#my pookie<33
hikarisbeam · 1 month
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skipblebee · 4 months
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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what is childe doing in bungou gay dogs😟
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deadgirl--superstar · 3 months
Finally figured out how to use picmix
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lolathepeacocklord · 4 months
Did I ever tell you guyz about my epic swagger sigma transformers walls
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jokaarija · 9 months
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happy birthday Bojan Cvjetićanin 🧡
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gingermintpepper · 21 days
I saw it in your tag game post that you're also fond of the Apollo-Heracles conflict 👀 for a myth that appears in only a couple of sources, it sure has a lot of presence in the vase paintings (no seriously, everytime I think I've seen the last of it, I find ten more)
SO do you have any favorites among the paintings that represent this story??
I also think it's extremely interesting that it's a story so popularly portrayed by vase paintings and in such a variety of ways!! It's certainly one of the stories that gets left out of written compilation of Heracles' legend a bit (which is a shame, I think it's a fantastic story) but Apollo had a very peculiar relationship with Heracles in general that I just kind of find amazing (and very, very funny).
Apollo is not a god with any legitimate grudge against Heracles, but he does argue with the mortal a bit like he argues with his favourite brothers 😂Part of why I love the story of Apollo and Heracles fighting over the tripod so much is that it is such a little brother thing for Heracles to be upset with the proclamation his elder brother has given him and so, he throws a great fit, taking up the chair and declaring that he'll just give himself a better prophecy! And Apollo, instead of being a marginally professional big brother, decides to fight him for it until their father has to break up their cat-fight. Like was that not just the plot of the Homeric Hymn to Hermes? Is this not exactly how Apollo treated Hermes when he was a child and now those two are inseparable? 💀
Because of this, my favourite vase paintings tend to be the ones that highlight the personal squabbling between Apollo and Heracles the most. There are some very elaborate ones that have the full host of them - Athena, Heracles, Apollo, Artemis, usually a dog and a doe, I've even seen a couple that had birds and plants etched on them, but the simplest ones that show Heracles about to bonk Apollo with his club out of frustration or depict Heracles nyooming away from Apollo while Apollo (presumably) yells curses about how he's going to fling Heracles head first into Tartarus for daring to take his things? Yeah, those are the premium big brother/little brother things I'm looking for.
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(Photo. Marie-Lan Ngyuen)
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(Photo. Museo Claudio Faina)
Also the one in the Theoi.com archives is a real classic - perfect energy.
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#ginger answers asks#Thank you SO much for letting me talk about this even a little it always makes me smile#Despite their disputes - if you ask me Apollo was quite fond of Heracles#And I think a big part of why I ultimately come to that conclusion is that Apollo never hinders Heracles or withholds blessings from him#He simply calls him a bitch every time he sees him and then makes his life marginally more inconvenient#like any good older brother let's be so fr#It's extremely charming to see him so playful with a mortal he's not in love with/that is not his son#Other moments of Apollo teasing Heracles includes him trying to convince Artemis not to let Heracles catch her doe when he comes#to fulfill that particular labour (again he doesn't actually try to stop it he just puts up a bit of a fuss about it)#and perhaps another of my all time favourites#Personally luring Heracles into Admetus' house so Heracles can wrestle Thanatos while Apollo rescues Alcestis#I DO NOT KNOW WHY MORE PEOPLE DON'T TALK ABOUT THE LUNACY OF APOLLO'S ADMETUS/ALCESTIS PRESERVATION PLAN#He really said “No yeah I know a guy don't worry about Death Incarnate” and then Heracles shows up at Admetus' door like this is a sitcom#The laugh track that plays in my mind every time Admetus opens that door sees Heracles and then looks back at the disguised Apollo like#'HIM?? HERACLES?? Heracles who can break me in seven pieces with a thought Heracles???'#And Apollo just gives him a thumbs up and says “feed him well pookie <33”#Genuinely some of the funniest shit I have the pleasure of reading in greek myth#Another reason I don't think Apollo has any ill will against Heracles though is how Apollo reacts when Heracles#loses Hylas in the Argonautica#Or well some versions of the Argonautica - this is also a story that changes wildly depending on the source/compilation#But Apollo is incredibly sympathetic to Heracles' sorrow and kind of decides there and then that Heracles losing one love#should be the return of another and asks that Zeus let Heracles free Prometheus when he makes his descent into the underworld#Similarly it is Apollo who anoints Alcaeus/Alcides the name Heracles (also dependent on the myth source)#They just had a very fun relationship and it's a serious shame that it's not acknowledged more#apollo#heracles#greek mythology#(Also people do not talk about the fact that Apollo grappled with Heracles to a standstill enough actually)
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narcissarina · 6 months
𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔞𝔤𝔢, 𝔅𝔩𝔲𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔰
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જ⁀➴Previous chapter
Pairings: bodyguard!Leon × college billionaire!reader
Word count: 2,054
Tw: blood, trauma to reader (slayed), Leon being the bad ass agent as he is.
Summary: You found him, he found you.
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You can’t believe it.
You just shot someone, someone’s son or husband.
Panic sets in when you heard footsteps approaching, you want to ask for help but they start to act aggressive and howls like a god damn wolf, started twitching and shaking uncontrollably as the person act aggressively and you shot him right between his brows.
He perfectly got down and died on the floor and right between your legs. Tears escapes from your eyes, you starts to hyperventilating again as you take a couple of deep breaths before standing up with wobbly legs. Taking the bag with you and the gun that happens to be under the bed, it’s in a box so you took it and claim it yours.
Finders keepers, right?
Outside was ruin, forest haunting and creepy.
You couldn’t believe that someone took you away from your home, you comfort and done unspeakable things to your body. You are ruined.
Fighting the tears that blurred your vision, you reload your gun. Leon’s taught you how to handle a gun and loading and unloading it became handy. You steady your focus and analyze your surroundings, good thing your purse is still with you and your smartwatch.
Time check: 5:05 PM
Almost dark, you need to find somewhere safe and if Leon is here, may you pray that he finds you nor you find him.
You’d cry in his arms and sniffle a disgusting snot from your nostrils. How you just crave Korean foods and it results you getting kidnapped. You want to feel his touch, his lips kissing the crown of your head, his fingers caressing your hair and back as he rocks you like a baby you are.
He would sing assurance to your ear, mumbling that it’s not your fault and that you’re brave for making it this far to finding him rather than staying in the cottage that you were held experimented on.
You wanted to cry at that thought, but held back those tears. If Leon was here, he would tell you to fight and take what felt like you have lost.
You were taken away from your home. Your butler must be worried, your best friend crying and your parents constant worry and reporting to every possible authorities.
You need to fight for them and stay alive, you still have a future to fulfill. Do it for them, for yourself and Leon’s.
You held your power-bank light in your free hand, careful not to step to any branches that could potentially make a sound and alert more things than it should be. (Funny that you have your power-bank with you but not your phone, must it be for your smart watch?)
Steps were slow and steady, flashing your light to every corner of your surroundings, which is filled with more god damn trees. The hair from your neck stood up as you snap your head back.
There, stood a human figure, you squint your eyes to get a better look at their face.
“what the fuck..?” you mutter, your eyes widen as you made sure, “that’s not human…” you added, stepping back as you step on a branch. The figure that stood before you in the distance has a menacing smile, bloodshot eyes and tears were black as the void.
Your body was frozen, your breathing became heavy again—your head dizzy and your palm sweating from holding the light and gun too tight.
The figure tilts its head until it rotated to 360° which is humanly impossible for a normal person, it let out a quiet screech. Got down to the ground, and starts chasing after you in speed.
As if in instinct, you ran. You ran away with much speed as possible, it’s laugh were scary and it’ll give you nightmares when you sleep. It’d haunt your dreams and kill you while you sleep.
Tears accidentally slipped down as you mindlessly ran away, not knowing which directions you’d go.
“Help!” you screamed from the top of your lungs as you sniffle, a laugh broke out from the entity that’s still chasing you. It called your name but you didn’t respond. What you needed right now is to find someone to help you.
You don’t have much choice… for now.
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Leon was out of the mansion, the sun is setting. His objective for now is to find you as soon as possible—a voice broke out to his earpiece, “Hunnigan,” Leon spoke, “find anything?” he asked.
“I did, but it seems like she’s not in the cottage anymore.” A disappointed sigh was heard from Hunnigan from the other side of Leon’s earpiece, he frowns and take a deep sigh, “all right, thank y—”
Leon’s attention was snatched away, he snap his head to his left. Focusing his hearing to his surroundings, “Leon? Hello, are you still there?” Hunnigan asked.
“I found something, thank you.” Leon whispered and slowly walked towards the trees and move his head to the side. He could hear branches snapping and a cry for help and an inhumane screams and screeching that would make his ear bleed.
He took his gun, pointed between the two trees and waited for someone or something to come out.
“Don’t shoot!” a familiar voice yelled, it was yours but his attention was at something that was following you, you quickly threw yourself at Leon with your aching and bleeding leg. As the entity emerges from the forest and started crawling faster than he could imagine.
He held you in his arm, while he shoots at the monster a couple of times until it was shrieking from each bullets and its pace was slowed down. It lie dead on the ground, twitching and black blood spilling.
Leon turned his attention to you, “princess?” he mutters, you nodded and sniffle at his arm. “It’s okay, I’m here…” he mumbles and pulled you into a tight hug, “I’ll get us out of here, yeah?” he kissed your forehead, his palm cupping your cheeks as he brush those tears away from your eye.
“I’m here, I’m here and you’re safe.” He continuously assured, craving it at the back of your mind that you are safe, he’s with you and he’s not going to let anyone or anything hurt you.
“It’s getting dark, I’m sure you need some energy and sleep.” Leon mutters as you nodded, “you’re bleeding…” Leon frown at the sight of your leg bleeding, he also noticed that you have a bag pack with you.
“Let’s get you ins—” what Leon hates most that he gets cut off every time he fucking talks, “shit!” he curses and turns around to see the entity he couldn’t kill, its body was distorted as its face and laugh. You whine at the sight, he uses his body to shield you from the entity that he failed to kill.
“God fucking damn it,” he carried you bridal style as he knew that you’re too injured to even run. It chases the two of you, you could only close your eyes and muffle your cries and cling closely to Leon.
Leon found the basement was open and made the creature away as far away from that safe zone, he’d shoot any enemies if there are any inside.
“Hold on tight, princess.” Leon mutters right to your ear, his lips brushing against your skin as he made a run for it. You clung to him like a koala, his two hands finally set free as you made sure to hug as tight as you can.
He ran, with you clinging to him. He almost missed to grab the two handles and shut the door of the basement. It was dark, and it reeks of rotten fish. “You can let go now, you’re safe.” Leon mutters and gave your neck a kiss to calm you down.
You slowly let down your feet as it finds the ground and you let down the other. Leon find the light switch and turned it one, there was a few zombies inside and he quickly got them removed from the frame.
“Stay here.” You nod and decides to listen for now. You watch Leon swiftly move one bodies to another and stack them up right in the corner. He found a clean mop and two buckets of clean water, one with powered soap and one clear water.
You watch him clean the floor for you, to get rid of the rotten smell. You smiled at him, lifting the muscle from your face was kind of hard since your tears were practically dried and hard on your face.
“what’s so funny, princess?” Leon asked as he wipe his sweat with his wrist. His attention was now in his earpiece, “have you found her, Leon?”
“Yeah, she’s safe. She’s bleeding though.” Leon turn his head and his eyes scans your injured leg, you were standing idly and tilt your head to Leon.
“Good, after retrieving the item. Make sure to get her home safely.” Leon nodded at Hunnigans words, “you can count on me.” Before the call gets disconnected.
Leon finishes mopping the floor wet and got some clean dry mop again to dry the floor.
He also found a sleeping bag and other useful things inside this basement, he thought to himself that they used this as a storage room.
“Come here, princess.” Leon gestures as he sat down on the sleeping bag, the softness of it makes him relax. You made your way to him, legs still wobbly as you sat down with him. He turn to you and caress your bleeding leg, “may I?”
You nodded and lift your leg to him, you hiss at the pain and choke a sob. “I got some aid kit…” your voice dry and hoarse, he nodded and gestures for you to give him the bag. He takes the aid kit out and began to change your bandage.
“I’m sorry…” an apology got out from your lips, Leon turns his head and cock an eyebrow, “sorry for what, princess?” his voice low and his tone calm, “that I added another burden to your shoulder.” You sniffle and began to have a breakdown.
“Hey, hey…” Leon coos, finishing wrapping another bandage roll when he cleaned your wound. He pulls you into his strong arms as the cologne you’d grew to love hits your nostrils, “It’s not your fault, and you are not a burden.”
“No one wants to be in a situation like this, sweetheart.” His hand caress the back of your hair. “But, you were one brave woman.” He praises, lift your chin with his finger to have your eyes look at his cold yet loving gaze.
“I am here whenever you need me, I’m still on duty as your bodyguard. Am I right?” he chuckles and gently pushed you away to get another sleeping bag, you whined and held his hand, you don’t want him to be away from you more than one second.
He look down at your vulnerable form, you were cute—Leon thought to his mind, he would be damned if he got hard to situations like this.
“I’m just gonna get another sleeping bag.” You shake your head to his words, a voice barely going out to your lips but he manage to catch it, “sleep with me.”
He sigh and nodded, “all right,” he tuck you and himself in and pulled you to cuddle. You clung and acted the little spoon, his hand to the curve of your waist as he sprayed kisses to your forehead and cheeks. You smiled and felt relax to the sensation and scoot yourself closer to him.
“You need some rest, sweetheart.” You nod to his words, sleep finally hitting you when your mind and body felt assured that Leon is here to protect you and that he’ll get the two of you safe.
You were sound asleep, so adorable and little before him. Leon’s mind wonders how he could get the few pieces of the relic he needed to retrieve when it’s inside you. There might be a lab somewhere in this mansion that he could bring you.
But for now, he should get some sleep with you.
A smile forms on his lips, “sleep tight, baby.”
He mutter in a loving tone before getting an eye shut.
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Next Chapter>>>
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iloveacronix · 6 months
Doods b4 school tomorrow😭
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heyhelloitsmilo · 9 months
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gwen stacy <3
sketchbook doodles i colored
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uzi-x33 · 2 days
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uhh soooo i had a school dance today and GUYS. MY BF LOOKED LIKE CHUUYA NAKAHARA. (Specifically in this bsd card) and when I tell yu I was smiling so much, i don’t even simp for chuuya but as a Dazai kinnie I was going insane
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tezzbot · 2 months
hi i've got a question
how do you manage to get your art looking so bad? my sister who's 8 seems to do a better job drawing with more detail and she does it with actual pencils and not digitally which gives you a major advantage yet you still somehow managed to look worse than hers?
Bro good for her!! That's really impressive at her age, tell her to keep at it I'm sure she'll make it big as an artist one day :D I'm only really drawing for myself so it's fine if it's that bad, I'm just having fun, I hope your 8 year old prodigy sister is having fun with her art too ^_^
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yooku-ri · 6 months
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played rental… obsessed with her
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orangeboogiewoman · 8 months
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cinderology · 5 months
truly I am magneto apologist #1 if there are no magneto apologists I'm DEAD
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tojisun · 1 month
strap game must be insane
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