#my personal pet peeve
kaiserin-erzsebet · 7 months
Me, metaphorically whacking non Habsburg historians with a rolled up newspaper: it's not the Austro-Hungarian empire or Austria-Hungary until 1867. Before that it's Austria, the Austrian Empire, or the Habsburg Empire.
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tonya-the-chicken · 2 years
It's so funny when people are like I have a headcanon for this japanese character in japanese manga written by japanese person set in japan and the headcanon is the most american thing you ever heard
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dreamsandrosies · 6 months
So from what I can tell, the imperial clone assassin theories can be summarized as this:
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Happy Bad Batch Eve. Let the anxiety for the next two episodes begin.
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spaciebabie · 8 months
oh so you wanna fuck that monster huh. make sexy art of them without giving them muscles and/or making them look human
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otaku553 · 1 year
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Kind of enjoyed his character teaser! :)
I think Lyney will be pretty interesting especially if he’s the main character introducing us to Fontaine (similarly to like collei and tighnari being the first characters for sumeru). The relationship between magic and law to the truth are very counter to each other, because magic presents falsehood as the truth while law is meant to uncover the truth and judge impartially based on it. I think the fact that we’re seeing a family of magicians in our first banner instead of a judge or a lawyer means a lot of fun things are in store for the Fontaine justice system in terms of how it handles falsehoods presented to it and how it judges what it perceives to be truth.
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itsbenedict · 8 months
alright, i just got around to finishing Dungeon Meshi- and damn if it didn't stick the landing!
there's a lot to recommend in this manga. first- it's extraordinarily fucking funny. it does not forget that it's a comic, and consistently has great visual gags even when something deeply fucked up and serious is happening.
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and it fires on all other cylinders, too- the character designs are great, the worldbuilding is intricate and believable and does a lot of interesting things with standard fantasy tropes, the main cast is likable and has a great dynamic, the story keeps a lot of plates spinning without getting up its own ass or forgetting the details...
but the thing that really impresses me about Dungeon Meshi- the thing that sticks out as something it does uniquely well- is the theming.
Dungeon Meshi is about hunger and eating. it is about those things, hardcore. just about every plot point and every character dynamic is about that theme, approached from a dazzling array of different angles. it's got plenty to say about like, actual food and cooking, sure- but it also gets into the nature of desire, the cycle of predation, differing personal tastes, taking the other into oneself, satiation vs motivation... it makes sure that every development in the story is grounded in and building on that theme somehow.
Food is not a gimmick- Food is what the story is about, and not as a bit. this isn't a silly food-world full of food-creatures and food-magic- this is a normal, well-developed fantasy setting, in which a story is being told that focuses relentlessly on the relationship of the characters to food and eating. it manages to feel completely natural, even with so much going on that you'd think the food thing would get in the way. it doesn't get in the way. the story was designed around it, down to the smallest detail.
i think it might be a 10/10 manga! it does everything it sets out to do, completely successfully, with a ton of humor and charm. well-paced, well-drawn, well-written, good ending- i can't think of anything to complain about. highly recommended.
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…What’s this?? WWX not being a self-sacrificial idiot??
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It’s almost like… that isn’t a personality trait…
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canisalbus · 8 months
very random question and don’t feel obligated to reply but your style reminds me of dark souls/pathologic/those types of games in general. that might just be due to the historical context but i’m curious, are you a fan of games like that?
If I had to guess it could be just the vaguely historical setting, religious overtones and occasional darker themes? My knowledge on Dark Souls et al. is sparse at best, people have been telling me to give them a try but I haven't gotten around to it.
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web-novel-polls · 13 days
(Assuming that the character's name origin is the same as the source language)
Examples (Eastern -> Western name order):
Aono Hajime -> Hajime Aono (Surname: Aono) Kim Dokja -> Dokja Kim (Surname: Kim) Wei Wuxian -> Wuxian Wei (Surname: Wei)
Feel free to explain your reasoning in the notes.
Edit: Vote on honorifics here!
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gideonisms · 11 months
What always gets me is that anyone handwringing about tlt usually misses the most fucked up parts and fixates on the stuff that is kind of a side note. like try harder there is way more than that
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its-muffin-tyme · 1 month
I put "concepts" instead of "fanon" so that any canon things on the list are also acceptable. You can dislike something in fandom interpretations even if that thing has canon basis
That being said... Be nice about the things you don't like! You may not like that thing, but other people do. So please show kindness and respect to others, even as you share what doesn't do it for you ^-^
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allastoredeer · 5 months
I'm with you there on preferring bottom!Alastor and getting squicked out by top!Alastor. The squick is worse for me when searching radioapple than radiostatic stuff, and I think it has more to do with the egregious amount of uke-fication of Lucifer that I've seen. Vox and Al get it sometimes too, let's be real that's gonna happen in any mlm ship. But I feel like it happens SO often to Lucifer, mostly cause he's small and cute, that people completely forget he's the oldest and most powerful entity in hell.
He would NOT be genuinely scared or intimidated by Al or any other sinner for that matter and Al would NOT be able to physically overpower or threaten Luci. It just feels so wildly out of character for me that any of the appeal of the ship/characters is gone at that point.
Like, for real, no shade to anyone that likes that, go on and get your food. But my extreme dislike of it has me now avoiding bottom!Lucifer radioapple like the plague just so I don't risk being subjected to it.
I think...I think you just described why I feel so squicked out by bottom!Lucifer and top!Alastor 😦 Like, I couldn't figure out what exactly about it was throwing me off, but you just said it perfectly!!
That's literally it! It's the uke-fication of Lucifer. That's it. Lucifer would never feel threatened by Alastor. He would never be overpowered by Alastor. So when I see depictions of Alastor successfully intimidating Lucifer, or overpowering him at all, it just throws me out of the story.
Lucifer's been alive longer than Hell. Alastor's measely 100+ years of being alive is nothing compared to his millennia+ lifespan. And yeah, Lucifer is the strongest person in Hell, he could beat Alastor in any fight, no question. He has no reason to be scared or threatened by him.
And look, there are ways to get Lucifer to a point of being afraid. There are always a way to make characters act in a way you wouldn't typically see. In fact, Lucifer, the biggest, baddest person in Hell, being threatened by something would be a huge thing for his character and for the story. That could totally work!
But when it comes from Alastor just going into his demon form, or looming over Lucifer, I just 🥲 it takes me out of the story. I can't. Alastor may be a big bad Overlord, and he's dangerous for sure, but like...power-wise he is just not on Lucifer's level and Lucifer knows that--Alastor knows that--and this is what makes their dynamic so, SO interesting, especially if they're in a relationship or slowly building into a relationship. That's what makes it so spicy and flavorful. The push and pull. The insecurity and emotion. The complex dynamic between them.
I think you're right about it making bottom!Lucifer and top!Alastor lose its appeal. I went back through my Twitter bookmarks yesterday and found a few top!Alastor's & bottom!Lucifer's that I've saved, but I've come to dislike that generalized characterization of it so much that I avoid it it like the plague too.
And like you said, there's no hate to those who enjoy it. This is fandom and people are allowed to write, draw, and do what they want. It's all fiction and it's not hurting anyone.
I just don't like the top!Alastor & bottom!Lucifer dynamic in most fan-arts, and I don't click onto fics with it cause I just don't want to subject myself to an unenjoyable time 😂 I'm here to have fun too, afterall.
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sorrelpaws · 2 years
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proper refs for my new r&m ocs :-) more info BELOW
morty v-37 - basically gets used as a human shield and then promptly left for dead by his previous rick(which is why hes got the scar and prosthetics), y-4441 finds him and fixes him up + erases his memories of the whole nearly dying thing. he’s pretty chillaxed and a bit more cynical than an average morty, more “rickish” i guess idk. tends to be skeptical, likes poking holes in rick’s arguments/inventions etc etc but like in a teasing way
rick y-4441 - very peppy, upbeat and emotional. he kind of reeaalllyyy dislikes the cfc and stays away from it as much as possible, especially after finding and unofficially adopting v-37. he’s not as tech savvy as most rick’s, his abilities are more akin to s1 rick’s skill level? as in, he lives off of scraps of materials and creative solutions, less god-like and more “old man in garage who happens to know physics and chemistry”. loves to ramble about basically anything and happily indulges in morty’s hypotheticals/questions whatever. EXCEPT! for why morty doesnt have his fingers he shuts that topic down immediately just does not want to deal with that can of worms at allll
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n4rval · 2 months
FUN VALUE 62: The Eccentric Genius
Isn't it odd how firsts are seconds? As in, should we consider the order of exposure by FUN value or follower number? Though I suppose goners are not meant to be linear at all. This is why all of the Followers reiterate that central piece of the story, yet, each of them offer an unique perspective that helps us piece together not only Dr. W.D. Gaster's current condition, but who he is as a character.
No, there is no typical way to look at a character who defies the very notion of a written script. To be atypical among the already strange, to fit right in yet feel so obviously alien, the sole lump of hard coal among shiny gems.
It makes sense why ASGORE took so long to hire a new Royal Scientist.
After all, the old one... Dr. Gaster. What an act to follow!
They say he created the CORE.
Coal that burns the most effectively and brings light to all around him, in more ways than one. Impossible only until someone steps forward and makes it possible, to pursue the most absurd of ideas and be stared at with either unease or awe, to make it an act to follow.
From the occasional inconvenient property damage, the unecessarily bulky gadget that looks like it came straight out of a cartoon ...
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... to the grand opening speech nobody got a single word of but applauded for the flashy lights anyway.
However, his life... Was cut short.
One day, he fell into his creation, and...
Will Alphys end up the same way?
This bit can be particularly misleading at first glance, alluding to the idea of an accident or, possibly, a suicide of sorts. We already know how this bit played out, however, the mention of either instance is purposeful in a way the ideas complement each other.
To be special is to be strange, and loneliness is often the price of brilliance. It can be difficult to escape feelings of alienation when people seem to get along so naturally without having to make a conscious effort to understand and be understood. This parallel with Alphys isn't only due to their shared position, but the taxing demand for excellence that comes with it in exchange for belonging.
It wouldn't be a absurd to speculate that, possibly, Alphys would one day have a manic episode that would both be her greatest stunt and her last breath in this earth. Ah, but this is where they deviate, isn't it?
Beloved Dr. Wacky Dingus, too in love with life to leave it, yet never satisfied not to risk it - who continues to offer mystery and wonder, once through light, now through dark.
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oh-no-its-bird · 1 month
Adjusting my glasses to take a peek into the umbrella academy tag like Hmmmm. Maybe I don't want to watch the new season after all.
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mervynbunter · 26 days
My great 1899 regret (aside, of course, from the obvious) is that we never had Welsh language scenes between Daniel and Elliot.
Aneurin Barnard and Fflyn Edwards are, as far as I know, the only cast members never to speak their first language in their roles. It is still relatively unusual to hear Welsh accents in British media; I don’t recall ever hearing a Welsh accent in non-British media up until 1899. It would have been still more refreshing to hear Welsh being spoken in a non-British production.
And besides (though this is re. The Crown):
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