Crossover-mancer and crusader of LOVE&PEACE
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Jeredu's art and other fun things. Cancer, 33, they/them. Currently obsessed with FFXIV (and AUs/crossovers). Occasionally obsesses over Jade Curtiss, Chaltier, Leon Magnus, KH, and the Tales series in general.
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jeredu · 2 months ago
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Me, a first time FFXIV player: I'm really interested in that Emet Selch guy; just based on design, i think he'll be my fave :D
Haurchefant: *hits me with a semi truck*
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jeredu · 6 months ago
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I think Haurchefant and Solaire would get along like a house on fire.
Prepare to Cry, either way :)
I also posted this on Twitter/X if you prefer to follow me there! I'm not very active on tumblr these days.
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jeredu · 1 year ago
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Time for some FFXIV x Tales of the Abyss
Honestly, just go scroll through my media tab on twitter because there are so many.... SO many doodles and lore bits at this point.
Anyway Cato Nocivus. All-knowing bringer-of-harm. Jade wakes up sometime after the end of the world in an unfamiliar child's body, in an unfamiliar land.
Coerthas, before the calamity.
Rather, a child wakes up one day with a lot of memories he didn't have before. Most of them belong to a man named "Jade," and some of them belong to a younger man named "Ascella."
Jade wins out, Jade has several decades more life experience than the rest of them combined. He chooses a new name, leaning into his half-Garlean heritage with bitter irony. He can't use magic. Or, he can't use magic yet. Thankfully, this child has befriended an outcast dragonet. The two of them eventually leave Coerthas in search of answers (and Cato begins to micro dose on dragon blood in an attempt to circumvent this particular aetheric handicap).
He has yet to find a single other person who remembers a place called "Auldrant."
(Things happen, plots unfold, he ends up back in Coerthas and finds a frozen hellscape. The eastern highlands are gone. He finds a body in a dark alley and picks up a sword nearly as long as his spear. He pulls Haurchefant away from danger, but not quickly enough to save his arm.)
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He ends a war.
He travels to another world.
He takes in FAR too much light for his soul to contain.
(more art and spoilers for endwalker beneath the readmore)
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Cato: I suppose it is appropriate… I chose this name with eyes fixed upon the past, and so created a self fulfilling prophecy.
Y'shtola [thoughtful]: Nocivus. Injurious.
Urianger [firm, scoffing]: Thou bringst 'harm' as the root breaketh barren earth.
He joins with yet another fragment of himself.
He learns the truth about Lorelei)
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He sees the end of the world again, through the lens of the past. A different end, swifter and violent, barely averted.
He is thrust out of his body. He leaps into the lifestream to wrest it back, and in so doing meets its keeper again. Hades. Hades chooses to escort him, lest the final hope for this world die with him.
He is tasked with slaying the most ancient god. He fears that doing so will bring destruction, but letting it live certainly WILL.
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He travels to the past. He confronts a truth he has held within himself.
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He is not the right person for saving this world.
But he is the one who is here.
(did Azem know? Did Themis? )
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jeredu · 1 year ago
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Have some more of this AU. This time, the Scions of Lorelei are twin Skywings, hatched from a single egg!
Asch (or "Ash") has firescales. Luke, meanwhile, is the hidden shame of the royal family. Crimson, their father, feels that the Queen was too soft. Skywing law demands that a dragonet like "Light" should have been culled, lest he pass along his lack of fire down the bloodline. Ash, too, should not have been allowed to live. But prophecy (and the pleas of their mother, sister to the Queen) won out.
Ash has been raised as a weapon of the Sky Kingdom, resentful of the role he has been forced into.
Light is a hidden, shameful secret.
And Mieu, Light's pet scavenger, accompanies him nearly everywhere. Light is not permitted to leave the cave system without an escort. Mieu is a scavenger, orphaned at a young age, and found by Light on one of these incredibly rare outings. Light begged to keep him as a pet.
Mieu, struggling to speak the dragon language, gave him a scavenger [human] name: Luke.
Over the short years of his life, Mieu has grown to understand dragon speech, and "Luke" has likewise developed an understanding of scavenger speech. It is physically difficult for each to speak the other's language due to anatomical limitations, but they get by. They often use a simplified version of the other's language, which often meshes into an evolved hybrid "gibberish" only they can truly understand.
Despite their disparate life experiences, the boys share a desire to escape the Sky kingdom. They have an understanding, and though they often don't get along, their bond is stronger than one might expect.
I'll be using the tag #au: wings of the abyss for posts within this setting!
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jeredu · 1 year ago
In response to @valeriefauxnom, I'll go ahead and share my thoughts on Luke and Asch:
They are, indeed, twin Skywings hatched from a single egg. But Asch is the one who is born with firescales- raised from birth to be a weapon rather than a son. Distanced, lonely, kept on a pedestal, trained to kill, groomed for a specific purpose. He is a finely honed tool who resents the role he's been forced into and seeks to escape it (only for things to maybe go horribly wrong).
Luke has no fire. He's hidden from the public eye, said to be killed or exiled while secretly kept in hiding because his mother couldn't bear to actually murder him. The royal family knows he exists, as do the servants, but they are sworn to secrecy. Can't let the family's shame become public. Luke feels like he COULD be capable of good things. He's pampered and treated well by his mother and servants, but he's a prisoner in his own home and is desperate to DO something with himself... only to escape and realize he has absolutely no idea how to survive in the world.
Probably "Ash" and "Light," respectively. (Light -> Lux -> Luke)
Guy is a Seawing with noble/royal blood (a royal cousin, maybe, but not directly in line), in hiding. I can't decide if the canon characters and events still exist or not, or where in the timeline this takes place. It could be that he's a survivor of the royal seawing massacre.
Tear and Van are hybrid seawings/nightwings, currently living on the Isle of Night, most likely. Yulia City vibes and worldview.
Van is probably an animus. Tear and Van have genuine gifts for prophecy.
Van can dangle the promise of giving each of the twins what they want- He could dampen Asch's firescales and give him the ability to touch without harming.
He could GIVE Luke fire, or even animus magic.
"I can make you a hero. I can make you powerful. You want to save them, don't you?"
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"You're a naughty dragonet, telling lies like that."
Me: haha what if Jade Curtiss but in Wings of Fire
An Icewing x Nightwing animus formerly of the ice kingdom, he only remains undetected (as an animus or a hybrid) because of the animus-touched glasses he created for himself that let him pass, unquestioned, as an Icewing. They also allow him to see animus-touched objects. They are also enchanted to be unbreakable and can only be removed voluntarily. They also protect his mouth and throat from heat and cold. He can breathe fire or frost, but he'd rather keep this a secret. The final enchantment layered into this single accessory is a protection from extreme ambient temperatures (hot and cold alike). That's it. No invulnerability, nothing that might give him away.
He is NOT a mind-reader, but he is so observant and skilled at reading dragons (mundanely) that he is believed to be a mind-reader. His blood is blue and will not freeze.
He lacks the typical Icewing tail spines, possessing instead a serrated spear-tip at the end of his tail.
He is only loyal to Peony, a Rainwing who is similarly disillusioned with the Rain Kingdom. (A former Queen who left voluntarily upon revealing that he identified as male. The Rainwings are progressive, but the idea of a king is still too strange)
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jeredu · 1 year ago
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"You're a naughty dragonet, telling lies like that."
Me: haha what if Jade Curtiss but in Wings of Fire
An Icewing x Nightwing animus formerly of the ice kingdom, he only remains undetected (as an animus or a hybrid) because of the animus-touched glasses he created for himself that let him pass, unquestioned, as an Icewing. They also allow him to see animus-touched objects. They are also enchanted to be unbreakable and can only be removed voluntarily. They also protect his mouth and throat from heat and cold. He can breathe fire or frost, but he'd rather keep this a secret. The final enchantment layered into this single accessory is a protection from extreme ambient temperatures (hot and cold alike). That's it. No invulnerability, nothing that might give him away.
He is NOT a mind-reader, but he is so observant and skilled at reading dragons (mundanely) that he is believed to be a mind-reader. His blood is blue and will not freeze.
He lacks the typical Icewing tail spines, possessing instead a serrated spear-tip at the end of his tail.
He is only loyal to Peony, a Rainwing who is similarly disillusioned with the Rain Kingdom. (A former Queen who left voluntarily upon revealing that he identified as male. The Rainwings are progressive, but the idea of a king is still too strange)
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jeredu · 1 year ago
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warmup. idk him i just think his character design is peak
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jeredu · 2 years ago
Bad Decisions [WoLchefant Alt Timeline]
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This started out as a silly brainworm and became a whole THING:
(WoLchefant timeline) Haurchefant clocking Emet-Selch as one heartbroken sad man to another, and Emet HATING being perceived. that's it that's the relationship.
(also Emet refusing to acknowledge how familiar his soul feels, and Haurchefant not understanding WHY Emet feels familiar and like someone he wants to save)
Haurchefant: I WILL stop you, but I refuse to hate you. Emet: [grinding teeth, increasingly perplexed and annoyed]
(hello, have more WoLchefant Alt Timeline content. I wrote a fic!)
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jeredu · 2 years ago
actually I DO have thoughts about this, I need to iron out wrinkles but let’s go with Ardbert being a meteor shard but I have plans as to the logistics of why Haurchefant can see Ardbert on the first ;)
please look forward to it!
Okay but out of curiosity- for WoLchefant, is Ardbert still his enemy in the First, a fragment of Meteor, whom he failed to save? Or Will Haurchefant also face another fractured piece of Aristaeus there?
Good question! I debated this one for a while since Ardbert being an azem fragment is important, but I also feel it’s important for him to be a fragment of Meteor still- meteor was a 1.0 Warrior of Light, and that feels more in line with the important Ardbert beats - what I can’t figure out is whether this means the First’s azem shard just looks like meteor rather than aristaeus, or do I completely alter the dynamic of Ardbert eventually joining with us?
the one certain thing is that Ardbert is meteor’s spitting image. Elidibus also didn’t elaborate to tell Ardbert that the savior of Eorzea was a different person rather than Haurchefant, leading to some rather painful conversations (because Haurchefant is not yet being called the Warrior of Light as of 3.4)
ugh i need to sort that one out… why can Haurchefant see him? (Haurchefant might be a little haunted)
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jeredu · 2 years ago
Okay but out of curiosity- for WoLchefant, is Ardbert still his enemy in the First, a fragment of Meteor, whom he failed to save? Or Will Haurchefant also face another fractured piece of Aristaeus there?
Good question! I debated this one for a while since Ardbert being an azem fragment is important, but I also feel it’s important for him to be a fragment of Meteor still- meteor was a 1.0 Warrior of Light, and that feels more in line with the important Ardbert beats - what I can’t figure out is whether this means the First’s azem shard just looks like meteor rather than aristaeus, or do I completely alter the dynamic of Ardbert eventually joining with us?
the one certain thing is that Ardbert is meteor’s spitting image. Elidibus also didn’t elaborate to tell Ardbert that the savior of Eorzea was a different person rather than Haurchefant, leading to some rather painful conversations (because Haurchefant is not yet being called the Warrior of Light as of 3.4)
ugh i need to sort that one out… why can Haurchefant see him? (Haurchefant might be a little haunted)
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jeredu · 2 years ago
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Aristaeus! Specifically, this is the Azem for the sad WoLchefant alt timeline (thus, Haurchefant isn't wearing yellow. That's your cue for this specific timeline- dark/tarnished silver palette).
Aristaeus - Creator of Chocobos, but he also probably hung out on that picnic island doing some plant cultivation before taking up the mantle of Azem. Flowers, bee-keeping, mead-making, maybe growing some figs and pomegranates (the latter for a Certain Someone). Friend shaped, his talents lie in cultivation, agriculture, animal husbandry, the humble and practical arts. He dreams of a star whose life forms sustain each other without the need for magical intervention, since not everyone is capable of weaving miracles from nothing but aether.
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jeredu · 2 years ago
WoLchefant Alt Timeline Primer
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This is the sad alt timeline where Meteor dies at The Vault, Haurchefant's Echo is awakened, and he chooses to lay down the Fortemps colors and take up instead the mantle of the Warrior of Light. He is a knight who serves all of Eorzea (and, eventually, Etheirys and her reflections). He carries an unadorned shield and bears armor the color of tarnished silver, symbolic of his grief and failure to protect a close friend. But grief will not stop him! Black, the color of tarnished silver. Black, the color of mourning. Black, the color of a shield with no sigil, because the mantle he must don is that of a cause higher than any other. A knight of Eorzea and Hydaelyn, not merely of House Fortemps. The Warrior of Light’s cause need not die with him!
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It is Zephirin’s spear against this blood-red sky that finally awakens the Echo within Haurchefant… right before it cleaves through Meteor’s breastplate.
My posts about this AU will all be tagged with #wolchefant alt timeline for easy tracking! The posts may contain spoilers all the way through current content (6.3 as of posting this) and I will do my best to tag them accordingly. You can also find them here on Twitter, but I can no longer update that collection since the Moments feature has been retired.
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jeredu · 2 years ago
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His Legacy (4 images)
(WoLchefant timeline. Meteor died at The Vault because Zephirin's spear against the red sky triggered the Echo awakening within Haurchefant, and he faltered at that critical moment)
(See the AU tag for all of my posts on tumblr about this timeline)
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jeredu · 2 years ago
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Well, Twitter got rid of Moments. I can no longer update this collection! I will instead start curating it all here on tumblr, under the #wolchefant alt timeline tag.
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jeredu · 2 years ago
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a round of tales of the abyss memes, featuring mostly Jade the living meme
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jeredu · 3 years ago
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a moment of silence for aymeric please
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jeredu · 3 years ago
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Blame @rarmaster​ for this, but here. Have some YWKON AU Judas + Chaltier.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 x Tales of Destiny because Swordians are basically already Blades in the ways that matter. Note: Swordians are backwards. They are a living sword with a core crystal. Chal's "body" is auxiliary at best.
Note: Judas is an involuntary blade eater. Chaltier gave him half of his core crystal to save his life. Generally, Chaltier does not have a tangible body. The body (in this setting) is a hologram-like projection. Thankfully, Jade fixes that later.
Chaltier is an artificial Earth (compassion) Blade! However, due to the way he is designed to hella sync with his driver when he DOES sync, something about his relationship with Leon has actually caused him to also gain the dark aspect (justice). 
Judas is armed to the teeth because he refrains from using Chaltier for violence, since Chaltier, being an inanimate object, can’t physically stop people from just picking him up and using him. That’s no good! Chal is fine with Judas wielding him! But he appreciates not being used as a tool for murder.
Yes, I did flip part of the guard around on Chaltier’s hilt to make it FUNCTIONAL. I will leave canon Chal be, but AU = my city now and we like our swords to be functional when possible. The normal (canon) design requires either  A) striking with the back of the blade if you want to have a functional guard that keeps your fingers from being sliced off, or B) holding him awkwardly so the guard presses against your wrist and hampers your movement. I don’t think Inomata understood the vital functions of these parts of a saber hilt when designing the Swordians, back in the day. 
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