#my mum called me retro
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thegremlininmyhead · 2 months ago
Precious volumes discovered in my parents' extensive DVD collection
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I cannot stream this anywhere, I'm so happy I found these
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hils79 · 1 year ago
Hils Watches He's Coming to Me - Ep 6
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Oh, I know her. She was the teacher in The Eclipse.
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I mean at this point maybe tell your friends you can see ghosts. Even if they think you're insane it's probably better than them trying to send you to rehab
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God his mother is my age
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The 90s is so old it's become retro 😭
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Maybe it's because when his dad died he was told to be strong and not cry
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Poor Prince having to listen to Prai talking about how she kissed Thun and that he has feelings for him
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Dude, no wonder your friends think you're having some sort of breakdown when you're wandering around public buildings yelling for someone no one else can see
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Aww he's finally telling someone! I'm not sure Golf will believe him but it's a start
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Aww he's a good friend
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Haha! Oh well.
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He's a good boy
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Well, yelling this in the middle of the gym is one way to come out to your friends I guess
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I don't think I'll ever not cry during an emotional coming out scene
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I legit just did a dramatic gasp. THUN'S MUM USED TO DATE MED
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So Thun is in love with a ghost who dated his mother when he was alive before he realised he was gay. That is so far beyond 'it's complicated' I don't even know what to call it
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nightcall99 · 6 months ago
Dream from 2.9.24
I remembered that there was some trail walk in my suburb and I went on my phone to try and search it up. I knew it was called something like 'suburb name aboriginal walk' or 'suburb name heritage walk' . I went there. I saw what looked like the beginning of a small stream or brook. It was tucked away, you could easily miss it. There was something different about the rushing water. There was a special energy vibrating from it. I knew that this brook signified the start of the trail. There was a small group of people who were waiting to start it, and it was a slow start since the pathway was so narrow. I saw a bunch of kids in school uniforms. My sister was there with me. I noticed that these kids had on the uniform of the primary school that we went to, which was a mere kilometre away. I remarked to my sister, Wow our uniform hasn't changed at all in like 20 years or whatever it is. From the look of these uniforms it was like no time had passed, they had that retro feel to them, but on closer inspection I noticed that it wasn't kids wearing them, but adults. Then we started on our hike.
But then my mum changed her mind or something (she was there I suppose?) and instead we drove somewhere else. My whole family was in the car. I thought my dad was in the front seat but I couldn't see him, the seat looked empty. I said, Where's dad? My mum said, He's here. I looked again and realised he had blended into the blind spot or there was a trick of the light or something because he was there I guess although I couldn't see him clearly. We kept driving. We got into the city and my mum wanted to by some fresh fish to bring home and cook. We stopped at some fancy restaurant and went inside, it was empty of patrons. She spoke to the waitstaff, asking about the fish. They asked her where in Italy she was from (she obviously ain't from there irl) they even guessed a well-known town but she said she is from a lesser known place. They chatted and I followed.
Then we found a room to stay in, in the city. It looked like a hotel, reminds me of the casino we have here but I didn't want to stay here overnight. I didn't feel comfortable. I wanted to go home now. Why were we here? My siblings, mum and I had to share the room and I didn't want that. The mattresses were on the floor. My family seemed to be getting comfortable in the room but I kept thinking we should just drive back. Right now. That's where all my stuff is and I know my dad is there.
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alittlewomble · 2 years ago
for context, my mum has been making a lot of organic food recently (pickling things, making sauerkraut, kombucha, etc).
just now I was making bread and butter pudding, and I didn't have enough cream, so I decided to substitute some for milk, an innocent and harmless decision YOU WOULD THINK.
I go to look in the fridge and notice that mum has put some of the milk in a glass bottle. I comment that the milk bottle seems old school, but I like it, as my mother been a little upset today and it would not do well to make her upset with me.
(it should be noted that my mothers back was turned for the following conversation)
as i am finishing measuring our the milk (ALL. the milk) from the bottle and pouring it into my saucepan of cream, my mother decides to enlighten me on her retro milk storage habits. she informs me that she is trying out her hand at making a probiotic yoghurt caalled kefir, and she is storing it in the bottle.
she informs me that i may try some, if i like.
she does not see the cartoonishly horrified look on my face as I stare into my now contaminated cream, and the last of the kefir.
luckily, with my quick thinking and resourcefulness, I find the plain milk in the fridge and am able to pour some into the bottle, to make it seem as if i were just tasting the kefir and using the regular milk in my pudding. Unfortunately i cannot save dessert, but goddamnit if I won't save my dignity.
as my mother continues doing whatever she has occupied herself with, i frantically search up properties of kefir under the guise of looking at the bread and butter pudding recipe. I find out that each individual batch of kefir must be refrigerated separately, and losing one batch does not hinder your ability to make others, so if I can convince my mother that this batch just tastes randomly a lot like full-cream milk, then I can get away with my crime (luck is on my side here, as in my research I also find out that the first few batches of kefir always taste a little weird, and it takes at least three batches to develop the right taste).
just as i am tasting hope that this will be put behind me through way of manipulation and gaslighting, my mother asks me to get off my phone and return to my duties of the bread and butter pudding variety. I go to heat and stir my milk kefir-cream mixture mindlessly, with thoughts of freedom on my mind. Thoughts which quickly turn sour as I see the mixture in front of me start to curdle.
left with no other options, I call to my mother with (at this point, real) concern in my voice. I tell her that perhaps the milk in one of the tubs I used had gone sour and i didn't notice?
luck, my friends, is once again on my side. my mother informs me in her organic rampage she has been trying to make butter, and has left MULTIPLE tubs of cream in the fridge to culture. It is very possible that I used not one, but two of these affected tubs of cream, and she reassures me that I could not have known, and this is not my fault in any way.
I will admit that at this point the guilt began to seep in.
but i have to fend it off as my mother begins searching up ways to save curdled heated milk-and-cream mixtures, then pulls out a whisk and out of my line of site SOMEHOW MANAGES TO SAVE THE MIXTURE
i am dumbfounded, and awestruck by this woman who calls herself my mother. Never again shall i doubt her ineffable wisdom.
i have no other option but to use the dairy mixture in the custard, and the rest of the pudding-making-process passes by in a flash
the pudding is in the oven now, and I do not know what will happen when it comes out, but i beg of you to pray for me.
please do not condemn me to whatever yoghurt-based horrors await me in hell due to an innocent error made in a time of simple ignorance.
guys. guys I fucked up. I fucked up big time.
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paperlovesadness · 2 years ago
"Shavambacu" - Miles Kane song theory
Back at it again! I truly didn't expect the positive feedback I'd gotten from my previous (Star Treatment) theory - so encouraged by it all I'm giving this another go. Join me as I unleash my crazy thoughts! Disclaimer: Some of these little interpretations are a little bit out there. But this is all in the name of good fun. And I'm not at all claiming that I believe this is actually true. It's just what I feel when I listen to it.
Ghost eyes fall upon my baby doll Ghost eyes love to watch me too Ghost eyes don't say much but they see it all, yeah
Alright - let's start at the basis of this little theory. The way I interpret the "ghost eyes". Ghost eyes - someone observing you, while remaining unseen. They're in a way present in your life, but not literally. And you can only feel/assume their presence. Along with the other lyrics (I'll expand on this below) of this song I see these eyes as belonging to a woman, who is currently involved with someone Miles was involved with / there was a period they were involved with them at the same time (so implied cheating)
Maybe this is getting to specific - but I also feel this may involve social media? I'll explain later. So, overall: Miles is involved with someone - his "baby doll". A few observations - the term isn't gendered. Doll - puppet? (it's a stretch). Doll/baby doll is also kind of a retro term of enderament. Personally it kind of transports me to like a US 1950s/greaser era (there's even a 1956 movie titled "Baby doll"). And the greaser persona brings to mind one person, doesn't it? (yes, Alex Turner) The woman sees and knows everythings that's going on/went on, but is silent about it, chooses to ignore.
Ghost eyes sleep beside my baby doll All night when I'm in bed with you
Okay, so either this is just again emphasizing that this is some sort of affair/non-monogamous deal: Miles spends the night with the person, but it's the woman who falls asleep next to them on a daily basis. Or, again: Miles is sleeping with this person, but the woman keeps her thoughts on them through it all. Knows everything. Maybe also quite literally - Miles is in bed with "baby doll", and beside them, on the bedside table lays the phone, that's 'home' to the ghost eyes. (This sounds super complicated, I'm sorry! Hope it's understandable)
Sunrise never sets on baby doll
Baby doll isn't just an anonymous person. They're known - people observe them, talk about them all over the world. Thus - the sun never sets on baby doll. Someone is always writing, talking, thinking about or listening to them. (Heartthrob frontman of a famous band? *wink wink*)
Her ghost tears, some call it rain Well I'm crying for just one name
This hurts the woman. But Miles also only cares about baby doll - it's the only name that truly matters to him.
I made it up in a dream I had My French is bad, some say "Je t'aime beaucoup" I say, my darling "Shavambacu"
So the story from an interview goes: Miles took "shavambacu" from his mum, who used it as a term of enderament - learning it from his grandma. Turned out she just misheard "Je t'aime beaucoup" in a song she loved. ANYWAY - it's a family-derived term of enderment Miles said he used it with the ex, who inspired the CDG album. Seems like a big deal honestly, to use such a significant term with someone. Had to be someone super special. (both shavambacu and little darling aren't gendered either)
Also, if we're talking Alex (that's how I see it) - I've thought a lot about how Miles may be using french phrases and references in his songs when talking about him? Because of how special France was to them (french countryside; recording their first TLSP album together). See: Coup de Grace, TLSP's Everything you've come to expect and how they chose to cover Paris Summer (I really feel there was more? My mind went blank though). Alex is also kind of obsessed with France/french cinema/old french music etc.
I can't stand to see another day I'm not in L.A. to have my way with you My little darling shavambacu, oh honey I love you
First off - this is so tender, I could cry. Also: person lives in LA (checks out for that time period) Honey - still no gendered terms. They're apart - either just because Miles isn't the main partner - but more probable - they're not continuing with the romantic part of their relationship (cause you know. This is a breakup album after all)
Her ghost eyes float around my empty room They're your eyes, but I can't tell it's you
Guys, I know this might sound ridiculous - it's just what my mind automatically went to when I first heard this song. So I'll just share: This part is why my mind went to social media. The woman follows Miles and watches him closely - everything he posts. BUT - this could also be her boyfriend - who uses her account (anonimity? doesn't have social media himself?) to see what he's up to now, as they're apart. But he couldn't tell, he just sees it's her account.
Well I try, but I can't see for baby doll Her ghost tears, some call it rain Well I'm crying for just one name
It's either continuing on the last thing - he can't know who it is keeping tabs on him. Or: he tries but can't care about anybody besides this one person, loves them too much. And then we have the dadada's / chorus bits for the outro. What do you guys think? I feel like if I tried I could have many more interpretations of the "ghost eyes". Like this one: Maybe it's not the girl at all? Maybe it's the audience - the fans, media: everyone who is involved in their lives due to them being famous. No matter how much they hide their relationship someone might be there to see it. They do - there's theories about them being together floating all over the internet already. They see it all. So it's hard to stay together if they wanted it to be anonymous. Eyes are always on them. These are my main ones: just stuff I felt/popped into my mind back when I was listening to the album for the first time. I'd be super happy if you shared any of your own theories on this song! Hope to do more MK/TLSP/AM theories soon. Peace & love!
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hbalto · 3 years ago
Well, we know Buster pretty much stressed and/or possibly traumatized, what with all the threats and abuse from Chrystal, so maybe Rosita being a Mom friend to him? Maybe getting him to eat when he doesn't want to or tries to comfort him during a panic attack or something. Honestly just want to see more Momma Rosita and thought Buster could use some of that. They're Honestly my two favorites.
The Trauma
After their success in Red Shore City, the New Moon Theater Gang were now back in their hometown of Calatonia; back at the theater where it all started.
Ash was now a permanent member of the New Moon Theater troop, having been promised by Buster to be paid the same amount as the the rest of her friends/co-workers. And Nooshy, seeming to have no place to go, went along with the gang back to Calatonia as the New Moon Theaters official choreographer.
Unfortunately, both Porsha Crystal and Clay Calloway had to be left behind in RSC. Clay wanted to plan his big comeback tour, and Porsha, with her father in jail, had to handle her familys estate.
On the other hand, the success in Red Shore City had caused the New Moon Theater to gain even more attention then it had when it first opened, with many animals, great and small, auditioning for supporting roles and even as background extras.
One morning, a week after their first successful show after coming back home, Buster Moon made an announcement.
"Alright gang, for our next show we're going a little retro with Anything Goes!"
While one half of the cast smiled, the other half groaned.
"Ooh, an old classic, spicy!" Gunter said in usual enthusiastic tone.
"Does this mean I get to tapdance? Oh, I've always wanted to tapdance!" Rosita gushed as a dream from her youth brought back memories in her mind.
"You're thinking of 42nd Street, Mum." Johnny gently reminded his "mother." "Anything Goes is the one that takes place on the cruise ship, remember?"
"Ah, yes, the one where the cast does nothing but grapevines and foot shuffles." Nooshy groaned, not looking forward designing such boring choreagraphy.
"Really, Moon? You know I don't do Jazz!" Ash protested.
"Not to worry, Ash, due the amount of characters this musical has, you wont be put in the pit, but on the stage as an actor!" Buster announced in his usual optimistic tone of voice.
"Gee, that's better. Thanks, Moon." Ash deadpanned.
"You're welcome." Buster replied, not detecting Ashs sarcasm. "Now, as for the par-"
"Did somebody say Jazz?" A voice from the darkness of stage left called out.
Everyone turned toward the sound of the voice to see a familiar white mouse in a fancy red suit come out from the darkness.
Everyone sans Nooshy smiled at the familiar face before them.
"Well, look what the cat dragged in." Ash stated. Both Johnny and Eddie snorted before Nooshy slapped the former on the arm.
"Yeah, nice to see you too, Spikes." Mike said.
Buster walked towards Mike to greet him as Nooshy leaned closer to Johnny's ear and asked "who's the tiny guy?"
"Mike Macfarlane. A Jazz mouse who owed money to the mafia while he was working with us, you shouldve seen his performance at our first show." Johnny explained.
Nooshy nodded as her eyes were transfixed on the suave yet mysterious looking mouse.
"Mike! How've you been?" Buster asked as he leaned down so the mouse could shake the koalas finger with his hand.
"I've been okay, Moon. I bet I've been better than you have though! Porky told me all about that crazy crap you went through in the big city." Mike said.
"Yeah, well..." Buster said, being reluctant to talk about that topic.
"I mean, seriously, I felt for you!" Mike continued, not catching on to Busters reluctance. "First, you hire a media moguls primadonna of a daughter, then he threatens to drop you off a tall building if you fire her. Then, a miscommunication occurs where he think you fired his daughter, where he then almost actually drops you of the top of his building, only for Spikes to come to your rescue with Clay freaking Calloway!"
Buster began to zone out of Mike's story as he had flashbacks to his time in Red Shore City; the sights, the sounds, the fear of being dropped from the top of an extremely tall building, hiding from the person who was trying his best to kill him.
"And then during your whole space show thing, that wolf tries to kill you AGAIN, and he would've succeeded had it not been for Mama Pork-"
Busters uncharacteristic snap of anger grabbed everyone's attention, and Mike immediately stopped talking as he was admittedly stunned at the koalas outburst.
There were a few moments of tense silence before Rosita calmly approached Buster from behind and put her hand on his shoulder. "Bust-"
The koala quickly turned and shielded himself in fright, shaking. "DON'T HURT ME, PLEASE! JIMMY, I'M SORRY! JUST PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!"
Everyone gasped. The near-death experiences with Crystal had actually really taken a toll on Buster. But why hadn't he told anyone?
Luckily, Rosita actually knew what to do during a situation like this. Buster was going through a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder attack. Rositas father was a Vietnam War veteran, so she and her mother had been trained by therapists on how to handle PTSD (or Battle Fatigue Syndrome, as it was called back then) and what to do when it is triggered.
"Buster," Rosita started calmly. "I'm not Jimmy, I'm Rosita, Rosita Witherspoon. The mom who's 25 piglets you love to babysit."
"R-Rosita? Where am I?" Buster asked, still sheilding himself but no longer shaking.
"Yes, it's me, honey. You're not in any danger at all." Rosita said, soothingly. "Can I touch you?"
Buster reluctantly unshielded himself and nodded, his eyes still shut tight. Rosita wrapped her arms around the koala slowly.
"You're not on the top floor of Crystal Entertainment, and you're not in Red Shore City. You're back in Calatonia at the New Moon Theater. Take a few deep breaths and open your eyes." Rosita said.
Buster slowly opened his eyes, the first thing he saw being the pink of Rositas shirt. The koala then took several deep breaths as Rosita continued to comfort him. "It's all okay, Buster. Jimmy is in jail, he wont be able to hurt you anymore. Now, can you tell me what you see?"
Buster slowly looked up and saw Rositas sweet but concerned face staring back at him. "What do you see?" Rosita asked again.
"The best mom in the world." Buster stated with a smile.
Buster hugged Rosita and she continued to hug him as everyone else breathed a giant sigh of relief. Buster Moon was back.
The rest of rehearsal felt a little awkward after that. Buster, although back down to Earth, didnt regain his full typical optimistic attitude and his smile didnt feel genuine. The truth was, despite the circumstances making it totally understandable, Buster felt guilty for worrying those who cared about him, not to mention that he started off rehearsal on the incredibly wrong foot.
After rehearsal was over, Rosita had an idea.
"Why dont we all go out to eat to celebrate our new show? My treat!"
Everybody liked that idea, especially Mike, having to not pay for anything suited him well.
When they got to the restaurant, everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Everyone except for Buster.
"Is there something wrong, Mr. Moon?" Meena asked noticing Busters unusually blank face.
"What? Oh no, I'm fine, Meena. Dont worry." Buster replied, trying his best to sound cheerful.
"Hate to tell ya, Moon, but you're not foolin' anyone. What's wrong?" Mike asked.
“I'm just... sorry." Buster admitted, tearfully.
"Sorry for what, Buster?" Ash asked.
"I'm sorry for freaking out guys out today. I shouldn't be doing things like that in public!" Buster cried.
Rosita slowly and calmly put a hand on Busters shoulder. The koala looked at the mother pig, his eyes watery and unsure.
"Buster, we love you, and you should never forget that. You're going to be okay." Rosita stated sweetly.
"Its okay to freak out sometimes, even if you can't control it." Johnny stated.
"After Lance tried to do... that to me, I had attacks like that myself, but you, Rosita, and the others helped me through it." Ash said.
"And now, it's our turn to help you." Meena added.
Before he knew it, Buster was at the center of a group hug with Rosita being the closest to him. For what felt like the first time in a while, Buster felt a genuine smile cross his face.
Rosita was right, he was going to be okay.
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loser-user-noaccuser · 2 years ago
I was tagged by the wonderful gem that is @gardensgatedaisy
And am going to tag @gustingirl @gold-mines-melting and @goldenkiszka (feel free to ignore x)
Nickname: my name is too short to have an actual nickname but family and close friends call me Shaezie, Shaeza, Poss (short for possum) and Bloss (short for blossom)
Sign: Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon and Rising
Height: I believe i am in between 5’2 and 5’3?
Last thing googled: A local cafe to see if it’s open on Sundays (it is i am going for brunch with the grandparents)
Song stuck in my head: my head constantly plays mashups so it’s the beginning of WTCF Chorus with the bass line from Seven Nation Army with a bit of Childish Gambino popping in from time to time (it’s a fucking whirlwind of a ride)
Number of followers: i just hit 100
Amount of sleep: Who knows i have always been a shit sleeper and have always been known to sleep over 15 hours if you let me (like literally my mum had to set alarms to wake me up to feed me when i was a baby)
Dream Job: ok so dream job as a kid was either archaeologist or Professional dancer and i was so dang close to being a professional dancer but then the pandemic hit before i moved state and so put that on the back burner and then found out i have bad joints and quit dancing in July of this year after 18 years so now idfk i’m just winging it
Wearing: Bike shorts (what a fucking surprise) and a sports bra
Books that Summarise you: why is this question so hard?? Ummm i have no clue i’m going to ignore this
Favourite song: like of all time? Or current faves? OR song that shaped me as a person?? Bc for all time it will have to be Bat out of Hell by Meat Loaf or Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac (depending on my mood). Current Favourite is Family Line by Conan Gray or Apathy by Michael Aldag (i love me some sad songs) but for songs that shaped me as a person either Whatsername by Green Day (another fave of all time) or Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance
Favourite instrument: To Play? I loved playing Trumpet but to listen to? It would have to be Bass. Something about basslines (and players) get me going and I can’t explain it
Aesthetic: my aesthetic is all over the place. Retro/Alternative is usually my clothes aesthetic but as for decor its Retro/Nostalgic/vintage
Favourite Author: Rick Riordan (he has been my special interest for like 10+ years) and Taylor Jenkins Reid
Random Fun Fact: i was named after my mums boyfriend who died in a car crash before she met my dad and dad has no idea i was named after him. His name was Shane remove the N and you get Shae she named me after him because my due date was his birthday. My dad still believes that i was named after a soccer player
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superherotiger · 3 years ago
Do you have any recs on other good tumblr irondad writers?
Absolutely Anon!
Here’s some of my other beloved irondad writers: @lbigreyhound13 @winter-turtle @retro-memo @callie-caje @milstrim @lunasquared @doctornineandthreequarters @imyoursavinggrace @littlemissagrafina @call-me-coley @iron-mum @an-odd-idea
Hope that helps!
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yedamhwn · 3 years ago
hello everyone!  i’m angel (23, s/h) 👼 and i’m here to bring the most unsuspecting co-captain of jujak’s quidditch team,  a senior who is a magical theory major,  and a part timer caretaker assistant at the greenhouse,  gang yedam!  twt available on request and i’m available in the dms too.
dossier.  🎣
— chelsea born n raised baybe 😎  mom was a seamstress and owned a tailor shop;  dad worked at the nearby bank and co-owned some retro arcades with a childhood friend :-) by all accounts,  a sweet n simple upbringing
— began learning to play go at the age of three with his dad and eventually started attending a baduk academy;  hailed a genius and prodigy p fast because he was showing a lot of talent quite quickly and competed in local competitions and nearby tournaments!  won each one lol and they were mad..... (nicki vc i WIN you LOSE)
— car accident tw  /  lost his parents to bad weather conditions on a trip back from celebrating his mother opening up a new storefront.  yedam was in the backseat but survived after his parents quickly casted protection spells.  momentarily stopped participating in go for after but picked it up again as soon as he was taken in by his mom’s bffie aka his godmother in daegu,  who eventually found him a new academy to enroll in 
— little backstory moment rq..... so let’s talk about his godmother + her family a bit?  both of yedam’s parents are magic users,  and his mum met her best friend when they both attended beauxbatons!  beauxbaton’s baddies if u will.. think susannah x laurel from the summer i turned pretty and hari x youngseo from business proposal.  anw they separated after graduating but kept in constant contact over the phone.  paik risa marries a mortal man,  and raises her three kids (1 son, 2 daughters) on a farm that attracts both humans for the freshest harvests and magic users for rare ingredients for potions,  common everyday herbs,  or little magic infused trinkets and tools in rural daegu!  yedam grew up surrounded by magic so he was raised playing quidditch with his cousins,  practiced spells and potion making,  and learned about magical ingredients / the magical world in gen as a kid (both from his own parents and godmother!)
— continued to play locally;  eventually grew to playing internationally as he climbed up ranks (his way of playing and careerwise is heavily inspired by / pulled from choi taek of reply 1988).  during this time he’s attending durmstrang and losing his shit..😁 he’s still competing and flying around for go competitions,  magic helped with cutting down the travel time but didn’t do much for the stress and lack of decompressing,  as well as juggling school and a social life.  something about this also triggers some of his untapped trauma with his parent’s passing.  and it’s also the first time yedam’s been so far from his family.  so he completely blows up in school LOL exhibited huge ‘do not fuck w me’ energy,  was ready to fight anyone who so as much breathed in his direction,  and *squints eyes* from my sparknotes draft bg notes (and i quote) was a “certified fucker bad boy” so u get the gist i hope!  one fight got out tho and he couldn’t girlboss his way out of that one,  resulting in his godmother being called in and finding out whatever else yedam was able to keep quiet and out of her ear.  she’s basically horrified af LMAO and just?? not down to clown about her godson spiraling out of control so she yanked his ass out of durmstrang and began to track down his maternal aunt!  in total,  yedam spent 4 years there.
— plops him into mahoutokoro for the remainder of his years,  because a) it’s close enough by now compared to before,  b) most of his competitions were located in asia with only a handful being in europe,  and c) she knew he needed a fresh start.  he moves in with lee yiseul,  one of the founders and his mom’s older sister,  before leaving and living on campus.  his time at the new school is much more tamed out then before,  where *squints eyes pt2* from my sparknotes draft bg notes (and once again, i quote) starts his “healing himbo” journey!  in total,  yedam spent 3 years there.  ends his time on a high note,  and retires professionally from playing go at age eighteen as a 7-dan.  pulls away from the mortal public eye heavily.  was kind of a :o moment in the comm and caused some stir in the go world;  but he mainly did it to have somewhat of a normal college life lol 
— is currently a senior and in his final year at hwando!  whoot whoot 🥳 pretty excited to graduate,  and thankfully his last few semesters at the school isn’t too class heavy so yedam is cruising through pretty content!  magical theory major / charms minor. 🔮🪄  jujak co-captain and keeper.  lived with his aunt for his first year,  in the topaz dorms his second year,  before moving into and remaining in the quarter sharehouse is third and final year.  campus crush and smart himbo vibes.. unfortunately has MAJOR boyfie vibes (a,b,c) but has manwhoreish ways (like he hooks up in empty broom closets :/) so a waste of potential tbh.  flirty and has a lil group of followers (it’s literally just 3 people LOL) called dammies<3.  known for the ragers he throws before and after quidditch season!  has ‘he’s just some guy’ energy to him.  bye guys 🤨😳 hiiii ladies😋😁 type beat.  pulled from sparknotes pt3 but “sounds cringe but is very much The Cool Popular Guy on Campus vibes”.  that was so embarrassing to physically type out so let’s move on!  golden boy <3 it boy <3 tall boy <3 probably a clash with the stuff that blows around town or the bash app abt him (think the beginning clip of mean girls where ppl r talking about regina LOL) but he’s really reallyyy down to earth,  laidback and super chill.  easy to get along with and he mingles well with strangers or people he’s just met!  a muted spark in his eye with a hidden temper to match,  but it appears as frequently as a blue moon.  very social so he’s everywhere a little bit?  doesn’t overthink and has a tendency to be pretty straight forward.  the person you actually DO want in your group project.  part time caretaker assistant at the greenhouse where he does the graveyard shifts;  kills time by getting high and reading / walking around or doing hw.  appears in the bash app often for his ~interesting~ hook up spots or for posting addys to his next party.  young and rich $$$ bc of his go career but is still a local devil lettuce dealer (hit him upppp 4 the best prices around hwando 🤗) for some quick cash.  isn’t really sure what he wants to do after graduating (getting back into go or doing something law related to his aunt’s dept) but he’ll figure it out at some point;  so far just enjoying his final year at school!  ending on a final sparknotes cringe note: “hot nerd bad boy cool guy vibes. so cringe typing that fr” ♡
— wand: (horned serpent horn, apple wood, 8in) / patronus: tiger (bengal) / boggart: car accident tw / the moments right before and after the crash.  frequents: gwangseon forest (the dutchess’ waterfall and griff cove) / city center / the aparecium / observatory / hwabit / convenience store / grand library / quidditch fields.  capricorn sun,  gemini moon,  leo rising.
— members in the same sports (regardless of house) as he is?  same majors??  taking the same classes?
— someone wanting to learn go casually and they decide 2 hit him up
— every so often they grab ramen and soju at night, and sneak into the greenhouse / observatory / other locations to decompress and catch up!!
— friends from durmstrang or mahoutokoro!!
— someone who has heard about his interesting stories on the bash app (notably the weird hook up spots LOL) and then ACTUALLY see him irl *insert yedam almost tripping over a carpet* and is just like what the fuck this is that dood 
— fwbs??  exes??  former crushes??  people he’s lead on??  unrequited crushes??  vice versa  👁️.....
— people / regulars that hit him up 4 some devil lettuce or stoner friends in gen!!
— people he practices quidditch with the most!! or someone who does / doesn’t play that needs some extra help 
— his party ppl whoot whoot
— a person who is trying to network through him bc they like his aunt / want to work in the dept. of law
— someone who hooked up with him at (insert location) and find themselves on the bash app like okay never doing THAT again (unless..? 🤪🙈)
— whoever has a pet PLEASE let him pet sit just once..........or if he can just touch them in gen
literally anything else lol feel free to let me know if there’s anything not on here that might work,  any of ur plots that might click better,  or brainstorming! :~)
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siodium · 2 years ago
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photo dump from when i went to the OFF/ON exhibit at the national museum!! featuring chi and cha raiding an old-school kopitiam
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it was definitely a blast from the past seeing all the retro gadgets and devices like the chonky computers and payphones. even some of the decorative items and furniture were familiar to me?? like i've probably seen them in my grandparents' or relatives' houses??
i've always wanted to try typing on a typewriter bc my mum told me about them and how she'd use them for work long time ago. unfortunately the ones on display were kinda broken when i went. )-: still a good experience tho. the keys were so heavy and took so much effort to press. don't think i'd do well in a typing test.
also got the chance to send a message on some thingy. was it a pager?? i have no clue. i still don't know how a pager works buuut i feel like i've seen one irl maybe??? my dad definitely had one.
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mfw when i receive my 102938th spam call for the day
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bts-trans · 4 years ago
210509 Weverse Translations
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
💜: 보기만 해도 날 죽이고 싶어? #태양달
RM: oh.. why 죽여요 !! https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659446793773815 
💜: Do you want to kill me with just a look? #SunMoon
RM: oh..why are you killing !!
(T/N: The Korean in the original post was likely translated using an online translator.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
💜: 당신의 모든 것이 아름답고 잊지 않기를 바랍니다 ❤️😇당신은 나를 계속 나아가게하고 최선을 다하도록 동기를 부여한 사람입니다 👁️👁️🤩. 날이 우울할 때 나를 빛나게하는 건 너야 ✨💫.당신은 너무 많은 젊은 마음을 인도하고 진정한 모습으로 피어 날 수 있도록 도와주는 사람입니다 💗🌟. 이런 종류의 게시물을 작성하고 지속적인 지원을 제공하는 것이 내가 존재한다는 것을 알리는 유일한 방법입니다 ☺️✨당신은 항상이 세상에서 가장 완벽한 사람으로 남을 것이며 앞으로 더 많은 성공을 기대하고 있습니다 💜✊💪. 무슨 일이 있어도 저도 당신과 함께 여행하고 있다는 것을 알게되어 기쁩니다 💫😁 언젠가는 항상 답장을 기다리겠습니다 !!! 🌟
#annxx #kri3
RM: 🥰 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659442476004532
💜: (OP wrote a post complimenting RM and talking about how he is a source of motivation for them.)
RM: 🥰
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
💜: namjoooooon my mum drew moni 🥺 엄마가 모니 그렸어
RM: golden hand ! https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659458423906203
💜: namjoooooon my mum drew moni 🥺 My mum drew Moni (in Korean)
RM: golden hand!
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ 
💜: 남준오빠 나중에 아미들이랑 다같이 등산해요.ᐟ
RM: 북한산 ㄱㄱ! https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659458423289022
💜: Namjoon oppa, you should go hiking with ARMYs later!
RM: Bukhansan* let's go!
(T/N: *Bukhansan is a mountain north of Seoul.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 석진 오빠! 내 개그는 몇 점입니까?
세상에서 가장 뜨거운 바다는?
아! 열받아!
RM: 아.. 열받아.. https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659458423016006
💜: Seokjin oppa! How would you rate my joke? What is the hottest sea in the world?
Ah! I'm sea-riously angry!*
RM: Ah...I'm seriously angry..
(T/N: *The joke was based on wordplay with '바다/ba-da', 'sea' and '열받아/yeol-ba-da', which contains '열/yeol', 'heat', and is an expression that means 'I'm getting angry'.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 오빠들...다이어트��인데 치킨시킬까요..말까용....허허허
RM: chicken is god https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659458422558719
💜: Oppas...I'm on a diet but I'm wondering whether I should order some chickin..or should I not....hohoho
RM: chicken is god
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 남준님 저랑 도미노 하루종일 쌓아요... 못 한 거 저랑합시다..꿈이라며..
RM: 다시 생각해도 열받네요 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659458422261661
💜: Namjoon-nim let's stack dominoes together all day...do the things you can't do with me..that's the dream..
RM: Just thinking about it makes me angry again
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 나중에 등산 모임 만듭시다 이름은 뭘로 지을까요?
RM: 등산들의모임 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659458529766971
💜: Let's form a hiking club later, what should we call it?
RM: Hiking Club
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 오늘의 밤쏭 추천좀여!!
RM: 그러지마 추천합니다 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659458529761377
💜: Reccomendations for an evening song for today please!
RM: I recommend 'Don't'
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 오빠 요즘도 운동해요?
RM: 운동은 신입니다 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659458596500547
💜: Oppa do you still work out these days?
RM: Workouts are God.
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 배고픈데 라면 하나 먹는 거 어때오
RM: 라면은 인정이죠 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659458650806852
💜: I'm hungry how about some ramyeon
RM: Gotta give it up for ramyeon
Trans cr; Aditi & Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
💜: 핑크머리 죽어도 안한다면서 ㅠㅠㅠ 왜 하셨어요 ( 핑머도 엄청 잘어울려여 )
RM: 사람은 다 변해요 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659458650640567
💜: You said you wouldn't dye your hair pink even if you died ㅠㅠㅠ Why did you do it (Pink hair suits you really well too)
RM: People change
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 내일 월요일이래요.
RM: 요일개념없이 살아온지 벌써 10년.. RM: 엠카하면 목요일 뮤뱅하면 금요일 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659458739019164
💜: They say it's Monday tomorrow.
RM: It's already been ten years since I started living without any concept of what day it is.. RM: If we're doing MCountdown, it's Thursday, if we're doing Music Bank, it's Friday
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 오늘 티엠아이 하나만 !
RM: 작업하러 가야할까요 말아야할까요 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659458833337257
💜: Just one TMI* from today please!
RM: Should I go work or not
(T/N: *'TMI' is used in Korean slang to mean little tidbits that people might not know about.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
💜: 진짜 왕 귀요미 ㅜㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ
RM: 아이 깜짝이야 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659459109746842
💜: Such a giant cutie ㅜㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ
RM: Omg what a surprise
Trans cr; Aditi & Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
💜: 오빠 솔직히 이때 무슨 기분이였어요
RM: 인생은 무엇일까..? https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659459109722157
💜: Oppa honestly what did you feel in this moment
RM: What is life..?
Trans cr; Adit @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
💜: 저는 시원한 막걸리 사발 아니 클라우드 쟁여놓고 아래에서 기다릴게요.💜
RM: kloud is king https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659459109042647
💜: I'll get ready with a refreshing bowl of rice wine*, no wait, Kloud, and wait at the bottom
RM: kloud is king
(T/N: *Likely a reference to RM's hiking photo. It is common in Korea to drink rice wine after going on a hike.)  
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 나 지금까지 일하고 있는데 말이 된다고 생각해?? ㅠㅠ
RM: 하.. 워라벨 안챙기나!!! https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659459108913022
💜: I'm still working do you think is this okay??ㅠㅠ
RM: Ha..what about work life balance!!!
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 쉬세요!! 그리고 치킨 (god) 과 함께 하십쇼
RM: god bless you https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659459199592089
💜: Please rest! And be together with chicken (god)
RM: god bless you
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comments 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 퇴근 후 운동하러 넘넘넘 안 가져요ㅠㅠ 피곤한데 운동 가는 꿀팁 알려줘요🥺🙏 (다른 종족 인건가... 남준 is god)
RM: 그냥.. 하는거죠뭐 RM: 내가 운동을 하는게아니라 운동이 나를하게하라 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659459238051565
💜: I really really really can't get myself to workout after I'm done with workㅠㅠ Please share some useful tips on how to work out even when you're tired (Are you perhaps of a different species... Namjoon is god)
RM: Just... Well, you just do it RM: I'm not the one doing the exercise, the exercise makes me do it
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 버터 장르가 혹시 레프로 팝 디스코 어쿠스틱인가요?
RM: 슈퍼 레트로 디스코 팝 뉴에이지 어쿠스틱 발라드입니다 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659459237496818
💜: Is Butter perhaps of the retro pop disco acoustic genre?
RM: It's a super retro disco pop new age acoustic ballad.
(T/N: A reference to a cute mistake V made during the 'BE' album press conference, where he referred to 'Blue and Grey' as a retro pop disco acoustic track.)
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 남준오빠 요즘 뭐해욤??
RM: 그냥.. 사는거죠뭐 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659459237126951
💜: Namjoon oppa what have you doing these days??
RM: Just.. Well, I've just been living
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 고��교가 일케 힘든건가요...?
RM: 그땐 다 그려유 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659459319378415
💜: Is high school this difficult...?
RM: Everyone feels the same at that age
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 오빠 졸업사진 컨셉 추천해주세욥
RM: 도미노 쌓기 추천 https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659459319188121
💜: Oppa please recommend a concept for my graduation pictures
RM: I recommend stacking dominos
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
RM's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️ [photo in link]
💜: 와우 남준오빠 눈썩스크래치낸거야?..대바악...
RM: 아뇨 그냥 긁어서 뜯어짐.. https://weverse.io/bts/feed/1659459318919904
💜: Wow Namjoon oppa Did you get an eyebrow slit?.. Amazing...
RM: Nope it just got pulled out because I scratched it..
Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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albertasunrise · 4 years ago
Coffee and Crisis - Chapter 1
So this is my first Mentalist Fanfiction with Marcus Pike. I loved the Mentalist and only recently realised that it was our dear Pedro that played the perfect Pike. 
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Summary: Marcus has been pretty unlucky in love. With a failed Marriage and engagement under his belt, will his luck finally change when he meets a pretty, young English girl in his favourite cafe?
Warning/Content: Angst, Blood and Injury, 
Paring: Marcus Pike/ Original Female Character
It was a chilly day in September. The trees were almost bare of their leaves. Branches waving in the city breeze, sounds of wood knocking together joined the cacophony of city sounds. Marcus scrubbed a hand over his face as he approached the cafe that had become a staple in his morning routine, always stopping for a coffee and a muffin without fail before heading into the office across the street. This morning was no different except for one tiny detail. Her. His eyes locked with her's almost as soon as he pushed open the door, the small bell above jingling as the wood knocked against it. She was stood in line, eyes staring off towards the door as she waited to be served. He was instantly struck by her, giving her a smile as he pushed the door closed behind him and stepped towards her. She had dirty blonde hair that that was wavy and thick, sitting a little below her shoulders and framing her oval face. Her eyes were a seductive shade of green, accentuated my neat black eyeliner that flicked out at the edges and a subtle brown eye shadow on her lids. Her clothes told him the most about her. She was wearing a Retro Print Star Wars t-shirt that was tucked into her pale Levi jeans that were folded up at the ankles and a black, wool-lined denim jacket. He was instantly drawn to her. She wasn’t like the other women he saw here on a daily basis, tight work dresses, perfect hair and makeup with ridiculous heels that they couldn’t walk in. Not this girl, in her white converses and geeky, acid-wash t-shirt. Her eyes watched him as he came to a standstill behind her, glances and smiles being all they shared for a few moments as Marcus plucked up the courage to speak to her.
‘I like your shirt.’ He said finally, motioning to it with his chin.
‘Thanks.’ she replied, nervously tucking her hair behind her ear as she gave him a warm smile.
‘I’ve not seen you here before.’ He stated, quickly glancing at the muffins to make his selection before returning his attention to her.
‘I’ve just moved here.’ She replied.
‘You’re English!’ It wasn’t a question.
‘Yeah.’ She giggled, trapping her lip between her teeth ‘Well I’m half English.’ She continued ‘Mum’s English, Dad's Canadian so basically, I’m cursed to be too nice and apologise for everything.’
He laughed at her reply, his smile reaching his eyes as they held each other's gaze for a while. It was only broken when the Barista asked for her order. Latte and a Lemon and Poppyseed Muffin. She knew exactly what coffee Marcus wanted, asking his muffin selection for the day before getting to work making their orders.
‘So are you a Star Wars fan or did you just like the shirt?’ He joked.
‘Oh no, I love it.’ She replied, laughing nervously ‘I’m a huge geek.’
‘I’ll let you in on a secret.’ He said quietly, leaning towards her slightly as she looked at him with anticipation ‘So am I.’
She laughed at that, covering her mouth in embarrassment at her sudden outburst. Her laugh was like music to Marcus’ ears, her smile addictive and he found himself wanting to see it more, hear it more. The sound of paper cups scraping against the stone countertop then pulled their attention away from each other.
‘That's Seven dollars.’ said the Barista.
‘It’s on me.’ said Marcus suddenly, handing her the money for both orders.
‘You didn’t have to do that.’ she replied as she looked at him with surprise.
‘Call it a welcoming gift.’ he stated, giving her a genuine smile before holding the door open for her.
They came to a stop outside, Marcus holding out his free hand ‘I’m Marcus.’ He said, smiling as she took it and gave it a shake.
‘Ada.’ she replied.
‘Nice to meet you, Ada.’ Smiling he glanced across the street towards his offices ‘I better get going,’ he continued.
‘Uh yeah, same.’ she replied, her smile dropping slightly at the thought of them parting ways ‘Best not be late on my first day.’
So they parted ways, giving each other a small wave before Marcus sprinted across the street and disappeared through the tinted black glass doors. From that day on, he saw her every morning. She would wait for him and they would queue together, taking it in turns to buy each other's coffee’s whilst they talked about movies, books and art. Marcus learned that she’d studied it at college back in the UK but had decided against pursuing a career in it. He learned that she was a personal assistant but that she worked remotely from her apartment around the corner. She had been engaged to a guy she’d met in college. They’d been together for almost 7 years when she was offered the job in the US and he’d told her that he didn’t want to move with her. So they had ended things, her moving a few weeks later.
‘So have you spoken to him since you arrived?’ he quizzed, sipping his coffee.
‘I spoke to him a few days ago.’ she replied, taking a bite out of her muffin ‘He’s been dating.’
‘No, I’m happy for him.’ She replied, her tone surprisingly genuine ‘He’s never done the dating thing really. Just sort of fell into relationships… Hell, he was single 3 days before we got together.’
‘What about you?’
‘Are you dating?’ He asked, his question making her choke on the coffee she’d just sipped.
‘No. Wouldn’t know where to start.’ She replied, taking another bite of her muffin and shifting in her seat.
They'd both agreed to meet in the cafe earlier that day, sit down and have breakfast for once.
‘I attract odd people.’ She continued, sipping her coffee.
‘Odd how?’
‘Well, I’m a girl… who’s a geek.’
‘Ahhh.’ He replied, understanding exactly what she meant.
‘You’re the first guy I’ve met that has been normal.’ she replied, her cheeks flushing a little ‘I don’t meet many people working from the office in my apartment either.’
‘I imagine not.’ he chuckled, giving her his signature smile that made her knees go weak.
‘Well, Marcus.’ She started, standing and throwing her coat over shoulders ‘This had been lovely but I need to get to work. Those meetings aren't going to arrange themselves.’
‘Yeah… Right.’ Replied the agent as he stood suddenly, his chair scraping loudly against the floor as he knocked it back.
‘I guess I’ll see you Monday.’ she replied, giving him a small smile.
‘Well unless you’re free tonight?’ he suggested, his brown eyes ever hopeful.
‘I’m free.’ she replied, pulling her bag over her shoulder ‘What were you thinking?’
‘Dinner?’ he shrugged, giving her a small smile ‘Take you on your first date in the US.’
‘I’d like that.’ She replied, her heart racing.
‘Great! I’ll pick you up at 7?’
He was there at seven on the dot. Ada had spent much of the afternoon panicking about what to wear, knowing that it was a date but not wanting to overdo it. She’d fallen pretty hard for Marcus, the man invading her dreams and leaving her flushed when she woke up. She looked forward to their morning talks, missing them when he was away and over the weekends. When he’d asked her out, she’d almost passed out from the excitement but somehow managed to keep her cool. As soon as her day had ended she tried to figure out what to wear, realising that she had brought very little with her. She pulled a black lace skater dress her friend Liv had given her just before she’d moved. She wore it with some grey heels and minimal jewellery. She did smokey eye makeup and a subtle pink lip stain, her hair in a loose bun with a few loose waves hanging down to frame her face. When three soft knocks sounded on her door she felt her heart in her throat, hands shaking as she grabbed her bag and keys before opening her front door. She felt her nerves melt away when she saw him. He was wearing smart jeans with a Burgundy shirt tucked in and a smart leather jacket that fit him perfectly. He beamed at her as he checked her out, feeling his own heart flutter in his chest at the sight of her.
‘You look beautiful.’ He stated, watching her as she stepped out and locked her door behind her.
‘Don’t look bad yourself.’ She replied, winking at him as they made their way down to his car.
The restaurant wasn’t far from hers and after a fair amount of convincing on her part they ended up walking instead, arms linked as they talked about each other's days.
‘Here we are.’ he stated as Ada looked up at the sign and laughed.
‘A Canadian restaurant?’
‘You told me that you were half Canadian.’ He started, smiling sweetly at her ‘A colleague of mine told me about this place the other day at work and I knew I wanted to bring you here. Is this okay?’
‘This is perfect.’ She chuckled as he opened the door for her.
The inside reminded her of Christmas’ with her grandparents in Canada. The walls we clad with wood and decorated with hockey jerseys, pictures, sticks and pucks. It was the cheesiest place she’d seen in years and she loved it.
‘I feel a tad overdressed.’ She stated, looking around at the other people in there.
‘’You look perfect.’ He replied sweetly, grinning when she got all shy.
They ordered their food which, true to Canada, was oversized and terribly unhealthy. The conversation was easy, new subjects easy to find when old ones were exhausted.
‘So you know all about my dating history.’ she said suddenly ‘I bet someone like you has had women throwing themselves at you.’ She finished as she shovelled some waffle into her mouth.
‘Hah!’ He laughed as he took a swig of his beer ‘Well… I’m divorced.’ he started, smirking when Ada’s eyes went wide ‘We were young, foolish. She cheated on me with my first partner at the FBI.’
‘What a bitch.’
‘Yeah…’ he replied, shrugging as he took another sip of his drink ‘And then last year I met an incredible woman, Teresa and fell head over heels for her. We got engaged but later that day she told me that she was in love with someone else.’
‘Oh my god, Marcus I’m so sorry.’ Ada felt a pang of guilt at the man's story ‘I shouldn’t have asked… I’m sorry.’
‘Wow you really are Canadian aren’t you.’ He smirked, his eyes crinkling as he smiled.
‘Shut up.’ she laughed, swatting his arm before returning to her waffles.
As they walked home, their hands kept grazing each other’s until he trapped her hand with his. They took their time walking back, hands swinging as they enjoyed the sounds of the city together. When they finally came to a stop outside her building she spun on her heels to face him, biting her bottom lip as she gazed up into his eyes.
‘Can I confess something to you?’ She asked, her eyes drifting down to their hands ‘This is the first proper date I’ve ever been on.’
‘What?’ His head shot back in surprise ‘Really?’
‘I never did the dating thing. I kinda met people and we just ended up together.’ She replied, looking away in embarrassment.
‘So how was your first date then?’ He asked, pulling her a little closer.
‘It was pretty good.’ She replied, green eyes sparkling up at him.
‘Only pretty good?’ he asked, giving her a devilish grin ‘What would it take to make it perfect?’
‘Hmmm.’ She pondered for a moment, a cheeky grin crossing her face as she stepped closer again, her chest flush against his ‘Perhaps a goodnight kiss.’
‘Oh really?’ he grinned as he laced his fingers around the back of her head.
‘Mhmm.’ she nodded, licking her lips in anticipation as he pulled her in.
He pressed his soft lips against hers, his left hand cupping her cheek and his thumb stroking her high cheekbone. She opened her mouth to deepen it, their tongues dancing together as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her even closer. She moaned against his lips as she felt a heat forming in her core, lacing her fingers through his hair as their kiss became more heated.
‘Did you want to come up?’
‘I’d love to.’ He replied, pulling away so that he could look her in the eye.
‘But this is only our first date.’ He replied, pinching her chin with his thumb and pointer finger as he kissed her again ‘Let me do this properly. No jumping into things.’
‘Are you sure you’re not Canadian?’ She joked, grinning as he kissed her again.
‘Goodnight Ada.’ He replied, giving her one last peck on the lips before watching her walk away.
They spent most of that weekend texting like teenagers. They text about what they were doing, what they were reading. They even ended up watching Empire Strikes back and talked on the phone to each other during. They then continued to talk to each other as they lay in their beds, talking about their schedules for the week and possible plans for the weekend. When they finally said goodnight they agreed to have breakfast together in their favourite little cafe in the morning. Once again the day started as it always did. They stood in line together, ordered their coffees and muffins and sat at their usual table beside the counter. The conversation, as always, was easy and relaxed. They joked about how lame they were talking on the phone in bed like two smitten teenagers. Secretly though, neither of them had wanted to hang up. Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of sirens, screaming and shouting suddenly erupted in the morning air and the door of the cafe crashed open. Two masked guys came screaming in, guns waving above their heads and sending everyone into a frenzy.
‘Everyone get down!’ they shouted, pointing their guns at the customers who were crouching with their hands above their heads.
Marcus instantly switched into FBI agent mode, his right hand wrapping around his gun as looked at Ada beside him.
‘Stay down.’ he whispered as he squeezed her arm and started to stand.
‘Hey, Jackass I told everyone to get down.’ Shouted one of the men, waving his gun at him as he spoke.
‘Let these people go.’ he said, taking a step towards them.
‘Who is this guy?’
‘Dunno but he’s clearly got a death wish.’ One sniggered,
‘I’m Agent Pike.’ He started, hand still wrapped around his gun ‘I work for the FBI. If you let them go I can help you come to a peaceful solution.’
‘FBI huh?’ the leader replied, tilting his head to the side as he studied the agent across from him ‘Well you’ll be useful.’ He stated, pulling the trigger and sending Marcus stumbling backwards
‘NO!’ Ada screamed as she threw herself to his side, catching him as his legs gave out beneath him ‘Marcus…. Marcus look at me.’ she pleaded, shaking him as his eyes darted around the room in shock.
The agent rolled his head to look at her, blood rushing in his ears as he tried to suck in a pained breath. He could feel his shirt soaking quickly with the crimson lifeblood that gushed from the bullet wound to his abdomen. Ada’s shaking hands desperately tried to keep pressure on it as she held him in her arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. She leaned him against the counter and tore her cardigan from her shoulder, pressing it down hard on Marcus’ stomach which elicited a pained moan from the agent.
‘Well I’m sure this isn’t how you saw breakfast going.’ he joked, placing a shaky hand on hers.
‘Not exactly no.’ She replied, smiling at him grimly as she watched her cream cardigan slowly turn red.
The phone to the cafe rang and the leader answered, screaming his demands to the police on the other end.
‘You will give us what we want or the Federal Agent that’s currently bleeding out on the floor isn’t going to make it.’ he growled, shooting a look at Pike ‘You give us what we want or Agent Pike will die… You have one hour.’ he finished, slamming the handset down on the counter and storming off.
Time seemed to crawl by. Ada watched the minutes ticked by, willing time to go faster as she felt Marcus slipping away from her. Half an hour passed and his skin tone had taken on a sickly grey shade, dark bags forming under his eyes as each breath came in short, laboured pants. She watched as his eyes start to droop, panic rising inside her as his head dipped.
‘Stay with me.’ she pleaded, lifting his head so that she could look him in the eye ‘You need to stay awake.’
‘Talk to me.’ he asked, leaning into her touch.
‘What do you want to talk about?’
‘’Will you go on another date with me?’ he asked suddenly, taking Ada by surprise.
‘I want to take you out on another date.’ he stated, giving her a weak smile.
‘Of course, I’ll go on another date with you Marcus.’ She sobbed, stroking his cheek with her thumb.
‘G-good.’ he stuttered, feeling his strength start to seep away.
‘And then afterwards I want you to stay with me.’ She continued, desperately trying to keep him with her a little longer ‘I’ll make you pancakes in the morning, I have a posh coffee machine that makes amazing coffee. Then we’ll spend all day watching old movies, eating junk food and making out.’
‘Sound’s good.’ He replied, smirking at her weakly.
Ada watched as he started to lose the fight, his lips taking on a startling shade of blue as breathing got harder and harder. A sudden cough painted his lips with blood splatters and her stomach sank. She knew the longer they waited, the less time Marcus had left. Grabbing a napkin from the counter above, she wiped the blood from his lips before placing a soft kiss on them. Marcus felt his heart flutter at the feeling of her soft lips on his, kissing her back before everything went black.
Chapter 2
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iron-mum · 4 years ago
Tag Game!
Thank you for the tag @kiki-shortsnout 💕
1. why did you choose your url?
Iron Mum is the nickname the wonderful @kevyfanfics gave me shortly after we essentially adopted one another. As this account is predominantly for my writing and interests (predominantly Marvel) it seemed like a good pick! My AO3 name IronMum was taken here so I had to add the dash here.
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I do not, I barely have enough content for this one 😂
3. how long have you been on Tumblr?
About 6 months. I joined shortly after posting my first fic on AO3 which was at the end of January :)
4. do you have a queue tag?
I do not (not even sure I know what that means 😅)
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
It seemed like a really great way to continue interaction with those who enjoyed my stories as well as admire other people’s creative talents. Some of the art posted here is honestly to die for and I just love it so much. I really enjoy things like the FFWF, writing events and tag/ask games and have made some great friends.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
The flag is self explanatory. And Doctor Strange is my favourite Marvel character :)
7. why did you choose your header?
It’s one of my favourite pieces from @kevyfanfics I love the colours so freaking much :') It was a bonus that it fits so perfectly with the overall theme of my page.
8. what's your post with the most notes?
It’s an image from the comics in which Peter Parker is sarcastically calling Tony Stark dad just before they get into a fight.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I have about 70 mutuals :)
10. how many followers do you have?
I have 121 followers.
11. how many people do you follow?
I follow 352 (and counting!)
12. have you ever made a shit post?
I don’t believe so unless you count some of the crack ideas that I’ve shared 😂
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Midday and evening are my usual check in times though if my phone notifies me of an ask or tag then I’ll hop on if I’m not doing much.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another lot once? who won?
No arguments or fights in this neighbourhood.
15. how do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
I don’t see them all too often if I’m honest. I’ve seen some that say to reblog if you're a safe space (which I am) and that I am happy to receive prompts or asks (which I am).
16. do you like tag games?
I absolutely love a good tag game. They are often WIP ones too which serve as a kick up the ass for me.
17. do you like ask games?
100% I try and post as many as I can (without being annoying anyway). As long as people want to keep interacting with me then I am here for it!
18. which of your mutual do you think is Tumblr famous?
Oh gosh, I’m not sure. I am mutuals with a lot of amazing Irondad and Ironstrange writers who are well known within the community but there’d be a lot to name.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I do not.
20. tags?
No pressure of course! And apologies if you've already been tagged :) @retro-memo @potatoqueensays @winter-turtle @real-turtle-bean
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cali-holland · 5 years ago
Mixed Up in Time- Peter Parker One Shot
Tumblr media
Pairing: Peter Parker X Rogers/Carter!Reader
Prompt: When Peter accidentally time travels back to 1960, he meets you and a few familiar faces, including your mother Peggy Carter.
Word Count: 4500
Warnings: probably swearing; bad usage of 60’s slang
Important to note: The blip happened, but we’re ignoring Steve going back to Peggy and Tony dying and the Russos’ dumb time travel rules; we’re also ignoring that Sharon and Steve were ever romantically involved
A/N: i was watching back to the future and thought of this sooo yeah
The room was pale white, and nothing looked familiar to Peter. The wooden bed frame looked new yet dated, and the mattress was incredibly uncomfortable for him to lay on. He slowly tried to sit up, but stopped as he realized his hand was locked to the nearby nightstand with a handcuff. He could easily break the handcuff- and the nightstand, but his mind was so filled with confusion, he didn’t know if that was the right thing to do. He was locked up in a foreign bedroom, he needed to play this smart.
He heard voices from behind the closed door before it opened. A man stepped inside, leaning on a crutch for support. He looked at Peter critically, like he was trying to figure out why Peter was here- and frankly, the teen was trying to figure that part out too.
The man asked, almost hesitantly, “Who sent you?”
“What?” Peter replied.
“Who sent you? Was it Hydra?”
“Hydra? No, why would Hydra send me?” He asked.
“So you are working for Hydra!” He accused, and a woman stepped into the room.
“Daniel! You’re scaring the poor boy.” She said, her brown eyes glancing over at Peter momentarily.
“Poor boy? He demolished your car when he fell out of the sky!” The man, Daniel, stated. The woman stepped in further to the room as Daniel took a step back. She smiled kindly at Peter; something about her red lips and English accent made her seem familiar to him, but it wasn’t until she spoke again that he recognized her.
“What’s your name, son? My name is Agent Carter.”
Agent Carter. The Agent Margaret “Peggy” Carter.
Peter looked at her in disbelief, his eyes growing wide at her words. He slapped a hand to his forehead, groaning in frustration. He rambled helplessly, “Oh my god. Mr. Stark’s going to kill me, but I can’t believe it- he was right, it actually worked.”
“Slow down. Mr. Stark?” Peggy asked, raising an eyebrow at him. “How do you know Howard?”
“Um, what year is it?” Peter replied, stress still flooding in his body.
“1960.” Daniel answered. His skeptical eyes never left Peter as Peggy stepped closer to him.
“You’re not from here, are you?” She spoke softly.
“You’re going to think I’m crazy, but I’m Peter Parker and I’m from 2023. Well, actually I was born in 2001, but then in 2018, I died for five years, and I just came back to life and now I’m here in 1960, with you two. And the Mr. Stark I was talking about is Howard’s son actually.” He rambled nervously, “I have to say, Miss Agent Carter, it is an honor to meet you.”
Peggy looked at him in disbelief, “You- you know who I am?”
“Yeah, Mr. Rogers told me-” He paused, seeing the look of heartbreak flash across her face. “Oh, right, you don’t know.”
“Steve’s alive?” She breathed out. Peter looked behind her, spotting Daniel standing in his own discomfort now.
“I’m so messing up the space time equilibrium right now. Oh my god, did Back to the Future teach me nothing?” Peter mumbled to himself, and Peggy stepped forward, cautiously undoing the handcuff and freeing him from the restraint.
“Am I the only one who’s lost here?” Daniel asked, looking between Peggy and Peter.
“Call Howard, Daniel. Peter’s in the wrong time, and he needs to get home.” She said before making her way out of the room. “Peter, stay here until we can get Howard to sort this all out.” She paused in the doorway, “And do not mention Steve. No one can know.”
Daniel rushed out after her, leaving Peter alone. He let out a sigh, leaning back against the headboard. Well, maybe that’s why everything seemed strange- he was now living several decades before his time.
“Mr. Stark said-” Peter started, but Happy cut him off.
“You wanted to be the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, remember? Tony invited you to join the Avengers and you refused. He will be back from his mission soon, but until then, don’t do anything or else I’ll get blamed.”
“Happy, come on. He could use my help.” He insisted, trailing after Happy in the compound, “Can you at least tell me what the mission is?”
“Rogers is looking for someone, and Stark is helping him.”
“Kid! What are you doing here?” Tony’s voice boomed as he stepped into the compound, a sullen Steve following in behind in, just to quickly duck down the hall towards his room. Bucky and Sam sent Peter a sad glance before both following their friend. Peter couldn’t help but recognize the own grief present on Tony’s face.
“What happened? Did someone die?” Peter asked quietly, and Tony bit his lip unsure.
“Look, kid, there’s something I should tell you about Steve.” Tony sat down on the couch and Happy slowly left the room, giving it to Tony and Peter. “You know Agent Peggy Carter?”
“The SSR agent that Steve,” Peter paused, “that Steve loves?”
“Yes. When Steve and I went to 1970, he saw a file on Agent Carter. She had a daughter back in the 40’s, and Steve asked me to help him find her. Besides Sharon, this girl is the closest thing to Peggy he has.”
“Did you?”
“She disappeared in the 60’s. No sign of struggle, she just vanished one day. Her case was so buried that Romanoff was the only one who could find it, but even then, it was all dead ends. This was our last shot at finding her or anything that traced back to her. But Steve found a letter from Peggy that says-“
He was cut off by a loud crash from the basement, making both of them stand up immediately. They ran down the stairs to see Sam and Bucky holding back a distraught Steve in the hallway.
“What the hell is going on?” Tony questioned.
“The time machine.” Sam replied. In awe of the flickering white light coming from the time machine, Peter stepped forward, eyeing it curiously.
“Tony, please, I need to go back.” Steve said, his voice hoarse.
“No. You’re not going back there, Steve. You know it’d mess with the timeline too much if you went back.” Tony stated.
“Kid, get back!” Bucky called out. Peter turned to look at the four older men across the room.
“Peter, no!” Tony shouted, but it was too late. The time machine erupted, and the last thing Peter remembered was the blinding light overcoming him before he succumbed to darkness.
“Peter, wake up.” A soft voice pulled him out of his sleep. He jumped back instinctively before he registered that you weren’t a threat, holding a plate of cookies and a retro blue can of Pepsi, one that Peter hardly even recognized as the classic soda.
“Who- who are you?” He questioned, uneasily.
“My name’s Y/N. I thought you might be hungry.” You said, offering him the plate and he took it warily. You set the mug on the nightstand beside him. “So, you’re from the future.”
With a mouthful of cookies, Peter nodded, before he swallowed, “Yes. And, these are really good by the way.” He replied, eating another cookie.
“Thank you. It’s my mum’s recipe.” You answered, and he paused, looking at you quizzically.
“Mum?” He questioned. Considering you had a clearly American accent, he was confused by your British word choice.
“Peggy.” You explained, laughing a little in embarrassment. “She’s my mum, but we’ve lived in New York my whole life, so I’ve got the American accent. I just can’t call her mom- it doesn’t sit right.”
“Agent Carter is your mother?” He asked in disbelief, “That’s so awesome.”
“Right. She told me you knew about her. What’s the future like? Pretty neato, I bet.” You sat down on the opposite side of the bed from him, smiling softly.
“I don’t know how much I can tell you. I don’t want to-”
“Ruin the space-time continuum, as my mum said.” You finished his sentence for him, “It’s pretty far out that you’re from the future. This completely changes how we should perceive the space-time continuum. We’re so focused on getting to the moon that we haven’t even thought about the future yet. Has a woman time traveled yet? I’d love to be the first one to- or maybe the first woman on the moon. Has a woman been to space yet?”
Peter blushed at your ramblings, finding it adorable that you’d be so interested in it. He wanted to tell you that you’d be the first at all of it, but then he remembered Tony’s words. Peggy Carter’s daughter disappeared without a trace. You didn’t exist in the history books at all; you were just Agent Carter’s lost daughter.
“Y/N,” Peggy started, stepping into the room again. “I was going to ask you to keep Peter company, but I see you’re already doing that.”
“Mum, we were just talking about-”
“The moon. You’ll get there, love.” She placed a hand on your shoulder, before turning to Peter.
“Howard won’t be here for several hours. When he arrives, could you help him create a time machine to get you home?” Peggy asked, and Peter nodded.
“Yeah, but we need Hank Pym as well.” He replied. “He has a particle- the Pym particle, and we need some. Just a little bit.”
“I’ll make some calls.” She stated, making her way out of the room again, “And, Y/N, when I say keep him company, I mean he is not allowed to leave this house.”
“Yes, mum.” You called back to her, hearing her walk down the hall to her office, closing the door behind her. “Right. Let’s go.”
“Wait, but Peggy said-” Peter looked at you like you were crazy as you stood up from the bed and held your hand out to him.
“Peter, come on, when else are you going to explore 1960? Besides, you could use some new threads.” You smiled encouragingly, and he timidly stood up from his spot on the bed. He took your hand and you quietly snuck him out of the house, easily slipping past your mother.
As you walked down the street with Peter, he felt like he was transported into an old film. Everyone was wearing strange clothes (appropriately though from the decade), and the cars- they were all so old, but cool nonetheless.
“I’m going to get a slug bug like that when I can drive.” You told him, pointing to a VW Beetle as it passed by.
“Those look so-” He paused, “old.”
“You are in the 60s, remember?” You teased, tugging him into a small clothing shop. He froze when he looked at all the odd clothes. He wouldn’t usually wear anything besides jeans and a dorky t-shirt or casual sweater, but something about seeing you smile as you looked over the clothes made him at least want to try to enjoy his time in this unfamiliar decade.
You had barely in the store for five minutes before you were shoving a handful of clothes into Peter’s arms, pushing him towards the dressing rooms. “You have to try these on.”
“Y/N, I don’t know,” He trailed off, eyeing the colored plaid pants in the pile.
“1960, Peter.” You reminded him, and he nodded. Peter closed the dressing room door and you continued to mindlessly browse around while you waited for him.
“So you never answered me about space.” You called out to him. He laughed behind the door as he changed.
“Yes, we make it to space.”
“Have we found other life yet?” You asked excitedly.
“Well,” He sighed, “they technically found us, but we fought them off several times.” Dressed in green plaid pants and a brown sweater, he opened the door, “I’ve actually been to space- been to another planet in another solar system even.”
“Oh, no, that’s hideous.” You shook your head, and he laughed, closing the door to try on more clothes. “Another planet, though? What was it like?”
“Um, it was awful. It was destroyed, and I kind of died there.” Peter replied, shaking his head as he didn’t want to relive the memory.
“Died? You 21st century people have an unreal way of speaking.”
It was then he realized that between your slang and his that you had no clue he was serious. “Actually, I did die. This alien killed off half the universe and I died, but then my team traveled back in time five years later and saved us- all of us.” He looked at himself in the mirror at his newest outfit, deciding he thought he looked good enough to show you.
“That must have been awful. I’m sorry, Peter.” You answered, feeling guilty for asking.
“It’s alright. I was readjusting to being home, or well in 2023, when I traveled back here.” He explained, opening the door again, but you had your back to him as you looked at some sunglasses. “How’s this?”
You turned back around to face him and a smile lit up your face at the slimming white trousers and bright blue polo. Under your intense stare, Peter felt himself growing self-conscious. “It’s twitchin’.”
“Is that a good thing?” He asked with a laugh, and you nodded.
“It means it looks great.” You laughed. “Now you don’t stick out as much.”
“As much?”
“You still look like a future guy to me.”
After buying Peter his new look, you took him to your favorite little diner, one with the best milkshakes. Although Peter had only known you for a few short hours, you were captivating to him. He’d never met someone so fascinated by the world and so incredibly brilliant for your age. If you were anything like your mother, Peter could understand why Steve was still in love with her; Peter would still be dreaming of you in seventy years.
“Have you ever been to Times Square?” You asked him as the two of you left the quaint diner.
“Not in 1960.” He joked, making you smile at him.
“Well, then we definitely need to go.” You stated, “We should also go see a movie. There’s this new Hitchcock film coming out called Psycho-”
“Psycho gave me nightmares.” Peter shuddered at the memory, laughing lightly, “Oh yeah, I’ve seen it in the future.”
“Then you can hold me when the scary parts come up.” You joked, catching the blush that hit his cheeks. Before he could respond, a car pulled to a stop next to you two on the sidewalk.
“What did I say about leaving?” Peggy questioned with the window rolled down from her spot in the passenger seat.
“Sorry, mum.” You sighed, opening the back door. You let Peter climb in first and then you followed after him. Peter looked around the fancy interior of the car in confusion, until he saw the S emblem on the steering wheel. This was the car of Howard Stark.
“Did you get me a milkshake?” The driver asked you with a cheeky smile, and you shook your head.
“Had I known my mother would hire a chauffeur then maybe I would have gotten you one.” You stated, crossing your arms as she rolled her eyes at you. You turned to Peter, “This is Jarvis by the way. He’s Mr. Stark’s driver.”
“You’re the Jarvis?” Peter questioned.
“The Jarvis? Am I famous in the future too?” He asked, starting to drive the four of you away.
“No, but Mr. Stark has mentioned you before.”
“Peter.” Peggy said, calling his attention back to her, “I don’t know much about time travel and the space-time continuum that you and Howard keep mentioning, but I know every second you spend here could be detrimental to our world. Please, keep talks of the future to a minimum, especially since we are going to see Howard right now. Do not discuss his son or any details of the future.”
“Yes, Miss Carter.” He nodded, and you reached over, placing a hand on his leg to reassure him.
“Y/N, when we get to Howard’s lab, I want you to go home with Daniel. Jarvis and I will need to oversee this operation.” She stated.
“I’m not leaving.” You replied defiantly, and Peter held his breath, feeling the sudden tension in the air. “And especially not with Daniel.”
“Y/N Carter, you will treat Daniel with respect. You’re like a daughter to him.”
“Daniel is not my father though, and he will never be.” You said.
“Fine.” Peggy huffed. “You can stay, but only because you could help Howard build this machine.”
“Thank you.” You muttered.
The four of you arrived at a large warehouse on the edge of the city. Peter, suddenly feeling nervous about meeting Mr Stark Sr., followed behind you, Peggy, and Jarvis. He’d heard enough bad things about Howard from Tony, and now he was going to meet the monster firsthand. When they stepped inside the warehouse, Peter spotted a woman and a man standing beside each other, overlooking parts spread on a table.
“Howard,” Peggy called out, getting their attention. When Howard turned around, Peter immediately recognized him; his resemblance to Tony was uncanny. The woman, though- he had no clue who she was, but her kind smile made him feel welcome.
“You must be Peter from the future.” Howard stepped forward, outstretching a hand to him. Peter hesitantly shook his head. “Tell me, what’s my legacy in the future?”
“Miss Carter said I shouldn’t discuss details.” Peter replied, nervously clearing his throat. Howard laughed before turning back to the table.
“Did you get the Pym particle?” Peggy asked Howard. Before he could respond, the door opened once more and in walked another man and a woman.
“If you think I’d let Howard Stark use my particle without my presence,” The man trailed off, and Peter froze, recognizing the man.
“Oh my god.” He breathed out, eyes trained on the young Hank Pym who he’d met through Scott once- the Hank Pym that he studied in school, the Hank Pym he did a project on in middle school.
“Peter, this is Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne, and Ana Jarvis.” You said, clearing up the strangers’ names for him.
“Why’s he looking at us like that?” Hank asked.
“I- I know you from the future; both of you.” Peter replied, looking between him and Janet.
“No details, remember?” Peggy spoke up, “Now, let’s get this time machine running.”
For the next few days, Peter worked tirelessly with this new team to get the time machine built and running. He was happy that Tony had gone over the specs of the machine with him after the battle, and he was also grateful that he had an impressive memory that allowed him to remember all of it. If anything was off in the slightest, Peter wouldn’t be sent back to 2023; he’d be lost to the quantum realm forever. And, even though your mother wanted you as far removed as possible from this, you stayed by Peter’s side through it all.
“It’s done.” Peter said, proudly, as all of you overlooked the machine.
“We built a time machine.” Hank stated in disbelief, still not fully believing his particle was the key to all of it.
“And this.” Howard stepped forward with a small machine in his hands. Peggy looked at it curiously.
“What is that?” She asked the question on everyone’s mind.
“We just built a time machine with technology we shouldn’t know about. This will make us forget this week.” Howard explained.
“But we’ll forget Peter.” You said softly, looking over to Peter with a new found sadness on your face. He wanted to tell you it’ll all be fine, that he’d see you in the future, that you had been the first woman to space so he read about you in his history textbook- but he couldn’t. He didn’t want to lie to you. He didn’t want you to know that Peggy dies of old age, Janet spends decades in the quantum realm, Howard becomes an abusive father before he’s assassinated by Bucky Barnes (who you definitely knew about), and that you of all people disappear sometime this year without any trace of your whereabouts.
Before anyone could say anything, you hurried out of the warehouse. Peter looked to Peggy, silently asking if he could go after you, and she nodded in approval. He ran off after you, finding you sitting on a nearby bench, overlooking the city. You held tightly to a compass in your hands, and Peter hesitantly sat beside you.
“I know it’s only been a week, but I don’t- I don’t want to forget you.” Your voice was unsteady as you spoke. “What happens to me in the future?”
“I don’t know.” Peter replied quietly.
“I want the truth, Peter. I know I’m not in any of your textbooks, but you know something about my future. I can see it in how you reacted to who I am.”
Peter looked at you, unsure of what to say. His eyes flickered down to the compass in your hand. A picture of Steve sat in the small compass, just like how Steve had that compass of Peggy. He felt his heart stop as he processed the small object’s meaning, “You’re- you’re Steve’s daughter.”
You closed the compass instinctively, your own hands starting to shake, “I’m sure you know the story of Captain America. He died before my mother could tell him.”
“He didn’t.” Peter began, “He didn’t die. Steve’s frozen in ice, and he comes out of it in the future. He’s the reason I’m here. He knew Peggy had a daughter, and he was trying to come see you.”
“My father’s alive?” You asked, feeling tears well up in your eyes.
“Yeah, but, Y/N,” He sighed, “You disappear. At some time during this decade, you disappear from existence. No one knows what happens to you.”
You were silent for a moment, processing his words, “What if I went with you?”
“What? To the future?” He asked, and you nodded, “No, Y/N, you can’t. That’d be breaking so many-”
“Think about it. I disappear from existence, and no one knows, but what if no one remembers? I could go with you and meet my father.”
“But your mother-” Peter started, but a voice cut him off.
“Would want you to go.” Peggy said, and you turned to face her. “Peter told me when he got here that Steve was alive, but I didn’t know how to tell you. If you want to go to the future, then I won’t hold you back.”
“But, mum, I’d never see you again, unless,” You trailed off, looking to Peter, who shook his head sadly, confirming Peggy’s fate by 2023.
“Take the compass and go see your father, Y/N.” She spoke softly, “I won’t erase my memories, but I’ll make sure your disappearance remains a mystery. The future will be safe.”
Speechless, you stood up and hugged your mother tightly, a few tears slipping. After a few solemn moments of goodbye, the three of you returned to the warehouse. Peter bid everyone farewell, thanking them for all of the assistance. You wordlessly hugged Daniel.
“Take care of my mum for me.” You told him. Before anyone could say anything, you gave your mother one last hug goodbye. With your compass in one hand, you held onto Peter’s hand with the other. Howard pressed a couple buttons and you two were met with a blinding light, saying goodbye to 1960.
“Steve, what were you thinking? It’s broken!” Tony shouted, pressing some buttons in an attempt to somehow bring Peter back even though he knew the machine was past fixing.
“If you found out you had a daughter seventy years ago, you’d want to go see her too!” Steve exclaimed, coming to Tony’s side. Bucky and Sam stayed back, looking at their friend sorrowfully. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“You can’t go back there. I know what it’s like to miss out on your life, too, but she’s gone. Peggy’s gone, your daughter’s gone.” Bucky said in his best attempt to console his friend.
“And now the kid’s gone again. The kid that I risked my life to save is gone because you couldn’t handle your own kid being gone, your kid that you didn’t even know existed!” Tony fought back. As Tony and Steve began to argue, Sam and Bucky heard a small crash behind them.
“Are you two done arguing because the spider boy’s back.” Sam stated, and the bickering between the other two men immediately stopped.
“Kid, why are you dressed like you belong on the cover of Abbey Road?” Tony asked immediately, taking in Peter’s white suit. Peter opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out as he saw Steve’s eyes fix on you, an unreadable expression on his face.
You fidgeted with the compass between your fingers, nervously breathing out, “Mum says hi.”
Wordlessly, Steve enveloped you in a tight hug. Bucky looked at Peter questioningly and Sam poked at Peter’s suit’s collar, as if to ask why the hell he was wearing something so out of the ordinary.
“I needed some new threads.” Peter joked, making you let out a small laugh.
“Right on.” You smiled.
“Wait, wait, so you’re Captain America and Agent Carter’s daughter?” Ned asked in disbelief.
“Yes.” You nodded.
“But wouldn’t that make you like 80 now?”
“Ned!” Peter groaned at his friend’s question, and you laughed at his secondhand embarrassment.
“Yes, Ned, I technically would’ve just turned 80.” You replied, and both boys looked at you in confusion. “I was born in ‘43.”
“Dating an older woman. Nice.” Ned teased his friend, nudging Peter’s elbow.
“We time traveled. It doesn’t count. Can we please stop talking about my girlfriend’s age?” Peter let out a sigh. He’d already explained the whole time travel situation to Ned, so when he invited his friend to a Stark party a few months down the road, he didn’t expect Ned to be so invasive about your age.
“So is 2023 better than 1960?” Ned asked you, and you smiled looking over at Peter beside you.
“I’d say so.”
Seeing the intense, yet cutesy eye contact between you and Peter, Ned mumbled something about getting more soda before leaving. Peter placed a hand on your cheek, caressing it lightly, “I’m glad you came to the future with me.”
“I’m glad I did, too.” You smiled. Peter leaned in to kiss you, but paused as he saw Steve, Bucky, and Sam watching the two of you from across the crowded room. You turned to follow his eyes, scoffing a little as you looked back at Peter, “They’re such drags.”
“Absolute downers.” He laughed lightly- he picked up on some of your 60’s slang just like you’d picked up on his modern terminology.
“Just tune them out.” You joked, before leaning in to kiss your boyfriend. Who knew all it took was a little accidental time travel for you two to find each other?
Tag List: @viagracex @theamazingtomholland   @Hellomoveonby @heyitsshrez @harrisonosterfieldhazmyheart @joyleenl @t-o-m-holland @lonikje @sleepybesson @sunkisseddreamer​ @hollandsamor
Peter Tag List: @quaksonhehe
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itsjustmyfantasyroom · 4 years ago
First Christmas
Just fluff. This was inspired by one of Raul's SVU master interview he did and he was wearing a bracelet. 
Warning: slight language.
Enjoy x
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"Do you have to go out dressed like that when I'm not there? I'm tempted not to let you go and keep you all to myself”
Rafael had his arms wrapped around your waist while you were trying to finish getting ready to go out. It was your first squad Christmas party, the first work thing without Nick and your first Christmas with Rafael.
Your lease was ending in your apartment after the New Year, so you started to move your stuff in slowly and mix your things in with his.
You guys had a small Christmas tree up and a beautiful big wreath on the door. Your Mum was coming to the city for Christmas and Boxing Day, staying at your apartment during her time here. This was the first time Lucia and her would be meeting. You and Sonny were having Christmas off, but you were both working over the New Year’s.
"I'll only be a few hours Rafi, then I'll be home and all yours" you spun around in his arms and kissed his nose.
"Well don't drink too much, and if you need me to come and get you just call"
He started to run his hand up your thigh along your stockings up under your dress, while he was kissing your neck.
"Rafi-I have-to-finish-oh Raf." You moaned as he kissed your neck and cupped your core through your stockings and panties.
You had black stockings on with a red long sleeved dress that came to your mid thighs, with a scoop neck and an elastic waist, black ballet flats, your hair was down curled with a piece of holly pinned in it. He kissed his way up your neck to your ear,
"Sure I can't make you change your mind and stay? You’re like a present that needs to be unwrapped" he whispered in your ear and you bit your bottom lip. Before you had a chance to answer, your phone rang, it was Amanda,
"Hey Amanda"
"Hey Y/N, I'm down stairs"
"Ok be right there" you smiled at Rafael, he rolled his eyes taking his hands away from you while you hung up.
"She sure knows how to cock block me doesn't she" you laughed cupping his cheek.
"Don't be like that Rafi, we will continue this when I get home" you winked at him.
Liv had booked a table at one of the best Italian restaurant in the area and then you guys were going to go out drinking and dancing. No one had to work the next day, but you were all on call just in case. To add a little bit of fun because it was Christmas, you all decided to dress in red or green. You all looked so festive.
You and Amanda got to the restaurant first and waited for everyone to come. Once you guys were shown to your seats, you all seen the table was set for 6. You were sitting next to Sonny, Amanda was across from you between Liv and Fin, with a spare seat next to you placed.
“Are we expecting someone else?" Amanda asked.
"Yes, me" you knew that voice anywhere
"Rafi" you smiled as you looked up.
He was dressed in a black suit with a white button down, with a red scarf and his brown over coat. You got up from your seat and pretty much jumped into his arms. He wrapped his arms around your waist and yours around his neck and you kissed him hello.
"Hey Hermosa" and he kissed you again.
Rafael said hello to everyone and took his seat on the other side of you.
"Glad you made it Barba, Your just as much part of the team as the rest of us" Liv smiled and Rafael looked at you with a wink and a smirk.
You guys all ordered entries and dinner. And your drinks arrived.
"I want to do a toast" Liv started "I think of all my years at SVU this one has to have been one of my favourite. We had two new squad members join us and it was like they had always been here. We had some tough stuff happen, we lost someone we all loved very much. But we also had a lot of good stuff happen. I wouldn't want to be walking through tough stuff or the good stuff without you all by my side. Cheers" you all clinked your glasses.
Dinner was amazing and you all decided to go to a night club one block down. Excitement filled you when you saw what club it was. It was a retro club that mostly played 80's music. You had been wanting to check it out with Rafael but something always came up the nights you wanted to go. Little did you know, he actually suggested to Liv that you guys should all go there tonight after dinner because it was so close.
It was cold outside, so you guys walked quickly to get to where you needed to go to get back inside. Rafael had his arm wrapped around your shoulders as you guys were walking behind the others.
"Yes Hermosa?"
"How long ago did Liv invite you to tonight?" He laughed
"About 2 weeks ago. I wanted to leave it as a surprise" you giggled
"What if I had turned around earlier and said I would have stayed home with you?"
He lent close to your ear
"I would have made it worth your while. But now you will have to wait till we get home" he gave you a cheeky smile.
The lead up to Christmas went fairly quick and was there before you knew it. Nothing major had come in by Christmas Eve so Liv gave you all the nod to leave early, which worked in your favour. Sonny offered to go with you to the grocery store to pick up some last minute stuff for Christmas day.
Your Mum would be in New York late that night, but would be at yours and Rafael’s in the morning. You and Rafael had promised to go to Lucia’s for Christmas Eve dinner, then midnight mass, then she would be at your guys place for Christmas lunch. You had all decided no presents this year, you all just wanted to spend time together. But you did organise a couple of small things for Rafael that he didn't know about.
"So Y/N, your Mum's are meeting uh? Are ya nervous?"
"Not really Sonny, I think they will get along. It's just a big step you know. Moving in together and then mothers meeting during Christmas"
Sonny patted you in the back, "It will be fine."
Sonny drove you back and helped you take the shopping up and you turned on the jug to make him a coffee. Sonny was no Nick, but you had a cute little brother sister bond thing going on. You made the coffee and you both moved to the dining table.
"Ya know- I'm no Nick. They are big shoes to fill you guys were tight. He was your best friend. But I'm glad I was partnered with you. Not that there is anything wrong with Fin or Rollins. But we make a good team" you giggled.
"Sonny I'm glad you’re my partner, you’re a great person and you are one of my best friends, I trust you with my life." you smiled at him. A big smile came to his face.
"Same Y/N"
2am you and Rafael finally made it home. Dinner as amazing at Lucia's and midnight mass was beautiful. You both made your way to bed, knowing you had to be up early to start cooking for lunch.
Your Mum came early and helped you guys. You went into the bathroom to shower and get dressed. As you walked out, you could hear your mum and Rafael talking in the kitchen,
"Well you have my blessing Rafael, when the time is right you do did. I think what you have planned she is going to love it. I couldn't have picked anyone better than you if I tried"
Butterflies filled your tummy and a smiled pulled to your face, but you were pulled out of the feeling when there was a knock on the door.
Christmas lunch couldn't have gone any better. The mum's got along amazing, and Lucia had invited you all over the next day for Boxing Day for a Cuban meal. Lucia offered to drive your mum home and they left around 10. Everything had been cleaned and Rafael poured two glasses of wine.
"Hermosa, the wine is ready"
"Coming" you walked out of the bed room with two gifts and you sat next to Rafael, he looked at the presents in your lap.
"Hermosa, what did we say about presents this year?"
"I know, but they are just something small and it's our first Christmas together"
You handed them over to him.
"Open the rectangle one first" you smiled at him.
He ripped the paper off and a huge smile pulled to his face. It was a framed photo of you and him from your first date. It was a selfie you had taken. His arms were around your waist, you had one arm around his neck. You were cheek to cheek smiling hard. He looked up at so happy.
"You don't have many photos here, so I thought since I'm moving in we needed a photo of us around"
"I love it Hermosa, thank you"
"Don't thank me yet, you have another one to open"
He put the photo on the coffee table and started to unwrap the smaller square box. His eyes filled with tears when he seen the gold ID bracelet sitting inside. He pulled it off the pillow, looking at it closely. On the top of the bar it had 'Rafael' engraved on it, he turned it over and on the back 'I love you always'
He lent over and kissed you light on the lips.
"Here, I'll put it on for you" he looked at it shinning on his arm once you clipped it up.
"Well I'm glad I got you something as well" you both laughed.
He pulled out a small green velvet box from his pocket. Your tummy filled with butterflies. He turned his body towards you.
"Mi Hermosa, I have never been as happy as I have been the last few months. You’re the love of my life and I want to grow old with you. In this box is something very special. It was Abuela’s and I want you to have it as my commitment to you" he paused "This is a commitment ring. I'm committing to you that one day I'm going to marry you and have a family"
Your eyes were filled with tears as he opened the box, it was a sliver band with a blue square cut diamond with two small white square stones on either side. He pulled the ring out of the box and handed it to you.
"I want you to read what's engraved on the inside"
You moved the ring to the light 'Only You' was on the inside of the band. Tears fell down your cheeks, he took the ring off you, grabbed your right hand and slid the ring onto your ring finger.
"I'll never take it off Rafi"
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melanierosemusic · 4 years ago
A Review of The Battle at Garden's Gate: Greta Van Fleet's New Album
by Melanie Rose
Greta Van Fleet are a Michigan-born band, consisting of three brothers: Josh Kiszka on vocals, Jake Kiszka on guitar and Sam Kiszka on bass, as well as good friend Danny Wagner on drums.
They released their debut EP From The Fires in 2017 with a follow up album Anthem of the Peaceful Army in 2018. Immediately, they were met with an array of fans with a wide age range, from nostalgic mums to impressed dads trickling right down to teenagers with a new found love for 1970s inspired rock with a folk edge. The band were also met with a lot of critics, accusing them of being Led Zeppelin copycats, unoriginal and simply ripping off classic rock artists from many years ago.
Despite the criticisms, Greta Van Fleet have proved their tenacity with the release of their well awaited second studio album, The Battle at Garden's Gate. I will be reviewing each song in order of tracklist and exploring how Greta Van Fleet have evolved their sound and creativity.
Heat Above: We open the album with a merry and magical start. Josh's heavenly vocals mixed with warm and inviting lyrics provide a great accompaniment to Sam's Hammond organ. This song feels very peaceful and has a great groove, reminiscent of the hippie sounds of the late 1960s and 1970s. A great opening track makes for a promising start.
My Way, Soon: This song is a pure hit of dopamine to the system. I loved it since the first time I heard it when the band released it in October of last year. The cheery song paired with the homemade music video feels like nostalgic memories from childhood summer camp. It makes me feel like I stepped right back into the past. The bass in this song is strong and the guitars pair up in a dynamic duo with the drums as the song builds to its chorus. Great lyrics in this song make for an anthem feel and a strong lead single.
Broken Bells: This song would make for an amazing concert opener. It reminds me of the early work of psychedelic influenced rock bands like Rush and Pink Floyd. The music builds with such gravitas in this track; it's magnetic and holds the attention of the listener throughout. The way in which the instruments marry each other in the chorus is stunning and the drumming of Danny Wagner really shines on this song. The song almost feels like a soundtrack for The Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the Rings, with a battle-like quality to the intensity of the song's build up. Once again, Josh's vocals are ethereal.
Built by Nations: This song showcases the sexier side to Greta Van Fleet's musicianship. The drums have a great groove and the guitar is quite bluesy. This song is an excellent example of how much the band have matured their sound since their previous releases and how they have evolved their songwriting skills.
Age of Machine: From the very first moment I heard this song, I knew it was going to be one of those amazing, long classic rock songs that draws you in and makes you feel like you're on a trip. The way the drums fade in paired with the vocal talents of Josh Kiszka gives the song a psychedelic undertone and gives me chills. I like how the vocals compliment the guitars in this song and the drumming is beautiful as always. The group vocals in the chorus add a really nice touch to the song. The guitar riff after the verses appears to take inspiration from Rush once more; that part alone definitely makes this one of my favourite songs on the album.
Tears of Rain: The opening acoustic guitar is so beautifully crisp and clear and it is rather mindful of the kind of music you would hear upon an evening beach walk in Spain. The bells are a beautiful addition and piano shows a lighter side to Greta Van Fleet's musical abilities and the vocals compliment everything wonderfully. This song stands out because it sees the band branch out from their electric guitar - drums - bluesy bass combo. The rain clouds at the end leave the song with a magical, theatrical quality. The ending puts me in mind of Rainbow by Kacey Musgraves; a retro and introspective piano ballad with a touching final chord.
Stardust Chords: What a beautiful name for a song! I love the drums at the beginning - they suggest an anthem is about to unfold. Josh's booming vocals introduce another great riff from Jake on guitar. I love the groove of this song that the bass and drums create. The music in the chorus mixes harmoniously with Josh's melodies. Greta Van Fleet prove to be amazing at never leaving a single instrument to fade away in the background. The middle eight in this song stands out; it's very different sounding for them and feels like fire. A captivating solo from Jake towards the end is followed by more group vocals - a nice touch that Greta Van Fleet hadn't explored in their previous album or EP so it's nice to see them expand creatively.
Light My Love: This is going to be a fan favourite. An opening piano melody that would remind you of Elton John in his prime kicks off this love song and adds a light and airy touch. The lyrics are particularly strong in this track and Josh sings as beautifully as ever over the chorus. The acoustic guitar feels warm, bright and happy and the electric guitar adds a great backbone. The vocals at the end leave you feeling all sparkly inside.
Caravel: Another Rush influence? The opening guitar is groovy and a more mature sound for Greta Van Fleet. The riff after the chorus paired with the 60s sounding drums are so pleasing to listen to. Sam's bass in this track adds a great bounce and the orchestral plucks add an interesting and new element to the record - an impressive creative choice for the band. This song further demonstrates Josh's maturing vocals and captures Jake's excellent guitar songwriting skills. The drums at the end are rather noteworthy; you can really feel Danny's passion.
The Barbarians: The opening music is rather unexpected and a nice touch. Jake comes in with a great guitar riff and Josh's vocals deliver as always. The swing of the guitar in the verses of this song really stands out for me and the drums pair well with it. An interesting middle eight really lifts the song and makes it stand out from the rest of the album - the bass and drums do a great job here with interesting chords and haunting vocals. The organ adds another 1970s feel or even a slightly gothic element to the track.
Trip The Light Fantastic: A great opening riff and awesome drumming from Danny in the verses and throughout. Interesting chanting vocals in this song that add a nice flavour and another hippie element to the album. Jake's playing is significant in the chorus of this song and the lyrics are noteworthy. This song sees Greta Van Fleet explore different instruments that they haven't really used before, bringing an outer space feel towards the end of this song and really making it feel like a trip to the stars and beyond. A nice piano touch further adds to the feeling of "light". This song again makes me think that Greta Van Fleet had been listening to a lot of psychedelic rock when making this album.
The Weight of Dreams: A thought provoking introduction from Jake on guitar - one of the most unforgettable intros on this album. Great swooping bass moments from Sam on this song and excellent drums from Danny that bring the song to a new level. The solo guitar moments on this track really make it feel like an album closer, at times being reminiscent of Broken Bells, tying the whole album together at the close. Marvellous drums and vocals from Josh bring the song to a magnetic and dramatic end as a solo from Jake brings an emotional touch. This feels like one of those songs Jake would freestyle on in live performances with an extra long guitar solo. One of Jake's strongest solos wraps up this album with a bang. The outdo acoustic guitar leaves a wonderful magical touch to end things off on a more thoughtful note.
After an initial listen, the strongest songs on the album feel like Heat Above, My Way Soon, Broken Bells, Age of Machine, Light My Love, Trip The Light Fantastic and The Weight of Dreams.
The album was well worth the three year wait and you can tell how hard Greta Van Fleet have worked on this album - their sound has matured beautifully while still staying true to their musical roots. They have broadened their horizons with new instruments being explored throughout the album as well as impressive new vocal techniques from Josh.
While some critics have called the album another Zeppelin rip off or compared the band to others through a rather snarky and gatekeeping tone, I couldn't disagree more. While Josh's vocals are at times comparable to the great techniques of Robert Plant, his voice also could put you in mind of AC/DC and Rush - but ultimately I feel the more you listen to Greta Van Fleet, the more unique sounding Josh's voice becomes.
Their new image may suggest a Queen influence as the band opt for a more glam rock look, but their music feels inspired by more psychedelic rock and blues artists. However, despite many clear influences, this album feels authentically Greta Van Fleet and is much more evolved and original than their previous work. A transcendent and thoughtful album from one of the most promising rock bands of our generation.
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