#my writing: supergirl
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rustingcat · 3 months ago
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Pokemon au comics
Kara’s adventure begins! Follow Kara on her quest to be the very best:)
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thebluewritingbench · 24 days ago
you & me in the wreckage
a supercorp ficlet
written for @ekingston's flash fiction challenge! :)
this was fun!! the prompts i got were: thriller, only survivors of a zombie apocalypse, celebrity/just some guy (gender neutral), and blood. thematically consistent, at least. tw for (a fairly small amount of) blood and gore, unsurprisingly. enjoy!
Someone is breathing on the other side of the vehicle.
No, Kara reminds herself yet again. Something.
It’s hard to say when the simple sound of another creature breathing became an instant trigger to send adrenaline coursing through her veins. Every tiny hair on her body rises. Her heart rate accelerates until she can feel it behind her teeth, a war drum. She moves with utmost caution; she cannot make a sound.
There’s a creak of metal. A low groan.
Kara recognizes the sound. The pleading moan of perverse hunger.
She can’t see it, as she creeps around the passenger side of the dark vehicle. The thing must be inside the car. The sound came from low down, though. Maybe it’s on the ground. Unsurprising—they always seem to end up there in the end. After having exhausted the limits of human muscle, with no prey left to chase down, they collapse like expended cargo.
The car is a solid black Rolls-Royce. A rare sight in the city, let alone out here. This one has seen better days, though. Shiny paint marred by dust, pock-marked with dents, half the bumper hanging off. How it ended up swerved into the ditch of this rural, two-lane road is a mystery.
Probably someone trying to escape.
Kara’s mind constructs the story even as she rounds the front of the car, reaching for her weapons. It must have contained someone wealthy or important, someone with the resources to get this far. But they must have been infected before they could escape. Though shaken, they would have attempted to brush it off. Nothing but a scrape. The teeth had barely punctured their skin. They would have sped away, gotten off the interstate at the first chance, taken turn after turn until they found a safe, isolated road. This is how far they got before the alien pathogens hijacked their brain.
But that would mean—Kara’s pulse spikes again—that would mean the creature on the other side of this vehicle is the most dangerous kind. Starved for the taste of human flesh. Not spent, but with the full power of the human body. When used without regard for muscles tearing, flesh rending, bones breaking, it could do remarkable things.
Kara knows. She has witnessed it.
The way Alex moved, when the disease took hold…
She shudders. Pushes the image from her mind. That thing hadn’t been Alex anymore.
Kara considers her weapons. A large kitchen knife. A small handgun—the better bet. Not much ammunition left, though. She’ll have to move quickly. She’ll have to make it count.
She lifts the gun, then lunges around the front of the car and fires.
The shot echoes across the scrubby hills. A shriek rings out, black hair flying as the creature shields itself. It begins to turn to her. She missed. Kara’s finger is pushing down on the trigger again when a voice cries, “Wait! Wait!”
She wrenches the gun aside. Her shot flies wide.
There is nothing but heaving breathing in the wake. Human breathing.
The woman crouched on the ground, staring up at Kara in terrified shock, is alive. Truly alive. What’s more, Kara knows her.
 “How are you here?” Kara says. The cognitive dissonance of seeing that face here, now, is so intense that she wonders if she’s hallucinating.
“What?” says Lena Luthor. “Why are you trying to kill me? Do I know you?”
We’ve met before.
“No.” Kara feels herself flush. How absurd that she’s even capable of such a reaction anymore. “I’m nobody.”
Lena Luthor stands on unsteady legs. “No, you’re that reporter. From… BuzzFeed, was it? You came to my office with Clark Kent.”
“CatCo Magazine,” Kara corrects automatically. It feels like a lifetime since she was Cat Grant’s assistant, barely daring to aspire to journalism. Struck nearly speechless by the presence of this woman—her inarguable celebrity crush.
Lena looks uneasily at the gun. Kara realizes it’s still pointing in her direction. She drops her arm. “Shoot. Sorry.”
“Don’t shoot, preferably,” Lena says dryly. It takes a second for Kara to realize it’s a joke.
“I wasn’t trying to— I thought you were… one of them. You’re not infected, are you?”
“None of them have touched me. This thing is bullet-proof. I did plow through a few of them…” Lena looks queasy. Kara follows her gaze to the front of the car. There’s blood congealed on the grill.
A flash of memory. She sees the creature that was once Winn charging at her. Her panicked swipe of the kitchen knife across its throat. The spray of his blood, copious, vibrant, across her shirt, across the pavement. For hours, she was terrified the blood had found its way into some scrape, some opening. Infecting her.
She grimaces, presses her thumb hard into the space between her eyes. Stop.
“Where did you even come from?” Lena says. “There’s nothing around here.”
“I walked from the city. I’ve been trying to find anywhere with supplies. There was a group of us. I’m the only one left.” That awful, leaden truth. Kara pushes past it. “How did you get out? I haven’t seen anyone else in weeks.”
“I hid in my office. I had it outfitted as a kind of bunker years ago. I thought I was being insane at the time, and yet…” She trails off, ashamed. “I did nothing to help. Nothing. I stayed there until it quieted down. Then I took the car, and I ran.”
“You couldn’t have done much. No one could have.”
“And now my stupid tire blew, and I am somehow incapable of changing it, so I’m pretty much fucked.” Lena kicks the deflated tire. “Fuck!”
“Your tire?” Belatedly, Kara notices the spare lying on the ground, alongside a toolbox and a badly misplaced jack. She feels a wild urge to laugh. That’s it? “I can fix your tire.”
“Of course.” She swallows. Remembers that somehow, Lena Luthor is standing in front of her. A woman who Kara has followed extensively in tabloids for years. A world leader for tech. Generous. Brilliant. Beautiful. “On one condition.”  
“What’s that?”
“Take me with you.”
Lena Luthor leans against her car and, miraculously, grins. She gives Kara a lingering once-over. “Where are you going?”
“Anywhere. Away from here. I need to find out what happened to my cousin. And my mom.”
“Well, I could use the company,” Lena says. “It’s a deal.”
She holds out her hand. Kara shakes it. At the feel of Lena’s hand in hers, warm, chapped, alive, Kara feels a spark of something she hasn’t felt for ages, since before her life turned into a nightmare.
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mycatismyeditor · 8 months ago
Lena gets a new project to help keep her occupied.
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Art by the incredible @rustingcat
Latest chapter available here:
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gothamite-rambler · 2 months ago
Don't worry guys, he's been through this before.
Kara (talking on the phone): Nightwing, where are you?
Dick (casually): I'm in the hospital.
Kara (confused): You had a doctor's appointment today?
Dick: No, I was in the middle of fighting these goons when a gun went off. I thought I was fine… until I realized a bullet ended up in my body.
Kara glanced at Raven, who shrugged, equally surprised.
Kara: What?
Dick: I got shot! I thought you had super hearing.
Raven laughed dryly, but Kara groaned not amused by the joke.
Kara: Don't act like what you said was completely normal. Where were you shot?
Dick (nonchalantly): My head.
Kara (in disbelief): Bitch… are you joking?
Dick (shrugging it off): Nope. It’s okay, I've been through this before… though we don’t talk about those dark days.
Raven (deadpan): He’s not lying. Ask him how long that bullet was lodged in there.
Kara (in disbelief): How long was this bullet in your head?
Dick: About four days. I could've gone a lifetime with it stuck there, but last night when I was having sex with Kori, I started convulsing at the worse time. Like I was deep and right at the climax-
Kara: Didn't need to add that detail, but you did.
Dick: It adds to the story. Anyways she's with me in the hospital. I started shaking Kori said drooling as well. It stopped, but as I rested on top of Kori that’s when I thought, 'Okay, this is something I should deal with.' I'm fine now, and we'll be there soon.
Kara (raising her voice): Oh my God, stay in the hospital! You got shot!
Dick: Yeah… but I’m fine now. They removed the bullet and it's been like a day. Kori's holding it.
Kori: The human body is fascinating seeing as this was lodged in your brain for four days. That and your tough as steel.
Dick: Aww, thank you. Oh and Kara don't worry I just have to sign some papers and then be ready to fight.
Kara: Cool, stay at the hospital.
Raven: Show us the bullet later though!
Dick: But... I want to fight. I cleared my whole schedule for this trip.
Kori (sighing, annoyed): Dickie baby, the doctor, me, your father and Kara are on the same page, you are staying in the hospital!
Dick (whining, frustrated): This is so unfair! Thanks a lot, Kara!
Kara: Don’t get snippy with me because you couldn’t go past four days with a bullet in your small brain!
Dick: I am ten times smarter than you! You know what? You're rude, bye!
Dick ended the call abruptly, leaving Kara stunned and making Raven laugh loudly.
Kara: When was he shot in the head before?
Raven: None of us like to talk about it.
Kara: Right, I'll just conclude that him and his family are strange people.
Raven (flatly): That's usually the best answer for them.
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s-nebul0sa · 2 months ago
Lena injures herself in the lab and requires stitches. Kara gets the call and goes into a worried frenzy and rushes to Lena’s side. As Kara dotes on her as Lena gets the stitches, Lena plays it off that it’s just a scratch and child’s play and starts brainstorming new tech for instances that requires stitches. Typical genius CEO and golden retriever gal story with fluff and romance 😄
(Read below or on AO3)
The pain does not immediately register. The erlenmeyer flask that was in Lena’s hand just a moment ago has exploded into at least a hundred pieces. One of which liked Lena’s hand so much that it want to be inside it.
Flabbergasted, Lena stares at the offending piece of glass jutting out from her skin. Red welling up along its edges and slowly forming rivers down, dripping on the floor to mix with the solution that was previously contained inside the flask.
At least there does not seem to be any glass in her face or anywhere else in her body. Her hand has a few small scrapes but those are just flesh wounds. Instinctively, Lena lifts her hand so it’s at head-height and both above her heart and her elbow, a trick used to slow down bleeding.
With practiced eyes, Lena scans the laboratory for any other glass pieces that might pose a future risk. There are some dangerous materials stored here, and though they should be locked away in safety boxes, it would not be the first time that someone made a mistake and left something out.
She does not notice anything that should not be out. Most of the glass is on the floor, either having hit nothing or having hit the hard wall and work bench and made their way down from there. Nothing to worry about.
Well, except that one piece stuck in her hand.
And now that she has determined there are no other threats, she starts to worry about herself. Lena never does well when she worries about herself.
With trembling hands, she wrestles with the end of her lab coat to get her phone out of her jean pocket. She almost loses, but determination wins. With her left thumb hovering over the screen, Lena thinks of what to do. This is not a 911 situation. There is just a little blood, not a lot. And it is not that bad.
Part of her just wants to fix it herself. Drive herself to a doctor or even just stitch up herself. But for the latter, she has neither the skill nor the steady hand at the moment. And the former seems like a very bad idea with only one hand functional and the other having glass sticking out of it. If she were to make one wrong move, the glass might be pushed further into her hand and do even more damage. Lena breathes out deeply.
Okay, first things first.
She tests her right hand. Carefully, she tries moving each finger and seeing if she can still feel them. They all seem to function as well as can be expected, so that is a relief. Hopefully no really deep damage. Or nerve damage, the worst kind.
With that settled, she focusses back on her phone. Debating for a minute whether she should worry her girlfriend, she ends up deciding Kara will be even more worried – or worse, hurt – if she does not call her immediately.
She pulls up Kara’s contact information and presses dial, then clamps the phone between her ear and shoulder. Lena walks over to the sink as she waits for Kara to pick up.
Kara answers quickly. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I’m okay but can you come pick me up and fly me to the DEO or the emergency room?” Lena asks casually, as she slowly takes off her lab coat. Thankfully, the piece in her hand is not so big that her hand no longer fits through her sleeve.
“What?!” Lena hears the worry in Kara’s voice through the phone followed by the telltale whoosh of Kara taking off in flight.
“I may have gotten slightly cut in the lab and probably need some stitches but it’s nothing life threatening,” Lena says in an attempt to take away Kara’s worry. Not that she feels like it is working. Lena turns back to the sink and cautiously washes her hands, carefully applying soap and hissing as it stings in the cut.
“Lab left or right?” Kara asks as Lena picks up that the wind has stopped ringing in Kara’s microphone. She must have landed.
“Left, but wait outside. I’m just going to finish washing my hands and I’ll meet you there.”
She hardly gets a chance to get some paper towels to dry her skin before the laboratory door flies open.
“Wait outside?!” Lena hears Kara yell both through the phone and the open door.
Lena looks up at her girlfriend, worry etched in her eyes. The crinkle between her brows even more pronounced than when Lena beat her at chess that one time.
“Yes, wait outside. This is a lab, Kara,” Lena scolds, but she cannot keep it up for long and walks to the safety of the superhero.
“Lena, that looks painful,” Kara points out when she notices the glass in Lena’s hand.
“That is why you need to fly me to someone who can fix it,” Lena responds, locking the door behind her when they leave. She will have to get her spill cleaned up later. She was not working with anything dangerous today so the biggest risk is posed by the broken glass and it is Friday evening and her personal lab so she has plenty of time to make sure it is cleaned up. Nobody is allowed in there without her explicit permission anyway.
(The whole story was too long, so the second half is in my next reblog.)
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wildm00re · 5 months ago
cwverse dctv may have had it’s issues, but one thing i could count on was being fed…
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amelia-queen-black · 11 months ago
*a red sun grenade explodes, depriving Kara of all her powers*
Kara: That’s cheating!
*nanites penetrate Barry’s skin, deactivating his speed*
Barry: When will you stop shooting me with arrows?
Oliver: All I did was make full use of the resources at my disposal. You should try it sometimes.
*he puts his bow on the side, ready to engage in hand-to-hand combat*
Barry to Kara: I guess that’s what we get for betting we could put him down in seconds. And we don’t even have alcohol to blame for that.
Kara: Don’t give up so fast, it’s still two against one, we can beat him.
Spoiler: they couldn’t.
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lgbtimelords · 1 year ago
the argo trials 💍
marrying the woman she loves in the name of friendship is easier said than done
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owl-with-a-pen · 8 months ago
Outside of superhero emergencies, Kara didn’t tend to lean into her super hearing where she could avoid it. Girl’s night at her apartment, for example, definitely shouldn’t have called for it. Then again, she wasn’t usually the subject of discussion in just about every apartment block on her street.
So, maybe that wasn’t completely true. She’d certainly heard her name mentioned a lot more since the whole secret identity reveal thing; it was just, nowadays, instead of hearing Supergirl, it was usually Kara Zor-El.
She was used to it. She’d been used to it for years; her name was normally a hot topic days, if not weeks after a major save was broadcast. The only difference now was… not all of those voices were as positive as she’d come to expect.
Like right now, for instance. No matter how hard she tried to shut it out, she couldn’t help but listen for that same voice echoing from hundreds of homes across the city, streaming from earbuds, speakers and laptops alike. His voice was charismatic and quick, like a less polished Maxwell Lord, and while he may have been a nobody just a few weeks ago, he’d certainly gained enough traction now to give Kara one hell of a headache.
Unfortunately for her, she’d inadvertently tuned herself in at just the right time for her downstairs neighbour to hit play:
“Alright folks, if you missed our last episode I’ll catch you up to speed. Last week, we rounded off at the crux of the Supergirl Problem; that she hasn’t just been living in our midst this whole time, but that she’s been actively working as a journalist for CatCo Worldwide Media. And, just a few weeks ago, she was publicly put in charge of the editorial process for that same media outlet minutes after she came clean about her alter-ego to the world. And, as I doubt Supergirl will want to speak for herself on the matter, we have one of her self-proclaimed super-fans in the house today to speak on her behalf. Say it with me at home folks, debate me, Supergirl!”
The aforementioned ‘super-fan’ let out a surprised scoff at her introduction. She didn’t waste a minute of her airtime, jumping immediately into the conversation: “Well, for starters, I think you’re taking this whole thing out of context. Supergirl didn’t just become a journalist for CatCo overnight. If you knew anything about Kara’s story, you’d know that she worked her way up the food chain for years! I mean, how empowering is that? She started as a PA!”
“Yeah, a PA with superspeed, how difficult. No wonder she ended up in Cat Grant’s palm! And yes, I do know her origin story, thank you very much.” The host’s voice crackled as Kara imagined him relaxing into his microphone. “Let the audience not forget that she was a PA for Cat Grant before she became a journalist. Are we really going to pretend that wasn’t her foot in the door?”
“Cat Grant wasn’t even her boss when she got into journalism,” argued the young woman. “And by the time Kara made a name for herself, Cat wasn’t even leading the company anymore! She got to where she is now on her own merit, no one elses!”
The host spoke over her: “It begs the question, did Cat Grant know this whole time? She takes a sabbatical only to re-emerge just in time to offer Supergirl a promotion. On top of that, she’s been promoting Supergirl for years! She created her – her words, on record. And now she’s put her in charge of media distribution. Get this: Supergirl is now in charge of the media we consume. Isn’t that a little self-indulgent?”
The young woman didn’t back down. “Kara Danvers was a Pultizer winning journalist long before we found out who she really was,” she argued. “She’s been standing for truth and justice just as much as Supergirl has. In fact, she’s just as much a hero as—”
“But what’s the agenda here?” the host continued with a conspiratorial air. “How can we even believe the news now it’s being headed by a liar? And she did, didn’t she? She lied to us all! She had a secret identity this whole time, and what? We’re just supposed to accept that? What’s the bet that this story will make a headline at CatCo magazine tomorrow morning, with my comments made out as Supergirl’s latest villain story? Or, better yet, will I be Kara Danver’s first official nemesis?” He barked out a laugh into his microphone. “There’s no freedom of the press anymore, folks, not when CatCo is bias towards the very hero that made it so popular in the first place!”
Before she could hear any more, Kara was thrown from her super-eavesdropping rather unceremoniously when a hand shot out in front of her face, waving impatiently.  
“Earth to Kara,” Alex said, snapping her fingers in front of her sister’s nose. “Hey, anyone home?”
“Huh?” Kara said before screwing her eyes shut, swatting away Alex’s offending hand. “Hey, hey, stop that!”
It was only then that she realised that it wasn’t just Alex who had been trying to get her attention. Lena and Kelly were staring at her from the opposite sofa. Nia sat cross legged on the footstool by the coffee table, nursing her drink with an expectant expression.
Kara glanced lamely at the TV. It didn’t look like anyone had been paying attention to the movie for quite some time.
Just how long had she been…?
Kara tried not to cringe.
Kelly cleared her throat, smoothing her hands over her lap. “From your expression, I’m guessing you were listening in on something pretty important.” She hesitated. “Is everything okay?”
Kara’s eyes widened. “What? Oh, oh no, it’s not a superhero emergency, I swear. Girl’s night continues uninterrupted, I promise!”
“Okay,” Nia said with a slow smile. “Then what was with the—” She mimicked Kara’s spaced-out expression a little too well, earning a few grins at her expense.
Kara pursed her lips. “Uh—I mean. It was nothing. Just…” She sagged in on herself awkwardly. “Okay, so I may have been listening to this podcast…”
“Oof.” Alex winced. “You don’t wanna do that.”
Kara groaned, falling back against the sofa. “I’ve been trying not to, but it’s kinda hard when half of my building’s listening to it.” She rubbed aggressively at her ears. “Super hearing can really suck, you guys.”
“Wait,” Nia said, perking up. “Are you talking about the Debate Me, Supergirl podcast?” When everyone turned to stare at her, she shrugged. “What? Brainy’s been keeping tabs on all social channels for this stuff ever since your interview first went public, y’know, calculating the odds on them picking up any real traction. In case things go… south.”
“And what are the odds on this guy?” Alex asked seriously.
Nia made a vague gesture. “I mean, until a few days ago, Brainy had him in the unlikely category. But his latest interview with a Supergirl stan got a whole lot of attention on social media. They were basically at each other’s throats the entire time.” She took a mild sip of her drink. “People ate it up.”
Alex rolled her eyes. “Of course they did. And I’m guessing from your tone, not much of the audience were on this super – uh – stan’s side?”
Nia pulled a face, taking an even larger swig.
Kara groaned again, burying her face in her hands. “This is awful. I- I just can’t believe how little faith they have in me now that they know the truth!”
Lena smiled her sympathy. “Take it from someone who was once deluded enough to fall right into that same category of hatefully ignorant.” She toasted her scotch glass to no one in particular, swirling its contents with a gentle twist of her wrist. “It’s not easy for people to accept that their larger-than-life hero was living amongst them.”
Kara’s head shot up in protest. “I never wanted anyone to put me on a pedestal.”
“Want has nothing to do about it. Like it or not, they did.” Lena paused, tucking her legs into the sofa’s arm. She fixed Kara with a level look. “Kara, I say this as your friend, but you have to understand how powerful you are in the eyes of a regular citizen. You fly, you shoot laser beams from your eyes, you’re bullet proof and fire proof. Your power is limitless and even though this city has seen you fall, they’ve also seen you get back up time and time again.”
Kara bit her lip. “That part I can understand, but it’s not just that. This podcaster isn’t only targeting my Supergirl persona. It’s Kara Danvers, Kara Zor-El that they don’t trust.” She snorted, throwing her hands wide. “They think the fact that I’m working as CatCo’s Editor-in-Chief makes the whole platform inherently bias. And – yes – I know I’ve fought my own biases in the past, and it’s not like being impartial was what won me a Pulitzer, but to them— a superhero in the press just doesn’t appeal. They think I’m a fraud, that I’ve been manipulating public opinion.” Kara could feel her face begin to flush in frustration. She ran a hand through her hair, standing just to put her energy somewhere. She slammed a fist against her palm, taking a step around the coffee table with every beat. “But, I mean, don’t they remember how CatCo turned on Supergirl after the Red Kryptonite incident? And rightfully, too. I lost the people’s trust then, and now—now it’s happening all over again and I just… I don’t know how to win them back,” she laughed through her teeth, “or if I can win them back!”
Alex took Kara’s arm swiftly as she passed her by, tugging her to her side. “Hey, no one said this was gonna be easy.”
“I think those were Cat’s exact words, actually,” Nia said helpfully, pointing in Alex’s direction.
Kara huffed, anchored by her sister’s steadying hand. “Yeah? Well, they didn’t say it would be this difficult, either.”
“Don’t listen to a few angry voices,” Nia insisted, her voice sobering. “They aren’t worth your energy, trust me.”
“Are they just a few?” Kara asked grimly. If she tried hard enough, she was sure she could still tune into hundreds of versions of that same podcast playing from across the city. Whether they agreed with him or not, the people of National City and beyond were listening to this nameless podcaster, and that was dangerous enough on its own.
Nia smiled tightly, balling her knuckles against her lap. “Just don’t listen to them, okay?” She closed her eyes. “Look, people like to make a lot of noise when they feel like they’ve been lied to, but the truth is, they were never entitled to that information to begin with. When I did my Dreamer interview with you, a lot of people were so supportive; some of them even saw themselves in me, but there were always hateful voices that tried to drown out the positive ones.” She straightened her back, opening her eyes. “But, y’know, they make that much noise because they know they’re in the minority, and they do not have the power that they think. Putting it into perspective like that… it’s a lot easier to ignore them, especially when I know how many people I’ve helped by sharing my story.”
“You’re right,” Kara said softly. Because she was. Of course she was. A single podcast spouting a single negative view didn’t diminish everything good that had come out of Supergirl’s identity reveal. Yes, the celebrity-level thing took some getting used to and openly flying to work made her something of a spectacle when it came to the office situation, but for the most part, Kara was relieved to have that weight off her shoulders, and it was a joy to know just how many aliens felt more confident to live as themselves now that they knew Supergirl had also shared their struggle.
In truth, the world knowing where she had come from, who she had been ever since she’d landed on Earth, grounded her to the people in a way that had never struck quite the same as just Supergirl. And that was worth any amount of growing pains.
Kara reached out for Nia’s hand over the coffee table, squeezing tight. “Thank you.”
Nia’s smile softened. “Any time.”
Lena cleared her throat, shifting higher against her pillow. “And, as for your job,” she said with a sly smile of her own, “let’s just say I know a thing or two about the public coming for your throat, deeming you unworthy of the position you’ve fairly worked your way up to. It’s just like Nia said, you ignore it, Kara. You ignore it because you have nothing to prove to anyone, you’re already doing one hell of a job as a journalist. Remain honest with yourself, and eventually people will see it. Not everyone of course.” She tilted her head, raising her glass to her lips. “You’ll never have everyone’s approval. If you did, well, I’d say you were on another planet, because that’s certainly not how the human race are wired.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Nia chimed in, leaning up to clink her glass with Lena’s. She caught Kelly’s glass on her way back.
Kelly smiled fondly, though there was a strained edge to her expression when she said, “We’ve all had to work twice as hard to prove ourselves. And as much as it hurts, that extends to Supergirl as well.”
Kara sat back down with a sigh, leaning into the embrace that Alex readily offered her. “Cat once told me the same thing; right after she’d first claimed Supergirl, actually.”
“Exactly,” Alex said with a sage nod. She kissed her sister’s hair. “And, hey, Cat Grant won’t let a podcast beat down her creation. Hell, her empire is built on powerful women, it always has been, always will.” She gestured to everyone in the room. “You are all prime examples of that.”
Kara nudged her sister playfully, pushing out of her arms. “Hey, well, the amount of times the DEO has personally kept that building from crashing to the ground, I’d say you’re an honorary member of Cat’s empire, too.”
Alex’s nose crinkled. “I think I prefer the title of badass DEO leader, but I’ll take it.” She grinned, rolling her eyes. “The point is, you have us, Kara.”
“Yeah.” Nia beamed. “And our opinion is worth a million times more than some crappy podcast.”
“Oh, cheers to that, too!” Alex laughed and they all converged with their glasses, meeting with a raucous clash over the coffee table.
Cheers rang out all ‘round, and Kara let the simple joy of that moment infect her. Their combined laughter easily blotted out any chances of hearing another word from that podcaster’s mouth.
She'd lost the taste for eavesdropping, anyway.
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rustingcat · 10 months ago
“So… how's the risotto?” Lena asked from behind her glass of overly expensive red wine. The quiet between them felt palpable despite the hums of conversation of the restaurant around them.
“Eh, good. Good.” Kara nodded with half a smile as she shoved another spoonful in her mouth to prove her point.
It was far from convincing, and Lena knew it wasn't about the food. “Alright, why does it feel…”
“Weird?” Kara finished her sentence with a small chuckle as she swallowed her bite.
“Yeah.” Lena smiled. At least it wasn't just her that felt that way. “It wasn't like that last time.” She signed and put down her glass.
“To be fair, last time we didn’t realise it was a date,” Kara pointed out.
“Is this what we should do then? Pretend like it's not a date?” Lena asked with a hint of worry in her voice. They only just made the big step. She didn't want things to return to the way they were.
“I don't know, I kinda like holding your hand.” Kara gave Lena’s hand a small squeeze while flashing her a warm smile.
“To be fair we did that before we decided to give this whole dating thing a try.” Lena visibly relaxed, giving kara a small smile in return.
“I also don't want to stop telling you how smart and beautiful you are.” Kara continued, basking in the rosy colour that appeared on Lena’s cheeks.
“Well, you did that before too, if I remember correctly.” Lena bit her lip in an attempt to suppress her growing smile. It was amazing how fast Kara can make her relax.
“Your memory is as amazing as you are, so I doubt it could betray you now.”
“Kara Davners, are you flirting with me?” Lena raised a sharp eyebrow as she took a sip of her wine.
“Should I stop?”
“Don't you dare.”
The silence that followed wasn't awkward anymore, it was warm and calming with the joy of something new.
“Then are you from tennessee? Cause you're the only ten I see.” Kara finished with a wink and an over confident smirk.
“Oh dear lord! No.”
“You don't like that one? I have more.”
Lena chuckled. God, she loved that woman. “Just eat your risotto, darling.”
Hand in hand, Lena and Kara exited the restaurant into the cool evening breeze of the city. Kara didn’t even ask before wrapping her blazer around Lena’s shoulder who smiled gratefully in response.
“Such a gentlewoman,” Lena remarked.
“I try,” Kara shrugged and captured Lena’s hand once more with her own.
“Well, this is me.” Lena bit her lip as the couple made it to her building’s entrance.
“Shall I walk you to your door?”
“If you insist.”
“I am a gentlewoman after all.”
They greeted Bill the doorman on their way up who wished them a nice evening with a smile.
They stopped again once they reached Lena’s door.
“So, a date or not a date?” Lena asked with a small smirk.
“Date, definitely a date.”
“And why is that?”
“Because I really want to kiss you right now.”
Lena answered by cupping Kara’s face and connecting their lips. It was wild to her how much she craved it already. They only kissed once before, and it was already one of her favourite things in this world. Their tongues connected and Lena let out a small whimper as heat consumed her entire body in seconds.
“Would you like to come in?” Lena asked breathlessly while Kara moved l to kiss her neck.
“I thought it was a third date kind of thing?” Kara smirked, whispering her words into her ear.
“Would coffee and whatever in my fridge work for a third date then?” Lena bit her lip while eyeing Kara’s swallowed kissable lips.
“Yeah. Yeah, I think it would.” Kara barely nodded before crashing their lips back together.
They stumbled into Lena’s apartment deeply consumed by one another.
They never got to make that coffee.
Well, not until the morning after.
You can also find this on AO3
Huge thanks to @sssammich for pushing me out of my comfort zone to come up with this ficlet! Thank you for your help, darling♥️
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wolfie-bee · 10 months ago
Well, here it is! I'm excited to finally unveil my mayhem fic titled:
ripples in the lake (a swan lake fairy tale)
It's my very first supercorp AU written for @supergirlmayhem in the spirit of trying something new.
And please check out the art from my amazing artist @luxcanaryfox here:
ripples in the lake (a swan lake fairy tale) ART
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mycatismyeditor · 8 months ago
Day 365
Lena says goodbye.
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At by the incredible @rustingcat
Latest chapter available here:
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luthordamnvers · 1 year ago
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'The next time Lena sees Kara, the blonde is 25, and she's in Thorul as a diplomat, to again try to convince Lex to stop the war, to see if they could come up with a solution.
The moment she sees Kara again, it's like everyone and everything else has come to a standstill, and maybe Lena has always been more than a little in love with Kara. She looks incredibly handsome, with a dark coat with gold thread sewn into it with beautiful designs and her family crest.'
As you wish
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autisticlenaluthor · 3 months ago
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Sam & ‘other earth’ Lena in We Could Meet Again Somewhere (Somewhere Far Away From Here)
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fazedlight · 9 months ago
Lois (inspired by this fic by @luthordamnvers and @snowydragonscave)
Can I trust a Luthor?, Lois thought.
The fight had already begun, drawing the entire staff of The Daily Planet to the building’s windows. The battle between Superman and the mysterious figure might simply be another Tuesday in Metropolis…
Before the sky turned red.
Lois’s finger itched at the scrap of paper in her hands, a note attached to a flower delivery, written in a messy scrawl. “In the darkest hour, the answer is at the top of the Planet.”
Lois glanced to Perry White, to James, feeling the notable absence of Clark. Can I trust a Luthor?, she asked herself again, her sensibilities warring against Lena Luthor for being from the wrong family, for being too young, for… this is bullshit, Lois thought.
She turned on her heel, darting across the room without much notice, jerking open the stairwell door before bounding the three flights up to the roof of the Daily Planet. Yanking a bobby pin from her hair, she quickly unlocked the security door - a practiced habit, from her occasional secret smoke breaks - and made her way onto the roof.
She approached the giant sphere, THE DAILY PLANET boldly imprinted along its side, as her eyes scoured over the globe’s infrastructure. It didn’t take her long to notice the slightest edge of a box hidden at the very base - somewhere that someone would only look if they had need to.
She yanked at the box, throwing a quick look over her shoulder as the rapidly dimming skies contrasted with the blasts of green echoing along the clouds. Farmboy’s running out of time, she thought, ripping at the box until she came to folded metal.
That’s when she grinned. Daughter of an army general, Lois knew her way around a weapon. She was almost gleeful as she snapped together the clever telescoped rifle, the back of her mind admiring its sleek construction - despite the bulky payload - as she briefly fantasized about shooting Lex Luthor out of the sky. 
But as she turned, settling onto the building ledge to steady her weapon, her eye caught on the note attached to the scope. “Aim for the S”, it said.
Lois tilted her head curiously, feeling a wave of realization, hearing Lena’s words in her ear. “Lex is my brother and I love him, but I can't stand and do nothing.” 
Lois turned again to the sky, watching as Superman faltered, as the hero struggled to stay in the air, dodging more attacks as the sunlight shifted a darker red. It’s now or never, Lois said, knowing somewhere in her soul that Lena was out to do the right thing. She adjusted her aim, not lingering given Superman’s movements, carefully squeezing the trigger.
Light burst from the end of the gun, Lois’s eyes widening as the laser split across the sky, cutting through the atmosphere until it landed squarely on the kryptonian’s chest. Lois’s expression shifted to a smile as Superman’s entire frame changed, power roaming through his posture, like air filling his lungs. He surged forward again, throwing the mysterious figure across the sky like a ragdoll, continuing to chase after the attacker with new vigor. 
Lois turned up to the sky again, watching the eclipse continued on, hearing sonic boom after sonic boom as the battle raged in the distance. Until finally, light began streaming again, yellow sunlight brushing her face in welcomed relief. 
She smiled again, turning to pack the gun back into the box, intent to leave it where she had found it so that her Little Luthor benefactor could later retrieve it. Thanks, Lena, she thought. 
She heard a clamor behind her, the heavy steps of a familiar photojournalist running her way. James watched as Lois shoved a box beneath the Planet’s globe again, before she rose, dusting herself off, making her way back towards the roof door.
“What did you do?” James asked incredulously as she brushed past him.
It was a simple answer. “I shot Superman.”
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amelia-queen-black · 9 months ago
Oliver: *lets a criminal escape so that he’ll lead them to his boss*
Barry: Where’s the drug dealer?
Oliver: Gone.
Kara: What do you mean, gone? You didn’t kill him, did you?
Barry: Kara, please. He wouldn’t.
Barry: *turns to Oliver*
Barry: You didn’t, right?
Oliver: *already on the trail of the criminal*
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