#my teeth are even doing the funny cartoon sounds
elaanaa · 1 year
The urge to dress sluttishly when going out vs the regret when you are freezing you ass off as soon as the sun goes down 😔
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luveline · 8 months
If we're still doing dad thoughts- I'm always thinking about kbd!Steve and how wonderful he is. The whole family sitting cosy in the living room and Steve just giving his family heart eyes because he loves them all so much 🥹🥹
thank you for requesting <3 kisses before dinner au, mom!reader
Steve lets out a sigh of content. He feels like a kitten falling asleep over a bowl of cream, or a little boy the night after Christmas. He feels content, in every sense of the word. He had no idea he could feel this happy doing nothing. 
You’re on your stomach. Finally home from work and with no chores left to do, you’ve stretched out the big green puzzle rug and unboxed Avery’s newest one thousand piece jigsaw. The edges are coming together slowly, the constant plink of pieces as you sort through them colour by colour lulling rather than grating. Avery lies opposite you in the same position. She might be Steve’s physical replicant, but she’s your copy now. She’s even perched her hand in her chin the same way you have, the tip of her tongue sticking out between her lips in concentration. 
Wren is awake yet perfectly happy in Steve’s lap. She’s had enough cooing for this evening, babbling as the cartoon mermaids on the TV begin to sing a big musical number. Dove sings along, nestled under Steve’s arm. Many of the words are foreign to her. She swaps them out for nonsense sounds. 
Bethie sits on one of Steve’s socked feet eating pretzels and clapping when the cartoon sea creatures clap, her hair tickling Steve’s knees whenever she moves. It’s the calmest night you’ve had for a while. What’s better is that, besides you and Avery, everybody’s had a bath, and so all that’s left to do tonight is have dinner and go to bed.
You’ll wait until the morning to shower, decked out in your pyjamas, Avery’s hair swept into a protective style to prevent any tangles or knots. 
He can’t really put his finger on why he feels so happy. Perhaps it’s because, at the end of the day, this is everything he’s ever wanted. He doesn’t need the finer things or even the moderately good things, but he has them. He has a nice, clean home (though it’s fit to bursting now with the newest arrival). He has a wife who he loves, and who loves him. He has his four daughters, their pet fish, and a best friend four streets away who he can see whenever. It’s more than he ever thought he’d get, once. 
“Dad,” Bethie whispers. 
“Yeah?” he whispers back, voice filled with a mischievousness that makes Bethie smile. 
“Why are you smiling?” 
You turn to look at him. “You are smiling. What’s funny?” 
“Nothing,” he insists. 
Dove turns under his arm. Her toddler face is pretty much identical to her baby face, the only difference being her mouth full of baby teeth that she hasn’t quite mastered talking around yet. “You are smiling,” she says, like this is a problem to be solved. 
“What’s so bad about that?” he asks. “It’s a good thing, smiling. You guys should try it sometimes.”
Predictably, every girl looking at him is immediately glaring at him. Well, for a moment, but then Bethie cracks and smiles shyly. “I smile all the time,” she argues. 
“You do. Not my cranky pants,” he says, giving Dove a gentle shake. “We don’t like smiling, do we?” 
Dove, despite herself, grins at her dad’s affection. Maybe she’s forgotten you’re home, but she wraps her arm around Steve, careful of Wren’s face, and smiles into his shirt. “No,” she says. “We don’t.”
He kisses her head, sharing a private look with you from over it. 
Avery doesn’t glance away from her puzzle. “I love smiling.” 
“You’re so good at it, that’s why,” you say. Steve hums his agreement. 
“Yeah, you’re beautiful!” Bethie says. 
Avery pulls her head up, then. “Thank you,” she says, sounding surprised and delighted at once. “You’re beautiful too, Beth!” 
“I’m pretty like mom.” 
“And I’m like dad,” Avery says, nodding. She smiles exactly like Steve would as she says it, driving her point home efficiently. Her lips curve up and her almond eyes thin, sparkling with love as she looks between Bethie and Steve. 
“We’re handsome,” Steve says. 
“Handsomely beautiful,” you say. “Ave, did you know handsome used to be a word only said about girls?” 
Avery shakes her head as you delve into an explanation. Bethie crawls to the jigsaw circle to listen. 
“You’re handsome,” Steve says into Dove’s forehead. 
“I am beautiful.” 
“Yes, you are. You’re all so pretty, ‘cos you get your good looks from me.” He laughs. “And a little bit from your mommy, too. Mostly from me.” 
Dove hears the laughter and it catches like a yawn, her giggles peeling as she falls backwards away from him and into her nest of pillows and blankets. “You’re happy,” she says with a big smile. 
“I’m so happy I could cry,” he says. He grabs one of feet to squeeze her toes. “But I’m getting sick of the mermaids, honey. Can we watch something else after this? Maybe something with real people?” 
“Maybe.” With Dove, maybe tends to mean no. 
He shrugs, adjusting the arm that secures Wren to his stomach carefully. She’s peering up at him curiously. “I can’t win them all, can I?” he asks her softly. 
She smiles and gurgles something unintelligible.
“No, you’re right. It’s just mermaids. We’ll live.”
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glassrowboat · 7 months
Yellow Ribbon. Albedo.
Summary: Sometimes when you want to do something for someone else, to let them know they are in your mind, in your heart, in your soul, it's harder than the way you imagined it going. Words tumbling out of you in a jumbled mess as a gift is held in your hand. Would he see this is because you love him?
Word count: 1,800+
Authors note: Just pure fluff really so enjoy
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So, maybe this was a bad idea.
It seemed like a lightbulb had gone off in your head the first time the thought occurred, a ding and suddenly light would be shining over even the deepest crevices of your brain, not much unlike a cartoon. Now though it was hard to tell. Though it's hard to tell much of anything with The sound of teeth chattering blocking out every thought that wasn't about how damn cold it is up here.
Dragonspine truly is the devil's anus.
“I told you you didn't have to follow me up here,” a voice called out. Soft and understanding despite the fact the owner of said voice himself seemed unphased by the bite in the air. Short sleeves in this weather? It was enough to make anyone believe Albedo was eccentric. Though meeting him would do much the same.
“I'm getting tired of hearing that.” It's been the third time already and it was beginning to get annoying. No matter how soothing a person's voice is it loses its effect once they start repeating themselves as if they were a parrot.
“And I can hear you shivering.”
Well, someone's not afraid to call you out, but your entire goal for coming up here has yet to be achieved. Even as the snow crunched with every step Albedo took up here to the white dusted laboratory as you tried to step in the indents his footfalls left behind you couldn't do it. Not when anxiety was such a bitch that it kept that pretty box teetering on the tip of your finger rather than being passed along to its intended recipient. The soft blue paper something you picked on a whim to wrap the box up with when Marjorie held it up asking if you wanted the item wrapped up.
But reasonably speaking, how could you not when it was the same color as his eyes?
So even with the sun high in the sky during what was supposed to be a bright, warm day, you sat on a wooden seat that creaked with every move trying to figure out if the reason you couldn't move was something as plain as simple nerves or hypothermia.
What a great guessing game.
Maybe you just just say somethi- “I'm curious about that item you're carrying around. You have been fiddling with it for a good half hour now.” Or you don't have to be the one to start the conversation. That works.
“Timing me now?”
“Well, your constant shifting has proved to distract me from my experiment. It seems,” Albedo picked up the stack of papers he had been reading over, your eyes barely catching a name and scrawled out words in messy handwriting before Albedo set it back down, “I cannot focus with you like this. So let us address this now.”
Wow, the clear favoritism. “Poor Timaeus put in so much work in that report for you though, and you're just putting it to the side over little old me? I'm using this information to blackmail you later.”
“I can handle this later, but if you insist, feel free.” Yeah, maybe you should have expected him to be so unphased by that. “As for now?”
Even with the boards of wood laid out on the ground in his not so formal laboratory up here, the snow kicked up with each step he took closer to you. White powder covering the base of his boots. His thigh high boots, specifically. Something anyone would have to take a moment to appreciate. Anyways- “I can see where your eyes are going, dear.”
“No, you don't.”
His hand grasped the blanket wrapped around your shoulders, tugging it tighter around you as he bent down to your height in the chair. It was almost funny how Albedo tried his best not to touch the box as he did so, purely focusing on keeping that fluffy warmth wrapped around you. “If you say so. Is this satisfactory?”
“I have no clue how you're so unaffected by this weather.” That is, unless he finally finished that potion he had left half finished months ago. Something about keeping people warm even in the most frigid of places. Some say a shot would do the job just as well.
“Personally, my mind is more focused on what you have been toying with than the cold.”
Well some of us have this thing called heat sensors. “Good to know that I have your interest, though I'd much prefer it on something like a date. Maybe a picnic or we can watch Klee blow up a lake.”
A chuckle fell from his lips at your words, one that even despite your best efforts, had you leaning in closer just to hear that sweet pitch a little clearer. A little closer. A little louder. It's only natural to seek out something you're interested in, right? “I can't say I want to clean up that mess today. Maybe Monday?”
“Monday then. I'm holding you to that. If I don't hear a bomb going off and her cheerful little voice exclaiming ‘(y/n) look here’ then we're going to have a talk, buddy.”
“I will gladly talk with you as much as you like.”
Ignoring that for the sake of your heart, you grabbed his hand, peaking your own out of the wooly layer of warmth that you're wrapped up in. The blue box you've been debating over now placed in his hand, a soft contrast to the brown palm of his gloves and chilly air that seemed to tint everything a slight blue. It was enough to recall the last moment you two were up here, complaints about the cold on the tip of your tongue until he shared a little tidbit about how when the snow reflects the sun's light back to the atmosphere it is called a snow albedo.
“Just take it, it was for you anyway.”
“I suspected as much.” His fingers grazed over the box, the pattern one of polka dots as he examined it, like a new object of interest. It only stood to reason he'd scrutinize it so. “Thank you.”
“Just open it, I don't like you dallying over this.” It meant awkward silence just watching him, and as pretty as Albedo may be, that isn't exactly a great pass time when your heart is fluttering from the anxiousness the spur of ideas in your head was encouraging.
What if he didn't like it? What if it was presumptuous? What if the color was off? What if he does accept it but forgets about it when a new curiosity pokes up?
“You're so impatient all of a sudden.” Even with his teasing words Albedo pulled the lid off the box, pinching the cardboard as he lifted it up to reveal a charming yellow much like the tattoo, or birthmark as he liked to call it, on his neck. A silk ribbon raised up between them as Albedo lifted it from its confines, eyes focusing in on the charm hanging off the end. A citrine quartz held on by a string of gold.
“So,” you cleared your throat, trying to get rid of the raspiness the freezing air you have been breathing in left behind. “I know you have been…”
Start again, (Y/n).
“You and I both know what it's like to have our social batteries drained to their lowest point.” You have even seen him a couple of times having flipped the sign to his laboratory back In the knight headquarters to signify Albedo is going to be running experiments only for him to plop down on the couch, and with some insistence from you, use your lap as a pillow. In those moments, he truly looked angelic, a star on his skin and blond hair framing his face as the sun peeked through the open windows lighting up the space with its shining rays. “So I thought this would work. I went around and told a handful of the people we talk to the most that if you're wearing this ribbon it means you're fully charged and willing to talk. I hope that isn't," trying to find the right word you took a moment of pause until finally deciding on: "rude of me to do.”
And It could have been explained a lot better. Maybe you really should have spent some time before the bathroom mirror practicing this sad little spiel.
“You did that for me then? It is certainly practical.”
“That was kinda the point.” Taking the ribbon from his hands, with a good amount of struggle seeing as mittens aren't made to be worn for people trying to actually do anything, you slipped it through the metal band on his arm. Though you did have to ignore Albedo laughing at your attempt after the third try of doing so. At least he sat patiently, waiting for you to finish. “I just thought, well, I don't really know what I was thinking anymore.”
Maybe you were just hoping to ease that tired look in his eyes as someone prattled on when he clearly wanted out of a conversation.
“Then let me assure you of something. Ribbon on me or not, dear, you can always talk to me.”
“So you actually intend to use it?”
“You clearly put quite a bit of thought into this, having already explained it to the knights. How could I possibly ignore all that effort?”
Well, easily.
“(Y/n),” grabbing the corner of the blanket Albedo slid in next to you, his cold skin enough to have you squeamish and trying to pinch at him just for the small hope of mercy from the chill. Though you already knew he never would, not after being subjected to his cold feet every night. The fuckin- “I truly meant it when I said thank you. Not to mention, if this truly has been explained to a good number of the knights, this means I can take the ribbon off as Kaeya passes us by just to see his aghast expression.”
“I-” trying to keep from laughing, you dropped your head on his shoulder, the layering of the hood on his jacket a decent pillow for what that was worth- “You're a menace. And no one would believe me if I shared what you just said either! All they see is your impassive face and the nice way you treat your students.”
“I know, but that's alright. I much prefer this information to stay between us.”
“...So we're totally messing with Kaeya later, right?”
“In time. For now let us just stay here for a moment longer.”
Yeah, that doesn't sound bad, a moment longer. That will do. His cold skin didn't even bother you as much anymore as he slowly warmed up in your cocoon of blankets.
“Five more minutes, then I want off this blasted mountain.”
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cakerybakery · 4 months
I’ve been searching for music for another project but I heard this song again and instantly thought of this scene
- title: Top Shelf Confessions
A lounge wasn’t somewhere Adam would normally go but it was Husker’s turn to plan the group outing. And while he was out on the casino floor gambling away the nonexistent shirt off his back, with Angel Dust on his arm for good luck, there wasn’t much else to do in this place that interested Adam.
It wasn’t like the group stuck together either. As soon as they passed a poster for the big show for that night Charlie had lit up, grabbed Vaggie and insisted they had to watch the casino’s big giant floor show. “They have dancers! And musical numbers! And it’s got acrobats! And we have to gooooo! Please Vaggie?”
‘Of course Vaggie would agree.’ Adam thought some rather vulgar thoughts about the two and why exactly Vag-gie would agree to whatever the little princess wanted.
On occasion he caught sight of the little maid. She was having the time of her life, scuttling after the little bugs that thrived in the debauchery and darkness of the corners of this center of sin.
Adam lost track of Alastor the second they walked through the door and couldn’t tell if he was skulking around in the corners with the other creepy crawlies or just left them all here.
The only one he couldn’t shake was the only one he really wanted to. Lucifer sat in the half circle booth with him. VIP section, so it wasn’t all bad. Adam just wasn’t use to being the entourage instead of the VIP.
Adam was still on his first drink. It was virgin, which Adam had bristled at and nearly started shit with Lucifer over, except the waitress had confirmed their order and Adam’s drink as being without alcohol. So Adam opted to pretend he’d known that the whole time.
Lucifer slipped the waitress a large bill and told him, "for the service," with a smile.
Ten thousand years apart and there wasn’t much to talk about. What was Adam supposed to do? Pretend he gave a shit about Charlie’s baby photos? Ask how marital bliss with his ex-wife was? Were Lilith’s tits as fine to grope as they had looked in Eden? How’s work as the king of hell?
Lucifer was halfway into a bottle into something he called top shelf shit before either of them actually spoke.
“You ever miss Eve?”
Adam didn’t want to talk about Eve and told Lucifer as much.
“I miss Lilith.” Lucifer stared out at the stage. He spoke like Adam wasn’t actually there. “Sometimes I’ll be fine, then I’ll see something that reminds me of her and I’ll spiral. The only thing that helped was the ducks.”
“Why the fuck are you telling me this?”
“You’re probably the only person I know who can relate.”
Adam pulled the bottle away as Lucifer reached to pour himself another glass. “I want you to be sober enough to hear me and understand. I don’t give a shit. I didn’t ask Lilith why she wanted to be in heaven. I agreed to get her in, because I hate you more than I hate her.”
Lucifer laughed, it was deep and throaty, “alright.” He propped his head in his hands and leaned as the next singer took the stage. “It’s just funny that you don’t know. Lilith is gay.”
The liquid in Adam’s throat caught and he choked, sputtering at the ease of the confession. Lucifer didn’t sound bitter or like this was some secret confession. Rather, he sounded like it was simply common knowledge.
He just smiled his drunk little smile. “We had the same goals and shared an interest in the same type of hole. If you catch my meaning. Well, I'm more flexible on that point.”
“Why did you get married?” Adam didn’t mean to get involved in Lucifer’s drama but he was mildly curious why Lucifer would marry and miss a woman he knew didn’t, wouldn’t, love him.
“Show. She only had her voice. Not the claws or teeth, nothing to protect her from the other sinners. She was a good friend. I loved her as such. The sex was good, even if our preferences differed. And when they differed we simple found other lovers.” Lucifer swished his now empty glass in Adam direction. “Come on barkeep, ain’t the story worth another glass?”
Adam rolled his eyes and pushed the bottle back over. Lucifer drunk little smile turned predatory, he slid closer and pushed the bottle back.
“Un uh. You wanna take it from me, you get to keep it. Now pour me another drink, sweetheart. Daddy’s thirsty.”
Raising an eyebrow and the bottle, Adam poured a drink for the man pouring is heart out. “You always get like this when you’re drunk? Shouldn’t you be slurring and shit?”
"Ever hear the term, high functioning alcoholic?"
"Oh, well, never mind then. My joke won't make sense." He paused a beat, "I'm not, you know. If you look up what that is. I burn off most of the alcohol as I drink it by the nature of my domain. Most of it never reaches my brain. I could burn off all of it, if I wanted to. Be stone cold sober no matter how much I drink, but it's fun to be a little tipsy. And it lowers the guard of those around you when they think you drink like a fish."
In the low lights of the lounge Adam hasn't noticed how close Lucifer had gotten. The candle on their table flickered with hellfire, red and low. Lucifer's eyes shined, reflecting the light of the candle. Adam hadn't noticed how softly Lucifer had been looking at him. As though nothing else matter but him.
A new song started up, the melody low and sultry. The singer on stage opened her mouth but all Adam heard was Lucifer's voice, low and quiet, singing just for him.
"I know I stand in line until you think you have the time to spend an evening with me And if we go someplace to dance, I know that there's a chance you won't be leaving with me"
Lucifer's hand brushed his as the instrumental break played.
"Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you""
Lucifer's thigh pressed against his.
"I can see it in your eyes, that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before"
"Adam," Lucifer took advantage of the break in the lyrics to whisper his name. "And though it's just a line to you, for me it's true, and never seemed so right before"
Leaning in until their breathe mingled, Adam could only see those shining eyes.
"I practice every day to find some clever lines to say to make the meaning come true But then I think I'll wait until the evening gets late, and I'm alone with you"
A hand took his and Adam's quickening heart skipped.
"The time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you", I do."
Lucifer moved closer and Adam let Lucifer's lips met his. Adam closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss. It felt too brief and he leaned in to follow as Lucifer pulled away. "I love you" Lucifer held the final note as the song ended.
A bottle of champagne they never ordered was left in a bucket of ice at some point as Adam and Lucifer had been so focused on each other.
A thought came to Adam's mind and he had to know, "did you plan to seduce me from the beginning?"
"Since Eden, at least." Lucifer's half closed eyes looking up at him matched his soft half smile. His fingers clasped together under his chin. "I love you." it was as though once Lucifer said it once, the floodgates opened and he couldn't stop himself.
Lucifer's wedding band glinted in the light of the candle. His eyes followed Adam's gaze. With a simple twist he pulled the ring off and dropped it on the table.
"I'm a single man, Adam. How about you?"
Adam's voice was hard to find. He didn't like talking about it, "Till death do us part. And she parted a long time ago."
"Did you ever forgive me? For the things I did?"
"No," he croaked out as Lucifer once more leaned in.
"Then, perhaps, if you'll allow me," Lucifer voice was husky in his ear, "I can begin to make up for all the wrong against you I've committed."
Adam felt the tip of a tail press against his knee, sliding up to his thigh.
He should run. His spine tingled as Lucifer slid a hand into Adam's hair.
It was wrong. The lips on his felt so right.
"You have a lot to make up for."
"I have a lot of time to make it up to you."
Adam didn't notice that the lounge was now empty. The house and stage lights were out, and in the dark was a sea of flickering candles. The song Lucifer sung for him played over speakers. It wasn't the same, but it started up again.
When was the last time anyone had put this much effort and time into trying to win Adam's heart before? Never.
He'd seduced women before, but never had he been seduced. Adam found he liked it. It felt good to be chased. To be the one someone puts effort into loving.
"I love you." Lucifer sang along before meeting Adam in a kiss again.
"You're growing on me." He wasn't in love, there was a lot of history between them. But, he was willing to let Lucifer try to change his heart.
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trashcanfanfics · 1 year
Hiya! Can I jump around fandoms? What if Alastor and BJ (musical and cartoon) had an s/o that’s SUPER insecure about their smile (trufax: I’m projecting, I was in a very serious accident as a kid and it very seriously and visibly fucked up my jaw and teeth permanently) and constantly wears masks (got a ton so it’s easy to match any outfit) so they’ve literally never even seen the lower half of their s/o’s face. Love ya’ work! Thanks in advance if this tickles your writer’s bone!
I'm currently on hiatus with HH and HB, and I did a similar ask for alastor already, but I'll do this one for beej!!
*Literally so in your face it's not even funny
*Pesters you about it constantly
*"Man, your laugh sounds so sexy, bet I could hear it better without the mask"
*Will beg to see your face
*Literally on his knees pleading
*Is upset that it hinders kissing, wants to stick his tongue in your mouth
*Tries every trick in the book to get a peek
*If he ever does see the lower half of your face, he'll just be so confused
*Like, have you seen him?? He's so gross and covered in muck
*Literally thinks you're so cute with how different you look
*Might make a joke about how into it he is
*Doesn't even question it tbh
*Would get you cool masks/face coverings he thinks would look nice on you
*Just assumes this is your style or culture or something
*He does get curious though and asks about it occasionally
*Would only push it if he noticed your hesitancy
*Would be worried that it was something really, really bad
*If he ever does see you without a mask, he's not even going to notice anything wrong
*Just gives you a big ol' smooch and smiles with his crooked overbite
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7grandmel · 8 months
Todays rip: 26/01/2024
Season 3 Featured on: The SiIvaGunner Spooktacular Halloween Horror Special Collection '17​-​'19
Ripped by UUN4 Visuals by KnightOfGames, "Teeth Gang"
Look, uh, feel free to skip the visuals on this one if you're sensitive. There's a lot of, teeth, in this one.
I really don't know how I was able to forget about ​THIS RIP WAS MADE BY TEETH GANG for so many years, when I specifically recall being there on the channel the day it went up. It might just've been due to Halloween 2018 being a rather understated and not very memorable event in general, mainly there to tease the next year's Halloween blowout of Spooktacular III - a by contrast amazing event that I covered briefly in Battle with Jeffinite. Yet the music to Gimmick! was on my mind for some unknown reason as of late, and one YouTube search later, I'd rejoined the Teeth Gang.
The SiIvaGunner channel is pretty inextricably tied to the Chiptune community, right down to where several members of the team almost exclusively make chiptune rips. As a result, the channel's rips have featured a good number of games that neither you or I may find particularly nostalgic or even good, but that are beloved by chiptune artists for their lovely sound - Viva La Robocop and Beautiful! ~ Curveball of Sean Kingston come to mind as two examples of this that I've covered on the blog. The NES game Gimmick! is somewhat of a special case, though, thanks to its develope Sunsoft. Despite not having all too many games under their belt that could be considered genuine classics, Sunsoft is still remembered by a lot of gaming enthusiasts specifically for how they made consoles like the NES/Famicom and Sega Genesis positively sing. Gimmick!, released late into the Famicom's life, is the perfect embodiment of that, celebrated in some ways as the de-facto game to showcase just what the NES is capable of doing (Follin soundtracks notwithstanding).
That's the backstory for why I was out looking for rips of the game, anyway - as for the reason why TEETH got involved to result in ​THIS RIP WAS MADE BY TEETH GANG, that's an area I was woefully undereducated on. It's likely that many of those reading this had the chance to grow up more closely attached to Nickelodeon's cartoon programming of the early 2000s, and by extension had some truly iconic bangers embedded into your minds. I'm again speaking as an outsider, but - good LORD, discovering that My Shiny Teeth And Me had over 20 million views on YouTube left me completely flabbergasted. Do you remember just two days ago in Guilty Eyes Creeper where I discussed just how many rabbitholes there are to fall into on SiIvaGunner? Yeah, this is a prime example of me doing just that, as recently as this week.
Because yeah - even though I first saw THIS RIP WAS MADE BY TEETH GANG, my lack of familiarity with the song made me not really care for the rip's audio (which was also because the visuals were, naturally, a lot more memorable for the wrong reasons). Five years later, I can officially confirm that My Shiny Teeth And Me is a fucking BANGER that I wish I'd given a chance sooner, partially carried by the vocalist being a member of 2000s boy band NSYNC, but also just the melody and progression being very catchy in general! And when arranged through the aforementioned beautiful Sunsoft-y sound of Gimmick, it's a perfect fit - the sugary pop cheer of My Shiny Teeth And Me fits the sound of Gimmick, and Happy Birthday in particular, like an absolute glove. The main melody, bassline, percussion - though its all playing within the limitations of the original Famicom track, it still manages to sound just as full of life as the song its arranging.
And look, I've been throwing shade toward the choice of giving the rip visuals, but I'll say it - I think even back then I found it pretty fucking funny. Learning in hindsight that "TEETH GANG" is actually just members of the SiIva team submitting their own teeth edits for the rip, ballooning the size of contributors to this otherwise simple rip, just makes things even funnier. THIS RIP WAS MADE BY TEETH GANG was indeed made by teeth gang, and through the simple combination of the three different rabbitholes its made up of that I chose to explore, its now become a rip I'll never be able to forget.
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frostbite-the-bat · 6 months
trying to figure out how to do High Rollers speech impediment like girl how you do that
before I hop off to sleep fr - it's a lisp!
like buck it's supposed to be like daffy duck's lisp because Cartoon Duck, except instead of "th" for buck it appears as "ff" for High Roller when written
It replaces any 's' or just.. s type sound. if you say it out loud purposefully lisping and there's a lisp it's probably good to write the ff there
so uhh example that's funny for buck existence would be
"ethithtence" and for hr "effifftence" but for readability you could drop some stuff and make it just "exifftence" and go by the s rule only...? It's not very consistent, the lisp disappears for readability when trivia questions are read and the text on HR's website aren't lisped as well considering she probably wrote that himself and Didn't Speak it
That's it. piano daffy duck
I had a bad lisp growing up until I got my teeth fixed so idk seeing a character with a lisp like that even if it's a daffy duck joke makes me happy. (though it can be hard for me to read, dyslexic combo) (I was bullied for a million things but when I spoke back suddenly it was about the lisp so yknow having a guy just Do That is Silly Fun to Me)
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mzannthropy · 10 months
So, Enola Holmes. How do I solve a problem like Enola Holmes?
I have liked Sherlock Holmes stories for years (albeit not to the extent I like Agatha Christie, nor am I the type of expert on Sherlock as I am on Agatha Christie; when it comes to adaptations I've seen some and mostly enjoyed them, some more, like the Granada series, some less, like the BBC Sherlock). I am also a fan of Sam Claflin. When I heard there was going to be a film centred on a young Holmes sister, with Sam as Mycroft, I was, naturally excited. It sounded right up my street, even though I'm not the target demographic. A period drama with a young heroine? As a lover of L.M. Montgomery I'd like that by default. A mystery set in Victorian London? It had all the ingredients. I was not thrilled about it being about a younger sister of Sherlock, but it wasn't a major issue. And Sam was going to be in it!
Then I saw the trailer and felt like someone stabbed me with a knife.
I'm saying this to make it clear that I did not go into it with the intention of hating it. I never do, bc I'm not like that. I give everything a chance, even when everyone else is being negative. "I can't wait to hate on this show", that's not me. Sure, I didn't have to watch it--but I also I had to bc of Sam. So I did and somehow got through it, while fast forwarding parts of the film and yeah, I would have liked it, bc there was a lot about it to like, except that one crucial thing--Sam as Mycroft. Or a character named Mycroft, bc he has nothing whatsoever in common with Mycroft of Arthur Conan Doyle's stories. (Okay, neither have many adaptations, but at least they're not... like that.) Except for the working for the government, and I suspect they kept that bc it suited them, not out of any respect to the Sherlockian canon.
This Mycroft is a ridiculous cartoon villain, with a cartoon villain moustache, cartoon villain hairstyle and cartoon villain lines. Mycroft from the original books is smarter than Sherlock (Sherlock himself says so, read the beginning of Greek Interpreter if you don't believe me), he's just too lazy to actively solve crimes. He founded a club for antisocial men. He created his own position in the government, securing employment for the rest of his life. Enola!Mycroft is none of that. He possesses no skills of observation or deduction. He appears to be a conservative, old fashioned, sexist, all the bad things that the audience will hate him for. Enola, on the other hand, is smarter than both of her brothers. Bc of course she is. And people here ate it all up. So you can see why the film was so upsetting to me.
I like seeing Sam in different roles. I LIKE him playing villains. Heck, one of my most favourite performances of his is Oswald Mosley in Peaky Blinders, a real world fascist. In The Nightingale, he plays an absolute monster and that's one of his best films. I like to see him play three-dimensional, well rounded characters. I'm not interested in watching him in romcoms. You get my point. If Sam's character in Enola was the one she was after, like the culprit of the crime she was solving, I would have been fine with that. If he was, let's say, Moriarty, I would even have welcomed that. If Enola was a character in her own universe, not Sherlock pastiche, and Sam was, for example, her strict uncle, with the same characterisation as this Mycroft, I would have been okay with that. (He behaves more as an uncle than a brother in any case, these guys have no sibling dynamic. Source: I have siblings with a big age gap.) But even all that I could get through with gritted teeth, if if wasn't for another obstacle--Henry Cavill as Sherlock.
They really went all-in on Eye Candy Sherlock, with those pretty curls. Whereas Sam... well, you can see for yourselves what they did to him. The gross moustache, the idiot hairdo. Yet Sam has curls just as pretty as Henry's. (Funny thing is, that Sam and Henry are sort of similar looking, they can believably play brothers. But they did everything to make them look different.) So between peeps who loved Enola and the wokery of the film, and Henry's fans gushing over his cuteness, it was quite a hard place to be for me as a fan of Sam. It made me feel like a poor relation, something I have, let's say, a bit of a baggage with.
I understand that playing a cartoon villain was something Sam wanted to try his hand at, and I don't hold it against him. (Like, if I was an actress, I'd have liked to play a stepmother in Cinderella, I would get a kick out of that role.) But that doesn't mean I have to like the end result.
And now back to what I started with--how do I deal with all this, how do I reconcile my love for Sam Claflin with what he did to Mycroft, as also a fan of Sherlock Holmes?
The best explanation I can come up with is that, as the story is told from Enola's POV, she sees him as worse than he really is. Not that she's an unreliable narrator, or if she is, not on purpose. (Like you can do the same with e.g. Snape in Harry Potter.) He could have had good intentions with her, with regards to the boarding school. As for the scenes where she doesn't appear and he does, well, she cannot know what went on there anyway, so how do we know she's not making that up? I mean, him and Sherlock seemed to have got on well and Sherlock liked him, so he couldn't have been that horrible.
I was relieved to find out he wouldn't be in the second film (he was filming DJATS), I didn't watch it and never will. But now the third one has been announced and the old dread is creeping back. Another scheduling conflict would be too much luck, so all I can hope for is at least a tiny bit of character development. Please, gods of film and TV, please.
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summer-triangles · 20 days
✍ Favorite thing about writing the muse?
((Covered a lot of the broader stuff already under "what inspires me", but something I enjoy a lot is working out how specifically he would say something. There are some unwritten (until now I guess) rules that I follow when writing him, including:
Don't use too many question marks. He tends to make statements rather than ask questions, and when he does ask questions, it's usually because he wants the answer to get under somebody else's skin.
If he uses an idiom, make it weird. Take whatever the base form of the phrase is, and mutate it. To pull out a past example, I remember taking him describing someone as having "the subtlety of a brick to the face" and making that "A ROASTED HAM FALLING DIRECTLY FROM A SKYSCRAPER"... etc.
If there's an opportunity to incorporate his apparent fixation on teeth, blood, bones, eyeballs, do it. But 9 times out of 10 it has to be funny on some level, even if it's just the "Bill whyyyyyy" kind of funny. If he starts talking about blood and bones during dramatic moments, that's sparingly fine (TBOB has a fabulously creepy scene involving some of that) but too much and he sounds like a standard issue serial killer. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU NOW" is for when he's out of ideas for getting what he wants.
He never wishes anyone "sweet dreams", only "pleasant dreams". And he only means it as a threat.
I'm always trying to refine this portrayal. Alex has rules of his own that I do my best to incorporate.))
💢Something about the muse that annoys you?
((Annoys me in a good way: I have a lot of trouble wrapping my mind around his motivations. In canon, and even on my blog. I like that, I can't resist a mystery. But it ain't easy, I tell ya.
Annoys me in an Eh way: I understand very well the limits imposed by Bill being the villain of a 20 min format comedy cartoon aimed at pre-teens, I get that, but he's still canonically a bit of a reckless idiot who doesn't remember his own power. A chaos monster incarnate who can (checks notes) shapeshift, transform or conjure anything, see the future, and control time had NO EXCUSE to lose Weirdmageddon. RIP Bill, done in by the power of Pines Family Narrative Supremacy. Twice, as of the new book!!
Annoys me in a bad way: This is a writing complaint, not a character complaint, but he barely interacts with most of the characters aside from Ford (yes, including Dipper in that), and I feel like Alex has ended up retconning away a lot of the other chances for fans to explore that themselves. You're telling me that Fidds never interacted with possessed-Ford once? Personally, I think he did and he forgot.))
😒 Is there anything canon about your muse that you ignore? 
((I love canon Bill with all my heart. He is that to which I aspire. Unfortunately I think my version might be a little too slithery and sneaky to be strictly canon, and I'm not that interested in dialing it back lol))
((Also, the shoelace thing. Yeah, no. He doesn't wear shoes. He's never worn shoes. Shoes don't exist in Euclydia. What's a shoe?))
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
March 2006
March 8, 2006
“fucking savages…”
Don't sweat it kiddo...just look on the bright side,...you helped usher alot of young ladies into woman-hood tonight.
secondly, would everyone leave the poor guy alone already? Everyone wonders what drives people in bands "over the edge" or into a "meltdown"...its shit like this. How would you like it if someone posted "risque" pics of you online. Have some tact people. fuckin weak.
PS: Los Angeles will bury you alive
March 11, 2006
its funny how i seem to find myself home alone on friday nights. ill catch a look in the mirror at myself on the way up the stairs and i realize that i am not much different from the loser i was in 8th grade. still totally flawed in the same ways- only presented with these flaws at the most inopportune times. thats okay though. it helps my pen. and with the weeks ive had- i am probably a bit better off sitting this one out. i can't wait for everyone to get a chance to see the new video. we spent alot of time on it- patrick scored the entire thing and i have to say that he did an amazing job. but really i just want to be back on the road. playing shows is the only thing that feels okay lately. that and the one time she called me "serious george". lets start a club for all of us losers sitting at home on the internet on a friday night. what should we call it?it feels good to focus on the words again rather than all the bullshit that surrounds, a nice escape the way it used to be.new songs you will like i hope, maybe even love.here are some passages i was writing tonight:"The new uncool. And im leaning my head against some window in sometown. It doesn’t even really matter.
My head feels heavy. Tissue stuffed in my nose caked with dried blood, stuck like glue (the way I am to you). Ive got bad luck fists and every single joint in them is dyed a deep bruised violet. The blood is thick coating my throat, I heave towards my feet. December fights mean the most. Your face hurts before you even get into it. In Chicago if you hit somebody in the winter, you really mean it. it hurt my fist everytime I hit this kid’s cheek and teeth. And lets not even talk about how the concrete feels skidding against your face below zero. It’s the only time I don’t skip out on myself. I stand in there for every shot. The first fist in my stomach felt like it turned my guts inside out. I fell onto the curb and heard my keys clink down the angle of the street. I licked my bloody spit on my hand and slapped the kid that just punched me in the gut then walked off to find my keys. This kid spun me around and for the second before he hit me, I laughed cause my spit and blood on his face looked like warpaint, then he hit me right dead center in the face. Like a hiccup in time, it all slows down after you get hit in the face- you cant feel another fucking thing on your body. Like the cartoon stars, this is what they are referring to. Only all I had was every single tear duct on my head working overtime to get enough buckets out. the tears freezing on my cheeks, the blood, salty and quickly working into a paste when mixed with the dirt I had sucked up when I hit the ground. I hear converse pounding the cement in the distance, the sound is absolutely gorgeous. All I can do is smile back at this stupid kid like the worst kind of dare- the kind of smile that says "too late". Sound the cannons. The cavalry has arrived. This is why he will always be my bestfriend in my mind. us chasing these kids home. And him catching one on the front porch of the kids own home and pulling him off of it, the skin on this kids hand tearing as he is wrenched from the safety of the doorknob he has anchored himself on. this kid was screaming like he was being murdered. We’re panting in the cold air. Kissing off "maybe we shouldn’t"s like they were nothing. He is holding the kid and I am laying into him again and again. Right hand only. I want this kid to feel every hit. Its like green/silver on the screen, our glory days, his mom coming out of the front porch and my bestfriend telling her to ‘get back in the fucking house’. This kid defiant until the end, I gotta give that to him, no white flags- "fuck you"s between every hit. Me spitting my blood into his mouth. I get into a rhythm until this kid goes limp. For every single time I couldn’t sleep at night cause I knew what kids like this were gonna say to me in the morning. We wash the blood off of our faces and hands in the snow on the kids front lawn and walk home. Stopping when I see the glimmer of my keys in the sewer. He’s got longer arms then me so he reaches in and takes them back.
There’s no other reason to remember this than- no one deserves the title bestfriend if they don’t sound like the cavalries cannons or aren’t willing to bleed next to you.""I never meant for this to end up the way it has, you gotta believe me- the songs, the words, the flashes of the camera, the same interviews with the same answers over and over again to hell- im always a phone call away from making it or breaking it. and you should know that only when I see your sweated out eyes, that almost look like tears, living and dying right in front microphone altar, it’s the only reason I don’t throw the towel in. instead I shrug it off, another year down. Tell myself anything to make sense of it all. "Damn, kid- you really believe in yourself". I used to believe in dragons too. And I used to like these words a whole lot more but then they started sleeping around with your eyes and ears. Im coughing directions into the phone, my lungs hurt like im smoking sympathy cigarettes with you every time you light up. "turn left at the second stop sign. At the end of my driveway turn (b)right". thank god "I can’t wait to see you" weighs a whole lot more than "I cant let you see me like this" in the greater scale of things. You look so fucking good on my front porch when youre coming this way. I fake shyness at the door but only because I think that’s what you want. There is a breadcrumb trail of melancholy that leads back up to my bed or maybe out the third floor window depending on whose following it. We soften, we surrender in the failing light. I kiss your cheek goodbye (you’re not the one leaving). But its only a formality, like crossing yourself before you kneel in church. You are the bright oval light spotted out by the flashlight and I am everything else in the dark room. In the beginning I was only planning on holding on to you and using you recreationally, but then I started needing you at nights and then all the time. The not remembering is what gets to me the worst. Honestly the sex is overrated and the conversation is fucking terrible- so why do you still have me programmed in your phone? I broke out the ougie board and tried to contact the living. I said I need an outline and a diagram but then I can pretty much take it from there. Switch out the characters in this dream cause they just don’t seem realistic. Play the part- change the light cause it makes my skin look washed out. The hardest thing about life is the living part."
- petey
March 14, 2006
icantwaittoseeyouagain:He said "I was pretty much born in an abortion clinic".Lines like that are show stoppers.Imagine records being scratched at parties in the movies."I was born in Tampa in may of 82’, they razed the hospital and by January 83’ it was an abortion clinic".And this was my introduction to one of my bestfriends.He’s the gun that didn’t discharge.He’s The quarters you cant pick up cause they are glued to the ground.He is a disaster- He’s all the worst parts of the bible, thrown into one.The disaster sleeps in a bunk less than 3 feet away from me (there are worse things tonight than the bus crashing). He’s wearing a shirt that says "cowgirls ride better bare back".It’s enough to make me laugh, if only because he’s used that as a pick-up line.The light on my laptop pulses white on black like morse code mayday signals in the dark.It always wants me.It always knows what im thinking (so does The disaster).The disaster is looking in my bunk over the curtains again.Hes’s always looking for something to ruin.I close my eyes to fake sleep.Im not fast enough or he knows me too well.Right now he is a cycle: scream, laugh and fall over, repeat."Networks would pay good money for a reality tv star like you" I say.(We are the opposite of diamonds in the rough).Maybe he’ll hyperventilate and pass out."pete, you in there?" he shouts in response.Clearly there isn’t an iq equvilancy test to be my friend.I tell him, "gimme your moms number. You know its not too late for her to have an abortion"."alright, lets go eat"- he spits as he stumbles towards the bathroom.He’s either too drunk or not drunk enough.I couldn’t make up a kid like this.Our lives as a greek tragedy. Every single fucking character you get attatched to dies at the end.The bus crawls into texas.But it doesn’t matter. All the skylines look the same now.Everywhere is- not home.But we still live the lives you always dreamed of.We don’t pay covers. We sleep through the days.I mostly think of vampires.Not quite. But they are the closest I can come.They gotta know something about the way we don’t go to sleep until the sun comes up. Or maybe something about the marks she’s been leaving on my neck.Yawn.Squint.Dark glasses.I hate the way the sun looks at me. Like it knows everything ive been up to.There is something intensely foreign but at the same time charming about texas. Put the love on hold. We move slow.The disaster is wearing a "don’t mess with texas" shirt.The unOriginal gansta.The disaster says "im faded, but you should really think this over cause it could take all night".But I’m pretty sure he was just faded.My bunk feels like a coffin tonight. The air feels humid here. It makes it hard to breathe. It makes every pull worth it.This is the curtain call on desperation.So come out and take a bow. They’re all throwing roses.Could we get a brighter light to stage left and maybe a bit more attention.(I am all the parts of the bullet but the powder).(I am diamonds into coal).Fuck your low carbs.Fuck your atkins diet.Fuck your southbeach diet.Nothing keeps the weight off like depression.My friends all wonder about my abs- it’s a serious regiment of like a month of sitting alone, waiting for phone calls that never come.Sometimes I feel like the fucking pied piper.The tinted glass is like a two way mirror.This is so voyeuristic it hurts.(I never meant to be like this).What we’d all do for alittle attention.Its like the pied piper-But I am following the light down a vermin hole.You probably shouldn’t come after me.It’s like the pied piper-Only it’s a little bit more like a cult.And I don’t even feel like I am the one behind the wheel anymore.I look up at the light shining through the curtains.The disaster is on to another bunk. Hes got me smiling.
- petey
March 17, 2006
so the tour has kicked off. it’s been pretty intense. the kids in new england have been amazing so far. we are playing for about an hour and a half every night- including one of our oldest songs ever and a new song that we’ve never played before live.
oh and some of you were wondering- the quote at the end of my last journal was from a movie called “the united states of leland.”
i found this song that is so rad- total “listen late at night with one light on barely, drinking sleeptime tea” song. i don’t know who it’s by. i will find out though.
keep voting for 16 candles over on trl so we can brag to our labelmate n-yo that we’ve got cooler fans.
really exciting news about decaydance right around the corner.
glad to see old familiar faces in the front row- i was worried.
EDIT: okay- the song is called “fall away” and it’s by lauren hoffman- i have no idea anything about her but it’s perfect to listen to when you are falling asleep alone- “I heard the warning of the sun, Remember all the days I strayed, I found you, The moon fell down and made no sound… Where’s my mind I lost it too, And you put my love away”.
also- bob from the hush wanted me to let you know they are playing a super small show at chain reaction on april second in anaheim- you know all the creeps and jerks in the bands on this tour will be there.
posted by: peter, patrick, andy and joe
3/17/06 Q&A
does leslie write rainy day kids? or do you write it? or do you just take credit for it?
i am writing it. leslie is editting it. trust me. youll be able to tell its me by the style.
Hey Pete….I was listening to MYAMERICANHEART today and looking through who the band thanked and it said “Pete Wentz and Clandestine Industries” Did you know that they thanked you? I thought it was cool.
yeah. they are great kids and a good band.
Dear Pete , I wish you didnt speak so badly of fat people , females especially . I know that you have so called “vanity issues” of your own but that doesnt tolerate the fact that “fat” women are subjected to ridicule and underappreciation by you . As always said … skinny bitches are evil , i think you should recognize .Plus watch out cuz you might get whats comin to ya .Karmas a bitch trust me I know .
im not interested in making fun of anyone because of their body type. i myself have always been made fun of for being short- so i dont need karma- ive always had that. i dont think many people feel safe in their own skin. but their is not reason to call “skinny bitches evil” either- because noone chooses how they look. ivedated people of all shapes and sizes. initial attraction may be physical but at the end of the day its the people who keep you laughing and talking that matter- no matter what size they are. actions speak louder than words- dont believe everything you hear (even if im the one saying it).
hey pete umm i had this boyfriend and he was gettin bugged at school and well he killed himself and it was so hard for me to watch him go like that and i broke my heart cuzz not olny did i lose my best friend but i lost the person i wanted to send the rest of my life with and it bothers me cuzz i loved him so much and every time i hear some of ur song i start to cry and somtimes i feel like killing myself but i just cut my wrists but i dont no how longer i can stand this before i do somthing really stupid and i need to no what to do so i am asking you please dont let me down ur my hero so dont let me down my life is in ur hands now
the truth is, its okay to feel blue and down. especially right after someone you love kills themself. it is confusing and scary. if our music helps than that is amazing and probably the best compliment we could ever be given. but the truth is- you have to know that their are other people who have felt like this before and it is hard but you will make it through it. i mean, you have to. you definitely need to be talking to someone, a friend or your parents. the day after tommorrow could be the best day ever.
i have to say that im a bit dissapointed that youre playing at a non-smoking venue in denver…somewhow smoke smell adds to the beautiful concert ambiance (even though i dont smoke…is that weird?)
yeah its pretty awesome. iron lungs and chemotherapy are really sexy. nah their not. smoking cigarettes is so two years ago- and you can tell joe trohman i said that.
im really upset about you guys not going to warped tour…why arent you?????????
with warped tour- its supposed to be one year on, one year off- when you play the mainstage. were gonna come out and hang at a couple of the dates.
how in the world does andy spin the drumsticks so long…..i am a really good drummer me and my freiends have a band, and i have been tryin so hard to spin it but i get nowhere with it……
its all cgi- we hired the guys who did the last star wars movie and they editted like that. he doesnt even really have hands.
Hey Pete, is that dog in the new video your dog? I saw you holding in a picture recently and I was wondering about that. Whats his/her name? Its a very cute dog. =)
its not mine. its bonnie janes. but it does always look delicious.
i sleep with my arms across my chest and dream of you with someone else…” what is that a lyric from?
maximo park. go listen.
could I just correct you…goats dont eat everything, they make pretty good pets they like chocolate and mountain dew but I havent seen a goat eat say…a tin can. you silly city boy.
i saw a goat eat dirty laundry once. it was gross. like even grosser than when dirty picks his teeth with my comb.
hey! i just got home from a party and it was so fun but it got me thinking, whats your dance style/move? love always, princess pat
hide in the corner and laugh at my friends dancing- look at pretty girls and then go home and go to sleep. thats pretty much my only move.
hey pete im planning to make patrick a friendship braclet and i wanted to give it him personally im going to the Jacksonville concert should i throw it up on stage(since i have floor tickets) or should i wait around after the show like a weird stalker and hand it to him as you guys are leavn??
meet and greets are the best chance to give him something. throw it on stage but try not to hit him in the eye.
Pete what is it like to be on trl?
its like a million people screaming and spazzing and then they realize you are an ordinary boy and its cool cause you just get to meet people and its very relaxed.
I just saw the new music video, A little less 16 candles, A little more touch me I was just wondering why did u pic a vampire theme. Also i saw the making of the video on Mtv and why does patrick not wear his glasses when he plays but then he wears them like in “real life”??
because there are actually two patricks. one does his appearances and the other plays shows. its quite confusing. the only way you can tell is: patrick number two has a 2 right behind his left ear- duh- whyd you think he always wears hats?
March 22, 2006
 "baby im getting on a plane in a minute i wanted to say bye and i love you..." 
its funny the way being young exaggerates everything. when we fall in love or fall apart its all magnified. ive been waiting on a change. ive been waiting for you to not give up on me. i should have bet against myself and thrown the game. its always the same. the same people that are not me with the strange coastal breeze and the strange coastal boys. the truth is even funnier. its slippery. it looks different at 1am than it does at 10am. it looks different two weeks later. you know what the fuck i am talking about. its always new names and numbers. but its the same. and i am dirty, forgetful, lonely, arrogant, stubborn, secretive, and many other things i hear in whispers. but my heart is fucking in it. you could set your watch by it. and that has been thrown out and trashed. lied to. ignored. run away from. i have the opposite of midas' touch. no matter how you spin it- it hurts. words cannot explain- congratulations! you did it again. but being in the bitter boys club just keeps the cycle spinning. so this is me walking away. this is the closure i needed. or close to it. i want to be in love again. she is the start of it- she reminds me of sweet child o'mine and staying up all night talking and the truth and winks that are just for me. there are no futures here. there are no more second chances or arkansas- or wrong text messages. 'the girl i loved never really existed at all'... this journal doesn't really make sense anymore. the purpose i started it for is out the window and out of my mind. this will be the last entry in here. its gonna be okay. "its not that id die for you, its that i already have." next time try telling the truth. Current Music: "wish you were here" pink Floyd 
March 22, 2006
i cant believe how i started that last one off. it read so wrong. the last time i felt anything:My wrists are black and blue from bumping the edge of the table next to the keyboard like a punching bag. Im sorry just that’s the only way I know how to get this out. consider it closer to preheating the oven for when I drag the pen across my skin and spill the ink. My eyes black and trembling, sinking like stones. Her hands hold my head back once an hour as I throw up in the sink. The front of the stereo lights up "hello" when it turns on, it’s the only conversation in the room. Every night the alarm goes off at last call reminding me. I leave the house just in time to meet her out in front of the closed bar. Neon lights set free as they are shut off, they now go to sleep without a purpose. We own the edge of the street. I had concerns but they’re wearing off in the moonlight. I tell her I love the angle her hair takes in the shadows stretched across the street, cars plowing through the silhouettes of our torsos. Shes not impressed. I follow it up by telling her how she seems so L.A., she thanks me, though I never meant it to be a compliment. Her eyelashes are black and long- they seem to be the stitching around her eyes, holding all the fabric that is her together. I fight the urge to pull one and watch her unravel like an old sweater. I chew swallowables just to get them in my bloodstream faster. I skip the cell phone and just knock on her door just to get her in my bloodstream faster. I apologize for remembering everything out of order but my mind never was too linear. My head feels full of perfumed air and disinfectant spray. It feels like its been blown up with air but not floating more with an air heavier than the earth’s atmosphere and rolling slowly down the street. My head is swimming in milligram doses. Detatched, maybe this is what it feels like to be her, thinking of me. My last thoughts are of leaves floating in an abandoned pool in autumn. Strange. The way their stems move like fish. My pupils are fucking collosal, and if you could read them they’d be like the sign on a storefront "I’m sorry I have stepped away for awhile". Close the lid of the computer and lay back my head on the pillow blackened by your mascera. There’s people on tv a half a world away that are being blown up for trying to vote and I am complaining when we have diet soda instead of regular on our rider. You probably don’t even know what a rider is, but that’s just proof that you’re focusing on the wrong part of that sentence. Im skidding my shoe along the sidewalk, you’re telling me about your day- only I stopped caring about your days about a month ago. Im wearing your scarf cause I love the way it smells, the weather definitely isn’t calling for it, but it makes my memory feel comfortable. Im always trying to please my memory lately so it stops running off on me. Stop at the corner. We both have our hoods up, I tug yours towards my face. our eyes should always be this close(d), to this day ive never written a word about your lips just because I could never found ones that they are deserving of. And im not one for breaking habits, so I wont now. Fuck it. This isn’t gonna make any sense when I read it in the morning anyway.
- petey
3/22/06 Q&A
So, how is the reunion of Landshark 1 and Landshark 2 going so far? xoLC
amazing. weve been riding bikes everyday. pretty much the best kid ever.
pete, im confused. in the interview joe said that fob is far from ever being on a tour buss, but sense your van/trailer crashed, wat are you riding in now? xo, sarah
we didnt get a tour bus until about a year after that was filmed. and when we did we shared a bus with matchbook romance- after that weve been riding in a tour bus to write a record but we crammed our entire crew into one tour bus for warped tour. we tour between 200 and 300 days of the year. it is necessary for us to sleep and try to have some kind of home or else we would have to tour way less. it makes the music and shows better. we have also always paid for our tour busses ourselves. we have never taken tour support to do it. not that it needs to be justified because honestly we were in a van for 3 years in this band alone, not to mention the other bands weve done.
March 28, 2006
got some good news. i figured i'd post it here cause some of its kinda fbr related:1. first and foremost. i am excited to announce that lifetime has signed to decaydance (fbr) records. mostly, because the world needs another lifetime record. this is a partnership before it is anything else- and i have an intense respect for this band. how they go about things will be unchanged whether they play 2 shows or 200 shows - or who they record with or what the new stuff sounds like. i am a super fan and its exciting to have the chance to hear new songs! more than anything i hope new kids who are fans of bands from this scene can see where all of us got much of our influence from.2. the clandestine / fender squire bass has been set into motion- i will get pics up asap over at the buzznet. i am thinking that it will be available around the last two weeks of this tour possibly- and we are going to keep the price as low as squire basses are (under 300 - sold at guitar centers for between 220 and 260). i am excited about it.3. off day in new mexico. us and the all american rejects took over a chucky cheese. pictures will be up soon.4. deep breath, smile. dont take it all so seriously (that was mostly directed at me).xo
- petey
3/28/06 Q&A
Where the hell do you find apple fanta?? Ive lived in texas all my life and i didnt even know the made that.
its always in dusty bottles and is almost always flat. so good.
how come you guys only answer a certain few questions?…oh and is it ok if my band plays your songs practising? btw your drummer is brill, but i can drum to your songs..(nah nah nah) sarah xx
cause 99 percent of the questions are: “will you give me your screenname”, “will patrick kiss me”, “can you tell gerard that hes a hottie”. it is very evident to me that i should move to where ever you are because i would like to use “s” instead of “c”.
is your your bus stinky?
0 notes
duckdoeswords · 11 months
Remnants of the Past - Chapter 4
Summary: It’s been ten years since the fall of Beacon and five since the battle for Remnant which changed the world for the better.
Or so the world believes.
Those who fought in the war against Salem are still picking up the pieces, while those who didn’t worship them as heroes. Team RWBY is in tatters, their leader having gone missing in the chaos of the final battle has left a person-sized hole where she had once been. The three remaining members have gone their separate ways, some fairing better than others.
Words: 13,998
Main Relationship: Weiss Schnee/Ruby Rose
Rating: M
Notes: Hello! If you think this sounds familiar that would be because this is a rewrite of my old fic 'Grimm Consequences' I've finally finished the first chapter and am almost done with chapters 2-4 so I finally feel comfortable posting it! If you really enjoyed the last one I'm hoping you'll like this one as well even tho Im hoping to take it in a very different direction!! Enjoy!!
Ruby’s eyes snapped open at the sound of the T.V. blaring from outside her room, causing the sole occupant of the bed to groan, burying their head further into her pillow. She mumbled incoherent words into the fabric, tucking her arms under it. Ruby tried desperately to ignore the obnoxious sound of early morning cartoons coming from the living room, making it impossible to fall back asleep. 
Rolling out of bed, Ruby collapsed onto the floor with an unceremonious thud. “Ugh.” She groaned, pushing herself to her feet and stretching her arms over her head, gripping her elbow and wrapping her arm around her neck. Scratching her stomach, she ambled toward the bathroom, hitting her toe on the door frame. “Fuck! Shit!” She cursed loudly, jumping the rest of the way into the bathroom. Stopping in front of the sink, she turned on the water, splashing it on her face before looking at her reflection. 
The person who stared back at her from the mirror was a stranger whom Ruby barely recognized. The stranger's dirty blonde chin-length hair was shaved down to the skin and fell over one eye. She brushed it out of her eye, her reflection mimicking the motion, revealing a jagged scar across her right eye. Pinning her hair back with a clip, Ruby reached for the rag, wetting it and washing the sleep from her eyes. She dug the towel into her ears, cleaning them out before rinsing it and hanging it up. 
Ruby finished her morning routine, using the rest of the nearly empty thing of toothpaste, she stared at her reflection as she brushed her teeth. Her dead eye stared back at her as she brushed her teeth. Rinsing out her mouth, she grabbed her contact container and began the arduous task of inserting the green-colored contact. Blinking away the tears that formed, Ruby removed the clip that was keeping her hair back, noticing the black that peeked out from her shitty dye job. “I really need to clean that up.” She muttered as she ran her fingers through her hair. “Eh. I’ll do it later.” 
Ruby stretched her arms over her head as a yawn forced itself out of her mouth. She crossed her arms behind her head, hands gripping her elbows as she meandered into the apartment's shared living space. There, the rundown TV was displaying a cartoon that Ruby knew all too well. Somehow it was still airing even after all these years. “What have I said about TV before noon?” 
The only other person in the room, a young Faunas, looked up from where they sat on the couch. “It’s almost one, Crimson.”
Ruby furrowed her brows. “Shit? Really?” 
“Yup!” Saffron chirped, returning their attention to the T.V.
“Guess I overslept a little, huh?” Ruby reached up to rub the back of her neck. 
“Just a little…” Saffron’s shoulders bounced as they laughed. 
Ruby reached forward, ruffling their hair. “You think you’re funny, eh, bud?” 
Saffron looked up, a smirk pulling at their lips. “Lil’ bit.” 
“Come here, you lil’ shit.” Ruby dug her knuckles into the top of their skull, wrapping her arm lightly around their neck. 
“Crimson! Stop it!” Saffron laughed, pulling at her arm, leaning their head back against Ruby’s stomach. 
“Gonna teach you some goddamn manners!” Ruby laughed as she pinched their cheek, pulling it slightly. She let go giving their hair a final ruffle. “I swear, you’re so cheeky.” Saffron stuck their tongue out at Ruby. “You’re lucky I love you.” 
“But ya do.” Saffron sang and Ruby shoved their head as they pulled away. 
“I’m going to make some coffee.” Ruby scratched at her stomach, her shirt riding up as she plodded into the small kitchenette. “Do you want anything?” 
“I already ate.” 
“M’kay.” Ruby drawled as she grabbed a mug, blowing into it before pouring the rest of the coffee into it with an ungodly amount of sugar. Stirring the lukewarm coffee with her finger, she called over her shoulder. “Hey, Saff?"
Continued on Ao3
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alwayscraftynight · 1 year
Salutations it is I, Jacob Hopkins redemption fic writer person.
Even though I don’t follow you I still regularly look at your tumblr for Jacob Cringefailloserman Hopkins content (your art’s very good by the way). To respond to the post you made about me, I’m not at all disappointed with your response and it’s been really helpful with characterizing a character with a total of 5 minutes of screen time in the show, and whose only purpose is to make plot happen and to make fun of conspiracy theorists.
The reason that I don’t follow you, remain anonymous, and didn’t initially respond to your response is as you have guessed because I am uncomfortable with the proshipping. It’s something that I’ve been thinking about for a while and I’ve come to the conclusion that as long as it’s kept to a fictional space and it’s not taken to an extreme it’s something I can tolerate and I’m fine interacting with people who do partake in it. I promise to not harass, insult, or be nasty in general to you or anyone else in the pro ship community, and will go by the golden rule of don’t like don’t interact. Still gonna keep things anonymous though.
With that being said, progress on the fic has been slow. It’s my first time writing outside of a school setting and I’m not that good at it to boot. Putting my thoughts and ideas into words is like pulling teeth, and I have gained a tremendous respect for people who write regularly either professionally or as a hobby. 
I’ve rewritten the first scene five times now (though the one I’ve most recently came up with I’m pretty sure I’m going to stick with), and I’ve only got a good four or so chapters planned out definitively. But mark my words I’m getting this written. 
This man has been in my brain since November 2021 when I thought it would be funny if he was in dead cells because both Jacob and Dead Cells person use traps. Eventually in December 2022 I decided to start writing a fic about Jacob getting a redemption where he’d go on the infinity train but that was scrapped pretty quickly. Then it was about his experience in prison, but I don’t have the write something as nuanced as that and I’d need to study the hell out of prisons. Then finally after the owl house finished and the human realm was never made aware of the demon realm’s existence, the fic that I’m writing now started to take shape.
What I write will have its problems because of my inexperience. There will be plot points that are confusing, dialogue that sounds artificial, descriptions that are bland, and a number of other problems that I don’t even know I’ll face. But I promise you this, I’m going to put my fucking soul into this thing. 
People who forgot about Jacob entirely, who are neutral about him, or hold animosity towards him will read my fic and they will feel a fraction of the emotions that I feel about this middle aged cartoon man. And it will be glorious. And we will no longer be so alone.
I can’t promise that the fic will be released anytime soon as I want to get at least an outline of the whole plot completed as well as a sizeable number of chapters before I do so, but I’m going to promise to work on it every day (as long as daydreaming is included in the definition of working).
Good luck on making your AU, other drawings, and whatever else it is you’ll pursue. I’ll make sure to link you to the fic whenever I get the first chapter out. 
To repay the seratonin you have given me by making content about Jacob that doesn’t make me reenact the homelander in hallway scene, here are a list of songs I’ve put in a Spotify playlist that reflect either themes of the fic, the general vibes of it, or both. 
Love I need / My Ordinary Life : The living tombstone
The main character / Against the kitchen floor / …well better than the alternative : Will Wood
Coffee : Jack Stauber
Le festin : Camille, Michael Giacchino
Under pressure : Queen, David Bowie
World’s smallest violin : AJR
The mind electric : Miracle Musical
Once in a lifetime : Talking Heads
Gats : Susumu Hirasawa
Space song : Beach House
Undertale : Toby Fox
I'm a bit tired and I keep putting off my needed break so this probably won't be as long and comprehensible as it could be I apologize 😭
Hello anon, it's cool seeing you again! I wanted to clarify I didn't mean to come across as rude if I did in my post, it's completely understandable to stay anonymous if that's what you feel more comfortable doing, and thank you for being civil about my weird opinions lol.
It's so easy to get stuck on the beginning of stuff, I'm also in the rewriting stage if that makes you feel any better. I'm not experienced in writing specifically but I can share some advice I've heard if that helps. Writing and making stories in general requires a lot of brainstorming, so don't feel like your writing is inadequate for going through a lot of rough drafts. I like to save my drafts to add to other projects later (most of which take place entirely inside my brain but I digress)
Just remember that this stuff is supposed to take time and to just be patient with yourself y'know? I hope you're happy with what you decide to stick with and you can achieve what you want to achieve with your fic 👍
Also LOVE the music I definitely get the feel you're going for! I know quite a few of the songs already but I'll be sure to check out the ones I haven't heard :]
Cheers! And good luck!
0 notes
planetsano · 4 years
a family-friendly sleepover.
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SYNOPSIS ☆ "can I request reki and his s/o having their first sleepover together :) nothin nsfw!! just fluff and the both of them being dorks"
WARNINGS ☆ gn!reader but reki's baby sisters dress you up in a princess outfit.
PAIRING ☆ reki kyan x gn!reader
A/N ☆ I made this into a bullet fic/headcanon sort of thing. I hope that's okay, it's just easier for me to convey ideas! ;(
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I don't think it would be planned! It would just sort of happen.
The relationship was still new-ish, with it only being official for a month and a few days, but the two of you were inseparable.
One night after a skate date, you two decided to spend a little more time together back at his house. It was supposed to be an hour and thirty minutes max.
But there you two were cuddling and all pouty because you had to leave.
"It's late. I should go." Your voice is muffled from your face being buried into Reki's neck. His arm was loosely wrapped around your waist, rubbing on your back while. Your hand was on the other side of his neck, snuggling into him closer.
It was silent for a bit, the both of you unmoving because you didn't want to separate—puppy love.
A few more minutes passed, and you sighed. Now you had to get up. You sat on your knees, and you looked at Reki with a pout.
"C'mon, walk me out." You hit his chest gently. He groans and sits up, looking at you in your eyes.
"Do you really have to leave?" Reki asks.
You thought about it. You didn't necessarily have to leave, but you were supposed to, right?
"I mean, no but-" You stated but he cut you off.
"You can stay the night," He pauses, realizing what he just said. He was ready, but that's a significant milestone in any relationship, and maybe you weren't there yet. "Only if you want!" He gave you a nervous chuckle.
"Baby, are you sure?” Your hands found the sides of his face. “Will your mom mind?” Your thumbs rubbed his cheeks.
"I’m sure! She won't mind. I'll tell her it'll be a family-friendly sleepover."
“A family-friendly sleepover, babe?” You giggle and peck his lips.
"Yeah, it sounds PG, Ya know?”
Reki's mom and his sisters were so excited to have you over. His mother showed you some of his baby photos, and his sisters pulled you into one of their rooms. The oldest wanting boy advice, and the younger sisters just wanted to play dress up.
While you were occupied with his family, he took the time to get you everything you needed for the night. A toothbrush, a face towel, and pajamas (which consisted of one of his oversized shirts and baggy pajama pants)
Honestly, he was nervous the whole time he was preparing everything :(
He just wants everything to go well even though it was a last-minute thing, and there wasn't much he could do to plan.
Reki makes his bed and straightens up his room a bit even though it was already clean. Are there enough pillows??? Would you need more blankets??? Shit, he had to grab some extra drinks just in case you get thirsty!! He's a little ✨ frantic ✨
He folds your PJs in a neat square on his bed and even goes the extra mile to light a couple of sweetly scented candles and get more pillows
When he's satisfied, he'll go to his sister's room and knock on the door. He pokes his head in to see you wearing a tiara and an exceptionally poorly fitted princess dress. It was obviously made for a child the way it wouldn't close around your frame. Reki thought you looked adorable, but it was Reki-(Name) time now.
"Can I have my (Name) back?" He asks with a pout. His sisters shout a playful "no!"
"No? Let's fight then!" Reki comes into the room entirely fists raised.
Cue a fun sibling fight for your attention and love—spoiler alert. Reki wins, but only because they went easy on him. It was getting late anyway.
He takes you back to his room after you politely return your costume to his little twin sisters, and pinky promise you'll play again soon.
You smile when you see all the little things he's done and put out for you. You notice it all, from the candles to the couple bottles of water and snack sitting on his desk.
You guys brush your teeth and wash your face together. It's very much that scene from Bring It On. Lots of flirting through the mirror and hip bumps trying to fight for more mirror space.
He only gets "slightly" shy when he realizes you have to change.
"Uh, I'll let you change in here.." He says before he takes pajamas of his own out of his drawer. "I'll be right back!" He says and exits his room.
A few minutes will pass, and he's all dressed for bed. He knocks gently on his door, waiting on your response.
"Come in!"
He slides his door open to find you sitting crisscross applesauce on his bed. You look so sweet in PJs and a small smile on your face while you make grabby hands at him.
"Cuddle time, baby!" You say cutely.
Excited puppy Reki activated.
Reki takes so many candid pictures and videos of you. He makes one of the photographs his phone's lock screen. It's not a candid, but you're posing with two peace signs held up and a cute smile.
You guys are definitely making tiktoks too. (he's a surprisingly good dancer??????)
Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus? He has it all on his laptop.
You guys get in a comfy cuddle position and watch movies and cartoons for a while. The Scooby-Doo live-action movie? Watched. A few episodes of Regular Show and Adventure Time? Watched.
He notices when you're quieter than usual—your cute little giggles at funny scenes dying down to soft hums.
"Sleepy?" He asks with a soft smile, and you nod your head in response. Your eyes were getting heavier and heavier by the second.
Reki closes his laptop and starts to get up.
"Hnng- Where you are goin'?" You whine and ball his shirt in your fists.
"I gotta blow out the candles and put this up. I'll be back in no time, lovebug." He kisses your forehead, and you let him go.
You watch him get up and put his laptop on his desk, plugging it up to its charger. Before he blows out the candles, he turns to look at you.
"You don't need a nightlight, right? Because I have one if you need it, babe! I'm not judging!" Reki says
"Reki, I don't need a nightlight. Thank you, though, baby." You giggle softly, then pat the warm spot his body left next to you. "Hurry."
He blows out the candles quickly before sliding into bed with you. His body was resting on top of yours while your fingers massaged his hair.
"Goodnight, (Name). I..." He pauses. "I'm happy you stayed." Nice save.
"Night, baby. I'm happy too.."
Reki wants to save the L word for another time.
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© all content belongs to rekiri 2021. do not modify or repost.
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medusasstory · 3 years
3rd Life Week 8: The End
Grian: Hear me out, hear me out here for a second. I know the treachery comes later, but Joel is literally right there. We could just drop TNT right now.
Smajor: You work with what you’ve got, and today I have protection III books.
Smajor: Oh, Martyn!
SmallishBeans: The Red King dies tonight, fellas! Go wolves!
RenDog: Are you guys up for one last fight?
InTheLittleWood: Get me a shield, and I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth.
Smajor: I think today’s going to be a red day. As in a lot of people making it to red. Or making it past red.
Smajor: The rest of your stuff is down there. I did see you trying to dig a little trap, though.
BigB: No you didn’t.
Smajor: No I didn’t. 
Grian: I feel like Joel’s had a really big brain idea with this wolves, I’m not sure anyone can really hit him. That’s why I was thinking we take him out with TNT.
GoodTimesWithScar: Not only do they have teeth, but they also lag me out. It’s kind of a dual weapon.
InTheLittleWood: I wanna cuddle before you die. Come on. We were the last two yellows, can I have a cuddle?
Smajor: You’ve got BigB now, leave me alone. 
InTheLittleWood: I never wanted Jimmy to die. I said from the beginning that it was—
Smajor: You let Skizz kill him!
Bdubs: Hopefully I will be back soon. If I’m not, make me a grave.
Impulse: Here, I wanna show you something upstairs, Bdubs, if you’ve got a second. 
Bdubs: Okay, I’m coming up.
Impulse: Maybe even test it. I might blow up your crastle. 
Bdubs: Wait, I’m gettin’ Boomers memories. I’ve done testing before. 
Tango: The science is happening before our eyes. 
Impulse: This is just a little TNT launcher, it should launch out there—
Bdubs: *standing in certain death spot* Do I stand here?
Bdubs: Boomers are back, baby.
Tango: We’re getting the band back together!
Impulse: Do you like my disappearance trick?
Smajor: They all took it as an act of betrayal, to be fair.
Impulse: What? No! Oh no!
Tango: I’m not gonna lie. You go out with them and they both die and you come back alive.
Impulse: Ah-huh! That’s because I have the fishing rod of power.
GoodTimesWithScar: Martyn doesn’t have any gear, right?
Impulse: Yeah. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Okay, so they probably retreated to equip themselves. Should we straight-up raid Dogwarts?
Impulse: Oh my gosh.
Tango: I mean it’s just the three of them, right?
Impulse: That is cut-throat. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Finish, just finish off these kids.
Tango: Let’s finish it.
Bdubs: Put them out of their misery!
Impulse: You’ve got anvils?
Grian: I’ve actually been picking up anvils as the day has gone on, so I can try and get a cartoon kill.
Etho: Oh no you don’t. No you don’t. That doesn’t work against me.
Bdubs: Impulse, they gave me a clock. *sword strike*. So, I have to do this. I have to. 
GoodTimesWithScar: *in the background* Oh, I love Bdubs.
Impulse: Day one crew! What are you doing?
Bdubs: They gave me a clock. They gave me a clock. Sorry.
Impulse: Bd—
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh my god he did it. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Do I look like Kylo Ren?
Tango: A little bit. With shiny pants.
GoodTimesWithScar: I’ve been told this.
GoodTimesWithScar: I’m okay if you want to do some trample cropping?
Bdubs: Trample crops in Dogwarts?
GoodTimesWithScar: Ah-hah, sounds like a game, guys!
Tango: That’s the plan. We’re gonna starve em out. 
Bdubs: Yes!
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh this is gonna be amazing.
Bdubs: Starvation tactics.
Tango: Old-school siege warfare.
SmallishBeans: Welcome back to 3rd Life, where things happened. That’s all Im gonna say.
GoodTimesWithScar: I have something to quickly show you that’s really funny, before I show you the best thing ever. Look. I stole renchanting’s enchanter. That’s literally like stealing the Sorting Hat from Hogwarts. 
SmallishBeans: Nice. That’s what, your fifth enchanting table now?
SmallishBeans: These are all my dogs. Just kidding, come through here.
GoodTimesWithScar: Joel, wonderfulest Joel.
SmallishBeans: Hey, how’s it going! Do you all like dogs?
SmallishBeans: Oh, I really want to attack someone. But I don’t want to lose my alliance, because that would suck. So I have to attack someone on the renchanting side. 
SmallishBeans: Hey Martyn. Do you like dogs?
SmallishBeans: It’s kinda hard to do a surprise attack with this many dogs.
 GoodTimesWithScar: Sounds like you need to take a nap in your coffin. 
GoodTimesWithScar: I usually like to not announce myself now, so I can overhear secret plans. 
Bdubs: Scar, I’ve got an arrow in my back pocket with your name on it, just in case. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Do you mean if I run out of arrows?
Bdubs: Yes. No, not if you run out of arrows!
GoodTimesWithScar: I love our little relationship here, I think this is just such a wonderful alliance. 
Grian: Who’s blood are you out for?
GoodTimesWithScar: Nobody’s!
Grian: Nobody’s?
GoodTimesWithScar: I’ve done all my deeds. 
Grian: So you don’t care?
GoodTimesWithScar: Just kidding. I want to kill Ren. 
Grian: I have to tell you that there’s quite a few people after last session, that decided that you really need to die. And they were furious that you managed to survived, and they’re out for your blood. They’re not going to negotiate with you, nothing, that’s it. Scar, if they see you, they will just straight-up kill you. 
GoodTimesWithScar: I’ve talked myself out of some really sticky situations. 
Grian: Not this time. 
Grian: Don’t break the portal! What if we put lava either side of it?
GoodTimesWithScar: That’s big-brain thinking, I’m sorry, I had small-brain thinking. Are you in a hole?
Grian: I’m in a— I’m not in the greatest place. Is— is that cheap?
GoodTimesWithScar: No, it’s the greatest thing I’ve ever heard. Let’s roast them like roast chicken. Now I’m hungry. __
Bdubs: Do you trust him?
Tango: I don’t know, I feel like he’s just picking us off.
Bdubs: He said— is he luring us? Guys, do you trust him?
GoodTimesWithScar: Impulse? I did give him the ender pearls.
Grian: I will say out of everyone, he does seem to be popping off for something every two or three minutes. 
GoodTimesWithScar: If they burned that roof I will go up straight up there and murder them all.
Tango: It’s gonna happen. 
Grian: I don’t think they are, Scar.
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh I have a feeling. I have a feeling in my bones. Being an arsonist myself, I know these things.
Bdubs: Impulse is up there.
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh, is this the moment where we push him off because he betrayed us?
Tango: I think this is the moment, yeah.
Grian: Is this where we show our true allegiance? To each other, and that’s it?
GoodTimesWithScar: He’s chucking arrows, but I’m invincible. I killed the king.
GoodTimesWithScar: Bdubs, I noticed that you’re being a little hostile and you’re throwing nerf arrows. I have a clock. Will you come onto our side if I give you a clock?
Bdubs: Yes. I want a clock. Anything for a clock, thank you.
GoodTimesWithScar: Can we please kill Impulse? I just know he was going to betray us at any moment, this great friendship that’s been soldered together with a clock, can take down them all. 
Bdubs: We can take down them all!
Bdubs: I’m great at killing! Did you see how fast I got him?
GoodTimesWithScar: That was brutal.
Bdubs: I mean, we had this whole day one alliance thing, but he was cheatin’ on us with every team in town. So.
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh yeah, we’re day one alliance crew! 
Bdubs: Yeah. 
GoodTimesWithScar: I don’t know if I’m day one alliance. I just kinda slid in and slid out of your DMs. 
Bdubs: BigB, did you backstab?
BigB: I would never. I would never. 
Bdubs: Okay. Scar told me I had to kill you.
GoodTimesWithScar: I’m gonna say something here Bdubs. I’m a little worried about something. I didn’t realize that Grian is on his second life and I’m on my third. I don’t know, he’s being awfully quiet.
Bdubs: You gave me the clock, do you want me to do it?
GoodTimesWithScar: I have an idea. You stand here, and bdubs you stand here, and whoever gets the no-kill pass I don’t kill.
Bdubs: Man, tough day. Who would have thought that a clock would bring two guys so close together, perfect friends.
GoodTimesWithScar: Dude, we’ve been through too much. I couldn’t betray you in the end. I hope you know that. 
Grian: I was hoping you were gonna say that, but a lot of the time, I was uh, I was thinking: when are they gonna turn on me?
Grian: Scar, I don’t feel good about this. 
Grian: Scar, I’m sorry. 
GoodTimesWithScar: I’m so sorry too.
Grian: I’m so sorry. 
GoodTimesWithScar: I’m so sorry. 
Grian: I’m so sorry.
GoodTimesWithScar: That’s how we made it through this entire series: being a wild card, telling people jokes, and talking ourselves out of situations. When there’s like five people with bows and arrows pointed at you, the best way to get out of that is to say that you have a deal for them that they cannot refuse. 
Etho: Maybe it’s part of a long con.
RenDog: It could be a super long-long con. 
InTheLittleWood: Double, double agent.
Etho: And he just couldn’t tell us about it for some reason. 
BigB: It is stressful being a green life. Have you seen my hair? I’m balding. 
InTheLittleWood: I mean what can he do? I guess he can’t do too much as a green life, I mean offensively.
RenDog: I mean, he could, for example— I’m just throwing it out there dudes, just a suggestion— he could waltz into the castle with an end crystal, place it down, punch it, kaboom. You might lose a life, but you’ll take out like four or five peeps in one shot. 
RenDog: BigB, what’s your plan? You can come to the nether with us, but, uh. 
BigB: It’s gonna be either I die with you guys possibly, or I die separately. 
InTheLittleWood: Come to the nether with us, go on.
RenDog: Those look like Etho’s dogs outside of that portal, which is really weird.
InTheLittleWood: Etho wouldn’t have betrayed us, would he?
RenDog: I have no idea what’s happening with the alliances. 
InTheLittleWood: Oh, dude. It’s just the world versus us. 
RenDog: How many more do we have to kill before this violence comes to an end, me hand? 
InTheLittleWood: You’re workin’! You’re workin’, my lord. 
RenDog: The blood is drippin’ into me eyes. I can’t see, I’ve been blinded by the violence.
RenDog: We started selling books of enchanting, and now we’ve become stone cold killers.
RenDog: We’ve shown loyalty from the beginning, we’ve never ever backstabbed or betrayed anybody, and that includes— we have to include etho in that to. If it turns out that he stabs us, I guess that’s the way that it goes. But at least you and I can go out knowing that we played with honour.
RenDog: Once we had knights of the red table, everywhere we looked, and here we are alone. Completely abandoned. We’ve lost everyone we loved. 
RenDog: We’re completely outnumbered, and we’re basically fighting for honour, at this point.
RenDog: It has been an honour to shed blood with ye all.
InTheLittleWood: I wouldn’t have wanted to shed blood with anybody else.
Etho: Even though you shed all the blood, it’s been great.
Etho: I’m in bad shape.
BigB: This armor is a massive downgrade. However though, maybe it’s like, an upgrade? Ya get what I’m saying? It’s like two steps back one step forward. No, that’s wrong. 
BigB: You can already tell that I’m really lost at like, my focus here. Everyone’s gonna kill me, guys. Everyone’s gonna kill me. What do I do. I feel like I’m just waiting for everyone to show up, and they’re all gonna show up at my door, and just put me out of my misery.
BigB: We have flowers, so that just in case there’s funerals, we can visit those, pay our respects. 
SmallishBeans: Let me at BigB. Let me at him. 
BigB: I did nothing to you. I did nothing to you!
InTheLIttleWood: Change of pace! We’re now a pet adoption centre. Renchanting has become RenFriending. Come and get a little pupper today.
InTheLittleWood: I can imagine it now. We’re all meetin’ in the middle at shattered Skizz Point, both parties there, and then we like go “Right, you know what guys, peace treaty, here’s what we’re gonna offer you”. I walk over, I break a hole in the floor. I immediately break a hole in the floor, place obsidian, walk away. Someone places the end crystal, right-click, everything explodes, everyone dies— ah, it’d be glorious. 
InTheLittleWood: No, no no no, no no no Ren. Etho! Etho, they’re going for him! It can’t end like this! They can’t just drive us out and murder him on a hill!
Etho: I commented to BigB that you don’t even need us, Ren. You’re just taking care of business today.
InTheLittleWood: So I guess sometimes that’s just how it goes. You fight, you fall, you get back up again, but there’s only so much strength one man can muster until he can’t get up no more. But a lot of times it’s not even about the fight. It’s about the preparation, the journey, the friends, and the TNT. So y’all just remember when you close your eyes tonight, did you fight today? If you didn’t, you sure as hell better tomorrow. Don’t got no reason? Then lend that strength to someone else. Be kind to one another. Have fun. And until we next meet, y’all stay safe. 
Smajor: Is this how you want to do it? Is this how you want it to go?
Etho: Not really.
Etho: This is a dumb idea, I know, I know. But— Mary Poppins, you know? You gotta do it.
Etho: We gotta run. We gotta run. 
BigB: I’m going. I’m going.
Etho: If you get caught—
BigB: I hope I don’t get caught here. Ahhh, this is so— 
Etho: There’s no fighting five guys like that. There’s not even any fries. Not worth it.
Etho: Do not retreat now Ren, do not retreat now, just finish him off— oh no Ren.
GoodTimesWithScar: Interesting that when there’s a battle, you guys ran up in a tower.
Bdubs: Wait, I thought that you were just thinking about it. 
GoodTimesWithScar: No, we chased Etho down, but then he enderpearled and hid in a mountain.
Bdubs: Oh, classic. Classic Etho.
Tango: Typical Etho tricks.
GoodTimesWithScar: You think Impulse is a traitor, right?
Bdubs: I don’t— I don’t know if he is or not. I really don’t. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Are you covering for him?
Tango: I don’t trust—
Bdubs: Anything
Tango: — anything about anything right now. 
Bdubs: I mean, I feel bad for not going, but like. 
Bdubs: I’m on flame! I’m flame! Thank.
Bdubs: This is not a good group of fighters.
Tango: No, we are— we are not the pvp veterans. 
GoodTimesWithScar: What makes you say that? I think you can see that my muscles— 
Tango: Ripped, I know.
GoodTimesWithScar:  --are well defined.
Tango: I would not want to tangle with you.
Grian: Yeah, Scar! King! King! King!
GoodTimesWithScar: *in a whisper* I killed him! I killed him. 
Bdubs: You did?
GoodTimesWithScar: My heart’s beating kinda fast. 
Bdubs: And Etho too?
GoodTimesWithScar: Turn the oxygen up here, turn the oxygen up. Just give it a couple clicks. Alright, King, is there a crown for me?
BigB: Wait wait wait wait, I have one more thing to say. 
Bdubs: Okay, Guys, come in for his final words, come on in. 
GoodTimesWithScar: His final words. *laughing*
Bdubs: Hold on, they want to come in range. They want to hear. 
Grian: BigB, don’t go out without a fight. 
Bdubs: Okay, he said it was important. 
BigB: It’s very important. *attacks Grian*
Bdubs: Look at the chat, bang bang bang. When I really need to go to town, I do, don’t I. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh, I didn’t realize— oh baby a triple. 
Bdubs: Yeah, triple.
GoodTimesWithScar: Wow.
Bdubs: One of ‘em was a 360. 
GoodTimesWithScar: Do you still have the no-kill pass?
Bdubs: I do!
GoodTimesWithScar. Okay, okay. Whew. 
Bdubs: And you gave me the clock! I mean I feel like I can’t. I can’t. I could knock you off this cliff right now, but I love this clock.
GoodTimesWithScar: You’ve got the clock, you’ve got the no-kill pass. I feel like we’re good. We’re good. 
Bdubs: I got— I mean— yeah. Until, y’know. Yeah, forever, never mind. It’s dawn, by the way.
Grian: The kingdom has officially fallen. I’m wearing nothing that belongs to me, and I’ve even got a shield of the enemy. That’s pretty much a good summary of where we’re at on Third Life today.
Grian: I’m technically free of Scar’s bonds, but I feel like I’ve got this moral obligation now. I don’t understand— I can’t let him die. I just— I don’t want to see him go, he’s like the most interesting character on the server, and I just can’t let him go.
Bdubs: Did he just leave? Is he a traitor again?
Tango: I think he is.
Grian: We don’t know who’s side Impulse is on.
Grian: You do realize that if we come out on top in this battle we’ve all got to turn on each other. You know that, right?
Smajor: Oh, 100%
Grian: Okay, alright. Just making sure we’re all clear.
GoodTimesWithScar: Etho’s at world height, at this point. 
Grian: Yeah, I think Etho might be our biggest problem.
GoodTimesWithScar: BigB’s like ‘you know what? No. I’m not doing it’.”
Grian: Look at him, look at him!
GoodTimesWithScar: I want him off, I want him off!
Grian: Wait, what’s he doing. He’s looking in the sky. He’s shot himself. 
GoodTimesWithScar: He’s done, he’s done.
Grian: Wait. What? He’s got slow falling. Hit him! Hit him!
GoodTimesWithScar: Mary Etho Poppins, here he comes. 
Grian: He’s Mary Poppins! He’s Mary Poppins, y’all! Too far away. Oh, he hit me! He hit me while he was Mary Poppins! That was the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen.
GoodTimesWithScar: It was. I’ll give him a point on that one. 
Grian: Oh no, Scott’s down. Oh dude, we should probably be there. But what do I call my sword?
Grian: Dude, all I have left is slow-falling arrows and two potatoes? We’re gonna win third life using slow-falling arrows and two potatoes. 
Grian: I got double-betrayed. First BigB— Okay, BigB got revenge by going for me, I’m okay with that. But Scar! He’s going first. I tell you, he’s going first. Scar, he’s gotten away with too much on this server. 
Grian: I’ve been betrayed, I’ve been bamboozled, I can’t believe Scar would— actually, y’know what? I absolutely 100% knew that Scar would probably betray me in the end. Especially over a bit of paper. 
Grian: Traitor! Traitor Scar!
GoodTimesWithScar: You can kill me. 
Grian: What? No. 
GoodTimesWithScar: For everything you’ve did for me, to keep me alive this long, you may slay me and take the enchanter.
Grian: No, I can’t, No, I literally can’t. I can’t do it.
Grian: No, the spectators want a fight. 
GoodTimesWithScar: No no no no, we got this. We’ve got a friendship! Don’t let them break up the friendship. 
Grian: They said blood. They want blood!
Grian: I think no matter what happens, we can count this as a double victory, right?
GoodTimesWithScar: Yes. We are— we’re good. Let’s do this.
Grian: Let’s let the ghosts count us in then. 
Grian: I don’t feel good. Scar’s a ghost in front of me right now. One more life to go, that’s it. That’s it. That’s it. It’s been a fantastic series, thank you everyone for joining. It’s been amazing. Goodbye. 
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ceilingfan5 · 3 years
Wedding/ sick for weird au mixes
Kravitz thinks of himself as a relatively sensible guy. Somehow, despite this, he always seems to end up in bizarre situations, and this time, he might have really taken the cake.
Not literally. Wedding cakes are so fucking expensive. Did you know this? So expensive. Even breathing is expensive when it comes to weddings. Kravitz is never getting married. If he ever feels the urge, he’s going to take a cold shower and then calculate, by hand, how many burritos he can get for the cost of a wedding while he’s still dripping wet and naked. This is a foolproof plan.
Kravitz likes plans. He likes knowing what’s going on at any given time and what the appropriate reaction is to any given situation and he likes knowing the right way to handle things, which, he’s been criticized in the past, by several different boyfriends, is like trying to get a good grade on every social interaction at all times, like he’s going to be given a report card at the end of a fucking conversation. This is normal to want and possible to achieve. Kravitz is doing great. And all of those guys saved him a lot of money on not having a wedding, so, really, he should thank them for fundamentally misunderstanding him on a level bordering on cruel.
He’s sensible. He likes plans. He wants to know the right answers. And yet? And fucking yet?? He finds himself doing shit like this, holding back the long hair of a complete stranger in the bathroom the night after the bachelorette parties. They aren’t even from the same side of the wedding party--Kravitz is firmly in Sloane’s camp, the best man, in fact, and he’s never met Taako before this week.
“So, you’re Hurley’s friend, right?” He tries to keep his voice soothing, and he pats Taako’s back a little. He doesn’t want to overstep, but he also doesn’t want Taako to be as miserable as humanly possible, which he’s certainly trying to achieve with a fervent vigor most people retain for gambling, or extreme sports. He wishes he had a little pocket guide book for weird situations like this. Turn to page 34 to comfort a stranger. Turn to page 62 for dealing with someone who is attempting to vomit everything they’ve eaten since age five.
“Yeah,” Taako moans. He leans his head, presumably pounding like a DJ scoring a hammer festival, gently against the toilet paper dispenser. “Sorry to drag you into this. You can- mmnnh. You can go. If I die, I die.”
“I think Hurley would be upset if you died,” Kravitz says gently. “You’re under contract until you wear that suit tomorrow. Maybe after that you can schedule a date with Death.”
“Hope it’s not a dinner date.” Taako snickers at his own joke, and then hiccups and covers his mouth. “Fuck!”
“Listen, not that it’s any of my business,” imagine him rapidly flipping pages in his guidebook, looking for the appropriate conversation cue. Interventions in 60 seconds. No? Maybe 25 conversation starters that aren’t about toilets? “But when we ran into each other at the casino last night, you seemed a little...” Flirtatious. Angry. Incredibly wasted. “Distracted. Is something on your mind? Besides the wedding, I guess?”
“Damn, you-” Taako hiccups again, and shifts his legs, groaning. “You weren’t kidding, that isn’t any of your business.”
Ah! Fuck! He’s losing points! What a terrible misstep! How will his grade ever recover!
“I’m so sorry-” he backpedals. “I just-”
“No, I get it.” Taako sighs. “Shit. Um. You know, I’m too hungover to lie to you? Um.” He fidgets with the toilet paper like a cat finding its own enrichment. It’s almost endearing. “Um. Okay. Yeah. I was in a mood. I would still be, if my fuckin’ head didn’t feel like it’s losing a getting-crushed-by-a-steamroller race. I’ll have more feelings later, I guess. Jot that down on your calendar.”
“I, um.” Taako closes his eyes, shoulders lurching a little again, but Kravitz gently pulls his long, silky hair back from his face, and it doesn’t go further than that this time. “I was supposed to get married this year. And, uh.” He waves the fingers on his left hand, all of them incredibly empty. “Sorta fucked that one up.”
“Oh,” Kravitz says, intelligently. He imagines frantically flipping through his guidebook. Even in his head, there’s no suggestions for this. It’s a picture of a cartoon frog giving a thumbs up. Frogs don’t even really have thumbs. “I’m so sorry to hear that. I can see why that would be hard to deal with.”
“Yeah,” Taako chuckles. “It sucks. I mean, he sucks, and both of us are stupid, and the whole thing is a mess, and I’m glad it didn’t go forward, but it’s.” He covers his mouth, looking green, but his shoulders slowly relax. “S’bad. Badtime. Badtime for Taako.”
“I see that.” Kravitz decides to carefully rub Taako’s back. If that’s overstepping, he’ll take the F. Taako can tell him to fuck off, and he will, and that’ll be that. But between last night and today, he likes Taako, and he feels bad for him, going through something awful like that. It’s got to be real hard, having to be a big part of a beautiful wedding, mourning one that’ll never be, even if it’s better for everyone involved. “Well, I’m sure you’ll find someone else who makes you happy, if that’s what you’re looking for. You’re very attractive and funny and- and-” Kravitz’s cheeks heat up. That might have been a bit much for sure. He especially didn’t need to keep talking, because the next thing on his mind was how perfect all of Taako’s freckles are, and that’s, that’s a lot. Wrong thing to say in the wrong situation. This is such a mess.
But Taako laughs.
“Yeah?” he says. “Sounds like you like me.”
“Oh, I- um. I.” Kravitz backpedals, pulling his hand away from Taako. His long, beautiful hair falls around his face again, and even as miserable as he is, he looks like some kind of angel.
Can angels puke? Rats can’t. There might not be a correlation there. Then again, what if there was?
“I’m- I wasn’t- You’re- that would be-” he can’t quite figure out how to defend himself.
“Admit it,” Taako sing-songs, his voice still hoarse.
“I could be convinced to like you,” Kravitz mumbles. “I happen, to, uh. Happen to have an opening. In my life. For likeable people.”
Taako laughs again, tipping his head back and smacking it on the toilet paper dispenser. He whines and rubs it, looking positively wretched.
“You’re wild, Krav,” he says anyway. “Soon as I can brush my teeth, I’m gonna find out if those pretty lips are as kissable as they look.”
Kravitz doesn’t have a page in his book for this, but something in the very, very back of his mind thinks that there are more things in life to do with your money than buy burritos. If not a wedding, at the very least, a date is a good start.
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malfoysstilinski · 4 years
stupid chicken | DRACO MALFOY
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pairing: draco malfoy x slytherin!reader
summary: after draco’s hurt by buckbeak, you find a way to put a smile on his face. short fluff.
warnings: hufflepuff slander :(
“That stupid chicken!” Draco seethes, pale face nearly bright red as he clutches his sling-clad arm close to his chest, stalking down the dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts.
You smile discreetly from beside him, unsure why Draco was so insistent on mocking the Hippogriff who had attacked him in a frenzy of fear, all due to Draco’s own cockiness. It wasn’t Buckbeak’s fault at all, but Draco was blind to all his wrong doings.
He glares when Hannah Abbott and Ernie Macmillan giggle at him as he stalks by, lip curling in such a menacing way that you would have recoiled too, had you not been his girlfriend. Draco would never treat you how he treats the rest of the school’s population— he acted cruel to maintain his reputation, yet around you, he was a clingy, cuddle-loving teenage boy, just desperate for some positive attention.
“Bloody Hufflepuffs,” he spits, “Why are they even here? Society has surpassed the need for them!”
You chuckle and roll your eyes. “Calm down, Draco. I’m sure they meant nothing by it.”
You could tell Draco was in pain from the injury on his arm and that he was humiliated due to the increased frequency of his crude remarks. He was glaring at anybody who dared breathe near him, grabbing your arm with his good hand and leading you quicker to the Slytherin Common Room.
As soon as he muttered the password and the door slid open, the two of you planted yourselves on the leather couch, so close that your shoulders brushed.
You take his mobile arm and hold his hand, smoothing up and down the sleeve of his robes in an attempt to calm him down. Slowly, his jaw starts to unclench and you can feel him relaxing beside you.
“I don’t know why you didn’t just listen to Hagrid, Draco,” you tut, intertwining your fingers with his slender, pale ones. “He strictly said not to approach Buckbeak unless told so.”
“This is not my fault,” Draco mutters bitterly, refusing to look at a perspective other than his own. “If he can’t control his beasts, then he shouldn’t have them! I don’t see why we need his stupid lesson anyway. It’s a waste of my time.”
You sigh and squeeze his hand. “Does it hurt?” You change the subject.
Draco nods. “Yes. When I move it more than when it’s still.”
You pout sympathetically. “Oh, Draco...” you sigh. “Whatever will I do with you, hm?”
“You sound like my mother.” The corner of his lips tug up into a small smile, making you chuckle.
He sighs as she leans back, clenching his eyes shut as a particularly stinging pain shoots through his arm. You frown, wishing you could somehow help him. You unlink your hand from his, causing his silver pools to open up, a frown written across his pale features.
“I’ll be right back,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to his temple.
Draco’s brows scrunch up. “No. Stay.”
“I’ll be back, you big baby,” you promise him.
You keep your promise and you’re back from your dormitory in less than two minutes. Two minutes too long in Draco’s opinion, who looks relieved to see you once you plop back down onto the leather couch beside him, on the other side of him this time, so you’re next to his hurt arm.
“What are you doing?” He asked when you tenderly lift it out of the sling.
You’re careful with him, your fingertips barely grazing the bandages covering his arm as you prop it up onto a pillow on your raised knees. Draco raises his brows curiously as you pull out a selection of colourful pens.
“Pick a colour,” you order him.
“Green,” Draco replies, causing you to smile and roll your eyes. “What are you doing?”
“Making your poorly arm look better,” you beam, popping off the cap for the green marker with your teeth.
The two of you are silent as you hold it between your lips, your writing hand moving out to touch the bandages wrapped around his arm whilst your other hand gently tilts it. Draco’s face shows no sign of discomfort, just curiousity and admiration as he watches what you’re doing, so you continue.
“It’s a snake,” he realises when you’ve drawn half its body near his thumb. “For Slytherin.”
“Yep,” you smile, before you write your name near it.
Draco begins to scold you once he realises that you’re drawing hearts around your name, but he sees the look on your face and doesn’t find it in him to do so. He lets you add a couple of flowers nearby, your artistic talents coming into play when you add a cartoon sunshine and a smiley face.
“It looks like a Hufflepuff threw up on my arm,” he mutters, acting as though he didn’t love it.
He likes the way you’ve drawn over his bandages, he likes how gentle you’re being with him and how you’re taking the time to pay attention to him in a sweet way.
Draco scowls when he realises he’s zoned out and you’ve written “buckbeak waz here” smack bang in the middle of his bandages.
“Y/N!” Draco complains as you giggle, putting the cap back onto the green pen. “That is not funny.”
“It kind of is,” you tease, glancing back up at him.
Draco goes to protest, but ends up lost in y/c/e pools instead. His breath is stuck in his chest and he releases it through a shaky sigh rather than an angry remark, his minty breath fanning your face. Your smile brightens as he leans closer to you.
Draco presses his lips against yours, his good hand cupping your cheek. You kiss him back gently, careful not to get too carried away and hurt the arm that’s resting between the two of your bodies.
“I love you, idiot,” Draco whispers as you pull away.
“I love you too, but you’re the idiot.”
Just a random idea I had!
harry potter/ draco tag list: @dracoswifeyy @axva03 @danielsharmannn @dumbledorrs @beiahadid @gloryekaterina @danastik @justmimithings @babydol @cauliflowercounty @booksmione @lexymoniqu @mirandabate28 @purpleskymalfoy @sabor-a-ksoo @malfoycrave @sonia-the-actual-witch @lunalovegoodsgirlfriend @mariah-can-dream
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