#my name is celaena sardothien and i will not be afraid
acourtofquestions · 1 month
The fact we changed from “My name is Celaena Sardothien and I will not be afraid.” to “Once upon a time, in a land long since burned to ash, there lived a young princess who loved her kingdom… very much.”
Because she is no longer Celaena Sardothien, nor does she live in fear of being afraid. She is done running, done with that mask that isn’t hers, because it doesn’t hold any comfort anymore. The only comfort she has is in who she really is; and that is no longer terrifying to her.
While both remind her who she is, remind her why; why she is here, why she will not break, why she is still fighting.
The first reminds her of what she had loved and lost. Of loving words that carry on, (of why she carries on) but that is all. All Celaena had was remnants; of someone, something… even herself.
The second, however, is something else; while it is still a dream, it is real… even among nightmares. It lives in her past, yes, but it is also the present, and any future. It is terribly beautifully true. And it is more; more than grief, and memory. Carrying on, finding ways to exist, survive. More than a dream, or words… even more than she is.
Because Aelin has something Celaena never did. Yes, she has a cause to fight for. She has her strength, her power, and rage; vendettas for things she could focus a fight to defeat; and a still terribly looming fate. The queen has a kingdom she adores. She has many things, she is many things… even Celaena still. But that’s not what I’m talking about, no, mostly, it’s that she has friends. A family. A Prince. She has a life not just an existence, a love with a beating heart, something worth dying and living for. And even if it is all gone to ash (“even when this world is a forgotten whisper of dust between the stars”) that is still hers; not a mask, not a facade, but something real.
In accepting who she is… there is the terrible truth of accepting that she is very much afraid (the fact Fenrys even felt the need to make the word “liar” in their code; because she is not alright, he knows, she knows, we “the reader” know… it’s more so the way we ask “how are you?” as a greeting. Sometimes even in terrible places like a funeral; when we know damn well that no-one there is really “good” or “alright”, but it’s the way we say “hello” and “I want you to be okay” and “are you at least surviving this”). It is being terrified of her acceptance in the first place, because part of being Aelin is the price it holds; because she was “promised” for a fate manipulated by gods before she even had the chance to draw breath… and there’s a doomsday in it that she’ll have to rage against one day… but not yet… not in this place. For now, she just has to exist, survive, live. And only Aelin can do that.
Because it’s not Sam’s words she needs anymore; it’s Rowan’s. And even more so, it’s her own.
It’s the words she said to him, but it is her story (Perhaps even the one she tattooed on her spine? Just a theory of the exact words.) because that, is still hers. Real. Living.
And as any reader knows (it’s why I love these books) you should never underestimate the power of a story.
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faerieheart · 5 months
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tag drop. 👸🏼
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leveloneandup · 2 months
christenpress My name is Celaena Sardothien, and I will not be afraid. 🦋
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eospaint · 11 months
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My name is Celaena Sardothien, and I will not be afraid.
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rainingriversofyou · 6 months
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“My name is Celaena Sardothien and I will not be afraid”
—The Assassins Blade - Artist: tatiartty
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blodgmonster · 3 months
Assassin's Blade reread commentary that no one asked for. Though my ACOTAR reread posts were mildly successful.
-- some people say NOT to start with Assassin's Balde, and yeah, it's not how I started when I read the series for the first time but...whatever?
The Assassin and the Pirate Lord
-- oh, God. She's SIXTEEN. She's a BABY.
-- Celaena getting a whiff of a breeze from Terrasen as she's prepping to free a bunch of slaves. Nice poetic touch.
-- Celaena and Sam freeing slaves and kicking Rolf's ass. We love to see it.
The Assassin and the Healer
-- so Yrene is really pronounced Irene? Wild. Though I shouldn't get started on the pronounations. Manon? Adarlan? Ashryver? I've been pronouncing them all wrong and have a hard time mentally correcting them. I'm attached to my mispronouncations by now.
-- Yrene has "absolutely ordinary brown hair". I thought she had rich, curly hair that was brown and golden??
-- Celaena's self-defense lesson is great. I want her to teach me. "Do NOT let them move you to another loaction."
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-- "Celaena...prayed that somehow, years from now, Yrene Towers would return to this continent, and maybe, just maybe, heal their shattered world a bit." Prayer answered, babe
The Assassin and the Desert
-- I wish I had Celaena's confidence, swagger, and beauty.
-- "She was Celaena Sardothien, gods be dammed." Celaena seems to think like that often, sort of repeating her name. Is that, perhaps, because she is trying SO hard to forget her true name?
-- Ruhnn Mountains...Ruhn Danaan...interesting.
-- my inner horse girl LOVES the Asterion horses, which are clearly modeled after my beloved Arabians.
-- "Where do men find it in themselves to do such monstrous things? How do they find it acceptable?" GOOD QUESTION, ANSEL
-- The Master having her study animals is cool as hell.
-- it's kind of cool that Celaena is a stone cold bad ass AND a girly girl who loves shopping and make up and clothes.
-- "Oh, how vain can you BE?" Ansel is low key hilarious even as she tries to kill Celaena.
-- our first look at that bitch, gloriella
The Assassin and the Underworld
--God, Arobynn is such an ASS
-- Hello, Lysandra!!!
-- Celaena's suit is cool as hell. Very Black Widow.
-- Hello, Dorian and Chaol!
-- "Take my body home to Terrasen, Sam." AAAAHHHHH!!!
-- Sam and Celaena are so cute and good together. Chaol could never.
--Arobynn tricking her into aiding a slaver...God, I fucking hate him.
-- noooo, don't sell Kasida to that slaver bitch
-- and then he used her money to buy Lysandra's virginity. SCUM OF THE EARTH.
The Assassin and the Empire. Here we go....
-- the lavender soap....
-- oh, Sam...you poor, poor boy.
-- "Reality opened wide and swallowed her whole. She didn't move from the bed...She hated the world for continuing on." Oh, Celaena. Oh, hon. I've felt that way before.
-- Arobynn setting her up like this. This motherfucker.
-- "Arobynn STILL hadn't rescued her?" Babygirl, he PUT YOU IN THERE.
-- God...having to face the KING on top of all of this. The man who terrified her as a child, who destroyed her family, her home, and her life. God, imagine if he'd taken a closer look at her eyes. Would he have recognized her for who she was?
-- The white stag. THE LORD OF THE NORTH. Come to her in her darkest hour.
-- the breeze of Terrasen giving her the courage to stand. "She would go into Endovier. Go into Hell. And she would not crumble." THAT'S MY GIRL.
-- "My name is Celaena Sardothien...and I will not be afraid." * incoherent screaming *
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angael-a · 3 months
this is a very specific post for a very specific group of people but i need to get this out. the show by niall horan is so fucking throne of glass coded. like specifically assassin’s blade post-sam cortland celaena when she’s sitting on the way to endovier. “if everything is easy, nothing ever broke, if everything is simple how would we know?” if they had succeeded and run away, celaena would never had become aelin, would have never been able to do the shit she did. “how to fix your tears how to fake a show” = “my name is celaena sardothien, and i will not be afraid”
i played the show 223 times last year. it was released in june. for me this is a lot
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noemyreads · 1 year
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the assassin's blade - sarah j mass
I started reading this book series back in 2020, I immersed myself in the universe and fell in love with it, but for some reasons, I had stopped at the book "the assassin's blade", I was discouraged from continuing with the series because this book was the #0.5, I always had the idea that I would have to go back and reread all of them if I started this one. now, three years later, I decided to go back and the feelings are the same, I felt inside the universe.
I want to start talking about celaena's personality, at first I thought she was boring, spoiled and arrogant, but soon I came to understand and love her. I identify with her a lot and one of the things I've always liked about her character is her ability to be an incredible killer and still enjoy luxuries, tidiness and clothing, all of which tend to be the opposite of all the book heroines. I loved her construction, I say that, about this book and the other 3 I've read, I'm looking forward to reading the next one.
it is hard to read a book in which you already know the future of the characters, there is always that feeling that the reading is moving towards the inevitable sadness, you struggle not to get attached to anyone, but it is impossible.
As for the short stories, I loved them too. I found it amazing how each one of them contributed to celaena's develpment. the pirate king was great to introduce her character, at first I found her so arrogant and full of herself, I ended the story wanting to be her, I thought it was amazing what she did for the slaves. the healer one was my favorite, I loved celaena's involvement with yrene, I think each one taught a lot to another in that encounter, I really hope to see more of yrene in the next books. for me, the tale of the desert was the finalization of celaena's journey of learning, there celaena learned so much... about assassin's skills, friendship, compassion, I thought it was a great tale to close her journey.
spoiler ahead
from there it's downhill, I was waiting for the moment when some shit was going to happen, and when it did I wasn't prepared.
I read three books in which Celaena spoke of Sam's death and even so I felt the shock at the time of his death, I found myself rooting for them to complete the mission and leave together (how? I don't know lol).
it hurt so much knowing how much he was tortured and how celaena was after that, and it hurt even more to understand the origin of “my name is celaena sardothien, and I will not be afraid.”
my rating was 4.5/5, I won't be rereading the first three books in the series, I've seen almost 3 hours of summaries of books 1, 2 and 3 and I feel ready to dive into queen of shadows.
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lcvescountdown · 1 year
"my name is miles morales. i was bitten by a radioactive spider. and i'm pretty sure you know the rest"
reminds me of
"my name is sam cortland/celaena sardothien/aelin ashryver galathynius and i will not be afraid"
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violet-the-simmer · 1 year
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"My name is Celaena Sardothien and I will not be afraid"
Celaena Sardothien in TAB, these were my least favorite photos in comparison to the HOF and KOA versions of her (Posted on my acct btw😊) But I hope you like her!!
Any sharing is much appreciated ❤️
REPOSTS ARE OKAY JUST CREDIT ME @violet-the-simmer. Thank you :)
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acourtofquestions · 1 month
Currently rooting my sanity in the fact Sarah promised Fleetfoot lives
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faerieheart · 9 months
@starlyht 🗡 fox, the gentleman thief.
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The assassin has been following him for days. Celaena moves like the wind, a ghost on his trail. Her boot-clad feet are silent and when he turns unexpectedly, she is simply another stranger on the street, minding her business.
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medievalwife · 2 years
having to ‘my name is celaena sardothien and i will not be afraid’ my way through today 💀
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ekaherondale · 4 years
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This part always gets me because we see how Sam didn’t give a fuck about soaps or anything else,
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all he cared about was loving Celaena and being with her the rest of his life and loving each other and being happy.... 😭
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morganofthewildfire · 2 years
Throne of Glass Anniversary day 1 - the Assassin’s Blade!!
So I didn’t have really any time to prepare anything big for this event, as sad as that makes me, so I’m doing a series of little book covers, with my favorite quotes from each book as well!!
This is for the prequel, the Assassin’s Blade!
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“She would tuck Sam into her heart, a bright light for her to take out whenever things were darkest.”
‘“My name is Celaena Sardothien,” she whispered, “and I will not be afraid.”’
“Life isn't easy, no matter where you are. You'll make choices you think are right, and then suffer for them.”
“This girl wasn’t like wildfire—she was wildfire. Deadly and uncontrollable. And slightly out of her wits.”
“Everything has a price.”
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nyxreads · 2 years
I actually never heard of SJM until today when I asked a friend that had the red haired girl with the hot guy (sorry don't know their names) so I'm one of the people that was fooled into believing they're the otp then they tell me they aren't even together it seriously is a fanfic otp to me they're insane and all they do is send hate to you guys. Do you recommend the series of books by this author what are they about and who are the otps?
Hello anon,
It's okay. The red hair girl is Gw/yn and the guy is Azriel. Idk if this is safe to say, but for me, it's a crackship. Like, there's literally no romantic build up. It's pure mentor-trainee.
Moving forward, Acotar was more like NA than YA so if you like that then I think it's good. Acotar is about Feyre Archeron, a 19 year old human girl who was dragged on the Fae world (Prythian) after killing a wolf. She was captured by a beast, Tamlin, one of the seven High Lords in Prythian. From hostility, her feelings for Tamlin changed into something else. And as she discovers the beauty of the Faerie land she also found that something is not right. And she's set to discover and solve it.
Anon, as much as I wanted to tell you the otp I'm afraid I'm gonna spoil the series to you.
Acotar is not that deep or complex. It's more of romance, and character building. Some of the rules in the series aren't still clear, (like how mating bond works). But if you're looking for a Romance Fantasy series, I guess this one is for you. (this is really one of my fave series)
The order of the books are : A Court of Thorns and Roses / A Court of Mist And Fury (the best in the series) / A Court of Wings and Ruin / A Court of Frost and Starlight (Novella) / A Court of Silver Flames.
It's still not yet done. So far, the first trilogy were about Feyre. While Acosf is about her sister, Nesta. The series tho it was originally meant to be just about Feyre, her sisters would also have their own stories.
Throne of Glass is SJM's first ever series. (This is what I always recommend to my friends). This is more of a YA, and the world building and character building was really really great imo.
In Adarlan, where magics are banned and was ruled by a ruthless king, Celaena Sardothien; an assassin, was summoned in the castle by Prince Dorian to be his Champion in exchange for her freedom. But she first have to defeat 23 killers, warriors and suchs.
She's being trained by Chaol Westfall, Captain of the Guard. When she thought everything's gonna go in her favor, one by one, her competitors started getting murdered. Now she's set to discover who the killer is before she becomes the next victim.
I totally highly recommend this series, and this one literally gets better and better after every book imo.
For the otp, again, I'm afraid I'm gonna spoil you.
So for CC, sadly anon, I'm yet about to start the series. (I'm still too bitter to start this one lmao)
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