#my mom lore
waterb0ttlebitch · 20 hours
Ok so this is a creepy story and I would like to talk about it here. So I don't forget it.
So I live near this forest. Like it's really close by and the only thing between the humans on this side and the things and trees on the other side is this old ass fence, it's not even that good of a fence it's literally just like a metal fence you can cut it easily and like you can dig under it. It's not that strong. I've seen like a gap between the ground and the fence under which a whole adult human could fit and shit.
So Im kinda heavy and I wanna reduce weight so I decide it's a good idea to walk around d yes,so I go on grab my ear buds and my phone. And I'm a paranoid as fuck person so I grab my knife and like have it in my sweater pocket and and ready to flip out and shit and there's also a dog problem in my area so everyone going walking does so in groups or they just carry a stick with them.
So I grab my stuck, and have my earbuds in listening to music, today tada da what ever and I start walking.
Mind you I'm walking on the road RIGHT NEXT to the forest
I stamp on a snail and I'm sorry so I say sorry to it. And not even 5 secs later I walk and there's this dog barking and me being scared even tho I have a stick, I turn around and the dog starts following me but it's following weirdly so I slowly down and it goes ahead of me so I'm like ok and I turn around and walk the way I was originally walking and I do so for like 5 mins I reach the end of the road thing.
And like I already did not have my ear buds in so no music shit and my phones in my pocket and ready to call someone if needed. Mind you I'm already a paranoid person and I am walking alone and it's barely bright like around 6 in the morning.
Here's where it gets creepy.
Throughout the whole walk there are almost no birds chirping.
Like I had come here 3 days in a row.this was the 4th day. And there's always bids chirping, I just brushed it off.
Me being the dumb bitch I am made some bird noises (more like whistles) and I got a thought in my head.if human can mimic bird noises what if there's something out there that can mimic human noises?
Wheni get to the end of the trail I get this chill run down my back. I kid you not this was hone chilling and I'm a very aware person. I have desent reflexes so I start swing my stick quiet violently to make myself calm and my knife is ready to stab if neaded.
I had to walk alllll the way home with this fucking chilling feeling. It was fucking horrifying.
I get home and I forgot about it cuz my mom m makes fucking delicious food and it's dinner time and I tell my mom this.
I shit you not, her next words made me want to puke.
The forest has another side where there runs this highway where people go around and this highway was apparently rek own to druggists as they would just escape into the forest if they felt threatened.
The next morning me and ma went to the other side to like have a fun ride and shit. There was a truck just sitting there with no one inside it and it has apparently crashed into the rails of the other side of the forest by the looks of it. And the trail from that side lead straight to my side of the forest. Mind you this is like a HUGE forest.
Makes me wonder if that chilling feeling was mentioned actually being stalked by someone who was an escaped druginst.
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1caru · 2 months
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what if venti combined his wisp and human forms
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ditzybat · 2 months
tim drake is the type of guy to drop random lore then walk away.
tim: ugh i hate baseball, it’s like, when you have to play it in order to save a whole planet once, every game after seem boring
dick: that’s not…
tim: only downside to that was how we almost totaled barts brand new spaceship
dick: what spaceship??
tim: oh, hi mom
shiva: hello timothy, how are you? still keeping up with your training i take it?
bruce: mother? she’s not your —
shiva: let’s spar then timothy, let’s leave it strictly non lasting injuries, i don’t rather feel like dying by your hand again today
tim: of course!! ^-^
bruce: again?
tim: man i forgot to take my meds again
duke: your meds for what?
tim: i have no spleen, so i have to take probiotics, it really is manageable but i dont know where those pills went
duke: i’m almost scared to ask, tim, how did you lose your spleen?
tim: weird spider dude, it was a whole thing
tim: you talk a lot of shit for someone who got replaced as heir to your immortal grandfathers empire by me
damian: you what!?
tim: i regularly beat his ass at online chess every week too, and i don’t think you’ve seen him since he stole your corpse
tim: here
jason: what’s this?
tim: a box of all the photos i took when i obsessively stalked you for your entire tenure as robin
jason: thanks?
tim: you’re welcome, bye!
jason: … creepy ass kid…
steph: so how did you to get together?
bernard: well —
tim: i saved him from a getting cut open by chaos monster cult members
bernard: yep, i was rescued from being a vessel for a greek god, and we just really clicked afterwards
steph: well, it’s better than the brick
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chaos-bringer-13 · 8 months
I just told mom about some bits of Danny Phantom lore and it basically went like this:
Me: So, this kid goes into his mad scientists parents' portal, activates it, sorta dies and instantly resurrects as a half ghost.
Mom, terrified: Poor mother.
Me: Nah, his parents didn't actually notice, they're kinda negligent, too invested into their work.
Mom, more terrified: Poor children.
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zorangezest · 3 months
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to those left behind
portrait commissions open!
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jevilowo · 3 months
I love dates in the tf2 lore. I love knowing exactly when stuff happened. Which makes THIS THING I JUST FOUND a BEAUTIFUL MIRACLE
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You've seen this image before, but have you noticed the dates on the prison card thingies? Presumably this is written the American Way (the writers are so american they make Scout and Sniper both call their mothers "mom" despite preferring "ma" and "mum" respectively, as shown previously SEVERal times), so Spy and Scout were arrested on
The 7th of September, 1972.
We can do a lot with this information.
Mann Co was taken over by Grey and Olivia half a month before this: roughly the 23rd of August
Contrary to popular belief, most of the comics have to take place in 1973! Seeing as 6 months after late August is late February.
This also means Scout had to have been born in 1946/7. Not sure about Sniper, I have yet to overanalyse the New Zealand timeline paragraph. I'll get to it eventually.
Medic implies in comic 6 that our mercs have worked together for "at least eight years", while talking about the lore breaking Demo eyeball halloween thing. Assuming the "at least" confusion is over the 1972 Halloween they missed while not working together, the Teufort Nine were hired in 1964.
(I've almost mentally rationalised the lore breaking eyeball as a thing they do at like 4am after regular Scream Fortress shenanigans. Almost.)
Scout claims he has known Ms Pauling for six years. During the War! update, Demoman is unfamiliar with Ms Pauling (he knows she works for the administrator, but thats it), so we can assume that is the point she started working more closely with the mercs, and also 1966/7
I really need to go back to actively working on my timeline instead of passively wondering at 11pm "hey what time of year is it in the comics" and going down a rabbit hole.
Uh if you want to build off this, feel free to, but tell society twas I, the great and nobel Jevil_Owo, who first conceptualised all this.
UPDATE! This post seems to be picking up reblog steam again, so now is a good time to say I was WRONG about the mercs being hired around 1964.
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This blog post from 2009 claims the WAR update took place in 1962, meaning the mercs have to have been hired in early 1962 at the latest.
Seeing as Scout would have been 15/16 in 1962, and as that's kind of the youngest one can be hired for just about anything, I'd assume it actually is 1962 they were hired. Ok thats enough I just felt it was my duty as Person Timelining to update people on this Discovery.
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here-comes-the-moose · 3 months
Echo during his time with the 501st: doing body shots, dancing on tables, blowing things up in the barracks with Fives, creating chaos with Fives, doing keg stands, complaining about them leaving the club “too early” even though it’s four in the morning, being the reason that new rules were added to the reg manuals, generally being an absolute terror
Echo during most of his time with the Bad Batch: tucking kids in, telling bedtime stories, always carrying healthy snacks, in bed by nine, putting people in time-out, telling “kids” to behave, tending to sick “kids”, being the only one to put their foot down and shut down any shenanigans, generally being a mom and an absolute angel (of course this is when he isn’t being the absolute badass that he is and always had been since let’s not forget that he’s an ARC Trooper)
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doctorsiren · 5 months
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Today’s textured canvases once again featuring that Legally Mom AU 😁
Miles and Phoenix were never separated, and so they remained best friends through high school and college. They both went to law school, but Phoenix got a BFA and went to law school wanting to defend artistic and creative rights. He also went because he would be bored all day if Miles was still going to school and he wasn’t
Edgeworth actually becomes a lawyer and he works at his mother’s firm
Mia ends up working there instead of at Grossberg’s because it makes more sense that she would work at the firm connected to DL-6 and also uh she would have a woman as her boss lmao (Eleanor ends up becoming like a mother-figure for Mia, and Miles becomes like a younger brother to her)
Since Mia isn’t working at Grossberg’s, she wasn’t involved in the Fawles trial (which was prosecuted by Franziska). Diego was the defense attorney on that one, and he went on a solo mission to investigate Dahlia. He and Mia met and became friends, but Diego kept the Dahlia investigation close to his chest and a secret, partially to protect Mia (since they were friends now and since she was a new attorney and inexperienced). Diego and Mia finally ask each other out one day, and they plan to have a date later that week, but Diego then has to go to a meeting he has…which was with Dahlia…and he got poisoned…and by the time he wakes up, Mia is dead and they never got to go on that first date. He was asleep and unable to protect her, which is why he didn’t tell her about the Dahlia investigation in the first place. He ends up blaming the Edgeworths (Eleanor and Miles) for her death.
Dahlia (Iris) still dates Phoenix since Phoenix and Miles are dummies and have yet to confess their feelings for each other (although Eleanor can tell). Since Mia wasn’t a part of the Dahlia investigation, and since it was handled by a different firm, it didn’t raise any red flags when Phoenix started dating this chick. Phoenix was also in the courthouse library that day because, again, he wanted to go to law school with Miles (subconsciously pulling an Elle Woods).
When the murder of Doug happens, Miles isn’t a lawyer yet since, even though he could have skipped a grade or two, he never did because he didn’t want the increase in social isolation and also didn’t want to get separated from his friends he already had at his grade level. So he’s the same year as Phoenix (senior in college). I think Eleanor would then be the one defending Phoenix (rather than Mia) since she’s also basically a mother to him (he practically lived at the Edgeworth household since his home life wasn’t great, and then he moved in after his mother passed away his senior year of high school. So he’ll call her Mom and such, but he doesn’t refer to Miles as his brother and neither does Eleanor refer to them as brothers since She Knows What They Are [even if they don’t really know yet lmao])
We also figured out that for Turnabout Goodbyes, Eleanor is the one framed for Hammond’s murder since MVK wants to get rid of her as she is still trying to investigate the truth and he can’t have that. Miles has to defend his own mother BUT THEN when Miles starts saying the stuff about how he probably is the one who killed his own father, Eleanor then defends HIM and it’s just…Ough…mother son bonding over murder and death of father 😭😭😭😭
Just some thoughts 😁
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swagveryswagamazinf · 10 months
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playing fnaf after 9 years feeling insane
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rottingraisins · 1 month
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headcanons for some lesser known kondrakis
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boinin · 2 months
Chapter 271 spoilers
So, a couple of interesting things about chapter 271, which is all from Rin's POV and mostly in flashbacks. The main reveal was about the Itoshi parents.
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They're not particularly important figures in Rin's life, but apparently this is not due to neglect. The parents in this chapter seem conflicted in how to raise and guide their children, rather than actively harmful in their parenting. The worse you can say about them is that they seem hands off. Sae does the heavy lifting when it comes to consoling and advising Rin, not their mom or dad.
What's most interesting to me, in terms of Rin, is that they're never fully depicted. Rin's memory shows them in detail, but never with eyes. Compare this to how he recalls Sae, his kindergarten teacher and fellow kindergarteners. Even the bloody pigeons are well rendered in his memory—but not his parents.
Lastly, the body language of the parents speaks volumes. Rin and Sae's mom is somewhat present in their lives, or at least tries to be despite her own doubts. Their dad though? Really avoidant. His body language is evasive, and the only time he seems truly present is when he's comforting his wife.
As an aside, while their dad has dark hair, Sae looks just like him now that he's older. Their mom has lighter hair like Sae, but the way her hair sits looks like Rin's. She's also willowy and tall like Rin. Nice seeing how they both inherited different things from their parents.
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Other than that? The panels of baby Rin trying to be a Kaiju are too damn cute. We're starting to get a sense of where he started, and how those natural instincts of his got twisted and repressed over time. I really liked this development, even if it refutes my theory about what his ego was.
The other thing that's really clear this chapter is how protective Sae is towards Rin. He steps in without a second thought to take his mother's reprimand about the broken toys—even though their mom seems to know he's lying about it. He's quick to suggest taking Rin out of the house for ice cream when he senses his little brother feeling bad.
Sae's aim seems to be to cushion Rin from every bad thing, whether or not it'd be ultimately beneficial for Rin to undergo that experience. Which makes you wonder—how does his outburst post-Spain fit into that agenda?
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bbbigforehead · 3 months
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i heard that star wars went woke and added witchy lesbians who use the force to have babies, and RAN to redraw an old piece of my force baby oc myre 'n their kiffar oracle mum syna
og piece below↓
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cass-cass-erole · 5 months
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Moral Orel au where everything is the same but Orel and Christina are the type of parents who drop the biggest bombshell about their childhood while they drive their kids to school
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Half empty, half full, save half of your taxes Then overtake your former self
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al-luviec · 12 days
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smthn easy for today (sorry)
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bistaxx · 8 months
The break has just been me agonizing over lore related to the past/what happened before the 2023 experiment, like I'm just staring at all these puzzle pieces trying to make sense of it all- okay we've got:
Abueloier and the forgotten ghost were around 40 years ago, they did something to end up in prison and the forgotten ghost had a son and it's unknown if abueloier had any kids at that point
20 years ago is when the "welcome to quesadilla island" commercial was launched
Cellbit and Bagi moved to the island at some point in their childhood and lived there with their parents
Cellbit was kept and monitored by the feds for an unknown amount of time after he went 'missing' and then at some point escaped
Their parents worked with the feds but we don't know for how long or what they helped with specifically- did they ever get IDs?
Elena has been working long enough to be an s-rank but prior to that she had a partner who died
Walter Bob had a partner and a child- they lived together on the island
The unnamed worker who dislikes the way the main Cucurcho runs things and wants the fed to back to the way things were in the 'old' days
Baghera was there as child as well alongside other hybrid experiments before she escaped
Jaiden is said to have been working with the feds at some point in her past- she is respected enough to be trusted with the Cucurchos
Kameto has been working with the feds for an unknown amount of time and intentionally crashed the plane onto the isand ( I don't remember if this one was 100% confirmed or general fan consensus)
The existence of old run down buildings- including an old broken down nether portal discovered months later
Assuming the theory that the prison event was suppose to end with the players all being locked away in ice is true this further implies that's what happened to the 10 people in the prison crew at some point of time in the past for some reason
This is particularly interesting regarding Pol who also worked with the feds in the past
At some point a Cucurucho went rouge going against order in favor of chaos
The existence of the "Hope" egg in the past
Books left behind by what is assumed to be a former fed worker that talks about digging and a "grave error"
In the books left behind by one of Zeno's owners (unconfirmed if this was Bagi specifically) a big looming wall is mentioned- possibly the same one destroyed on day 1 meaning. It's unknown when or why it was built.
Madagio at some point lost "connection" to several islands including quesadilla
The existence of Boo a formless ghost who lingers on the island
The mysterious pasts of Sunny, Em, and Pepito- who were found already named on egg island
Whenever this happened:
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(feel free to correct any info I got wrong here or add any other points)
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