#my only pokemon knowledge comes from her
momochizu · 2 years
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Super late birthday present for my dear friend on twitter (@/doodklefish) 🥳🥳
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cogentranting · 11 months
Ranking Animated Horse Designs Take 3
This time I really am back by popular demand because the other two posts have been getting a steady trickle of notes for over a year now.
(If you're looking for stuff like Disney and Dreamworks there are two other posts. Here we've got mostly random cartoons and also the Pokemon horses)
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Starlite (Rainbow Brite) 6/10 Little weird that he seems to be drawn in a style that's like 3x more realistic than any other character in this show but hey sometimes you just ascend to a higher plane of existence. (2014 Reboot Starlite gets a 3/10. I do not trust him.)
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Skydancer (Rainbow Brite) 7/10 I bumped Starlite down a point because he wants what Skydancer has. Skydancer doesn't need rainbows to fly. Skydancer has a lightning bolt. Skydancer has the Drama. (The one wiki page said he's a Shire or a Clydesdale and um I don't think so. Maybe a Friesian.)
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On-yx (Rainbow Brite) This is a rocket powered balloon animal. 2/10
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Sunriser (Rainbow Brite) 5/10 Eh. I like her hair though.
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Swift Wind (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power/ She-Ra Princess of Power)
Right (older version) 8/10 I don't understand the wing physics going on here. Also not sure if the horn is part of the mask or just attached to the mask. Diggin the bib though. Also love that he's a ginger.
Left (new version) 4/10 If the older version wasn't there this would score higher because just as a character design I don't think it's bad but if these are supposed to be the same character he seems so cutesy and I do not vibe with it. I don't know either show. So maybe that works. But it feels wrong.
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Amalthea (The Last Unicorn) 9/10 They gave the unicorn the split deer hooves, and the lions tail and that is automatic points from me. Bummed they didn't go all out and give us the goat's beard. Rude. Any distance shot, I love. Close-ups of the face creep me out with the giant doll eyes and tiny nose.
(Pokemon and more below)
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Honey Pie Pony (Strawberry Shortcake) 8/10 Adorable. Fantastically chunky design. The others from this... show? book? brand? are like 6s or 5s depending. But Honey Pie has the It factor. (The It Factor here apparently being that recurring pattern of only the main character's horse being able to talk?? This is the third. Swift Wind, Starlite and Honey Pie have dark secrets about how they come by this knowledge).
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic "ponies" Just as characters they're cute in a "trying so hard to be cute that they almost miss the mark entirely" way. But this is about how they are as HORSE designs. And these are magical gremlins not horses. 1/10 (WHAT is happening on the far right of this set. I do not approve. Zebra is fine though).
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My Little Pony: A New Generation Like if the MLP: FM ponies and the Trolls characters somehow had children. Somehow the main character of Bee Movie was also involved. The one on the left makes TikTok thirst traps. -2/10
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My Little Pony Tales 3/10 I can almost tell they're meant to be horses. Plus that one has a tattoo of a comb. So. Full extra point for the comb tattoo.
Bratz Horses I can't tell if there's an official video game or cartoon design for these but in ANY given version I found the conclusion is the same: if you look into the gigantic distended eye you will be put under the horse's curse. 1/10
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Boxer (Animal Farm) 4/10 All horses are equal but some are more equal than others, but Boxer is not one of them because his mouth is not okay.
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Marvin (Marvin the Tap Dancing Horse) 5/10 I mean. Dude's got spats. Come on.
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Ponyta (Pokemon) 3/5 The armpit and middle thigh flames were a choice.
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Rapidash (Pokemon) 8/10 Look at his face. The angst. He has seen things.
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Mudsdale (Pokemon) 8/10 The classic mohawk, dreadlocks and legwarmers trifecta. Love it. Would love to hug him.
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Galarian Ponyta 3/10 It's giving sheep, and it's giving dog. Very little horse.
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Galarian Rapidash (Pokemon) 4/10 He's angry because his hair is too long and he can't walk and also he has not eaten enough somebody feed this horse.
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Origin Palkia (Pokemon) 6/10 A built-in hoola-hoop AND thigh high Boots?! what fashion.
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Keldeo (Pokemon) 1/10 Clown goat.
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Spectrier (Pokemon) 10/10 Beautiful goth girl horse floating around like a Victorian ghost who's too modest to show her ankles.
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Mudbray (Pokemon) 5/10 He has passed through the depths of existential dread and returned world-weary but unshakeable and with a snazzy bowl cut.
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Glastrier (Pokemon)
20/10 ICE HORSE ICE HORSE ICE HORSE. I love him so much. He's punk rock
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The Fat Horse (Looney Tunes) 10/10 Queen.
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wewerebornsextuplets · 4 months
idk how but you draw in the Oso-san style so good i need to know your secret please
HAHA thank you very much!! im glad you think so :D unfortunately im not very good at explaining how i work, but ill try my best to show what i mean!!
once again this is long as hell. you know the drill at this point
to be honest, half the battle i fight with drawing in the osmt style is just. Looking at it. the ososan art style actually fluctuates pretty wildly depending on what you're looking for, whether that be the mobile games (for instance, tabimatsu and hesowars look nothing alike in terms of style despite both being the same source material), official art and merch, or even the seasons of the show itself!
using ichi as my example here since i draw him the most, but its pretty easy to play spot the difference with the varying styles. even within a specific season you can do this across episodes, especially with season 1!
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when i draw, i tend to be a bit sacrilege and use references across different media; usually ill use the show [especially season 2, if only because its a bit more "uniform"] as reference for the actual features and colors/poses/etc, but i like to use hesowars to reference proportions, since they seem to be most consistent there.
SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO NOTE: theres a WEALTH of fanartists that have styles that are INCREDIBLY similar to the show, so be careful to check your sources! these artists deserve credit for their hard work, which they often don't get since their work is reposted under the guise of being official art.
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once you've pinned down the exact style you'd like to emulate, and the character you're looking to draw, its really just a matter of finding references, which is pretty easy! you can scrub through different episodes for good angles/shots, or if you're going for one of the game styles the AU wiki has most of the games catalogued to my knowledge. if you're looking to draw an oc, use characters you think they would look similar to in the show. if you really wanna waste your time, though, you can always scrub through crowd scenes in the show to see if any background characters might look like what you're going for; the season 3 episode Mt. Takao comes to mind, there were a lot of cute mob characters there.
using keiko as my example here, you can see that i pulled her features from multiple different characters to get her to look right in the style. with ocs, its important to reference a number of different characters, since the likelihood of a background character being a 1:1 for your little guy is unfortunately pretty low. there WILL, however, be a lot of characters that look KIND of like them. the key is to figure out what parts go where!
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to this point, most prominent ososan women have very similar stock anime girl faces with very minor differences, so if youre looking to make a cute girl oc, most of the womens' faces can be used somewhat interchangeably. if you want your cute girl oc to have a more unique face, though, the movie gave us some women with more unique faces in the form of the NEETs' old classmates! theres also no harm in referencing male characters faces in this regard. #butchswag #kiruminikuya
BUT. going back to the assumption that you're drawing a canon character, today I'll be drawing oso for my example
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when you're first getting a feel for the style, tracing some of your references can actually be a really great way to acclimate yourself to the characters proportions and features. think of like when you were a kid, and would trace over pictures of pokemon or cartoon characters so you could draw them better. its basically the same principle! this was especially helpful for me when it came to eyes; they vary the most wildly of any other trait that characters have in ososan, so going over the different shapes to get a feel for each of them was very important.
when you trace, though, I recommend doing so a bit more loosely, sort of like if you're doing a photo study for anatomy; block out the basic shapes and do small markers for different features (i.e small lines to denote where the eyes start and and, distance from nose to mouth, things like that), and from there draw the rest on your own.
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after long enough you'll get a feel for the basic placement of where everything should go! the eyes and nose are undoubtedly the hardest when it comes to the sextuplets, since they shift around a LOT between games/seasons/etc. so don't feel bad if you have a hard time with that, since there isnt really a "right" answer with how frequently it changes. i still fuck it up all the time myself!
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as for some basic tips, heres some stuff i try to keep in mind when drawing them that just helps the finished product look a bit nicer!
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when drawing the hair + fringe line, its important to swoop it downwards a little bit; the flat across look Can work, but if you're not careful you risk showing the tops of their eyes, which is um. ew! ick! nast!
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when a matsu is facing forward, their hair will usually tend towards one direction to keep the silhouette. in most screenshots i saw, the bowl cut points left! that said, dont be afraid to point rightwards if its better for your specific drawing!
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and lastly: USE THE LIQUIFY TOOL. LIBERALLY. i am not joking when i say this has saved my ass so many times, its hard to get the placement right on the facial features and even harder to get everything to LOOK good, so if its available to you i HIGHLY suggest just squishing everything around with a liquify tool until it looks right. you can always go back and correct the blurry lines. its really a life saver
BUT YEAH! i dont know if this was very helpful but i hope you're at least able to gain something from it :-))
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north-noire · 6 months
Not sure if you're into Pokemon, but I had to ask, what Pokemon would Charlie and Michael be?
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I actually quite like Pokemon, but I haven't caught on the latest games since it's just a lot of time to get into them (my Pokemon knowledge only extends from Red and Blue all the way to X and Y), but these were really fun to draw! Sorry if it's not the best since I'm whittling my artblock bit by bit. Michael would be a Zorua since it can shapeshift into different people, and honestly Michael really would want an ability like that - be anyone but himself - also, Michael can get cunning if you really back him into a corner :] Charlie would be a Banette! Mostly because the Banette's Dex Entry is really suitable for her - with the Marionette and Banette having similar ideas of being abandoned and being fueled with revenge/grudges for the ones that had hurt them! I just really like the parallels between the two and thought it'd be neat. ALSO thank you for 970+ followers! Your support has been insane and I would've never seen this coming at all, thank you so much!
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0ffspace · 1 month
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Wooohooo I have wanted to post some fanart after all the artfight stuff. I love Pokemon, so I had to grab what I love and mix it up.
Some explaining on why Laios would have this current Pokemons is down below 👇 (I have only watched the first season and I haven't read the manga at all so if anything is likely to have a plot hole do be aware of my small level of knowledge 😭🙏)
Mareep: A Pokemon sheep that was there since day one, living in the small village where Laios and Falin come from, and which Pokemon they grown attached to. Leaving their village, they had the original plan to leave any Pokemon, but Mareep went on and followed them willingly without their knowledge until they discovered their four-legged friend already so far from their village and decided that they had to keepem.
Wynaut: Originally Falin's Pokemon, they were found during her time in the magic school (or idk, but where she went to learn magic Hogwarts ig) wounded and with infected injuries, she immediately decided to help the little guy come back to health and ever since then the Wynaut has always wanted to help Falin on everything she does to pay for all her kindness. They both got separated as the Wynaut helped with the transportation spell, and the rest of Falin's Pokemon team was left to deal with the dragon attack (which in this AU isn't a dragon, hehe). The Wynaut is temporarily on Laio's team.
Wrumple: In the first adventures within the dungeon, Laios was killed by an unsuspecting attack of monsters, and after being resurrected, he found out the little wrumple hidden inside his armor, so having a love for the little guy he adopted it.
Laios has a full team of Pokemon, but because of the unexpected dragon attack, these were the ones that could come out of the dungeon after Falin's spell. Mareep was on their Pokeball throughout the battle (but on Laios pocket or belt, idk), Wrumple was hiding within Laio's armor, and Wynaut for the already mentioned reason.
I have the idea that in this AU, all of the group comes out of the Dungeon with half of their team lost, and the only ones of their team left were the less strong ones (support or defense Pokemon, almost none offensive team build).
After saying all of this, I am sorry for any grammar mistakes; English is not my first language, but hopefully, if this gets enough attention, I'll continue doing more Pokemon tears for the others.
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l00rem · 6 months
Gibeon & Amethio are related, but they are not father and son.
So, ep45 had me applying my clown makeup as I was a firm Gibeon is related to Amethio denier and that has uh clearly been proven true by that final scene… but I still don’t think they’re father and son like most people seem to be saying. First, let’s start with Gibeon’s physical condition.
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It seems clear by his position in the reveal that he suffers with functioning properly, this is further demonstrated with Hamber’s ‘Gibeon is awake’ comment. Considering he’s at least over 100, this is probably him abusing his mortality coming to bite him in the ass or some injury he sustained when Lucius kicked him out of the Rakua gc. And while pokemon never acknowledges topics like sex for obvious reasons, I doubt the writers would ignore the fact that Gibeon is clearly not in any condition to be breeding (dude only holds like 3 min meetings before going back to bed, he could never last that long in a physical activity such as that)
Now, this brings me to another theory i’ve been seeing: Amethio is some sort of clone/ artificial human being. I can see why some people think this, but i don’t think it’s going to happen. I just think it goes against the themes horizons has been setting up about generations (ex: ep34 where Hamber and Diana both pass things down to Liko and Amethio) i think it would be weird to have all this stuff about ancestry and then just throw in ‘oh and amethio’s not human btw’. It’s also just a really dark existential topic for pokemon, i know they can go dark and have done artificial creation before but that’s always been strictly for pokemon at least to my knowledge. I think people who believe in clone theory are getting too caught up in their Amethio and Hunter from ToH comparisons- ofc your free to theorise what you want but I just don’t see this happening.
To give some more solid proof that Amethio isn’t Gibeon’s son, let’s look at Liko’s ancestry.
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As we can see, hair does seem to matter when it comes to being directly descended from someone. All three have the same hair pattern, even if we can’t see the brighter blue for Lucca’s. Compare this to Lucius’s hair:
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It’s been made very clear that Liko is a descendant of his somehow, but this isn’t as direct as a great grandfather because then Diana could’ve literally just asked her mom who the man in the photo was to learn they’re related. Lucius resembles them somewhat but there are very clear differences.
Likewise, this seems to be the case with Gibeon and Amethio’s hair differences. They have the same colour scheme of white and black, but the way the two colours are separated are completely different. Just as Lucius and Liko’s family both have that sticky outy bit of their hair, Amethio and Gibeon both share that little white antenna although Gibeon’s is positioned differently.
So here’s my proposition: Amethio is related to Gibeon the same way Liko is related to Lucius.
Perhaps then Amethio is some distant relative to Gibeon who he located at some point- likely he didn’t have any family and so when Gibeon pulls up with his ‘oh hey we’re related’ spiel Amethio jumps at the chance for any form of connection. It’s not clear how much Amethio knows regarding Gibeon (he didn’t even know why he wanted the pendant after all) but perhaps Gibeon uses his condition as a further way of manipulating Amethio: not only does Amethio work for explorers to get Gibeon’s approval but also to find whatever he needs to not die so he won’t lose his last chance at family?
I also believe this is supported by all the Amethio-Liko parallels the show has been building up. It’s likely that Amethio’s backstory could be a dark mirror of Liko’s where the Explorers are to him what RVT is to Liko. Although, Amethio’s situation takes the ‘found family’ part more literally and instead of experiencing happiness he gets moulded into a child soldier…. yaaaay…
So then why does Gibeon actually need Amethio? Aside from the obvious meta reason, it’s likely Gibeon speculated someone with his blood could function as a Lucius detector (the pendant only stopped being dormant after amethio came into close contact) and this is also one of the reasons Amethio gets booted off the mission as he’d already performed his purpose of confirming the pendant was related to Lucius. Perhaps there’s something about Amethio’s ancestry which doesn’t apply to Gibeon that’s important? Or maybe Gibeon just put an easily exploitable child to good use.
Either way, there really isn’t a happy explanation for Amethio’s circumstances. Poor guy :(
I’ll potentially be eating my own words in a few months when we learn more about Gibeon and Amethio’s relationship but hey it never hurts to theorise. Hopefully we learn more stuff soon and that Amethio doesn’t get locked into off screen jail for another 11 weeks 💀💀
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shovelbug · 11 months
can you do liko interacting with introvert gn reader, who has ability to understand pokemon language? Imagine how liko happen to saw reader sternly train their two pokemon like an experience trainer, before taking a break. Friede mention they're the mysterious member of the group, since they join them on the day before he got hired by liko's mother, hinting 1. Reader knew there might be mystery connection with liko's pendant, which is spot on. 2. Reader knew the name of every pokemon and their entrydex. 3. They seems immune to brainwash and life draining force. Other clues liko gets are shows that reader seems to be ordinary sensitive trainer with curious side
how interesting! I hope you like it, i tried my best to include everything you requested!
(Platonic!) Liko and Introvert!GN! Reader who can understand pokemon
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You've always been more of a quiet type, keeping mostly to yourself and your pokemon.
it's thanks to that nature that over time you accumulated knowledge of all sorts of pokemon, learning to understand them and their feelings.
spending so much time with your team allowed you to communicate with them in a way you hadn't before; you could understand them perfectly.
your slight precognition was also a result of that!
having sensed a big mystery on the cusp of unfolding, you found your way to the Brave Asagi with the help of your pokemon, and met the Rising Volt Tacklers.
Since that day, you were one of them. The call from a woman named Lucca and her request for the RVT to protect her daughter came not long after.
Much like Dot, you mainly stay in your room, only coming out to train your pokemon or help in a pinch.
Because of that, when she realizes you're out on the wing deck with your pokemon, she wants to take the chance to observe! She hasn't interacted with you much.
It doesn't take you too long to notice her though, and Liko worries she's been intrusive.
Instead, you greet her by saying "...Your Sprigatito says it loves you very much. You're a lucky trainer, to have such a pokemon as your partner."
Huh? HUH????
Liko isn't sure she heard you right. Did you just say Sprigatito spoke?
You explain to her your situation, and she's amazed!
"Wow... to understand your pokemon like that... I can't imagine. It must be really helpful."
Knowing her interest in understanding a pokemon's feelings, you offer your help when she needs it, which she hesitantly accepts!
You actually get along pretty well, seeing as both of you are more introverted.
Often quietly both doing your own thing in the other's presence.
Overall, Liko's just happy she got to know you a little better!
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imaginatorcreates · 2 months
Nimbasa Trio! Soul Resonance!
25 July 2024 — 30 July 2024
Summary: Lord Death calls upon the Nimbasa Trio to deliver a pep talk / demonstration to the students of DWMA. Along the way, Elesa (meister) reminiscences on how the three of them deviated from the standard path of fighting evil. Oh, and there's a Kishin egg somewhere in the mix, but the pep talk was more important.
Word Count: ~3.9k words
Author’s Note: Listen. Soul Eater gripped me back when I watched it years ago. It was only a matter of time before I started writing a Soul Eater inspired thing.
Important!: Please keep in mind that my knowledge on Pokemon is close to zero. I'm mostly here because of the Submas Twins. Most knowledge comes from Detective Pikachu (which I should rewatch), absorption of basic terms via mild osmosis (TY to my close friend of over a decade), Discord friends, and infodumps to my Tumblr inbox. Feel free to expand my knowledge though!
Also on AO3
(notes may differ between Tumblr and AO3)
Elesa was fully aware that she was an only child. She had always had all the attention of her parents, may that be separately or joint force. She had learned to share via her classmates, and her house had been devoid of other kids around her age unless playdates had been approved by everyone’s parents.
She had been praised to be pretty from a young age, having components of her parents that people have always said mashed well together. She had been praised about how strong and friendly her soul was, one that would easily resonate with others if she so chose to venture down the path of a meister.
She didn’t exactly care about any of that when she was younger. What she had cared about was how lonely she was.
So to no one’s surprise but her parents, when she was eight, she latched onto a pair of identical kids and declared them to be her friends. No playdate approval. No stiff conversations because “just because the parents were friends didn’t mean the kids were friends” either. These kids were her chosen friends.
Sure, there were struggles at first. The combination of Elesa’s enthusiasm alongside the twins’ own should’ve caused a large clashing of personality. In spite of that, the trio stayed together. The twins introduced themselves first as Ingo and Emmet, then as demon weapons who could turn into a pair of knives.
“Daggers sound cooler, so we say that we’re dagger twins!” Ingo had explained to Elesa. Emmet frantically nodded along, bouncing around the two as if on a pogo stick.
Despite being twins, the Ingo and Emmet were complete opposites. Ingo little to no volume control (the amount of times that Elesa swore that she would never need an alarm clock again if she lived with the twins was too numerous to remember), while Emmet moved around so often without so much of an utterance of his voice that Elesa had relied on how his footsteps sounded to know that he was around. Ingo frowned in red, then in black despite his joy. Emmet smiled in blue, then in white despite his discomfort.
But what the two were opposites in, Elesa also found that they also complimented each other. And with such compliments, she wriggled herself in between them and found the perfect piece of the puzzle that she’d been trying to solve for so long.
She shared Emmet’s boundless energy and Ingo’s chattermouth. She didn’t share their height at first — something that Emmet had tried to impulsively fight her on after she tried to physically drag him down — but as the trio grew out of single digit ages, she shot past them and stayed a comfortable two inches taller than them. She liked reminding them of it sometimes.
Something that the trio also shared was a well-controlled level of chaos. It wasn’t enough for any adults to raise concern over any of the trio developing a madness wavelength, but it was enough for said adults to shout at the children to be careful. What each person had to be careful about differed: the twins had to be careful about their demon weapon transformations and to not accidentally get stuck in weapon form, and Elesa had to be careful to not try wielding either twin.
Of course being children, no one listened. Perhaps that was why the trio was one of the best weapon-meister groups in their not-so-humble opinion. Of course, that had gone to their heads just a little bit when they had enrolled in the DWMA’s E.A.T. program, only to have encountered changes in their desires of future careers.
“I am Emmet. Hear me out.”
“You’re being listened to.”
“I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“Thank Death you said it first!” Elesa had exclaimed. She remembered that she had been lounging on the trio’s couch in their rented apartment, their AC unit chugging away the hot air of Nevada. “I’m not too interested in fighting evil on a daily basis either.”
“I considered this to be a back-up after our last mission,” Ingo had added. “We’re some of the best, I agree. But even this three-car train needs a change in maintenance to keep its engines running.”
“We caaan’t quit the program though,” Emmet had huffed. The corners of his mouth had downturned slightly, giving his signature smile a frog-like appearance. “That’ll be considered defeat. I looove winning more than anything.”
The twins had glanced at each other, and with just a few twitches of their eyes and shrugs of their shoulders Elesa had known they were doing twin-to-twin communication. A feeling of unease had started to build in her. Looking back, she probably should’ve spoken up sooner, or at least had broken the silent communication. “I — ”
“Not it!”
“You doofuses! Why do I have to talk to Lord Death about this?”
“Because yooou’re our meister!”
“We’re just following the rules we set up here. Last one who jumps out has to do it.”
Elesa had given both twins a frustrated huff before she had gripped onto both of their suspenders. “Then, as your meister, I demand that both of my weapons be there so you two can explain your future paths.”
Their complaints had stopped the second the trio had decided to race up the stars of the DWMA. It had given everyone enough time to formulate their words to Lord Death, and afterwards, to start formulating where to get jobs after they graduate.
If there was something that Elesa loved about where she currently lives, it had to be the transportation system. It was reliable and efficient. Best of all, her boys worked there, directing passengers and shouting out orders.
Now, she hardly calls them “her boys” in public or in front of the camera. Reporters and the paparazzi would eat those words up out of context and spit out atrocious stories that might sully her image. No, she only called them “her boys” when the three were off duty. She admits, that had been a while ago. However, between her boys being the bosses of the subway system (with select cars being perfect training grounds for weapon-meister pairs while traveling), and her own job of being a model and owner of a Death-approved weapon-meister training facility, things were busy.
So of course, it was only during some of their time off — movie night at Elesa’s apartment — did Lord Death call the trio over to the DWMA for a demonstration.
“Because you three are some of the best and worst students I’ve ever had!” Death explained over the phone. Seemingly ignoring the shouts of indignation, he only started to ramble on about various stories that he remembered about the trio in their schooling days. The narratives varied between laughable to embarrassing, and it was only until the trio shouted at Death loud enough to cause neighbors to start knocking on the door did Death return to the main topic at hand.
“I’d like the three of you to visit the DWMA for a pep talk for our current batch of students. Demonstration. Pep demonstration.”
Elesa could already see the comical way that Death was posing as he said this, and it only made her blood pressure rise.
“Pardon the interruption, but why us?” Ingo asked.
“Because you three nearly dropped out of the E.A.T. program!” Ignoring the shouts from the trio, Death continued. “I admit, I was surprised! But I’m not one to fail students without good reason. You three gave me a good reason to not fail you. Running a training facility and train in your home city? You three must send me souvenirs when you visit! Travel and lodging expenses have already been paid for, so I’ll see you soon!”
The phone call ended with a click.
That started up a racket. Only after pacing, muttering, yelling at each other, and downing some pizza did the trio admit defeat. There wasn’t really a way they could wriggle out of this.
“Whoever doesn’t pack their bags two days before departure day has to pay for souvenirs for Death.”
“Bet. Not losing.”
Elesa gets nervous plenty of times. Before a photoshoot, when schedules change, when she spots reporters and paparazzi on her commute. But she had tactics. She would stand in front of a mirror, feet shoulder width apart and hands on her hips. She would breathe in and out and would hold the pose until she felt like she could walk into a room and ace the challenge.
“Ingo, Emmet. The purpose of this is to feel powerful,” she said as the three powerposed in the hallway just outside the gymnasium. “You’re supposed to stand still and be silent. Clear your mind of thoughts.”
Emmet’s smile on his face was tense as he bounced between one foot and the other. “I am Emmet, and I need to move to relax.”
“This engine needs ample time to warm up before running, and this is the sound of it warming up,” Ingo said before continuing to mutter under his breath, his frown deeper set on his face.
“You two literally run a battle subway! You interact with hundreds of people daily, and what makes you nervous is standing in front of a bunch of kids?”
“Kids are verrry wild!”
“These kids are also looking up to us as their alumni. To set the expectations so high only to fail to meet them…it would be a blow to the school and ourselves!”
Elesa glanced between the two of them. Just watching the two trying to dispel their nervous energy caused some of her residual nerves to try to build up again. However, she shook out her hands and stomped her foot on the ground. “We are the Nimbasa Trio! We carry the pride and joy of our district far beyond New York city! We’re the best of the best out there, and we’re the best of the best here!”
She struck a pose, one manicured hand pointed up and the other one pointed down. Her puffy yellow jacket made her upper body look like an appealing plate of fluffy scrambled eggs, and she shook out her black hair so they fell at just the right angle around her red and blue headphones. Her electric blue eyes shone with determination and pride. “We’re the Nimbasa trio!”
Emmet was the first to join in on her posing. He dropped into a squat and raised one of his arms up while pointing the other one forwards. He stuck one foot out and his smile grew. “I am Emmet, and we’re the Nimbasa trio!”
Ingo joined in, raising one of his arms and keeping the other pointed downwards. To Elesa’s joy, he allowed himself to slightly cock out one of his hips as the corners of his frown turned upwards, resulting in a cat-like expression. “We’re the Nimbasa Trio! All aboard!”
“All aboard!” echoed Emmet.
“Our team will be the next one to make your heads spin!” Elesa announced. Build up that confidence, and natural charisma will follow!
“Well, I guess there’s no need to announce who you are, seeing how we can all hear you loud and clear,” Death suddenly said as he popped up behind the trio. “Stop screaming, I was here all along!” He gave an annoyingly cutesy peace sign that did nothing to calm Elesa’s racing heart from the scare. “I already told everyone no recordings of any sort are allowed unless they want to fail their next exam. Or get fired.” He quickly started to push the trio towards the door of the gymnasium as he said, “Now go along and I’ll be enjoying those wonderful souvenirs you three definitely got for your dear ol’ headmaster!”
Just when Emmet was about to swipe at Death with both hands, Death disappeared. “I am Emmet! Stop doing that!”
“He can be perfectly on schedule and we can still miss him. How does he do it?” Ingo mused. He stroked his chin and gave a huff of irritation. “I wonder how his current batch of passengers manage to keep up with his erratic changes.”
Elesa loved her boys. She really did. But there was a certain point of patience she had when there was something that required her utmost charisma, and unfortunately, being around her boys lowered her charm and replaced it with the strong urge to be goofy. While she would rather be goofing off with the twins instead of being presentable in front of the current batch of students at the DWMA, she couldn’t exactly disobey the orders of the headmaster that allowed the trio to pursue their current paths in life.
She cleared her throat and tapped on her wrist. “Let’s stay on schedule.”
The second the trio presented themselves to the crowd of eclectic students, any and all nerves melted away. To the sides were the E.A.T. students and in the middle were the N.O.T. students. Elesa could see confident and bored expressions on the E.A.T. students, with some blatantly paying more attention to the unheard conversation they were having amongst themselves. Contrast that with the eager and nervous faces of the N.O.T. students and one could easily tell whom this talk was supposed to be towards.
The trio easily captured the attention of everyone with a loud yell of “All Aboard!” and a pose. The twins flanked Elesa with a large swoosh of their capes while pointing towards the audience. Elesa took one knee to the ground and threw her arms out in one of her signature poses. People have often said how it accentuated her limbs or something, but that was mostly modeling business. She did that pose because it made her feel powerful. It started in her chest and bloomed outwards until it spread through her entire body.
“Good morning DWMA!” Ingo announced. Even without the microphone provided, his voice easily echoed through the walls of the gymnasium. Several students perked up and actually paid attention. “It’s a bright day in Death City, Nevada. Before we get started, we have to set a few safety rules down.”
“Stay in your seats!” Emmet piped up. It took a bit more effort for his voice to carry through the room, to which he resorted to using the microphone. “It keeps things verrry orderly for us!”
“I’m sure that Lord Death had told you already, but no recordings of this talk are to be taken or shared with anyone.” Elesa rose from her position and flipped her hair. Gone was her smile; instead, a serious and stoic gaze was plastered on her face. “We may have our faces plastered on the internet due to our jobs, but that doesn’t mean that we consent to such today.”
“I’m sure many of you are amateurs anyways.”
Ingo gasped. “Emmet!”
Introductions were supposed to be brief. Of course, when one had a reputation, questions were sure to follow once people had confirmation that the face and name matched. There had been plenty of unrelated questions towards how much money the trio made (“Strictly confidential!”), modeling careers (“It’s a matter of connections, genetic lottery, and not something you easily study for in school”), how the train managed to stay running despite battles on it (“Not telling!”), and plenty more inquiries that more or less had repeated answers.
After clawing their way out of the ocean of questions, the trio managed to start sharing the information that Death actually wanted them to share: the idea of changing careers when it didn’t match one’s enrolled class.
As the trio shared their story, Elsa’s eyes moved over the mass of students out there, hoping that their anecdotes helped soothe some of the minds of the students. She remembered the day that the stray thought of ‘Is this what you really want to do for the rest of your life?’ crossed her mind. It ate at her every waking hour and followed her to bed. It had festered as she spared with her classmates and grew until it had burst from her mouth in a declaration that had been swept underneath the rug of exam season: “I need a break.”
Sure, the talk with Lord Death at the time had been nerve-wracking. It was expected that all E.A.T. students were to continue on that path and not stray. It had taken some persuasion, along with laying out some half-formed but passionate plans, but the trio had been able to graduate their E.A.T. program and march off to a different path.
They had to send Death official reports of their businesses every couple of months, as well as take care of any Kishin eggs that happened to spawn in New York, but it was better than being frontline soldiers and risking their lives daily.
Yeah. Elesa was happy with her decision.
So of course, it was only near the end of the talk did things go sideways.
A window high above the gymnasium shattered inwards, glass raining down on a large group of students. The staff at the edges of the crowd of students braced for the high possibility of attack and for defending the students, a few of the demon weapons already transforming in preparation for combat. Orders that were barked out told the E.A.T. students present to not engage and to focus on protecting the N.O.T. students. Already there were a few shouts of protest, but when the intruder revealed themself to be a meister-weapon pair, the students’ attentions moved back towards defending their classmates.
“Kishin?” Elesa curtly asked the twins.
“Verrry possible,” Emmet said.
“This may not be our district anymore, but we are its alumni.” Ingo threw a glance towards his younger twin, then towards Elesa. “And these passengers are quickly approaching a yellow line that’s moving towards them.”
“Then let’s go!” Elesa thrust her hands out to her sides and started running towards the rogue Kishin pair. A pair of flashes poked at her peripheral vision before two familiar knives settled into her hands. She didn’t even have to peek to know which colors were in each hand; at this point, it didn’t matter which hand wielded which twin. Elesa sent out her soul’s wavelengths towards the two demon weapons in her hands and felt them respond. Perfect, the basics of soul resonance were achieved. She dug deep into her soul and prepared to boost her boys’ abilities.
Elesa leapt towards the Kishin and twisted her body to one side to barely avoid a morning star being swung into her side. The sharp spikes on the end of the round metal ball nicked her yellow puffer coat though, tearing into the waterproof material. She hissed, not out of pain, but frustration. “Hey!” she exclaimed. “This is quality material! You’re not allowed to tear it!”
She threw one of the knives towards the Kishin. The silvery-gray blade glinted in the fluorescent lights and she could briefly see a wide grin reflected in the metal. The Kishin pair leapt up and towards Elesa, missing the knife completely.
However, Elesa had foresaw this possibility. How many times had she sparred with her classmates and experienced this? She threw her other knife into the air — it was identical save for the black handle — and shouted, “Rebounding tracks!”
The white knife switched directions and flew towards the black knife. It managed to slice into the Kishin pair and send a brief electric shock through the pair. Elesa amplified the electricity before she leapt up to catch the white knife and throw the black knife. The knife enveloped itself in hot purple flames and embedded itself into the abdomen of the kenshin’s meister. The electric shock from Emmet’s electric soul would’ve temporarily disabled any soul resonance between the meister and weapon, as well as caused the meister’s muscles to cramp.
With a simple amplification and a blink, the meister’s body was aflame. Uninhibited, Ingo’s fire soul would’ve burned everything to ashes, body and soul. However, Elesa was sure that Lord Death would want to get a look at this intruder and provide proper punishment, so she raised her free hand and the black knife flew back into it.
The most important part right now was to get the meister and weapon separated.
She ignored the painful screams of the meister and discarded her puffer coat. With that, she wriggled in between the kenshin pair and pressed her knives where they’d work best: Emmet against the weapon and Ingo against the meister. She sent out her own soul wavelength towards the two and muttered, “We’re the Nimbasa Trio.”
Energetic sparks and warm flames enveloped her own soul as each knife sent out their specialties. Only this time, amongst the purple flames that burned at the meister’s body were small sparks of electricity. Amongst the yellow lines of electricity that worked to dismantle the weapon’s current form were small licks of fire.
And right in between them, was a soul that glowed as it sent out pulses of energy towards the two. Elesa’s arms slowly started to move further apart as the meister’s grip on their weapon started to slacken. With a final burst of energy, her arms fully extended and broke apart the kenshin pair. She could hear the twin’s voices echo in her head as she gave herself a moment to breathe.
Bravo Elesa and Emmet! What a well polished-engine we still are!
Verrry much so!
“Weapon first?”
Of course!
Just as she took a few steps towards the weapon, who had shifted to their human form now, Death suddenly manifested and gathered up the discarded kenshin pair. “Magnificent work as always! I had every bit of faith in you three, but for the moment you three needed help, that’s when our regular staff would’ve jumped in. I didn’t think that we’d need too much of their help though, so I hoped they took notes on your work!” He waggled a finger at the trio and added, “Glad to see the proof of your words up close! You three really haven’t gotten rusty.”
Elesa. Lemme at him.
Emmet! No! We’re not going to attack our headmaster!
I am Emmet, and he keeps doing this! Aaalways tricking students!
I too detest his tricks, but we’re not going to have to make others make safety checks right now.
Elesa ignored the twins bickering in the shared headspace and instead gripped their handles tighter. “Death,” she hissed, “you cheater of a god. You owe me a new yellow puffer!”
“Ah, touché.”
Elesa tossed both knives behind her before feeling arms hook into her own. She didn’t have to look to her sides to see who the familiar knife-shaped sideburns belonged to, nor did she hesitate when the three of them walked out without a second glance back.
Yeah, they may have graduated from the E.A.T. program at DWMA, but their skills learned there didn’t define their paths. So as soon as Elesa got a new yellow puffer and the trio were checked over for any injuries, Ingo asked, “How about a movie?”
“The claaasic!”
Elesa laughed. “You goofy boys.”
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starabsol · 3 months
contestshipping dutch dub rambling
i am a very proud dutch person (not really). and since pokemon doesn't only exist in english, it means it exists in dutch, too. i've watched the entirety of the pokemon series in the dutch dub (aside from journeys, could not bother to watch it) and i have gotten terribly attached to it.
seeing i am a huge contestshipping fanatic, let me spoil you with some funny rambling, facts and that stuff from the dutch dub (from my knowledge). pokemon tv has officially been dropped since march, so i cant really rewatch anything.
(poor) translations in the dub:
in ''pros and con artists'' the english dub drew says it's sweet that may remembers her, but in the dutch dub he quite literally says ''how cute/adorable that you remember my name!'' though it is way much more fun poking. though i am gonna pretend it is differently.
instead of pronouncing drew correctly, several characters tend to say ''droo'' instead of ''drew''. this is because dutch people can't properly pronounce SHIT.
in ''come what may!'' when may asks drew if the given rose is for beautifly, instead of saying ''something like that'', he says ''lets leave it at that''
in ''deceit and assist'' the translations are once again terrible, as in the scene where harley brainwashes may into thinking only using assist would be wise, drew says ''showing one movement'' in dutch instead of ''showing one move'' (as in moves that pokemon learn) in this episode brock also calls beautifly “butterfly”
in ''win, lose, or drew'' instead of may saying ''what a creep.. and you dress weird!'' may is straight to the point and says ''what a mistake (as in he's one).. AND YOU LOOK TERRIBLE!!!!'' harley instead of just saying ''you fell for it hookline and sinker'', he quite literally says, translated literally, ''and you fell for it with wide open eyes, dumb/ugly thing!''
in spontaneous combusken, when may asks drew how many ribbons he has, instead of saying ''what counts,'' he quite literally says ''no idea''.
also in spontaneous combusken, when may assumes drew had sent the letter, drew in the english dub responds ''except that's not mine'' but in the dutch dub he just goes ''that's fun anf all, but it's not mine''
when may and solidad talk about drew, and that they talk about other people's performances, solidad states (in the dutch dub) that when ''they talked about 'negative/foolish' performances, he started talking about her'' ouch.
fun voice actor facts:
harley's dutch voice actor (tony neef) is actually gay.
harley's dutch voice actor also plays professor oak and the pokedex for a short while during the AG series.
harley's dutch voice actor is also an (musical) actor, singer AND songwriter
may's dutch voice actor, nicoline van doorn, is also a singer, but also a sing teacher, apparently.
may's dutch voice actor also plays some beloved characters such as korina in pokemon, amy in sonic boom, and princess cadence in my little pony!!
drew's first and original voice actor, sander van der poel, also voiced goh in the pokemon journey series. I know I said I didn't watch it, but that doesn't mean I've seen NOTHING. he also voiced ira in the precure doki doki dutch dub... he was replaced though after two episodes. dont know why.
drew's second dutch voice actor (who was replaced in advanced challenge), huub dikstaal, is a voice actor, dialogue director and also a translator.
drew's dutch voice actor, huub dikstaal, has also played characters like woody in toystory, aaron (elite 4 from dp), molayne, master gi beon (horizons) and so many background characters i could hear him scream in the dutch dub of precure doki doki.
not so much of a fact, more of a flex, but i actually indirectly know drew's dutch va, huub dikstaal XD one of my supervisors at school (i am kind of incapable of going to school normally at the moment) told me her husband works with voice actors n such. and when I asked her if he'd worked with drew's va before, she immediately was like ''i think, yeah!'' n confirmed it later. so he's a friend of a friend of a friend to me, basically!
i know absolutely nothing about solidad's dutch voice actor beside the fact she played, well, solidad, and hunter J(ay) from dp i have NO CLUE how to spell her name. and a background character in mlp, too. the only other funny thing i'm able to tell is that she voice overed a dutch furniture ad.. or something..
some unnecessary doodles + headcanons.. n.. whatever...
down here some silly doodles of my favorite harley's dutch voice actor quotes/answers he'd given through a stressing interview while he's pacing around the place.
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in case you cant read it in the images:
''who can't you be without?'' ''my husband''
''the club or tinder?'' ''what or tinder? oh, i'd say the club''
''wait guys im going the wrong way we need to go the other way''
''what would you do if you were a girl for one day?'' ''well, i'd dress myself up to look amazing. and flirt with men... wait what was the question?''
''sing the first thing that comes up'' ''in the canaaaals of amsterdam....~♪♪♪ what are these questions? this sucks!''
''your best date?'' ''he was soooo sweet.... i dont remember his name, though. dont think he ever mentioned.''
''should we leave?'' ''yeah, big fat buh-bye!''
*the interviewer tries to leave but sir starts chasing you with a fire lighter canon thing*
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whatever.. this is. i am may and drew’s basically every single 10-18 dutch year old guy teenager.
thank you for listening to this dumbass rambling! sorry i have no funny doodles of drew may and solidad their dutch voice actors didn’t have much videos of them online 💔
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kafus · 5 months
i’ve been showing my mom pokemon horizons (we just finished episode 8, will be watching 9 whenever we do another session) and like for context my mom is over 60 years old and not a pokemon fan (though she does have scattered pokemon knowledge because of osmosis from me and living thru pokemania in the 90s with my older brother before i was born)
it’s been interesting seeing how she reacts as someone at that age. like uh
- this is further proving to me how important the adult characters are in horizons. my mom isn’t super articulate with her feelings on media but she had a lot of visible/audible reactions to moments between friede and roy the past few episodes - like personally as a 24 year old i get a lot out of the adult characters but i think my mom does too because she relates to/enjoys the parenting dynamic, which is helping her enjoy it more overall
- in speaking of friede, them putting in a gen 1 charizard pikachu man was actually a very good decision because my mom has remarked on how cool charizard is and gets a kick out of cap’s smug energy. they’re very recognizable to her and she likes them LOL
- it’s really funny how much the anime art style can still confuse her though, despite being exposed to it heavily since i got into anime in the 4th grade in the mid/late 2000s. sometimes she mistakes a certain expression/emotion for another, like asking why liko was mad in one scene when she was actually Determined. she has asked me why anne only has one fang and why it keeps switching sides, and she asked if landau was even a human being and not a pokemon because she was so confused by his facial hair’s stylization and his wacky clothes (he actually freaks her out a bit. the only character she doesn’t like LOL it’s hitting some sort of uncanny valley for her)
- this is more applicable to my mom because of her exposure to pokemon and not the average older person, but it’s funny seeing her deal with the new anime structure with what little she previously knows. she’s asked things like “doesn’t he have more pokemon?” @ amethio continuously sending out ceruledge and “don’t they have other moves?” @ liko and roy spamming leafage and ember at each other. horizons tends to give everyone just one or two partner pokemon and catching and training up pokemon has been comparatively slow, which is actually something i enjoy, but my mom is a bit confused by it LOL
- on the note of my mom’s pokemon knowledge, i just found this really endearing: in HZ006 when rayquaza is first released, for one she excitedly asked if the pokemon was coming out of the ball, and then when she saw it she asked if it was gyarados. i said no that’s rayquaza. and she was like huh why did i think of gyarados. and i said well they’re both flying noodles. later she said she was surprised she knew that association/was proud of herself for it and i thought that was cool too LMAO
- she has no strong opinions on dot yet, we aren’t far enough, but i made sure to point at the screen really emphatically when she showed up and say THAT’S MY FAVORITE CHARACTER!! so she knows. she Knows i’ve been showing her all my likodot art anyway SORRY MOM
anyway those were just some of my thoughts watching it with her has been really enjoyable :)
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microwave-core · 1 year
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Lusamine x Fem! Reader
A long work day is enough to wear down even the most dedicated workaholics. Despite your tired state, the knowledge that your family was eagerly awaiting your return helps keep your fatigue at bay.
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Your feet drag across the pristine marble of the courtyard. Shoulders slumped, attire wrinkled, and hair disturbed from the fly back home, you slowly walk towards your abode, knowing that your family were close by. 
Trailing close behind you, with far more energy than you could ever wish to have, is your dear Petilil, who hums happily, knowing dinner time was fast approaching. You envy her energy, even if it was food motivated. Her hobbled steps only increase in speed as yours slow, allowing her to easily beat you to the door, hopping up and down in sheer excitement. Life truly was simple for her, wasn’t it?
You open the door with a clumsy hand, nudging the rest of the way open with your shoulder. Petilli rushes inside as you stop to pull off your shoes, listening to the chatter from a few rooms over. Petilil’s figure in the nearby doorway quickly disappears, only to be replaced by an overjoyed Silvally, bounding up to you before you can free your hands from your heels.
You’re left defenseless as he licks up one side of your face, a gesture that was in equal parts loving and disgusting. With shoes pulled off and thrown to the side, your hands turn to the overgrown man-made dog, gently petting the sides of his head, preventing him from licking again. He barks in response, clearly content with your presence and affection, but your attention is elsewhere.
“Mom!” Lillie comes rushing through the door, as fast as the two pokemon before her, and throws her arms around you. She’s rocking back and forth on her heels, smiling brightly, eyes brimming with excitement. You're about to greet her in return, moving one of your arms around her back and shoulder, but she cuts you off.
“You won’t believe where we went today! We went to Heahea City!” Her words come out quickly, clearly looking forward to unraveling the tale that took place earlier in the day.
“All the way out to Akala, huh? I’m sure you got to see all kinds of pokemon out there, didn’t you?” “Mmhmm! Mom let us go to the nearby beach, and we got to chuck all of the Pyukumuku that washed up on the shore.”
“You didn’t even touch any of them, Lillie.” Gladion appears in the door this time. His tone seems slightly annoyed, which his expression reflects. Still, you knew that he was just as excited to talk about their day as Lillie, he just didn’t like to show it. He’s a teenage boy, after all.
“That’s not my fault. They were all slimy!” Lillie uncoils her arms from you, grimacing at the mere memory of the water type’s feel. “Besides, I had to watch Vulpix so she didn’t swim too far away from the shore.” Gladion scoffs at her reasoning, about to fire back before you step in. You loved them both dearly, but a petty sibling squabble wasn’t something you had the energy to deal with right now.
“So you chucked them back into the water all by yourself then, Gladoin? I’m sure that was real fun, and I’m sure the Pyukumuku appreciated it, too.” 
“Are you kidding? It was the best!” This causes him to smile, patiamiming his throwing stance. “They just let you pick ‘em up and do whatever. Silvally tried to chase after them, even caught one midair before it hit the water. I wish we could have stayed longer.”
“We couldn’t stay, we had to go to-” Lillie is caught off by Lusamine calling after them both, finally appearing from the dining room. She looks at them kindly, but there’s a hint of exasperation behind her gaze.
“There you are. I know you’re both excited to tell mom all about what happened today, but you should let her get further than the front door before jumping on her.” She looks both of them in the eyes before meeting yours, flashing a closed-eye smile. “Welcome home, dear. As you can see, we missed you dearly.” She walks over, maneuvering around your daughter and Silvally to press a kiss to your check, causing Lillie and Gladion to wretch and groan. Parents showing affection was truly the most repulsive sight they’ve ever been subjected to.
“You two go run back to the table and finish dinner, alright? We’ll be there soon.” Gladion mutters something under his breath, walking away in fear of witnessing the creation of more cooties, Lillie (and Silvally) following shortly behind.
You breathe out a sigh, shedding your coat before fully leaning into Lusamine’s touch, head against her chest. She laughs, running a comforting hand up and down the length of your back, coaxing another, more content sigh from your lips.
“Seems like you had a long day, hmm?” “Far too long. What I would have given to join you all on Akala... I would much rather chuck sea cucumbers into the ocean for eight hours straight instead of… well, you know.” You peel away from her loving embrace, fighting your pleaing mind’s desire to stay.
“And you know we would have all loved that, too, even if some of us won’t say it outloud.” You snort at her comment, knowing how she loathes grappling with Gladion’s ‘I’m too cool to be hanging around my parents’ attitude. 
“What brought you out there, anyways? Just decided to take a day trip to get away from work for a bit?” Arceus knows that’s what you would have done if you had the chance.
“Actually, I went to speak to Professor Burnet at her lab. They’ve made quite a few discoveries over there, and I just couldn’t help but talk with her about them in person.” There’s a glimmer in her eyes as she speaks, obviously enthralled with whatever complex discussion they had. From the look alone, you know you wouldn’t understand a lick of it.
“So it was work after all? Well, at least you got to relax on the beach for a bit, or at least watch after Lillie and Gladion clean it up.” A yawn breaches from your lips, stretching as you finally begin to move into the kitchen. It was high time you got some dinner in you, and it was only a matter of time before Petilil came to harass you for hers.
“Who’s to say I didn’t pitch in? Even if they can live on the sand, it’s much better for them if they stay in the shallow water, and it protects them from being tripped over, as well.” Despite her elegant appearance, your wife’s physical strength was nothing to scoff at.
The image of her throwing them alongside Gladion, along with your desire for food, makes you forget all about Lillie being cut off from before. Of course, it wouldn’t remain a secret for long, as Lillie and Gladion will likely blab about their short trip to Konikoni before you even sit down.
But if Lusamine’s lucky, she might be able to present the darling necklace she spent the afternoon picking out for you in complete surprise.
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tumblingxelian · 9 months
Wenclair - Fake Courting, Politics and Assassins Oh My!
This is just an outline of early chapters, I have not written anything yet, but needed to get this idea out of my head.
So to anyone interested in a story that seemingly starts as a standard fake dating post Season 1 story. Only reveal that is actually gonna get a helluva lot more complicated nd dangerous, here we go:
Post Crackstone but pre parents arrival, Wednesday is dreading an orb call with her parents cos of her injuries and the knowledge they will be smothering her soon. (Part of her is not bothered but she has her pride) So to distract herself and partially out of concern she asks why Enid seems stressed.
Cue the expected revelation that now Enid has not only transformed but shown she can do so without the full moon. (Something usually reserved for adult Werewolves) she expects her mother will try and force her into a relationship and is dreading the prospect of her Summer because of it.
So, Wednesday floats the idea of playing the role of Enid's paramour and potential mate cos of a myriad of reasons: Cares about Enid, is possessive, avoiding parents, low key paranoid about lots of things, thinks making Enid's mother miserable by being the worst daughter in law ever is funny ETC.
Enid is grateful but oddly concerned, both about Wednesday's injuries & touch aversion but also starts floating the idea that this might cause the Addams trouble with Wednesday's suitors.
A concern Wednesday dismisses as she has none and further dismisses when Enid wonders if she's really up for this challenge and if her family would be OK with her doing this, even if only for a while.
Cue a quickly call where Wednesday dances around the romance part a bit, but they seem fine with it. Promising to instead spend time hunting down and destroying every remnant of Crackstone.
So they are off.
Chapter 1:
Turns out most of the Lycan students are part of the West Coast Wolf Alliance which is nominally headed by the San Francisco Pack. (The SInclairs are basically the equivalent of peasants in this context) So there's a lot of Lycan, who know have no idea how to handle Enid, least of all her brothers, who are also low key awed and scared of Wednesday.
The eldest who picks them up is seemingly more chill but also seems a bit odd and is the one to reveal there will likely be celebrations when they return. Why?
Well because Wednesday, plus Enid and Bianca saved the entire student body, earning them a lot of respect in the Outcast community, they are now big deals.
Wednesday: Politics, how droll. Enid (Alarm bell starts ringing)
The airport has some more common stuff, Enid giving Wednesday some noise cancelling headphones. Revealing the coded system of jumper tugs to ask for and receive or deny different types of affection. (& Wednesday's own tap of "If you don't get me out of here I am going to start stabbing people." code)
Sleeping on the plane, plus microaggressions from the humans.
Chapter 2:
Finally arriving, lots of Lycan are picking up their kids including Esther who looks a lil different.
& rather than being put off by Wednesday being rude is more like, "I am glad my daughter found a mate with fangs, come, you two will ride with me."
Enid (The Alarm bells are getting louder)
We get some history on the migration of Outcasts to the "New World", alliances with fellow Outcasts and even indigenous rebel groups & grudging treaties with human governments.
Also revealed as they arrive at the mountain regions signed over in part to the Lycan Alliance, is that many of them adopt partially or even fully transformed states. Esther included.
Enid revealing they only present as fully human outside their territories cos even slightly too big fangs or nails can warrant arrest or assault or death by police.
Due to her injuries, Wednesday still needs sleep and gets a space in the Sinclair compound, specifically Enid's room with Esther none too subtly encouraging them to share a bed before inviting Enid to show off her new form and hunt.
Wednesday sticks around long enough to see Enid is larger than all but the biggest adult Werewolves and is pleased before heading to sleep.
Chapter 3:
This one is a bit more vague, but Wednesday wakes up, is generally treated well, low key given access to certain magical lore and tools by an elder sage and promised more as Enid's mate.
Enid (Alarm bells are now screaming in her head as she walks in on this.)
There's talk of the Pack Elders holding a celebration to honor the pair, some more politics and whisperings about Blood Moon and training ETC. But Enid seems subtly desperate to get Wednesday away from everyone.
Again Esther is fine with it, encouraging it even, which gives Enid the time to get Wednesday far from her family (& the Dire Wolves they & others raise and sell as guard dogs) to have a 'tour' together while most recover from the night before or prep for the celebration.
This is where the more traditional "Fake dating" wheels come off.
Enid basically ends up asking Wednesday how much she knows about Lycan politics and then Outcasts politics in general.
Wednesday: I don't make a habit of repeating myself. Enid, I find politics droll. Enid (The alarm is now broken)
Cos yeah, turns out that while the Outcast communities are very united, (Motivated by mutual defense pacts against humans) they are held together by factional and familial alliances, traded favors and marriages too.
The Addams are no exceptions, Gomez was obliged to marry Morticia's sister but fell for her and cos the families were chill the engagement shuffled.
Now, Morticia and Gomez were never going to force her to marry someone, but there's lots of steps and deals and concessions made to ensure arrangements are broke respectfully, which Wednesday has very much not done.
Wednesday isn't stupid, its just that she does not study subjects she finds dull. So she's a master fencer, botanist, chemist, ETC, but she has no idea who the fuck the President is or who her family is aligned with. Morticia and Gomez planned to tell her when she was more open to accepting their advice so things could be handled smoothly. This, was not smooth.
What Wednesday has done is basically flip off every prospective suitor, turn her back on every familial alliance and has thus also blatantly advertised herself as being super invested in the San Francisco Pack.
A Pack who really wants the heroes of Nevermore with them and also a Seer on their side, as it would elevate their status, give them powerful members and more.
Not everyone is mercenary about it but it is an undercurrent to why they are so OK with Wednesday's attitude, she's way too valuable to chase off due to rudeness.
Also some Lycan who were going to get big positions now fear their position and want to knock Enid down a peg so she'd have to be their guards, rather than a political figure in her own right.
So yeah, Wednesday accidentally stuck her foot in a massive political cluster fuck and trying to extricate herself too quickly will only make it worse.
Enid assumed Wednesday knew all this stuff though did allude to it earlier. So yeah, things just got a lot more complicated, especially as they are in a spotlight post Nevermore as well.
Made worse by many "Monster Hunters" wanting to take action and avenge the Crackstones/finish the job. Especially by targeting the Seer who felled him and to cull the Blood Moon Werewolf before she grows too powerful.
Sooo yeah, that's the premise but also as far as I have gotten with the outline XD
For anyone confused on Esther, she is very much in favor of Wenclair for her own political ambitions (Once ruined by her youthful indiscretions) Meanwhile Wednesday and Enid are navigating a political minefield and also falling in love, with assassins on their tails.
Thanks for reading!
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egittae · 20 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Dewa/Dewba
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday (no year): October 2nd, same as Rua!
Where are you from? What is your time zone? France, CEST
How long is your roleplay experience? I always say 10+ because I sincerely have no idea anymore just A Long Time
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? My Little Pony OC roleplay with my DeviantArt friends in Join.me art streams
How were you introduced to TOA? An ex-member kept talking about it to me until one day I decided to give it a go!
Do you have any pets? Two cockatiels!
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Winter...I love winter. I love snow.
What is your IRL occupation? I'm a design + marketing master student with focus on the luxury industry! I'm also a freelance artist.
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Sports, building scale models, drawing
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Pokemon, Metal Gear, Megaman
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Flying type. I love Cutiefly.
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! (Optional bonus challenge: if you filled this out last year, try not to repeat what you said back then!) My work was personally acknowledged by Hideo Kojima, and I was an advanced-level figure skater for 6 years doing public skating shows.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Marth and Ike in Super Smash Bros Brawl was my first exposition to FE 😔 THO what got me into FE was 3H
What Fire Emblem games have you played? :) FE Warriors: Three Hopes and FEH EZGNFXGN
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: Just 3H for all options
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Dimitri, Constance, Dedue, Idunn, Lambert
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Ingrid, actually! She was the first character in 3H who actually caught my eye, both because I find her design very pretty and because I liked the serious knight girl + pegasus rider combo.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Mycen. I won't elaborate.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? Three Houses Hopes: Ingrid
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Pegasus Knight!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? After a bizarre chat with some friends I realized that my full IRL name's meaning literally translates to "cavalier messenger angel of the fortress" so I guess I'm your good ol' Pegasus Knight recruit who's a light magic user
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) What I want? Blue Lions. Realistically? Church of Seiros, considering my track record with being under religious learning institutions.
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boon: Flying, Authority Budding talent: Faith Banes: Gauntlets, Heavy Armor
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) What I want? Brodia. Realistically? I am brazilian. So I would be the brazilian equivalent of Elyos, aka Solm. Come to Solm.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) Toe
Current TOA muses: Lambert and Sylvain!
Past TOA muses? Dimitri, Seteth, Hapi, Idunn, M!Byleth, Percy
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Dimitri! Honestly, right now nope! Not only he'd clash with the fact I'm already playing Lambert, but he's also receiving much well deserved love from another mun right now. I'm happy like this!
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) Anything that's from Fódlan, good people who have gone through hell and haven't even begun their road to recovery, lil weirdos.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Smart characters. Because I'm not smart. Also characters who are canonly very verbose and have very flowery language, I don't have the vocabulary to make it seem natural.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I have no idea honestly....whatever brings joy at the moment.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? Lambert in his full kingly glory (softsmile), Sylvain showcasing his true, raw self to someone.
Favorite TOA-related memories? Byleth losing HP while fighting a fish with Arden's Frederick in order to impress fishermen, breaking his hand on a table, and then getting kicked in the nuts. All in the same event.
Present or past tense? I don't really keep track of this at all actually oops- past I suppose?
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I default to normal size.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 Mila. And every time I open 3Hopes I get Annette flashbangs. But mostly Mila.
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zponds · 6 months
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(Credit goes to JWBtheUncanny on Deviantart)
Pokemon QOTCS: Friends of Ash PreCure Forms 2
As Requested by my Good friend MLPFan053, for the Pokémon Quest for the Crystal Skulls Event, We figured Ash shouldn't be the only one to have a Statues as a PreCure, Why not have his Buddies Join on the Action,
Clemont AKA Cure Inventor In this form, Clemont has more knowledge in Technology mixed with the Power of the PreCure's, Even more Advanced then Doctor Traum's Inventions, Even to the point of Creating Robots that Resemble Humans and Animals (Hopfully not going the same way Horizon Zero Dawn did) This is all due to the Blue-Prints inside Clemont's mind, As a PreCure he has the Ability to Take control of Any Machine that can use to his Advantage, He is skilled in Combat with some tricks in his Sleeves, Or in his case, His Bag, He does become the Partner to Tails (For his Costume..... I pretty much took inspiration from the Costume Designs of the Movie TRON: Legacy)
Bonnie AKA Cure Static In this form, Bonnie has the Ability to Control and manipulate Static Electricity, Which can be on the came level as an Electric Type Pokémon, But even she know her Limits as she would be mentored by Cure Peace later on. She can be bit of a Battery for some of Clemont's Attacks.
Serena AKA Cure Guardian In this form Serena isn't just a Protector for her Friends and Ash Ketchum, But she is a powerful PreCure Paladin, Who can use the Holy Light of the Plasma Spark to Heal those in need, But can use it on the Defensive, And her skills in Swords play with her Blade of Holy-Light are on par with Cure Master's Skills in Combat. (Your probably wondering how I was able to come up with her costume...… Well Truth be told I took a massive Gamble and Based aspects of it from this vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/sw…..... And I'm fairly sure many of you know what Series if from, What can I say, I need fresh material and.... gotta Admit, It's a really cool looking Armour set)
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cyberkiss2uu · 9 months
good morning pokemon community umm. gymsona w other gym leaders i think match their vibe ^_^ do nottt ask me what gen any of these ppl are from dude i play pokemon pearl and cant even tell u who the gym leaders are in that. i opned the pokemon wiki and scrolled
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anywho more info and stuff below break hehehehehehehhehehe
> this is all copypasted from when i talked ab it in a server LOL
ermm okie side note my only pkmn knowledge is like. pearl. so my bad :3 but the way i made the gym it kinda pushes how gyms traditionally work ... its more like a game show [because i always loved doing the little interviews thru pearl and the contests n stuff] where theres 8 contestants and they just bracket their way down to the final battle against the gym leader/host who is. me technically. but jamie crown is their name ^_^
one fun thing i thought of was because its a live show u wouldnt rlly be able to .. leave and go to the pokecenter and heal or buy items.. so ud have an option to heal between rounds at ur little podium :3 all with pokecenter certified tech or whatev of course !!
because its not gym members i realize it doesnt rlly lend itself towards being a typical gym since it would be ppl from all over coming to compete thinking emoji.. but it kinda works as a like. elite four minigame LOL idk :3 i didnt think ab it too hard
and then in terms of the team i chose
> starmie to fit a celestial theme i have going on w my friends hehe i originally had jirachi but that seems. unfair
> luxray .. my fav pokemon and i originally was going to do an electric gym
> meloetta coz her earpiece thing is vry similar to the og design's earpiece and semi inspired the earpiece now
> and tinkaton for being super cute and also like wat if she helped build and repair stuff... ik the dex entries mention tinkaton being a thief usually but . thats ok i support womens wrongs
and then real nerd alert ☝️ the outfit i just redesigned i think comes together sooo well im so happy w it. the collar being mirrored on the top of the boots, the vaguely sci-fi aesthetic taht i love w the wavy patterning kinda veering towards like 80s and that retro-futuristic look that i love.. the capelet kinda looking jester-y [i looove a good jester aesthetic] plus theyre very 80s. gameshow host personality LOL.. the star tie is super cute i think and the little luxray star shapes around and even in the eyes <333 idfk im just so happy w it its so cute and awesomeee
also the visual of jamie tellinf starmie to use surf in a densely packed room with a high concentration of electrical components on live television is sending me into a FIT because they ARE bimbo enough to do that
and also the design alt and the old outfit :3 the last one is just an outfit i found looking at rhythmic gymnastic leotards n went OH THATS SO JAMIE hehe.. the old design is so dear to me and i still rlly like it but i love this new one a lot ^_^ idk i think their design will change a lot regardless because being a game show host i think they would have lots of diff outfits as opposed to a uniform but.. pokemon logic u wear the same outfit for the rest of ur life
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Do you have any immortal Bolo headcanons?
Thanks for the ask! I'll do my best with this.
-After the events of the game, Volo hastily traveled to Hoenn because he was worried that, now that his evil actions had been revealed, he would be ostracized by everyone he knew. He wanted to leave before anyone found out about his crimes, as he didn't want to have to face the people who had once respected him, especially Cogita.
-It was well over a decade later that Volo realized that he was no longer aging. He wasn't sure why this was. Eventually, his curiosity outdid his fears and he wrote to Cogita, asking if it was a rare genetic quirk in their lineage as well as explaining his current situation (he'd set up a life for himself as a merchant in Hoenn, had learned to craft many different tools under a master craftsman, and had calmed down significantly) and asking for forgiveness. Cogita was overjoyed to hear from him again, forgave him, and said that no, she was the only one of the Celestica people who had ever been immortal. This was something else entirely.
-Volo concluded that someone, perhaps Arceus, had great plans for him. He returned to Hisui and made amends with many people, including Cogita, the Ginko Guild, and Giratina, who would show up to help him or spend time with him often over the coming centuries. After some soul-searching, he decided that he was meant to learn about the entire pantheon of legendaries and thus answer the philosophical questions that had led him to evil.
-During his studies in Hisui, he fell in love with a woman from the Diamond Clan and fathered a child with her. He was away often after his daughter's early childhood. However, he did return to visit her periodically. His daughter is long-lived as well, though not immortal or even so long-lived as Cogita. She eventually takes Cogita's place as a keeper of knowledge about myth and legend. She is alive in the present day (Cynthia's "grandma"- perhaps actually her great or great-great grandma), and though the trait grows weaker with each generation, her descendants are long-lived as well.
-As transportation technology advanced, Volo was able to travel and gather information quicker and visit Celestic Town more frequently. He adores Cynthia and encouraged her to become a great champion so that she could protect the region. He even gave her the best gible he'd ever bred so that she could use it as a starter Pokemon.
-The more knowledge Volo gains, the older he begins to look and feel. In the current day, he looks to be in his early fifties. He feels as though he knows now what has happened: Arceus decided that he would be the one to find the philosophical truths that would lead the world to peace, such that no one would be driven to the extremes he was. That, along with the ways in which he's encouraged his descendants to protect the region, is his penance for what he's done, and it’s brought him a lot of peace. His family knows about all of this, and Cynthia wonders if he will finish his quest during her lifetime. It's even crossed her mind to join him one day, or that gathering the last of what he needs might be up to her once his body grows too old. Regardless, she loves her uncle Volo.
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