#my prediction for arcane season 2
arcanefanpage · 13 days
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lbulldesigns · 3 months
My Jinx and Sevika Season 2 Theory.
So before the season 2 trailer dropped, we got this picture from Sevika's VA.
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Which was our first look at Sevika for season 2. However, Sevika looks wildly different from what we see in the trailer; so the question is, how does Sevika get from this...
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To this?
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Get comfy this is gonna be a long one.
So from what we perceive from the trailer, there is a possibility of Sevika and Jinx teaming up, this is mainly theorized because Sevika used both Jinx's pistol and has an augmented arm clearly designed by her. I believe that their teaming up is a high possibility because Sevika has always put her bet behind the winning horse.
She used to be loyal to Vander, I'm guessing when he was still the Hound of The Underground and had a righteous anger towards Piltover, but lost faith in him when he became complacent with the Enforcer's mistreatment.
She then teams up with Silco, and even sacrifices an arm for him because he was showing more initiative and actually acting out on his promise to liberate Zaun from Piltover.
And even though we see her continuing to be loyal to Silco, there are hints of discontent with her in some of his decisions. Mainly his inability to see Jinx as a liability and continuing to place her on a high pedestal.
We are led to believe that she has an undying loyalty to Silco because she turns down Finn's offer and willingly kills him, but when Silco asks if she was tempted she says "Not for a worm like him. But he won't be the last".
Many people translate this as her being loyal to Silco but what she's really saying is that she's loyal to him as long as he's willing to follow through on his promise to free Zaun.
So I'm inclined to believe that she won't hold Silco's death against Jinx, she'll be angry of course however once she sees Jinx is not just willing to go to war but lead the march, she'll put her bet behind the winning horse once again.
As much as she views Jinx as a liability, she also knows her strengths and her abilities. I am fully under the belief that Sevika doesn't hate Jinx, she's just frustrated with her as she can see Jinx as a troubled teenage girl who has a severe mental illness. She doesn't treat Jinx with kiddie gloves, she's honest with her and harsh; which doesn't make her Jinx's favorite person but out of everyone in her life Sevika is the only one who is brutally honest with her, and someone like Jinx who despises liars, Sevika's honesty (even if she doesn't want to hear it a lot of the time) is a constant that Jinx can appreciate.
This breeds credence to the theory that the two will team up in season 2.
Another thing noticed and speculated in the trailer is that the two are fighting against someone in an ally way, however, I have to disagree about the location of said fight.
We know that Jinx and Vi's fight is going to be in the ruins of an ancient-looking temple, considering Zaun's history of being colonized by ancient Shurimans, I believe that this temple is a relic from the Shurimans and fully believe that it's a temple dedicated to Janna.
The temple is full of fog, you can see it moving around during the fight between the sisters, and we see Sevika emerge from it like a badass with Jinx's pistol raised.
Now this is where my theory finally comes in.
During Jinx and Vi's fight, Caitlyn (who is hiding amongst the pillars hidden in the shadow and fog) gets caught, yet again, in one of Jinx's bombs. But I believe that Jinx purposely designed these bombs to be non-lethal, she may be furious with Vi but she doesn't want to kill her. Something in Caitlyn will snap and she'll abandon the notion of bringing Jinx in alive will give into her want for vengeance, and will shoot to kill Jinx. Just as she shoots at Jinx, Sevika will shoot at Caitlyn. Vi will see Caitlyn in danger and rush to protect her, and Jinx will be distracted and not see Caitlyn's bullet until it's too late.
Whilst Sevika is fighting off the Enforcers trying to get to Jinx and Vi is worrying over Caitlyn, Jinx will be lying there dying.
This is where it gets maybe a little far-fetched, but bear with me.
Janna, in the Star Guardians universe, recruits Jinx because she sees good in Jinx and wants to give her a chance to be a hero and protector. In Arcane I reckon Janna has been an invisible spectator for however long watching her people slowly die over the years, she doesn't have the strength to help them because people have stopped praying to her.
There's a significant reason why the producers have the sisters fight in this location, and I theorize that the reason is that this is how they plan to introduce a new region to Arcane.
So as Jinx lies dying, going over everything in her life and maybe she wishes that she could've freed Zaun that she could have another chance to complete her mission, and Janna hears her wish.
And drawing power from the multiple hex gems in her vacinity, uses all her strength to teleport Jinx away. Sevika seeing that something is happening to Jinx jumps in to save her, much like what she did with Silco at the cannery; and both of them get yeeted away from the scene.
All Vi and the rest of the Enforcers will see is that another explosion went off and both Jinx and Sevika were just obliterated. Vi will see her sister's blood on the ground and realize that Cailtyn shot her sister and the weight of what just happened would come crashing down on her and she'll walk away from everything.
I know this all sounds like a stretch, but my main motivation for thinking about all this is what Sevika is wearing in the picture at the start of this essay.
She's wearing her signature Ponto, but the design of it looks like something worn in a desert environment; her clothes look Shuriman, the spikes on her right shoulder look like Shuriman accessories and the way she wears her hair looks like she's trying to shield as much as her face as she can from the hot sun.
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I don't know where the theory will go from here, but I think Jinx will get the healing she needs in Shurima and both of them will find allies before heading back to their home to liberate it.
This would have a role reversal for the sisters, with Vi being the one struggling to find her footing and crashing hard whilst hallucinating her loved ones as demons; and Jinx will be the returning daughter to a new Zaun but unlike Vi will be anticipating this change and will have a clearer goal, and zero inclination to look for her sister.
Sorry this was so long, but I had to get this brain rot out of my head.
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burninbriight · 3 months
arcane2 is going to be so soul crushingly sad and probably none of the characters will get the relatively happy ending i was hoping for some of them but i also believe that we WILL be getting a caitvi sex scene so i will just stay seated scared and anticipatively horny until november
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eyestrain-addict · 5 months
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caitlynskitten · 20 hours
My prediction for arcane season 2
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ohnoitstbskyen · 12 days
So, what does the trailer ACTUALLY tease about season 2?
I've already done my exuberantly unhinged extended crackpot theory video, so I thought perhaps it would be a good idea to take a breath, watch the trailer another half a dozen times, and try to put together a slightly more sensible set of predictions and analyses of what that Arcane trailer shows us.
There will definitely be some time travel, though. As a treat!
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bathtubbbbbbbbb · 2 months
Some predictions/speculations of varying grounds about Arcane season 2 that have been rattling around in my head for a while — I thought I’d share them just for fun & as sorta a bingo card cus at least some of ‘em surely will end up true in some way, shape, or form.
Sky or the Hexcore that absorbed Sky becomes Blitzcrank.
The Last Drop becomes a base of operations for the enforcers — Caitlyn will parallel Silco & Vi will parallel Jinx.
Caitlyn starts smoking.
We get a scene that parallels Mel’s flashback in season 1 where in Jinx takes the place of the Princess Ambessa kills, except Jinx is spared & there’s consequences.
Sevika & Viktor team up post Sevika teaming up with Jinx.
A scene with Viktor that parallels the “you don’t wanna threaten the guy that pours the drinks” scene, except “pours the drinks” is replaced with “fixes everyone’s mechanical & cybernetic augments” or something along those lines anyway — Huck makes a reappearance, Mel & Jayce play the roles of the 2 traders that didn’t honor their word.
Jayce & Viktor strangling scene parallel.
Some Little red Riding Hood vibes with Vi & Warwick — Jinx is going to be the Huntsman.
Some big parallels between Viktor & Caitlyn, & Silco.
Jayce is a lonely sad sack & his & Vi’s arks are going to parallel each other — I feel they’re gonna be ops at the start of the season but by the end of it be reluctant besties.
Caitlyn’s going to find Vi’s archived incident reports from Stillwater & see a photo of the guys face Vi caved in & really rethinks her “despite it all good heart”, I feel Jayce may be involved with this, maybe he’s the one that initially finds the files or goes looking for them then shows Cait — anyway angst will ensue.
The animation for Ekko’s time travel stuff is is gonna be absolutely awesome.
Ekko is gonna get kicked outta the firelights for simping over Jinx.
Heimerdinger in a Scooby Doo-esc way is revealed to be the narrative villain all along. Yippe!
Jinx’s punts Heimerdinger.
I guess Singed will probably be there being creepy — maybe his daughter is that robo ballerina chick from fnaf who knows.
Aaannd, that’s where I’m gonna end it.
{Edit cus I forgot a couple}
Vi is going to get a spinal injury & will get a back/torso brace similar to that of Viktor’s, reminiscent of the corset she wears in her league design.
After Vi is done being an emo pit fighter she’s gonna bleach her hair to get all the black dye out of it — if you look at her original concept design for LoL it looks like she has partially bleached hair.
Jinx & Vi’s mom is going to be revealed to have been a brothel worker.
Mel & Jinx are going to have opposite parallel arks — Jinx gains influence & power while Mel loses it, it’s revealed to the audience how actually naive & out of her depth Mel actually is while it’s concreted that Jinx is a genius & only bounces back stronger under pressure.
In act 1 a temporary trio is formed between Vi, Viktor & the big shield enforcer guy we see in the trailer that’s likely from the under-city — I feel visually they’re such a strong parallel to Vi, Mylo, & Claggor, & like personality wise too — I can see Vik having a secret lock picking skill, & shield dude gives gentle giant vibes (from like that 1 clip we see of him looking sympathetic over Caitlyn’s shoulder while she’s obviously going through some emotional turmoil).
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caitsboobs · 18 days
My predictions for Arcane season 2 ***SPOILERS***
So, I have a theory about Ambessa, Caitlyn, Vi, and Jinx that's based on the leaks. I can't wait for the rest of the season, and while I'm a bit ashamed of myself for watching the leaks, I can't help but analyze them. If you don't want to see my predictions about what might happen AFTER season 2 episode 5, \*\*DON'T\*\* read below! You've been warned!
*Your last chance to avoid spoilers*
I told you....
So, we know that Vi and Caitlyn part ways in Season 2, and Ambessa will use Caitlyn's grief to fuel her desire for revenge, aiming to access and weaponize hextech. Caitlyn is smart, and while we know she'll eventually start to suspect something, she'll be too blinded by revenge to fully realize who's pulling the strings. Ambessa is also cunning, and despite her relationship with Mel, we can see that her manipulation of Caitlyn may have originated from ideas planted by Mel. Ambessa saw an opportunity in Caitlyn, but I think she miscalculates a bit.
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I also believe this scenario will foreshadow what will happen between Vi and Caitlyn. I've always seen Vi as the voice of reason in Arcane, the one person who could eventually be the bridge between Zaun and Piltover. This may draw Ambessa’s attention and cause her to consciously target Vi. (If you saw the leaks, you can see the only moment they met, there was some tension in the air when their eyes met) She needs the war to achieve her goals, so I don't think Jinx will be her primary target. Instead, Jinx will serve as a symbol to keep the conflict going, while Ambessa focuses on eliminating anything that could serve as a "bridge." So, my prediction? Ambessa will somehow capture Vi and present Caitlyn with a choice. This is crucial because Ambessa is likely assessing whether Caitlyn would make a suitable long-term ally. Can Caitlyn make the tough decisions Ambessa believes a leader should? How will Ambessa accomplish this? I think she'll try to have Caitlyn execute Vi, killing two birds with one stone—removing Caitlyn's "humanity" and giving Jinx another reason to try and destroy her.
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Will Ambessa succeed? Probably not. I think Caitlyn will ultimately draw the line at Ambessa’s manipulation when it comes to Vi. She may try to distance herself from Vi, convince herself that Vi is an enemy but Caitlyn is an empathetic character, and she’ll eventually realize the meaning behind "What are you shooting for?".. Ambessa’s plan will fail because Caitlyn’s love for Vi is stronger than her hatred for Jinx.
My further and wildest prediction? I think at some point, Caitlyn will even be willing to team up with Jinx to save Vi from Ambessa.
Also, I’m pretty sure, as Amanda said, there's a reason they didn’t show the full scene between Caitlyn and Vi before the council meeting in Season 1. I think their kiss in Season 2 is not their first. We'll get flashbacks of what happened back then... So yeah, they definitely did something before.
As I discussed this theory with others: Yes there are clearly noticed cracks in Ambessa's plan even in the leaked episodes. Caitlyn clearly doesn’t trust Ambessa as much as Ambessa would like. "The Blade cuts both ways" (And there is Mel, but we can't know if she will be back in time) So, Ambessa might try to push Caitlyn further to the edge by doing something to her father, or perhaps someone from the undercity might unintentionally trigger Caitlyn’s dormant desire for revenge. We also saw a metaphor for this in the episodes of Season 2 when Ambessa stirred the embers of the fire while consulting with Caitlyn. I think she was forming something in her mind.
Thank you for reading all of this.
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jellyfishcharm · 2 days
so in honor of arcane season 2, here is a list of everything going on my “arcane s2 bingo card”, i would upload a photo of the actual card but the writing is so small it’s illegible so here’s it written out:
in no particular order here’s my predictions.
1: Caitvi breakup :(
2: Jayce manipulating Caitlin so he can stay in power.
3: Jinx and Sevika alliance.
4: Viktor literally fleeing when he finds out what a shitty person Jayce is.
5: Ekko and Vi having a HUGE fight.
6: Caitlin/Vi paralleling Silico & Vander.
7: Vi being shunned from the undercity after becoming an enforcer.
8: Caitlin & Jinx paralleling Silico & Vander.
9: Mel dies and Jayce starts tweaking the fuck out to the point where everyone is like what the fuck is happening.
10: Caitlin’s parents dying, and her completely blaming Jinx.
11: Caitlin pushing Vi away and betraying her in some way.
12: Jinx getting entirely addicted to shimmer.
13: Jinx dying.
14: Viktor being super involved in whatever “The Arcane” is.
15: Ekko using shimmer (this is a stretch but I’m predicting.)
16: Mel’s mom basically taking over all of Topside and completely running the nation.
17: CaitVi/Violyn sex scene (A GIRL CAN DREAM.)
18: Jinx cutting her own hair in a schizophrenic panic attack.
19: Alternatively, Jinx having her hair cut forcefully (In battle, by someone else, something like that.)
20: Time skip!
21: Vi going back to jail/getting arrested.
22: Vi quitting being an enforcer and falling off the face of the earth because Caitlin pissed her off a little too much.
23: Jinx replacing one of her limbs or a body part with some crazy powered up prosthetic.
24: Caitlin physically fighting Jayce (probably over Vi.)
remember that i haven’t seen any leaks and i intend to keep it that way, a lot of these i’m SURE are going to happen and a lot of these are a stretch. overall i think i did a good job.
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itsjustcaroline · 1 month
Alright, I thought long and hard about what we might see in Arcane Season 2, what the Machine Herald is going to look like, who else we might see, and so on.
Also, this post does not contain any leaks, I have seen one picture, which doesn't even make sense (lucky me). If you spoil anything under this post, you are going to be blocked. I will talk about bout the trailers, though.
So, let me get my thoughts in some order:
- if Viktor was the hooded person in the trailer or wears a mask, then it's probably more because of his side in this war: he's not a Piltovan, but also not really a Zaunite anymore. We don't know when he moved from the Undercity to Piltover, but from his concept art, it was most likely during his early teens.
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He's slightly younger than in S1 Arc1, but already wearing the Academy's uniform (though it seems a bit too big for him, and his pants are more rigged).
So: Viktor is going to be a Pariah and he is going to need to hide his identity, which makes a Collab with Jinx unlikely since she's on the run from everyone. Singed might be there in the direct aftermath after he got blown up, but they're probably going to fall out again since lore-wise Singed is going to team up with Noxus.
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- In League of Legends Heimerdinger is a mage (shooketh, I know), and there's already a scene in S1 alluding to this: when Viktor and Heimerdinger are in Heimerdinger's office, Viktor goes through Jayce's notes and is intrigued. He asks Heimerdinger, whether he could do it (magic) and Heimerdinger hesitates a tell-tale second before he declines. Now, Heimerdinger might be a mage, but he relies mostly on his inventions. But wouldn't a fight between Viktor and Heimerdinger be cool? First, they throw ideologies at each other, then they fight. I think, I'd love this even more than Viktor vs. Jayce. Kinda like Obi-Wan vs. Anakin.
- I think, that Caitlyn is going to shoot Vi. Everyone I read so far thinks that it's the other way around, but that would be too predictable in my opinion. But maybe it is that way.
- Just stating that everyone is going to be contrary than they were in S1 and going from there falls a bit short. I think, that there's more to this quote.
- Divorce Era, because Jayce does, in fact, not understand. I am going to cry.
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- The Hexcore will save Viktor's life in the aftermath of the explosion, and there are three ways I can see that happening:
(1) Viktor does it himself, maybe with the help from Singed.
(2) Jayce does it, thus breaking his promise to destroy it. I am going to cry
(3) The Hexcore, which is now connected to Viktor will sense his doom and burst to him. That might also be the shine, that Heimerdinger saw in the trailer.
- That brings me to another point, to the connection towards the Void: I don't think there's much to it and that the Hexcrystals are not shards of the brakken. However, I think the Hexcore is sentient due to Sky. Think about it: it changed its form after it disintegrated (or absorbed) Sky. Then it hurt Viktor (honestly, same. You think, you can walk away after accidentally dusting me and threatening to destroy my new essence? I'd be pissed). It might be interesting, if the Hexcore/Sky talks to Viktor in his head, furthering his spiral into madness. I'm here for it.
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- Ekko will learn how to manipulate time and he will use it to try and save somebody. Be it somebody from the Firelights, their hideout or Jinx. Maybe it will go in the same direction like in the Convergence-Comic (which is, I repeat, outside of any lore), maybe not.
- Well then, what Viktor might look like: my favourite head-canon would be just as described in The Pulse of the Machine by bringthekaos on AO3. Mechanical eyes? Voice modulator can be shut off? Emotional suppressor has a switch? Rawrs in cyber-engineering. As it stands, I imagine it more to be like Battle Angel Alita (the manga, NOT the film!) or like a Borg from Star Trek. Definitely NOT like a Cyberman from Doctor Who.
- Who else do I want to see in S2:
Swain, just give me the Noxian General and heal my Daddy issues.
Renata, just give me the Chem-Baronness and heal my Mommy issues.
Jhin, Arcane should take place around the same time when Jhin was in Zaun. But that is a far shot (pun intended)
Camille, she exploits Hextech to become a weapon and I think she is kind of contrary to Viktor, who only ever wanted to help (others, himself, though with sometimes dubious means
I don't see that Orianna is Singed's daughter. That would fuck her beautiful lore. Don't do that to me.
Stuff, I'd also like to see:
- Viktor's apartment in Piltover
- Viktor's parents (flashback)
- Jayce's father (flashback)
- Jayce and Viktor fighting but unable to do so properly
- Mel and Sevika together
Thanks for coming to my Arcane-Talk.
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arcane-strangeness · 2 months
my predictions for a few of the upcoming season 2 arcane episode titles:
Jinx’s Bodacious Radical Adventure (death toll: 427,258)
Viktor Gives Himself New Legs Except It’s Mettaton Ex’s Legs From Undertale (he’s cunty now)
Full Episode of Vi and Caitlyn Being In Lesbians With Each Other (runtime 3 hours)
Group Therapy For Everybody (now in 3D!) (death toll: all of them)
-duet partner
who are you, so wise in the way of my hyperfixtation
All of these are gonna happen, but you forgot Jayce Has a Crisis (because a teenage girl on drugs reverse engineered his lifes work and built a rocket launcher within a week and ALSO made an attempt on his life)
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flowgninthgil · 25 days
I think I'll be very sad and surprised when, once arcane season 2 comes out and inevibably lacks the ship I consider a normal evolution of the show, voiding my hopes for a predictably overly specific canon.
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arcadiabaywanderer · 23 days
Arcane Season 2 Predictions
As someone who has no knowledge of the alleged season 2 leaks, here are my predictions as to what may befall our three favorite girls in the upcoming season.
I believe their fates are highly correlated with complimentary characters. Vi and Jinx have mirror characters, whereas Caitlyn has a foil.  
Vi, of course, is a mirror of Vander. She absolutely inherits Vander’s love for family and prioritizes everyone else’s safety and has a strong will to protect. Knowing Vander’s fate, I predict Vi will be killed, or at least presumably killed, by Jinx after a heart-wrenching battle.
Jinx then, being a mirror of Silco, will also be killed, (presumably killed), by someone whom she initially hated but grew to respect and trust. Who this is, I’m unsure of. Logically it would make sense to be Caitlyn, especially if she discovers Jinx “kills” Vi, but could very well be Ekko.
I think Caitlyn’s foil is Jayce. Growing up they had their similarities, but as they aged, they grew further and further apart. This is most evident with the knowledge that Caitlyn was born with power yet rejects her family. She doesn’t want a political position, and instead joins the Enforcers to seek out justice, using her marksmen skills and familial power to help those of the undercity as best she can. Jayce, on the other hand, was born with nothing, but used his science gifts to grow to become powerful, accepting a political position – the opposite of Cait. They both desire justice and the protection of Piltover but want to acquire it in different ways. I don’t think Jayce was killed in the blast but instead may die some other way. Regardless, I believe Jayce will die and Caitlyn will live – opposite fates.
In summary:
Vi will be killed by Jinx (presumably)
Jinx will be killed by Caitlyn or Ekko (presumably)
Jayce will die for his cause, and Caitlyn will live.
Wild Card: We will get a CaitVi kiss, but that’s as far as the relationship will go. Romance is not a primary theme of Arcane, but rather familial trust and betrayal
I also say “presumably killed” because I don’t think it quite makes sense to outright kill both Vi and Jinx at the end. Especially since we can’t be 100% sure either or both Vander and Silco are dead - one or both might still be alive somehow in Season 2.
In a way, I really hope I’m wrong given it’s a bleak prediction, but I also know a perfectly happy ending is not very likely nor believable.
Or I could be completely wrong and am reading too much into it, and each one of our main characters becomes their own “Champion”, going off and doing their own thing independently, aligning closer with League.
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piltover-sharpshooter · 9 months
//Right after talking with some friends and sitting on it, here are my predictions for Arcane.
The VGU is between Viktor or Singed, and the reason they are being coy about it is because whatever it is might be a massive spoiler for Arcane itself.
The little thing he's holding not only has a picture of his daughter but is also a music box? And Orianna is designed after a dancing clockwork doll? Oh he's so her dad.
Ambessa being the Arcane champion coming probably means she's going to play a larger role in season 2, my bet is that she'll be the main villain, the 'outsider' where both sides might need to unite though I have been wrong about predictions.
Uuuuuh, if Ambessa is the main villain she probably needs a reason to act more aggresively so I absolutely FEAR for Mel's safety lol, her chances of surviving that rocket have gone down HARD.
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depressedzoro · 1 year
if this gets 50 notes i’ll take some of my arcane powerpoint out of the vault. (i just wanna see what’ll happen if that’s all i write. will people b interested? will people ignore me? who knows? only time will tell)
edit: if anyone has requests in which parts, lmk. the options r character breakdown, ships, a short list of predictions i have for season 2 (there r all of 3), a breakdown of the vocal and instrumental music, and just other things i find pretty in the show. i won’t post it all at once cause it’s not done yet, but i’ll prioritize sections if anyone wants them
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ohnoitstbskyen · 11 months
ARCANE season 2 is just one year away!
We finally have a confirmed date for Arcane season 2: November of 2024, just one year away. Riot posted this striking stylized rendering of Jinx simply walking away from camera while some music plays. It is barely more than a teaser trailer, and it would be completely absurd to try and divine meaning or predictions about the show from it. So that's what I'm gonna do! The teaser is accompanied by the musical theme of The Bridge, which Powder sings in the first scene of the show as she and Vi are crossing this very same bridge in the aftermath of a pitched battle, finding their parents among the dead. It is Jinx's foundational trauma, and the crossing of the bridge is a repeated motif in the first season of Arcane, representing the divide between the cities, between characters, between ideologies. And so in this teaser Jinx is crossing the bridge again, in the aftermath of having lost her third father, blaming Piltover not inaccurately for all her suffering. If this is the tone-setter for the show, then, it seems Season 2 of Arcane will be grounded in Jinx's war on Piltover, her attempt to do what Vander couldn't with his riot and what Silco couldn't with his political manipulation. Dear friend across the river My hands are cold and bare Dear friend across the river I'll take what you can spare
To expand a little bit beyond what I can do in a 60 second short - it is of course an obvious conclusion that Season 2 of Arcane would feature Jinx's vengeance against Piltover (there is only so much you can try and predict from a 15 second teaser), but I wonder about the structure that this will take. Will Jinx's vengeance be a feature, a concurrent storyline running alongside all the other storylines, or will it be the central axis that everything else is orbiting?
In Season 1 the show was very much structured around a handful of storylines all converging into the same, single, tragic end-point - for most of the narrative, characters like Jayce and Vi were not even consciously aware of one another, even as their actions had impact on one another. By the end of Season 1, the characters are much more closely acquainted and connected with one another, and maybe that requires a change in structure. Perhaps, rather than a handful of narratives all converging together towards one central tragedy, we get a series of stories exploding out from one central starting point?
Because I could absolutely see Jinx and her war being the anchor-point that everyone else is reacting to. Vi's primary quest is to stop her, so is Caitlyn's. The Council will want bloody revenge, Noxus is going to sense weakness and take advantage of a civil war, the Chembarons will be fighting among themselves to take Silco's place...
It's only really Viktor and Singed whose storylines I could see maintaining some degree of separation from Jinx's vengeance... but then, I do operate on the assumption that Hextech will be used to build weapons of war and that that will be the final breaking point between Jayce and Viktor - I don't think Viktor's moral compass would allow his invention to be turned on the undercity in this way, the very people he most wanted to help and protect.
In this way, I have a feeling he'll enter the war essentially on Jinx's "side," building augmentations and applying Singed's nihilistic philosophy of science to build something to defend the undercity which Jayce, in turn, will find too horrible to contemplate or forgive.
Also who the fuck knows what Vander/Warwick is going to be doing? Is the connection between Singed and Orianna going to... like is Ori going to turn up? I would like Ori to turn up.
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