#mystreet her wish
heishikeki · 2 months
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Little Wonders💜❤️
(So sorry for the afternoon lighting again I couldn’t resist🥲😭)
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mangotelevision · 3 months
Jo9 simple backstories and power overviews
There's not a lot we know about the jury so all of this is very headcannon-y for warning. Some of this might clash with cannon so I'm leaning for this to be more so a part of my rewrite.
Zane Ro’meave (unofficial title: Zane the Undying)
Deemed leader of the Jury of Nine by Lorde Garte, his father, and instead of choosing a ninth guard for his squad he declared himself as worthy enough for the position. Still remains the ninth member of the Jury of Nine to this day and refuses to choose another as he believes one could not wield the power like he does, also refuses to take an official Jury title, feels as though it is beneath him and people should fear his name and his name alone.
Zane was never a guard, never took the oath and never trained as one, took the Jury Leader position per his fathers request after he finished his studies and became the High Priest of O'khasis. He has no knowledge or skill in weapons of any sort, physically he is weak, he uses others to accomplish the things he wants, his conviction and manipulation is his greatest advantage.
Has had the gift of foresight since he was a child, a magic that allows him to read people's thoughts and see fractions of moments of the future. He believes his powers come from the heavens and the stars, that he has a divine right to rule because of his power. He receives something akin to prophecies of the future, vague visions of what will come to pass, these visions have never been wrong- and he cannot change anything no matter how hard he tries. So he desires to seek out a magic that can, something that will provide him with the strength to alter fate.
(He can’t read Aphmau's mind and she has changed a future Zane saw, it was small and minute but it changed, she did something that resulted in his vision being wrong. Zane is never wrong. This is why he is so enamored with her, why he wants her dead- because she’s stronger than him, because she can change fate. It is a power he wants so desperately and if he can’t have it then no one can.)
Janus the Silver Death
Most everything about him is unknown, he is an enigma wrapped in a mystery. He hides behind his helm, and the only person to ever see under the mask and live to tell of it is Zane. Janus is thought to be an elf in some form, no one knows if he’s a full elf or half and he never answers when asked. He is the oldest member of the Jury, no one remembers how long he’s been there, and rumor has it that he’s been protecting the Lords of O'khasis for centuries. It is unclear if he was a guard or not before his Jury position.
Janus wields twin broadswords, one frost and one fire. Expert fighter, no one has ever seen him lose a fight. Although more often than not he relies on his Jury abilities. He is a necromancer of sorts, he possesses the ability to bring back those that his enemies have slain- the more people his opponent has killed, the harder they’ll fall.
It is unknown if he has powers that exist beyond those gifted to him through the Jury.
Katelyn the Fire Fist
Katelyn was sent to the Guard Academy after an “incident” per Lord Garte’s orders. No one is quite sure where she came from or what this incident was but it's largely thought to have been of a violent nature, something bloodied and bruised, although her early life is largely a mystery and she changes the story each time she’s asked. She was exceptional at the academy, a prodigy in combat, but after many disciplinary actions and detentions, Katelyn was expelled due to “excessive violence” and declared unfit to be a Guard. Was placed in the Jury Reserves, where she stayed until a member of the Jury had a more than suspicious death and she rose the ranks per Lord Garte’s orders. She stands as the youngest appointed Juror in recorded Ru’an.
Specializes in hand to hand combat and wields weighted adamantine gauntlets brazened with wyvern claws. Katelyn has magic that exists outside of her Jury powers, she’s a half-witch with a blood magic known as dragon's fire, which gives her the ability to use the fire of a wyvern while being virtually fireproof herself. She is not a traditional witch and cannot be taught any other spells or enchantments, all spells cast from her hands will always fail.
Her Jury power is that of absolute agility, possessing limitless agility, with her balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes and strength transcending virtually all other beings. With this power, time moves far slower to Katelyn and she has the endurance to keep it up for prolonged periods of time- no one has ever outpaced her in a fight.
Has a quick temper and doesn't work well with others, easily angered and her fire often burns too hot for her own good, oftentimes more than a little too eager to start a fight.
Lillian the Phantom Sword
Raised in Nahakara Village alongside her cousin Ivy, Lillian became a guard through traditional means. She went to the guard academy when she became of age and excelled in her studies, graduated top of her class and made high Jury List. Served as a guard in her home of Nahakara Village, where she remained second in command until Ivy finished her own guard training.
Lillian became cursed by unknown means while exploring the enchanted forest with Ivy, resulting in her reflection gaining a consciousness and a life of her own. Hears her reflection talking to her, telling her to kill and destroy, overall not good things. She ignored it for as long as she could before eventually stepping down as head guard to seek out someone who could help. She finds Zane, who's idea of helping is bringing the reflection to the physical world and combining the real Lillian with the reflection. The two can switch fronts at will, but the reflection is always in charge, she is always in control in the back of Lillian's mind talking and telling her what to do. Lillian is but a vessel for her reflection.
She wields a simple guards sword without her shield, believing it to be too bulky in combat. Lillian is an expert level swordsman, the above average guard will not win, fighting with her is often thought to resemble a dance with her graceful movements. Her Jury power is that of illusions, she can conjure things out of shadow and mist, make people see things that aren't there. Her powers are significantly stronger and her illusions far more believable when her reflection is casting them.
The reflection is forever grateful to Zane for freeing her and giving her the control and strength over a physical body, she'll obey his every order, she is indebted to him. The reflection of Lillian is his most loyal guard.
Ivy the Venom Scythe
Raised by her cousin Lillian's parents in Naharaka Village, Ivy never cared to be a guard, she was content with her own devices, researching and experimenting with her poisons and potions. Ivy was always in and out of trouble, always some misfortunate adventure she roped Lillian into, who more often than not got them out of said trouble. She joined the guard academy after much convincing from her cousin, her havoc showed no mercy to the school and although she graduated on the Jury List it was not without a few official warnings on her record.
Joined the ranks as a guard of Naharaka with her cousin, was difficult to work with and a shitty guard, always skipping patrol to continue with her experiments. Lillian was more often than not the one who got in trouble for Ivy’s disservice to the guard code, she was the one who encouraged her to be something she’s not after all. Was formally reprimanded and assigned her second strike to her guard record after being caught lacing her sword with poison. After Lillian was cursed and fled from her duties, Ivy left also and joined the Jury Reserves in O'khasis where she was assigned to a Jurors Team and allowed to experiment with her poisons and venoms as she saw fit. Was later appointed to the Jury through traditional means after a member stepped down.
She wields a large poison laced scythe, leaning very far into her self-assigned grim reaper motif. Her Jury powers are similar to a curse, she has the ability to take the life force of anything she touches, her body acts as a poison and she can spread that poison to others. This has an effect on anything living, ranging from plants to animals she can turn anything to dust and bones. She possesses immunity to all poisons, venoms and toxins and has a vast and incomprehensible knowledge on anything relating to such topics.
Ivy’s a wild card, someone Zane can’t easily control. They don't exactly see eye to eye but Ivy is here for a good time not a long time so she’ll do whatever he asks of her as long as it’s not boring.
Jeffory the Golden Heart
Became a member of the Jury through traditional means. Went to the guard academy to learn to protect others, excellent guard, the Golden Boy of the academy in the years he attended, perfect record and perfect marks, graduated early and managed to land a spot on the Jury list. Went back to guard his home in Skysted before transferring to O’khasis per Garte’s request, became head guard and general of the O’khasis military after a few years of service.
He's a brave soldier, loyal and kind hearted. His devotion to those he loves and the people he has to protect knows no bounds. Jeffory is the people's soldier, everyone adores him, the Golden Boy of O’khasis. After one of the Jury of Nine stood down to retire, Jeffory was given the mantle.
Fights with a very untrational choice of weapon, and his mastery of the glaive is something short of a marvel. He’s a flashy fighter, eager to show his skills and yet he is kind all the while. His Jury powers are simple and often overlooked, he possesses the ability of imprisonment, allowing him to create a barrier that can capture and imprison humans, creatures, anything, with little hope or no chance to escape. (functions similarly to the golden lasso from the original series) Although he uses this as more of a pocket realm, like a mythical handbag to store things in. He has no magic or other powers outside of his Juror title.
Knows that the Jury is corrupt and he worries he’s starting to become just like the others, he fears the day he’ll be just as bloodthirsty, just as power hungry. He’s concerned that the Jeffory that he has become has lost his heart of gold, and it scares him.
Ivan the Hallowed
Warlock hailing from a small mountain village, Ivan got into a lot of trouble with his magic as a kid, always felt as though he had to prove something, as if the world owed him a great debt. The Village sent him away to train as a guard in an attempt to keep him out of trouble and his head out of his magic books, believing they knew what was best for him. Ivan wasn’t a particularly great guard, unpopular and unskilled in the protecting front, but he seemed to make up for it with his fighting. After his training he was assigned to the Village of Pikoro, where he continued with his magic studies- the village was often known for its distast and distrust of magic, he was exiled shortly after his arrival.
Was offered the position of Jury member by Zane, even without making the Jury List post graduation. The High Priest was enamored with his ability to cast complicated spells, he had seen nothing quite like it, he wanted to study it, cultivate it as his own. Ivan’s magic is strong, impressively so. One of the brightest spell casters Ru’an has seen in centuries, although his magic is volatile and unstable: this instability seems to be his driving force, his bragging point as his spells don’t have to adhere to the normal laws of magic.
He seemed to have gained no excess powers after obtaining the title of Juror. He’s the most recent addition, so he feels like he has something to prove that makes him dangerous. Doesn’t take orders well and tends to do his own thing. Zane only keeps Ivan around out of his usefulness, once it has expired it’s not unlikely Ivan will as well.
Ein the Beast Slayer
Abandoned and taken in by a tribe of werewolves, Ein was raised and trained by the creatures of the moon as one of their own. Until a violent incident with a rival pack resulted in his adoptive family banishing him, afraid of his strength. They feared that which was stronger than them, the things they couldn't control. He joined the guard academy, he held the vengeful desire to become stronger. Graduating with decorated honors and a position fairly high on the Jury list, he took a position in a Village close to his old home. Early into his guard career, Ein slaughtered the werewolves from his pack, the ones that took him in as their own, raised him, betrayed him. He made them understand true strength, gave them a real reason to fear him. He now wears the skull and fur of the alpha werewolf.
Ein went on to kill nearly hundreds of werewolves, bringing their population to such a decline it caught the attention of The High Priest, Zane Ro’meave. Zane heard of his deeds and sought him out, mysteriously, a member of the Jury resigned and Ein took their place.
His Jury powers are a curse, it’s a blood beastman curse that allows him the ability to shapeshift into any animal that he’s consumed the blood of. It is unknown if this trick will work for humans. His weapon of choice is a battle ax, although he often prefers to do Zane's dirty work as one of the beasts in his collection. Ein loves the chase, he lives for the kill.
Teony the Bright Blade
Became a member of the Jury through traditional means, raised in the village of BrightPort Teony joined the Guard Academy and excelled in her studies. Often referred to as the brightest mind of her generation. Graduated with high honors, Jury List and signed to the Jury Reserves, where she swore her allegiance to the O'khasis Guard. Served as second in command of the O’khasis Military, until becoming a member of the Jury of Nine alongside Jeffory the Golden Heart, the two were given their titles during the same ceremony.
Teony has immense skill over any and all weapons, she has a mastery of the craft of fighting.
Her Jury power is a summons- she can conjure weapons, knights, animals, most anything she needs out of light. These beings hold no physical form in the hands of others, weapons will disappear if she is not the wielder and the animals will vanish if they are cut through.
No one outside of the Jury has ever bested her in a battle of skill, she is the expert amongst experts, specialist in all weapons and can summon any of her choosing to wield. She is noble and strong, like Jeffory she is a true guard, her loyalty knows no bounds. And similarly, she often fears she is doing the wrong thing, helping the wrong people. Her oath to the Guard code outweighs her oath to Lord Garte, her nobility will always come first, her duty is to save people and protect, where there is darkness she shall be the light. Just like Jeffory, her heart of gold will be her downfall.
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lucindasthighs · 1 year
Nana's original character was obviously terrible, but I appreciate that it's one of the few issues Jess actually realized and then ret-conned into something proper in later seasons.
Her identity issues and family trauma clearly weren't a part of her original concept, but it's very compelling all the same, and watching her learn that she can live and love without acting like a simple, palatable caricature is one of the best parts of Starlight for me.
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lggy · 1 year
mystreet laurance got warped through another dimension VOID Paradox style thats why he disappeared after s3
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scribsisnotdead · 2 months
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50 years ago in 2016 i made some minecraft diaries “crackship babies” (link) and i paired up zane and kawaii~chan lol. so i redrew her for funsies! original image under the cut (its one pixel per pixel)
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little-laurance · 1 year
Zana being canon will always be funny to me given the pair's orgins. Like, I don't think KC and Zane interact ONCE in MCD? But mcd!KC and mcd!Zane would BOTH be pissed about their reincarnations dating each other
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bunnimy · 1 year
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my two favs of all time. british ro'maeve and black hair blue eyes #2
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aphverse-confessions · 10 months
A character I don't like: Aphmau herself. Mystreet Aphmau specifically. In s1 she's okay. Not great but she's pretty alright. After about s2 things start getting weird/worse. She just becomes an obvious Mary Sue/self insert for Jess (which tbh I'm also guilty of myself. Cringe culture is dead after all) I just think if she'd started the series with Aphmau being her obvious self insert it wouldn't be so bad bc the personality change wouldn't have been so obvious. But Aphmau is also just,, a genuinely terrible friend. Especially to Zane. There are so many moments of her infantilizing him or calling him kind of hurtful names. She also feels like she's just there to support Aaron half the time bc :((((( oh no Aaron is sad again :(((( I just think her character could've been handled way better.
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the fact that irene(aph mcd) basically created aaron lycan(mys) for aaron to finally have a happy ending!! aaron is the main character of mys for her(literal creator of all these characters(canon)) and yet!! and yet through everything he suffers and suffers and she would rather DIE than let him die for her again. she split a part of her soul for the third time so that this aaron could get a happy ending. and he almost doesn't.
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my-coven-is-claudia · 2 years
working on my mystreet rewrite rn and aphmau’s characterisation is mind-boggling. like?? how do i write her???
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I am about to say something controversial, please don’t come for me!!
I really really resent Mystreet.
Now listen, I don’t hate it per say… But the fact that Mystreet came out after MCD, using MCD characters and was only meant to be like a funny modern au and then turned into all THAT honestly makes me really sad.
Just that fact that it got SO much more popular, to the point that some Mystreet fan don’t even know the source material is really disheartening to me.
I know how silly this sounds, I mean even I watched Mystreet growing up and enjoyed it, and it helped Jess get even more popular. Like, I know it’s not that deep..
But now that Aphmau’s back and talking about how she’ll be bringing an old series back.. Realistically I know it’ll probably be season whatever of Mystreet. I mean, that would be the logical move right? Bring back the most popular series. And I mean, that’s what everyone’s begging her to do right? But I honestly wish she’d listen to the four of us MCD fans and continue the series that made our childhood and left that empty hole in my soul.
Does anyone else feel like that? Just me..?
I just really hate how Mystreet overtook MCD
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roxxie-spirt · 9 months
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As I said in my last post, I was going to draw laurances all hot n bothered but I also just wanted an excuse to draw void!laurmau because DAWG THEYRE KINDA CUTE 😭😭 Void!aph n Laurances dynamic was so cute and funny like UGH AND THE FACT LAURANCE PROTECTS HER AS IF SHES HIS OWN APHMAU LIKE BRO LOVES AND PROTECTS HER IN ANY UNIVERSE I love Laurances character as much as any aphblr user , that’s all, I love my son anywho lemme keep talking about void paradox the series I wish continued.
I loved the mini series it was a nice break from the post Jess was making at the time ( a lot of myst content ) but also it was just super cool?? Seeing the mod mod world again I do wish she brought back Reese n marsh just cause I loved those two brothers as a kid but not the point. It was just super cool seeing an MCD character in modern times?? Especially with an Aphmau who didn’t know ANYTHING of this character like if it was mystreet Aphmau she would’ve made fun or poked at Laurance since she knew him but this Aphmau hadn’t a clue who he was?? Which omg opened to so much character for Laurance n void! Aphmau!! It didn’t show Casanova Laurance it just showed a guard who thought void!Aph was his and even after the fact he wanted to stay by her , ALSO JUST I KNOW I KEEP BRINGING IT UP BUT THEIR DYNAMICSSS AHHH ITS SO FUNNY !! Laurance being the more serious one out of the two is so unlike him especially where his character development was at?? Ok imma get to some lil hc(?)
Btw! I did draw the two slightly in different styles more of line work n shading IM NOT BEING INCONSISTENT IM BEING SPIDER-MAN
Laurance n void!aph explored eachothers bodies laurance still thinks it was a dream and so when he kisses MCD! Aph he says that was his first kiss, it was in fact not
I’d like to think void!Aph doesn’t just forget about Laurance , but she does look back at the weird medieval guard who kept her safe for those few knights a lot and often chats to Tommy about him
Void Aphmau does talk to Laurance about MCD!Aphmau and she out right tells him to take his chance on her, ofc Laurance tells her he’s waiting for Garroth to tell his feelings but void Aphmau laughs at him straight up and teases if he even likes her if he’s waiting for another man to confess. Laurances get fed up with her comment but he does think about that comment a lot even though he knows she knows nothing about his life .
Laurance when he talks to Tommy can’t help but see Malachi weirdly enough
Laurance out of habit moves void Aphmaus hair out of her face as he does to MCD Aphmau but voidaph is purposely outing her hair in her face
Once when Laurance was watching over void Aph as she slept he lightly grazed his hand on her cheek where MCD!aphmaus mark would be. Tommy called him out for being weird
ok that’s all bye 😇😇
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lucindasthighs · 9 months
Fun fact for daaron shippers:
Aaron canonically does not know who Dante is post-s6 memory loss 😁. And it's unclear if Dante even realizes 😁.
On the bright side, Aaron is friendly with him despite him being a "stranger."
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mystreet-liveblog · 20 days
I wish there was a scene in this episode where Lucinda opened a portal to MCD and asked her other self for a potion ingredient and MCD Aaron just happened to also be there and the two Aarons make eye contact like “hey”
And then MCD Aaron says “you look happy, stay that way” and MyStreet Aaron says “oh- o-ok” and the portal closes
And the Aaron says “Lucinda wtf was that?!”
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theladyofrosewater · 3 months
general thoughts about the vidcon panel
Jess is still bothering jason about the birch wood lol.
Diaries mention! also Kestin
holy shit jess you are going make him cry
HOLY SHIT THAT MUCH MONEY?? He deserves it tbh, now give it to the rest of the VAs
Aaron dying mention
every time Kestin speaks the crowd freaks out
Jason is dead again
Ein's VA is here, chat is spamming emerald secret 2.0
Kim's here too I guess
Nana's Va and one of the MID Vas are here too, I hate that her new name is KC
Jess's glasses are so cute I want a pair
I have no idea who this next person is
who is this person "cool I made it, now I'm going to jail"
Jason must sit next to his wife at all times, its a bit sweet
Kestin just stole Jason's wallet
this poor child just asked about pmseymour and is so distraught he is not here. same kid
The twenty year old who had the aphmau birthday party I wish
half the va's love coffee or chocolate
Jess is curled up in the chair so embarrassed
Jonny the cat mention :(
"we will see soon" bitch pls yall started selling the season 7 posters early I know conventions the fans leaked it as soon as you started selling them
have of these askers are children I remember when I was that small, I was more cringe so congrats to them for not being like little rose
Kim VA thank you for the Lucinda mention as MID mention, is Jason's favorite character really Garroth?? "Pick your favorite child Jess" "Daniel"
Oh shit Nana's VA is fluent in Spanish I didn't know that
EYAH episode 100 of Diaries is Jess's favorite
Jesus the work load jess and Jason started off with
Jess pls everyone knows it's going to be mystreet
Oh my god pat ended up in the youtube chat oh my god everyone started freaking out
A collab song you can't be doing this to me jess
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little-laurance · 8 months
Wow someone said your kim rake was sexist ?? Where ?
Tbf the person did not directly respond to me or mention me, but they rbed another ask from the confession acc saying they had already seen someone being misogynistic [because of the Kim ask I rbed] and "saying it wasn't misogyny". As far as I could find, I'm the only person who rbed the ask at the time with a response and I literally said it wasn't misogyny in my rb. So I don't technically know it was me, but it was pretty clear they were referencing my post.
And like. It is genuinely so confusing to me. I don't even dislike Kim that much, she just frustrates me bc SO many other characters could have worked better in her place, and seeing that narrative frustration boiled down to "misogny" irks my bones. The person who (I think) called my response misogynistic said "be normal abt women". Like. Dude. Fella's is it misogynistic to dislike a female character?
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