#my parents didnt ask my brother or me before they did anything
samwinchestersleftshoe · 10 months
me and my family wants to is going to florida for christmas, and weve never left home before for christmas, and for some reason im having a breakdown over it. its not even thanksgiving when im writing this, but everytime i think ab it i get rlly emotional, and words cannot describe how much i dont want to do this. but they already put the deposit for where we r staying, and we live 20 hrs from fl and we're most likely driving. probably tmi for the internet but i really need advice because i need to emotionally work through this. i cant talk to anyone in my life ab this so im turning to tumblr. prob making a big deal out of nothing but i need advice for how to cope lmao. would v appreciate comments and reblogs
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thenamessparkplug · 8 months
shoutout to my old 4th grade teacher for being more supportive of me one time 6 months ago than my own mother's ever been< 3333
#it was like such a tiny interaction but i also never forgot#it was during some kind of family party thing for kids parents (and siblings) to come and eat pizza and some other stuff i dont remember#and anyways my brother(who currently goes to this school) wanted to go so my whole family went#and while i was there my mom saw my old 4th grade teacher and was like “omg you should go talk to her”#and i was like yeah i should she was a really cool lady actually#so i nervously was like “hi” and didnt think shed recognize me at all#but she IMMEDIETLY was like “ITS YOU! /pos”#she then points to my shirt and asks me “hey are those your pronouns now?”#and this was back when i still wore pronoun/pride pins in general#and i was like “yeah actually!” because no adult had ever asked me about it before and i was so happy to like be recognized as a person#and she gave me a hug and told me she was proud of me and how much id grown and i /maybe/ got a little close to tears but ignore that#and my mom just stood there the whole time#she didnt say anything#she didnt smile#and this was not my first time wearing my pronoun pin my TRANS FLAG pin even#never once did she acknowledge it#also like a month later she made fun of me for it and i havent worn one since#uh yeah anyways#sorry for ranting lmao#or ig venting?? this was not my intention mb mb#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgtbq#lgbtqia#(to be clear my mom has made it very clear she will never support me on numerous occasions it wasnt like a one time thing lmao)#tw vent??#tw vent
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
Time Traveller au part 8
Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 3 is here. Part 4 is here. Part 5 is here. Part 6 is here. Part 7 is here. Time Traveller au masterlist is here. Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Part 9 is here!
Everything around you warped as you jumped off the cliff. You closed your eyes as you heard Baldwin scream your name in agony, the air whipped around you and you hoped that you returned to your house, hopefully with a soft landing.
You fell onto the hard ground on your arm, breaking it. You screamed before biting your lip to hold it as you realised that you had landed... in a forest.
You pulled out your time machine and read the time and place.
1530. Ottoman empire.
Oh hell no-
You tried to change the time to return to your present world, but the dial buttons were broken and you couldnt do anything but hope it'll work again and return you back to your time.
Blinking away the tears, you clutched your arm and struggled to stand up, groaning in pain. The fall had knocked the air out of you, and made your entire body ache as you staggered towards a tree for support.
This has to be- Baldwin must've cursed me for leaving him.
Fixing your gown, you removed your wedding veil to make a hijab and used the length of it to cover your body like a chaddar. Clutching your broken arm, you began walking. Where? You dont know, but you need to get out of the forest first as you didnt pay much attention to "Man V/S Wild" because the first episode you watched started off with Bear Grylls drinking his own piss and you didnt think you'd ever be in a situation where you would need that kind of skills.
"And I wont." You huffed, walking. Besides, the wild isnt the only thing you need to survive. You're a lone woman in a forest where good samaritans arent the only ones to cross it. And you dont think you have a fighting chance against strangers with a broken limb.
The sun was starting set by the time you made it out of the forest and you saw a small cottage. If it wasnt for the old woman tending to her chickens outside, you wouldnt have approached her. But alas, thirst and exhaustion overtook stranger-danger and you walked upto her.
"W... water?" You croaked in Turkish, sweat dripping down your face as you clutched your arm. Yes, you learnt the language as a child when there was no cable and the only place you and your brother could watch TV was at your Turkish neighbours house. Granted, all they ever played was soap dramas, but hey- your family was poor and you had to make do.
The old lady's eyes widened at your state and she rushed inside to get water. By the time she came out with her husband, you had passed out.
When you came to, you were lying in bed while the couple fretted over you. It turned out that the old man used to be a physician, so he popped your broken arm back in place and immobilised it expertly so that it allows for optimal healing of the bone. The old lady made you some food and thats when they asked what happened.
"I fell from a tree." You took a bite of the warm meal. "I was hiding there from some slave owners. I lost my parents a few days ago and when they found out that I was alone... they wanted to take me and sell me to the palace." Lying isnt that hard for you when you have so many true events to back you up.
The old couple pitied you and offered you their home. "You could stay here for as long as you'd like. We dont mind. In fact, we'd enjoy the company." You smiled gratefully. As days passed, you began helping them around the house with chores. They were lonely and they enjoyed having you around. You found out that they used to have a daughter but she was one day taken by the Janissaries (members of the elite infantry units that formed the Ottoman Sultan's household troops) to make her part of the harem and they never got to see her again.
It had been a month since you'd been living here. Your machine hadnt worked again and you didnt have the tools at hand to start working on it. You did accompany the old man to the town when he'd go get groceries, but you didnt risk finding a scholar or craftman to help you. No, the moment your eyes landed on the Topkapi palace at the other side of town, you had turned on your heel and already started making your way back to the cottage. As tempting as it was to see just how the sultans were, you were not going to try your luck by being trapped in that castle that had weird politics. Everyone was everyone's enemy- the heirs, the wives, the concubines, the eunuchs- everyone.
You and the old man had just returned from the town and you were trying to calm him down. Apparently, he got into a heated argument with the shopkeeper who was quite influential and lent people money, but he asked for high interest rates on return.
"I'll help you. Maybe I can find some work-" you offered but the old man absolutely refused. He didnt want you to leaving the cottage, especially not alone to go work with these scummy people he did not trust.
You smiled sadly. Perhaps you reminded him of his daughter.
"He's always been like this, but when Ayla was taken, he started loathing the sultan. How can you just break a family like that?" The old lady said as she stirred the pot. You hummed as you set the table, when the old man suddenly burst through the door, looking alarmed.
"Dear? Whats wrong?" The old lady walked up to him. He was looking at you.
"Janissaries- they're here." He said with dread. "The merchant- he must've sent them here! Quick, hide Y/n!" The old lady nodded in agreement as they began pushing you. The old man lifted up a wooden panel from the floor, revealing a small compartment.
"Hide in there and dont make a sound!" They said as they covered the space back with the wooden panel. You held your breath as you peeked through the slits in between the panels.
Just a few moments later, 5 men in red uniforms and swords resting on their sides, brazenly walked in.
"Where's the girl?" One of them asked as the others looked around.
"What girl?" The old man asked as he pulled his wife closer to him.
"Dont pretend you dont know. We saw you walking in the market with a girl. Where's she?"
"She left. Her parents took her back. What do you want from her?" The old man replied.
The Janissaries kept looking around, going through rooms to find you.
"You havent paid your loan back. We're just here to take her while you make arrangements for your loan."
"I told you she's gone. And I told the merchant I already paid off his loan. With interest."
"Yes, but the interest increased last week. You didnt pay that."
"What does it concern you? You work for the sultan, not the merchant!"
"The merchant is friends with me, a Janissarie. If he's bothered, then I'm bothered. And if I'm bothered, then so is the sultan. Now, hurry up and tell me where she is."
"She's gone-" the old man was cut off by a punch.
You gasped, but quickly covered your mouth as the Janissarie's head snapped in your direction. He couldnt see you, but you could see him.
The old lady was crying now as she tended to her husband on the ground. The Janissaire looked back at her.
"If you dont tell me where she is right now, you will become a widow." He threatened her.
The old lady couldnt say anything as she kept on crying, but she made the mistake of looking at the wooden panel you were hiding under. That was enough of for the armed men to figure out.
They pulled the panel away and there you were, looking up at them with fear. They didnt have to communicate as they pulled you out and threw you over his shoulder, making their way out to their horses.
The old couple begged them to not take you away, but despite your best efforts to break free, you never stood a chance.
"Let me go-" You were silenced with a hard slap. The Janissarie looked at you.
"I will only say this once. I am taking you to the palace. If you make a single sound, I will slit your throat right then and there. If you run, I will behave very badly with you. Nod if you understand."
Some time later, you had been dragged into the Topkapi Palace. The guards talked amongst themselves about you, as if you're deaf.
"We should just sell her to the slave traders." One said.
"Or we could give her to the merchant and he can pay us more than the slave traders." Another said.
"We'll see who will pay the higher price for her. After she spends the night with me." Your eyes almost popped out of your socket.
The creep laughed as he yanked you close by the wrist. "Maybe I'll keep you permanently, tied to my bed-"
Allah, now would be a great time for the time machine to work. I dont care if I disappear before their eyes, I cant stay here-
"Well well well, what do we have here?" The Janissaries all straightened up at the new voice. "Bothering another woman of the harem? After you were almost beheaded the last time you stared at one with your pig ugly eyes?"
"Baris Agha, she is not part of the harem-"
"She became property of the sultan the moment you brought her in the palace." The man snapped at them as he stepped in front of you. Judging from his clothes and his effeminate mannerisms, you figured he was a eunuch. "Lets take a look, hm?" He gripped your chin roughly and tilted your face from side to side, a grimace appearing on his face.
"Not pretty enough to be a concubine. Tch. Maid it is."
"Baris Agha, you cant just take her from us-"
"Need I remind you of the woman from the sultan's war winnings you lot lost because you were drunk? I see, I should go and remind sultan of that." At that, the Janissaries scowled but kept quiet.
"Now stop standing there like buffoons. Go to your posts. And you-" Baris Agha gave you a pointed look. "You dont look from around here, but I'm going to assume that since you havent screamed or tried to run off, you understand what I'm saying, hm?" You gave a nod. Baris Agha rolled his eyes before turning on his heel, beckoning you to follow him with his index finger. "Hurry along. We have to train you for the feast tonight. A few servants died of smallpox, so we're a little short staffed."
You were lead to a hamam (a common bath area). Baris Agha was talking to the old lady standing outside. "She is the new maid. Have her prepared for tonight, hm?" He told the lady who ushered you in.
Baris Agha waited outside the hamam as he heard you shriek and yell, but he was unfazed. Everytime a new girl is brought here, she has to go through the same thing. A hot ,steaming bath, an invasive medical check up, a little degradation, nothing out of the norm. It is necessary to do this because if you are to serve the royal family, it wont bode well for you to be carrying any diseases or... any pride.
"You're lucky I'm short on servants or else I would've thrown you into the sea because I would never wish anyone to see the gait of a cow." He scolded you during your "maid training".
You bit your lip to stop the curses from slipping. You cant risk pissing off anyone here until you can find a way out, or your machine works. You've read details about the life in Ottoman empire, and sure majority of them were muslims, but they still had egos as large as Mount Everest.
"Baris Agha! Baris Agha!' A servant came running upto him. "A fight broke out in the harem! The concubines- ah! Its a mess!" He flailed his hands around in exasperation.
Baris's eyes widened before scowling. "I'll kill them all today! I swear! These women are more trouble than they're worth for!" He grumbled before looking at you.
"Keep moping, I'll come back. Dont do anything stupid or I will make you dig your grave!" He threatened before leaving with the servant.
As soon as he was out of sight, you considered running. But you dont know your way around this maze of a palace, and you dont wish to run into Baris Agha when you're trying to find your way out of these hallways. You need to be careful and find a way out. So, you slowly made your way towards the other end of the corridor while mopping (as an excuse when Baris returns and asks where'd you go) and peeked around the corners. When you found no one, you slowly walked down one end of the hall where you saw a door at the end while the right side of the hall overlooked the palace grounds and the other side of the hall had no doors but had these wooden windows that were shut so you couldnt see through them. You reached the door and opened it slowly, expecting another hallway, but instead you were in a room. Not exactly a bedroom, since you didnt spot a bed, but perhaps a sitting room? Or maybe a study room, judging from the desk in the corner. In the center of the room, there was a huge pile covered by a purple silk cloth. This couldnt possibly be a storage room, right? You walked upto the pile and pulled the cloth off it, revealing an amalgam of... fine things. There were fancy vases, some antiques, swords and a few paintings.
The paintings were stacked one upon the other, and you took a look at the first one- it was Arabic calligraphy. The background was beige with the calligraphy in beautiful black ink. And you recognised the words written. Its Ayat ul Kursi, from Surah Baqrah in Quran. The words were written so elegantly, however as you read the verse, you spotted an error. It was a minor one, but there was a dot missing from one of the letters and now it would be misspelled and the words wont make sense.
You could just walk away. You should walk away. Find a way out. This is not your mess. And this should not bother you.
"If you see something wrong, then you should do everything in your abilities to correct it. Don't be selfish, Y/n." Your brother's voice rung in your ears.
With a sigh, you walked towards the desk and picked up the the quill pen dipped in ink.
I'm only doing this because this painting may one day be passed onto the future generations. Cant have them making the same mistakes. You walked back to the painting. This is the word of Allah. I cant just ignore the mistake.
You placed the 3 foot canvas on the desk and carefully placed the dot to correct the mistake. You held your breath the entire time to prevent your hand from shaking. When you were done, you breathed and backed away.
"What are you doing?" You froze. This- this is not Baris Agha's voice. No, it- it held too much authority.
"I asked you- what are you doing?!" The voice boomed.
"I- I-"
"Turn around." You slowly did and you looked at the man in dark robes in front of you. He was neither a servant, nor a Janissaries. You looked at the fury in his grey eyes, and then your eyes travelled upto his head.
You dropped into a bow, head low.
"I- I apologise, sultan!" Of fucking course! Why wouldnt a sultan- THE SULTAN SULEIMAN, be the one to catch you in the act.
This is it. This is the day I die. He will have my head cut off-
"I asked you, what are you doing?" He asked again. "Who are you?"
"I- I was... I was fixing an error, your majesty." You gulped, head still down. "I am- I am a new servant, sultan. I- I did not know this was your room- I was- I got lost-"
"What mistake?" He cut you off. "Rise. And show me the mistake."
You slowly rose up, though you kept your eyes casted down. You turned back to the painting as he walked up next to you, and you raised your shaking hand to point the area where the ink was still wet.
"The... the dot was missing from this letter. It was spelling mistake. I... I couldnt just leave it... in good conscience." You explained in a small voice.
There was complete silence for the next few minutes. Is this the part where you should start begging him to spare your life? Or should you keep your mouth shut and hope he gives you a less painful punishment?
"Bring the next painting." He commanded without taking his eyes off the current one. You picked up the next canvas and it also had Arabic calligraphy. With his permission, you placed it on the desk as well.
"Well?" He looked at you and you stared back at his grey eyes in confusion. "Check for errors."
You looked back at the painting, another Quranic verse from Surah Rahman. And you spotted the error right away. Again a small mistake, but still if the diacritical marks are not present, then the pronunciation will be wrong.
"Here. And here as well." You pointed out with your finger. He nodded at you to fix it. This time it was much harder for you to stop your hand from shaking, but fortunately, you did.
"Now recite it." You looked at him in surprise. Recite it? You cant stop your hand from shaking with him looking at you and he expects you to recite it out loud in front of him?!
What kind of test is this? And if I mess up, will he have me killed? Oh God, he's going to kill me.
Closing your eyes to stop the tears from spilling, you began to recite Surah Rahman.
Just pretend he's not here, pretend your brother is in front of you and you're reciting Quran to him like you did as kids. Its normal, its just you and Qasim. You and your brother.
You opened your eyes when you were finished. Suleiman was looking at you... shocked.
"That was... my goodness. That was mesmerising." The sultan praised you once he overcame his shock. "And you recited it all from memory. Are you a hafidha?" (someone who has memorised the Quran)
You nodded. The sultan looked even more surprise. He's never heard of women memorising the Quran in his lifetime, and you? You look so young, just in your 20s. Did you really learn the Quran with such perfect recitation?
"How? Who was your teacher?"
"My brother." Which was true. Qasim, your older brother memorised the Quran when he was very young. Your parents sent him to the local mosque to learn and since he was blessed with eidetic memory, things werent hard for him.
You, on the other hand, were not blessed with photographic memory. You werent gifted like Qasim, and since he's always been the shining star, the all rounder, he was your competitor by nature. So while your parents didnt send you to the local mosque to memorise Quran because you're "too young", you made Qasim teach it to you.
He was more than happy to. Qasim, just like his name, was always the "generous one". The one who shares. He's the older brother, the provider. You're the younger sister, the competitive brat. Together, you two made a great duo. Qasim's recitation was far better than yours. His voice brought comfort to the soul.
Once you were able to memorise Quran, you and Qasim would often participate in those Islamic trivia and competitions which would often have some cash prize at the end. And since money was tight at home, you'd both participate and win many such prizes.
"And where's your brother?" "Dead. My family is dead." Well its not like he can go and confirm your story. "I was brought here by the Janisarries. They planned to sell me to slave traders. Then Baris Agha came and made me a servant, saying I belong to the sultan now. He gave me a mop and I was cleaning and then I found my way here..." You explained your situation further, hoping he'd take pity and let you go.
"What's your name?" The sultan asked very calmly.
"... Y/n."
"Y/n." He tested the name. "How would you like a job?"
"I- I'm not a good servant, ask Baris Agha. He'll testify-"
"Not as a maid. As a... teacher."
"Mhm. Quran teacher. Teach my daughter Mihirmah how to recite, if not memorise it as well as you, hm?"
"I-" you paused. You need to word this out carefully. "I'm honoured that you considered me for this position, your majesty, but surely, there might be someone else more suitable for this job."
He shook his head. "They're all men. I think if my daughter could have you as a role model, she might be inspired to learn."
"I... I have to go home-"
"Home? To who? You have no family." Of course, your lie backfires.
Seeing your hesitance, he sighs. "Look, you're not a slave here, Y/n. No Muslim in my empire is, so I wont force you to stay here but I think it would be safer for you. A young girl in her prime, living alone in this harsh world- you know just as well of the dangers. Today my Janissaries brought you here, and I will deal with them. But tomorrow, someone else might take advantage of the fact that you have no one to rely on."
You remained silent. He was... right. But-
"If you were to stay here and be Mihirmah's teacher, then I give you my word- no harm shall befall you. You will be under my protection."
Your time machine hasnt shown any signs of working yet, and you dont think you can stay hidden in this empire and avoid people for long, so-
"I accept."
Suleiman smiled. "Good. I think the ink is dry now. Place them back with the pile." You picked up the canvases and brought them back to his collection. As you were placing them down, you noticed the canvas on the bottom, the one you never picked up.
Your face paled.
"Sultana, please focus-" you were trying to get the young princess's attention, which you now realise was a feat in itself and exactly why Sultan Suleiman asked you to teach her.
"No." Mihirmah said. You took a deep breath. She has no interest in reading the Quran, how are you supposed to make her learn a few verses?
She was the Sultan's only daughter, so she was spoiled to the core. Just 19 years old, with high cheek bones, blemish free skin, her ash brown hair that shone, she was the epitome of beauty and the apple of her father's eye. You'd just love to yank her by the hair or smack her with a ruler to make her focus but you also would like to get out of here alive.
"You shouldn't use violence when it comes to Islam. It'll only drive the believers away." You heard Qasim's voice in the back of your head. "I never had to discipline you with hand to make you memorise. If I can teach you, then so can you." He had a warm smile on his face.
But I'm not you, Qasim. I dont have the patience of a saint.
"Alright, sultana." You closed the Quran with a sigh and clasped your hands. "What do you want to do?"
Mihirmah grinned, feeling victorious over you giving up so quickly. "I want you to tell my father that I gave my best in trying to learn this but you dont have the time or skill to teach me. Tell him that you think it might be best for me to take break from learning Quran so that I can regain my focus." She said as she crossed her arms over chest.
Her smile faltered. "No?"
"No." You confirmed, staring at her dead serious. "I do have the time and skill to teach you the Quran. Why should I lie about myself for your incompetency?"
Her eyes widened before narrowing. "Who do you think you're talking to?"
"Who do you think you're talking to?" You asked, collecting your things. "I am not your slave or servant to order around. Your father, the sultan, hired me for a job. I'm the teacher, you're the student and at this moment, I have authority over you."
You stood up and looked down at her with no expression. "I was told the young princess was fearless and as strong as her brothers. I now see they were wrong. If you dont wish to learn, then have the guts to tell your father."
As you turned around to leave, you were immediately thrown against the wall, making you bang your head against it. Enough. You're done playing nice.
Sorry Qasim, but some people need violence-
You were turned around and slammed against the wall. You were about to yell at her when you felt something sharp press against your throat.
Mihirmah's eyes were full of fury. "You do not get to talk to me that way-!" "Is that an Omani khanjar?" You looked at her silver dagger.
Mihirmah's rage was replaced by surprise. "You... you know about it?"
You scoffed, insulted. "I'd be a fool not to notice it."
She titled her head at you, an amusing glint in her eyes.
"Oh my- you even have the pugio! How did you get it?" You were in complete awe at Mihirmah's large collection of daggers and swords.
Mihirmah beamed. "My brother got it for me on his recent conquest. He got so much stuff in the war prize for dad, but they let me pick first. Mustafa had brought dad some antiques, gems, paintings-" your heart sank at her words.
So that painting... it was from the spoils of war?
The painting that you saw earlier when you were putting back the canvases- it was a portrait. Of you. The same portrait that Baldwin had commissioned for you. The painting that survived over 400 years, except for the lower part of your face that was smudged and faded.
Suleiman looked over your shoulder as you stared at the portrait. "Mustafa found this in a church during the war. The locals claimed that the portrait belonged to some king who lost the love of his life. Hm. Seems like he missed her too much." He explained, tracing his fingers over the smudged area of the painting, and you wondered what Baldwin had done to make the area so faded.
You were glad that you had drawn your chaddar over your head and kept your face down or else you're almost certain the sultan would've recognised the resemblance between you and the portrait. After you'd left him, you immediately decided to wear a niqaab and cover your face to prevent anyone from recognising you as the muse from the painting.
"Y/n." You were snapped out of your thoughts. Mihirmah raised a brow at you. "So... how do you know about the daggers? You dont look like... well, you know."
Should you even be surprised at how condescending she is? Mihirmah may be the sultan's only daughter, but you were also the only daughter AND the youngest child of your family.
You can be just as bitchy.
"What? Just because I'm not a princess, I cant know about daggers?" You scoffed, looking back at her collection on the table.
Mihirmah's lips quirked. "Well, how do you know then?"
My cousin took me to the forensic musuem at his medical college and I was so mesmerised by all the murder weapons there, including the daggers, that I spent an embarrassing amount of time researching about each type of blade which was interesting for me because I am a historian.
"My dad was a blacksmith." He was not. Your father was a pharmacist. "I used to watch him make different types of blades and swords. Travellers would often stop by and let him sharpen their blades, and thats how I know about different kinds of blades."
She nodded, satisfied with your explanation. "You know your blades... but do you know how to fight with them?"
"No, sultana. I am just a lowly peasant who does not have to face the troubles of warding off potential suitors and princes like you." Your voice dripped with sarcasm.
When she didnt reply, you looked up at her and saw the evil glint in her eyes.
Her smile widened. "I have a proposal that would benefit the both of us."
You stared at her in confusion for a few moments before understanding what she meant.
You were flipped onto the carpeted ground with Mihirma pinning your arms with her knees, pressing the dagger against your neck.
"Anddddd you're dead." She smiled victoriously above you before getting off you and helping you up. You coughed to catch your breath and scowled at her. "I should tell the sultan about how you beat up your teacher."
Mihirmah chuckled. "I am not beating you up. I am teaching you how to fight, and dad would approve that I teach a young women how to defend herself." "But I dont want to learn how to fight." "And I dont want to learn Quran. But if I have to do that, then you can at least do this so that you know just how difficult it is for me to learn the verses."
You adjusted your veil and glared at her. "Cant you find someone else to be your sparring buddy?"
"No. I like you. You dont seem to be too afraid of me and you stand your ground." She admitted before looking at you fussing over your niqaab. "You know you can take that off around me? People dont burst into my room without knocking, so feel free to take that off."
You contemplate for a moment. It is a little hot in here, and you're sweating like a pig after that knock down.
You remove your veil, but keep the scarf over your head and take a seat. You felt her eyes on you, but you didnt look at her as you opened the Quran.
"What are you staring at?"
Mihirmah sat down beside you as you finally looked at the gleam in her eyes. "What?" You asked again.
"Nothing. I just thought you'd be... prettier."
You couldn't help the sound of disbelief that left from your lips.
This cun-
"Well, I'm so sorry sultana that you had to witness the ugliness of my face with your precious eyes that are only worthy of seeing pretty things. My sultana, just say the word and I'd sew pearls into my skin for your pleasure, or I could always just-" you pick up your veil to cover your face again, but Mihirmah's hand caught your wrist and she was giggling.
"You're easy to tick off." She chuckled. "I was only kidding. You look... alright."
You feigned a smile. "Well, how will I ever repay that priceless compliment?" You rolled your eyes as she laughed again.
"Now that we're done with your entertainment, lets start our lesson for today."
Its been a week since you arrived in Topkapi palace. You had been given a room in the harem with the concubines because- well they didnt have quarters for religion teachers, so here you were.
The room was small but adequate for you. Nothing fancy but you're grateful for that. Dont want these concubines seeing you as a threat or something.
You groaned as the servant kneaded your shoulders. You were currently getting a massage from a girl you had befriended. Your muscles were sore from the all the times Mihirmah had flipped you over or slammed you against the wall. You were sure you were gonna have numerous bruises by the time she memorised one surah.
Your deep tissue massage was interrupted by Baris Agha bursting through your door. He shot you a glare before pushing the girl away from you.
"If your majesty is done with her rub down, would you care to grace us with your mighty presence?" He mocked. You opened your eyes and sighed.
"Hello to you too, Baris Agha." You sat up. "What do you want?"
"The sultana has demanded your presence."
"I already gave the sultana her lesson today." You mumbled before going to lie back down but Baris Agha grabbed your shoulder painfully to haul you up.
"That was Mihirmah sultana. Your presence is required by her mother, Hurrem sultana!" He gritted out.
Hurrem sultana? "Why?" You asked, fixing your niqaab over your face.
"Why? Why? Who do you think you're to be asking questions? Make haste!" He yelled at you before pushing you out of the room.
You followed behind him as he told you how to courtesy in front of her and not to do this or that, but you were focused on why you'd been called by the sultana? And that too, at dinner time? Wouldnt she be busy with her family?
Finally, you reached her chambers. Baris Agha entered first and you followed closely behind him, falling into a deep courtesy right after him.
"My Sultana, this is Hatun (lady) Y/n, Mihirmah's sultana's teacher." Baris Agha introduced you.
"Rise." You heard her say and you dared to peek at her and your breath was caught.
If Mihirmah was the epitome of beauty, then Hurrem sultana was something entirely out of this world. Red hair that sat in a intricate bun atop with a crown, milky white skin that had no marks, and those radiant green eyes that shone just as bright as the iconic emerald ring on her finger.
If you didnt know the dates, you wouldnt have guessed her to be a day over 40. But she was well in her 50s, and Allah... were you envious of Turkish beauty.
Truly, this was not a place for an insecure person to be around. You probably did stick out like a sore thumb among the bewitching beauties.
Baris Agha elbowed you to make you avert your gaze, and thats when you spotted Mihirmah sitting beside her looking sheepish.
"So, you've been the one who Mihirmah has been spending so much time with?" She looked at you pointedly.
So much time?
You looked at Mihirmah who was avoiding your gaze. You looked back at the sultana. "Well? Tell me how much my daughter has learned?"
How much? She hasnt been able to memorise a single surah.
You cleared your throat and spoke carefully. "Sultana, its a gradual process-"
"Surely, she must've memorised something? After all, thats why she's been refusing to spend time embroidering or looking at her proposals."
"Mom-" Mihirmah tried but was silenced by a look from her mother.
Hurrem looked back at you. "So, Hatun Y/n, do you have something to say? Or has my daughter been lying to me about spending time with you?"
You looked at Mihirmah who was looking at you with pleading eyes and you connected the dots. Mihirmah has lied to her mother about spending her time with you, and now wants you to lie for her as well.
If you do, Mihirmah might be safe but you risk getting caught. If you dont lie, Mihirmah gets in trouble, but so will you. And not just at Mihirmah's hands, because she will hurt you for snitching, but you suspect that she will twist more lies and lead you into more trouble with both her mother and father.
What to do?
"Mihirmah sultana is... a good student. The best one I've had so far." Well, you werent lying. She was your first student so technically she had no competition. "Everyone has a different pace of learning, my sultana. But its not about how fast you learn, its how much you learn. I'd prefer to take years to learn the surahs over not understanding the meaning behind them, the lessons hidden in them."
Yes, this is a safe answer. "Mihirmah sultana has shown great interest in reading the Quran. She listens very attentively to the translations." After bribing her with duels.
"I have no doubt that she will one day be a good Quran student. As long as she never stops reading it, maintains her connection with the Holy Book and Allah. The process of learning never ends."
Hurrem's calculated eyes read you. She gave a single nod. "Very well, Hatun Y/n. If you say so." Ah finally. Disaster avoided, and now Mihirmah owes me for lying-
"Mihirmah, you will recite the surah Hatun Y/n taught you tomorrow at dinner. Your father and I will be very pleased with your progress." Hurrem stated, making both your and Mihirmah's eyes widen because her mother knows her daughter well. She knows Mihirmah is not prepared and challenged her like this so that she can get rid of you as well, allowing the queen to focus on finding a suitable proposal for her daughter.
"Mihirmah, go and sleep now. I dont think you need to prepare anymore for tomorrow, as you have told me just how great of teacher Hatun Y/n is." Hurrem smiled cunningly. Of course, she'd lay traps for her own daughter if it meant she could prove a point.
You and Mihirmah left the sultana's chambers together before walking to the princess's chambers.
"Thank you, Y/n for saving me!" Mihirmah said as soon as you two entered her room. She turned around to look at you, only to find you out on her balcony.
"Y/n? What are you doing there?" She walked up behind you.
You looked over your shoulder. "Hm? Oh, I'm just thinking if I should jump to my death from here or ask Baris Agha to get me poison. What do you suggest?"
"Y/n!" She pulled you away from the balcony. "What's wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me? Whats wrong with you?!" You yanked your arm out of her grip. "Why did you lie to Hurrem sultana that you've been spending day and night studying with me when you damn well know that you have the attention span of a fish?!"
Mihirmah pouted. "Well, I had to come up with an excuse as to why I didnt want to do needle work or look at suitors... how was I supposed to know she'd bring you in for questioning?"
Narrowing your eyes at her, you gritted out. "You should've just told her that you'd rather spend the time beating up servants and throwing knives at pillows for target practise!"
She crossed her arms and huffed. "What, are you mad at me?"
You chuckled humourlessly. "Oh no. No no- how dare I? Why would I be mad at you for being the reason your parents will send me to the gallows? Or would they rather chop off my head?"
She shook her head. "No, I wont.... I wont let them do that." Mihirmah sighed. "I'll tell them the truth tomorrow, come clean."
"Oh great. So then you'll be safe from trouble but I'll still be dead because I LIED to the sultana! Thanks a lot!" You exclaimed.
"Well, then what do you suggest we do?!" Mihirmah was getting short tempered now.
You dragged your hands over your cheeks before heaving a sigh. "The only thing we can do. Make you memorise a surah." You held up a hand before Mihirmah could speak. "I'm not kidding. And... I have a plan. Just... you'll need to stay awake the entire night."
"Mihirmah- Mihirmah, wake up." You nudge the sleeping princess, awake. Its been 7 hours into your all nighter and Mihirmah's been asleep for 2 of them. You heard her groan from her position, head resting on the table.
"Mihirmah!" You called her harshly, shaking her shoulder. She smacked your hand away and continued to rest.
Thats it, I'm going to yank your hair-
The door opened making you turn. A young man was standing there, his eyes landing on Mihirmah and then at you.
"Mihirmah?" He called her name gently, but the girl who you'd been expecting to be dead asleep suddenly jumped up at his voice.
"Mehmed?!" Her eyes sparkled before getting up and jumping into his arms, just as you turned your head away and picked up your veil to wear.
Sehzade (prince) Mehmed, second son of Sultan Suleiman, first son of Hurrem. The 24 year old prince hugged his sister and spun her around, the two siblings laughing. Though you already know of his fate- the prince will die young. He will not inherit the throne.
"When did you come back from Manisa?!" Mihirmah asked him.
He pecked her forehead. "Just now. I made my way straight here and I was expecting you to be asleep, but.... what exactly is it that you're doing?" Mehmed asked, and Mihirmah followed his gaze to you.
"Ah. This is Y/n, she's my Quran teacher. I have to memorise a surah and recite it at dinner." She explained.
He raised a brow. "Since when did you have such an interest? Let me guess- father?" She scrunched her nose and nodded. "Forget about that, tell me about your adventures! Come on-" You cleared your throat loudly, making both siblings look at you.
"What?" Mihirmah asked.
"Sultana, we still have to prepare for tonight." You said as gently as you could without popping a vessel in your head.
Mihirmah waved you off. "No need! I've already memorised the surah! I'm all prepared-"
"Sultana." You cut her off. "Memorising is one thing... reciting it properly is another. Your parents will be expecting perfection which-with all due respect, you are nowhere near it."
There was deafening silence in the room as you and Mihirmah stared each other down, neither woman backing away.
"Y/n, I said I'm done for tonight. That means, I. Am. Done." Mihirmah emphasised.
"I'm the teacher and I took responsibility over this matter in front of the Sultan and Sultana. I decide when you. Are. Done." You replied back in the same tone, hands folded in front of you.
I am not letting a spoiled brat ruin my life.
Mehmed looked at the two of you, confusion clouding his mind. Mihirmah doesnt let anyone talk to her this way and get away with it. Usually by now, you wouldve been thrown into the dungeons for torture. He knows his sister and her crazy tendencies, so he doesnt understand why she's putting up with this.
There is something deeper going on here.
"Both of you, stand down." You both broke off the intense stare off and looked at Mehmed. Clasping Mihirmah's hand, he pulled her to the ottomans and sat down beside her, gesturing you to sit down on the floor pillow.
"Now, tell me what is going on?"
After explaining the mess Mihirmah had dragged you two in, Mehmed hummed.
"Mihirmah." He looked at his sister. "It doesnt matter if Y/n told the truth or the lie to mom, she'd be in trouble either way. But there is only one way you wont be in trouble, and that is to pass this test. Prove mom wrong. You can do it- hey, look at me." He cupped Mihirmah's cheeks. "I know you can do it. And to show you my support, I will stay by your side the entire time. Now, lets practice, hm?"
You and Mehmed left Mihirmah's room at 8 in the morning, letting her to catch some shut eye.
You mutely yawned under your niqaab, though your back wasnt as silent when you cracked it. You heard Mehmed chuckle behind you, and you quickly composed yourself.
"My sister wore you out, huh?" He had a tired smile on his lips, eyes drooping but still a glint of amusement.
"Of course not, sehzade." You noticed the small cut on the outer end of his left brow. He had ash brown hair, similar to Mihirmah's. If you didnt know better, you'd think the two were twins with how much they resembled. Thick lips, strong nose, high cheek bones.
"You shouldn't lie to a prince, you know?" He rubbed his eyes. "Mihirmah... she is a little-" Annoying? Bitchy? Selfish? "-headstrong, but she's always been this way. Dont take it to heart. She is a good person, you just need to be patient with her."
You stayed quiet as he spoke. What could you really say? Ah no, your sister is actually just a spoiled brat and needs a kicking down?
"Mihirmah likes you, Y/n. It is a lot to ask but... I would appreciate it if you would continue to have her back."
"As you wish, sehzade."
Mehmet gave you one last smile before leaving. "Get some sleep, Y/n."
You turned around and started making your way back towards the harem to your chambers, your mind occupied by the thoughts of the painting Baldwin had made.
I need to destroy it. You decided. If it has survived 400 years, it might survive another 400, and I dont want to take the risk of it appearing in a museum one day.
You're walking down the hall, trying to remember which room it was you had found the paintings in when suddenly you're yanked to a corner.
"hey-!"You're silenced by a hand covering your mouth. A woman was holding you.
"Shh. Its fine. I just want to talk." She pulled her hand away, making you take a huge gulp of air. "What? You cant say hello like a normal person?" You spat at her. She narrowed her eyes at you. "Watch your tone. I'm Gul, the sultana's lady-in-waiting." Or just personal servant. You thought. Wait, sultana?
"Hurrem sultana-" "No, Mahidevran sultana, the first wife of Sultan Suleiman and the one you should always obey and respect. Now come along, she wishes to talk to you." She began pulling you down the corridor.
"Talk to me about what?" She didnt answer you.
Mahidevran sultana, the first wife of the sultan who eventually fells out of his favour when Hurrem arrives. She was able to give birth to one son- sehzade Mustafa, the eldest heir of the sultan, who will also not inherit the throne and will be executed on the orders of his father.
You can only guess how protective Mahidevran would be of both her son and the throne, seeing as she only has one child compared to Hurrem sultana's five, four of which are male heirs. And she has every reason to be threatened too because Hurrem has done what has never been done before.
Hurrem sultana was a non muslim woman captured from Crimea, sold as a slave in Constantinople, became a concubine in the harem and slowly rose to the ranks to be Suleiman's favourite, and later, become his legal wife. She bore majority of his sons, and broke the traditional rule of. "one imperial concubine - one son", was beaten up by Mahidevran which angered Suleiman, earned the title of Haseki Sultana (which means "favourite") and it shocked everyone because never before was a slave elevated to the level of becoming the legal wife of the sultan.
Hurrem sultana was force to be reckoned with. And as history shows, Hurrem would be the victorious one.
Finally reaching the sultana's chambers, you were pushed in by Gul. You immeadiately fell into a courtesy, not wanting to anger the sultana.
"So... who exactly are you?" You looked up, brows knitting in confusion at her question. Mahidevran was sitting on her ottoman, her face expressionless as she stared you down. She was beautiful, her features sharp and slim, collar bones prominent along with her long neck, she looked like a supermodel. But... Hurrem was prettier.
"I- I'm Y/n." You answered her, but she didnt look satisfied. "What is your relation with Hurrem? Are you sleeping with her son, Mehmed?"
"I- I beg your pardon?" You stammered. She stood up and strode to you, making you back up.
"Do not lie to me, girl. My servants saw you entering Hurrem's chambers yesterday, and leaving with Mehmed today."
"Its not what it looks like, sultana." You shook your head. "I am not a concubine and I am not sleeping with anyone! Sultan Suleiman hired me to teach Mihirmah sultana Quran."
"That doesnt explain why you were with Hurrem or Mehmed."
"Hurrem sultana wanted to know how far her daughter has progressed in her lessons and asked Mihirmah to recite a surah at dinner to prove that she's been studying. Sehzade Mehmed and I were with Mihirmah sultana all night helping her prepare for tonight." You explained the situation and Mahidevran stared at you with no expression. For a moment, you thought she didnt believe you but then her lips quirked up.
"Dinner, you say?" You gave a hesitant nod. "Very well, off you go."
As soon as you were out of the room, you leaned against the wall and placed a hand over your chest, feeling your rapidly beating heart. Mahidevran may not be as pretty as Hurrem, but she was definitely scarier. You really did think she was going to torture you.
Weakly, you began walking again. You want to go back to your room and sleep off the headache that was forming, but you still have the stupid portrait to destroy.
Where the hell was that stupid room?
After an hour or so of roaming around and avoiding Baris Agha because you dont have it in you to put up with insults, you finally found the room. You softly knocked on the door first, checking if the sultan or someone else was in the room. When no one answered, you slowly opened the door and looked around. No one was there.
You walked inside and spotted the pile still there, and when you removed the silk off it, everything was still there- untouched, including your portrait.
"What are you doing?"
Second time. You've been caught in here for the second time.
Baldwin has to have cast a curse on you. There is no other explanation for such badluck.
You turned around, praying it was Baris Agha or anyone else, just not the sultan.
As soon as you spotted the royal turban, you could hear Baldwin laughing in the back of your head.
You bowed. "Sehazade- I-"
He looked older than Mehmed, so your best guess was that this was Mustafa.
"I asked, what you were doing with my war loot?" So, it is Mustafa. Mihirmah did say he went on a conquest recently.
"I was-" you cleared your throat. "I was merely admiring the calligraphy."
He tilted his head to look behind you. "There's no calligraphy on the portrait."
"I was admiring... the portrait."
"Were you planning on stealing it?"
"What? No." You peered at him through your niqaab. "It would not be the brightest idea to steal a large canvas and walk through the palace that is littered with guards."
He hummed. "You could go out the window."
"And ruin the painting or risk breaking my legs?"
"Huh. So what do you think would be the best way to steal this painting?" What kind of trick question is this?
"Not that I am stealing it, but if I were to- I'd most likely remove it from the canvas and roll it up, tuck it under my dress or hide it somewhere else and then leave with it. Or maybe pass it to another person, to make myself less suspicious."
"For someone who claims they're not stealing it, that does sound like you put a lot of thought in it." Mustafa admitted.
You frowned. "I was just pointing out the obvious. As I said, I am not a thief!"
"Then who are you?"
"I'm Y/n, Mihirmah sultana's Quran teacher-" He chuckled. "Sure, that's believable."
"Its true."
"You expect me to believe Mihirmah, my little sister who would much rather spend her days skinning someone, is learning Quran?" He smiled, making dimples appear on his cheeks.
"Its not by choice. Sultan Suleiman hired me." He stopped smiling.
"The Sultan... hired you?" Mustafa asked. What- why would his father hire you? You're just a young girl, almost the same age as Mihirmah.
"You can ask him if you dont believe me." You were tired of being insulted. What, does he think you're not smart enough to teach someone? Or just plain ole ugly?
"Y/n! Ugh! There you are!" Baris Agha voice cut through, and as soon as he spotted Mustafa, he bowed, but you saw the momentary glance of confusion of why you were with him.
"Sehzade." Baris greeted him. Mustafa acknowledged him with a single nod. "Please excuse me, but I must take Hatun Y/n. Mihirmah sultana has demanded her presence."
Mustafa nodded again, letting Baris Agha drag you out by the arm. He looked at you trying to free your arm from his painful grip while Baris chewed your ear out. Mustafa shook his head before turning around to look at the portrait you were "admiring".
It is... something.
By dinner time, your head was pounding to the point you thought someone was hammering a nail in your head. Instead of spending the rest of the day catching some sleep, Mihirmah had demanded you help her dress "modestly" for her Quran recitation tonight. She wanted a look that really captured her "angelic and spirutal" personality.
You were sure your eyes were blood shot, from the lack of sleep. You didnt eat anything since yesterday, because you were almost constantly with royalty and God forbid you ate with them. No, they're "superior" and you dont deserve to eat or take care of yourself unless they allow you to.
"How do I look?" Mihirmah asked you. You were standing outside the royal dining room, where she would first go and have dinner with her family before showing what she's learnt so far.
"Like you just returned from Hajj pilgrimage." You rolled your eyes. She shot you a glare. "You look fine, Mihirmah. Just... stay calm and remember what I've taught you. You got this." She nodded before entering the room where her family awaited her.
You leaned against the wall and sighed, about to close your eyes to take a power nap when Baris Agha nudged you.
"Wake up! Sultana and sehzade are here." He whispered harshly, just as you spotted Mahidevran and Mustafa walking down the hall. You and Baris bowed with the guards.
"Sultana. Sehzade." Baris greeted them sweetly. "The dining hall is currently occupied. Sultan Suleiman is having dinner with his family."
"And what are we, Baris?" Mahidevran snapped, making Baris's courteous smile falter. "I am his first wife, Mustafa- his first son. We have more right to be here than Hurrem and her kids."
"Sultana-" Baris tried to persuade her but she beat him to it by walking past and knocking on the door.
"Enter!" Suleiman called from inside. The servants opened the door, allowing Mahidevran and Mustafa inside.
They bowed to Suleiman. "I hope we're not interrupting, sultan. We just heard that our dear Mihirmah would be reading Quran today and I just couldnt stop myself from coming. I just want to witness our little Mihirmah becoming so connected with her religion, perhaps even inspire me." She smiled widely, placing a hand on Mustafa's back. "I brought her elder brother to show our support. May we join you, sultan?"
Suleiman stared at them before nodding. "Of course, Mahidevran. We're all family here."
Mahidevran couldnt help the smirk that formed on her lips as she saw the pissed off look on Hurrem's face and the alarmed one Mihirmah's. While Hurrem did hope to teach a lesson to her daughter to not lie to her, she wouldnt want to do it by embarrassing her in front of Mahidevran.
The doors closed and their dinner began. You leaned against the wall again to rest your eyes but of course, Baris Agha had to mutter incoherently about the whole situation.
"Allah! Allah! What are we going to do? This might as well be the start of another war inside! Hurrem sultana and Mahidevran sultana head-to-head again-" He elbowed you hard, making you yelp. "Did you tell Mahidevran to come here?! I swear, I will yank your tongue out and strangle you with it."
"Baris Agha, at this rate, I'll be the one to strangle you if you touch me one more time." You threatened, shoving him away roughly.
"You little-" The doors opened again, a servant walked out.
"Hatun Y/n. Sultan has summoned you."
You walked inside, courtesying to the royal family.
Suleiman had this gentle look in his eyes. "Ah. This is Y/n, the teacher I hired for Mihirmah." He introduced you to his family, unbeknownst to him they'd already met you. He looked at you. "I wanted you to be here as Mihirmah recited for us."
"I'm honoured, sultan." You said softly, eyes to the ground as Mihirmah stood up and walked to the center of the room.
Suleiman gave her a nod to start.
Mihirmah took a deep breath in, closed her eyes and started reciting.
إِنَّآ أَعْطَيْنَـٰكَ ٱلْكَوْثَرَ "
فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَٱنْحَرْ
"إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ ٱلْأَبْتَرُ
15 seconds. Thats all it took for Mihirmah to recite the shortest surah in the Quran, with almost perfect qirat. The surah that usually took 10 minutes for children to learn, took Mihirmah all night to memorise with near-perfect pronunciation. Sure, this was not what anyone was expecting, especially not Hurrem when she challenged you and Mihirmah, but the deal was to recite a surah from Quran, by memory. It just so happened to be the shortest one, the easiest one. You won fair and square.
"MashAllah, Mihirmah. That was beautiful. I am so proud of you." Suleiman beamed, his eyes shining with pride. Mihirmah grinned, running to kiss her father's cheeks.
"Yes, Mihirmah. That was... nice." Hurrem feigned a smile, just happy that she wasnt embarrassed in front of Mahidevran.
"Thank you, mom. I guess I just had a really good teacher." Mihirmah shot you a grateful look, making everyone in the room look at you. Your face flushed, and you were grateful for the niqaab to hide your face.
"Oh- um, you're just a keen learner, sultana." You said softly.
Mahidevran lips quirked up, and Hurrem saw the evil glint in her eyes. "Oh Mihirmah, you read so wonderfully. Your voice- ah! It just moved me. Please, Mihirmah- would you be kind enough to recite for me again? I'm sure your father would love to hear you as well."
Mihirmah's brows furrowed slightly. "I- of course, sultana." She closed her eyes and was about to recite the same surah again when Mahidevran's voice stopped her.
"Oh no, Mihirmah. I was hoping to hear something else."
Mihirmah's face fell. "But this is what I've memorised-"
"That's quiet alright, sweetie. You can always read it from the Quran. This isnt a test!" She chuckled. "I'm sure your teacher has taught you the basics! Here, I even brought the Quran with me." She handed Mihirmah the Holy book.
So this is how she planned to embarrass Mihirmah. She knew the young girl was neither interested nor good at learning Quran, so now when Mihirmah would stammer upon her words, then Suleiman and Hurrem will be ashamed that their Muslim daughter, at the age of 19, cannot even recite properly. Hopefully, this might even cause the couple to fight and Mihirmah to fall from the graces of her father's eyes.
Nervously, Mihirmah slowly opened the book, turning to the first page. She cleared her throat, as it'd help.
It didnt.
Mihirmah stammered and stumbled over her words many times, to the point that the first surah that should've taken less than a minute to recite, ended up taking way longer than anyone would like to admit.
As Mihirmah finished reading, you could see the tears welling up in her eyes and redness in her cheeks. She was utterly embarrassed, she felt she had let her parents down.
"Oh Mihirmah~" Mahidevran cooed. "That was.... not good at all, darling."
"I-" Mihirmah tried to muster up an excuse but the sultana did not care.
"I mean- you were just a disaster! Stuttering and making so many mistakes, and that too with the book open!"
"Mahidevran, enough." Hurrem warned.
Mahidevran narrowed her eyes at her. "What? Oh Hurrem, I am not trying to embarrass Mihirmah! In fact, I think she's not at fault. Well, not completely. I suppose she just doesnt have a good teacher."
Everyone was now looking at you.
Is this how everything ends up becoming your fault and you're the one who gets punished?
Fuck. This.
"Excuse me?" You couldnt help the irritation seep in your voice.
Mahidevran raised a brow at you. "Am I wrong? You were supposed to be the one responsible for teaching our princess Quran. And yet, she just made a fool out of herself. You tried to fool us by making Mihirmah learn the shortest surah, but look at her now- barely able to read from the book!"
Your eyes widened. Is she for real?
"I think you're wrong, sultana." Everyone looked at you as you stated boldly. "Yes, Mihirmah sultana did stammer and made mistakes as she read but I think thats much more valuable." You sighed. "Mihirmah sultana had to make twice the effort to read the Quran than one usually would, but she will also get twice the reward from Allah for her efforts. She knew she wont read well, she knows she's just a beginner at this stage, but she didnt let it stop her. And Allah will reward her for that, He knows what was in her heart, her intentions, despite what anyone has to say about her skills."
"And as for "trying to fool" anyone here- "You looked her dead in the eye. "I find that accusation insulting to the very core. You say that I made Mihirmah sultana memorise the shortest surah in the Quran. I did. Surah Kawthar is indeed the shortest surah, but does that mean it is less important? Not worthy to be read, or be in the Holy Book altogether?"
Mahidevran was frowning as you looked at her. "Do you claim to know better than Allah as to what should or shouldn't be in His divine book? Surah Kawthar may be the shortest surah in the Quran but it is one that I find deep comfort in. As the surah translates-
Indeed, We have granted you ˹O Prophet˺ abundant goodness.
So pray and sacrifice to your Lord ˹alone˺
Only the one who hates you is truly cut off ˹from any goodness˺.
And what does this tell us? The background of these verses is that when our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lost his son, his enemies, the non believers would make fun of him that "Islam will end now because Muhammad had no male heir to continue to grow the religion, to spread the word of Allah." But Allah wouldn't abandon his beloved prophet, even when he was depressed.
This Surah was sent down when the nonbelievers of Makkah taunted the Holy Prophet (PBUH) because he had lost all his male issues, and called him 'abtar' or insulted him for some other reason. The present Surah gives an answer to the taunts of the nonbelievers, and maintains that there is no justification for calling the Holy Prophet (PBUH) an 'abtar' only because he had no male child alive, not only because his lineal offspring will remain till the Day of Judgment, though from his daughters, but he was destined to be the spiritual father of a multitude of sons in all ages to the end of time, sons who were to be far more faithful, obedient and loving than the sons of any father, and they will outnumber the followers of all the Prophets that came before him. The Surah has also highlights the great honor and respect given to him by Allah.
I also like to think that the reason why this Surah was included in the Quran was so that Muslims in general would also be comforted by the word of Allah. That all the Muslims, even if they were not from Prophet Muhammad's direct lineage, we are his ummah and so we will also enjoy the river Kawthar.
Kawthar refers to a river in paradise, which translates "a river that contains abundant goodness" and we will enjoy the greatest honour and respect, as our Prophet Muhammad's ummah."
You took a deep breath. "So, Mahidevran sultana... do you still accuse me of fooling anyone?"
The room was dead silent. You may have indirectly insulted Mahidevran and broken so many rules, but everything you said was true. It was clear. You were smart and educated, Suleiman had no doubt about it when he first met you. And now, he was only more reassured of his decision to make you Mihirmah's teacher.
"Very well said, Y/n." Suleiman broke the silence. Standing up, he walked over to Mihirmah, holding her shoulder and pressing a kiss to her forehead, comforting his daughter.
"I am very proud of you, Mihirmah. I can see the hardwork you did." He hugged her again, pressing another kiss to her forehead as she sniffled softly. "I knew you'd do well, so I brought a gift for you."
Mihirmah watched as a servant brought a wooden box lined with velvet and gems. Opening it, she gasped softly.
It was a gold bracelet with rubies and emeralds, lined in an intricate pattern.
Hurrem smiled as Suleiman put the bracelet around his daughter's wrist, before bringing her hand to his lips and pecking it.
He was a proud father.
"And Y/n-" You stiffened. Suleiman turned towards you, his body towering over you. "You did a fine job at not only teaching Mihirmah, but also helping us understand the significance of Surah Kawther."
A servant brought box, similar to Mihirmah's. Opening it, you saw a bracelet, identical to Mihirmah's.
"This is for you." Suleiman smiled as he placed the bracelet around your trembling hand.
"I- sultan-" you tried to return it but Suleiman silenced you.
"I crafted this with my own hands. It'll be rude of you to refuse." Your eyes widened at his serious tone and you immediately bowed your head.
"T-thank you, sultan." He hummed, returning to his seat while Mihirmah hugged you, giggling.
Dinner continued on as Mihirmah and her siblings began chattering once you left, but something had disturbed both Hurrem and Mahidevran.
"What happened inside? Catfight?" Baris Agha, the gossiper asked as you stumbled out of the room. His eyes fell on the bracelet and he snatched your hand. "Allah! Allah! Did you steal this?! I will have you-"
"Sultan Suleiman gifted it to me." Baris dropped your hand.
"S-sultan? Sultan's gift?" He whispered to himself in disbelief, but you were already walking away. You were tired, your headache had now turned into a migraine and your energy levels had dropped. All you wanted was to curl up in bed and at this point, you dont care if you wake up or not.
But sleep is for the fortunate ones. For you, Baris Agha was written.
"Y/n! You- stop! Listen!" He ran up behind you, pulling your shoulder to make you stop. "You- Sultan Suleiman gifted you the bracelet?! Do you know what this means?"
You heaved a sigh, your vision getting blurry. "Baris, just- just shut up. I need to... sleep." You turned around and started walking, not realising just how blurry your vision was, or how you were leaning against the wall for support.
All you saw was blurry figure standing in front of you, before you lost your footing. The figure caught you, and you heard Baris yell your name before losing consciousness.
Hurrem was in Suleiman's chambers. She was going to spend the night here, it seemed. Suleiman had summoned her himself tonight.
Suleiman walked inside, and when he spotted his wife, he smiled. Hurrem returned the smile, walking upto him and kissing him.
"Suleiman..." She whispered against his lips. "You summoned me?"
"I did." He lead her to the bed, sitting down. "What do you think of Y/n?"
She tilted her head. Y/n? "I suppose she is a good teacher. Smart. Well educated, at least religion wise."
He let out a hum. "What else?"
"What else, Suleiman? I dont know her." Suleiman chuckled, making her even more confused. Why are you being brought up right now?
"Well, try getting to know her better." "Why?"
Suleiman shrugged. "You'll know in due time."
Hurrem couldnt put her mind at peace the rest of the night. Why was Suleiman curious about you? He couldnt possibly want you- no. No. She saw him with you. He practically looked at you the same way he looked at Mihirmah. Thats why he gave you both the same bracelets-
Oh no.
You woke up when you felt something cool on your forehead. Opening your eyes, a wet rag blocked your vision. You pushed the rag away, accidentally touching the hand that was holding the rag there.
A man was sitting on your bedside. He had honey-coloured eyes, short, well kept dark brown hair and tanned skin.
"You can let go of my hand, Hatun Y/n." He grinned.
Your face turned red as you dropped his hand. "I- sorry."
"No worries. You're just disoriented from earlier. Exhaustion, the physicians say." He chuckled, standing up and you noticed Baris standing in the corner now. "You will need to get used to working long hours, especially now." Baris raised his brows at you as he said that, making the man laugh again.
"I will take my leave now. Take care, Hatun Y/n. And let me know if she needs anything, Baris."
"Of course, Ibrahim pasha." He bid farewell to the vizir.
The man said before leaving. Baris immediately rushed to you, grinning from ear to ear.
"Who would've guessed- the preacher to be the tempteress?"
"Excuse me?" You glared at him. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
Baris waved you off. "Well, be flattered! I mean- you're going to be married to a sehzade soon-"
"Woah woah! What are you talking about?"
Baris stared at you. "Oh, you really dont know, do you?" You looked even more puzzled. Baris grabbed your wrist, showing you the bracelet. "This is made by sultan Suleiman. The sultan only gives handmade gifts to family and close relatives. And since I've been here since the sultan married the first sultana, I know you're not his secret love child, which means..." he waited for you to catch on, but giving up when you took too long.
"Y/n, if you're not related to him blood, then you will become related to him by becoming a part of his family. Which will be by you becoming his daughter-in-law!" He exclaimed.
Your face paled. No, no!
"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies, darling." Baris tapped your chin. "And I suggest you hide your bracelet for a while. Dont want the concubines to get jealous, hm?"
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So?? Thoughts??? Who do you think will be the yanderes? What do you think will happen next???
PART 9 is here!
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sturnad · 6 months
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Pairing: y/n and Matt Sturniolo
Summary: Basically friends to lovers. You and the triplets were always close but secretly you had a soft spot for Matt.
Warning: smut, hair pulling, creampie, p in v, matt x fem!reader, kissing, teasing, touching..idkk helpp
I knew the triplets since birth because our parents knew eachother. They are like brothers to me but for some reason Ive always had someting for Matt. I always had a soft spot for him.
One day the triplets invited me over to their house for a movie night.
I obviously got ready, threw on a t-shirt with an open back and some gray sweatpants. After I got ready I sat on my bed waiting for them to come and pick me up.
5 minutes pass by and I get a call from Matt and for some reason my heart starts racing. I pick up "Yeah.. hi?" i say. "Im here come on.." he spoke. "Yeah ill be there in a minute." i quickly answered before showering myself in parfume. I threw on some shoes and walked out.
I sat in the car and noticed that its just Matt. I looked over at him with confusion but I didnt say anything and make things awkward. "Hey Matt!!" i greeted him in excitement, he smiled "hii, you excited...?" he said while i started buckling up. "yeah" i said when i leaned over to the side to buckle up he noticed my spine tatto flashing right into his eyes out of mine open-back t-shirt. His eyes widened and he smirked. As I got back up he put on a joker face and acted like he didnt see anything..
After a 10 minute ride we finally arrived and walked in. "Hey guyss!" i yelled over and waved to Nick and Chris who sat on the couch choosing the movie. They looked up and smiled "heyy!".
Me and Matt both joined them and got comfy.
After a good hour of the movie i noticed that Matt got really close to me but I didnt mind..
He picked up a blanket that was curled up on the corner of the couch.
"You cold?" he asked me. I looked over at him and smile "a little bit". He noded and placed the blanket over us. He tucked me in and then focused on the movie again. As he was tucking me in and getting me warm i couldnt help but feel butterflies.
The movie was coming to an end and he was pressed up to me at this point. I got brave and slowly laid my head down on his shoulder. He smirked. Little did i know that was not the end.
10 minutes left of the movie, he scooted closer and wrapped his arm around my waist, his other hand going up and down on my back. My heart raced and my cheeks were red. I smiled to myself and all of a sudden I felt a hand on my hip slidding down to my thighs. Matt suddenly slipped his hand under my sweatpants, rubbing my thigh. I started breathing faster and inside i was going feral.
All of a sudden Nick and Chris said; "guys were gonna go to sleep..". Me and Matt both nodded as they walked over to their rooms looking at us suspiciously. The door closed, i turned back to Matt and saw him smirking at me while still rubbing my thigh. "You like that sweetheart?" he said. I nodded with no hesitation. He took his other hand and placed it on my cheek, caressing it slowly. "You know what i like?" he said with a smirk. "Hm?" I said as i looked up at him,
"That spine tatto.." he answered while running his finger down my back.
My mind went crazy. I looked at him with a grin appearing on my face. I got my mind together and finally spoke up. "Wanna look at it constantly huh?" he noded and grinned. I slowly slid up from the blanket and turned my back to him, I slightly bend over. He smirked and leaned closer, pulling my sweatpants off.
He pulled my panties to the side while taking his pants off with another hand. "God youre.. wet. Already?" he grinned. "Yea.." i responed. I looked down at the couch and all of a sudden i felt someting hit my clit, I let out a soft moan as Matt slapped my butt. He was going up and down with his other hand twisting around his dick. I smirked and looked down again and suddenly he inserted his dick in my pussy. I let out a soft moan. He grabbed my hair from behind while going in n out, his thighs slapping on my butt.
"Shh. Dont be loud sweetie" he said while going faster with one hand pulling my hair and the other one holding on to my waist. I moaned softly and smirked when I heard the nickname.
He went even faster now the smacks from his thighs hitting my ass got louder. "oh matt.." i said with my mouth hanging open. "you like that huh?" he whimpered.
"i- yeah...more, faster" i said. "more? faster? youre not so innocent after all." he whimpered while going even faster.
"matt.. i- im gonna..cum" i told him while my mouth was still hanging open. "yeah. cum on my dick baby.." i noded as he said that. he pushed in one more time and i squirted. he smirked "yeah.." while he pulled his dick out. I sighed.."oh my.. god".
he put his pants and boxers back on "im gonna clean you up okay, wait there.." he said. I noded and waited for him. He went and got some paper and towels and wipped the cum that was dripping down on my thighs. He picked me up and took me to the bathroom. He washed me and himself up and got me some fresh clothes.
Later on we cuddled on the couch, i leaned closer to him pressing my lips against his. He smiled as we pulled back. "can i be honest with you matt?", he noded.
"well ive actually had some kind of feelings for you ever since we met"
Matts eyes widen.. "really?"
"yes, really.."
"i could say the same for you.." he smiled.
"i really like you Matt.."
"so i hit a soft spot huh?" he chuckled
i chuckled back and noded
"im kidding.. i like you too.." he said
i smiled as my eyes lit up
"come here.." he said.
We cuddled for the rest of the night before we both fell asleep..
The end.
Im not sure how i feel about it cause its my first time writing smut so i dont know if its up the standards but i hope you guys liked it.
Please like n reblog cause i spent a lot of time on this..
If you dont like it, scroll. If you think its inappropriate, scroll.
NIGHT SHIFT P2 coming tomorrow..
@imwetforyourmom @slut4mattsturn
@junnniiieee07 @uhnanix @pxndaaa
@thebottledwatersupplier @h3arts4harry
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eunoia-writes · 8 months
Knight In shining armour • Felix Catton x Reader
Warnings - 18+ Smut, Oral (M&F receiving, PinV, Oliver being a creep, Drugging
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When y/n awoke without Felix next to her it wasn’t out of the ordinary. Felix typically got up before her to go in hai morning
“Morning Darling.” Elspeth said as y/n approached at the table adorned In Felix’s jumper and her usual bed shorts
“Good morning.” She said with a smile while Duncan brought out her usual of scrambled eggs while she made her way to the breakfast bar grabbing her usual multiple spoons of fruit and few slices of toast.
“Felix and Oliver have headed out of the day so I thought you might like to accompany me and Venetia into town to get costumes for the party tomorrow.” Elspeth said taking a sip of her coffee her eyes not leaving y/n as she walked back to the table
“I’d love to.” Y/n said taking a sip of her orange juice “it’s been far too long since the three of us did anything without Felix.” She added while Venetia laughed
“It would be nice to see you without my brother attached to your hip for once.” Y/n blushed slightly, everyone adored how inseparable the couple were especially Elspeth, she loved seeing how smitten her son was, the way he doted on his girlfriend she just adorned how in love he was.
“Don’t listen to her you two are just darling together.” Elspeth said making y/n smile as she finished up her breakfast before rushing off to get ready for the day.
After hours of walking around the streets of London the three girls got back to saltburn. Y/n walked into Felix room to see him sat on the bed as she carried in multiple bags
“Oh Fi I got us the best costumes for tomorrow you’re going to love it honestly.” She began before she realised something was right
“Darling, what’s wrong?” Y/n put the bags down walking over to him as he looked up at her with tears in his eyes “oh my pretty boy, whatever’s the matter.” Felix took a deep breath as he pulled y/n into his lap
“Ollie lied… about everything.” Felix whispered as her hands came to his face wiping his tears away “I mean everything baby, the stuff with his parents… his dad is alive.” The last four words felt like a bullet In her chest.
“Oh.” Was all she said and Felix knew how hurt she was just from that. Y/n had bonded with Ollie over the loss after she lost her dad a few months prior. She didn’t want to believe that someone could be so cruel.
“I’m so sorry pretty girl.” Felix said as tears rolled down her cheeks
“Why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong.” She asked her bottom lip quivering it was taking everything in her not to breakdown sobbing
“I brought him into our lives… I should have known.” Y/n shook her head before kissing him softly
“It’s not your fault.. how were you to know” She mumbled into the kiss before pulling away. She wiped the few stray tears that feel onto his cheeks away before standing back up and clearing her throat.
“Now back to those costumes.”
“God baby, you look so fucking hot.” Felix said as y/n came out of the bathroom in her costume. The same gold wings in his back adorned her. The bra, skirt and matching wings combo leaving very little to the imagination. the pair dressed as a Greek god and Goddess which Felix would argue she is regardless of the costume.
“You’re the sweetest.” Y/n leaned up to kiss Felix who’s hands instantly began to roam her body “Fi as much as I would love to stay in your room all night you mother will kiss us if we don’t show after all the effort she’s put into this.”
“Don’t really feel like celebrating.” Felix said his hands on her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck
“I know baby, I’ll make you a deal well go down there and show our faces for a while, have a few drinks and then I’ll finally let you show me round that maze yeah?” She suggested with an innocent smile on her face but the suggestion was far from innocent
“Get moving then pretty girl.” He said wasting no more time making sure to slap her arse as they walked out of his bedroom and down to where the party had already began
“Wow don’t you look hot.” Venetia said as y/n and Felix walked over to her hand in hand the music was already thumping as Elspeth walked over handing the pair a glass of champagne each making sure to tell them how cute there matching costumes are.
“Our dear cousin is out back with something to make this party a little more fun for us.” Venetia said watching the way Felix eyes lit up as he pressed a kiss to his girlfriend’s temple before hurrying off.
The pair had managed to avoid Ollie so far that evening while drinking their way through bottle after bottle of whatever they could get their hands on. Felix had hardly taken his hands off her the whole evening when she suggest a late night stroll, although he knew what she was really suggesting.
The couple made their way outside into the cool summers air, the alcohol in their veins doing more than enough to keep them warm.
“You know the way right baby?” Y/n asked as they neared the entrance of the entirely pitch black maze while Felix had stopped to plant sloppy kisses all over her neck mumbling for her not to worry as she ran her hands through his hair.
Felix took the lead their laughter echoing against the labyrinthine walls, stumbled forward, hand in hand. The scent of blooming flowers lingered in the air as they weaved through the twists and turns, their steps becoming a delightful dance of tipsy synchronicity. Every few steps, he paused, their laughter bubbling over into kisses that tasted of desperation mixed with booze.
“My feet hurt.” Y/n mumbled into the kiss as she kicked off her shoes making her even smaller than her boyfriend who always towered over her.
“Not much longer pretty.” Felix said interlocking there hands once again as they continued into the darkness. The maze, a playground for their intoxicated affection, led them to its heart, where, surrounded by the fragrant maze walls, they shared a final, lingering kiss.
“Wow s’lot bigger than I imagined.” Y/n joked looking up at the statue in the center that towered over the pair of them
“The only thing you should be sayings big is me.” He joked as she rolled her eyes in the moonlight cocking her head to the side as she pulled him closer by the buckle of his belt
“Pretty heard to say that when I’ve got my mouth full.” She teased as she dropped to her knees staring up at him while she fumbled with his belt
“God pretty girl you’re killing me.” And just as he was about to have his way with her a loud snap came from a few yard away
“What was that.” She stopped in place much to his dismay
“S’nothibg baby.” Felix’s hands made there way into her hair as she looked up at him pouting slightly but ultimately brushing it off as she continued undoing his belt and pulling his jeans and underwear down just enough to pull him out of his underwear
Y/n wrapped both of her hands around the bottle of his length her eyes never leaving his as she kitten licked the tip. Felix let out a shaky breath making him tremble in his spot gripping her hair tighter. Her tongue swirled around his tip before she took him into her mouth her head bobbing up and done and she took more for him each time.
“Fuck just like that.” Felix groaned as her throat tightened around him as she gagged slightly briefly coming up for air before wrapping her mouth around him again she moaned around him as he let our a rather loud moan
“Such a good girl.” He groaned which only encouraged her she kept up her exact pace feeling him tense in her throat.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum.” He said mere seconds before he finished in her mouth with a groan watching as she swallowed him and licked up any mess. Flashing an innocent smile just to top it off.
“God what are you doing to me y/n.” Felix waisted no time tucking himself back into his boxers as he scooped her up placing her on the base of the statue wasting no time attacking there lips as he stood between her thighs his lips trailed down to her neck she let out a soft wine as he found her sweet spot
“Up.” He mumbled into her neck telling her lift her ass up so he could pull her underwear down shoving them into his back pocket while he continued sucking marks on her neck.
He left a trail of open mouthed kisses down her chest to right were she needed him the most before pressing a kissed against her clothed heat “please.” she moaned he smirked looking up at her once more as if he was asking permission
“Fi.” She wined once more before he blew hot air over her swollen clit before diving in. his tongue traced her folds before he lapped at her clit. Y/n’s back arched, electricity bolting through her nerves. Her hands flew to tug at his hair as he lapped at her clit feverishly so Desperate to taste her. He caught her off guard slipping a digit into her, groaned into her when your legs locked around his head, securing him in place. Not that he needed it. He’d stay here forever if she’d let him.
“Please Fi .” She moaned his fingers pumped in and out of her while his tongue made work on her clit. her thighs tremble and eyes roll back into her head. One hand grip the Stone she was sat on her knuckles white, while the other tugged at his locks. The pressure in her abdomen built but so does something else, something deeper at the same time. Felix took note pulling away
“you taste just Devine pretty thing, but not so fast I’m not finished with you yet.” He said as she whimpered at the loss of contact.
She watched as he pulled himself out of his boxers leaning down it kiss her again before he lined himself up with her entrance before he sank into her both of them gasping at the feeling. 
“fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned. She was appreciative of his slow thrusts her constant wines were evident of that.
Y/n’s legs wrapping around his waist pulling him closer as his hips rocked back and forth
“Faster.” She groaned in his ear as she clenched around him. His free hand moving to wrap around her throat squeezing slightly as his hips moved faster.
Y/n opened her eyes for a few seconds spotting someone in the distance. She let out a gasp pushing Felix off her as she attempted to cover herself
“Ollie what the fuck!” She said as she realised who had been watching them. Felix fumbled to cover himself up before protectively standing in front of y/n.
“What the fuck is wrong with you Ollie.” He said while y/n grabbed into his arm
“We need to talk.” Ollie slurred as he made his was over to the couple. Y/n climbed down off the statue staying hid behind her boyfriend
“You’re a fucking liar Ollie.” Felix said as Ollie got closer and closer
“How could you Ollie, after I confided in you.” Y/n said snatching the bottle of champagne out of his hand chugging most of what was left
“I know I’m so sorry y/n… I really am.” He said but she just shook her head and walked away from the pair cradling the bottle as she wobbled while she listened to Felix and Ollie argue
“You need to leave Ollie.” Felix said his eyes flickering to y/n was was now slightly hunched over
“You’re still my friend? We’ll all still be friends right?” Felix didn’t give him an answer before he rushed over to y/n which Ollie took as his que to leave
“Felix.” She said as she started to go dizzy. Y/n reached out for him while he grabbed onto her
“I don’t feel good.” She whispered before her legs gave way. Alarmed, Felix scooped her up in his arms, concern etching his face.
“Stay with me, baby.” Y/n mumbled something drowsy, her eyes struggling to stay open. Felix, with a sense of urgency, began navigating the maze's twists and turns running as fast as he could carry her
“No baby keep your eyes open.” He said as he held her head up with one hand. As he neared the house he spotted Elspeth seeing a group of her friends off by there cars
“Mum!” He yelled out catching her attention, noticing the distress, she rushed over, her face turning from joyous to concerned.
“I don’t know what happened, no baby keep your eyes open for me.” Felix said once again noticing the way she was struggling to stay conscious “y/n, look at me.” He said as Elspeth rushed them towards the car calling out of Duncan.
Felix sat y/n in the back seat sliding in next to her while his mother told him she’d get the rest of the family before telling Duncan to drive to the hospital as fast as he possibly could while she climbed into the passenger seat.”
“M’tired.” Y/n mumbled incoherently as she fell limp into Felix said
“I know baby, I know but you’ve gotta Stay awake for me.” Felix’s heart was in his throat he felt like he couldn’t breathe.
“Felix, what happen? Did she take something?” Elspeth asked Felix had never shook his head so quickly
“No mum, she would never. she was fine a few minutes ago.” He said the panic in his voice evident he head tears in his eyes as y/n kept mumbling nonsense to him.
“Love you Fi” He heard her say before she fell unconscious
“Drive fucking faster!” He yelled hitting the back of the seat as he tried to shake her awake but it wasn’t working
“Calm down Felix we’re almost there.” Elspeth said in reality she was also just as panicked. She loved y/n like her own she couldn’t bare the thought of something happening to her.
“I can’t fucking calm down!” He yelled and as soon as they turned into the hospital Felix wasted no time rushing her inside begging for help. Multiple doctors came rushing over taking him from her arms discussing things amongst themselves.
Felix stood frozen in the middle of the room, the weight of fear anchoring him to the spot. The harsh light overhead accentuated the pallor of his face as doctors fired questions about what happened with his collapsed girlfriend. His voice caught in his throat, and his limbs felt like lead, rendering him incapable of articulating the events that led to this moment. The fear consumed him, the uncertainty of y/n’s well-being tightening its grip. Just when the anxiety threatened to suffocate him, the hospital door opens and Elspeth entered, a comforting presence amidst the clinical sterility. Her eyes met Felix's, conveying a silent reassurance that he wasn't alone in this ordeal. In that shared gaze, a glimmer of strength returned to Felix, grounding him in the support of his mother amid the overwhelming uncertainties of the hospital room.
Elspeth took over the questioning answering every question she possibly could as a nurse took Felix into the waiting room where he sank into one of the chairs terrified for y/n’s life. A few minutes later Venetia, his dad and Farleigh came rushing into the room. No one said a word.
Venetia took a seat next to her brother taking his hand in hers trying to offer him some sort of comfort in the horrific moment. The reality of the situation had completely sobered him up the adrenaline of the alcohol wearing off.
“Felix, darling have some water.” Elspeth said handing Felix a plastic cup that she had filled with the water sat off to the side of them. His hands shook as he took a sip of the water finally speaking up for the first time since he’d let the doctors take y/n from his arm.
“I won’t be able to live if something happens to her.” It was almost a whisper but everyone heard it
“She’s going to be okay.” Farleigh not only told Felix but also himself and everyone in the room for that matter all of them having the same sinking feeling.
“But what if it’s not.”
In the hush of the hospital waiting room, Felix ensnared in a web of anxiety, perched on the edge of a hard plastic chair. His knees are caught in a restless rhythm, an involuntary dance fueled by the uncertainty of y/n’s condition. The minutes stretch like elastic as he nervously glances at the clock, each tick amplifying the echo of his worries.
Unable to contain the nervous energy, Felix succumbs to the urge to pace back and forth across the linoleum floor. His steps are uneven, a physical manifestation of the emotional turbulence swirling within. The harsh fluorescent lights cast shadows that play on his strained expression, the weight of concern etched across his face.
Meanwhile, His family huddles nearby, attempting to offer solace in whispered words and gentle touches. Their eyes mirror his apprehension, but they muster comforting smiles and attempts at casual conversation, striving to create a shield against the suffocating atmosphere of the waiting room.
The air is thick with anticipation, each passing second an agonizing reminder of the unknown. Felix, caught between the pull of hope and the gravity of fear, finds solace neither in the uncomfortable chair nor the sterile surroundings. All that matters is the impending news about y/n’s well-being, an answer that lingers just out of reach, teasing the frayed edges of his nerves. What felt like an eternity later a doctor came into the room everyone’s attention on them
“I’m Doctor Robinson I’m y/n’s doctor Today.” The woman started but before she could get another word out Felix croaked
“Is she okay?”
“Y/n is doing better than we could have hoped for her case, you did the right thing getting her here when you did. Her toxicology came back and it looks like she ingested a lethal amount of benzodiazepines which we believe after conversation with Elspeth to be as a result of spiking in something she will have drank at the party this evening.” The doctor explained everyone felt a weight lifted off there shoulders as they said she was doing better
“Can I see her?” Felix asked
“She’s not awake yet, however you are more than welcome to sit at her bedside until she does wake up.” Felix shoot up out of his seat almost instantly the others silently agreeing to let him go alone as he followed the doctor to her room.
Felix heart broke as soon as he walked into the room seeing y/n laying there with multiple IVs stuck in her arm. He chocked back his tears as he made his way to sit next to her taking his hand in hers.
At what felt like only moments later as if she was awoke by his presence she was finally conscious again. Felix kiss the back of her hand as he thanked god for keeping her safe
“Hey pretty.” He whispered softly as a few tears rolled down his cheeks she smiled softly at him squeezing his hand
“Hi.” She croaked out her eyes half open. Her entire body ached as she reached out to wipe his tears away “Don’t cry Fi, I’m okay.”
“You scared me so much baby.” He said as more tears rolled down his cheeks
“god if you had - but I didn’t and I’m okay.” She said knowing where his train of thought was going. She shuffled herself to one side of the bed making room for Felix next to her as she patted the spot which he waisted no time climbing into
“Did they tell you what happen?” She asked as she got comfortable on his chest as Felix petted her head. Felix let out a sigh not sure how to approach the topic.
“The doctors said you had a lot of benzodiazepines in your system.” Felix started and he felt her tense up
“What- I don’t do that kinda thing… I’d never.” She said as tears rolled down her cheeks
“I know baby I know, mum knows that too everyone knows you’re not like that.” He whispered y/n had always made it gleaming obvious she didn’t like the idea of every taking drugs while she never judged those who did she couldn’t bare the thought of losing herself to drugs the way her father did.
“Then how?” She asked knowing exactly how but she needed him to say it
“The doctors think something you drank was spiked.” Felix said and her heart sank. Saltburn was supposed to be a space space where she didn’t have to worry about stuff like that. A place where nothing bad could possible happen.
“You don’t think…” she started and Felix knew exactly what she was hinting at. Ollie. The only thing she had drank that she hadn’t opened the bottle or poured herself was the champagne she snatched from his hands.
“I… I Really fucking hope not.” Felix whispered just as Elspeth and everyone knocked at the door wanting to check in y/n themselves
“Oh darling, I’m so glad You’re okay. You had us all worried sick.” Elspeth said rushing over to y/n’s bedside who gave her a weak smile
“Is there anything we can do or get you?” James said standing next to his wife placing a comforting hand on her shoulder
“I would really just like to go home.” Y/n said and just as Venetia was about yo say she’d go speak to the doctor Felix spoke up
“No, you can’t go home yet.” He began looking down at her “you need to stay here and get better.”
“Fels, I’m okay I just need to rest.” y/n said just as her doctor walked into the room
“Ah y/n, glad to see you’re awake.” She began as she picked up her chart from the end of the bed “I’m sure Felix here told you, we found a lethal amount of benzodiazepines in your system which is what caused you to lose consciousness. If it wasn’t for your lovely family getting you here when they did we’d be looking at a very different outcome.” Y/n squeezed Felix’s hand softly nodding to what the doctor was telling her.
“For now I suggest you go home and rest up take it easy for a few day, which I’m sure everyone in this room will see too that you do and make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids.” Y/n looked up at Felix while the doctor went to collect the discharge papers
“See baby, I told you I’m okay.” She said as he leaned down to kiss her softly
“I’m so glad you’re okay pretty.”
“Well Im lucky I have you, my knight in shining armour.”
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luffyvace · 7 months
helooo can i request saiki x reader bf texts please? thank you so much !! anything is fine honestly as long as its saiki content i miss him 😭😭😭😭
ooooou I haven’t got a request like this yet and it seems very fun!! No problem hun <3
IKR after you finish the anime it feels like such limited content is left for the saiki k fandom!! 😭😭
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💓💗 Saiki and his boyfriend~ 💗💓
“Wanna go get some coffee jelly”
“This is oddly specific but can you tell the magician outside to leave please?”
”can you keep aiura and torisuka distracted so I can leave school?”
”thanks I’ll pay you back in (favorite thing)”
”let’s meet at the arcade”
”I’m annoyed my mom is forcing me to go outside but I know I’m gonna run into kaido”
”please come with me to make this more bearable”
”don’t forget to study for that test”
convos :3
”how do I make friends with that average guy from the other class without seeming weird”
”Kusuo idk just go up to him and talk to him 😭”
”yeah but if I don’t have something to talk about it’ll be awkward and my likeability meter will go down”
”can you figure out his interests for me so I can talk to him?”
”what? YOU do it 🤦”
”no i can’t the nuisances will find me”
convo 2 ;P
“Do you wanna come shopping with me?”
”your not gonna invite the nuisances too are you?”
”no kusuo 😭”
”oh okay well no”
“I'm NOT!”
“I know but nuisance number 4 just showed up”
”at your house?”
”no at the mall”
”ohh well fine 🤦”
convo 3
”can I borrow your bike nendo broke mine”
”idk he sat on it”
”I need it so I don’t have to go shopping with my dad”
”why is that so bad?? 😭”
”because he starts begging for things at the store”
“Isn’t he a grown man?”
”yeah I know that’s why I need to borrow your bike”
”sure babe..😭🤦”
convo 4
”my mom wants you to come over for dinner”
”oh alright!”
”say your sick”
”kuu why? 😭😭”
”can’t I come over??”
”no my parents are embarrassing”
”but I’ve come over plenty of times before tho”
”I know but, please just don’t come over”
”what’s happening??”
”fine. My dad wants to play a prank on someone because when he try to scare me it didn’t work. So I need you to come over and pretend to be scared so my mom doesn’t kill me”
”what?? So now I’m supposed to come over?”
”let’s just get it over with”
”you go through so much I swear 😭💗”
convo 5
”when you come over and my mom asks if you wanna meet my brother say no”
”whaaat but I kinda wanna meet him”
”say no”
”for both of our sakes”
”if you don’t go I won’t have to either”
”fine 😒”
convo 6
”goodnight kuu”
”goodnight m/n”
convo 7
“I hear nuisance number 4 isn’t showing up to school today”
”no she isn’t”
”rejoice. God is real.”
”KUSUO 😭😭”
convo 8
“your driving home today right? Can I hitch a ride? Nuisance number 1 is here”
”wait which nuisance is that again?”
”how can you forget? It’s the second most terrible one. Nuisance 1 is nendo”
”hurry he’s coming”
convo 9
”come with me to nuisance number 2’s house so I don’t have to go alone”
”kaido right? he’s not so bad right? I can’t I have homework”
”no he’s just really weird and cringe and awkward”
“I’ll wait”
”okay 😭”
convo 10
“can I come over and we can watch that show you recommended me?”
”yeah sure any time kuu”
”you really don’t have to ask, I could get you a spare key if you want”
”yes an emergency escape route in case of nuisance surprises”
”and you ig”
convo 11
”that was sweet. what you did for them”
“Yeah I guess they’re not so bad for now”
”for now Kusuo?”
”you sound like my mom”
”actually, that’s not an insult I love your mom”
”I know”
”WYM 😭”
”you hug her more than I do”
”well that proves smth 🤨🤨”
”eh. I’ll get her a gift”
”good cuz she’s awesome 😙”
convo 12
“let’s finish playing that game you have”
”you have never even played it he’s so annoying”
”you wouldn’t even think it’s funny if I hadn’t have told you”
”come on at least least me see the chapter you said you hated”
”you just wanna see me suffer”
”If I did I wouldn’t have distracted hairo for you earlier”
”LOL YIPPIE I’m coming over as soon as I’m done with my homework 🙂”
convo 13
“How do I transfer to class 2”
”you just wanna be with satou don’t you”
”you don’t know how?”
”no kuu, I don’t 🤦”
convo 14
“I have to go visit my grandparents and my granddad is really awkward come with me”
”why do you love my family so much?”
”they’re strange”
”I love YOU 😒”
”are you calling me weird”
”in what way are you normal mister magic powers with weird friends and family who also has to stop a volcano from erupting yearly”
”those are just ordinary daily tasks”
”now your coming right?”
”I should leave you”
”you wish you were normal so bad”
”when are we going”
”on second thought you can stay here”
convo 15
”let’s reschedule the coffee jelly date for Sunday”
”it’s too chaotic”
”it’s Friday”
”I know I’m dreading the weekend”
”my poor kuu 😭”
”you sound like my mom again”
*read* 1:39pm
LOL I LOVE CONVO 10-15 😊😈 (it got more chaotic as it went on- 😭)
muahahahahhaha hope you enjoyed! these were quite fun :3
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was I the asshole for beating the shit out of my classmate(s)?
I (14F) have endured bullying for some years now. I've told my parents, my older brother, my grandparents, my teachers and my favorite aunt. nothing has been done, and if anything asking for help and not receiving it has made me feel much worse because I've felt stupid for thinking I could trust anyone with this
its been getting so bad that for the last 6 months or so I've been waking up with intense panic attacks every day and I would refuse to move. my mom would berate me and drag me to school anyway. literally dragging me by pulling me because I would not move
so the other day she dropped me by at school and I had another panic attack in the hallway. a teacher found me and instead of helping me he forcefully took me to class. I literally begged him to at least give me a moment so I would calm down and he said no. he took me to class to make sure I would walk in and I did, still having a panic attack. this only made my classmates laugh at me even more. particularly one girl and one boy who are the worst so when I walked by them I snapped and I started punching them, pulling their hair, grabbing a heavy book and hitting them with it.... I thought I couldn't hit hard at all but I must have been really angry bc the guy started bleeding from his nose and the girl started bleeding from her lip after accidentally biting it while I was hitting her
suddenly the school staff decided to get off their asses. no action was taken when I needed help but now they just happen to agree that violence is unacceptable. only physical violence tho bc harassing and psychologically abusing other students is ok. Ive been temporarily kicked out of school so clearly they can intervene, I just wonder how come they didnt do it sooner
my classmates were comparing me to school shooters on social media. I blocked their ass but I want to see whether they are right or if I shouldve hit them harder. I have never hit anyone before but I was real tired of their shit. I'm the one who faced consequence and not them so aita?
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dogiperson · 5 months
Hello! Big fan of your art pieces. Read your latest comic about the origin of cannibal Lady Lamb and I must say, though I do not endorse literal cannibalism, much less of one's kin, that brother of hers fully deserved it, 100%. Though I do have questions as well, if you don't mind me asking.
In that comic, Lamb seemed to have been a sacrifice of a cult of some kind, which is why she got that scarring mark on her neck. When did that happen when she was a kid, and how come she didn't die at their hands? How did she escape? Was it kept hush hush?
What is Lamb's public front of business, and why the surprise when she started wearing black instead of white?
Did the police ever managed to trace the brother's death to her? What got her hunting down the rest of her siblings? Did she get her parents too, or did they die before it happened? Why did her brother got so ... interested in her like that?
May your month be kinder to you than it was before, drink plenty of water, and rest plenty.
Oh, hi! That's a lot of questions!
This is good, because I'm crazy about my AUs!
I condemn cannibalism, what is in my Au is not a call to action or some kind of fetish, it is an allegory and an interesting concept for me.
"Eat the rich" but literally. It's all just fiction, don't take it too seriously
Okay, let's move on to the questions!
How did she not die after the sacrifice? Oh, um, she kinda did... But the ritual was successful.
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And because of this she was bought by the man who became her adoptive father
He collected such children out of interest, that's why there are 13 of them
Everyone was surprised that she came in black dress because that's the color you wear to funerals lol
Her brother disappeared without any reason why he could leave on his own, she was the last one to see him and she who used to wear only white now comes dressed in black. And of course with fur on her shoulders. It looks very strange you know...
Since then she hasn't worn anything other than black btw
What got her hunting down the rest of her siblings?
After her father died (old rich bitch) his will stated that his property would only transfer if there was only one child left in the family... So let the fun begin, since they are not exactly siblings, and even didnt growing up together they had no familial relationship, just a bunch of lambs who want each other dead. They all tried to kill each other.
Did the police ever managed to trace the brother's death to her?
Of course! it's obvious I mean
Lamb is the main and only suspect in the murder... The problem is that until death is proven, her brother is considered missing and not dead, so... Because there is no body, there is no murder.
Why did her brother got so ... interested in her like that?
Want some nasty details? He was married and Lamb wasn't even 18 and she's a lesbian.
That's all! Thank you very much for being interested in my Au, I hope I was able to answer all your questions thoroughly!
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aonungyoufuck · 2 years
Runway {Pt 6}
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Runaway Masterlist
Synopsis: Your 'relationship' with Ao'nung grows stronger. Everyone with eyes can see it. And Tuk teases youf or it too.
// I was on a roll and finished this much quicker than I expected to. So enjoy
You gasped. Almost dropping the clay bowl on the floor. “Ao’nung! My Eywa you scared me” 
“Forgive me i hadn’t mean too” 
Silence fell again. You put away things and take small breaths. Waiting. Hoping he would say something more. 
But he didn't, he just watched from afar before standing behind you. “May we talk?”
“About us”
You turned to look at him. Stepping back as you watched him. Eywa give you strength. “Dont you think there is no us?”
“I think you know exactly what i mean” 
You sigh. You knew it would happen tho you had hoped it would be brought up much later than now. “Ao’nung..”
“You dont need to except me. Not at all and i wont force you too. But i would like to tell you now. If you allow me such kindness would you-”
“Y/n! There you are Come hurry!” Kiri spoke breaking into the pod. Staring at you who was very flustered and Ao’nung who looked angry and upset
“Oh Kiri. Sorry what is it?” 
“Ronal would like to speak to you.”
You looked at Ao’nung. With your eyes bidding him a sorry as you headed off with Kiri. Silently thanking her for saving you from whatever that was. You weren’t ready for it. Not just yet. You were high on the emotions of today. You didnt need this right now.
Excusing yourself as you pushed forward where your parents along Ronal and Tonowari was you continued to stare. 
“Ah Y/n! Come come sit”
And you did. Sitting next to her as she smiled at you. Handing over the babe to her mate as she turned to you. “As you know now you are well. I wanted to hear and see if your inner pain is gone” 
It embarrassed you a little. But you followed her orders as you inhaled and exhaled. 
No pain. 
“I hear no trouble. Your Daughter has fully recovered” 
Neytiri smiled gently holding you closer to her as she had been the happiest to know you were alive. “That’s my girl”
“As you know now you can continue with your chores and with your training.” Tonowari spoke pushing Ronal’s hand away as he wanted to continue to hold his son. 
“And soon you will be able to choose a mate my dear. Of course with our blessings as well”  Ronal warned you. And it made you gulp how at this moment Ao’nung had sat next to his parents. 
“Of course” You agreed. 
“We won’t decide for you. For our clan does not decide for our children. But We will be the ones to pass the blessings to you and your siblings if whenever you decide to have a mate” 
Ao’nung stopped trying to get his father to hand over his brother. Turning to look at you and his mother as you continued to talk. 
“Do you have anyone in mind?” 
You gulped down your breathe looking down at your hands and briefly at Ao’nung. “ I mean… I do but” You turned to look at your family. “ i think i shall like to wait first. And besides that. I can not have them as a mate” 
Ao’nung’s ears flattened. Looking at the floor. 
“And for whatever reason my child?” your Mother asked you. You didnt want to say it. You couldn't say it. But anything to get them off your back 
“Because… Because they are home and not here” 
Ao’nung felt his heart beat slow. And it ached and it hurt. But he looked into your eyes for any indication that there was any truth to them. 
And the fiery burn that was deep in your eyes told him otherwise. He understood. He did but it didn't make his heart hurt any less. 
“Oh. I am sorry child. I do hope you find someone here if your heart ever allows it” 
You only smiled at Ronal. Thanking her for her kindness as you spaced out. Did you love someone else before? Truthfully you knew that you didnt. Not anymore. Your heart hadn’t beat like this for a long while until now. 
You looked at Ao’nung begging him silently for forgiveness. Because you did want him. You did. But you had heard Ronal’s words. You knew she would never approve. 
But you also knew that no matter what Ao’nung wanted you. He had made it very clear. 
You toned out the rest of the night. Too focused and yet so far out into space. 
The following month had been uneventful. Nothing truly happened. Well nothing with you. You had gone home yes and you had been well off back into training. Skimwing riding went great. Unfortunately for you it had been before bonding with a Tulkun. Something that was not uncommon. 
However Today was the Day Ao’nung would tame his. Finally becoming an adult in the eyes of the clan. You wanted to see wanted to cheer him on as you had your siblings. 
But your heart was telling you to look away. After this he was free to choose. And you were so mortified. So terrified. But you just had to look. 
You watched on as he had Managed to finally hop on to a skimwig. You swore you could hear him exhale. Even from out here to the shore you swore you could hear his stuttering breathe as he grabbed at his queue. You giving just the most silent of prayers to Eywa. 
You waited with bated breath. Watching as he had managed Tsaheylu. Letting go of your worries as you watched him maneuver through the water. Hoping that he wouldn’t fall off. That he wouldn’t his his head. Or maybe if he did that he’d get some sense knocked into it. 
“Be at Ease Y/n. My son is well” Ronal spoke next to you. You had been so caught in a trance you didn't even notice that she had come next to you. 
“Oh. Im sorry its just. I guess i'm nervous for when i finally do have a spirit sister” You commented back. Hearing the joyous cheers of the people. Tonowari howling with it too. Ao’nung had come back with minimal injury too. 
“In due time my dear” 
You didnt know if it was because you helped deliver the baby or the fact that the pregnancy changed ronal? But she was much more docile. Still fierce and ruled with Tonowari with an iron first. But it was more warm now. It was more at ease and you found yourself liking her presence. It was like having Mo’at here. Though much more like an older sister too. 
You watched as They proudly presented Ao’nung as an adult now. Watched as his pride could not be more fed like his ego. You watched him intently. His gaze softened to you and it seemed like he was staring so deeply into your core. You wanted to look away. Maybe run to him? Congratulate him? 
“I am proud of you my son” Ronal spoke smiling at him, placing a hand on his shoulder and offering back his song cord with his three new beads. “You are now Ready to choose a mate. When you do please tell us so we can give our blessings” 
Ao’nung nodded. Staring at his parents before looking back at you. You were far out. Standing behind your family as you looked on to him. He would have to work but his heart was set. 
“Y/n! Do you think i could ride a Skimwing!” Tuk asked jumping up and down. Neteyam had come to help you as she still didn't fully know that you couldn’t carry her.
“In due time Tuk.” You laughed watching as she gently hit Neteyam to let her down. 
“Pretty soon You will be joining us Y/n” 
“Oh please. All ill be doing is the same as usual. Now that we aren’t home i dont have to do any Tsahik training.” You stretched feeling the slightest bit of ache. 
“Well that is to be seen” Lo’ak butted in. 
You turned to him. Raising a brow as you smacked him on the arm. “And what is that suppose to mean?”
“Oh please.” Lo’ak raised a brow. Batting his lashes as he mimicked your expression. “Everytime i see you and him you guys have this face and its getting a little sick”
“Wha- I do not!”
“But You are Y/n” Tuk butted in this time. “Its groooooossss”
“What we mean is. Its kinda creepy how suddenly you are the best of friends. And! It seems you look at eachother with big eyes” Neteyam spoke this time. Putting Tuk down. Her running to hold your hand. 
“I… is it that obvious?”
“Its gross” Kiri commented, not even bothering to look at all of you as she just watched the festivities continue. Glancing at her parents who were talking, none the wiser to what their kids were doing. 
“I just”
“Pretty soon you two can be with eachother” 
“I'm surprised you're okay with this Nete” You spoke looking as his smile dropped to dramatically frown. 
“Oh im not but. You never seemed to like anyone. Its nice of you to be tamed and not have so much bite to your bark”
“I regret saving you sometimes”
“I agree with Neteyam sadly. I dont like Ao’nung as a brother. BUT. If you want him. Who am i to say anything”
You smiled. Your heart burning with pride and happiness. But you knew better. “Be real. I cant and this cant happen” 
“Why?” Kiri asked you. 
You sighed, resting your head on your hand. “ I do want him. I do. And maybe in some sick way he wants me too. But He’s the Future Olo’eyktan, and no matter what we do. We still are the outsiders. I dont think even with or without the arrange mates. I dont think his parents would ever agree” 
“You mean Ronal” Kiri commented. 
“Oh whatever you know exactly what i mean”  You spoke while watching Ao’nung from afar. 
Regretfully you pushed this thought behind. 
“The Tulkun Arrive soon” 
You Finally tuned into the conversation. The lot of you had taken time off from your chores and your daily activities, that you had come back together like old times. It had been a year since your family came to this land. 
And only a few months since Ao’nung became an adult. 
This was your opportunity to complete training as well. And maybe you were nervous. Youd be an adult.. You’d have to find a mate. 
“Oh Y/n! That means you will be able to find a sister!” Tsireya clapped her hands together. 
You could only smile. “And how would i know that they are wanting to be my spirit sister”
“You will feel it in your heart and in the way you speak”  Ao’nung Piped up now. All this time he had not lifted his gaze from you. It was soft and yet ravenous 
“I see” 
You picked yourself up and dipped into the water. “ I think ill just go for a swim then. Your welcome to join” 
Tuk jumped in after you. And it wasn’t like you didn't want to spend time with Tuk. But after she found out..or was told about your feelings for Ao’nung. She constantly made a few jabs at her. Jabs that you wanted to dunk her head in the water to shut her up. 
She gave you a smug look as she knew that you knew that she was going to tease you to hell and back. 
Without looking back or really caring you dipped into the water. You had managed to find an underwater cave that had the smallest of air pockets. You had managed to spruce it up a little. Realistically you could probably fit two full grown adults and maybe a kid of Tuk’s height. So you realistically didn’t worry too much. 
Grabbing a hold of Tuk, Pulling her up to the rocks as you showed her the little area. 
“So when are you going to make Ao’nung our Brother?” Tuk so casually asked. 
“Wah- huh! Tuk!?” 
“What? Im only saying what everyone else is thinking?”
You could only stifle a laugh. Ringing your hair as you stared at the walls. Perhaps they needed more of a touch of home. “Don’t worry about what i do Tuk. You just worry about yourself”
“I'm not a kid anymore Y/n! Pretty soon After Lo’ak and Kiri its my turn to become and adult! I can have Big kid talk now too! Its boring but i can” 
You smiled, patting her head. “ I still dont think it's your place to worry about it tho Tuk. If Ao’nung wants me and if its allowed we’ll see where that takes us”
“Good! You two are more bearable than Lo’ak and Tsireya” 
You could only laugh as you two continued to talk. Your mind often wanders and goes back to the thoughts of Ao’nung becoming your mate. And any time it comes to your brain. It makes the pit in your stomach that much more painful. 
“Ao’nung please! Please dont” You pleaded. Your wrist fitting ever so perfectly in his hand. It was way past the eclipse. You were lucky your mother even allowed you out to clear your head. Unknown to you Ao’nung had found you. 
You didn’t want to talk. You were too focused. Lost in your mind thinking of your feelings for your new life. Your potential future. And here he was holding you as you had tried to move away and head home. 
“Please Just listen to me” 
“Please don’t tell me you are afraid for the feelings you have for me” 
“You’re crazy to think i have those feelings” 
“Don’t hide from me. All the time we spend while you were recovering me, you haven’t even hid your chest from me so don’t think you can hide your feelings for me so casually”
“Im not hiding anything!” 
“Yes you are! What are you doing now then!”
“I'm Afraid!” You admitted. Your chest heaving as you looked on to him. Was he always this tall? Was he this attractive before. Did he hold such kindness in his eyes like this before? Did he always look concerned for you.  “I'm Terrified even of what this feeling is doing to me” 
“So you’re regretting ever feeling anything for me?” 
“I’m regretting not being enough for your family Ao’nung. Do you think this is going to be easy for me even if we do get your parent’s blessings?’ You began to tear up a little. Bringing your hand to wipe your eyes. As you looked out into the ocean. You wanted badly for anything else to happen but you continued forward. “And its so horrible to have these feelings for you because Even if i am Toruk Makto’s daughter you still are the Future of this clan. You Deserve to have someone of your status. And im still just an outsider. The weaver of this clan. Im no leader no future Tsahik and it hurts because” 
You inhaled sharply feeling his hand on your cheek as he waited. You wanted to scream
“Because, I see you” You wanted to eat those words as soon as you said it. Placing your hand on his bringing him closer as you just continued to stare at each other’s eyes. 
You felt him place his forehead on yours. Kissing your nose as he took a deep breath. How he longed to hold you this way. To have to be so incredibly close and yet you were so far out of his reach. 
“When the time is right and you’ve finished our right of passage. Will you accept to wait until I stake claim on you?” 
You could only let out a laugh. Tackling him to the ground feeling the cold water bring you back to Pandora again. You’re damn lucky its just the two of you alone out here. 
“Don’t worry about my mother. I’ll go ahead and talk with her in the morning” 
Perhaps you shouldn’t have been so startled to see a very livid Ronal heading your way. With an apologetic look Tonowari gave you. Ronal spoke to you
“Y/n, To your feet. I need to speak to you in my Marui” 
You turned to look at your parents. Shooting them a worried look as you followed behind her. You could only hope. You hadn’t made a big mistake the night prior.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Taglist: @simp-erformarvelwomen / @luvlykrispy / @yeosxxx / @fanboyluvr / @littlethingsinlife / @eirianna / @elegantkidfansoull / @tsukibaby1 / @adaiasafira / @1-800-not-simping / @reggiesslut / @cmfouatslota77
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kimi-co · 25 days
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interesting aronelli recap and evaluation of the sources of media pressure, +an f2 driver popularity ranking based on ig follows lol
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this is honestly the biggest 'problem' with paul imo. he didnt want to demonstrate that loyalty and he was not as docile as kimi but ykw leaving proved ultimately good for him (no more yapping abt them)
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+ interview with gwen and toto on what they look for in the junior drivers. basically, they want kids who are fast, but more importantly, humble and loyal, who are willing to listen to them on anything. they want them with good parents who instill these values BUT also, just willing to listen to the team. like families that don't interfere with merc's decisions and preferably with less money/power/knowledge s.t. no decisions get made if merc didn't sponsor them. but merc invests a lot into their juniors and brands themselves as creating lifelong projects: they make sure to help them find success even if they move on to other series. now i'd say paul seems to lack some of the humility and maturity they're after, and he&his brother had way too many ideas—valid ones, but not what merc would have liked.
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but i guess kimi is exactly what they’re talking about? his dad’s a touring car driver who later become team manager, but he never envisioned anything beyond f4 for kimi for financial reasons. so his son would mostly likely become a professional outside of single-seater like how george was offered a DTM seat before merc retained him by offering sponsorship and completely altered his career trajectory. for kimi merc decided to step in way earlier (maybe bc of verstappen) and cover all of his expenses when he was still in karting. his dad always told him to be critical of himself before blaming others, and there’s this whole ‘don’t ever complain when you just start working’ doctrine that got his teammate pretty concerned . he’s listened to merc the whole time so he’s been surprised twice in his 3 years of single-seater racing by the series he was told to join: the only like he had on twitter was the f3 calendar and he did a lot of iracing at the f3 tracks before he was asked to do freca instead. and then the jump to f2 this year. merc also picked prema instead of VAR (ollie’s f4 titles winning team + max’s old team) for him, or else him&ollie could’ve been teammates already in 2021
anyway back to the article:
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like i totally feel this remember his quali interview at aus he was so nervous blinking and licking his lip like crazy (spun the next day too)
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also reminds me of ^
but taking the time to train kimi into a pr robot is probably for his own good and im sure the 'no interviews unless enforced by the series for half a year' is all part of that
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english is not my first language but punchy means that when people hear what toto said they sometimes really want to punch him in the nose right
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nothing more to say here. i’m a ferrari hater 90% of the time, so i don’t really know what the italian press cooked up or what the whole deal with calling charles il predestinato just to crucify him later was—hence the fear of a repetition. but i do find the comment "there is no worse anti-Italian than a hateful Italian" from that original article about kimi getting announced at monza interesting. and i agree with the observation on the difference in the degree of destructive defeatism vs. unconditional support within the argentine vs. italian reception. like, some will support their drivers even if they’re bad because it’s about representation, while others seem to turn on their own when things don’t go as expected
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unfair is the word i think for kimi all the hype and news coverage really don't benefit him when he doesnt need sponsors and he's only judged by his own team. compared to some other drivers who might need exposure, media, and f1 team attention. but press wants headlines and his age makes that easy. and then all the pressure comes.
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kimi’s second on the list, but even ollie has to admit that kimi might be facing more pressure than he is
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Hohoho~ I've just of an idea and you know what? This one goes out to you, @im-totally-not-an-alien-2.
Enemies to Lovers this. Fake Dating/Relationship that. Let's combine the two. Brain Dead style.
Danny is a thief. It started off with him stealing back ghostly artifacts and snowballed when he got commissioned to steal back a family heirloom that had been stolen/lost way back when. With a hefty reward of course. Danny doesm't exactly have the time to track down some heirloom through time, obviously, but he's a struggling college student at Gotham U and WOW that's a lot of 0s. So he does the next best thing. He goes back in time and gets the family heirloom right before it 'disappears'. With a job well done, he gets recommended to someone else. This continues and he grows to have quite the repuation. Que the arrival of Tim Drake.
Someone's been kicking up a fuss about some thief who's been stealing quite the pricy items, but that's not exactly on his radar, you see? HOWEVER! This mysterious thief IS person of interest on a murder case. And thus, Red Robin is on their trail.
Eventually, it culminates to a certain prickly situation. And by that, I mean, Tim knows that Danny is the thief. DANNY knows that Tim is Red Robin. Neither of them can risk outing the other without outing themselves. But Tim always has a plan and he's getting closer and closer to cracking this case and, quite possibly, bringing Danny down too.
So what does Danny do? He uses Tim as his alibi. For every time Danny is out stealing something, and someone asks where he's going or where he'd been at these certain times, what does he say? He says he was with Tim Drake. And Tim can't do anything to stop him. Not without outing himself anyways, and it doesn't help that Danny has somehow gotten ahold of his schedule to make sure that Tim can't use any other alibi. So he goes along with it.
Everyone thinks they're dating. Tim is quietly seething and frustrated, and unwillingly impressed. Danny just wishes that Tim would get off his back.
I'd love to hear an addition to this. Have a great day!
Oh gods, I love this! Did Danny get framed for murder cause I can't see him just running around killing people. Maybe it was his parents who accidentally killed someone and didnt realize it and Dannys DNA was left at the crime scene. Maybe they purposely killed someone and planted Phantoms hair there or something to "prove all ghosts are evil" or whatever.
Maybe Vlad tried to frame Danny for murder. Maybe (and this is my favorite) Danny legitimately killed Vlad either by accident or in self defense and since Vlad had willed everything to either Danny or his mom he knew the cops and ensuing media storm would never believe him.
So he ran.
Danny gets awkward whenever Tim/Red Robin brings up the murder and swears it isn't what it looks like but refuses to explain any further, even if it makes him look more guilty when he doesn't.
Dannys alibi falls apart after Tim deviates from his schedule and is on camera at the library alone or if one of his brothers says "he was with me" and Tim confirmed it, or the waynes disguise someone as Tim and give him an out that way. Maybe have fake Tim and/or fake Red Robin in the same room together to make it seem like there was no way they were the same person.
Unfortunately Phantoms comes up with another believable (and slightly embarrassing) alibi before he pulls the same trick as Tim with his duplicates. Bam, they're once again at an impasse.
This rivalry does not deter people from believing that they are either dating or super into eachother. Danny flirting with him so much doesn't help.
Worst of all his siblings are betting on when-not if- when they get together.
How dare!
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dilfsaresohot · 11 months
tous le mêmes
james potter x deatheater!black!f!reader
warnings: language, angst, they just wont listen to each other (stupid mfs) lmk if i missed any
english is not my first language
constructive criticism is appreciated
summary: sometimes keeping the truth to yourself can save your tears.
word count: 1,1k
a/n: this is my first fanfic ever so i hope i didnt fuk up too bad lmao, possibly part two (??)
“…and then siriu- are you even listening to me?”your boyfriend was rambling about his day for about fifteen minutes and you weren’t listening. you couldn’t. not when you were keeping such a awful secret from him. your conscience and heart were telling you to let him know as soon as possible and let him decide. but then the thought of his reaction, his heartbroken expression, the grief in his eyes, soreness painted all over his handsome face and stinging pain he would’ve felt was enough for you to know what was going to happen.
“merlin, stop being such a baby, i don’t give a shit about your stupid pranks. shut up already and go bother someone else.” you snapped.
if you didn’t want him to love a monster, you had to make him hate you.
“w-what?” he wasn’t sure if he heard you right. why were you so mean? did he do something? or maybe you were right? he should stop telling you every smallest detail about his life.
“you heard me. leave me alone i’m sick of this. i’m sick of you.”
judging by his expression he wasn’t going anywhere due to the shock he felt, so you decided to be the one who leaves.
“have you told him about it already?” your brother, regulus, asked. both of you had to give up your dreams and live up to your parents expectations. you could not do anything against their will, because of the consequences that you would have to deal with. why weren’t you more like your other brother, sirius? why couldn’t you be rebellious just like him? you were a coward.
there’s really no way of winning, if in your own eyes, you don’t deserve it.
“well, are you going to do that?”
“do i even have a choice?” you asked, even though you already knew the answer. “you know what?” you were met with his questioning face. “i’ll tell him right now.”
he couldn’t say anything else as he was met with black smoke and you were gone.
teleporting to prefects bathroom you sent your animagus, which represented a black cat, to james with a message saying meet me in our bathroom.
soon after you were met with a sound of running footsteps from behind the door. when james barged in, all of your confidence was gone. but it was not you who was important. it was him and his safety.
after a few moments in silence you decided to do what you had to do. “i have to show you something, but please, let me explain before you judge me. ” to say he was confused was a understatement. maybe, just maybe, in the back of his head he knew what was going to happen. but right now he didn’t really think about it.
“love, i could never judge or hate you, just please, show me. i’ll understand.” oh how wrong he was you thought.
pulling up your left sleeve, an ugly, dark mark was visible. you turned your head to the side, because you knew you wouldn’t be able to stand a look on your lover’s face. when he didn’t say anything, you dared to look at him. and it was a mistake. the way he looked at your arm was so hurtful to both of you that you couldn’t stand the tension in the room anymore.
“i-i didn’t want i-“ you were cut off by his words.
“no, no, you didn’t. y-you couldn’t, you wouldn’t be abl- oh merlin, why? why y/n?”
“james, let me explain, please! i never wanted it. i’m sorry for the way i was treating you lately. i just- i thought that if i was going to make you hate me, it would be easier, i-“
“there’s no need to.”
“w-what do you mean?” you asked, trying to stay calm but your own body betrayed you.
“because i already do. ”
his words cut like a knife. you could literally hear your blood running in your ears. james’ cold expression sending shivers down your spine.
“you don’t mean that. i can help us! can’t you see what i’m doing? what am i sacrificing? for you! just so you can be happy! i’m doi-“
“can’t you see what you’re doing to me?” the way his voice broke was your last straw. you vanished just like a coward. the coward, the snake you truly were.
“that’s not fair! that’s not…not fair…” quiet sobs were heard from the prefects bathroom when sirius passed by the door. he was walking around the hallways, searching for his best friend. worried for him, he gently knocked on the door.
“prongs…hey, are you there? you okay?” the eldest black brother asked worried. he has never seen james in such state, he wasn’t the type of person to be open with his negative feelings.
the sobs quieted and water splashing on the cold sink was heard. now, sirius was siriusly worried. what had to happen to make james so miserable? he was always the sun in their friend group. whenever someone was in a bad mood, james was always first one to be there for them and lighten up their mood. so sirius was going to be a james for james.
“alright, i’m coming in!”
“they are all the same.”
“what the hell happened?”
you were sitting on the astronomy tower, feet hanging over the barrier, cigarette in your right hand. there wasn’t anything going through your mind right now. your head was totally empty, you just couldn’t bring yourself to think about anything else than…exactly. every time you wanted to keep your mind busy, it lead to thinking about the mess in your life. you were only sixteen. how come your life was so bad already? what did you do to deserve it? you had no idea. everything went downhill so quic-
“y/n? y/n/n is that you?” you heard a familiar a voice followed by footsteps from behind your back. “hey, is that you? did you tell jam- whoa, what happened?” he asked even though he already knew what was going on.
you smiled, but your smile wasn’t the happy one. “well, long story short, everything is fucked up. but y’know what? i can’t blame him. i mean- i wouldn’t react any better, if i found out that my boyfriend is on the opposite side of the war.” regulus sat right next to you and put his hand on your shoulder in reassurance.
“oh y/n/n, i’m so sorry.”
“it’s not your fault”
“i know, but i still am.”
the siblings sat in silence, watching the stars and chasing answers to their questions, that were never to be answered.
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jenxsaiv · 2 years
[One shot] drunk talk - JJ Maybank
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PAIRING: jj Maybank x fem!reader
SUMMARY: you are helping your ex best friend and enemy, JJ when he is drunk
WARNINGS: alcohol, language, family issues
A/N: so this is a typical enemies to friends (and lovers in the future) romantic trope. I hope you guys will enjoy it. Also english is not my first language so im sorry for my mistakes.
The beach at 1 am was different. There was so quiet. The only thing what you could hear was the ocean. You loved sitting at the beach at night. It was a perfect time for thinking about everything what happened.
You were a kook. And yeah everybody thought you had an easy life. But it wasn't true. Your parents had money only because they were hard working. They spend the whole day in theirs work. After came back they pretend to care about you. Your parents literally thought only about money. They tried to have a control under you. But you were smart. You realized it before. For your whole life you were alone. You didn't have a lot of friends. Your parents doesn't support you at all.
So you spend every single summer day alone. Sometimes you went to other city, sometimes you were surfering and sometimes you just stayed in your room. But it doesn't matter. You did it all alone. You had a brother but he studied in Chicago. Well your brother was also not very nice. He screamed at you a lot. Actually there was a few times when he hurted you.
At last no one knew about it. You always kept it to yourself. You family was kinda popular in your city. Everybody thought you were perfect family.
Spending nights at the beach was something which helped you a lot. Looking at the moon while listening to the ocean was like therapy for you. No one knew about it.
You sat on the sand. Even it was 2 am, the weather was nice. Fresh air was something what you needed. After more then 1 hours you decided to go home. Everything was normal until you saw someone laying on the beach. That person was definitely a boy around your age. You came closer to him. His blond hair were covered his eyes but you knew him.
It was a JJ Maybank. The most adventurous pogue which you knew. Your enemy. When you were kids you were friends. But then he realized you were a kook and he was a pogue. And the sick rule here didn't allow him to being friends with you. So he decided to stopped talking to you. But you were 7 and didn't get it at all. Sometimes when he saw you at the beach he just stared at you till you saw him. He never told you he missed you. Instead of this he was mean to you. So you decided to ignore him.
But in that moment he was sleeping. He definitely was drunk because he smelt like whiskey. You touched him arm to woke up him but it doesn't work.
"JJ you dumbass wake up" you said but he didnt heard it. Well the only idea which you had was hit your enemy He was strong so it wasn't gonna hurt him. So as you thought, you did it. It worked because he opened eyes
"JJ are you stupid or what? " You asked him. He was suprised to see you but smiled.
"Y/n what are you doing here? I thought you don't like me anymore" He answered to your question without actually answering.
"Yeah I don't like you because you acted like totally jerk but right know you are laying on the beach at 2am being drunk as fuck" You said it to him. He had s problem with alcohol and you knew it. Everybody here knew it. But he wasn't your friend anymore so you couldn't do anything with it. Everytime when you saw him with his friends getting high and drunk you were sorry. He was special. You were kids but even that you knew his second face. The true face. You helped him to hide from his dad. He slept in your house without permission so many times.
"Its nice to see you again y/n" He whispered to you. After it he standed up and was trying to go somewhere but it doesn't work because he was already high.
"And where are you going?" You asked him while looking at him. He was funny. He had problem with catching the balance. He didn't answer you because he almost fell on you. And at the end you had to kept him.
"Is your dad at home? " You again asked him. You knew how his dad treated him. You never like it. He was just a piece of shit.
"No" he laughed. It was a good news for you. JJ was so drunk and he needed sleep. If his dad was in home it could end bad. Thank god Maybank lived closed to the beach and you were in his house faster then you thought.
You put JJ on his bed and went for some water. His house doesn't change a lot. You knew where was a kitchen. You actually knew his house well.
"So here you have a water. I'm going to my house right now and you must go to sleep." You told him. It was the first time since almost 10 year when you talked with him. It was felt different. He changed a lot. He grown up.
"Y/n i didn't meant it." He whispered to you.
"What are you talking about?" You asked. You weren't sure if he was serious or its just s drunk talk
"I didn't want to left you. I thought we were be still friends. I still like you pretty girl" He looked at your eyes. He was sorry. You didn't expected to hear something like that today.
"It hurts so much. Yeah I have friends right now but when I see you, all the memories come back. I think almost every day how much different it would be looks like if we will be still friends." Yeah he told it. He told everything what you had in your mind. It was kinda nice to heard that your ex best friend misses you.
"JJ you ruined us"
"Y/n I know. I hate it. I really didn't what to do it. I want to be with you again. You are a kook and I am a pogue but I don't care about it" He sound honest. That was a shook for you. You never expected to heard things like that from him.
"You are drunk right know. If you will remember these things tomorrow, I think we should talk about it but as sobers." You told him and left his house. Todays night was the most crazy night ever. You didn't know what you should do.
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spookberry · 3 months
Hello I hope you are doing well! I wanted to say that I really love your art! Could I ask for more information about Henri and Claire, or just Henri in general? I think they're super cute but additionally, I think Henri is interesting by himself because I feel like I don't know as much about him! How long has he been immortal? How did he become immortal? How did he learn to exorcise? Oh, and I wanted to ask how you feel about fanart of your ocs? I really love Claire's design and I think it would be fun to draw him :)
:D! No one's ever asked me about Henri before! Also to answer your last question I'd love fanart of my OCs 🥺
More on Henri under the cut:
Okay so basically his backstory goes like this: back in the Victorian era there was this couple that was really into the occult. They were fairly nomadic, traveling the states as consultants when people were having supernaturally driven issues. This couple also happened to have a young son, Henri. Henri and his folks were very close and he took after them and their interest in ancient magic A Lot.
When Henri was about 9 his parents died. They left everything to him, but they didn't exactly have a house or anything, just a ton of old books and cursed trinkets. His favorite though was a book that was written entirely in ancient greek. So when he ran away to avoid being shipped off to live with relatives that didnt appreciate his interest in magic too much, that book was one of the things he thought to grab first.
Grief can make a 9 year old orphan do crazy shit, for Henri it became about trying to translate this book. Thats when he discovered problem number 2 with the book: its full of dark magic. Every spell in it is awful and corrupting. There's one unfinisged spell thats meant to banish a demon from their host body. And its like the one spell he can concieve of in this book that isnt just like flat out evil. So he decided to try and finish it.
The book also has a demon summoning ritual in it, so you can guess what he does.
After that he's saddled with Claire a 12 year old girl who is VERY mad it him about getting rid of her demon and demands he help her find him again. (Note: Claire does not realize he's trans yet here)
They try to summon skid back but it just doesnt work, so they gotta do this the old fashioned way.
Takes them months before they finally manage to track skid down again, but during that time the two manage to become friends. Claire opens up a lot about her fear of dying and how she feels she cant enjoy life because of how little time she has left. Henri decides his new goal in life is to heal her so that they can grow up and grow old together. He tells her as much and she gives him this gentle little smile and he internally is like "i would die for her" (he's in love but doesnt know it yet.)
Once Skid is back in and puppeting the body, Henri makes the choice to stick by Skid's side. He needs them to be close for when he finally figures out a way to heal her. And ya know the modern medicine of cough syrup with cocaine and mercury isnt gonna do it so he starts experimenting with magic instead.
He's 15 when he accidentally curses himself. Part of the curse effects his memory, so he doesn't actually know WHAT he did, and he doesn't even realize right away that he isn't aging. All he knows at first is that suddenly dark magics waaaay easier to do so he needs to be careful about that and also one of his eyes is fucked up. So now his secondary motive is also undo his own curse as well as heal Claire. Cuz itd suck if he finally heals Claire but isnt able to age himself, ya know?
Henri's a pretty chill guy and most of the cast view him as skid's 2nd in command and often her voice of reason(though he himself is prone to being impulsive and moody due to the whole technically still being 15 thing). The underlings also all view him as an older brother sort, because he's protective but often "hands off" in how deals with things but also hes just really tall. Lucky him he had his growth spurt before cursing himself to never age.
He tends to have a lot of memory issues, some days are worse than others. On his worst days he doesn't even remember how he met skid, but most days hes just sort of fuzzy and cant quite remember all 200 years he's spent by their side. His vision has also deteriorated with time, he cant see out of his left eye at all and can only make out colors and general shapes out with his left.
Even though he stuck with Skid for Claire's sake, Henri has actually become very close with skid after 200 years. Skid's secretive and doesnt actually like talking about themself honestly but depsite that he knows a lot about them. He knows skid has their own memory issues, and he's aware that Skid's not a full demon. He's heard skid's human name before but forgot it at some point and knows better than to ask about it. He's also very aware that Skid's prone to getting involved in shit which leads to them getting hurt magically and letting Claire run the body for a couple days every other decade. So they still get to see each other. These brief meetings is how Henri realized he was in love with Claire.
Bonus Info: Henri doesn't actually subscribe to modern labels and doesnt really consider himself as being into women or men. He just loves who he loves. (Hes asexual and panromantic)
Fun Fact: i came up with Henri and Skid when I was 12, but every other character in their story, including Claire, formed a slightly later.
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^ skid and Henri drawings from when I was 12
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okkotsyui · 1 year
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| FAMILY LINE :: 007 - rin itoshi x reader
a/n :: decided to try a fully written one :p
⟢ ISAGI groaned before pocketing his phone and turning on his heel. he hadnt meant to be so cruel to yn, but he absolutely hated the thought of his sister with his teammate - the teammate that he hates the most. but he knew that she was right. he couldnt keep making her decisions for her, it wasnt right of him to keep interfering with her life anymore. isagi had to come to terms with this, or hed risk losing his family.
unlocking the front door to his house, isagi was welcomed by the stern gazes of his parents, arms folded in front of their chests and a slightly pissed off look on their faces.
"you care to explain why yn came back from her date so upset?" his mother asked, staring down her son, who in turn looked away. before he could speak, however, she cut him off, "if you try to blame itoshi for this, then think again. i know that he didnt do anything to her, so dont lie to me". isagi sighed, his only defence completely flattened.
"it was my fault. i said some things that were too far and i shouldnt have" he said, eyes burning holes into the floor by his feet. his father sighed before calling his name and pointing upstairs.
"shes in her room. go and apologise to her for ruining her evening, and youll also apologise to itoshi. what you did wasnt fair" the man said, before walking off into the kitchen, followed by his wife.
after walking up the stairs and making his way towards your room, he was stopped by the sound of sniffling. mentally cursing himself for making you cry, he hesitantly knocked on the door. "yn? i wanted to apologise to you, i didnt mean to be so horrible. can i come in?" there was silence of the other side of the door, before isagi heard a small "ok". opening the door, he was met with the sight of you curled up on your bed with your face hidden in a pillow, small sniffles and sobs occasionally sounding from your lips. carefully approaching your curled form, isagi sat on the corner closest to you. placing a hand on your head, he silently brushes through your hair before speaking up. "i know what i did was awful, and as your brother, im meant to keep you happy. but im clearly not very good at that, seeing as ive made you cry. if being with rin really makes you happy.." his voice began to trail off, causing you to raise your head and look your brother in the eye. isagi returned your gaze before sighing, "if rin makes you happy, then i guess i have no other issue with the two of you going out." he finished, a small scowl on his face at the thought of rin. you failed to suppress your laughter, falling back down and hiding your face in your hands as your body shook with laughing. isagi stared down at you with a confused look on his face and a slight pout. "whats so funny?" he asked, flicking your forehead. "you" was your response, slowly regaining your breath after your laughing fit. "i hate you" isagi groaned, walking over to the door.
before he could leave, you quickly grabbed onto the sleeve of his shirt. "thank you, yoichi. rin does make me happy, and im glad you said its okay" you smiled at him. your brother returned your smile, muttering a quiet "of course", and took his leave.
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TAGLIST :: @70gin-m@itonashi@jayvuu@luv-sie@chfuyun@rroxii@joy-laufeyson@luna-mothii@haesungie@tsukishiro-yue2402@atl4ntxc@bre99@ryuverse@yanfei-kisser@ghostjoohoney@anti-math-agenda@lunaviee@gojossixtheyes@lenasvoid@kxr0mi
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h0ck3yl0v3r · 1 year
you belong with me
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
high school au!bb24 x bestfriend!reader
warnings: toxic gf, swearing, kissing, angst -> fluff
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growing up in the sunny state of california had it’s ups and downs. thankfully i had my best friend brendan.
we met in kindergarten, i was sitting alone during lunch when he came up to me. he asked if he could sit with me and every day since then he sat with me at lunch. we were now in high school, seniors. we always waited for this day. we had so many dreams. brendan being a hockey star he quickly became popular, i was somewhat well known but never like briss.
our friendship remained strong, but it soon became rocky once high school hockey season took place. hockey being a winter sport, it put us in a rocky spot around the holidays.
see brendan always had a girl wrapped around his fingers. he could have anyone he wanted. he had gotten into a relationship with a girl who did not like me. she made it a big deal and a fight broke out between them. he slowly pushed me away, i knew he didnt want to but his girlfriend didn’t care.
our families became close after me and brendan became best friends. our yearly holiday trip to big bear was here and i sat in my room in the place we always stay at. polaroids and photo booth pictures of me and briss as kids hung on the wall next to the paper made flower bouquet he gave me on the first day of freshman year.
all the memories of every item always makes me emotional. i didn’t realize until Brendan’s mother came into the room and gave me a soft hug and passed me a tissue to wipe my tears. “your guys friendship is truly something beautiful, i noticed you guys haven’t hung out much lately, is everything alright honey?” she said while i sat on my bed and shook my head no before all the tears that didn’t make its way out then all crashing down now. “oh my sweet girl, it’s okay. i got you.” she said coming to me hugging me letting me cry onto her.
after a while i calmed down and she sat next to me. “ever since he got his new girlfriend right now everything’s been different. all his past girlfriends never had a problem with me until now. and it hurts. but what hurts more is knowing he’ll never look at me the way i see him.” i said and she rubbed my back. she knew i liked brendan since freshman year, she saw the way my eyes lit up whenever he got me flowers, or any gift. “trust me honey, my son is very oblivious. me, pat, and your parents all think you guys are destined to be. when the time comes you’ll know it.“ she said placing a kiss to the top of my head as i held onto her. “everyone else should be here soon, ill be downstairs if you need anything else alright?” she said and i nodded.
i decided to shower and change into a different outfit. after i got ready everyone finally got here. i stood at the top of the stairs when my breath got caught in my throat. i had locked eyes with brendans girlfriend. i didnt know she was going to be here.
i went downstairs and greeted everyone hi, but the worst one was greeting brendans girlfriend. she just glared at me the whole time.
“dinner will be ready soon” brendans mom said. “i think i’m actually gonna go explore, visit some old friends.” i said and everyone just hummed in response. i grabbed the keys and i felt someone grab my hand. “be safe alright, roads get a little hard to drive on at night.” he said and i just smiled and nodded before leaving.
truth being told, i didn’t have any friends here. i didn’t want to go exploring. its an excuse I’ve always used to get out of the house. i pulled into an empty park me and briss used to sneak off to all the time.
‘everything has changed’ playing softly in the background as i cried my heart out. we would joke about how this song would be played at our wedding. i wiped my eyes when i heard someone knock on my window, jordan brendans younger brother was there. i rolled down my window and he came up to me. “i had a feeling you’d be here, brendan may be oblivious but i’m not. i brought some of the food mom made, figured you didn’t eat.” he said and you couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh and told him to get in the car.
after eating in silence with only music softly playing in the back, jordan spoke up “my brother’s an idiot. i know you probably wont believe me but hes so hooked onto you. thats why none of his relationships ever last, and i don’t think you’ve ever noticed but all his girlfriends have some sort of resemblance to you. but they’re never you so it never lasts.” he said and i was shocked. “thats silly jordan, he would never.” i said. “trust me on this. and also you aren’t the only one who doesn’t like his current girlfriend. after you left during dinner mom almost lost it. his girlfriend was being super disrespectful and dad had to calm her down. i decided to leave the vibes in that house was not it.” he said and you just shook your head, of course she would cause trouble. “thanks for coming, it means a lot and it’s getting pretty late so we should head back home.” i said before putting my seatbelt on and driving us back home.
the whole trip wasn’t the best but i tried to make the most out of it. i barely hung out with briss, as much as it broke my heart i sucked it up to try and not ruin the trip.
its been a month since the trip. time has been going so fast. brendan was still with his girlfriend but they were extremely off and on. today i had a date, it was someone who played lacrosse. brendan was over at the house and i could feel him staring at me. “i’ll be back later” i announced before leaving.
but of course, i got stood up yet again. he didn’t show up. i decided to not head back home yet and sit at the beach instead. why does this always happen. all i wanted was to feel loved the way i love people. in reality, all i wanted was him. but i couldn’t have him.
after the sunset i decided to head back home, what i didnt know what brendan drove past where i was supposed to meet my date and saw that he never showed up.
as soon as i got home brendan rushed outside. “where have you been, and don’t even try to say on a date because i saw you get stood up.” he said and i felt my words get caught in my throat but i managed to get out a small sentence. “i was at the beach” i said softly and he came up to me and hugged me for the first time in a while. i hugged him back and cried in his arms.
“i broke up with my girlfriend. for good.” he whispered into my hair. “why would you do that?” i said looking up at him, feeling the small drizzles of rain. “she wasn’t you. none of the girls were. i didnt realize it until i saw you walk out that door for a date. that should be me taking you out, holding your hands, and kissing you like this.” he said before kissing me softly in the rain. neither of us caring about wether or not we’d get sick.
just happy that we finally had each other the way we both wanted.
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