#mystery fluids
tfinnbarr · 7 months
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Slightly Fishy Alley
(for SWILL, an upcoming game by Max Fitzgerald. Posters are available as a sheet of printouts for your own ramshackle buildings! https://www.patreon.com/posts/adverts-and-98215139)
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potahun · 11 months
im surprised that mysterious lotus casebook is not huuuuuge i dont expect mdzs levels of huge because the story has cultural elements that require a bit more willingness to understand or accept than mdzs (which translates very easily to the intl fandom), but this story is just as well-crafted, the character dynamics go SO hard, the acting is so good (globally, too, not just the leads), the production looks like it got more budget and it's used very well, it has all the moods from fluff to killer humor to angst to comfort, it's beauty and grace in terms of themes and other literary elements to analyse too, enough to make everyone go on a field trip. what are we waiting for? ? it's not based on a BL but it's queer as fuck
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When they work together, they REALLY work together. I love it!
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brandyschillace · 3 months
As it’s non-binary awareness week, I thought I’d share my bio—an attempt to say where I’ve been and what I’m about. And why I am she/her but mean that in a very plural sort of way.
I grew up in an underground house, next to a graveyard, in abandoned coal lands… with a pet raccoon. Oddly, this tends not to surprise people as much as I think it will. My rural community skirted the poverty line, a place of failed industry and orange rivers, poor health, and poorer access to healthcare. As a result, I spent my childhood reading a lot about disease and going to a lot of funerals. I ended up with a Ph.D. and a career in science history, which is probably a likely thing to happen when you spend your early years in a cemetery.
I’ve worked in an English Department, a History Department, and for a Medical Anthropology journal. I spent five years as a research associate in a medical museum among amputation saws, surgery kits, and smallpox vaccines—and now, in addition to being an author, I’m Editor-in-Chief for BMJ’s Medical Humanities Journal. I tend to fall outside the borders and binaries on every side. It’s not that I eschew being a ‘woman’ but that the box isn’t big enough to contain the selves that are me.
I always liked the line by Walt Whitman: I contain multitudes. Each of us are completely unique sets of data and DNA, blood and bones, bits and pieces of ancient stardust (and some microplastics). We don’t just have fingerprints. We are fingerprints — completely unique phenomenon in the universe, never before and never to be again. I am a truck, a train, a bulldog in a wind-tunnel; I’m also autistic. I live in the middle spaces where the contradictions are, containing bits of astral matter, aspects of both genders and possibly some dragons and vampires. I do history the way most people climb mountains–I get my hands dirty–I end up in catacombs, archives, basements. As you can imagine, this sort of thing doesn’t fit in a box very well. Then again, life is more interesting at the intersections.
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maskedteatime · 7 months
his highness, Master and Professor O.K.
i've been making concepts and sprites for him in mother 3 i just think he's neat
every time i draw him he just gets grodier and more disheveled
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^^ mecha-ok sprites, overworld and in battle respectively
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^^ master OK, concept -> sprite :3
to do: sprite from the first encounter with porky (where his mech is hanging from chains), in battle, and broken down
a fun little insignificant fact, his army refers to him as professor (master optionally) but everyone else must call him master o.k. !
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podcastgirlsweek · 2 years
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rogdona · 6 months
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I've seen a common enough theme in the TMA fandom for a fan to have one or multiple random lines that they quote constantly for no particular reason. It should've been a big heads up I'm a corruption girlie when my biggest one was there is mold in my drain.
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armoredprincess · 5 months
Girls will ask if you'll be be Normal about divinity and then stare at your ascended form with wide opaque eyes as your holy ringlets sneak up their mouths and through their blood-brain barrier. And act like it's your fault 🙄
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diseasedfauna · 3 months
Note: fake disease
Nicknames: Blood Hands Disease
Stage One:
At the beginning of stage one the tips of fingers and toes begin to turn a light pink because of the pooling of blood (Note that personifications do not require bloodflow but for the sake of appearing human it happens and is a manual function to have the heart beat. The pooling of blood in limbs is not always an indicator of this disease)
Stage Two:
Once stage two is initiated the pooling of this blood will only increase which will further the pink/red color of the limbs. Along with this, small pimple like bumps will appear in these red areas.
The body will also begin to start to become skinnier and there will be an increase of the amount of saliva in the mouth.
Stage Three:
Once this stage has started the redness starts to become much more vibrant than before. This color is often compared to maraschino cherries. The small bumps originally there begin to get bigger and spread all over the redness to the point that they’re so close that these bumps overlap.
There will be an increase of saliva and it’ll start to have a foam like texture and it often pools out of the mouth. 
The personification suffering this will also begin to become so skinny to the point of bones being visible. Studies show that almost all fat within the body disappears.
Stage Four:
This being the final stage, the red coloration spreads up to the elbows and knees and in some cases farther than the hips and shoulders. The red bumps follow this spreading and get worse the further down the limb you go.
Extreme dehydration and starvation sets in and they may resort to eating others because of desperation. This is the only time a personification will become violent if they have this disease.
Muscle mass loss is more often than not evident in this stage.
Stage Five:
At the start of stage five, the personification may start seeking out the source of the disease.
The foaming at the mouth gets worse and the body may begin eating unnecessary organs in order to feed itself. The effects of extreme dehydration also begin to set in.
The redness at this stage may spread to the rest of the body.
If caught in stage one, a counteracting substance will be injected into the arm or thigh. This will almost always get rid of the disease and fight it successfully in this stage.
If caught in stage two, the above procedure will be put in place.
If caught in stage three, a stronger form of the previous substance will be injected. Food and water will be supplied in order to help gain lost fat back and to help prevent dehydration.
Stages four and five have a similar procedure. The personification will get an injection in the arm or thigh will be administered in order to help fight off the disease. An NG tube will be put up the nose in order to get the personification the needed minerals and vitamins they needs.
^ Said infected personification needs to be put in a hot or warm room so that they do not develop hypothermia because of the body and muscle mass loss
How Does it Spread?:
If the personification consumes the rotting body of a hoofed animal then it is very likely they will catch this. This disease is more often found when the animal is in the late stages of decay.
Other animal bodies do not have this, it’s only been found in hoofed animal carcasses.
First Discovered:
First discovered by the Personification of Egypt early into their creation in 3145 B.C.E
Is it Chronic?:
Caeruleumitis varient
Personifications in the Collapse Process always die from this but other than this Personifications are not capable of dying from this disease
Texas catches this at least once a decade. He is always drunk when we find him passed out on the corpse of a cow he ate. 
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pa-pa-patato · 2 months
Bendy headcanons because I love him
Bendy’s horns got a bit more sharper every time he turned beastly
He has no clue anytime someone gets a crush on him and has to be either told straight up or Boris informs him which he sucks at he won’t know unless the person is very obvious about their crush
Bendys the one that made Boris the Mickey Mouse doll and give to him on his birthday
His body and health are very VERY weird every since he was a kid
He could hibernate but he never did because the condition were so bad on so many levels (he does it once on accident and everyone freaks out before oddswell and hat tell them that his okay)
I already said he has bad eyes sight and needs glasses but he sometimes he gets black spots in his vision and things will randomly get to bright or to dark for him
Also his periods are very irregular he will get his period every few months and they can last to about two days or three weeks there are also very painful so much so that he sometimes passes out he usually drinks a lot on his period to ignore the pain
Bendy smokes but his not as addicted as cuphead he usually buys one pack for the whole year only smoking when he has very bad day the only reason he doesn’t smoke as much as cup is because he forgot to buy it and doesn’t want ask cup for one
Bendy genuinely thought he was biologically male because when they first brought to the orphanage they just assumed he was a boy and started calling him that so he just assumed he was until they thought him to read letting him find a book that explains anatomy making him go:..wait a minute- He also thought he was dying when he got his first period
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DINER by nito. feat. flower
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wantonlywindswept · 4 months
me: *smooches and rubs my face all over my cat's tiny fuzzy adorable little head*
my cat: Oh so it's fine when you do it, but when I, Miles Vorkosicat--
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sashaforthewin · 1 year
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I spent probably two hours at a Taco Bell people watching. This drink machine was around the corner from the register, so people kept buying drinks and then coming around the corner to discover their choice was Baja Blast, some red soda, or water. I must have seen like 30 people and all but one eventually chose Baja. The other person pressed all the out of order buttons until something came out of one and he filled his cup with it and left. It was brown and I hope it was a cola.
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thegameartist03 · 1 year
Totino without a mask tryna figure out what a ‘gender’ is (with bonus comic of Fakino helping him out)
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jaypentaghast · 2 months
from my very very hazy recollection the blood tears is because they have no bodily fluids except for the blood? like they’re dead and their bodies fully go through this process that is very close to dying (and I would say IS dying which is why is such a violent process for the receiver) which means they no longer have or experience regular bodily functions. so like in the books (again my recollection is hazy so maybe someone will correct) vampires can’t have sex like they could as humans because the blood isn’t “running through” their veins, there’s no beating heart, etc (at some point in the series this maybe changes?? I can’t remember if I’m remembering a fic or canon lmfao) and lestat gets into explaining this and part of his explanation is like “but i can definitely eat pussy while the persons on their period eheheheh 👹🥵” (again I could totally be misremembering who does this and some specifics)
hiii hi hello!! i was wondering if the tear effects were practical or cgi in my tags (I never found the answer!) but this is way more important to me
Right! When then transform they have to let those fluids GO. Book Lestat tells Louis to go into the forest to get that done.
They don't need to use the loo. There's no real use for their kidneys if they don't pee, either. I think Lestat says they do need to breathe but I'm unsure if this is true or simply something he believes. What I don't recall is whether they sweat or not (I think they are seen sweating in the show, but I can't say whether that's intentional or because the actors are, you know, human beings lol Same goes for the snot, mucus and tears that keep their eyeballs nice and moist, which by their colour we can tell are different from the blood tears when they cry. Again, human actors. maybe try casting some real vampires next time /s)
I'm not an expert in the human body but that leaves very little in terms of excretion. Which I keep thinking about because they have to keep replenishing to survive but do their cells use everything in the blood they consume for energy? How does that work? There's not a creature alive that doesn't get rid of waste in some way.
I mean we can ask all this questions from a scientific pov but ultimately there's a supernatural element to their physiology that likely ties a lot of their functions to the spiritual/mystical.
Blood seems to be a biological need, we know it because without drinking it they die. However, it also appears there's a supernatural element to their feeding as well. For instance, they can die if they drink the blood of the dead, but as far as I'm aware nothing changes in our blood composition immediately after we die. Therefore it's not only about the blood, it's about life essence or something like that. <- this is mentioned in the books, right?
Moreover, with Fareed's experiments Lestat can produce semen. That means with help they can still produce the fluids that a living human can, at least in the books. (Could be in the TV show as well I suppose, maybe the blood never travels down there either and the sex is just for intimacy reasons idk. We never see them get off but I think we're meant to understand that they can.)
I have to take into account that God is an actual character that exist in this universe, though, so trying to explain everything through a scientific lense is going to be impossible. BUT I'M GOING TO TRY. I just need to do more research.
“but i can definitely eat pussy while the persons on their period eheheheh 👹🥵” Oliver Quick you are nothing to Lestat de Lioncourt, he did it FIRST and he didn't even get off on it. /j It's not a kink for me but I definitely want to get to that part to see what the hell that's about! Also I read a devil's minion fic with that premise and it was cool, so never say never ig
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