#mystic totem spider
www-webwarriors · 1 year
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skarchomp · 2 months
Can you explain to me, a non-comic fan?
let's start off with the good: the original spider-verse comic was the introduction of spider-gwen, who quickly became a fan favorite and one of marvel's most successful new characters.
that's the good.
so to understand the spider-verse comic you have to understand that in the 2000s it was established that peter parker was actually connected to the mystical animal totems throughout the multiverse and it was his foretold destiny to be hunted by and eventually defeat an interdimensional vampire.
sit back down we're just getting started.
fast forward to 2014, and the setup for spider-verse. the aforementioned vampire, morlun, was running around the multiverse, attacking and brutally murdering several alternate versions of spider-man, usually well-liked ones from popular comics and tv shows. he ices the 1602 spider-man, spider-man and his amazing friends, he even bodies the hostess fruit pie spider-man.
eventually, peter parker, miles morales, jessica drew, miguel o'hara, doc ock in spidey's body (even longer story), just every possible spider-person you can think of find out what's going on, and team up to stop him. what follows is way way way too many pages of spider-men being killed by morlun and his stupid fucking family, "the inheritors". they introduce tons of new versions of spider-man just to kill them off. spider-bitch from the shitty old man logan comic is there. they bring the beloved tokusatsu version of spider-man into the comics for the first time and you wanna guess what happens? he and leopardon go down like a chump to morlun's boring dad that's what. eventually peter manages to beat them by trapping them in a radioactive post-apocalyptic universe, but by then it's been months of depressing comics whose only appeal (seeing all the old and new versions of spider-man) is undercut by the audience knowing that said spider-men are just gonna get killed. also if you like miles morales, too bad, he's not even a major player in it. doc ock gets more focus than he does.
and then there's silk good christ don't get me started on silk. most uncomfortable depiction of an asian woman in comics in years and she gets to be a main character in it. trash heap of a comic all over.
the most complex interesting character in it looks like this
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harumscarumcos · 10 months
do I think the Madame Web movie is gonna bomb? idk it might
but I love the Spider-Women, and I did have some enjoyment of that short run with young!Cassandra Webb and the other Spider-Women, as well as her taking on a mentorship role for the gorls
AND since her and Ezekiel Sims are in it, that means we get more on the mystical aspect of being Spider-Man/a Spider-Totem, and unlike all these science nerds, I eat that shit up
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edgepunk · 5 months
don't get me wrong J.M. Straczyński is one of the best ASM writers but he was the one that started the bullshit mystical Spider Totem crap that I loathe about the comic Spid/er-Verse. I prefer Spi/der-Man being more sci-fi, the moment magic gets involved that isn't associated with other characters like Dr. Str*nge I'm starting to black out like please. stop.
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agentem · 1 year
More Spider-verse stuff
I'm kind of annoyed some people say Miguel isn't a "real" Spider-man because he doesn't have the Spider Sense. The whole point of the first movie is that anyone can be Spider-man.
I think people really want Miguel to be evil, but I don't think he is. I think he's trying really fucking hard with limited knowledge of how the Spider-verse works.
I know in the comics they get all mystical with the spider totems and the Spider Sense comes from outside of them and it's what ties them all together blah blah. But Silk also has a much stronger spider sense than Peter, which means it's not a binary but a spectrum. So maybe Miguel is just at the very far end of the spectrum and Madame Webb, for instance, is at the other?
I think Miguel is Spider-man. And I think Miles-42 could be his universe's Spider-man, even though he didn't get bit by a spider either. There's not, like, one right way to do it.
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breadsticc · 1 year
I have a Fan Theory ✨
Well, part fan-theory and part over-analysis of the movie.
It is very long, but I hope you enjoy!
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So, let's establish some facts that we learned from the movies and comics. I watched the movie several times, and cross-referenced a lot of my facts with fandom pages, but this is still only based on MY understanding. The spider-verse is a little complex, so if you notice any error or have some conflicting information PLEEEEASE share it with me I will eat it up om nom gimme spider
Anyway, fact time:
Every version of Spider-Man has canon events that are guaranteed to happen. These canon events are what tie the Spider-Verse together.
When a canon event is disrupted or prevented, that universe eats itself
An "anomaly" is just something that is in the wrong universe (which will occasionally "glitch" until they're sent home or wear these special bracelets that stop the glitching).
A spider, along with many other anomalies, were brought to Earth-1610 from several different universes by a device called the Collider
Miles (Earth-1610) was bitten by the spider from Earth-42
Earth-42 has no Spider-Man, Miles-42 becomes the Prowler, Uncle Aaron helps him, and his dad (Captain Morales) is dead.
Earth-1610 loses it's Spider-Man and is replaced by Miles, his Uncle Aaron is revealed to be the prowler, and his dad is soon-to-be dead according to canon
When Kingpin's collider on Earth-1610 is destroyed, the scientist who operated it is consumed by it, turning him into Spot.
From the official comics:
Each dimension has a Spider-Totem, which is a term referring to a class of "multiversal supernatural entities... linked to a mystical force called the Web of Life and Destiny" - Marvel Wiki
Hobart "Hobie" Brown (Earth-616) was the prowler, who eventually impersonates Spider-Man to help Peter Parker (a crude summary), while Hobie-138 was the original Spider-Man in his world. ✨
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Now, I saw someone make an interesting point in the comments of some tiktok video. They pointed out a "major plothole":
Why are Earth-42 and Earth-1610 not collapsing if Miles is the original anomaly?
The simple answer is that Miguel was wrong about some things. Obviously he's right about canon events as a whole, but Miles himself is NOT an anomaly (except when he's in other words besides 1610).
Who becomes a Spider-Totem is not a canon event, otherwise every Spider-Totem would be the same. ANYONE can be a Spider-Totem. So, when Miles is bit by the spider, the universe corrects itself by having him replace the Spider-Man before him. That world never really lost its Spider-Totem, so the canon is still intact.
I know what you're thinking here - "Okay, what about Earth-42 that lost its Spider-Totem?" I'll get to that later, bear with me.
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One thing I want to make clear is that Miguel was definitely wrong about Miles - the original anomaly was not Miles. To quote Miguel from the movie:
"YOU'RE A MISTAKE! If you hadn't been bit, your Peter Parker would have lived! Instead, he died, saving you. He would've stopped the collider before it ever went off, Spot wouldn't exist, and none of this would have happened. And ALL THIS TIME, I HAVE BEEN THE ONLY ONE HOLDING IT ALL TOGETHER! You don't belong here. You never did."
Peter Parker was supposed to stop the collider before it went off, meaning none of this would have happened if the spider never bit Miles. The SPIDER was the original anomaly.
But Miguel was right about the multiverse, or at least as we understand it from the comics, the Web of Life and Destiny. It was created by a goddess of spiders, Neith (Earth 001). She also is the one who creates the Spider-Totems inside of the web. The web is kept safe inside of a great temple, guarded by the Master Weaver. This is a really fun one that I'll come back to soon. Trust me.
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The movie sets up an interesting parallel with Spot and the Web. The Spider-Verse, also known as the arachno-humanoid poly multiverse (a stupid name), is what ties all of the spiders together. Spot, because of his collision with the collider, is an entity that can traverse through holes both within and between universes. He can be anywhere in the multiverse at any time.
He may claim to be Miles's arch nemesis, but he could very well easily become the main antagonist to the entire Spider-Verse. He is a threat to every single spider, because of his ability to be in the right place at the right time to disrupt every canon event and cause every universe to collapse, one by one. (god damn he's cool.) The only logical way to defeat Spot is to have every Spider-Totem work together, which is already being set up by the end of the movie.
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Here's another question: What happens to a Spider-Totem when their universe dies? It's not made very clear in the movie, but it's safe to draw the conclusion that a Spider-Totem is not destroyed when their universe shatters. Miguel states that he watched his world disappear when he disrupted the canon (it was to make the point to Miles that he has to choose between saving the lives of the entire world by letting his dad die, or saving his dad and watching him disappear along with everyone else.) But if he watched it happen and he's still here... then what happens if this occurs to other Spider-Totems, and the web of the Spider-Verse falls apart? Is it just a dark end to each universe, leaving all of the Spiders to fend for themselves in whatever universe is left? Is that the only REAL way to defeat Spot?
There is also a possibility that Miguel might not even be a Spider-Totem, as he was not bitten by a spider, only gave himself gadgets and injected himself with spider-soup so that he can be a replacement for his world's Spider-Man. But, that would mean that they'd have to explain how he has canon events, if not a totem. If he IS a totem, then that means it is canon that there can be multiple Spider-Totems in a world, just not at the same time.
And what about Earth-42 with it's missing totem? Shouldn't it start collapsing?
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To answer this, let's bring back the facts I mentioned from the comics. In Earth-616, Hobie is the Prowler. But, in Earth-138, Hobie is Spider-Man (also known as Spider-Punk).
As the Prowler in 616, Hobie helps Peter (that world's Spider-Totem) in several ways, mostly involving impersonating Spider-Man at Peter's request. He's a good kid, despite the life of crime he leads. There are several parts of the comics that show that he, in some way, hates the crime-ridden lifestyle, as he wasn't given much of a choice.
We see this same energy in Miles of Earth-42 in the movie, minus the part about helping Spider-Man (YET). The mirror between Hobie-616 and Hobie-138 (comics) is seen in the movie as well, with Miles-1610 being that good-hearted kid who became that world's new Spider-Totem.
Another Fun-Fact about 616:
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Takeaway: Hobie Brown was the original Prowler on Earth-616, but this role was later taken by Aaron Davis (Miles's Uncle).
So, it's clear that in the same way that anyone can become a Spider-Totem with the right conditions, anyone can also become the Prowler. That clears up one part of the issue. (Note, it's not quite the same as Spider-Totems since the Prowler, like many other villains, do not appear in every universe.)
But Earth-42 is still missing it's Spider-Totem... or is it?
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Thanks to a twitter post I found from reddit, it turns out that in spot's origin story, there's a brief moment where we see the spider on its way to bite Miles from Earth-42, but is transported to Earth-1610 instead.
Oh yeah. It's big theory time.
Earth-42 is still there because the Spider-Totem hasn't disappeared. There's three directions that Beyond the Spider-Verse can take this.
Miles-42's can still be bitten, can still be made into Spider-Man. His canon event was not disrupted, only delayed. This one is a bit weak though, as it doesn't explain why a captain's death cannot be delayed, since that canon event does not have to play out in the same way each time.
Miles-1610 is somehow Spider-Man for both 1610 and 42. If they went this route, they would have to find a way to explain the glitching while Miles-1610 is on Earth-42.
Since Earth-42 only exists in the movies, not the comics, and we've already seen some worlds be created as possible futures of other worlds, they may just write this as it is: a world without Spider-Man. This could be their answer to every time someone has asked "what would happen if Spider-Man never existed?"
I like the third option a lot - it opens up a world of possibilities (literally). Imagine seeing Spider Society cornering Spot into this universe, working together to turn this dark Totem-less world into a home for Spider-Society to coexist with everyone else!
Anyway, I'll probably add more to this later, but I've spent almost the entire day on it and I want to play Tears of the Kingdom (btw I drew Purah, go check it out.)
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fyeah-anya-corazon · 1 year
Aña Corazón, AKA Araña (Earth-616) 
While she might have cycled through many names, Aña Corazón is best known as Araña, the fierce mystical webslinger. On top of her superhuman strength and spider physiology, Aña is endowed with the ability to harness the mystic arts. She channels her spider-totem energy to cast spells, conjuring shields and weapons with a wave of her hands.
I've noticed that lately they've used Aña more than Anya.
I kinda wonder if they might make it a permanent change for her to officially be called Aña Corazon.
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thrythlind · 1 year
Characters played in TTRPGs since 2000
I probably won't catch them all, there've been a few games in the last 23 years.
Definitely didn't catch all of them, but here's quite a few. Campaign
D&D 3.5
Angwiel - snake-person (elf mechanically) Sorcerer/Cleric
Jhessail Crackstone - wererat (hengeyokai mechanically) Paladin/Rogue
Kya'Rei L'Di'Shinabon - Drow Ranger/Cleric
Yroling Xian'ri - hengeyokai cleric
Teryna - human (reincarnated fox familiar) ranger
Lheru - hengeyokai (spider) druid
D&D 5e
Shui Baenre - half-drow Lore Bard acolyte (child of Liriel Baenre and Fyodor of Rasheman) - Phandelver
Aisha Yethtai - tiefling knight in silver battlemaster - Storm Giant's Thunder/Dragon Heist
Weary - tiefling monster slayer - Curse of Strahd
Zihu - Yuan-ti Celestial Warlock (ancient couatl) Acolyte - homebrew
Zohuital - Yuan-ti Celestial Warlock (lillend sisters) Hermit - homebrew
Ranveig - scourge aasimar soldier valor bard - homebrew
Kanti Messner - Changeling Lore Bard/Celestial Warlock (Book of Exalted Deeds) - homebrew
Aramis Hopps - Harengon Drunken Master/Mastermind Charlatan - homebrew
Caress Melani - Yuan-ti Ancients Paladin, Courtesan of Sharess - Phandelver/Hoard of Dragon Queen
Proper Ruin - Yuan-ti Battlesmith, Lyceum Scholar - Netherdeep
Mariah the Blue - Variant Human Draconic Sorcerer city investigator
Nesali - yuan-ti archaeologist Beast Barbarian, full of anxiety and self-esteem issues - Candlekeep
Nishan Domine - yuan-ti mercenary Totem Barbarian, tranquil fury, battlefield redecoration
Ide Shika - Human Fighter/Chevalier - Rise of the Runelands
Ahriah - Tiefling Witch - Homebrew
Fabula Ultima
Only - Rogue/Tinkerer/Wayfarer - An uplifted harpy trying to uplift her species.
Scion 1e
Sang-Yoon Koga - The Trickster Fox, Las Vegas magician, daughter of Susano'o.
Juri Como - Daughter of Benzaitan, The Great Mangaka, "Social Ninja", Expert at Obfuscating Stupidity
Delilah Samson - Child of Loki, shapeshifter, illusionist, ex-cop, private eye, assistant to Hel (in her guise as a mortal lawyer)
Sa - Dark avenger, brutal slayer of criminals. [redacted]
Scion 2e
Lily Watson - Child of Inari, brat, tomb raider, reckless and selfish
Hilde Sifgard - Child of Sif, youtube daredevil
City of Mist
Patricia Althius - war vet, PTSD, vampire vigilante, daughter to a family of war profiteers and generations of shady dealings. Rift of Count of Monte Cristo/Lamashtu
Random - lab rat, feral teen, Rift of the Movie Monster, non-binary and ace AF
Indira Yi - Rift of Arthur Dent, streaming journalist, improbably lucky.
Katrina Stnad/Voivode Valeria Draculesti/The Wallachian - doctor, martial artist, ex-terrorist. Steampunk/Dieselpunk game.
Irene Breholm - Divine Blood game, dhampir, sidhe, born to the Breholm Sorcerer family... kinda a big civilian dork in over her head.
Jocasta - Sorceress, librarian, daughter of a Greco-Japanese crime family who just wants out. Constantly getting kidnapped.
Hero System
Megumi Morisato, aka "Greyskin" - dimensional phaser, tank, really damn hard to bring down, geeky fangirl with lots of superhero historical knowledge and trivia.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Cadynce Baker / Nya'd'cebrac - demon of blessings and protection, one sister of a paired set of demons, her sister being the spear to her shield. Professional game designer.
BESM 3rd
The Wallachian - see Fate, that campaign started in BESM and moved to Strands of Fate later.
Himura Tai-Wen - NSFW campaign, oni lady with lots of girlfirends ended up ascending to higher plane of existence.
Water Tribe Swordsman whose name I forget in Avatar game
Keina Isawa - Oni shinto magician, wanted to be an idol singer, ended up a shadowrunner instead.
Lacey Chambers - human adept (social/pistol) spy, burned
Leyti - Finnish Changeling (foxlady) mystic adept, bar owner, fixer. uncertain on the name
Legend of Five Rings - 4th Edition
Moto Hotaru - born a scorpion, trained a shinobi, married a unicorn, became a diplomat, died to the Kargat, but tricked them into doing things that scuttled their operations in the area.
Chronicles of Darkness
Emma Terreal - Sin-Eater/Geist, bank accountant suffocated in a bank vault during a robbery.
Suzume Armitage - A young woman unknowingly a creation of magic.
Annika Walsh - engineer working on the space elevator
Key 13 - (Shadowrun setting with CofD rules) street samurai with experimental soul-active implants.
Monster of the Week
Whisp, The Libram of Whispered Prayers - The Talisman, a sentient magical book who can take human form.
Persia Mason - The Changeling, a teenaged gorgon living at a secret agency for monitoring supernatural things.
D&D 5e
Meesha Canidae - Shifter Merchant Diviner, socially awkward but unaware of it.
Valaine the Morbid - Shifter Swarmkeeper Entertainer, a bat shifter with a swarm of bats she performs shows with
Yuina Kendrick - a bitchy jurogumo (custom lineage) from Urban Arcana who got stuck in Ravenloft... and deserved it.
Kori the Storyteller - dhampir Spirit Bard, a dreaming soul animating her comatose body.
Erased - Variant Human Sage Undying Warlock (angel of death), absent-minded scholar who accidentaly got her name erased from reality.
Eve Niah - Halfling Undying Warlock (amused lich) with a bone whip, weirdly very cheerful
Cael - wood elf gorgon sorceress, former servant with memory problems.
Mutants and Masterminds
Queen Snake - doctor, martial artist, ritual mage, awakened snake-like powers when an experimental treatment mixing magic and medicine was injected into her during a hostage event.
Serpent Princess - The Beacon, daughter of Queen Snake, very eager to be a great hero and huge flirt.
High elf sorceress pre-gen character, forget the name
Apocalypse World
Nameless - doctor and gunfighter with snake-like mutations, seeking revenge on the one who changed and maimed her.
Fight with Spirit
Maeve Dumas - born to a martial arts family, secretly part of a competitive dance team
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spider-xan · 3 months
hey! I just enjoy your spidey meta so much, so I have to ask. what spidey comics would you recommend? what are your favorites? I've read a few Nick Spencer and Zeb Wells... but yeah, I can't stomach that. I'm also reading from the beginning, from the 60s of course, but do you have any issues or storylines you especially liked?
Hello! And ty, I'm glad you enjoy the meta!
In terms of Spidey comics I like, I'm definitely partial to the Lee/Ditko/Romita run from the 1960s, even if it might be dated by modern standards, and the Tablet of Time arc during it is overlooked imo, and my readings of other eras jumps around a lot bc I don't have a lot of focus (my niche is Lizard stuff, though I'm still sitting on old Asks about recs for that lol) - but I do really like Parallel Lives as a good MJ story, even if it's the source of the contentious ret-con of her knowing Peter is Spider-Man since the night Uncle Ben died; J. M. DeMatteis' work like The Child Within is basically a must read if you are interested in Harry, and Harry's (original) death in Spectacular Spider-Man #200 is still one of my favourite issues and has a lot of great character work for Peter, Harry, and MJ, and their relationships with each other.
I know a lot of people love JMS' run, and it has a lot of great elements like Peter being a teacher and getting back together with MJ, plus the storyline where Aunt May finally finds out he's Spider-Man and confronts him about it, though the gay joke is a little outdated now, but I have mixed feelings bc it also introduced the mystical Spider-Totem stuff that I don't think fits Spider-Man; that said, it's the last big writer era before OMD and BND derailed Peter's growth as an actual adult by editorial, so it's still worth checking out.
Spider-Man: Blue is another popular series I have mixed feelings on bc I feel like it's heavy on style over substance and doesn't really say anything new about Gwen and the Peter/Gwen romance, but it has nice artwork and is an interesting parallel narrative to the Lee/Romita run if you think of it that way rather than as a ret-con of the Silver Age stories.
A lot of people recommend the original Ultimate Spider-Man comics by Bendis, esp the initial run with Bagley as the artist, or say it's even better than the original comics, and I do enjoy and would recommend it, but not as a replacement for the Lee/Ditko/Romita run when it comes to Peter - imo it's more enjoyable if you approach it as its own thing in conversation with the original comics and as a modern update (which is ironically kind of dated in an early 2000s way now), and some of the ideas are hit and miss; but overall, it has interesting storylines and fun characters, and it's also the basis for most adaptations (yes, even the Raimi films) as much as Lee/Ditko/Romita, so having some knowledge of it is really helpful in terms of appreciating and understanding the choices adaptations after the 90s cartoon often make, up to and including the Insomniac games.
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usagirotten · 4 months
Marvel Rivals Beta for PS5 Officially Begins in July 2024!
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Marvel Rivals is coming to PS5 as well as drop out brand-new trailer, which reveals another two characters joining the roster day one: Venom and Adam Warlock! We know the players have been eagerly awaiting this news since we first unveiled Marvel Rivals back in March! For the CBT this July, we’ll be rolling out tests for the PS5 platform, so get your controllers ready! 
Marvel Rivals: Unleash Your Inner Hero
Marvel Rivals, developed by NetEase Games, brings iconic Marvel characters to life in a thrilling 6v6 battle arena. As a player, you won’t just control these heroes—you’ll become them! Choose from a roster of 19 characters, each with unique abilities and powers. Whether you prefer the raw strength of the Hulk, the mystical prowess of Doctor Strange, or the high-tech gadgets of Iron Man, there’s a hero for every playstyle.
Super Powers, Not Just Abilities
In Marvel Rivals, it’s all about superpowers. Forget mundane abilities; here, you wield the might of the Marvel Universe. Imagine casting Magneto’s Metal Bulwark to shield your teammates from projectile attacks or tapping into Venom’s symbiote power to devour enemies. Adam Warlock, with his quantum magic, can establish a soul bond with teammates, charging ahead or even resurrecting the fallen. And don’t forget flight! Heroes like Iron Man and Storm take to the skies, suppressing enemies with aerial combat techniques. The game splits heroes into three distinct roles: Vanguard, Duelist, and Strategist. Mix and match to create a dynamic team that suits your strategy.
Team-Up Abilities: A Twist on Iconic Marvel Moments
Marvel Rivals brings iconic friendships to the battlefield through Team-Up Abilities. Picture Magneto wielding Scarlet Witch’s chaos magic, Hulk enhancing Iron Man’s Nano Armor, or Rocket Raccoon riding on Groot’s shoulders as they rain down firepower. Even Venom and the Spider-Totems can unite, morphing into a lethal force that pierces through enemies.
Closed Beta on PS5: Get Ready!
The closed beta for Marvel Rivals on PS5 is set for July 2024. While an exact date hasn’t been announced yet, fans are eagerly awaiting their chance to dive into this superhero showdown. So dust off your controllers, assemble your team, and prepare for an epic battle in the Marvel Universe! Stay tuned for more updates as we approach the beta launch. Excelsior! 🚀 Read the full article
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centerspirited · 2 years
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elgaberino-mcoc · 3 years
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(for context)
The idea that a swarm of bugs could eat you while your psyche survives as their hive-mind—forming the bugs into a humanoid shape—is decades old. Cf. the villain Swarm, the Other, Bride of Nine Spiders. 
For the MCOC Wishlist, Spiders-Man is low priority.
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anthonyspage · 3 years
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docgold13 · 3 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
January 11th - Spider-Girl
Aña Sofia Corazon was born in Brooklyn New York but spent much of her childhood in Mexico where she excelled at gymnastics.  Her mother was killed when Aña was an adolescent, leading to she and her father relocating to New York City where her father worked as an investigative journalist.  The death of her mother instilled in Aña a deeply seated anger and desire for justice.  She took to calling herself Anya in that so many of her new peers had such trouble properly pronouncing her given name.
One day at her new high school, Anya witnessed some older boys bullying one of her friends.  Anya intervened and challenged the boys to a fight.  The fight was interrupted by a teacher yet they all agreed to meet up later that night to have it out.  
When she got to the arranged spot, Anya came across a man who was being attacked by a strange group of women. This group turned out to be The Sisterhood of the Wasp, an ancient and secretive sect of religious zealots who have waged a centuries-long war against a similar sect known as the Society of The Spider.  The man whom the Sisterhood of The Spider was attacking was a sorcerer of the Spider Society named Miguel.  
Anya helped Miguel escape from his attackers.  In return, he bestowed onto her mystical powers so that she might become a ‘hunter’ of the Spider Society. These powers included greatly enhanced strength, durability and dexterity as well as the capacity to generate a blue, spider-like exoskeleton.  
Anya used these new powers to become the heroine ‘Araña’ battling the Sisterhood as well as other super powered villains.  Eventually Anya relinquished her role as the Society’s hunter, passing the mantle onto her colleague, Nina.  Although no longer affiliated with the Society of The Spider, Araña continued on as a superhero, later becoming something of a sidekick to Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers).  
Anya lost her superpowers during a battle with the villain known as The Doomsday Man.  The villain was eventually defeated and Anya continued on as a costumed hero, now relying on her gymnastic skills and proficiency as a hand to hand combatant.  
Her activities as a hero proved much more difficult without super powers and Anya was abducted by Ana Kravinov as part of a broad scheme to resurrect Kraven The Hunter.  In the wake of these events, Julia Carpenter became the new Madam Web and passed her old Spider Woman costume onto Anya.  Anya used this costume yet maintained the name the alias of Araña.  
Soon thereafter, Araña joined forces with a group of teen heroes to create the team known as The Young Allies.  The squad only remained together for a short while whereupon Araña continued on as a solo hero.  It was around this time that Anya begrudgingly changed her codename to Spider-Girl (a name people were calling her anyway and too few could properly pronounce Araña).  
During the course of the Spider-Island event, Anya was bestowed super powers roughy analogous to those possessed by Spider-Man.  Soon thereafter she was recruited into The Avengers Academy and had a number of adventures alongside the other students.  She also had a brief romance with her fellow student, Reptile.  
During the Inhumanity Event, Anya’s high school teacher was transformed into an Inhuman and was abducted by the villainess known as Toxie Doxie.  Anya was able to get the Avengers (specifically The Black Widow and Spider Woman) to aide her in rescuing her teacher and defeating both Toxie Doxie as well as a cell of the science terrorist group known as A.I.M.  
Later, Anya partnered with Spider Woman and joined the Multiversal Spider-Army when the Inheritors threatened to destroy every Spider totem from all realities.  Soon thereafter she became a founding member of the Order of the Web with the other spider heroes as part of an effort to save Peter Parker from Norman Osborn and The Sin Eater.  
Spider-Girl first appeared in the pages of Amazing Fantasy Vol. 2 #1 (2004).
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multiverseforger07 · 3 years
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Gamora sealed the souls of the universe within the Soul Gem. In order to incapacitate its inhabitants, she additionally folded the universe in half, merging every soul with another. This course of action accidentally resulted in the creation of Warp World, a pocket dimension where history was rewritten and adapted to the fused beings. Inside Warp World, Spider-Man and Moon Knight were merged together into Arachknight.[2]
Fifteen years prior in this world, when Peter Parker was a child, he visited the World Science Festival at the American Museum of Natural History with his uncle Ben and aunt May. On their way back home, Peter convinced them to cut through Central Park instead of taking a cab, and they were attacked by the mysterious Goblin-by-Night. Peter was fatally injured, and Ben and May were killed. As he laid dying on the ground, Peter was bitten by a mystical spider. The spider linked Peter to the totem energy of ancient spiders, saving his life and granting him powers, but also shattering his mind into four separate personalities. Peter initially tried to silence the voices in his head, but eventually decided to listen to them, allowing each to regularly take control of his body and essentially compartmentalize his life.
Peter's mind is fracturedIn the present, Peter had become a successful magnate and owner of Parker Industries who moonlighted as the vigilante Arachknight. His best friend Harry Russell was Peter's right-hand man in both of his professions, usually making sure Peter's C.E.O. persona was present when necessary to run the company. Unbeknownst to Peter, Harry's father Norman Russell was secretly the Goblin-by-Night, afflicted by a curse that turned him into a bloodthristy monster with no control of his actions. Peter learned this secret when accompanied Harry to Norman's house. Norman ran away after turning into the Goblin-by-Night, with Harry having failed to contain Norman's outburst. As Arachknight, Peter chased the Goblin-by-Night to Central Park and pummeled the monster. Harry tased Peter from behind, and after Norman reverted to his human form, he took him away.[1]
Harry took his father to the sublevels of Parker Industries to treat his injuries, but Norman transformed again and went on a rampage, biting Harry in the neck in the process. The Goblin rampaged through the building and reached Peter. As Arachknight, Peter beat the Goblin to a pulp. When he prepared to deal the final blow, Harry arrived moribund on a prototype glider and convinced Peter to stop, arguing that Norman was not in control of his actions when he murdered Ben and May, but if Peter retributed it would be willingly. Harry suddenly transformed into the Goblin and escaped on the glider, and Norman revealed he had passed on the curse to his son when he bit him. Peter promised Norman to work together to cure Harry.[3]
Arachknight and the DefendersSome time later, when the monstrous Devondra began to consume Warp World, countless scaled-down manifestations of Devondra started appearing all over the world. Arachknight was fending off the Daily Bugle Building from these creatures when he was reached by Emma Frost's worldwide telepathic rally to fight Devondra's main form in the confines of Warp World.[4] Following Gamora's defeat, Adam Warlock and his allies restored the universe to normalcy. However, they made it so Warp World continued existing within a facet of the Soul Gem, so the new life forms that resulted from its creation wouldn't cease to exist. Inside Warp World, some of the heroes that fought Devondra including Arachknight decided to remain banded together, and formed the Defenders.[5]
Peter Parker's mind is separated into four different aspects, whom of all have different personalities. The original Peter serves as the main host and somewhat dominant of the personalities.
The first aspect, known as 'the Arachnid,' serves as the dominant aspect of Arachknight. He is mainly light-hearted and enjoys taunting enemies with jokes and wits. He appears to be the most athletic of Peter's personas. The second aspect, commonly known as 'the Knight,' is the darker and more aggressive persona of Peter. He is claimed to be serious and intense but great in finishing off fights with criminals. The Knight additionally acts as Peter's fight-or-flight response, overriding other personalities in moments of dire danger. The third aspect, claimed to be called 'C.E.O. Peter,' is the confident C.E.O. of Parker Industries. The fourth aspect, commonly known as 'Science Peter,' is a working scientist with a strong passion. He has a strong fear of heights and is the least athletic of the personas.[1]
Powers and Abilities
Seemingly those of the Peter Parker of the regular universe.
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bzdsentai · 3 years
That Spider-Man: Grand Design image set that pairs Mayday up with all the crazy mystical Spider shit has me thinking about how well that actually fucking works for her.
Giving May all that wack Spider-Totem related shit is a great way to give her something wholly unique compared to Peter.
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