#my roommate successfully did it the other day
theloveinc · 2 years
Hdhdhhdhhhh im so devastated because I ordered this $60 package of art supplies I've been wanting all month and on the day it was supposed to be delivered, which is in the next two hours, I realized I sent it to the wrong address 😭😭
OH MY GOD what a bummer!! Do you think you could still call the company and report it? Say it was never delivered anyway???
If gas wasn’t so damn expensive rn, I’d recommend at least trying to go get it if the town it was delivered to was close… but who know how that’d work out. I’m so sorry… not even my art supplies and I’m devastated for you. I really hope you’re able to get your money back at the very least!!
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mysteryshoptls · 9 days
SSR Jamil Viper - Room Relaxation Vignette
"Happy Birthday"
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[Main Street]
Jamil: Hmm, the width of this street is much narrower than I thought… If it were to turn the corner here…
Ortho: Jamil Viper-san! What are you doing here of all places? The afternoon classes will begin soon.
Jamil: Ortho… Maybe you could hear me out.
Ortho: Th-That's a pretty serious look you got going on… Sure. If you're alright with it, I can listen to what you have to say…
Jamil: So, tomorrow is my birthday…
Ortho: Huh, your birthday!? Happy Birthday!
Jamil: Thanks. I'm happy to celebrate it, but because of it, I'm in a bit of a conundrum.
Jamil: Well... It seems that Kalim has been plotting something for my birthday.
Ortho: Eh, plotting something? Is he planning something ominous…!?
Jamil: So, after coaxing hints out of him, and gathering more info from other folks around me, I finally was able to piece together his plan.
Jamil: Apparently, he's been planning alongside my dormmates on throwing a birthday parade in my honor down main street.
Ortho: Oh, nice, that sounds fun. Isn't it a good thing that he wants to throw a parade?
Jamil: Seriously… Do you even get how expensive parades can be, not to mention the difficulties of pulling one of successfully?
Jamil: I was so worried about it, I stole a glance at their plans, and just as I expected, it's not well thought out at all.
Jamil: If, somehow, it was to be a disaster and he says, "let's try again tomorrow!" it could further inflate the costs and labor.
Jamil: Plus, I'm not supposed to know about it, so I can't stop it. If I try to run interference, they might try something else which would also be just as bad…!
Jamil: That's why I thought about what could be done to successfully pull this off quick and painlessly, while minimizing any damage Kalim and the others could do...
Jamil: Which is why I am now secretly examining the proposed parade route prior to the event.
Ortho: Eh. So, you're telling me that you're basically doing the prep work for your own parade…?
Jamil: Don't remind me… I'm feeling pretty embarrassed by it already…
Ortho: B-But hey, you're still excited for your birthday, right? Especially since it's your special day!
Jamil: ….Yeah, I guess it's okay. It's a day where I don't have to stress about so many things.
Ortho: Oh, hey, so, what about if you try to surprise everyone else during the parade instead?
Ortho: Maybe you could shoot off fireworks at the front of the parade, or try summoning something via magic!
Jamil: I see… I mean, it is pretty irritating to always be on the receiving end of surprises. Might not be bad to see their shocked faces.
Jamil: Thanks, Ortho. I'll think about it.
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[Scarabia Dorm – Lounge]
Jamil: Alright, now. I think I'll put together my lunch for tomorrow before taking a shower… Hm? Oh, what are you guys still here for?
[Scarabia mob students stand there awkwardly]
Jamil: Eh, nothing? Don't worry about it? What's that plate you just tried to hi… No, nevermind.
Jamil: I know nothing. That's right, I know nothing… So, please… Please let things go as planned…!
Jamil: …Whew. Tomorrow's a busy day, so I guess I'll finish up what needs to be done, too.
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[Scarabia Dorm – Jamil's Room]
Jamil: Ah, whew. Today was another full day…
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[Scarabia Dorm – Jamil's Room]
[Jamil's roommate greets him]
Jamil: I'm back. …Yeah, that's right. There were so many people in the washroom that it took forever to take a shower.
Jamil: You were done pretty quickly, though… Oh, are you actually studying for once?
Jamil: What, because you're going to be busy tomorrow? Oh, so you're saying you're not studying because you want to… Nah, don't mind me, doesn't matter the reason, better you go ahead and do it.
[paper slips to the ground]
Jamil: Hey, you dropped something… Oh, right, the Headmaster did send out a notice earlier.
「Survey on Quality of Life Improvements for the Student Body」
Jamil: Quality of life improvements, huh. Then they should start with making the shower rooms bigge… Achoo!
Jamil: That's no good. I should dry my hair quickly before I catch a cold.
Jamil: Oh, I almost forgot, I received some hair milk from Najma for my birthday. I should apply some before drying.
Jamil: Urgh, the scent's pretty strong. What is this scent…? Lotus flowers? Oh, she should know this is way too fragrant for me!
Jamil: Is she just trying to mess with me even for my birthday? No, wait, she's more the type to have not put that much thought into it.
Jamil: I'll make sure to at least thank her… Before going back to my usual oils from tomorrow... Hey, I'm going to use the dryer.
Jamil: I can't really take my time drying my hair in the shared washroom. Especially since I require a lot more time…
[starts blow-drying hair]
Jamil: …Improvements, huh. Now that I think about it, I guess it could be useful to have a large standing mirror in the room.
Jamil: Whenever I'm setting my hair in the morning, it's pretty inconvenient that I can't see the back of my head. What I'd really like is a three-sided mirror.
Jamil: If I had known there wouldn't be one in these rooms, I probably would have brought one. Or maybe, I should write and request one.
Jamil: …Nah, it'll just get in my roommate's way. And I wouldn't want it to be used without permission… I dislike having to share my personal items.
Jamil: If I were to try and request some kind of new implement for the room, I think it'd have to be…
Jamil: That's exactly what I need! Ah, yes… It would be insanely convenient to have a refrigerator in my room!
Jamil: Sure, there is a fridge in the dorm kitchens, but it is a little too far from my room. Like, the last time I made ice cream…
Jamil: I'd have to wake up in the middle of the night and make countless trips back and forth to the kitchen to stir it. That was frustrating, especially since I was sleepy, and it's a good distance away.
Jamil: It'd be better if I had one in my room. And then I might as well also get a wide sink, stove and oven too…
Jamil: …Wait, that's basically a whole kitchen, huh? I guess it's not really something you'd put in a bedroom.
[finishes blow-drying hair]
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Jamil: Alright, it's mostly dry now. I'll just apply some oil, and… done.
Jamil: Hey. Sorry for all the noise again today… WAIT, HUH, HE'S ALREADY ASLEEP EVEN THROUGH THE LOUD HAIR DRYER NOISE!?
Jamil: Geez, he doesn't have a care in the world, huh. I almost feel kind of jealous.
Jamil: Alright, then. Time to look over my notes and prepare for tomorrow, then go to sleep.
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[Scarabia Dorm – Jamil's Room]
[alarm rings]
Jamil: Hrn… It's morning already… Yaaawn.
Jamil: I'm still sleepy… But there shouldn't be a crowd in the bathroom this early… I should go wash my face while it's empty…
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Jamil: Whew. I feel more refreshed now that I've washed my face… I really do like it in the mornings, since no one else is around.
Jamil: Looks like my roommate is still sleeping, so I'll just go ahead and quickly finish up my appearance for today.
Jamil: I guess I'll start with my makeup. Hm… Yeah, I think I'll just go with my usual palette.
Jamil: First, my sunscreen and colored lip balm. And I'll need eyeliner… Ah, looks like it's almost gone.
Jamil: I still have some spares, but I'll have to make sure to buy some extra.
Jamil: It was a little frustrating when the last eyeliner I would always use took off on Magicam and became hard to find.
Jamil: It's annoying when you can't even keep using the cosmetics you like because they go out of stock.
Jamil: I'd rather they keep a consistent stock of their standard products, instead of trying to come out with new colors each season.
Jamil: I'll have to look for some other brands next time, something that's water proof, and won't come off even if I sweat from running or cooking.
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Jamil: …Alright, I'm done. Next, I just need to set my hair.
Jamil: First, I'll take my hair oil and rub it into the ends of my hair to moisturize it… Good. Just from first glance, it doesn't look like there's any damaged strands.
Jamil: It's nice that ever since I've grown out my hair, I don't wake up to bed head, but… I never expected to have to spend this much time taking care of it.
Jamil: Letting it grow out may be easy to do, but it wouldn't do to let it go wild. Grooming it well should be the bare minimum of etiquette.
Jamil: Especially since I don't want to be seen as unsightly…. I'll just finish the braids with magic… And, done.
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Jamil: …I've set it as perfectly as I normally do, but since today's my birthday, maybe I should try to spruce myself up just a little more than usual?
Jamil: Today should be a pretty long day, so I think I'll use a stronger eyeliner… Might not be bad to add a splash of color, too.
Jamil: Not only do I have the dorm party, but my clubmates have also reached out, and I promised to get together with my classmates, as well.
Jamil: …Ah, well. Looks like today is going to be one busy day. Heheh.
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[Main Street]
[birthday celebration cheers]
Ortho: Ah, I spy Jamil Viper-san! Looks like he's having fun celebrating with everyone.
Ortho: Heheh… He was griping a lot yesterday, but he definitely seems like he's enjoying himself. He looks so happy!
Ortho: Hey, Jamil Viper-san! I'm here to celebrate, too. Happy Birthday!
Jamil: Hey, Ortho! You came all this way to join the celebration, too? Thanks, everyone.
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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seresinhangmanjake · 10 months
The One I Want: Part 3.5 - Jake POV
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Plus size!reader
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Summary: You’re new in town and some guy named Jake is about to be your roommate. Being skeptical of new people keeps you lonely and uninterested in any entanglements, but Jake is desperate to change that.
Warnings: This chapter is written in first-person (warning you now so don't come for me later if it bothers you pretty please) Judgment related to weight. Cursing. Fluff. Angst. Eventual smut (alluded to/or other). Self-esteem issues.
Note: These Jake POV chapters are not necessary to read to understand or follow with the rest of the story!
Words: 1115 (i told ya it'd be shorter)
The One I Want Masterlist
“If she doesn’t end up going for you, send her my way,” Javy whispers so only I can hear. 
Turning sharply, I whack him upside the head. I tell myself it's mostly so Javy stops looking at you the way he is, but I know it’s also a way to release my frustration at realizing my brain is only the slightest bit faster than my instincts. My brain just barely held me back from instinctually snapping ‘mine’ the second you walked into the place and I saw the look on my friend’s face. But thankfully it did. Because you’re not mine. Not really. Not at all. 
You don’t notice the smack, and Nat and Bradley have seen the same interaction enough to know it’s not genuine. Although, this time I can’t fully say that it isn’t. Their eyes find you and you blush under all four pairs; mine included, of course, since I can’t seem to manage to keep them off of you anyway. I don’t try anymore. 
“H-Hi,” you say with a lick of nerves. 
The look on your face screams ‘too much; too many people; too many eyes’, and I would instantly feel like an ass if it weren’t for the fact that when you agreed to meet them, you seemed happy about it. After a month and a half, you were finally willing to learn more about my life, integrate yourself into my world, and I wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass me by. But seeing you now, in the aftermath of putting my excitement above your anxiety, the guilt creeps up on me. 
“It’s good to see you again,” Nat says, carefully wiping away the deer-in-headlights expression off your face. Your shoulders settle and, albeit tentatively, you smile. The same smile I thought I would’ve grown immune to by now, but no. It still kicks my heart into overdrive in a way no other has. 
And that’s the problem. That’s the thing not allowing me to surrender in my efforts to open you up to me. I just want more; crave it; each day contemplate how I can coax new pieces of you to the surface. 
There was a brief period in those first three days when I prayed that what I saw in you was merely a challenge. A beautiful woman who doesn’t want me is rare, as ridiculously vain as it is to say. But it’s the truth. I know the game of cat and mouse well. The playful back and forth that inevitably ends up with the woman in my bed. And damn, did I want to play. But what I had allowed myself to assume was a need to conquer grew into genuine interest. It grew so quickly, in such an all-consuming manner, that I didn’t know what to do with myself. 
I still don’t. 
Instead, I act on impulse, and that usually leaves me doing what I must, asking what I must, to get to know you. At times, successfully. Others, not so much. Never before has the phrase ‘one step forward, two steps back’ applied so heavily to my life. 
You ease yourself into the kitchen and Javy takes it upon himself to give you his name and wrap you up in a hug; muscled arms irritatingly just barely bigger than mine squeezing you tight. It’s returned, though much less enthusiastically. 
When his arms have been around you far too long for my liking, my fingers fist in the back of his shirt and tug until he releases you. 
“I’m Bradley,” my final friend—potentially my new best friend if Javy keeps his shit up—offers with a wave.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” you reply.
I feel my lips curve all on their own at the rising confidence in your voice. You entered, took a moment to adjust to the room and the people occupying it, and then found your footing. A familiar adapt-to-survive skill I am slowly learning you possess. 
My friends smile, then look at me. Which is fair, considering the silence filling the room is my fault. I told them not to ask you too many questions. Not to pry into your past. Not to be too curious about your plans while you’re in the area. I left them with nothing and nowhere to go.
“How was your morning,” I ask. 
“Good actually. I got a job.”
I stand a little straighter. “You did?” 
I know I'm coming off a little too eager at that information, but it’s the first indication you’ve given that says you intend to stick around for a while. So far, you’ve not made an effort to find friends, you haven’t bought yourself anything that can’t fit in a backpack, and, until now, hadn’t found a job. It was a developing pattern that kept me in a state of wondering if I’ll wake one morning to find you gone. But if you got yourself a job then that has to be a good sign of things to come. 
You nod. “It’s not much. Just cashier at the gift shop across from the beach, but at least I’ll be able to start paying you for last month's rent.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. You don’t have to pay me,” I say. Because it’s true. Having you around, knowing I come home to someone every day, is enough. And the reality of it is, I don’t need the money. 
With a raised brow, Nat smirks, and I wonder if it’s too obvious. If I’m too obvious. 
“I’m paying you, Jake,” you state with an edge of harshness that has ‘two steps back’ repeating in my brain. And before I can think to argue with you, you’ve muttered something about taking a shower and have disappeared into your room. 
When I look back to the small group at the side, my brows dip in irritation. Nat is still smirking. Bradley is shaking his head. And Javy’s lips are pinched tight to hold in a laugh threatening to burst. 
I sigh as I lean my weight against the countertop of the kitchen island. “What?” 
“‘Oh, don’t worry. You don’t have to pay me,’” Bradley mocks in a voice much higher pitched than mine. 
“You’re making fun of me for being nice?”
“No, No,” he corrects, glancing between Nat and Javy before once again meeting the glare in my eyes. “It’s just interesting. It was only two months ago that you were expecting Brit to pay rent and she had your dick inside of her a few times a week. She never even got a discount, but this chick lives here for nothing.”
A beat passes. 
Then Javy’s laugh finally breaks free. 
tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @rosiahills22 @oliviah-25 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @ssa-sadboi @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792 @djs8891 @shakespeareanwannabe @sailor-aviator @penguin876 @rogersbarnesxx @nani-kenobi @tgmavericklover @athenabarnes @elite4cekalyma @buckysteveloki-me @shelbycillian @kissmethric3 @fox-bee926 @hangmandruigandmav @waltermis @fandom-life-12 @a-serene-place-to-be @bruher @cehenyne @tngrace
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yerimbrit · 14 days
beam : r. sarang
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synopsis: ryu sarang: the ultimate cuddlebug whom you cannot resist. (?)
# : pairing ! ryu sarang x 8th member!reader
# : tags ! reader's gender isn't specified, domestic fluff, it's all fluff really, extremely self indulgent, this is basically all of my thoughts but in a fic, ryu sarang we love you our dimple girl
# : wordcount ! 0.7k
# : warnings ! none
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the one day you decided beforehand to wake up early and be productive, you find yourself trapped.
you try to squirm out of the arms of the intruder who probably snuck in last night, but you're trapped. trapped under someone's very warming, impossible-to-escape grasp.
who could it be? well, you can only think of one person—your fellow member of izna and lovely girlfriend—ryu sarang, that is. who else could it be? your roommate koko isn't one for crawling into your bed in the middle of the night. at least you hope she isn't.
once again attempting to get out of the arms holding you captive, the girl finally stirs awake and whines, only tightening her embrace.
you tap against her dainty hands with a sense of urgency, feeling your breaths shorten with each exhale. sarang loosens her grip, but doesn't let go.
"no," the 'o' drags out, and an incoherent grumble follows, one which you can feel against your shoulder blade, "it's too early..."
that's true. it's six am, the sun only barely peeking out from the horizon, and its rays haven't made their way through your pink curtains yet. you're laying comfortably in bed, cooling blanket tossed messily over your (and your girlfriend's) torso.
there's no planned schedule, not for you, but the older members do—mai, jeemin, and jiyoon are attending an event later in the day as izna. you were planning on going on an early jog, stop by a newly opened bakery to buy some sweet delicacies for your members, then maybe continue working on lyrics for a song on the new album.
you successfully manage to turn around to face the girl, your hand reaching up to pinch her cheek. "when did you sneak in here?"
sarang scrunches up her nose, forcing you to resist the urge to pepper kisses all over her face in cuteness aggression. she fills your world with so much love (no pun intended) that you can't get enough of it; it's addicting. so addicting.
"i think maybe two am... i just felt like it," she mumbles, batting her eyelashes with a pout.
of course, because of how she's laying on her side, the effectiveness of her pout is amplified. having her do this right in front of you makes you melt, fighting a smile but ultimately failing in the end. "you're such a cutie."
sarang returns a smug dimpled smile of her own after seeing your struggle and hearing your comment. she's so pretty.
have you mentioned how perfect your girlfriend is? talented, passionate, charming, dimples. dimples? sorry, your other thoughts leaked in. ryu sarang is thee dimple girl, your girlfriend who is the cutest in the world and, no, no one can change your mind about that. not even puppies, because she also resembles one. it only adds to her cuteness.
regardless of your perfect girlfriend, you unfortunately have things to do today. an agenda that is not mandatory, but one you would rather not skip. "i have things to do, sarangie."
it's only after she hugs you closer that you're reminded of your situation: you're trapped in the unescapable embrace of ryu sarang. and now you're so close together that you can feel her breath fanning against your cheek. if you leaned in just a tiny bit closer you'd be able to give her sweet butterfly kisses.
"can't you do them later?" sarang frowns, her fingers lightly drawing nameless shapes onto your back. "it's so early."
yeah, it is. and you don't have any set times that you had to do the tasks that you had planned. her argument is completely valid, and a 'you lose' screen manifests in your mind.
sarang blinks. "fine?"
"you win. let's go back to sleep." you surrender. saying no to sarang is a losing game, anyway.
your girlfriend grins in victory and swiftly pecks you on the lips. you wouldn't have known she'd kissed you if not for the lingering feeling on your mouth or her giggly mood promptly after—but you digress.
watching as sarang falls asleep rather quickly, the corner of your lips quirk up in content. you feel so lucky to have met her, and you feel even more lucky to be able to spend every next second, minute, and hour with her.
the peaceful rise and fall of her chest calms you, and you let your eyes fall shut. worrying about today's agenda can wait. worrying about everything can wait, debut, performances, photoshoots, whatnot.
you choose to bask in this moment, the sunrise shining through your pink curtains and your lovely girlfriend ryu sarang snoring lightly in front of you.
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a/n : ryu sarang 😭😭😭🩷🩷🩷🩷
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razorblade180 · 4 months
9 days of Lancaster Day 1: Training
Ruby considered herself an honest girl. Maybe a light fib every once and awhile but she really tried speaking her mind often! She meant it when she said she wishes to be a normal girl with normal knees. However, as Jaune flipped her onto a sparring mat, the next words out of her mouth made her wish seem like a lie.
Ruby:I am better than this outcome! I’m a natural born fighter, so why is this so hard!
Jaune:You really weren’t kidding about your hand to hand skills. I’m not even good.
Ruby:Lies! We all can’t be roommates with a ninja and learn cool skills!
Jaune:Yeah but…YOU have a ninja roommate.
Jaune:…And a martial arts sis-
Ruby:Shut up! *springs up* Again! I’m focused! I will get you.
Jaune:Ren said most things come down to balance and timing. Try not rush this.
Ruby:I’d like to point out my weapon gives me reach and an immaculate pace. Without it you’re like two of me.
Jaune:Yeah but you’re amazing. I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it soon enough.
Ruby:Your kindness has no effect on me.
Jaune:Pin me and I will buy lunch. If you lose then you do it.
Ruby:You’re on!
Without hesitation, a flying kick went past Jaune’s head. He barely had time to put his hands up to block a flurry of tiny but rapid fists.
The pressure was short lived when Jaune threw a punch that forced Ruby to weave. Darn his long arms! She put all her concentration into bobbing left and right, successfully avoiding slower but powerful blows as she worked the ring. Lunch was on the line and it wasn’t looking too good for her. She had to really think about her attacks. She was faster but Jaune was no slouch. It all comes down to timing.
Ruby noticed his right shoulder move back and began ducking as Jaune sent a right hook. As she ducked, Ruby made her move; a right uppercut was headed his way then immediately pulled back as he went to block. The faint worked! Ruby twisted her body into a left jab aimed right for his face! Unfortunately, the blow failed spectacularly. Jaune raised his right palm and caught it! No way he predicted that! Ruby immediately went for right but was once again caught and both arms were raised above her head. She refused to give up her free lunch!
Both of them made their move. Ruby went to knee him with her right but wasn’t expecting him to lean her body backwards. She quickly lost balance and her leg was caught with his left hand as her wrists became pinned by his right against a wall. She hadn’t even noticed how far back they moved during the fight. Did he purposely lead her over here!? The proud but surprised smile on his face told her yes. Ruby couldn’t help but pout as he chuckled.
Ruby:Ren has taught you too much.
Jaune:Lunch is on you today.
Ruby:This is clearly a draw.
Jaune:Rubes, you’re pinned.
Ruby:Last time i checked, your arms are full. Looks like we both can’t properly attack. I call that a draw~
She confidently huffed. That was until their little stare down slowly grew closer.
Jaune:You really think I’m out of moves?
Ruby:Pr-Prove me wrong.
Why was she stuttering? Now was not the time to show weakness to the enemy! Cobalt eyes grew ever larger as they got closer to pools of silver. The grip on her wrists became a bit more firm, as well as his fingers behind her knee. Escaping the pin suddenly felt more like a suggestion than a need, and Ruby was so thrown off right now all she could think to do was close her eyes and wait for his “attack”
After what felt like an eternity, a soft press against her forehead connected with his own before leaving. Suddenly her limbs were free and she felt his presence back off. Ruby opened her eyes to see her friend looking completely the other way with his ears as red as her cape l; and her face at this point.
Jaune:See? I could’ve headbutted you.
Ruby:Y-Yeah…right. I can’t argue with that. *rubs head* Lunch is on me.
Jaune:Let’s call it here. Also… I will but dessert.
He briskly runs off, leaving Ruby to stew in the moment. She didn’t know what was worse; that he might’ve been going for a headbutt from the start but she clearly puckered up, or the fact she could still feel his grip on her. Either way, she was dying inside.
Ruby:(Why does hand to hand have to be so close?!)
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mins-fins · 11 months
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SUMMARY . . . it's really easy to just say "i'm fine" and go on with it, anton doesn't take it, though.
PAIRING . . . anton lee x male!reader
GENRE . . . fluff, light light angst
WARNINGS . . . mentions of sleep deprivation
WORD COUNT . . . 0.7k
NOTES . . . *taps mic* hi anton lovers, hi again riize fandom, i love anton hes just so 😢 anyway i didn't willingly make this the demons stole my computer and typed it out for me 🙏 *crowd cheers and applauses and fire alarms go off and the place explodes*
. . . my beloved mother (aka the best and only elif i know) @jinkiseason asked to be tagged so here you go (you better read this 😡) (i made it in your wc range/j)
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said boy startles, almost hitting his head on the counter. he groans, covering his face for a moment. once his eyesight registers, he looks up to see his roommate, whose eyes are focused on the textbooks set on the kitchen counter. "shit sorry, what time is it?" he asks, rubbing his eyes and yawning.
"it's two am" y/n swears he almost gasps out loud when he hears. two? as in two in the morning? that can't be.. "i— i'm sorry did i disturb you? i didn't mean to fall asleep i just—"
"no no" anton cuts into his sentence. "your not disturbing me.. i— why are you sleeping on the kitchen counter?"
how long did i doze off for?
"i was.." y/n pauses as he catches anton's gaze, he recognizes that gaze. he's seen it from his parents, his older siblings, his ex lovers, his friends, and just.. strangers. anton already knows how he's going to respond. "studying".
anton closes his eyes, sighing, and y/n feels that recognizable shame curl in his gut. "y/n.. what time did you start studying?"
y/n goes silent once again, disappointedly looking down at the kitchen counter as he begins to drag his finger up and down it, trying to distract himself. he feels another curl of shame in his gut when he hears anton sigh, again.
"i know i know, i'm sorry" he immediately says, feeling like he did something wrong, anton's tone of voice was really stressing him out, he hated that tone of voice, he hated the way it was so recognizable and how anxious it made him feel. "i didn't mean to upset you".
anton simply blinks, then shakes his head. "it's not your fault" he whispers, walking up to y/n and rubbing a hand up and down his back. "y/n i worry about you".
y/n musters up a smile, but he's so tired he can't even keep it up, frowning immediately. "i have so many exams this week.. this is my best bet—"
"no, you need to sleep".
y/n chuckles sleepily, his eyes barely able to stay open. "it's okay, i can rest after my exams are ove—"
"do you really think i'm gonna let you do that?"
y/n pauses, biting the inside of his cheek. he almost laughs once again, but he stays silent. anton looks at him for a moment; then closes his textbook. "come on".
"come on where?"
"your going to sleep" anton states, he doesn't ask or even wait for an answer, he just says it like he knows what he's doing. y/n looks at him like he just said something crazy, but anton doesn't budge.
anton looks at him for a split second, sighing. "i don't want you to disagree with me, your going to sleep whether you like it or not".
y/n scoffs; "i'm not even tire—"
"its two in the morning, you studied all day, you are going to sleep".
anton grabs his arm, helping him stand up and dragging him away from the kitchen counter. y/n lightly yelps, but it's quiet. "anton, seriously, i don't need sleep, i'm fine i don't—"
"you need to stop trying to argue with me" anton mutters, turning on the sink and handing y/n his toothbrush. "i care about you, and your going to sleep, whether you like it or not".
y/n finally sighs, he stops trying to argue with anton, which makes the other smile. he grabs his toothbrush, hoping he's not that tired and can successfully do it.
"when was the last time you even got a full eight hours?"
y/n gives anton a look, not being able to respond because he's brushing his teeth, he lightly shoves his shoulder and anton laughs. that's pretty ironic considering anton barely gets sleep himself.
"your talking about eight hours?" y/n says, rinsing his mouth before looking back up. "you barely get sleep yourself".
"yeah but this is about you is it not?"
"i hate you".
anton deadpans for a moment, snickering. "no you don't" he easily responds, smiling. "now chop chop, you need to sleep".
"don't rush me".
"i will if i want to! come on, sleep!"
y/n sighs, yawning, but follows.
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carpentersghost · 2 years
Invisible Locket // Sam Carpenter
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Summary: Trying to escape from the horrors of Woodsboro, the Carpenter sisters set out to New York. After a year of settling in, the two are surrounded with a trusted friend group and trying to move on from their past as best they can; including Sam wanting to be honest with her heart again.
Word Count: > .9k
Author’s Note: Kind of romcom vibes, my second favorite movie genre, because Sam deserves the softness. Does this count as an AU? Just a drabble; It's not exactly what I wanted but that's because I kept changing my mind about it. Maybe one day I'll write what I actually had in mind but for now, here. Hope you enjoy!
Please be 18+ or be blocked since there are implied sexual references. There are slight references to Scream 6 but nothing heavy.
Warnings: Language and sexual references
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There stood a very fine line between insanity and intensity; Sam wasn’t sure where that line was as of last night. She didn’t believe her mind could focus on anything other than her sister. It wasn’t that long ago that the raven-haired woman chose to let go of the grip she had on Tara; learning that her sister can handle herself well enough. And now that her hand is empty, it’s aching for something to reach towards.
Quinn nudged at your side, aiming for your attention before getting up. “Can you please tell Sam to not take too long on making up her mind?” her gaze pointed at you before gesturing back to her roommate. 
“Oh my god, you’re clueless,” the younger Carpenter whispered under her breath, not wanting her roommate to necessarily hear her. Tara gently slapped your back, seeing as you simply turned your attention to Sam the first time.
You sighed, looking between the three of them. You sat up straighter, noticing Sam dodging your gaze. “What exactly does she need to make up her mind about?”
“The cute boy across the hall asked her out and Quinn thinks Sam hasn’t given him a response yet,” Tara explained, plopping down next to you on the couch; a hand reaching for the popcorn bucket in your hands. Before she could grasp it, the container was out of your hands.
Tara groaned, reaching past you, getting a handful of popcorn. “You didn’t have to take it all,” the youngest one sighed before settling next to you again. 
Your head wisped, the couch arm beside you now occupied. Eyeing the older Carpenter, a repressed smile sneaks past your lips. You curse yourself, noticing Sam’s expression; hooded eyes, looking down at you from where she was sitting, a grin planted gently on her face. The raven-haired woman caught a glimpse of the effect she had on you. It became one of her favorite pastimes since meeting you after they moved to New York.
Trying to gain back some composure, you reset yourself; starry eyes replaced with what could be mistaken for a new moon, a smirk replaced the dopey smile you carried. “Even telling him ‘no’ would be courteous, Samantha.” Sarcasm was laced into every one of your words. 
“I did,” Sam said loud enough for everyone in the apartment to hear, namely Quinn, and got up from her position and sat on the other side of Tara. “But I am against someone falling for me,” the survivor admitted, her gaze shifting between you and her sister.
Deciding to ruffle her way out of being in between the two of you, Tara moves to another seat; but not before taking the popcorn bucket with her. 
Sam scooches closer to you, wanting to close the gap. “I’ve got a reputation, and it’s not one that I can easily change.” Her eyes now trained on you, her fingers inching closer to the inside of her jean pocket. “My reputation, the rumors, they all precede me. I can barely handle it, what if no one else can?”
“I feel bad enough that Tara and the twins have to deal with the attention at times,” her gaze shifted to her younger sister for a second. 
Tara sent a weak grin; her memories flooded with her presumed best friend attempting to kill her, and successfully killing others. Even then, she learned to trust again, and found a spark with Chad. She just wished Sam gave herself the same liberation. And she knew how free her sister felt with you. Unbeknownst to Sam or you, Tara thought you two were the worst at keeping secrets; knowing that you two have been hooking up for months.
Sam’s name slipped past your lips like a shot of espresso. You’ve come to realize the woman’s fear. Stars held onto your eyes once again. You licked your lips, trying to interrupt an incoming smile but failed. 
“You’re not poison ivy, and neither is your reputation.”
“Isn’t this all just a little too delicate? If I were to be in love with someone right now?” Sam pondered, biting her bottom lip softly. “Especially considering I don’t know how the other person feels.”
Tara’s eyes widened slightly at the indirect confession. Feeling like she’s interrupting something, she gets up from her seat, stepping back out of the room slowly, not wanting to make any noise.
You chuckled, “Carpenter, we both know I keep a picture of your face in an invisible locket.” The raven-haired woman smirked. “Unless we’re talking about a different kind of ‘delicate’,” you moved closer to her, earning you an eye roll and a shove to your shoulder. 
All of her fears began melting away with the reassurance you’ve given her. “So, you wouldn’t mind it if I turned it into an actual locket?” 
With furrowed eyebrows, you noticed as she took out a silver necklace out of her jean pocket. When she placed the locket on her hand for better view, you noticed an ‘S’ engraved on it. 
“And I’ll have one too, you know, to stop random neighbors from asking me out for a third time.” Sam pulled out a similar necklace, already hung around her neck, tucked underneath her t-shirt, your initial being engraved onto it.
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allwaswell16 · 2 months
[4 pics, 4 quotes, 4 iconic 1D fics]
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Iconic Fics by... - LadyLondonderry -
When the moon finally reaches directly overhead (which Louis mostly notices because Niall grabs his hand and squeezes it like he’s trying to pop the eyes off a trout), Lady Oich swims up before them and recites the ceremonial vows, her mermaid tongue twisting the words into a haunting song about being bound for life to one’s lover. Louis shivers as the words wash over him, at the magnitude of their meaning. 
When she ends her speech, Louis suddenly realises he wishes badly that he wasn’t one of the best looking omegas here, because he really doesn’t want to be first. 
But then Lady Oich makes eye contact with him and raises her hand, and Louis’ heart nearly stops in his chest. She’s signalled that he’s first, and that his choosing begins now. 
He’s been up at the Help Desk for about half an hour when someone in a fireman uniform who is not Liam comes up to him.
This man, this not-Liam man, is probably the most attractive man Harry has ever seen. Did he say the other day that Liam was hot? That was a lie. No one could hold a candle to this perfect human specimen right in front of him. He’s got soft chestnut coloured hair that Harry would like to run his hands through, a bit of stubble that defines the set of his jaw, the cutest button nose Harry has ever seen, and the curve of his neck… This man cannot possibly be a mere human. Perhaps this Christmas is the second coming of Christ, because this man is compact perfection.
“Hello,” Perfection says when he reaches the counter.
Harry squeaks, and tries to cover it up with a cough.
“I’m Louis,” says Perfection. He sticks his hand out and… shit, is this what Liam felt like? What hand does Harry use? Which is the right one?
By the time Harry gets back to the office, Louis’ arrived and is sipping coffee from his signature fox mug. He waves at Harry. “You’re not dead!” 
“I’m not dead,” Harry agrees. “Just had to go rescue my roommate.”
“Ah,” says Louis. “Nick said you had one hour vomiting sickness.”
“That too,” Harry says. He sits down and goes back to his stack of plans that he had barely started copying. His head still hurts. He doesn’t want to have to go stand at the copier for the next hour fighting with it, so he takes the six that were successfully copied and brings them up on his screen, indexing and archiving them. 
The plans that Harry copies are supposed to have no paperclips, no staples, no sticky notes. 
The people who create these packets are what Mitch likes to call “incompetent nutters”.
On the wall behind him, Harry’s started a collection of sticky notes that he’s pulled out of the copier when the pages jam. He cuts them up to protect privacy information which makes them unique and wonky and wonderful. He takes a moment to flip through the six on his desk, and adds two to the collage; Please add blood and dissenting opinion. That’s satisfying at least. 
Now trying to distract himself from the faint salmon smell that seems to be growing stronger, Louis starts people-watching with a purpose. There’s a woman with a young child in her arms who has a stuffed bear in her arms, and all three of them are in matching blue dresses. The person now sitting opposite him has purple hair and earrings that hang past their shoulders in a tangle of tiny glinting beads. Louis wonders how often they get stuck on things. He can see what he thinks is a soulmate tattoo just below their jawline, something short. Good for them. 
There’s a man at the far end of the tube who is wearing a chunky oversized sweater, colourful knit squares patched together like a clown outfit made for winter. Louis isn’t sure, but he thinks it might be hideous. The guy is turned around, though, so he can only see the back of it. 
- answers below -
[1] Moon Dances Over
Louis knows that his tail is, frankly, stunning. His iridescent blue scales shimmer in even the slightest sunlight, and his fins have grown since he presented, delicate and almost transparent in their webbing.
He also knows that that means he’ll be one of the first to pick tonight, as the most beautiful omegas are blessed to pick their mates first. It’s considered a huge honour, since the guppies they’ll eventually birth will certainly be beautiful as well, bringing favour on the whole clan.
Louis has a stubborn streak, though. He’s always been rather a fan of mating for love, and there’s someone he’s had his eye on for a long time now.
[2] Frankincense-ational
Harry Styles works at the Hillsyde Library with his friend Zayn and best mate Niall. It’s December, which means Christmas, which should be the happiest month of the year…
Except Niall just broke up with his boyfriend, Zayn needs to let up on the rules a little, and the library is getting their fire alarm system replaced, which means that for the next few weeks there are going to be firemen patrolling the library ‘looking for fires’ while the system is down.
Harry almost hits one of them with his car right off the bat - and of course he’s the hot one.
Happy Christmas, here’s to many more.
A 2017 Advent Fic
[3] Give A Little Sing To The Singles
Harry Styles is an adult now, with a real adult job (and benefits! Whatever those are!). He spends his days at the copier. Copying things.
That being said, no one told Harry that being an adult came with a confusingly chaotic boss, a copier machine that would be hell-bent on ruining his life, and a coworker so good looking that Harry might just have to quit. After all, Christmas is coming and if their office doesn’t win the decorating contest, Louis has threatened to break several laws and kneecaps in retaliation.
Happy Christmas, here’s to many more.
[4] Things Unsaid
"That chunky oversized sweater is like a clown outfit made for winter."
It feels like time slows down.
Those words echo in his mind, familiar. Why are they familiar? The— the sweater he saw last week. The one with all the knit squares.
The train slows to a stop and Louis just— he doesn’t move. He feels frozen in place as people surge around him. Suddenly everyone is moving too fast and then just as suddenly the car is near empty, taking off again.
The man is gone.
His soulmate is gone.
Or, where you have a tattoo of the first thought your soulmate has when they see you.
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streaminn · 1 year
Enid is dramatic, a romantic one can say and for some reason-
She has the habit of reaching with a hand and greeting Yoko's knuckles with a kiss one day. It shouldn't irate Wednesday, really it shouldn't, except it does
Ettiqute is one she has learned alot as a kid and this?
This was intimate! Does Enid even know what she's doing!???
Because Enid does it with everyone they meet. New student? "howdy!" Enid says as her hand goes to grab and carefully press those lips along unworthy skin
It irks at the addams except she stays silent because it never goes on for more than that. Enid doesnt court these new people, she doesn't show signs of wanting them and so Wednesday let's out a breath
It should've stayed as that, maybe her blight of a roommate wanted to experiment with a new greeting after all. Except she does it to her friends too. Bianca rose a brow when she did it, Ajax bumbled out a laugh-
It shouldn't bother her, Enid can show her affection however she wants
Until one day, Wednesday snaps in their dorm
"why do you do that?" she wonders, turning on her chair to look at Enid.
The wolf perks up from her table. "do what?"
Wednesday grinds her teeth, must the dog make her do all the work? "your new greeting, must you insist on kissing the skin of every unsanitary mortal?"
Enid snorts. "do you have to sound so edgy?"
Wednesday's brow twitched at that. Here she is being concerned and she's being called edgy? The audacity
"answer the question, Enid."
The blond makes a noise, pushing back on her swivle chair to earn her way closer to Wednesday space with a twirl.
Wednesday watches as Enid nearly tumble overs twice before successfully arriving an arm lenght away. The wolf sat with the back of the chair pressed to the front, a grin on her face as she crossed her arms over her squeaky vehicle.
"yes, I must," Enid answers as she leans closer and Wednesday eyes the way the chair dips. "why? Do you want one too?"
Wednesday doesn't say a thing but her heart beats fast all the same. The answer leaves her lips faster than she can think.
Enid blinks and so does Wednesday. Except, Wednesday doesn't lie, not to Enid, not after the first semester so she doesn't say a thing to refute her statement.
A flush burned at Enid's skin, scattering along her cheeks and it fills Wednesday with glee because atleast she isn't the only one feeling this.
Enid's hands are moving. They're slower, all the more cautious as Wednesday shifts in her chair so they're facing each other.
Wednesday allows her hand to be taken and she feels those lips brush against her skin
She feels like she's burning and it takes all her willpower to not jerk away. That's the self preservation talking and Wednesday would rather dance in the flames that douse herself with water.
Wednesday's eyes drop and she sees the way Enid's other hand is shown infront of her. The position is awkward and there is no flourish like Enid has done times again before but Wednesday is brought back to her father's lesson anyways
One hand infront means respect, my darling
Two hands means love.
Enid is smiling at her, her thumb brushing against the spot where her lips met Wednesday's skin.
The meaning was not lost to the two of them when Wednesday grips back
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dc418writes · 11 months
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✨Pairing✨: serial killer!Ari Levinsonxblack!reader (ft. Robert Pronge)
Summary🪄: Never trust the back roads
⚠️: 18+, NO MINORS!! Soft,Dark!Ari, abduction, Minor character(s) death, mention of blood, a bit of Stockholm syndrome (maybe?), manipulation, language, hint of cult like lore/rituals
A/N🎤: Hey guys☺️! We got another spooky season themed piece based off Texas Chainsaw Massacre (movie and recently released game). Those who have read my works for a while know I usually stay in the lane of fluff, but as you’ve read above this is a bit darker in nature (please don’t read if any of the above warnings make you uncomfortable). So because this is new to me, I am v nervous lol but I hope those who read like it!
*Disclaimer!: although visual was made by me via Canva, I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP of pictures used as they were all found on Pinterest*
“I told you we should’ve stayed on the interstate,” Brittany quips crossing her arms across her chest. “Now we’re out of gas and stuck on this hick-town backroad.”
“Need I remind you we wouldn’t be in this situation if somebody would’ve been ready so we could leave on time,” her boyfriend, Adrian, retorts turning the key in the ignition again to get the same result of his Bronco sputtering before going silent.
“Don’t blame your laziness on me! Who doesn’t get gas before leaving?”
“I had enough to get us to the halfway point we were supposed to be at-!”
“Will both of y’all shut up?!,” Cassidy, your roommate and Brittany’s best friend, shouts successfully quieting the couple up front. “Giving me a headache.”
“Now what do we do?,” you softly ask nervously toying with the ring dangling from the thin chain around your neck.
“If we knew we wouldn’t be sitting here now would we?”
“Hey! I get it Brit your frustrated. Don’t take that shit out on Y/N or any of us,” Cassidy snaps. Her best friend only mumbles under her breath sinking a bit lower in her seat.
“I’m sorry, what was that?!”
“Enough!,” Adrian shouts making you jump while the other girls look out their respective windows. Sighing, he grabs his phone from the middle console before unbuckling his seatbelt and turning towards the rest of you. “Let’s try to come together, alright?” Ever the captain trying to rally the “team”.
“I’m gonna walk up the road and see if I can find a gas station or anybody that can help. You three stay here and keep trying your phones to see if you can get anyone.”
“You’re just gonna leave us here?!,” Brittany asks as if offended he would ever speak such a plan. He doesn’t have time to answer from the knock on her window startling everyone in the car. The stranger’s almond brown strands framed his rugged yet model-esque face as his lips curled into a friendly smile. His large palms shooting up in surrender with a quick, “sorry!” giving all of you a show of his thick biceps and the veins that travelled up his forearms.
“Didn’t mean to scare you. Just wanted to see if y’all were alright,” he speaks loud enough to be heard through the rolled up window. His deep voice and southern drawl prickles your ears - and shamefully, other more neglected parts - wanting to hear him talk all day and night if you could.
“Yea, just out of gas,” Adrian answers. “Know where the closest station is?”
“I happen to own one 10-15 minutes up the road. I could drive you if you want?”
“Fuck no, we’re not going with him!,” Cassidy whispers to Adrian. “Where did he come from in the first place?”
“Cass this might be the only help we get. I’m not about to pass up the chance to get out of here because of paranoia,” he replies before turning back to the handsome stranger. “Sounds good, thanks.”
Once he’s helped all of you into his older model truck, it doesn’t take long for him to start the engine carrying the four of you down the road. Adrian sat in the passenger seat while you sat in the middle of Brittany and Cassidy in the back. The three of you quiet as the men small talked.
Adrian introduced all of you and explained your summer vacation plans - much to Brit and Cass’ displeasure - to the former stranger now called Ari.
Occasionally he’d ask if you all were okay or needed the air changed. His eyes unknowingly lingering on you a tad longer as you nervously smoothed out the hem of your flowy floral dress.
Knowing what you do now, you would’ve stopped Adrian from accepting his help. From either of you getting in that red truck and falling for a kind smile and hypnotizing blue eyes.
Waking up, the panic returns to your body not being able to move your arms and legs far. The heavy shackles attaching them - and you - to the cold, metal table below make it near impossible as their chains rattle pulling your extremities back with a sharp thud.
“Might not wanna move too much sweetheart. Wouldn’t want to hurt those pretty little wrists of yours.” The fearfully familiar voice has tears brimming your eyes hearing his footsteps come closer and closer until he’s stopping at the table on the opposite wall handling some tool. Without your glasses, everything looks blurry which only adds to your fear.
You lost them as you were trying to run away from your other captor. Long, stringy brown hair and thin wire frames of his own, he always seemed to wear black gloves and an apron splattered with some liquid you didn’t want to think about every time he appeared. This last time somehow finding your latest hiding spot as you all tried to escape.
First you were right beside Brittany, both of you shoulder to shoulder sprinting and nearly out of breath. Then suddenly you were harshly falling to the ground having tripped over something. She kept going, ignoring your hurt form as you were pulled along the clay like dirt trying to wiggle free as you screamed and sobbed calling out for help.
“Shut up! Maybe if you would’ve stayed where we put you, you wouldn’t be in this situation,” he spat down at you clearly frustrated you were putting him through all this trouble.
After finally settling on the delicate scalpel, he slowly stalks across the surgical like room. Shoes tapping against the linoleum floor while he admired how it gleams in the fluorescent light with every slight twist of his hand.
“Now,” he grins leaning down close enough that you could feel the warm air from his nostrils blowing against your skin. Smell the smoke on his breath from his earlier cigarette. “How about we get you out of those filthy clothes, hm?”
The back of the scalpel runs along your sweaty collarbone as he placed it under your thin, spaghetti strap. With one tug he could easily break it giving free access to your chest - especially with your arms being held above your head.
“I told you she was for last Bobby,” Ari speaks approaching your table and making your heart sink further. His partner, well Bobby, rolls his eyes begrudgingly sitting up to meet him now standing right by your leg smudged in dirt.
“Welp, sometimes life has other plans,” he replies with that devious smirk. Ari’s bigger than the man in front of him, easily being able to move Bobby out of the way with the thick muscles along his arms and back - not to mention those thighs straining to break free from his blue jeans.
You feel like a lab rat being observed by scientists under their intense gazes. Ari’s, though, mixed with something tender - almost enamored - that has you surprisingly not cowering away when he reaches his hand out brushing a thumb along your cheek to wipe away a fallen tear.
“Please,” you whisper between your sniffles. “I-I’ll do anything.”
Those words coming from your pretty mouth sparked something in Ari he’d never felt in all these years.
Plenty of his victims pleaded that same thing offering him any and everything a man could ever want, but he never budged continuing on for the sake of his family’s lineage. There was something about sweet you though, practically dripping with innocence and this light Ari couldn’t help but fall for. He saw that while you sat in the backseat of his truck and at the gas station quietly sipping your soda off on your own as you looked out the window towards the lush grassland across the street sprinkled with wildflowers. He actually felt guilty when he had to knock you out, hoping he wasn’t scarring your soft skin too much when he’d drug you to the storm cellar with the others.
Immediately, he wanted you all for himself and was ironically desperate enough to do anything to make it happen.
“Oh sweetheart, we’ve heard it all before,” Bobby teasingly coos. Ari’s emotion stays unmoving still gently wiping away your tears.
“I promise I won’t say anything!”
“I won’t say anything!,” he mocks trying to imitate your fear stricken voice before laughing to himself. He returns back to the table full of tools trying to decide between the rusted scissors or the butcher knife for his next torturous instrument. “You’re all the same.”
Peering up at Ari with wet lashes and red eyes, you whimper another quiet “please” hoping to see your family again.
And for the first time since your capture, that charismatic smile finds its way back on his pink lips reminding you of when he first appeared outside the car. Giving you a small sense of hope you should’ve known not to trust.
“Tell you what, I’m feeling generous so I’ll make a deal with you,” Ari speaks sounding so smooth as if the current environment around him wasn’t real at all. Bobby isn’t happy though, from the way he drops his tools stalking over to Ari.
“Need I remind you of your little legend?”
“Everything will be fine. Especially when sugar here helps us.”
You can still hear Brittany’s screams coming from the room deeper in the basement. They’re faint, being however many feet upstairs in one of the older farmhouse’s bedrooms, but you can still hear the agony and fear laced within.
Hear the betrayal uttered along with every “no don’t!,” knowing you were ultimately the reason for her final capture - and soon death. Before she was taken herself, Cassidy found a hidden message on one of the walls describing how to get out using only Ls for left and Rs for right. Pictures meant to represent exits on how to leave the property that you all nearly found if not for the hidden traps.
A light tap on the door has you holding yourself tighter, moving slightly higher up the bed fearful of who could be on the other side. Luckily - or maybe not - it’s a blurry Ari holding something in his hands. His heavy steps stop at the edge of the bed gently placing something on the brown comforter. Cautiously, you reach out to feel the cool metal of your glasses excitedly placing them back on your face to find them cleaned and surprisingly without a scratch.
“I thought you’d need those.”
His strikingly handsome face is soft with a tilted smile as he hands you a glass of water you rush to take craving for the cool liquid to flow down your scratchy throat.
“Slow down sugar,” he chuckles. “There’s more.”
Now embarrassed, you slowly lower the glass from your chapped lips handing it back with a shy, “thank you,” before wrapping your arms around your middle again. “A-Am I going home now?”
He sighs clicking his tongue and rubbing the back of his neck with his bear paw of a hand as if not exactly knowing how to answer your question. His expression has your face falling in disappointment as well as confusion.
“‘Fraid not.”
“But…you told me you’d let me go?”
“And I did. You’re not in those rough shackles anymore are you?” You feel foolish thinking he’d actually help you this time. He’d shown you the knife before, yet you still openly turned your back as if he couldn’t stab you.
Were you really that naive? Or was it something deeper at work you were ashamed to admit?
“Aw don’t look so sad. I’m just looking out for you,” he explains perching on the corner of the full sized mattress. “The moment you show up back home without your friends all fingers are pointing towards you.”
“I’ll tell them we split up! That I don’t know what happened to them,” you cry.
“That’ll only get you so far before eyes are back on you sweetheart. Parents and friends of theirs saying how you have to know something. That’s when cops get more aggressive too.” Ari dares place his hand on your thigh as a sign of comfort, and you don’t remove it thinking how he was right.
You wouldn’t be able to play dumb for long before you’d appear even more suspicious to everyone. That then left you with two options: jail or hide away confirming your own death along with the others.
Tears quickly tumble from your eyes at your realization, but Ari’s there wiping them away as soon as they fall and leaving your skin tingly where he touched.
“I know I know, it’s a lot to take in. But I’ll be there to take care of you. Just like I took care of Brittany for you.”
“F-For me?,” you ask gazing at him with tears still falling as you silently hiccup.
He nods. “You didn’t know she was the one to trip you huh?” Part of him hated to be the one to break it to you, but on the other hand he could just eat you up like a little sugar cube how innocently oblivious you looked.
Not to mention how you still managed to look so pretty while you cried on his bed. It gave him other ideas, but he managed to push those away for now.
“She selfishly sacrificed you, so it’s only right she get the karma she deserved right?,” he asks gently squeezing your thigh.
You knew she never liked you. For whatever reason, always looking at you like an annoying little sibling being forced to tag along whenever Cassidy would invite you out with them. She was a true friend wanting you to experience more than the four walls of your dorm and your classrooms, while Brittany could care less about you.
Although it felt wrong to admit, you nod agreeing with the man doting on you making his tilted smile return - and that gooeyness to your insides.
“You won’t have to want for anything here with me sugar. I promise you that.”
Every fiber and cell in your body is warning you of his promises. Reminding you of everything you’ve been through up to that point. How you should be careful with the man in front of you, who had a deadly switch that could flip at any moment leaving you in clear danger.
Yet the way his blue eyes look at you - really see you, which is more than you experience from most people - you feel honored he’d retaliate on your behalf. You feel special receiving such loyalty and care.
And with that, you lean into his touch softly smiling as his thumb traces along your bottom lip. “Okay Ari.”
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czrpenters · 2 years
stupid | sam carpenter x reader
summary: maybe you just had the most challenging, yet stupidiest decision of your life.
pairings: sam carpenter x fem!reader, meeks-martin!reader.
warnings: scream vi spoilers ahead, mention of injuries, blood and death. reader is mindy and chad's older sister. english is not my first language.
word count: 1.5k words.
masterlist. | request rules.
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You couldn't believe it.
You never would've know that there was still a risk when you decided to leave Woodsboro with your siblings and your friends. You thought that it was over. That it was in the past. And now, Ghostface followed you all to New York. The nightmare began all over again. You've lost 3 friends over that motherfucker and you weren't ready to lose more.
After the last attacks in Woodsboro, in which you've almost lost your siblings and your own life for, you've decided to take a few self-defense lessons. Being careful was never going to be enough. You had pepper spray, a taser and a knife that you carried on your bag day after day. It was so fucking tiring being alert all the time, but you had to. You unfortunately was never going to be safe. I guess being the girlfriend of a ghostface target came with a cost, right?
And now, you were running from an asshole in a ghostface mask again, this time in New York, in your apartament. You just lost Quinn, your roommate, to him; Anika got stabbed and Mindy got injured. All of that adrenaline and fear got worse when the killer cornered you all into the bathroom, and for a split second you thought that this was it. It was the end of the line. You were going to die with your girlfriend today, Chad would lose both of his sisters and Tara would be alone. You couldn't stop thinking about them.
"(Y/N), let's go!" Sam shouted while opening the window. You saw your neighbour Danny right at the other building, with a ladder on his hands, putting it across both buildings like a bridge. That was actually a very good plan. He secured the ladder with his hands, while Ghostface was trying to open the door that Mindy and you secured with some furniture, but it was not enough, so you were holding the furniture to make sure that he wasn't gonna pass through. Anika was crying in pain right next to Mindy, and she was trying her best to press down to her girlfriend's wound so she wouldn't bleed to death. "You go first, let's go!"
"No fucking way, Sam! You go, then Mindy, Anika and me." You replied, in an kinda obvious tone, while Sam shook her head no. "I need to hold the fucking door, Sam! Just trust me on this, okay? I'm gonna be fine, I promise you that. Now go. Don't think, just go." She kissed your lips goodbye, praying that it wasn't going to be the last time she did that.
Even though she was very afraid, she passed the ladder successfully. It got you very relieved. She was safe. She was with Danny. She was okay. Mindy was next, even though she didn't wanted to leave her girlfriend and you, she passed the ladder quickly so she could help Anika do the same. It was getting harder and harder to hold down the door, but you needed your family to be safe, you needed them to be happy, even if it meant without you. "(Y/N)..." Anika said while crying, as if you were already dead.
"Don't you do that, okay? Don't think, just go, remember?" You quickly took your jacket off and tossed it to her, so she could put around her wound while she was on the ladder. "Put this on your stomach and go. Now, Anika."
You could see Sam and Mindy crying at the other side, and you hated to worry your family like this, but you wanted them to believe you had a plan. Even if you had to sacrifice yourself for them. Anika took the longest to pass through the ladder, due to the fact that she was holding your jacket on her wound, but she finally got to the other side with no problems. Before you could think about anything else, Ghostface made a brutal push on the door, which made you tumble and lose control over it. You could hear the girls screaming in fear, but you hoped that at least one of them called the police already, and if they did, your job was only to stall that motherfucker while the cops were coming. It was a stupid idea, but it was the only one you had.
So, you finally gave in. You stepped aside from the door and the killer got in, and you had enough time to go over the window and drop the ladder, which made Sam scream at you, but you weren't going to take any chances. He wasn't going to even have the option to think about crossing that ladder.. He wasn't as anxious like 5 minutes ago, he was calm; ready to gut your whole body while your family watched. He cornered you and got ready to stab you, but you thought quicker; hoping he was a dude, you tried to literally kick him in the balls. It distracted him for a few seconds, which were enough for you to turn around and grab anything to defend yourself. But that was clearly a mistake, since you felt a sharp pain on your back almost immediately. Sam and Mindy were screaming at you, but you weren't listening. You yelled in pain, and to move your arm became quite difficult, but with your last ounce of strenght, you grabbed a ceramic lamp and broke it on his head. It was getting hard to breathe, he probably hit you in your lung or something, but you tried your best to stay awake and ignore the excruciating pain you were feeling. And before he could do anything else, some sirens and red lights could be seen through the window. Thank god, you thought. He grabbed his knife and fled the place, as if he was just an allucination, and you finally let your guard down. It was over.
You sat down on the bathroom floor, bleeding, trying your best to not lose consciousness, but it got harder and harder each minute. You thought about Sam, in how she was probably safe right now, with Mindy. They were at Danny's, you thought. They're okay. You hoped Chad and Tara were fine too, and definetly prayed that Anika would survive. You couldn't stop thinking about them; and it was the last thing you remember before closing your eyes and letting your body rest.
You opened your eyes, the bright lights and colours of the room were heavy on your eyes. "Am I dead?"you thought. No one was in your room, but after a minute of searching, you found a blue button to call for the nurse, which made her come into your room in a couple of seconds later. "Where is Sam...? Is she okay?" You said, hoarse, when the nurse finally got into your room.
"I will find Miss Carpenter for you, okay? Do you need anything right now?"
"I need to see if she's fine." You were so tired, your eyes and body were begging for some rest but that would only happen after you've seen your siblings and girlfriend. After a couple of minutes, the love of your life came barging into the room, with a worried look on her face. "Oh my god, (Y/N)."
She hugged you tight, making you wince in pain.
"You do know that I'm injured, right?" You joked, making her laugh a little. Damn, you missed that laugh. "Shut up, jackass. I got worried as fuck. The doctor said you were stabbed in your lung, but nothing too serious. You should be out of here tomorrow."
"Was I out for too long? How's Anika? And my siblings?" You've bombarded her with questions, so she sat down close to you and held your hand.
"Anika will be fine. She is resting right now, got through a few surgeries. Chad and Tara are fine, and Mindy got a few stitches." She kissed the back of your hand. "And you were out for at least, 8 hours."
"Damn, you got me fucking worried. You came here and hugged me like I've been in a 4 week coma, babe." She pretended to be offended and laughed.
"It felt like forever to me, idiot. But I got really worried yesterday, (Y/N)." She got serious in the last part. "What the fuck were you thinking? To face the killer like that. To fucking drop the ladder??You could've died."
"If I didn't do that, the four of us would've died. If that's your way to say 'thank you', it sucked. Try again." You joked again, making her smile.
"I'm being serious, (Y/N). That was irresponsible. You couldn't beat a killer that size without a weapon!"
"Okay, first of all, I do have weapons. They just weren't with me at that specific moment. And second of all, of course I could! I am trained in jiu-jitsu, Samantha. I could stick that guy's head in his own ass if I wanted to."
"You had THREE jiu-jitsu classes, (Y/N)! That does NOT count as training!" She said in an obvious tone.
"Whatever. You're just jealous because the instructor told you that your arms were too flimsy to practice jiu-jitsu." You teased, making her flick you on your arm. "Ow!"
"Don't you ever do that to me again, okay?"
"I promise that I'll never try to kick ghostface's ass again, even though I am professionally trained to do so."
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byuteablanc · 5 months
One Human and a Whole Lotta Bones! | Skeleharem x Gender Neutral Reader
I hope you enjoy this! If you need to find the beginning or any chapter, refer to the links at the bottom of the post!
And if you prefer to read on AO3, click on this!
Chapter Four: Strecrets
You woke up to your 3 AM alarm, groaning. You weren’t able to sleep all that much with work and your homework last night, at least you got a solid… three hours? You knew that wasn’t nearly enough, but it was better than nothing like most days.
You slid out of bed, akin to a slug. Your eyes felt heavy as you motioned toward your undergarment drawer. You opened it, noticing your abundance of socks and other clothing, but acute lack of underwear. You slowly blinked, your sleepy way of frowning without exhausting so much energy. Closing your drawer, you grab your blanket and wrap it around you, taking yourself downstairs to the laundry room.
Walking down the stairs and past the foyer, past the kitchen and the door to the basement, you get to the laundry room and attempt to open the door. But, it’s locked? You slow blink again. You don’t know why someone in their right mind would have a lock on the laundry room of all things, but pondering the necessity of that was beyond your tired consciousness. Weirdly, you heard shuffling in the room, someone was in there.
Sudden the door was opened to a nervous looking Stretch, he smiled down at you. “hey sweetie, what’s brings you to the laundry room at such an hour?” He uttered.
Becoming more awake, you furrow your brows. “I can ask you the same question. I was here to get my underwear, what were you doing here?” You raised a brow, becoming suspicious.
Stretch had a habit of staying up late longer than he should. On nights where you’d be up late or woke up in the middle of your sleep, he could be up and fumbling about in his room or around the house. It worried you a little, but when you’d ask he’d insist he was fine.
“oh nothing, just laying around and staying up like usual. you know me..!” He chuckled faintly, leaning more of himself against the door frame.
You tried to look into the laundry room, seeking your underwear. Considering you’re the only one who wore underwear, they wouldn’t be hard to find. Suddenly Stretch’s body shifted to shield the laundry room from being seen. “need something?” he inquired, trying to act like he wasn’t nervous.
“Yes, I already told you… Stretch let me come inside.” You frowned, your headache starting to form.
You two continued to do the this in-the-door-frame tango until you saw an opening in between his legs. You dived so fast to what seemed to be his crotch that the only thing he was able to react with was to hastily cover his area in defense. Unfortunate for him though, you were definitely not going for his non-existent junk.
You successfully went in between his legs and got into the laundry room. You felt triumphant. You quickly scanned the room for your underwear and—
Was that a sewing kit and one of Edge’s crop tops?
Before you could investigate any further Stretch grabbed your shoulders, turning you to him, away from what you just saw. “You’re the one that sews up everyone’s shirts?” You asked, smiling genuinely.
In your roommates’ mansion, every time someone would get a hole or a tear in their clothes, the next time they got them, the embellishment would be patched up. It was always suspected that Blue or Papyrus was the one who did it, considering they are the ones that take care of the laundry most often. But they had both confirmed that they didn’t do it. You had always suspected it was Cinnabar and he never owned up to it because he would find it embarrassing for the others to know he cared that much. But, you never suspected it could be Stretch!
Stretch is by far the laziest out of all your roommates, even in comparison to Sans, which is nothing to scoff at. To find out that he was the kind one doing the sewing was not only cute, but a surprise.
Stretch sighed, an orange-creamsicle-like color spreading across his cheekbones. “yes…” He looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with you.
“I didn’t know you knew how to sew!” You brought your hand up to your face, this was too cute.
He took his hands off your shoulders. “yeah, i do. just, please don’t tell the others.. let’s just keep it a secret between us, okay?” He smiled his usual smile, finally looking at you.
“Fine, but I want to know, how long have you known how to sew?” You raised a brow.
“since i was a babybones. i used to..” he took a pause, sighing, “i used to make clothes for blue when we were younger. clothes weren‘t always something we could readily afford, so i decided to make them myself. blue always wanted to look cool so when he would mention things to me, i’d make it for him. he would be so happy,” Stretch smiled in reminisce, becoming less tense.
You could burst into tears right there. You had no idea he was so noble! “Oh Stretch, that’s beautiful. I bet Blue was so grateful.”
He blushed again, and more this time. He rested a hand on his neck vertebrae, avoiding eye contact. “yeah, he was. he never knew i made them though, he always thought they were bought.”
“And you never told him?” You furrowed your brows.
He deadpanned, looking uncomfortable. “please don’t pry.”
“Oh! Sorry! I didn’t know!” Now it was your turn to blush a little. “Either way, you’re very sweet Stretch. We’re all fortunate to have a secret seamstress! And don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”
He chuckled. “thanks, honey. and you said you were looking for your underwear, right?”
“What would you like to have today, sir?”
You and Cinnabar were at your somewhat routine lunch together in a coffee shop on campus. You both tried to commit to something relaxing after every school morning. It gave a way for you both to decompress and relax.
“I Would Like One Order Of Fries Please!” Cinnabar replied.
“Make that two,” You added, taking a sip of your water.
With a nod, your waiter left you and Cinnabar to your own devices.
You always appreciated these lunch sessions with Cinnabar. You got to sit in a little coffee shop and talk, or sometimes you both don’t talk at all. In past, you and Cinnabar could sit at the same table, and be focused on or do two different things at the same time. You both just enjoyed each other’s company. It was refreshing to have that relationship.
“So, how was your morning class?” You inquired, tilting your head slightly.
“It Went Well! I Didn’t Fall Asleep And I Think I Took Useful Notes?” He furrowed his brows in thought. “Fortunately For Me Though, We Get To Actually Model Cases Next Class. I’m Glad I Won’t Be Bored.”
“Cases?” You asked, confused.
Cinnabar rested his elbows on the table, folding his hands together. “Cases As In Like.. Lawsuits For Example. We’re Going To Model What A Court Proceeding Would Actually Look Like.”
“Oh no I got that part, I’m just not familiar with law terminology.” You shrugged, taking another sip of your water.
“That’s Fair, I Didn’t Know Any Terms At First Either.” He smiled, resting his weirdly malleable chin on his folded hands.
“What brought you to go into law anyway?”
“Oh!” That was fast.
“Well! Not Only That! I Also Wanted To Do It Because I’m Also Magnificent At Debate And Wont Stop Until I’m Right.” He smirked, very sure of himself.
You raised a brow. “Oh really? I’ve heard from the others and have seen sometimes that you’re pretty strong. If anything I could see you being a pilates instructor or something.”
He blushed a little, clearly flattered. “Well, Darling, I Do Have Legs Of Steel And Arms That Can Carry A Couple Tons. But Alas, My Beautiful Physique Can’t Make Up For How I Don’t Quite Like People Around People Very Much.”
“But you’re around me and I’m a people.” You folded your arms in skepticism, pointing a thumb to yourself in the process.
He gave you a half lidded look, smiling in seemingly pure bliss. “Oh Y/n, You Are A Completely Different Case.”
You blushed, quickly averting your gaze. Funnily enough, Cinnabar didn’t quite realize what he’d said. Usually, saying something like that wouldn’t be a problem but the way he said it was… He was looking into you dreamily, and you knew what that meant.
Realizing his actions, he recoiled, scrambling to find something else to say through his embarrassment.
“SOOoooo, Who Do You Think Is The Mystery Seamstress?” Cinnabar said quickly, avoiding eye contact.
You straightened up, recalling your recent discovery earlier in the morning.
“I have no idea.” You replied, trying to seem genuine.
“I Know Right! It’s Such A Mystery! At This Point I’m Suspecting Stretch, And I Most Certainly Don’t Want Stretch’s Dirty Hands On My Clothes.” He glared into the distance, arms crossed.
You grew slightly nervous. “Stretch isn’t dirty!” You frowned, reprimanding him.
Cinnabar eyed you skeptically. “Dearest, Don’t Defend That Pack Rat. Besides, You Know Yourself That Stretch Taking A Shower, Let Alone Brushing His Teeth, Is An Urban Myth.” He swatted his hands towards you in disgust, having an envious look in his eye lights.
You always assumed he was probably just going through something, even though every time he walked past you, you noticed that he seemed to have a literal green trail flowing behind him. “Even still, Cinnabar, I think that Stretch being our possible seamstress is super cute! It would show that he cared.”
Cinnabar sighed, conceding. “I Suppose,” he rolled his eye lights. “But, He Still Doesn’t Bathe. That’s Nasty.”
You exhale, chortling a little at the same time. “Can’t let anyone off the hook too easily hm?”
“Absolutely Not.” Cinnabar smirked.
With Stretch In the Skeleton Mansion..
An assortment of yarn was strewn about the room, along with a couple of crochet hooks and a few knitting needles. Stretch, making a crochet star out of boredom suddenly piqued up, then shrunk into himself.
”why do i feel judged?”
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wren-writes-things · 5 months
Hii wren <3
1, 8, 10, 28 for soft asks :3
Hey Pixel! How have you been?
1. What song makes you feel better?
Well music just calms me down in general, I’ve always just really enjoyed the piano and singing. So you can probably get me to listen to just about anything and I’ll probably be happy.
But let’s see… New Discovery by the Crane Wives and Meteor Shower by Cavetown both have a really nice imagery to them and I appreciate that. Also my roommate writes music and I always love hearing what she’s working on because I know she puts a lot of work into them.
Oh the BotW soundtrack. My absolute adoration for that game might provide a bias but I love it so much.
8. Tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good.
I had things to say and it got out of hand, this is not my fault. Also I realized partway through this that a surprisingly large percentage of my mutuals are trying to kill me with their fanfics. “Guys, you have to stop, I can only take so many emotions,” they say, as if they don’t choose which fanfics they read.
@liminal-lesbian | You’ve always left really supportive comments when I posted stuff about my AUs and you’re just a really nice person. It also makes up for the fact that your last fanfic inflicted permanent trauma on me. (Joking on that last part but seriously if you haven’t read her fanfics drop everything you’re doing and go read them now. You could be literally trying to save the world but this takes priority.)
@the-god-of-chaos-himself | You might have an evil alter ego trying to murder me as I type this, but you’re an awesome person to talk to and I enjoy our conversations. (Yes this does imply Dalex is trying to stab me and I’m just typing on my phone, I have ADHD what do you expect?)
@kiwibirb1 | I was so excited when we became mutuals the other day the other day, you’re just a very cool person and I’m always excited to see what new ideas you have.
@detentiontrack | So we do not talk much and I legitimately did not know you were aware of my existence, but you said I was nice the other day and it just made me really happy. Plus I just find your blog really interesting.
@sars-wulf | While you’re definitely trying to murder my emotional stability with your writing you are very cool. I really just enjoy talking to you.
@aspynnwoofs | You’re really exciting to have boop wars against, also you’re just a really nice person! We do not talk a ton (because I’m pretty sure we’re both bad at conversation initiation), but I really enjoy seeing you.
@meowlphibia | You’ve successfully become the most reasonable one in the adoptive family of Marcy Wu, but only because everyone else is completely unhinged. Congratulations on this award. Honestly though you’re just a really cool person to talk to.
@heart-wit-strength | The joy that I experience every time I notice you in my notifications is astounding. You’re just a really cool person with really interesting Amphibia takes and AUs. Also you gave me claws one time via polls and I wish to assure you that I have made the best use of them.
10. What's something you’re excited for?
Ooh! I have an example that isn't Amphibia related for once. Epic The Underworld Saga is coming out soon, which yes I am aware you know (because you're the one who cursed me with this interest, and I mean that positively) The music is just so well done and I’m really looking forward to it. The Art of Amphibia is coming out and I need it! Oh also Stardew Valley updated and I’m really looking forward to when the update is available on the switch.
28. hugs or hand-holding?
Hugs, they’re just really nice.
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AITA for causing a friendship to implode?
In college I was very close with my 3 roommates, and we remained close for a year or so after graduation. After this, I began to feel strained in the relationship. I was feeling growing pains as I settled into adulthood and felt like we weren't in the same place in our lives anymore. I didn't want to have drunken sleepovers as our only in-person interactions anymore - they all lived in our college town, I moved an hour away for work, and every time I visited it felt like we were just reliving college, which I was super not interested in doing. They had also brought in another person to the friend group who I was realizing I absolutely did not vibe with and would rather avoid. I decided to keep some distance from the group, and avoid going to any events this extra person would also attend. I didn't say anything about this intention because I didn't want it to be like an ultimatum "choose me or this person," but I turned down a couple invites because of their presence, and I avoided the group chat we had (because starting another chat with the roommates and not this person felt incredibly petty. In retrospect I should have just done this). I was trying not to be a bitch and kick up a fuss about this person. I figured that someday our lives would mesh together better again, and I'd also be able to maintain a relationship with my roommates that didn't involve this person; we were still friends but it was a cool down period. All of my post high school relationships follow this pattern successfully, we don't talk for months and then reconnect like no time at all has passed.
After like 6 months of this, I invited my roommates to a housewarming party (I did not invite the 4th person, and I was ready to own up to not wanting them in my home). My roommates responded thusly: ghosted me with no response; lied about being out of town with family that day (and posted on Instagram from their home during my party); and finally, one texted me to say that I'd "been distant" and they no longer wanted to hold space for a relationship with me. I was blindsided and pretty devastated.
In the 4 years since, I've reached out multiple times to the friend who lied, who has responded politely but, knowing them, is not interested in talking to me, and to the one who ghosted. I was able to meet up with them once, and thought we were healing the relationship, but they flaked on me several times in the months following that discussion and I was tired of being hurt. After I found out they flaked on going to a con with me in favor of going to the con with the roommate who lied, I was done. I told them that their actions didn't match their words and if they were actually interested in a relationship to hit me up in the future. They said "I had a good time at the con, idk why you feel like this?" Bc you avoided me the whole time dude! Our last interaction was a few months after this when a misguided mutual friend told the ghoster to reach out to me when I was going through a traumatic event. My hurt was so fresh from the con situation that I rebuffed the ghosting roommate, not being comfortable with that level of vulnerability in front of them anymore. That was 3+ years ago; I reached out again a couple months ago in one last attempt to reconnect with the ghoster and the one who lied, and received no response. I have no interest at this time in reconnecting with the one who straight dumped me over text.
This has been hurting me for years. Was it my fault that I lost my 3 best friends seemingly overnight? Did I try so hard not to be an asshole that I overcorrected and was an asshole anyway?
Info: for additional context, all 3 are still friends with each other and the 4th person I don't like, and the ghoster and one who dumped me have been dating since graduation. When the dumper dropped me, all our other college acquaintances unfollowed/blocked me on social media, so we no longer have any mutual friends.
What are these acronyms?
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Hey Gatsby people, I know I’ve seen ppl talk about a reincarnation AU and wanted to try my hand at it (thanks @writerinconstantcrisis for listening and helping this bullshit lmao). Please consider-
Nick, having successfully published his memoir The Great Gatsby, stands as the last of their group to die
The gang are reincarnated and run into each other just a tad earlier than before, their Junior Year of High School. They become great friends, absolutely clueless to their past lives
Spring of their Junior Year they get the good ol required reading of The Great Gatsby, in which their friend group just sorta laughs at it although Nick can’t shake this sense of Deja Vu reading it…
It comes to a head for him in the hallway one day leaving class when Jay calls him “old sport” (“because it sounds cool! I like it, I’m gonna bring it back.” “You’re gonna look like an idiot, James.”) Nick is hit with an entire lifetimes worth of memories in one go
Has to spend the rest of high school in constant crisis because none of the others know, they clearly don’t know, if they knew they wouldn’t be hanging around George and Myrtle so casually oh god he’s gonna be sick-
Jordan remembers next, at a graduation party. Nick decided to shoot the long shot and mention how he’s never liked small parties because there’s no privacy. Jordan is left reeling but at least Nick is there to help her
Daisy finds out next, although she’s alone when it happens. It’s their first year of college and she’s left reeling and on her own. At first Nick thinks nothing of her sudden texting spree in the group chat (which was jokingly named “The Gay Gatsby” back in high school and hasn’t changed) until Christmas, when he sees that look in her eyes and spends the rest of dinner staring her down until he can ask in private. She cries for an hour at least
Tom remembers second to last, his Junior Year of college when he and Daisy get together (on much better terms, mind you, and both he and Daisy are better people because screw you it’s my AU and I get to fix the characters) Like Daisy I’m not sure exactly what his trigger event is but it hits him and hard. First off, gaining a second lifetime of memories is rough. Second, he was an asshole oh my gosh. Third, he caused the death of someone he gets along with pretty well now (no, he and Gatsby are not best buds. They’re more like those friends who constant piss each other off as a show of affection). He’s not the other three there for him though so it’s not terrible.
Gatsby is last. First to die, last to remember and boy does it hit him like a brick. They’re out of college, hanging at Nick and Jay’s shared apartment (roommates, but room for ship because I do, but can be platonic) when someone says something and immediately everything shatters. His admittedly short life crashes back harder than the others’ ever did (except maybe Nick) and he is absolutely broken by it. It takes three days for Nick to be able to talk to him, and that’s not even beginning to acknowledge the others.
Once everyone is back and ticking, barely comprehending what’s going on mind you but they’re trying, they all vow to never let the events of that summer happen again. They’re on a good roll already but they need to keep it up. For everyone’s sakes
That’s the jist of it main plot wise. I’m gonna include some additional sillies under the cut. Feel free to ask/comment/whatever about this AU if you’ve got questions, because I have a lot of thoughts for it lmao
Additional disaster-
Every time someone remembers, they watch the 2013 movie together with those who know and laugh at the inconsistencies/wrong things. It helps them make light of their shitty pasts.
Furthermore, every time someone remembers Nick rereads the book. He can’t forget. He refuses to.
Once Jay remembered and the shitstorm passed, everything returning to as it had been was marked by everyone in their group chat sending some form of “Close enough, welcome back The Gay Gatsby.” Jay laughed for ages at it. Nick had to respond for him.
Everyone has dreams about their past life, although for some it’s more common. Namely for Nick and Jay, whose reoccurring dreams are more like nightmares
Nick feels responsible for everyone. He was the first to remember, he wrote the book, he has to be there for them better this time around. He fails to remember that they’re there for him too, which comes to a head when they find him passed out, locked in his room, surrounded by smudged pages on which he was once again trying to recall that summer by memory. Things get worse when he lets it slip that he was easily ten times worse when writing the original TGG. Mandatory group therapy amongst each other doubles in frequency, with the others refusing to let Nick just brush over the shit he was put through because of them.
Everyone calls bullshit on Nick’s flawless A in English 11. Why? “HE DIDNT HAVE TO READ SHIT! HE WROTE THE DAMN BOOK!” Nick claims that’s their problem, not his.
After first regaining his memories, Nick became very reclusive. He hid from his friends until they broke into his room, partially RAN from George and Myrtle every time he saw them, and became very invested in rereading TGG. Oddly enough though he wasn’t adverse to hugs, especially from Jay. In truth, it was because he just liked hearing his friend’s heartbeat. It helped remind him that he had a second chance, they all did
Jay and Tom argue a lot still, but about the stupidest things. Once things settled from Jay remembering, Jordan, Daisy, and Him were hanging out when suddenly they heard a loud argument approaching. Nick braced for the worst, only to find the two arguing about whether normal or Dino nuggets were better. Idiots.
Nick, having no other outlet for his feelings and thoughts toward his past life at the time, took to his English class’ book discussions to discuss and explain things missed or misunderstood. He was. Rather passionate about proving his point when someone tried to claim he was wrong. He wrote the book damnit!
Jordan is a Lesbian and proud, Nick is Gay, Gatsby is Bi. It’s practically stated in the book but I just need to say it here to be sure.
Jay has had an “irrational fear of pools” since he was a kid. It makes sense in hindsight
And I think that’s all I have for now! Please, if there’s any interest in this AU, do not be afraid to let me know. I will rant. I am trash. Don’t forget it
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pockethobbit · 2 months
I've been thinking about touch starvation lately. It started when I went to get my hair cut in a salon for the first time in years, and almost cried when they washed my hair. My family has never been much for touching, we talk and connect but rarely through hugs or anything else. My mom in particular never really liked being touched, she never got massages, pedicures, salon treatments, spa days or anything, and I think it trickled from there.
I don't think I knew what I was missing until college. My roommates and I were close, we'd nap in a pile, do massages, hang all over each other. I dated someone for the first time, and though I didn't love kissing him (whoops I'm queer), I did love curling against him watching movies, him playing with my hair, stroking my arms. After we broke it off I didn't miss him so much as the contact.
I haven't really dated successfully since, and I can feel the desire (need?) for that kind of contact building like carbonation in me. I do hug and cuddle my friends occasionally but it is usually fleeting, and when not fleeting rare. I don't know what to do about this. I want to ask my friends for more, but that feels pathetic, desperate, and clingy in the most literal sense. I want to date someone I actually feel a spark with and drawn to, but alas. Idk man
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