#vandesdelca musto fende
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somacruising · 8 months ago
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For some reason, I was captivated by everyone's favorite Commandant yesterday. So instead of a story update, I've decided to post a random skit of his that made me feel very soft. btw for people who don't know Rays Lore, this skit is about Van talking to Mercuria, who is the 12-year-old princess of a nation that got obliterated into nothing by a weapon. Her mom died in front of her and all she has left is her older brother. Her goal is that she wants to revive everyone who died using a technology similar to replicas. For completely unknown reasons, Van seems to resonate with this and joins her. Who knows why. It is a mystery.
For Sleepless Nights
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Mercuria: *huff, huff* I’m no use to anyone if an arte like this tires me out so much. I have to train more… はぁ……はぁ……。これしきの術で息が切れるようでは役に立てぬ。もっと鍛錬を……。
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[ Van enters ]
Van: It’s going to take more than that to improve your accuracy. がむしゃらに続けても精度はあがら��ぞ。
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Mercuria: Van…!? Were you watching me? ヴァン……! 見ていたのか。
Van: No, I was simply passing by. I apologize for disturbing your practice. Please get to bed soon, Princess, it’s very late now. いや、今しがた通りがかっただけだ。邪魔をした。夜も遅い、皇女殿も早く眠りなさい。
Mercuria: Ah, wait a moment. How exactly does someone improve accuracy? あっ、待ってくれ。精度を上げるとは、どうすればよいのじゃ?
Van: Let’s see… You should start with breathing techniques and martial artes. Even a caster such as yourself needs a solid foundation. そうだな……まずは呼吸法と体術を学ぶといい。術者とはいえ、ある程度の基礎は必要だ。
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Mercuria: I see. I need to improve my physical strength. I was only focused on improving my mirristry skills. なるほど。体力も必要か。わらわは魔鏡術を磨くことばかりを考えておった。
Van: If you would like advice on that, you should seek out Legretta. It would benefit you to ask her. 教えを乞うのであればリグレットが適任だろう。頼んでみるといい。
Mercuria: I will. However, the fact that you picked out my shortcomings at just a glance… I think that you would be a wonderful teacher. 承知した。しかし、あれだけでわらわの至らぬ点を見抜くとはのう……。そなたは良き師となること間違いなしじゃ。
Van: Well now… you think so? Putting that aside, why are you training at such an hour? さて……どうだろうな。それよりも、何故このような時間に鍛錬をしている。
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Mercuria: I woke up because I had a bad dream… I dreamed that I lost my older brother. 夢見が悪くて目が覚めてしまった。……兄上様を失う夢じゃった。
Mercuria: My brother is with me now, no matter what form he’s in. But so much is changing, I have no idea what might happen to him. My heart hurts when I think about it… どんな形であれ、今、兄上様はそばにいる。しかしこれから先はどうなるかわからぬ。そう考えると胸が苦しくて……。
Van: So you were training to try and dispel your anxiety. あれは不安を打ち消すための鍛錬だったか。
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Mercuria: Anxiety… Yes, that’s it. I suppose that I’m anxious right now because I don’t know what will happen to my brother. 不安……、そうじゃな。わらわは不安なのであろう。兄上様の身に何が起こるかわからぬゆえ。
Mercuria: If only we could see the future, my dreams wouldn’t bother me so. 未来が見えればこのような夢に惑わされぬものを。
Van: No, it is precisely because we can’t see what fate has in store that we can have hope. It makes us want to do everything we can. いや、先が見えぬからこそ希望を持つことができる。手を尽くそうとも思えるのだ。
Van: Listen closely, Mercuria. Even if your training doesn’t improve your skill as much as you like, it is still a step forward to gaining the power to help your brother. 聞きなさい、メルクリア。たとえ今夜の鍛錬の成果が微々たるものだとしてもそれはいつか兄を助ける力となるだろう。
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Van: Perhaps you had that nightmare in order to encourage you to gain that power. その力を身につけるために悪夢を見たのだ、と思ってはどうだ。
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Mercuria: …I think you’re right. I’ll try to start thinking like that. But even so, I don’t know how I’m going to fall back asleep. ……そうじゃな。そのように考えるよう努力する。そうは言うても、簡単には寝つけぬだろうな。
Van: …My sister came to me often when she would have scary dreams and struggled to sleep. She would ask me to sing lullabies for her. ……妹も、よく怖い夢を見て眠れなくなると私のところへ来ていたな。その度に子守歌をせがまれたものだ。
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Mercuria: Really, you singing a lullaby? Um…could you sing one for me, too? なんと、ヴァンが子守歌を?あの……よければ聴かせてくれぬか?
Mercuria: No one has sung a lullaby to me since my mother passed away. I’d really like to hear one again… 母上様が亡くなられてからわらわに子守歌を歌ってくれる者など誰一人いなかった。また聴けるものなら……。
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Van: I… それは……。
Mercuria: I-I’m sorry… That was selfish of me. I didn’t mean to trouble you… す、すまぬ……。甘えであったな。困らせるつもりはなかったのじゃ……。
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Van: ………………。
Van: Now, Princess, I want you to promise me one thing first. Keep it a secret between us that I sang for you. では皇女殿、一つ約束して欲しい。私が歌を歌ったことは私と皇女殿、二人だけの秘密にすると。
Mercuria: O-Okay! I promise! I’m really grateful, Van! わ、わかった!約束する!感謝するぞ、ヴァン!
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daily-rayless · 1 year ago
Late but I'm gonna be MAXIMUM PREDICTABLE and ask about Van for the character meme.
Honestly, it's never late, not when it comes to talking about characters.
Van it is!
Favorite thing about him:
When I first played Abyss in 2008, I liked Van well enough as an antagonist but didn't pay him much attention. But as time's gone by and I've played more and more JRPGs, I've come to appreciate what a well-written villain he actually is, particularly in that he's so connected to so many of the party members. That adds a lot of emotional weight to the larger conflict about the Score, which, on its own, would feel pretty abstract and unrelatable. Having Van be Luke's and Asch's teacher, Guy's childhood friend, Anise's and Ion's colleague, Tear's brother, and a combined researcher/test subject in the field of science Jade developed and now hates, makes everything feel very personal. I feel like a lot of games don't try that hard when it comes to establishing emotional, personal stakes with the main villain, so I think that has to be my favorite thing about him. Runners up would be the piercing long-lashed blue eyes, just as a pretty design choice and to serve as an immediate visual link with Tear. And also the name -- there's a real art to creating made-up fantasy names, and sometimes they work, and sometimes they don't, but the cadence of Vandesdelca Musto Fende sounds very believable to me. I think it's...trochaic tetrameter? Is that right? You could slip it anywhere into "The Song of Hiawatha" and no one would notice.
Least favorite thing about him?
This is going to sound silly, seeing as we are talking about a villain, but calling Luke a "foolish replica" is so... come on, Van. It's so mean and small-spirited. Van is a person who's able to respect his enemies (like the elderly engineers) and those who dissent from him (Asch and Ion). He reserves his scorn for people he deems weak, like Spinoza. So I guess it makes sense that he scorns Luke, because Luke is pretty weak at that point. But who helped make him that way? I see you, Van, at the start of the game, just smiling and nodding at the things Luke says. Van didn't try to make Luke strong because it wouldn't serve him for Luke to be strong, and then he denigrates Luke for it. (Granted, more people than just Van, including Guy and Natalia, were also feeding into Luke's immaturity.) Van creating Luke just to kill him? Real bad. Van creating Luke just to kill him and then calling him a really mean name? Real bad and petty, and, given Van's behavior throughout the game, I expect more from him. Though I do see how it serves the narrative, as it's such a contrast to the end of the game, where Van would be glad to have Luke assist him.
Favorite line?
I will always come back to the optional Natalia fight and Van telling her "I will bury you as an offering to Asch." I feel like there's a lot to unpack in that line -- it's the first, only time we see Van display such strong emotion towards Natalia, someone he's presumably known for years. He clearly says it to hurt her. It's arguable how he means it on the Asch side -- would he make her "an offering" to spit on Asch's legacy, or would he do it as some twisted form of respect? But there's another (similar) line on the main story I really like too, right towards the end of the game where Van's body has been restored and the final fonstone has been read. Then Van turn to the party: "Step across the sea of corpses and make your way to me...Asch...and Luke." First off, we have Van acknowledging Luke as a viable player in what's about to happen. Secondly, I think it's interesting that Van sets himself up in a passive role -- he's the endpoint of the quest, he's the reward waiting around for someone else to get to him. You could say he's set himself up as a final test, as a teacher would. Thirdly, he's acknowledging it's going to be a bloodbath and he's fine with that, it just makes it a good villain moment. And fourthly, the drama of "sea of corpses". You can see why Dist likes Van, he has a good dramatic flair, not overblown, but there enough to keep things fun.
Probably canonically, the closest thing he has is Guy. But I feel like, given how their lives have diverged and how little time they spend together (along with the six-year age-grap, and Van probably being absent for most of Guy's most important developmental years), Van and Guy feel more like relatives than friends. Relatives in that they care about each other, they're always going to be in each others' lives. But they don't keep up too much on each others' day to day lives and interests. (Otherwise, how could Van have hidden his plans so perfectly from Guy?) And I think Asch wants that kind of closeness with Van, and possibly for a time deludes himself into thinking they have it, but I think there's too much deception and manipulation coming from Van's side to allow me to think of them as bros. I could imagine a younger Van, before he became commandant, becoming friends with another Oracle knight, maybe another man, maybe not. And this friend is on the outside of Van's plans, so Van doesn't have to exert any manipulation, and they get to be normal together, not literally planning the total upheaval of the world. I could imagine an arc where Van got close to this person, only to reach a point where he asked himself, "But what does it matter? [Friend] will have to die -- I need to get some distance." Or maybe, "If [Friend] knew the truth of what I'm doing, this would end anyway." Or maybe the youthful Van tried to recruit this person, his first God-General, and was rejected? Just adding to his bitterness. But yeah -- among the canon characters, I'm not sure Van's in a position where he can have that close, equal friendship. He cannot achieve bro-ness.
I don't have a Van OTP. I think I've always felt he's way too focused on other things for love. I think my assumption would be that during the game, he's not romantically involved, and if he's sexually involved with someone, it's either very casual or strictly business. But if I were to pick a shipmate... I mean, Largo does make a lot of sense. Van seems to trust Largo, which implies respect, and Largo makes his own respect and admiration very clear -- I think, in fact, Largo is surprisingly dependent on Van for his sense of identity (being Largo rather than Badaq) and for any feeling of having meaning in his life after the destruction of his family. I suppose Van and Guy could also be an interesting angle of approach due to their shared history, and the way Guy parallels Van in his own relationship with Luke. And then Van and Jade also operate as foils. As for the women in the cast, none of them immediately suggests herself. I think he and Cantabile have some animosity in their past. Maybe there was something there?
Ah, you noticed a glaring omission in my last answer? Yeah. For some reason, VanLegretta has always put me off. I don't have any moral opposition to it, and I don't really have a reason rooted in the story or characters for why it bothers me. I don't question anyone else for liking it, I'll happily read fic that includes it, and I don't even dislike it that much. But, for as long as I've been playing Abyss, the pairing mildly but consistently irks me. It may be that having the main female antagonist be romantically involved with the main male antagonist is an overused trope in JRPGS -- I can think of Antenora in Wild Arms 2, Violetta in Grandia 3, (possibly) Sarah in Suikoden 3 just off the top of my head -- so does it just feel too tropey to me? But most of my favorite ships are extremely tropey, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I don't know. It doesn't work for me, though Legretta being in love with him against her will is at least an interesting element.
Random headcanon:
I don't think I have any? I like to imagine him being the one to give Tear their mother's pendant. As morally dark as Van is, I like that he's still very capable of that kind of sweetness and gentleness. It makes him feel more real.
Unpopular opinion:
I know there are lots of polarizing things to say about Van, but I'm going to be really pointless and say that something that's always bothered me are his brown fingerless gloves. I just think they look kind of bad with his gray sleeves, and they're distracting. They don't look polished and professional enough for the commandant of an army. (Oh, and the shoulder spikes do?) I would've picked something else. He looks better as an eldritch mutated half-Lorelei horror. He might have feathers coming out of his arm, but at least he doesn't have the gloves.
Song I associate with him:
Oh, this is cheating by picking someone else's, but I've always liked how this one fan took Within Temptation's "Hand of Sorrow" and connected it to Luke, Asch, and Van all together. Again, it underlines how closely tied into the heroes' backstories and the game's central themes Van himself is.
Favorite picture of him:
I like his hair-down surfer look in Rays, but for my favorite, I'll say this panel from the Asch manga. (Apologies for the curvature of the page.)
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This is a scene where the manga improves on the game. It's much more intense and visceral (hello bonus violent silhouettes with Van being extra spiky), and the personal aspect of Asch's and Van's conflict is front and center. This isn't just an argument about philosophy or ethics, it's an argument between a master and a student who have worked closely together for years. I really like how Van seems not only immovable in that panel, but he's also -- still. No matter what Asch tries to do, no matter how quick and violent he can be, Van's standing at the eye of his storm -- Van is the eye of his storm, quiet, unchanging in his purpose.
Thanks for the ask, I enjoyed this one a lot!
Meme taken from here.
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miasmaburnt · 2 years ago
@zelotae continued from [ x ]
The nature of Luke's enjoyment of swordsmanship isn't lost on him. Luke has had more than enough time to brood over how the one thing that he'd enjoyed the most in the manor had been just another piece of manipulation. It's something that he will never be able to fully separate from Vandesdelca Musto Fende—his teacher.
But Luke didn't practice just because it was fun. His combat abilities were something that he could use to keep his friends safe. He wasn't going to throw them away just because it hurt.
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"Yeah? Go ahead!" Luke was going to gratefully grasp onto the energy Zelos was giving him and banish further thoughts of his teacher from his mind. His hand drifted back toward his sword handle before he shrugged his shoulder. "Maybe I'll show you what I've learned after you're done."
"You'll have to really impress me, though. I don't show off my skills lightly."
...Except, Luke would if someone flattered him enough. But he wants to give Zelos an opportunity to show off and get flashy. He liked doing that, Luke thought.
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thelightwithinourdreams · 7 years ago
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"It doesn't matter if you accept me or not. Here I am. Alive!"
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dailymysticarte · 7 years ago
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Van’s Imperial Slaughter
Such lamentation! I’ll destroy you! Imperial Slaughter!
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jeredu · 7 years ago
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Jade leans forward to whisper, "This is my mess. Our mess, and it falls to us to clean it up, rather than leave it to these children."
Van begins a low, ugly laugh, before leaning in and mirroring Jade to hiss,   "Then I'll be sure not to leave any trash lingering behind!"
And for emphasis, on the word 'trash,' he TWISTS the blade, wrenching it as he staggers backward.  Van doesn't go over the edge, though.  Instead, he falls heavily onto his back, dislodging the spear.
Jade stumbles back and sinks to his knees. He won’t be walking away from this. Jade does manage to say "Did you... think I was joking when I said 'over my dead body'?"   Not that he'd planned this. More like "if that was what it would take to end this"   But he’s too close to the edge, and before anyone can stop him, he falls.
AU in which Jade kills Van at the Absorption Gate, is mortally wounded, and falls into the core himself.   The story doesn’t end there.
Welcome to the [ Eleventh Hour ] AU. 
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kideraxpride · 8 years ago
Had to get Pasca to unseal Lorelei with her ‘Unchained Note’.
All in all, easy. I did the final floors completely off element because lmao, why not.
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curriebelle · 8 years ago
also Critical Role is officially a Tales of Link good luck charm cuz I FINALLY BEAT VANDESDORKY MUSTARD FENDER YAYYYYYYYYYY
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origin-seal · 6 years ago
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Tales of the abyss starter call;; 
If no muse is specified I will use a wheel
Muses are: Marybelle Ladan Gardios, Natalia Luzu Kimlasca-Lanvaldear, Jade Curtiss, Fon Master Ion, and maybe Vandesdelca Musto Fende
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somacruising · 7 months ago
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Van's last skit! I'm not entirely sure of the context behind why Van and Alexei are meeting. It's probably because they're both cool Commandants in their respective games.
Anyway, here is Van's side of the two skits they got with their dual mirrage arte.
Charismatic Leader
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Alexei: That’s all I have for today. If you learn anything new, please contact us via the mirrage communicator. 今回の情報提供は以上だ。また何か情報を掴んだ際には魔鏡通信などで連絡しよう。
Van: Thank you for the information, Commandant. I didn’t expect you to deliver it personally. 感謝します、団長殿。まさか、直々に出向いて下さるとは思いませんでした。
Alexei: I had to attend to some personal business. It just happened to be nearby. 野暮用があったのでな。偶然立ち寄ったに過ぎん。
Alexei: Since our exchange has concluded without incident, could you please tell your subordinates to relax? 無事交渉は終わったのだから部下たちに警戒を解くように指示してもらえないか?
Van: As expected, you noticed them. やはり、気付かれていましたか。
Alexei: Masking their presence so skillfully is to be expected of a Commandant’s subordinates, but it won’t work on me. 上手く気配を消しているのはさすが謡将の部下といったところだが残念ながら私には通用せん。
Van: I apologize for the discourtesy. You all may come out now. これは失礼しました。お前たち、もう出てきてよいぞ。
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[ Legretta and Arietta emerge ]
Legretta: I’m sorry for the trouble, Alexei. 申し訳ありません、アレクセイ殿。
Legretta: However, I would like to correct your misconception. We made the decision to observe ourselves, we were not under Commandant Van’s orders. ですが、一つ訂正を。この場で待機していたのは、閣下の命令ではなく私たち自らの判断です。
Arietta: If anything happened to the Commandant, everyone would be in trouble. 総長に何かあったら、アリエッタたちも困る、です。
Alexei: I see, those are some admirable subordinates you have there. If only mine could learn from them. なるほど、随分と殊勝な部下をお持ちのようだ。私も見習いたいものだよ。
Van: Your compliment honors me. Still, I would like to apologize if their presence caused you any discomfort. お褒めに預かり光栄です。ですが、彼女たちの同行を不快に思わせてしまったらお詫びを申し上げましょう。
Alexei: Well now, it seems you’re quite popular. Unlike mine, your subordinates care about you a great deal. I envy you. なに、改めて謡将の人望を思い知らされた。私と違って、部下たちから慕われているようで羨ましい限りだ。
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Van: That’s quite an insecure statement for someone who had led an entire country’s military, isn’t it? 一国の軍を率いていた人物としては少々弱気な発言と取れますが?
Alexei: That was in my previous life. Now I’m just a small man leading a small army. それもここに来るまでの話だ。今は小規模な軍隊を率いている矮小な人間だ。
Alexei: That’s why I have high hopes for a man such as yourself. And why I hope that you will come to me in due time. だからこそ、貴殿のような男には期待しているのだ。いずれ私のところへやって来てくれることを楽しみにさせてもらおう。
[ Alexei leaves ]
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Arietta: Commandant, my friends are chasing that man, now. 総長。さっきの人、アリエッタのお友達に追いかけてもらってる。
Van: There’s no need for that. That man isn’t a threat to us. いや、その必要はない。こちらに害のある人物ではないからな。
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Legretta: Still, that man believes he can entice you into his service. Didn’t those mirrists say he’s a man we should be wary of? しかし、あの者は閣下を仲間に引き入れようとしています。鏡士たちの話では警戒すべき要注意人物だということですが?
Van: They’re not wrong. However, he is still a useful man. It would behoove us to build a friendly relationship with him…for now. 確かにな。だが、それなりに利用価値はある。今は友好な関係を築いておくのが得策だろう。
Legretta: Understood. But, I would still appreciate it if you allowed us to accompany you the next time you decide to meet with that man. 承知しました。ですが、あの者との交渉の場には出来れば今回のように我々の同行を許可して頂けると助かります。
Legretta: I would never be able to look Tear in the eyes if anything happened to you. 閣下に何かあっては、私もティアに顔向けが出来ません。
Van: Very well. But, understand that if he becomes our enemy, we won’t get off lightly. よかろう。だが、もしあの御仁を敵に回すことになればこちらも只では済まないだろうな。
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Legretta: Does he have some sort of power? あの者にどのような力が?
Van: He’s very skilled, but above that, he has a powerful ability to manipulate people. 腕も確かだが、何よりあの御仁は人を掌握する力に長けている。
Van: The fact that he was able to captivate so many people in the short time before he was turned into a Living Doll is proof of that. リビングドール化されるまでのわずかな時間で多くの帝国兵を心酔させたのが、その証拠だ。
Legretta: I’m surprised to hear you speak so highly of him… In that case, we will remain vigilant. 閣下がそれほどまでに評価するとは……。では、私たちも引き続き警戒しておきます。
Van: I entrust you with that. Still, to think he would try to make me one of his pawns. 任せたぞ。それにしても、この私さえ手駒に収めようとするとはな。
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Van: Unfortunately, I’m no obedient pawn. He will learn that I am willing to abandon my humanity if need be. だが、生憎私は従順な駒ではない。時には背信棄義も厭わない人間だという事を知っておいてもらわねばな。
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dokhyeoks · 7 years ago
my fave thing abt the tales series is the ridiculously long names some characters have. for example; mazhigigika miludin do din nolurun dou/magillanica lou mayvin (for non tales fans, that's the names of the same character, yes), natalia luzu kimlasca-lanvaldear, gailardia galan gardios, mystearica aura fende, vandesdelca musto fende, estellise sidos heurassein to name a few
in comparison there's the really basic names like lloyd irving, velvet crowe, yuri lowell, etc
in tales of, characters either have a super long complicated name with a shorter alias they go by, or a really basic short name that takes minimal effort
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aratanaruu · 7 years ago
Flaws in Tales of the Abyss
Okay, I love this game, and there aren’t many real flaws, but the flaws that are there are downright terrible. I mean, I’d still recommend playing Abyss because it’s an incredible game and has an emotionally devastating journey, but those flaws...
Warning: There’s a lot of salt (and probably swearing) below the cut. I just really hate the main antagonist, okay.
Okay, let’s start off with something... smaller. This is probably nit-picking on my part, but it’s something that makes me go “ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” and it’s how the characters are always comparing their suffering to others which is just... no. When the party embarks on the Tartarus to go down into the planet’s core, Jade said it would take 5 days, and of course the game wouldn’t show all 5 days, but I wish that they showed the characters grieving for Sheridan.
Alright, that’s completely nit-picking. What I’m referring to is how Luke reacts after the slaughter of Sheridan. His reaction is completely justified and human. He blames himself for their deaths, he feels terrible about leaving them behind, he wants to grieve! Then, he lashes out at Tear for pointing out they have a mission and... I mean, c’mon, five days. What else are you going to do on the Tartarus? Jade has it handled. They had time to grieve.
Tear chides Luke for being a fucking human, then walks away and Guy points out that she had tears in her eyes, and he asks Luke about “who really wants to grieve right now”. ???????? Okay, her brother killed those people at Sheridan. So fucking what? Her brother killed those people? You know, that same brother you tried to kill because you knew that he’d kill hundreds of people? That same brother that killed 10 000 people at Akzeriuth? The same brother that was prepared to sacrifice you, Tear?
Who really wants to grieve??? We see this again after the party kills Sync in Eldrant. Natalia points out that she can’t let Asch’s death stop her from her goal and I was cheering for her... then she said that she has no right to grieve, when Guy and Anise have already lost somebody dear, and Tear has to fight her brother. I stopped cheering then.
Abyss, ironically, kind of had a difficult time writing human emotions. I don’t agree with how a lot of the characters kept saying, “I can’t grieve because X has it worse” or “I can’t grieve because I have a mission”. That’s why I liked it when Natalia needed some time to collect her thoughts before heading back to Baticul after her father tried to kill her. The party respected that, and I loved it because of how human Natalia was. 
It follows that ever-so-popular saying of, “If you can’t grieve because other people have it worse, then you can’t be happy because other people have it better”. 
If you love Tear and/or her character, please, you may want to skip this part. I understand that my... distaste may be unjustified, but I need to get it off my back. So, Tear Grants. What I perhaps dislike about her character is how... inconsistent it could be.
She went to the Outer Lands, prepared to kill her brother, Van, knowing that he’s going to do something terrible. When the party meets up with Van in Kaitzur, she is prepared to fight him. She doesn’t trust him. Then Akzeriuth happens. She stays back in Yulia City, believing that she failed her duty.
Before Akzeriuth, Tear was a soldier, doing her best to stop Van from murdering thousands. Then, after he actually fucking kills thousands, her mindset suddenly changes to a, “Oh! Wait! Van was nice to me when I was a kid! Who cares that he’s already killed thousands, maybe I can get to him!”
I’m fine with that, what I’m not fine with is how Tear flip-flops between, “He can’t be changed! It’s my duty as his sister to kill him!” and “Perhaps we can change him, Luke.”
This is probably my hate for Van speaking, but ah well. I’m also not a fan of how the characters are constantly pointing out (including Tear herself) that Van is Tear’s brother. We get it, we get it, you want to stop your brother, he’s your brother, is that all he is to you? Is he not some genocidal, selfish maniac who can’t let go of the past? How could Tear so casually forget what Van did to Luke? To Asch? ..Yeah, this is really my hate for Van speaking.
Van Grants. Also known as Vandesdelca Musto Fende.
First of all, why.
Second of all, why the FUCK does the party (and by the party I mean Tear and Luke) grant Van so much slack? Why do those two show Van so much fucking mercy when he deserves none of it???????????
Let’s backtrack a little. Van, as an antagonist, works fine. He has understandable motives that work, sure, sure, he’s manipulative and intelligent, he outsmarts the party often, always a threat with his God-Generals, sure. And I’m always a sucker for those antagonists with those personal relations to the protagonists.
But the way Luke and Tear treat Van makes me want to yell in disgust.
“You still call him Master, even after he betrayed you?”
What Asch says to Luke, and I 100% agree with him. Why, oh why does Luke keep calling Van “Master”? I knew it would be for the big moment where Luke is no longer the naive pupil Van once taught, and I was SO happy when he finally called Van “Van”, without his title, because I was shouting, “YES! Finally, you stopped calling him a title he doesn’t deserve!”
Then there’s the 1-month timeskip, and it’s kind of like the Absorption Gate events never happened, Luke calls Van “Master Van” again and...
..Why? Whyyyyy. Luke, whyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
Time and time and time and time again, Van always shows to Luke that he cares not for him as a person. He calls Luke a replica, someone inferior, something to be thrown away because he’s not the Sacred Flame, Asch. He treats Luke as a tool and Luke has the absolute gall to call him “Master”?
Luke insists that he cares for Asch, that he wants to help him, but if I were Asch, I wouldn’t react just as Asch did. With complete anger. Hell, if I were Asch, I would have kicked Luke’s ass from one end of Auldrant to the other. How dare Luke say that he cares for Asch, when he still calls the man that destroyed Asch’s life “Master”?
Luke keeps on saying that he’ll try to make Van change, which I’m fine with, since it’s one of the themes in the game (my favourite, in fact). People can change, yadayadayada. But whenever he meets Van in battle, he never tries. They monologue, and they fight. 
Then, on the final battle on Eldrant, I wanted Luke to punch Van’s fucking face in. I LOVE the Meaning of Birth scene and I was so fucking proud of Luke for being who he was. That scene was so symbolic because Luke didn’t need to prove to anyone why he existed, he does, he’s his own person and Asch has to deal with it. I love love love love love that scene.
Then we have the pre-battle dialogue against Van, where Luke wanted Van to acknowledge him as a human and I just... Sure, Van may have seen Luke as a human, but did he treat him like one (Hint hint: the answer is no). And why does Luke need Van’s opinion on anything? Why does he need to prove to Van anything? Then he says, I don’t need you anymore, which is nice and all, and I thought “MAYBE Luke has finally moved on?”. Then we have the final scene.
“After all that’s happened, you still call me Master.”
I agree with Van on one thing, it seems. One of the themes in Abyss is being able to accept the past and move on with it and Luke did that with everything about his past except for his experiences with Van and it’s... WHY?!
Van was raising Luke as nothing more than a tool. There was no love behind his actions when he was Luke’s mentor. I don’t understand why Van is still so important to Luke, why Luke can’t accept that Van’s a shitty person instead of the man he once looked up to? (Hell, I’m quite unhappy with how Asch said to Luke who’s the real pupil -- or something along those lines. Asch, Van ruined your life, and you’ll still think of yourself as a pupil?)
I wasn’t happy when Luke thanked Van, but I was too caught up in the emotions of the game that I ignored it. Now that I’m looking back on it, Luke thanking Van outright disgusts me. You call him Master... and you thank him? You thank him? For what? Tear, at least, had an excuse. Luke, you didn’t.
Thanking Van? For what? For teaching you how to swing around a fucking sword? Thanking Van for taking Asch’s life away from him? For conducting painful experiments on an 11-year old boy? For turning Asch into a cold-blooded, distrusting, broken man? For throwing the original Ions into a fucking volcano to die? (I don’t care if it was never stated that Van did it. He and Mohs were the ones behind the operation. He didn’t care enough about the replicas and disposed of them like garbage). For teaching Sync that he was worthless? For killing 10 000 people? For planning to kill thousands more? For breeding replicas to be used as death fodder? For treating you, Luke, as tool?
Don’t say that he didn’t kill them. If somebody was holding a gun to you, ready to shoot you and they got stopped, it doesn’t matter that they didn’t shoot, they were still planning to, the intent was still there. It didn’t matter that Van didn’t actually kill the entire population of Eldrant, he was fucking going to, and that’s why the party wanted to stop him.
I think the game tried to hard to make the players sympathize with Van and think he was just “misunderstood” or he “had good intentions”. No, no, no, he didn’t.
Gaius from Xillia. He was going to eliminate spyrite, or spyrix, whatever it was, which would indirectly kill the population of Elympios, right? Sure, call Gaius a murderer, but it was a necessary evil. Elympios made itself an enemy of Rieze Maxia, the people there had no respect for those on Rieze Maxia. He had to kill them to save Rieze Maxia. There were no other choices. Jude and Milla’s path, where they would research spyrite, was unstable, and it’s pointed out in-game that it was and it may not even work. Gaius wasn’t willing to take that risk.
Van? Van’s a selfish little fucking prick who can’t let go of the past. He wanted to “save” humanity from the Score by killing all of them and creating a replica world, when the party already had a way to make humanity live without the Score without becoming mass murderers. Van wasn’t willing to change. Another thing I disliked about the pre-final battle. Tear asking Van to change. I expected the characters to go into the final battle expecting to kill, their convictions unwavering, but Tear had other ideas, it seemed. Tear, Van, unlike Luke, had the intention to slaughter Akzeriuth and Sheridan. He did it with no remorse, unlike Luke, and you still treat him with respect?
I’m sorry, but I can’t accept how the devs tried to make Van look good. He doesn’t deserve anything. Guy’s reaction was the most logical. Van, once a friend, a mentor figure, hell, it was like Van and Luke’s relationship, but without the toxicity. And Guy, he knows that Van isn’t willing to change, he knows what he has to do, he knows that Van deserves none of his respect as he points out so many times. Jade loathes Van more than anything in the world, including himself, he’d spend an hour locked in a room with Dist over treating Van like anything other than dirt.
But Luke? The guy hurt most by Van? Naaah. He’s still kissing Van’s ass, right to the very end of the game. For all the character development Luke had, this was quite the disappointment. I want to scream some more (like Akzeriuth and how the party doesn’t blAME VAN HOLY FUCKING SHIT) but this post is long enough.
TL;DR I really love Abyss and if this game was a person I’d marry them in a heartbeat, but holy shit I loathe Van. I think he may be my most hated video game character of all time, simply because of how the party (Luke, Tear, LUKE ESPECIALLY) treats him. I wish Van’s death was more painful, it’s one he deserved.
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deveroux · 8 years ago
Plugging away through Berseria and all I can say is, I thought we banned Vandesdelca Musto Fende from giving villain advice, dammit.
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genkidesurun · 8 years ago
I’m bored and have no story (or curhatan) to share... so it’s time to duel answer some questionnaire! Actually, the original post [here] got more than ninety questions, but I’ll just pick the ones I’m interested in and alter some of them a bit. 
1. If you had to be gay for a day, what celebrity would you most like to take on a date? 
It’s arduous to project the kind of girl that’ll draw my attention. But since I have the hots for nerdy guys (with fast-paced speech, silly gesticulations, and, of course, glasses!) like John and Hank Green, I’ll probably go for girls with such similitudes. Hmmm... Emily Graslie, perhaps? 
6. What are the top five most contrasting songs on your playlist? 
When you have both metals and nasyeeds in your playlist... It’s like what Wali called ‘tomat’ (red--tobat maksiat). All those fucking and shitting and hell, to praising The Lord and acknowledging your penitence and baper-ing; repeating over and over and over and over... 
8. If you could make just ONE change to this world, what would it be and why? 
Erase the notion of witches (wow, I’m feeling like Madoka; ups, spoiler alert). Can I wish for immortality? 
9. If you could wake up tomorrow and be fluent in three additional languages, which would you choose? 
Quenya, Parseltongue, aaaaannddd SIMLISH, YEAH! Have you listened to Katy Perry’s Last Friday Night sung in gibberish--I mean--Simlish? You really should! 
11. What are the top five movies to make you cry? 
Hello Ghost 
The Green Mile 
Hachi: A Dog’s Tale 
You’re the Apple of My Eye 
Miracles in Cell No. 7 
Yes, I’m such a crybaby. Hello Ghost and The Green Mile made me ugly the most. 
12. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Describe it in detail. 
Uh... overslept and missed exams. Good thing they were just dreams! 
13. Would you rather raise 25 children or have the chance of ever having children taken away? Why? 
17. If you had to lose one of the five senses, which would you choose and why? 
Rather than senses, it’s probably better to discard emotions. 
21. If your life was about to become like Cheaper by the Dozen and you were going to be saddled with twelve children, what would you name six girls and six boys? 
Let’s say those children were orphans taken care by me. I’d happily give them the names of fictional characters! Before I familiarize you with my kids, let me introduce myself first: Karlisha “Kirun” Runa Niephaus, the caretaker and the custodian, along with Raine Virginia Sage and Damuron ‘Raven’ Schwann Oltorain. 
(Boy) Vandesdelca ‘Van’ Musto Fende The big brother of Tear. As the result of his upbringing as an orphan at early age, as well as being the oldest in the orphanage, he became precocious, looking after his sister in their parents’ absence and willing to help the caretakers attending the other children while also struggling on his study. He was an amiable fellow and well-respected throughout the orphanage. Currently in the last year of senior-high and busy preparing himself for a law school. 
(Girl) Mystearica ‘Tear’ Aura Fende  Van’s baby sister who adored him dearly. She had grown into somewhat a wallflower; a shrinking violet. Although shy around people, Tear was a girl with a strong moral compass, never quivered to defend her friends from bullies. Like her brother, she had a beautiful, melodious voice that had brought her to become a choir member in both the town’s church, alongside Van, and her school. Currently a seventh-grader. 
(Boy) Ffamran ‘Balthier’ mied Bunansa Both dashing and quick-witted, Balthier was the conspicious of all. His charm and eloquence could easily impress anyone he met, thus making him the most popular kid around. Albeit a bit self-centered at times, Balthier could show his altruitic side, especially when it came to his bestfriend’s affairs, Ramza. Currently a ninth-grader and a valuable player of his school’s basketball team. 
(Boy) Ramza Lugria Beoulve A boy who survived from a wildfire that burned an entire village, including his parents, his beloved sister Alma, and his bestfriend Delita Heiral. His meek and tender disposition clicked perfectly with Balthier’s smug and jaunty manner, therefore creating a bridge of trust between them. Ramza had an eye for world history, spending most of his time in the library to read books and write essays. Currently a ninth-grader and established a close relationship with the history teacher Goffard Gaffgarion. 
(Boy) Edgar Roni Figaro Sabin’s older twin brother who was an electronics hobbyist and a gamer. He was the technician around the house, repairing the appliances and, sometimes, modifying them. Knowing very well that he had insufficient funds to begin with, he befriended Cid Del Norte Marquez and worked at the latter’s workshop as a part-timer. Though a geek at heart, Edgar didn’t constrain himself as a mere geek; he was surprisingly flirtatious, but to no avail. Currently an eleventh-grader. 
(Boy) Sabin Rene Figaro   Edgar’s younger twin brother. Unlike his prudent and erudite twin, Sabin was quick-tempered and straightforward, and excelled at physical activities, particularly martial arts. Under the tutelage of his karate master Cyan Garamonde, Sabin achieved black-belt in a no-time and had won many tournaments. Of all their differences, he and his brother shared the same unflappable determination and ambitions. Currently an eleventh-grader.
(Girl) Estellise “Estelle” Sidos Heurassein Cute, courteous, and bright; Estelle clearly caught everyone’s attention, but still being humble as she looked up to Philia. She was one of those bibliophiles who could even recite various passages from heart. After the incident involving her two bestfriends, Yuri Lowell and Flynn Scifo, Estelle promised herself to become a splendid doctor, thus leading her to be studious, hoping to obtain a scholarship. Currently a tenth-grader, a model student, and a member of the science club. 
(Girl) Margarita “Rita” Blastia Mordio A curious prodigy with an IQ of 160; however, lacked of social competence. She liked to correct people whose perceptivity was wrong, which inadvertently annoyed them unbeknownst to her. Rita was close to Raine’s little brother Genis due to their similar level of intelligence and close age, and to Estelle who always welcomed her presence. Currently a fifth-grader. 
(Boy) Genis Kloitz Sage The genius younger brother of caretaker Raine whose brain power could disparage the grown-ups’. Even as a child, he could solve his sister’s undergraduate math problems and sometimes engaged in Edgar’s projects. Due to his superior intellect, he demonstrated repellent disposition and was cynical towards others, but would greatly respect everyone with the same intelligence as him. Currently a sixth-grader and had a crush on his P.E. teacher Presea Combatir. 
(Girl) Rutee Atwight Katrea An upbeat, tomboyish lass with misunderstandable attitude. Having a firm moral sense yet being irascible at the same time, Rutee could easily pick a fight with anyone she deemed erroneous. Despite this shrewish demeanor, she was in fact solicitous and attentive towards her close relations. Due to the hapless circumstances, Rutee became eager to earn money, working as anything as her employer wanted her to be. Currently an eighth-grader. 
(Girl) Philia Clemente Felice Like your everyday bespectacled girl, Philia was smart, genteel, and naive; pretty much a foil to Rutee. A devout Christian, she highly regarded her belief and attended the church every week. Through her science teacher Batista Diego, nature and chemical experiments had greatly interested her as she aimed to be a chemist in the future. Currently an eleventh-grader, a model student, and the chairwoman of the science club.
(Girl) Rydia Asura Mist The youngest and newest in the orphanage, being five years in age. She was rescued by the sailors Cecil Harvey and Kain Highwind from ship drowning, a disaster that killed her mother and developed her fear of waterbody. She loved animals dearly as she often visited the town’s farm and pet house with the company of one of the caretakers. 
25. What’s the most frightening thing you’ve ever seen in your life? 
26. Name five books you think everyone should read and give a brief synopsis for each. 
Too lazy for the synopsis. Just check them out on GoodReads: 
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (by Agatha Christie)  Lemme proudly present one of Christie’s masterpieces. I personally found this more exquisite than And Then There Were None. 
A Short History of Nearly Everything (by Bill Bryson)  I know Sagan’s Cosmos and Hawking’s The Brief History of Time are popular as hell, but hell... they were published in the 80′s (but still gold though, you really should check them out). We need newer ones and Bryson’s is certainly the best--for me, at least, at this time--in elaborating big history and the development of science. 
Why Evolution Is True (by Jerry A. Coyne)  A nifty allusion for Darwin’s The Origin of Species. No. Don’t protest. Dawkins probably produces more of this kind of books than Coyne does and, of course, is far more popular than any evolutionary biologists alive. Dawkins is a brilliant writer and all, but Coyne has the apt for making the theory easier to comprehend. 
Little Women (by Louisa M. Alcott)  Still the best bildungsroman. Ever. 
Speaker for the Dead (by Orson S. Card)  Sci-fi, philosopy, anthropology, politics, religion; all in one. Yes. I’m such a weirdo to enjoy the second book far more than the first one. 
27. Do you believe one can fall out of love? 
It’s a fact. Why bother asking anyway. 
28. What are your three favourite sounding words? 
Peculiar  Don’t you think the word ‘peculiar’ has such a peculiar pronunciation? 
Halcyon  Archaic one, yes. So old-fashioned that Kirun--who fancies classics--is indulged by its subliminal beauty. Moreover, it was used as the title of a Bleach’s chapter: ‘Goodbye, Halcyon Days’. Aren’t ya romantic, Orihime? 
Preposterous I like to shout out this word--in my solitude, of course--whenever expressing my disbelief. 
31. List the seven deadly sins in order of the one you feel you commit the most to the one you feel you commit the least. 
Pride, greed, wrath, envy, gluttony, sloth, then lust. 
32. What’s your current desktop picture? 
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46. What’s your favourite ever television commercial? 
49. What’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to you? 
“Kirun kan pacarnya aku.” -- by some girl 
51. Name five facts that the vast majority of people won’t know about you. 
I’m a girl (see? I knew you’d be surprised). 
Clearly not a fujoshi. What? You guys don’t believe me? Fine then. 
Though having [too] many guy friends, all of my bestfriends are girls; which are, of course, very few in numbers. 
Yes, I’m very aware that I love Gaara so dearly, but I’m still normal too, you know, since I had crushes in real life. And they were boys. I know, I know, I’m so gay, right? Wait, what am I exacly; male of female? 
Contrary to popular belief, I’m actually a piiiipp who wishes to openly express my opinions and matters without worrying any prejudice nor distressing the ones I love. 
54. Share five goals you want to complete in the next 30 days.
Sing Asterisk (of Orange Range’s) fluently. This one’s freaking hard. 
Read more than ten books. 
Write at least a short story. My imagination has been dormant these days. Inspirations, I summon thee! 
Survive without snacks and confectionaries. Kirun, you can do this! 
Yes. For one more time. Survive. 
58. State eight facts about your body.
I have all the necessities of human being. 
Oh, except my appendix had been removed. 
Thank goodness the tail remains vestigial. 
I’m getting fatter (don’t kill me, people). 
A bit taller than average. 
Pale as Suzanna-on-action. 
My nails aren’t neatly trimmed. 
I hate to admit this, but... my nose is... flat--annoyingly flat that even my cute, golden-hearted but veracious little sister pointed, “Sis, is your nose always that tabular?” WHY LIL SIS WHY?! 
60. Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? 
Romantic love. Sure I do not resist to read or watch romance, but if it happens directly to me... NO. PLEASE. STAY OUT OF THE LINE, MISTER/MISS. 
61. Describe yourself in one word/sentence? 
“Tetapi sesederhana-sederhana cerita yang ditulis, dia mewakili pribadi individu (...)“ -- Jejak Langkah (by Pramoedya A. Toer) 
63. Share five facts about your childhood. 
Can I write it in quotes?
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” 
“If you don’t imagine, nothing ever happens at all.” 
“We need never be ashamed of our tears.”
“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.” 
“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” 
71. Name five people who are famous who you find attractive.
John and Hank Green (I really can’t choose between those two), 
Matthew Macfadyen (best Mr. Darcy ever!),  
Mark Ruffalo (husky voice and wistful countenance, how I love those combination), 
Kim Rae-won (probably the only Korean actor that I find cute), and 
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81. Share five facts about your best friend(s). 
Most of them are humans. 
One is the embodiment of integrated-circuits. 
Some are ailurophile. 
Few are bibliophile. 
None is pedophile, gladly. 
82. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for in a partner?
Has to be the opposite sex. Duh. 
83. Share five ways to instantly win your heart. 
Are you Gaara? If not, well... screw you.  
88. Give a description of the person you dislike the most. 
We share the same room. We share the same clothes. We share the same food. We share the same body. We share the same mind. 
91. If food was people, who would be your best friend, your life partner, your enemy, and your ex? 
Best friend: okonomiyaki and curry ramen. 
Life partner: mom’s seared, chilli scallops. 
Enemy: pare. 
Ex: instant noodles. 
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dailymysticarte · 6 years ago
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Van’s Celestial Elegy
Such lamentation! Haaaaaa! Celestial Elegy!
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franguerrero · 8 years ago
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FINALLY! Van is mine. And he is the God (of the god generals xD)
He inflicts 99.999 to all enemies?! Seriously?! 
I die of happiness
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