#my sister and i have an agreement not to follow eachother on here but there is a chance she sees this
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visionsofgideontheninth · 12 days ago
was telling my sister about Gelboys, and not to sound mildly old, but not only did I not have instagram in highschool, i didn't have texting until senior year. we had AOL instant messenger for which we left angsty away messages of Death Cab For Cutie lyrics and on which my friends and I would send each other links to Harry Potter fan sites and early fanmade Youtube videos. we had facebook which we used to send pins and dump every photo off of whoever had a digital camera at that point. every single photo that was taken was posted.
did you all see that movie Didi that came out last year? that was my tech/social media only i was five years older than that character
and it was the moment of Napster and Limewire. my brother burned CDs for my mom of her 80s favorites. I don't think paying for music via Spotify really salvaged the music industry after that, I think it just means instead of some 17 yr old pirating music, a greedy CEO is pocketing the money instead of the artists who were once at least able to sell albums
sorry for going on an early aughts rant/nostalgia trip. i dont think i have a point here except that perhaps being a teenager is getting worse and worse. on the upside, in many places the homophobia has vastly decreased so now we have shows like Gelboys
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light1snow1 · 4 months ago
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫
This is an original story made by me back in January. It has a TW in it which is death. This is about Terzos execution and how it played out. It has my Oc, Cotton in it and plays a major part in her background.
It had been a couple of days after Nihils words. “Dark ages are coming.” What could he possibly mean by that? Was it a sick threat of some sort, or maybe even a warning?
Omega and Alpha had been searching the ministry every day and night since the incident. Checking in every room, altar, and corner that they could, hoping that Terzo would be standing there waiting for them. But alas they found nothing.
Cotton, an old ghoul like Omega and Alpha had been watching the two struggling to find their partner. She felt awful for the two but that's when another ghoul, Special, came up to her.
Special was bad news. Wherever that ghoul went trouble would follow in suit. Yes he was funny and fun to be around, but he was like a death omen.
Special would tap on the smaller ghoulettes shoulder “The Clergy has called to see you.” He’d say with a stern tone as Cotton would turn to look at him.
She would hesitate for a moment before speaking “Oh? Alright then.” She’d walk with the taller ghoul in silence until they were in front of Sister Emeritus’s study.
Special would be the one to knock on her door. “Sister Imperator, we are here.” He would speak before a small hum was made from inside the room and the two would enter.
In the ghoul den Dewdrop was laying with Aether. He’d let out a long sigh before sitting up and looking at the slightly bigger ghoul. “What do you think everyone else is up to?” Dewdrop would tilt his head as he played with Aethers hair.
Aether would smile and lean into the ghouls touch. “Ifrit is probably sleeping, and Omega and Alpha are most likely still looking for Terzo. Not so sure about the others.” He would lay a hand on Dewdrops’ waist letting out a purr.
Dewdrop would let out a hum of agreement as well as satisfaction and would melt into the others touch. “I’m kinda worried ‘bout those two.” Dew would say staring into the ghouls eyes seeming to be getting lost in them.
Aether would nod, pulling Dew closer to him holding onto him. Dew wasn't a very warm ghoul. He was a water ghoul after all but that didn’t bother Aether, he liked being close to Dew no matter what.
Dew would nuzzle his head into the other's neck, being careful of his horns and letting out a long sigh. “Someone is going to need to talk to those two. They can't look forever.” Dew would say making small circles with one of his nails on Aethers chest.
He’d nod and hum in agreement rubbing Dewdrops back. “Ifrit will eventually say something. I hope at least.” Aether held onto Dew and leaned his head onto Dews being careful of both of their horns.
Back with the other two ghouls who were still searching, Omega had taken a break and sat against a wall. “Alpha. Do you believe we will ever find Terzo?” The ghoul would mumble, his words barely even audible.
Alpha would look down at the ghoul who was on the floor. He would squat down in front of Omega cupping his face with his hands. “Ofcourse we will Omega.” Alpha's words sounded almost like a whimper.
Alpha would then sit with Omega and the two would stay there just holding eachothers hands for some time.
Omega would stand, slightly and softly pulling Alpha up with him. “Alright, we should continue looking now.” Omega would leave a soft kiss on Alphas cheek holding onto the ghouls hands.
Alpha would nod in agreement, and smile and purr at the kiss. The two would then begin looking for their partner once more.
After some searching the two ghouls would eventually stop by Terzos' room once more to look inside. Alpha would open the door and the two would walk in and lie on the bed.
It was a very soft bed. It fit Papa III. More than it should have. With its soft and silky red sheets and many pillows.
Alpha stayed on the bed as Omega would get up and search the room. Alpha would spread out and smell the bed. Terzos scent was still infused into the sheets which made Alpha immediately break down into tears.
Omega would hear the cries come from Alpha and he would have to choke back tears himself, continuing to search the room for any signs of his lover. But alas there was nothing. It was the same as the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that one too.
Eventually Omega would lay with Alpha and hold onto the ghoul tight. It was only the two of them left. Terzo was gone and they needed to accept that fact. But could they? Terzo was the one person they loved other than each other. Without him there was a gaping hole in both of their chests.
Sure Omega had Cotton who was his best friend since they were in the pit. But Terzo? Terzo was the love of his life and what would he do without him?
Omega pushed his feelings to the side for the time being to help the other ghoul who was now uncontrollably crying in his arms. “Shh…” The ghoul would hum running his fingers through Alphas' hair. “It will be alright love.” He would place a soft kiss on the ghoul's head with a hum.
The two ghouls would eventually fall asleep after some time, finally being at somewhat of a peace. But that peace of sleep wouldn’t last them long. Something was brewing inside of the ministry but no one knew it just yet.
Before anyone knew it there was a deafening scream from within the ministry. All of the ghouls would wake up from the scream.
“Om…a!” That was the only thing the two ghouls still in Terzo's room could hear. Was someone calling for them? If so, who?
It did not take Omega long to figure out who the voice belonged to. Terzo. He was alive. Without a second thought, both Omega and Alpha took off running towards the yelling.
With Terzo were two ghouls. One a normal ghoul the other a ghoulette. The two were dragging him from the cell he was put in after the incident. Terzo had no idea where he was going but he now had a hand of the ghoul over his mouth.
Man was this ghoul strong. He was holding onto Terzo with one arm and with his other covering the much smaller human’s mouth. Terzo was fighting his hardest against the two, which did not amount to much compared to the strength of the ghouls.
Omega and Alpha were running through the corridors trying to find where the yelling had come from. By the time the two had finally noticed who was yelling it had stopped. The ministry was a maze and they had no idea where he could be.
Until Omega finally found him. But once he saw Terzo he stopped in his tracks. The scene that was displayed in front of him was unbelievable. Alpha even found them and stopped right behind Omega.
A muffled yell came from Terzo when he saw the two ghouls. It was his partner’s he was thrilled. But why were they standing still and not doing anything?
A whimper came from Omega as he spoke one word “Cotton..?” The two ghouls who were dragging Terzo stopped in their tracks at the word. The ghoulette would look back seeing her best friend.
“Omega… I can explai-“ Cotton would begin to speak, her voice trembling. Special decided to speak and interrupt the two. “Clergy orders.” Special would say before a yelp came from him.
Terzo had bitten Special so he would take his hand away from his mouth.”Omega! Alpha! You have to help me please!” He’d plead with the two ghouls begging to be saved by them.
Omega and Alpha would start to go towards the three but before the two could get very far, Ifrit and Mountain would grab them. Making it impossible for the two to go after the others. Ifrit would hold Alpha tightly “It's a clergy order Alph. If you get in the way you’ll die.”
The tone that Ifrit had when speaking was stern but had sympathy in it. Mountain who was now being clawed and kicked at by a relentless Omega was quietly whimpering.
Omega was a quintessence ghoul so he could feel the pain he was inflicting on Mountain. But he did not care at that moment. He needed to save Terzo whether he himself would die or not.
Special would tug Terzo and Cotton so they could start moving towards the basement. Cotton who was not given much of a choice in the matter went along with Special looking over her shoulder at her friend who was crying his heart out screaming at her.
At first, Terzo had put up more of a fight but eventually had given up. He saw that he had no chance of getting out of this situation.
The three had finally gotten to the basement of the ministry and were immediately greeted by Sister Imperator. “Well finally, it took you two long enough.” She looked down at a limp Terzo. “He isn't fighting back? Now that's a shocker.” She’d hum.
Sister would walk over to a guillotine that seemed to be brand new. Would even go as far as to say it was made for this exact execution. “Alright bring him over. I can’t wait to get this done with.” Sister would hum almost excitedly.
Special would drag Terzo over placing his head into the correct position and holding him there. “Any last words, Terzo?” Sister would hum. Her words were met with silence for a moment, Terzo's eyes glanced over at a crying Cotton.
He seemed like he was about to speak.
But before Cotton knew it Sister pulled a leaver. And the guillotine went straight down with a crunch. Cotton had squeezed her eyes shut and jumped at the noise.
When she had opened her eyes she was met with a headless torso that had been disregarded to the side and a bloody guillotine. Special took a bucket that anyone can assume had a head in it and handed it to Sister with a bow of his head.
Sister would look at Cotton with a devilish smile. Cotton would immediately run up the stairs of the basement and once out she would fall onto the ground.
At first, Cotton would let out a soft whimper that grew into a cry. Eventually Cotton let out a blood-boiling scream. The scream could be heard from every part of the ministry.
When Omega heard the scream he had stopped struggling against Mountain and would go limp. Alpha stopped struggling against his brother as well. The two who were once holding the others back would hug the ghouls and try their hardest to comfort them.
This couldn't possibly be what Nihil was talking about. Is it..?
|| I might write for the first time in like forever tonight and i might write about a post i made earlier about Copia and the ghouls. Anyway i hope you guys enjoyed it!
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strawberry-metal · 1 year ago
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"None of you came home last night!!" A thick, French accent is the first to speak.
"We were all very worried and came looking for you, and we find you beating a man within an inch of his life." A more mature, deep voice is next.
"Then YOU tell US that you performed an investigation without our knowing and fought a succubus all by yourselves!?" A thick Italian accent follows.
"You could of been killed!! You were lucky that you had a spell to protect all of you!" An eloquent sounding voice speaks.
"All of you stay sitting right there. What do you have to say for yourselves?" A deep, gruff voice is the last to come.
"Ehh...well....bweeh~?" Kazuno tries to settle the situation, which earns a response from the Italian. "Being cute won't get you out of this one."
"Well?" The eloquent voice speaks once more.
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"Well, first off, why are you and Jotaro-chan in school uniforms? Aren't you both college students now? Are you going as highschool students for Halloween?" "Shanna, hush...."
"Pardon me, Shanna-chan, but you know well why I still wear this uniform sometimes, it helps give me a sense of belonging in case you've forgotten, and JoJo just thinks he looks cool in that." "Wh-!? ....So what if I do?"
The group before the girls are their husbands and fiances. Oh dear. They're all in trouble.
"Jotaro," Shanna drops the honorific she'd sometimes refer to him by, "You KNOW that all of us together were MORE than enough to handle this on our own. You know I'M more than enough! Is it because we're girls!?"
"Wh- no, what the fuck? Of course not, that's not what I said!"
"Then WHAT is it then!? Don't you trust me!?"
"IT'S NOT ABOUT TRUST!!" He fires back. "I almost lost you back in Egypt!! I almost lost you BEFORE Egypt!! You want me to be fucking honest? Everyone almost died against that bastard Dio, some of us before him, our lives were threatened on that trip every single day, yours and mine were threatened three months before the trip! I'm... only gonna say this once dammit... I'm scared of losing you, ok? ...When I'm not there when you're doing something dangerous, my world gets turned upside down."
"....The same goes with me for you, Rose. I can't bare the thought of losing my future with you. We almost did, back in Cairo... I should of died that night. But I didn't. You should of been honest about why you were going to that party. I was terrified something had happened to you and your sister when neither of you ever came home..."
"Nori..." Rose's eyebrows upturn. "I'm sorry... you're right, I should of been honest in the first place. I just wanted to handle this alone with the other girls."
"You both are so busy now and do your own dangerous work, we just didn't want to get you both involved in anything more dangerous. But... I guess the least we could of done was tell you both when to expect us back, and what exactly we were doing, in case something bad DID happen and we needed back up." Shanna sighs. "I'm...sorry too."
Jotaro and Kakyoin share a glance between eachother before they motion for their fiancees to get up. "As long as you understand, just please, don't do that again... neither of us want to lose you two." "Mm." Jotaro nods in agreement, averting his eyes off to the side. "Let's just go home for now. You can update us about the full story on the way."
"What about you, cara? Do you have any idea how worried I was!? When I didn't hear from you, I tried to contact your sister, and she didn't answer! I tried to contact the other three girls and THEY didn't answer, and when the other men here called me asking where their girls were... could you imagine the panic I felt!? What were you thinking!"
Kazuno's eyebrows upturn as she responds to her husband. "Caesar, I... ...... I'm so sorry, love, really.. I just couldn't let you know we were heading into danger, you've already been through so much in your life at this point, and I knew if you knew, you'd try coming, too. I thought I could just let you enjoy some time with the kids at home... I never thought it would end up lasting through till the morning."
Caesar exhales out his nose and closes his eyes in thought for a moment before reopening them. He knew this reply was genuine and... honestly, as upset as he was that she didn't tell him the truth, he's just glad that she's ok. "Kazuno, I... realize I'm up there in age. My hamon won't keep me young forever. But... the same goes for you. One day you'll get yourself killed with this rashness. I..." The blonde sighs. "Just... please... I really appreciate you thinking of me, but be honest with me, ok? I'll always come running to protect you, if you end up in danger. We spent this many years together... and I still want to spend many more together. I never want to lose that with you. Let's go home, tesoro, our kids have been worried sick about you as well."
"Mon amour." Polnareff begins, looking clearly upset, but doing his best to hold back a bit. He truthfully already has an idea why Kikumi did what she did. He's done the same. Gone out to try and settle things without the others knowing. But he also knows... what that almost cost him before. "You...why weren't you just honest with me about what you were doing? You investigated something dangerous AND got into a fight with a succubus! I was worried sick about you!! If I'd known, I could of at least come to help you look or....or protect you!! I.... I'm your knight!! ....Right? You...I....we...GRRH!" His voice raises in frustration as he has trouble conveying his feelings. "I...! I could of lost you!! You never came home, and when I contacted the other guys and found out that their women never came home either, I....! I thought the worst happened!!!"
"Mn..." The elf whimpered, her ears downturning with guilt. "Y-Yes, but... if you were with us when we hadn't yet figured out that we were dealing with a succubus, she'd potentially have gone and picked you off, too, like the other missing people..." Kikumi looked up at him, seeing his frustration wasn't phased by the response. "Mn... I'm fine, m-mon ami." She refused to looked him in the eye, her cheeks ever so slightly pink.
While Polnareff was still frustrated with his wife, he knew she was being honest with what she was saying right now. Plus, it was hard to stay upset with her, especially with that look on her face. Reaching a hand out, he helps her up. "Just... please be honest with me next time you go out. I'm always only a phone call away from rescuing you. I couldn't protect my sister but... I can still protect you. Tell me about everything on the way back home..."
Last was Avdol, staring down at his own darling. He sighs before speaking. "I'm not particularly fond of having to scold you, my dear. But what you did was dangerous. It's not that I doubt your own strength and courage, or the other girls for that matter. But something could always happen. It could be something that you only have a split second to react to." He raises his arms up, revealing the prosthetics. "It happened to me. I should of died.... but instead I got lucky and only lost my arms. What if something like that were to happen, Kazeko? I had no idea what was going on with all of you. I couldn't protect you... if I was there, I could of incinerated that creature. Why were you insistent on going without telling me anything?"
"That's... that's exactly why... I couldn't live with myself if I let you put yourself on the line one more time... Egypt was almost the last... and... I'm not going to let that happen again-! ... I'm sorry, but... I want to protect you, too..." Kazeko stared up at her beloved, eyes shining, tears threatening to spill.
Avdol's facial features warm, and he offers her a hand to help her up. "That's... what all of you girls wanted to do, isn't it? You wanted to protect all of us from being in harm's way again... thank you. This trait is one of the many reasons why I fell in love with you. But... a relationship is of equal standing. You can protect me... but let me protect you, too. Tell me the full truth next time, ok? I don't... ever want to lose you, either."
The couples all leave, having reconciled with one another, and boy, do the men have alot to be caught up on.
~Halloween Event End!~
Jotaro model: Aeki
Kakyoin model: Pure
Polnareff model: Magu
Caesar model: すぐる
Avdol model: 名名
Shanna and Rose models: Me
Kazeko and Kazuno models: @kazekothestrange
Kikumi model: @caffeinated-chaos-bean
Stage: DiemDo-Shiruhane
Skydome: 怪獣対若大将P
Hand poses: Sugatsunee
Sitting pose: Blackanimecat21
Pixeledgeblur: Otamon
SvSSAO: Sovoro
Overrayshader: Elle
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gaypirate420 · 3 years ago
I hate you.// Chad Charming
Chad Charming x male! reader.
The son of Cinderella and the son of maleficent have a interesting relationship, they hate eachother.
(you are Mal's brother)
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"I don't think you are listening to me, Ben" Chad said to the king frustrated, Ben sigh and just looks at his locker.
"I don't think you are listening to me" Ben said, he closed his locker and looked at the prince.
"(y/n) is a good guy"
"He can do magic!, a move of his wrist and we are history" Chad said, Ben decided to ignore him and started walking, the son of Cinderella followed him.
"And, those wings! the horns! the tail! I don't trust him at all" Chad said.
"If you talk to him, you'll realize that he is actually really nice, also it's really distasteful that you are judging someone because of the way they look and the place they come from" Ben stoped, you walk right in the middle of the two royals without making eye contact, looking at the phone you just got, Chad looked at you and rolled his eyes.
"Hey (y/n)" Ben said, Chad shake his head in disapproval, you turned around and got closer to the son of Belle.
"what's up Beast Boy?" You told him and make a secret handshake with him, completely ignoring Chad.
"I was wondering if you want to join the tourney team?" He said with a smile, Chad groaned and you looked at him up and down, you returned your eyes to Ben.
"I'm not good at sports" you said.
"Well you can be a cheerleader" Chad interrupted.
"Are you going to do this everytime i'm around you?" You suddenly move your head, your eyes getting a little green.
"Do what?" Chad asked.
"Desperately beg for my attention" You told him, getting closer to him, eyes getting greener, Chad began to walk backwards.
"Not so brave now? I saw you yesterday with your friends making fun of me and the other VK's" you said your eyes completely green and your wings expanding a little, Ben sighed and grabbed you.
"What is happening here?" Suddenly the voice of Fairy Godmother was heard, Chad giggle mischievously and Ben rolled his eyes.
"Nothing ma'am" you lied to her with a smile, eyes back to normal and your body getting away from Chad.
"Now I'm not dumb Mister (y/n), I see that you have some disagreement with Mister Charming" She said with a friendly tone and a smile.
"Or am I mistaken?" FG looked at Ben, you and Chad looked at him, he ignored you.
"they don't really get along" Ben said.
"That's what I thought, now I want you two on Friday after class" the fairy said and walk away, you groaned and looked at Ben.
"Sorry" He said whispering, you rolled your eyes and walk away.
You entered your dorm, and immediately got into bed and scream against the pillow, Jay and Carlos stoped their walk and got into your dorm.
"Is everything okay, dude?" Jay asked entering the dorm.
"Yes, everything is fine" you told him.
"You don't look fine" Carlos said, gesturing to the ceiling, you looked up and your things were floating with some green glitter around them, you make a snap and everything went down making a loud crash.
"Oh God" Your sister's voice was coming from the hall, she got closer and saw inside your dorm.
"What happened?" She asked entering your dorm.
"Ugh, FG wants me after class with that's cocky Prince" you explained.
"I don't like him" said Evie also entering.
"Oh well I didn't know I had a party here" you said angry, the VK's only look at you.
"Sorry" you took a deep breath.
"Today is not my day, I got grounded, the other boys keep making fun of me, and I got an F on my chemistry test and it's only Monday!" you explained frustrated.
" And now I need to clean my room" you sighed heavenly.
"We can help you with that" Mal said and the rest nod in agreement.
Friday finally came and you were exiting your last class when Chad started walking with you.
"We are going to the same place" he interrupted and you just keep waking, you rolled your eyes, when you finally spotted FG who was holding two pieces of paper with a smile, you entered the classroom and she was following behind.
"I'm glad the two of you came, now I'm going to leave in a minute so use this to talk" she passed the paper, it had some basic questions, she looked at you and with her look told you to read the question out loud.
"This is bullshit" you said.
"Language please, read the question" she said, you rolled your eyes.
"What is your name?" You said and look at Chad, FG looked at the prince.
"Answer" she said with a smile.
"My name is Chad Charming" he said, FG nod and gestured him to continue.
"What's your name?" he asked you.
"(y/n) (l/n)" you answered, FG nod again.
"Re introductions, I think you are getting the point, now I have to leave, when I come back I want you to be the best of friends" she said with a wide smile, then walk away and closed the classroom door, you let a heavy sight and sat down making the paper a little ball and throwing it, Chad left the paper on the desk and sat in front of you.
"Can you fly with those?" Chad asked, you looked at him.
"The wings" he said pointing.
"Yes" you stand up and your black wings started to move, your feet left the ground and you touched the ceiling.
"That's pretty cool actually" Chad said, you sat down again arms against the table and you buried your face in your arms, your tail swimming around.
"I'm sorry" Chad said, you quickly raised your head with a confused expression in your face.
"I shouldn't have make fun of you or the VK's, it was immature" he said looking at you.
"Why the sudden change?" You asked.
"I don't know I just remembered how when I was a child my mom told me to be kind with everyone and to not judge a book by it's cover, I thought that I was following her advice but now I realize I was being an idiot and Ben told me about how the guys insult you and I felt awful." he explained, your hand shined and the paper on the desk got closer to you floating, you grabbed it and started to read it.
"Ummm, tell me a compliment" you said looking up from the paper.
"I like your hair"he said, you moved your (h/c) with purple ends a little.
"Now you tell me a compliment" the prince said leaning closer to the table.
"I think you're pretty" you said with a little smile, Chad opened his eyes in surprise and his cheeks got a little pink.
"What is one thing you dislike about me?" You keep asking him.
"Um, I- don't like when you click the botton of your pen to many times" he said, you laugh.
"Sorry, I get anxious" you explained.
The hours passed by and you just keep talking and sharing some laughs.
"Now, how was it?" FG entered the room, she pointed at your legs that where on the table, you quickly got a better posture.
"I think we are getting better" you said standing up and grabbing your backpack.
"Yeah, he is weird but in a good way" Chad said, FG gasp and smile.
"I'm glad to hear that, now you two can go, enjoy your weekend" FG said, you started walking.
"Wait!" Chad said, you stoped and looked at him.
"Can I get your number?" he asks, you nod and grab your phone out of your backpack.
You entered your dorm, you were the only VK without a roommate, so you have a lot of privacy and your favorite silent, you where taking out your black jacket when your phone sound, you have a message.
Chad Charming
You smiled and keep changing your clothes, after that you answered Chad's message.
Hello, aren't you training or sum?
Yes, haha.
He send you a photo of him and Ben.
Ben says hi
You keep talking with him while you do your homework, he was surprisingly very funny and polite.
It was Saturday, you decided to go out and explore the town a little, it was chilly but you didn't mind, you opened your wings and began to fly, seeing the trees and everything, you spotted a familiar voice.
"lavender blue dilly dilly, lavander's green dilly dilly, when I am king" Chad was singing while he walked through the forest, you decided to down yourself a little, making sure he didn't saw you.
"AHH- (Y/N)!" Chad screamed and looked at you, you laughed.
"Why did you do that!? You are going to give me a hearth attack!"He said frustrated, you still laughing.
"So-sorry" you said between laughs, Chad looked at you and hit you on your leg.
"ouch" you said.
"What are you doing on the air anyway? Someone is going to think you're satan or something" he told you, you didn't thought about the people who didn't now you, so you stoped flying and put your feet on the ground.
"I wanted to see the town" You told him making your wings, horns and tail disappear.
"Huh, since when you can do that?" He asked and began to walk again you followed him.
"Since I got here, I never do it because it makes me a little tired." you explained to him.
"I see, and because it makes you tired, you can't do it at school" he said, you nod.
"And because FG doesn't allow 'that tipe of magic'" you said, Chad laughed about your impression of the fairy, you keep walking a little bit.
"And where are you going? I don't think you know the places in here" Chad told you, you stoped and began to think.
"I know a caffe, we can go together I mean if you want." Chad asked you, you looked at him with a smirk.
"Are you asking me to go on a date?" You said joking, Chad giggle nervously his cheeks getting a little of color.
"I mean- well yes, do you want to go on a date with me?" He looked at you nervous.
A/N: be who u areeee, sorry, hope u like it!.
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yeah-i-like-to-write · 4 years ago
Good morning/afternoon/evening, I’m not sure :-P ; I really like your content and was wondering if I can request Draken with a male s/o who has siblings that are younger (close in age) and protective of their brother (though they know he can protect himself, they are just as jealous) if you do not understand or feel motivated you can ignore, be careful!
Thank you for requesting! You didn’t specify the genders of the younger siblings or how many so I’m just going to do 1 boy and 1 girl. You seem so kind and I really appreciate that,once again thank you!
Ken ‘Draken’ Ryuguji
Draken and you haven’t talked to eachother for about a week and he was starting to get worried if he’d done something wrong.
So he did what any boyfriend would do,and knocked on your house’s door,waiting for hopefully you to answer.
What he didn’t expect to see was two kids with arched brows and somewhat mean looks. Well they weren’t exactly little kids,but they we’re definitely younger then him.
“..hello,I’m ken ryuguji. I’m here to see YN.” He explained himself. “What business do you have with him?” The girl narrowed her eyes at the taller man and the boy only nodded and followed her actions. “I’m his,boyfriend..” he awkwardly fiddled with the gift bag. They both eyed him up and down before everyone’s attention turned to the steps coming down the stairs. There you were,slipping a hoodie on. You stood behind the two and pushed them to the side,attempting to keep them from trying to scare your lover away.
A big wave a relief washed over Draken when he heard you weren’t mad at him but busy with your siblings.
He handed you the gift bag and opening it there was a silver chain with a small heart charm on it.
“I thought you were mad at me and asked the guys for help and they said get you something special so I got you a charm bracelet.” You looked up at him and practically jumped onto him wrapping your arms around his neck. Little did you know your siblings were glaring at the blonde the entire time. After you both settled down you turned to him with a serious face,trying not to laugh. “I’m walking my siblings to school tomorrow,wanna tag along?” He nodded and you leaned closer to him,pecking his cheek. “See you tomorrow,kenny.” His face was heating up as he struggled to reply,so he just nodded before he stood up after you. He watched in awe as you walked back into your house. Not only were you not mad at him but that was the first kiss ever in your relationship.
He turned to face your house one more time but he froze when he saw your siblings eyes basically piercing into his soul as if he’d done something wrong.
They eyes him up and down one last time before closing the window and dispersing into the house.
He simply shook it off and began his walk to takemitchy’s house to bother his younger friend.
It was 7am,the time you told Draken to meet you outside your house. It was a pretty chilly morning so he didn’t expect you to be wearing shorts and a shirt that’s probably not yours like usual,but you were. He quickly straightened his posture when he felt a familiar two pairs of eyes on him,possibly glaring. He shrugged it off and smiled slightly as you reached for his hand,him taking yours in his own: “you two,walk infront.” You pointed to your younger siblings then the sidewalk infront of you and draken. They groaned and rolled their eyes before walking in the front,glaring at the blonde again as they did.
You noticed halfway there his walking slowed down,so you did as well,letting your siblings walk a little further ahead.
He leaned closer to you and let his posture return to normal,where he wasn’t standing straight like some preppy kid but also not slouching like a weirdo.
“I don’t think your siblings..like me.” His voice sounded disappointed and somewhat upset but he kept his stoic face. You squeezed his hand and looked up at him. “They’re not going to immediately take a liking to you Kenny,yesterday was their first time meeting you!” You reassured him. He nodded and looked away,slightly embarrassed. “I’m sure they’ll warm up to you over time. Here how about this,you come over more often and I’ll make sure to plan things like video game night or going out for ice cream?” He looked back at you with a smile and nodded. “Maybe the more I show I’m not a bad guy they’ll get used to me?” He asked,but it came out more as a statement,so you just nodded in agreement. He silently celebrated but it came to a stop when he arrived at a school. The two turned around and waved at both Draken and you. “See you later,YN and YN’s boyfriend.” You smiled and waved before looking at Draken who was waving as his eyes lit up in happiness.
Yeah this sucks,I’m a younger sibling who is very protective of my older sisters and have never thought of it from their POV,very sorry.
Request are always open :]
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komotionlessqueenmm · 4 years ago
One man's trash, is another man's treasure.
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Short story # 6
2,216 - Words
Fandom - House of Wax (2005)
Pairing - Bo Sinclair X Reader
Summary - The reader finds herself & her 4 month old son stranded in Ambrose. While Bo finds himself enamored with the woman, wanting nothing more than to protect and provide for the two of them.
Warnings - Some dark topics, talk of abusive relationships, eventual blood & death, eventual smut. (I'm not sure what else tbh)
Notes - At this point both Bo and (Y/n) are really feeling that connection between them.
Pt. 1 ~ Pt. 2 ~ Pt. 3 ~ Pt. 4
By the end of the day (Y/n)'s jeep was all fixed up, but with as late in the evening as it was she decided to stay another night, with some encouragement from Bo of course. While (Y/n) and Von slept soundly in the guest bedroom, Bo met his brothers down at the garage, discussing what they should do, and if they should do anything in the first place. "I don't know Bo, her ex tried killing her because she was pregnant... She'll be running her whole life from a man like that." Lester sighed, not wanting anything to happen to (Y/n). "So we let her stay here, we can protect her from him easily." Bo shrugged. "What about when she realizes what happened to the people here? Or she finds out about Vincent's projects." Lester argued. "We'll explain it, make her understand." Bo countered. "How?" Lester asked feeling a little concerned. "I don't know yet." Bo admitted with a sigh. "I think we should start by introducing her to Vincent." He continued his thought, glancing to his twin, who made an almost concerned groan. "If she can accept him, I'm sure she'll accept the rest." Bo lit a new cigarette after finishing his statement. "And if she doesn't?" Lester asked. "That's not an option." Bo's smirk made worry spark in Lester's heart. Despite this however he chose to keep his mouth shut, and allowed his older brother to do whatever he had in mind.
When morning came, (Y/n) woke up early and cooked breakfast. "Morning." Bo murmured with a sleepy smile on his face, having been woken from the smell of bacon. "Morning Bo, I hope you don't mind." (Y/n) smiled sheepishly as she looked to what all she had cooked. "Not at all." Bo shook his head, happily accepting the cup of coffee she handed him. "Great." (Y/n) smiled brightly, the pair of them taking a seat beside eachother, eating their breakfast in a comfortable silence. Excluding the occasional hum of approval Bo gave when he bit into something new. And by the time they finished Von began crying from upstairs, cueing (Y/n) to fetch him to begin his morning routine.
"Hey I was going to do those." (Y/n) pouted playfully when she entered the kitchen, finding Bo working on the dishes. "Eh don't worry about it, you cooked I'll clean up." Bo winked making (Y/n) blush as she sat at the counter, adjusting herself to feed a fussy Von. "My brother wants to meet you before you leave." Bo stated casually. "Really?" (Y/n) smiled softly. "Mhm." Bo nodded his head with a hum. "I'd love to meet him." (Y/n)'s grin widened a little, feeling honored that he'd want to meet her. "We'll meet him up at the house of wax in an hour." Bo confirmed as he finished up the last dish. "Sounds fun, I've never been to a house of wax before." She hummed as she propped Von onto her shoulder, burping him. "I'm gonna go take a quick shower, let me know when you're ready." Bo insisted casually as he moved to wipe the spit up off of Von's chin. "Okay will do." (Y/n) smiled with appreciation, hopping up from her seat to get herself and Von dressed.
Once inside of the wax Museum (Y/n)'s attention was drawn to just about everything within sight, making Bo chuckle as he watched her ogle everything. "I take it you like it?" Bo mused with a grin. "I'm a little obsessed, is everything in here really made of wax?" She asked turning to look Bo in the eye. "Just about everything, most of its wax, but some of it isn't." Bo shrugged a little. "The vase?" (Y/n) asked as she pointed to the large decorative vase. "Wax." Bo nodded. "The couch?" She pointed to the couch two wax figures sat upon. "Wax." He chuckled. "How about the...." (Y/n) looked around before realization struck her. "The building?" She turned her attention to Bo, her eyes widening when he nodded his head yes. "Wow that's insane." (Y/n) chuckled with astonishment. "But you like it yeah?" Bo asked. "I love it! I can't imagine how long this must have taken to craft all of this, but it's very impressive." (Y/n) beamed making Bo chuckle softly. "Vincent will be happy to hear that you like his work." Bo mused. "Wait he did all of this?" (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Not all of it, but a lot of it." Bo explained. "Wow I wish I had that kinda talent." (Y/n) chucked softly, jumping when a statue in the back moved. "Alright no need to scare her." Bo chuckled with a shake of his head, the once statue approaching the pair. "I was not expecting you to move, I really thought you were a statue." (Y/n) chuckled nervously.
"(Y/n) this is my brother Vincent." Bo introduced the two, the masked brother timidity offering (Y/n) his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you." (Y/n) smiled looking at his mask with curiosity. "Is your prosthetic made of wax?" She asked without thought, but he only tilted his head to the side. "Your mask." She clarified, smiling when he nodded his head yes. "That's very cool, did you make it yourself?" (Y/n) asked chuckling when he nodded his head again. "You don't talk much huh?" She tilted her own head a little. "He can't." Bo clarified unknowingly making (Y/n) suddenly feel guilty. "Oh I didn't know, I'm sorry." (Y/n) ducked her head down, feeling stupid for opening her mouth. "Vincent do you wanna show her?" Bo asked his brother, who hesitated for a moment before nodding his head in agreement. (Y/n) picked her head up, watching in amazement as Vincent removed his mask. "Wow." She muttered under her breath, taking in the sight of his face, frowning a little when he looked away from her. "What happened?" (Y/n) turned to Bo. "We were born as Siamese twins, and our daddy was an unorthodoxed doctor. He was able to separate us as infants." Bo explained suddenly feeling subconscious himself. "Wow... That's incredible." (Y/n) murmured softly. "You're both incredible." She chuckled softly looking back to Vincent, who smiled back at her before putting his mask back on.
--Later that day--
Having decided on stay one more day (Y/n) sat with Bo in his living room talking about this and that, and joking about nearly everything. "(Y/N)!" A voice yelled from outside, cutting off (Y/n)'s laughter, a look of terror filling her eyes in an instant. "(Y/N)!" The man yelled from outside for a second time. "It's him... It's Trent, he's come for me!" (Y/n) panicked, explaining to Bo why she suddenly got so fearful. "(Y/N) I KNOW YOU'RE HERE!" Trent yelled, sounding a bit closer to Bo's house now. "I'll keep you safe." Bo promised before he rose to his feet, grabbing the shotgun he kept near the front door. "Wait he's dangerous." (Y/n) rushed to follow Bo outside, leaving Von in his crib asleep. "COME OUT COME OUT COME OUT!" Trent taunted from the center of town, his attention turning to a pissed off Bo Sinclair. "Found yourself a gullible local huh?" Trent sneered at (Y/n) who ignored her fear and continued following Bo. "I suggest you get outta here and forget about (Y/n)." Bo warned, resting his shotgun on his shoulder, standing about eight feet from Trent, who only scoffed at his threat. "How about you go fuck your sister, and leave me to my business." Trent hissed, his words only fueling the hatred Bo felt for this man. "Your business best consist of you getting outta my town." Bo glared Trent down, who only chuckled. "Sure I'll get outta your town, once I have her." Trent pointed to (Y/n), but Bo only pushed (Y/n) to stand back a little.
"That ain't gonna happen." Bo shook his head with a mocking grin on his face. "How did you even find me!?" (Y/n) asked the question that had been plaguing her mind. "Remember my buddy Stan? I had him bug your car with a GPS tracker." Trent mocked as he flashed them the receiver of the tracker. "Now get over here." He growled as he pulled a pistol from the back of his belt. As Trent trained the pistol, Bo stepped in front of (Y/n) training his shotgun on Trent. "I'll only warn you one more time." Bo hissed, resisting the urge to just blow the motherfucker away. "Fuck you, you fucking redneck." Trent taunted before he pulled the trigger, but his gun jammed and Bo smirked. "Nah fuck you." Bo retorted before pulling the trigger, blowing open Trent's chest. (Y/n) screamed at the sound, her heart racing in her chest. Almost like everything was moving in slow motion, (Y/n) watched Trent's body hit the ground with a thud, dead as dead gets. Bo was quick to spin on his heel, gently setting the gun on the ground he scooped (Y/n)'s shaking form into his arms. "Sh darling it's alright, I've got you. You're safe now darling, I've got you." He murmured against the crown of her head, carrying her back into his house. "It's okay (Y/n), rest now. I'll take care of everything, I'll take care of you." Bo promised as he laid her down on the couch, lovingly stroking her hair, before he kissed her temple. The events suddenly flipping a highly protective and tender switch within Bo, not that (Y/n) was complaining in the slightest, taking great comfort in his words and actions.
A few hours passed and in that time, (Y/n) had calmed down, and thought about a lot of things. Bo had dealt with the body and come back to (Y/n)'s side within the first hour, allowing her to cuddle into his side and think. "Bo what is this place?" (Y/n) asked with worry laced in her voice. "What?" Bo frowned his brows, a confused smile on his face. "Please don't lie to me anymore, please tell me what this place is. This town its just not right, in all the time I've been here I've only seen you Lester and Vincent." (Y/n) explained, suddenly feeling concerned for her baby's well being. "I want to tell you, I've wanted to tell you for a while now... But I don't want to scare you away." Bo hung his head. "Not telling me is scaring me, Bo please tell me." She insisted. "You know I would never hurt you or Von right?" Bo asked, his eyes the tiniest bit glossy. "Of course I know that." (Y/n) licked her lips, ignoring the worry bubbling at the back of her mind. "The town been abandoned for a decade, me and my brothers took it over a few years ago." Bo began. "Brothers?" (Y/n) asked having caught the plural. "Lester is mine and Vincent's younger brother." Bo explained frowning a little when (Y/n)'s eyes filled with worry.
"Lester convinces people to come to Ambrose, and me and Vincent kill them." Bo revealed, his confession making (Y/n)'s breath hitch in her throat. "Lester called me after he dropped you off at the gas station, and he told me to help you out, he insisted that we spared you." Bo licked his lips nervously. "I wasn't going to listen to him, but when you didn't snoop around town like everyone else, I was curious about you... Then I seen you, and your baby, and any dark thought I had washed away in an instant. The more we talked, the more I was intrigued with you... The more I wanted to protect you, especially when you told me about your ex." Bo admitted, his words surprisingly soothing (Y/n). "I'm sorry..." Bo muttered under his breath. "I forgive you." (Y/n) smiled softly, sitting up she adjusted herself to straddle Bo's lap. "I forgive you." She repeated herself as she took his face between her hands. "You've been better to me than most people in my life, and while the knowledge of what you and Vincent do... Is almost heartbreaking... I forgive you. I know you won't harm me or Von, to proved yourself to me today when you saved me from Trent." (Y/n) leaned in and gently kissed Bo's lips, pulling away all to soon. "I don't want to leave, I want to stay here with you... To love you despite the things you do, to love you despite the monster you can be... I want you for who you are, darkness and all." (Y/n) confessed, making Bo's mind go hazy with adoration. "Please stay." He muttered subconsciously. "I am." (Y/n) rest her forehead against his, smiling when he wrapped his arms around her waist.
Part three is complete!!!!
Part four will hopefully be posted tomorrow evening.
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bruh--wtf · 4 years ago
Remus Lupin x Reader
Main Masterlist
Part 1
Summary: You're Lily Evans' little sister. She isn't the only witch in the family.
Remus Lupin Masterlist
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You were excited to see your favorite sister again. Today was the day that you went with your parents to get Lily from the train station. You'd seen her over the holidays and read her letters, but you missed her.
You saw your sister's bright red hair and ran through the crowd, ignoring your parents protesting behind you. You were only a year younger than Lily, but sometimes everyone treated you like a child.
"Lily!" You call. She look back, a little confused. You jumped infront of her, not minding the boy she was talking to. You wrapped your arms around, making her stumble back a bit. She laughed, hugging you back just as tightly. "I missed you so much!" You pull away a little bit to look at her. "Petunia has been a nightmare! She's made friends with all these jerks who of course just must hate me! And-" Your sister cuts you off.
"Slow down, Y/N," she says, chuckling. "Petunia and her friends can wait." You nod, and smile again.
"Anyways, I want to hear about your year. Of course I saw you at Christmas, and I read your letters, but still! I'm sure your friends are much better than hers. Will you have them over during the summer? Do you-" a boy cuts you off.
"How much sweets have you had, kid?" The boy with dark hair and glasses asks. Lily gives him a pointed look. He wasn't the boy Lily had been talking to. The other boy had lighter brown hair and was tall. He was scrawny, gangly. But he looked much nicer. And the boy next to the boy in glances had longer black hair. Then there was the fair haired boy who looked like he didn't very well fit in with the other three.
"I'm not a kid," you say, glaring at the boy. Yes, you were short for your age. But you had grown to hate when people assumed things about you because of it. The boy raises an eyebrow, almost amused.
"Yeah, she's definitely Evans' sister," he says, glancing at Lily who rolled her eyes.
"Y/N, this is James, Sirius, and Peter. And this is my friend Remus," she says. Pointedly not calling the other three her friends. You nodded at the other three and gave the much taller boy a small smile.
"Nice to meet you," you say. He nods in agreement, clearly amused with the situation.
"You too," he says. You smile a little more and your parents walk over. Your dad puts a hand on your shoulder, and his other hand fell on Lily's.
"Come on you two, lets get home." Lily nods, smiling at Remus.
"I'll see you around, Remus," she says. He nods, smiling at her. Youu turn to your father and walk back with him.
Lily had introduced you to a few of her other friends from school over the summer. Aparently Remus lives in the 'muggle' world. That's what she said at least. But they didn't actually visit eachother. She mainly hung out with Severus. You didn't really like him, but he was Lily's bestfriend.
"Lily! An owl!" You call up the stairs as an owl stops by the kitchen window. You smile at it, and put some food beside it, and take the two envelopes from it's mouth. It eats the food as you turn to Lily who ran in. She smiled and took the letters from your hand.
She looked a little confused and turned the letters over. Her eyes widened and she looked up at you.
"What?" You ask. She hands you one of the envelopes. You see your name on the back of it. Your eyes widened as well, and you and Lily made eye contact. After a minute she grinned and embraced you.
"Ah! You're a witch!" She says. You stood there in shock. Your parents and Petunia run in. Your parents smiled when they realized, but Petunia scowled.
Just another reason why on the train ride to Hogwarts, you sat with Lily and her friends happily. Mary, Marlene, and Alice all welcomed you warmly. Remus and his friends stopped by to all of you. They looked surprised to see you, Remus was the first to smile.
"Hey, Y/N, nice to see you again," he says. You smile back and nod.
"You too," you say. He chuckles slightly, realizing that's what he said to you when you initially met. Sirius pushes past his friend.
"Huh, didn't think we'd be lucky enough to get two Evans girls with us this year," he says. Lily gives him a sharp, disapproving look. You however, were a little amused. James looked down the hall and chuckled.
"Lets go, Sirius. Snivellus is coming," he says, smirking. You were a little confused.
"His name is Severus, Potter," Lily says. You realized who the nickname was for and couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped you. Lily gave you a disapproving look, and you pressed your lips together. Trying to hide your smile. It didn't go very well. The boys all smiled at you.
"I like her," Sirius says. You smiled slightly.
"Yeah, me too," James says. Your smile widened slightly.
You were sorted into Gryffindor that night. Lily was very happy for you. You had friends from all houses, but mainly from your own. And the boys seemed to like you. James plopped himself down next to you.
"Hello," he says, smiling. You don't look up from your paper. You were still working on your essay for transfiguration. Remus sat down on your other side, and Sirius sat down on the floor inbetween you and James. His back was against the couch.
"Oh no, boys, we've lost her," Sirius says.
"She's lost, we'll never get her back," James adds, sighing. You turn your head and glare at the two of them. Their eyes widen, almost with fear. You shifted your gaze back to your paper. You'd procrastinated and needed to get the essay done tonight. Remus leaned forward looking over your shoulder. He chuckles slightly and looks back at his friends.
"We haven't lost her," he says. You glare at him, he still looked amused. You reach over and pushed his face back, and he leans back on the couch. His friends try to stifle their laughs, as you look back at your paper.
"Definitely not," Sirius says. You didn't even look away from your paper this time and just slapped the back of his head.
"I say she needs a break," James says. You flip him off over your shoulder, again not looking. You saw him and Sirius exchange a look out of your peripheral vision.
"Guys, just let her get it done," Remus says, you could hear him rolling his eyes.
"She'll blow up if she stresses any more right now," James says.
"I'll blow up if you keep talking, you twat," you say to him. Him and Sirius exchange a look again. This time they nod. They quickly stand up, going towards the boy's staircase. You sigh, trying to just finish your paper. Remus leans forward.
"Do you want help?" He asks, more gently than before. You glance at him and shake your head.
"I'm fine. I'm almost done anyways." He nods, sitting back. He didn't get up or walk away. He just waited for you to be done. Silently. He even opened a book to read while you worked.
In your second year, you'd basically become the Mauraders adopted sister. At least James and Sirius. They treated you like you were their sister and not Lily's.
They were allowed to start going to Hogsmeade, but you had to wait another year.
Sirius was starting his flirting ways.
James had officially started trying to get your sister to go out with him.
Peter was just following their lead.
And Remus sat back, watching their idiocy unfold. You look at Remus, who was sitting beside you on the couch. You knit your eyebrows together. The other three boys were probably somewhere in the castle causing some kind of mayhem. Remus looked up from his book, feeling you looking at him.
"What?" He asks. You turn on the couch.
"Why aren't you with the others right now?" You ask. He seems a little confused by your question.
"I don't know. I just felt like staying here," he says, shrugging and looking back down at his book.
"Then why aren't you like them?" You ask. He chuckles, looking back up at you.
"What do you mean?" He asks, looking amused.
"Like Sirius and James. They've been trying to set you up all year and you couldn't be less interested. Why is that?" You ask. He seems to think about it again. He shrugs again.
"I don't know. I don't like the girls they think I will, I guess," he says.
"Sure, but you don't even try to find a girl that you will like?" You ask, raising an eyebrow. He closes his book, keeping one finger in it as a book mark. He gives you a questioning look.
"Why are you asking?"
"Answer me, I'll answer you," you say just as quickly as he'd finished. He sighs, leaning further into the couch, getting more comfortable. You raise an eyebrow when he pauses.
"I think we're to young," he says after a second. You could tell he wasn't telling the full truth. Maybe that was part of it, but it definitely wasn't all of it. You knit your brows together, trying to think of his reasoning. You just didn't get it.
So you just turn back to your homework. "Hey, you said you'd tell me," he says. You glance at him.
"Guess I'm just curious," you say. He clearly doesn't believe you. He won't give you a full answer? He won't get one either.
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is-nini · 4 years ago
Genshin impact x reader
Episode: 1
Title: Being sucked in
A/n: I'm not sure how long this.. story will take but i will try my best to keep it entertaining.. this story is about you, being sucked into genshin world, this is part 1.. please enjoy. Leave a comment or suggestion.. possible love interest for now will be : Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Zhongli, Childe, Xiao, Beidou, Ningguang.
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Today is another normal day, nothing is really out of the ordinary, the sky is a little bit cloudy but you don't mind, you think that the wind blowing against your hair is very nice as you walk towards your school. You walked inside, stopping Infront of the locker to the entrance to fix your stuff and take your schedule until you felt a presence beside you.
"oh, hello sidia".
You greets one of your sleepy friend, she just let's out a 'hmm' and a nod while looking through her locker, not even giving you an eye contact. sidia has always been like this, she never really made an eye contact towards you but she still shows that she has some of her attention towards you.
"good morning".
Your other friend, Chelz Lee, let's out a mutter to the both of you, Chelz is more talkative then Sidia, you met them maybe a couple of years ago. they're a very talented artist and are a very interesting friends to be around with.
"what's up guys".
You too greet them without looking at their eye, you take your books out and proceed to take a peak at Sidia's schedule.
"oh? Mathematics on the first hour? Goodluck".
You snicker and slap her shoulder a little bit, she stares at you uninterestedly with her sleepy eye and started to walk away, letting you stare at her black low ponytail hair.
You giggle and take a peak at Chelz's schedule. Art. her first lesson for today seems fun you thought sighing at the sight of your first schedule that reads 'science'.
Chelz already went half way to catching up to Sidia before she looks back at you as if asking you to join them and you did. You jog towards her, taking her hand and started to jog towards Sidia either.
"how are you both?".
You ask them both while fixing the books on your hand and looking at your shoes to check the lace.
Sidia answered, you make a 'uhuh' sound feeling used to her answers. Chelz stroke her short wavy black bangs out of her eyes and use her black glasses and start to read her novel. Her black short hair blows a little because of the wind.
She answered you, yawning and stretching her arms out beside her. You and the rest of your friend said goodbye to eachother and proceed to go to your different ways.
You went inside your class. As usual people are in teams, some are in teams for fun, some are in teams for checking today's lesson.
You take a one seat beside the window and wait for the teacher to come inside the classroom.
The lesson went on as usual, smoothly even, you did your homework andd the score that you got on yesterday's test is not bad, B is not a bad grade. You take out your binder and put the paper's that you got in to the binder.
Going home is the best thing about the day. You and Chelz are chatting away about until you guys cane across a gaming store.
"ou? A gaming store".
Sidia said, catching yours and Chelz attention. Chelz look at that place very seriously, squinting her eye.
"...since when is there a gaming store here- y/n!".
She was very suspicious of this place, she doesn't remember any gaming store around here... And if there is one opening soon it should be the talk of the school. in short Chelz was suspicious but you, being a gaming enthusiast decided to check it out, thinking maybe they have a good and cheap open world game.
"... She's crazy".
Sidia chuckled. She took Chelz arm, snapping her out of her suspicious state and drag her towards the gaming store.
"yo- sidia i don't wanna die".
"well i do. So let's go".
And with that the both of them followed you in.
The store looks very cool.. it's like you're in a different world. The ceiling's wallpaper is made out of galaxy like drawing and the light bulb was covered with another ball that is drawn to match with the different planets on the solar system.
"welcome to the store how may i help you".
A girl that looks like in her mid 20 greets the both of you, she have short black hair and a green uniform and a little pin on the breast part of her uniform spell out 'katheryne'. Which you assume was her name.
"hello! I was wondering do you have any open world game?".
You instantly ask her, not caring about the suspicious store, you don't even care about the insides of the place. You just wanted to play a open world game that's full of interesting stuff. The girl name katheryne hums in understanding and goes behind the table to look for a game you requested. Chelz grabs your hand and shout whisper to you.
"this place is creepy y/n. Let's get out of here".
Chelz scold you, you sigh and looks at her calmly shaking your head no.
"it's fine, were fine, what's the worst thing that could happen?".
You whisper back with a lighter tone. Really you don't care if this place comes out of nowhere you just want your game, you're smiling stupidly while waiting for the girl.
"anywayyy if anything happened, Sidia is here, she'll be able to protect us using her fighting style knowledge thingy".
Sidia scoffed and fold her arms, looking at you as if you're crazy.
"i will leave you alone and save myself".
You laugh and was about to slap her back when she holds your hand and rolls her eyes at you.
"such a tsun tsun".
You laugh out, she slowly and gently let your hand away. From the corner of your eye you can see katheryne walking towards the counter. You immediately jump and went towards her.
"this is the only open world game that i found".
She said, you look at the weird japanese like word, assuming it was the title you try to read what is said.. you don't understand it but the design was cool though.
"this is a open world game called genshin impact. I will not spoil the story but i think this game might be the game you're looking for".
Her confidence is seeping in on your game needy state so you decided to purchase it, not thinking twice. Sidia face palm while Chelz just sigh, feeling tired of your hot headed act.
"it will be 2$".
You felt giddy, you can't help it. It's cheap and is a open world game, that is a steal. After taking your stuff, the both of your friend immediately pull you away from the store.
"okay y/n. You got what you need, that place is sus i tell ya".
Sidia said, Chelz nods her head and fix her black glasses, she stare at you while furrowing her eyebrows.
"you gotta stop doing reckless thing. Who knows what that place is".
You sigh and nod, rolling your eye. You giggle anyway and put the game in front of you.
"i know.. but were safe! I wanna try and play it when i get home".
Sidia and Chelz just sigh, what can they do anyway. On the way home you and your friends goes on your own separate way as usual, you jog towards your home, feeling giddy to play the new game.
You take a bath, and goes straight to your computer, opening the plastic wrapper on the game. You insert the disc and started to wait for the loading screen.
And oh gosh.. isn't it pretty, the cutscene the art. Everything. So the game basically tells you about the story of two traveller, who was travelling from world to world until suddenly a mysterious god appears, took one of the twins and take away the other twins power, and now you're playing as the twin who was looking for their missing sister.
You look at the wishing button, tempted to wish for a character, you decided to pull. Expecting a cool banner of the current character instead, you're greets by a white screen.
"hm.. should i restart it?".
You mumble to yourself, nodding in agreement at your words, you close the disc and pulls out the game from your computer. You take a nearby wipe and wipe the back disc gently and then put it back in on the computer.
The game is launching when suddenly you felt a huge and sudden headache comes over you.
You groan, gosh.. maybe it's because you have been staring at the screen for too long.. you thinks as a bumping headache keeps going at you.
While waiting for the game you decided to lay back a bit, rest your eyes and head.. this headache is not going away anytime soon if you keep waiting and staring at the screen.
Before you reach the bed, your body stumble forward and fall on to the floor, cannot control any part of your body you close your eyes and your mind went blank.
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A darkness is all that you see.. a darkness is all that you're in.. you remember that the last time you are in your bedroom, playing genshin until a huge headache wave over you. Now that you're sense's is back something felt wrong.. you can tell you are laying on something.. it's not comfy but it's still felt quite nice.
You opened your eye slowly and look around the place, groaning as you stare at the half blue and half white wall. You look at your bed and this bed looks like one of the hospital bed..... Wait hospital bed?! You instantly look around frantically where the heck are you?!
"oh you're awake!".
A gentle calm voice echoed throughout the room. That voice sounds familiar.. you turn around and saw a girl with a nurse hat and a white dress, her cream coloured hair is put in a ponytail... Barbara?!.
You stare at her unbelievably. Act cool.. act like.. like a human.. yeah!. You think to yourself. You know this girl.. this girl is the free 4 star character that you'll get once you reach a certain level. Okay y/n.. play it cool.. just act like you don't know this place.
"why.. am i here?".
You look at the girl, she seems nervous to be around you ... Which is normal maybe. She walked beside you and take a cup of empty glass beside you and pour a pitcher full of water inside the glass half full and then take them, offering the glass to you.
"you're in Mondstat.. the land of freedom.."
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A/n; GOD I'm so sorry it took a long time, i hope the 'cliffhanger' makes sense...? But! Thankyou for reading! I am working on part 2 so more will be incoming!!!
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sev-er · 4 years ago
The Prince's Curse- Chapter 2 The Sides Introduce Themselves
Dumbledore's eyes widened, and an unfamiliar angry glimmer flashed in his eyes. A couple of the students laughed, others glared at them, and a few ignored the comment, after all, Snape was the only person brave enough to disrespect Dumbledore.
"Who are you and where is Mr. Snape?" McGonagall asked, standing up straighter in order to appear taller. The Severus in the bear hoodie tilted their head, "Who?" Their tone sounded genuinely confused. "Severus Snape! Where did that mist lady take him!?" Regulus, who was backed up in a corner surrounded by the three Black sisters, shouted.
Their eyes widened in relation, “Oh, you mean Severus Prince? Like, our CP Severus?” The one with the astronomy shirt asked. The Great hall erupted in hush whispers. ‘Prince?’ ‘What the fuck is a CP?’
“SILENCE!” Dumbledore yelled out, turning to face the student body. Once they were all quiet, he looked back at the 8 Severus’s. “What do you mean ‘Prince?’ That boy is a Snape.” The 8 look at eachother confused, “I’m sorry sir, but Severus is no longer a Snape, us being here is proof of that. He has always had Prince blood in his veins and it will forever be that way.” The more responsible looking one said, adjusting their glasses.
“That can’t be…” Dumbledore muttered to himself.
THis time, Professor McGonagall spoke, “What is this ‘CP’ you referred to Mr. Sn- Prince as?” The same kid that yelled out something about getting fucked with a chainsaw spoke up. “CP is an acronym for ‘Combined Personas,’ we are Severus’s split personas, or as we call ourselves, his sides!”
“So like...Severus Sides, right?” Jaxson questioned, gaining a few nodes and hums in response.
Dumbledore cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention once again. “So, Mr. Snapes-” He was quickly cut off by the glasses one, “Actually sir, a few of us use other pronouns, not just he/him. And, once again, it’s Prince not Snape.”
The headmaster raised an eyebrow but nodded anyway. “Very well then. Mr. Princes’ what are your names? Or do we just refer to you as Severus 1 through 8?” His tone getting more amused by the minute.”
They looked at each other before coming to a silent agreement as to who goes first. My chemical romance kids started first. “I’m Pelious, I use he/him pronouns and I represent Severus’s depression-”
“Sadness.” Everyone turned their attention back on Dumbledore. “You shouldn’t be dramatic child. Mr. Snape does not suffer from depression.” He said in an unamused tone.
Pelious just rolled his eyes and tilted his head forward so that his hair covered his face.
Bear hoodie was next, “I’m Teddy! I use he/him pronouns and I represent Sevs Mortality!”
Then it was glasses’s turn, “Luca, he/him, and I represent Logicality.” He introduced himself bluntly.
The kid who insulted the headmaster spoke next. “Loki’s the name, and mischief’s my game! My pronouns change daily since I’m genderfluid but today I identify as a guy. And I’m Severus’s ‘bad’ creativity.” He winked and put air quotes while saying bad.
Newspaper shirt was next, pushing Loki’s head out of the way. “I’m Sev’s good creativity, Thor. He/him and unfortunately, Loki is my twin brother.” Loki responded by sticking out his tongue. “Behave. Aen’ you’re next!” The boy, Teddy, turned his head toward the guy with a green beanie.
They opened their mouth to introduce themselves, but Loki interrupted them. “Do the thing! Do the thing!” The other kid rolled their eyes and sighed. He did a two finger salute and said in a sing-song voice, “I’m mister anxiety, I’m mister fear! I’m mister fight or flight. I’m mister ‘get me out of here!’ They call me fearmizer. Whoever I touch, starts to quake in my clutch! I’m too much~!” He pulled his beanie down to cover his face and muttered “My name's Aeneas by the way.”
The odd song confused everyone other than the Slytherines. Why does Snape- erm.. Prince have an anxiety side? Before anything else could be said, The one who yelled something about getting fucked and a chainsaw spoke. Their eyes seemed to be darting around the room and they were stuttering over their words a bit. “Um, I’m- I’m Phobos. I am his, uh, Severus’s par-paranoia. Just refer to me as he/him, or-or just don’t refer to me at all.” He slowly stepped closer to Aeneas, grabbing his arm. “Aeneas is my- um my twin brother. Um, yeah.”
Awww! He’s so cute and shy!” Narcissa cooed, causing Phobos to furrow his brows and sink even further into his brothers side.
Everyone looked over towards the last kid expectedly. He sighed and gave them all a tight smile. “Dolos and I do not use they/them pronouns therefore I am not non-binary. I’m also not Severus’s Dicete or lying side.” The hall stared in confusion as to what they just heard. Luckily, Loki wrapped his arms around Dolos’ shoulders and spoke for him, “Dolos can only speak in lies. They use they/them and is Sevs Deceit.” he flashed a bright grin as Dolos shook his head. “That is incorrect, thank you Lo.”
The boy just popped his lips and smirked in response.
Someone from the ravenclaw table scoffed, “They/them? What are you? Plural?” She let out an ugly crack and rolled her eyes.
Dolos raised an eyebrow and bit back, “No I am definitely not three (3) dogs in a trench coat passing as a human. I’m also not gaining entail on the human race so that I could bring it back to my dog siblings so we can rule over the world. Definitely not!” They smiled, tilting their head.
The hall burst into giggles as the girl got more embarrassed and turned as red as a tomato.
When the laughs subsided, McGonagall cleared her throat and spoke up. “It is about time for classes isn’t it?” The students all groaned in unison. “Well?” she asked, gesturing towards the door. “Off you all go! And you 8, follow us.”
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fullmoonremus · 5 years ago
You’re Not Mine | Peter Pevensie x Reader
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Warnings: Jealousy ig? A lil angst if you squint
Time/Era: Golden Age
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: When two foreign royals take interest in Peter and Y/N, jealousy arises. 
Requests: 1) hi :) i was wondering if you could maybe do a jealous!peter x reader ?? not enough of those hehe thank u so much  
2) If possible can you do a peter pevensie x reader where the reader gets jealous clingy due to another queen from another royal kingdom flirting with him if that makes sense idk if it does but yeah 😂
A/N: Hi! I hope it’s okay I combined these two :) They’re quite similar so I thought they would work well together! Enjoy! Also, the Prince and Princess obviously don’t exist in canon, but they do in this story lol.
masterlist | narnia playlist | read on ao3
It was an unspoken agreement that Peter and Y/N only had eyes for eachother. Their arrangement was never made official nor spoken about but by their actions, it was more than obvious. High King Peter was infatuated with Y/N, and he was wrapped around her finger. Whether it was due to her unbelievably inviting demeanor or her ability to listen to Peter speak for hours, the poor king couldn’t get enough of the girl. Y/N was always there to offer support, without offering advice unwarranted, and she managed to crack Peter’s shell quite quickly. 
Y/N wasn’t a royal, nor was she a member of the official staff at Cair Paravel. Rather, she was just a normal girl in her late teens that happened to stumble upon Narnia, much like the royal family. Peter envied that she didn’t have any real responsibility or ties to the Kingdom; she was just a normal citizen who happened to befriend her rulers. What Peter didn’t understand was that she did have a responsibility. And a big one at that. She offered support to her Kings and Queens as normal friends, rather than monarchs who had all of the answers. Y/N kept her friends sane and relaxed. Her job could be seen as one of the more important jobs in the kingdom for that sole reason. 
“I’m not too excited about tomorrow, if I’m being honest,” Peter spoke hesitantly, sharpening his blade. The king sat upon a large rock in the courtyard, whereas Y/N was perched on a nearby bench. 
“And may I ask why?” Y/N hummed, her hands working on a daisy chain. She glanced up at her friend, unbothered by the shrill sound of the sharpening metal. Taking care of his blades was a coping mechanism Peter had taken up, so anything that helped him clear his mind didn’t bother Y/N in the slightest. 
“King Lune is bringing Princess Alexandra and Prince Frederick along to the deal,” Peter’s hands worked on his sword, his brow scrunched in frustration. “Which means more Archenland soldiers in Narnia. The more foreign soldiers in Cair Paravel, the more on edge the entire kingdom appears. I don’t want them to think we fear them.” 
“Ah, I see. Hand me that flower will you, Pete?” Y/N pointed at a daisy near his foot. Peter plucks it from the soil and hands it to Y/N. “Thank you. What deal are you trying to make?” 
“Ed and I are trying to get them to sign a peace treaty, which may or may not be a good idea.” 
“Isn’t there a third Prince? Prince Rub The Rash or something?” Y/N’s voice resembled a giggle. 
Peter snickers, “Rabadash, yeah. Apparently he has important matters to deal with and won’t be attending. A blessing, if you ask me.”
Y/N holds her daisy chain up in the light and observes her handiwork. The stems were woven around eachother securely and each flower was on perfect display. She grinned and fastened the ends together so it formed a crown. 
“So, a peace treaty. That’s good, yeah? More allies, or whatever.” 
“Yeah, that’s a good way to look at it. We’re just not too positive about what they want in return. Something tells me that’s why the Prince and Princess are tagging along.”  At these words, Peter makes a sharp movement and the metal of his sword emits a high pitched screech. 
“You mean marriage?” 
“Yeah, marriage. Susan and I, most likely.” 
Y/N sucks in air through her nose harshly. “Oh, I see.” She stands from the bench and stands right in front of her king. 
Y/N delicately pulls his crown from his head, placing her daisy chain in its place. His dirty blonde hair smooths against his forehead and Peter looks up with his beautiful blue eyes. Y/N always adored his eyes; no matter how his body language looked, his eyes always displayed his true emotions. 
“You look nice with flowers in your hair, my king.” Y/N’s voice was soft, making Peter understand what she was feeling immediately. 
“Thank you, but you know you don’t have to address me with formalities.” 
The two were extremely close in this moment; just observing the other’s faces. Peter hand a stone-cold look on his face, but his irises were filled with doubt and sadness. Y/N sighed, taking a step back and diverting her gaze. 
“Well, you are my king. I don’t see anything wrong with addressing you as such.” 
“I’m more than just your king, Y/N. You of all people should know that.” 
“What’s her name again?” Y/N had turned her back to Peter. She heard Peter set the objects in his hands on the grass and stand. 
“Who’s name?” 
Y/N tightened her grip on Peter’s metal crown. “The princess you are set to marry.” 
“Why does it matter?” The jagged edges of the crown dug into Y/N’s palm. 
“What is it, your majesty?” 
“Alexandra. Princess Alexandra.” Peter’s large hand fell to Y/N’s lower back and he guided her to sit on the bench. 
“King Peter and Queen Alexandra, that has a bit of a ring to it.” Her gaze fell to the metal between her fingers, her thumb running across a small red jewel. 
“Y/N, stop it. If it’s marriage we’re not going to go through with it. Ed and I have already spoken about this with Susan.” 
“Peter, I don’t think you understand something very important,” Y/N moved her head in one fluid motion to lock eyes with Peter. “You’re not mine, and you never will be. You’re High King of Narnia. I’m just, well, me. And we can never change that.” 
Peter rose his hand and adjusted the flowers atop his head so they wouldn’t fall off. “I have all the power needed to change that, Y/N.”
“But why would you? Why would you risk the safety of Narnia for me?” 
Peter sighs. “How about this, you come to the agreement, yeah? We’re holding a ball beforehand so we can ‘mingle’ and scope out their intentions.” Y/N nods solemnly, handing the crown back to its owner. 
“Flowers really do suit you, Peter.” And with that, Peter’s favorite girl stands and walks back towards the castle. 
“How’s the punch? I heard it’s not very good,” A voice pulls Y/N out of her trance. She was currently watching a very handsy Princess Alexandra feel Peter’s biceps and giggle. 
“Pardon?” She looked up to see a very handsome man leaning against the wall. He was rather tall and lanky, with long ginger hair that was swept into his eyes. Atop his head sat a golden crown, very similar to Peter’s, and his face was twisted into a grin. The man was extremely attractive, with his slightly cocky body language and flirty tone. 
“Is the punch good? Tasty? Pleasing to the tastebuds? I heard it wasn’t.” In his hand, he held a small clear cup filled with red liquid. He raises it to his pink lips and takes a gulp. 
“Seems like you just answered your own question.” 
“It was alright,” He smiles. “It would be better if I knew your name, though.” 
“Your drink would be better if you knew my name?” Y/N laughs, growing more comfortable in the presence of who she assumed was Prince Frederick. 
“Well, it would make my day, night, week, month, year, life better. My drink is just a part of that,” He winked and took another sip. “I’m Prince Frederick, but someone as pretty as you can call me Fred,” The royal held out his hand for a handshake. 
Y/N giggled and shook it. “Y/N, I’m a close friend of the Narnian Kings and Queens.” 
Y/N couldn’t help but be charmed by the mysterious prince. He was funny and flirty, which was probably exactly how he wanted to appear as. Peter, on the other hand, hated what he saw. He was across the room but watching Y/N’s body language ignited a fire inside his stomach. 
“You’re so strong, King Peter,” Princess Alexandra squeezed his upper arm. Peter glanced at her then back at Y/N. 
“Thanks,” He responded shortly, tight jawed with his hand on the hilt of his sword. His eyes glanced over the pair and his gaze took in the subtle changes of his love. She was facing Frederick head-on while throwing her head back to laugh at whatever he’s saying. 
“Who are you looking at?” Alexandra said, placing two fingers on his cheek and turning his head to face her. 
Peter pushed away from her presence and walked over to the pair. “Excuse me,” The two turn their head towards Peter. Y/N’s smile faltered at Peter’s expression; he looked almost angry and was staring daggers into Fred’s skull. 
“Hello, my King,” Y/N bowed, acting formal as there were guests in the room. 
He ignores Y/N and turns to Prince Frederick. “Who are you?” 
This doesn’t seem to faze Fred as he lazily sips his drink. “I’m Prince Frederick. You must be King Peter, I was just talking to your friend.” He moves his cup to gesture Y/N. 
“I can see that,” Peter mumbles. A similar look of disdain falls over Y/N’s face as her eyes follow the path Peter took to get to her. At the end stood Princess Alexandra, now speaking to Edmund.
“How is Princess Alexandra?” 
“Oh, she’s doing great. Thinks I’m very strong.” 
“Oh, good.” Y/N responds passive-aggressively. 
“Yeah, it’s great. She was just feeling my bicep. Said it was the biggest she’s ever felt, mmhm.” 
Fred looks between the two awkwardly, raising his eyebrows and taking it as his cue to leave. He pushes off the wall and meets his sister in the middle of the room. 
“Fred, he said I can call him that by the way, just got done calling me pretty before you got here,” Y/N looked up at Peter, her eyebrow quirked and arms crossed over her chest. 
Peter glances over at Edmund and nods before grabbing Y/N’s arm and dragging her out of the room. He pushes her against a wall a little bit away from the ballroom. 
“I told you I wasn’t marrying her, why are you doing this?” His breath fanned her lips as he spoke. 
“Doing what?” 
“Flirting with Princey,” Peter’s body pinned Y/N’s against the stone brick wall. “I saw how you were talking.” 
“Why were you flirting with Miss Princess if you weren’t planning on marrying her?” 
“I wasn’t!”
“I saw her feel you up, Peter!” Y/N huffed in frustration, her hands coming to push and his shoulder. However, Peter was a wall and held his ground with little to no effort. 
“She felt my arm for, like, 10 minutes. Big deal. You actually flirted back.” 
“I did no such thing, thank you very much. I was too busy watching you flirt with whats-her-face to even notice Prince Frederick!” 
Peter slammed a fist into the brick before pressing a sheering kiss to Y/N’s lips. The kiss was hot and rushed; both parties putting all of their emotions into the one action. Teeth clashed and tongues wrestled until Peter eventually pulled away breathlessly. His lips were swollen and red, and Y/N assumes she looked the same. 
“I don’t want to marry her, Y/N. I want to marry you. I am so fucking in love with you,” Peter shook his head, walking in a small circle before returning to his place. “And seeing you with Princey really made me understand that I need you.” 
“Then, what are you waiting for, My King?” 
“Well, a yes would be nice.” 
Y/N giggled, and all tension seemed to dissipate. “Well, I haven’t been asked anything yet.” 
Peter’s grin matched Y/N’s. “Well, Lady Y/N, would you marry me and become my queen?” 
“Yes, Peter. Took you long enough.” 
The two laughed once more before pressing their lips together once more. Unlike the last kiss, this one was feather-light and full of love. Peter caressed the sides of Y/N’s face with his rough hands and pressed his lips against hers with much certainty. 
“There you are!” Edmund rounded the corner just as the couple pulled apart. “Good news! You two managed to weird out the Prince and Princess so much that they’re backing out of the arrangement. King Lune was convinced to sign the treaty with no further complications.” 
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baby-bearie · 5 years ago
take me home - part 3
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(not my gif)
jj maybank x reader
a/n: literally 3k+ of fluffy fakeness lol. i promise next chapter is a little more exciting. also, sorry about how late this one is. 
“The Dating Things”, as JJ called them, turned out to be the easiest part of having a fake boyfriend. JJ’s hands felt comfortable, almost familiar on you. Around your waist, your shoulders, on your thigh. 
“Here, Kiara’s looking.” After only a week, you were used to cueing him into Rafe and Kiara’s angry glances. For the first couple days, he was a little clueless. You would have to pick up his arms and drape them over you before their eyes turned away. Eventually, he got the hang of it. Once you pointed out the looks coming your way, he was automatically more than a few inches closer. 
Soon enough, he became insanely good at noticing the stares and glanced even before you did, and startled you whenever he suddenly tugged you towards him. 
You were currently right by his side on a log. The bonfire in front of you was roaring already, illuminating the faces of the people sitting around it. JJ chattered eagerly with a couple of tourons near you two. You glanced up from the fire but immediately shot them back down when you met Kiara’s blazing eyes. The fire just made them that much more intense. 
You jammed an elbow into JJ’s side. He winced, turning to you in annoyance before you gave him a look. He immediately recognized the meaning behind your glare and subtly snaked an arm around you. Kiara diverted her eyes then, down to the sandy earth again. 
“Success,” you whispered. JJ smiled and turned back to his momentary friends. You elbowed him again to get his attention once more.
“Ow! Would you stop doing that?” He yelped.
“JJ, you remember how I said my mom wanted to have you over for dinner sometime?” You whispered. Now is as good a time as ever. 
“Yeah? Why?” 
“Well, sometime is tomorrow.” You sheepishly smile. 
“What?” JJ’s eyes turn into saucers. 
“Yeah, she’s making a whole chicken. She’s very excited.” 
“Tomorrow night? Why are you telling me this now, there’s no way we’ll be able to pull this off!” JJ’s voice is getting a little too loud for your liking, but he notices too. 
“C’mon, we’ll talk. I’ll walk you back to your place.” JJ grips your hand abruptly, yanking you up and pulling you away from the bonfire. 
“JJ, it’s really not that big of a deal. The only one in my family who would be angry about me and you would be my dad, and he’s in California on business. You have nothing to worry about.” “I have everything to worry about here, Y/n!” JJ drops your hand as soon as you’re out of sight from the pogues, walking nearly sideways to face you as he talks. “First of all, you have a little sister. Isn’t she like eight? I’m not exactly a little-girl type of likable.” 
“She’s nine.” You correct him. 
“Second of all, the whole point of this was to make Rafe think we’re some super cutesy couple, right?” He gesticulates wildy. 
You don’t answer, wondering if that was really what was behind you and JJ’s relationship. 
“Right?” He tries again. 
“Okay, maybe it was. So, what?” 
“So, if I mess up in front of your mom, it’ll eventually get back to Rafe, won’t it? He knows you well enough, Y/n. I’ve seen the way you guys used to look at eachother. He’ll see right through our bullshit!” 
JJ’s accusation stops you in your tracks. “What does that mean?” 
“What?” JJ gets a little bit further before realizing you’re not with him. He turns around to face you. 
“What does that mean?” You crinkle your face. 
“I mean, you know.” JJ raises his eyebrows and gives you a look. 
“No, I don’t know! What does that mean?” You’re getting defensive. You don’t mean to, but you know what JJ means. And you don’t want to. 
“C’mon, Y/n. It’s obvious you and Rafe have, I don’t know, unfinished business?” JJ finishes his sentence slowly, trying to not set off any fuses. 
“Okay, fuck you, JJ.” You scoff. 
“C’mon, Y/n! It’s nothing bad, you guys just have a history! All I’m saying is he still knows you really well! Probably better than I do!” You start walking again, a lot faster this time. JJ jogs to catch up to you. 
“Maybe, but what Rafe Cameron and I did or didn’t have isn’t any of your business. And it’s definitely not yours to shove in my face when I’m obviously trying to put it behind me and get away from him.” You draw your brows together. You know your anger is bordering completely unjustified, but JJ makes it seem like Rafe Cameron knows you inside and out. 
You hate the idea of that. The idea that the you that Rafe could read like the back of his hand is the same you that he aggressively flirts with. You hate the idea Rafe doesn’t see you any different than he used to. 
You hate the idea that Rafe became a whole new person, and you stayed the same. 
“Yeah, okay, trying to put it behind you?” It’s JJ’s turn to scoff now. His voice is edged with annoyance. He walks backwards to stay in front of you, his whole body tense. You keep your eyes trained straight ahead, refusing to look at him as he glares at you. 
 “Right, so if you’re trying to put it behind you, then why are you trying to act like you’re with me? You’re obviously not over fucking Cameron if you’re throwing you and I in his face like this.” 
All the anger falls off your face and is replaced by hurt. Fucking Cameron? Is that why he is so certain about your history together? He thinks you slept with Rafe? 
If JJ thinks that, how many more people do? “Fucking Cameron?” You whisper. 
The way you pause again seems to make JJ realize what he’s just said to you. His whole face washes over with regret, his mouth opening, then closing again in surprise. 
“Y/n, I didn’t mean it like that.” He shakes his head. 
“Right. Right, of course. You have a nice night, JJ.” You begin to speed-walk again, trying to put as much distance between you and JJ as possible. 
“Y/n, wait! Y/n! Where are you going?” JJ yells after you, but he doesn’t follow you. 
You turn around again, forcing a small smile. 
“I’ll meet you at two tomorrow by the ferry, okay? If you’re going to ruin my dinner tomorrow, you should at least do it in a nice suit.” 
JJ laughs, exasperated, and shakes his head. He rubs his forehead for a second, looking anywhere but you. 
When he finally meets your eyes, he looks tired. 
“Yeah. Yeah, okay. I’ll see you at two.” He nods. 
You press your lips together and nod, folding your arms and continuing your walk back home. 
This time, alone. 
The next day at two, JJ is already waiting for you when you get to the port. He has sunglasses on, but judging by the logo on the side, he definitely shoplifted them. 
His tank top is thin, but he’s shaking the bottom of the shirt up and down, as if he’s fanning himself. It’s scorching outside, the sidewalk could be frying you. 
“Hey,” he pushes himself off the railing he was leaning on. “You ready?” 
JJ’s smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes, which are searching your face apprehensively. 
He thinks you’re still mad at him. 
“The real question is are you ready, Maybank. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but I’m kind of a makeover queen around here.” You bump his shoulder and he puffs out a breath. He grins again, and this time, it’s a genuine smile. 
“Makeover? What do you mean, makeover?” The smile falls as he processes your words. 
You grab his arm and pull him up the ramp onto the boat.
 “You didn’t say anything about a makeover, you said I just needed new clothes. Y/n, what do you mean makeover?” JJ frantically presses you with questions. 
He complains the whole ride over to the mainland, pestering you about what exactly you have in store for him, but you refuse to show him the list you’ve made. You have to move your hand far away from him whenever he reaches for the little piece of paper.
 You know JJ could easily overpower your smaller arms and take the list if he really wanted to, but he won’t. He just likes reaching for it and watching you giggle at his grabby hands. 
When you’re finally on the street, you uncurl the paper you’ve been tightly clutching onto this whole time. JJ peers over your shoulder, glimpsing at the list. You lean back, holding the paper close to your face. 
“Okay, well, lucky for you, first things first is just the fit. Let’s go, I know a place.” You stuff the paper into the pocket of your jeans, setting off to the small shop where your mom bought your dad a new suit for his birthday.
“Okay, are you trying to make me feel poor?” He stares at the shop window in front of him, mannequins displaying expensive button ups and shoes. 
“Settle down, I’m paying.” You pat his arm. 
He raises an eyebrow as he looks at you. “You are?” 
“Yeah,” you nod, “the one with the balls usually pays on a first date, right?” You smirk, swinging the door open and rushing into the air-conditioned store. JJ follows.
“What? What did you just say?” JJ follows you around like a lost puppy. You sift through a pile of stiff, collared, button up shirts stacked on a table, draping a few over your arm. 
JJ leans forward over the table of shirts. “Did you call this a date?” He smiles knowingly. 
You blush a bit, but keep your face focused down. “You know what I meant.” 
JJ hums in agreement, pressing his lips to keep his smile small. 
“You see anything you like?” You ask him. 
“I don’t know what I like around here, you’re paying.” He follows after you as you scan through black trousers. You pull a pair out and unfold them, holding them up to JJ’s hips. 
He jumps back, startled. 
“Hold still,” you mumble, putting the too-short pants back and pulling out a bigger size. JJ raises his hands so you can hold the longer pants up to his legs. “Hold these here?” 
JJ huffs, but puts his hands on his hips to hold the trousers up. You lean back to check the sizing, then realize how stupid he looks. Before he can move his hands and drop the pants, you whip out your phone to snap a picture. 
“Delete it.” JJ drops the pants into a bundle in his arm and points at your phone. “Now. Delete it.” You clutch your phone closer to you. “But what if I need to get them altered or something?” 
“Y/n.” JJ’s voice is monotone, but his eyes are dancing with joy. He lunges for your phone and you squeal, jumping back and darting behind a shelf of cologne. JJ maneuvers around it and runs after you, rushing through racks of sweaters and khakis. He catches up to you quickly, his stride surpassing yours. 
He flings an arm around your stomach, yanking you back against him before he swiftly grabs your phone. He keeps you pinned to him as he holds the phone up, out of your reach and deletes the photo.  
He releases you and you stumble as he tosses his phone for you to catch. 
“Asshole,” you grumble, picking up the pants you dropped running from JJ. 
You wander the store for a while, gaining odd looks from the other shoppers as well as the cashier ringing up clothes.
Once you’ve been satisfied with the enormous mess of clothes JJ is cradling in his arms, you shove him into a dressing room. You crash in one of the comfy leather chairs outside the rooms. 
After a few minutes of JJ crashing around and the sounds of hangers clashing, the room falls silent. 
“JJ?” You knock.
“No.” His voice is firm.
“I look horrible. Like someone’s grandpa.”
“I don’t trust you to judge fashion. Come out here.” You back away from the door, and JJ begrudgingly shuffles out.
He’s wearing a maroon crew neck over a white collared polo and khakis. He turns to face the mirror, tugging at the collar of his shirt. 
You suck a breath in. “No, you do look like my grandpa.” 
JJ gives you an unamused look through the mirror. 
“In the best way possible!” You follow up.
“You’re not making me wear this.” JJ points a finger at you, retreating back into his dressing room. 
“Wait,” You push the door open just as he’s about to close it. “Here.”
You pull out the black trousers and a black suit jacket. You shuffle through the huge pile of crumpled clothes he’s dumped there. You eventually find what you’re looking for - a navy blue button down. You push the clothes onto JJ’s chest. 
“Try those.” 
JJ rolls his eyes, but accepts the clothes and pushes you back out. 
“Y/n, this is even worse.” He groans as he pulls on the jacket. 
“Would you stop complaining and let me see you?” 
JJ keeps grumbling but comes out of the dressing room. 
You had expected the outfit to look good, but you weren’t expecting it to look that good on him. 
“It’s, um, it’s alright.” You nod slowly, blinking away you thoughts. 
“Alright? That’s all? No rude comments?” JJ smiles. “Who are you and where is my Y/n?”
You try not to react to JJ calling you ‘My Y/n’ as you stand to fix the way he’s bunched up the shirt to tuck it in. You smooth out the wrinkles in his jacket when his hand catches yours. 
You meet his eyes. They have the same look in them that they did last night. 
“Hang on,” he speaks quickly and quietly. “I’m sorry.” 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry about last night. It was out of line for me to say that.” He holds eye contact as he talks. 
“It’s okay,” You break it first and focus on the jacket again. 
“No, it wasn’t. Rafe is just a,” He pauses, “sore spot for me. I’m sorry.” 
���JJ, it’s alright. I was getting angry over nothing, really. I overreacted. I guess it’s a sore spot for both of us.” 
JJ lets go of your hand then, letting them fall back to your sides. He purses his lips as if he’s thinking, but simply nods and leaves you outside alone once again. 
After he’s taken the outfit off and returned himself back to normalcy, you take the clothes from him. 
The cashier gives you some more looks as you pay for everything. Your family has been shopping at this store for decades. You’re sure they’re not used to the ladies of your bloodline dragging in boys with muddy sneakers and thin tank tops. 
JJ lugs the bag along with him to more shops as you move down the list. Shoes first. You browse a few watches in a jewelry store but ultimately decide you can easily give him one of your dad’s many old ones. You nearly convince him to let you take him to get a haircut but he’s too stubborn and oddly protective of his hair. 
After you’ve dragged JJ around for a couple of hours, and his arms are sufficiently dragged down with shopping bags, you usher him back onto the ferry back to the island. 
Your legs are tired, and JJ’s arms are tired. 
To keep him occupied and from complaining, you point out obvious tourists on the boat : an obscene amount of sunscreen, usually carrying bags and always wearing such fancy outfits. JJ turns it into a game: you sort each person on the boat into either pogues, kooks, or tourons. Or at least which category they would fall into if they lived in the Outer Banks. You take the game another step, and begin to create elaborate life stories for the people. 
You’re mid-monologue, trying to explain why the little lady with a large Sunday hat and a string of pearls obviously murdered her three ex husbands and now finances the wealthy lifestyle of her and her poodle’s with the inheritance money when JJ’s head lolls onto your shoulder. 
He’s fallen asleep. Your heated speech trails off and you sniff for a second. Do you wake him up? You consider it for a second, but he looks peaceful. There’s a serene look on his face that you’ve never been able to see when he’s awake. Instead, you lean your head against his. You mean to just close your eyes for a moment, but you black out before you know it. 
You’re suddenly shaken awake by someone grabbing your shoulder. It’s the elderly couple that sat a few rows in front of you. JJ had claimed that he was certain they were high school sweethearts that went on to rob banks together. The woman shook you awake, and is smiling sweetly down at you. 
“Hi, sweetheart, we’re unloading.” There is no way this sweet lady was a bank robber.
JJ wakes up as you stir. 
“JJ, get up, we’re here.” You shrug your shoulder a little, and JJ picks his head up. 
The old couple begins to leave again. For a second, the old lady leans down and whispers to you. “You two make a very sweet couple. Remind me of us when we were that young.” 
She pats your shoulder and follows her husband. 
“Bank robbers,” JJ groans as he stretches besides you, obviously not having heard what was just said. 
A sweet couple? You know you’ve been playing as a couple, but do you really look the part even when you don’t need to be seen? 
Once you’re on the dock and wide awake again, you deposit all of the bags onto JJ. 
“Ask Kiara for help getting ready if you need it. That’ll make her insane.” You smirk. 
“Genius. You make sure Rafe hears that I’m coming for dinner.” He points out in return. 
“Look at us! We make a pretty good fake couple.” You raise your hand for a high-five and JJ slaps it. 
“Okay,” You check your phone for the time. “It’s 6:45ish now. I’ll see you at eight at my place, alright? Don’t be late!” You emphasize the last part. “Late? Who, me? You must have the wrong person.” JJ fakes confusion. “Oh, shit, did you say 6:45? I told John B I’d be back by 6:15!” He yelps. 
“Bye!” You yell after him as he runs further and further from you. 
He would definitely be late tonight. 
taglist: @sunflowermotel @howdyherron @drew-starkey @maraseavey @outerbanqs @tinylatina01 @obx-direction-sos @yelyahryan @loveylangdon @obxwriterfan @avashroom @rewindlr @raekenliar @ceruleanjj @dolanfivsosxox @heyhargrove @lashtonandmalumsbaby @beautyandthebleh @pancahke @outrbank @kiarasflowr @corleigh @poguemacking @kristineee-obx @shawnssongs @thorsangel @daniel9seavey9 @hopefultrashforanythingreally @pixelated-pogues @dpaccione @thatshiscigar @fanficscuziranout @trustfundparker @teamnick @trashmouthpogues @rudys-pankow @ilovejjmaybank @tomzfrog @midnightmagicmusings @outerbankslove @jjandreidsgirl @apoguecalledjj @lilmoviehoe @bellaguarneri @harrys-creature @nivky0-0 @serrendipiity @teenwaywardasgardian @rayskates @keepingupwiththepogues @millssssonline @no-pogue-on-pogue-macking @downbytheouterbanks @sspidermanss @starxdame @juxt4p0siti0n @angvelics @diverrdown @beckester @parkerpetertingle @abigailpankow @lieswithoutfairytales @anaveragemistake @secretmoonphantom @curlybrownhairedboys @obbx-tings @rudths @maliak @drewstarkeyobx @starkeymarkey @youfookendonut @abrunettefangirlnerd @annedub @rochyu 
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mindofharry · 4 years ago
in which you and grayson find yourself in the most absurd situation.
set in the 1800s, based on bridgerton.
a little bit of everything!! enjoy - feedback welcome as always! <3
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“so, let me get this right, your grace”
“it’s grayson” he interrupted clearing his throat as you both promenaded along the river, your mama and his aunt following behind.
“you want us to pretend to court? may i speak freely, grayson” you asked looking up, grayson rolled his and nodded, loaning you were going to speak to him whatever way you wanted with or without his permission.
“we have nothing in common. and i do not like your manners and the way you treat me and others around you” you rambled looking around at the people, also promenading and looking for potiental suitors.
You also noticed how the men were gazing at you in a way you’ve never seen before. Like you were a prize, the feeling didn’t feel good, it felt as if you were some trophy.
But you guessed that is all what women are to certain men, a trophy they can win and put up high in their house. sometimes you didn’t feel opposed to being someone’s trophy, but with the duke beside you, that feeling never came. All that came was disgust and wanting to cover up your body even more than your mother already made you.
“do forgive me if i’m wrong, but have you the way the suitors have been looking at you, and all we’ve done is look at eachother and smile a few times” grayson said, moving his hand over towards the group of men to prove his point.
“you’re a duke, grayson. I’m not yet prepared enough for that” you say and he nodded, obviously agreeing.
“that’s why courting exists, and i’ve seen how impatient your mama is. It might get her off your back for a little bit. You have a little more time to properly talk with the pointer suitors.” grayson argued, stopping infront of you.
“so this is a rouse then?” you asked placing your un opened umbrella infront of you, leaning your hands on it. Grayson nodded and stepped a little closer, your breathe hitched as you felt his breathe close to your face. “an agreement if you will. you get more time, i don’t have any mama’s trying to wed their daughters to me. It’s a win win.” he said trying to convince you.
“it’s not like we’ll actually get married. tell your mama you’re leaving your options open, or tell her you’re madly in love with me” he teased earning a slap on the arm from you and wide grin. he looked around and smirked.
“so are we in agreement?”
“i think we are”
Soon enough people started noticing you and grayson together — more people meaning more potential suitors for you. your drawing room was filled with men and your papa was not one bit happy about it, and suprisingly neither was your mama.
They had both taken a liking to grayson.
You weren’t sure if it was his charm or because of his title, but nevertheless they were set on you and him courting for more than a week. you even overheard your mother talking to the head maid about a wedding sometime in the spring.
A wedding in the spring sounded superb.
A wedding with grayson in the spring sounded traumatic.
“Grayson” you asked both of you sat beside each other, eating a rather delicious piece of cake. Grayson even bought the most expensive one, just for the both of you. That rather impressed you, you admit.
“Y/N” he mocked leaning back in the seat.
“I’d like to know you a little better. I mean, i know your name, your title and that you have a twin brother. That is all, your grace”
“just how i like it to be” grayson replied. Grayson was rather young when he became the duke, his brother didn’t want this life (grayson had to be the bigger person). The stress of being a duke, has made him sour and cold, and not up for anything to do with marriage. If he was ever to marry he’s sure it would be the most awful thing to come to his short life. He doesn’t understand what the fuss is all about, if you love someone, why do you have to go through all of the dramatics, surely just saying it enough?
Grayson didn’t understand the fascination and he’s not sure he ever will.
“Well, what’s your favourite colour?” you asked earning, a loud laugh. you smiled at the sound, it was nice to see him smiling for once. You knew he had it rough, so you could take the coldness and moodiness if this it was came out at some points of the time you guys are ‘courting’.
“It’s green. like forest green. It’s a dark but rather happy green”
“just like you, grayson” you added, grayson raised any brow making you blush “i just met, that you seem rather broody and dark but once you actually sit down and talk you’re a very warm man” you rambled. God, you were just trying to make some sort of conversation and your witty comebacks were not helping you.
“Let’s get you back home, shall we?”
you frowned standing up, you saw the governorness walking slowly behind you both. even though you were very much out in the open, you still had to be chaperoned, a part you hated very much.
“forgive me, your grace. I didn’t mean to be so rude” you say touching his hand ever so lightly. Grayson cleared his throat shaking his head “never mind that. shall we finish the game of 20 questions?” he teased, easing the butterflies in your stomach.
“my brother is called ethan. Smart man. Married last spring. I still don’t understand how i’m the duke, the man is quite smart and orderly. And a sister Cameron, who moved to the country with her family some years back” he said you nodding and listening very carefully.
“I think you’re quite smart, grayson.” you smiled, you reached home a lot quicker than expected. And for some reason, you wished he would ask you out again.
“Hmm. Have a good evening, y/n”
And with that the duke left, only you and your governorness. “i think he’d make a great husband” your governorness, anna, whispered.
“yeah. i do too”
You were in the drawing room playing piano when the duke was announced.
“Lady Y/L/N, The duke of jersey”
you turned around to see the duke, your parents bowing and praising every move grayson took. you stood from the piano and met grayson halfway.
you smiled and bowed “your grace” you teased earning a laugh. you looked behind grayson and saw the smiles on your parents face and the nod the both gave you before sitting back down.
“i came here to formally invite you and your family to the ball i’m hosting.” he said his hands becoming weirdly sweaty and his heart beating rapidly awaiting your answer.
you looked magnificent today, you hair was up in braids and your dress was simple but beautiful. The necklace that adorned on your neck was something he wished he bought you himself, it looked rather beautiful on you. Grayson had to remind himself numerous times during the two weeks you have been courting that it’s not real, that this will end soon and you will both go seperate ways. But a part of him wants to just pretend it’s real, he wants you to look at him the way you do without any agreement or rouse.
but of course, that would never happen.
you were both too different, he was a duke for christ sake. It just wouldn’t work out. So he pushed those feelings deep, deep down. And hopefully they’d never reappear, like they are doing right now.
“oh, of course! i’d never say no to a ball!” you squealed, your mother cleared her throat to remind you of your manners.
“forgive me. It would be an honour”
“I was thinking i could buy you a dress? Go to the tailors, pick out anything and i’ll get it for you” he said, grayson insisted on spoiling you. Buying you flowers and now dresses, your mother thought it was sweet, you did too. But it was very unnecessary, you didn’t want him wasting his savings on you.
“Oh! my grace, i couldn’t ask that of you”
“i’m buying and that’s it” he smiled bringing your hand up to his lips, making your breathe hitch and your heart speed up.
“see you there, y/n”
The next couple of days were spent preparing for the ball and of course accompanying you in picking a gown. He never actually knew how much went into making and choosing a gown, he’d never speak bad about shopping how, he was exhausted.
“i like you better, grayson” you say browsing the fabrics. Grayson snorted causing some of the people around him to stare.
“and why is that?” he asked leaning against the wall as you picked out a few fabrics. It was honestly quite relaxing seeing you in your element. It made him happy to see you happy.
“you’re more open. you smile” you grinned looking over at him “and i must say you’re manners are magnificent, your grace” she giggled making grayson shake his head. “you’re strange” he mumbled, his heart doing that weird thing again, and this time he doesn’t push those feelings away, he lets them stay. And it feels pretty good.
“how many dances should we have tonight? i think two should suffice” you mumble looking up at your ‘suitor’. You wished it was real, there, you had admitted. you wanted to know what his lips felts like and his felt like without gloves. you wondered what he was like early in the morning and late in the evening. what he had on sundays and did he ever eat too much he was sick? all these questions would be answered if you just admitted your feelings, but no, you knew grayson did not want to marry.
And sadly, you don’t think you’d be an exception.
“Not too worry, my lady. I’ll take these from you. My grace” the lady bowed taking the fabrics from y/n.
“i shall have this complete in no time, i have your measurements and such, so i only need you to try it on again”
You had already tried on the main part of the dress, but you wanted some sparkly fabric to add to it and maybe a bow. It was just last minute (anxiety induced) details, you wanted to add before the ball.
“thank you so much. we’ll be back in an hour”
“i don’t know how you do it” grayson said as you put your arm around his. “well, i like to shop, i like design” you smile “it’s quite fun actually.”
grayson thinks it’s quite fun too.
“I can feel the glare of your governess. how about some miniatures?” grayson asked getting a smile out of you. you nodded “that sounds lovely, grayson”.
The ball looks so amazing, it’s not like anything you’ve ever been to before.
There’s chandeliers and lights everywhere and the paintings are the most magnificent things you’ve ever seen, why had grayson been hiding such an extraordinary home from you? You could love in this room, ignoring the massive castle the duke resided in. This room was something you could only wished you could pull off when you finally marry.
Maybe, one day, you sighed.
“why the long face, ms Y/L/N?” a voice called out, making you turn around with a grin.
grayson looked just as beautiful as the lights and paintings, dare you say handsome. Something about the way his hair feel and his skin glimmered did something to you.
Grayson could say the same about you — god, your smile and the way your eyes lit up just for him was nearly enough for him to propose on the spot. Your hair was done up, but grayson just wanted to run his hands through it and head you sigh in complete relaxation.
“No frown. The ball is so beautiful, your grace” you say bowing causing grayson to laugh.
“Come with me, i have something you might like”
The duke dragged you out of the room ignoring the looks of mamas and debutants. He pulled you into what you could only describe as some sort of exhibit. Paintings adorned all over the walls and a fire place right in the middle of the wall. This had to be your favourite room thus far — excluding where the ball is taking place. The paintings were absolutely extraordinary and somehow even with a handsome duke beside you, you couldn’t take your eyes from them.
“My mother painted most of these — i think all, forgive me if i’m incorrect” grayson started moving to a beautiful painting off the sky. “She used to go to this cottage every summer, she brought me down last year when i became the duke. I painted with her and we talked. She’s extraordinary at art a shame my father never let her sell any or earn any money” he said with a shaky breathe. “She died this fall, along with my father. So these are the only things i have as a reminder of her, or of them. My sister took all of their belongings for safe keeping. Ethan does not care too much. I wish i was trusted more” grayson admitted, basically knocking the wind out of you.
You knew his parents had died, but you never knew how much hurt he still felt. Of course, thinking back that was such a stupid thought. His parents had died one after the other, leaving such a young duke behind.
“Your mother is very extraordinary indeed. Just like you” you say getting a smile out of the duke. “i must say the clouds and the river one must be my favourite.” you say easing the tension.
grayson nodded in agreement.
You turn to the duke, only now realising how close you actually were. “i trust you. a lot more than i should, my grace.” you whispered looking up at him, a flush appearing in your cheeks.
“i wish i had gotten to know you sooner” he admitted making your breathe hitch. “i wish i never came up with this agreement. i wish i just asked you to marry me then and there. Because you are the smartest, most beautiful woman i have ever had to privilege of meeting”
your eyes filled up with tears, as grayson held your hand. He started to pull down the sleeve of your glove, you eyes widening but there was no objecting. You felt your glove fall down the ground and the duke big, soft hand take its place.
“We will be married”
“And you will be my dutchess”
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dystovian · 4 years ago
The Last of Us: How to Disappear Completely
Chapter 3: Burrow
Summary: The aftermath of death is never nice, especially with the end of the world. You felt you knew how to deal with it, and that’s by moving on as quick as possible. Sawyer, takes this personally, and lets you have a piece of their mind.
Pairing: Joel/Reader, Joel x Reader (Future)
Warning(s): Language, Talks about Death and Suicide, Arguing, Injuries.
A/N: ok one more chapter i think and joel comes into play! thank u for reading!!
Tags: @hrk-fic-recs
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Often, before your sister had disappeared, you wouldn’t really bother thinking about the past. You had your future right in front of you, because for all you knew, you and her would be just fine. But, the second you realized she wouldn’t return, and was likely rotting in some field or some building, or running around Infected...it’s all you could think about.
You’d think about the way you grimaced at melted red popsicles and how they stuck to your fingers, coating your skin with red juice. You’d think about how you’d fallen off your bike, not wearing any knee guards and crying out in the street due to the skin on your kneecaps peeling away. You’d mostly think about luxuries, stuff you’d never experience again. Stuff that were so far away from this life, that had left a mark on you.
Something that never left, though? Was grief. Grief followed every living thing with a heartbeat and snuck up on it every chance it got. Grabbed you by the roots of your hair and tossed you to the ground. Grief, which seemed to have a festival just about every second of every day now, with the way things fell apart. Exploding into millions of sparks just like the fireworks on the beach that day.
This was evident now, what with the way the young teenager in the room across from you hasn’t stopped crying, even within their sleep their tears are evident, dripping over their nose and onto the sheets. Evident, shown in the way your shoulders shook violently as the body of a young girl whom you just saw yesterday lay behind you.
In the past, grief was more of a long time thing. Where you could sit in your room and cry all day after your cat had died. But now — with the world gone to shit — it’s different. Someone dies, you cry for a minute, maybe even not at all, then you suck it up. You get the fuck over it, and you move the hell on. Do what they couldn’t, survive, live for them.
Except, you haven’t. You’ve barely even bothered. Sometimes, though, you get this burst of energy. Telling you to go out on a run, get some supplies to help live just a little longer. But you can’t leave Sawyer, not when they’ve barely even spoken, and the last time they did, they made it quite clear of their feelings. Of the state of their mind since the loss of their sister.
“You’ve barely eaten your dinner, y’know.” You had said one night, windows covered with thick wool blankets, and candles lit along the house.
“Mhm.” They muttered, slumped in their chair, eyes staring at the food on their plate.
“Please...you’ve got to eat, Soy. It’ll kill you.” You said, placing your utensils on the wood, leaning forward.
“Awesome.” They scoffed, almost sliding the plate into your lap with the force of their hand.
“Seriously? Are you..” You’d paused in disbelief, “Are you seriously just gonna let yourself fucking starve to death? Sawyer, you need to listen to me. We’re gonna need more food soon, and if I’m going alone, you need to be fit enough to keep watch on this place. Oka-“ You stopped when Sawyer abruptly stood, hands clenched into fists on the wood of the dining room table, head hanging.
“You wanna go? Then fuckin’ go! I don’t give a shit if you leave me here and I certainly don’t care if Infected tear me to goddamn shreds.” They said, tears piling up upon their eyelids.
“You, you do not mean that,” You were standing now, chair almost falling with the force of your movement. Your eyes were wide, with eyebrows raised, shock filing through you.
“Oh, I meant every damn bit of that sentence.” They scoffed.
“Take it back.”
“I ain’t takin’ back sh-“ Their finger goes to point at you, and the second they do, it’s slapped away.
“Take it the fuck back! You listen to me, and you listen to me good. I am not, and I mean absolutely not, going to feel responsible for somebody else dying. I am sick and fucking tired of death, and I know for damn sure you are too. Hell, every last person is! But, and I hate to say this shit you, but you need to move on. You and I both know that’s what Ryan would want. So, take. It. The. Fuck. Back.” You were angry, of course you were. You loved the two of them, they were family to you, and with one of them gone you knew you couldn’t live after you lost the other.
“Well, have you ever stopped to think about what I fucking want? Ryan is dead! Ryan doesn’t have wants or needs or...or anything! I want to die! I don’t want to live anymore. Get that through your thick skull. And, for the love of all that’s ever been holy, quit actin’ like you knew us. You don’t, and won’t, know shit. You didn’t raise us, and you weren’t there when everything went to shit. We’re not your fuckin’ children. And we sure as shit ain’t your sister!” By the time they let it all out, you had sat back down and had taken the blow.
“That’s how it is, then? Hm?”
“Yeah. And quit telling me what I’m ‘supposed’ to do. I’ll move on when I damn well please, and you know what? Fuck you. You already movin’ on after we just pieced my sister back together and buried her in the backyard. The backyard, of some house, that we only knew for a year! She should’ve died old, with a family, or something! She...she should’ve died normally. Old age, or a stroke, or a fuckin’ heart attack...I don’t know! But instead, she got eaten alive, and blew her brains out before she could become one of those things! So don’t talk to me about moving on, when we both know there’s no moving on from that.” They were in front of you now, tears streaming over the red of their cheeks, face hot from anger.
Since then, you’ve barely spoken to the other. Choosing to stay quiet during dinner, which began happening less and less with your shortage of food. You finally came to Sawyer one day, and told them that you couldn’t stay here any longer. That the streets have more and more Infected every week, and the whole town is empty of food.
They agreed, nodding their head in silent agreement, eyes drawn away from your own.
2 0 2 5.
Ryan’s name hasn’t left either of your mouths. Not during dinner, not even in passing. Not even in your sleep, did either of you cry out her name and sob afterwards.
After everything that happened, you left the house. The room she died in was loud, almost frighteningly so, and filled with the phantom screams of her last moments. Something, that both you and her sister, couldn’t quite stand beside anymore. So, you left. Walked and walked and walked, barely talking to the other at first. And sure as hell keeping her name out of your mouth.
You didn’t say her name again until a group took you in, asked you about your past, and you delivered. Spilled your hearts content onto the plastic table in front of you, until you broke down, and the lovely couple in front of you — Alex and his wife, Amy — stopped you, rubbing their hands on your back.
Although you’ve been through hell and back these last six years, Ryan always lingered. You’d see her in the corpses that littered streets and the homes you’d spend a few nights in. See her in the way Sawyer carried themself, or spoke, or cried.
You didn’t forgive eachother, you rarely talked of that argument in the dining room that night. You simply opted to get the hell over it, if you don’t talk about it then I guess it just didn’t happen. And now, being taken in by this group that call themselves the Burrowers, the conversation is begging to be had.
Sawyer didn’t stay with you long, you shared a home for four days before they left, got their own place. And you haven’t seen them since.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years ago
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"No. Absolutely not. Cancel it." He growled while you made a hurt and desperate sound at the immediate answer of your boyfriend.
"Kai please! My sister don't have anyone else to take care of her kids, and she is desperate!" You pleaded while he only arched one eyebrow at you.
"Then she should had hired a babysitter. Not give trouble for their sibling." He scoffed and returned his attention to the papers in front of him.
You sighed out loud and burried your face a bit in your hands.
"Then I guess I'm sending her a message to take them to my old apartment instead..."
He stopped abruptly on his reading to look at you.
"That won't be possible either." He said nonchantly while you arched a eyebrow.
"W-why not?"
"I sold your apartment." He said normally whil eyou widen your eyes in horror at your boyfriend's words.
"wHAT?!" you almost shouted while he sighed for you to lower your tone of voice "K-k-Kai! Why?!"
"First, you are living in here long enough, so that place won't be useful for you anymore. Second, we were in need of money and I talked to you about it."
"I don't remember you saying ANYTHING about selling my apartment!" He lifted one finger for you to wait before showing you in his cellphone a chat that you two exchanged.
Damn your distracted brain...
"Why do we again need that much money?" You sighed in hopeless.
He... wouldn't talk much about that issue right now... he was first going to talk with Pops. Later you.
"Is just a project from the yakusa angel, nothing to fuss over with."
You sighed again before frowning at your cellphone nuzzling on the pocket of your jeans.
"Anyway. The kids and I are staying in here aparently."
You merely deadpanned at his glare before you heard a muffled honk from the outside.
"You know, I can talk with that sister of yours and then-"
"Kai, no. Thanks a lot, but no. I know how my boyfriend is." You giggled while he frowned and debated with himself if he should lock the door or not...
He never met those one, but... he wasn't a fan of children... in the slightest.
It didn't take much for you to enter house with one girl and one boy holding each hand of yours, the girl had a wary look on her face while clinging to you while the boy looked around with nothing but interest.
"Its such a big place in here auntie (Y/n)!" The boy exclaimed while you laughed at his energy.
"Alright guys, remembering that this house has extremely importance; and quite honestly I have no idea how your parents let me take care of you two in here; so please be careful alrighty?" You crouched down to be eye level with the children, teh girl nodded while the boy smiled and high fived your hand.
Kai watched with a wary look on his face your interactions, sighing in defeat and choosing to place his hands on his pockets and come to you.
"Ah! Kai!" You smiled at him while the boy chosed to tilt his head at him while the girl stared blankly at him back "Those two little precious thing are my nephews! (B/n) and (G/n)!" You looked at them back with a smile that made both ease a bit their nerves.
"I see. Just instruct them to not cause any messes. You know how much I despise it." He said nonchalantly while making his way out... only deadpanning when he heard the boy asking why he said that and you simply answered that he was a cleaning maniac.
He is going to have a long talk with you.
Your laughter along with the kids made him lose focus more than once...
What it was so fun about those little pests? Children are loud, annoying, never follow your orders correctly and dirty... he couldn't get why and even how you could be genuinely happy around one of those.
After two screams of the kids he made his way out, thinking about the worst and his heart almost jumped at seing you layed on the grass with eyes completely closed and the kids shocking you a bit.
"I told you it was a bad idea you idiot!" The girl said in irritation while she shook you and begged you to wake up.
"It was just to be a little scare! Not to make aunt faint!" The boy exclaimed while doing the same thing as his sister.
His jaw clenched as his hands turned into fists, already preparing to demand answers from those brats on what they had done with his angel before you suddenly opened your eyes and screamed to scare them.
"Ha! Think only you two can do pranks?! Take that then!" You grabbed both of the children and gave each one of them raspberries on their necks, the boy succumbed into laughter as the girl squirmed and begged for you to stop, trying her hardest to not laugh.
... huh. So he didn't needed to worry. The sign in front of him seemed almost... cozy even.
Wait... what?
He walked through the halls, screeching a bit his wrist from all of his writing before he heard your voice from the kitchen.
"So you kiddos want what for eating? Already warning that junk food is not a option..." he heard nothing for a bit seconds before you whined "I'm sorry! Please dont do the pouts! I can make something else though!"
"Oh!" He heard the boy's voice "I know something then!"
Curiosity spoked louder than his knowledge so he peaked a bit on the kitchen, enough to look but the necessary for not being caught.
"Peanut sandwich!" The boy exclaimed while the girl arched a eyebrow at him.
"Mommy doesn't let you eat those things." The boy pouted at her before making a 'shh' sound to her while she rolled her eyes at him.
"Thanks for the honesty (G/n). Mommy also told me this due to your allergy mister!" You poked teh boy's nose as he poked his tongue out with a smile.
"Hum..." you brought your hand and poked your chin a couple of times with your index finger a bit before snapping your fingers "How about some sandwiches that are not all boring healthy neither much junky then?"
The kids looked at eachother before nodding while you giggled at their actions and quickly made their specific ones.
He noticed that the girl was by one or two even years older than the boy, and was definitely more reserved than her brother while the boy was simply the energy itself. But even the two being so different, both widened their eyes in awe after they took their bites when you handed their lunches.
"Amazing auntie!" The boy exclaimed before unpolitely digging his food while the girl simply stared in awe.
"Aunt, please cook instead of my mommy. Please."
"God no." You said in exasperation "She might kill me for that sweetie, dont do that."
He smirked a bit at that as he made his way out with hands on his pockets.
"I can see that when we have children she is the one spoiling the brats..." he muttered to himself before abruptly stopping on his tracks and widening his eyes in horror of what he just said.
Him? You? Children? You guys weren't even marriage! Why the hell was he even speaking about damn brats?!
No way that you and him were going to have a kid. Those gave much work, planning and pacience-
"You kiddos want me to what?" His attention got back to you as he listened your voice this time coming from the living room... aparently you just got there since minutes ago you were in teh kitchen.
"Tell is a story!" The boy exclaimed while the girl hummed in agreement.
"You always comes with the best stories aunt, please?" Teh girl asked while he followed your voices, catching the you had sitted down and the kids on both of your sides.
"Alright then..."
You chosed a fairly tale, a not much know of but it was slightly impressive how calm and... gentle you were with your words, the way you carresed the kids hair was similiar with how you carresed his own hair on a bad day..
He never noticed neither catched that you looked like the best example of a... real mother. Caring and loving... his own mother he couldn't point neither convince himself of only one time that she acted like this way with him.
He had so many troubles with his biological... that he never thought that true love with a child was even possible. He owned his life to Pops, but the yakusa was almost deprived of womans, and even some of them were generally like their atmosphere. Rigg, cold, reserved...
Yourself acted like that as well when the necessary time came... but never with him. And aparently you loved your nephews to treat them like he did.
He immediately got out and walked through the houses with a frown on his forehead... thoughts of you holding a baby on your arms and being just as or even more gentle and lovingly with a child that was also... his. A child thhat he had no shame neither disgust to have with you...
Dear lord what was happening?! When his heart started to beat so fast? When he started to care for children in the first place?! God you two weren't even marriage why on hell he was-
"Chisaki?" He snapped from hsi thoughts to see Pops looking at him with a concerned face "My boy, I called you at least five times and you didn't even listened?"
"I'm sick." He said nonchalantly to the elder "I need to find a cure or a treatment."
The old man only got more concerned as he looked at his sucessor.
"What do you mean? You seem perfectly fine at least physically. What is the issue?"
"Ever since (Y/n)'s nephews got here it started." He brought his hand to hold his chin in thought "Maybe it was because of them... I'm not sure, they are too young to have a quirk so it's not that either."
"You're feeling like you have a fever then young man?"
"No. Is not that. Ever since they came I can't stop thinking of (Y/n) with a child on her arms, a toddler or even a infant. That looks like me and her, a mix or whatever."
The elder let out a disbelieving laugh which only triggered Chisaki even more.
"So you're telling me that you're having baby fever?" Thhe way Chisaki's eyes widen in horror were quite concerning for Pops and he almost went to speak if it wasn't-
"You're joking that is a actual illness... Fuck, I need to find a cure, buy it or something-"
"Kai. I raised you better than this... please." The elder interrupted while Chisaki only glared at the man, whose face was just as unimpressed as his.
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whitestaghere · 4 years ago
I'm here - Edmund Pevensie x reader (Chapter 4)
Hi guys! I'm back with chapter 4! I really hope you guys enjoy reading this. I'm enjoying writing this, probably cuz it's my first time writing a fic for Edmund. Enjoy! ❤️
Edmund's Pov
"Ed, we're home!"
I heard the familiar voice of my little sister. Turning around I smiled at them, "hey."
Lucy ran upto me engulfing me in a hug but pulling away looking at me confused.
"Hello! Are you a friend of Edmund's?"
I looked behind me and realised. Moving to a side to show her in full view I introduced her, "hey so umm, I'd like you to meet y/n.. Y/n these are my siblings."
The youngest who spoke from before walked upto y/n with her hand held out, "hello there, I'm Lucy! It's a pleasure to meet you."
She smiled back at her. "It's a pleasure meeting you too."
"Peter," he shook her hand giving her a warm smile.
"I'm Susan," she gave her a small smile.
Peter looked between y/n and I, "why have you never introduced us before?"
I looked at y/n with a flustered expression, "well you see.. we met eachother today."
"You mean you just became friends?" Lucy chirped.
I nodded.
"Why don't we go inside?" I gestured for them to go inside.
Peter and Susan nodded their heads in agreement while Lucy walked past me with a yawn.
I looked at y/n. She looked so worried.
Walking upto her with that unknown confidence I get whenever I'm around her, I took her hand in mine.
"Don't worry, I'll explain it all.. their really nice once you get to know them."
Soon enough her smile returned. I felt my cheeks burn and looked away immediately, hoping she wouldn't notice.
Hand in hand, we walked inside.
Timeskip >>>
After explaining everything I finally let out a rather loud sigh.
Peter seemed to be thinking while Susan and Lucy sat by y/n trying to comfort her.
"Well it shouldn't be that hard.." Peter suddenly exclaimed. "I mean to find her home.. she probably got here by foot and well... if she did, she could be from somewhere nearby.
I nodded my head.
"Well why don't we call it a night?" Susan suddenly stood up. "It's been a long day even for you both.. so let's get some rest."
We all agreed.
Y/n stood up and cleared her throat, "I really hope I'm not being a bother. I owe you all a lot.."
Peter chuckled, "we're human aren't we? Don't worry y/n, it's not a big deal."
I smiled at her, her face lightning up.
"Y/n, you can sleep in my room if you'd like to," Lucy said looking rather excited.
Y/n looked at me as if to ask approval. I just gave her a smile, which she returned.
"I would love to Lucy, thank you.." Lucy squealed at that, giving her a little side hug. I noticed y/n blushing. Cute.
Everyone began to leave to their rooms. Before y/n could leave to Lucy's room I grabbed her by her wrist.
She looked back at me. Her pupils dilated a little bit, probably because I caught her at once.
She calmed down noticing it was me and smiled, "what is it, Ed?"
"I told you they'd like you.."
She giggled.
"Thank you Ed.."
"Don't thank me. I'm glad I could help. Plus Lucy seems to like you a lot already."
She let out a small laugh, "she's adorable."
"Are you coming y/n?" Lucy chirped.
"I'll be right there Lucy..." she looked at me, "well then, goodnight Ed."
"Goodnight y/n, I'll see you in the morning."
She smiled at me and followed Lucy to her room.
I smiled to myself.
My little moment was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I looked to my side only to see Peter. He was leaning against the wall, with a smug grin on his face.
"What are you looking at?"
Peter let out a low laugh, "oh you know.. just observing."
"Observing what?" I frowned playfully.
"Oh your attempts on flirting of course," he smirked at me.
I scoffed, "I do not know what you're talking about." I pushed past him and walked into my room.
"You're denying the facts."
I raised my eyebrow at him and closed the door to my room.
"GOODNIGHT ED!" He yelled, a chuckle following soon after.
I sat on my bed with my hands covering my face.
Is he right? I mean was I really trying to flirt with her? I've never felt this drawn to a person before.
I fell flat on my bed. Ughhh. Why do I feel like this? Do I really like her? Or is it just that she's really nice... but no, that's no reason for me to keep blushing whenever I'm around her.
Closing my eyes, I pictured her.
The way she looks at me, the sound of her laughter, that soft smile she gives me. The feeling of her hands in mine.
I looked at my hands smiling. I can't wait till tomorrow.
Slowly I felt myself drifting off to sleep.
The next morning
Y/n's Pov
Opening my eyes slowly I stretched my body.
"Oh good morning y/n!" Lucy came into the room.
"Good morning Lucy. Oh, wait.. did I oversleep? I'm sorry."
"No, no you didn't. I just woke up a little early and decided to stay up anyway.. did you have a good sleep?" she sat down beside me.
Adjusting myself I sat down beside her, "I sure did, thank you Lucy."
She smiled at me, "stop thanking me y/n. It was a pleasure. By the way, breakfast is ready. Susan set you some clothes so, you can go freshen up."
I smiled back at her, "okay, thank you."
Lucy giggled, "I told you, no thank you's!"
I couldn't help but laugh.
Getting out of bed I headed to the washroom and got myself ready for the day. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't resist the smile that came up on my face.
Susan's clothes were a perfect fit and I really loved the blue t-shirt. Blue being my favourite colour of course.
I felt so thankful.
Walking out of the washroom and heading towards the hallway I bumped into someone.
"Woah there~"
That voice.
I looked up at him. Edmund held me by my waist holding me steady, giving me the smile I absolutely adored.
"Good morning Ed!"
"Good morning love," I blushed at the nickname he gave me. Did he really call me that? Or was I just hearing things?
I smiled at him. I couldn't take my eyes off his. I missed him, even though it had just been one night.
"Oh? Am I interrupting something?" being so absorbed in the moment we didn't notice that someone had walked in on our moment.
Edmund and I looked at the owner of the voice only to see Peter.
He smirked at us eyeing our position.
Then was it only that realisation hit the both of us.
Edmund was holding me by my waist. My arms were wrapped around his neck and we barely had any space between us.
We pushed away from eachother at the same time adjusting our clothes.
Peter only laughed at this, "come on, love birds.. let's go have breakfast."
I blushed even more at the nickname. Love birds? Really? I looked at Edmund from the corner of my eyes. He was blushing a bright pink.
I giggled. And walked after Peter with Edmund following right behind me.
And that's it for chapter 4! I hope you all enjoyed it! <3 Much love and stay safe everyone!
To be continued...
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sincerlypadfoot · 4 years ago
Dungeons and Dragons (1)
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Word Count -  1908
“Charlie where are you taking me?” I asked as Charlie Weasley grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the library. Charlie and I had been dating for almost five years, just at the start of third year.
“I just wanna show you some Lyla, come on,” He shouted taking me by his side. “You're gonna love this one,” Charlie chuckled wrapping his arm around me.
“We have N.E.W.Ts soon and I was studying, what could be more important then that?” I questioned looking up at Charlie who was determined to get to his destination.
“Dragons,” Charlie whispered making my mouth drop. “I found some outside of the forbinon forest, come on,”  He explained making me more interesting in where he was taking me.
“You found them?” I questioned shocked. “Well walk faster I wanna see them,” I chuckled as Charlie and I started running together.
“It was in class, no one noticed but me, some dragons eggs were laying outside of the forbidden forest, just some baby ones,” Charlie explained practically kicking the door open so we could get outside faster. “I have to tell you something,” Charlie said stopping me before we could run down the hill.
“What is it?” I asked him as we both looked at eachother. “I wanna see the dragons,” I jumped excited, looking at the edge of the forest and seeing nothing.
“Marry me,” Charlie said grabbing my hands and kneeling on one knee holding a ring out with his other hand. “Come to Romania with me after graduation, come study animals, dragons,” He said squeezing my hands. “It’s what you want and what I want, so we don’t have to be apart,” He said smiling nervously.
“Of course I will,” I shouted throwing myself over Charlie and tossing my hands over him, hugging him tight. “What will your mother say?” I asked dropping myself from him. His slipping the ring onto my finger and smiled looking down at it.
“I haven't told her yet, or anyone in my family, but,” Charlie hesitated, pulling in for a hug. “It’s us against the world,” He whispred kissing the top of my head. Weeks passed and summer break started, ending in Charlie and I going home to the borrow, trying to find the perfect way to make the announcement.
“Hey Ginny,” I said to the nine year old ginger girl who stood infornt of me as Charlie entered the house. 
“Lyla, can we talk,” Charlie whispred walking up the stairs to his room, I moved Ginny's hair out of her face and followed Charlie up the stairs, to his own room. “I’m gonna do it, at dinner tonight, tell my family that we’re gonna get married and move to Romania together, are you ready,” He said grabbing my hands nervously.
“You and I against the world,” I quoted pulling him in for a kiss. “Your family will still love you either way, and they love me what could go wrong?” I chuckled trying to calm him down.
“So many things could go wrong tonight?” Charlie said placing his hands in his pockets and sitting on his bed. “They could just kick me out, not support us getting married, not want us to go to Romani,” He said nervous.
“Your going to Romania and getting married?” Bill said standing at the door. “Congratulations little brother,” Bill said bring Charlie into a hug. “Does mom know?” He asked sitting beside us and looked at the ring on my finger. “I love it,” he chuckled.
“No, we were gonna tell her tonight, but i’m nervous,” Charlie explained as I put my hand on top of his. “I just don’t want them to freak out, or anything, I want it to be perfect and it’s what we wanna do,” Charlie said holding onto my hand.
“Mom and dad are gonna have a feast,” Bill chuckled almost falling back. “You think that they would be angry that your marrying the girl that you’ve been in love with since the moment you saw her and you wanna pursue something with Lyla together,” Bill said smiling. “Mom and dad are going to be so happy, i’m so happy,” Bill said tossing his arms over the both of us.
“Supper's ready,” Molly Weasley yelled out, followed by the footsteps of the twins running down the stairs racing each other.
“Come on,” Bill said unraveling himself from us. “Mom and dad are gonna love this,” He said joyful of news he had just overheard. Charlie, Bill and I all walked down the stairs and sat the normal dinner table we all sat at, every day when home.
“So you guys are done school now what are your plans?” Arthur asked starting the conversation up nice for the two of us. Charlie grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed, looking over at me and then to his family.
“We were thinking of getting married.” Charlie said lifting my hand up from under the table and revealing the ring that laid on my finger. “I saved up everything this year to get it,” He said interlocking our hands.
“Oh my,” Molly said standing up with a smile and walking over to the both of us. “I am so happy,” She cried out wrapping her hands around the both of us and kissing the top of our heads.
“Group hug!” Fred called out causing everyone to stand up including us two and having everyone hug us. “Good job,” Fred whispred in my ear causing me to look over at him and chuckle.
“We were also planning on moving to Romania after the wedding,” Charlie started saying after everyone let go of us. “Working with dragons together,” He said nervously looking at his family.
“Whatever you guys choose, it’s your life now,” Arthur said hugging Charlie and I together, causing another group hug. “Have you guys planned anything for the wedding?” He asked leaning beside Molly who had the biggest smile on her face.
“Nothing, it was just a complete surprise,” I chuckled looking at Charlie who smiled back. “We could have it here?” I suggested, Charlie nodded his head in agreement.
“I’ll start planning it, oh dear this is just the best,” Molly said giggling and happy. “Come on let’s finish supper,” She said pushing everyone to sit down.
“Ron are you excited to start hogwarts in september?” Charlie asked digging into the food infront of him.
“Yeah, i’m excited to get a wand,” Ron said with a smile munching on the chicken strips. Molly and Arthur looked at each other whispered intensity.
“Hey kid, you can have mine,” I said taking my wand out of my pocket and tossing him mine. “She has a mind of her own so watch out,” I chuckled as Ron caught my wand in his hands. We all finished dinner and went our separate ways for the night.
“You know that when better then how I thought it was gonna go,” Charlie chuckled as I laid on his chest and he ran his fingers through my hair.
“Everything is gonna work out fine, we’re gonna get married,” I smiled looking up at him. “You’ve been in love with me since the moment you saw me,” I joked turning around to face him, mocking his brothers voice.
“Oh shut up,” Charlie chuckled again leaning in to kiss me. “You know my moms gonna go crazy with this wedding,” He whispred in between us kissing. I stopped and looked at him.
“I’ve known you guys for almost eight years, I know how your mom is with weddings,” I chuckled looking at his face. “Your gonna look hot with dragons,” I said putting my hand on his face. 
“Come on now, raise the tent with me,” Arthur called to Charlie and Bill who were both of age to help raise the tent with their dad, I watched from the window, not ready and in my head.
“Hey,” Ginny said causing me to turn around and look at her. “Does this mean your gonna be my sister?” She asked looking up at him, I moved my hair out of my face and smiled back at her.
“I was always your sister Ginny,” I chuckled bending down so we were face to face. “Since the day I met you,” I said poking her nose. 
“Your not dressed?” Molly said walking in the kitchen to Ginny and I. “Come on we need to get you ready!” She said grabbing my hand and dragging me to the living room. With a swing of her wand a long white wedding dress appeared on me that was once in her room. 
“I love it,” I smiled looking down at the long dress then pulling her into a hug. “Mom.” I chuckled making her laugh.
“Can I come in!” George and Fred shouted banging on the house door. “Charlie and dad are driving us crazy,” The shouted again opening the door before we could reply. Everyone got everything ready, Molly made it her quest to keep Charlie away from me the whole day until the wedding.
“Lyla,” Charlie said from the other side of the door, I stood in his room looking in the mirror that stood across from me. “I know you look beautiful right now,” he whispred leaning his head on the door. “I get to see you in a couple minutes, I just wanna say I love you,”  He added so I turned around to face the door.
“I love you too,” I replied opening the door a bit and sticking my head out. “You look cute,” I chuckled checking him out. 
“Charlie Weasley outside,” Molly said coming around the corner. Charlie gave my lips a bit of a peck and walked away smiling at his mother. “We’re all set up and everyone is here if you’d like to come out now,” Molly said opening the door and looking at me.
“This is a once in a lifetime moment,” I said nervous, walking out of the room and into the hallway. “I’m ready,” I said with a smile following Molly down the stairs, from the window people were all sitting around inside the tent that the three boys had set up in the morning.
Everyone stood up as Molly and I walked arms together into the tent, Charlies face lit up when he saw me, looking over at his brothers who stood beside him, I looked around for a sight of my family but not one showed up. The rest of the night we danced and laughing our hearts off, having the time of our lives.
“We’re married,” Charlie shouted raising his glass in the air. “I wanna take this time to tell everyone that my wife is beautiful!” He continued shouting downing his drink then picking me up in his arms. “I love this girl,” He yelled kissing me making me laugh and everyone else cheer and scream.
“I wanna make a toast,” I shouted as Charlie put me down, I held onto him catching my balance. “I’m a weasley,” I yelled chuckling, raising my glass and watching everyone else do the same. “To hogwarts!” I yelled again drinking my drink and looking up at Charlie. 
“This is the start of something wonderful.” Charlie said wrapping his arms around me. “Lets dance,” And as cue a slow song came on and the lights dimmed, ending the night in a heartfelt way.
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