#my need for having a father figure who isn’t shitty is just like
the-pest1lence · 5 months
I already got attached to Arthur and Mr. Entity, specially after Arthur doing the whole thing with the wraith and the baby
*In Jon Sims voice* Good lord, can I stop getting attached to any (fictional) man who shows a small interest in taking care of a child???
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You Make Me Wanna 6
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, best friend’s dad trope other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note:Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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As unsurprised as you were when Faye shunned you, you’re even less put off by her sudden reappearance. She does this. There was a whole month in high school when suddenly she was too busy trying to fit in with the local Regina George and her minions. You know she only came back then because she had to work to impress them. 
You’re not insulted. You know who and what you are, even without her father reminding you. You reread the text, tempted to hit those three dots and tap gleefully press ‘block’. You’re still friends, even if she can be a shitty one. You care about her.  
‘Can we meet?’ 
You already have your response typed in; ‘where?’ You’ve been trying to send it for the last hour. Something keeps you from push your thumb against that arrow. Is it worth it this time? 
Before you can think too much, your phone vibrates again. Almost as if she can sense your doubt. ‘Please. It’s serious.’ 
Fuck. Fuck. Fucking fuck. As if you don’t have enough to deal with. 
You send the text and grab your bag. The kids are already asleep, your mom’s here, probably sleeping too. You hurry to the door without a response. This is it. The last time. You’re going to tell Faye exactly that. Next time she can call her dad. You don’t need the trouble. Besides, she’s doing all this to piss him off, it has nothing to do with you. 
You put your shoes on and leave as quietly as you can, double checking the locks behind you. You stomp down the front walk as the streetlights shine down and head down towards the bus stop. Your phone shakes. What the hell? 
At least it’s close. You read the address again. You know it. Two blocks away on Wilmington; dealer district. This isn’t good. 
You put your chin down and set your eyes ahead of you. Don’t look at anyone, just keep going. You sling your purse around your body, keeping your hand on it. You have your phone firmly in the other. 
Wilmington. Even your mother has enough sense to warn you against going around there. You head down and count the numbers from the corner of your eye. You slow as you near the house in question. What do you do? Knock on the door? You don’t know if that’s a great idea. Looks like a flop house. 
You hear your name and a shadow ripples on the crooked porch. You look up as a dark figure staggers to  the top of the steps. Faye looks willowy and drawn out as the moonlight hits her skin. The skin around her eyes baggy and discolored and she’s wearing the same outfit she wore to the club. 
“What the hell?” You hiss as you march forward. She stumbles down the stairs and you barely catch her, “Faye?” 
“I’m sorry. I was scared,” she murmurs as she latches onto you, “you gotta help me.” 
She reeks, she’s shaking, and she’s slurring her words. 
“Are you high?” You whisper at you hold her at arm’s length. 
“Not anymore,” she sniffles, “please, my head is killing me.” 
“What the fuck?!” You barely keep from shrieking, “how-- why the fuck would you do that?” 
“That guy... we were just snorting a little and then... I don’t know. I can’t remember.” 
“Faye,” you whine, “are you out of your mind?” 
“I’m sorry. It wasn’t...” she shakes her head and her voice drifts off, her frazzled eyes dimming, “I don’t know...” 
She scratches her arm and you notice the scabbing there. You sigh and shake your head. You’re so tired of this. As if you don’t have enough to deal with at home with three siblings. Faye isn’t your problem, she won’t be after this. 
“Fine. I’ll take you home. Your dad can deal with you--” 
“No, please. You can’t,” she pleads and grabs you again, “I can’t-- He’ll kill me.” 
“Faye, what the fuck am I supposed to do? I don’t have anywhere else to take you.” 
“I’ll stay in your room--” 
“No,” you say bluntly, “I have work and my siblings can’t be around you like this.” 
“Why are you being so mean?” She whines. 
You grit your teeth and look around as you hear voices from unseen mouths. You exhale and grab her wrist, dragging her hand from your arm. 
“Let’s get out of here first,” you turn and tug her after you. “Fucking Wilmington? Wilmington?” 
“Please, don’t be mad,” she snivels, “my dad’s gonna lose it if he knows. I need you. I need you to be nice--” 
“I need you to stop fucking me around,” you snarl, “don’t you understand? Every dumb shit decision you make her brings down on me?” 
“Huh?” She staggers heavily in her dirty wedges. 
“Your fucking dad. Thinks he rules the whole damn world. And who is he gonna blame for this? You’re in my neighbourhood. You think I want to deal with him?” 
“I’m sorry,” she whimpers. 
“You’re not,” you insist, “this is the last fucking time.” 
“No, Faye,” you spin on her as you turn off of Wilmington. You have to keep yourself from shoving her, instead letting her go and throwing up your hands. “You have everything. You get to go back to school, you get to go home to your nice little suburban castle, you get to have your dad pay for it all. I have to go work at the goddamn grocery store and watch my life spin down the fucking sewer. I get to lay awake at night and worry if my siblings are gonna end up over here or if my mom’s going to come home at all when I haven’t seen her in two weeks!” 
You ball your hands to fists, overwhelmed by the eruption of repressed emotions, “you get to smile and cry and get out of it all.” 
“I...” she breathes, “I... didn’t know--” 
“You never cared. Never listened,” you drops your arms and slump. “Go and live your life. Live it up in college, move somewhere nice, get married, do all that fun shit. I’ll stay. I don’t get that choice.” 
The roll of tires near as you stand in tense silence. Faye mopes and hangs her head, swaying and scratching, “can I just stay one night?” She whispers. 
You sigh again. 
You sense a car draw up to the curb. Great, some jackass thinks you’re a street walker. You’re ready to tell him to fuck off but swallow the sneer. You could still say so. 
Walter steps out on the other side of the car, “Faye,” he snarls. 
“See,” you turn to her again, “don’t you realise who he’s going to blame now?” You face the man’s broad shadow, “don’t worry, Mr. Marshall, I was just telling her to go home and never come back. You win. I quit.” 
“Both of you, get in,” he growls. 
You scoff and Faye cowers behind you, “daddy--” 
“Faye, just go,” you try to nudge her ahead of you, “I have to go home.” 
“I said both,” Walter stomps around and rips open the back door. “In.” 
“Here, she can go--” you urge Faye towards the backseat as she fights weakly.  
As you push her head down and she surrenders, curling onto the seat, you’re shoved from behind. You barely keep from hitting your brow on the metal and throw your arm back at Walter. He catches your wrist and twists your arm behind you. 
“It’s late. I’m on duty. I can’t leave you here,” he insists. 
“What do you care?” You hiss and fight him. 
“Don’t make me get the cuffs.” 
You recoil at his threat and fall inside the car. You turn back to sneer at him but his face in covered in black shadow. Your nostrils flare and you shake your head. You bite down on a million insults and pull your legs inside. 
Once he has Faye safe, you’ll figure a way out. 
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nevermorgue · 1 month
how do you think the misfits would meet each other in a modern au?
this is a tough one. this could go in so many ways you know? like so many different ideas. in my fic the idea is that lenore and duke met because he put up a shitty “looking for roommate” ad online
ok let’s try this. lenore leaves home with the bare minimum cash she was able to steal from her father. she’s in a really shitty apartment, about to run out of money and knows shes kinda fucked. she swears she sees or hears something, proceeds to climb out the window because she’s lenore and she does that. while she’s struggling, someone a few buildings down who was looking out the window calls out to ask what the hell she’s doing. it’s duke!!
lenore and duke end up clicking immediately, yelling to each other across the street. after some light banter, the two decide to actually have a proper conversation in duke’s building
time skip like a month. lenore is living with duke now and he knows her full situation. they need another roommate because lenore is still looking for a job, and duke’s job isn’t paying enough (he’s definitely at one of those performance restaurants with the entertaining waiters. every staff member has like a different character/archetype to play every week, and he’s just really damn good at it.)
they put up an ad for it but everyone that’s responded so far is kinda creepy or boring.
the two go out one night and they see a confrontation by the train station. a short british man is being physically intimidated by some guy. and the shorter is trying to bite back despite his height and clear disadvantage. and of course, lenore doesn’t hesitate to get involved and get this settled. after being reckless and throwing some insults, they add: pluto to their party
pluto JUST arrived to the states. he literally just stepped off the train he took from the airport and not even a minute later was nearly being robbed. lenore and duke, having no sense of caution, tell pluto that he can come with them until he figures something else out
(spoiler alert: that doesn’t happen. pluto stays with them. they’re all together and happy)
more time skip. morella texts lenore and asks to catch up. morella is the one who helped lenore get that really really shitty apartment when she first ran away from home. she’s introduced to duke and pluto and everything is perfect. she visits a lot when she isn’t at work (she works at a local cafe)
morella ends up introducing them to eulalie. morella frequents the bookstore eulalie works in, as does pluto. and with that connection, eulalie introduces them all to her roomie berenice. and now they’re all besties!!
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summary: sometimes it's hard to deal with how fast the night changes... and how memories are used and coming back again and again.
wordcount: 5.096k (i got carried away, but it felt right to write this much uwu)
tw: swearing, angst (bad memories), crying, anxiety (attack?), badly written anxiety rambling, blood, otherwise than that it's fluff and comfort
author's note: nothing, just enjoy it girlies <3
part 1 part 2 part 3 playlist!!
on the way to the bookstore, the trio was silent. woo-jin sat beside gun-woo, y/n sat opposite them. whenever the girl looked at one of them, they looked away. fiddling with her fingers, she also looked out the bus’ window. were they really bad for intervening when yang jae-myeong and his gang beat that man? yeah, because they fucked up the plan. but at the same time… y/n didn’t feel actual guilt. everytime she got into danger when she was little, her father didn’t beat her and said that if she ever gets into trouble like that, he’ll beat her. he always said that it’s alright if someone’s alive. that’s what's important. they can think about the other problems later. 
tonight, they saved a man’s life. sure, the plan was blown, but they can always make new ones. 
otherwise, should they let the homeless man die? maybe hyeon-ju is good at stalking and good with the stuff she did until now, but she never got into this situation. 
getting off of the bus, they only looked at each other. before they could go down to the bookstore, y/n stopped them, taking off the mask. 
“listen, guys… maybe it wasn’t a good idea to do this. and since the two of you are in need of money, and i’m the new one, if hyeon-ju wants to kick you two out, i’m gonna say that this was my idea.”
“you can’t do this. this is your purpose just the same as ours!” woo-jin protested. y/n shrugged her shoulders. 
“i will find another way. it was too good to be true anyways. your jobs are more important.” 
“we’ll figure it out, don’t worry.” gun-woo replied, as they get in. 
before they stepped in on the door, y/n muttered. 
“let things be as they should be.” 
hyeon-ju was fuming, as she thought. she tried not to become pissed too fast, but she didn’t know what the other girl’s first words would be. as she sat on the couch, she didn’t even let them get into place. 
“don’t sit. this will be quick.” she said as woo-jin tried to pull out the chair. y/n gulped. “did you fight him?” 
“it was unavoidable.” woo-jin replied. 
“we can’t work together. what? isn’t it obvious?” she continued, when the three looked at each other. 
“we gave you a sincere apology.” 
“i don’t need an apology!” hyeon-ju snapped. 
“but that man needed an ambulance.” said y/n, leaning on one of the shelves. hyeon-ju looked at her, then at the boys again. she stood up. 
“yang jae-myeong saw your faces, didn’t he? my plan was to tail him and gather evidence quietly. now, that he knows someone is following his tail, he’ll lie low. therefore, my plan is ruined!” 
“we wore caps and masks, he couldn't have seen our faces.” 
“right, since you covered your face, there’s no way he’d recognize you.” hyeon-ju’s tone was sneaking higher and higher with malice. “since this shitty hair was covered, he wouldn't recognize you!” hyeon-ju touched woo-jin’s hair. okay, his hair was a little unruly, but it fitted him well. “and y/n’s unusual hair! fuck, i’d recognize you from a mile away!” 
y/n scratched her eyebrows, trying to smooth the wrinkles on her forehead. 
“what are you doing? get out.” 
hearing these words, she pushed herself away from the wood. “listen, hyeon-ju, it was my idea. you can kick me out, but not them.” 
“oh, so you’re protecting them now? or what the fuck?” 
“i’m saying… that when the gang was beating that guy, it was my idea that we should protect him. i was the one who said that we would go there, and i was the one who kicked out the knife from yang jae-myeong’s hand.” she pursued, as she walked in front of the girl. her expressions held no anger, no hatred. it just held simplicity. 
“and what should i do with this information?” hyeon-ju growled. 
“seriously, i don’t know. do what you want, i don’t want to tell you, because you probably wouldn’t listen to me. but you also can’t forget that this was our first mission. at every mission, mistakes are almost common. we can always make other plans. not to mention that gun-woo, woo-jin and i never did shit like this, and you weren’t there, so you can’t judge the situation just because you think we are losers.” 
there was silence for a couple of seconds. y/n tried to hope that she would think about what she said, but the response was simply cruel. 
“the loss of your father, or your hope for revenge did this with you to say this?” 
the air in her throat stopped. her pupils dilated, and felt like those words got her heart into a fist. licking her lips, she didn’t know what to say. this was her biggest secret, and this girl just bragged about it like it was some simple topic like the weather. she didn’t want to look at woo-jin, especially not gun-woo, and felt like the ceiling of the bookstore’s gonna fall on her. she tried not to breath heavily, tried not to get tears into her eyes. and she didn’t want anyone to know about this. hell, nobody even knows this except for sir choi and his father’s friends. breathing in, trying to calm herself, she didn’t want to be here anymore. she didn’t want to be in a place where the biggest loss of her life was turned against her. smiling sadly and in the way disgraced people did it, she bit her lip, then let it go. 
“you know what, hyeon-ju? you have no right to dig into my past, under any circumstances. i tried to be kind and helpful to you, but i’m not gonna mince words, so it’s good for you if you know that after this, you deserve everything if your plan doesn’t work out.” 
when she was done, she threw onto the couch the hat that was given to her. storming out, gun-woo tried to stop her, but she softly pulled his hand away. 
y/n walked out hurriedly, wiping the tears away, not giving them the chance to run out. how could she do this? how could she use this against her? her memories were coming back to her. blood. fear. slicing sounds through meat. through organs. through the heart. through the mattress she lied under, the edge of the sword stopped right above her chest. gathering wetness of the blood, dark red pools crossing each other, becoming one big puddle. some of the blood dropping on her nose, her face, her eyelids. 
“no… no, no, no, no…” she whispered, holding her face in the hope that there won’t be more and more new ones. she had no right to do this. she had no right. she was cruel, she was evil, she wanted to get under her skin and she let her! but how could she not? 
after telling hyeon-ju what he wanted to say, he and woo-jin stepped out of the door. he worried about his job, the hundred million won loan that he took, and how he’s gonna pay it back, his mother, and the whole smile capital thing. he was tired and hungry, and y/n was there too beside his concerns. her words echoed in his head. 
“i’ll find some other place. don’t worry too much.” woo-jin’s words were loud in the silent hallway. 
“i’m sorry… i couldn’t hold back.” he said as woo-jin hugged him with one arm. 
“you held back better than i did. and how y/n did. nevertheless, maybe i'd have lashed out too if hyeon-ju pointed out the vulnerable parts of my life.” 
“i don’t know why she had to do this. y/n even assumed that she was the one who ruined the plan. she lied for us…”
“i don’t know man, i don’t understand girls. but y/n were harsh too. even if you can save our job, hyeon-ju is sure as hell won’t call y/n back.” 
“you think?” gun-woo asked. woo-jin tiredly sighed. 
“i guess so. are you hungry? let’s go to this hangover soup place i know. oh, wait a second” he took of his arm from gun-woo’s shoulder. “, it’s probably closed because of covid. it’s past ten.” 
gun-woo’s stomach churned. it hurt damn much. it was afternoon when they ate, but so much has happened since then. 
“that just made me more hungry.” he said, bending a little bit to ease the ache in his tummy. 
“i forgot.” 
“my stomach hurts,” he told woo-jin. 
“hey, it’s not my fault they’re closed because of covid.”
“but it’s your fault for bringing it up.” 
“you couldn’t hold yourself back with hyeon-ju just now!”
“you said that i did a good job.” gun-woo disagreed. 
“i said that because you were moping like a loser!” 
“i wasn't moping like a loser!” 
woo-jin’s expression began to crease. 
“i wasn’t moping like a loser”, he babbled. clearly wanted to imitate gun-woo. 
“what are you doing now?” 
i’m imitating you, loser.” woo-jin replied as he continued to babble. “man, i’m hungry. my stomach hurts.” it hurt gun-woo more than hunger. 
“wow… you’re so ugly.” 
“how could you joke like that?” 
“what? i wasn’t joking. i’m being serious.” 
before woo-jin could argue longer, they heard soft sniffles. 
“did you hear that too?” gun-woo asked. woo-jin nodded, as they tried to look into the direction of the noise. it was dark, and they saw nobody. “what if it’s y/n?” 
“let’s get a look.” woo-jin muttered, as they began to follow the sound. it was truly y/n, sitting on a bench, her shoulders shaking, hugging herself. every cry was louder than the other. gun-woo looked at woo-jin, and without a word, they understood each other. stepping slowly closer to her, when gun-woo was at the other end of the bench, he softly asked. 
“is everything okay, y/n?” 
“idiot, she just cries out her soul!” woo-jin scolded him, and y/n slowly shook her head. she seemed so vulnerable. nothing like he know before this. she wasn’t the girl who stood proudly, she wasn’t the cool bartender, she wasn’t the girl who wanted to punch woo-jin the first time they met. she was little and hurt. it was hard to miss that her whole body was quivering, her hands before her face. sitting beside her, he tried to touch her, but didn’t know where to do it. hands? she would be too scared. back? it’s pressed to the back of the bench. it was easier to hug her body. gun-woo gulped, and at a slow pace, he reached his arm around her, pulling her into his embrace. without a word, y/n leaned into his chest, laying her hands on his chest beside her face, trying to wipe her tears. she was warm, and her hair softly brushed to gun-woo’s chin. her soft, but fast breaths fanned against his jacket. 
“i’m… i’m so sorry, i’m sorry… i fucked up, i’m the cause of your failure… i, i didn’t want that, i’m so sorry, i didn’t want to mess up…” she hyperventilated, sometimes pressing her lips together to suppress the whines that escaped her mouth. 
“it’s okay, y/n. it’s okay. don’t worry.” 
“no, it’s not… it’s not okay… i’m sorry i got angry, i’m sorry for what i said and what i did… i…” y/n’s voice got hoarse, she was repeating the same sentences again. “...i just got scared that she knows about it, i was scared that she’s gonna use it against me… i just felt so horrible, i’m so sorry…” 
gun-woo peered at woo-jin. what to do now? 
“you don’t have to be sorry about anything. you said those things because… you felt like you had to say them. i don’t know what happened to you, but me and woo-jin gonna help you. right, woo-jin?” 
“yes, absolutely.” woo-jin seemed to be a little bit… scared? for a couple of minutes, they sat in silence. y/n’s fast breaths began to slow down, and her body wasn’t trembling that hard now.
“i’m sorry for everything i said… you just wanted to help.”
“y/n, don’t worry about this. really. we’re gonna figure out something. i am sure about it, and i know that you are too.”
the girl slowly breathed in, looking up at him. some tears were dried on her face, the mascara was running low to her lips; even down to her neck. her lips were chapped from the bites, some locks of her hair were sticking to her face. wiping her eyes to see clear, she nodded. 
“thank you, gun-woo. i’m sorry but i have to go now… work doesn’t make an exception for girls who chase criminals at night.” 
when she stood up, gun-woo knew that he didn’t want her to go home alone. sure she was a good fighter, but in this state, even a hit on the head could knock her out. not to say that they were far away from yeongsan. 
“can we escort you home? it’s dangerous to go alone, and you sure are hungry.” 
y/n nodded, and when she held gun-woo’s hand to pull him up, the boy’s stomach grumbled. 
“are you two hungry? we can go to mine, i have some instant noodles.” 
“no, we don’t… we wanted to eat somewhere anyway.”
looking at her phone, y/n huffed. 
“everything’s closed, gun-woo. it’s past ten.” 
“that’s what i was telling him too!” woo-jin said, y/n let out a little giggle. 
“let’s go to mine. come on, i’m hungry, you’re hungry, we’re all hungry.” 
arriving to y/n’s rent, it was peaceful. she lived on the eighth floor, the highest level of the row house. it had a little terrace, only to place some plants on the floor and to smoke a cigarette while standing. the living room was smaller than in gun-woo’s apartment, there was only two doors, one for the restroom, one for the bedroom. the walls were filled with photos and plants, and some weird clocks. 
“your house is very cool, y/n!” woo-jin said as y/n locked the door. 
“thanks. it was a pain in the ass to convince my landlord to have some plants here. sit down, watch some tv while i make the food, okay? make yourself comfortable!” she replied as she took off her shoes, going to the kitchen. picking out leftover kimchi from the fridge, she searched for the ramen in the lower drawer on the left. 
“can i help?” gun-woo asked from aside, while y/n picked out four packs of noodles. 
“only if you want. do you prefer not spicy, medium spicy or very spicy?” she asked, as she showed them the flavors. 
“it doesn’t matter. but i like medium spicy most.” he said, making y/n smile. 
“then medium spicy it is. can you give me the wooden spoon? it’s on the right side, above the bigger drawers.” 
“sure,” gun-woo said as he placed it on the counter. 
“do you want anything? go back and watch tv! it will be ready in minutes.” y/n said to him. gun-woo leaned to the counter. 
“i just want to help you. it’s you, inviting us dinner after all.”
“it’s nothing. i don’t have guests that often. it’s good to have someone here, to fill up the rooms with life. salt, please, above you.” 
“i don’t have many friends either. i mean, i don’t know how many friends you have… but i’m not a wordsmith.”
“you don’t have to talk much to have friends. friendships aren’t about talking. it’s about trust and the peaceful understanding of each other. it doesn’t have to be loud. my love for my parents wasn't loud either.” the girl replied as she began to stir the noodles. 
just as holding her hand, gun-woo found comfort in her words. only if she knew that he thinks the same way. maybe that’s why he wasn’t good with his ex-girlfriend. she always wanted loud confessions and high volume dates and occasions, and he couldn’t give it to her. for a long time, he thought that he was wrong for not stepping out from his shell. he already felt these things that y/n said, but never could form it into words so good like her. 
“you are too good with words.” he said, getting y/n knitted eyebrows. 
“me? how so?” 
“you don’t talk too much, but you always say something that has a meaning. of course i like woo-jin, he talks a lot and makes good jokes. i feel like he can speak on my behalf too, and this makes things easier.” 
“did you get to know him in the marine?” 
“no, after a championship. he lost against me, and i invited him to eat. then it turned out that we both served in the marine. it was before my mother assumed the loan.”
“i get it.” y/n said, then tilting her head, she leaned to the counter. “you don’t have to answer this question, but what is that band-aid on your face?” 
“oh, this?” gun-woo asked, and maybe, he blushed a little bit. “it’s… an injury that the boss of the smile capital gave me.” he began to uncover the scar. y/n’s lips tightened. 
“oh my sweet jesus… how did he do this?” she muttered as she looked at it.  
“at one night, i was talking to my mother on the phone. i wanted to help her close the coffee shop she owns, but when she called me, her voice was frightened and scared. she asked me where i am, and that some strange men were standing outside. when she tried to say something, the glass of the coffee shop was broken with a brick, and she began to scream. she was so scared… i’ve never seen her so scared. i ran to her, and fought the guys who destroyed the place. then… that man came, and another… he was stronger than anybody else i ever knew. he was like a mountain, stronger, taller. he beat me up real bad. and then, the president of smile capital crouched over me, and… well, he did this to my face. he has one, too.”
“one what?” 
“a scar like this.” 
“oh, yeah, i get it… it’s horrible. it’s so fucked up they beat up little men to get stronger. they should make a pass with the same weighted groups as them.” y/n whispered. “does it hurt?” she looked from closer, reaching out her fingers to imagine how it could feel under her touch. gun-woo gulped and shook his head. 
“no. only a little, when i touch it.” y/n pulled back her hand. the boiled water behind them almost ran out from the pot, making y/n jump back, turning around. “oh, shit, the noodles! okay, they’re not so spongy… woo-jin, come! dinner is ready!” 
after setting the table, during dinner, the trio barely talked to each other, mostly complimenting the food y/n made. she told them again and again that it’s just instant food, but the guys ate like they haven't been eating for three days. boys, y/n thought as she saw gun-woo pushing another big bite into his mouth. his cheeks puffed out as he chewed the noodle. y/n smiled, and got back to eating. after finishing the food, they helped to clean the table and packed the dirty bowls into the washing machine. 
gun-woo stepped to the door to put on his shoes. he looked on the clock, it was almost midnight. oh no… the buses weren’t working anymore today, the earliest time is three a.m. how could he ask y/n to sleep here? and woo-jin? they only agreed about dinner, not sleeping here! 
“oh, shit! look at the time!” thanks, woo-jin, he thought as he stepped beside him. “i live over the bridge, it’s at least an hour to get home…”
“woo-jin, we can’t take advantage of y/n’s hospitality. you’ll survive the little walk.” 
“but i’m soooo tired…” he yawned, and this time, he was right. gun-woo also had to suppress a yawn several times as he ate. 
“yeah, me too… but it’s not that we agreed on.” he whispered, as he continued to pick up his other shoe. when he wanted to open the door, y/n appeared beside the hallway wall. 
“what are you doing?” she asked, and she yawned too. 
“going home…?” gun-woo said, looking and woo-jin. y/n shook her head. 
“but the buses aren’t working today anymore… shit, it’s almost midnight?” she almost repeated woo-jin’s words. 
“yeah… but we’re gonna walk a little bit.” 
“if you walk home, you’re not gonna get home even at two in the morning.” y/n told them, scratching her neck. “i don’t want to tell you what to do, but… if you're just the same as me, then sleep here. i won’t mind.” 
woo-jin looked at gun-woo, smiling a little bit. 
“okay, then… we’re sleeping here, if you really, really don’t mind.” 
y/n shook her head. 
“i’ll get you two towels. i’m showering first!” 
getting out from his shoes again, gun-woo looked at woo-jin. 
“the couch is mine.” the other stated, making gun-woo protest immediately. 
“no, no! we’re both sleeping on the couch!” woo-jin sighed, and made gun-woo sit down on the couch. he looked like he’s gonna give a speech to him, like a proud father. 
“listen, gun-woo… i think you haven’t been in situations like these. when you get to know a girl, you gon dates with her, doing cute things, speaking about things she likes, or you just listen to her. because girls like to brag about anything! they love to hear their own voice.” 
“but y/n doesn’t brag. and she’s not into me, and… i don’t want to take advantage of her. she does it because she has a good heart. she could easily kick us out to the streets.” 
“no, no, no! you don’t get what i talk about! y/n wants us… wants you to stay because she likes you!” 
“okay, but that doesn’t mean that we gotta do anything. she’s also vulnerable, don’t you remember how she cried? i don’t want to disturb her feelings with this.”
“i didn’t say that you have to have sex with her! i just said, that… maybe if you said some reassuring words to her… and give her comfort… she’d feel that you are the one for him.” 
“i did this too earlier, without any secret motive.” gun-woo replied. he was confused, does anyone have to do this in the favor of getting something? gross. woo-jin rolled his eyes. 
“damn, you are too good with people. just don’t be a nice guy, but you have an awesome face, so it won’t be a problem. then just do the same things you did before, and everything will be fine. not to mention that it was so sloppy when you held hands, like in some movie!” 
“i don’t know why i did it! but i surely wouldn't hold your hand, if you sleep calmer with this information.” gun-woo replied. 
“okay, i’m relieved. but still, if things are going the right way… y/n sure has protection. and don’t do it too loud!” woo-jin laughed as he slapped gun-woo’s shoulder. 
“did i tell you that you are sloppy and cheeky sometimes? or do you already know it?” he asked with a bored face. 
“it hurt a little bit. but you were savage now! i liked it. keep it up! fighting!” 
yeah, fighting. fighting for not getting a heart attack from sleeping near to y/n. 
after showering, gun-woo wore the same clothes he wore today. he waited for y/n to turn up, and she did, with a headband on his hair. she jumped a little bit when she noticed him. 
“oh, gun-woo, you almost scared me! what’s up?” she asked as she hung her towel, picking out a tube from the top of her drawer. sitting to the mirror, she began to cream her face. 
“woo-jin… said that he doesn’t like to sleep with somebody else beside him. so… if you could give me some blankets, then i’d sleep on the floor in the living room.” 
y/n looked at him, half of her was white. gun-woo imagined that what if that’s what he could see every night… if they lived together. he slapped himself in his mind, don’t do this now! she’s just a good friend. and she’s still vulnerable. 
“are you crazy?” 
“no… i’m not. why?” 
“sleeping on the floor will give you sore muscles. uhm, i don’t know… maybe we could sleep together in my bed?” she offered. gun-woo hoped that his face wasn’t as red as a tomato. 
“no, i… i just sleep on the floor… don’t worry, you are already so kind for letting us sleep here.” 
“gun-woo, i don’t want to press you into anything, but after this day, i think we all deserve to sleep somewhere comfy. and look, my bed is big enough!” she said as she pointed to the bed. gun-woo looked around the room; there were pictures on the wall as in the hallway and the living room, and some personal stuff like her brush, some make-up stuff or a couple of little mirrors stood on the drawer. her bed was really big, it almost covered the rear side of the room, with a window on the side. it was lovely. 
“okay, if that’s really alright with you… but wake me up anytime at night if you don’t want me to sleep here.” 
y/n smiled and nodded. 
getting into bed, gun-woo offered to sleep on the inner side, just in case if y/n wanted to get some water or anything else. as they laid down, y/n’s face was in front of him. his heart was hammering in his chest. he didn’t even remember when he was this close to somebody, and y/n was beautiful. simply beautiful, without makeup too. her face was calm, and she was softly breathing. in the dark, he only could make out the lines of her expressions. 
“i’m sorry for what hyeon-ju said today. and i hope that you are okay now.” 
“don’t worry, i’m fine. sometimes memories come back, but i’m kinda used to it. it was good when you hugged me. it calmed me down much earlier. thank you.” 
“you don’t need to thank me.” 
“but i have to. i’m glad that i’ve met you and woo-jin. it’s the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.” 
“seriously? you seemed so cool when we first saw you. like you didn’t need anybody to live your life.” 
“just because i don’t express emotions… well, i think i needed some new things. but that’s my problem, sometimes i don’t even know what i feel. it’s easier to feel nothing than to be overwhelmed by ignorance. but wait, what did you think about me when we first met?” 
“why do you ask that?” 
“i don’t know. it’s interesting to me what people think about me first.” 
“okay… well, you seemed to be the coolest girl i’ve ever known. you seemed powerful, and though. somebody who i wanted to know but if i didn’t have the motivation or the cause, i’ve never dared to accost. and you seemed mysterious. i don’t know why, but when you talked about the things you live through everyday, i knew that you know more than me or woo-jin, or anybody else in our generation about life. you see people wither, you see their pain… and you continue to work there. i know you surely could get another job if you wanted, but… i think you need this pain.” 
“for what?”
“to suppress another one. i’m sorry, i didn’t want to bring it up again. it’s just a guess.” 
“that’s fine, i won’t cry anymore tonight. it was just weird for me, to hear these things from a mere stranger.” 
“i know. it would be hard for anyone. and… what was i like when you first saw me?” 
“oh, so you’re curious now… i like this. well, well… where to begin… i thought you were loyal and brave. braver than anyone. and the way you talked or bent in front of me showed me that you had respect for everyone. and a good heart. the way you talked, it was calm, but on the other side, you seemed digressive and someone who was riddled with desire to act. to do something, to solve problems. you have a kind of fire in your heart, and that fire burns through everything. that makes you unstoppable. and i see these attributes in you now too.” 
gun-woo smiled with full lips, he hoped that y/n smiled too. the compliments shoot to his heart, overflowing it with something that was beyond happiness or wholeness. he heard how she delicately yawned, her soft breath fanning his neck. was she that close to him? he didn’t mind it anyway. he felt happy, happier than ever in the last few weeks and days. and thinking about the whole father-thing, maybe it was bizarre, however, they each lost their father… but they gained a new person in their lives. someone who could fill the gaping holes in their hearts. 
“i am very tired now, gun-woo. good night. and thanks for everything. i hope you sleep well.” 
“good night to you too, y/n.”
when he closed his eyes, he felt a little movement, and then heard a creak. what– something warm on his cheek. something warm and soft, feeling like… lips? 
did y/n just kiss his cheek? 
[ 𝐘/𝐍'𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ]
maybe it was rash and random, and maybe that’s why she turned away from him. this day was so weird, and a lot of things happened… but having gun-woo here felt like she was at a safe place again. 
like she was at home again. in her mother’s embrace, under the blankets, with the heating bottle, in utter peace. 
she didn’t know why she did this. and she didn’t want to know what could be gun-woo’s reaction. she just wanted to sleep. 
and maybe it was too rushed, she only knew him for two days, and gun-woo was too good for her… but maybe she fell a little in love with him. 
author's note: on 8-9-10 of july I'll be on holiday (probably the only one in this sumer cdjksfnjks) so it's not so sure I'm gonna upload so fast, but this part is nearly twice as long as the previous ones so i hope you enjoyed uwu
taglist: @fairyhani @castleninja @littlebaby-bunbun @jaylans-stuff
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brinabees · 1 year
Wild and Eager
4.7k of dbf!Joel Miller x f!reader. 18+
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Summary: You’ve had a thing for your dad’s smuggling partner for years, despite (or maybe because of) his fearsome reputation. A deal gone wrong strands Joel at your apartment after curfew. Will this finally give you a chance to push the boundaries with your dad’s closest friend?
Set pre-show/game in the Boston QZ, Tess doesn’t exist, sorry Tess I love you. 
Content: 18+, unsafe sex, too many pet names, age difference
Notes: This is my first real go at fanfic, so be gentle with me! I also can’t be arsed to proofread, so sorry if there’s any mistakes.
Fucked. That’s what you were. Totally, irredeemably fucked. Why? Well, it’s all because of Joel Miller. Your dad’s favorite “business associate” (read: smuggling partner) and the most devastatingly sexy guy you’ve ever laid eyes on. He and your dad have similarly unsavory pasts, so when Joel first arrived at the Boston QZ he fit right in with him and his smuggler buddies. Most of the other guys your dad works with always give you the creeps, but not Joel, with his unruly, dark curls and surprisingly soft, brown eyes. No, Joel did not give you the creeps, despite what little you knew of his tumultuous past. As far as you’d gathered, he’d survived as a raider, killing indiscriminately and taking whatever he needed. Your dad had tried to shelter you from the worst of his own misdeeds, but you knew the truth. Your dad and his cohort were all the same, all comfortable taking any life that got in their way. 
That’s why you typically kept your distance from anyone who worked with your dad, a distance your father was only too happy to enforce, always wanting to protect you. But, as soon as Joel came into the picture, you couldn’t help yourself. Suddenly, you’d linger outside closed doors when they were having important “business meetings,” hoping to catch the sound of Joel’s deep voice. He seemed to be a man of few words, but when he did speak, no one else dared interrupt or challenge him. You lived for those moments, when the whole room went quiet and you could take in the sound of him. When your dad and his buddies would hang out in the kitchen afterwards, drinking home-brewed beer and sharing stories of past triumphs, you found reasons to join them. Of course, your dad never liked you hanging around these men, and usually he ushered you out as soon as you’d gotten the glass of water you didn’t really need or the canned food you weren’t actually hungry for.
And so it went. Anytime Joel was over at your shitty QZ apartment, your world suddenly revolved around him. Catching glimpses of him, listening to him talk, finding any reason you could to be near him just for a little while. As far as you could tell, your infatuation wasn’t returned. Joel rarely spoke directly to you or even acknowledged your existence. Whenever you tried to catch his eye, he always found something else to look at. You figured he probably didn’t think twice about his partner’s young, sheltered daughter. 
So there you were. Totally infatuated and totally fucked. 
All that changed one night, when your dad and Joel burst into the apartment mere minutes before curfew. They both looked like they’d been through some serious shit, their clothes torn and their skin bruised. 
“What the hell happened to you two?” you asked.
“Deal went bad, don’t worry about it honey.” Your dad’s shutdown was as swift and final as always, and you knew you wouldn’t get anymore details from him about what really went down.
Your dad turned to Joel and clapped him on the back, thanking him for presumably saving his ass.
“Joel, it’s past curfew and with our luck today, I think trying to sneak past FEDRA maybe isn’t the smartest move. You can crash on our couch tonight,” your dad offered.
It was like a dream come true! Joel fucking Miller, in your apartment for a whole night. You felt giddy.
Your dad and Joel took turns cleaning themselves up in your single, cramped bathroom, before you all sat down to eat. Rations distribution hadn’t been kind that week, so all you had were a can each of baked beans and sliced peaches. Hardly a culinary match made in heaven, but it was all you had. The three of you ate in silence, all too preoccupied to hold a conversation. The two of them were likely thinking of their deal gone wrong, but you had other things on your mind. Well, other thing. All you could think of was Joel. How close he was sitting next to you at the small, round kitchen table, his knees nearly bumping yours. How he commanded the room with his presence even while not saying a thing. How he was covered in bruises and had a small cut on his left cheek, wounds you wanted so desperately to soothe. How he smelled, like leather and sweat and smoke. You wanted to bottle that smell and spray it on your pillow every night.
After you all finished eating, your father announced he was turning in early after his rough day and went to his bedroom. That left you and Joel alone. You’d never been alone with him before, and it practically made you gasp. You stood awkwardly from your seat at the table and then, feeling bold, brushed your hand over Joel’s shoulders as you passed him. A quick touch, easily dismissed as accidental, and yet, Joel’s hand immediately shot up and grabbed you roughly by the wrist. For a second, you both just stared at each other, the most eye contact you two had ever made. You felt a throbbing between your legs, induced purely by this one act. 
But, then Joel moved your hand off his shoulder and dropped it at your side. The loss of contact made you want to cry. You’d been too forward, touching him without preamble or permission, and now you’d gone and made it awkward for the both of you. You practically ran out of the kitchen to your room, where you grabbed an extra pillow and a spare blanket for Joel to use. 
“Here, you can use these, hopefully the couch isn’t too uncomfortable for you,” you said as you laid everything out on the couch. He grunted in what you assumed was thanks, and you turned around and went back to your room to get ready for bed. You didn’t know what was going on with you tonight, but even after the complete failure of the shoulder graze, you still felt driven to take advantage of this rare time alone with Joel. So, rather than dressing in your usual, frumpy flannel pajamas, you put on a baggy t-shirt and your sexiest pair of underwear. They were just plain black, but sexy was a relative term when you’re trying to find underwear in the apocalypse. You took a check look in the mirror, noting how the shirt was just a little bit too short to cover your whole ass cheeks. Perfect. 
You left your room and headed to the bathroom to brush your teeth, making sure to saunter right past where Joel was now sitting quietly on the couch. After you were finished, you asked him if he needed anything else before you went to bed.
For a long time he didn’t say a word, and you were about to turn on your heel and go right to bed, accepting that your meager attempt at seduction hadn’t done the job, when he finally spoke.
“I can’t have what I really need.”
Well, that stopped you in your tracks. What the hell did that mean? When he didn’t say anything more, you gathered your courage and asked, “and what is it that you really need?”
Joel stood, took one glance at your dad’s closed bedroom door, and walked over to you, stalking like a big cat hunting its prey. He crowded your space and then some, forcing you to step back until you felt your back hit the wall. You’d never been this close to him. His scent nearly overwhelmed you, and your breaths were coming in quick, sharp gasps. 
“What do I need? I need for my partner’s daughter to stop staring at me all the time.” Your heart fell. “I need her to stop trying to touch me. I need her to stop walking around in nothing but her panties like a slut.” At that, you gasped. 
“But most of all, I need this girl, but I can’t have her” he said, stepping closer, so close that your chest was touching his. Your heart stopped. Surely he wasn’t really saying he needed you, that was ridiculous. But the hard press of his erection against your lower stomach told a different story. 
You stayed that way for a while, chests rising and falling as you both breathed each other in. Finally you gathered enough courage to respond, “why can’t you have her? She’s right here for the taking.” He released a rough groan. 
“You know why baby girl. Can’t be messing around with my partner’s innocent little daughter.”
“One second I’m a slut, now I’m innocent, make up your mind.”
“You’re an innocent, acting like a slut to try and get what you want.”
“What we both want,” you argued. 
“Your dad would kill me. Rip my guts out and string them up as decoration.”
“So, you’re scared?” At that he growled. Good, you were getting him riled up, just like you wanted.
“Baby, I’m not scared of anyone, including your old man. I just can’t go messing up my business for a quick lay.” 
“Oh, so it’d be quick? How disappointing.” Another growl left his lips. He raised his arms, putting his hands on the wall on either side of your trembling body. 
“You better stop teasing me little girl”
“Or what, you’ll punish me?” This was going better than you could have dreamed. 
And then he slapped you. Right across the cheek, which now burned in his wake. As you recovered from the shock of it, you noticed Joel staring at your father’s door, as if he could will him to sleep through the noise. When no light turned on, no door opened, you could see him breathe a sigh of relief before turning his gaze back to you.
“See what you made me do? Almost made me wake your dad and have him catch us like this. Doubt I’d get a word out before he ripped me off you.” You didn’t disagree, your dad was exactly that protective. 
“Go to bed, baby girl,” he said, almost softly. But you shook your head at him.
“What about what I need?” You’re all I can think about some days, Joel.” You figured it was time to lay it all on the line. “I ache for you. Want you so bad it drives me crazy.”
He groaned audibly, before tipping his head down and resting his forehead against yours.
“You’re really that obsessed with me, huh?” His tone is bordering on mocking. But you had no more shame, nodding your head in affirmation immediately. “Bet you’re up late every night, stuffing those pretty little fingers into your cunt, wishing they were mine. Wishing they were my cock.” You nodded again, blushing.
“Want you so bad, ever since the first time I saw you,” you said breathily. You could see him raise his brows. You were barely 18 when he first came to the QZ.
“Naughty little girl, lusting after your dad’s friend for so long. Tell me, sweet thing, are you a virgin? Have you been saving yourself for this dick?”
You hadn’t. You’d had a one night stand with a childhood friend from just before the outbreak, who you happened to cross paths with after the world had already ended and you’d both grown into curious teens. You both seized the rare chance at some intimacy in this messed up world. But, would Joel be mad?
“No... I did it once, with a friend. I’m sorry Joel.” Your words were almost whispered, treading lightly with this beast of a man.
But his face softened a little at the sound of his name on your lips, and Joel brought his hand to your cheek almost gently. 
“No, pretty girl, don’t apologize. I’m not mad. Just means I gotta work a little harder to make sure you forget him,” he said with a smirk. You thought it wouldn’t actually take very much work for you to forget your single stumbling night in the dark... Not when Joel was like this, so hungry, so possessive. It made your core ache with need to see him so unleashed. He hadn’t even kissed you yet and he already had you panting with his words alone. “I like it when you say my name,” he whispered directly into your ear. His intentions of restraint were nearly forgotten in the depths of his need for you. 
“Joel. Can you kiss me already?” 
“I make the demands here, not you, baby girl. Don’t make me punish you, we can’t afford to wake your dad now, can we?” he said, throwing a glance at the still closed bedroom door. You nodded your head no. “Gotta have some privacy to do that,” he said with a wicked grin. You dearly hoped he’d let you find out what kind of punishment he had in mind for you. As much as you wanted to push his buttons, this really wasn’t the time for that kind of fun, so you resolved to let him lead. 
“I’m sorry Joel. I’ve just spent so long waiting for this.”
“I know, I know.” His hands landed on your hips and skimmed their way up your sides. You shivered at the gentle touch from such a rough man. His hands fell back to your hips and suddenly he was gripping you tightly, so tight you thought you might find bruises the next day. It was only a fraction of his true strength, you knew, and the thought of that made you so wet. Between his dirty words and his captivating hands, you knew you had likely soaked your underwear. 
And then, finally, finally, he was kissing you. His lips came down on yours with a bruising intensity, as he brought one hand up to cup the back of your neck. You released a moan at finally getting what you wanted, no, needed, so badly. Joel fucking Miller was kissing you. And he was kissing you well, slipping his tongue between your lips and tangling it with yours. You felt emboldened enough to slip your hands around his waist, sliding one down to grab at his ass. He grunted in surprised approval. 
Suddenly, he pulled his lips from yours and grabbed you by the shoulders, guiding you towards the couch. He sat down and gestured for you to climb into his lap, and like a good girl you proceeded to straddle him. You could feel his hardness pressed right against your core and you were dying for more. No one had ever made you feel like this. You ground your hips down into his, drawing moans from you both. One of Joel’s hands on your hip guides you to press even harder into him, while the other reaches up to toy with your breast. He cups his hand around it and squeezes gently, before bringing two fingers to pinch at your nipple through your shirt. You gasp in pleasure at the slight pain.
Feeling wild and eager to please, you brought your own hands down to the hem of your shirt, knocking his hands aside so you could pull it off over your head. You knew it was a stupid risk, that your dad could wake up and come outside at any moment, catching you straddling his best friend in nothing but your panties. You almost thought Joel would chastise you for taking the lead again, but he was too busy staring at the bounty of your tits revealed right in front of his face. That look alone made it worth the risk of getting caught.
He nuzzled his face between your breasts, inhaling deeply through his nose. You gazed down at him in awe, still half unbelieving that this was really happening. He turned his head from side to side, his nose and lips touching each breast in turn, a sort of gentle motorboat. He seemed to luxuriate in the scent and feel of you, finally getting to revel in this forbidden fruit. He’d noticed you right away when he first came to the QZ, the shy but mischievous daughter of his new smuggling partner. Noticed you, and promptly filed you away in his mind as “untouchable.” 
Well, he was certainly touching you now. His hands roamed across your back and then down to grip your ass, while his mouth began leaving open mouthed kisses on your sternum. 
He pulled away just long enough to say, “Lemme see how bad you need me, pretty girl,” and then his lips were at your nipple and his fingers fell to the top of your panties. Sucking and biting at your sensitive nub, he simultaneously slipped his hand into the waistband of your underwear and down to your dripping pussy. He gathered the moisture there with his fingers, before taking them out and bringing them to his mouth. He slipped two fingers into his mouth and tasted your essence, his gaze never leaving yours. 
“Fuck, you taste so damned sweet. If we had the time and the privacy, I’d lay you down and eat you out like a feast, really make ya scream.”
“Joel, please,” you begged breathlessly. “I need you so bad.”
“Aw, does my sweet baby girl need her cunt stuffed full of my dick? Is she really just a cock hungry little whore?” 
Your already inflamed cheeks flushed even redder at his words, but you nodded your head, too far gone to care about anything as silly as dignity. You had wanted this man for years and now finally you were going to fuck him. Who needs dignity when you’ve got dreams coming true right in front of you? 
“Get up, darlin’, and take off those panties for me”
You practically leaped off his lap with eagerness and immediately slipped off your panties. You dangled them loosely from one hand, putting the other on your hip as you watched Joel take his time. He leisurely unbuckled his belt before unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans, slipping them down low just low enough to allow him to free himself from his briefs. Your mouth hangs open at the sight of him, long and impressively thick, with a pronounced head even wider than the shaft, a slick of precum already trickling out. You were by no means an expert, but you pretty much thought Joel Miller’s dick was fucking perfect. You were so busy staring, you barely noticed when Joel reached forward and snatched your panties right out of your hand, before bringing them up to his nose and inhaling deeply. He groaned at the scent of you and then dropped your panties to the couch in favor of grabbing you by the hips and bringing you back down to straddle him, skin to skin. 
You could feel the hard length of him nestled right against your pussy, lightly nudging your clit in a way that made you want to fall apart for him already. You rose up to allow him access to your entrance, but Joel quickly pulled you back down, muttering, “Not yet, baby girl, gotta get you ready for me first.”
“I’m ready now, Joel, please,” you whined. But he just gave you a dismissing look and directed your hips back far enough to give him access to your dripping cunt. Without preamble he inserted one finger deep inside you, making you moan. “More, I need more Joel.” Not one to disappoint, he added another finger, pumping both in and out of you at a steady pace, curling them towards your g-spot. Your head fell to his shoulder as you writhed in pleasure, and Joel’s lips found your neck, suckling lightly. “No marks, Joel, my dad’ll see,” you managed to get out while his fingers continued driving you towards oblivion. 
“Gotta mark what’s mine, baby. But fine, I’ll just have to mark you somewhere a little more private.” With that, his lips made their way to the underside of one of your breasts, sucking harder and nibbling lightly with his teeth. “I’m the only one who gets to see you here, got it? You’re mine now.” You nodded fervently, tipping your head back to look him in the eye once more. “My best friend’s daughter, all mine, practically begging for my cock.”
“Give it to me Joel, I’m ready, I need it.” His fingers pumped more furiously in and out of you.
“Fuck, baby, is that right? You ready for me?”
“Yes, yes, god, please!” you begged, louder than you should have given your dad was sleeping only a door away. 
Suddenly he was wrapping his arms around you and flipping you over, crushing you into the couch cushions with the weight of his body. Then he sat back, admiration in his eyes as he gazed down at you. He fisted his dick with one hand and began to rub the head up and down your wet slit. Everytime he grazed your clit, your entire body seemed to jolt with pleasure. 
“Joel, I swear to god if you don’t put it in right now I’m going to tell dad you were fucking with his little girl.” You’d had enough of his teasing.
“What did I say about giving me orders? Naughty little thing, I really will have to punish you next time.”
“Next time? How’s about you get the first time going before you start worrying about that,” you let out with a giggle. 
“Fine, little minx, I’ll give you what you need so badly.” And then he was notching himself at your entrance before pushing in completely in a single, rough thrust. You felt so utterly full. 
“Fuck, Joel, your cock is so good...” You were babbling nearly incoherently by then. When he began thrusting in long, deep strokes, you could feel the head of his cock drag across the most delicious spot inside of you, over and over. You could feel yourself building towards climax already. 
“Tell me, did that boy make you come?” Joel asked as if he already knew the answer.
“No, no, I’ll only come for you Joel, it’s always been you.”
Joel picked up the pace, slamming into you rough and fast with every thrust of his hips. The sound of skin slapping together filled the room, all worries about waking your sleeping father forgotten. Still inside you, Joel sat back on his knees and reached his hands around to cup your ass, lifting it into the air so he could piston his hips into yours even faster. 
“This ass is all mine, pretty girl,” he said as he kneaded your cheeks with his hands. “Wanna see my girl come for me, but only when I say so.” He took one hand off your ass in favor of stroking his fingers across your clit, rubbing little circles. You could feel your peak approaching, but held yourself back from falling over the edge. You wanted to be good for him.
“Joel, please, I’m so close.” Your words came out in a soft whimper.
“Alright baby girl, come all over this cock.” His words were all you needed, and suddenly you were freefalling into an ocean of pure pleasure. This put any climax you’d ever given yourself to shame. Joel just kept fucking you through it, still stroking your clit as you fell apart around him. 
You came back to yourself slowly while Joel continued to hold you up and fuck you like a rag doll. You could tell he was no longer concerned with your pleasure, fucking you just like he wanted regardless of your oversensitized pussy. It turned you on, to see him so lost to his own desires; a predator gone feral. 
“Come inside me, please Joel I need you to fill me up.” You weren’t quite sure where that reckless desire came from. You knew you’d regret it in the morning, but at that moment you were too lost to pleasure to care. 
“Fuck, filthy girl, you know I shouldn’t.” But you couldn’t stop begging for it, desperate to feel the hot rush of his seed spilling inside you. “Just this once, wild girl,” he grunted out. He couldn’t deny the thought of coming deep inside you turned him on to no end. 
His thrusts began to lose their consistent rhythm, though they remained rough and deep. With a last guttural moan, he thrust in once, twice, three more times and then you could feel the warm rush of his cum inside of you. It felt so right, even though it was a stupid risk, even though it was your dad’s off-limits friend. 
Joel shuddered one last time before letting go of you, your ass hitting the couch as his softening cock slipped out of you. He gazed down at your used pussy, a devilish grin crossing his face as he watched a trickle of his cum leak out of you. Not wanting any to go to waste, you brought your hand down to your cunt and swiped through the mess you found there. After scooping up some cum, you brought your fingers up to your mouth and licked them clean, making a show of it. 
“Fuck me, you perfect, naughty little thing,” Joel muttered almost to himself. As you both came down from the high of your lovemaking, you remembered where you were and both glanced in panic at your dad’s bedroom door. Thankfully, there were no signs of his waking, and you silently thanked the universe that he was such a heavy sleeper. Joel tucked his cock back into his briefs, pulling his jeans back up around his hips.
As you both sat side by side on the couch, Joel rested his head in his hands and whispered, “Fuck, we should not have done that.” That had your head snapping up instantly. He regretted the best sexual experience of your life?
“What happened to there being a next time?” you said timidly, trying to hold in your emotions which would surely only scare him away. But you felt like he was ripping your heart out of your chest. 
“That was just dirty talk, darlin’, you’ve gotta forget about this. This, us, can’t happen again.”
“Why not?” You could hear the desperation creeping into your voice but were powerless to hold it in. 
“You know why baby girl, can’t go fucking my partner’s innocent little daughter, let alone knocking her up.” You knew you were stupid for thinking it, but you’d really hoped he might see you as something more than just his friend’s daughter. But there it was. All you were to him was a quick forbidden fuck, never to be revisited. 
“Fine,” you said, glancing down at your still naked body. Suddenly you were cold, the Boston chill seeping back into your bones. You picked your shirt up off the floor and tugged it over your head before standing and searching the couch for your panties. “Where the fuck did my underwear go? The least you can do is help me look for them. If dad finds them he’ll have some fucking questions.” But Joel just shrugged his shoulders, glancing around half-heartedly.
You knew you were about 5 seconds from breaking down and you didn’t want him to see you cry, so you gave up looking for your underwear and stormed off to your bedroom, shutting the door and climbing into bed. As hot tears began to flow from your eyes, you realized you could still feel his cum dripping out of you.
Back in the living room, Joel still sat on the couch, thinking about what the fuck he’s just done. He fucked his best friend’s little girl. Fucked her hard. Came inside of her. And fucking loved every forbidden second of it. Jesus christ he was so fucked. Despite his harsh dismissal of you, his own resolve was crumbling as fast as it had when he’d seen you in nothing but that shirt and those panties. Those panties that he now slipped out of his pocket and brought to his nose once more, inhaling your musk. 
Yeah, he was fucked. 
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cravingpepsimax · 15 days
hs reference like a flashbang aside, choosing a dave and rose excerpt activated something in my brain. (stan voice) it’s just like them. in a way
one is a certified journal writer mastering the arts of the horrors and homosexuality, while the other’s a comic drawing “”cool”” twin with a touch of big brother worship. ford a constant knowledge (light) seeker. stan and the motif of fire. the similarities obviously stop at the surface level traits but thats actually so funny
actually, i wouldn’t say the similarities are surface-level at all!
both ford and rose deal with the Horrors, yes, but there’s more to that. the reason they deal with them is for the same endgoal — obtaining knowledge. this even results in them both being taken advantage of a nigh-omniscient, devil figure (doc scratch vs bill). like you mentioned, she journals, but i’d also like to point out her walkthrough. kanaya reads her walkthrough, not knowing the identity of rose, creating an idea of her in her head, using it as a reference for her own journey… hey, doesn’t that sound familiar?
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also, like, horrorterrors aside, you’re out of your mind if you don’t think ford would have a book called “grimoire for summoning the zoologically dubious”. like, title alone, that’s a ford thing.
like ford, rose thinks of herself as a character in a story, rather than just… a person (light player moment). she’s surprisingly calm about sacrificing herself to create the Green Sun, like how ford had resigned himself to being trapped in various hell dimensions, as long as that meant his dimension being safe from bill. also, they’re both nerds that are terrifyingly good at combat.
the rose-ford parallels aren’t shit compared to the dave-stan parallels, though.
they’ve both got a father that isn’t easily impressed, that pushes them to learn how to fight and how to fight well, who wears sunglasses 24/7. they both seem to have complicated feelings about their father, despite their father being shitty & abusive.
despite their detached appearances, both stan and save genuinely care for those close to them, and will do drastic things to protect them. becoming davesprite, dying for jade, actually just dying a lot in general (time player moment), and sacrificing himself for the Green Sun are just a few examples of this.
neither of them really want to do what they’re doing, either. dave doesn’t like time travel. it’s complicated. it’s scary. he’s afraid of his own mortality, and time travel involves a LOT of death. not just his own, either — if he fucks it up, he could end up killing literally everyone. but he does it anyways, because he has to.
stan hates science and math. growing up, he struggled in school, even with the smartest kid in school being his brother. but he still taught himself everything he needed to know to get the portal up and running — with only a third of the instructions. he did shit he hated, complicated shit he hated, for 30 years, because he had to. despite ford criticizing his recklessness, there’s not a single timeline where ford gets sucked into the portal and stan DOESN’T try to save him. and, just like how dave sacrifices himself for the Green Sun, stan’s willing to have his memory wiped for the sake of beating bill. sure, the Green Sun might’ve led to dave god tiering, but dave didn’t know that — just like how stan didn’t know his memory would come back.
they’ve also got the whole “i’m not a hero” thing, despite regularly doing heroic things.
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(also, couldn’t find a gif of it, but ford calling stanley a hero both in the show after his sacrifice & in the journal)
also, just… read the aspect descriptions for light and time and tell me that isn’t ford and stan. especially time for stan.
…also, erm, fitting the themes of this blog, dave has… some stuff going on
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also apparently davesprite and his rose may have gotten together according to the hs book commentary but i don’t own those and i can’t find an actual like. image or anything so don’t quote me on that lmao
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argumentativeaxolotl · 9 months
Hii, can you do random headcanons human au about lightning and doc? Like a father/son relationship?
Yes! I can do that for you! Thanks for asking ^^
Im so sorry there aren’t too many 😭 for some reason I’ve been struggling with concepts so if I think of any good ones later, I’ll add them back here! I hope you like these my friend!
- In my AU at least, Lightning never had a stable home-life, constantly jumping from foster home to foster home and sometimes said foster homes wouldn’t be the best. I’d assume thanks to his unfortunate circumstances, he never really had anybody take care of him until Mack and Doc arrived- even then there was only so much Mack could do or say in fear of getting fired or something.
- Doc loves Lightning(this is obvious), but the kid cannot cook for the life of him so whenever Lightning does something nice for Doc and makes food for him, and it ends up genuinely being shit or inedible, Doc will still eat it anyways because of how happy Lightning looks when he does.
- Lightning’s love language is gifts and making things for other people(even if he thinks he’s good at it, but really isn’t). I’d imagine Doc has a lot of random nicknacks and bracelets from Lightning lmao.
- I think that the first time Lightning accidentally called Doc Dad he got so scared and embarrassed that he fucking bolted out the door, ran to his 95, and raced outta town like a bat out of hell. He’s like “fuck I can’t go back and show my face! Doc’s gonna think I’m weird or something!!!!” But then doc’s like,”You think of me as a dad?! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰” and immediately goes out after Lightning and brings him home- possibly having a heart to heart or something.
- Doc will do very small things that mean the world to Lightning, such as taking him to the store with him, going on small trips with him, just generally making Lightning feel wanted and just spending time with him.
- This one’s not necessarily Lightning and Doc only and is sorta canon, but Doc is everyone’s father 💀💀💀. Doesn’t matter who you are, as soon as you step foot in Radiator Springs once and you plan to stay for more than half an hour, then you are his kid. You have been adopted.
- Doc gave Lightning a bedtime. And Lightning was not happy abt it 😭. Lightning, despite being a mostly functioning adult, was still taking horrible care of himself(likely due to Harv’s harmful teaching and shitty “philosophies”. Fuck that guy) and would go to bed at seriously ungodly hours, even during race weekends which was a no no for obvious reasons. There was also the fact that Lightning got snippy and short whenever he didn’t sleep and everyone on the team was simply too nice to say anything until Doc did. I’d imagine it was because Lightning decided it would be a good idea to mouth off to the man after a race that went awry and he said stuff he didn’t mean. Doc would likely then realize the kid needed to have a nap before he collapsed or whatever then magically after said nap he was a bit better. Doc then decided that the kid’s bedtime would be 10:30 on the dot. Lightning, deciding he was an adult, complained to the man to which Doc replied with how shitty the kid had been acting which led to Lightning having a realization and leading to him apologizing his team who were more than forgiving and understood.
- Lightning’s a fuckingn iPad kid and Doc knows it and uses it to his advantage 💀💀. Whenever Doc just needs a second to himself or wants to disappear without worrying Lightning(a note or two would be written and left on the counter as well) he’ll leave a documentary- likely about prehistoric animals or modern animals- playing on the TV that will invest Lightning until Doc gets back.
- While having a stable father figure is new to Lightning, having a son-figure is for Doc as well. After Lightning called him dad, Doc has been reading every parenting guide book and news article and children’s mental health guide he could get his hands on. He didn’t want to mess up with the kid and he was still young(Doc knew Lightning didn’t have an all-too stable home-life, why else would he never talk to his parents or family members if he even had any?) and decently impressionable- plus there was all that deep-rooted shit Harv fucked Lightning up with. Doc did not want to hurt the kid and so he did his best with what he could, but it was hard since Lightning wasn’t exactly a child. Doc does his best anyways.
- Doc always gives 101% of his attention to Lightning, even when he’s physically doing something else such as making coffee. Doc loves listening to Lightning’s sometimes nonsensical rambles and rants about dinosaurs(Lightning is 100% a Dinosaur kid I know one when I see one for I am also one) and will listen when he starts nervously rambling about them during a race as well. He’ll always listen to his rants and stories, doing his best to keep up with the youngster. He’s glad Lightning loves sharing his interests with him and everyone in Radiator Springs. Lightning himself loves that he’s allowed to just keep talking all he wants and so he does, but he doesn’t have to “make sure” they’re still listening like he’d have to with Harv or shitty old friends of his because they’d all be paying attention anyways, even while busy. It made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
- Doc teaches Lightning how to do DIY shit or how to fix things(aside from cars. I’d imagine they bond on that. Maybe this one can be changed to Doc taught Lightning about the insides of a car? Like “if you wanna race, you can’t just know the pedals and wheel. You gotta know everything about your car” or something. Little lesson yk?) like doorframes or putting together IKEA furniture(screaming and crying). I’d imagine he loves teaching Lightning how to do woodshop and Lightning loves making little sculptures.
- For his first Father’s Day in Radiator Springs, Lightning decided to get the entire town involved since he wasn’t entirely sure what Doc liked and didn’t like that he could get the man. With his little dilemma, he went to everyone in the town getting input from everybody- some ranging from getting Doc an entire new tool kit or some sort of organizer thing to a nice set of overalls Doc could wear when fixing up the Hornet or working on projects. I like to think that maybe the entire town also get him things and nicknacks since everybody realized how much of a father Doc was. I think Lightning would be like,”fuck what do I get him 😰😰” Sally would be like,”BRO JUST GET HIM SOMETHING. HE’LL LOVE IT EITHER WAY ESPECIALLY IF IT COMES FROM YOU!” And then he decides to get Doc everything the others said anyways to which Doc is surprised and proves Sally right by saying something like,”Kid, you’re the only gift I need.” Or something corny. Maybe even like,”Kid, these are all wonderful, but you didn’t have to get all of these just for me.” Or sumn. Doc 101% uses all of the items everyday tho.
I’m sorry if these are a little short I’ll add some more later if k come up with good ones lol
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sunflowersandsapphires · 11 months
Rose, Lemon and Berry from the HC ask game with all three of your boys <3
Thank you for requesting, dear anon! I hope you like what I came up with :)
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Rose: What part of falling/being in love do they get the most joy out of?
Ahhh this was a hard one to fill but I really enjoyed it :) I wrote 2 things for each because I’m indecisive! 
There’s so many things that he enjoys about being in a relationship, this man is not looking for simple notches on his belt. (I know he has had one night stands but CMON y’all. Taking Beth’s kid out for breakfast? If the Amy stuff never happened, he wouldn’t have left.)
I think he enjoys two things most: having someone in his life to protect and take care of, and being able to imagine a future again. 
Frank is obviously an Acts of Service™️ kinda dude, but like he clearly enjoys doing things for others just because! 
If there is a way he can help someone, especially someone he cares about, he will. I think it’s just as much to make him feel good as it is to make you feel good. He wants to do something kind with his hands rather than cause more hurt. 
Also, he just loves being a husband and having a family. (Helping Sarah and the kids, taking Amy in, it’s so clear he wants the family thing again)
I don’t know if this is a consequence of his own tragedy but he’s so willing to play the father figure. I don’t necessarily think he’d want to have more kids of his own, but I think domestic life with a significant other would be so enjoyable for him and allow him to heal. 
Companionship and trust. 
This is absolutely a symptom of his trauma but he is so overjoyed to have someone who actually enjoys being around him. 
He cannot understand why, but the fact that you keep coming back despite all his flaws makes his heart happy every single day. 
He just enjoys the idea that someone out there is thinking about him, waiting for him. 
Also, the idea that someone trusts him wholeheartedly after finding out what he can do and what he’s done, he can’t fathom it. And once he’s obtained it, he could cry. He’s not used to someone having so much faith in him. 
Sure, you worry about him, but you still want to be with him despite his work after hours. It’s more than he could ask for. 
Having someone to care for him and expose him to life outside of his family. 
It sounds really selfish, but we all know he’s anything but a selfish partner. 
It’s been so long since comfort was something within his reach and you just make it seem so simple. Every time you wrap your arms around him, it feels like his knees might give out. 
It’s like you can read his mind, you’re always there to hold him but you can tell when he needs space. If he’s not ready or is unable to talk about something, you never pressure him
It’s a genuine love he hasn’t felt in a long time. 
And the weight of the family business gets heavier by the day, so having someone who isn’t wrapped up in all that constantly is such a breath of fresh air.  
He gets caught up in celebrating the little things with you. Like a good cup of coffee or a pretty sunset. 
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Lemon: What is something seemingly inconsequential that can put them in a bad mood for the rest of the day?
Missing breakfast. 
I think on some level he’s used to it, living in strenuous conditions overseas for so long and everything, but it never fails to piss him off. 
This man is hungry all the time. He’s not picky, but food is a must. 
He also thrives on a strict routine. 
So missing the very first meal of the day is just that much worse than any other meal because it also throws his routine completely out of whack. 
He will be so grumpy, drinking his coffee on an empty stomach with a scowl firmly planted on his face. 
I think he’d be easily appeased though. If you brought him takeout or a snack, he’d get over it pretty quickly. 
Hangry Frank, my beloved. 
Unseasonably bad weather. Especially snow and big storms. 
He can sense it coming, but that doesn’t make it any less shitty on his senses. 
Snow makes things muffled and I would assume rain is just a lot. If it’s loud to someone with normal hearing, it must be unbearable to him some days.  
As an autistic person, rain, wind, and snow are just the fucking worst to be out in, even for a short little walk to work. I imagine it would be similar for Matt. 
He spends the rest of the day so miserable because of the cold or his damp clothes and it just ruins everything. 
He would definitely give you the sad puppy eyes when he got home and just open his arms for a hug. 
His bad day would be forgotten if you wrapped him in a soft blanket and pet his hair. Hair pets solve most of his problems. 
Being forced out of bed urgently. 
This one is a lil generic but hear me out. 
I feel like Mikey’s morning routine has become a little safe haven for him, and it’s a huge indicator of his stress levels as well as a designated time for relaxation so he doesn’t trigger a seizure. 
If he wakes up late or is immediately forced to handle some family BS, it just immediately forces him into an anxious spiral about his own health. 
If it does end up causing a seizure, I think his self-consciousness and justified grumpiness would last the whole week at least. Poor thing. 
I think some comforting actions that he’d appreciate would be assisting with things he didn’t want to do the rest of the day? Maybe refilling his meds or making/ordering food. 
He’s absolutely a quality time and acts of service guy, so showering him with attention and helping him out however you can would definitely get him through his bad mood. 
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Berry: What makes them happier than perhaps it should? Do others know about it?
This is peak HC, outta left field shit. But I am so confident about them 😂
Seeing a dog get really excited over something silly. Like chasing their own tail, or seeing a shadow. 
Frank just enjoys dogs and their innocence so much. Anytime he sees one of them get genuinely excited for next to no reason, it brightens his day. 
I think very few people get to see Frank’s real smile but his partner definitely would. And he might not verbally express how happy dogs make him, but it wouldn’t be hard to figure out. 
This man enjoys hearing the birds in the morning. 
This is absolutely me projecting bc I love looking at birds but they have such beautiful and unique sounds, but I think he would love distinguishing between them. 
Any day he gets to walk past a green area with some songbirds is a good day. 
I think he would definitely share this with someone he cared about, but he might have to work up to it. (Y’all know how he is with vulnerability.)
Little things that make Michael happy? Romance novels and soap operas
They’re so cheesy and he loves it. His life is so dramatic that sometimes it’s nice to just be dropped into a whirlwind love story that moves at lightning speed. 
Not to mention the drama in soap operas far outweighs his life. At least he’s never fallen down an elevator shaft!
I think he’d be too embarrassed to tell his SO but would love to read/watch with them if they asked.
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fruitsbasketcase · 2 years
This will probably be an unpopular opinion and that’s fine. I want to start off by saying that Moxxie’s dad, Crimson is a very shitty father and person in general. There is no excusing the way he treated his son and wife.
That being said… a part of me kind of see’s where he was coming from with his parenting style. At least in the beginning.
I think that when Moxxie was little, Crim truly did love him in the only way he knew how. Moxxie was his son, his heir, the one to take over the business and follow in his footsteps. That in itself is the problem though. To be the boss, you need to be tough. You need to be able to handle yourself and fight your own battles. Be respected.
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Mox can’t cut the steak on his own, and sure, Crim could help him but in his mind that’s not the right thing to do. In his mind you have to let him figure it out on his own, so he won’t be co dependent. In my opinion, both parents are handling this situation the wrong way.
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Crim leaves Mox to figure out how to cut it on his own while his mother cuts it for him. The mother is wrong in doing this because he isn’t learning. She is doing it for him and if she is there to do it for him, why would he need to learn to do it on his own? The right thing to do would have been for them to sit Moxxie down with his knife and fork and show him step by step how to do it, while still having him do it with his own hands. It teaches him and he will be able to do it on his own next time.
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Not to play the generational trauma card, but I believe Crim thought he was doing the right thing for Moxxie because his father probably raised him the same way. It is the FAMILY business after all. Dog eat dog, better to burn than get burned, kill or be killed. He wants Moxxie to know from the jump that you have to become strong and fight your own battles to survive in this business and this world. The way his mother over protected him was enabling him from fighting for himself.
Now, here comes a most likely even more unpopular opinion. Millie enables Moxxie from reaching his full potential.
Are they stronger together? Hell freaking yeah they are! That doesn’t change the fact that Moxxie never gets to fight for himself or defend himself.
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He started to stick up for himself at first, and I was so freaking proud of him in that moment. A part of me wonders if deep down, Crim was proud of him too for finally fighting for himself. Of course, it didn’t last long and Millie had to come to his rescue.
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I love their relationship but it doesn’t change the fact that Millie doesn’t let Moxxie fight for himself, even for the littlest things. She’s quick to jump to his defense, kill anyone who even breathes wrong in his direction. That’s romantic, sure, but that hurts Moxxie as a person. Like his mother, Moxxie uses Millie as a crutch. “I don’t need to do this myself, Millie has it covered.”
Like with his mother, it is too much on the other side of the argument. They need to find a good balance. Moxxie needs to save himself for once, and I hope the next time we see Crimson, Moxxie will be the one to take him down. Not Millie. Not Moxxie and Millie. Just Moxxie.
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xoxoladyaz · 1 year
AU-gust, Day 3: Writer
TW: References to monster smut and genitalia, Shrek
Robin’s mad at him.
(Well, mad isn’t the right word. Frustrated? Annoyed? Shocked by his enduring stupidity? All of those are probably better options.)
“Seriously, dingus? You haven’t told him yet?!”
Steve anxiously ran his fingers through his no-longer perfectly-styled coif. “I’ve tried, Robin! It’s just kind of hard to tell the guy that you’re falling in love with that you write monster porn for a living!”
It had started when he was a senior in college, reeling from his break-up with Nancy and trying desperately to find anything to distract himself from his heartbreak. It was a total joke at first, trying to find the cringiest romances he could find and reading them with Robin as they got progressively more and more drunk on whatever cheap booze he’d squirreled away from Tommy that week. But then one night he found himself in bed crying when Matthias the Minotaur sacrificed his life for his one-true love and he couldn’t stand it because Matthias deserved a happy ending after everything he’d been through and Steve had read enough of these books, for fuck’s sake, he could write a better ending!
It was just a hobby for a while, a secret shame that got him through the doldrums of working for his father while trying to figure out what he wanted to do next. Steve could never keep anything from Robin, though, and while she initially teased him for writing “monster porn,” after she read one of his stories she demanded he submit it to some indie romance publishing houses and she didn’t give up until he had done so and now – well, now Steve was making a truly obscene amount of money off of his many, many monstrous and paranormal romance books (with Robin as his editor, of course) and had kissed his shitty parents goodbye.
(And if his pen name was his father’s name, which meant that anytime someone googled “Richard Harrington” the first thing that popped up were book titles like “Prisoner of the Gargoyle’s Heart” and not his father’s incredibly influential law office, well, that was just payback for twenty-five years of bullshit.)
The thing is, Steve isn’t even ashamed of it, not really. He’s always been a kinky guy, first of all, and besides, it’s not all about the sex (although his sex scenes are some of the best in the business and he hadn’t shied away from writing queer books when the rest of the world had.) What he liked most about the stories he wrote was that regardless of what his monsters had looked like, or lived through, or done in their past, or where they’d come from, they all found someone who loved them because of their differences - because of their monstrousness – and not in spite of it.
(And yeah, okay, he liked the sex stuff too. Who wouldn’t want to fuck a dragon with two dicks? Or Prince Titian, the golden-haired merman who had both sets of humanoid genitalia? Or Neptus, the half-man, half-octopus who had all those huge tentacles - )
“Dingus. Stop thinking about Neptus.”
“Huh?” Steve asked, shaking his head. “How did you - ”
“Because I know you, Steve Harrington, and there’s only one person slash fictional entity that you get that weird horny look for and honestly, I could have lived my entire life without knowing about your tentacle thing - ”
“ROBIN, it’s not – I don’t have a tentacle thing ­- ”
“ – but we can deal with your weird fetishes another day, right now we need to discuss why your boyfriend still thinks that you’re an accountant and the fact that you need to tell your boyfriend about your job so I can tell my girlfriend about my job so she understands why I need so much therapy and why I know so much about your sexual preferences - ”
“Jesus, Robin, I got it, I got it!” Steve stood and headed for his minibar. “Look, it’s not – it’s not that I don’t want to tell him, it’s just – people can get kind of weird about it.”
“Yeah, and those people suck,” Robin replied as she followed after him. “But Eddie isn’t Nancy or Tommy or Cheryl or Brad or Kel, he’s Eddie.”
“Yeah, world-famous-high-fantasy-author-Eddie-Munson! He’s, like, actually legit Robin! He’s won the Hugo Award twice!”
“He also likes to go to the Renaissance fair dressed up as a faun and annoy people by playing the pipes, Steve. And you’ve seen his weird monster dildo collection which I know you have too - ”
“I know, I know!” Steve exclaimed as he poured both himself and Robin a glass of Merlot. “I just,” Steve turned to face Robin and sighed. “I’m just scared, Robin. Like, it hasn’t even been that long but he makes me feel – I don’t even know, like, I haven’t felt this way about someone since Nancy, you know? And Eddie - this feels like it could be more than that. Like a forever sort of thing.”
Robin sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder. “I know, dingus. And I know that people have you given you all kinds of shit in the past, but that’s not going to be Eddie. And if it is Eddie, I will kick his ass into the ocean and feed him to your squid-man.”
“Neptus isn’t a squid man, Robin - ”
Robin was right, of course. Robin was always right.
(Except for when it came to best Marvel movie, she said Civil War when everyone knew that Thor: Ragnarok was the superior film.)
Robin was right, it was time for Steve to tell Eddie the truth. And Steve had known that too, knew that stretching it much longer than two months would probably end really, really badly, especially if Eddie didn’t take it well, but enough of his relationships (romantic and otherwise) had been ruined by people just not understanding or not caring enough to try to understand his stories or why he loved what he did, but Eddie was different. Successful and handsome and creative and intelligent? Sure, Steve had dated people who had all those qualities before. But only Eddie Munson spent hours on the phone with Steve’s friends, talking them through their D&D related problems. Only Eddie Munson showed up on their first date with flowers for Steve, when Steve was the one who normally had to go all out for his partner. 
And only Eddie Munson would learn Steve’s favorite Taylor Swift songs in his free time (instead of the latest Metallica or Ghost) because he wanted to make Steve smile, which is what Eddie was in the middle of doing when Steve finally worked up the nerve to tell him. 
“The stakes are high, the water’s rough, but this love is - ”
“Hey, uh, Eddie? I kind of need to tell you something,” Steve interrupted him as he walked into the living room, beers in hand.
Eddie stopped what he was doing at Steve’s entrance and beamed, setting his acoustic guitar off to the side. “Everything alright, angel?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I just – here,” Steve handed him a beer. He waited until Eddie had taken a sip (and swallowed) before continuing. “I, uh, well – look, we’ve been dating for two months now - ”
“Two months, three days and fourteen hours,” Eddie winked as he took another sip.
“ – and – right,” Steve flushed bright red at the look in Eddie’s eyes. “Right. Uh, anyways, we’ve been dating for two months and I just thought it was time to tell you and – okay, it’s not a big deal but it is kind of a big deal? But not what you’re probably thinking, I’m not, like, married or anything, I – I’m not an accountant, okay, I’m a writer!”
“I know.”
“ – not, like, a normal writer, I write – wait, what?” Steve gaped at Eddie. “You – what?!”
“Baby,” Eddie started slowly, his finger running in tempting circles around the rim of his beer, “you know I know people in the romance world, right?”
“I – what? You knew this whole time?”
“Yep,” Eddie shot Steve a sultry smirk along with another wink. “I knew exactly who you were when I asked you out, big boy. Or, I knew who Robin was and I put two and two together.”
“I – how?!”
“Baby, you didn’t even change your last name.”
Steve just sat there in stunned silence while Eddie continued to sip on his beer, a teasing gleam in his eyes. “But – I – and you’re okay with it?”
At that, Eddie’s smile grew a bit more serious, and he set his beer down on the coffee table so he could hold Steve’s hands in his. “Of course I am, sweetheart. You’re insanely talented, Stevie.”
“I – I write porn, Eddie. With monsters in it.”
“I know, it’s stupidly hot.”
“But you – it could hurt your career if people found out,” Steve said softly, sadly, squeezing Eddie’s hands. “People – people would give you so much shit, Eddie.”
Eddie squeezed back. “Steve, my nickname was ‘The Freak’ in high school. I was a poor kid with shitty parents who was raised in a trailer park. People have given me shit my entire life and frankly, I couldn’t give a flying fuck about what anyone said about you and your writing. If anything, people are going to ask me what the fuck someone as handsome and gifted as you is doing with someone like me.”
Steve snorted and Eddie let out a laugh. “I mean it! You’re like Prince Charming or some shit and I’m the ogre living in the swamp.”
Eddie froze for a few seconds before a maniacal grin overtook his face.
“Stevie, baby, have you ever considered a sexy Shrek retelling?”
“No. No.”
(“There’s an Ogre in His Swamp” was released on April Fool’s Day the following year. The author, Richard Harrington, posted a dedication in this book, the first of many that he would dedicate to his husband, E. W. Munson:
To my Ogre – thank you for being my happily ever after.)
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@myrmyrtheorca Decided to make it a separate post to ramble more! Now onto Bel’s and Rasiel’s mother!
Small trigger warning for character death and pregnancy. And their dad being really shitty, but not quite abusive? (At least from my knowledge what he does isn’t quite abuse, just really shitty.)
Skin as white as snow, wavy and long hair as dark as ebony wood, eyes that dazzle like polished rubies, and lips as red as blood.
To most, an interesting beauty to behold. But to the small village she grew up in, in the secret and unnamed country (I do have a headcanon name for Bel’s and Rasiel’s country, but that can be for another day) Lisette Bruyère was a complete outcast. Being very sickly also didn’t help her. Even so, she remained pleasant and kind to those around her. In her times alone, she quickly figured out she could do minor illusions. Nothing massive, but small things like glimmering lights. Unbeknownst to her, she was a Mist flame.
Years later, after the new king takes over the kingdom, King Armoniel is set on finding his queen. Known for his cold, cruel ways much like all the rulers before, so no one in his kingdom was eager to offer him a bride.
So when no one else wanted to sacrifice their daughters to the king, Lisette was forced to take the role. By the village basically threatening to her father’s business, the only thing helping her family make money. She wasn’t happy with this. Who could be? But she did it for the sake of her father.
Unfortunately for her! King Armoniel falls for her near instantly, quickly taking her back to his castle. Now don’t mistake this for true love, it’s ultimately just a deep obsession. All the King wanted was to own her as a possession. Even so, he made sure others feared her as his Queen and showered her in any gifts he deemed worthy.
Her opinion mattered very little to him. After all, why should he care that the silver he adorns her and himself with causes her discomfort at best and rashes at worst. He’s the king after all, he only needs to think about himself. In fact, most of the time he was away from the castle as a whole, never spending much time with her. Everything about her new life as Queen was very draining for Lisette. She felt lonelier than ever despite how many servants were around to wait on her hand and foot. She was often described as a living ghost haunting the castle.
Armoniel’s behavior towards her didn’t improve until it was time for heirs in his eyes. Then he shifted his attention fully to her for multiple months, doing everything he can for her and even giving her his most loyal butler; Olgert. Lisette wasn’t stupid though, she knew his intentions fully well. But… She allowed it. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t want children. Even if her situation isn’t ideal.
Part of her was hoping she could turn her country around with the next heirs. Maybe all the royal family needed is to be cared for by tender hands and held with love. Through out her pregnancy with the twins, she’d prattle on and on about them and her hopes for them. She hardly knew them, but she loved her sons with all her heart.
In fact, she never got to know her sons at all. Her previous health issues caught her by the end of her pregnancy, causing an early labor by a week. While Rasiel and Bel survived, Lisette was not as lucky despite doctors best attempts.
Armoniel was upset over his wife’s death, but more in the way of someone losing their favorite decoration would be than full mourning. Either way, he reacted by having all pictures removed of her except for an expensive and large portrait he had traditionally painted for their wedding. That portrait was all the twins had to know their mother. No one truly spoke of her to them, especially not their father.
They grew up under the her portrait’s watchful eyes. Eyes they shared with her, hidden under their bangs.
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A Comedy of Error
A/N: I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've written Adrien without salting him like a steak :/ This was stuck in my head, so I picked it out.
“I think I’m in love with Marinette.”
In the shadowy alcove Adrien had dragged him and Alya into, Nino could only stare at his best bro. Adrien was clearly distressed by his revelation, his eyebrows furrowed and his trademarked Agreste smile nowhere in sight, and Nino immediately understood why he wasn’t happy about this. Marinette was dating Luka, looked happy with Luka… happier than she looked pinning after Adrien. 
He checked on Alya, who’d yet to react. And from the look on her face, she’d be spaced out for a while, staring at Adrien with a dumb-founded expression. He could practically see all the gears in her head stuttering to a halt. Knowing his girlfriend would need a minute to reboot, he asked Adrien, “How’d you figure it out?”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “I saw Mari and Luka out on a date, while I was modeling with Lila–” It wasn’t so much that Adrien made a face at Lila’s name; it was more like his face went completely blank trying to hide what he thought of her, so Nino was going to have to ask about that in the future— “So I snuck away to say hi to them, but then as I was approaching, he kissed her!” Adrien threw his hands up in the air. “And I was so jealous! I haven’t been this jealous since–” He cut himself off. “A while. It’s been a while.”
Alya was still going through the five stages of grief and then some, so Nino took point. “Well, I’m glad you figured it out, dude, but I’m not sure what I can do,” he confessed. “I can’t really encourage you in winning her heart.”
Adrien nodded, sad but understanding. Unfortunately, his words were exactly what it took to knock Alya back into the real world. “What!?” she hissed, bloodlust in her eyes. “Why not!?”
Nino gave her a look. “You can’t just break up a happy couple, Alya. That’s a really cruel thing to do.”
She looked away, guilt flashing across her face. “Well, how do you know they’re happy?” she asked, doubling down. “Besides, Adrien and Marinette are destined to be together!”
Nino didn’t know how to respond to that. 
Fortunately, Adrien did, and he placed a comforting hand on Alya’s shoulder. “Thanks for saying that, Alya, but we both know it isn’t true. Marinette doesn’t think of me romantically.”
Alya visibly fought off the urge to strangle Adrien. “What.”
Either ignorant or ignoring the threat in her voice, Adrien continued, “She’s in love with Luka; there’s no way she’d ever fall for me! Luka’s so cool and handsome and he’s older than me. He’s in a band! I can’t compete with that, my father would never let me in a band! Who could even blame her for choosing Luka over me?”
Maybe Adrien has a crush on Luka too? Nino almost wanted to suggest polyamory as a solution, but held his tongue. Gabriel the Company might be inclusive towards the LGBTQ+ community, but that didn’t mean Gabriel the Shitty Father was. He wasn’t willing to potentially put his bro in danger like that. 
Alya covered her mouth and screamed into her hands for a solid minute. When she was finished, she jabbed a finger into his face. “You’re dealing with this.”
“He’s your best friend, that means you deal with the… problem area.” She gestured at Adrien.
“You just gestured at all of me.” Adrien pouted. 
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noemilivv · 8 months
This is for your Hazbin matchup!
Hi! My name is Aster. Im bisexual and demisexual. I mostly think romantically about male characters fyi. I’m a huge theater kid, would like to go into directing/playwriting. I’m quite reserved and don’t like loud environments. Would rather stay home and read than go out drinking. I sit in the corner writing an entire script into my notebook from memory.
I have ADHD and many symptoms of autism.
I cannot understand sarcasm most of the time, and I need to take most everything seriously. You can find me picking at my finger pads all the time and having violent mental breakdowns because I can’t figure out a math problem :). I either sleep til 3pm or not at all
Style: Some say I dress like Kurt Cobain. I cannot go anywhere without my shirt tucked in, a musical sweater, and my tote bag. My earbuds are my security item. I have medium length brown hair, hazel eyes, kinda big nose, braces and glasses.
I have huge daddy issues. I’ve seen Zal Owen as a father figure for as long as I can remember. I don’t have any siblings and am not close at all with any family other than my parents.
Love: I love physical touch!! Kiss me, cuddle me, hold by hand, etc. I also love acts of service. I’m such a sucker for romance and intimacy. Like, let me sit so close in public that I can smell your gum. Rose filled bubble bath just for us, hell yeah. I’m so used to being forgotten or discarded socially so I just kinda need THAT person to actually give a shit. I’ve had my heart constantly broken since I was eight. I need a lot of reassurance and care. I’d like a partner/bestie who is invested in my special interests (can talk to about a show, can harmonize properly with, etc). I’m very very clingy, let’s just say that. I can talk for literal hours about my interests and tell you all the info you need about anything Broadway.
I like to see the good in everyone, and will always try my best to help and be the one to love and support others when they’re not getting any, even if we’re strangers. There are some people I just loathe, though.
Hobbies: I play piano and ukulele. I have huge appreciation for music, and love analyzing it. I love writing and sketching, though I’m not the best at either. I just watch a lot of YouTube and sing a lot of showtunes outside alone on my swings after a long day of socializing.
hey aster!! this was an extremely hard tie between two characters haha, but in the end, i went with…
Angel Dust !!
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I can totally see you and Angel spending a shit ton of money on musical tickets to just go out and see a bunch of shows
As much as he can be a party animal, he’s willing to stay in for the night just as much as an introvert, Angel’s 100% ready to snuggle up with you and Fat Nuggets and watch shitty Rom Coms and Hamilton (or whatever musical peaks your fancy haha)
Angel has been through his fair share of tough shit, and he’s always willing to reassure you whenever you need it, you both pick eachother up when in hard places a lot <3
He’s also entirely willing to listen to you rant on and on about whatever’s on your mind, believe it or not, but Angel Dust isn’t a bad listener, he’s actually pretty damn good at it
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journeyintofiction · 2 years
hii, can u do a Shuri x reader where the reader is in college and is getting verbally and physically abused by her parents due to her bad academics performance but she won’t tell Shuri because she has a country to worry about until Shuri eventually finds out because the reader won’t answer calls or texts? <33
Hello everyone! I took a tiny hiatus because I had a very huge loss in my family right before New years so I was not in the mental headspace to write anything. However, I am back and unfortunately the college semester is in full swing. Pls send help im dying 
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of verbally and physically abusive parents
Word count:1k
As always, happy reading :) 
“y/n, you better not be crying in your room before I come in there and give you something to cry about!”
I quickly attempt to muffle my sobs by burying my head in my comforter on the bed, hoping and praying that my parents can’t hear me. God knows I don’t need another beating after what happened tonight. 
It always happens like this. Every single time. I do my best, get anything lower than an A and I know as soon as I come home I’m gonna have my ass beat. No matter how hard the class is or how hard I work they don’t care because if it isn’t an A it is considered a failure. I went to the college they wanted me to go to because I could stay home and make money but that meant I couldn’t escape their abuse. 
This semester I had a slip up and got a C in a class and in turn they beat the shit out of me as a form of “teaching me” a lesson. It's not just the physical abuse, every insult was a purposeful stab at me because I failed to meet their expectations or it was just because they had a shitty day and wanted to hurt my feelings. I am at a breaking point mentally, emotionally, and physically.
I hear my phone vibrate and I pick my head up from my comforter to look at my phone and see Shuri’s name pop up on the screen. A smile slightly at the thought of her but wince when I feel the tightness of my skin from my tears drying. I slowly move over to where my phone is so I can text back before she gets worried.
Shuri always knew my schedule and when I suddenly don't answer and she knows I'm at home, she gets worried sick. I shoot her a text and let her know I cant talk and just as I am about to hit send she calls me. Out of fear I quickly answer and start speaking in hushed tones so that my parents dont hear me.
“Shuri, i love you, but right now really isn’t a good time.”
She pauses and asks, “Are you at home?”
“What? Yes I’m at home, you know my routine plus you can track me right now.” I say in confusion.
“My love, I have been trying to call you for the last 2 hours.”
I go silent for a moment and try to figure out how to explain the entire situation without getting Shuri upset or involved with my parents. She takes my silence as a negative response and begins to respond before I can.
“y/n if you have something going on, please just tell me.”
I bite my lip and respond on the verge of tears, “Shuri I want to tell you, I really do but if I say anything… I-”
I get cut off by my mom coming up the stairs and I shove my phone under my pillow but don’t end the call so Shuri can hear everything.
“Who are you talking to up here, huh?”
I look at her impassively so that she believes me, “No one mom, I'm rereading something for my test tomorrow.”
“Yeah, you better be because if I see you come home with another B or less, you are gonna get your ass beat again. I'm not playing with you, your father and I have told you time and time again that we expect you to achieve and you fall short every time.”
I feel my eyes getting watery but otherwise show no emotion and respond as I always do, “of course, I’ll make sure its nothing less than an A.”
My mother looks at me hard and nods, “Keep studying and while you’re at it, dust your room and do laundry.”
With that she leaves to go back down stairs for the night and I pick up my phone from under my pillow. 
“Shuri, are you still there?”
Instead of a reply I get a facetime call and I accept it quickly, frowning at her when she appears on screen. 
“What's wrong? Why did you need to facetime me-”
Shuri looks at me angrily, “How long has this been happening?”
“How long has what been happening?” I say, playing dumb and hoping that she will drop the conversation.
I sigh, “years, I… never said anything because I know you are busy and this is not your concern and responsibility.”
“All those bruises over the last few months, they were your parents weren’t they?” she whispered.
Looking down and picking at my comforter I mutter a soft “ya.”
She sighed and didn’t say anything for a moment, seemingly unsure of how to broach the subject without hurting me or making me uncomfortable. Then she finally asks, “What else have they…done?”
I hesitate and glance at her on the screen, “It’s just yelling and berating me most of the time but when I get a bad grade they, uh, beat me.”
“Is that why you reacted poorly when I yelled a few weeks back?”
I nod and she looks away from her screen guiltily, “No, Shuri don’t do that to yourself, you didn’t know back then.”
“I should have picked up on it though, I mean seriously the bruises and the flinching whenever my voice was raised should have told me everything I needed to know.”
I see her moving around frantically packing things and I frown because as far as I knew, she didn’t have a meeting and wasn’t expected to go anywhere this evening. When she glances over and sees my confused look she shrugs and raises an eyebrow.
“Shuri… what are you doing?” I ask with my head cocked to the side.
“I’m coming to see you… and talk to your parents.”
A/N: Please forgive any grammatical errors, I am extremely tired and have had a looonnngggg week. 
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khaopybara · 1 year
I have many thoughts about Be My Favorite since I started watching this show two weeks ago. It has been plaguing my mind in an absolutely not normal way. I’m making this show my whole personality and that’s something that hasn’t happened in a long ass time. With that being said, I just needed to put my thoughts somewhere... Does any of this make any sense or have continuity or understandability? Nah, but it was fun for me.
Pisaeng doesn’t get married to Pear in any of the new future realities.
This is wishful thinking but not really. Episode 5 I think showed us Pisaeng going through his whole self-discovery and acceptance of his sexuality alone (as in with no romantic partner to make him figure it out like @mikuni14​ explained in their post). Even with his mother being the woman that she is, who shoves her son in the closet while “supporting that community”, I think Pisaeng is sure of himself and mentally strong enough not to fall into heteronormativity and get married to Pear anymore. It would feel too dishonest to the character if that was to happen now that he said he knows what he is and that he isn’t the same 15 year old unsure kid. And also dishonest to Pear who said she knew he wasn’t interested in her and was only waiting for him to tell her.
Pear gets married to Not.
Am I happy with that? Absolutely not. Is it obvious that that’s the way the story will go? Also no, really. But there is something about their footage on the wedding party that gives me the impression that they are one getting married.
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And that Max and Pisaeng are very close in the future too (hence why Max goes to Kawi’s apartment to scold (?) him about knowing why Kawi and Pisaeng aren’t close anymore.) (Am I hoping for them to be a couple in the future where there is no Kawi bc apparently Kawi becomes a jerk? Yes, but that’s not the point.)
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Not is a scum bag and bully, and while I think that things might be changing for him in the past (because people are calling him out on his bs) we don’t know for sure how much he changes. 
Aye does say in the Be My Favorite Stories that we see Pear as this wholesome, bright and amiable person who we all love, but in future episodes, we’ll see that no one can be a complete angel and we’ll see a completely different side of her. Maybe that’s about her father. Maybe it’s about her work ambitions. Maybe that’s just something else entirely. I’m very curious to see her development in the story because she has been proving time and time again that she has the emotional intelligence of the group along with Max.
We know that Pear will also fight with Kawi at the wedding and Kawi gets physical with Not. Kawi has Kawi reasons to feel upset I’m sure, but I think it’s fair to assume that Kawi is crashing their party. In BMF Stories, we’re told that Kawi isn’t close/in good terms to anyone anymore. Not Pisaeng, not Max, not Pear, and not even Not, so why would he even be invited. I’m sure it’ll be a mess just like my thoughts on this wedding (s). 
Two (or more) timelines for the wedding party.
We have this Kawi that no one likes.
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and this more dressed up Kawi.
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Also this fabulous dress that I assume will be part of the story too and not only for dress testing purposes because Aye looks amazing (her dresses could also be different because one is for the ceremony and the other for the party, but I’m not sure how common that is).
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Things in the future bad + go back to the present in panic
This has been brought up before, but it’s my favorite part of the BMF Stories, and that’s the moment when Kawi goes to/from to the future, but Pisaeng is in the room talking to him about his dad in the hospital.
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We get the hug and the crying 
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Meaning that things 10 years from now are shitty and he probably messed up big time. The director also says this is a big moment for Kawi when explaining the scene to Gawin. Watch how he reacts during the scene and try to comfort him in this moment, and all of that. 
Do we know exactly what happens? No. We assume that is shitty because he’s once again alone (but he has his fans because hey, now he’s famous. He has a career and prestige, but is it worth it if none of the people who matter, as in not only his friends but also his dad because I saw some people theorizing that Kawi’s dad will die regardless of what he does [and Pear’s father is not to be trusted] are there with him to enjoy his success?)
When the beach scenes happen?
When does Pisaeng tells Kawi that he’ll disappear from his life?
What happens to Dad?
What is Pear’s “dark side”?
And a bunch of other questions I’m sure will be answered with more questions as the weeks pass...
Be My Favorite might as well be one of my favorite shows that I’ve watched this year. Character driven shows will always have my heart, and it has been so fun to watch it. I hope we get a satisfying second half.
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winns-stuff · 2 years
Each time I hear about the chapters they continue to prove my point each time. Hades really is a fucked up person, you mistreat and abuse your employees who you’ve known for a long long time.. those who’ve worked under you and have obviously formed some kind of understanding with you since they have to live in your realm and work in your corporation, along with your citizens who also deal with you on a daily basis and help keep your realm financially and physically stabilized. All of those people who’ve been there longer than punk ass Persephone and you only give her respect, compassion, understanding, and respect. You’re a fucking asshole, there’s literally no redemption with Hades and that’s exactly why I absolutely despise his ass.
See, I knew I was on to something when I said that Hades is nowhere near a morally grey character, he’s literally the worst person ever. He has no redeeming traits at least that he chooses to display, he never tries to actually fix his problems instead he gets someone else to, and whenever he’s confronted on his shitty behavior he gaslights and manipulates the person confronting him. He’s so fucking evil like I have such a deep hatred for him, he’s not even that fucking nice to Persephone literally he’s becoming borderline controlling and condescending. You can’t say you respect Persephone and then spoon feed her information like she’s an idiot, you can’t say she’s mature or an adult when you baby her like she’s 4, you can’t say that she should be the queen of the underworld if you won’t even let her help with actual situations that need to be dealt with in her realm. I mean… it’s almost as if.. We knew that Persephone was nowhere near capable or even showed any sort of leadership traits when it came to actually being a ruler.
Genuinely I never saw Persephone as an actual queen or adequate ruler of the underworld. Hell, Hades isn’t even cutting it either with his terrible communication and behavioral issues that he keeps projecting onto people he believes is less than. But the problem I have with Persephone is that there’s no record in the comic of Persephone actually trying to improve her understanding of the underworld or trying to come up with any solutions to its problems either. Like she literally just came back from the damn mortal realm after being there for 10 years and even before she got banned she’s never even had any motivation to learn about the underworld. The only motivation she’s ever had was flirting with Hades, she never asked about the realm, how things worked, what the citizens’ concerns, what additions they need to add, nothing. It’s always been about Hades and she’s only had one panel where she was actually interested in taking the realm but of course it was cut off because you can’t have romance and the female lead to have actual aspirations not revolving around flirting and being with the male lead.
This whole situation is irking to me, so many people time and time again always excuse Hades’ shitty behavior and instead try and punish the other characters for doing either the exact same thing or nothing at all. I’m so tired of this bullshit, Thanatos does not deserve to be so disrespected and unappreciated that he gets so jealous at the sight of Hades treating Persephone like a normal person to the point of actively trying to ruin her life. That speaks volumes on how badly Hades always treats him, he got desperate at the opportunity to actually be respected and noticed by his father figure Hades. The fact that this motherfucker brought Thanatos into his damn office just to talk about Persephone who was around the time still A FUCKING EMPLOYEE being queen is just so creepy to me. Like Persephone was still there to work and yet she’s effortlessly rewarded straight to the crown even though this bitch doesn’t do shit. Show me any scene or panel that Persephone actually deserves the crown because genuinely there is none, it’s creepy and weird how obsessive Hades is and how he wants Persephone so badly that he continues to call her his wife and address her like she’s basically his even though she’s already said that she wants to take things slowly. The man obviously just wants a wife he does not care about Persephone’s feeling or anything, he believes that her kindness is an invitation for him to court her and it’s really weird that no one’s thoughts of that.
Anyways that’s the end of the rant on both Persephone and Hades because they genuinely get on my nerves. Persephone is just as much to blame for Hades’ behavior too, I know there’s a few time she’s tried to correct his behavior but it seems like she really brushes it off unless it affects her in some way. Like she never sticks up for anyone else that Hades berates and insults or even try and get him to change. She just allows him to be absolutely unbearable without checking it so yeah it is partially her fault as well because as his only development the more time he spends with her the less of an asshole but instead it seems like Hades is now acting aggressively to “defend” Persephone which is really making things worse. But like I always say this is just a meaningless rant and whether or not you agree or disagree is fine with me, none of these rants hold a lot of weight since I come up with them on the spot so don’t take any of these as fact or importance, also don’t use this as fuel to go after any Hades or Lore Olympus stans, people are allowed to enjoy their characters.
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