ministry of Magic) than most of her friends does, though lacks Robin's knowledge on some of its other powerful figures and organizations. She can be devilish and cunning at times, and if she feels like it will even give her fights to Luffy, Zoro or Sanji. She is the only one among Luffy's to be visibly concerned and upset whenever their exploits are written about in the newspaper, something the others usually react to with indifference or even joy.
After graduating from Hogwarts, she now appears calmer in more daunting situations, most notably when the fake Nami held her wand to her head, implying she has become fairly confident in her abilities. It seems this confidence is paradoxical however, as Nami herself states she isn't weak, but she is a "scaredy-cat". True to her word, she and Usopp became extremely confident they could take down Baby 5 and Buffalo, once the threat of their retaliation was no longer a factor. Nami is still prone to panic in the face of imminent danger, and her love of money causes her to resort to her old antics of hitting her male friends. She still has an extremely high tolerance for alcohol during celebrations.
Nami also appears to be terrified of bugs and spiders. She screamed and panicked when Usopp pointed out a tarantula crawling up her back and remained scared for the rest of the hunt for the Thunderbird as more insects emerged.
From time to time, Nami enjoys casual and leisurely activities, and the most common of these is reclining in a deck chair, often to sunbathe, read, or relax under the shade of a parasol umbrella. Nami sometimes sits in her chair after taking a swim in the Black Lake. In fact, the pictures of her in the Daily Prophet were taken while she posed next to lakes. While she is in her deck chair, she may be accompanied by Robin or presented a refreshing snack or drink by Sanji, but she does not take kindly to the rest of her friend's rambunctious antics, which tend to disturb her as she relaxes.
She will also not hesitate to strip down or outright discard pieces of an outfit if it is hindering her in times of danger, such as ripping the hem of her already ruined dancer's dress to flee from Zala, pulling off her shirt to dive into a river, and wriggling out of her denim jacket after Kumadori had pinned her down by her denim jacket and was about to strike her with a deadly blow. Nami has shown dismay at clothes she is particularly fond of being ruined, angrily striking Luffy when she saw her jacket torn up when she lent it to him. Likewise, she will even tear apart someone else's clothes if she has to, not hesitating to shred an unconscious Kalifa's clothes after their battle to find a potential key to Robin's cuffs since they had a anti-Alohomora charm on them. And when her clothes were burned off by Jinbe, Nami wasted no time stripping a nearby prisoner of his clothes. Nami is also willing to borrow other people's clothes, such as borrowing Sanji's jacket to wear after Usopp's plan to save her, Vivi, and Zoro had burned her shirt, leaving her with a black bra on, until she could get a replacement shirt after returning to her dorm.
Nami is easily surprised and shocked by the more outlandish things in her life, yelling at her friends when they don't seem as concerned as her.
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What if there was a Minish Cap sequel?
Journey to the Minish Realm
I was a little unsure whether to post this to Untold Myths or not, but decided to post it here. Basically what happened:
And now I'm a little obsessed with the idea.
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Exactly one year after The Minish Cap arrives the next Picori Festival. Link anticipated Zelda would ask him to go with her,
The tutorial section would be Link preparing for the tournament, which he actually gets to compete in this year... After the Minister practically begged him to keep an eye on Zelda while she watches over the whole thing, anyway. For the tournament, Link uses a replica of the Picori Blade rather than the Four Sword.
At the peak of the festival, when Link finds he is at the final two, the opponent set for Link is suddenly injured– too much to compete. As they try to find a replacement opponent, a lone silhouette volunteers after a rather dramatic entrance using a wind spell. They are none other than Vaati, who has mysteriously returned from his defeat... But his form is corrupt and indefinite, constantly leaning between his humanoid form and the monstrous one he was slain in. The husk of who was once a great sorcerer seems overly confident despite the fact he can barely hold himself together, proclaiming a rematch is in order. Although the Light Force was removed from him, somehow a portion of the monster form's power has lingered with him.
Link, although alarmed, prepares for a fight... But Zelda quickly intervenes to protect Link. Vaati is only more provoked by seeing her after he failed to contain the Light Force after draining it from her, about to attack her as well. However, he stops himself as a different idea comes to mind. Using a power unknown to the pair at the time, he manifests his own version of the Minish Door, knocking Zelda right through it and following after daring Link to join them.
Without a moment's hesitation, Link races through the door after Zelda. He awakens in the Minish Realm, managing to find Zelda after she evaded Vaati. The two now find themselves in a world they have never seen, and seek out an old friend to help them return home... And stop the revived Vaati.
The Minish Realm is structured like a mix of Hyrule in MC and FS. While vast, it features a lot of areas tied to a specific element.
Other Ideas
Guide character Zelda, Spirit Tracks style...
I call MC Link "Pico", so someone might give him that as a nickname.
There are four types of Minish in the Minish Realm, the ancient sages that proceeded Ezlo being responsible for the Picori Blade. There are Forest Minish, like in Hyrule, Snow Minish, Fire Minish, and Wind Minish. Vaati was a Wind Minish before his descent.
Ezlo has refused to take an apprentice after Vaati. Although he does miss teaching, especially after departing from Link, he unadmittedly worries about pushing another one down the wrong path. Unfortunately for Ezlo, a ton of younger Minish have heard how he helped a hero in Hyrule like the old Sages... And now they all want him to be their teacher.
Other Minish Sages will be present. Three, to be exact. Ezlo is the Minish Sage of Forest/Earth, but there is also one of Ice, Fire, and Wind.
Ezlo can turn into a bird similar to his cursed cap form. He claims Vaati gave him the idea...
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