#my unrequested opinions
More unsolicited opinions about The Bear s2 but I think the thing that annoys me most about Claire is that her character does such a disservice to women in the ER/Hospital environment and field. I live in a major city, I have friends who are ER doctors in said city and it's unbelievably stressful. The things that they see and hear, how a night can go from easy breezy to treacherous in 6 seconds flat and the dissociation of emotions that you have to do just to get through a week sometimes, it’s rough. The job turn over rate in the ER is high for a reason. And then they bring in a character like Claire who just doesn't seem to represent that at all.
Especially for a show like this where they typically do so much research and you can tell that they put so much into making sure that the characters feel very integrated in “real life”. She never really tells Carmy about her day, be it her stresses or her wins, because she was just so wrapped up in him (which is lovely and all) but it just feels like such weak writing in my opinion (Does she even pass the bechdel test?). I really wish they just explored more of the topic of sexism, misogyny and condescension in the medical field or her family or what brings her character joy (outside of a man) because without it she's just a beautiful woman who's one dimensional as hell when hard work and determination are character traits that are required to be a fucking ER doctor. 
I just really wish at some point she told Carmy to shut the fuck up about the restaurant or just take the reins in one of their interactions. Like if I had called my friend on a day we were supposed to hang out and chill from their VERY BUSY schedule and asked them to drive me somewhere to drop something off they would probably drop kick me in the face and I just wanted that energy from Claire. At least once.
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tired tired tired
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cosmiccsun · 5 months
POSTED A NSFW VERSION HERE ➡️ sonny carisi nsfw fics rec
Archive of Our Own
Change by TennantsLittleKitten on Ao3
You’ve been hired by SVU for the summer to manage their backlog of paperwork...but this Carisi guy never ceases to make your eyes roll or your blood boil. Will things change as the summer goes by?
The Finish Line by ThatEsqCrush on Ao3
You and Sonny signed up for the NYC Marathon. And Sonny Carisi is worth every mile.
Bittersweet Symphony by Twentysomethingloser92 on Ao3
After the events of 'Undiscovered Country", you woke up in an empty bed and an apology note from the one person you thought would never leave, Rafael Barba. Weeks of unanswered calls, texts and emails you come to discover that you're pregnant, and the one person who stands by your side throughout isn't the man you thought it would be.
Perfect / Love Won’t Die by cathrrrine on Ao3
Sonny happily holds the bouquet of flowers he bought for his girlfriend only for her to open the door and start crying. He immediately panics, but soon finds himself amused when she reveals the true reason for her tears.
Mixed Signals by thisisnottheaccountyourelookingfor on Ao3
Y/N's loosing sleep over her first testimony with the SVU; while she's taking steps toward being better behind the microphone, her partner is looking out for her in anyway he can. Her feelings are wrapped up with her thoughts, can she untangle them before they get too much to handle?
Lovesick by bibard on Ao3
Carisi offers (Y/n) some dating advice, which leads to Rollins offering (Y/n) an unrequested second opinion.
fics and hc
the blessing of home & love by @squadmuse
domestic HCs by @squadmuse
sonny's niece loves you by @storiesofsvu
pillowtalk by @kryptonitejelly
realizing he's in love by @kryptonitejelly
first kiss by @kryptonitejelly
more than just my intern by @altsvu
fluff HCs by @smartycvnt
I need a place to stay by @tropes-and-tales-archives
I Mustcahe You a Question by @thewritetofreespeech
single mother!reader by @smartycvnt
dad HCs by @daddydoddsjr
getting into an accident by @wouldpollyapprove
motocycle au by @carisi-dreams
set you free by @stephydearestxo
meant to be by @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
having a bad day by @qvid-pro-qvo
svu characters masterlist by @hiddndaydreams
sonny carisi masterlist by @bullet-prooflove
masterlist by @squadmuse
bittersweet symphony by @thirtysomethingloser92
[Not] Guilty by @escapingrealtiylovinginsanity
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tassodelmiele · 3 months
Skin's red where the heart beats the most
Soft, warm, sad, with a gentle ending Ghost x Soap
Yes, yes, there's no smut in here, what in the bloody hell it's happening omg.
Menstruation hit just worst than usual this month, and I NEEDED something sad but kind, with tears but hugs.
I was about to draw a thing 'bout it, but my drawing abilty had just flew out of the window.
Sorry for the unrequested sadness. And for the totally random verbal tenses.
What a month.
What a period of time.
What a what, in the goddamn whatever, are we living.
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<Why red?>
He had pointed his sight at the drawing, hazel eyes on the brushed shadow around the sketched man's shoulder and chest as if it was a life print. Ghost had made Soap stop with a single glance and those two words muffled under the balaclava.
<'S blood. Changes the skin's tone>
<On the shoulders?>
<Here's just a bit reddere ‘cause of rendering reasons. Also, 's where the sun hits the most>
<So where's the blood?>
The colored pencil made one last stroke before the rest. Soap's fingers were brushed on the rough paper surface, a caress so gentle that Ghost had almost felt it on himself.
<The chest. Just a little saturation, here where veins do their most>
<Pretty sure 'm not that saturated>
And that was when Soap's gaze had turned to Simon, sited behind him like a judgmental wall, curled in crossed arms, hoodie and gloves and with eyes hitting the dim light of the safe house. A glimpse of curiosity hit the work of art, and the artist's reply was a mumbled:
<'S just a sketch, Lt.>
<A pretty good one> and that made Soap chuckle in his gear. <Anatomy seems accurate enough>
<Are ye some kinda art critique?>
<Just giving ma bare opinion on it. I've seen ya drawing for a bloody eternity>
<What ‘bout the red, then? I’ve done it before>
<Dunno, if I have to give my take on it> Ghost had lowered just what was needed to peek at the portrait a little better, mumbled on Soap's shoulder: <Ya've drawn more accurately than this. I don't spot red on my chest, unless I'm bleeding>
<What about when ye’re bruised?>
Soap had turned so suddenly, jerking his torso in a rotation move that had almost made his spine squeak.
And in a blink of an eye, he had been facing the Lieutenant's big, black disguised eyes, the solo glimpse of warm light in a silent night concert. 
<What 'bout> he had kept on asking with his eyelids steady, not willing to lose a single bit of that eye contact <when ye feel?>
Ghost had frowned.
<Like, when I feel the bruise?>
And Soap's shoulders had made a little jump.
<Whatever ye bloody want to>
It could have ended there, hidden between the cracked wall; a secret held for eternity, signed in red and locked with the last mixed glance of ancient gold and deep water.
It could have ended in a glimpse of an eye, a wing stroke, just the recall of a shadow on the wall.
But that shadow was hanging on his masked face, livid in the colors of a death that was not calculated, not researched, not wanted.
Stormy thoughts had gotten him so well he didn't even realize Soap had come in, a big cup of tea in one hand and a worried sight printed on his face, stronger than his curiosity.
Sergeant wavered on the doorstep.
The only window was open; so peculiar, so odd, almost atypical. Nothing more than warm summer air was flying through the small meeting room, emptied just one hour ago to speak about the order of the day. Nothing particular: some kinda illegal traffic carried on by a Mexican family, something about new members of the cartel that were trying to get a piece of the drug monopoly cake. 
Ordinary, common matters to be discussed in the Task Force's file filled with every crumb of sin traceable in human's brain.
Everything was good. Everything was about to be calculated.
But a name.
And the flame's echo had caged the walls with him inside, suddenly tied by the throat in front of a flashback he had prayed to be able to not see anymore in his sleep.
The light, wooden sound of the mug put on the table was enough to warn Ghost how much Soap was near his scratched eyes; he turned to the window, pretending a masked ball of boldness and a cough of disappointment. 
<Ye've stayed here for a bloody hour>
No comments. Johnny came closer with the audacity of a famished cat trying to share the same prey with a wolf, head down, ears up and heart gulped deep in the guts.
‘Cause that was the correct reaction, the right amount of feeling digging a hole in his chest, chocking his breath at the sight of a living reference, a statue hidden in the dark, some sorta totem he’d looked at in the worst night possible, through crossfires and death sentences, just as a baby could stare at his star-shaped light bulb and feeling safe before falling asleep.
And how do you explain to a kid that a bad, big, scary man had broken into his room and tore his light into pieces?
Two minutes of silence sounded like an eternity. Soap gulped a breath, lowering his eyes just to pretend to not have seen Ghost's back jerk under a hidden sob.
<Sorry> he just muttered, ready to leave the room stiffed with something that was just scraping his heart apart.
Till something brushed his hand; and his heart skipped a couple beats as eyes caught Ghost's fingers trying to lace a bond between the two of them, his hand just as close as what it was needed to touch him in a rush before Soap got away.
And he was so desperate, so vivid in his need to be held and have his brain teared apart by tears, that Simon didn't even think about how it would have been better tear away the water from his gold-engraved irid before showing himself wet and broken, fallen.
The mug attended silently at the outburst, almost trembling on the table as Johnny caught Simon by the hoodie, pulling him toward him with digits digging in the black fabric, surrounding every inch of that man so big he was difficult to handle, even all curled on himself. Ghost felt his head being pushed into Soap's hollow neck, and there he allowed himself to breathe a low, grumbled, chocked cry, wetting the sergeant's t-shirt with no more regret.
Arms squeezed muscles at their limits just to try and hold Simon together, to not let him slip away in his dangerous train of thoughts about to derail.
<If just I→. Lips were bitten, not enough though, and Soap kept on murmuring: <If just I could kill that bastard- > 
Just to be stopped by an almost inaudible: <'S ok>, whispered muffled on his t-shirt.
Johnny's answer was a stronger hold onto Ghost, and the end of the sentence was a spit:
<I would do it. A million times>
‘Cause Roba’s name was too fresh as a wound, still opened on Simon's heart, still hurting so bad. And, of course, everyone could read a bloody dossier, nothing special about the whole task force knowing there was something still buried and burning behind the skull mask.
Everyone could read.
Feeling was something else, though.
Just a heart pierced by a poisoned nail could have been compared with what Soap had seen in Ghost's eyes when Roba's name had appeared on their files.
<I'll survive>
That had been Ghost's excuse since the dawn of time. 
Johnny's digits started a light move, catching the Lt. by surprise as the fingers moved so gently around the balaclava, brushing it in a kind motion as he allowed Simon to just dig a safe place in his chest. 
<Ye'll live>
Hands touched the mask as delicately as if they were handling a crystal jewel, engraving every bit of covered skin with the tact of an artist cleaning his masterpiece from dust, adjusting the lights and darkness with gentle brushes, setting the most precious ruby in the tiniest gold nest.
Then, with a last, warm, unexpected kiss, Johnny knocked on Simon's doorstep, quietly putting his fingers through the mask, just the tip, just to ask if he, maybe, could come in and bring him some quiet, some calm, some serenity.
Simon's back started to jerk, little by little, in an overflowing crescendo he had kept caged for a little too long.
And Johnny let him do everything, accepted every tear, embraced every silent weep suffocated on his chest, ready to become a safe blanket for once in his life. His fingers dug a little deeper under Simon's balaclava, pressing gently on the scratched skin he was trying to map under his touch. A warm, nice wave, maybe a little wet, entangled Soap's hands.
<I could draw you blindfolded> he whispered, framing Simon on him to better shape himself to be what the man needed to feel finally safe, protect, shield, just for a minute, the time of a couple heartbeats would have been enough.
Ghost's cheeks welcomed Soap's touch, burying little by little in that safe nest with a slow, clumsy jiggling motion.
<See?> Johnny asked, looking through his hands as if he was making Simon's soul a portrait in red and gold, brushing two delicate blushed strokes with his fingers where the skin was warmer, where the tears had dug a little more, where there was needed a little bit of kindness. 
<I was right. Feeling does make skin red>
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transmercar · 3 months
I just watched the gameplay reveal so here's my unrequested opinions:
I don't enjoy the fact that the combat is action hack and slash but they have been going in that direction since DA2 so it's good that at least they committed to it this time.
I wasn't expecting anything but the shitty dialogue wheel but damn... I hope we get to have more agency over what Rook says than what they showed.
It seems that we are able to choose a background/faction (awesome) and I really hope it's not dependent on race and class. Rooks seems very motivated from the start and part of the story - cough unlike the Inquisitor - and I like that they don't necessarily give main character energy from the start.
I can kind of see where the prologue is leading to (Rook and the gang stop Solas, turns out it wasn't a great idea and they unleash something worse, maybe they ally with Solas?) and I have to admit I wasn't expecting that after all the Dreadwolf buildup. I don't know if I want another generic Corypheus-esque antagonist. Even worse if it's just a series of bosses you have to kill and that's it. Hoping for nuance and charismatic villains.
Dialogue itself wasn't anything incredible and a bit Marvel-esque but it was mostly Varric talking so...
The graphics actually aren't bad, ambience is great but skin looks too smooth.
UI looks unpolished/bland.
I loved Neve's voice acting.
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kosmicdream · 4 months
im confident enough to post FFAK, which has anal prolapse, but i dont post the true drama....... my opinions about manga. *dramatic music* sometimes i kinda want to do some reviews.. its mostly me complaining.. it makes me sound so bitter like "do you like anything kosmic!" and..yes ! i do!!! okay!! i like a lot of things. once in a while, i dip my toes into a popular series to try to see if we are a good fit. Series like: Beastars, Dorohedoro, Dungeon meshi,ect.. and i kind. well. I dont like any of them LMAO. I mean, Ok, i actually really was into Beastars for a time, but after the fight with the bear guy (its been a few years sorry) and that story arc concluded.. it just spiraled to laughable levels and did not recover. I was genuinely laughing at it at times bc it kind of felt like a desperate scramble with the like. loopholes and power upgrades.. But I was invested for a time, it had a charm to me! I also loved the art and im curious about the authors next series about santa (partly because i too, am writing a story about santa). Dorohedoro has a great visual style, fun characters, i enjoyed reading but it also kinda didnt ...land for me beyond that, which is a shame. I feel like it is a series that "should" have clicked with me. And its like, not offensive to me but.. I'll forget that ive read the whole thing. I like STUFF in it. but thats not enough for me anymore. If i had read it when i was younger tho, it might have been a diff story. idk. My most unpopular opinion of all is that... I hated Dungeon Meshi.. Sure its ..pretty! cute designs. but i found it SO painfully boring and it actually was a struggle to finish. in the end, it felt like a waste of time.. SHOCKING take i know. That is the darling of everyones heart and i like, understand WHY its popular. .. but for me, i was not fed by anything. i am unfed and starved and going to eat elsewhere oh, and i.. as a person who has read a lot of fighting mangas.. I have tried to read chainsaw man, but i dont know if I can. I did finish Fire Punch. I'm surprised to say: i kinda liked it but it took a long time to force myself to read thru it. I honestly hated many aspects of Fujimoto's storytelling/character acting that i didn't think my opinion on it would change, but I'm a little more open to it now. I dont think i could ever super be into it or whatever, but i did find genuine enjoyment in aspects of fire punch. I did not really like look back. I haven't read his other one shot(s)? Where am i going with all this..I guess im giving some unrequested reviews after all...oops... a lot of this is spurred by how houseki no kuni is one of my most fav series, not only visually/characters/story/ect.. but i cant lie.... the ending... was kind of a flop for me... gorgeous and poetic ig sure but.. AUGH! it isnt what i wanted. maybe it'll be one of those "it'll grow on me" endings but thats mostly me having to go thru the 5 stages of personal grief and gaslight myself into it, but as the like actual honest first-reaction feeling it kinda lost me. I think it did not work when i felt the confrontation btwn phos/cinnabar wasn't the one i wanted to see. i will say tho, while im dissapointed, its not like a DEEP one or anything. I know its a miracle to even get to an ending.. i guess my take away feeling from it was like "everything fit together too well, too planned" but didnt feel planned, emotionally. I wasn't sold on it. Anyway, im here to speak my truth and my hot takes which, i honestly dont even want to have that one about HnK but its the real feeling i have for it.. Once again Utena's ending just has made all these other issues i have with various stories more obvious LOL
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phaerlax · 6 months
For the character ask game- rin
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This is gonna be severely limited by the fact that Bad Purple Man isn't a real character but let's go!
First impression
Alight hello mister mysterious antagonist. Are you Huey? I don't really care tbh...
Impression now
I'm pleased with the direction his character seems to be going as of NEON Carnival 2. Still a yandere obsessed with earning Eiden's affection, but it seems like the story will in some way resolve his desire to kill the clan members, making it into milder jealousy. Seems like he might be 'around' but not fully integrated/respected by the others, like a pricklier version of Kuya.
Kolt and the Council of Sorcery will take his place as main antagonists, I think, with Rin actually opposing them in such a way as to help along the redemption/switcharoo.
Favorite moment
Well this is a short list to pick from, at least XD It has to be his voice reveal at the start of the second revel, together with the premise of jinxing everyone with reverse personality magic. That was very fun, and I enjoy his voice. It was also cool when he fought Dante I guess.
Idea for a story
So here's the thing: I'm very canon compliant. My imagination is usually limited by what canon has explored, and I dislike writing speculative fic. I do have a Rin/Rei fic, but it makes heavy use of Rei's PoV and keeps Rin's motives mysterious because I myself don't know them. There's only so much mileage one can get out of that trick! I need to know more about his place in the story and his worldview.
I do get the occasional Rin thought, but it's mostly motivated by wanting to whump wolfboy and knowing that even Kuya might be too soft for it. I've joked about an AU in which Aster summoned Rin instead of Eiden and he's toxic to all the clan members, but I feel that character wouldn't be Rin, just someone's evil OC with Rin's aesthetic.
Unpopular opinion
I think that his relationship to Eiden is some bullshit Square Enix split persona stuff, but if it was actual blood incest I wouldn't care. Gay incest is hot. Please put in the newspaper that Phaerlax said gay incest is hot.
Favorite relationship
He only has one. But it's a good one. I enjoy a good yandere.
Favorite headcanon
To fully serve as a mirror to Eiden (and theoretically fulfill all his desires), Rin is a switch. He brings 'service' vibes to sex but the service is unrequested.
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wellfuckthisshitagain · 6 months
I haven't watched the episode yet! 🙃
But let me give my unrequested opinion! 🤭
After watching Tommy kiss Buck and seeing Buck's brain short circuit. 🤪
ME, MYSELF, and I feel that the way Tommy was acting so nonchalant will foreshadow how uncaring he will be in the situationship with Buck. 🫣
Tommy didn't seem excited or eager to go on that date with Buck. 🫥
He ran away instantly. Bring up the fact that he has to work, and then backing awaking from Buxk, to me, is a way to show that he already wants "out" of the relationship. 😭
Bear in mind that I haven't watched any episodes passed season 4. Therefore, take my post with a grain of salt!
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canonsinthehead · 2 months
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Here you can find all the posts posted in the site without breaking your back in half scrolling all the way back. I'll try to keep as updated as possible.
(FANART) Which Naruto Characters are Republican
(HC) Music/TV Taste in Different Villages
(FANART) Happy Birthday Zabuza Momochi (Naruto x OP)
QUIZZ: What do you want to know more about this Naruto Celebrity/Hollywood AU?
(HC) Beauty Standards in Different Villages.
(HC)Chocolate Flavored Potato Chips. The Marriage of Karui & Chouji (pt.1-5)
(HC) Which Village are you from (Celebrity Edition)
(HC) Ranking Nightlife in Different Villages (from best to worse)
(HC) The Culinary History of the Ninja World.
What Ethnicity/Race are Naruto Characters?
(FANART) I'm watching Wano
(FANART) I'm watching Skypiea
(FANART) I've watched Alabasta
(FANART) I'm watching Alabasta
One piece GOLD Intro Music Edit
My Unrequested Opinion on One Piece Island Collection.
My Unrequested Opinion on One Piece Characters Songs
My Review on Yakuza 8/Infinite Wealth
RGG/Yakuza/Judgement Character Looks Tier List
(TIERLIST) How would they f*** you.
RGG/Yakuza/Judgement at the Grocery Store
What car would RGG/Yakuza/Judgement characters drive?
RGG/Yakuza/Judgement at the Olympics
RGG/Yakuza/Judgement General Headcanons
RGG/Yakuza/Judgement in the Entertainment Industry
RGG/Yakuza/Judgement Foreigner Afinity Chart
(FANART) Nanami x Tiana Tik Tok Video
NSFW Alphabet/Relationship Headcanons (Toji, Nanami, Geto & Choso)
Parenting Headcanons (Nanami & Toji)
Yuji/Sukuna/Choso Familiy & Sibling Dynamics Headcanons.
(FANART) Abacchio and Bruno at the Grammys 2024
Fanart for Ice Admiral & Heart Commander.
(FANART) Chapter 3 Cover Art
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Look I'm not a caryler but I watch the show since the beginning and I'm seeing the constant discussion here about Melissa and the spin-off and I'm just giving my unrequested two cents, I think you guys are expecting two much from a dead franchise, we all know the only spin off that will make some noise is the Rick and Michonne one and only because people are curious to know what happened to them, AMC needs to capture a new audience, TWD it's their biggest product right now and they don't want to just please segregated fandoms.
Melissa is a great actress that's for sure, no one will question that but her and Carol were never the face of the franchise like Rick, Daryl and Michonne, so it's easy for them to push her aside and make a Daryl centric show, they see how Daryl was always the most popular one and don't twice to make that happened because Daryl is AMC property, they don't have to pay Robert Kirkman and co to use him.
My opinion on her being back it's because she signed a contract and needs to fulfill that, I don't see nothing changing in terms of her and Daryl relationship, it would make sense to make them canon in the mothership show but I don't see them bothering to pull the trigger in the spin off.
To me they will remain best friends and Daryl will stay single with the constant ship baiting.
Sorry if that's too long or if you find disrespectful.
There's a lot to unpack here. Bear with me.
You're confusing "most popular" with most marketed. Just because Melissa doesn't do as much promotion, which is something she gets a say in I should add, does not mean people find her less appealing or less remarkable. Melissa is the 2nd most lauded actor on the show right after Andy. She was the most respected actor on set along with Andy, and everybody wanted to work with her.
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“One of those actors that just makes you better because she has no pretence.”—Josh Hamilton
"I love working with Melissa McBride. She's a remarkable actress. You look at her, then you look at the screen and you go – how is this alchemy happening?" —Andrew Lincoln
“One of the strongest actresses I’ve ever worked with…I got lucky because she makes you look so good when you work with her.”—Norman Reedus
She was not kicked out of her own spinoff to adjust to the market. She was kicked out because no one bothered to do any market research at all. If they had, they would've anticipated the insane amount of backlash they got last year. Expecting the majority of fans to welcome a solo Daryl show with open arms says far more about the people calling the shots than it does about Melissa or Carol. It says they're incompetent, biased, and misogynistic. It says they fucked up big time, and if you pay any attention to how they're marketing the spinoff now compared to last year, you might realize there's a huge focus on Melissa and Carol. Granted, they keep fumbling big time and if they don't get themselves organized right fucking now they're going to ruin everything again, but they wouldn't be dangling Carol like a carrot if they didn't think she was going to be an essential part of the show's success. They wouldn't have brought her back at all.
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You say she's in S2 to fulfill her old contract, but that's wrong. She signed a new deal that would cover seasons 2-3. I don't know what's in it, I don't trust AMC not to find new and unusual ways to screw over their female talent, but I am 100% sure it was her choice to come back and she had plenty of power to get things she wanted. The excuses "fans" come up with for her being in her rightful place again are ridiculous and very telling.
You say she's less popular, yet you, other Richonne fans, Bethyl fans, and everyone under the sun spend time visiting a Caryl/Carol/Melissa centric blog. Why? If I can manage not to waltz into the Richonne/Michonne tags to try to invalidate their fans' opinions and feelings, why can't those who strongly suggest they aren't fans of Caryl/Carol offer me the same courtesy? Because popularity isn't pure love. It includes those who "love to hate" also.
You are absolutely right that TOWL will get the most buzz compared to Dead City S1 and Le Spinoff S1 and that's because it promises everything Rick/Michonne/Richonne fans have been waiting a really long time for. I have major doubts that Gimple can do right by anyone everyone, but I still hope fans get what they want. The one thing I can't stand about TWD fandom is the insistence on pitting female characters and actresses against each other, which I suspect is the real intention behind this ask. But Carol and Michonne are friends. Melissa and Danai are friends. There is absolutely no reason we all can't support a black woman leading her own show and a woman over 50 leading her own show at the same time.
I agree the best time to make Caryl canon would've been in the flagship show and that Caryl will always be best friends. But that doesn't mean best friends can't also be romantic partners, or that the spinoff can't right the wrongs that were made in S11 for unprofessional reasons, not creative ones.
AMC will not "capture a new audience" with a knock-off version of TLOU or from borrowing American exceptionalism and white male savior tropes from 80's movies. TWDU accounts for too much of AMC's revenue for it to go anywhere right now like you said, so they need to be mindful of their built-in audience. They chose to create different spinoffs for different characters, which means they have to niche down to audiences who are invested in each character's story. Believe it or not, Caryl's fanbase is huge and definitely worth hanging onto, but in order to do that, the show has to meet their needs. Treating Melissa as if she's less than, refusing to make Caryl canon for, again, unprofessional reasons, and shipbaiting relentlessly will just drive them away. So respectfully, I disagree that we're expecting too much (you don't work for the AMPTP, do you?)
I'm sharing this poll as a reminder to never underestimate Caryl's value (I have no interest in starting a ship war).
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skepticalarrie · 1 year
I saw the anon about Louis having a unhealthy lifestyle and I just wanted to give my (unrequested) opinion. I agree with you that Louis probably exaggerates his “bad habits”, and fans overreact but also, I think we’re just so used to celebrities pushing the health nut lifestyle (or hiding their bad habits) so people see Louis as unhealthy when really, my guy lives like an average London person. Ciggies, maccies and rage. Like, my British partner is literally like that. Is it healthy? No, but that’s not unusual and actually more realistic than celebrities getting vitamin IVs up their arse.
Mhmm, I agree. I don’t think it’s that deep, he’s just a normal guy.
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momochiiee-reblogs · 7 months
I love it when one of my aunts comes, tells me something about a shitty work opportunity, and proceeds to insult me
Today's topic was, there's an AI course I could enlist into in her opinion
I told her I do not want to be associated with anything AI related and she proceeded to tell me "I don't want to work either but here we are!" And walking off
Second! AI programs are based on algorithms. They are NOT intelligent as their name falsely tells you, and are currently used to rob my fellow artists of their skills, without compensation, and the way to avoid being put into the algorithmic grinder is to go out of your way and poison your own art through a tool that's not available to everyone. And what's more, most social medias opt you in to feed anything you post in them to train their own fucking program with 0 ethics and half of them don't even let you opt out
I refuse to get associated with that bullshit for as long as it's not properly regulated and intellectual theft is properly penalized
Every fucking time she comes, she brings up similar topics with 0 regards of my real situation
Yes, I quit my job. I am now jobless, but I am keeping busy in other ways, and what I did was not on a whim but for my fucking physical wellbeing. I am honing my skills to get an actual decent job, on the field I enjoy, not on whatever allegedly high paying job for the sake of having freeloaders coming from my own family
I'm sick of my aunts an uncles always boasting about their wealth only to crawl to me expecting me to become filthy rich because I am studying to become a videogame designer
They did nothing for me. Not even donating a single cent for my surgery despite always saying they would
I'm so sick of them and they can shove their unrequested commentaries up where the sun never reaches
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torchickentacos · 2 years
Okay, it's really bothering me, so here's my unrequested two cents on the harry potter game and the concept of art versus artist.
Art versus artist, in my opinion, is when the art is separable from whatever fuckshit the artist says on twitter.
Hogwarts legacy is NOT separable. That aforementioned fuckshit is deeply implemented into the very lore and world of harry potter. I mean, come ON. The evil big nosed goblin bankers who control the money. It's RIGHT THERE.
Art versus artist is me youtube streaming reuploads of my favorite shitty nu metal band even though the front guy says shit on twitter, because his songs are about literally nothing and are just nonsense bops that do not contain the shit he says on twitter. the songs are generic angry rock with generally no meaning and not 'hell yeah cops'.
Hogwarts Legacy, however, is so deeply intertwined with JKR's beliefs, from the blatant antisemitism and transphobia and sexism and just... all of it, that I don't think you CAN separate her from her franchise. Her beliefs are in it. That franchise is a vessel for her beliefs. She does not exist separately from her products, in my opinion.
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
hey cas
my mum is back home and is safe now
the reason she was like that was because her and my dad are now on a break from their marriage and she is really upset
which is fair because he really fucked up
thanks so much for all the love and support you are giving me x
Hi hon!
Can I offer my very gentle and unrequested opinion?
The way your mom reacted to all that was scary, and NOT fair. Yes, your dad fucked up, but her reaction wasn't healthy, and it was terrifying for you.
You need a safe place to live and thrive. Just from an outside POV, you having to deal with all of this isn't healthy, you know?
Sending love <3
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van-eazy · 8 months
Unrequested opinion: I saw this new Lil Nas X music video last night and had a few thoughts. For starters, it seemed like a copy attempt at his controversial “Montero” video, an entirely CGI video with flamboyant feminine outfits, and taking place in both paradise and hell….
The attempt to shock Christians is likely lost cos at this point who cares, who hasn’t done something like this? I can’t help but wonder if he had made a similar video sexualizing the imagery of Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, or any other faith, or maybe even modern scientific beliefs or conspiracy theories, if those groups would be as chill with things. Something tells me if he *had* made fun and sexualized literally any other faith that the reaction would be extremely different, feel free to let your mind wander on that one.
My takeaway from all this is Lil Nas X is yet another beautifully talented artist controlled and puppeteered by a diseased music industry obsessed with controversy and headlines to produce dollars. They throw millions at him, so of course he does what they say. I bet Lil Nas X has some amazing things he’d like to do artistically as a musician, but he’s too busy trying to shock and offend a group that hasn’t been shocked or offended since Madonna and Manson in the 90s. But of course, it’s not about that, cos he knows Christians won’t be watching this video. It’s about exciting the group of young girls, gays, and theys that follow him who all think nobody has ever done anything like what he’s done before. It’s just a circle jerk.
Sexualitizing Jesus and wearing women’s erotic clothing with make up is tired and boring.
How about an actual controversial video from Nas? What about song about gay love between two black men? What about an energetic break up song about moving on from one shitty man to loving yourself? What about a gay artist who can sing about something real like love and relationship and family and hope and fear and pain. I think we’ve got enough club songs already.
An actual controversial video that would have people talking would be something of beauty and love. What about songs written by one or two people, not four writers and three producers… for this? I’m in the club and I’m like J Christ? lol. Okay.
What a horribly boring and soulless enterprise I found this whole thing to be.
Anywho, if you enjoy the song and it’s fun to dance too, that’s absolutely cool too. I’m not above club bangers, far from it. There’s plenty of room for soulless silly fun. There’s just nothing new or exciting here.
I still long for a regular gay male singer. Just a gay version of the millions of male singers. Does every gay singer need to pull their outfit from their the female dancers box? Does they all need to be deeply in touch with their inner diva? Does every gay singer have to be a flamboyant display or can we ever get a gay guy who just sings. Troy Sivan is a pretty close attempt, at least he was, and has some great tracks, but even here he’s gotta go full drag for one of his videos.
I’m not here to say men shouldn’t explore their feminine side (except Harry styles, he can stop). That’s great but just for once I want a gay artist who is just a guy who is gay. Not a drag queen. Not a montero. Not a basically-nude calendar model pretending to be a country singer.
Nothing would make me happier than to be corrected and told about artists I don’t know about. Truly!
(Also fuck these CGI videos. Every major video is like this now 🙄 An iPhone filming in a parking lot is more fun)
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nomycabbages · 1 year
How's This Work?
I read an unreasonable amount of ATLA fan fiction, and have decided to throw my inexpert and unrequested opinion out into the ether.
-I'm reviewing stories, not the authors themselves. What I say about a story is not a reflection of the person in any way. There are amazing writers who are obnoxious people. There are bad writers who are sweeter than sugar. Please refrain from critiques of individuals in the comments, putting your stuff out there isn't easy.
-On that note, I'm not doing this to give bad reviews. Every fan fiction is an uncompensated gift to the internet. Maybe an amazing writer is just starting out and their first story is a little wobbly. Sometimes these new writers are literal kids. So, if I don't have anything nice to say, I'm just not going to review it.
-Many reviews will contain spoilers. I'll put these under a cut line.
-I read A LOT of them, but not all. If there's one you have an opinion on, feel free to recommend! Write a review and ask to publish it to the page. Send me a rec and ask me to review it. It's all good fun.
All Fall Down by DJNS
Apartment 3E by Sycamore17
Tales of Republic City by DJNS
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