#my normal one yettt :((
palmtree-art · 1 year
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A redraw(sort of) of something from my old blog :)
( except Cecil has green hair now )
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lynxiepancakes · 4 months
being completely normal about the return of my hyperfixation on twd (especially daryl)/ghost/konig as if i haven't written 33k+ characters (which is basically 6k+ words that could be read in about 30 mins according to a site) about a konig × florist reader trope when i don't write like at all. zero.
i either have to lock in and write 25 pages on my notes about sydcarmy (which i still haven't finished sigh) or I don't write a fucking word for MONTHS thank you adhd
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suckishima · 4 years
💖🌹✨ the person sending you this wishes for you to have a great week! to spread some positivity, list 5 things that you've done recently that made you happy. spread the love to your favorite mutuals! 💖🌹✨
🥺🥰Beaaa, thank you!! 💞
now to think of ANYTHING i’ve done recently, hmmm lmao. i basically don’t leave my house other than to drive around, and my state just put out another stay at home order lol, so i reeeeally don’t do much these days lol.
1. my boyfriend and i went to this like “drive in experience” thing a few weeks ago that was stranger things themed, and while neither of us are super into the show, it was really nice to get out of the house and just like, see a production of anything lmao. they basically turned a parking garage into this huge set that was half like hawkins and half like the upside down and the production quality was really good. plus, it had the added bonus of never having to leave our car so it was all really covid safe AND i didn’t have to worry about my disability making it hard to walk around or anything too
2. i’ve started working on some new fanfic stuff that i’m actually excited about. i’ve been pretty back and forth with myself all year in how i feel about my writing and keep putting a lot of pressure on myself to make things as good as they feel in my head, but this thing i’ve been writing the past week just got to the scenes i’m most invested in and it’s actually been a lot of fun to work on, and i look forward to writing everyday which is really nice :). (also surprising bc it’s iwaoi, which i never thought i’d write for lmao)
3. my boyfriend and i live together with his family, and they just put up christmas lights this week, which they’ve never done before ever lol. they never celebrated much when he was a kid beyond just spending the day together, going to church and saying “merry christmas,” and while i don’t care too much one way or the other about the lights, it was really nice to see my boyfriend get so excited about them since he’s never had them before lol, every time he leaves the house he keeps sending me pictures of them lol . plus, this year our whole street has been lit up even more than past years, and it’s a small thing but it feels like something nice and normal in this crazy year
4. i finally got a new laptop!! my old one was crashing all the time and the display kept glitching out, and my new one is so much faster and photoshop runs soooo much smoother, it’s so nice lmao. also i got way too excited about all the hq!! stickers i put on it that i bought too many and need to figure out where to put the rest of them lol. either way tho, they make me smile every time i look at them
5. idk if this counts bc i haven’t done it yettt, but i’m looking forward to it lol. i’m not going home for the holidays this year, but my best friend is and needs someone to watch her cat for her while she’s gone so my boyfriend and i are gonna spend like a week at her apartment and just hang out with her cat all day everyday and we are very excited about it lol. also, just like being somewhere else for a few days sounds really really nice lol.
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frostbitten-written · 4 years
“Oh, royal library…? Wow… I can imagine that must be extensive… That must have taken you forever to get through… Huh? Wait, you’ve read books from a royal library, yet you would voluntarily read my work?”
"My lengthy lifespan allows me the privilege of working my way through several novels and tomes of various subjects," he nodded. The pretty blush painting her cheeks proved she thought little of herself in relation to such published works. He shook his head in disapproval of her judgment. "Their placement upon those many shelves speaks nothing of their value. That is for the reader to decide. Am I not a man capable of discerning for myself what is worthy of my attention and what is not? Because, little Indie," the edge of his finger hooked underneath her chin to draw her attention back to his warm expression, "I find you very worthy of my sole focus for the foreseeable future."
His hand fell away from underneath her chin to gesture for the bartender to assist them once again. "I assure you that no harm will come to you in my care should you overindulge."
A brief conversation with the young man who approached with a raised brow, and moments later two whiskeys sat before them. A small selection of large bills pressed into the hand of the bartender with an appreciative dip of his chin ended the swift transaction. "To cover both my tab and the lady's. Thank you."
The bewitching little mortal shifted in her seat, bringing her closer to match his assertive stance, although he still towered above her and would continue to do so should she rise to her full height. The size difference compelled him to protect her, this delicate Midgardian whose trust baffled him to no end. Perhaps it was her intoxicated state that made her so comfortable expressing herself. Whatever it was, he enjoyed it immensely.
“Wait, no, that’s not right. Why would I need rescuing from you? You’ve been fine company thus far.” She playfully poked his chest as she admonished him and made eye contact.
In an instant his hand wrapped around her wrist, stilling her hand, swift and secure but gentle so as not to harm her in any capacity. The halting gesture turned into something almost reverent, calloused fingertips gliding over her smooth skin until he cradled her small hand delicately. Slowly he bent over to brush a kiss against her knuckles, an incredibly forward action with his piercing gaze trained on every minute change of her facial expression. "Haven't you heard that I am not to be trusted? God of Mischief, Silvertongue, Liesmith, all signs point to my nefarious motivations for continuing our conversation." He released her from his hold with a fleeting caress of his thumb over the inside of her wrist, straightening to his full height lazily.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, mister. You’re lovely company.” She offered a warm smile, hoping he’d do the same. She’d love to see him with a full grin. With the small smile he’s hiding, she could only imagine how spectacular he’d look teeth and all.
"Of course I am," he winked, "but those who share your sentiment are few and far between. The same compliment can be truthfully applied to yourself, as my evening is all the better for your presence at my side." Almost involuntarily his smile grew in response to her earnestness. A dart of his tongue wet his lips before he covered his mouth with his glass, taking another sip of the liquid fire scorching a path to the twisting thrill of her company making a home for itself in his stomach.
“I’ll admit, I’m not here alone or of my own volition… My friends dragged me out because they wanted me to get drunk and have fun. I’m not normally a club girl, but tonight it paid off.” She cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow playfully as she looked at him. “And just to be clear, I’m talking about you. You made tonight worth it.” She watched his facial expression, hoping she wasn’t overstepping any boundaries in her friendly endeavours.
A shout of revelry echoed about the bar, clearly originating from his oaf of a brother surrounded by the other Avengers. At least the display did not precede the destruction of property.
"Your friends are nowhere to be seen," he mused thoughtfully, searching the crowd for anyone who might be unusually interested in their conversation. Finding no one to come whisk his companion away, his grin turned mischievous when directed back to Indie. "You are very clear, I assure you." At least he allowed his eyes to dip down to her chest, taking notice of the cleavage presented to him from her position without any attempt at hiding his interest. "And I hope I am as well."
Another barrage of questions spilled from her mouth and he chuckled, taking another drink of his whiskey to compose his thoughts. One finger straightened from the nearly empty glass to gesture at Thor, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson drinking and chatting away with a group of admirers. "Our situations are similar. Thor believed it in my best interest to spend time with the others, to improve team morale or my public persona, but my time was admittedly feeling wasted until fate should bring us together.
"And now that I have interrupted the course of your evening and plied you with liquor a bit beyond your level of tolerance, my plans have shifted from suffering their foolish behavior for the far more pleasant and important task of ensuring your safety. I intend to escort you home, if that is agreeable to you." Sincere concern softened the edges of his cool mask. "It would put me at ease to know that you are safe."
(Sorry I took so long to reply! Life happened. So, I may have gotten just as carried away as you; I hope it is satisfactory because I also had a blast replying to you!)
Indie blushed like mad when the edge of Loki’s finger brushed against her skin. His gesture was intimate; it made her breath hitch and her heart still for a moment. He was smooth and she was starting to notice.
“...Because, little Indie," the edge of his finger hooked underneath her chin to draw her attention back to his warm expression, "I find you very worthy of my sole focus for the foreseeable future."
If that line wasn’t a panty-dropper, then she didn’t know what was. She bit back a smile and chose not to comment, accepting his compliment.
"I assure you that no harm will come to you in my care should you overindulge."
“Oh, whiskey,” she purred, tipsy and very pleased. “You’re a fast learner, aren’t you, Lokes?” She mindlessly gave him a nickname before sipping her drink. She had the tendency to give people nicknames, especially when she was drunk. This was only the beginning.
Initially, the way he grabbed her wrist frightened her, and in her inebriated state, her reaction time was slow and useless, but he yet again proved to have pure intentions. The last thing Indie expected from a near-stranger (what the heck, she knew his name) in a bar, was being kissed so tenderly to the knuckles, prince-charming style. How gallant, how romantic and how intimate he was. He was making her feels things she had no business feeling. He was an attractive guy and how she held his attention for so long was beyond her, but she’d enjoy every moment while it lasted.
"Haven't you heard that I am not to be trusted? God of Mischief, Silvertongue, Liesmith, all signs point to my nefarious motivations for continuing our conversation." He released her from his hold with a fleeting caress of his thumb over the inside of her wrist, straightening to his full height lazily.
She whined quietly to herself. Why did she always fall for the bad boys and why were they always so damn attractive and tempting? Besides that, why did he keep saying he was not to be trusted when he’s done nothing but be honest all night? She decided to humour him and play along with his self-deprecating shtick. “Well, I have nothing to lose, Mr Nefarious.” She spat the name sarcastically, hating the stereotypes he was branded with. If she had the permission she would have bapped him on the head plenty of times for speaking ill of himself. She wasn’t drunk enough to do it, but she was getting there.
When he mentioned the Avengers, she was a bit too far gone to filter her words. “Oh right! You’re friends with the Avengers! Hey Loki, next time you see Thor,” she paused, feeling the nerves bubble in her stomach, “can you please tell him to take it easy with the lightning and the thunder?” She shivered and pressed her lips into a frown. “I hate thunderstorms. They’re scary,” she muttered to herself, sounding childlike in her request and complaint.
"And now that I have interrupted the course of your evening and plied you with liquor a bit beyond your level of tolerance, my plans have shifted from suffering their foolish behaviour for the far more pleasant and important task of ensuring your safety. I intend to escort you home if that is agreeable to you." Sincere concern softened the edges of his cool mask. "It would put me at ease to know that you are safe."
She pouted and resisted his efforts to make her go home. “Nooooo,” she whined as she propped her elbow up on the bar counter, her head lazily supported by her hand. “Not yettt,” she complained. “You can be my gallant, tall, dark and handsome hero later, I promise. For now, let’s have fun!” She exclaimed, shooting her arms up in the air and throwing her head back. She giggled before taking her glass in hand and sipping her whiskey. Her eye widened mid-sip when a new song started playing in the club. She managed to down the remainder of her drink in one impressive gulp and jumped off her stool.
“Ah! I love this song! It’s my jam!” She exclaimed and grabbed Loki’s hand, tugging him off his stool too. “Come and dance with meeeeee! Just one song, please? I promise you can play bodyguard and take me home afterwards!” She pulled him onto the dance floor, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks, in her body, in her head and in her soul. She felt loose and free.
Come here, girl. (Go 'head be gone with it)
Come to the back. (Go 'head be gone with it)
VIP. (Go 'head be gone with it)
Drinks on me. (Go 'head be gone with it)
Indie danced like no one was watching. Her heart raced as she danced with her handsome stranger; she’s always wanted to do this: catch the attention of a hot guy, drink with him, get to know him, and dance with him. Loki was like her fucking jackpot and she was revelling in every second of it.
Let me see what you're twerkin' with; (Go 'head be gone with it)
Look at those hips. (Go 'head be gone with it)
You make me smile. (Go 'head be gone with it)
Go 'head child. (Go 'head be gone with it)
She looked up at Loki, mouthing the words, not at all internalising the meaning of the song. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her waist, swaying to the music without a care in the world. She lazily slung her arms around his shoulders, bringing her body close to him. Dancing with him was such a thrill.
And, get your sexy on. (Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on. (Go 'head, be gone with it)...
- Indie
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epochryphal · 6 years
season 1
;;;;u;;;; i love this pacing n humor n tone fuck me
also i remember now how Fucking hype i was for prettyboy and midori mmmmmm also p sure there’s a life fiber reveal and i’m Eager
YOU’RE UNDER ARREST!  YOU’RE FREE TO GO!  god i’d seen that but it’s so good in-context too
Space Cheating
a-Wake! Judg-ment, gun MOR-phing!
Sorry To Interrupt Your Pointless Discussion, But *I’m* Here
FUCK is midori’s voice nonon’s va because holy shit i did not see that coming somehow and i’m extra starry eyes
(it can get you a boy, or a boyfriend, or an ex-boyfriend)
“whups, i got captured, oh darn”
“so i should stay normal?” “no, stay wonderful” oh my goddd linesss
“i’ll learn my lessonnnn. kayy, lesson learnnnned”
“give it a rest or i’ll kill ya!” “very well, you’re hired”
- - -
season 2
[...loses track of seasons]
wait shit the flame captain is ira FUCKING GOOD
oh my God that’s how orange mom shows up i love her
Frick okay i went to actually look up the seiyuus and - luluco is papika, that’s, Good, fuck. also she was anzu in the gantz: o movie? NONON’S SEIYUU WAS SCARLET CLAW OF COURSE SHE WAS AAAAAAAAAA typecasting WAIT SHE WAS HARUKA IN FLCL TOO?? o_o. that, i did not expect
the fucking “clapping”, and also how he just, movetilts with the whole desk
“yes my ma’am” pfff
snrrrk. shoplift/resell theme
Waves Of Justice Are Still Running Through His Brain
space yen
Mmmmmmmm Cocoon Sphere
dpfjg I Think I’ve Been Here Once Before
3.5 star review means it’s basically the real thing-
MmmmmmmmmmMMMM COVERS BOY Good Good Evil Talk - ldbtngfj pffdt Kill-***-Killian the verbal censoring i’m fhfgh
shitty background nova while OuO life fiber nova peeks into main view is G o o d
some kind of space fraud
i can’t believe literally no one tried to light the original life fiber / ragyo on fire, in retrospect, holy shit?? aikuro with your lighter what were you DOING
magic planet lwa at 3.7 i... trigger i love that you’ve done this
firewood of justice
30,000 lightyears in prison
sucy............ “you gun goblin” [stuffs luluco full of mushrooms] Fuck the very good constant updating how much time left
djhgn the counting and the lil goblin
and the music stops
pffffffffffff wipe, wipe, wipe... dochi demo ii kedo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
what... is up with Violence and se’chan. full-color girl... and the backwards “people have different sets of values”... [ah, i hadn’t heard of sex and violence with machspeed]
the lil everyone doing the hand pose for the picture........ i deeply need cosplayers doing that
ohh my god blackholeian. also his voice is so familiar
stupid middleschooler who eats nothing but sweet bread
2000 glasses.......
the good static fave
Special Flat First Love
zero void mmmm
the pinnacle of worthlessness - ZA! NOSSINGU!
GOD there’s the badbad alphaomega joke
heh... evil as incomprehensible, in this one, rather than klk’s incomprehensible, is interesting juxtaposition
mmmm the theme without luluco in it is good
pfff. what a good joke, that inferno cop would look like chief over justice - oh my god senpai
ooo “justice will never die?” “normally, no”
Hell Ain’t Big Enough For Two Agents Of Justice
aaaa god i’m such a sucker for their fucking theme messages? oh wow another plotline about “normal is something you decide for yourself” “truly precious things will never disappear, especially if they’re intangible”
Arrest Him
a middle schooler in love for the first time is Invincible,
ojii-san... he’s only 21...
He Shoplifted My Most Prized Possession
fuckifnfjf justice chant
god the very cute tsuzuku/continued incorporation of format, is good
If You Ask Me, Only After One Dies And Comes Back To Life Do They Become Normal
fucking, the good gurren lagann prow shit
oh my god the fucking unending hearts and the hair blowing and the i’m only a middleschooler idk about the void
emotion big bang.....
oh my god normal
PRETTY TRANSFORM god those sherbert colors what good animation bullshit
fucking covers voidmonster
mmm the themes of loveydovey first loves, i see u in darlifran
Love Is Justice
fucking- microblackhole activated by big bang
You Finally Pulled The Trigger -
ahdnfhjjnffnf People Die When They Are Shot - I’ll Teach You That Normal Fact Of Life Right Now!!
gosh she’s cute without her hairclip
in the end you’re only taking pleasure in shoplifting!!
oh my god
okay i didn’t check if blackhole headman (ahem... doc scratch) was voiced by uzu/viral’s seiyuu and i will in a mo but that’s my guess [update: Yep despite it not being listed on wikipedia at all wtf]
Arrest Him Again. you’re supposed to introduce your boyfriend to your dad - Normally
aww the highfive...
that was sweet, and absolutely not the sort of thing i could have watched serially heh. it’s nice to feel in on the jokes
awwww the highfive
...so... crossover art with nonon/midori ira/chief and uzu/blackholeian outfit swaps totally exists right. right. blease. also villain uzu is something i never knew i needed? also the casts interacting is precious art ideas - nonon on chief over justice’s shoulder for step one
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dearlyvon · 7 years
Happy Fanfiction Writers’ Appreciation Day!!!
Even tho I’m probably late haha. And I think I got the name wrong. But meh. The thought’s there. This for all of you writers out there, be it if you’re popular or not.  You should be proud of what you do since you keep us, readers, entertained and satisfy or thirst for scenarios that might not happen in real life. You manage to make another beautiful and original piece each time you put your thoughts into words, and we are lucky enough that you post it so that we could read what you make. I hope you know that you are very much appreciated in this community and in the fandom you write about. 
I’ll be naming a few of the writers that I absolutely love and most of these people are people that i’m still working up the courage to befriend. I may or may not put messages depending whether or not I’m extremely shy to talk about you or if I want to spread my love for you haha. Also all of the writers I’m about to mention are bts writers sooo.
Here it goes:
@inktae aaAAA!! Mari, what do i tell you? Where do i start? you are like my idol here and I love you and all of your works. I have reread everything on your masterlist countless of times and I still manage to feel the same emotions I did when I first read your fics. I’ll be waiting until you would write again hehe. Idk if you’d ever read this but i really want to befriend you but I’m still too shy and try to actually talk to you.
@stuckinthekookiejar I may not have talked to you in a while but I want you to know i absolutely love you and I’m in love with all the angst fics you make. I do not regret talking to you and I’m really sorry for the lack of talking between us haha. As you know, I’m an awkward smol bean.
@underthekookiejar aaAA-- QUINIE. I told you that you write really well!!! I’m so proud of you and tell me when we could start on that collab we planned haha. You are an amazing writer and I can’t wait to see more from you.
@perpetually-jungshook Goldilocks was... I absolutely love your fics and How to change a fuqboi was a ride I will never forget. I’m always completely speechless whenever I read what you make haha.
@jjkfire  one of the very first writers that I found here haha. You are an absolutely talented writer and I’ll be waiting for your semi-hiatus to end and I’ll quietly supporting you through it. 
@xforeverweareyoungx I LOVE YOUR TEXTS AND YOUR WORKS. I cried, I squealed and I became addicted to all of the fics you made haha. I love you and please know that you are highly appreciated.
@jeonjagiya Where do I begin? Transference. That series makes me thirst for Hoseok more than I should and oh god, I’m still waiting for the Working Man Bangtan fics. Once they’re made, I’ll probably be screeching haha. You are a very talented writer and I’m glad that you get noticed for your works since your works are too good to not be noticed.
@noona-la-la-la I’m going to die an early age due to all the beautiful and exciting fics you make. Like I think you were the first blog i followed that focused mainly on smut and I do not regret it at all hehe
@btssmutgalore Dee, all the fics you post are a whole new level of smut and I swear i catch myself breathless after finishing each work of yours. My face heats up more than I do normally whenever I read your works and ajsgduygf I just love you and what you do and I’m hoping that I could finally grow the courage to actually talk to you since you sound like a fun person.
@texting-bangtanbts KIM. PLEASE KNOW THAT I STILL LOVE YOU AND I MEANT EVERYTHING THAT I SAID TO YOU. Also your fics and fake texts are just mmmm-- I’m still going to stalk your blog on a daily basis and I’ll remember to keep in touch haha.
@avveh Room for dessert got me choking and I love and hate you for that fic. Like jfc why? have? I? not? found? this? before? You make your readers thirstier instead of satisfying their thirst haha. I’ll be waiting ‘til you post again hehe. 
@ellieljade Holy shit have I mentioned that your smuts are legit the first bts smut I have ever read here and i have been thirsty ever since. I love your blog and I have never regretted going to the not-so-pure side bcus of you haha. 
@jiminie-chim-chim95 MOCHI!!!!! Your fics are da bomb. Your fake texts are rlly good and aaAAA I’m so proud of you even if we’re not that close yettt. I love you btw. Hahaha idk if you’ll ever see this but I cant wait to see more promising works from you hehe
and finally, 
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cloverpaths-blog1 · 7 years
ACNL Question Tag thing!💚
Tagged by @heartballoon thank you 💖 Rules!: Answer the questions and then tag some of your favorite ACNL blogs when you’re done! 1. How long have you had ACNL?: Christmas of 2014? I think 2. How many towns do you have?: oneee I'm too nervous to try and make a second one 3. Mayor name(s): Nikkole, my name :') 4. Town name(s): cedar! 5. Dream address(es): nothing yettt 6. Favorite villager: o gosh probably either Melba or Apollo. Me n eagle boy have history 7. Favorite non-villager character: sabel Abe Brewster 💚 8. Favorite flowers: black lilies! 9. Favorite time of day: 7pm and the veeeery late night 10. Native fruit: apples 11. How would you describe your mayor’s style?: casual n cute! 12. How would you describe your home style?: real comfy and cozy and warm 13. How would you describe your town style?: cedars kind of foresty but also like a normal town ish? Like a town in the middle of the woods 14. Are there any items you are currently looking for?: nope! I don't have anyone to tag though ;-;
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