#my star wars dnd fanfic
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kenobiwanx · 1 year ago
Commissions CLOSED!!
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Hello, my beloved followers! 💜
If you like my artworks and want to have a drawing of your OCs, fictional characters, pets, self inserts and etc... commission me!
you can contact me via email or dm. feel free to ask me any questions! ✨️
⬇️ all the info and the prices are in my carrd ⬇️
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amberskyyking · 6 months ago
Updates mean reblogs! A year ago I had a single fic, now I have a problem. 🙃💜
Clone Wars gave me big feelings and I accidentally wrote several hundred thousands words about it and now I’ve got fanfics (and paintings??) and pieces of my soul are on the internet and I blame the hat man. But turns out writing is cheaper than therapy and less likely to injure me than my other hobbies, so. Master list below! Please mind the tags and TWs.
Star Wars Long Fics Disillusioned - My big passion project story that started me down this rabbit hole in the first place! Cinnamon role rogue clone OCs and Luz the disaster pilot trip and fall into a series of rogue missions saving vode and taking names (mainly Krell, the name they are taking is Krell). 66 chapters long for… Reasons. 👀 Enemy - Sequel to Disillusioned, where big-hearted clones and a seriously pissed off Luz navigate the early seeds of a rebellion, doing their best to save each other and fuck the Empire while they're at it. Posting on Sundays! Dying Isn't Very Regulation - Fives should know better than to touch weird force shit, but what's the silver orb going to do? Kill him again? Pfft. (Time travel fix-it inspired by Snapback, by TooManyTeeth! With a sequel in the works - Murder Isn't Very Regulation, feat. Fox, because I have feelings okay???) Unattended Adiik'e Will Be Given Beskar'gam And A Free Tooka - Jaster Mereel finds a sad mandokarla child and Good-Buir-Jaster angst ensues (Written as a gift, but doubles as fic-therapy, I guess!) Implications Of Being Alive - Tech Lives but make it maliciously canon-compliant. That man is alive dammit, don't tell me otherwise! Kriffing Domicile. (Def contains spoilers for BB S3!) Star Wars Short Fics & One Shots Facing Down Demons With A Drink In Hand - Captain Killswitch and his General have to face an old trauma in the form of his Jedi's old master, Pong Krell (Eventual series...?) You Trust Too Easily - Crosshair trusted the Bad Batch one too many times... And now it's too late. (Based off the BB S3 leak!!!) Brothers Gained Brothers Lost - Coruscant Guard CMO Stitch is fiercely loyal to Fox, and there's a fucking good reason for it. Collab work with TooManyTeeth! And part of a Corrie EU we've put together! How The Commander Crumbles - The story of Fox's downward spiral through the eyes of Stitch, who will never stop fighting for Fox's life, no matter how much darkness they face or how much of a self-sacrificing asshole Fox can be. Also part of the Corrie EU <3
Not-Star-Wars Fics, Lol Friend-Coded - Tron fic, post Legacy. Rinzler betrayed CLU. Rinzler fell into the Sea. Rinzler was not expecting to wake up in the presence of a *friend*. Changeling of the Guard - D&D fic, set in Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, where my changeling OC Keeva plots an escape from Manshoon after learning her brother Jackal just killed one of their own. Definitely very original and not Commander Fox coded at all!
PLANT BUIRE ART SERIES!!!! - I started painting clones with plants after making some jokes about it with TooManyTeeth and they're actually really fun?? I don't know how these guys are coming out of my own paint but they deserve lil plant friends!!! If you'd like a print of any of these please PM me! I'm glad to share the love <3 Commander Fox and his Cactus, cause he's a prickly guy Commander Wolffe and his Wolfsbane, he's proud it's so poisonous
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innbetween · 4 months ago
Question more so for Hannah than Tessa but who knows, maybe podcasts exist in the dnd world.
wanted to know if you had any queer fantasy and/or sci-fi audio drama recommendations. I’ve listened to and loved Welcome To NightVale, Jar Of Rebuke, Absolutely No Adventures, Zoo, The Bright Sessions, and of course, Inn Between. Thanks regardless :]
Yeah I definitely do. I'm actually one of those cishets myself, so just to be absolutely clear, i'm going to include only shows with at least one main character who's not like. You know. One of me. I'm also looking at your selections and noting a sort of steady pacing, respect for exploration, and character focus, so I'll be leaning toward those.
Dragon's Rest is a sitcom in the vein of ANA and Inn Between--a fantasy inn, a grumpy owner, her hapless hero hopeful busboy, the local lush, a bard who, and I cannot stress this enough, is too dumb to read. It's delightful, honestly.
Eeler's Choice is a strange and beautiful oceanic adventure about magic, siblings, and giant eels. The music slaps also.
Electromancy: imagine if Harry Potter was a) not written by a freakin transphobe, and b) actually asked hard questions about imperialism. Like hey, should we be doing imperialism?
The Kingmaker Histories is hard to describe. I can say "steampunk," and "magic" and "magical politics" and "Collette's got a jewel stuck in her head that explodes people sometimes" but that's not even the half of it.
Sidequesting is like, best friends with ANA. Rion, a brave hero, is given a magic sword for an epic quest...and promptly goes and does literally everything else. It's so nice.
Starfall hey what's up Starfall I love you Starfall, Starfall's about a magic theater troupe and definitely not also about how imperialism is bad, actually. Fel and Leona own my whole heart. Friends.
Ask Your Father is one of those shows that hits you in the teeth. When an accident sends an astronaut and his AI bestie way off course, he finds himself lost in space, answering questions from his kids and husband that will absolutely break your heart. I cried. A lot.
Gastronaut is near-future sci-fi about a bougie foodie who goes on a journey to discover the food of the Asian diaspora throughout the solar system. And things go...very bad. This show loves food so much and it loves the characters even more.
Midnight Burger is...everything. How do you even describe it. It's hard sci-fi dressed up in a found family package and served with fries. Or maybe beans and rice, if Gloria's cooking. It is a deeply cynical show that nevertheless insists that the universe is worth fighting for, with everything you've got.
The Pasithea Powder is explicitly written for people who like a gritty, uncomfortable, messy romance. Like, did you like Stucky fanfic? So do the writers and it's amazing. The tagline is that a retired fighter pilot/war hero and a disgraced scientist/war criminal used to be best friends. They still might be, if the other one will pick up the phone.
Second Star to the Left is about colonization and xenobiology and the kinds of connections you can make light years away from each other. It's about rules and when it's okay to break them. It's beautiful.
Startripper!! is also very ANA and Inn Between--an accountant decides to ditch his day job, buy the far-future equivalent of a Millennium Falcon replica, and travel the universe for the rest of his life. It's so fun.
The Strange Case of the Starship Iris is like, if Firefly had real Asians in it. It's about a group of space smugglers turned galaxy heroes, and it's absolutely incredible.
Travelling Light is another travelogue, but this one features a person doing archival work for their community and meeting amazing people and hearing amazing stories while they do it. It's so gentle and wonderful.
World Gone Wrong is a chat podcast between two separated roommates who are trying to make sense of the end of the world. Like what do you do with that extra hour in the day now? Is my community going to lose its mind because some of the trees look like women? How can I throw a poetry jam that's inclusive for my werewolf friends? It's so well crafted and well acted. I think about it every day.
Wow this ended up long. There's a few to get you started!
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brokenrecordplayersblog · 3 months ago
Commissions open!
Hello! I'm Nova and I write and draw, a lot. From books to letters to fanfic, to fanart and personal art.
I have dived head first into various fandoms, such as Call of Duty, DC comics, various animes, Marvel comics, Star Wars and so on.
I also do active research on various characters and am open to what people want and like.
On that note!
I'm open to comfort character letter commissions!
It's fairly easy , you tell your character's name and age. ( It can be a fictional character or one of your ocs, I don't judge,) a summarised version of what you want in the letter and to who it is for.
I can also provide a form if it's easier for people to organise their wants.
Prices are fixed at 10$. I only have PayPal, so please bear with me.
I've been drawing for years. I have an anime-like style, with a bit of realism thrown into it, with a lot of detail.
I'm open to drawing commissions!
It's fairly easy , you tell what you want to get done as well as some references. I'm open to anything, from oc art, to fan art. I do various things from furry art, to DnD. I also do mecha.
My prices vary from 10$ to 50$.
You can contact me on discord at lovellycallicokitten. Or on here if you'd like.
For more of my art here is a link to my portfolio:
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paranormaljones · 8 months ago
I was tagged by @dangerously-human like a month ago I'm so sorry for a fanfic writer tag game, and I finally remembered that I never actually did it!! I'm so bad at these things
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction? I was like 13 I think and I had become a rabid fan of the 2012 TMNT series, and I filled a brightly colored notebook with self-insert TMNT fanfic. 😂 What's funny is that at this time, I didn't even know that the concept of fanfiction existed, and that it was something other people wrote as well. Because I had very little online presence at the time (thank God), so I had no exposure to fanfiction in general. I just thought, "Okay I know this is totally crazy but what I put myself in this story and I was a teenage mutant ninja black panther and Leo was in love with me." I was truly a revolutionary. I didn't discover the massive presence of fanfiction online until about three years later I think, and that was when I started reading Gravity Falls and Miraculous Ladybug fanfics on fanfiction dot net.
2. How many fandoms have you written in? Good question. I haven't published everything for every fandom that I've written in, so some of these just exist in a locked vault inside my brain or in a long abandoned OpenOffice document. Or in a brightly colored houndstooth-patterned notebook. TMNT, Star Wars, Gravity Falls, How To Train Your Dragon, Carmen Sandiego, Stranger Things, Detroit: Become Human, Lockwood & Co., Legends of Avantris, Red Dead Redemption. I feel like there's probably more than that but I can't remember. The ones in green are the ones that I have actually published fic for, though a lot of the older ones have been deleted.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction? This is difficult because I haven't been writing fanfiction consistently for very many years at all, but I started writing fanfic like 10 years ago. Somewhat consistently? Like two years. 😂
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction? Very much depends on where I'm at in life and what media I'm currently fixated on, but for a while I've been writing way more than I've been reading. I go through phases of both.
5. What is one way you've improved as a writer? I think my pacing is a lot better than it used to be. I think I've gotten better at rereading what I've written and recognizing where the pacing is off. I often don't have an easy time of fixing it yet, because it's such an odd and abstract concept to nail down, but you can see it when it's wrong. Something I've tried to be very intentional about of late.
6. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? The legal repercussions of assaulting a police officer in Michigan. That was for the Detroit: Become Human fic. 😂
7. What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work? I LOVE when people pick up on my foreshadowing and start theorizing on various story elements that I haven't revealed yet. That basically only happens with And I Would Stay A While Longer because it's the only one of my fics with a significant amount of intrigue, but it makes me so happy seeing those comments. I love knowing that I've foreshadowed something effectively.
8. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about? Hmmmmmm . . . is it fringe to write fanfic for a dnd campaign? That's probably the closest thing I have to fringe honestly. And as for fringe tropes, I'm not really sure that my fanfics feature many. My original work, on the other hand . . .
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write? Stories with large casts, where I have to keep track of a lot of characters. That's exhausting. I don't like it. 😂 I like my stories very intimate. My writing is very character-focused rather than plot-focused, and I like to reserve that focus to as few characters as possible. One of my original works only features two characters throughout the entire story and that's it.
10. What is the easiest type? Intimate, fluffy oneshots. Emotional fulfillment fics. Unsurprisingly.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? Back in the day I started out with OpenOffice, then I jumped to Google Docs, then I jumped to Microsoft Word, and that's where I'm at right now. I own Scrivener and I very much want to use it but it intimidates me and I am so bad at learning new software/word processors. 😭
12. What is something that you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day? The rest of AIWS 🤣 No but seriously, funny story, I had plans for YEARS to write my own version of Haymitch's Games from The Hunger Games because Haymitch is my favorite character and I was desperate for more of his story, so I compiled a whole document of everything we learned about the 50th Quarter Quell and Haymitch and his family/friends, and that document sat untouched for so long because I was too intimidated to try to write the story . . . and then of course the news came out that Suzanne Collins herself is writing it. And I couldn't be happier. 😂
13. What made you choose your username? My AO3 username is Fox_Autumn. I nicknamed myself after Fox Mulder, and I needed another word to stick on the end of that to make it a valid username. I love autumn, and I thought it sounded pretty so there ya have it.
These were super duper fun!! Thank you so much for the tag!! :DDD 💙💙💙
Tagging with absolutely no pressure: @womaninwinter @nomolosk @argentumcor @krash-8 @celestial-citrus
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frankenjoly · 7 days ago
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @littencloud9 tyyy <3
how many works do you have on ao3?
rn it's 135,
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
mainly bsd, but also jjk, genshin, lol (arcane tbh)... i've also dabbled in yuumori, buddy daddies and others. i also wanna try hsr, atla + tlok, amphibia...
what are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Connecting the dots. arcane, pre-canon fluff w/ baby timebomb. 2. Between the pages: part 2. bsd, drabble collection. 3. Misread. genshin, jealuc from barbara's pov. relationship reveal through hijinks. 4. Remnants. arcane, mid/post-s1. jinx study + timebomb. 5. Por el amor de este presidente... bsd, crackfic ft. fukumori, fukufuku and everyone else being tired af.
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
yesss, i try to respond to everything, i' always excited to at least say thanks lksjdf.
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Remnants. it's not about unrequited feelings, but as of the moment when the fic happens, jinx has no reason to think it's requited.
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of them lkjldfk, it's always either happy or with the possibility of happiness in the future.
do you get hate on fics?
not too much, but i had a very annoying comment once on a fic that had both gojohime and shokohime kjdfl. funnily enough, it was praising gojohime as canon while calling shokohime "just friends, gal pals, etc". like 1) no and 2) sir, this is a fanfic.
do you write smut?
i've dabbled a bit on it, but for rp and not fic. i don't think i could do it alone.
do you write crossovers?
i do lkjdfl. i have some smaller thingies and also a whole-ass au with its respective series, aka the dnd-ish au.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
no that i know of.
have you ever had a fic translated?
no that i know of either.
have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nope, but i've talked about doing it with mune, so watch out :3
what's your all time favourite ship?
i cannot choose just one,,, at most i can pick one for fandom, like if you make me i'd say sskk is the bsd one and so on.
what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
rn, no one.
what are your writing strengths?
i've been told my characterization + dialogue are good, and i'm not always super confident about the first, but hell if i am about the second. also, bcs of rp i can improvise a lot.
what are your writing weaknesses?
english nerfs me; i can be even more literary narratin in spanish, so that's one thing. also i don't usually describe the setting much.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i like it, but don't usually do it beyond adding specific words (terms, honorifics, etc) or phrases. it'd be interesting to try and do more, tbh.
first fandom you wrote for?
on ao3, probably overwatch since all the previous fics (assassin's creed and star wars) were uploads of fics i had written before. in general, i think abc's once upon a time?
favourite fic you've ever written?
i cannot choose either lkjdlf. from my most recent ones, tho, i'd say with just a taste of your heart, full of so much to do and worth changing for.
tagging (no pressure): @ashenaura @anticidic @that-was-anticlimactic
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gamevoidartblog · 2 months ago
WIP Wednesday!
Tagged by the great @sulphuricgrin
Digital Art WIPs:
with the holidays and work, I havent had much time to start new drawings. So, right now its just bigger project grinds
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I'm working on a simple animatic for the first minute of "digital affection", featuring a bunch of different AI/robot characters I love. Its takin some time though, some robots are harder to draw than others (looking at you Glados). Planning phase is done, in the sketch phase.
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And a DND animatic that's still in the planning phase, set to "Everything stays", the full minute thirty version.
Writing WIPs:
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Star Wars: Last Echoes, an alternate universe star wars fanfic ill probably never post anywhere. But its fun to show progress (TLdr, kind of apocalypse type thing? basically post original trilogy the republic goes on a spree of killing ALL sith and jedi, and is successful to the point where theirs only a handful of trained force users left)
Ive also got an elder scrolls one focused on my main Dova, Shen. But its not progressed far yet.
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likepraying · 2 years ago
Slushiepizza here! I saw that you're accepting requests/asks, and if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to request some guy hcs 🫶🥺
slushie!!! hi darling! i totally got you!!
guy is a movie person. very much rory and jess from gilmore girls. they decide with rock paper scissors on who gets to choose the movie & dinner combo. guy prefers pad thai and star wars.
he is the type to get all the flavors in a slushie machine.
started his love for writing in self-insert fanfics when he was younger.
a sneak peek to my first meeting guy fic but!! guy owns a subaru outback. he's had it since he could drive.
he's not from dahlia. he grew up in the midwest but moved for college and career opportunities. he doesn't regret it at all.
his favorite classic novel is fahrenheit 451
he comes from a large family. definitely a middle child. just because he craves attention, really.
he can play the guitar.
he's a dog AND a cat person. i think animals just love him, he is a disney princess.
he can carve pumpkins like REAL good.
passenger princess.
he and lasko are in a dnd group together guys. which means that guy is ALSO a critical role fan. he loves matt mercer a lot.
i didn't do this for lasko but if you guys need a candle to remind you guys of the guys, let me know because i LOVE candles. anyways guy is sweater weather from bath & body works.
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c4tto626 · 1 year ago
🐱 find me on
📸 instagram — elsvveyr
🖥️ steam — C4TTO
📝 ao3 — C4TTO_626
🐲 flight rising — moons
📌 personal tags
✍️ c4.txt — writing posts
📝 c4.fic — fanfics
🖥️ c4.exe — gaming posts (10 screenshot series)
🖼️ c4.gif — gifs
📖 c4.lib — book quotes
👀 c4.ocs — oc posts
📸 c4.img — me :3
⬇️ about
names: C4 ('cee-four'), catto ('cat-o')
gender: nonbinary
pronouns: any, prefer it/its and they/them
sexuality: bisexual, aromantic
date of birth: june 26th, 1992
timezone: CET (CEST)
welcome to my twisted mind blog ✌️
hi i'm C4! i've been on tumblr since 2010, so this blog has become a weird and often embarrassing repository of my interests and things i enjoy(ed). i work a fulltime job and i'm here to have a good time, so i largely keep politics and drama out of this blog, i handle enough of that in my actual life already.
i'm an adult and my posts will reflect that. this is not a space for minors. i don't care if there are minors following me, curate your own online experience as you like, but there will be horny posting and some days plenty of it, you have been warned!
also sorry, beyond a handful of tags i don't maintain a proper tag system, tags are mostly a space for me to add commentary lol
video games: halo, elder scrolls, call of duty, destiny, swtor, warframe, too many others tbh (my gaming posts: #c4.exe)
hobbies: playing with my cats, collecting rocks pins and velcro patches, playing DND, hoarding dice, warhammer writing horny CoD fanfiction, playing video games, picking locks, listening to audio books, drawing (not enough)
music: asp, metallica, unleash the archers, 2ne1, van canto, miracle of sound, mick gordon
movies/shows: (i don't own a tv and i don't really watch many movies or shows, but) leverage, star trek, star wars
books: the murderbot diaries
📝 original characters
the elder scrolls:
haj'yena (morrowind)
shaahni'la (oblivion)
ra'hara (skyrim)
khanjari'daro (eso)
destiny 2
ifa'siir & echo
auphan-3 & vigil
sophia & hope
call of duty:
charles "shrike" waszkiewicz
eliza "thorn" waszkiewicz
0851D-14N (sid)
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loolooloo-i-got-some-apples · 6 months ago
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kamryn - australia - shifter - artist - pansexual
characters masterlist - requests rules !
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hello lovelies!
I’m kamryn, but i go by kam. I like metal, grunge rock, and indie pop. I love psychology, forensics, criminology, but most of all writing and art!
I pinky swear i’m not as scary as my taste lol.
im pansexual, and genderfluid (feminine leaning)! i go by she/her pronouns :)
On this blog I write poetry, fanfics/blurbs/hcs, and will occasionally post a moodboard or some random little notes.
I love comedy, horror movies, (specifically slashers), science fiction (star wars, marvel, dc), playing dnd, and i’m pretty much just a loser.
feel free to comment, request, etc, no judgement here! just please read my request rules (linked at the top of this post).
@ ilovepunkboys on tiktok
@ girl.in_new.york on instagram
my linktree
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fivebecomesnone · 9 months ago
About this blog!
hi!! this is my fandom/art blog (my tags are below). the creatures currently inhabiting my brain are:
Cult of the Lamb! AUs/designs I go wild for include:
@ xmajordumps' Kitchen Sink AU and Shepherd’s Reaper AU
@ bamsara's The Rehabilitation of Death fanfic and associated art
@ unwri-ten's whole deal
@ aveloka-draws whole deal
and a lot more that I cannot remember!
the SCP wiki, specifically:
Fifthism <333 (and TINAD/Antimemetics due to their occasional overlap + similar vibes)
Various neat canons, including ADMONITION, On Guard 43, Site-666, Site-333, Broken Masquerade, & the Cool War
Various neat GOIs, including VKTM, WWS, GAW, CotSH & the SPC
Various other topics/departments, including memetics, the Fire Suppression Department & Pataphysics
Other interests that are floating around in there somewhere: (bolded are more active rn)
Stardew Valley, Undertale
Minecraft (+ Hermitcraft, the Life Series)
Aurora, Thunderstruck and a ton of other webcomics
My tags:
#fuck it we draw <- my art tag
#Eden time <- my lamb design
#my star signals <- me talking or answering asks
#cotl art + #scp art + #misc art <- my art for different stuff
#cult of the lamb + #scp + #misc + other fandom tags <- more general tags
#other people's art <- self explanatory
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romanaisalive · 10 months ago
Fanfic Tag Game
Tagged by @sarcasticsciencefictionwriter thanks so much for the tag!
I'm afraid this won't be very riveting... I need to upload more stuff, I have a bunch of short fics I could technically upload but never got around to it. Also, the whole "writing three long projects for years" thing.
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I have stuff uploaded for Doctor Who, Star Wars, Sanctuary, Dragon Age and The School for Good and Evil.
Out of these I'm still active in Sanctuary (if you could call it that) and Dragon Age. I partly moved on to write original stuff, but a DnD & Dragon Age AU story is in the works. I have some stuff for Fallen London too, just didn't upload it yet.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Cold And Consequences - 357 (SGE, Dovey/Lesso)
all my words are left with you - 221 (SGE, Dovey/Lesso)
Star Wars Fictober Challenge - completed - 129 (Star Wars, various)
All My Pieces - 116 (SGE, Dovey/Lesso)
Littles - 54 (Star Wars, Boga POV - written for fic exchange)
...what can I say, SGE fandom was very lively when I was active in it
5. Do you respond to comments?
Mostly! I really appreciate them all and try to answer always, some slip through the cracks though, for older works where I'm no longer in the fandom.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Don't Save Me (I'm Already Dead)
Canon compliant Luminara fic... The canonical character death was a given, then I spiced it up with some extra angst.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Luminara lives AU in the Star Wars Fictober Challenge. I might have been compensating a little.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! I don't think I post enough for that. Also, hate would require readers and other than my old SGE stuff I'm proudly representing the Very Niche Subfandoms division here. :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope! I'm the kind of ace where I'm not sex-repulsed but I usually skip smut scenes because I find them boring, no reason to write it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really, more of an AU girl. I contemplated involving Warehouse 13 in my big Sanctuary fic just to explain where James got the exoskeleton from, but still undecided if I want to go ahead with that.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I translated one of my own fics once, does that count? I wrote it in Hungarian originally and wanted to post to a wider audience. (Never again, by the way. Translation is a whole other discipline, I'd rather write it in English from the getgo.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Kinda? We had some stuff with @cardeakelsey once but it never really got written.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Oh boy. Ever? I don't think I have one.
15. What’s a fic you’d like to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I like to think I will finish all my projects one day. Fingers crossed. I might need to rehaul some of them first to be feasible, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Mood setting, foreshadowing, internal monologues. Angst.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I sprinkle it in sometimes, not too much. In my opinion if two characters speak French it's better to just say "they switched to French" in the description.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
No idea. It was a WHILE ago.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Out of my published ones probably the broken and the damned (Dragon Age canon compliant) or Smile (SGE, Emma-centric character study).
Tagging anyone who wants to do it! :)
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curiosity-killed · 1 year ago
F and y for the ask meme!
thank u for enabling one of my favorite pastimes (bribing myself into doing the things i have to do)
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
ooh tbh I'm not sure. The obvious answer is Assassin's Creed since it's been uh. 16 (?) years of making fanart and fanfic for it and loving the (first four) games but I also have just literally never been involved in the fandom as a community so I'm not sure that counts. As far as like...active involvement in the fandom community, I think it would be between Voltron and MDZS and both stand at about 3 years. oh wait I forgot Marvel LMFAO yeah Stucky had me in a vice grip for like. 5-7 years
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
so many lmao. Black Sails, Critical Role (I think? it is. possible i am combining multiple DND podcasts), Star Wars, DC, Spider-man, Always Sunny in Philadelphia... the list is as long as the tumblr dashboard
fandom ABCs
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lacm-ac · 1 year ago
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Welcome to my page! I hope you find what you're looking for!
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➳ God Of War
✧ Comics
Atreus and Angrboda (does she like me)
Angrboda and Thrud bffs
Atreus and Thrud anti Heimdall fan club
The Talk
Retired Kratos
Atreus' first prom! (The tie incidence)
Atreus with a gun
Kratos wolf dad
Kratos juicy ass
Odins little secret (ft Tyr and Freya)
Sus Odin
The Midnight Polisher
Girls night!
Anon hug (Thor)
High Atreus (ft. High and scared Freyr)
Kratos Malewife (ft. Faye with big fish)
I can fix him (Faye and Kratos)
Here comes the booyy (Angrboda, Atreus and Fenrir animatic)
Odin flying (ft. Huginn and Muninn)
Happy Holidays! (Kratos, Mimir, Freya, Atreus)
Angrboda and Thrúd (talking about Atreus)
How could you (ft. The squad teaching the kids how a baby is made)
Fish fear me, men fear me. (Faye)
The crow problem (ft. Mimir as a scarecrow)
Heimdall AI (ft. Odin)
Valentines day card!
Welcome to Valhalla
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✧ Fan-Art
Atreusverse (collab)
Faye and Kratos
Young Faye
Faye and friends
Older Atreus
Atreus meme
Strawberry dress (Angrboda and Thrud)
Freya in a dress
Sif in a dress
Lunda in a dress
Gow girls in dress
Sif and Thor
A GoW OC (not my design)
Sif and Freya
Sif and Freya pt. 2
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✧ The Pickpocket Fan-Art
Chapter 17
Chapter 17/18
Chapter 19
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 28 pt.2
Chapter 30
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✧ Gow OC
Vera going to Asgard
Baldur and Vera
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➳ Dungeon Meshi
✧ Fan-Art
Hair swap (Farcille)
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➳ One Piece
✧ Comics
Talking about feelings
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✧ Fan-Art
Monkey D. Luffy
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➳ Hades Game
✧ Fan-Art
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➳ Personal art
The Year of the Witching
Cosplay art
My little pony
Pink hair
Nami, League of Legends
Minecraft OC
Fae character
Tiger in Oil
What is art to me
Art done by Kherlee Jade Nillas
Art done by Engardeitsme
Art done by Glumby
Poem about the sun
OC art
OC art pt.2
OC art pt.3
Hair dye
Snowy forests
The watcher
Harwin the Jester
"Kill that guy" art meme
Art dump
Fanfic updates be like
OC personality swap
Magnolia (Ovidija)
Akira and Sana
Art dump (Sidra,Nancy, Akira)
Blessed by the stars (Sidra and Celestian)
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echo-writes-things · 2 years ago
I thought I’d make a rules for my requests so I can get those up and going!
Master List
Fandoms I write for:
Helluva boss
Hazbin Hotel
Star Wars
The Arcana
Five Nights At Freddy’s
Spooky Month
Criminal Minds
Demon Slayer
Fairy Tail
Bendy And The Ink Machine
Harry Potter
Stranger Things
What We Do In The Shadows
Good Omens
Obey Me
Creepy pasta
YouTuber alternate egos (ex: Darkiplier)
Slasher movies
Jujutsu kaisen
the Collector, The Collection
Things I will not write for:
South Park
My little pony
Lore Olympus
Dream SMP
Real life traumatic historical events (ex: twin towers)
I will write:
Poly relationships
Canon x reader
Canon x canon
Gender bends
Alternate Universes and tropes/cliches
If you want your OC to be apart of a horror fic I take requests for those. But my x canon is strictly for readers. There’s not enough gn and male readers on here to take away from that man
What I won’t write:
Female readers (read that again. I DON’T DO FEMALE READER REQUESTS. Please do not ask for it.)*
Child x child
Child x adult
Sexual assault
Really huge age gaps
God x mortal (idk it just icks me. Demon x mortal is fine)
Real life serial killers (I won’t do Netflix versions either. No Dahmer no Bundy.)
No tentacle monster. I know I said monsters in I will but this is one I will never write for (Cthulhu monsters are different. I’m talking about that weird slime shit)
Real life people as ships (so no Markiplier x jacksepticeye and stuff)
I don’t do platonic parent x child reader. I’ll do parent and child canon relationships but not readers
* I will write for female characters but not female readers. It’s for a few personal reasons why I do this but my main one is there’s not enough gender neutral and male x readers on here
I write both headcanons and fanfics. Some stories may get turned into series but not all of them sorry guys. If you don’t specify if you want headcanon or fanfic I’ll decide myself. Please specify if you want male or gender neutral reader. No female readers. If anything is not on this list that you wanna try and request go for it! This list will be updated when more stuff comes up and there’s no harm in trying to ask for stuff if you don’t see it here! If you consistently break my rules I’ll block you.
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the-baddest-of-batches · 1 year ago
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If you thought this was about buzzfeed unsolved, sorry, but it is ME, ya boi (girl?) And I have returned to announce MORE FANFIC. I have reached the point of my year where original fiction is a chore, and so I once more shall vanish into the halls of writing the one thing I know.
Star Wars fanfiction about my dnd session.
I had some request for Dar'Aliit to get an extension or sequel, this time actually following Kian into his escapades with Winterfang and detailing all those juicy details from all the campaigns as seen through Kian's very very discerning and mostly drunk eyes. So I am listening to the requestors, and the readers.
It is with great pleasure I announce...Aay'Han, the second installation of Kian's story!
Coming on AO3 and Wattpad!
At a time I haven't decided yet...
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