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Sarah Hyland.
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sshylands · 8 years ago
It’s not easy but it’s worth it. We’re going to see Hamiton again. Her name’s Mavi and she’s obsessed.
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Your three year old daughter is already obsessed with Hamilton? I’m impressed! That’s adorable honestly. 
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sshylands · 8 years ago
One, congrats on the engagement! That’s so exciting! Two, are you gonna confront her about it? I think her reaction will be hilarious. 
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Thank you! It was unexpected but perfect. Oh, I definitely will be confronting her, Dominic and I aren’t in any kind of rush for the wedding or babies. We want to enjoy the engagement. 
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sshylands · 8 years ago
Whoever said it’s your mom sending you all the magazines? Plot twist: it’s me.
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Oh, you’re the one sending me wedding magazines? And pregnancy magazine? Aw, you’re that invested in Dominic and I’s marriage. Who knew you had a kind heart.
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sshylands · 8 years ago
Aww maybe she just wants to say hey now is the time to start thinking? My mom was sending me baby stuff long before I had my two.
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Well I’m definitely not ready for babies. I’m in my mid twenties, and I still have a growing career as well as my fiance has a lot of responsibilities. Babies are no where near the radar for me, so. 
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sshylands · 8 years ago
Most of them are lame and completely not scary but every so often one of the stories hits me and I end up awake all night. I kind of like the thrill of being scared though - some people like to jump out of planes, I just want a really good ghost story. Don’t apologize, horror movies aren’t for everyone!
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I can’t chance it, my luck the one I turn on will be one of those hits you and I don’t sleep for a week. I can become quite grumpy if I don’t get the proper sleep. Horror movies definitely aren’t for everyone. I’ve gotten better as far as suspense films I can manage those but if it’s suspenseful horror forget it. I wish I could be the type into horror films, just never gonna happen.
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sshylands · 8 years ago
My mother has gone off the deep end. Since telling her Dominic proposed, do you know how many bridal magazines have show up to the house? Fifteen. FIFTEEN. I didn’t even know she knew so many damn bridal magazines. Oh, and there was one extra one slipped into the pile, hiding amongst all the pretty colors. A parenting magazine. Do you think she’s trying to hint to anything?
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sshylands · 8 years ago
I’m so glad to have the day off tomorrow to get some rest. Filming and taking care of a three year old is exhausting. Tomorrow we head to New York for the Weekend. Single dad life never stops.
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I’ve heard the single parent life isn’t an easy one. Anything interesting happening in New York? What’s your daughter’s name?
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sshylands · 8 years ago
Does anyone else stay up late and watch those lame ghost hunter shows on TV? I always watch them and feel completely confident that I could survive the night and make it to dawn with all the bragging rights. Until I try to sleep and suddenly the sound of my refrigerator kicking in keeps me up all night because I’m convinced the dead are coming for me. Apparently, I’m not nearly as tough as I thought I was, no matter how many horror movies I’ve been in. Speaking of horror movies though, has anyone else seen Get Out? And also, could you come hunt my fridge ghost?
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I stay up late, but I do not watch the ghost hunter shows. Even if they might be lame, or totally not real, I don’t think I could end up sleeping after. I’d be clawing at Dominic to wake up because if I’m not gonna sleep, he’s not going to sleep. I don’t do well with stuff that goes bump in the night. I have not seen Get Out, and that is definitely not on my top list to see. Sorry, but horror movies and I, are not good friends. I saw the Saw movies and threw up at the movie theater. 
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sshylands · 8 years ago
Way to bruise the ego, babe. 
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You know I love you. 
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sshylands · 8 years ago
And who got you the one puppy?
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I don’t know, just some guy. 
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sshylands · 8 years ago
It’s puppies galore in this house.
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PUPPIES! My puppies to be exact. Time to snuggle them with this down-pouring rain and thunderstorm. 
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sshylands · 8 years ago
Besides all of the other great things this month is dedicated to, it’s National Condom month. Don’t be silly, people, wrap your willies!
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Maybe I should have gotten that written on my boyfriend’s birthday cake instead of the traditional Happy Birthday. 
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sshylands · 8 years ago
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therealsarahhyland: “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other” Happy Birthday @domsherwood ❤ Thank you for inspiring me on a daily basis to be a better person. To not take things too seriously. And to remember the little things. You’re my rock. 💋
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sshylands · 8 years ago
Matthew: Congratulations on finally tying down Dom.
Matthew: In all seriousness, anyone with eyes can tell how happy you make him. I'm just extremely happy for the two of you :)
Sarah: My master plan is working.
Sarah: Really though, he makes me incredibly happy after a lot of stuff in my life happened. I can't imagine marrying anyone else. Plus I picked a keeper, he proposed with a puppy and a stunning ring, plus look at him. Thank you though! It means a lot.
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sshylands · 8 years ago
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↳ INSTAGRAM: therealsarahhyland uploaded a photo.
He asked, I answered. Future Mrs. Sherwood in the making! #engaged #heproposed #newpuppymomma
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sshylands · 8 years ago
“Dom shook his head. “Nope, not allowed. You two in the same room alone is not allowed.” He joked. If there was with thing he could agree on, was that her cast was more eccentric than his own. But there was no denying that his cast was on their way to being just as bad. Putting a bunch of young adults together for long hours at one time was bound to produce some mishaps and insanity. “I will gladly take the blame as long as you’re happy.” He grinned, hanging back as he heard the pattering of his gift heading their way.
He wasn’t nervous, it was more like he was anxious. Anxious to say how much he loved her, how much he wanted to me with her, anxious for her answer. The smile was permanent on his face as she turned around, stepping forward to stand in front of her. “Sarah.” He started, reaching forward to unclip the piece of jewelry attached to the pups collar. “I think by now you know how much I love you. Through the ups and downs, the best and worst parts, you have been my rock. And I yours. The past three years have been the best and I can’t think of anyone better to spend them with. You love with every fiber of your being and that is what I love so much about you. It’s why, I can’t think of anyone better I would want to spend the rest of my life with.” He said, getting down on one knee, ring in hand. “So, Sarah Jane Hyland. Will you marry me?”
Sarah had been a woman who had believed, even though she had been young, when the abuse had had happened with her ex-boyfriend that she would never get to this point. Happy. Dominic had come into her life thanks to a movie and had just never left. Something she was so incredibly grateful for, and now look where they were. Living together happily and managing to make their relationship work in the hard world of Hollywood. This seemed like a testament that they were working, and hearing the words that came from Dominic as she watched his hands unclip something sparkly from the tiny dogs collar. 
It was like all blood rushed to her ears and she could only hear her heart pounding loudly as he spoke. It was one of those moments where she could literally feel time stop as the puppy squirmed in her arms. The last thing she wanted to do was frighten the small animal so she crouched placing him down on the floor and let him sit at her feet and curl up. Standing back up she had to focus a little more on his words as she felt her heart in her throat and like her emotions would burst right through her chest. Once he was down on his knee her hands came up to her face, she honestly had not been expecting this in the slightest. A soft squeal came from her lips as she bounced after he asked nodding her head. “Yes! Yes! Of course I’ll marry you!” Her hands shook as she walked forward wrapping her arms around his neck -- with him down at his height she basically matched him perfectly standing up as she kissed him. Sarah Hyland was officially engaged.
Puppy Love|| Sherwood
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sshylands · 8 years ago
“I don’t think you ever want to.” He joked. He felt bad for the girls sometimes, the amount of shenanigans the guys got onto when on set. Though he supposed that was what happened with any group of young adults thrown together to film one of the best selling book series, after the movie had originally bombed. “Though, your cast isn’t any different.” He said, hands moving to her shoulders.
“Ah, I’m sure there is somewhere in the world. But have both, go crazy. We can dwell on the consequences in the morning if need be.” He grinned kissing the top of her head. “Hmm, cheese fries. Sounds like a full course. I’m in.” He stopped her right outside the living room, already hearing the jingling coming their way. “Well, while I was out… I got your a little gift.”
“Eh, it can’t be as bad as I’ve seen on my set.” The Modern Family tended to get crazy, more then people ever realized. Her’s was a mix of older and younger all thrown together into a mishmash of a family that somehow worked. Sarah was just heading into the living room to put on some music, she was an avid fan of having music playing throughout the house. Even if she didn’t classify herself as a very good dancer, at all, it was something that seemed to always make her happy. “It isn’t, we’re one weird cast but I think that’s why I love my cast more then anything. Yours is pretty great though, still wait I’m gonna run off with Kat.” she grinned over her shoulder winking at the blonde. 
When he kissed the top of her head, “Well can we have burgers and subs without cheese fries? I’ll make sure to tell my trainer it was your idea though.” she snickered before hearing this noise of little feet tapping against the floor before hearing his words. She didn’t even get anything out when a tiny little dog came prancing around the corner. “Oh my god!” she squealed seeing the tiny puppy. There was nothing better then puppies in the girls opinion. “We can keep him? Really?” she clapped already more focused on the puppy who was around her feet. “He’s perfect, I can’t believe you got another dog but that’s why I love you.” she murmured leaning down to pick the little pup into her arms. Her eyes caught the color where a tag shined figuring maybe he already had a name but she felt her heart skip reading the words, Will You Marry Me? Spinning around to Dom the look on her face said it all. “Dom?”
Puppy Love|| Sherwood
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