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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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Resin is resin is resin...and dry sift is simply another method of procuring it. Back in 2015, @cubanhashqueen gave me a quick run down of how to make #drysift. She suggested the @poconoscreensupply and I bought almost every screen 😪. I didn't really do much with the knowledge until 2017 while contracting out of @advesawellness. We had a couple hundred grams of trim kief that needed to be cleaned. I took what I remembered and went to work. Since then, however, I haven't done it once. Just now, I felt compelled to have a go at it. Oh yes....I like this repetitive action. I like seeing the color get better and better. Now to sift enough to make a ball. 😁 I figure if I wasn't working in a 70+ degree room, I could get it cleaner (without green bits - swipe left). I'm cheerily smoking it in any case. ___ #MyNicheisHashish #AllWeedEverything #TheDuchTouch #statictech #drysifthash #cannabis #hash #Hashish #haxixe #hachis #solventless #nonsolvent #concentrates #alwayslearning #higherlearning #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #selfdirectedlearning #cannabiseducation #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B90JuldJnI_/?igshid=127os9nmzngrk
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
Whether hand washed or processed using a machine, resin presents its best when grown well and handled with care. The finest product can be discerned from fresh frozen or cured material. From buds or trim. In this case the resin was lovingly collected from trim that was kept in the freezer after being snipped. There is no *1* (singular) approach to achieve high quality results. Almost everything with cannabis is variable. The only constants are good grow, clean harvest, cold wash, and a thorough dry. ___ Learn this and more at The Duch Touch on March 22 in Oakland, CA. *Today is the last day for early bird pricing* Purplepass.com/theduchtouch_mar22 #linkinbio ___ #MyNicheisHashish #AllWeedEverything #theduchtouch #hash #hashish #hachis #haxixe #eachoneteachone #solventless #bubblehash #resin #fullmelt #icewaterhash #pressedhash #freezedried #harvestright #hashmaker #60sectech #artisanal #handcrafted #dank #cannabis #concentrates #cannabiscommunity #TheDankDuchess (at Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9f1x0GJxmV/?igshid=acgj1zim3du
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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This ball of hash pressed into a near flawless sphere in less than 10 minutes. Why? The well dried resin was practically devoid of any contaminants (swipe left). Without particulate to interfere and with ample oil content, the resin melted readily. Cresting a ball with no cracks nor creases was a breeze. Over time, sitting in room temperature, the bottom flattened as it was unable to retain its shape due to oil content. #dopeness ___ March 22 - Hands-on hashmaking class in Oakland, CA. Learn the tips and techniques to get your best hash possible. Purplepass.com/theduchtouch_mar22 #linkinbio ___ #MyNicheisHashish #AllWeedEverything ___ #TheDuchTouch #solventless #bubblehash #hash #Hashish #iceolator #haxixe #freezedried #frenchytech #harvestright #templeball #cannabis #highquality #artisanal #art #handcrafted #concentrates #eachoneteachone #dank #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9XVyWYJHTS/?igshid=16g72t584e683
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
Substance is crucial AND aesthetics seduce... I hope for 420 was as good as you could make it. I cannot wait to share a few more of these...in person Smoking solo all day had me knocked out around 9:30 🤣 @oosbyduchess is where I will have all my past creations including the 15g purple stunner from my 40th bday last year. Hope to party with you soon! ____ #MyNicheisHashish #AllWeedEverything #TheDuchTouch #cannabis #joints #cigars #cannagar #bling #shiny #glitzandglam #jazzy #beyou #growyourown #diy #dank #cannabiscommunity #fueledbythc #highonmyownsupply #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_P6hvJJ5vG/?igshid=jf441o6s7tt4
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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Resin makes me ravenous. Pressed hash makes me insane. As I prepare for my class in a week. I marvel at the ways I can happily be enticed. Granular freeze dried hash looks so pristine and untouched; it's color and fluffy texture maintained by the temperature restrictions of the freeze dryer. Air dried hash always looks so oily, like precious caviar. Pressed hash reminds me of love massaged and caressed into form. How delightful is the concept of balls of resin coalescing onto one mass of magic. We all like something different, and comparisons will always be stilted. We can agree, that we do want the dank; however that reveals itself. ___ Feb 22rd - hashmaking class in Oakland, CA Purplepass.com/thedankduchess for tickets DM for further details 😍 ___ #MyNicheisHashish #Cannabis flower fuels my power. Rolling logs and blowing fog. #AllWeedEverything ___ #TheDuchTouch #pressedwithfinesse #pressedhash #frenchytech #bubblehash #solventless #icewaterhash #nonsolvent #templeball #iceolator #hash #hashish #haxixe #hachis #freezedried  #love #beauty #joy #blackgirlmagic #melanin #dank #highquality #highclass #weedwomen #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8pYMuBpxv_/?igshid=1wqx7r81u4imf
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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It took 31 hrs to get from Barcelona to San Francisco. During the drawn out trip, my skin was at once clammy and disturbingly dehydrated as I felt clad in a thin layer of dirt and disappointment. After a long shower, a good night's sleep, a conscious shift in perspective, and some dank hash and flower, I felt like myself again. #sofreshsoclean Much has been changed in just a few days. I am doing my best not to be distracted by the widespread panic. I trust this too shall pass. I hope to be smiling this much in 2 weeks 🙂. Coming shortly - Full coverage of my still-quite-awesome 6.5 days in Barcelona. I judged 3 cups (@MastersofRosin, @dab_a_doo_2020, and @terp_tower_invitational), made hash twice (with @aranuaclub and @bobby_kalada of @lakalada) , hosted two chillum seshs (at @selvaclubebcn and at @highclassbcn ), and had my usual grand old time. ___ #MyNicheisHashish #AllWeedEverything #theduchtouch #adventure #cannabis #Spannabis #OffSpannabis #canthelpbutsmile #fueledbythc #jointculture #Barcelona #cannabiscommunity #pilgrimage #coronavirus #homesafely #Oakland #staylifted #swed #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zl-Twpj5J/?igshid=1iboacl18mz1v
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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If used properly, the freeze dryer is invaluable in any hash lab. Pictured here are frozen chips of previously freely floating resin. (Try to say that fast). I first saw @bobby_kalada chip his resin after investigating @archiveseedbank's space screen tech (removes a significant amount of water without compacting the resin). I have seen through dozens of runs that ventilated mounds of resin will dry very well as long as the timing is right (and the moisture content has been preserved). Tip: Resin need to be properly suspended in sufficient water in order to dry properly. Exception is doing space screen tech which utilizes the power of gravity. Resin must not be packed like sardines. #themoreyouknow #eachoneteachone ___ #MyNicheisHashish #Cannabis flower fuels my power. Rolling logs and blowing fog. #AllWeedEverything ___ #TheDuchTouch #bubblehash #solventless #icewaterhash #nonsolvent #iceolator #hash #hashish #freezedried #harvestright #freezedryer #highquality #6star #fullmelt #thebest #love #beauty #joy #blackgirlmagic #melanin #dank #weedwomen #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8mi0kup5eU/?igshid=fa30n1lj3a6h
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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Resin's beauty can hardly be qualified with mere words, but just trying to encapsulate its complexity pushes the boundaries of my creativity and I welcome the challenge. Still slightly warm to the touch, the resin drapes limply over my gloved hand. I am always torn at this moment; at once delighted by its delicate pliability, and simultaneously eager to fold the resin onto itself to form a solid ball. Overcoming the urge to endlessly marvel at the thin sheet of translucent hash, I unceremoniously crush the resin into itself. Though crumpled into a misshapen heap, its willful softness reveals its inherent quality and its purity. Free of eye tricking additions like oil, milk, or soda its mocha skin gleams effortlessly. I squeeze and the incomplete mass acquiesces to my steady and assured grip. My I make a cube and squish each side until no air is left. With efficient confidence I roll the tepid hash dough over my left hand. My right hand dominates the slowly forming ball. At first I focus on softening the edges; then rounding into a sleek oblong. I drop the resin onto the parchment and spread my fingers wide. With varying pressure throught my hand, I roll the thick mass into a significantly thinner rod. Experience has taught me to go slowly; massaging the resin into an even, workable rope. Back and forth I coax the resin until every inch of the resin looks the same, providing a smooth reflection of the pale light overhead. Sliding the Hashish along the surface of the paper, I form an infinity shape and my heart expands in my chest. So beautiful... My love for hash is infinite. My love for hash is eternal. I thank the cannabis plant for its offerings and I smile. ___ Let's do that together! Hands on Hash Class Feb 23 in Oakland, CA. #linkinbio Purplepass.com/thedankduchess ___ #MyNicheisHashish #Cannabis flower fuels my power. Rolling logs and blowing fog. #AllWeedEverything ___ #theduchtouch #bubblehash #solventless #hash #Hashish #hachis #haxixe #pressedwithfinesse #pressedhash #hashlovers #iceolator #exemplary #tradition #creativity #passion #love #beauty #joy #writer #cannabiseducation #cannabiscommunity #dank #celebration #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8P33O7JBYd/?igshid=14v54ov3zr5o9
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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Hashy Danksgiving! Today I am giving thanks for being able to make my own medicine. For the lucky relatively few of us, the agency over our own health is incredible. I daily give thanks for being able to grow, process, and consume that which is made from my own hands. Thank you thank you thank you. For every encouraging word. For asswipes who nearly crushed my spirit, but just made me determined to come harder. For every plant that yielded enough to make a decent amount of hash. For every plant that spit absolutely nothing and taught me discernment. For every social circle that widened to accept me. For every bullshit ass list that missed all the fun people anyway, so we partied on our own waaaay far away from the mudane. For every person ready to share sensible tech. For every person with bullshit 'bro science' who made up some coincidental tech and forced me to study it up and be better. For the magazines and publications that featured my work and efforts and gave me massive exposure. For the clueless "wanna be in the space, but don't know what's what" rags that skipped over me and eventually proved their irrelevance (yes I said that.) For the patient people who dealt with my intensity with aplomb. For the impatient people who couldn't see past the quick tongued Brooklynite and wrote me off so I had to do an end run around then. For all the good community and growth. For all the closed doors that forced me to look elsewhere. Thanks for everything! ___ #MyNicheisHashish #Cannabis flower fuels my power. Rolling logs and blowing fog. #AllWeedEverything Today is a great day to be awesome! ___ #theduchtouch #pressedwithfinesse #frenchytech #hashish #hash #solventless #iceolator #dank #gratitude #templeball #oldschool #newage #cannabiscommunity #cannabisheals #growyourown #talent #nonsolvent #exceptional #staylifted #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5aiXffBMqG/?igshid=14j40x1jbiwxy
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thedankduchess · 6 years ago
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Sometimes boys can be so messy, dropping shit all over the place indiscriminately. Thankfully this guy did his job. How I can tell - pistil color. As the flowering cannabis plant matures, her pistils will eventually shivel and darken. However, it's only day 28, so her pistils should be as white and unbothered as her #virginal counterpart (swipe left) in the Champagne Room. This pronounced color change is a clear indication that #pollination has indeed occurred. ...plus he sure did #skeetskeet everywhere 😂 #crass #vulgar #funny ___ . . . . ♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕ #MyNicheisHashish. #Cannabis flower fuels my power.  Rolling logs and blowing fog #AllWeedEverything Today is a great day to be awesome. ♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕ . . . . ___ #theduchtouch #growyourown #sexualeducation #plantsex #ganja #ganjagyal #weedfeed #nosexinthechampagneroom #cannabisheals  #highonmyownsupply #blackgirlswithgardens #mochamaryjane #cannacommunity   #cannabisfarmer #fueledbythc #cbd #lifestyle #weedwomen #dank #TheDankDuchess (at Champagne Room) https://www.instagram.com/p/By_F2tDBtMy/?igshid=gs0zth1z3wnl
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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After pressing dry sift, the fire test left this templeball in such a pretty shape. After taking some hash dabs, my mind was left in such a pretty state 🙂. ___ The Durban Poison resin was procured on this setup--> 51 86 180 230 and was cleaned on the 180 lpi screen from @poconoscreensupply. ___ #MyNicheisHashish #AllWeedEverything #TheDuchTouch #hash #solventless #drysift #sift #statictech #Hashish #haxixe #press2activate #pressedwithfinesse #nonsolvent #fullmelt #oldschool #mochamaryjane #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #resinandrosin #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQbHN7px8o/?igshid=q1aet1cmjuzu
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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Trying to explain to the unitiated the experience of getting high on cannabis is like attempting to describe to a deaf person the twinkle of a baby's laughter. How exactly does we accurately convey the physical feeling of expansion in the mind; as if our skulls are no longer a physical barrier to the infinite reaches of our minds? How do we elucidate the metaphor presented by each breath feeling as if many windows are suddenly opened and stagnant, malignant air whooshes out; leaving pleasant, freely forming, and unrigid thoughts to fill the vacuum. Can they understand the joy of each inhale where we welcome a torrent of flavors that race across our tongues, fill all crevices of our mouths, before barreling down to the lungs and calmly let out. How do we portray the delicious sensation of our skin being activated and electrified as the embrace of cannabis swirls us ever upward like a DNA strand? How about the new thought patterns, awareness, and alternate perpectives and angles that are newly available? And what about the quiet? How can anyone with intense anxiety communicate the relief from the incessant noise skin our heads....the blessed quiet that is not accompanied by dull thinking. This isn't pharmacy's medicine. This is nature's medicine. How can we do cannabis justice to those who don't know? Offer a joint 🙂 ___ #MyNicheisHashish #AllWeedEverything #theduchtouch #highonmyownsupply #blackgirlmagic #cannabis #stories #cannabiscommunity #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_8OmCBJ2id/?igshid=qvk5qjvgcb8i
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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I have been dry sifting quite a bit lately. With limited isopropyl, I have put ice water hashmaking to the side for a sec. That doesn't mean I have to put all hashmaking to the side. While I was curious about dry sift several years ago, buying an 8 screen set and making quick use of them, my interest had little staying power. Fast forward 5 years and I think I have befallen in love. More passes make for better hash. Effort is always rewarded. ____ Do *you* make more than one type of cannabis concentrate? Do you have a preference? Comment 👇🏽 ____ #MyNicheisHashish #AllWeedEverything #theduchtouch #solventless #hash #Hashish #resin #trichomes #drysift #sift #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #mochamaryjane #dank #highquality #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_5nO4ypm91/?igshid=18a09f425ek3c
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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#tbt 3rd grade photo day, 1988 And August 2017 in the rooftop garden Smoking and growing is turning my frown upside down. I went up on the roof today to take in some sunlight and to jump rope. I had the slightest pang of pain from my past garden, but refocusing on the now, I remembered my gratitude for the experience. Feeling the breeze on my arms reminded me of the endless hours in the crisp green foliage. #mynicheisHashish #AllWeedEverything #theduchtouch #growyourown #plantlife #throwback #rooftopgarden #blackgirlswithgardens #grow #dank #cannabis #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_V1mZbpSHr/?igshid=1hyhc5xesl2i5
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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Through the years, I have washed many phenomenal plants whose memories still make me smile. Top notch growers have been gracious with their plants and for this I am eternally grateful. However, I have never felt as satisfied as I have washing my own plants grown from seed. Each plant had a personality which dictated how it was to be watered, positioned and everything. As I cared for them solo, the interactions between them and were intimate and singular. Working the plants for 4 hours a day was my therapy. I bawled like a baby when it was time to cut them down. 😭 The obsession I had for every plant created a bond that carried over to the washing process. Like... "Damn it Ms. Super Lekker. How pristine can your wash get?" and "Ms. Bubbly, thank you for being so fluffy and easy to wash." and "Ms. Bloodwreck, you were so frosty I know we have to go a couple more rounds in the washer." ___ My latest grow is only on its 5th set of leaves, but the dank has to start somewhere. 😉 Take charge of your own needs and you will want for little. ___ #MyNicheisHashish #AllWeedEverything #theduchtouch #cultivator #ganjafarmer #cannabis #ganjagyal #growyourown #hash #hashish #haxixe #plantlife #plantmom #solventless #bubblehash #outdoor #singlesource #rooftopgarden #blackgirlswithgardens #blackgirlmagic #love #beauty #credittothefarmer #credittothebreeder #artisan #dank #cannabiscommunity #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_I_uqRJjIf/?igshid=184va0a5pwxzw
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thedankduchess · 5 years ago
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#tbt 2016 - The first year that I went relatively big - 59 plants on a sunny Oakland rooftop. It was hard work. It was back breaking. It was heart breaking (damn caterpillars) It was magnificent. And though I was unceremoniously kicked off the roof the next year, I continue to grow indoors because I cannot afford to wait for someone else to take care of my mental, physical, or spiritual health. Working the soil as I have for more than 15 years, I have come to really understand resin much more; thereby making me a much better hashmaker. It all starts with the plant. No matter how many techniques are developed and mastered, great results come from a great grow of plants ideally suited for the given circumstances. Grow your own wellness. You deserve it. #MyNicheisHashish #AllWeedEverything #theduchtouch #growyourown #plantlife #spiritplantmedicineconference #blackgirlswithgardens #ganjafarmer #ganjagyal #weedwomen #trichomes #touchtheplant #blackgirlmagic #beauty #love #magic #blackexcellence #mochamaryjane #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #higherlearning #dank #healthcare #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_EWP3wpQhl/?igshid=qpme103b1hwo
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