#my sincerest apologies for the confusion
nartothelar · 21 days
Please I thought your most recent post said “Milfed” and I was so excited 😭😭
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euthymiya · 2 months
parasite — ft. ryomen sukuna
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sukuna desires your presence late at night—oddly, it’s not for his pleasures. alternatively: true form sukuna and his begrudging attempt to cuddle
before you read: fem concubine reader (his favvv concubine) ; heian era true form sukuna ; references to previous sexual activities ; references to previous cannibalism (canon sukuna activities) ; reader is a bit cheeky ; more or less fluff (as fluffy as you can get with true form sukuna, at least)
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Sukuna should eat you. You wouldn’t be the first concubine he’s devoured. Probably not the last, either. Instead, he waits impatiently for you to arrive at his chambers.
Finally, there’s a knock on his door.
“Enter,” he commands.
“You’ve summoned for me, my lord?” Comes your obedient reply as you slowly, cautiously step in. You study him for a fleeting moment, only relaxing slightly once you realize he doesn’t seem angered.
“I did. Come.”
That’s all he says…because, well, how is Sukuna meant to explain he’s summoned you here to lay beside him?
(It’s your fault, actually—this pathetic and abominable desire stems from your doing alone. You’re a tad bit bolder amongst the concubines, a bit more expressive in your desires than the others dare to be.
Yes, you let him have his way with you, and yes, you hardly complain when he’s less than gentle. Quite the opposite of complain, in fact. But afterwards…well, afterwards, you are needy.
Exceedingly so.
You dare to curl into his chest and tuck yourself against his side, leeching onto the warmth of his body like a parasite he should kill for the audacity. But…there is something about the way you speak in that hushed, gentle tone of yours. It’s always coupled by your grin.
That radiant, bright, horrible little grin.
The roses are coming nicely, my lord—though, I’ve pricked more than a few fingers tending to them.
Did you hear my lord? There’s been word that two of the servants have ended their romantic endeavors. How sad, no?
Today I’ve made a little friend, my lord. A small humming bird seems to have attached itself to my side no matter where I go in the gardens. I do hope it’ll visit me again tomorrow.
You tell him everything. Silly, stupid, ridiculous nonsense that you spout from your daringly talkative lips. And he…he listens. He listens well, in fact. He hears every overly detailed recount of your day and somehow, for some odd reason, he doesn’t seem to forget the useless information you insist of badgering him with.
And he’s grown accustomed. It’s your doing, he realizes—you’ve forced him into a routine he now finds too habitual to fall into.)
“Yes, my lord,” is all you say to his orders, walking closer to him where he lays sprawled on his bed. Without wasting a moment, you begin to undress yourself, letting your robes fall past your shoulders and begin to expose the beginnings of your chest.
He grunts in irritation before saying, “I did not summon you here for that.”
“O-oh,” you quickly pull your clothes to cover yourself, almost like that small bit of cleavage has left you more exposed than you’ve ever been. You don’t meet his eyes, staring at your feet in embarrassment as you mumble, “My sincerest apologies, my lord. I…I was under the assumption you had summoned me for your usual desires, so—”
“Enough,” he silences you. You quickly close your mouth. (Such a talkative one, you are. He’s always noticed this about you). “Come.”
This time, he gestures ever so slightly to the empty space beside him on his bed. So slightly, that you’d think it took every inch of his efforts to gather enough willpower and set aside his pride to invite you over.
You hesitantly walk over, seating yourself on the edge of the mattress beside him as you look over at him in utter confusion—and then, as you let out a sharp gasp, a strong hand grabs your wrist while the neighboring arm wraps around your waist and pulls you to lay draped across his chest the way you usually like to.
It feels odd, he notes, having you pressed against him with your clothes in the way. He’s used to your nude, bare figure. Perhaps he should have allowed you to disrobe, after all—but having you like this, regardless of being dressed or not, is already much better than before.
He’s almost infuriated by how much easier he can rest when you’re tucked against him.
“M-my lord?” Your voice quivers in shock, looking up at him in more confusion than fear.
He likes the fact that there isn’t as much fear as he expected. Odd, he thinks to himself faintly, Sukuna loves the feeling of being feared.
He decides not to dwell too much on it for the sake of his own peace for now as he grunts, “Sleep. If you don’t wish to be eaten.”
Silently, you relax against his body, molding into him the way you do in that post coital way you’ve gotten him accustomed to. Such a pointless, meaningless gesture that you always seem hell bent on seeking out—somehow, in some way, now you’ve got him doing the same.
He really should eat you.
“You know,” you murmur, giggling quietly, “It’s a bit funny.”
“What is?” He asks dangerously. Still, you don’t fear him.
He’s starting to question a bit whether you’re plain stupid or smarter than you let on. Do you lack fear because you’re ignorant to his evils? Or are you smart enough to realize something keeps him from harming you?
Even he’s unsure of the answer.
“I was just thinking about how nice it is to sleep surrounded by your warmth when the servant informed that you had sent for me,” you hum, “It makes for easy rest, you see. It’s almost as though you’ve read my mind.
He’s silent. And then, “You talk a lot,” comes his gruff reply.
“Sorry,” you whisper, closing your eyes. “I shall be quiet if that is what you wish—”
“I did not say to stop,” he responds, slightly agitated. (Why, he has to question, is he so agitated by the prospect of your silence? Surely…surely he can’t enjoy your incessant blabbering.)
“Oh,” you perk up. “I see.”
Instantly, that radiant, bright smile stretches across your features again. You don’t belong beside such a dark, evil spirit such as himself—but, he thinks, you will never get away with escaping him. Ever.
Not that you’ve ever given even an inkling of suspicion that you’d like to, but resolutely, he decides you will never be free of him.
“My lord?” You whisper, breaking him of his thoughts.
His grunt is more of a command than a question. You seem rather fond all the same.
“Is there something on your mind? You seem…deep in thought, you know.” Gently, boldly, you reach over, thumb delicately smoothing over the crinkles between his furrowed brows.
He glances down at you for a moment through the corners of his eyes. The slight mischief in your pupils answers his earlier question—you’re smart. Infinitely so.
You’ve long come to the conclusion that Sukuna can never muster up the desire to see you in harms way. Especially not by his hand.
It slightly eases him to know you are aware, but it puts him in a deeply sour mood just as much.
“Sleep,” he grumbles, tugging you closer with a tightening of his arm around your waist, “You talk too much, woman.”
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He just needs a little cuddle to go sleep 🥹 <- me babyfying the worst man ever (but he’s MY worst man ever)
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cinnaflurr · 3 months
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hi guys ive come back with nightwing :) this is 100% not at all influenced by any personal bias bc nightwing is definitely not at all me core 😁
(this is a semi continuation off the last comic so if ur confused by jason check that one here) damian or cass maybe next !!
BTW i accidentally wrote that maps was new but a kind person corrected me on one of my reblogs!! (reposting their message so i dont spread misinformation Again) ↓
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my sincerest apologies for the mistake (but tysm)!! 🙏
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Capitano x GN Reader (SAGAU)
Am I writing this nearly a year after I said I would? Yes. My bad gang, the procrastination got the better of me. Honestly, looking back over my old writing on this account, I’m shocked I didn’t do Capitano sooner because I was/am obsessed with this tall, beefy man. (ngl, while reading some of my old writing, i was kicking my feet a little, past me was lowkey good at writing when I wanted to be). This is loosely based around what I was planning on writing for him last year, so hopefully it fits well into the story?
Contains - Capitano being actually so whipped for you, him trying to keep his distance and failing miserably, he ignores you for like a minute and you end up contemplating your life choices (real, i'm so not projecting here), he is very insecure about not being good enough for you (despite being the perfect man), dottore is lowkey more likeable here than in his own ending, mentions of murder, obsessive behaviour from all the fatui
Part one is here - the masterlist for the other endings is here
It almost surprised you quickly the Harbingers fell silent, as though even one word from you had stolen the air from their lungs, their arguments trailing away into a deafening silence. You waited, a confusing mix of anticipation and fear filling your chest as you stared at the half-opened door.
But no one came.
There were soft whispers and retreating footsteps, shadows that crept across your room as people bustled around in the hallway (Was it a hallway? Or another room? You couldn’t be certain). You heard a cold female voice giving hushed orders, but even her voice faded as you waited uneasily for some recognition of your words, of your pleading call for Capitano.
But no one came.
He had been there, outside your door, you knew that for certain. You heard him, condemning the other nations for attacking you, another Harbinger had even called him by name. So why was is, that when you called his name, he did not answer? Was he too busy, too disinterested, too proud, to speak with you? The door remained unmoving, and you began to wish that you had never said anything in the first place, even as you refused to look away from the door.
But no one came. 
It had been a mistake, you decided. Whatever offence you had somehow caused him was clearly great enough for him to ignore you, to reject your pleading request for him, to turn his back on the chambers that you rested in. Perhaps, when the other Harbingers returned, you could ask them to pass along your sincerest apologies to your favourite Harbinger (although you would not mention that he was your favourite to them). Maybe that would heal whatever rift had apparently formed between-
“Your Grace?”
Capitano stood in the doorway, straight-backed and with his hands clenched at his sides. Even a cursory glance could tell you that he was not thrilled about having to be in your presence.
“I’m sorry for my tardiness. I was asking the other Harbingers if any of them were able to attend to you in my stead, but it seems they are … unavailable.”
He slowly stepped into the room and made his way over to the fireplace, keeping a large distance between the two of you as he did so, refusing to step too close to the bed you sat in. 
“If you have any pressing concerns or questions, I can pass them along to the other Harbingers or to the Tsaritsa. I’m afraid that I will be of little help to you, but I will see to it that the others are aware of your needs.”
This was worse than being ignored, you decided. His cold, impersonal words, his desire to keep his distance from you, even his stiff posture, it also pointed to one thing. He hated you. He could barely stand to be in a room with you, let alone make conversation with you. 
You felt silly all of a sudden, for thinking that your favourite character would hold any sort of affection towards you. You felt a sudden tightness in your throat, and had to fight back the tears that threatened to appear.
“I’m very sorry to bother you so trivally, Capitano. I had just wished to speak to you, but if you are busy, I will not keep you. Please, return to your duties.”
You were impressed by how steady you were able to keep your voice, even as you still fought back tears. But Capitano did not move, instead he almost seemed to tense up more. 
“I did not mean-” To your shock his voice wavered more than yours and his composed facade seemed to crumble in an instant.
“It is not that I do not wish to serve you, I just… I don’t … I can’t…”
He hesitantly took a step forward, then another, before falling to his knees by your bedside. You watched, mind still reeling at how quickly his demeanour had changed, as his shaking, gloved hands clutched at his chest, as though he feared his heart might stop at any moment.
“Please, I beg you, do not hate me! I could not- I cannot live with myself if you think I adore anyone or anything else more than you. But I cannot serve you, I am not worthy. I failed you, when you arrived at Zapolyarny Palace, I was unable to help you! I am-”
His frantic words were cut off with a sudden sob, and tears began to appear at the bottom of his mask, dripping down his chin. His breaths were shallow and desperate, with his hands upon his chest digging into his flesh more with every passing moment. 
“Capitano…” You whispered softly, still trying to make sense of his suddenly erratic behaviour, while also wanting to soothe whatever pain he was suffering. 
“I am not like the other Harbingers. I am useless to you, Divine One. When you were brought to the palace, I was asked to bring you upstairs, so the Doctor could operate on you, but I was too scared. I feared that if I touched you, you would shatter to pieces in my grasp. My hands were not made to be gentle and you were already so close to death, I could not do it. The boy, Tartaglia, was the one who carried you in the end. I was too cowardly.”
“You don’t need to compare yourselves to the others, Capitano. You were merely concerned for my safety.”
“You do not understand. The Doctor brought every one of his segments home so they could operate on you together. When your wound became infected and a fever took you, Signora lay by your side and kept you cool, even as your skin burned. Pantalone has not slept since you arrived and he will not sleep, he says, until your chambers are furnished to perfection. Arlecchino has sent out every member of the House of the Hearth to kill those who dared to harm you, with orders to return with their heads as proof. And I sit here, idle, unable to assist you. The reason the other Harbingers could not attend to you, is because they are already doing so. I fail you, Your Grace, by being unable to find a way of serving you!”
You found yourself quite lost for words, unsure of how to respond to Capitano’s increasingly defeated behaviour. You weren’t really sure what you expected from The Captain, but this was definitely not it. His sadness and self-loathing made you want to ease his mind somehow, to find him a purpose that would hopefully make him, your favourite, feel more wanted. 
“I think … I think I might sleep now, Capitano.”
He merely nodded, before turning his face away from you and shakily standing once more.
“But-!” You lunged forward, grabbing him by his arm before he could move out of your grasp. His head whipped around, mask concealing whatever emotions his face might have shown.
“But I was wondering if you might stay? With all those people who tried to kill me, I would feel quite unsafe, sleeping alone and defenceless. I need someone strong to protect me and how fortunate am I that you do not have other duties to attend to, but can instead stay by my side!”
You paused, holding your breath, hoping that would be enough to convince him. He stared at you (at least, you assumed he was staring at you, the mask made it difficult) for a long moment, long enough that you began to wonder if he had even heard you properly.
“You want me to protect you, Your Grace? I… Yes. Yes, I can do that. Just- Just give me a moment.”
And he was gone, his arm pulled from your grasp, and his cloak swishing out the door. You barely had time to wonder what he had left for, before he returned. With a chair under one arm and a truly massive blade under the other, he swiftly reentered the room, positioning the chair right beside your bed. 
“There. Is that all right, Divine One? Do you need me to sit closer, or further away?”
“No, no, it’s fine, Capitano.” You laughed, grateful that he seemed more … positive? At the very least, he didn’t appear to be as miserable as before.
You lay back down, turning to face Capitano, who was balancing the sword across his lap as he watched you. Under normal circumstances, the idea of sleeping in the same room as somebody with a sword would have freaked you out, but with the stress of the last few days catching up to you, you found yourself more tired than you had realised.
You stretched a hand out towards Capitano wordlessly, who eyed it apprehensively.
“Can you hold my hand?”
He stared at your hand for a few more moments, before slowly placing his own hand upon yours, so softly that you could barely feel it. 
“Sweet dreams, Your Grace.”
Finally, we got there! Hopefully yall like this, i feel like the ending is a bit rushed, but god I love a man who pines. I’m probably going to write Pantalone next, this lowkey gave me some ideas for his ending. I’m also thinking about writing some non sagau stuff, I've got some thoughts about arranged marriage stuff with diluc and ayato <3
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dipperscavern · 4 months
Ok, just read your blurb about being Jessica’s assistant and being nicknamed baby.
What if the origin of baby was that someone was giving baby shit and someone else (Harvey perhaps) says the classic line “no one puts baby in the corner” when coming to her defense. Then it just kind of spirals from there and no one gives her shit again.
Also feel free to ignore this, literally just my first thought when reading your post!
oh my god. when i tell you i SCREAMED this is so genius & yummy.. PHEW. i know exactly what ur referencing ily & thank u so much for the ask! 🫶🏻
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“I’m just saying, the assistant to the Jessica Pearson.. and your desk looks like this?”
you roll your eyes, the hint of a playful expression on your face. while you knew he wasn’t being completely serious, you liked your desk — pink things, trinkets, & personal touches all. you found decorating your desk as a fun way of personal expression, and you were so damn good at your job, jessica didn’t care.
“Would you like to re-decorate for me?”
your reply is dripping sarcasm, a playful tone in your voice that masks how you really feel. you look up at the few bored associates hanging around your desk, and they snicker at your reply.
“Yes I will, thank you. It’s.. something. Could use a more professional look.”
that makes you frown. something? more professional? what started out as a joke seemed more like a personal attack the more it went on. tom, the associate who’s mouth was moving, never seemed to know when to stop. you’re about to say something when a miracle in the flesh steps in your line of sight — harvey specter.
it’s ironic, really. he radiates business when the very reason he came over to your desk was to shoo off the associates bothering you. he looks around to the people that have now stiffened up in his presence, and he gives them an almost confused look.
“And what the hell are you doing?”
tom swallows. “Just- messing around. Sir.”
“What?” harvey looks around. “What’s wrong, you.. don’t like her desk? Is that the nationwide issue we’re facing today?”
you look up at harvey, a faux expression of sympathy on your face. “He doesn’t like the color pink, sir.”
that makes harvey’s brow raise, for two reasons. one, his associates shouldn’t have the time to be complaining about any colors. & two, you’ve been on a first name basis with harvey for a year. he doesn’t mind people calling him sir, but he definitely does mind when it’s you, batting your lashes & giving him a look thats sure to distract him for the rest of the day.
“You shouldn’t have time to worry about the color pink. Time is money, money is time, and if you have time to complain then your workload must not be large enough to satiate your.. innate genius.”
harvey pulls out his cellphone while talking, as if he couldn’t be bothered to give them the time of day — which he really can’t. he’s not really typing anything, but they’ll never know that.
“Don’t be sad she’s not as miserable as the rest of you. Get back to work.”
mumbles of “yes sir” can be heard throughout the office as they move to gather their things & get up, obeying the order given to them with only slight disdain.
“Thanks, Harvey.”
he reaches for the two-pack of oreos on your desk, grabbing one & handing it back to you.
“Nobody puts baby in the corner.”
this makes your brows furrow as you smile, & he bites into his cookie as you reach for yours. he quickly notices the look on your face.
“Dirty dancing?”
he gives you a look of his own. “Sir?”
you smile as he walks away, getting back to work of his own. & you fail to notice the associates ears tuned into your small conversation as you bite into your cookie. hey, what’s the worst that could happen?
“Thanks, Baby.”
“Hey, Baby, could you-“
“Where’s Baby?”
“I need this for Baby.”
you stand corrected. jessica pearson herself joins in after a mere day. “Baby, I need you to reschedule that meeting with Mr. Sawyer. Give him my sincerest apologies- I gotta run.”
“Yes ma’am.”
she quickly gathers her things & leaves, in a rush to complete her full schedule. once she’s gone, you put your head in your hands, sighing. your official nickname is baby.
and you like it.
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dollcherray · 6 months
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Yandere Oliver x shy reader
tw: Uhh yanderes are their own warning, obsessive behavior, Bullying, OOC in some parts(?) sadism(?) suggestive if you squint, isolation, toxic relationship, guilt tripping, please remember that this is not a healthy way to love someone nor its hot so always seek help if u encounter a person like this. theres some english mistakes too, sincerest apologies
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୨୧ Oliver is a little piece of shit, we all know that so right off the bat, it would be no small feat that he would make fun of you, you were really asking for it in his vision just by the way you acted, he probably already would be the meanest of them all, and with you being shy? just doubles it.
୨୧ You were probably a new student that just got into the school, you probably would hang out with Abbie, which just drawed his attention to you more and obviously, making him mentally draw this big red target in ur back, congrats, you're now another target of his bullying.
୨୧ By the time he's been teasing you, Oliver would start to develop a very strange feeling everytime he saw you, he didnt know what that feeling was but it was growing everytime he would catch you in his eye sight.
୨୧ When he realizes, he's already too obsessed with you and he honestly dont know how someone so popular and tough like him got so enthralled by someone so shy and pathetic like you, but the reasons were diverse, he just doesnt see it. (or refuses to see it)
୨୧ It was probably Zip who would make him aware about his "crush" by teasingly asking if he was in love when she catched him staring at you too much, of course, Zip didnt know the deep lovesickness her friend developed for the shy student they usually picked up on.
୨୧ from that moment on, Oliver would make your life hell, the bullying would get way worse, if you had any friends, they would suddenly cut ties with you out of the blue or avoid you in general.
୨୧ Oliver would definitely use that to make you feel bad and more fragilized, he likes instigating those bad feelings on you because of your reactions, maybe hes just a sadist.
୨୧ Oliver is mean, obsessive, possessive, over protective and manipulative, often using your shy nature to his advantage and entertainment, making you do things for him and etc...
୨୧ Oliver after some time would manipulate you into staying more with him and his little trio, saying that at least you wouldnt stay alone anymore and that made you really confused and a bit suspicious but you knew how cruel he is and knew better than questioning him, so you just tagged along, you thought that maybe it would get better from there. little did you know that it would actually get worse from there.
୨୧ Oliver would grow more desperate and possessive of his love the more time passes, he would often fantasize lots of things with him and you and when you notice it, he wouldnt even let you stay with the trio anymore, you could only stay with him.
୨୧ You didnt have any other friends other than him, even though you didnt really consider him a friend, and if you tried to get some new friends, he would make those new friends avoid you in the same or next day.
୨୧ If you try to ignore him or avoid him, he would just use the guilt tripping card, saying that you are being so bad with him for nothing and that he is only trying to help you even though you KNOW deep down that he is only lying, but you just cant help but feel bad.
୨୧ Oliver would probably be very touch starved, but wouldnt really show it to you, a simple touch on your arm, shoulder or anything like that, would already make him go crazy and possibly want more, but he keeps him smug and mean facade, he cant let you see such side from him. not now at least
୨୧ Like it or not, you are trapped with a narcissist that wont let you go so soon, you will have to deal with his smug nature until you two part ways.
୨୧ “im the only one who wants you in my presence.”
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imperatoralicia · 13 days
I had a tremendous whoopsie of a misunderstanding the other day.
So, I have been replaying Dragon Age: Inquisition in preparation for seeing all of my cool and great Thedas buddies once again this most auspicious of Halloweens.
I'm marching through quests as fast as I can, just in a sort of haze of pushing forward my joystick and hitting the A button sometimes until the game sends me off to some other shade of green or grey to do that some more.
Right after I did a quick "oops inventory full, time for an equipment shuffle" pit stop, I get this quest:
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I turn around and see this ghostly ass figure that I've never seen before standing next to a grave:
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So, my very soupy brain puts all these things together as related, and I'm like, "Okay, get the ghost back into the grave. No problem."
I spend the next five minutes trying to herd this spectral grandpa back over to his headstone, and he's not being super cooperative about being bullied back into the ground. It finally hits me.
It was fucking Dorian wearing this ring I had just given him to clear up some inventory space and completely forgotten about:
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I'd just spent several minutes yelling "Get back into your damn grave, Grandpa!" to my very confused Tevinter friend.
So, with that, I wish to offer my sincerest apologies to Dorian Pavus.
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sleipliir · 7 months
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Sorry for this being late but I’ve been told it was supposed to be “Lunar New Year” from my other post. My sincerest apologies for the misunderstanding!🐲🎇
Like it was called “Chinese New Year” on our calendar and even in our malls’ decor it was called that. That’s why I got confused. Sorry again for the mixup!😅
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mizuki-herazaki · 11 days
TWST Boys walk in on you changing
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Hey! it's been awhile! Here are the twisted Bois reacting to walking in on you changing, just for funs!
Riddle Rosehearts
Would get flustered and close the door as fast as he opened it,
Apologizes profusely during and afterwards
It's gonna take a while to calm him down, and please stop him from hitting his head.
(he would do it as punishment and hope he forgets what he saw)
Cater Diamond
Walks in happily until he opens his eyes and goes red.
His phone camera is pointed at him (thankfully) so the chat only sees him blushing in bewilderment.
He doesn't snap out of it until you yell his name and throw something telling him to get out.
He freaks out and gets more flustered, shouting an apology as he runs out.
Chat still questions what happened till this day (It's forbidden lore)
Deuce Spade
Baby was not prepared at all
Absolute fear (he's innocent guys)
He probably turns white and gets a nose bleed before passing out
when he wakes up he sincerely apologizes
(It's gonna be a bit until he can look you in the eyes again)
Trey clover
He's a gentleman like Riddle but more calm
will probably bow while apologizing before leaving and closing the door.
Will also slide in a sly compliment while at it
"That color contrasts nicely with your skin~"
Ace Trappola
The most unapologetic out of al of Heartslabyul.
Would blush a little at first but then make a sly smirk
"That's a nice choice of underwear there"
You have to throw a ton of stuff to get him out.
Leona Kingscholar
looks completely unfazed (is unfazed)
smirks and leans against the doorway
"don't stop please continue herbivore"
Trust me when I say this, he's not leaving until your done. (unless you want to wait for him to get tiered and fall asleep)
Ruggie Bucchi
It's like he doesn't even notice
Speaks to you like normal while scavenging the room for anything to take.
"Ruggie!" you shout. "What!?" he replies back looking at you.
Once you kick him out and slam the door, Ruggie just stands there confused.
He genuinely doesn't see the problem.
Jack Howl
Scoffs in his fist while tilting his his head downwards and closing his eyes
A slight blush is dusting his cheeks
"I'm really sorry but perhaps lock the door next time"
With that he leaves and shuts the door calmly
Once the door is fully closed he goes to breath again (Yes he was holding his breath the whole time)
Jade Leech
Just gives the Jade stare
Will probably give an apology (a jade one) and bow
The he just walks out like that
P.S. he doesn't do this until you notice him (only god knows how long he stood there silently)
Azul Ashengrotto
Turns red as Riddle when angry
He gives that shocked faced when he clenches his teeth in game, before regaining composure and pushing up his glasses while closing his eyes.
"M-my sincerest apologies. f-for both our best interest I say we make a deal to never speak of this."
With that he leaves, speed walks away
He's definitely writing up a contract now.
Floyd Leech
Floyd just barges in, the door swinging wide open
Not much of a reaction just Floyd face
"Ayeee~ Shrimpy doesn't like clothes either~ I can strip too hehe~"
Kalim Al-Asim
Yuu have a 6th sense for the baby
When Yuu hear the click of the door knob turning, yuu dive into the bed and use the sheets to cover up.
Kalim walks in to see Yuu wrapped in sheets.
Kalim laughed with a big smile "HAHA!! You look like a burrito! Can I join looks comfy!"
Yuu scream "NO!" and Kalim looks shocked before giving a rejected puppy face.
Yuu explain to him to give you 10 minuets and then he can come back for a cuddle session.
He gives a big smile and a halo of light seems to form behind him.
He leaves closing the door with new motivation
Jamil Viper
He's a bully
He will stand there and make you uncomfortable, maybe even degrade you a bit
He'd just stand at the door frame arms crossed and straight faced.
Yuu see and feel his glare and it's kind of just a very awkward stare off until you ask him to leave, to which he responds---
"Why? It's not like I'm seeing much anyway" with a smirk.
A visible vein is seen at your forehead as yell at him to get out as you throw the hardest items close to you at him.
Vil Schoenheit
emotional damage x1000
This man will degrade the ugly out of Yuu
Yuu are now in the corner of the room with mushrooms growing on your head
Pure depression is seeping from you
Vil just walks in and starts going through the closet looking for something you could wear. All while still degrading the living daylights out of yuu of course.
Rook Hunt
Sooooo... He's not at the door frame
He is outside watching through the window as an arrow shoots past your head.
Startled you go to the arrow and there is a not attached that reads:
"Magnifique, Perfect 100 points! What a beautiful body!"
The note is signed with R.H. and a heart.
Yuu go red and equally speechless.
Epel Felmir
Accent slip :WAHHH!!! W-haduya...Ahh!"
Red as a cherry and slams the door, crouches down outside
"I'mma Sorry I didn't mean too!!!"
He is apologizing over and over again in his head.
Idia Shroud
Full metal panic
"b-b-bu ss-sor -I- S---o--rr--Icc"
Idia.exe has stopped working.
He stutter walks out backwards (Still stuttering)
And yuu slowly close the door on him.
Even when you finish changing and open the door, idia is still there a stuttering mess.
Once he notices Yuu standing in front of him he immediately turns tail and runs.
Malleus Draconia (Yuu are like in your underwear)
This is my Chance!
"Um Mal can you please um leave"
"But why? I love to see more of my child of man"
"Um it's a bit...awkward"
Mal starts to take of his top clothing as Yuu blush profusely "Don't take off anymore!!" Yuu shout
"No issue now let us just lay in bed with this"
You couldn't say no so you end up cuddling with Mal under the blanket, a blush dusting your face and heart beating.
Malleus is content for now.
Lilia Vanrouge
He appears from the ceiling
"Need any help?" he asks with a smile.
Yuu yell and fall to the ground startled and Lilia laughs before continuing "hmm~ well that was a reaction"
"How long have you been there?!" Yuu question
"...*fake contemplates* Don't know!" "GET OUT!" "Oh yes my apologies, I guess you would prefer privacy"
He walks out but as he does he says "Oh and nice underwear!" Before closing the door with a smile.
Is actually just sleep walking
He isn't awake or aware at first, but your yelp woke him up and he sees yuu.
It takes him like 10 solid seconds to process what's occurring and his ears go slightly red as he looks away
"I-i apologize I didn't mean to" He didn't mean to stutter as he bows and walks out of the room closing the door behind him.
He goes to Lilia for advice bad idea
Sebek Zigvolt
Bursts in about to yell something but stops in his tracks
His face goes red and he is bug eyed
"W-w-ha ARE YOU CRAZY!!!?"
He turns around facing the exit for a long time as he scolds you for being careless.
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Wingman Wayne AU pt6 yaaay! | AO3 link
The next time Eddie sees Steve, he knows immediately that the thoughts that kept plaguing him late at night weren't induced by some weird chemical unbalance in his brain caused by eating too much cheese or taking one pill too many. No, those thoughts were very, very real. Because Steve is looking absolutely breathtaking in his stupid tight jeans and stupid green polo and with his stupid wild hair that Eddie just wants to run his fingers through and those goddamn stupid pink lips. Shit.
'Lookin' hot today, big boy,' Eddie blurts out before he can help himself.
A frown appears between Steve's stupidly perfect eyebrows. 'Don't do that, man,' he says, avoiding Eddie's gaze.
'What?' Eddie asks, as if he doesn't know exactly what Steve means: Don't mess up our Very Platonic friendship by getting feelings for me. That wasn't what we agreed upon. Well, it's already too late for that anyway. And honestly, whose fault is that? Exactly, it's the fault of Steve's stupid lips.
'You know what I mean,' Steve says. He's still not quite looking Eddie in the eyes and Eddie feels guilty immediately.
'Sorry,' he says. 'Won't happen again, friend.'
It's only awkward for a minute, until they're both sitting on the couch in the Munsons’ trailer and Eddie easily launches into a whole monologue giving Steve the latest gossip on Wayne's colleague Jimmy because he ran into Jimmy's wife at Melvald's, and he immediately gets reminded why it's so nice to have a queer friend, because, in contrast to Jeff or Gareth or even Wayne, Steve understands exactly what he means when he says “straight people” in a lamenting voice and doesn't get confused when he goes into a minutes-long rant about “straight culture.”
'Dude, stop, you're doing it again,' Steve suddenly interrupts him at some point.
Eddie stops mid-monologue to give Steve a confused stare. 'What?'
Steve nods towards the place where Eddie's hand is comfortably resting onto Steve's knee, fingers stretched all the way into his thigh. Like it belongs there, somehow. Like it’s something natural.
Eddie clears his throat as he pulls his hand away and crosses his arms to keep himself from unconsciously reaching out for Steve again. Is it really that bad to have me touch you? he wants to ask – but he doesn't, because he isn't a completely terrible friend.
'My sincerest apologies, comrade,' he says instead, before he picks up where he left off in his story, trying to act like nothing happened. But Steve doesn't really seem to listen anymore; his gaze keeps wandering away and he barely even shows any investment in the gossip that he usually loves so much.
'You okay, Stevie?' Eddie asks.
A blush starts creeping over Steve's cheeks.
'I don't know how to tell you this without making shit even more awkward,' he says, 'but you staring at my lips for like ten minutes on end is also part of the things you shouldn't be doing.'
Fuck. Eddie is pretty sure that his own cheeks are rapidly starting to reach a shade of red that matches Steve's. He wants to apologize, but somehow, the words get all mushed into something else while they make their way from his throat to his lips, and what comes out is, 'Is it really bothering you that much?'
Steve stares at his hands. 'Yes,' he says softly. 'Yes, it is.' He looks up at Eddie again, and there's a look in his eyes that Eddie doesn't quite recognize.
'Eddie – you were the one who insisted right from the start that nothing about me would attract you, remember?' he says. 'You were the one who proposed to be friends. And I was fine with that, because I wanted to be your friend, and I thought I could keep my feelings under control. So please don't make this any harder for me than it needs to be.'
Eddie's heart is suddenly beating in his throat, his hands sweaty.
'Jesus, Steve,' he says, his voice barely more than a whisper. 'I'm so sorry.' He stretches out his hand, gently letting it land on Steve's shoulder – but Steve immediately gets up from the couch, as if Eddie's touch is burning him.
'Don't,' he says, his voice suddenly cold with frustration. He starts pacing back and forth through the tiny living room. 'Now you're just being cruel.'
Shit. Eddie squeezes his eyes shut for a moment. The memory of Wayne's soft voice echoes through his head: Can't you just... talk to him?
Of course Wayne was right, he always is. Eddie should know that by now. It's terrifying, the thought of actually talking to Steve - but Eddie knows that he's the only one to blame for this mess, so it’s only fair that he should also be the one to fix it.
'What if I told you I was wrong?' he blurts out before he can change his mind like the coward he is.
Steve freezes in his tracks, finally looks Eddie in his eyes again.
'What if I told you I've been a fucking idiot all this time?' Eddie continues, his heart beating at a nauseating pace now. 'What if I told you I was – I was expecting another Chad, back when my uncle told me about you, and I really didn't want to repeat that same shit again – and you've been continuously blowing my goddamned mind ever since we met. I really, really wasn't planning on falling in love, but Steve, you're fucking fascinating, and with every little bit I got to know you better, I started falling a little bit harder.'
Steve finally takes his place next to Eddie on the couch again, looking at him wide-eyed, lost for words.
'You're the most interesting person I've ever met,' Eddie continues, because he simply has to say it all now, 'and you have such a big heart, and – and I haven't been able to stop thinking about your lips for days – and I really didn't mean to hurt you. I should've given you a fair chance right away and I'm so sorry and –'
Steve suddenly launches himself at Eddie and shuts him up by clashing their mouths together slightly too forcefully, breathing into their kiss and only slowing himself down when he realizes that Eddie isn't going to pull away, that Eddie isn't going anywhere – and Eddie tangles his fingers into Steve's majestic hair as he finally gets a taste of that fucking addictive strawberry lipgloss. It’s exactly as sweet and soft and perfect as he imagined it would be and it might just have become his new favorite taste in the world.
'Jesus H Christ,' Eddie mumbles when they finally break apart, both panting and chuckling shakily. 'Uncle Wayne's gonna be so fucking annoying about this.'
Can I just say that all your “look eddie it’s the consequences of your own actions!” comments on the previous part had me giggling kicking my feet?? U r all so right but also eddie is a complete idiot no i won’t take criticism. I am LIVING for all those sweet and funny comments / tags, it means the world and I am cradling them all in my hands <333
(Also everyone saying they feel like a burden asking to be added to the taglist, noooo!! It only takes me a couple secs and it honestly makes me crazy happy that so many of you are invested enough to want updates! I am hugging all of you!!)
Taglist: @phantypurple @love-kurdt @eddiemunsonswife @mackdaddyofheimlichcountyy @swimmingbirdrunningrock @paintsplatteredandimperfect @stevesbipanic @momotonescreaming @yourebuckingkiddingme @th3-r4t-k1ng @messrs-weasley @moonshadows-13 @im-sam-fucking-winchester @xjessicafaithx @yournowheregirl @henderdads @lwhoscribbles @courtjestermunson @steveisabicon @rainydays35  @cassaloopa @skeliiix @thesuninyaface @silversnaffles @jestyzesty @4nemo1egend @ace-of-foxes @harringtonsgother @thegingervulcan @snapshotmaestro @thereindeerlady @jillfriend @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @gamerdano @spectrum-spectre @zerokrox-blog @00biscuit @mixsethaddams @steve-the-hairrington @episcogoth @caligularib @gaydrieeen @winterbuckwild @bookbinderbitch @daysarestranger @nonbinary-eddie-munson @fangirltofangod @solalasoforth @obsessivlyme @slit-wrist @fxndom-hoe @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @joruni @roastingdragon @lenore1232 @princessstevemunson @cuips-not-cute @munsonsuccubus @justalittlefungi @cherrycolas-things @nitrilexam @thepainisspicy @hopefulslothcollecter @whatisreggieshortfor @doctorqueensanatomy @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @sadcanadianwinter @iamsotiredman @orangeandthefairroadkill @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @b-icetea @freddykicksasses @faery-god @poleaxed-aloe @mamaclownhunter @paperbackribs @blvckwidow @mightbeasleep @butuglypeoplefucktoo @lolawon @angryavocadofrog @iwouldsail @livelaughlexa @magpiemuseum @shushuac  @ravnlinn @homohomohoe @kissaphobic-kas @cmackz93 @your-greatest-queen @alltheweirdkidsinoneplace @soulsofstarsliveinyourveins @ceaselessly-watching @anaibis @enchantedlandcoffee @fluffy-alpaca-of-darkness @nelotegreitic @mollymawkwrites @evix-syne666 @redfreckledwolf @ajamlessbaby @connected-dots @nothisisntmyname @steddieassheg0es @anxiouseds @summer1066 @loopholesinmydreams @mareydi  @lillemilly @this-is-moony-lovegood @qomrades @mad-h-w @gay-stranger-things @blanketlicker @fandomcartographer @adankrivervalleynearyou @undreamingscatworld @theysherobinbuckley @i-wanna-combust @stranger-poets-society  @fanshipgirl88 @nonhetbts @literallyjustarat @knitsforthetrail @limpingpenguin @spoopy-rayvynnnox @impeachy @ashwinmeird @7boxesofcheerios @nonsense-of-dimitri @azreadytodie @fuctacles @fuzzyduxk @pluto-pepsi @bornonthesavage @what-am-i-doing-with-my-non-life @alanna342 @jinxjinn @ali-just-ali @piningapple @captain-daryn @namelessssho @doltclassic @elsarenard @ramyayaya @my-heart-is-stopped @lightwoodbanethings @goblin-eddie @indie-npc
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winwintea · 3 months
the last hope - lee mark
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PAIRING ▸ soldier!lee mark x fem!reader 
GENRES ▸ romance, fluff, angst, lots of angst, supernatural, wayyy too much angst
WARNINGS ▸ angst. and character death
SUMMARY ▸ [part of the last love series!] you've fallen in love with the mark, the soldier who wishes to protect the country. His life is a brilliantly burning flame, whereas yours is nearly completely, gone. no matter how much pain it causes, you'll never love another like him. even as he walks away to his main purpose in life.
WORD COUNT ▸2.8k (not proofread 😭)
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ suffer pt 2
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Recently, your mornings-or more so, your afternoons had become quite a little circus. You hoped he might have woken himself up today, but he’s deep asleep, yet again.
Mark lay in his bed. Blankets upon him like snow drifts, burying him completely. “...Mark? Mark, it is afternoon. You must wake up.” There was no response from the pile to indicate anything was even alive under there. That’s fair. You’d learned by now that just calling his name wasn’t enough to wake him. You sighed in preparation for this trial, gripped his blankets, and yanked them up off him.
“Mmm? Oh… it’s you. Hi.” Mark just yawned, stretched, and grinned at you with an effortlessly charming smile.
“I swear I will send Ricky in to wake you up! He doesn’t seem to mind it.” “...I prefer you.” “What did you just say?” “I prefer when you wake me up. No matter how I slept, I always feel better when I wake up and see your face.”
“Is that so..?” “Yeah.” When he smiled, Mark was the sunlight filtering through a canopy of trees. There was an honesty to him that made you trust him. Which was how you knew he had somehow come to enjoy himself here. For he certainly didn’t smile at the beginning of his stay.
It was a surprise to yourself as well when Ricky lured Mark and the other humans here, hoping you might turn one of them. Out of all of our human “guests,” Mark was the most adamant about leaving. When you explained about the magic of this mansion and offered your sincerest apologies for Ricky’s actions- Mark accepted them. He began to let down his guard around you and gradually came to treat you as a dear companion. You hadn’t spoken so freely to anyone since you lost your family. With Mark, you felt closer to the self you lost so long ago. When Mark laughed and what a laugh it was- laughter crept out of yourself as well. His love of life illuminated the centuries old ennui that had wrapped itself around your heart. “Y/N? You’ve gone quiet.” “I’m sorry. My mind was wandering” You knew there could be no one in the world like Mark, just as he knew there was no one in the world left like me. “I believe I hear Ricky calling, I must go…”
“Wait!” Mark touched your wrist. “Will I see you tonight at our usual place?”
At your acknowledgement, he smiled. You left Mark’s room, touched your wrist where he’d touched you, and sighed. Humans are so warm. Or perhaps this is just Mark’s warmth you feel? You hadn’t expected it to happen, but it appears that after all this time, you’d fallen in love. You thought you knew better than to pine after mortals. And with no one else like yourself in the world, you sealed yourself off from ALL love. But love found it’s way to you. And it was both wonderful and confusing.
When the moon had risen in the sky, you headed towards “your usual place” to see Mark. “There you are, Y/N. I was wondering when you’d show up.” “I’m sorry. Did I keep you waiting?” “Only by about two hours”
"Two hours?! I did not! It's just barely sunset!"
"I'm teasing you! Let's sit down.” Mark was laughing at his joke; you looked at him wryly before sitting next to him by the window, here in your "usual place." While you couldn't provide Mark an exit, You’d given him full use of this garret. It had the view farthest outside the mansion… “What would you like to hear today?"
"I always enjoy your stories of the city."
"You're not tired of listening to me ramble on about it? ...Very well. It's your choice.” you watched the light in his eyes as he spoke animatedly about his home and life there. 
And you remembered your first conversation here..
"...You're still searching for an exit, I see. Why have you been in such a hurry to leave?"
"You ask me that, after trapping me here?!"
"I apologize again. But there's truly nothing I can do to release you until the month is up."
"…..But I must return. Somehow. There's something important I have to protect...My people. I am a soldier. I don't know how much news you get here, but the fighting continues to grow worse every day. ..The people live in terror. I have to protect them; to restore peace to this country. I know this country and her people will see the sun rise again. I believe in that. But I've also heard the whispers. I fear something horrible will sweep across the country before that happens. That is why I cannot remain stuck here while more innocents fall!” 
You felt the truth of his words; when he spoke, it was like you beheld that glorious sunrise in him. “Mark, I know this cannot atone for your entrapment, but I assure you, in a month, when the full moon comes- ...I will do nothing to impede your exit from this mansion; I will do all in my power to see you back safely to your home.”
“...Do you promise that?"
“I promise.” you were sure he would save his people-Mark, who burned bright as a flame. Your own flame was dying. To keep it going by feeding off of his-to take him away from where he needed to be-was wrong.
...It's funny to think back and realize. I'd fallen in love with him that very night.
"And as for the flowers, the old woman said-" You gazed at him, wondering how peaceful it would be if you could spend my last moments in his arms, listening to his voice…
“Hmm. Yes?” 
Mark’s hand came to rest upon your cheek. "Is something the matter?" As he touched your cheek, his pearl brown eyes gazed into yours.
"...No. Why do you ask?"
"You looked very sad for a moment.”
"You must have been imagining it." His hand drifted away. The more time you spend together, the more your feelings grow beyond your control. But it could not-should not be. You pushed your love for him down where you’d kept all the other precious memories from your life.
"The full moon is coming."
"..That's right. In just four days. "You don't need to worry, Mark. I haven't forgotten my promise. You'll go free and return to the city where-"
"What will happen to you?"
"...What do you mean?"
"What will happen to you once I and the others leave this place?" If you fail to turn a human by the full moon, your body will fail and you will die.
The knowledge of your fate would not change your decision. No. More than your decision and your beliefs, it was your love for Mark that rendered it impossible for you to turn him. You would want to uplift him, if it were possible. Not to expose him to the worst experiences of your own life.
"Why, nothing will happen." You waited a moment to see if the lie worked. "It will just go back to being Ricky and I, living here as we have for centuries. Oh, but I must make sure he doesn't get it in his head to lure anyone else here!” you cut yourself off there; anymore and it would feel like guilty rambling.
To your relief, Mark smiled. "...Nothing will change for you, then? If that's the case, then I will fight hard so that you, too, may continue to live in peace.”
"You'll fight...for me?"
"You might not be aware of the fighting going on right now, but that doesn't mean you'll be safe in this forest forever. But I will make sure that you and this mansion are protected, for as long as I am alive.” He carries so much already, yet he would add you to the things he wishes to protect? What a beautiful gift. 
"...Thank you, Mark..."
“You are welcome.”
Mark talked to you of his life in the world beyond this forest, until he felt your head touch his shoulder “..Y/N? Are you asleep?"
All he heard in response was your soft breathing. Mark touched a kiss to your brow. You continued to sleep peacefully, and he smiled gently at you. 
“...I had not imagined I would fall so deeply in love with you." His quiet voice melted into the night…
You had fallen asleep sometime during
Mark’s story. He woke you when the night turned cold. We bid each other adieu and you returned to your room, only to be greeted by Ricky.
"Madam, I did not expect to find you up and about so late”
"Do not fret. I'm on my way to bed. I fell asleep while talking with Mark."
"…..You fell asleep in front of him? How curious. You always shoo me off long before you're ready to sleep.”
"Yes. And I would do so to any other. You're right, it is strange that I slept in his presence.”
"...Or fortuitous. Madam, once more I implore you. With what little time you have left-!"
"Ricky, I cannot turn him. No matter how much I've opened my heart to him. No matter if I love him.”
“Then what is so wrong with extending his lifespan? I don't regret being turned. Except that I might live to see your end..” The ever stoic Ricky now pleaded with you.
 "I know you would rather see me live. …..That is how I feel about Mark. I would not force the sun to stay in the sky, day and night, until it burns itself cold. I wouldn't simply be ending his existence as a mortal, Ricky. Mark treasures his life. I would be destroying him!"
“My lady…”
"..Now it is late and we both should rest. Good night, Ricky.” It hurt to refuse Ricky, who had cared for you for so long. And it hurt to lie to Mark, whom you would soon say goodbye to forever… You hadn't expected after so many decades of sorrow you could still feel a pain this sharp..
Finally, the night came. The others had left as soon as the gates had opened… but you held Mark up for only a minute, so that you could give him a proper goodbye.
"The stables?"
"Yes, there's something I'd like to give you. A parting gift of sorts." You released your beloved steed, Suzanne, already saddled for a long ride, from her paddock. “I… want you to take Suzanne with you when you leave. She is yours now, Mark."
"Take Suzanne? I...cannot accept. She is too precious of a gift."
"That is exactly why I want you to have her."
"You have a long road ahead of you, Mark. Longer than the path out of these woods, and more treacherous." His eyes spoke his understanding "I fear for the injuries you may take; both the physical wounds, and the ones to your heart. I have seen many wars before retreating here. I know what they cost those who fight. And those who defend." He had told you much of his life; was he surprised to know we shared this? "Suzanne-she will protect you from all that would seek to harm you."
"...Thank you. I will take good care of her." You handed him the bridle. His hand stopped to rest on yours before the exchange. 
…That will be the last time we touch. This is the last time we’ll see each other.
Over a hundred thousand days accrued in your memory. You begged this moment to become one. "...You must get going. The magic of this place is fickle. You wouldn't want to be trapped here for another month, would you?"
"Yes, I understand." Mark looked at you, his pearl eyes catching the light of the last full moon. "…Will I be able to return here at some other point? To see you?"
“...I can't imagine sleeping as well without you to wake me up. And Suzanne will miss you...No, that's not at all what I mean to say-" Mark seemed bashful. “Y/N.” Finding himself, he met your eyes. "I do not fear the battles that await me when I think you might be here waiting for me at the end. I want to see you again. I want you to promise that we'll see each other again."
I am afraid...I cannot make that promise without tears in my eyes…
Your eyes stung with heat. You fought back the drops that threated to spill. You really should tell him to forget this place and never come back. But if you want him to be safe against all the dangers he will face, then perhaps this promise is the best way to ensure that? 
"...Unless, you do not wish-"
"I promise! I promise I'll see you again." 
Mark smiled in relief and took your hand. "Just don't break your side of the promise. All right?"
"And incur the wrath of this city’s greatest soldier? I didn't get to be the last eterni by being a fool, you know!"
"Is that so? I figured you were the last because you were so much scarier than the rest!"
I love you so much, my clever soldier.
Of all the years you’d lived, these few minutes on the last night of your life were the happiest. If you turned to dust now, you would not regret it. But for one thing “...I'd like you to promise me one last thing."
“..Live. Outlive everything that would try to harm you or put out your fire. Live as long as you possibly can!"
"I promise. I will live until I am old and tired and gray, and then I will live some more." We smiled at that. And then it was time to let go. We released each other's hands. "I will see you again, Y/N. Goodbye.”
“Yes. Goodbye…” Mark mounted up and gave you a last smile before riding off into the forest.
Your life was over. But you want all the happiness that you might have enjoyed, had you lived, to go to him. You watched until Mark was a distant shadow amidst the trees. Then you fell to the ground, your body collapsing as you did.
 ..This is...the end…
Weakly, you lifted your hand, thinking of Mark’s hand touching it as you did.
I wish...I could have…..kept…..our...promise…
..Many, many years passed. Mark, mighty soldier of the Regiment had become something of a legend among the people of the City. His success helped him rise through the ranks, and that, in turn, helped him to protect more people…
"I heard you'd barely said a word to your staff officers before running off. Did you go to your mansion in the woods again?"
"I might have.”
"And? Was she there this time?"
"…..No. It was empty as it's ever been. Like any old house that's been abandoned. I still don't know what could have happened..." 
Lee Donghyuck looked at his commanding officer and good friend and sighed. "Why do you still keep going, time and time again, year after year? Most men take their leave to find their reason to live. You come back from yours like you've just died.”
"Always so critical of me, Donghyuck."
Mark laughed a bright but somewhat tired laugh and looked up at the sky. "…..Honestly, it feels that way. That I'm being torn apart, piece by piece. But until the last piece of me is gone, I will keep our promise. I will see her again."
"What if she's truly gone?"
"…..Not while I remember her. Not while I believe. And not while I wait. I've never loved another like I loved her.. So I will keep searching. Until I am old and tired and gray. And then I will search some more.”
"I've seen you win fights with the worst odds, scraping together every ounce of life you could. You don't know how to waste” The two men exchanged a look of understanding. Just then, Suzanne raised her head and whinnied. Mark looked curiously at his horse, who seemed desperate to chase after something, though neither man could see what.
"...Donghyuck, I think Suzanne wants me to take her out for a little ride. I'II be back!" Mark let Suzanne guide the way. Running. Running toward some unknown destination… 
She stopped at a hillside. Flowers covered the grass like a carpet. Standing in the center of it all like the jewel on a crown was a lone girl. She had her back turned to Mark, not having noticed his arrival. Even from this distance, she looked so familiar. 
"...Pardon, miss.”
Slowly, the young woman turned around. 
But it wasn’t you. 
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perm taglist -> @lyvhie
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lick-me-lennon22 · 23 days
Poly!Beatles X F!Virgin!Reader - Open Invitation
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(HELLO AGAIN!!! my sincerest apologies for the short hiatus, I've been struggling with some heart issues and work troubles but I am back in business and rest assured, all of your requests WILL be filled !! ✨️ please enjoy this lovely request from anon :) 💕)
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️!!! VERY NSFW!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
You'd wondered about the strange look they seem to have shared, but thought nothing of it until reached your hand in your pocket to pull out a lighter, only to find a scrap of paper. The boys had slipped a special invitation into your pocket at your meet and greet, one they had been saving for a very special fan.
But here you were, standing in the hotel hallway and staring up at the door in front of you, glancing down at the slip of paper to make sure you have the right room number. You suddenly began to get cold feet, wondering if this was some kind of sick joke. Would you open the door, only to be met with bewildered expressions on unfamiliar faces? Or, even worse, would you be greeted by the four of them, cackling like a pack of hyenas at your gullible nature?
You push away those unwelcome thoughts, putting on as brave a face as you can muster and raising a trembling hand to the door. You knock thrice as instructed, waiting with bated breath. Until...
"Y/N! We were beginning to worry you'd run our invitation through the wash. Come on in!" Paul welcomes you, holding the hotel door open.
You sigh in relief and chuckle nervously, taking a few tentative steps into the suite, the scent of cigarette smoke and cologne almost overpowering. The other three all greet you, seated in various positions on the sectional sofa.
A voice stands apart from the others, clearer than the rest - it's John.
"We've been looking forward to this all week."
Your heart skips a beat and you look to him with innocent confusion.
"And... what, exactly, is this?"
The four men exchange shocked glances, having assumed you knew what was intended by the invitation.
"Well, we thought... you know, with us," Ringo begins, but John cuts him off.
"We want to shag ya. The four of us," he explains bluntly.
George gives him a swift elbow to the ribs.
"Knock it off, mate! You'll scare the poor thing." John only rolls his eyes in response.
You're taken aback by the proposition. You know no one in their right mind would pass up such an opportunity and, though not opposed, you can't help but feel intimidated. This would be your first time, and with The Beatles? All of them?!
Paul interrupts your train of thought.
"You really don't have to, we can just-"
"No, no! Believe me, I've dreamt about this forever. It's just..." you trail off, somewhat embarrassed.
"What is it? You can tell us, we won't judge," Ringo encourages, but John interjects.
"If we didn't say anything about that outfit you wore to our concert, you know we're good for it," he snickers.
George throws him another jab to the ribs with his elbow.
You ignore his snide comment, too focused on the matter at hand to be offended.
"I'm... a virgin," you admit, bracing yourself for laughter. Instead, you're met with gentle nods and understanding expressions from the four men. They take a moment to process your admission.
"We wouldn't want to pressure you," assures George as you take a deep breath.
You take a moment to consider the idea. On one hand, this is an important part of someone's life, a milestone - not exactly a decision to be rushed. But on the other... it's The Beatles. I mean, come on. This is the opportunity of a lifetime.
"Well, if there was ever a good time... I suppose this would be it."
"You sure, love?" Ringo chimes in. "The last thing we'd want is for you to feel uncomfortable."
"I'm sure."
"Well, all right then." They share another look amongst themselves before John nods and looks to you.
"We'll start off slow then, yeah? C'mere," he says, patting his thighs. You approach, nervous excitement coursing through your veins.
You sit on his lap, your body tense. He places his hands on your shoulders, rubbing them soothingly.
"Loosen up, I wont bite."
"Yeah, right."
He shoots George a look.
"Unless you ask nicely," he says with a wink.
You chuckle, beginning to relax. The others watch intently as John shifts his hands to your waist, gently massaging your sides. He mumbles lazily in your ear, his thick accent intoxicating.
"Speak up, Johnny!"
"Share with the class, will ya?"
"Oh, piss off," John dismisses Paul and Ringo, returning to your ear for a nibble. You giggle at the unfamiliar feeling, his nose brushing against your cheek. He moves to your neck, starting off with gentle kisses before growing bolder, leaving love bites along the junction of your neck and shoulder.
You shiver as his hands wander lower - down to your hips, giving them a squeeze, then coming to rest on your thighs. The size of his hands and the warmth of his palms stir something within you. You inhale sharply, biting your lip as a familiar heat pools in your abdomen - the same kind you feel when you watch the lads perform. Judging by the growing bulge beneath you, it seems John is enjoying himself just as much.
"Is this okay?"
"Yes!" You reply breathlessly, a little too eager. "Yes. Keep going."
This earns a chorus of chuckles from the group, who have each begun to palm themselves through their trousers at the sight.
John's hands work their way to your inner thighs, caressing and squeezing gently. He mumbles sweet nothings in your ear as he parts them. His warm breath tickles the shell of your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
"More, I want more."
At that, Paul stands and steps closer to you, twirling a lock of your hair around his finger.
"You want more, do you, pretty girl?"
You nod enthusiastically, whining in arousal.
"Perhaps she could use something in that pretty mouth of hers to muffle those whines," George suggests with a smirk. You get what he's hinting at, biting your lip and giggling nervously as you look up at Paul.
"I'm not sure I know how..."
"Oh, I'm more than happy to show you, love... if you would."
"Eager little thing, eh?" George and Ringo tease, but Paul ignores them.
"Sweet girl... I'll give you what you want."
Paul undoes his trousers and drops them to his ankles, followed quickly by his briefs. You can't help but stare, awestruck, and Paul chuckles.
"Like what you see?"
You nod.
"Would you?" he asks, and it takes you a moment to realize he's inviting you to touch. You reach a tentative hand out in front of you.
"No need to be nervous," he soothes, stroking your hair tenderly.
You grasp the base of his length, hand trembling, and Paul groans at the contact. His skin is softer than you's expected, somehow, and you decide you like the feeling. You begin to move your hand up and down, pumping him cautiously as if afraid to hurt him. Your eyes flicker from your own hand to Paul's face, cheeks flushed and mouth agape. The sight of him this way, knowing what you can do to him with just a few simple touches, makes you feel powerful in a way.
Meanwhile, John's hand slips beneath the waistband of your knickers, traveling lower until he reaches your heat. You instinctively tighten your grip on Paul and the two of you moan in tandem. John trails a finger up your slick folds, drawing gentle circles around your clit.
"Mm... are you ready to open up for me, sweetheart?" Paul asks, his voice almost sickeningly sweet. By this point, Ringo and George have both unzipped their flies, tugging their trousers and briefs down past their hips. They're clearly enjoying this little show, pleasuring themselves as they devour you with their eyes.
"Go on, doll," John encourages. "Take 'im into your mouth."
You do as he instructs, eliciting another soft moan from Paul. He tightens his hold on your hair, using all of his willpower to keep himself from tugging you down onto him.
"Oh, good girl... further, if you can. I won't rush ya."
You pull back for a breath before obeying, slowly taking more of him into your mouth. He throws his head back, groaning in satisfaction. A string of curses tumble from his lips at the soft, warm feeling and you hear John snicker behind you. You really start to get the hang of things, falling into a steady rhythm and bobbing your head as if you were made for this.
All of a sudden, your focus is broken as John's fingers cease their movements and you feel them wander lower. He slides a finger inside of you, taking care to go slow - he's far more gentle than you had imagined. You moan around Paul and he growls, faced flushed pink and eyes screwed shut.
"Fuck... don't stop, doll. You're perfect," he praises and you continue as John's hand moves between your legs.
The friction of his fingers along with Paul's words of praise leaves you lightheaded - well, that and the lack of oxygen. As you pull away for air, George clears his throat.
"What about us, Macca?" He quirks an eyebrow, gesturing to himself and Ringo.
Paul hesitates for a moment before sighing, irritated.
"Fine... I'm getting close, anyway," he grumbles, tugging his waistband back up as you pout in disappointment.
Soon enough, Paul takes a seat on the sofa and George and Ringo take his place, pumping themselves idly as they gaze down at you with lust-filled eyes.
"Go on, doll," George begins, a wolfish grin playing on his handsome features. You comply, taking him into your mouth a little too far as you sputter and cough.
"Careful, dear," he chuckles. "Take it slow."
You try again, more gradually this time. John squeezes your hip with his free hand and you squeak, sending pleasant vibrations through George's lower half.
"That's it, love. Nice and easy," he groans, running his fingers through your hair. After a few minutes you gain momentum, growing more confident in your actions. A tight knot forms in George's stomach as he feels the others' eyes on the two of you, heat rising to his cheeks as he lets out another deep growl. You continue your work on him, but Ringo becomes impatient, scoffing and nudging George's shoulder to snap him out of his stupor.
"C'mon, mate. I think it's my turn - that is, if the lass'll have me." He turns to you, a hopeful glint in his blue eyes.
You nod, humming an "mm-hm" around George's cock. He relents, pulling away begrudgingly.
"Fine. Go on, Rich."
"Attaboy, Ritchie," John pipes up, a lazy grin on his face. Paul simply gazes at you through half-lidded eyes, mesmerized by the performance you've been putting on.
Ringo stands before you, trousers undone. He seems a bit nervous, but any reservations he has are quickly overpowered by desire as he sees your glistening lips and messy hair. You reach a curious hand up and Ringo takes it in his calloused one, guiding you to grasp the base of his length. You give him a soft tug, catching him off guard. He draws a breath through clenched teeth, eyes fluttering closed.
You take him slowly into your mouth, your jaw working overtime to accommodate his size. Once you've settled into your pace, you begin to experiment with your tongue, tracing the underside of his cock. He growls almost primally, tightening his grip on your hair and moaning your name as you bring him closer to the edge.
"All right, you've had your fun," George interrupts and buries his own hand in your hair, gently grasping and tugging. You go to work on him once again, in a daze.
"That's not fair, mate. I had her," Ringo retorts, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling you back in his direction. The two men bicker as they stand over you, essentially playing tug-of-war with your mouth.
"All right, all right, that's enough of that." John swats their hands away and they draw back, pouting.
"Yeah, c'mon, lads. We'll each have our turn," Paul chastises.
"In fact, " muses John, "I'd say it's about time Paulie and I take the reigns, eh?" He withdraws his hand from between your thighs, casually licking his fingers clean.
"Wait, wait... and? How's that supposed to work."
"Come with us, love. We'll show you." Paul takes your hand and leads you to the bedroom, the other three following suit.
John places a soothing hand on your upper back, ushering you to the bed.
"On all fours, darling. Just relax."
You do as he instructs, getting into position as the others watch on with hungry eyes. John pushes your skirt up above your hips and tugs gently on the waistband of your knickers.
"Can I take care of these for ya?" he smirks.
You hesitate for only a moment before turning back to look at him over your shoulder.
"Yes. Please."
"Eager, are we?" They all chuckle and John slides them off, his trousers growing even tighter at the sight of you bare before him.
"Christ, you're soaked," he murmurs and you blush, somewhat embarrassed.
"Is that... bad?"
"Oh. Right." You bite your lip. John undoes his trousers and lines himself up at your entrance, stroking your hair to calm you.
John chuckles, amused by your inexperience. "No, sweetheart, not at all. It tells me you're excited - y'know, ready for me."
"Now - you're sure you want this, yeah?"
"Yes! Yes. I've thought it through, and..." you draw a breath, "this is what I want."
John groans, satisfied by your response.
"All right. Relax your body as much as you can, and keep your breathing steady. Don't worry, I'll be gentle," he reassures and you nod.
"Ready for me, love?"
You hiss and squeeze your eyes shut. John waits for your body to adjust to the intrusion before gradually sinking all the way in, using your hip as leverage while he buries himself inside you. The others look on with a combination of jealousy and need, wishing they were the ones to fill you.
"Yes! Yes. I want you, John," you beg and he takes your cue, pushing slowly into you.
"Fuck, doll. You're so bloody tight," John growls as you grip the bedsheets beneath you. The other three groan, imagining themselves in John's place. After a few moments, he speaks up.
"I'm going to move now, doll."
John begins to move, sliding in and out of you slowly, careful not to hurt you. You whine in pleasure, the sudden friction causing you to arch your back further. His breathing grows heavy, grunting as he increases his pace.
"Mm-hm," you whimper and brace yourself.
"Ah... fuck. Uh-huh," you manage as John continues to fuck you into the mattress.
"Mm... you're doing so good. Think you can take Paulie too?" he challenges and Paul lifts his head, pausing his movements.
Paul approaches, a sly grin on his boyish features as he stands in front of you.
"Yes, Paulie, yes! I need you all so bad."
"Sure you can handle it, love?"
You moan around him as he slides himself into your mouth, stilling when he hits the back of your throat. He pauses, composing himself before sliding in and out of your mouth, gripping the base of his length as he guides himself.
Your words elicit a collective moan from the men and Paul presses his tip to your mouth, eager to have you again.
"She's damn good, ain't she, Paulie?" he asks through his own pleasured grunts. Paul hums in agreement as the two men thrust in and out of you, the rhythmic push and pull scrambling your thoughts and dulling your senses.
"Bloody hell," he mutters, "Her mouth feels so good Paul groans as John chuckles breathlessly, increasing his pace to match Paul's.
"Feeling generous, love? You've got two hands, after all," Ringo points out. In your lust-filled trance, you raise your arms, offering your hands to the two men. They gratefully accept, thrusting into your fists as the four of them surround you.
Ringo and George, stroking themselves to the sight, begin to feel left out and approach the bed.
You take care of the men's needs surprisingly well considering your lack of experience.
"She's too bloody tight to have done anything before. Trust me, Macca," he groans, gripping your hips as he fucks you into the mattress.
"You sure you haven't done this before, doll?" Paul questions, but John interjects.
"Fuck... Christ, love. Where do you want me?" he asks and you consider your options.
Your whines increase in pitch and frequency, but you certainly aren't alone as all of the men approach their climaxes.
"On my ass," you reply and he pulls out near-immediately, spilling his load on your lower half. You revel in the warmth, moaning around Paul as he approaches his own summit. He pulls out of your mouth, unloading onto your pretty face while you lie as still as possible, drunk on the taste of him.
"Bloody hell, Y/N..." Ringo murmurs.
While John and Paul catch their breaths, George and Ringo increase the speed of their movements, driven by the sight of you drenched in their bandmates' cum.
"I-I'm going to-" he pulls out of your hand, covering your chest and shoulder with his hot cum as George does the same, groaning your name loudly.
The five of you take a moment to breathe, all of you sweaty and spent. You collapse onto the bed, none of them really caring about the mess.
"You should probably clean yourself up, love," Paul suggests. Begrudgingly, you rise from the bed and head for the attached bathroom. You manage to make yourself decent, dressing yourself in a t-shirt one of the boys left behind before stepping back out into the bedroom.
They all stare at you in disbelief, mouths agape.
"So, uh... can one of you drive me home?"
"Plus, you ARE wearing my shirt," John points out.
"You really think we're going to let you go back to your flat after THAT?" George asks, incredulous.
You chuckle in response.
"Guess not," you reply, flopping down on the bed. The men clean themselves up, returning to your side.
"So good for us," George adds, nosing into your hair while the others hum in agreement.
"Such a good girl, you are," Paul praises and kisses your forehead.
By the time they start arguing about John hogging the covers, you're already drifting off to sleep, the familiar chatter comforting you and quieting your mind.
"Aww. Look at that, lads. Guess we lulled her to sleep," Ringo snorts.
"Yeah, but I should-" John pauses, interrupted by your faint snoring.
They each lean over to place kisses on your cheeks, whispering their own "goodnight"s and finally shutting the light off to join you in your slumber.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Oh my- whorshipper god??
Oh my- Imagine them encountering reader, the poor human, doing their mundane and casual routine, when suddenly, an majestic being appear infront of them, and reader being an religious person, try's to bow, but before they could ever try-
The being bow to them, not even daring to meet their eyes, ashamed to have appeared infront of the being they consider supreme and in their own vision.
Reader is confused, while the god is ecstatic while apologizing from their sudden appear and the waste of their little humans time (even if I'm pretty sure they don't understand the concept of it since one year must be the same as second to them).
The stars fall from the heavens; whisking across the tinted sky and to the earth below. The universe reveals itself to you in brilliant streaks of whites and blues. A nightly stroll led you to the center of a previously forecasted meteor shower. Your current position gave you the perfect sight of the feat. A smile crosses your face as another crashes from the sky; mind deep in wonder towards what wish you'd like to humor before it ended. In the moment you feel truly at peace, and one with yourself and the world around you. Completely whole.
"Is there a desire you long to be fulfilled, my grace?"
You open your eyes. When had they closed in the first place? The celestials align before your eyes; their shimmer growing brighter as they cluster together. A flash of white light flares in front of you; lingering as you look into the face of whatever stood before you. You assume this to be its face, as you can vaguely make out the silhouette of something within the light. It was as if a literal star was now before you; burning your retinas and psychic the longer you stare. You quickly shut your eyes.
"My sincerest apologies. I forgot my form is harmful to the human mind. Even one such as yours"
The being's face implodes on itself; the aura that radiates from it trapped beneath layers of skin in a similar fashion to a closing umbrella. It shrinks slightly in sizes, but still looms over you; dressed in black robes that remind you of a church attendees formal garbs. Strange patterns were inscribed into their flesh. They make your head spin whenever you try to focus on them; the whisper of a dead language no mortal should ever witness.
Even in this humanoid shell, you could tell this being was a power like no other. A God or like-minded deity with an unknown agenda and you playing part. Your legs buckle as you almost fall to your knees. You are unsure if this is your God, but feel you should coward in its presence. In a bizzare twist of fate, that's exactly what it does to you.
The deity kneels to the ground; head near the tips of your shoes. They hold their hands up to you in a prayer; their voice quivering despite how it rattles around in your brain.
"Forgive me, my lord. For I have crossed your path without permission. I simply couldn't contain myself after seeing how you gazed at the stars. It was utterly spectacular."
You struggle to find the words to speak - something that was already impossible before their speech. This - this heavenly creature was apology? And to you? It must be a trick of your rapidly decreasing mental state. The deity senses your confusion. It drops its hands and fumbles with the fabric of its robes.
"I can tell you have trouble grasping the situation. I do not blame you, only ask that you continue to heed my words. I have existed in your reality since the dawn of your kind. I grew tired of my place amongst the stars, and took interest in watching your kind. Never before have I seen another like you. You've sewn the wounds of loniness in my heart with only your existence. You are a treasure to forever behold. My savior."
A flush breaks across its face; cheeks tinted a faint blueish color. It grows more and more excited with each word that fumbles from its mouth; fidgeting in ecstacy from just being near you. You're still unable to properly respond.
"I know I've taken up much of your time and I am sorry. It Is important to you. I only wish to offer you by service as your loyal follower. The line between reality and fiction will bend to your whim if you allow my aid. I give my all to you, my dear grace."
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salvy-deldroid · 11 months
Okay, hear me out.. but what if hashira and/or uppermoons (from Demon Slayer) would do if their S/O fell asleep on them and they were just carrying them around? I LOVE LOVE LOVE your works SOOOOO MUCH!!! Keep being awesome!😄
Hi there anon! Thank you so so SO MUCH for your kind words! I love your request a lot, and I'll be posting two versions: the small versions of their immediate reaction [this one], and a larger one with a small fic scenario!! I really do hope I'll be able to meet your expectations! My sincerest apologies for this massive delay, as my terminals were going on. This is only the Hashira version, I will post the upper moon version shortly after since I still haven't finished Gyuutaro and Daki. Enjoy! <3
〖The Hashira〗
Water Hashira | Giyu Tomioka🌊
Would stiffen up at first. 
However, after some time, when he’s positive that you are asleep, he will pick you up. 
Without speaking or making a noise, he’d softly carry you over to the nearest bedroom available. 
In case of no bedroom, hell just adjust you to a more comfortable position on his body. 
He doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable in any way or form, and will do anything to ensure so. 
He won't admit it, but your blissfully sleeping form brings him peace
Love Hashira | Mitsuri Kanroji♡❤♡
It would take her some time to notice that you’ve fallen asleep. 
But when she does, she would immediately cease whatever she was doing.
Trying her best not to make any noise and shift while trying not to disturb you, She would adjust you to a more comfortable position and probably not move a muscle the entire time you are asleep. 
She would, after some time, start to cuddle you, while admiring how adorable you look. 
She would fall asleep not long after, you cuddling close to her body as she held you close.
She would probably have back pains due to that ungodly sleeping posture, but it was worth it.
Flame Hashira | Kyojuro Rengoku🔥
Just like Mitsuri, it would take him some time to notice. 
But unlike Mitsuri, he won’t immediately shut up. He’ll probably make a sound of surprise first, waking you up with a start.
Then he would start to profusely apologize to you, as he picks you up and starts making his way towards your bedroom. You’d just be confused and a bit concerned the whole time, but he’d coerce you back to sleep soon.
In case of no availability of a bedroom, he’d just pull you up close on his lap while profusely apologizing and errantly shifting and adjusting you both to be in a comfortable position. 
“He’s a little confused, but he got the spirit”
Sound Hashira | Tengen Uzui✨
He is a flamboyant husband. 
And, as he says, A flamboyant husband doesn't have any sort of ‘red mark’ on the ‘resume of capability’. And that not noticing his s/o falling asleep is considered a red mark
So, in short, he’d notice as soon as you get tired, and then bring you up to rest. 
There is no way he won't notice you falling asleep on him
However, when you doze off on him, he’ll just smile and pull you up close. Expect yourself to be locked in his embrace the entire night, his head dug into the crook of your neck. 
However, it's an entirely different story if the wives are present.
Forget about cuddling, his S/Os won't even be close to him during sleep.
The four of you are cuddled up to each other, limbs entangled. While he's on the other side of the bed, trying his best to take as little space as possible. 
Insect Hashira | Shinobu Kocho🦋 
The only time she probably wouldn’t notice you getting drowsy is when she’s busy doing her experiments
So, the only time you could possibly end up sleeping on her is when she’s making some sort of poison or an antidote for the aforementioned. You would usually be standing behind her, your hands wrapped around her neck and head settled over hers. 
It would take some time for her to notice that you have fallen asleep over her in that position. And then she’d be helplessly sitting, not moving a muscle lest you wake up. 
I mean, she was sitting upright on a chair, and you were standing behind her and fell asleep on her in that very position. She doesn’t want to wake you up. So, her best bet would be to stay in that position until Aoi or Kanao eventually show up. 
She’d find this amusing, caressing your cheek with her palms as she tries her best to shift subtly.
If no one shows up, she’ll have to wake you up and pull you to bed 
Serpent Hashira | Obanai Iguro🐍
He won't notice you get tired at first
But he’ll immediately know the moment you’ve fallen asleep on him
He’ll be slightly startled at first, his face heating up slowly. 
But at the same time, He would wrap his arm around you, leaning in and resting his head on yours. 
He would momentarily close his eyes, basking in the peace of the situation.
From this point onwards, this can go two ways: Either He would, after some time, pick you up and take you to the closest bedroom available, or he would end up falling asleep on you. 
But no matter what, you’ll wake up with the feeling of Kaburamaru slithering over you in each case
Wind Hashira | Sanemi Shinazugawa🎋💨
He’d be a little annoyed.
Albeit he won’t be admitting that he likes you falling asleep on him like that.
What he would do though, is pull you up on his lap and wrap his arms around you. You would subconsciously snuggle closer to the source of warmth, making his face tinge a bit red. 
Oh, He loves it. Because it feeds into his superiority complex  
He’d be sitting in that position for quite some time, enjoying your silent company, until he’s forced to move due to something or someone. 
After that, he’ll just drop you off in his bedroom and leave to attend to whatever matter he needs to. 
He’s not very affectionate, but small moments like these mean the world to him. 
Stone Hashira| Gyomei Himejima🪨
He’s blind, so he really cannot notice you get tired or fall asleep. 
But due to his heightened sense, he’ll know the moment you have fallen asleep. 
In all honesty, how do you fall asleep comfortably on him? Its gotta be hard? 
Carrying on
You would, most probably, fall asleep on his lap. Due to his heightened sense, he would know that you're asleep.
His only reaction would be raised eyebrows, as he would softly shift a bit so that you're comfortable enough. In some cases, he may wrap his arms around you and effortlessly pick you up to his chest. 
Even though he thinks that you should be falling asleep on a bed and NOT on him, he still enjoys this. 
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day-dreamsinthedark · 2 months
If you write x Reader, may I request some head cannons for Demetri Alexopoulos x reader where the reader is Sam's older sibling?
Hi! So I am not very great with head-canons, nor am I comfortable with writing in the 2nd perspective, but I really enjoy this idea so I thought I would try? My sincerest apologies if this is not what you wanted, but if you'd like to request anything else, I'd love to try it! Also, so sorry for the wait!
ALSO. There are a few curse words, I am SO SORRY if you aren't comfortable with them. Please let me know!
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Demetri seems like the type of guy to fall in love with any girl that is even remotely nice to him, so imagine his surprise when LaRusso!Reader is the first person he meets when he starts at West Valley High School's coding club. As Samantha's older sister, or her Irish twin, as their parents love to tell everyone, you had always been a little self-conscious.
The eldest sister. A title once loved, now something more like a curse. Unachievable and utterly unbearable. You have always been entirely uncoordinated and just uncomfortable in your own skin, so karate has always been just out of your reach. Not that Daniel has ever minded– Kata has always been a comfort. Something to do in private, calming and kind.
This meant that LaRusso!Reader has never been very comfortable in the karate scene, but also around the family in general. It was easy to get lost in your own little world– books, games, television, and all things that made you unlike your sister.
He'd known you for over a year before he figured it out. He assumed that you were just the hot nerdy junior that none of the other guys could really appreciate, knowing absolutely nothing but your first name before Miguel kicked the social skills into him. And as someone who was equally as shy, you felt absolutely fine ignoring everyone and getting your work done.
I imagine that in this scenario, where there's a pretty girl who occasionally exchanges smiles and pleasantries, Demetri doesn't even really notice Yasmine (or her friend who looks suspiciously like LaRusso!Reader)
He's so caught up in his crush on Reader that Eli's got to consistently remind him that being nice is not the same thing as having feelings, even if you always went out of your way to compliment whatever fandom-related memorabilia or clothing he brought to school. Like that time you complimented his Doctor Who shirt (and then wore your favorite GOT shirt the next day– to which he did not compliment, because he was so stupidly starstruck.)
Still, there wasn't much interaction between the two of you for the first year and a half that you had known each other. 
It wasn't until you finally gave in and decided to train with Sam and Robby that everything had changed. You'd only agreed to the basics, some Kata and maybe a bit of sparring. Robby was kind and made Sam a lot happier than you'd expected her to be, so what possible harm could there be in trying?
So there you were, minding your business in your dojo's yard. Eyes closed as you stretched– a backbend, a stretch that Sam was never able to get, and likely the only athletic thing you’d ever been able to do– ignoring your sister’s conversation with her "not" boyfriend and your father. 
“It’s time we be patient.” Your dad said, “Let those who need us find us. Alright?”
At this, you thought it might be an important time to join the conversation, preparing yourself for the hard part: flipping back over. You hadn’t quite mastered that yet, but it wasn’t… impossible. 
Then, a familiar voice. One that you hadn't heard in months because he and Eli had quit the team without a word. Not that you had spoken much anyway, but still it hurt. 
“Excuse me? Uh, it was unclear if the gate was the front–” He stopped abruptly, missing a porch step and managing to call out your name in confusion just as he hit the floor. You, on the other hand, fell over on your arms just as the realization set in.
“Ow. Jesus.” “Fuck’s sake.” The two of you spoke at the same time.
Neither of you had stood yet, but you craned your neck at him as Demetri called your name out again– from his spot on the ground.
 “Are you… what are you– you know karate?”
Instead of responding, you groaned out in pain. “Mhm. Little.”
You’d fallen quite awkwardly, hurting your shoulder in the process, so by the time you had fixed yourself, you opted to stay on the floor. It was infuriating. Instead of actually trying to help either of you, everyone in the yard simply passed looks. From you, to Demetri, and then to each other. Sam and Robby’s eyebrows lifted so high you were shocked they managed to stay on their faces. Your father seemed mostly confused, but Sam chewed on her bottom lip in an attempt to swallow the shit-eating grin that was pushing its way out. 
“Thanks,” You said, shooting a glare at the two people beside you. “I appreciate the absolute lack of worry on everyone’s faces right now.”
“I’m” –Demetri started, voice frantic and cracking as he moved forward slowly. It was odd. You couldn’t recall the two of you ever having spoken more than a few words to each other at once. –“You’re… you were in the Coding Club.”
“Correction. I am in the Coding Club.” You smiled at him, patting your knees clean as you stood up. You leaned forward ever so slightly, “You’re the one that quit.”
His eyes go wide and his face runs red. And that is precisely where your story would start. 
Demetri seems pretty obsessive in general, so the two of you would be attached by the hip, regardless of whether or not either of you were aware of each others interest. Mr. LaRusso would probably lose his mind at the idea that he started a dojo just for his male students to be infatuated with his daughters. The arguments would probably start with a lot of, “I’m running a dojo, not a fucking dating show!”
Demetri x OlderLaRusso!Reader would also be incredible bc it would have such an intense change on the dojo wars!!! Demetri would be so caught up in trying to spend time with you that he wouldn’t give so much attention to Hawk’s shenanigans. The mall fight would probably change a ton. Demetri still would have submitted that Yelp review, but the mall scene would’ve gone a little differently because instead of third wheeling Sam and Robby, he’d be following you around like a lost puppy. 
I also love the idea that Hawk– who very likely also had a small crush on you at some point– is fucking flabbergasted when he sees the two of you together at the mall. Maybe the two of you are laughing over some ridiculous comic, or he finds you just as your hands graze. At this point in his journey, he definitely wouldn’t care, but I think he’d resent the idea that Demetri is allowed to have any sort of romantic interest as a nerd. If Hawk wasn’t good enough, then Demetri shouldn’t be either. 
Ugh, I love the little emotional journey those boys go through. 
Even if Hawk is fully infatuated with Moon at this point, seeing you with Demetri would fuel his rage. I'm also fairly certain that seeing you would trigger some sort of response from the Eli that knew you.
You would be a reminder of who he used to be, but especially who the three of you were together. Oh he definitely would have also been into you, because why wouldn't he be? Those boys did everything together. It was probably this sort of "We can both like her because she'd never date either of us" rule. Like a celebrity crush lol
Not only did you fucking like Demetri, but you were incredible at karate. How? Who taught you?
Imagine Hawk’s shock at getting his ass handed to him by the shy girl who led half of the Coding Club meetings? The realization that you're not only better than him at karate, but very obviously into Demetri, who has done absolutely nothing to be worthy of having positive attention would drive him insane. The fact that you did all this while still being entirely unashamed of your "nerd" title would not help.
Demetri’s shock, I think, would go something like this:
“I thought you said you weren’t good at karate?” He’d say as he hides behind a rack of sunglasses. You’d run towards him, grabbing his hand and pulling him back towards where Sam and Robby should be. 
“I’m not. You’re just…”
“Okay! I get it!” He’d interrupt, face red and horrified. 
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
You can probably tell that I'm not used to writing in head-canon style lol I think I am more comfortable with little scenes? I also ran out of ideas bc it's been a while since I've seen the show, but I'm planning on a rewatch soon. SO if you enjoyed this at all and want anything specific pls let me know! I'm not very comfortable with x Reader but I would like to be!
Thank you for the req, and again-- so sorry for the wait!
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fishhawish · 11 months
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.From the House of Hearth
Lyney x Reader Angst
Requested but I accidentally posted the draft instead of saving it D:
Warnings: depression mention, cheating, kinda self harm
Requested by @sailorstar9 I'm so sorry for deleting the original on accident. The Gorou one should hopefully be out by tomorrow if I don't need to go back to the hospital.
Request: Lyney watches reader walk down the isle with their new husband after He tossed their relationship aside to have a 2 week fling with Lumine.
I love this request so much I might write a part 2 / two way ending like a fluff and angst yk
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He who gave her rainbow roses. He who left his siblings to be with her. He who put her on the VIP list of every show. He who only wanted to be with Her. He who loved her popularity and fame. He who tossed aside everything, even You just for the almighty traveler. And Yet he has never given You a rainbow rose. He has never left Lynette or Freminet to spend time with you. He replaced you on the VIP list.
You thought you could trust him, I until the night of his performance at the Opera House. Swinging open the door, excited with a gift for him and ready to give him a good luck kiss. But it wasn't meant to happen. There the two where, in each others embrace kissing each other's cheeks and laughing happily together. Just as You and him once did.
Upon him noticing you, he did not even bat an eye. He simply did not care. He started at You, not smiling, no interest or loving expression that he used to hold when he looked at You. You could see it when he looked back at her, how his eyes lit up, how he smiled and came alive. But his next words are what truly broke You. The words that broke him too.
"My sincerest apologies, but I'm afraid it doesn't matter now does it?"
"oh please don't cry now, I don't want to deal with you. He said confidently. Lumine looking at him with confusion and guilt on her expression. He turns back to her "do not pay mind to my mistake." Lumine looking at You in an apologetic way before she pushed Lyney away and walks out of the room instantly. You did not see a face expression on him before you too turned around and left the room.
It's such a shame he threw away years of his relationship to be with her for only two weeks.
Years of healing, trying to trust again, was a very difficult process. But eventually it happens, when You meet your now significant other. The true man of your dreams. Better than any of your exes could ever hope to achieve. And now here You are walking down the isle, most beautiful and elegant clothing on. Flowers decorating the beautiful isle that You will walk down.
You and Lyney are still friends, yes. But he can only think why You would even consider torturing him so much by inviting him. Surely you know this pains him in the worst way possible right? His every regret flooding back to him, the way he misses you. The way he misses your affection, your voice, your scent, your quirks even your flaws.
Ever since his mistake that day, his fling with Lumine. The worst day of his life, his reason for his loss of motivation, his loss of happiness, his loss of light. He is completely dull, like a burn out lightbulb. He's tried so hard to win you back over, but he knows he's failed. He knows he's failed you, failed his siblings, failed himself.
Every night to ensure he can get away from his emotions he picks up a bottle. Ruining his health too.
Lumine in her dress, elegant and sweet, after the incident he lost her too. Lumine, who left Lyney after she realized her mistake. Lumine who apologized to You and became close to You. Lumine who did the right thing compared to Lyney. She's a bridesmaid.
He stares as You as You walk down the isle, ready to call yourself officially married with your significant other. Lyney's chest aching, he can feel his heart beat in his chest. Sounds being lost to him as he tears up. Aching stomach and the inability to stop himself from acting out.
"Does anyone have any objections?"
"WAIT! Please.. I object." Was all that could be heard.
Thinking about writing a part 2 like mentioned earlier
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