#my star trek dreams are getting out of hand
satans-trek · 15 days
Had a dream that I got home really late and I was sneaking in because I didn't want to wake my roommate (note: currently, I don't have a roommate). But I wasn't quiet enough, and so I woke my roommate up who happened to be Rom from DS9, but, inexplicably, he had a nasty-gross mullet that was so, so nineties on top of his massive Ferengi head.
Rom said it wasn't my fault for waking him up because he has Ferengi hearing so I literally couldn't be quiet enough to not wake him, and then he started talking about Wayne's World, the movie. I have no idea why.
I haven't seen that movie for years, and I couldn't even tell you what the movie is about, but in my dream Rom was really, really into it, and was kinda excited that I woke him up so he'd have someone to talk to about Wayne's World.
Anyway, here's my rendition of what my Rommate looked like:
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brawltogethernow · 1 year
I dreamt the other night that there was an extremely mid live action Murderbot TV show adaptation. That's not my retroactive assessment in the daytime. In the dream I was like, "This has multiple very avoidable or outright comedic flaws. I am going to binge all of it." (I'm aware that this is very meta.)
It had a "life on a starship" structure in the style of Star Trek, though it may have technically been set on one of the satellites orbiting Preservation.
The core relationship was SecUnit and Mensah, which was executed with absolute sincerity that couldn't not be charming, and was also where a lot of the more narmish moments were centered.
SecUnit would hack devices by focusing on them, cuing the camera to zoom in on the relevant machine—then the zoom in would continue with a transition to aggressively average CGI of the inside of the machine, which would animate it...being hacked or whatever. I got the impression that happened at a pivotal moment at least once an episode.
Some of the canon characters were present and were well-cast and characterized. However, the "crew" had also been padded out with a handful of original side characters. There was a gruff ship's doctor type (more Kelso than Bones though), a cook SecUnit had an arbitrary rivalry with, and for some reason two teenage boys who were BFFs. The cook existed to facilitate interpersonal comedy, the teens to have sci-fi concepts explained to them, and the doctor to solve like a third of the one-off plotlines at the end of the episode once whatever emotional arc they'd been facilitating was concluded. The new characters were almost all played by white guys like after they cast the canon characters thoughtfully and considerately they ran out of energy/wanted to work in people who were already on the lot.
I dream-watched three random episodes, but unfortunately the only one I remember specifically is the last one, where the plot was Murderbot getting amnesia (because of sci-fi reasons) to back when the company owned it before it hacked itself. The emotional climax was it deciding to help Mensah even though it didn't remember their friendship, by disabling a machine that was harming her—which it did by triggering the hacking animation by slamming its hands against it several times. Like you do when you hack stuff. The amnesia was fixed after this by the medical doctor administering a liquid for it to drink that reportedly had nanomachines in it. I'm pretty sure the prop was one of those plastic cups dentists give you stuff to swish around your mouth in with water in it.
Murderbot was played by a tall and gloriously buff...enby woman...? I don't exactly recall. —Who in behind the scenes content had a startlingly sweet demeanor and higher vocal register than the character.
10/10 dream I am laughing my socks off. I miss the fake show.
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sailorkamino · 1 year
your pet name {bad batch}
relationships: gn reader x bad batch
a/n: i tried to make this gender neutral. which name is ur favorite? his pet name can be read here
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• "don't start something you can't finish, doll."
• the first time cross calls you doll it's in a mocking tone. instead of snapping back you flash a pretty smile and call him something sweet in return. his heart stutters, ears turning warm. once the shock wares off he's pissed. you think you can fluster him and get away with it? not a chance in siths hell. (crosshair is the type to think you flirting = mind games and i stand by that.)
• "stars, you're an angel"
• the only medics allowed near echo are tech and kix, even with them he's reluctant to ask for help but you can tell when he's in pain. one trek in hyperspace the cold is really making him ache. you bust out some prosthetic cream you purchased and offer a massage. he's excited because your hands on his body is a dream come true but he's also wracked with nerves and insecurities. yet the second you rub his sore shoulders he loses all filters.
• "hey sweetheart, can i borrow your body spray? i want my blacks to smell like you."
• you quickly realize that strong scents, even good ones, give hunter headaches so you go on the hunt (hehe) for something subtle but sweet. one day you try a woodsy, fruity body spray and hunter is attached to you like a leech, flirting that it's 'sweet like you.' he's literally a golden retriever boyfriend... meaning he wants your scent on all his belongings cuz it reminds him of you. also he can literally hear your heart beat so,
• "can you hand me the spanner? thank you, starlight"
• tech is unflinchingly honest. it usually gets him in trouble but once in a while it works in his favor. one day you're sitting in the cockpit together, you're telling him about your latest interest, when he blurts out that you look beautiful in the starlight. his first reaction is to apologize for interrupting you because he genuinely does care what you have to say but then you're kissing him and nothing else matters.
• "you're too cute to be scary, little tooka."
• the first time wrecker compares you to a tooka you're sleepily nuzzling into his chest. the next time you're pouncing on him playfully. he doesn't even stumble, wrangling you in his arms with boisterous laughter. doesn't matter how tall, big, or otherwise intimidating you are, to wrecker you're his baby. (cue the strong must protect the sweet gif)
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prettyboypistol · 4 months
Accidental Kisses! || TNG Star Trek x Male!Reader
William Riker
You stumbled down the stairs while he was walking up, Willaim lunged to catch you, which knocked your lips together.
"Oh- are you alright, Lieutenant? You took quite a tumble."
You apologize for stumbling into him and kissing him, to which he smiles and waves it off as an accident. After all, there was no harm in it!
Afterwards, he absentmindedly licks his lips and tastes your chapstick, reminding him of the encounter. His cheeks tinge pink- hopefully his feelings still remain a secret
As Worf's assistant and Assistant Chief of Security, Worf expected you to be in peak physical condition- this kiss happens while sparring- he tackled you to the ground, and in the struggle, you two share a rough kiss.
Worf pins you down by the neck and arms, which effectively left you prone. He mumbles "That better have been an accident." You nod frantically and he releases you.
Apologized for getting too rough with you- blaming it on reflex more than actual aggression. You apologize for the kiss, which still haunts his sweetest dreams to this day.
You had no idea what the fuck happened. Suddenly, you were saying "hi" to Data in the rec room, then his hands were on your cheeks as he kissed you with a mountain of electricity tingling behind his lips.
"What? the hell?" You manage to sputter out, Data seemed confused.
"Apologies if I startled you. I was giving you an authentic European greeting from Earth. Did you feel appropriately greeted and our relationship assured?"
"Data- I- first of all, not all of Europe kisses to greet, NEXT OF ALL, THEY KISS THE CHEEKS!"
Geordi La Forge
It was a moment of excitement shared between you two- a project you both had spent countless nights on performed without a hitch in front of the investors. After the meeting, you two were so excited and hugging- it just sorta... happened.
"Oh- oh my god- I'm so sorry." Geordi apologized quickly as he recoiled away from the hug. "It was an accident."
"Yeah- we were just excited, totally an accident on both ends." You respond just as quickly as your cheeks burn up.
Alright, this kiss isn't an accident. He's pissing you off by bothing you during your work, begging for you to entertain him. He wants a human experience! He already looks like one in this form! Do something human!
So, you punched him in the gut, then kiss him roughly- tongue invaded his mouth in a way that made his eyes roll back into his skull at the feeling of being properly paid attention to- even more than expected!
Q finally shut up for a good while as he behaved himself- at the promise of more of those. So, he sat down next to your station and waited patiently for you to be done with our work- then he kissed you!
His kiss was- well, it was Q, what did you expect?
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angeliicheartt · 1 year
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includes: rugby!james potter
a/n: since i carried this fic over, i don't have the original request but here's the actual work ^-^
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you shied away from the flash of the numerous cameras surrounding you and your boyfriend as you walked into the practice gym. james had his duffle bag slung over his shoulder and you under the opposite arm, grinning ear to ear at the paparazzi attention. once the two of you got inside, james kissed the top of your head.
“you okay, lovely?” the boy murmured into your hair and you nodded. he knew you sometimes got overwhelmed by the attention that he got in public. you followed him to the changing room where he dropped his bag on the ground and swiveled to fully engulf you. you giggled into his chest as he littered the crown of your head with kisses.
“james you need to get changed,” you tried to be stern with the boy as he groaned. 
“your coach will have my head if you’re late again.” reluctantly, james let go of you, opting to head towards his bag to grab his change of clothes.
“well we don't want that, do we?” the boy grinned.
soon he had finished changing and you two headed into the practice area, both of you still getting an earful from james’ coach. sirius bounded up to the two of you, wrapping his arms around his mate’s shoulders. 
“were you two snoggin’ in there or what?” sirius asked, getting a jab to the side from james as his answer. james shrugged sirius off him as he kissed your cheek and left you on the sideline as his coach called him over. as you went to sit on one of the fold up chairs, you saw james’ empty water bottle. you grabbed it and left the gym to find a water fountain, fortunately, there was one right outside the gym that james was practicing. you unscrewed the top of the bottle and began to fill it up. as you were screwing the lid back on you felt a tap on your shoulder, after turning around, you see a press guy with a microphone in his hand and cameras behind him, however the cameras are pointed down at the moment.
“hi, i'm sorry to bother you, are you james potter’s girlfriend?” the reporter asked, unable to muster words, you only nod at the man.
“would you mind if we interviewed you for the press?”
“not at all.” you gave him a smile, you figured this would happen eventually, what with dating a rugby star.
soon the cameras were on you and the reporter held the microphone up to your mouth as you spoke. you droned on about how proud you were of james, and it even shocked you how easy it was to praise the boy. you’d been gone almost 30 minutes when james came looking for you, getting nervous at the amount of cameramen that had surrounded you, he started to trek towards you before he was stopped by the sound of your voice, confident and clear, praising him for all his work.
“..he’s come so far since high school, i’m overall just really proud of him, this has been his dream since i don't even know how long, and i'm just happy to be by his side during it.” you finished your spiel, getting thanks from the reporter as he closed the recording and headed towards the exit. swiftly you felt hands engulf your waist and turn you around. you could barely make out james’ face as he pressed his lips to yours. one hand still holding his water bottle you cupped his cheek and pulled away, a confused giggle leaving your slightly swollen lips.
“what is it, love?” you asked and he scoffed. 
“what is it? you were practically singin’ my praises to those reporters, I have half a mind to ditch practice at this very moment.'' james retorted, kissing up the side of your face as you breathily laughed. 
“come now, jamie, you need to get back to practice.” you pulled his hand as you led the way back to the gym, james in toe like a puppy.
“jamie? there’s no way i can resist you now, dove.” he grinned, following you into the gym, tuning out his coach’s scolds.
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perseephoneee · 1 month
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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓥𝓘
In which, you, a lady of the ton, are forced to participate in courting season. Except that courting season comes with one particularly silver tongued Prince who is making it his mission to drive you absolutely insane.
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a/n: OOF, long time no see. Here's what happened: - I graduated college - I went to a masters certification program - I graduated THAT (not many can say they graduated college twice in one year, but I'm crazy) - My roommate at grad school became my best friend in the whole world. We watched all of Star Trek and the Thor movies. I got distracted writing her an 11k-word Thor fan-fiction. She wrote me a Loki fan-fiction - I came back to my home and ended up moving houses! - Now, all I day is apply to jobs, crochet, and take naps.
And that's what you missed on Glee.
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It was to be expected; after all, you never really wanted to get married. Still, coming home from the ball to your grandmother’s expectant expression– it broke you. 
“Well?” she questioned, arms crossed. She wore her evening best, a deep crimson against her now paling skin. “Are we planning a wedding?”
“No,” you mumble, looking at the floor. “He didn’t propose; he…decided against it.”
You expected yelling, insults, and anger radiating from every surface. Instead, your grandmother was quiet. You looked up, waiting for anything. She just looked at you, still. It was so much worse than you could’ve expected. “Grams?” you ventured, biting the inside of your cheek. She just sighed and rubbed her eyes, so exhausted by the encounter that it made you angry. You disobeyed the thing she asked you to do, you disappointed her, and embarrassed yourself in the process. Yet all she does is sigh. “Nothing at all?”
“So much like your mother,” Grams murmured, massaging her temple as a headache grew. “I’m tired, Y/N, I’ll be retiring to bed.”
You felt tears start to prick your eyes, even as your grandmother started to pull away. “Please,” you begged, unsure what you were even asking. Your voice sounded so quiet in the foyer. 
“She could’ve married well; a duke,” Grams was already halfway up the stairs when she said it, almost to herself more than you. “She chose love instead, and look what good it did her.” Grandmother turned towards you then. “She ended up at the bottom of the ocean.”
You didn’t sleep well that night, in between the crying and the screaming into your pillow so no one could hear. When you did sleep, it was drowning. In the ocean. In disappointment. In everything. 
Your father wasn’t of low status, but he was merely a lord. Not a Duke like your grandmother wistfully shared. He was a man of dreams who sought to create. He used to sit you and Ivy down in the garden and map out the constellations. Your brother could never sit still long enough to truly appreciate astronomy. Ivy enjoyed looking at the stars and embroidering them into blankets and other linens. You, on the other hand, were eager to learn. Your father would quiz you on all their names: Orion, Ursa Major, Canis Minor, Draco, and more. The story of Andromeda always made you curious but sad. You couldn’t imagine choosing between your people and your child, and yet you hated King Cepheus for being willing to sacrifice Andromeda at all. 
“She was saved by Perseus, fell in love, and placed among the stars by Athena,” your father would console you when you started becoming quiet and contemplative. 
“Why couldn’t she save herself?”
“It’s not always that easy,” your father sighed, petting your head. “The chains could’ve been too strong. Or maybe she felt that the least she could do for her people was to let herself die.”
Your mother always scolded your father for telling such dark stories, but you appreciated it. You didn’t like things being hidden from you, and ancient myths fascinated you. 
When your parents went on their voyage with your brother to show off your father’s latest invention, you prayed to Perseus to save them from the sea. He was unable to. 
After your third day of wallowing, Ivy entered your room and locked the door. 
“This isn’t the sister I know.”
“I don’t want to talk,” you mumbled, curling into your chair. You had a settee set up by the window to get fresh daylight on your books and observe the outdoors. Ivy sat on your bed, curling up against the pillows. 
“Love, it is not your fault.”
“I was unable to secure a proposal, the one duty asked of me,” you turned to glare at her. “That is the definition of ‘my fault.’”
“You fell in love.”
“Evidently not.”
“I did not mean with Prince Thor.”
You didn’t answer. You just kept looking down at your book, the words being nothing more than a distraction. You had been pondering Thor’s words for days. Loki was, on most days, an annoyance and, on other days, could be quite companionable. Did you love him? You were unsure. You didn’t hate him. Not as much as you would’ve liked. 
“I knew it wouldn’t be Thor,” Ivy sighed, picking at the thread on your bedspread. “From the day in the park.”
You remembered that day. A traveling circus had come to town. Many families brought their children to witness acrobats, magicians, and more. There was even a traveling fortune teller that Loki loudly exclaimed wouldn’t have been able to tell a three of swords from a five of pentacles if it was staring her in the face. Ivy and Thor enjoyed watching the animals perform tricks, but like Loki, you could not stomach watching wild animals in captivity. You didn’t stay for the performance. 
“There was a traveling book merchant, which you two spent so much time at,” Ivy chuckled. “It was the cellist that stood out to me.”
“She played beautifully.”
“She did, but you and Prince Loki were the only ones to appreciate it,” Ivy smiled. “Thor had already moved on to the next shiny thing. You stayed, though, the only one in the ton to be there for the whole set. You’ve always appreciated music, I wish you would play again.” You turned in your seat, looking at your sister. “You stayed there, and Loki stayed with you. He let you enjoy the music because it spoke to you more than anything else at the circus. And when she was done performing, and you lacked a proper way to give thanks, he offered up his own coins.”
“There was nothing special about that moment.�� Even as you said it, you knew it wasn’t true. 
“Grandmother is a smart woman, but she has one thing wrong.” Ivy turned her attention fully towards you. “You are headstrong, but most importantly, you are quiet. You are intuitive. Not like me, who enjoys laughter and bright colors. You see brightness where others see nothing.” Ivy almost laughs to herself. “You don’t need someone who can match your strength; you need someone who can match your silence.”
You felt like crying, and you weren’t sure why. Everything Ivy said was true. It always was; she knew you better than you often knew yourself. Confronting feelings, when so often you ignored them to avoid painful attachments, it made you want to suffocate.
“Ivy,” you murmured. She turned to you, the sun in a room inhabited by the moon. “I love you.”
“Well, of course you do!” she giggled, getting up and coming to your seat. She kissed the top of your head. “I’m brilliant.”
It was nighttime, and you wanted to talk to Loki. If you talked to him, you could decide if your feelings were real or if they were a lie. Maybe they were a thing fabricated by quiet moments or inspired by the stories you loved. You were thinking about this when you heard a storm pick up, the branches of the trees tapping against your window. This continued on until you realized there was no wind to accompany this tapping. You crawled out of your bed to go to your window and noticed it was a clear night. You jumped back with a yelp as another pebble hit the glass. Opening the latch, you peeked your head out and ducked as another pebble came flying. Loki stood with a pile of rocks outside. 
“Loki!” you hissed, throwing one of the pebbles back at him. He avoided it with ease. “Why are you throwing rocks at me?”
“Because I do so enjoy it,” he chuckled, hands in the pockets of his breeches. “Or perhaps, because I wish to speak with you.”
“It is late and unbecoming of a lady to meet with a man unaccompanied.”
“Intriguing,” he shrugged. “I didn’t think you much of a lady.”
You glowered at that. You couldn’t possibly have feelings for this man who throws rocks at you and puts you in ridiculous situations. You leave the window, heading to your dresser and grabbing your riding boots. You were still in your nightgown, but you tied your robe over it, so you were at least a little modest. You went back to the window. He hadn’t left.
“You’re going to catch me,” you demanded, already swinging a leg over the banister and debating which bones would be broken if you made one misstep. 
“Of course,” Loki smiled. He didn’t look ready to catch you whatsoever, but you had to put trust in the situation. So, you jumped out your window. And he caught you with ease. Much like one of the princes in the tales your father used to tell you. “What a pleasure meeting you here,” Loki smirked. You hit his chest, falling out of his arms and giving yourself distance. If your grandmother knew you were doing this, she would have you executed by morning. 
“What do you want?”
“Is that any way to address royalty?” he furrowed his brows but didn’t sound angry. He sounded amused. 
“What do you want, your Highness?” you sassed, crossing your arms. 
“Well, I did not come out here for your startling wit,” Loki sighed. “I want to talk.”
“Take a walk with me,” he gestured towards the gardens. Your grandma’s pride and joy were her gardens. It was one of the few things she did herself, without any help from the maids or other staff. “Please,” he added, and you acquiesced. 
You followed him with a sigh, still keeping a respectable distance between you both. He was silent, and it wasn’t until you passed the hydrangeas that he spoke. 
“Thor told me,” Loki said. You didn’t know how to respond to that, and you were unsure of what exactly Thor had told him. 
“Did you come here to reprimand me for not being able to secure an engagement?” You scoffed. Loki stopped at a rose bush, fingers brushing over the petals. 
“I confess, I don’t care much for roses,” Loki smiled at you. Like you were in on a secret, just you two. It made warmth grow in your chest. 
“I don’t either.”
“What is your favorite flower, m’lady?” Loki took a step towards you. You would’ve backed up, but another bush was in your way, and you were stuck in his space.
“Sunflowers, or perhaps dahlias,” you murmured.
“Dahlias.” Loki smiled. “That doesn’t surprise me.”
“No?” you questioned, smiling back. “What did you expect?”
“Nothing ordinary nor expected of a young maiden.”
“Am I just a young maiden to you?” you lifted a brow. 
“No,” Loki said. “You are not.”
It felt like nature took a pause on its sounds as Loki stared at you, his ice-blue eyes cold against your otherwise hot skin. He was much too close to be appropriate, and yet you didn’t want to push him away. You should push him away; the last thing you need is a scandal with the prince of Norway, but you couldn’t. Not when his gaze lowered to your lips. Not when his fingers touched your shoulder and then the lace of your collar. He brushed stray hair away from your face, and you felt yourself take in a shuddering breath. His thumb brushed over your lip, fingers cradling your chin. His breaths were heavy like he was holding himself back. You realized he was holding himself back from you. 
“Loki,” you whispered, looking up at him. Something changed in his gaze, and he stepped back, letting the cold air kiss your skin where his hand once was. 
“You should have brought a coat; it’s cold at night,” he whispered, refusing to meet your gaze. You just nodded, disappointment evident. He walked you back to your window. There were enough places for you to climb up yourself, something you used to do a lot as a child. He kept an even larger distance between the two of you as he waited for you to return to your rooms. Instead, in a fit of insanity, you reached up and kissed his cheek. You felt his breath hitch as you stepped back, curtsied, and scaled your wall. You didn’t turn back when you closed the window. You didn’t stop thinking of him even as you fell asleep.
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taglist: @eleniblue @iwrite-things @youneedanap @huntress-artemiss @linaax @pisces-celeste @marygoddessofmischief @gruftiela @saay-karani @foxherder @lover-of-books-and-tea tea @lilaclaufeyson @qardasngan @evasmlp
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dira333 · 2 months
Stargazing at the Beach with Bokuto
Hello my friend, long time no hear! As you didn't specify if you wanted established relationship or not, I picked it myself. I hope you like it!
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Tonight's as lovely as a dream - Bokuto Kotarou x Reader
It’s almost lunchtime by the time you climb out of bed. The sand from outside has followed you in, tickling your bare feet as you move through the beach house. 
You open all the windows first, let the wind lick at your face. He’s a desperate lover, tasting of salt, trying to grasp at your hair every chance he gets.
But there’s still nothing better than having the first cup of coffee looking at the wide stretch of water. The sky’s a marvelous blue today to the point you can’t see where the sea ends and the sky begins. 
Seagulls are screaming their hello’s from above as you take a sip and sigh. If only all days could be like this.
“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Kotarou’s voice carries far. He’s waving both arms as he approaches, no less energetic even after a long run through the heavy sand.
“You’re up earlier today,” he grins, face flushed from exertion. He looks like he’s glittering, glistening in the sun, as he leans into your space and presses breathless openmouthed kisses against every inch he can reach.
You’re giggling, too used to him not to love this. Too in love with him not to be used to this.
You make breakfast while he showers, feet entangled under the table. 
“Here comes the airplane,” Kotarou jokes, fork moving through the air. You open your mouth to accept the bite of fresh fruit and pancake, not surprised when he follows up with a kiss.
“I meet some guys while jogging today,” he explains as you do the dishes together. “They’re here with their girlfriend and wive, the two of them. Said there’s a village closeby that has a cute market, if you want to go. Or we can stay here, relax, take a swim when we feel like it.”
“You wanna go shopping,” you guess, leaning into him. He’s tall and warm and sturdy, arm immediately coming to pull you closer.
“Only if you want too,” he murmurs into your hair.
“Sure,” you agree easily. You don’t mind. 
It’s nice. The market has everything you could wish for, from the beautiful dresses Kotarou insists you buy one to the dainty jewelry you love but can never really choose - you pretend not to notice him going back for it - and the day passes by lazily.
Soon it’s time for dinner.
Kotarou’s new friends join you for a bonfire, the guys departing for a little to play an impromptu game of volleyball that ends with the sunset.
“Look,” Kotarou whispers, pulling you close. He’s not missed one sunset since your vacation started. He might not be superstitious but he firmly believes that hugging at sunset brings good luck.
“There,” you point out the first star. Then the next.
Eventually, your companions are forgotten over the sound of the fire and the beauty of all those stars, twinkling like diamonds in the sky.
You don’t know how late it is, but night has fallen all around, the ocean lapping softly at your feet.
“Come,” Kotarou says, pulling you up. “I’ve got something to show you.”
He waves at the two other couples lying by the fire, looking up and up and up, in the endless sea that’s called the sky.
“Where are we going?” You ask, rubbing your arms against the wind. Kotarou’s arm soon pulls you in, his warmth a shield against the cold.
“You’ll see,” he promises, excitement coating his voice.
It’s not a long trek, just up a sandy hill not far from your beachhouse. 
“Here,” he points to a little bench, unpacks a bag he must have brought up while jogging in the morning. “Don’t want you getting cold.”
You recognize the blanket as one of your own, the scent so familiar and so much him that you stick your nose into it and inhale.
“Here,” you sniff, all too familiar with that scent.
“Hot chocolate?” You ask, smiling.
“For you? Always.” He presses the mug into your hands. “Now, close your eyes.”
You giggle as you do so, hear him mumbling and quietly cursing until he steps close again.
Even with your eyes closed you can tell that he’s vibrating with excitement.
“Can I look now?” You ask, blinking when he agrees.
There’s a telescope in front of you, not too small and not too big.
“Where did you get that?” You gasp, reaching for it with gentle hands.
“Brought it with me,” Kotarou proudly explains, “Though I had to look for a good place to hide for the day. Do you wanna set it up properly with me?”
“Boy, do I ever!” You laugh with him, eager to try and get a better look at the twinkling mess above you.
And although it takes some time and a little frustration, you figure it out together. 
You’re giggling as you walk into the beachhouse, Kotarou leaning heavily into you, his nose in your hair, his hand wrapped around you.
You bring sand with you, just like you did last night and the night before, like you will do tomorrow and they day after, but you can’t care right now.
Not with his eyes so warm and his laugh so free and his lips stretching into the smile you fell in love with.
“Tired?” You ask when he yawns so loud his jaw cracks.
“Never,” he disagrees, nuzzling into your neck in the bathroom instead of brushing his teeth.
Tomorrow, he’ll wake up way too early for your liking, go jogging while you sleep in. Tomorrow, he’ll offer to stay and relax at the beach but you know him better, will watch him play Beach Volleyball with some guys he’s just met before the sun’s setting.
Tomorrow, he’ll rush to your side as soon as the sun starts dipping into the ocean for the night.
Tomorrow- oh, but why think about tomorrow when tonight’s as lovely as a dream?
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trillscienceofficer · 29 days
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from Star Trek Monthly, March 1997
From Make-Up to Director's chair: lan Spelling meets the woman behind the Klingon forehead and finds out what's in store for the feisty B'Elanna Torres aboard the U.S.S. Voyager
“I'm sort of calculating the number of hours of my life that I've spent sitting right here, in this chair,” says Roxann Dawson with a laugh that rings simultaneously of amusement and resignation. Here, this chair, is in a make-up trailer on the Paramount Pictures studio lot, just a stone's throw from the sound stages and sets of Star Trek: Voyager. It is here that Dawson's daily transformation from pretty and petite actress into formidable half-Klingon/half-Human begins and ends. Truth be told, Dawson would probably need a calculator to figure out just how many hours she has actually spent in the chair.
As a make-up man alternately dabs at her face with a cotton swab and uses a blow dryer to set the make-up in place, Dawson chats away amiably about things past and to come on ST:VOY. “Several years have gone by already, haven't they?” she asks. “You know, it doesn't feel that way at all, to me, at least. Our first season was very short. We didn't do a full year of shows. The second season flew by. And right now, we're only part of the way through the third season. So, to me, it's still sort of new. Although I feel I know B'Elanna much better than I did at the very beginning, the whole idea of the show is still fresh for me. It's all still new. I like feeling that way. It means that I'm still challenged and interested in what we're doing on the show, in what I'm getting to do as this character.
“I love B'Elanna as a character. She's different from any Klingon we've ever really seen on a Star Trek series before. Being half-Human and half-Klingon gives her a lot of dimension. I think she's developing quite nicely, that the writers are constantly finding different layers of her to explore. I sometimes feel they're reading my mind, that they're doing the kinds of things that I'd imagined for her. They're exploring not just her tough and strong sides, but her feminine side, her vulnerable side. We've seen a bit of humour here and there, too, and I think we're going to see her romantic side. They are allowing me to stretch in a lot of ways, which is a real pleasure for me as an actor to be able to try.”
B'Elanna, of course, has figured prominently in a number of major episodes over the last two seasons, perhaps most notably Persistence of Vision, Prototype, Dreadnought, The Thaw, The Swarm, Remember and Blood Fever. Throughout these shows, viewers have seen B'Elanna seduced by Chakotay (Robert Beltran), witnessed her battle robots, deal with a computer that spoke with her voice, come face-to-face with an evil clown, develop a new respect for the Doctor (Robert Picardo) while trying to help him recover his damaged programming, and handle the implications of terrifying dreams. Blood Fever, perhaps the best of all the so-called B'Elanna episodes, finds the chief engineer not only experiencing the Klingon version of heat, but delving deeper into a relationship with shipmate Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill).
Dawson reports that she is pleased with the development thus far of B'Elanna's relationships with the other characters aboard the U.S.S. Voyager. She considers B'Elanna's bonds with Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) and Chakotay quite close. She thinks there have been a handful of nice moments for B'Elanna with Kim (Garrett Wang), Tuvok (Tim Russ), the Doctor and Neelix (Ethan Phillips). She's hopeful that the writers will eventually get around to giving B'Elanna more interaction with Kes (Jennifer Lien). But it's the relationship with Paris that has Dawson—who dropped her maiden name [sic, it wasn't actually her maiden name], the Biggs part of Biggs-Dawson, from her professional name just before the third season of ST:VOY commenced—most intrigued at the moment. “I really like the way that they're developing it. I'm actually here at the studio today because we're tacking an extra scene onto Alter Ego,” she explains of the episode in which Tuvok and Kim both find themselves attracted to a holodeck-generated woman (Sandra Nelson), who turns out to be a lonely alien that infiltrated the ship's computer system. “When they put the show together (in the editing room), they realised it came in about a minute short. So Robbie and I and Bob (Picardo, who is directing the episode) are back here shooting a short scene in which Paris sort of compliments B'Elanna as they're walking down a corridor. It will help set the stage for what happens in Blood Fever, which was definitely one of my most interesting episodes.
“B'Elanna goes through a lot in that show, and you get to see a few sides of her that we either hadn't seen at all before or that wed only hinted at in earlier shows. As far as Paris goes, what the writers are doing, which I really like, is they're exploring the process of the relationship rather than trying to define it right away. Is it going to be a love interest situation? Will B'Elanna and Paris wind up just being friends? The answer is I really don't know. There are so many ways we can go with it and I love that I don't know for sure where it's going to go. Hopefully, that will continue. I'll get a script and say, ‘Oh, we're going to do THAT!?’ As an actress, I like that element of surprise, and I think our fans will too. At least, I hope they will.”
Throughout her days on ST:VOY, Dawson has been put through her paces by a number of actors-turned-directors. Star Trek: The Next Generation veterans Jonathan Frakes and LeVar Burton have helmed episodes, as have co-stars McNeill and Picardo, Tim Russ is gearing up to direct an episode next season and, guess what? So is Dawson. Smiling broadly, the actress explains that she has “always” wanted to direct and that she had previously called the shots on a few stage shows. She's smiling so much, in fact, that her make-up man grimaces. “I'm sorry,” she says to him softly and apologetically. “I know. No smiling or laughing.” She glances at her interviewer and explains. “If I smile or laugh it makes the make-up crinkle if it's not dry yet.”
To prepare for her stint behind the Star Trek: Voyager camera, Dawson is in the show's training programme, watching other directors at work and picking their brains for advice and suggestions whenever she can. If she's really going to do it, she wants to do it well. “I'm so excited and so frightened, and I want to be perfect, I think,” she says. “I respect people that do it well so much. I respect the art of directing, and it really is an art. I want to make sure that I feel I'm ready to handle it. Hopefully, the producers will feel at some point soon that I am ready and perhaps it will happen. I'm looking forward to that day. I really am. It'll probably happen next year. I guess my ultimate goal as a director will really be to bring to life whatever script they hand me.”
Clearly, Dawson seems content with her life in the Star Trek Universe, although she's looking forward to outside projects—the actress recently starred in a short film called Seeing Through Walls, playing a scientist who implants a knowledge chip into a prisoner's brain. The film will air on the US public broadcasting system sometime in 1997.
Dawson sounds ready for another couple of years spent aboard the U.S.S. Voyager. “Oh yeah, definitely,” she says, fighting a smile. “If they keep me on my toes as much as they have been, why would I want to leave? It's always been a pleasure to have a character to hold onto, to create over a period of time, to keep exploring the different facets of.
“I'm having so much fun with this character. Also, I love the people around here, the other actors, the producers, our crew. It's a great group. So, I'm just having a ball.”
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aclowntiny · 1 year
May the Flirts Be With You- Seonghwa x Female!Cosplayer!Reader
It adds years to my life as a massive Star Wars nerd that a member of one of my ult groups is one too 🫶🏻 him making a May the 4th post = instant serotonin. It's 3 weeks late, but here's a corny little fun post for SW Day 😁
Word Count: 2394 | Conventions, Nerds to Lovers lmao, that trope I've accidentally created where Yeosang plays cupid | Warnings: the con is really generic because I didn't want to rip anything real off too much & have it be something they couldn't go to lmao, plus that way I could make other popular sci-fi references >:3
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“Isn’t the cloak a bit much?”
"Come on," Seonghwa half-jokingly whined, "you said you were going to appreciate everything."
Yeosang had joined him at a sci-fi convention, something Seonghwa had always dreamed of attending. Artists sat at tables showing their amazing creations, groups of friends and family took pictures with signs and props, and of course the place was flooded with cosplayers and merch. They'd even passed by the 501st Legion.
"I do," Yeosang assured him, nodding towards an artist table stocked with hyperrealistic head sketches of the classic Star Trek cast, "like look at those. I don't even watch the show and I kind of want one."
"That's why they say these cons are so expensive, like look over there!" Seonghwa pointed eyes widening. "There's a guy selling discontinued Star Wars lego sets!"
"Oh, boy," Yeosang muttered, but with a smile as his hyung dragged him over to the man's table, where he started eagerly digging in, that childlike wonder Yeosang knew so well starring his eyes.
"This is a fun little ship," Yeosang commented, picking up a small packet, "I like the yellow."
Seonghwa turned, then gave a nod. "The Naboo Starfighter! That is cute, you should get it for your shelf."
"You know what, maybe I will."
"That's the spirit! As for me, I'm between the AT-TE and the TIE Advanced set."
"Go with the cheaper one."
Seonghwa stuck his tongue out at Yeosang, who mirrored the gesture, then giggled in spite of himself. He wasn't the only one who made the sound, though; Seonghwa swiveled around, ready to greet another lego enthusiast, but what he saw had his fingers involuntarily loosening, almost sending the (slightly overpriced, in his opinion) AT-TE set tumbling back onto the red-and-black tablecloth.
It was a girl, a young woman about his age, dressed head-to-toe in a perfect Princess Leia cosplay. And not the classic white outfit, but the Bespin gown and cape.
You made the red outfit look classically beautiful, and whether it was all your hair or some sort of wig or extensions, you'd braided it just right, the loops falling back and at each side of your face, which was focused on Seonghwa with a smile.
"Oh, sorry, you two were just funny. You look like a Jedi and his padawan having a spat."
Seonghwa tore his eyes off of you long enough to regard Yeosang. "I told you I looked like a Jedi!"
"You sure do," you added, tilting your head toward the boxes in his hands, "what are you looking at getting there?"
Seonghwa shakily lowered the AT-TE back to the table. "Oh, well, I think I'm going with the TIE Advanced set."
"Good choice," you loudly whispered, leaning a bit closer, "355 to that one's 794. A little under half the pieces, but a quarter of the price."
"That's what I thought, like the TIE is way more iconic too, sorry Battle of Utapau."
"Yeah, I'm more into the OG movies myself."
He nodded toward your cosplay. "I see that. Did you make that yourself, or buy the pieces?"
"Oh, no, I made this."
Seonghwa feels his jaw drop, warmth pooling in his chest at the way you giggle again, this time at his expression, which rises from shock to a wide, awed grin. "You- you really? How do you do it? How long does it take? One of my roommates just customizes regular clothes and it seems like he can spend hours."
"Oh, yeah, hours is about right," you chuckle, "but it feels like the hardest part is finding the right fabrics sometimes, like these thicker ones aren't at every fabric store."
"Yeah, you really sound like my friend," Seonghwa jokes, "but you look way better."
He flushes the moment the words leave his mouth, immediately stuttering backtracks. "Well, um, that is, I mean, he doesn't do cosplay, more just like paint and cutting stuff up and-"
"Don't worry, you wouldn't believe how many creeps have told me I should have gone with the slave look," your voice cuts into his ramble, "I'm not offended. I actually appreciate it, um...what was your name again?"
"Oh," he lit up, "Seonghwa. This is my first convention."
Introducing yourself, you smiled and waved a hand at the legos he paused the conversation to purchase. "And it looks like you're getting something out of it already."
"More clutter for his room," Yeosang supplied.
You laughed. "You don't want to see mine, then. Besides, I can't help but notice you bought a ship too."
"A tiny one!" Yeosang sheepishly defended himself, quickly laughing at the m-hm sound you made.
"That's how it starts. Get him addicted, Seonghwa."
He nodded. "I'm trying."
"That's the spirit," you said with a mischievous grin.
Seonghwa nodded, then felt his eyes start to lose focus from looking at your own. "Er, well, we'll see you around, (y/n)!" He waved, starting to turn and walk away with Yeosang, who immediately shoved him.
"Whoa, what's that for?"
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Getting back to the convention?"
"Don't you think you should talk to her?"
"What, and follow her around like a weirdo?"
"No," Yeosang fought, "invite her to go check out the voice acting stall or build your legos together or at least just take a picture with her to remember her by if you're too scared to do anything else."
Seonghwa frowned slightly. "I'm not scared."
"Ok," his long-haired friend shrugged, "then prove it."
"I will," he said with a satisfied smile as he turned on his heels, heading back for you.
"Oh, hey, (y/n)?"
You turned around too, white cape billowing around you like angel wings. He swallowed, trying not to stare too hard.
"Can we take a picture? I- I haven't really gotten many pictures with cosplayers, and-"
"Sure!" Smiling brightly, you accepted his proffered phone, taking a couple selfies that left Seonghwa feeling like a boiled lobster, he must be so red. He wasn't expecting you to put your arm around him, but he sure wouldn't complain, either. You also had Yeosang take a few head-to-toe ones so you could see your full outfits and the poses you guys did.
By the time you were done, you both were laughing, especially at one selfie you caught of all three of you where both you and Seonghwa posed and Yeosang just had the most confused expression. In another, you reached behind you to the book stall, each picking one up to pretend to read. Seonghwa made a shocked face at James Luceno's Tarkin, Yeosang mimed intense focus on Timothy Zahn's The Icarus Hunt, and you pretended to laugh at the bowl of petunias in Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
"Well, thanks!" Seonghwa exclaimed after your photoshoot, trailing off before Yeosang elbowed him from behind. "Er, well, I was wondering if you are on any social media for your cosplays?"
"Yup," you nodded, closing out your Photos app with a smile at all the new shots of you guys that had been added to your phone and sliding over to instagram, "Here's where I post a lot of my photos, but if you want to see anything more in-depth or show your fashion designing friend, I can give you my youtube."
Wow... "You have a cosplay youtube? That's so cool! I bet it's a lot of fun!"
"Sure, it's where I track progress, share my processes, and do hauls and stuff too. Oh, and these guys," you shook the box of lego you'd bought at the stall that introduced you, "will get built on there, too. Hey, would you wanna be in a video?"
This time, no elbowing was required. "On your channel? Yes, of course! We could build our legos," Seonghwa replied, feeling excitement rush to his face as he strolled past a life-size Dalek, fingers reaching out to gently brush the smooth dome atop the metal structure.
"For one, yes," you said, a hand reaching up to straighten your Leia braids, "but how would you feel about modeling a legit cosplay?"
His eyes flew open. "You'd make me a whole outfit?"
"Well, I need practice doing men's fits too," you giggled, swerving around a couple dressed as Zoë and Wash from Firefly, "and you have, like, perfect proportions."
Seonghwa's mouth opened and closed a few times, but he didn't know what to say to that. You didn't say any more, either, your interest suddenly captured by a stall selling Padme-inspired jewelry, including one thick silver choker that honestly captured Seonghwa's eyes too...
"So, uh, would you be interested?" You glanced back and forth between the stall and Seonghwa, the way your eyes peered up at him involuntarily raising the corners of his lips.
"As long as my outfit is as pretty as yours."
"Everyone's commenting asking if you're a professional model," you giggle at Seonghwa, glancing up at your phone as you hand him the bright orange brick separator.
He pries apart two misplaced lego pieces before meeting your eyes. "Me?"
"Yes, you," you fire back, closing your phone and leaning a bit closer, scanning first Seonghwa's progress, then his face, "have you seen yourself?"
Heat creeps back into his cheeks. "Yes, but I've seen you, too, so I know they should be asking that about you, not me."
"Wow, that was really smooth. No wonder I dressed you up as Lando," you grin, resting your chin on your hand.
Seonghwa just gazed into your eyes with a fond smile. That had been a long, but amazing, process as you got measurements, pinned him still until he was stiff all over, but put hours of work into detailing a masterpiece, complete with a cape of his very own. All the standing around was so worth it to feel the way your hands gently grazed his sides, to hear you laugh at his little comments and even feel it against his neck when you were working on his shoulders, to always make sure you were stopping to take care of yourself, too, and hear how grateful you were when he reminded you you were doing amazing, no need to push yourself. Watching the transformation, your busy hands at work, getting to embody a piece of the universe he loved so much, all of it made for some of the best weeks Seonghwa had had in a long time.
"That was fun," he commented, attaching two more pieces to the wing of the ship he was building.
"Yeah," you agreed, "especially when you almost kissed me."
Seonghwa reddened, stiffening and lowering the wing in his hand slightly.
It had happened one of the last times you'd met up when you were attaching his cape, hands on his shoulders. He'd relaxed too much, falling into watching you work with dazed eyes, dreaming of leaning in, and then you pulled a little too hard, sending him surging forward, his face almost crashing into yours. He'd managed to catch himself just in time and you'd edited that part out of the fitting video of course, but that moment, your awkward but thrilling almost-kiss, had been living rent-free in Seonghwa's mind ever since then. A part of him wished he'd just managed to fall all the way, but that also wasn't how he wanted your first kiss to go. If you liked him back, which Yeosang and Hongjoong insisted you did. Hongjoong had even taken to texting him 'May the flirts be with you' before he went to your studio, which strangely had encouraged him on a couple occasions to just say the compliment or to brush your hands a little when he handed you supplies or made sure you had water.
"I'm so sorry about that, I really was just clumsy and-"
"It's all right," you smirked faintly, putting the constructed cockpit in your hands down, "I was ready for it."
Seonghwa's brows furrowed as he fully set the wing down. "You... you..."
"Wait, I'm sorry, did I read things wrong? I thought we were flirting. But if not, I'm so sorry! I'm not good at this," you confessed, "you know what they say about nerds and all."
Any and all dissatisfaction about Hongjoong being right dissipated into the great sparkly abyss of joy rising and thudding out of Seonghwa's chest because holy cow, the super cool girl who makes Star Wars outfits and builds lego with him and doesn't laugh at his ASMR is interested in them? Sure, let him and Yeosang rub it in Seonghwa's face. He'd endure anything if it meant getting closer to you.
"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, either," he chuckled, grin widening by the second, "but yes, I was. My roommate even started texting me to hype me up before I visited you, look!"
He showed you the text, which was followed by a gif of Han Solo and a whole bunch of teasing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.
"I was worried you were going to see all the youtube comments teasing me about my obvious crush on you or how cute we were together!"
His eyes widened again. "So you have an obvious crush on me?"
"Seonghwa," you folded your arms, "you don't exactly want someone to kiss you because they're like a brother to you."
"Right, right, sorry, it's just so hard to believe a real-life space princess like you is interested in a lowly smuggler like myself."
"Ok," you snorted, "that was corny."
"I was trying to be corny."
"Good," you tease, leaning in closer until your nose is almost brushing his, "I like corny."
"That's why you like Attack of the Clones. It's the dialogue."
"It's the childhood appeal and you know it! I always say they got a little confident in their millions with some of the writing, but something in it really captured a youth vibe. It's like what they did in Twilight, but better because of the rest of the worlds happening around it-" You rambled, distracted by Seonghwa's claim.
Seonghwa, meanwhile, could only stare at your animated gesticulating and think how you're most definitely the girl of his dreams. "Ok, seriously, please kiss me."
“Alright, but we’re definitely doing the cape yank next time,” you comment as you lean in, letting Seonghwa take one of your hands, the other pulling you in softly by your cheek until your lips met.
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half-deadmagicperson · 4 months
The Time Traveling Teenager (title pending)
Based of this Post I made yesterday about my DP x Star Trek brainrot.
Disclaimer: I haven't actually read the novels with the DTI I just read the Fandom wiki page, so there's probably no way that this is accurate at all (sorry Watching the Clock and New Frontier fans) my brain just thought it would be a fun concept to play with.
Warnings: None
Next Part (coming soon)
Words: 500
   It was just a regular day in Greenwich. The sun tucked behind dark clouds. It was probably going to rain soon, but the dreary weather was no match to the sheer joy radiating off the newly recruited Agent Stewart Peart. 
  He remembers dreaming of time travel as a boy, but now, he gets to actually experience it! Well, at least help with temporal issues. He resisted the urge to practically skip into the Department of Temporal Investigations building. 
  Upon entering the building, Peart started assessing the room. Most of the DTI consisted of Vulcans, Deltans, and other less emotionally compromised species. Stewart supposed that was for the best, given that humans might be more hesitant to spare past tyrants or allow past tragedies to continue.
  Either way he's excited for his mission, and he's not going to let them down.
  He royally fucked up. So, as it turns out, the Edoan he was supposed to escort was actually a Triexian. Stewart dragged his hands across his face. How could he be so stupid? This was supposed to be a simple displacement escort, and now it has the potential to be an intergalactic disaster.
  They reached Triex on time (thankfully), but it was too close for comfort. Stewart managed to convince Lieutenant Arex to give Dulmer a good report and started to make his way back to the ship.
 On his way down the hall, Stewart noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. A teenager, with a full head of black hair, ducked behind a corner.
 Stewart raised a brow before heading towards the hallway. When he peeked his head around the corner, he saw the teen pacing around, as if waiting for something.
 The boy was on the shorter side, with almost too pale skin and a few piercings. What really threw Stewart off were the boy's clothes. The teen wore baggy jeans, consistent with the style of the early 21st century, and a well-worn NASA t-shirt.
  If Stewart remembered his history correctly, NASA was an organization in the United States dedicated to space travel. NASA completed several milestones in early human space travel. In the 1960s, they landed the first man on the moon, and in the 2030s, they landed the first on Mars. Despite all their accomplishments, the organization was disbanded during the eugenics war, due to lack of funding.
  “Do you need something?” a voice cut through Stewart's thoughts.
  “You look like you need something. Unless you’re just standing there stalking me?” The boy arched his brow.
  “I was actually wondering what a young person like you is doing here?”
  “Oh I'm just waiting for my ride.” Stewart felt the hair on the back of his neck rise as a static pop rang through the hall.
  Hands of an ancient analog clock swirled around to create a blue portal. The boy smiled, teeth too pointy, eyes too bright.
  “Welp, that's my ride! I'll see you around Agent Peart!”
  The boy vanished without a trace.
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
[Dreamling Week Day 6: Sick] In Sickness
It's a fluffy sick fic featuring eldritch goo Dream of the Endless idk what else to tell you
CW: if you're fine with Dream being an eldritch being, then absolutely nothing. 😊 Enjoy! 🖤
Hob stares at the large black puddle of goo that flooded most of the living room. He just got back from work and found Matthew perched on a branch near his flat, looking as frantic as a raven could get.
Said raven is now perched on Hob's shoulder, eyeing the mess on the floor gravely.
Hob had been warned that Dream is 'in a state,' but he didn't exactly expect that 'state' to be liquid.
Because it is Dream on the floor, Hob can see that very clearly. Though the goo simply looks like dark glittery slime poured over the floor to the uninitiated, Hob recognizes a couple of nebulas on its surface. There, by the telly, is the Horsehead Nebula, there by the bookshelf that contained none of Shaxberd's works is the Trifid Nebula, and just by Hob's feet is the Lagoon Nebula.
"Darling?" Hob calls out, unsure if he's going to get an answer. This is his first time encountering Dream like this. "Are you alright?"
No answer.
He looks at Matthew a bit helplessly. "Do I just...scoop him up with my hands?"
Matthew fidgets. "Definitely don't vacuum him."
"Why the hell would I--"
"Well, why are you asking me? I don't know this shit! I was literally a human a year ago!"
Hob pinches his nose. They were like blind drunks stumbling down the street together. "Is he even sentient like this?"
The dark puddle vibrates, and Hob feels Matthew's talons dig into his shoulders from the jumpscare. He himself almost drops his suitcase. "I can hear both of you," the puddle grumbles, "and you are making too much noise for my liking."
"Oh, sorry, love," Hob says, his boyfriend instincts suddenly awakened at Dream's sulky morning voice. "Did we wake you?"
"I want some of your chicken pot pie."
"Chicken pot pie." Hob repeats. His brain is still processing the fact that his boyfriend is a literal puddle of goo on the floor. "Yeah. Okay. Let me just get some ingredients from the shops real quick. Can you get to the bedroom while I'm gone? I don't want to step on you when I return."
He leaves Matthew...not in charge, but overseeing goo Dream's long and arduous trek to the bedroom.
He hears the raven mutter something about this being like hell all over again.
Hob ignores that because he has a different set of problems to tackle.
Hob's panic sets in as soon as he gets out of the car carrying all the ingredients for chicken pot pie, as well as some other food and drinks good for sick humans.
Once the pie is done cooking and cooling down a bit, how will he feed Dream? Where is his mouth? Does Hob just...pour it on the goo and hope for the best?
What if that were the equivalent of dumping hot soup on his boyfriend's lap?
"Any improvement?" he asks Matthew, who has kept an eye on Dream while perched safely on the back of the couch.
Hob checked, and Dream's form is thankfully all contained in the bedroom, still looking like a lake of stars.
"Nope. But he says he wants you to make extra crusts because he likes that. I would also like some extra bits to snack on, if that's alright."
"Sure." Hob goes to do just that. Chicken pot pie for the boyfriend and a lot of extra crusts for the boyfriend and his raven.
No problem. This is all totally normal and fine.
"Dream? Darling? The pot pie is done."
The puddle looks a little smaller in size, and Hob can see a couple of hill-like formations near the middle of the mass. He hopes it's a sign that Dream is slowly getting better.
At his words, one of the islands move closer to him, like a shark. Its progress sends ripples throughout the lake.
"Finally," the island nearer to him says. Its peak splits open to reveal the inside of Dream's human mouth. "Feed me."
At this point, Hob isn't even questioning anything anymore. All he knows is how to be a good boyfriend, so he's gonna do just that.
He sits down at the very edge of the lake near the hill with the mouth, and scoops up a portion of the pie, making sure to blow on it before feeding it to Dream.
The hill hums in appreciation.
"Delicious," Dream's mouth says, before opening once more, like a baby bird waiting to be fed. "More. I want a larger portion of the crust this time."
Hob couldn't help the smile that bloomed on his face and obediently gets more of the crust for the next bite.
"What kind of juice do you like?" Hob asks, a few hours later. The goo now looks less like a puddle and more like gelatine that didn't set properly. It was on the couch, bundled up in one of Hob's soft knitted blankets, watching an earlier season of Game of Thrones with Matthew.
"What kinds do you have?"
"Uh, orange, apple, and pineapple. Oh, and I still got some banana milk from the Korean grocery store, if you prefer that. Or almond milk."
"All of them."
Hob and Matthew share an alarmed look behind gelatine Dream's back. "What, an equal amount of all those drinks together in a single glass?"
Hob looks heavenwards and prays for a little more sanity before complying.
And just for fun, he goes down to the Inn and gets a blue cocktail umbrella and a heart-shaped drinking straw to put in gelatine Dream's very questionable drink.
Gelatine Dream hums in delight and tells Hob he loves him.
Hob beams and kisses the top of the gelatinous mass, while Matthew chokes, very possibly because the scene on TV is Hodor...doing his thing, and that always gets to Hob.
(Matthew chokes because he is disgusted, he is revolted--)
Something thick and long, like an anaconda, slithers into bed with Hob, and it is only through his 600 plus years of living in this world does he calm his frantically beating heart and open his arms so big ass snake Dream can curl up next to him.
"I hate being sick," the snake hisses, its huge dark head tucking itself under Hob's chin. "I can't hug you like this."
'Please don't wrap around me and squeeze me to death,' Hob does not say. "I think you're adorable," he murmurs instead against Dream's coils, and kisses the nearest scaled skin in front of his face.
Dream is mostly back in his human form come morning, but he still dripped viscous dark liquid wherever he goes. It reminds Hob of Howl Pendragon from the Howl's Moving Castle Ghibli movie.
"How are you this morning, darling?"
"Wretched," Dream says as he drips onto his fry up. Hob mentioned preparing porridge for him as they got up earlier, only to be informed by Dream that he fucking hates porridge and would hurl it into the sun if he could. And so Hob cooked some fry up instead. "Must you go to work?"
Hob, already running late and in the process of putting on his shoes, stops and looks back at the pathetic picture Dream makes. He is sadly looking down at his perfectly cooked eggs, dripping dark sludge on the sun-yellow yolks.
"I'll call in sick," Hob decides, and takes his phone out to do just that. The department head is going to verbally flay him alive for only giving notice at the last minute, but nothing is more important to him than Dream. Hell, they could fire him over the phone and he'd be fine with it.
Dream hugs him around the middle as Hob puts his briefcase down, ruining his white dress shirt. Hob hugs him back and kisses the top of his head.
It's fine. He'll just buy another shirt, or get another job. But Dream is irreplaceable.
"Have I told you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me?" Dream asks him a couple of days later, when they're both lying in bed after two rounds of fantastic sex, celebrating Dream's full recovery.
Hob kisses him on the nose and cuddles him closer. "Maybe once or twice in the last 24 hours," he says. "But it never hurts to tell me again."
Dream shyly hands him an unbreakable ceramic mug made from the sands of the Dreaming. It says, "The best boyfriend across all of time and space," in Dream's handwriting.
It takes Hob a solid month to stop grinning like a fool.
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t0ast-ghost · 3 months
Here’s my thoughts on Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
There’s swear words, star trek, and spoilers oh my!
Start it up:
- “The planet of galactic peace.” Somehow. I don’t believe that.
- This guy on his horse looks like death
- “Let us explore it together.” Come take my hand. Let us take ibuprofen together.
- It’s hard to dislike Sybok when he smiles like that so they have to add in a somewhat evil laugh
- Epic music is a go (Music by Jerry Goldsmith)
- “‘You’ll be able to relax’ you call this relaxing? I’m a nervous wreck. If I’m not careful I’ll end up talking to myself.” Kirk convinced him to come here and now he has to watch his idiot husband climb a rock
- Kirk knows Spock and McCoy are there to catch him when he falls but goddamnit if they aren’t both really tired of his shit
- No but seriously what is with science fiction and thinking ‘yeah there’s a race of cat people’ looking at you too doctor who
- Caithlin Dar is awesome already.. I don’t trust Talbot (edit: haha too bad they’re characters don’t really do anything anyway)
- Scotty narrating is my favourite actually
- are Uhura and Scotty dating?
- “Admit it. We’re lost!” “All right, we’re lost. But we’re making good time.” Didn’t know I needed Sulu and Chekov to go hiking together but I do
- “Yes uh- yes, we’ve been caught in a blizzard.” *Chekov starts blowing into the microphone* god I love them. He just went with it!
- Bones ringing the triangle out of spite and love
- The husbands sitting down and eating beans. Why would they make star trek about literally anything else
- Coming back strong with the extra wh sound (it was in the last movie when McCoy said whales)
- The trivia panel is telling me that one of the goofs is Kirk calling Tennessee whiskey bourbon and it looks like something Spock would write
- McCoy laughing and talking about Spock’s Vulcan metabolism and Spock indulging by saying he’s also half human and McCoy responding with “well it certainly doesn’t show” to which he knows Spock’ll take as a compliment. Yes I do need old married mcspirk.
- “You know, you two could drive a man to drink.” Then Kirk with all the innocence and nonchalance in the world says, “me? What did I do?” “What did you do? You really piss me off, Jim.”
- McCoy is lecturing Kirk cause he can’t take anymore of his almost dying bullshit
- “I knew I wouldn’t die because the two of you were with me.” “I do not understand.” “I’ve always known I’ll die alone.” I’m about to cry because this is true. He dies in a distant future without either of them. Thinking about it they all somewhat die alone. Maybe Spock was there for McCoy but we never see his death. And Spock dies in an alternate past :(((
- “It’s a mystery to me what draws us together…Other people have families.” “Other people, Bones, not us.” They are each other’s family.
- SPOCK ROASTING A MARSHMALLOW (not sure why they call it a ‘marsh melon’)
- This is the silliest thing they could have possibly put in a movie (this is like a comfort fic but a movie and I am so here for it)
- “God, I liked him better before he died.” McCoy is getting nasty and Kirk is now like ‘well time to sleep’
- “Life is not a dream.” “Go to sleep, Spock.”
- Why is the head Klingons outfit so cunty. Why’re the Klingons so silly?
- They caught Spock in his jammies
- “Well gentlemen, it seems shore leave has been cancelled.” They can’t go on ONE DATE
- Why’re they huddled together on the ship like that?
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- “‘All I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.’” “Melville.” “John Masefield.” “Are you sure about that?” “I am well versed in the classics, Doctor.” “Then how come you don’t know Row, Row, Row Your Boat?” Spock makes the most frowny and tired face imaginable. I think McCoy was justified in biting back there cause imagine you wake up, get in a shuttle, and then get corrected. All I’m saying is Spock was being a bit of a know it all (wouldn’t have him any other way)
- “*laughs* I don’t think I’ve ever seen him happier.” McCoy is so jolly in this one
- The yeoman with Kirk’s jacket is played by Shatner’s daughter
- HE ACTUALLY HAS A SHIRT THAT SAYS ‘go climb a rock.’ omg
- That fucking outfit oh my goodness
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- “What’s the matter, Jim?” “I miss my old chair.” And then it switches to Spock who’s going :[
- Love how the Klingons all know who Kirk is. Like he’s THAT important
- Aww Kirk can’t write his diary :((
- Their silhouettes are so cute (34:06) (also they look like how aliens coming out of a spaceship look, I just think that’s neat)
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- McCoy has to turn on the lights like, ‘stop sulking in the damn dark.’
- “Imagine that, a passionate Vulcan.” What McCoy? You want Spock to be more passionate?
- “This is Captain Pavel Chekov speaking.” He’s so silly for that. But also it’s probably best he doesn’t say ‘acting captain’ as that would arouse suspicion cause as everyone knows the captain is always the first to go on dangerous away missions
- What’s going on? Why is Uhura dancing ? What.
- What. Was. That. Scene. Why.
- “Spock.” “Yes, captain?” “Be one with the horse.” “Yes, captain.” Oookay
- “Hold your horse, captain.” Good one.
- Spock just. He just nerve pinched that horse.
- Spock does not know how to deal with seeing his estranged brother again (yeah I was spoiled) so, “you are under arrest for seventeen violations of the neutral zone treaty.” Is what he went with
- Sybok complimented and then winked at Kirk HE IS TAKEN
- “We’re going to forego the tractor beam and fly her in manually.” “Manually?” “How often have you done this?” “Actually it’s my first attempt.” Personally wouldn’t trust anyone else to attempt that other than Sulu. He is THAT bitch (/pos)
- whooo space stuff! Sorry the photon torpedo just missing as the enterprise went into warp was cool
- Spock’s got a gun!
- McCoy comes out of the ship and is so confused and looks to Spock and Kirk
- Ohhh no. Sybok is gonna do his thingy magic thing to Sulu and Uhura with Scotty watching ‘em from above
- “What you have done is betray every man on this ship.” “Worse. I have betrayed you. I do not expect you to forgive me.” “Forgive you? I ought to knock you on your goddamn ass.” “If you think it would help.” “You want me to hold him, Jim?” “You stay out of this. Why, Spock? Why?” Lots to think about in this dialogue. But I think McCoy offering to hold Spock is him going ‘Jim you’re overreacting can’t you see he’s already remorseful?’ I could be misreading but if you understand it as the idea of McCoy holding him down is so redundant because Spock is strong enough to get out of his grasp easily but probably wouldn’t resist in this moment then it’s just like aughhhhhh
- Also Kirk asking Spock to shoot someone is bad enough. But the fact that it was his brother…
- Kirk is in disbelief. He didn’t know his own husband has a brother (half brother technically. Same Spock same.)
- “Stop it, Jim! Spock could no more kill his own brother than he could kill you. If you want to punish him for what he’s done, why don’t you throw him in the brig? Besides, we’ve got bigger problems to deal with.” Bones not only defending Spock, but also getting them back on track
- Apparently both Gene Roddenberry and William Shatner didn’t like that Sybok was Spock’s brother. Roddenberry didn’t think that Sarek would have a child with another woman (I kinda agree but also Pon Farr would’ve made him become engaged to a Vulcan before he met Amanda, so it’s not completely unthinkable). And Shatner didn’t like it cause it was too much like ‘a soap opera plot line’ but they went with it so that Spock’s actions made sense with the way he acted towards Sybok. I personally like that Spock has siblings he never told anyone about. It’s funny.
- lmao this time Kirk gets to stand on top of Spock to reach something (See patterns of force)
- Spock talking about himself in the third person because he doesn’t want to admit that he couldn’t get out of the brig
- “The bond between these three is strong, difficult to penetrate. This will be quite a challenge.” IT’S CAUSE THEY’RE MARRIED
- It’s funny that- canonically - Sybok can sense a really strong bond between them
- Kirk and McCoy’s ass I mean- oh look it’s Spock. With rocket boots!
- Spock holding onto Kirk and McCoy for their dear lives
- “I believe I overshot the mark by one level.” “Nobody’s perfect.” McCoy keeps saying this to Spock and I think it’s healing. Also flirting.
- They’re lit really nicely
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- McCoy is NOT having this “Sounds like brainwashing to me.” You’re so right, back OFF Sybok
- (drawable moment 1:08:17)
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- “Your pain is the deepest of all. I can feel it. Can’t you?” OH WAIT WE GET TO SEE MCCOYS PAIN WHAT
- I have no words for this scene. Holy Shit.
- Forced therapy
- Oh they all get to see each others pain cause they’re connected
- Spock gets to see his own birth… why. What.
- young Sarek 😧😳😳😳
- “So human.” YOU FUCKED THE HUMAN SAREK. God he’s such a bitch.
- SPOCK FOR THE WIN!! He’s not leaving
- MCCOYS STAYING WITH HIS HUSBANDS!!! YEAH LETS GOOO! (Personally I don’t think McCoy would go with Sybok at all, but I wasn’t sure what the writers were gonna do and I was scared they would make him leave)
- I know we’ve moved on from this but maybe Sarek saying that Spock was human was like saying ‘he’s got your eyes’ like comparing Spock to Amanda in appreciation. We’ll never know but it’s still a bitchass thing to say.
- Kirk has a plaque with ‘To boldly go where no man has gone before’ what a nerd
- They’re really hot in their uniforms
- hi god
- Kirk wants to ID god. Fair enough.
- There’s McCoy in the corner. Losing his religion
- “I doubt a God who inflicts pain for his own pleasure.” YEAH McCoy’s not standing for this shit
- Oh so Sybok wasn’t the enemy. Yeah that’s a good ending for his character. Saying bye to sock and asking for forgiveness
- “Beam up Spock and Dr. McCoy now.” “Now, just a damn minute-” Kirk said that so fast so that his husbands couldn’t argue with him
- “I am a foolish old man.” “Damn you, sir. You will try.” Spock ain’t fucking around. Also he picked up a couple of words from McCoy
- “I thought I was going to die.” “Not possible, you were never alone.” Throw me out an airlock I need some air
- SORRY the immediate moment after that was SO MUCH WORSE “Please, captain. Not in front of the Klingons.” THEY WERE ABOUT TO MAKE OUT SLOPPY
- “Cosmic thoughts, gentlemen?” “We were speculating. Is god really out there?” They were having a nice quiet conversation and it’s a shame they didn’t show it :(
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- KIRK TALKING ABOUT SAM??? Oh no he was implying it was Spock
- this ending- I’m not okay.
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Unfortunately I really enjoyed this one. William Shatner made a movie that was so shippy and was oblivious to it the entire time.
I know it took a really long time for me to post this one because I wanted to watch undiscovered country first, I haven’t watched it yet but I felt I needed to finally edit and post this one. I hope you enjoyed my silly little thoughts.
Star trekking across the universe. Get that stuck in your head.
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gamora-borealis · 3 months
I had the most vivid dnp hard launch dream... a lot of it was confusing and random, I think they were somehow like living in an apartment across from mine and I knew them some and saw them holding hands in front of me very casually. Then it turned into this giant movie or documentary filmed very cinematically where Dan had released some kind of epic solo project and there were like other characters from the apartment complex who had storylines in this movie like at one point dan had passed out and they were trying to wake him up by playing really loud rock music. and at the climax of the movie there is a release party for this solo project and like huge Hollywood celebrities were there but also people from my work lol. Finally Dan appears in a white suit in the crowd and you see him look across the room and at first it looked like he was looking at this very hot celebrity guy but actually it was Phil standing just behind that guy in a pink suit. And he runs across the room to give Phil a hug and spins him around, and I was like sobbing watching this on an iPad. Then he brings Phil up to this center stage area where these journalists are and it's implied he's gonna give a speech to thank Phil and potentially hard launch. But he was kind of running up there dragging Phil along and they accidentally run into a journalist and they all fell over but she was holding a wine glass and it shattered and shards of glass got stuck in Dan's neck and they had to take him to the hospital. Before the ambulance came a guy from my work was administering first aid and I was like oh wow yeah I turned down going to this party because too many people but I'm glad he was there! Anyways Dan is fine and gets released a few days later and he and Phil walk out of the hospital holding hands and you see it as this camera angle below them where their hands are facing the sky and perfectly framed by the sun. Then all the paparazzi try to run up to them to get pictures but they only get pics once they are about to get in a car and dan is wearing this slightly sheer white short sleeve button down open over a T-shirt, and the button down is so oversized that because of the breeze it was like flowing and covering up them holding hands. And the paparazzi are like damn clearly they were holding hands but it's hard to see on camera they truly are masterminds of being vague!!! but in the camera they filmed the movie on you can clearly see them holding hands through Dan's shirt and you also already saw them holding hands so it's to imply like you the viewer of the movie get to know they were holding hands but they were still being cheeky about it within the world of this movie. And afterwards I was like this is the greatest thing I've ever seen and couldn't stop crying and even my dad was like yeah that's a great movie they talked about it on all my favorite podcasts (including Joe Rogan???) and then in the credits it was showing bloopers and irl moments between dnp and at one point they saw my apartment because I had left the door open on accident when I left one time and they were like dang it's so messy we should help her clean and I was aw like that's sweet of them but how embarrassing this is in this movie... and then it also showed unreleased pinof bloopers and the vegas vlog where they were holding hands and having fun and being giggly. then for some reason my mom came and was like oh here's some props from the movie and it was a bunch of old floppy discs but they were huge and had a DVD Cover-esque design on them of Battlestar Galactica or some kind of space show that was less popular than Star Trek and I was like wow this is so cool I kind of prefer these to CDs or DVDs! and then I woke up 😶
@dnp-dreams @phannie-dreams
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sinfulauthorwrites · 10 months
Dream Machine - A Mettaton x Reader Fic
As you lie awake in bed, only able to focus on your worries, your boyfriend Mettaton offers encouragement and help.
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So, not so fun fact: while I had this idea rattling around my head for a while, I only got down to writing it while I was in the psych ward 🙃 Though, writing fic by hand in a journal without autocorrect or Grammarly made me feel like one of the OG Star Trek slash shippers in the 60s, which was a really fun feeling! Aside from word choice and a few extra sentences, the typed version remains relatively unchanged from the handwritten one, though I may still share the pics of my journal on Tumblr or Twitter! Also, the title comes from the Steam Powered Giraffe song of the same name!
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Rating: General Audiences
Ship: Mettaton EX x GN!Reader
Word Count: 891
Applicable Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Reader Is Not Frisk, Reader Has Anxiety (the anxiety isn't specified, it's more open-ended for the reader to project onto), Self-Worth Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, Meditation, Sleep, Crying, Fluff, Established Relationship, Pet Names, POV Second Person, Not Beta Read
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You lie awake in bed next to your android boyfriend. He was already powered into sleep mode for the night, as his LED eye displays were dimmed and his tail-like charging cord plugged into the nearby wall. You look at him for a moment before turning to the pink canopy of the bed above you, starting at the shadows in the fabric formed by the lights from outside your shared penthouse apartment. The darkness warped, presenting visual manifestations of the problems keeping you from sleep. 
Yes, you knew Mettaton had his worries, but as the Underground’s biggest star now on the surface, he had much more significant concerns compared to yours. Tour dates, filming, recording sessions, the list goes on. Yours are small compared to his. Insignificant. Human. You feel your stress tug your eyelids open, preventing your “beauty rest,” as your boyfriend lovingly called it. As you shift once more and pull the satin sheets closer to you, you hear a familiar boot-up sound and fans whirring to life. Oh shit. Your tossing and turning set off Mettaton’s motion detection, a vestigial feature not yet removed since his purpose was changed.
“D-darling, is something the matter?” The robot’s voice glitches momentarily, his now-illuminated pink eyes looking at you with concern.
“Y-yeah! I must’ve rolled over too far,” you nervously chuckle. “I didn’t mean to wake you, babe. Get some rest, as neither of us wants you low on battery tomorrow.”
Mettaton purses his lips, not taking no for an answer. “Darling, look at me.” His tone sharpens when you curl up tighter with your back facing him. “Look. At. Me.” With a resigned sigh, you turn to face him. “Oh, beautiful,” he sighs, cupping your cheek with his gloved hand, his thumb circling below the dark bags and worry lines underneath your eyes. “How much sleep have you been getting lately?”
You mumble your response, prompting your boyfriend to look at you sternly. “Usually only two hours a night, especially when you’re not here,” you fess up.
You can see the guilt hit your boyfriend, causing you to quickly run your hand through his synthetic hair and reassure him. “It’s not because of you, I promise!”
“But why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Despite being the biggest celebrity of the century, Mettaton still immensely cares for you. You’re his star, his world, his everything. Seeing you suffer makes his SOUL feel like shattering.
You inhale deeply. “I-” you quickly correct yourself. “It just feels all so unimportant compared to you. I mean, you’ve got so much amazing stuff going on right now. And with me, it’s just…” You hesitate momentarily, unsure if you want to continue, until you see Mettaton nod with understanding and compassion. Soon, your words flow out of you, every insecurity and doubt leaving your lips. Tears begin to fall from your eyes, leaving small damp spots on the pillowcase you rested on. Mettaton extends his arm in back of him to pass you a tissue box, the lotion-infused tissues a welcome relief for your sore eyes.
“Did that help you feel better, sweetheart?” You nod, and Mettaton presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “Good. Now, I want you to listen to me very closely.” You nod, and the robot cups your cheeks once more. “You will never, ever be inconsequential to me, darling. You mean so much, not just to me but to everyone around you! Don’t ever feel like you don’t matter, or whatever you’re going through doesn’t matter, either. I care, we care.” He kisses you on the lips this time. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you murmur back, held tight in his embrace.
After a few moments, Mettaton lets go. “Do you think you’ll be able to sleep now, darling?”
You let out another breathy, anxious chuckle. “Probably not, to be honest. It’s alright, though. I’ll make it up tomorrow during the day.”
“There has to be something we can do, sweetheart.” Mettaton’s pupils shift from his usual hearts into turning gears before changing to a lightbulb emoticon. “Hey! It’s not technically released yet, but Blooky and Alphys were working on music to benefit monsters and humans!” He shoots you one of his signature grins. “Co-produced by yours truly, of course!” Mettaton finds the demo CD in the nightstand drawer, preparing to play it from his speakers. “How would you like to be our first test subject?” His eyes sparkle with encouragement, and you just can’t say no to him. 
The robot pats the bed, motioning for you to lie down. He loads the CD into one of the slots built into his EX form, his other hand drifting down to hold yours. The ambient tones soon lull you into a reverie, with the faint sounds of rushing water mixed into the track. It’s an obvious callback to the family of ghostly cousins’ original abode, but it soothes your mind as your anxieties flow away. As you close your eyes, you feel the sensation of the water surrounding you, floating through space and time and easing your body and mind. Mettaton’s hand is a tether to the physical world, keeping you grounded as your mind drifts away peacefully. Although they were once wide and bloodshot, your eyes become heavy and worn as you finally sail away into a restful sleep.
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promptling · 6 months
STAR TREK V: THE FINAL FRONTIER ( 1989 ) change pronouns as needed.
i thought weapons were forbidden on this planet.
your pain runs deep.
what do you know of my pain?
each man hides a secret pain. it must be exposed and reckoned with. it must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light.
where did you get this power?
the power was within you.
what is it you seek?
you call this relaxing? i'm a nervous wreck!
if i'm not carefully i'll end up talking to myself.
what are you doing in this neck of the woods?
i'm doing this because i enjoy it.
i do not think you realize the gravity of your situation.
goddamn irresponsible!
concentration is vital.
mind if we drop in for dinner?
i just fixed that damn thing.
am i to understand that your secret ingredient is alcohol?
you could drive a man to drink.
human life is far too precious to risk on crazy stunts.
i knew i wouldn't die.
i've always known i'll die alone.
i am well versed in the classics.
i could use a shower.
the ship's a virtual ghost town.
if you ask me, and you haven't, i think this is a terrible idea.
i deeply regret this desperate act but these are desperate times.
you look like you've just seen a ghost.
you are a master of understatement.
would you mind handing over your weapons?
don't you have anything to say to me?
i intend to steal something, something very big.
how often have you done this?
you must kill me.
for a moment, i thought you might actually do it.
i do not expect you to forgive me.
i ought to knock you on your goddamn ass!
why didn't you tell us this before?
i was not prepared to discuss matters of a personal nature.
you never cease to amaze me.
i was beginning to worry.
there's got to be a way out of this mess.
you're either with me, or you're not.
that's a little vague.
this will be quite a challenge.
we can't trust anyone now.
we'll get a good workout.
i believe i have found a faster way.
we're not splitting up.
i'm afraid of nothing.
there's so much i want to tell you.
i don't control minds.
i don't control minds ... i free them.
i've done everything i can do.
why did you do it?
you did what you thought was right.
i know what my weaknesses are.
i don't want my pain taken away.
i need my pain.
you do not know me.
i found myself and my place, and i know who i am.
you are mad.
is it there or isn't it?
are we dreaming?
well, don't just stand there!
god's a busy man!
does this better suit your expectations?
what does god need with a starship?
i'm asking a question.
who am i? don't you know?
what's wrong? don't you like this face?
i have so many, but this one suits you best.
i am in need of your assistance.
i'm a foolish old man.
what are you waiting for?
i thought i was going to die.
you were never alone.
she has wonderful muscles.
i was wrong.
are you going to pluck that thing or are you going to play something?
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eleadore · 9 days
top 5 writers that inspire you? fic or traditional or both!!
this changes w the season really but at the moment
margo lanagan for everything
There is something about talking in the night, with the shreds of sleep around your ears, with the silences between one remark and another, the town dark and dreaming beyond your own walls. It draws the truth out of you, straight from its little dark pool down there, where usually you guard it so careful, and wave your hands over it and hum and haw to protect people's feelings, to protect your own...
ray bradbury bc i just reread dandelion wine
Some people turn sad awfully young. No special reason, it seems, but they seem almost to be born that way. They bruise easier, tire faster, cry quicker, remember longer and, as I say, get sadder younger than anyone else in the world. I know, for I'm one of them.
ed mcdonald bc raven's mark series in summary
It hurt. It really fucking hurt.
and sometimes that's all you need to say!
sqpr on ao3 (their h/d the earth from a distance & ! lusimeles but they've also written some of my favourites for the witcher, hannibal, star trek, we can go on and on and)
lanning on ao3 for the identical series alone. damn, goddamn
ask me top 5/10 anything
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