#my-arietta order
sevi007 · 3 months
Tales of the Abyss part 57
Where I suddenly know why there was no instant teleportation this time
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This is such a "Mum nooooo!" moment lmao.
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Once more reminded that Arietta, too, is just a child. I think if any of the God-Generals is NOT involved in Van's plans or rather, doesn't know whats going on, it's her.
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Oh. Well, you know, for all the naivite Anise's parents have, this was impressively quick reaction from Pamela. Most people would freeze up in front of two angry Ligers spitting literal lightning at them.
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probably the first time I see Ion SCOLD somebody. And Arietta... is really attached to him?
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Once more struck dumb by how much people just look up to Ion. I feel like if Ion ever called out for a rebellion against Mohs, it could actually WORK but the consequences (and dead) coming from it is the one thing stopping him from doing so.
At least half of Daath would rise to protect Ion if need be, if not half of all of Auldrant.
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My heart almost stopped when the screen went black, what XD
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OH?! We triggered Guy's memories?!
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Oh phew, I was gonna riot if they killed Pamela off here.
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She waves Ion off, calling him too kind, when her own worries are about Guy? Ma'am, take your own advice!
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shooting for the stars here but - given that Arietta keeps insisting that Anise took Ion from her, and actually LISTENS to Ion (to a point where it seemed she might cry when he scolded her right now) I wonder if my replica theory holds up, and the "real" / original Ion is the one Arietta knew. Which would be incredibly tragic because that means she can never "get Ion back" because this Ion here wouldn't be "her" Ion. Although I then wonder where the "real" Ion is. Wouldn't HE be the Fon Master then?
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I guess after we killed her "Mom" (the Liger Queen) AND took Ion from her AND nobody is telling her anything, her stress makes her lash out. Also. SHE'S A KID! She seems very young to me, and not very socialized, what with her being more drawn to the monsters that raised her than people. I don't think she has a lot of ways to express all those emotions in a "normal" way. I guess from a Liger's perspective - which we have to consider here since she was raised by them - she is even acting apppropriately.
Also who made her leave the Guardians? Ion? Mohs? Van?
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This is so silly. We are working in an Order where there are two parties - or three given the Generals and Van basically form their own group - where one party can just COMPLETELY negate anything the other does. What, Ion's group turned Arietta in for hurting a civilian? No problem, as soon as one of the Generals come back, she's free again. The in-fighting in this Order is so strong I wonder how it even functions somewhat properly.
Ah, Guy past reveal! I will put that in another post, for order purposes. @ahsokaisawesome
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somacruising · 3 months
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Van's last skit! I'm not entirely sure of the context behind why Van and Alexei are meeting. It's probably because they're both cool Commandants in their respective games.
Anyway, here is Van's side of the two skits they got with their dual mirrage arte.
Charismatic Leader
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Alexei: That’s all I have for today. If you learn anything new, please contact us via the mirrage communicator. 今回の情報提供は以上だ。また何か情報を掴んだ際には魔鏡通信などで連絡しよう。
Van: Thank you for the information, Commandant. I didn’t expect you to deliver it personally. 感謝します、団長殿。まさか、直々に出向いて下さるとは思いませんでした。
Alexei: I had to attend to some personal business. It just happened to be nearby. 野暮用があったのでな。偶然立ち寄ったに過ぎん。
Alexei: Since our exchange has concluded without incident, could you please tell your subordinates to relax? 無事交渉は終わったのだから部下たちに警戒を解くように指示してもらえないか?
Van: As expected, you noticed them. やはり、気付かれていましたか。
Alexei: Masking their presence so skillfully is to be expected of a Commandant’s subordinates, but it won’t work on me. 上手く気配を消しているのはさすが謡将の部下といったところだが残念ながら私には通用せん。
Van: I apologize for the discourtesy. You all may come out now. これは失礼しました。お前たち、もう出てきてよいぞ。
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[ Legretta and Arietta emerge ]
Legretta: I’m sorry for the trouble, Alexei. 申し訳ありません、アレクセイ殿。
Legretta: However, I would like to correct your misconception. We made the decision to observe ourselves, we were not under Commandant Van’s orders. ですが、一つ訂正を。この���で待機していたのは、閣下の命令ではなく私たち自らの判断です。
Arietta: If anything happened to the Commandant, everyone would be in trouble. 総長に何かあったら、アリエッタたちも困る、です。
Alexei: I see, those are some admirable subordinates you have there. If only mine could learn from them. なるほど、随分と殊勝な部下をお持ちのようだ。私も見習いたいものだよ。
Van: Your compliment honors me. Still, I would like to apologize if their presence caused you any discomfort. お褒めに預かり光栄です。ですが、彼女たちの同行を不快に思わせてしまったらお詫びを申し上げましょう。
Alexei: Well now, it seems you’re quite popular. Unlike mine, your subordinates care about you a great deal. I envy you. なに、改めて謡将の人望を思い知らされた。私と違って、部下たちから慕われているようで羨ましい限りだ。
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Van: That’s quite an insecure statement for someone who had led an entire country’s military, isn’t it? 一国の軍を率いていた人物としては少々弱気な発言と取れますが?
Alexei: That was in my previous life. Now I’m just a small man leading a small army. それもここに来るまでの話だ。今は小規模な軍隊を率いている矮小な人間だ。
Alexei: That’s why I have high hopes for a man such as yourself. And why I hope that you will come to me in due time. だからこそ、貴殿のような男には期待しているのだ。いずれ私のところへやって来てくれることを楽しみにさせてもらおう。
[ Alexei leaves ]
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Arietta: Commandant, my friends are chasing that man, now. 総長。さっきの人、アリエッタのお友達に追いかけてもらってる。
Van: There’s no need for that. That man isn’t a threat to us. いや、その必要はない。こちらに害のある人物ではないからな。
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Legretta: Still, that man believes he can entice you into his service. Didn’t those mirrists say he’s a man we should be wary of? しかし、あの者は閣下を仲間に引き入れようとしています。鏡士たちの話では警戒すべき要注意人物だということですが?
Van: They’re not wrong. However, he is still a useful man. It would behoove us to build a friendly relationship with him…for now. 確かにな。だが、それなりに利用価値はある。今は友好な関係を築いておくのが得策だろう。
Legretta: Understood. But, I would still appreciate it if you allowed us to accompany you the next time you decide to meet with that man. 承知しました。ですが、あの者との交渉の場には出来れば今回のように我々の同行を許可して頂けると助かります。
Legretta: I would never be able to look Tear in the eyes if anything happened to you. 閣下に何かあっては、私もティアに顔向けが出来ません。
Van: Very well. But, understand that if he becomes our enemy, we won’t get off lightly. よかろう。だが、もしあの御仁を敵に回すことになればこちらも只では済まないだろうな。
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Legretta: Does he have some sort of power? あの者にどのような力が?
Van: He’s very skilled, but above that, he has a powerful ability to manipulate people. 腕も確かだが、何よりあの御仁は人を掌握する力に長けている。
Van: The fact that he was able to captivate so many people in the short time before he was turned into a Living Doll is proof of that. リビングドール化されるまでのわずかな時間で多くの帝国兵を心酔させたのが、その証拠だ。
Legretta: I’m surprised to hear you speak so highly of him… In that case, we will remain vigilant. 閣下がそれほどまでに評価するとは……。では、私たちも引き続き警戒しておきます。
Van: I entrust you with that. Still, to think he would try to make me one of his pawns. 任せたぞ。それにしても、この私さえ手駒に収めようとするとはな。
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Van: Unfortunately, I’m no obedient pawn. He will learn that I am willing to abandon my humanity if need be. だが、生憎私は従順な駒ではない。時には背信棄義も厭わない人間だという事を知っておいてもらわねばな。
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angel-blood-art · 1 year
It's finally out!
From STARLIVHT to SUNRaiSE: Cooking All Night
A Fanmade NOISZ Recipe Book
Based on a fan idea for an imaginary collab café that evolved into something more, From STARLIVHT to SUNRaiSE: Cooking All Night represents the world of Anarch Entertainment's rhythm/bullet hell game series NOISZ through food and drink and the culture of Neo-Metro. The pizza Setsuna ordered in STARLIVHT's Chapter 3.I? We got that. Ice creams representing STARLIVHT? We got that. Arietta’s favourite food? The salad Sera ate in 2ECONDS to STARLIVHT: Forever My Diamond? We got those too! Plus so much more…
150+ pages with 12 drink recipes and 12 food recipes, such as:
Mango chocolate lassi
Spicy shoyu ramen
Butterfly pea tea
Chocolate cake with ganache layers
Thank you to the NOISZ Discord server for all your support in this endeavour!!
(Oh, and FYI - it features clickable links in places, so don't be afraid to explore with your mouse!)
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sleepyrxsetea · 6 months
picrew tag game!!
thank you @buffythevampirelover for the tag <3
Use this picrew to make yourself + some characters!
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In order, top row left to right: me :) and Oliver (HWATSMCOOS/detective story)
bottom row, left to right: Stephan (project I’m working on with my friend) and Arietta (my first and only dnd character)
tagging: @immortal-florist, @weirdbooknerd, @spitefulbull, @simonnebethel + open tag :)
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pbjelly90art · 8 months
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Spaceverse art!
Okay so I haven't decided exactly how I'm organizing these yet, but here's my first batch of the Spaceverse art posts! I've got a backlog of at least 205+ artworks to archive for this, so I had to get started somewhere. This is the original RP (and basis for my novel in progress) that I write with my friend Sakume, dating back some years now (maybe since 2019?) I don't have a title for the novel yet, so this is simply known as Spaceverse for now.
These characters originally came from some old forums we wrote on (circa 2006 at the start), and one day I came up with a new AU for them in a completely new space fantasy setting, with a new plot and new origins for the characters. I asked my friends Sakume and Cookie to participate, and this story was born. Cookie no longer actively writes in this RP with us, but some of their characters still show up in the art here and I'm very grateful for their contributions.
Sakume and I still write together and are adding new characters all the time! :) I grouped this batch of art to include sketches that mainly featured characters hailing from the planet of Illumina or the moon sanctuary of Nova Lux.
In order here we have: sketches of Cadenza, Altair/Vivace (her sister in the novel version, unrelated in the RP but may retcon, also Fabi/Alex's late mom and Anton's late wife), then Cadenza's daughter Luisa and a sketch of Cadenza in prison back on the Vault where it all started. Then we have Luisa and (spoiler!) young/child form Dawa, Cadenza with Adam, Adam himself, and then a bunch of sketches of their family together. Following that, we have Queen Venus (aka Elena), Cadenza's mom Sonya, Sonya with Leona, Xiulan, sketches of Cadenza and a masked Xiulan, Mingzhu, Joan (not an Illumin character but hey she ended up on my sketch page back then), older/adult form Dawa, young Dawa, Mingzhu, Cadenza's dad Galliard, Louis (another non-Illumin here to fit page space), Cadenza's sister Luminari, Cadenza herself, Lu with her husband Jaster, Simha (revamped character to replace Leona) and then Cascadia Riveria (Faer character, but happened to be on that sketchbook page.) Then lastly a few pencil sketches I missed, Xiulan, Mercy with Ramiro, Luminari and Cadenza, and some of my initial concept sketches of Spaceverse Cadenza and Luisa.
At the very end, we have some much older sketches that predate this RP, with Mother Carla, Ancient Ren of the Order, and Cadenza's late husband Paris (along with a sketch of Cadenza from a previous story where she was a human mage with shadow magic), previous versions of Vivace, Algretta, Luminari, Arietta, Cadenza, Sonya, Galliard, Reymundo, Izumi, Xiulan, Sarai (an angelo who hasn't appeared in the RP yet, but I might adapt), Shui Ya of Nova Lux, and Fletcher (a Faer character, but he happened to be on this page.) I still need to draw many of these characters some new portraits as their phantasm selves in this storyverse/setting, but I'm saving these older drawings for reference.
Some characters are going to show up that don't quite fit into these groupings because I tend to just draw whoever I feel like on my paper that fits before scanning them in. x3 Sometimes I edit them after to reorganize, but often times not.
Adam and Jaster belong to Sakume, and Leona and Joan belong to Cookie. The rest of the characters belong to me, but big credit to both of my friends for their help developing the world, organizations and characters, particularly in this case, Cookie brainstorming the Order of Lux Aeterna/Nova Lux with me, and Sakume brainstorming so many of the Vault characters and more.
Also small side note: I've been using the surname "Madrigal" since 2006 for Cadenza and her family waaay back on Zelda Universe forums, but I'm super happy it's way more popular a name now thanks to Encanto and I do love that movie. The movie was in no way a basis for these names, but I love to see more Latin culture and names in media, so I'm all for it. ^_^
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taruruchi · 2 years
ᴀʀɪᴇᴛᴛᴀ ᴍᴀʀᴄᴜʀɪᴏ: ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇʟɪɴᴇs & ᴄʜᴀᴛs
Note: Yayyy more content for my ocs 🎉 It's about time I started writing these and it was actually fun! Also, I wasn't sure if I should've made the chats more about the villains or not since. Rsa and all (Disney give us more content). So I mostly just stuck with the Sea Witch thing
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Tutorial: Come along! Don't worry, I'll be your guide.
Level Up 1: I'm getting more familiar with life on land thanks to you.
Level Up 2: Thank you! I think I'm getting better at this.
Level Up 3: With my powers getting stronger, I feel more confident by the day.
Level Max: I'm sure now I'll be able to protect you and others, so just rely on me, okay?
Vignette Level Up: You're a very interesting person, did you know that? Let's keep exchanging stories from now on.
Spell Level Up: Just like a shell found by a human and polished to shine.
Uncapped: How exhilarating it is to find that you're capable of so much more than you thought.
Groovification: Hm? Is this outfit... for me? Thank you so much, I love it! I'll make sure it always stays in top condition!
Lesson Select 1: I'm curious—what's your favorite subject? I'd love to indulge in something you're good at. Perhaps you could teach me.
Lesson Select 2: I do pretty well in my subjects. If you need any help, I'm happy to lend a hand!
Lesson Select 3: Wh-what? There's five minutes to class?! I have to run! Time flies when you're really invested in something.
Lesson Start: I'll wake you up if you fall asleep.
Lesson Finish: The more I learn about life on land, the more I come to love it!
Battle Start: Stay behind me, I won't let you get hurt.
Battle Won: Is anyone hurt? I did my best to protect everyone.
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❜ ─ CHATS ─ ❛
Shell Necklace
“Oh, my necklace?”
“It looks just like the one the Sea Witch had, doesn't it?”
“Actually, it's just a replica. My mother gave it to me when I was little.”
“These replicas are pretty common in the Coral Sea. Many tourists buy one.”
“If you'd like, I could get one for you when I go back to visit.”
“Huh? Azul already offered the same thing?”
“He sure is reliable, isn't he? Just like the Sea Witch herself.”
Love At First Sight
“I heard the mermaid princess fell in love with a human upon seeing him when she went up to the surface.”
“She also made a deal with the Sea Witch so that he would fall in love with her.”
“That seems strange, doesn't it? She was putting everything on the line for someone she hadn't even talked to.”
“Is that how love at first sight must be like?”
“I wonder if that part of the story is actually true? If it is, I'd like to know what it's like.”
Lost Trinkets
“Back when I was younger, I found this huge cave.”
“I like to think it was the cave the mermaid princess had back then since I found some trinkets there I could only assume to be things from the surface.”
“I was fascinated by them and started to collect them, just so the cave didn't stay empty and abandoned.”
“Unfortunately, that didn't last very long. But that's another story.”
“From then on, I've kept the habit of keeping interesting things I've never seen before.”
“I now know that a dinglehopper is actually a fork, but it doesn't hurt to hold on to past innocence, right?”
Caring Guardian
Arietta: The royal family in the Sea Witch's time had a sort of lieutenant, right?
Sydney: Yes, that's right. He looked after the entire royal family, especially the youngest princess.
Arietta: I heard he had to watch over her a lot.
Sydney: The king ordered him to since she tended to get into a lot of trouble.
Arietta: It must have been exhausting to have to keep up with her...
Sydney: Oh, which reminds me. Arietta, you were supposed to get the books for your class tomorrow, right?
Arietta: Yes, I was— Oh, no! I completely forgot!
Sydney: *sigh* It's a good thing I checked up with you...
Loyal Best Friend
Flynn: Arietta, I need help with this part of my homework.
Arietta: Sure! What is it?
Flynn: Did the mermaid princess have a companion other than the seagull and the crab...? I can't remember!
Arietta: She did! He was a fish and wasn't in most of the story we're told because he couldn't go with the princess on land.
Arietta: Despite that, he was a very good friend to her and went with her on her trips to shipwrecks.
Flynn: He sounds like a great fish! I'd wanna be friends with him.
Arietta: I'm sure you'd get along well!
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thehuggamugcafe · 6 years
Forehead kiss for Incubus!Arsene, if you don't mind! For some reason, to me, such gesture is extremely intimated. In fact, could you make the Reader be the one who initiate it?❤❤❤❤❤❤
OOC: Okay, so… I’m strangely in the mood for this right now?
Thanks for requesting this, my-arietta. I’ll do my best to give it justice, to make up for the 24-day-long wait!
Much obliged for your request/order, dear! Cheers, and enjoy! ☕
A silent sigh left the pursed lips of a certain barista: Arsène Lupin.
Various clinks and clatters were heard as the noiret, obsidian-eyed employee collected spoons, forks, knives, plates, cups, and glasses. They were balanced precariously in both hands, threatening to spill over and hit the floor of the Huggamug Café, fragmenting upon contact.
Dishes clattered and glasses clinked as the dark-haired man walked over to the prep area, arriving just in time to watch as it was bumped open by the clothed hip of his employer, Eira.
Her icy irises eyeballed him, watching him as she held the door open for him, glancing over her shoulder to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid.
Such as tripping over his feet and dropping several dishes to the floor.
That was one mess she’d prefer not having to clean up, especially since she swept and mopped the prep area’s floor 20 minutes ago.
Eira breathed a sigh, pursing her lips as she pivoted sharply on her heel, whirling on the noiret, onyx-eyed employee.
“Arsène, here. Switch.”
The gentleman quirked a brow, breathing a soft “ah?” as he set a small stack of plates on the counter top next to the sink.
“Ms. Rundström?”
“Give me those.”
The short barista set the serving tray she held on the counter adjacent to her, whisking the rest of the dishes from Arsène’s hands. He blinked slowly, owlishly, his onyx gaze trailing to the serving tray she nodded at with her head.
“Corner table near the window.”
“Yes, Ms. Rundström. Right away.”
It was a bit awkward, but the dark-haired male bowed as he gripped the serving tray in his hands.
The prep area door opened as Arsène stepped through, sliding shut as he waded around the service counter. He strapped on a warm, welcoming smile as he approached the table in question: a corner table near the window. 
The customer glanced up at his approaching footsteps, smiling slightly as he set your order down in front of you.
“Will that be all, mademoiselle?”
You nodded, and a spoke a few words of soft thanks.
“Yes, thank you.”
“Please let me know if you need anything else-”
However, his eyes widened slightly as he felt a hand slowly, carefully reach for his. He felt slim fingers wrapping around the leather fabric that covered his fingers, his knuckles, gently tugging him down as you got up, slowly, oh so slowly.
He felt a soft warmth linger on his forehead for a few moments, and he recognized the sensation for what it was.
A kiss.
You had just kissed him on the forehead.
He willed back a blush, smiling thinly as he breathed a laugh.
“My, that was quite a welcomed surprise, my dear. I wonder…”
For a moment, and only a moment, his obsidian eyes flashed reddish orange.
“What other surprises do you have in store for this gentleman?”
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akashicmuses · 4 years
LMAO my sync is the only one who doesn’t put dist dead last--
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Another year gone, another year the of fancuries! Unlike last year, I have three fanseries to show you today (two of them being crossover series). They are not as developed as I would like them too be (due to the previous school year being incredibly stress), but I still hope you enjoy what I have for these three series
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Loyal Aid Precure
↳ ❝ ☆ [characters] ¡! ❞
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Naomi Rivera / Cure Remède
Age: 16
Nationality: Hispanic American (Mexican)
Birthday: March 5th
Height: 5'3 / 160 cm
Cure Colors: Pink, Blue, and Red
Personality: Naomi is a calm, yet shy girl who strives to do the right thing. While she tries to appear social and confident she doesn't know how to express herself. She tries  to help anyone in need help no matter what the situation calls for, which causes her to be in constant fatigue. Though she isn’t known for expressing herself she is a huge horror fan, and only some of her friends and teammates know that. She is a bit dull, but her teammates don’t really mind that, and try to help her open up.
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Eyrn Russo / Cure Copper
Age: 16
Nationality: Italian American
Birthday: June 10th
Height: 5'4 / 162 cm
Personality: Eryn is a very energetic person, with an eye for perfection. A very narrow-minded person, Eryn refuses to look at the bigger picture and only will when it’s a convenience for her.  She is somewhat judgemental even though she doesn’t mean it most of the time. She’s extremely sociable trying to befriend anyone she can, and most of her friends would say that she’s a polite and easy-going person.
Cure Colors: Blue and Yellow, Some Red
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Alex Wright / Cure Étincelle
Age: 16
Nationality: Caucasian
Birthday: August 17th
Height: 5'9 /175 cm
Personality: Alex is a straight- forward and sociable guy. Out of everyone on the team he’s the most arrogant on the team. He has almost blown his cover multiple times just to get more attention, but thankfully one of his teammates is there to shut him up. He is also the most impulsive by causing the team to lose a handful of battles. He’s very friendly to everyone he meets just like Eryn, but tries to get closer to people than her.
Cure Colors: Orange, Red, and Yellow
↳ ❝ ☆ [ transform device] ¡! ❞
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The Cure Appel is a the transformation device of Loyal Aid Precure. In order to transform, the cures must say, "Precure! Time to dispatch" while placing there corresponding merveille into the phone. The cures can also use the appels to communicate in and outside of cure form.
design motif: public safety
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Visionary Precure
↳ ❝ ꕥ [ designs / cures] ¡! ❞
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Canon cures left to right (top row): Cure Arietta, Cure Igneous, Cure Ashlar, Cure Riparian, Cure Piezo
Non-Canon cures left to right(bottom row): Cure Huǒyàn, Cure Dìyuán, Cure Brise, Cure Tentō, Cure Eisen
Visionary Precure is a Genshin Impact inspired series with 5 canon cures and a couple non-canon cures. There are also 3 fancure guides for each region currently available in the game.
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The three currently available guides
design crossover motif : genshin impact
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Twisted Tale Precure
↳ ❝ ꕥ [ designs / cures] ¡! ❞
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Cures from left to right: Cure Cavalier, Cure Acacia, Cure Anemone, Cure Gjinn, Cure Glace, Cure Eidenai, Cure Briar
The last series I have for you today is Twisted Tale Precure. This fanseries is a crossover with Twisted Wonderland, and each cure represents one of the seven dorm in the game. This is also the most recent series I've created (which you can tell by the art styles).
design crossover motif : disney twisted wonderland
Well those are all of my current fanseries, and I hope you consider voting for them! Bye now!
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Hiya there!! My name's Midnight (He / Him pronouns) and as my blog name implies, I am an ambitious writer at heart which means I have wayyyy too many ideas lol I've taken a liking to writing fantasy, and I love creating fantastical worlds that I can build on anywhere at any time!
Information about my WIPs + their respective characters and a place for a taglist are under the cut!
MELODIVERSE ADVENTURES (Currently working on Book 1 of 4!) Book 1, titled “Midnight and the Gift of the Melody Blade”, follows a young wolf-human hybrid named Midnight who is a barista at Sunsong Cafe, on what seems like a normal day for him. However, after mysterious arcane events ravage the city, Midnight is gifted a powerful blade that will restore the city back to normal. But, he must keep it secret from a young kid villain who wants to use the weapon for malicious benefits... Characters: Midnight (a night-demon / wolf-human hybrid), Ambrosia (a bee-human hybrid), Twilight (wolf-human hybrid), Staticlight (a night demon / wolf-human hybrid), Dev (night demon), Sophie (Nickname: Soapie, a hell hound that cleans Dev’s base of operations.) GOBLIN THEFT AUTO A misfit group of goblin criminals who have lived in their forest home for years (which seems quite far from human contact) make the bold step of getting themselves known by committing burglary and other types of crimes while on the run from the law. 
Though one of the group members, Leshi is adverse to all this, and one day goes rogue and nearly snitches on the group. Not to mention they’re all young kids so no-one can enforce the legalities of the situations.Follow their misadventures on the run from the Penwood Police Department and see the cracks that will pull their group friendship apart…
Characters: Leshi Desxia (Goblin-human hybrid), Gnilk Jatyz (Goblin-human hybrid), Cazz Gurvir (the other characters are work in progress lol) SILVER MOON SONATAS (Rough Description credit to OpenAI Playground) When Lila, a young girl, stumbles across a glowing rock in the forest, she has no idea that it will change her life forever. She soon discovers that the rock is one of the Melody Gems, and that it has the power to grant her wishes. With the help of her new friends, a friendly robot and a wolf-human hybrid, Lila sets out to find the other Melody Gems and uncover their secrets. Along the way, they must avoid anyone who wants to get their hands on the powerful rocks, and learn to work together in order to keep them safe. With the help of the Melody Gems, Lila and her friends discover the importance of friendship and working together, and that the power of the rocks should be used for good, not for evil.
STARS, BITS, AND BYTES! (Synopsis credit goes to OpenAI Playground!) Stars, Bits, and Bytes follows the adventures of two pilots (Arietta and Quintus) and two young kids (Ottava and Lyric) along their journey to a brand new world, escaping the destruction of their home planet, Terra Melodiae on their spacecraft Titania (which has a cranky AI assistant.) But they have to dodge asteroids, fight space pirates and try not to lose their way as they navigate to this new world. When they get to this new world however, they must get accustomed to the strange society that has built up there with robots and magic as far as the eye can see and very strict military force that protects the planet from invaders.  However through information passed down by the general, the group finds out that Emperor Tetrachord and his army of Silencers wants to destroy this new planet.  Even though the two kids are scared to operate the ship themselves and steer it into a great battle, Arietta and Quintus are confident. The four of them must team up and use all the skills they have to stop Emperor Tetrachord from ruining this new world and find a way back to their own home planet. Characters: Pilot Arietta (human pilot), Commander Quintus (human pilot), Ottava (human), Lyric (human), Intra (cranky AI assistant computer) (other characters are WIP)
~TAGLIST~ (Feel free to send me an ask or message, asking to be added, and I’ll add you if you wish to follow any of my WIPs!) I am really excited to get to know this writeblr community more and get my work out there to show you all!!
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sevi007 · 4 months
Tales of the Abyss part 10
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Call me paranoid, but that is not a "I don't want a war" that is simply a "I don't belong to faction B".
So far, out of everyone in this room, Van is the only man who was allowed to see Asch' face - something I think is being kept a secret from the player on purpose - AND he knows far too much for someone who claims to know he does not know what his troops have been doing. How can he arrive just at the right time to block Asch?
Distrustful looks engaged!
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Interestingly, in this regard, Tear and Luke are the same. They both have someone they look up to and follow orders from - for Luke, that's Van, for Tear that's Maestro Mohs - and who they don't want to hear a single bad word about. Both men are ALSO an important cog in a potential war breaking out, though, and I think that's going to fall back onto Tear and Luke.
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Uhuh... okay getting the part with the fonstones now. But if I understood that correctly, the seventh fonstone might be bad news, seeing as Yulia hid that one herself.
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Starting to sense bad history between Arietta and Anise here XD
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So we're just letting the head engineer die? Rude.
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Which part of "amnesia" is hard to grasp for you all? But now I really wanna go there.
Second reason being that this man has not yet earned my trust:
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*Cut while I sucessfully get lost several times while trying to find Choral Castle*
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You know what, fair. His only frame of reference is being cooped up and bored. He might actually consider this as insignificant and would love for people to stop talking about it. (Though that does not mean they can also turn around and give him grief for not knowing stuff when it was never explained to him in the past seven years)
Another cut here, because I took a minute to figure out the poltergeist with the colorful orbs puzzle. Traipsed through the entire castle once until I realized that I won't find a purple one and have to get red and blue instead XD
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Um. Giant Freezer? Death Ray? 3d printer? Jade seems to know what it might be but again, he is not telling us / me.
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Hmmmm. Either my zombie or clone theory might be correct. So if it's the later, it's a 3D printer. Yes.
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And at this point, I actually got annoyed with the characters - or more like, with the writers. Back at the port, we already see Jade again leaving Guy alone with a cling Anise, despite his knees literally trembling in fear. And now, this. What was that for anyway? Maybe don't jump from behind onto the guy who has been asking you not to touch him since moment one?
Ugh. This wouldn't even be a bad moment if they had not used his phobia as a joke earlier on.
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Is there even one person in this game without memory issues? XD
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Now see that's also something that got me stumped. Why has nobody ever tried to jog Luke's memories by telling him of his past? Did they think it's too much trauma for him? Or is there something else going on?
Hidden agendas all around I tell you.
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somacruising · 1 year
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A White Future, Volume 2 Episode: Ion, Sync, & Florian Translation Part 7
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Last episode, Anise got shaken down by Arietta in the hallway. This chapter is going to be focused on Arietta going to her meeting with Van, as well as Sync having a flashback to Van offering him a place in the God-Generals.
* * *
As soon as she opened the door to Van's office at the Oracle Knight Headquarters, Arietta felt a strong gaze stabbing into her. So much so that it felt like it really hurt.
On the other side of the huge one-piece desk stood Commandant Van, and his second-in-command, Legretta, was right beside him. In addition, there were four men seated on a couch in the middle of the room by the window, all of whom were staring at little Arrietta.
“Where have you been? I hate tardiness,” Van asked in a subdued voice. That was enough to make the air tense.
“I-I’m sorry, Commandant… I was just with Anise.”
“Anise?” Van's eyebrows rose.
“Anise Tatlin will be with the Fon Master starting today. You don't have to go to the Fon Master’s side anymore.”
”…I know.” Arietta turned red and shrank down.
“Well, then. That is the way of things. Starting now, I am pleased to welcome you as one of the Six God-Generals. While we all already know each other, we’ve gathered here today for this special occasion.”
Van looked at Largo the Black Lion, Asch the Bloody, and Dist the Rose in turn, and when none of them opened their mouths, he looked at Sync.
“I already met you the other day at the church.” Sync paused briefly, then smiled nastily and spoke clearly so everyone could hear. “You know, when you were crying for Ion. Guess you didn't get to see him after all, since he dismissed you.”
Arietta swallowed hard, but bit her lip and said nothing.
“But, I’m glad for you. Ion’s recovered from that illness.”
While Arietta had no idea what Sync’s words actually meant, Dist, who was sitting comfortably in his easy chair, grinned cynically.
“Hey, Van,” said Asch, the Special Division Commander, who was leaning against the windowsill. He clicked his tongue impatiently and slammed the open window shut. “I'm done here. I don't have time for this.”
“Yes, you can go,” Van replied.
At Van's words, Largo got up from the sofa. The two quickly left the office.
“My, my, those two are so cold, aren’t they?” Dist grinned at Arrieta, his voice theatrical in tone. “I'm rooting for you, Arrietta. May your precious Isle of Feres be restored as soon as possible.”
“…T-Thank you,” Arietta replied.
“Now, if you'll excuse me. Sync, please open the window.”
“What?” Sync turned his head when his name was suddenly called.
“That blazing idiot closed it. Now, get on with it!” Dist ordered him.
Sync frowned, but walked over and opened the window. Without a word of thanks, Dist’s chair floated up and flew him out the window.
“What a slavedriver,” Sync muttered.
“Don’t say that,” Van chuckled at Sync, giving him a wry smile. “If I hadn't brought that man here, you wouldn't be here either.”
Arietta tilted her head, having overheard that, and turned to Sync, “Is that true? Did Dist recommend you to the God-Generals?”
“Don’t,” Sync immediately snarled, “It’s none of your business.”
Legretta suddenly spoke up, turning to Van, “Sir, it’s time to go.”
“Mm. You all may go, now.” Van said, then left the room with Legretta.
A silence fell between the two that remained. Before long, Arietta spoke up in a soft voice. “…Um, did I say something bad?”
“No,” Sync said, but he turned his head away. “Don’t worry about the other people here. The Six God-Generals have an agreement not to pry into each other's business. That includes your business with Ion…”
At the mention of the Fon Master’s name, Arietta’s expression turned pained. Sync continued talking.
“Anyway, it’s a good thing you’ve joined the God-Generals. Congratulations.”
‘Totally, congratulations. You don’t even realize that you’ve been tricked.’ Sync smiled thinly. ‘Everyone here is just being used by Van at his convenience…of course, I’m no different.’
Sync recalled the moment Van had asked him to join forces with him.
* * *
“Both of us hate the Score—in that, you and I are the same.”
“I think you and I are on the same page on that matter.”
“What do you mean?" Sync asked, surprised.
“Do you remember Hod?” Van questioned him back.
“Hod…” Sync thought back, “You mean the island of Hod? You taught me about it…it was destroyed because of the Score, right?”
Van nodded. “That’s right. Let me tell you something special. I used to live on that destroyed island of Hod.”
Sync’s eyes widened.
“I was only eleven years old at the time…it’s a wonder I was able to survive.” Van lowered his voice as if he was telling Sync an important secret, his eyes growing wide.
“I used to have a home; one that I still yearn for. I had many good friends there. Even if there was a war, everything I cared about is gone simply because it was according to the Score. So, I despise the Score as well."
Sync continued to listen to Van without speaking.
“But what's the point of living a life of hate until the day you die? If I could change the world just by hating it, I wouldn't suffer like this. I'm going to bury the Score, and every Seventh Fonon that composes it."
After saying all that, Van’s eyes bore into Sync’s.
“Will you fight with me? I believe that replicas are the only hope for a world without the Score.”
* * *
‘How did I reply, again?’ Sync smiled wryly as he thought back. ‘“I don’t care.” And then I told him I agreed—’
Sync had no other choice but to agree, being both picked up and kept alive by Van. Van knew that, and so he’d made his offer.
Van was like a magnet. Largo and Dist had also been drawn into his powerful grip due to their inextricable feelings.
The reserved voice of Arietta brought Sync back to reality.
“I’m going to leave now,” Arietta said.
Sync deliberately stayed silent and Arietta eventually ran off.
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nadzicle · 4 years
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→  La Musique des Sims CAS Legacy
Unsurprisingly, considering past voting preferences, Cadence became our Disco Dancer. She boogied right on into Peridot August’s arms and had six kids. Because my d6 is cursed and it wants to have all of the Berry babies. Good luck with choosing who our Alternative Music Maker will be, you’ll need it. This generation is gorgeous. In order of appearance: Clarion || Arietta Tango || Minuet Drummer || Rhapsody | Vote for our Alternative Music Maker here |
For those curious, here’s the votes between Cadence and Allegra!
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azotas-archived · 4 years
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Sync’s list of his thoughts on the God-Generals plus of few characters from Abyss
Largo: He only has respect for Largo. They work well together and Largo was the one who trained him after he joined. To Sync, Largo is the ideal coworker. 
Legretta: Respects her but nowhere near Van and Largo. He’ll listen to her orders. However he questions why she feels the way she does towards Van. Sync knows she’s being used too-
Everyone below he hates working with. In no order, he wants them all dead-
Arietta: He hates hearing about Ion and has a hard time following orders, but her monsters are handy. That’s the only upside. Her monsters are useful, not her. He is a little jealous of her ignorance. She doesn’t know she’d being used, she doesn’t know anything. He thinks that it must be nice believing other people are honest.
 Asch: Doesn’t follow his orders and when he gets mad it only get worse. The only upside to having him on the team is that he is useful in dealing out damage though Largo is superior in that regard. To Sync, his life would be easier if Asch was dead. Deep down, he’s jealous as well, that Van favors him. They’re alike in the regard that the score ruined their lives but, Sync finds Asch foolish for being too stubborn to fix it. 
Dist: Dist is annoying and he wants the roach to die a horrible and painful death. He can’t wait for the orders to get rid of him.
Other Characters/Verses
Van: Now.. this is a tricky one, thats why I tackle it first. He holds respect for his Master, but that is all. In the end, he follows Van for his own reasons. So long as Van can destroy the score and the world, Sync will follow. And while he may Respect Van, deep down, Sync absolutely hates Van with every inch of himself. It’s Van who fucked him up and it’s Van who keeps him alive. A twisted relation for two very twisted characters. 
Ion(7th): He hates him. Sync hates Ion more than anyone else. He’s jealous and resentful and I really could write an essay on how Sync feels about the seventh and Not a SINGLE word would be positive.
Florian (6th): This is solely headcanon based and from the lovely interactions I’ve had with a Florian, shout out to Asche for that~  To Sync, Florian is someone he kinda cares about. In his own little weird way. Like an annoying little brother that he wants to protect. Sync feels a kinship as they were both thrown away at birth, he is a little jealous that despite that, Florian is happy while Sync is in despair. But he cares. Florain fulfills his want to protect someone, it makes him feel like he has a spot, even if it’s just among other replicas.  
Etude (4th): Shout out to my lovely Yuki for writing this lovely little Fon Master Replica! Sync feels he can be honest with Etude in a way he can’t with others. They both lack Empathy so he doesn’t feel judged. He also knows how fake Etude can be at times. Outside of that, they have a fun little interaction~ Sync tends to act older and accidently act as the sort of older brother even though Etude is older. Sync feels comfortable being himself around Etude.
Anise: He doesn’t care about her. In the end, she’s just entertainment. 
Asch: This is only with Asche’s Asch. But oh boy- Does Sync got some emotions. Asch and Sync are a lot alike and that’s part of why they bicker and hate each other. But, hate and love are a lot alike. While Sync doesn’t think he’s capable of it, he started caring, wanting, and it scares him a lot. With Asch he can complain when he doesn’t like someone, he feels free to be a person and not a solider. And when Asch opens up to him, he feels he has a spot in a world he hates. Asch is special to him.
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Chapter Seven :: The Calm
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“Always be genuine. People can sense when someone isn't being themselves.” - Jeffree Star
Laughter rang throughout the lair in differentiating pitches and tones. Pure, honest, unfiltered laughter. The whole group was lounging about enjoying their dinner of several large pizzas with varying topping combos. The story swaps had them all in stitches except for Casey Jones, who had a soured embarrassed expression as the current tale was a recount of his first encounter with the turtles and their master.
"Tell me you didn't actually fall for it, Jones!" Dorian was gripping his side with his right hand while the left kept him upright by bracing against the floor. Casey gave the man a pointed glare as an answer which only served to make Dorian start up another fit of laughter.
"Oh, he totally fell for it!" Michelangelo grabbed out a slice of three-cheese before leaning back in his spot on the couch.
"Hauled balls straight at Master Splinter and got his ass handed to 'em!" Raphael leaned over and bumped fists with Mikey earning a slight groan from Casey that made both teens roar with laughter again. The two youngest had found it far more hilarious since they had been the ones who had baited him into the whole ordeal.
"Kiss my ass you two," Casey grumbled before taking a drink from his soda trying his best to not let them get under his skin any more than they already had. He had not been at all amused by the recount of his unfortunate meeting though, if he were honest he would not have changed it one bit.
“Oh, that is absolutely priceless! I would have loved to have seen the look on your face Casey.” Lyra wiped a laughter induced tear from her eyes before grabbing out another slice of pepperoni for herself.
“So the whole Elite Eight thing you've mentioned in one of your stories. Is that a fancy group or some sort of ranking system?” April was genuinely curious about the inner workings of their clan. She had never heard about them until tonight and the reporter in her could not help but want in on more for a story. Dorian had almost choked on the bite of pizza he had taken but was able to chase it down with some soda before answering.
"In a sense, both assumptions would be correct. The Elite Eight is the highest skilled assassins throughout the whole organization and the four of us fall under those ranks." He watched as April leaned closer as if hoping for more detailed information on the group which only made Dorian chuckle.
"What are the ranks and what determines those ranks?" April was full of questions she wanted to be answered which in that instant seemed to make Dorian a little nervous. He knew what she was up to and he was a bit leery of telling inner workings to someone who had no real way to defend themselves. A quick scan around the room told him everyone else was listening intently to the new topic of conversation now. There was no getting around it.
“Listen. I don't mind telling you but you have to swear you will not go public with any of this until we have taken down the corruption. It is for your own safety April that you play it like you never met us or know anything about the Black Lotus. Promise?” Dorian gave a quick thought and looked over to Casey not knowing much about the guy other than he was a former cop turned vigilante. He was not taken chances on anyone getting hurt over stories. “That goes for you as well Jones. Promise?”
“Promise,” the two spoke in unison as everyone settled in more comfortably to hear the explanation Dorian was about to give them.
“Our ranks are determined by the eight codes of Bushido. The one you show most of is the rank you are put under.”
“There are only seven codes of Bushido.” Leonardo raised a brow but the tone he spoke in sounded a bit unsure which got a small chuckle from Dorian.
“Seven spoken yes but, there is an eighth one that is a sort of unspoken one that everyone should always follow when they learn or enact the Bushido way. The eight codes are as follows and in order; justice, courage, respect, honesty, honor, loyalty, wisdom, and mercy. Mercy is the one that no matter what you must show to your opponent.” Dorian paused in his explaining long enough to finish off the soda he had been working on and popped open a new one. It was enough time to let the information he gave so far sink in.
"So each of you represented a code more so than the others and that's how you're ranked? Does age not effect it at all?" Donatello was quite curious about how their ranks worked since it would mean who they had thought was the leader of their assassin friends very well could not be the leader. Dorian shifted a little from where he sat and that elicited a stifled giggle from Lyra.
“Nope! Age has nothing to do with it. We're just really nice to our big brother and let him play leader when we're out on missions.” Lyra got up and went over to Arietta who had sat away from the group to doodle in her sketchpad while she had eaten. The youngest quickly attached herself in a fierce hug causing Arietta's earbuds to pop out and the ebony-haired assassin looked not at all pleased at the interruption.
“Do you mind?”
“In fact, Arietta here is the highest ranked out of the four of us!” Lyra grinned not really paying mind that she had interrupted her sister's sketching zen. Arietta rolled her eyes having understood fully what the topic of conversation was just by what her little sister had said.
“That ranking system is ridiculous,” she spoke in a not so amused tone as she closed up her sketchbook. Her cheeks were lightly tinged with a blush of embarrassment.
“So how come Arietta isn't the leader?” Mikey was a following everything about the ranking system but the fact that the higher ranked assassin was not the one leading the team was a little confusing. Why would they have a ranking system if they did not adhere to it?
“There are several reasons. This mission tonight has really been the only mission all four of us have been on together. They never send more than two of the elites out at the same time and it's rare that the missions really call for something so drastic. Arietta over there hardly gets sent out with anyone since she doesn't play well with others." Calliope grinned up from her book on medicinal properties of plants. The way the spine was worn down showed how many times she opened it and read the contents within.
“They call it her being courageous and we call it being rash and foolish.” Lyra let out a giggle as she let go of her hold on Arietta to make her way back to the spot she had claimed on the floor. She scooted herself near the table covered with pizza boxes and picked up her slice that she had neglected in her moment of teasing.
“So says the honest one.” Arietta stuck her tongue out at her little sister and shook her head gently when she received a grin right back. With a sigh of defeat she shut off her music but she opened her sketchbook up once again to the page she had been working on. A small wave of her hand in Dorian's direction was the only signal she was going to give that she was fine with the topic at hand and that he could continue.
"Well, that covers the virtue parts of the ranking. To better protect our identities we were each given a code name in Japanese that are animals. Those animals we somehow fit so that's how the figureheads came up with the concept. I will tell them to you in English so it doesn't get redundant. The order by rank are as follows; dragon, fox, raccoon, rabbit, crow, wolf, cat, and rat. We've never had the pleasure of working with Ryuu or Nezumi before and Neko we've only ever met in passing." Dorian pulled out his final slice of pizza and took a bite figuring that was a good explanation to give to April on the ranking system of their organization.
"What about Karasu?" Master Splinter had begun versing himself in Japanese over the years as a way to pass the time so figuring out the code name for the one that wasn't mentioned did not take much thought.
“Oh, we know him pretty well. Arietta knows him even more so than we do.” The tone Lyra had spoken in was enough to suggest something on the more romantic side which caused Arietta to snap her attention up quickly.
“Damn it Lyra I told you we're just really good friends! I turned his ass down flat. End of story!”
“Right. Is that why he would follow you around like a lost puppy or got super depressed when you were away on missions?” Lyra's words instantly turned Arietta's expression from one of embarrassment to one of agitation in mere seconds. The youngest let out a squeak of surprise as her sister came racing toward her. Lyra acted fast and shot up from the floor launching herself over the table towards the couch in a rapid jump. She used the spacing between Michelangelo and Donatello, whom both were innocently sitting on the couch, so she could get behind the furniture and further her escape plan.
“I'm going to box your ears Lyra!” Arietta was right behind her little sister following the exact same path the rainbow haired sibling was taking. The laughter ringing out from everyone was not phasing her irritation in the slightest instead, it was only fueling it more.
"Someone grab her! She's on a war path," Usagi laughed out as she ran from the back of the couch to the recliner Raphael was lounging in. She jumped the sides and prayed she would be saved but her next course would be to head back towards the couch in hopes that Mikey or Donnie would be her saviors. Raph was not about to miss out on evening the score so just as Arietta tried clearing his lap as a hurdle to get to Lyra he grabbed her around her waist mid-jump making sure to grip her tight against him.
"Let me go Red!" Arietta squirmed with all of her might to try and get out of his hold to no avail. He had a damn good grip and he was not making any move to let her go. Lyra gave a victory sign with her fingers and that triumphant grin made Arietta want to pummel her sister even more so than before.
"Not a chance Foxy." Raph grinned as he kept a tight hold on her but he was nice enough to make sure he did not hurt her in any way. "Now we're even. Two to two."
“Asshole.” Arietta stopped her struggling knowing now that her efforts were completely futile. She resigned to sitting across his lap with her arms folded over her chest. She gave a slight huff of defeat.
"You love me." He grinned at her making sure only she could hear what he said that time as the laughter started dying down. She only rolled her eyes at him and turned a hard glare toward her sister who at that point was claiming her spot on the floor again. In all actuality, Arietta was trying to hide the small blush that tinged her cheeks from Raphael. She was not quite sure how to react to sitting in his lap even spite the reason for her being in the situation in the first place.
“So what was it like for you guys growing up? Did you get to go watch movies or play sports?” Casey smirked as he grabbed out the last slice of jalapeno and bacon. He put the now empty box on top of the others stacked at the side of the table.
"We didn't really have what you would call a normal childhood. Most of our lives we spent training to become the lethal weapons we are. If we weren't training we studied academically at the compound. We had a very tight and strict schedule we had to follow by." Calliope put her book down on the arm of the chair she was in before she got up to retrieve more food. She put a slice of spinach artichoke on a plate and deciding to be merciful she grabbed up two slices of Hawaiian before taking the extra plate over to Arietta. She smiled seeing the excitement light up in those violet eyes when Arietta took the plate from her and she sat her own in her chair deciding to be even nicer to her younger sibling. Retrieving the sketchbook and pens Calliope brought them to the artist and set them in her lap before taking her seat again with her refill of pizza.
“We weren't completely in the dark though. We would sneak out when we could to go to the movies or go spend a few hours in the arcades. There were a handful of times Lyra and Calliope would go to the mall on their little shopping sprees.” Dorian chuckled lightly remembering the many times when he had to listen to them act like giddy school girls while they showed off their newest purchases.
"I always thought it was funny that Hisoka knew we got new stuff but never got on to us about where we got it from or how we got it." Lyra mused out that thought and Arietta stiffened in the middle of taking a bite of her pizza. Raph only raised a brow at her as she took the bite before giving him a shake of her head subtly. He filed that away as something to ask at a later time. Another question was more pertinent for him to ask anyway.
“So did you guys get to choose your weapons or were they chosen for you?” He knew that had been a good one to ask since it caused his brothers to perk up and pay closer attention. Their weapons had been chosen for them carefully by Master Splinter and they had all been equally curious if others had been dealt the same way. Dorian was looking at the ceiling for the moment as if he was plucking the strings of thought from the very air above them.
"As initiates, we all trained in various weapon styles. Some we excelled at more than others but I suppose it was neither us nor the Weapons Master that chose. It was the weapons themselves that chose us. They just kind of fit like gloves I guess." Dorian gave a small shrug since he never really put much thought to it. He just simply knew his naginata was his and his alone. "We have many weapons in our arsenal but our main ones are our deadliest when we use them."
"Way to get all mystical on them, Dee." Arietta teased her brother as she switched out her now empty plate for her sketchbook. Her statement caused laughter to rise from all of them and even Dorian got a chuckle out of it.
“Any favorite missions you guys want to tell?” Michelangelo scooted out on his cushion of the couch with a cheesy grin on his face. After a most of the night had been spent with the four brothers recounting their own adventures. He was excited to hear a few of the assassins' tales.
“Barcelona.” Both Arietta and Dorian spoke out in quick unison while Lyra and Calliope merely groaned out together. Calliope picked her book back up to continue reading while Lyra put her face in her palm in exasperation.
“You're going to scar everybody with that one.” The rainbow haired girl moved her hand from her face to give Dorian a lighthearted glare. He answered her back with a small grin.
“What happened in Barcelona?” Leonardo was actually genuinely curious to hear about one of Dorian's missions. The more they got to know the Quintus siblings the more he began to get more curious about how Dorian worked. He crossed his arms as if to shut those thoughts in completely and lock them up tight.
“I'll let my beautiful wife over there tell this one.” Dorian looked over to Arietta who in turn was glaring daggers at him.
“I will end you.” She growled out to her big brother.
"You two were married?" Raphael was about as shocked as everyone else at that one. He could hear Casey still trying to clear his airway from his drink going down the wrong pipe. "Hold up, you're brother and sister, right? How would that even work?"
"That is the absolute worse way to start a story, Dorian." Arietta pinched the bridge of her nose to keep a small headache at bay. "We weren't really married we just pretending to be for the sake of the mission. This was only the second mission Dorian and I have ever been on. The other mission isn't near as lighthearted but we'll save that one for another time."
“Promise?!” Mikey interjected with such a hopeful tone that Arietta could not help but to laugh with the rest of the group. She moved her hand from her face and looked to the youngest turtle to give him a small nod. She made a cross sign over her chest to seal in that she promised she would before she closed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest to begin the tale.
"This happened about four years ago and our mark was the Prime Minister of Spain. The guy was using his political position as a way to keep up the flow of drugs and human trafficking. He was pretty bold about it but very thorough in making sure nothing connected back to him. The guy was a total devil and the Black Lotus was hired to get rid of him once and for all. Since pretty much everyone else had missions of their own it fell to Dorian and me to get the job done. We posed as a drug kingpin and wife so we could attend the grand masquerade party the man was holding at his estate." She paused her story and took a drink from the soda Raphael offered her before she continued on.
“It didn't take much to become buddies with the guy. He was a completely disgusting pig. He talked a bit of business with Dorian while I did my best act of playing a very sexually needy wife. A few drinks in and the guy was practically begging for us to let him in on the action or even just watch.” Arietta shivered recalling the way the guy would subtly rub against her arm or place his hand against her back.
“This sounds like something out of a movie,” April spoke gently trying to stomach the thoughts of the two siblings having to deal with such a sleazy man.
“Sometimes the movies get it right. We found his proposition as an opportunity to get him alone and away from his bodyguards so we agreed.” She gave a small shrug as she calmly told the story but she felt Raph nudge her side and she looked at him. His eyes held a bit of shocked curiosity and she had a feeling about what she was going to ask her.
“Did you two actually do anything to each other?” He did not flat out ask it but it got his point across making Arietta scoff slightly before she punched his bicep lightly.
"Oh hell no! Dorian was able to slip the poison into the Prime Minister's drink while we were in the room and we had to stall for about ten minutes for it to take effect. The most we had to do was put on an intense make-out session and my dress came off. That was it. Once the guy hit the floor we were out of there to catch our scheduled extraction flight back to Japan. No one even knew he was dead until the late afternoon and by that time we were back to the compound getting set up with our next orders." She picked up the plate from her lap intending on leaning over far enough to put it on the table. Dorian just had to open his big mouth though.
“Isn't my wife a bad ass babe?” He laughed out at his joke but yelled out as the plate Arietta had smacked him right in the forehead all Frisbee style. He rubbed his head as the room erupted into more laughter.
"You had better sleep with one eye open big brother," Calliope smirked and got a glare from Dorian in return.
“Speaking of sleep. We'd better head home and catch up on our rest.” Casey stood up and stretched a bit before fishing out the keys to the van. April stood up and gave a small stretch of her own and a little yawn to go with it.
“We're both off of work so if you guys need anything just get a hold of us.” She paused a moment and held back a laugh before she pointed at the now passed out Lyra. The bubbly young woman was using her arms as pillows as she slept against the table. “Somebody has a head start.”
"Yeah, all that hyper happiness makes her crash out like she just came down from a sugar high." Dorian stood up and was about to scoop up his sister when he felt pressure on his shoulder. He looked to the source and was a little confused to see Donnie was the one who had stopped him.
“Let me take her. I've got to get a start on going through all the data she helped me collect anyway.” Dorian gave the turtle a small nod and watched as he carefully scooped up his youngest sister with such gentle care as if she was made of glass. He could not help but smile as Donatello headed toward the spare room that had been set up as a bedroom for the four of them. Master Splinter got up from his chair and cleared his throat to get the attention of those who remained in the room.
"I suggest you all get some rest. We will begin team training once Lyra and Calliope return from their errands." He gave a tilt of his head to bid them all a good night before he headed toward his room to retire. Arietta let out a soft groan and buried her face into her sketchbook for a moment.
“It won't be that bad.” Raphael poked her side and she pulled the sketchbook away just enough to give him a slight glare.
“Have you never really work as a team?” Mikey's voice held a little concern with the way Arietta was reacting to the prospect of teamwork. Arietta closed up her sketchbook and set it on the arm of the recliner before she patted Raph's arms to let her up. He did not argue with her and let her up watching her make her way towards the room. When she was out of sight the brothers looked to the two remaining Quintus siblings. Dorian gave a shake of his head as Calliope closed her book up for the final time.
"We do find strength in working as one unit, Arietta, however, believes it better for herself to work alone. Believe me when I say that patience will be the key with her. She'll learn to do it but it will just take a lot of time and more than likely a lot of arguing." Calliope got up and started to the room but she paused seeing Arietta walking back out wearing dark jeans, combat boots, and a black hoodie. Quietly Callie grabbed a hold of her sister's arm to stop her. They locked eyes but neither said anything to one another.
“Where do you think you're going?” Dorian spoke out killing the silence as she stood up and went over to the two. His tone had an almost fatherly quality to it.
“If you want me to even think about giving this whole team thing a shot you'll let me go get some me time first. I've got to get a clear head.” Arietta looked to Dorian but she showed no real anger or agitation at either one of her siblings. Calliope let go of the arm she had in her grip and she sighed gently. Leonardo had got up from the couch and approached the trio keeping his eyes locked on Arietta.
“You're not going out there by yourself. It's too dangerous.” He readied himself for an argument as the woman was about to open her mouth to speak. Another voice completely cut her off before she could take the breath to talk.
“I'll go with 'er.” They all turned to Raphael who had been the one to speak up and he only shrugged at them. Leo smirked and looked to Ari who at that second pulled her hood over head.
“I'll go too.” He gave Dorian a smirk as the guy looked up at him in surprise. “We'll make sure she doesn't get into any trouble.”
“Great. Just what I needed. Two babysitters,” Arietta spoke in a chuckled tone but her whole body instantly tensed as Callie pulled her into a fierce hug.
"You have got your tessen?" She smiled as her younger sister nodded and gave a pat on the back rather than return the hug. Callie let her go and gave both Raph and Leo a very stern no-nonsense look. "You all had better come back safe. Two hours tops or I swear Dorian and I will come find you."
"Yes, ma'am." Leonardo smiled and lead the way as Arietta followed behind them. Raphael took up position behind her and leaned closer to the ebony-haired assassin.
“Motherly much?”
“I heard that!” Calliope shouted out which made the three of them hurry out of there. Mikey let out a small laugh having enjoyed seeing his older brothers get a little spooked.
“Remind me never to make you angry, Callie.”
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taruruchi · 3 years
The Rarest Seashell, Arietta Marcurio
“This music box has the loveliest tune. My mother said that it belonged to a relative of ours from way back. Would you like to hear it?”
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full name: arietta marcurio
gender: female
species: mermaid
eye color: caribbean green
hair color: rich carmine
affiliation: royal sword academy
family: father, mother (deceased)
likes: sketching outfit designs, singing
dislikes: being restrained from doing what she wants, only being seen as perfect
unique magic: listen to this song - when arietta uses this spell, anyone who hears her will be drawn to her voice. no matter what she says, they will be compelled to follow her orders. this spell can be broken with enough concentration. if arietta uses this spell too often or on a large amount of people, blot will quickly accumulate.
personality: most people see arietta as a perfect princess: gentle, kind, pretty. she's not really trying to be that way; that's just how she is. she doesn't mind being seen like this, but it's sometimes all she's seen as. while she's nice to everyone, if you cross her and assume she won't get mad, she might act passive-aggressively. she doesn't have endless patience, she's just like everyone else. that aside, if you've grown close to arietta, she'll be the best person to turn to if you're ever looking for advice or comfort.
➵ Voicelines & Chats
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Royal Sword Academy
dorm: mercoralite (ariel dorm, it's made up)
grade: sophomore
birthday: march 9
age: 17
height: 162 cm
dominant hand: right
homeland: coral sea
hobbies: collecting antique, old, and unique objects
club: sewing club (i’m making this up, i don’t know what rsa’s clubs are)
best subject: music
pet peeves: stray threads on outfits
favorite food: chocolates
least favorite food: spicy foods
talent: making outfits, especially those with complicated designs
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Notable Relationships
Friends or Enemies? - Arietta Marcurio + Azul Ashengrotto
. When they were younger, Arietta would always offer him chocolates and other sweets. Azul thought this was her way of making fun of him. She was always confused whenever Azul ran away when all she was doing was trying to share. In the present, Arietta can guess why Azul doesn't like her. She tries to apologize and explain herself, but that's hard to do when Azul is always shutting her down.
Designer and Client - Arietta Marcurio + Vil Schoenheit
. When Vil runs out of outfit ideas, he contacts Arietta. She always seems to have endless ideas. They met in a store while shopping for clothes and Arietta suggested some to Vil. Since then, they have both exchanged many design ideas. Vil sometimes wears the outfits she made when he models, though Arietta always insists that she wants to remain anonymous.
Antiques Galore - Arietta Marcurio + Lilia Vanrogue
. Since they both collect antiques, they often share them to one another to see what new things they find. Arietta is fascinated by Lilia's knowledge on so many of these things. She likes to listen to him talk about them while Lilia appreciates her interest.
➵ List of all relationships
➵ OC relationship chart
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Fun Facts
Arietta is based on Ariel from the Little Mermaid.
Her name “Arietta” means melody. Arietta is also the name of a piano piece (That's how I came across the name).  “Mar” is Spanish for sea (please correct me if i’m wrong) and “curio” is a word for something rare, unusual, or intriguing.
Her official MBTI is INFJ.
She's good at singing. This is based on how Ariel had a good voice.
Her hobby of collecting antiques is based on how Ariel collected many human things she found.
She can play the piano. (Arietta VS Azul: The Showdown of the Pianists)
She’s the mom/older sister friend.
She has a seashell necklace that she wears most of the time. When she was a child, she liked to think that it was the Sea Witch's original necklace.
She got her princess-like demeanor from her mother. She adopted it as a way to keep her mother's memory alive, for both herself and her father.
She's allergic to dogs. It isn't severe, though; she just sneezes a lot.
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None ➵ For now
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– The first picture of Arietta was made with this Picrew: first picture –
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