#elain critical
[Really, really long post.]
Every time I see ‘let my girl be happy’ tag and the post is about canon Nessian, it infuriates me as much as breaks my heart. Sometimes I wonder those who romanticise Cassian’s behaviour are speaking from a place of privilege or ignorance because admitting that calls for addressing real life abuse that misogyny forces them to endure.
I’m an Indian living in a highly patriarchal, misogynistic society where women are still required to marry someone out of convenience for the sake of their families. This is not the cute arranged marriages you read in books or watch in movies. Most women have to sacrifice everything they are and they stand for to ease the family’s burden. Let’s not start with dowry or DV. Sure our society has progressed in many ways, this is still reality of most women when it comes to marriages and having a family. No matter how well off you are, no matter how successful you are in your career. It’s more nuanced than you can imagine where the parents meddle with children’s life at every step and our lives are more intertwined with our families than in western society. So I simply can’t read Nesta’s story and delude myself that she got a happy ending with Cassian or the IC. I try to keep my emotions out of most of the criticisms to help people see the situation objectively. That’s hard to do in this case but I’ll try.
Nesta is the eldest child who ‘fails’ her sisters when it is her father’s responsibility to take care of three young girls. Being groomed to be a housewife all her life, Nesta contributes as much as she can by doing the chores and nurturing her family the only way she knows how. She seeks help from relatives and friends while the ones in position to do so ignore her. And when the time comes, she finds the way to be of useful to her family by marrying Tomas. Despite all this, Nesta is a failure of a sister simply because Feyre made a choice. These only come to light in Nesta’s book and even the few instances where Feyre realises this, there’s no real appreciation for her efforts. They are dismissed and only mentioned to highlight Feyre’s empathic tendencies and her general awareness of her sisters’ plights rather than uplifting Nesta’s character itself. None of these are acknowledged as these aren’t the typical masculine ways that’s glorified throughout the series.
As Nesta navigates her life as a recently transformed fae, she partakes in a war she has no part in. She has no obligation or need to risk her life for Night Court, or any other court, or even the mortals. These are the same acts that make Feyre a hero in the first book. But when it comes to Nesta and she rises up to the occasion, it’s downplayed as she deals with PTSD from her death, the Cauldron, the toll of war, and her father’s death. None of her sacrifices or her attempts to protect her sisters are given an ounce of importance or due respect that it deserves. It’s turned into Nesta’s duty as the eldest sister or the sister of Night Court’s High Lady instead.
When Nesta deals with her trauma, everyone takes great pleasure in controlling how the situation pans out. She goes as far as to live alone to spare her sisters, yet Feyre and Elain who have the choice of when and how to regulate their emotions, don’t grasp the concept of personal space. Her actions are self-sabotaging at best and have no real consequence on any of the other characters. Still, they are amplified to an extent that it’s made into a court affair. And the reason for this is Nesta isn’t coping in the right way. Gambling, drinking and sex which are common activities for the IC become a question of their reputation the moment she does it in her pain, emphasising that these are only acceptable when she does it with them. Spending Feyre’s money on gambling may seem like a reasonable cause for the IC to interfere but if we factor in how Nesta’s rightful wealth from Tamlin or her father was lost because of the direct consequence of IC’s actions, along with the fact that she’s still owed money for her contribution in the war, Nesta is deliberately stripped off any monetary agency to trap her.
If this isn’t punishment enough, Nesta is locked in an inescapable tower with a man she wants no part with. And when she fights, she is lied to about laws and threatened to be thrown among people who consider her a threat. She has no interest in training to fight or work for the Night Court but she’s forced to. She’s not compensated for any of this labour either. Nesta is known to starve herself after the war to the point that she’s all ‘skin and bones’. Cassian, an established gym bro in the series, weaponises food against her when she doesn’t eat what is offered and when. The moment she shows any interest in eating, he judges her for being picky and brings up her latent guilt that leads her down that path in the first place. And later on, knowing she’s not fit enough IC insists on training her right away and in freezing conditions without proper clothing. Nesta soon learns that she has no choice but to comply, goes on to train with Cassian, work in the library, and accept the food the house gives her. This is the first step in breaking her.
Nesta has no one to rely on or even talk to in the house except for Cassian. The relationship that develops between them is not circumstantial but a well orchestrated one. Even for small talk, her only choice is Cassian. After finding out Nesta was SA’d by the kelpie and was on the verge of death, no one (including her sisters) cares for her as much as they should. The one person who checks on her is Cassian and even he’s so overcome with his desire and lust that he has sex with her instead of comforting her. It’s a common knowledge that sex is a coping mechanism for her, and has been SA’d twice which something only Cassian knows. This perpetuates the idea that even when a woman is hurting and in pain, she has to be appealing, her trauma should be sexually gratifying and desirable for the man. A woman can walk back from the doors of death but she has to look pretty while doing it. There’s nothing empowering about that.
Feyre looks down on Nesta for contemplating selling her body to take care of her sisters. But the same is expected from her when she serves Night Court and seduces Eris. It’s almost glorified and revered by Cassian himself. During their conversation in River House, he lets Nesta believe that she has to earn his love and her sisters’. Not once does he contradict any of her fears or insecurities. For the first time, Nesta has sex with him without it being an escape and the next morning Cassian abandons her enforcing the idea that she indeed earned the sex and love for what she did in CoN.
When Nesta reveals the truth about Feyre’s pregnancy, her true feelings are swept under the rug with how she ‘failed’ her sister again. Nesta has the right to out Rhysand and his plans. And even if the situation isn’t the most appropriate, Nesta is locked in a tower and only ever talks to anyone when IC choose which limits her options. Besides, when will the timing be perfect for such conversation? Nesta is again vilified for being the only one honest to her sister and punished. Her intentions are warped to cover up others’ mistakes. Cassian is again the one who punishes her for it. Nesta is suicidal and Cassian recognises the signs. He insists on taking the hike, also using silent treatment to enforce the idea that Nesta is the one on the wrong. His interactions with Feyre proves none of them dwell on Nesta’s actions as much as she believes. While Nesta is having a guilt trip edging her closer to suicide, Cassian is laughing behind her back with Feyre, almost enjoying her fears. At the end of this trip, Nesta talks about her trauma for the first time, Cassian swoops in with his own sorrows and how he overcame them. Instead of making Nesta feel seen and heard, she’s again lectured on what she should do and how.
Lastly, Cassian and Morrigan have a mildly, if not completely, inappropriate relationship which Nesta is expected to accept. If she expresses jealousy or anger, it’s not because of the bond or their relationship but will be seen as an inherent quality of Nesta. She can’t fight it as everyone else has accepted it as a normal relationship. If Nesta shows any displeasure, her past of sleeping with other men will be brought into the conversation and she will be scrutinised. This is very similar to the ‘men will be men’ narrative where the man can flirt with whoever he wants and it’s harmless but the woman has to behave.
Throughout the series, everyone is against Nesta. Her family is her responsibility. She has duty to protect them and serve them no matter the circumstances, no matter how it costs her or how much pain she is in. Her own sisters will side with her in-laws saying it’s how things are and she ‘doesn’t have to be so miserable’. Her life is forever bound to a man she initially wanted nothing to do with and her everyday life is dependent on him. She is trapped with him until she learns to accept her fate. He doesn’t lay a hand on her but he psychologically and emotionally abuses her until she complies with his family and behaves to fit their image. He even gives her silent treatment, withdraws sex/intimacy from her, leaves her alone in the tower, cuts her off from everyone she loves and cares about if she misbehaves. She has no financial independence leaving her at the mercy of her sister and her family. Even when she’s hurting, she has no choice but to risk her life for them or go to wars when they demand. She goes as far as to change her body for her future child. Her life is threatened by her in-laws but no one bats an eye at that forever leaving her fearing for her safety.
If you believe it’s just fiction and all this is exaggeration of something in a fantasy book, you really need to look around you. This is a real nightmare for most women all over the world. Your girl Nesta isn’t happy. She settled. She has accepted a life where she’s treated less than a dog and is used as a weapon. She’s been beaten down until she learnt not to step out of line if she wants to live. She is still with Cassian because she doesn’t see a life other than that as an option and has come to accept whatever scraps her sister and her family have decided to throw her way. And I sincerely hope if you ever come across a real life Rhysand or Cassian, you have the wits to protect yourself and run the other way.
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queenofqueensarcheron · 2 months
One thing that always irked me in acosf is how easily Cassian is reporting to the IC about Nesta. But especially when Nesta and her friends are learning about the Valkyries. It was their little secret project to enjoy and be excited about. To learn and revive together but the moment Cassian puts his nose in their businesses he runs to his little family and report it. And what do they do….
“ So I’m very pleased to hear of this Valkyrie business. I’m happy that Nesta finds interest in something again. And might channel all of … that into it.”
“That, Cassian knew, meant her rage, her fierce and unyielding loyalty to those she loved, her wolf instincts and her ability to kill”
You sent her to train and are surprised that she’s training. Elain makes my blood boil in that book. I hope her book will help me understand her a little bit more because right now she can choke.
And the rest of them as well while we’re at it
Now Nesta has to share it with people who have no issue disregarding her feelings or boundaries and people who wouldn’t bat an eye if she died.
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hugevanserrass · 3 months
the amount of times nesta is told by her sisters and cassian how she "isn't trying" to get better is kind of ridiculous especially considering how all of them behaved after their own traumas. feyre was wasting away in acomaf and couldn't get out of bed, elain wouldn't eat and was basically in a catatonic state throughout acowar, and cassian admits it took him years to get over the aftermath of battles/war. nesta is the only one who isn't allowed to fall apart. and the worst thing about this is that nesta takes their words to heart, internalizes them and then hates herself even more after every single one of these interactions.
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ladydeath-vanserra · 9 months
kinda frustrating that Nesta was always compared to an animal, or a queen, or saying she was "something different all together" or she was "born on the wrong side of the wall". kinda FRUSTRATING she wasn't allowed to acknowledge the grief of the loss of her HUMANITY. kinda FRUSTRATING that they all just wanted her to get over her trauma bec she was being an embarrassment. Kinda FRUSTRATING that Cassian threw a fit about Nesta not wanting a mate. Kinda FRUSTRATING that Nesta just is never allowed to be. She's an animal, she's a queen, she's something all together different. but she isn't just. a regular girl.
she's just a girl. as a human, as fae. she's just a girl.
Let her be one
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1800naveen · 14 days
I don't know how but Elain fans unironically made me dislike Elain.
It might be the toxic elriels though.
I mean, the way she was acting in silver flames...
"You only care about what your trauma did you." Nesta was taking care and watching over Elain after everything that had happened to them, putting her focus and attention on her. She was protective of her, threatening anyone who came near her and you say this?
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lucien has the right to be a bit salty about elriel kissing in the bonus chapter tbh.
disclaimer before anyone jumps me: elain doesn't owe lucien or anyone else her time. i know that, and i'm not saying she does.
what i am saying is that she has that bond, and she's the only one who can break it. and if i were lucien, i would be rightfully salty that she seems to be actively pursuing someone else with an active bond between us. i would want her to at least break the bond before doing so.
to me, it's about respect. elain doesn't owe him anything, and i don't expect her to force herself to be around lucien if she doesn't want to be. however, it would be nice if she cut him loose from the mate bond before she started pursuing azriel.
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romanticatheartt · 2 months
{Still chapter 16 lol}
Second that lmao
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Mor, they'll never make me hate you
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All I'm saying is if Feyre says she kept them alive for 5 years then it means her sisters didn't help her at all. And even if they did it wasn't significant to her for her being grateful to them and conclude them here as well. Saying they "help" but it was never obvious to Feyre is funny. Because why wouldn't they wanted her to see they're helping so their little sister wouldn't feel helpless? Beside, both Nesta and Elain admitted how poorly they treated Feyre. So people can say whatever they want but back at the Cabin, Feyre was the only one who managed the house. And both of her sisters confirm it later in the series.
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And if I'm not clear, what I'm saying is Feyre's pov is first person. She's saying what she thinks. So if this is the case, she never felt any support from her sisters. Or any appreciation or love.
I love them your honor<3
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Rhys' voice sometimes pisses me off. WHY THEY CHOSE THAT VOICE FOR HIM OMG...
Retcon alert... iykyk
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I think this can be considered as "savior complex" ? I'm no therapist so I wouldn't know. Please tell me if I'm wrong<3
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Finally!! Okay I'm done for today... This reread just reminded me how I missed little details of bat boys back story. And I'm also focusing more on Morrigan<33
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Acotar and Heathers
I saw the simularities between some of the ACOTAR characters and the Heathers Movie and Musical versions of the characters so heres my findings
This is not friendly to the Inner Circle be warned
All ACOTAR art was made by Charlie Bowater
Veronica Sawyer as Feyre Archeron
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Veronica used to be one the the uncool kids in school, she was friends with Martha, but when she became useful for the cool kids (Heathers), she dropped her old life and became a mean kids, despite this she falls in love with JD and he uses that and her growing resentment of Heather Chandler to make her an accomplice in his murders of the Chandler, Kurt and Ram. Feyre is like Veronica, as she has (as of ACOFAS and ACOSF) has basically rejected her past life as a human, we learn that the Night Court traditions of Solstace are very different from human traditions (unclear if they even celebrate the day) we learn this from her sisters. She also is being manipulated by Rhysand through the books into thinking he is a good character that can do no wrong, despite his actions to her and others. She loses herself in this role/mask as the books progress as Veronica loses herself and her past life when she rejects Martha as a friend before the climax of the musical. 
JD (James Dean) as Rhysand
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JD is a manipulative and abusive character, he had a scummy dad who was a demolition man who is implied to be abusive towards JD’s mom and JD himself, he is dead by the time of the Musical/Movie. Rhysand is a character whose parents are dead and his father is implied to be abusive and he doesn’t want to become like his father just like JD. But both characters still fall down similar paths as their fathers with how manipulative they are towards their love interests, with JD manipulating Veronica to be an accomplice in his murder plot. And Rhysand manipulating Feyre to believe her sexual assault was for her own good and that he isn’t an evil person after he was acting as Amarantha’s guard dog and killing children (winter court children), and like he doesn’t have control over his court to enforce laws. 
Heather Chandler as Mor
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She is the ringleader of the Heathers, she is bossy and the apex predator (mean girls reference whop) of Westerburg High School. She has a cold exterior and that persona doesn’t break through the whole musical/movie. Mor has a persona of herself, she acts like she cares for the women around but she benefits from the misogynistic system put in place by the men in the Night Court. On a side note but, Mor is a lesbian and Heather Chandler can be headcanonned as a lesbian. And red with red. 
Heather McNamara as Elain Archeron
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One of the nicest Heathers but still doesn’t stop their antagonism, complacent, , she is still there supporting them from the side, but isn’t actively as mean as Duke or Chandler. Elain while being a human turned fey like Nesta, her trauma from the event shaped her differently from Nesta. Becoming more reserved and distant to everyone, but even before she was turned her parallels with McNamara are still there with her not helping around the house (yet people don’t despise her for that yet villainise Nesta), she uses her gardening skill to plant flowers and not food. She protects her peace and wellbeing, but that peace comes at the expense of others. While she is not actively antagonistic towards Nesta like the Inner Circle is she still helps them move Nesta’s belongings into the House of Wind, like how Heather McNamara isn’t a active bully but still a bully 
Heather Duke as Amren
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One of the Heathers, she becomes a major antagonist once Chandler dies, taking over the red scrunchie, she suffers from Bulimia and was once friends with Martha when they were children. Amren is a century’s old monster who is trapped in a high fey body, she is a cold and calculating, she is constantly overlooked due to her appearance and characters can forget she is not like them, she is smarter than the other characters due to her age, Heather Duke in the movie is shown to be smarter than people's perceptions of her, shown to be reading during the croquet scene.
Martha Dunnstock as Nesta Archeron 
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Martha Dunnstock is a shy character, she is the subject of much of the bullying from the popular characters, and is ignored by Veronica once she gains favour with the cool kids. She tries to take her own life by jumping off a bridge, she survives but her suicide attempt is treated as a attempt to fit in with the cool kids. Nesta is similar to Martha, not because of her life before becoming fey but how she is treated by the Inner Circle. She is belittled and antagonised by them for not healing enough, even though they are 500+ and still not over things from decades ago and Nesta is 20. Her depression is not treated seriously by the other characters, seeing it as something to fix, forcing her into situations she doesn’t want to be in (stuck in a house with a man she has actively said she doesn’t want to be around) and are actually dangerous to her mental and physical health (the hike). [a slight tangent - Once she loses her power and conforms with the Inner Circle she is accepted, but not completely she is still seen as something to control with her weapons/made items not seen as something that she can give away without the permission of the men around her]
Kurt Kelly as Cassian
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Kurt Kelly is a jock bully character, he is the one who made up the oral sex rumour against Veronica. Kurt is not a smart character and tries to make himself seem more powerful. Cassian uses his body and manner to make himself more powerful. He has a complex over being a bastard and wants to feel more powerful, he corners Nesta and uses his abilities to force her to train and go on hikes well beyond her body’s capabilities when she is meant to be healing. He exerts his power over women to make him feel powerful just like Kurt in ‘Blue’ and ‘Your Welcome’. 
Ram Sweeney as Azriel
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Ram Sweeney is a jock bully character, he is also dating Heather Mcnamara. Is a  brute character and is not very smart. Now we don’t know much about Azriel as a character, he doesn’t speak and we don’t have many POV chapters from him unlike Cassian who got a whole book. But I think he isn’t a very good spy, many characters who aren’t in the Night Court know of Azriel as Rhysands Spymaster, the story also implies that he is a spy and not just the ones who is organising them so he can’t be a good spy if everyone knows he is a spy. In his POV chapter, frankly the first time we see for the first time who he is as a character as most of his personality is fanon. In his bonus chapter we learn that he is very horny like Rhysand and Cassian, he is near Elain and can’t help but become horny and filled with lust, he has no thoughts other than fucking Elain, there is no real romance for him he just wants her for her body thinking he is owed her, three sisters for three brother (ok house targaryen). This entitlement is shown in Ram Sweeney during the song ‘Blue’ and ‘Your Welcome’.  
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hk1234 · 2 months
I've had this thought in my head for a couple of weeks now and I need to get it out.
So I am quiet and shy. I like gardening (am one by trade) and baking. So very much like Elain. So many people say that she does not need to be warrior or a great magic user to make a amazing character.
They are right, but not really.
There is nothing wrong about that (hello, Elide), but as a whole book that would be so boring. Especially in this genre. Pure romance, sure, but romantacy not so much. There is only so much being "gentle" and pretty that a reader will tolarate.
As Elain is right now, she has no edge. There are moments of that, yes, only rarely. She has almost nothing to make her interesting in the long term. I mean, I HATE Mor and even she has an edge to her.
I would love a book about her, where she isn't this perfect ghost of a woman, but someone who takes charge of her own life.
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gxldencity · 10 months
I really hate how bioware at the beginning of this year was like "this year we'll have more updates on dragon age 4!" and the updates are "we laid off 50 ppl, most are veterans, including mary kirby who is responsible for the one character we are using to milk this franchise dry :) and we did not give them proper severance pay" and "here's a 49 second trailer telling u nothing but tune in 6 months (again) to find out whether this game is real or not! :)"
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bookbitchx · 2 months
"There is no such thing as High Lady."
Call Tamlin a misogynistic sexist asshole or whatever else you want, but he's right.
High Lady is a title Rhysand gave to Feyre.
It's honorary.
It wasn't 'earned'. She wasn't 'blessed' with it, and she certainly wasn't chosen by the land and the magic.
If there was a title and it meant something, don't you think Viviane, of all women, would've been granted it by the lands for holding down the fort in Winter Court for 50 years while Kalias was stuck UTM?
Kalias could've also easily slapped the title on her like Rhysand did with Feyre, and yet he didn't. You know why? Because Viviane doesn't need it. She's already respected and seen as his equal by his court and the others for what she has done.
Feyre can't say the same, can she?
SJM sets it up as this badass moment of empowerment, but all I saw was Rhysand giving a baby (by Fae years) a title and letting her run loose with it as well as letting it go to her head.
The first thing she did after getting that title was go and get revenge on a whole ass court because she had issues with its High Lord which is insane in of itself but it brings me to my point, that there was no political repercussions where as if Rhysand had done it, it would've declared an internal war between Night and Spring.
It would've been a good ass arc if she had learned Prythian politics, history, diplomacy, the cultures, and customs of the other courts, including her own, so much as visited the other courts, slowly climbed the ranks and learned instead of Rhysand shoving that crown on her head and down everyone else's throats.
It's like taking me, a complete clueless, inadequate foreigner, and making me the Queen of England. Utterly ridiculous.
"You just hate Feyre being High Lady because you want Nesta to be one."
The same thing goes for Nesta, babe. NONE of the Archeron sisters are qualified to be High Ladies, honorary or not.
One of the hills I will die and kill on.
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extremely-judgemental · 3 months
The part I hate about Elain lashing out on Nesta is that she didn't say a word to IC.
She already agreed to help them. She had no problem that they reached out to Nesta for help when she already accepted the task? She was angry that Nesta was trying to protect her and make a choice for her, but not IC for doing the same?
It makes me angry that she so easily sided with the IC in imprisoning Nesta. I want to believe it was out of care, but it just feels so wrong that she'd do that to the one sister who always looked out for her, who kept the others away including Lucien after they turned fae.
Was there any mention of what exactly was said between Elain and Nesta during their private fight? I can't remember.
I wish she had also called out IC at some point.
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queenofqueensarcheron · 2 months
I’m going to say it..
Elain didn’t struggle to fit with the IC because just like them she is manipulative
Going with what hand feeds and care for her
( im rereading Acosf and she getting on my nerves)
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lainalit · 5 months
Azriel in his bonus chapter💀
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artists: lucien: mftfernandez | azriel: dominiquewesson
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viktoriaashleyyx · 11 days
SJM is dragging out Elucien (and killed Neris) because she wrote "Autumn males have fire in their blood, and they fuck like it too." and she knows she doesn't possess the smut writing skills to back it up.
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ladydeath-vanserra · 1 month
my favorite people are the ones who call Nesta and Elain ungrateful for their fae bodies when we know 1) it's an SA allegory and 2) we know that the Cauldron boiled Nestas skin and blood off her bones and she drowned and boiled to death in the Cauldron and 3) she and Elain were kidnapped in the middle of the night in their nightgowns that left them looking even more vulnerable and indecent when they're removed sopping wet from the cauldron
but GUH how dare they be traumatized when you can have a bATbOy to fuck and be ImMOrTaL and BEauTiFuL. how ungrateful amirite
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