#my mom came out to help cause my dad said he was too busy buying soup 😭😭😭
theclearblue · 4 months
Car-less. Laptop-less. Bitch-less. I have nothing left to my name
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theboredinsomniac · 1 year
Maybe in Wonderland • part 2
pairing: dbf!Joel Miller x reader
summary: Joel apologizes for his earlier behavior, but you don't let it go, instead you push him until he breaks and tells you the truth about his feelings.
warnings: age gap (reader in early 20s, Joel in late 40s), no outbreak
word count: 1.8k
story masterlist
note: Thank you for the feedback on part 1, it meant a lot. This is pure angst. Poor Joel, but I need him to suffer. Trust me, things will get a lot better for them in the next part.
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In the next few weeks you were more cautious with Scott, suddenly keeping him at an arm's length because of what Joel had told you back at the party. Instead of doing your best to impress him, you focused more on trying to get more information about his private life in hopes of him messing up and accidentally admitting he's seeing someone or just wanting to get you in bed then throw you out.
At the same time you saw much less of Joel. Even if he showed up at your house, he kept his words to you to the bare minimum, and he wasn't as relaxed around you as he used to be. It hurt a little, after all during the last few years he had been nothing more friendly and warm when it came to you.
On the day before your first day at your new job, he came over to help your dad fix a few things in the garage. Your mom asked you to take a glass of lemonade to both of them, so you picked up the tray and walked outside with it. But when you reached the garage, you only found Joel there, too busy working on something in the corner to notice you enter.
“Hey,” you said softly before biting on your lower lip.
Joel turned around and you could see he tensed up at the sight of you. “Hey,” he replied hesitantly.
“Where's my dad?”
“He went to buy a few things we'll need.”
“We didn't even hear him leave,” you noted as you put the tray on a table by the wall.
You poured a glass for Joel, happy to be facing the other way because you could feel the tension in the air between you. It was hard to look him in the eye because you could see he was just as uncomfortable as you were. Something had changed recently, and while you had been thinking about him a lot more since that evening, you weren't sure what was up with him.
Liar–a voice in the back of your mind said.
You had a feeling that he wanted something from you, something he probably shouldn't. But it just made your heart beat faster whenever he was near, mostly because a part of you wanted the same thing. You had thought about him that way before, but he was the forbidden fruit, someone you simply couldn't get.
And now… What if you could?
“Listen,” you suddenly heard his voice from right behind your back, “about what happened at your party… I'm sorry. What I did was unacceptable, I shouldn't have acted the way I did,” he told you quietly.
You turned around, hips resting against the table as you looked up at him. The grim look on his face told you that he truly regretted it, but you didn't have the heart to let him suffer despite his actions causing a turmoil in your brain.
“You didn't do anything,” you assured him, fighting the urge to touch him in an attempt to calm him.
“We both know that's not true.”
The way he said it made your heart ache. He was blaming himself for something that wasn't even such a big deal. You were an adult, and he wasn't the only man his age who acted like this around you. If he only knew how many of them tried to make a move on you in a grosser manner when you went out with your friends, maybe he wouldn't be so nervous.
You gulped, then stepped to him toe to toe, glancing up at his face with a nervous smile that you simply couldn't hide. “Joel, it was nothing, just innocent flirting at most. Unless you want it to be something more,” you added before your brain could stop you.
Joel drew in a sharp breath, breaking eye contact and looking away as you spoke. It was hard to tell if he reacted like this because you crossed a line, or because he had an ongoing battle in his mind about what you'd just told him. But you waited patiently, secretly hoping he would admit that he wanted more.
But he didn't say anything. He did turn back to you eventually, but he remained silent. “Joel, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything, I just… I don't even know,” you said with a sigh.
“Maybe you should focus on guys your age. Maybe Scott wouldn't be that bad for you,” he told you softly, but you could tell he was desperate to say something else.
Shaking your head, you put your hand on his cheek and stroked his skin with your thumb. He automatically leaned into your touch, his eyes closing for a moment while he enjoyed the contact. Your breath caught in your throat as a series of possibilities rushed through your brain.
Suddenly he took your hand gently and pried it off of himself, then took a step back and awkwardly cleared his throat. “I think you should go back inside,” was all he said.
“Joel,” you almost whined when you saw him back away from you.
“No, it's not–I shouldn't even be talking to you about things like this. Just go inside. Please,” he practically begged you, his eyes looking unusually sad as he told you this.
“I'm an adult. You know that, right?” you pressed on, even though a part of you knew it was probably torture for him. “You can tell me anything, even if it's something you don't think you should discuss with me.”
Joel let out a laugh as he walked to the other side of the garage. “I've known you since you were in high school. Jesus,” he said with his hands buried in his already unruly hair.
“So what?” you asked him sincerely, hoping he would change his mind and at least tell you what was on his mind. “Just tell me what's going on in your head because I'm getting really confused here.”
“Your father would fucking murder me if I told you the truth,” he muttered under his breath without looking at you, clearly spiraling.
Shaking your head, you walked over to him and cupped his face with your hands. “Joel, hey, talk to me. Please,” you tried, hoping you could get through to him.
He froze as his eyes finally landed on you, but immediately relaxed when he realized you were truly worried about him. Hesitantly, he put his hands on top of yours, but didn't push you away. It was a small, but important step in your conversation.
Once he took a deep breath, Joel finally spoke up again. “You're wonderful, you know that? Beautiful, kind, smart, and fun. Everything a man can wish for,” he said quietly, his thumb massaging your small hand. You tilted your head to the side, waiting for him to finally lay out all his cards. “I like you, and lately I've been wishing we could be together.”
After all this time, he finally seemed relieved, like the weight of the world had just rolled off his shoulders. You smiled at him supportively, but at the same time your mind was racing. He liked you. So no, you weren't imagining things. The small part of you that liked him back was incredibly happy at this moment.
“What's stopping you?” you asked breathlessly.
His lips curled into a sad smile. “A lot of things. For one, you're young. Too young. Hell, you're younger than my daughter. Then there are your parents. They're my friends. I couldn't look them in the eye if we were dating,” he explained.
“No one has to know.”
“So you want to be my little secret?” he asked with a small laugh and you nodded in response. You meant it. You meant every word. “I can't do that, sweetheart, no matter how badly I'd love to.”
Letting out a sigh, you thought about what to say to that. But nothing came to your mind, it was completely empty at the moment, and all you could feel was the wave of happiness that washed over you.
This is why everything you did after this was automatic, with no plan whatsoever behind it. You stood on your toes and pulled down his head to meet halfway, your lips crushing into his with a desperate need.
Joel returned the kiss instinctively, his tongue invading your mouth to explore it eagerly. It was a wonderful, magical moment, but it didn't last long because he came to his senses and pulled away, putting a finger on your lips to stop you from trying again.
“This can't happen again,” he stated before he nervously licked his lips.
When you took his finger in your mouth and gently sucked on it, Joel pulled it away and gave you a scolding look. It was worth a try to distract him.
“Why can't it happen again? You want it, I want it. We're adults, no one should tell us what to do.”
But instead of agreeing with you, he just shook his head. “I wish it was that easy, but it's not. Just trust me, okay?”
Before you could say anything, you saw your dad's car pull into the driveway. Joel gave you a warning look, although he seemed pretty fallen apart himself. You were sure your dad would notice him being on the edge, and it meant he would probably try to get a proper answer out of him.
Letting out a sigh, you forced a wide smile on your lips and turned to the car, watching as your father climbed out and went to the trunk to get whatever he bought. “Just in time for a nice glass of lemonade,” you said in a cheerful voice before going back to the table to pour him a glass.
“What a warm welcome,” he said with a laugh before he took the drink from you. “Why don't you get Joel a glass too?”
“It's over there, I just didn't feel like drinking,” he informed his friend as he pointed at the table with his untouched glass.
His eyes then fell on you, and it seemed like he had a hard time keeping himself under control in your presence. You were a distraction. A problem. You knew that by now. So when he gulped and tore his gaze away, you tried your best not to start crying on the spot.
“Is everything okay?” your father asked, his eyes darting back and forth between the two of you.
Joel nodded. “Sure. We just had a little disagreement about something,” he replied, earning a questioning look from your father. “It's nothing interesting, believe me.”
That hurt, but maybe this was for the best. You didn't want your father to know about this conversation. Not when Joel was making such a big deal out of the idea of the two of you being together. Why couldn't he just let his feelings win for once? He deserved to be happy, and you knew you could have made him happy.
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So in honor of the new Lego Ninjago season/show I will share my Next Gen OCs!
Warning ⚠️ there will be queer relationships, trans people, mentions of mental instability, and disabilities. So anyone who doesn't want to read DO NOT INTERACT!!!!
Lava Child (Kai x Cole)
They have a daughter named Roxanne Ember Smith-Brookstone.
She is 16 years old with black hair.
Her nicknames include: Rocky (Everyone calls her this), Pebble by her boyfriend, Rocky Road by Cole AKA Baba/Ba, Pop Rocks by Kai AKA Dad, Bestie, Boulder
She is the leader of the Next Gen Ninjas
Has trauma
Was adopted by Cole and Kai when she was five after being found in a ransacked and destroyed village.
Her boyfriend is Cyrus Borg Jr. (Pixane kid)
Her Besties are Cody Garmadon (Lloyd's kid) and Hayden Walker (Jaya Kid)
Her elemental ability is both Earth and Fire which she can combine and make Lava.
She is Panromantic
She is mostly like Cole but can be showoff at times like Kai
Jaya Kids (Jay x Nya)
They have two kids, Hayden and Brooke.
Hayden River Walker first
Hayden was born a female named Hayleigh but knew that he wasn't comfortable as a girl.
He is also 16 years old
He came out to Rocky and Cody first
Then his parents
Then everyone else
Everyone accepted him and even took him shopping for clothes he wants.
He is Bisexual
His elemental ability is water.
He is a lot like his dad with the attitude of his mom.
His nicknames are: Hay, water bug, dummy, bruh, dude, and hacker
These are said by a ton of different people
Now it's Brooke Raine Walker
She is 14 years old with lightning as her elemental ability
She is mostly like her mom but plays pranks like no bodies buissness
She doesn't know her sexuality yet but as of right now she is a straight ally.
She is an amazing swimmer
She loves reading fantasy books
Loves hanging out with her brother and friends
She absolutely loves family/friends game nights (Mostly Monopoly cause she always somehow wins)
Pixane Kid:
His name is Cryrus James Julien-Borg Jr.
He has prosthetic legs that make him 5'9
Without them he is 2'9
Yes they add 3 feet
He is a medic/tech guy
He is Rocky's boyfriend
He is THE Straight Ally
He buys ALL the pride stuff. So much so in fact he probably single handedly keeps the pride stores in business.
Everyone told him that he didn't have to buy all of it.
He refused to stop.
He can now only give the pride products on birthdays, Easter, or Christmas.
He loves to cook like his dad
He has the Ice element
He has phantom pain when getting in or out of the Ice bath too fast.
Rocky helps him through it.
Lloyd Kid
Lloyd adopted a boy named Cody Nathan Hart after Cody's bio-dad left him.
Cody's last name was changed to Garmadon
Cody has a good bond with Garmadon
Though he does roll his eyes when he hears about Christofern...
Cody and Lloyd are really close and they talk about a lot of things
Except when Cody got a boyfriend.
Cody isn't really open about his relationship
All Lloyd knows is that Cody is Gay and is in a relationship
Hayden is said boyfriend
Cody and Hayden pull pranks together with Rocky
There is a prank war. It was started by Cody, Hayden and Rocky. Yes there are teams/sides
Cody and Rocky are Best Friends
Cody loves RomComs
He also loves getting Mani-pettis
Cody, Hayden and Rocky have spa days once a month
Cody also loves to bake
Cody does NOT love his dad dating anyone
He will go out of his way to ruin his dad's dates or at least discourage them
Lloyd does pass down his green energy thing to Cody.
Skylor kid
Skylor was married and had a daughter
Eventually her husband had an affair so they got a divorce
Skylor has full custody of her daughter, Hazel Amber Chen
Hazel know somewhat of her grandfather
Hazel is a lesbian and has a girlfriend named Nikki
Hazel has Skylor's red hair and amber power
Hazel likes reading and watching horror especially with her girlfriend
She is the top
She loves volunteering
She works at her Chen's Noodles
Always wins at card games
Never plays video games
She waits for her girlfriend like a puppy for her to get off work
She has a good relationship with her mom
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Why did you elbow me? 183
Achilles Castle part 85
Lemonade and lies PART 28
Questions 16
Jet: pov Favorite place to grocery shop. I like the world market where I can buy different types of Ramen.
Kate: pov Castle usually does the grocery shopping but I like going to the health food store.
Liv: pov my favorite stores to shop in were pathmark and A&P. They are no longer in business.
Question 17
Muncy: pov There is a local place near me I like to go to. Random question: when is your birthday? mine is July 2nd I know Liv's is February 7th. Kate says November 17th.
Jet: pov mine is September 4th
Kate: pov favorite take out food, me and the boys used to eat a lot of Chinese food and pizza they still eat it, I eat a healthier version now.
Liv: pov omg me and Fin constantly eat Chinese food together or pizza, must be a cop thing. I used to spend every day eating with Elliot then he left. Munch and Fin were partners so they would eat together, if we were all at the station at the same time we would eat together, Munch had so many conspiracy theories.
Jet: pov Kate says kind of like Castle, Liv replies Munch was way worse than castle with his conspiracy theories. Our squad eats a lot of fast food in the car.
Question 18
Muncy: pov my old squad also used to eat a lot of pizza. If you need them, glasses or contacts. I prefer wearing contact lenses.
Liv: pov I have to wear glasses now for reading, so glasses I hear contacts can give you eye trouble or infections.
Kate: pov thankfully I don't need glasses but I have to make an appointment to get my eyes checked because I could develop an eye condition. My medication causes side effects.
Question 19
Jet: pov I don't need glasses. I have perfect eyesight. Favorite singer.
Liv: pov as you all know Taylor Swift is my favorite singer at the moment.
Muncy: pov I don't know if I have a favorite. I like a bunch of artists equally.
Kate: pov mine is Duran Duran, even got to go up on stage with the band.
Question 20
Jet: pov why did you join the NYPD.
Liv: pov my mother was raped at a college she worked at by a food delivery man name Joseph Hollister in the spring of 1967 when she worked in the cafeteria at Columbia University. I saw how it affected her, she started to drink. Said to me I reminded her of him. How she didn't even want to keep me. And in 1998 I decided to join SVU to get justice for victims of sexual assault, child abuse and domestic violence.
Jet: pov wait you reminded her of him. Why wouldn't she want you? Did she or your father not want children?
Liv: pov jet you know i’m born February of 1968 and my mom was raped in spring of 67. I’m the product of her rape.
Jet: pov Oh my God Liv i’m so sorry I had no idea. She says it's okay. Liv says her mother wasn't thrilled that she joined SVU but she eventually came around to the idea just like she excepted what happened to her.
Kate: pov as you know my mom was murdered by Dick coonan a man senator bracken hired, I go into more detail explaining things. My dad didn't like that I joined the police academy. Even told Castle that he already lost his wife over this and didn't want to lose his daughter also. This was before I was shot. Jet says she wanted to use her hacking skill for good. Muncy just wants to make a difference in the world by keeping it safe. So what do we want to do next before it gets too late.
Muncy: pov Kate says we can change into our pajamas in the bathroom. She is going to change into hers after Castle helps her put the scar cream on then she will get the air mattress to put in the living room. She tells Liv she can change in her bathroom attached to her bedroom.
Liv: pov I'm in the bathroom changing into my pajamas while Castle is putting scar cream on Kate. I also brush my teeth and go to the bathroom while I'm in here.
Castle: pov Kate asks if I can help her put the scar cream on. I grab my crutches and make My way to the bedroom. Kate is already on the bed waiting. I have her lift up her shirt enough so I can rub in the scar gel on her scars. She then gets in her pajamas and heads out of the room with Liv. Kate constantly has doctor appointments because they want to keep an eye on her scar tissue because that can cause issues down the line for her.
Jet: pov Kate and Liv are back in the living room with the air mattress and pump to fill it up. Kate said if we wanted we could sleep on the sofa instead or even the guest room upstairs. I think It would be more fun for all of us in the Living room. Me and Muncy decided to take the sofa and let Kate and Liv have the air mattress.
Kate: pov I grab some extra pillows and blankets from the closet for the girls, I also grab my anti-roll pillow and my stuffed animal Castle gave it to me after my shooting while I was in the hospital. At first I didn't know who it was from but he eventually told me it was from him. It's supposed to keep you calm or something. It even has a feature that is a heart beat sound that is supposed to be soothing.
Liv: pov I talked to Jet and Muncy and asked them if a sound machine would bother them. They said it shouldn't be a problem. From what I have heard from Castle, Kate should be good with the sound machine. It helps prevent her from having nightmares because it covers up the sounds. The machine is set to run for all night then shuts off in the morning. To be continued ……………
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livingwithlosingyou · 2 years
Living with Losing You - 10/2/2022
KY has Assassin bugs. WHY!?
Okay, so I jumped ahead a bit. I will explain that later on. I slept TERRIBLY last night. I really am not sure why I was so anxious, but for whatever reason I could not stop my anxiety. I tried so many things. I guess it was just one of those nights. I slept for maybe 4 hours or so. 
I ended up laying / resting in bed until about 8:30am, and saw that your dad had texted me about church at 11:30am and then grilling at the house. I figured it would be nice to hang out with him, so I agreed to go. It was funny because I showed up in a nicer outfit, and your dad literally wore sweats to church (lol). I mean, he did say casual, but I did not think it was that casual. The outfit I wore I would wear generally though, so it wasn’t a huge deal. It was really nice to go to church though. We went to Southland, where you and your family grew up going. It was also the same church (just a different location) that you went to the weekend before you died. 
I liked the message though, there were a few things that stuck out to me. It was really about how society has shifted, and how corrupt things have become for the younger generations. As young people, we need to focus on our speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. I agreed with a lot of the sentiments in this message. He said “we don't age like fine wine, we age like milk”. I felt that. 
After the service, we went back to the house and started cooking. It is not as difficult to be in there as it was the first time I came back. I think since I have had some time to process it all, it helps. I do not know how your dad stays in the house though, I could never sleep there. It would be too painful (just personally). We had really great conversation, and he made an amazing meal. I am grateful for the time that I am getting with your entire family, and having the opportunity to connect with your parents as we all continue to process and grieve. I feel incredibly grateful for all of them. If any of Jake’s family (and honestly even friends out here) are reading this, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking me in and making me feel like family. 
Afterward I quickly went back to Beth’s house to drop off a steak, then headed to the local Goodwill. It’s the one that’s across the cemetery where you are. I still need to visit you, I just do not know when. In a weird way, I feel like I have been avoiding it so far. Though I also have been busy, so. It’s  mix to be honest. Anyway, I went to that Goodwill (James and I actually stopped here last time we were in town too) and I ended up buying a bunch of stuff. I even grabbed a few things for your mom that her and I had discussed. I was glad that I could find them there. You’ll be not surprised but proud to know I found the coolest Christmas sweater there. Last time we were there I bought a pretty cute holiday turtle neck. I got a couple of shirts and a jacket for myself. I may need to post pictures tomorrow since I am already in bed. I was very excited about this haul. I plan to check out the other Goodwill that’s a little further away in the near future. I checked a bag, so I have some space to bring some things home! 
I headed back to the house since Beth had a few events she had to attend tonight, and needed the car. I had no plans, thought I tried to make some. I think that it’s healthy to be here with my thoughts to a degree. I did end up singing a bunch in the stairwell, and was practicing belting. It’s something I have always struggled with a a vocalist. I feel like I ended up using my throat too much. Anyway, I was practicing that, then just started drumming and jamming on the staircase itself. I posted a little video on my socials cause why not?
I ate some leftovers and then basically snacked for the rest of the night. I played with Biggie too of course. He has a habit of going in and out onto the back patio. It’s on the first floor, but Beth has a screen around it so he can’t escape. One of the times that I went to head out there, I saw this nasty looking bug. I actually almost sat on it because it was on the chair cushion. I took a poor quality picture, but investigating and researching it further, it looks like an Assassin bug. University of KY talks about this bug a bit, and apparently their bites hurt. So, naturally I was back inside and got Biggie back in as well. He was not having it. He kept meowing / chirping at the door, and glaring at me. At one point he started trying to attack my ankles. He is such a stinker. When your mom got home I asked her about it, and she said she had never heard of them. We went outside to look for it together, but we couldn’t find it. Who knows where it is, but all I know is I need to avoid the patio.
In between all of this, I facetimed my friend Erika, and also did laundry. I was trying to be productive at least. It’s interesting because I have definitely cried less since I have been out here, but feel like I am not “feeling you” as much. I feel like you can kind of sense when a spirit or an angel is watching over you. 
It was kind of nice that today was an overall chill day since I didn't sleep much, and I am still very much adjusting. I have to take Beth to an appointment in the morning, so I need to go to bed soon. Tomorrow is my day off, and then I work Tuesday - Thursday. I have a busy week ahead of me with plans, work, and then music! Still need to finalize some logistics of when exactly I am coming onsite to record. I am excited in a bitter sweet way. 
There were a few things I wanted to add onto this blog: I mentioned in yesterday’s blog that I needed to track my activity from the day. Well, I went to log my activity into the tracker and I realized that it didn’t allow me to. At least I was already over 150 miles. Also, when I was at Kroger running an errand yesterday, I saw that they had A BUNCH of lego kits for sale. I was so sad that you missed this. I loved building legos with you. I loved life with you, in general. 
I love you, James. 
Rest in Peace, James Burton Nichols. 
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eclairia-monarch · 2 years
Protector [2] | 聖臣 Sakusa X f!reader
okay I lied. I am VERY sad that dummy social is removed from app store *cries* who know a similar app PLS HELP. And I officially make a banner for this cause why not (chapter 1 will still be cute sakusa in hoodie)
word count: approx. 1.6k words (twitter posts in between stories)
summary: Sakusa only wanted to focus on volleyball and had no time for romance, but what would he do if you, his long term crush that he himself didn’t realize, was in grave danger?
warning: potential harassment/stalker alert, hello??
disclaimer: all but the story plot belong to their rightful artist/author.
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“When will you two ever stop arguing…?” You sighed upon seeing the tweets, getting out of Atsumu’s car. You headed to the boot and picked up bags of beverages, healthy snacks, and some simple groceries that you’d picked up after dinner with the guys. The three immediately came up and helped you with it, being the gentlemen that they were. Of course, you invited them in for a quick visit, knowing Atsumu would most likely asked to see your newly furnished home.
“Dude, you should redesign my place!” Atsumu said as he made himself comfortable on the sofa after placing all your groceries (with your guidance). 
“Mine too! Akaashi has been saying my apartment looks even more depressing than his illustrator, and that’s bad,” Bokuto added, sitting next to the setter. You came back with Hinata from your kitchen, and served up instant matcha latte as a courtesy gesture.
“I’m going to be busy with editing for Kenma and myself,” you laughed light-heartedly, much to the protest of the boys. They quickly let go of the topic and said that they wanted to invite you to their place because you were all friends and friends have to see each other’s living space! 
You had no idea where that logic came from, but why not?
After a while, you told them that you needed to start your stream, so they either have to stay quiet or go home to rest up. You didn’t mind as long as your stream didn’t pick up on their voices for the sake of everyone’s privacy.
“Hm, then I think we better go home,” Hinata stood up, “you know how loud we can get when we all gather.”
“Oh, I know,” you chuckled, “you guys are an energetic bunch. Well, I’ll see you guys out then.”
You waved them goodbye all the way from the second they got into the car till the vehicle was out of your line of sight. You quickly cleared the table and wash the cups before rushing back to your office to set up for your stream.
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Sakusa was just relaxing on his couch as he opened twitter to see his teammates hanging out with you. A frown etched on his lips the second he saw how cosy and intimate you were with Hinata and Bokuto. Even Atsumu had his (filthy) arm around you whilst you smiled so adorably into the camera, but your eyes were staring directly at him, as if taunting the fact that you were not around him to enjoy your company.
Why the hell would he care? That’s what he kept asking himself as he stared at the photos his friends posted on their timeline. Sure, his mom and dad kept asking if there was anyone he was interested in? Or if he was even going to consider having a stable relationship to start, but even he knew it was going to be hard.
Realistically speaking, girls that stare at him from afar would never approach him. Not that he wanted them to, especially since they neither respect his lifestyle nor his boundaries. 
Komori once asked if there were any girls that Sakusa was interested in. And right now, as he stalked on this timeline of his, that questioned resurfaced once again.
But right now, Kageyama (y/n) was not interesting enough for him. 
Speaking of one of the devils, his cousin Komori suddenly called him, asking him if he wanted to buy some celebrity merchandise that finally got restocked. It seemed Suna got a few nice hoodies and quite liked their quality.
“For the last time, if you are talking about that Dakki streamer’s merch, then no-”
“It’s not her limited merch! Though, if you ever changed your mind, Suna’s got quite a collection. Anyway, I’m calling to ask because I think you might be interested! She came out with a new collection that seemed to suit your style! It’s the sports line, it hasn’t been restocked for half a year because of its popularity. If you miss out on this batch, you might have to wait for a whole year since she might want to manufacture even more.”
“If I buy something, will you stop pestering me?”
“Ahaha, sure, sure! Just text me about it before midnight!”
It was a conversation Sakusa could only sigh as he scrolled through the online store that this streamer his cousin liked so much, and he spotted the new merch line the libero was speaking of. It was just another line of hoodie that was indeed of a design he would wear. He wasn’t familiar with the e-gaming sphere, but with how much Komori spoke about ‘Dakki’, Sakusa was definitely shocked that this person was able to pull off non-cringey design.
If only he knew who was truly behind that digital model.
Not one to delay, Sakusa texted the exactly hoodie that he did prefer. A black, athletic hoodie. Simple and in his fashion taste.
“Thanks, Sakusa! Just in time for Dakki’s stream, too!” - Komori
“Okay, I don’t care.” - Sakusa
“Sure, sure. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” - Komori
Sakusa’s eye twitched at his cousin’s stupid use of emoticon. What was that face supposed to mean!?   
That was when he saw his private Twitter account was on full display.
He hasn’t tweeted his thoughts for a few months, but after accepting Hinata’s incessant begging and request, he couldn’t help but have the urge to speak about this odd lingering thoughts. Was it normal to have someone’s mere existence to turn him so irrational? 
Bored Sakusa was a very bored man, and bored man decision was based on no routine, as the ravenette found himself opening Twitch, and saw ‘Dakki’ being recommended to him. He figured it wouldn’t hurt to put her stream up as background noise, since he was going to get one of her items anyway. 
He picked up some words here and there, that was until he heard a familiar username called out by you, and he couldn’t help but perked his ear up.
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You were about an hour into your stream, now, already having met us Dainsleif in the chasm and learning about Intevyet. You’ve always loved to learn more about Genshin Lore, albeit it reminded you heavily of a certain titan killing anime, but it was still a tragic tale. 
“Oh my god, these poor hilis!! Why is the game forcing us to kill them!?” You spoke into your mic
Your chat was spamming about them crying or emotes of your customized ‘Dakkisadge’ as the story progresses. You soon came across the dying hilichurls and Halfdan, and from there your chat went even wilder. “Sweethearts, you’re making me nervous about this!! He was under Dain’s squadron, right!?”
GonIsGone: damn, and we slaughter these hilichurls like pigs pepesadge Sun1021: I FEEL SO BAD ABOUT KILLING THEM NOW Tsumsterz: Dakkisadge Alexa, play my heart string like a fucking lyre BestAce4: Halfdan noooooo! Dakkisadge Fumikage728: WAS, dakki, WASS!! ZhongliSIMP3: DAINNNNN!!!! GiGaChaD: HALFDAN MY MAN dismystuff: eyo chat dakki’s gon’ cry like a baby (Kodzuken raided with 22681 watchers) Kuroopii: Kodzuken Raid! Kodzuken Raid! Kodzuken Raid! Haruuu: Kodzuken Raid!  Kodzuken Raid! Kodzuken Raid! . . . Kodzuken: Then just dun cry 4 head. You’re an ugly crier Raiden_ei: zayum, Kodzuken raided just to roast Dakki Farbeyond2: sahsflakjfahsd I CAN’T 
You took a quick glance at your chat and took a double take. “I’m going to cry? And what do you mean why, just don’t cry, 4 head?? Thanks for the raid, but Ken, you are so heartless! Oh, and welcome in, raiders! I’m currently in the middle of the chasm quest, so please, if you do not wish to be spoiled, you can leave.” 
Kozduken: -_- have fun levelling up
“I am levelled up!” You replied and showed off your Ayato which you immediately 90 and triple crowned upon pulling him. “Allow me to introduce my new man, Ken.”
Kodzuken: What happened to Zhongli?
“He is still my ultimate gentleman, what do you mean? Are you accusing me of cheating?”
Kodzuken: Well, if you weren’t opening a harem, maybe I wouldn't?? Anyway, sorry, gotta raid and dip
“Yeah, you better head to bed, it’s late. I’ll visit you soon, I promise!!” 
Kodzuken: fine, fine, see ya, just shoot a text or sum’
Your moderators gave Kenma a shoutout just before he exited, and you resumed your game. Your stream was progressing pretty well, though you ended up crying with the cutscene with Halfdan. You literally just met this digital NPC and you sobbed harder than when you were watching Tobio playing on the national team.
“After the quest, you opened up your co-op world for your viewers to join and do some artifacts farming for Ayato and Xiao. One of the three players were making certain comments that you didn’t feel comfortable with, in particular about how they had dm'd you before, but you’ve never replied. You simply ignored as the other two players scolded him back in the in game messaging. You only focused on chatting with your stream, pretending not to see it. 
With your messed up sleeping schedule, you were used to sleeping at odd timing, so jet-lag wasn’t really affecting you. However, you figured it didn’t hurt to readjust it, and thus you ended the stream at about 3 am, and decided to wake up by 11 am. Videos aren’t going to edit themselves, sadly. 
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First was Suna and Komori, now his own teammates were watching Dakki? Sakusa never understood where that interest laid. He knew Japan has a huge number of popular VTubers, but he never had any reason to watch them for entertainment. Sure, he was recommended clips of Dakki, but he has never once clicked on them. But after watching your stream, and how chill you actually were, he told himself that maybe putting your stream as background noise as he cleaned his house wasn’t so bad? Besides, the fact that you and Kozume seemed friendly enough to meet in real life, told Sakusa that you were actually someone he might get along if he knew you.
“Hm, I guess buying her merch isn’t a bad idea.”
Fun fact/trivia:
because of Bokuto, Atsumu now know you are the VTuber “Queen Dakki”, one of his favourite streamers
Atsumu couldn’t recognize you by voice because you have a voice modifier 
he has been following you since your second year as a VTuber
Suna introduced 'Dakki’ to him and Samu
The boys had an impromptu sleepover at Hinata’s and watched your stream together
you edit your own VODs and Kenma’s (extra pay, yknow)
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bts-reveries · 3 years
you’ll always be my baby
characters/pairings: Namjoon and Moonji (ft. OC!Byul, Hyesung, Yoongi)
genre: family and fluff
request: [@kookietsukkie​] one of the kids’ jealous moments of their siblings! i was thinking either moonji or hana (cause i feel like they’re both pretty pampered by joon and yoongi). how at times they feel like their parents attention are too much on their new sibling… something like that!
a/n: this is more sentimental than what i thought of before i started lol but idk what i expected, this is what happens to all the tmbmil namjoon drabbles i write
thank you again for the request bestie!!
“Hyesungie, Hyesungie~” Yoongi cooed, reaching out and tickling the baby’s belly as Namjoon carried her. She smiled, twisting her body away from Yoongi’s fingers. “Aigoo, she’s getting so big now.” 
“I know right,” Namjoon says, fixing his daughter’s hat. “I hate it.” Yoongi laughs at his younger brother’s comment and shrugs.
“Well, you just have to make the most of it now,” he says, punching in the numbers on the register, telling Namjoon his total right after. They were buying some pastries at the bakery for a little family picnic. “Where’s Byul and Moonji at anyways?”
“Oh, they’re waiting in the car,” Namjoon answers. “Moonji fell asleep on the way here.”
“Ah. Long night?” Yoongi asks, assuming that she wasn’t able to sleep well the night before considering it’s just about 9 in the morning.
“Yeah. Baby sister kept her up. Well, kept all of us up,” Namjoon says sheepishly. Hyesung looks up at him, not knowing what he was saying. 
“She knows you’re talking about her,” Yoongi points out, laughing a bit. Namjoon makes a face at his daughter, making her laugh. 
“Alright, well we should be going now. Byul is probably wondering what’s taking us long,” Namjoon says, grabbing the bag Yoongi was handing to him.
“Alright, we’ll just talk again later. Maybe have a playdate for the kids,” Yoongi says, waving them off.
“Okay, I’ll see you soon hyung!”
“Daddy did you get me a cake pop too?” Moonji asks, looking over her little sister who’s gnawing on one in her carseat. Namjoon’s eyebrows raise and his mouth forms a letter ‘o’. 
“You forgot didn’t you,” Byul says quietly, glaring at her husband from the passenger’s seat. 
“Yoongi and I were talking and Hyesung grabbed it from the counter,” Namjoon shrugs. “Uh,” he says louder to Moonji behind him. “I forgot to get another one sweetie, you can just share with your sister. She’s not going to eat all of it anyways.” Moonji turns to her baby sister, frowning.
“But daddy she’s slobbering all over it,” Moonji argues. 
“Well we’re not near the bakery anymore, so either you share with her or not,” Namjoon tells her, turning into the parking lot of the park. “It’s your choice sweetie.”
“Fine, I just won’t eat one then,” she says with a small pout. 
“We can just go to the bakery again on the way home, okay baby?” Byul says, turning around to face her daughter. Moonji nods at her.
“Look baby,” Namjoon says, holding Hyesung in his arms. “Pretty flower.” He hands the little flower to her and she grabs it with her chubby little hands. “D-don’t eat it,” Namjoon says, stopping her arms from going up and shoving the flower into her mouth. 
“Daddy used to do that with me,” Moonji says, watching her dad and sister from afar. She sat on the picnic blanket with her mom. Byul looks over at them as well. 
“You can go over there and join them,” she suggests, looking back at her oldest daughter. “I’ll stay here.” Moonji shakes her head no, watching as her dad laughed at Hyesung waving the flower around. 
“Do you want me to come with you then? We could join them together,” Byul says. Moonji shakes her head no once again.
“He won’t notice me anyways,” Moonji says, resting her chin on the top of her knees. Byul frowns. She knows that Moonji was an only child for a while and that she always had her dad’s attention on her and only her. Even when she came into their lives. 
Getting a new sibling is a huge adjustment. 
“Are you upset that daddy pays more attention to Hyesung now?” Byul asks, trying to communicate with her daughter. She doesn’t want Moonji to keep things to herself whenever she’s upset. Especially if it’s something they can fix together.
Moonji nods. “He doesn’t love me as much anymore, it makes me sad.” Byul immediately reaches out for her.
“Come here,” she says. Moonji turns to her and crawls right into her arms.
“Daddy loves you just as much as he loves Hyesung. He didn’t forget about you, sweetie. I’m sorry if it makes you feel like he did,” Moonji nods, snuggling in closer to her mom’s chest. “We never want either of you to feel sad because of us so if something ever makes you sad, you should communicate it with us okay? You want me to come with you to talk to daddy?”
Moonji nods her head. 
“Okay, let’s go to them then.” Right when the two get up, Namjoon walks up towards them.
“Hi mommy, hi unnie,” Namjoon says, waving Hyesung’s empty hand. “Look what daddy and baby sister got you two.” Namjoon bends Hyesung down to Byul’s level, and she gives her a flower. 
“Aww, is this for me?” Byul says. “Thank you baby,” she says, giving her daughter a peck on the nose, making her giggle.
“Now one for Unnie,” Namjoon says, bending Hyesung lower. Moonji smiles slightly as her baby sister hands her a daisy. 
“Thank you Hyesungie,” she says in a soft voice. 
“Okay, so it's my turn with baby sister,” Byul says, reaching out to her daughter. Namjoon pouts at her. “And I think big sister wants to have a talk with daddy,” she says, turning to Moonji. She nods her head, basically saying it’s okay for her to go and leave her alone with her dad. 
“I’ll see you two later,” Byul says, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Moonji’s head. “Bye,” she mouths at Namjoon before kissing his cheek. Namjoon looked stunned, turning to his wife and watching her walk away with his baby. He then looks down at his older daughter.
“Okay, I’m kind of scared,” he says, walking over to the blanket and having a seat. “What did you want to talk about?” He asks his daughter, motioning for her to come sit with him. “Did anything happen at school? D-do you have a boyfriend now too?” He asks hesitantly, knowing how two of his hyungs are both currently in distress about their little girls having a ‘boyfriend.’
Moonji raises an eyebrow at him. “Ew, that’s yucky.” Namjoon released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
“Good. Now what is it? What’s wrong?” 
Moonji shrugs, “Mommy told me to talk to you because I’m sad.” Namjoon suddenly had a concerned look on his face as soon as he heard the last two words. 
“Why are you sad? What happened?”
“I feel sad because you love Hyesung more than me now,” Moonji says quietly, looking down and playing with the fabric of her pants. “Mommy said you love both of us the same, but you always play with Hyesung now and not me.” Namjoon’s heart breaks when he hears this, reaching out for Moonji’s hand.
“I don’t love Hyesung more than you. Just like I don’t love mommy more than her. I love all of you just the same. But in different ways.” He tells her. “I love mommy because she loves me and you and she gave us Hyesung. I love your birth mommy because she loved me and gave me you. I love you because you helped me become who I am today and I couldn’t have gotten here without you. And I love baby sister because now you have someone to play with and you’re not lonely when mommy is busy at home or when daddy is working.” Moonji looks up at her dad, listening to every single word he’s saying and really trying to understand them. “I love all of you just the same in different ways just like how you love hot chocolate because it keeps you warm when it’s cold and lemonade because it keeps you cool when it’s hot.” Moonji smiles up at her dad as he says this. He always did talk like he was writing a book. “Long story short,” Namjoon says with a slight laugh. “Daddy loves all of you and I’m so sorry if it makes you feel like I don’t sometimes.” He tugs at her hand, making her come and sit on his lap so he could hug her. “I know you’re used to it being just us your whole life. Then mommy Byul came along and it took some adjusting but you got used to it right, and you love her here with us?” Moonji nodded her head, her cheek pressed against her dad’s chest as his arms were wrapped around her. “Then now, baby sister came. And we’re all getting used to another person in our lives. It’s going to take some more adjusting.” Moonji nods again.
“Sometimes I watch you and Hyesung do stuff we used to do and it makes me sad because I felt like you were going to just do it with her and not me anymore.”
“No, daddy will never replace you. I’m showing them to Hyesung so we can all do it together, but you never want to come with us.”
“Because I feel like you want to just do it with her and you don’t want me there..” Moonji says with a pout. 
“I see, and I stopped asking you because whenever I ask, you say no. This is why communication is important, right?” Namjoon says. “You don’t tell me how you feel, that's why I keep doing the things that make you feel sad. You need to tell me so we can change that.”
“Okay,” Moonji says. “I will.”
“Okay, good. You know baby sister keeps mommy and I busy because she’s still little, which is why we might seem like we spend more time with her than you. So I’ll talk to mommy and we’ll make sure to set aside extra time to have Moonji and daddy time or Moonji and mommy time, how’s that sound?” Namjoon suggests, looking down at his daughter. Moonji looks up at him and nods her head, a sweet smile on her face. “Okay, maybe we can start with a date at the bakery after this? We can get you your cake pop and get a milkshake with two straws like we used to.” Moonji gasps, making her dad laugh. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Thank you daddy. You’re the best and I love you so much,” Moonji tells him, wrapping her arms tightly around him. At least as much as her little arms can go. 
Namjoon sighs, Moonji was doing what she does best and that was melting his heart into two.
“I love you more. You’ll always be my baby, my little Moonji.”
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chaoticpuff17 · 3 years
Suga, We’re Going Down
part 15
Hello, my darlings! Here’s an update for you! I’m off to work on the next part of WTCAD! and just a reminder that @chimchimsauce​ released her new book this week. Don’t forget to check it out, you can find the link in on her page. love you all!--- chaotic puff
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If anyone at Jin hit Entertainment had been asked if Min Yoongi was a family man, they would have said no. Min Yoongi was a terror, a quiet one but a terror none-the-less. He was focused, driven, extremely talented, and a famous grouch. A family man was not a description anyone would have associated with him, and yet Kim Seokjin was looking at a nervous manager who was bringing forward some odd requests that the famous rapper had made. The requests included the acquisition of an apartment building and to bring him listings for modernized hanok houses in Seoul. To make this odd business even more strange, Yoongi had asked that they look into primary schools as well. Jin could understand why the poor man was confused and concerned. It was very unlike Yoongi, which was why the young CEO was on his way to talk to the artist 
The problem was to talk to the artist, he had to interrupt dance practice for the new mv, and something about interrupting Yoongi while he was holding a sword was extremely unappealing, but it had to be done. Someone had to ask about the odd requests. Jin was sure that there was some sort of perfectly reasonable explanation, and then they could all move on with their lives. 
“Hey, Yoongi!” Jin called walking into the practice room, only to be met with a dark glare from the man who was quite literally holding a sword. 
“What?” he growled incredibly displeased by the interruption. 
He was moving Y/N into her new apartment today, and Yoongi wanted to be there to help her get settled. She had insisted on doing all of the packing herself, and he knew she was back from classes already and probably hard at work packing up her small apartment. He trusted Jackson with her. He knew he would help her pack up, but that didn’t change the fact that he wanted to be the one to help her. He wanted to finish practice and get out of there as quickly as possible. If he couldn’t help her pack up the old apartment, he could still help her settle into the new one. And flowers, he was going to bring her flowers. She would enjoy that. But Jin wasn’t helping any of these plans come together any faster with his interruptions. 
“Can I talk to you for a sec?”
“No.” Yoongi grunted, brushing back his hair as he glared at his hyung. 
“It’ll just take a minute.” Jin continued on cheerily even though Yoongi was giving him a look that would have sent anyone else cowering. Yoongi sighed, setting the sword aside and going to get a drink of water as he waited for Jin to get to the point. “So one of the managers came to me saying you’d been making some odd requests.” 
“Just wanted to make sure that everything was okay. It’s not like you to buy an apartment building, and you’re looking for a house, schools? What’s going on, Yoongi?” 
“She has a kid.” Yoongi grunted, flopping down onto the floor for a break while Jin stared at him as though he’d suddenly grown a second head. 
“Who has a what now?” 
“Y/N, she has a kid.” he repeated. “Toddler. Cute little bugger.” 
“She has… a child?” Jin repeated pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration as he tried to take in the new information. “Did you know about the kid?” 
“Found out on Saturday.” the other man shrugged, seeming remarkably unbothered especially considering the magnitude of what he’d just said. 
“And you’re buying a whole apartment building and a house because?” 
“Kid’s dad is harassing her.” 
“Okay?” Jin didn’t want to push too hard, but getting information out of the rapper could be like pulling teeth. 
“She needs a safe place to go, her and the kid.” 
“So you bought an apartment building?” Yoongi nodded. “Then what’s the house for?” 
“House is for her and the kid.”
“You said the apartment was for them.” 
“House is for all of us. Eventually.” 
Jin was dumbstruck as the implication of those words hit him with full force. Min Yoongi, the surliest son of a bitch he knew, had a family. He’d taken a sugar baby, and suddenly he had a whole family. He’d accepted another man’s child to the point he was planning a future around the kid and his mom. 
“It’s not hers.” Yoongi grunted seeing the older man’s head about to burst. “Not biologically. It’s her nephew, but he’s hers now.”
That made a little more sense to Jin. “And the birth dad is harassing them?” 
“Showed up at the park by her house without notice. Really freaked her out.” 
“She didn’t tell you about the kid?” Jin asked, sliding down next to Yoongi. He needed to sit if he was going to have this conversation. 
“She took the job to take care of him. Her family’s not in a good way.” Yoongi explained, taking another drink of water. “She was trying to protect the kid.” 
“And you’re okay with this?” 
Yoongi shrugged, thinking fondly on his angel and their kid. “She’s a good mom, and he’s a good kid.” 
Jin nodded along, still trying to wrap his mind around this. “And the kid actually likes you?” 
Yoongi scoffed, but a small smile tugged at his lips. As soon as the kid had decided that he was fine, the kid had been absolutely fascinated by him. It was painfully clear to both him and Y/N that the kid didn’t have a lot of men in his life. That was fine though. He had Yoongi now.
 “Why wouldn’t he like me?” 
“Cause you’re a grump?” Jin suggested, playfully bumping the other man’s shoulder. “Got a picture.” 
Yoongi looked at him in surprise, but he grabbed his phone pulling up a picture of Y/N and Eun Jae he had snapped on Sunday afternoon when the pair had fallen asleep on the couch for an afternoon nap after Eun Jae had run them both ragged around the penthouse playing princesses and dragons all afternoon. Eun Jae had been the brave night protecting the princess, and Yoongi had been made to be the dragon trying to steal Y/N away from her protector. Eventually the little guy had worn himself out, and the family had settled on the couch for a snack and an afternoon cartoon, before both mother and son had drifted off. Yoongi hadn’t been able to resist snapping a picture of his small family. 
“He’s a cute kid.” Jin smiled, handing the phone back to him. It was odd to see Yoongi with a family, but even if the indicators were subtle, Yoongi seemed happy. 
“Yeah.” Yoongi agreed. “He looks like his mom.” 
“So the house and looking at schools and everything, it’s all for them?”  Yoongi nodded. “Alright then.” Jin clapped, nodding resolutely. “That clears things up. When do they move into the apartment? And when do the guys and I get to meet the little guy?” 
“Y/N moves into the new apartment today. Eun Jae is going to be with her grandmother till Friday, and you idiots don’t get to meet him.” 
“What!” Jin squawked , highly offended. “Why not? We’d be awesome uncles!”
Yoongi growled under his breath. “She’s skittish about the kid, and I won’t have you idiots freaking her out.” 
“Freak her out! How could I freak her out? I’m world wide handsome, you know? And I’m great with kids!”
“Not the point, Jin.” 
“I wouldn’t freak her out!”
“She has every right to be skittish, and I get more time with my kid before you idiots start crowding in.” He huffed, bopping the other man over the head with the empty water bottle. 
“Alright, alright.” The CEO surrendered. “Congrats, man. You seem happy.” 
“I am.” 
“Why don’t you take the rest of the day off. Go help your girl get set up in that fancy building you bought for her.” 
Yoongi nodded gratefully as the older man got up from the floor complaining about old bones. He was more than ready to get out of JinHit and go see his angel. He had all sorts of surprises ready for her at the new place, some he could show her and some he couldn’t.
He had the apartment furnished for her, getting some better quality appliances and furnishings for her. His family could only have the best after all. He’d even had the kitchen stocked in preparation for the move. He’d gotten a bunch of new toys and things for the kid too.
 Those were all things that he was excited to show her, but he knew better than to tell her that he owned the building, or that he had her entire security team living in the building as well. He knew what she’d say about that. She’d argue that it was too much, that it was unneeded, but he didn’t want to take any chances with her safety or Eun Jae’s. He even had a guard keeping an eye on the kid while he was at the grandmother’s. She’d certainly have something to say about that, but she didn’t need to worry over that. Their safety was his concern now, and he’d do whatever it took to protect his angel and their kid. 
With Jin letting him leave early, Yoongi was more than ready to go see his angel. He needed a shower first, but then he was free to go help her settle in. A quick text from Jackson had told him that she was already at the new building. A text from one of the bodyguards he’d hired to look after her had told him that Kim Taehyung had also been trying to keep an eye on her- trying and failing. Yoongi wasn’t about to let him get close to his family, especially not when his relationship with his kid was still so fragile. He hadn’t even known there was a kid in the equation till a few days ago, and he didn’t need the sperm donor showing up and confusing Eun Jae on who his father was.  For now, the little boy was safe with his grandmother, who Yoongi had been reliably told was a battle axe of a woman who wouldn’t be letting any strangers or anyone from the Kim family anywhere near that little boy. 
Yoongi got to the apartment to find Y/N preoccupied stringing up a set of bumble bee lights around the living room. He’d ordered a ton of stuff for the apartment, all things that he thought would be warm and comforting for her and the kid. It was colorful and bright, and ten times better than her old apartment. It had enough space for Eun Jae to play and for Y/N to do her schoolwork all while being within the safety of a building that Yoongi owned and staffed. The front desk had been given Taehyung’s photo with strict instructions not to allow him into the building. He wasn’t getting near either of them so long as Yoongi had anything to say about it. 
“Miss, you should really let me.” Jackson fretted hovering around Y/N as she put the lights up, making sure she didn’t fall. 
“I’m fine, Jackson.” she rolled her eyes. “I am perfectly capable of  putting up some lights.” 
“You could fall!” Guessing from the harried voice of his employee, Yoongi could guess that this wasn’t the first time that Y/N had refused to let him help today. 
“I let you put up the paintings!” 
“The paintings were already here when you got here!” 
“Eh.” she shrugged. “Someone who wasn’t me put them up.” 
“Babe,” Yoongi called, startling both of them and accidentally causing her to lose her balance on the sofa as she spun around, but Jackson was quick to catch her and equally quick to set her down again and excuse himself. 
“I wasn’t expecting you.” she muttered, shuffling from foot to foot. 
“Wanted to help you move in.” he smiled, stepping forward to place a quick, soft kiss to her forehead. “How do you like the place?”
“It’s too much. We really didn’t need something this…” 
“You did.”  he cut her off, holding out the bouquet of hydrangeas. 
“They’re lovely.” she smiled, a little tiredly, but it had been a busy day for her. “Let me get these in some water. I assume that’s what the vases are for?” He smirked following after her as she moved around the apartment. “You didn’t have to furnish it. You’ve already done so much for us, more than what we agreed upon.” 
“I wanted to,” he shrugged. “Besides, we need to renegotiate the terms of the contract anyway.” 
She turned to him with wide eyes, clearly nervous by the thought of renegotiations. “Nothing bad. Eun Jae puts a new light on things. I want to make sure that you and he have everything you need, give you both some more security.” he assured her. 
“You’ve already…”
“It’s not up for discussion, angel.” her mouth clicked shut immediately as she nodded. “Don’t look so grim, babe.” he laughed, tipping her chin up. “It’s just a few little things to take Eun Jae into account.” 
“He likes you.” she sighed, letting her sling an arm over her shoulder and steer her back towards the sofa and the half hung string of lights. “There’s not a lot of people that run around with him like that.” 
A swell of pride rose up in his chest at that. “I like him. He’s a good kid.”
“It’s nothing major right? The changes to the contract?” 
“No.” he pressed a kiss to her messy hair. “Nothing major.” It was just a few things to ensure their future, nothing she needed to worry about right now.
“Thank you again, for everything.” she sighed, sinking into the sofa and curling slightly into his side. 
He hummed, tugging her in a little closer. It was cute how she thought that this was big. It was nothing in the grand scheme of things. This was just the beginning for them, and this little apartment was no place for them to raise a growing family. 
“Anything for you.” 
part 16
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i8jisoo · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉ skz with pregnant!reader
seungmin x reader | part seven of dad!skz
↬ genre; fluff & angst
↬ warnings; obviously pregnancy, talk of sex/condoms, talk of morning sickness, cursing, child-birth
↬ notes; i feel like my mental health is getting worse and it has been really hard to be positive but i finished this awhile ago, never posted it! just thought to post it today since i just reached 500 followers,, tysm everyone for the support on my posts and following me for content,, i’m waiting for enhypen debut rnnn, it’s really one of the only things keeping me happy n ready. my bias is jungwon :) he’s so adorable n cute i can’t wait + i hope to start writing for enhypen soon when i feel better,, ty guys <3
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the night was a one night stand
seungmin had no plans to see you after, you already gone by the morning so it made no different what he wanted afterwards
so with his number in your phone, you decided that texting him would be the best
you texted him your address, asking him to meet with you after u addressed who you were
the best maybe after twelve, seeing as how from nine to eleven you would be occupied with the toilet bowl, the morning sickness really weighing on you
hes there, ready to talk, looking great
ur just there in a t-shirt and sweatpants with slightly messy hair
you seat him on ur couch, pacing in the kitchen before actually beginning to talk
“it broke, or maybe you forgot. i don’t know but you, you got me pregnant.”
i honestly see seungmin being really innocent in this and he’s just made a bad decision which resulted in a baby
“wh-what? no, i used.. i..”
it dawns on him that he can’t remember slipping on a condom before
he’s turned white as a sheet, probably feeling more ill than you
he does the math, figuring you’re around two months, you’re not that far along obviously
“we don’t have to do this, you hardly know me.”
hes shaking his head quickly, “nono, i wanna.. i may never get this chance again. i might not ever meet someone again, so, if it’s with you? i’m fine with that.”
seungmin was there for the next appointment, fully supportive and stepping up
hes scared but so excited
he also moves out of the dorms, raising flags, but he keeps assuring everyone that he was just getting a change of scenery
he claims he got a dog but uh, there isn’t one
he actually moves in with u, an apartment that wasn’t too far away from the dorms and he will time to time spend the night if they need him to
ur actually really understanding of his career and u admire his adjustment
late night with him where u two go to a twenty-four hour convenience store and buy every junk food possible
u also acquired strange cravings such a pineapple and cream cheese or kimchi and chocolate sauce
that night however u rly had a craving for cheese and cheese only
it doesn’t last however, from three to five you are in the bathroom hunched over
he?? isnt?? actually?? the worst partner to get pregnant from a one stand with?????????????????????????????????????????
he’s pretty much a sweetheart
bless everyones heart though when they find out about you
“this is my friend, we are.. having a uh, baby!”
haha surprise...
u swore that jisung’s breath was lost when he said that
chan is fucken freaking out about this
“we’re gonna be uncles!”
everybody screaming and cheering which was a good sign
ur days are average and u guys just act like friends
friends having a baby lmfao
it’s a fine line between dating and not dating
seungmin reaaalllyy likes you but he has this bit of guilt in him for getting you pregnant
ur the one who uprooted your life and ur gonna have a kid for the rest of ur life with him and he’s still living his and doing what he loves
seungmin heart eyes motherfucker when u come to a concert, just there to see him n see what he does for a living
u guys get this cute ass picture of everyone lmfao i just imagine the boys and seungmin standing around and posing with ur small bump
he doesn’t get to go to every single appointment, so his first appointment he went to was when you were around six and a half months
he’s super excited and just super nervous
so many expecting moms its crazy
when your name is called and you two go back, he’s jumping out of his seat and going back with you
the doctor applies the gel on your stomach, the rounded bump sticking out prominently
his hand clasps around yours, fingers laced with yours and he gives you a warm smile
the screen flickers on and theres your baby
it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen
he can clearly see the legs and arms, theres the head!!! he can make out the toes and fingers
then u guys get to hear the heartbeat together
it’s so strong and he just,, wow.. this is real 😣
ur bearing his child, your guys’ baby,, he can hardly believe it
then the doctor asks if u two want to know the gender
“yeah.” 🥺🥺🥺
ofc u could’ve known before but u didn’t know if seungmin wanted to find out or wait n u just would feel guilty if u went ahead
he was rly trying to be as involved as possible, he had a busy schedule and u two weren’t even dating and this whole thing was happening secretly
they turn the monitor for you two to look at, pointing around
“there they are, we have a baby boy.”
seungmin is so taken aback, this all is so .. unreal for him
he’s ready to get the disc with ur ultrasound footage n the heartbeat but also the ultrasound photos 🥺 he’s so in love with your baby boy
u two are just sitting in the office after, ur wiping off ur belly n he’s just like
“i’m in love with you. you and our son — i know, we agreed to co-parenting and no feelings but,” his voice is so strained n he’s just so fragile n so utterly raw, “i couldn’t help it.”
ur fact at first is just frozen and slightly shocked
then ur like 😮🥺😣
“no, cause i was thinking the same exact thing.”
that seals the deal for u two pretty much, ur both emotional wrecks in the exam room
theres the boyfriend and girlfriend dynamic now — seungmin and you sleeping cuddled together
it wasn’t like you two didn’t cuddle before,, but it would usually end up with seungmin silently creeping out of bed or you softly removing his arm or you leaving him gently
u rely on him more, the final trimester hard on you and ur so exhausted and hurting
u two getting the nursery ready together which actually consists of u sitting down rather than actually doing anything
though u will have to teach this boy how to put away bibs and fold baby clothes
u two are young and u both have a lot of explaining to do to your own families, but they are supportive
they r more than happy to teach u two about children and giving tips on these things
blue nursery with lil teddy bears around and its just the cutest, props to room designer seungmin 🤓
baby boy is so stubborn, you’re past your due date and you both want him out
you two try a shit ton of things
name it all: pineapple, spicy foods, raspberry tea, daily walks around the block, literally everything
everything except for the obvious that had been recommended by your obgyn
both of you two hadn’t really explored in the topic of sex or anything of the sort, it was slightly awkward
you’re five days overdue now, which now you couldn’t even care
“please..! they said it works, even our ob said so!”
he is so cautious about this, but begrudgingly decides to proceed with this idea
he’s so sweet 🥺 but maybe a little too sweet because next thing you know is that two short hours later ur water breaks and u are in labor!!!!
both of you are vv nervous
his hyungs are right there to calm him down, asking you if ur okay and if u need anything
they rly adore their lil minnies baby mama & their lil nephew
seungmin is big daddy deffo
he’s so attached to u 🥺 it hurts to see u in so much pain and he can’t do much to take it away, but he will kiss ur forehead and wipe ur tears away
he personally finds u so angelic as u are quite literally coated in sweat and nearly breaking his hand
it’s finally over, you and seungmin both turning to the tiny baby that just came into the world, both of u crying while laughing at the beet red baby
theres your little baby boy in your arms, squirming at the new coldness and trying to move around in the blanket
all of the boys come in, excited to meet the baby
in amazement you made this adorable, small baby after one night
this experience was everything and more to you both, so glad you weren’t as careful one night and now had the greatest gift given to you: your small son who slept soundly in your arms
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©️ maysdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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mca-attack21 · 3 years
Distraction part 1
This is a mini series that is Scott x Reader. And before you ask, yes I am still writing the Stiles Sis Fic series the next part will be out relatively soon. I've been busy planning out the later seasons so I could make sure to time everything correctly. Anyways, for more of my writing here is my Masterlist.
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It started as a normal day, you woke up and prepared for school. It was not long before your phone lit up with messages from your boyfriend. It was something along the line of ‘Good morning beautiful’ ‘I can’t wait to see you at school’ ‘I love you’. Every message caused the smile on your face to grow. You loved Scott. He was the guy who had seen you at your worst but would only talk about you at your best. He had a unique ability to make everything better. It was like as long as the two of you were together, nothing could ever stand in your way.
You were about to leave your house when your phone buzzed again. This time the text was from Lydia. ‘Ready for this weekend?’ she sent. ‘Totally, my bags are already in the car’ you replied. You, Allison, and Lydia were going to leave right after the Lacrosse game and go up to one of her family’s cabins. She had decided that you were in need of mandatory girl time. After all, you hadn’t spent much time together with all of the supernatural chaos.
It was a normal school day. You were greeted by Scott and Stiles. You sat through all of your classes, met up with Lydia at lunch, and talked to Scott during your shared free period. After school was over you hung out with Scott until he had to start getting ready for his game.
“I wish you didn’t have to go with Lydia” he pouted jokingly.
“It’s not that big of a deal Scott I’ll be back Sunday night,” you replied.
“I know but that is two whole days without you,” he answered.
“Exactly, it’s two days” you laughed, “You’ll be fine” you added.
“We can text, right?” Scott asked.
“Well as much as I would love to, Lydia would kill me, and there is no signal up there anyways,” you answered.
“This is about to be the longest 48 hours of my life,” Scott groaned.
You rolled your eyes, “It’s a good opportunity to have some bro time with Stiles, maybe you can finally watch Star Wars,” you remarked as you started to get up.
“Not so fast,” Scott said as he pulled you back down onto his bed and kissed you.
“Scott” *kiss* “I” *kiss* “Love” *kiss* “you, but” *kiss* “we have” *kiss* “to go” *kiss* you managed to say before he pulled away. You tried to look away from him knowing you were blushing hard. “Good luck tonight, not that you’ll need it. I love you and I’ll see you Sunday if not before then,” you said hugging him.
“I love you too Y/n, I’ll see you at the game,” he returned.
You went to Lydia’s house and went through the plan one last time. She went through a checklist to make sure that neither you nor Allison had forgotten anything. After that, it was time for the three of you to go to the game.
You watched the game and cheered for both Scott and Stiles. The team won 5-3. You were getting ready to go when Allison realized that she forgot to put her bag in Lydia’s car. Lydia was going to take her back and grab the bag. You decided to use the time to catch your boyfriend before leaving. You were weaving through the crowd when someone’s hand went over your mouth. “Nighty Night Y/n,” you heard an eerily familiar voice before feeling a pinch in your neck and seeing everything fade to black.
‘Hey Lyds, I’m really sorry but my mom called. She’s in the hospital. It’s not serious, but I’m staying here with her.’
Lydia text you back, ‘Do you want us to come with you, we can reschedule’
‘No don’t do that. Go have fun. We can hang out next weekend’
‘Are you sure? It’s not that big of a deal,’ she replied.
‘Don’t worry Lydia, it’s fine, just enjoy yourselves, I’ll see you Monday’
‘Okay, see you Monday’ She answered as she and Allison started to leave.
“What’s up?” Allison asked.
“Something came up and Y/n can’t come with us,” Lydia answered.
“Awe, that’s too bad, you still want to go?” Allison questioned.
“Of course, let’s do this, phones off” she replied, turning off her own phone.
Scott was dragged to a party with Stiles. It was for a friend of Stiles’, Heather. Scott didn’t really want to go, he couldn’t get drunk and he wouldn’t know anyone other than Stiles. But Stiles had insisted that it would make the time without you and Lydia more bearable. As Stiles entered he was greeted with a passionate kiss from none other than the birthday girl herself. He was quickly whisked away to the wine cellar. Scott reluctantly moved into the living room, grabbed a drink, and pulled out his phone. He smiled as he saw he had a text from you. ‘Hey babe, I’m leaving with the girls, turning my phone off now. Love you, see you Sunday!’
That was the last text sent before your phone was shut off and thrown in the dumpster behind the school. “That will buy me some time,” your kidnapper replied before driving away with you unconscious in the back seat.
The day started off pretty normally for Scott. He went to text you before he remembered that you wouldn’t have service. He was glad that you were able to get away and relax with the girls. He had decided to go to the field with Stiles to practice Lacrosse. But he couldn’t shake a gut feeling that something was wrong. Stiles explained to Scott that there was a body found and that he was waiting on his dad to see if it was anything supernatural. Scott couldn’t help but be slightly uninterested. He was tired of death and the supernatural world, he was just a kid, and for once he wanted to act like it. Scott stared out the window of Roscoe, and wondered what you were doing right now.
You woke up and were caught completely off guard. It was dark and you were sitting knee-deep in water. There was a light above you. You must have been in a well. But you couldn’t remember how you would have got here. You went to reach for your aching head and realized that your hands were bound. You tried standing up splashing the water around which sent a shiver through your body. You wondered how long you had been missing. You weren’t that worried though, you were supposed to be with Lydia and Allison. They wouldn’t have left without you. And once Scott found out, he’d come for you. But then again, you were trapped in water, which meant he’d have a hard time following your scent. And you didn’t know how long you’d already been down here. You started to worry, trying to break your hands free so you could attempt to climb the wall. But that would take hours.
Scott and Stiles were at Stiles' house about to start their movie marathon when Stiles got a text. “Woah dude, you remember that body they found earlier?” Stiles asked, rereading the message in disbelief.
“Yeah, what about it?” Scott asked, wishing he could have one night off.
“It wasn’t just your average dead body. There was a significant blow to the head, his throat was slashed, and he was strangled by a garrote,” Stiles explained.
“Okay Stiles, but that doesn’t exactly sound supernatural, can’t we let the police handle this one?” Scott tried.
“Yeah I guess, but talk about overkill,” he answered, though he was planning on looking into it more after his best friend went home. Nothing was ever as it seemed in Beacon Hills, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t prepared for the worst-case scenario.
The two of them ate pizza and started to watch the first movie, however it wasn’t long after Scott finished eating that he fell asleep. Stiles took this time to do research on the latest murder.
Later that night:
You had finally managed to unbind your hands after what felt like hours of scraping them against the brick. You wanted to climb up the wall but it was now so dark that you could barely see your hand in front of your face. You decided that it would have to wait until morning. You sat back in the cold water, trying to find a safe position to sit in. The water was so cold. Your throat was sore from the screaming you had done earlier. You started crying as you realized the severity of your situation. You could die down here. You were going to die down here if someone didn’t find you soon. You thought about Scott. The only comfort that you felt was in knowing that he was out there looking for you. After a while, you drifted out of consciousness.
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softomi · 4 years
prompt:  I know I’m running late – I’m sorry. Things haven’t worked out the way I planned. But believe me when I tell you I am on my way.
- A Postcard by Lang Leav
pairing: atsumu x reader (ft. osamu)
general taglist: @graykageyama
Being the older brother, even if by mere minutes, Atsumu always felt that he had to look out for his sibling. After all, his mother instilled into him that no matter what, he should always be there for Osamu and vice versa. On many occasions Atsumu took that to mean that he could take his stuff, as long as he returns it (which he never does), because after all, they’re brothers.
On other occasions, it meant that Atsumu had to learn to be the first to set his pride aside. He reasons its because he’s the older brother, but Osamu knows that Atsumu is just too clingy to stay mad at his brother for a long time.
But there were many times, many days, many fleeting moments where taking care of his younger twin made him think “I wish I didn’t have a brother.”. Yet, the moment something happens to Osamu, he’s quick to act as the third parent.
“Why are you so stupid!” Atsumu screams at his brother’s back, “You shouldn’t have climbed that stupid tree.”
Osamu turns on his heels, gritting his teeth, “Shut up! You did the same thing last week!”
“Yeah! Well!” Atsumu is balling his fist, their mother entering the room due to the commotion, “What if something happened to you? Huh? Mom would blame me for not watching you!” The young Atsumu begins to blubber, “What if something happened?”
Osamu learned at the young age of ten, just how much being the older brother put a toll on Atsumu. So on their eleventh birthday, Osamu decided to give Atsumu a birthday present.
“I’ll be the older brother this year!” The young boy declares, “So it’s my turn!” He points at his confused brother, “To take care of you as the older brother.” For something so seemingly simple, Atsumu was star struck with the idea.
And every year following, they took turns being the big brother.
They even drew up a contract, the big brother responsibilities contract. As the older brother, you must take care of the younger, you will take responsibility for the younger brother’s actions no matter how stupid, and above all else, the older has to sacrifice things for the younger brother. Signed by both Miya Atsumu and Miya Osamu.
When they were thirteen years old, Osamu took care of Atsumu when he caught the flu. When they were sixteen years old, Atsumu used the last of his money to buy pizza for his hungry brother. When the clock struck midnight, signaling their seventeenth birthday, Atsumu asked for the money back. During their twentieth year, Atsumu took a month off school and training to help Osamu set up his business.
“You don’t have to.” Osamu tried to reason with his brother.
Atsumu lifted a box from the back of the rented van, eyes staring up at the glow of the restaurant sign, “It’s what big brothers are for.”
Osamu stops Atsumu by the shoulder, “We’re not kids anymore, who cares about the big brother crap.”
“I do!” Atsumu scowls.
Osamu realized at the later age of twenty, that Atsumu clings to the title of older brother. As he watches his brother carry the box into his new restaurant, Osamu wondered if there would ever be a point where Atsumu would stop being there for him. But he also wondered, if there would ever be a moment where he could finally grant Atsumu release from the title.
At the age of twenty-three, you waltzed into Atsumu’s life.
Atsumu likes to say that it was a meet-cute. You like to say that it was the day he tried to take your head off. You interned for the Black Jackals as a sport psychologist. On your very first day, as you walked the sidelines towards the coach; you heard a mere shout. You ducked out of reflex, just barely missing the ball as it smacked against the ground behind you. Atsumu jogged with an apologetic expression and a compliment that your reflexes were killer.
Throughout your internship, you refused to go out with Atsumu. Even though the first time you bluntly rejected him, Atsumu says that you never truly said that he didn’t have a chance.
“You said.” Atsumu liked to push your buttons sometimes, “I remember.” He’s got a silly grin on him, “The first time I asked you out, you said ‘Sorry, I don’t date athletes I work for.’” Atsumu looks at the time on his phone, he takes your badge off you, “Your internship is officially over. You no longer work for the Black Jackals. One date, it’s all I ask.”
It truly wasn’t the romantic date. He was shamelessly taking you out to eat at his brother’s restaurant. You were no stranger to his twin but when you two sat in the booth, Osamu coming over to personally take your orders; Atsumu wasted little time in announcing, “Order anything you want, the most expensive item even. My big brother is paying.”
“I thought you were the older brother Atsumu?” You vaguely recall Atsumu mentioning Osamu as the younger twin.
Osamu rests a hand onto his brother’s shoulder, his grip causing Atsumu to yelp, “Yeah, we like to do this thing where every year we switch off being the older sibling. I just can’t wait! For our twenty-fourth birthday. I’ve been eyeing a new set a knives that’ll match the new dish machine I’m planning on getting next year.”
“Hey hey, we promised a limit!” Atsumu shouts.
That was the first date of many and loving Atsumu came easily. He kissed your fingers with eagerness, held you like you were the most important person in the world, and gave you all of his undivided attention. Atsumu followed you like a map leading to hidden treasure that was your lips.
You were perhaps everything he could have ever wanted, everything he ever wished for. For the first few months of the relationship, you wondered why previous girlfriends of his would ever let him go. He reasons that they all said he loved many things, but they were just simply not one of them.
Atsumu knew that when he loved something, he was always there. He attends every volleyball practice, he attends the family Sunday dinners, and he attends your college graduation.
But just like Atsumu had mentioned, he loved many things.
“Hey. Where are you?” You were shivering, hands wrapping around your arms.
“Shit.” Atsumu speaks, “I’m so sorry babe, I was helping Samu pack his things. He’s moving apartments and you know how he is, he does things last minute so I’m making sure he’s starting early.”
“Okay.” You breathe out, “But did it have to be today? This was really important to me.”
“It’s just a gathering. Samu really needed my help.” Atsumu clears his throat, “But if you want, I can head over there right now.”
“It’s fine.” You speak, “Just, next time, be here.”
“Of course!”
Osamu looks up at his brother, “Were you supposed to be somewhere else?”
Atsumu grabs some of the empty boxes, “Yeah, y/n was getting together with some of her friends. Something about introducing me to them I think.” Atsumu’s foot hits some of the book he’s stacked on the floor, “Dammit Samu, how many cookbooks do you need? You’re such a hoarder.”
“You should have gone.” Osamu watches him stack the books neatly into a box.
“Then no one would be here to help you.” Atsumu clicks his tongue, “Mom and dad are out of town, the guys are all busy, even your girlfriend isn’t over here helping; good pick there Samu.”
A book smacks Atsumu on the head, “You’re so stupid!” Osamu throws another book at him, “You ruin my life.”
Atsumu grins, sticking a tongue out to his brother, “You ruin my life too.”
If volleyball was his first priority, Osamu would be his first, first, priority and you concluded, you must fall behind both. That night was the first of many, and loving Atsumu became harder.
“Just go!” You threw your hands to your side.
Atsumu was hesitant, a jacket in his hand, “Look, I’ll make it up to you. I promise.” He takes a step to you. You turn your head away when he leans in for a kiss, instead, he presses a slow peck onto your cheek, “Samu just really needs me right now.”
“Yep.” You state bitterly.
“I’m sorry. Happy birthday.”
It’s the last thing he says before he runs out the door. Instead of eating the cake with you that night, he spends it taking a drunk Osamu home, patting his brother’s back as he vomits into the toilet bowl. Even though they were twenty-seven, Atsumu took responsibility to make sure his brother was okay.
“I think we should break up.”
Atsumu thought you were joking, “Hahaha, very funny babe. You have my full and undivided attention.”
“I’m serious.” Your expression didn’t falter.
The cheery sound of the restaurant didn’t match the way Atsumu’s world was crumbling. He was still in disbelief, “What?” He tried to put up a smile, “Stop joking.”
The brief tune of happy birthday is played in the background, the workers clapping along as they sing.
“Atsumu, I just feel like I didn’t know what I was getting into when I entered this relationship.” You were trying to keep him calm, you’ve known him for five years, you’ve loved him for five years; just as hard as he loved, it was hard to let go.
You gathered your things. Atsumu slammed a hand onto the table, “Stop!”
The restaurant quietens, a spotlight on you two as you sit back down, “Atsumu.”
His phone rings. You raise a brow, his brother’s contact showing up. Atsumu picks up the phone, “What?” Atsumu frowns, “Now?” He hangs up the phone, “I have to go.”
You rub the back of your neck, “Of course.”
You two walk out of the restaurant together but you leave alone.
“Samu?” Atsumu walks into his brother’s restaurant, “Everything good?”
“We’re getting married!” The two in front of him wave their hands in his face. It was almost taunting, “I proposed this morning.” Osamu can’t help but stare into his lover’s eyes, “I wanted you to know first before we tell mom on Sunday.” When Atsumu doesn’t answer, Osamu checks the way his brother’s fists are balled, lips in a scowl. Osamu knew the telltale signs, like they were ten years old again, Atsumu was about to break, “Tsumu.”
“Couldn’t this have waited!” Atsumu, quick to anger but quicker to tears, “Couldn’t you just have told me on the phone.”
“I thought you’d be excited to be the first one to know.”
Atsumu uses his hands to push away stray tears, “I have to go.”
At twenty-eight, Atsumu feels as though the weight of the world was on his back. The silence of the apartment was like a gunshot wound and you packing your things shot another bullet into him.
“Let’s talk.” He’s refusing to let you leave.
You set the suitcase onto the ground, “Atsumu.”
“Don’t call me that.” He wants to sound strong, because he has to be strong, “You never call me that.” But he can’t sound strong when it feels like he’s losing everything he’s ever wanted.
The more you said his name, the more it hurt, “I can fix it, whatever is wrong, I can make it better. I can be there more, I’ll stop being late, I’ll clean the whole place for the rest of our lives.”
“Let me ask you something.” He’s hopeful at your words, “If we got married, if we had kids; would Osamu still be your priority?” Your words felt like a blow, “Because I’m okay right now, as your girlfriend, I am okay. I understand that he’s your brother and you absolutely love him to death. You run to him when he needs you and he runs to you. But when I look to our future, why do I still see you running to your brother.”
“We don’t need to worry about that.” He takes your hand into his, “We just have to worry about right now.”
“But even right now, it’s always later.” Palm rested onto his cheek, “I’m sorry Atsumu.”
He holds you by the wrist, “Give me one chance. One more time to prove to you. It’s all I ask.”
Maybe it was the way he was so sincere, just like the day you fell in love with him, “Okay.” His shoulders are lifted when you whisper, “Next month on the 20th, I leave for Tokyo. 4pm. Send me off.”
“That’s it?”
You nod, “That’s it.”
He marked it on his calendar, set reminders leading up to the day and for the days in between, he was there. He was at every lunch, always home early, wrapping you in his arms to remind you of the bliss. But the closer the day got, the more anxious you felt. The more you wondered if he would remember that the 20th was a Sunday.
“I’ll meet you out front.” He kissed your lips, “I promise I’ll be here to send you off.”
You kept your arms wrapped around his neck, “Okay. I’ll wait for you.”
Atsumu was on edge the entire day. He checked his phone constantly; it didn’t help that his phone went off every hour to remind him. Nothing, he was thinking nothing would ruin the day.
“What’s up Samu?”
“Hey, so did you want to take the same car to mom and dad’s?”
“It’s Sunday.” Osamu spoke, checking the calendar just in case, “Yeah, it’s Sunday. So you wanna take the same car or what.”
Atsumu looked at the time, four hours until you were to leave, “I don’t think I can make it this Sunday Samu.”
“Why not?”
“There’s something important I need to do today.”
“Okay, but you know you’ll have to make it up to mom.” Osamu sighs, “Her precious boy missing will be like the end of the world to her.”
Atsumu laughs, “Yeah yeah yeah. I’ll see you guys next Sunday.”
At two hours left, Atsumu was prepared to arrive earlier. A bouquet of flowers in his passenger seat as he drove down the highway, ready to greet you, ready to keep you in his life. Then his phone rang.
“Samu, seriously, I’m not coming.”
“Atsumu.” This wasn’t the voice of his brother, it was his fiancée, “We won’t be able to make it to the dinner either, are you sure you can’t go?”
“It’s fine babe, it’s not that serious!” Osamu’s voice heard lowly in the background.
“Not that serious? You’re in a hospital bed.”
“I just bumped my head.” Osamu yells.
“You have a concussion!” She shrieks back at him. Her tone lowered when she turns back to the phone, “Atsumu, you still there? Samu said you had something important to do today and it’s totally understandable if you can’t go to the dinner; but maybe you could stop by the hospital; they want to keep him over night, I could go to the dinner and explain to your parents.”
An hour and thirty minutes until you leave.
Osamu’s fiancée ran out the door the moment he stepped in. Atsumu scowled at his brother, “What stupid thing did you do this time.”
Osamu is happily eating a jelly cup, “Climbed a tree.”
“Of course, what if something happened Samu?” Atsumu lightly pushed Osamu’s head, “You’re so stupid.”
“So,” Osamu tosses the empty cup into the trash, “What’s so important today that you are skipping dinner?”
Atsumu looks at the time, “Y/n is leaving for Tokyo, she’s got some work to do there for a few days.”
Osamu notices the way his brother looks pressed for time, “So romantic, you’re gonna send her off.”
“You’re not gonna die are you?” Atsumu’s leg is bouncing.
“This is why I said you gotta be careful Samu.” Atsumu’s phone goes off, he stops the alarm.
“Look, if you need to leave then go.”
Atsumu crosses his arms, “I can’t always be there for you!” His voice was starting to get louder, “I can’t always be responsible for taking care of you!”
“Okay!” Osamu’s growled, “You didn’t have to come here!”
“If I didn’t then who else would be here!” Atsumu began to weep, his lips in a scowl, “I’m older. I’m the older brother, through and through, if I wasn’t there for you, who knows what would have happened.”
“You act like you’re ten years older than me!” Osamu barks, “You’re only 4 minutes older! Stop treating me like I’m a burden! You’re the older brother, so what!” Osamu falls back onto the bed.
Atsumu’s phone goes off again. An hour left.
Osamu looks at the anxiousness in his brother, “Just go.” Osamu waves a finger, “Whatever it is that’s going on between you two, it’s more important than me. Just go.”
Atsumu doesn’t waver, “But.”
“You wanna sacrifice for me, get out of here.” Osamu catches the way his brother’s lips twitch to a smile.
“I’ll bring you back food, whatever you want, just text me.”
Atsumu is running out the door. Forty-five minutes left when he enters his car. He curses when he hits a red light. Fingers finding your contact, your voicemail plays in his ear.
“I’m on my way!” He’s shouting, heart beating out of his chest, “Please, believe me, I’m on my way. I’ll be a little late.” He’s heavy breathing, “but I’m coming.”
Fifteen minutes left but he’s still twenty-five minutes away. You listened to his voicemail, waiting patiently on the sofa. You have to start getting ready to go. You wish the elevators would move slowly, maybe get jammed for a second. Even as the taxi pulls up, you linger outside of the car door.
“I’m sorry, could we just wait a few more minutes.” You say to the driver.
Five minutes passed.
“Do you still want to wait?” The driver asks.
A sigh leaves your, “No.” You were already behind schedule, “Let’s go.”
You stare at your phone screen, hoping for a message from him. The sudden jolt of the car makes your head collide with the passenger seat. Your hand rubbing the throbbing part of your head as you hear the driver yell about a lunatic.
“I’m here!” Atsumu ignores the driver, banging on your window, “See, I’m here.” He’s pulling the locked handle of your door, frustrated that it wouldn’t open.
When you unlock it, he swings it wide open. Out of breath, he’s pulling you by the back of your neck; the kiss making your head spin. Before you can even register it, the sunlight bounces off his fingers; a gold band sitting between his index finger and thumb.
“And I will always be here.”
“Oh my god.” Your jaw is dropping, “What are you doing.” He’s getting on his knee, your breath caught in your throat, “Don’t.”
“Will you marry me?”
Your palms are pressed together, your fingers pressed to your lips. There’s a long pause and you take his hands into yours, “No.” The way his smile falters makes your heart clench, “Not like this.”
“What do you mean? This is what you wanted right?” He holds the ring out to you.
You run a hand through your hair, “I only wanted you here and you did that. You’re here.” You take the ring, settling it against his palm, “That’s all I ever wanted, that’s all I asked.” You pull him by the cheeks, squishing his face with a smile on yours, “You proved to me that you can be here; I mean you’re late but we can work on that.” You peck his lips quickly, “We can talk about marriage another time, but I wasn’t asking you to propose to me. It’s a really cute but very extreme gesture.”
His eyes are brimming with tears, “I thought I’d lose you forever.” Atsumu was truly soft hearted.
Your phone goes off, the alarm breaking the air between you two, “Shoot.” Your hands fall from his cheeks, “I’m late. I don’t think I’ll make it to the train.”
“I’ll drive you.” Atsumu perks up, “Right here, right now.”
“You’re kidding.” You laugh but the thin smile on his face says otherwise, “You’re literally so busy. You have volleyball practice tomorrow, it’s Sunday you’re parents are expecting you for dinner, and what if something happens to Osamu while you’re gone.”
“Practice doesn’t start until nine in the morning, I can make it back if I don’t sleep; my parents aren’t expecting me today, and Samu is in the hospital with a concussion plus he has his future wife. He doesn’t need me anymore.” Atsumu rests a smirk on his lips, “Give me something harder.”
“Wait, Osamu is in the hospital?”
Atsumu blinks, “Yeah, that’s why I was late. Oh yeah, I borrowed this from Samu too.” The ring twirls on his finger.
“You were going to propose to me with your brother’s ring.”
“Hey!” Your gaze shoots behind your shoulder, the cab driver pressing his horn, “Am I taking you or not?”
Atsumu is apologizing to the driver, grabbing your bags from the back of the car, he still pays a hefty tip to the driver for the inconvenience. As the driver leaves, Atsumu lifts your bags with one hand, the other extending out to you.
“Shall we go on a road trip.”
You take his hand, lacing your fingers with his, “But first, we should stop by the hospital; you need to return the ring.”
“You’re right.” He nods, “It’s too ugly for you. You need something big, something grand. I’m thinking diamonds.”
You cackle while settling yourself into the passenger seat. Two hours into the drive, Atsumu peeks at your sleeping figure. His thumb rubbing against the back of your hand. He presses a kiss your fingers. He knew all too well that diamonds would never suit your taste. You were about simplicity, less was more, actions louder than words. How he was going to propose, what ever ring he was going to choose, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was you; that you were with him and that with one phone call, he’d be running to you.
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stillwinchester · 3 years
Destiel AU - toddler!jack, mechanic!dean
“Good morning, sir!”
Dean looked up from his newspaper straight at the kid with a teddy bear. He had no idea where it came from. He was just sipping his coffee and reading the news, when some stranger toddler appeared on the seat in front of him.
“Umm, mornin'?” he greeted him, still confused.
“I have a birthday today,” said kid and grinned. Dean looked around, but nobody seemed to bother with his situation.
“Congratulations, but you shouldn't be alone here. Where's your mom?”
“In Heaven. She's watching over me, like an angel,” kid explained, and after that kicked him accidentally under the table. Dean dusted his knee off.
“And what about your dad?”
“There!” he pointed to the counter, where was standing a dark hair man in the trench coat. “He's buying birthday's milkshakes. Strawberry!”
“Yeah?” Dean relaxed a little bit, good that kid wasn't alone here. “And how old are you?”
“Four! It's more than three,” he said cheerfully. “Look, I have The Marvelous Marvin. He can talk!”
Kid showed him a teddy bear and pressed his belly. A plushie toy said: 'Hello!', his father turned around immediately and came quickly to Dean's table. He picked the kid up and spoke to him:
“Jack, I told you, don't harass people.” And then to Dean: “My apologies.”
“Nothing happened... He's a great kiddo.”
The man tried to smile, but he was too much embarrassed, so it lookes more like a grimace. Jack, on the other hand, seemed not to care about anything, playing with his teddy bear.
Dean pulled something out from his pocket and asked: “Hey, Jack, do you like stickers?”
“So, I have something for you. Happy birthday, buddy!”
It was a commercial sticker with a big text "Singer Auto Repair Shop", but there was also a picture of Chevy Impala which was what Jack noticed first.
“A car!” exclaimed Jack, putting a sticker on his teddy bear at once.
“Jack, what do you say?” reminded him his father.
“Thank you, sir!”
“You're welcome!”
The man put Jack on the seat at the next table and went back to Dean.
“I'm sorry once again, he's a little too much excited,” he excused for his son.
“Sure, nothing happened.” Dean shrugged. “I'm Dean, by the way.”
“Castiel.” They shook their hands, and Dean smiled at him.
“It's nice to meet you.”
“You too.” Cas smiled back. “I'm not gonna take more of your time. Have a nice day.”
Cas sat across of his son. The waitress had brought their milkshakes already. The kid started drinking, but a few seconds later he was talking again.
“Dad, can I try yours?”
Dean heared a chuckle, he looked at Cas and caught how he was rolling his eyes.
“They're the same, Jack.”
“Please... I have a birthday,” begged the kid with a sweet voice.
“All right.” Cas gasped, but changed their milkshakes.
“Yours is better,” admitted Jack, and Cas laughed once again.
Dean finished his coffee and walked away a few minutes later, one more time looking at them. The family picture, a lovely and cute view...
Cas knew shit about cars, but he was certainly sure his truck shouldn't make so weird noises.
“Crap,” he murmured. Did he say it loud? Crap! He turned to the back seats where Jack was sitting in the child chair. “You didn't hear anything, Jack.”
“That's not true! You said: crap!” said excited Jack. “Crap, crap! Crap, crap!”
Great! Now his kid expanded his vocabulary.
“I think grocery needs to wait. Somebody needs to check our car.”
“Maybe Marvin? He's a mechanic. He has a badge.” Jack pointed at the sticker on his teddy bear.
“Oh, honeybee, I think we need the other specialist, but thank Marvin for his service.”
Cas pulled out the phone to find some Auto Repair Shop on the internet when he realized that actually Marvin could help. He gave a quick look at the sticker and read an address.
“I have no idea how to fix a car. Sometimes I even forget to refuel it,” explained Cas to the old man with a baseball cap. He had found out earlier it’s Bobby Singer, owner of this Auto Shop. For a moment, he felt disappointment because deeply in his heart he had hoped he was going to see Dean from the milk bar again.
“I’ll call my best mechanic. We can handle it,” Bobby assured him, and after that he turned around and yelled: “Dean, we have a client, can you come here?”
Dean got out from under one of the cars. He was wearing work clothes, and his face was dirty from grease, but Cas recognized him at once. Jack, who was standing next to him, was too busy with his teddy bear to notice him.
“Oh, Cas. Hi,” said Dean, frowning with confusion. Probably he didn’t expect to see him again.
“Hello, Dean.”
“And how are you, Jack?” he asked a toddler.
“Good! Marvin took us here!”
“Yeah, so let’s see what’s wrong with a car.”
Dean opened the hood and checked the car. It didn’t take him a lot of time before he found cause of trouble.
“It's the engine...” explained Dean.
“Crap!” said Jack, and Dean looked at him surprised.
“Whoa, isn't it a big word for so little guy?”
“I'm big now! And dad taught me that!”
Cas’ cheeks turned red at once, and he mumbled: “No, I... I didn't.”
“You did, daddy. Don't you remember? Truck was broken.”
Dean chuckled, but he was not going to torture him any longer.
“Okay, I need at least half an hour. You can wait there if you want.” He pointed to a bench near a big tree.
“All right, thank you.”
Dean started working, but his eyes were heading to Cas and Jack all the time. He saw how they were talking and playing with a teddy bear, laughing all the time. They looked so happy, and Dean found himself jealous of what they had.
When he finished, he called them and Bobby. Cas paid for the repair and thanked him for help. They didn't go at once, so Dean used an opportunity to talk with him a little longer.
“He's similar to you, like Mini-Cas,” said Dean, and Cas smiled with proud.
“Actually, he's not my biological son... His mother was my very good friend, but she died in childbirth, so I took care of him,” he explained.
“What about his biological father?”
“It's my brother, but I don't know where he is. He ran away when he found out Kelly was pregnant.”
“This one,” started Bobby and patted Dean on the arm. “I kinda adopted him and his brother. And they're good men. I think I did no bad job raising them.”
“Yeah, you were always a better father to me than John.”
Bobby squeezed Dean’s shoulder, and walked away to talk with Jack. Cas looked at his son with love in his eyes.
“It must be hard, huh? Be a lonely father with a toddler?”
“Sometimes. But I've never regretted this. He's my whole life.”
After a long minute of silence, Dean decided to go one step further. He scratched a back of his neck and cleared the throat.
“Listen, Cas, I'll give you my private number...” he started, but then added quickly: “You know if something would be wrong with a car, just call me.”
Shit! It wasn't supposed to look like this... He chickened out.
“Umm, thank you,” said Cas, putting the card with his number in his coat's pocket. “Dean, one more.”
“Would it be okay if I call you on another matter?”
“Which means?”
“If I want to, for example, invite you for a milkshake?”
Dean's face brightened with a smile. So, it wasn't like he was the only one who was interested.
“Yeah... it would be okay, Cas.”
“So, I think I'll call you.”
“I will be waiting.”
Cas gave him a huge smile one more time before he went to Jack.
“Jack, we need to come home. Let's go!” He took him on his arms.
“Okay, daddy!” Jack raised his hand and waved with it. “Bye, bye, Dean!”
“See you later, buddy! Oh, and I have another sticker for you,” said Dean.
“It's like a doctor, but without needles.”
“Yeah, I'm a car doctor.”
They drove away, this time without a noisy engine, and Cas thought it's a very good day.
Cas put Jack to bed, read him the bedtime stories and kissed his forehead. He turned the light off, but stayed there a few minutes more, just to look at his sleeping kid.
Yes, like he said before, being a single father wasn't always easy, but he would never change his life. At least not in this area. Because, of course, he would like to find somebody who could love Jack like their own son, and somebody who could love him...
Sometimes, especially in the nights like this, he felt lonely, it wasn't like he has a lot of time to meet new people, not to mention dates. That's why he went to the kitchen to make a call.
“Yeah?” asked Dean, and Cas couldn't help smile, hearing his voice.
“Hello, Dean. It's Cas. I hope I don't call too late.”
Answer came almost immediately.
“No. It's never too late.”
Part 2
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notcorrect-persona5 · 4 years
In Defense of Yosuke’s Parents
I’ve seen so many posts about Yosuke having bad parents which really surprised me because I didn’t get that impression at all. I’ve been meaning to make a post in defense of his parents, but I’ve been working on a Yu analysis. After I saw @personuhh​’s post I thought I’d offer an alternative perspective. I’ll be addressing some of the things they brought up first, and then I’ll get into additional evidence. I have edited this post since I originally posted it because I I wanted to elaborate and reword some things.
My Response
You’re right, Yosuke does take on way more responsibility than a part-timer should. However, I don’t think that’s his parents doing. It seems like Junes is extremely understaffed. In his social link, Yosuke says his dad was “bugging him to find helpers.” I volunteer at a small location of a large church (much like the Inaba branch of Junes), and I have been asked to find more volunteers over and over again because they’re desperate for more help. It’s a lot of work and not enough people. Additionally, both Yu and Chie come in to help due to the lack of staff. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mrs. Hanamura helped out too as Teddie’s under the impression that Yosuke’s parents are always together (which I’ll talk about later). 
On top of that, Yosuke mentions part-timers ditching work and slacking off. When an employee doesn’t show up, Yosuke (and Teddie) are often called in because their managers know they’ll show up. People who are reliable are given more responsibility, period. It sucks, but if someone needs help they aren’t going to ask someone who they don’t see as dependable. I volunteer at church every week, and I have been asked countless times if that’s okay because they don’t want to overwork me. Every time I say I don’t mind, and I assume Yosuke would have the same reaction if asked. Not only is it Yosuke’s natural instinct to help people, but he was kind of a pushover before the events of (and at the start of) Persona 4. In his third awakening, Yosuke says he was overworked and taken for granted. That’s not okay, and it’s a huge problem, but Mr. Hanamura isn't the cause of that. Mr. Hanamura is the general manager; his job isn’t to create the part-timer’s schedules. 
It’s true that Yosuke tries to work out the problems of other employees and listens to their complaints. There is no indication that Yosuke was told to do this, and I don’t know why he would be. In his social link, there are two girls who act as if he has more power than he does. They demand a raise, ask him to give them the day off, and assume he has knowledge about another employee’s schedule. Yosuke says he doesn't have the power to help them, and in a manga page he says “I may be the manager’s son, but I’m still just an employee.” Yosuke is doing much more than the average part-timer, but he isn’t being given the responsibilities of a manager.
As for the Junes concert, Mr. Hanamura did not tell Yosuke he was going to be fired. Yosuke came to that conclusion himself. Mr. Hanumura did not ask Yosuke to find a solution or ask Rise for help. Yosuke only asked Rise for help because he was scared of moving again. I understand how the phrase “awfully nice for some reason” could come across as odd, but I don’t think he meant his dad isn’t usually nice. In the Persona 4 Manga that scene is translated as “My Dad’s been extra nice to me” meaning his dad is nice, he’s just being extra nice, and I’m not surprised. Yosuke was extremely unhappy when he moved to Inaba. Despite trying to hide his feelings, you can see in The Magician that he didn’t do a very good job of it. And now that Yosuke is finally happy, they might be forced to move again. Of course, Mr. Hanamura would feel guilty. Oftentimes, when people feel guilty, they start acting nicer - unnaturally so - to make themselves feel better. Chie (who is already very kind) even does it after she and Yukiko spend Yosuke’s money on clothes for Teddie. Yosuke notices the shift in her attitude and tells her that he’s worried. It’s the same reaction he had toward his dad’s behavior.
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The only reason I bring up Chie is to show an in-game example of someone being overly nice due to guilt. What Chie did was wrong, that’s why she feels guilty. The reason Mr. Hanamura would feel guilty is his job may have to move his entire family again. The cause of their guilt is different, but they are responding the same way.
I don’t think Mrs. Hanamura not wanting her son to own porn is unreasonable. My mom doesn’t like magic, so I wasn’t allowed to read or watch Harry Potter growing up. Similarly, a friend of mine wasn’t allowed to watch iCarly. As for Mrs. Hanamura burning Yosuke’s porn in Arena, that’s the third time (that we know of) that she’s seen his porn. I assume she’s told him she doesn’t want him looking at pornography, but he continues to do so anyway. Burning his magazines may seem dramatic, but she was likely just frustrated that he kept disobeying her. 
I don’t think Yosuke’s parents are the reason why Yosuke wants to be seen as manly. I haven’t seen anything that implies that. I think Yosuke’s desperation to be seen as a man comes from Japanese society and his fears regarding his sexuality.
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Mr. Hanamura came up with this slogan because they were selling jinbei's which are traditionally worn by men. It’s a play on words. This isn’t the first time Mr. Hanamura has come up with a cringey slogan.
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It seems Mr. Hanamura has that stereotypically “dad humor” which is typically associated with positive father figures (it’s not always). Yosuke saying his dad is still saying the “MANsoon” slogan gave me reminds of kids being like “Dad, that’s a bad joke, stop”, but the dad continuing to make his bad jokes regardless. It’s very Disney Channel and sit-com like.
I don’t remember Teddie saying he watches violent war movies with Mr. Hanamura, but I don’t see how that connects to the idea of Mr. Hanamura pushing Yosuke to be a “more masculine, traditional, unshakable, unemotional man.” The idea that only those types of men watch war movies is the type of thinking Kanji’s and Naoto’s shadows were trying to address. I don’t think Mr. Hanamura cares about being that type of stereotypical/traditional man because of his relationship with Teddie. Teddie is not very masculine (he even says so in Persona Q, screenshot will be later), and he isn’t hiding it. 
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This exchange is from Kanji’s Persona 4 Club Profile. Teddie went to the store to buy female clothing, and he asked Kanji to make him a dress (the one from the cross dressing pageant). He already owned his “Alice dress” before the cross dressing competition, and I assume he’s worn it. In Arena, you can see the dress is hung out in the open in their bedroom. He also wears hair clips. 
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This is not “masculine behavior” yet the Hanamuras don’t seem to have a problem with it. If anything, I’d say they’re pretty open-minded. If they disliked that way Teddie behaved, Teddie would change himself to fit the way they want him to be. I mean, the kid literally grew two new bodies in effort to get people to like him. Due to Teddie’s low self-esteem and need to be loved, he takes any sort of criticism to heart and does his best to act the way others want him too. In Persona Q, Yukari says he’d be cute if he was quiet, so Teddie stops talking. 
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In Persona Q, Teddie says he’s realized that to steal hearts he needs to be manly. He gets this realization from Koromaru. He did not think this prior. 
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Teddie saying Koromaru gave him this realization means the Hanmuras never said anything to him about his less masculine behavior. 
As for the song lyrics you posted, I don’t really think that means anything. Yeah, people often relate to the music they listen to, but they don’t have to relate to every lyric or even song. My favorite artist is Taylor Swift, but I don’t really like romance. I don’t relate to most of her songs, but I still jam out to them. I could be super wrong about the song thing though because I’m not a huge music person.
My Own Additional Analysis (with some elements of response)
In this section I’m going to talk about Mr. and Mrs. Hanamura’s character and personality, their relationship with each other, Teddie, and Yosuke.
Let’s start off by talking about their personality. They seem to be very carefree people. Yosuke has less than average grades. In the Persona 4 Animation, he didn’t even show up to one of the exam days. Academics is extremely important in Japanese society, yet his parents don’t seem to be pushing him to get better grades. Considering how carefree Yosuke can be, it makes sense that he may have gotten that trait from his parents. 
Yosuke’s family is pretty wealthy. It’s mentioned more than once. They also live in a pretty big house (you can see it in The Magician), Yosuke’s cell phone seems to be a newer model, and he has a large, flatscreen TV in his bedroom which wouldn’t be very common when the game took place. Despite this, Yosuke works for his own money. He complains about being broke and needing save up. I think the reason why Yosuke has a job despite being well-off is because his parents want him to have work experience and grow up to be a hardworking person, so he can succeed in life. It makes me think that hardwork is important to them.
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Due to this conversation, I think Mr. Hanamura is a very honest man. Yosuke says he was surprised his dad was against selling gas masks, likely because from a business standpoint, that’s a really big missed opportunity. I think it’s also worth noting that ATLUS talks a lot about how people naturally fit into the masses, including the main characters. That’s why it’s surprising that his father is going against the masses. Although he’s losing money and has faced many hardships running Junes, Mr. Hanamura refused to do something that was against his moral compass.
In Persona 4 Drama CD #1, Junes is closing down half of the electronics section due to a lack of sales. Despite this taking place in March, Teddie panics and hopes to sell a TV set in a month in exchange for keeping the TV they enter the TV World through where it is. 
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Yosuke isn’t afraid to ask his dad two huge favors with a not very good reason (side note: Yosuke had to lie because the truth is that’s the TV he and his friends used to go into the TV world and fight shadows). Despite Yosuke’s best efforts, his father says no. He doesn’t really have any choice but to close part of the electronics floor. Junes is losing money by keeping it open. I think Mr. Hanamura gave him the vouchers because that’s the only other way he can help. Teddie made a deal that if he sells one TV set by the end of the month, they’ll keep the TV that leads to the TV world. He’s trying to advertise the TV set by promising other surprise items coming with it. These Junes vouchers are part of those surprise items. 
It’s no secret that many of the shopping district families despise Junes and the Hanamuras. Many horrible things have been said about their family, yet Junes still teams up with the shopping district in the YasoInaba Case File to help keep them afloat. Whether or not this was Mr. Hanamura’s idea, he’s the one who has to approve it, and he does. Despite being treated horribly by them, he still wants to help the shopping district. Junes teaming up with shopping district might be a good business move, but they didn’t really need to do that. The problem is that Junes is taking away the shopping district’s business. Junes doesn’t need to team up with the shopping district to do well. The two of the teaming up benefits the shopping district way more than Junes. It doesn’t do much for Junes other than the shopping district maybe not hating them. At the end of the day, the shopping district families would still shop at the shopping district to keep their businesses afloat, so Junes isn’t getting a lot more business.
When Teddie came to the real world, Yosuke offered to take Teddie home with no hesitation. He didn’t think it would be a problem with his parents or show any concern about how he would convince them. I think this goes along with them being pretty carefree as well as showing that they’re kind and generous people. Not everyone is willing to take others in like that. Yosuke’s also comfortable with asking his parents such a huge favor.
Teddie talks about Yosuke’s parents in a really positive light, and I would say they treat him like their own son. For example, on January second Teddie says, “I got New Year’s gifts! Yosuke’s mom and dad gave them to me!” (edit: Someone said “notice how Yosuke doesn’t say the same thing.” He doesn’t need to. It’s Japense culture to give younger family members gifts for new Year’s. Yosuke saying something would be the equivalent of, “omg my parents gave me a birthday present!!” It would have been weirder if he did say something then. Teddie is excited because because this is his first New Year’s. He’s never experienced this before. Also, Yosuke did get New Year’s money. He talks about saving it on 1/10 when walking to school).
I think I remember Teddie saying he watches movies with Mrs. Hanamura, but I have no idea where he says that. There’s a 50/50 chance I made that up and convinced myself it was canon, so don’t take my word on that one. 
Teddie breaks A LOT of rules at Junes. He steals topsicles, rode a handi mover through the store, slept on both a display bed and the floor of electronics department, been yelled at for eating samples, been chased by store security, and Yosuke had to monitor Teddie during his late night shift because they didn’t trust him to work alone. Teddie’s a terrible employee, yet he hasn’t been fired. I think the reason for this is he’s basically the manager’s son. I do want to say that just because they consider Teddie as their own child doesn’t mean they treat Yosuke as anything less. I haven’t seen a single thing that has implied that there is favoritism going on.
Yosuke and Teddie act a lot like brothers (Naoki even suspects that they're related), and Yosuke’s parents seem to treat Teddie like their own son. He even wears their family crest in offical art. I looks like ATLUS wnted the four of them to be a family. And If that’s the case, it wouldn’t make any sense for Mr. and Mrs. Hanamura to be bad parents.
Additionally, if Mr. and Mrs. Hanamura treated Yosuke badly, and Teddie noticed, I think Teddie would say something.
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The second Yukari said something slightly mean about Yosuke, Teddie defended him. He doesn’t like when other people say mean things about Yosuke. Not to mention conflict really stresses him out. If Yosuke’s parents treated him badly, I there’s a chance Teddie might see the problem.
I think it’s also worth noting that Yosuke’s parents have a really healthy marriage.
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This quote implies that they’re rarely apart and get along really well. A happy marriage doesn’t automatically equal a healthy household or good parents, but it really increases the likelihood. 
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For context, Yosuke is talking about Teddie in this picture. I’m not from Japan, so I don’t know if most families there eat breakfast together, but my family - despite being very close - does not. We all eat and start our day at different times. In my mind, eating breakfast together is a very domestic thing to do. Even the phrase “Hanamura family breakfast” screams domestic to me.
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This conversation gives me the sense that Mr. Hanamura has a great deal of trust and respect for Yosuke. I mean, I don’t think he would accept Yosuke’s idea if he didn’t. Adding a kid’s menu would be pretty exspensive. Not only do they have to print the kid’s menu, but they have to design them, create new menu items, and depedning on what’s on the menu buy more food or ingredients. That adds up, and if it isn’t successful then they’ll lose money. Mr. Hanamura has to approve that idea, and he’s putting in trust that it’s going to be successful. Also, Yosuke is comfortable enough to “push really hard” for his idea.
All in all, it is my personal opinion that the Hanamurs are a really close family. It would make sense for ATLUS to go in that direction to create a contrast to the Narukami’s, after all. That being said, neither headcanon is wrong. It just comes down to how we interpret the very little information we’re given.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 3 years
The House in the Pines Where the Road Ends
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Fandom: 911 Lone Star
Characters: Carlos Reyes, T.K. Strand, Andrea Reyes, Gabriel Reyes, The Reyes Family
Rating: K
Summary: Four sisters. Nine nieces and nephews. Dozens of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Carlos has a big, loud, over-the-top family, and T.K. is about to meet all of them at the annual Reyes Family Barbecue. It's a day that promises food, fun, and lots of nosy questions. All T.K. wants is to make a good impression and all Carlos wants is for his family not to scare off his boyfriend. When a stray baseball ruins the fun, both T.K. and Carlos will discover that neither of them ever needed to worry.
A/N: I am so happy to FINALLY introduce you to my version of the Reyes family. They have become a character all their own and I love them very dearly. Get ready to see and hear more about them in upcoming fics! I cannot say enough thank you's to @bluenet13​ who has read this fic approximately a billion times in all its different stages, has beta'ed the heck out of it, and still wants to be friends with me.
For the @badthingshappenbingo​ prompt: Sports Injury
Read on Ao3
“Wait, but are you sure this shirt is okay?” T.K. asked, twisting around in front of the mirror to look at it from every possible angle.
“Do you really think my family is going to decide whether or not they like you based on your shirt?” Carlos asked with a laugh.
“It’s their first impression of me,” T.K. said, fussing with the hemline, trying to get it to lay exactly right. “I just want it to be good.”
Carlos came up behind him, wrapping his arms around T.K.’s waist and resting his chin on his shoulder. “They are going to love you.” He pressed a kiss to T.K.’s cheek.
T.K. turned in his arms so they were face to face, anxiety trickling through his veins. “I love you,” he said.
“I know,” Carlos told him. “I love you too.”
“Your family is important to you and I guess I can’t help feeling like…there’s a chance that if they don’t like me…”
“T.K…” Carlos sent him a look of fond exasperation.
“I know!” T.K. said quickly. “I know it’s ridiculous. But if they don’t like me, I don’t know where we go next.”
“I don’t think we need to borrow trouble like that,” Carlos said. “You already know my parents love you. And so do Elena and Elías.”
They’d had dinner at Carlos’ second eldest sister’s home a few weeks back. It had been fun to meet her and her husband along with their daughter, Carolina, and twins, Marco and Diego. Marco was rambunctious and spunky while Diego was more mild mannered and T.K. had enjoyed watching Carlos chase them around the backyard, playing baseball, tag, and wrestling.
But meeting one sister and her family was completely different from attending the annual Reyes Family Barbecue where there would be hundreds of aunts, uncles, and cousins to try and remember.
“Trust me,” Carlos said. “Elena will have spread the word and you’ll already have pre-approval before we even get there.”
“What if I call someone the wrong name?” T.K. asked. “I still think you should have written up a family tree like I asked you to.”
Carlos rolled his eyes. “There’s no point. We’re adding to it like every day there are so many of us. You’ll never be able to remember. If you’re not sure just call them Gabriel or Valentina. There’s a forty percent chance you’ll be right.”
“This isn’t fair,” T.K. said, burying his face in Carlos’ shirt. “I have like, four family members. The playing field is so uneven I don’t even have a chance.”
Carlos kissed his forehead. “Just relax and enjoy the food. That’s all anyone expects of you.”
“I seriously doubt that,” T.K. grumbled.
“Listen, if anybody should be concerned in this situation, it’s me,” Carlos said.
“You?” T.K. raised his eyebrows. “Why?”
“You just said, you come from a small family. My family is big and loud and all up in each other’s business. Francesca alone might be enough to make you run all the way back to New York.”
Carlos had talked before about his wild child fourth sister, Francesca. Apparently she was a force to be reckoned with and had caused quite a bit of trouble as a kid. According to Carlos every time he’d gotten in trouble, it had actually been Francesca’s fault. Well Francesca and Adriana, Carlos’ cousin who was more like a fifth sister. She and Francesca had been born within weeks of each other and been an inseparable duo ever since.
“New York is a pretty long way to run,” T.K. said. “And I’ve gotten kind of used to sleeping with you. I don’t really want to have to break in a new mattress. Oh, and for all I know you’ve gotten kind used to having my exercise bike in your dining room and I would have to buy a new one of those, plus moving costs are out of sight and I am on a civil servant’s salary here.”
Carlos kissed him again. “Come on. We’re already late and if we don’t get there soon then I will be in trouble.”
T.K. had already visited the Reyes family ranch a handful of times, but he had never seen it quite like this. Cars lined every inch of the drive up to the house, from pick-up trucks to mini-vans and everything in between. “Is this a family barbecue or a Lady Gaga concert?” T.K. asked as they got out of the car.
Carlos laughed and reached for his hand. “I told you.”
“Yeah I hoped maybe you were exaggerating a little bit,” T.K. said as they walked toward the driveway. As if he hadn’t been nervous already, now he felt overwhelmed. He was generally charming and good with people, but this was…a lot.
Carlos tensed. “Come this way,” he said, voice low as he tugged T.K. more to the side of the driveway, where a row of cars hid them from view of the house.
“What are we doing?” T.K. asked in confusion.
“Carlitos don’t you even try! We see you over there!” a feminine voice called.
Carlos winced and looked at T.K. “I’m just going to say ahead of time that I’m so sorry.”
“Sorry for what?”
Two women came around the line of cars, each of them holding a drink. “You weren’t trying to hide from us were you?” the taller of the two asked.
“No I was just trying to get T.K. inside without the third degree first,” Carlos said, giving each of them a pointed look.
“Carlitos we’re not going to give him the third degree,” the second woman said, her many earrings flashing in the sunlight. “We’re just going to try and prepare him for what he’s about to face.”
“You don’t need to prepare him,” Carlos said with a sigh of long suffering. “There’s nothing to prepare for.”
“Oh my god Carlos, you cannot just drag him in here without some proper preparation,” the first woman said, turning to look at T.K. “So, you’re the firefighter stripper, huh?”
T.K.’s eyes went wide and he looked to Carlos who had closed his eyes and was shaking his head. “For the last time, he’s a paramedic now and he has never been a stripper.” He opened his eyes and took a breath in a clear attempt to calm himself down. “T.K. I would like you to meet my sister Francesca.”
“His youngest older sister,” Francesca clarified looking T.K. up and down. “You’re hot enough to be a stripper.”
“And my cousin Adriana,” Carlos said loudly in an attempt to stop his sister’s comments. 
“It’s nice to meet you both,” T.K. said with a smile, hoping to diffuse some of the awkwardness. “Carlos has told me a lot about you.”
“Is it about how we were always getting him in trouble when he was a kid? Because that’s a lie,” Adriana said. 
“Total lie,” Francesca echoed. “So, how has it been, living in sin with my brother?”
“Oh my god Francesca can you just let us get through the door first?” Carlos cried.
She shook her head and grinned. “Nope. This is way more fun. Besides, Adriana got to know about him first, so I wanted to meet him before everyone else.”
“Did Carlos tell you not to tell Tía Maria you’re living together?” Adriana asked.
“Um, no, he didn’t mention that,” T.K. said, looking once again to his boyfriend.
“I didn’t really think it was necessary,” Carlos said.
“Tía Maria has strong religious opinions,” Francesca said.
“Oh is she not…” T.K. began to pull his hand from Carlos’ but his boyfriend held on firmly.
“Tía Maria is fine with the gay, she’s just not all right with fornication,” Adriana said with a grin, eyeing T.K. for his reaction.
“Oh my god, forget it, we’re going home,” Carlos said, trying to turn around, but Francesca grabbed his other arm.
“Nuh uh hermano,” she said sweetly. “Mom and Dad are expecting you. I already texted them and told them you’re here.”
“Wait hold on, I’m confused,” T.K. said, feeling slightly panicked as the conversation moved so quickly around him. “What do I need to know about Tía Maria?”
“Tía Maria is very against pre-marital sex,” Francesca said.
“In her mind we’re all pure, sweet, innocent little virgins, waiting to give up our virtue to our husbands on our wedding nights,” Adriana said, her face suggesting that she’d rather throw up than submit to that particular lifestyle. “Little does she know that ship has sailed.”
“Under the bleachers with Jake Thompson in the eleventh grade,” Francesca said.
“In Mike Kowalski’s backseat…”
“After prom with Sebastian Chavez…”
“Okay that’s enough of the sexcapades thank you,” Carlos said, looking disgusted.
“You didn’t think I needed to know this?” T.K. said looking at Carlos.
“I am not ashamed of us living together,” Carlos told him. “I don’t care if Tía Maria knows.”
“Ugh barf,” Francesca said. “God I wanted to be mad at you for caving and leaving us all alone at the singles table but you’re so grossly in love I don’t even want you there anymore.”
“Can we go in now?” Carlos asked. “Is this little interrogation over with?”
“Oh you can go in, but it’s far from over,” Adriana said, wrenching T.K.’s arm away from Carlos and tucking it into her own as she walked him toward the house. “So, T.K. What can we get you to drink? Beer? Margarita? Or are you a wine snob? You look like you could be a wine snob.”
“He’s from New York, they’re all wine snobs there,” Francesca said.
“T.K. doesn’t drink,” Carlos called from behind him. “You already know that.”
Adriana nodded. “Just checking. That’s cool. I did the sober thing for like six months once. My skin was so great.”
“Okay, I’m taking T.K. inside now,” Carlos said, rescuing his arm from Adriana’s grip. “You two can go back to wherever it is you came from. I’m going to guess…the gates of hell?”
“So rude Carlos,” Francesca said with a roll of her eyes.
“Come on Cesca, I need another margarita,” Adriana said, pulling her toward the back of the house.
“But I have more questions!”
“Questions later! Margarita now!”
They disappeared around the side of the house, leaving Carlos looking embarrassed and T.K. feeling like he’d just been through a whirlwind. “You can literally ignore everything about them,” Carlos said as he opened the door. “Just pretend they don’t exist. That’s what the rest of us do when they get like this.”
T.K. had a feeling neither Francesca nor Adriana liked to be ignored, but Andrea greeted them immediately as they walked inside, leaving him no opportunity for further questions or conversation. “T.K.! Carlitos! Welcome!”
There were a few other people milling around inside, but it seemed like most of the family was in the backyard. T.K. could hear music playing and the smell of barbecue wafted through the glass slider doors that led to the oversized back patio.
“Sorry we’re late Mama,” Carlos said, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s my fault,” T.K. said. “I had a shift and it ran over.”
“No apologies necessary,” Andrea said, waving a hand. “I understand the important work you boys do. I’m just sorry your dad couldn’t make it T.K.”
“He said to tell you hello and that he will be here for sure next time,” T.K. told her with a smile.
It had been a huge relief to find out that the party was scheduled while his dad was on shift. The last thing he needed was one more thing to give him anxiety about meeting Carlos’ family.
Andrea caught his face in both hands. “We are so glad you’re here T.K.” she said, kissing him on the cheek. “Now, let’s get you something to drink. I’ve got lots of that fancy water you like.”
The back slider opened as Andrea pulled a water from the refrigerator for T.K. “Boys! Bienvenidos!” Gabriel boomed as he stepped inside, bringing the scent of barbecue with him.
“Gabriel close that door before the air conditioning gets out,” Andrea scolded.
“Of course mi amor,” he said. “I was just looking for another set of tongs. Daniel is going to help with the second grill.”
“They’re in the pantry,” Andrea said. “Where they always are.”
Gabriel paused to kiss her on the cheek. “What would I do without you?”
“Starve?” Carlos suggested with a cheeky smile as he grabbed a grape off the counter and popped it in his mouth.
Gabriel snorted. “Probably.”
“All right now you two, head on outside and join the party,” Andrea said. “You don’t want to be stuck in here with me.”
“Are you sure?’ Carlos asked. “We can stay and help.”
“No, no,” Andrea said quickly. “Gloria will be back in a minute. Go! Enjoy! Introduce T.K. to the family.” She lowered her voice. “But don’t tell Tía Maria that you live together. You know how she gets and I do not need another lecture on how I raised my children with loose morals.”
“Yes, for everyone’s sanity, please keep that to yourselves,” Gabriel said, reappearing with the tongs in hand. “No need for my sister to know that you are breaking the commandments.”
T.K. turned and looked at his boyfriend. “Everyone seems very concerned about this.”
Carlos shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Everyone is overreacting. Tía Maria isn’t that scary.” He kissed T.K. on the side of his head and grabbed his hand. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you. Besides, there are so many people here, we might not even see Tía Maria.”
They stepped out the door into the backyard. To the left was a play set that dozens of children were taking advantage of. To the right were several grills, all smoking away, the tables next to them already piled high with food and drink. And underneath sprawling oak trees dozens of picnic tables and lawn chairs had been set up, all of them full of people talking, laughing, and eating together. 
“I knew you should have made that family tree for me,” T.K. said, starting to feel really nervous now as he saw exactly how many people had scattered across the backyard.
They made it about four feet before they were accosted by well meaning relatives. Cousins, aunts, uncles, everyone seemed to want to meet Carlos’ new boyfriend. T.K. smiled and nodded and tried in vain to remember everyone’s names. Carlos hadn’t been exaggerating, there were a lot of Gabriels and Valentinas.
“Ay, okay, leave the boys alone,” a woman finally said, interrupting the melée. She sported a longer version of Carlos’ curls and T.K. remembered her face from some of the family photos. “Shame on all of you, they haven’t even eaten anything.”
She turned a warm smile on them as the crowd dispersed and went back to their merriment. “Hola T.K. I’m Teresa.”
Carlos’ oldest sister. She and her husband Javier lived in San Diego with their four kids, Valentina, Eva, Gabriel, and Bianca. Their visit to town was the reason the barbecue had been scheduled for this particular weekend. 
“Nice to meet you,” T.K. said, immediately feeling the same warmth and comfort radiate from her that he did from Carlos. 
She turned and pulled her brother in for a hug, whispering something in his ear that made him laugh. “Come on. You can sit with us. I’ll fend off the nosy relatives,” she told them.
“Thank you,” Carlos said in relief. “I didn’t think it would be quite this bad.”
“You never do,” she said with a smile as she led them to the picnic table where her husband Javier was sitting with another couple that T.K. thought he recognized. 
“T.K. this is my husband Javier. And have you met Lucía and Justin yet?” Teresa asked.
Ah, Lucía. Carlos’ third oldest sister. She and Justin lived with their kids in McKinney and had driven up for the weekend. They had been set to attend the dinner with Elena and Elías but one of the boys had ended up in a soccer championship so they’d had to cancel. 
“So T.K. I hear you’re from New York? Nice to have another East Coaster join the party,” Justin said.
“Oh yeah, Carlos said you’re from Philly right?” T.K. asked.
“Born and bred,” Justin raised an eyebrow. “You don’t cheer for the Giants do you?”
T.K. smiled. “I’m more of a Mets fan actually. Football’s not really my thing.”
“Well that means I don’t have to hate you, but don’t say that too loud in Texas. Football is life here,” Justin told him.
“So I’ve noticed,” T.K. replied.
“Tío Carlos!” a gaggle of kids ran up to the table all of them clamoring for Carlos. 
“Tío Carlos I got on my soccer team at school!”
“Can you come play baseball!”
“Did you know my tooth is falling out?”
“Is that your boyfriend?”
Everyone talked at once and Carlos seemed to take it in stride, giving hugs and ruffling hair, looking at loose teeth, and promising to come and play in a minute.
“Hey, all of you, adiós,” Elena said. “Leave Tío Carlos alone. He’ll play with you later.”
It took a few more admonishments from their parents, but eventually the children dispersed to different corners of the ranch. “We’re doing you a favor T.K.,” Lucía told him, rocking baby Nicolás back and forth. “Once Carlos goes with the children he doesn’t come back.”
“He’s their favorite uncle,” Justin explained.
“And for good reason,” Javier added. “His knees are young and spry.”
“You guys are exaggerating. The kids love everybody,” Carlos said with a roll of his eyes.
Teresa shook her head. “It’s okay to admit that you’re their favorite Carlos. You’ve earned the honor.” She looked at T.K. “Carlos is too modest.”
“So I’ve noticed,” T.K. said fondly and he could see Carlos blush a little bit.
“Okay that’s enough of that,” Carlos said. “We’ve been here half an hour and no one has offered me any food. What has happened to this family?”
The situation was fixed immediately and T.K. found himself with more food than one person could possibly hope to consume, sitting and listening to the Reyes siblings recount stories from their childhood.
T.K. felt the bench next to him shift and turned to find Francesca and Adriana joining them.
“Did Carlos tell you about the time he ran away from home?” Teresa asked.
Carlos groaned. “No, do we have to tell this story every time?”
“Yes, because it’s hilarious,” Elena said. “He was what, about six at the time?”
“I was sixteen so yes,” Teresa said. “Carlitos was mad because all of us sisters got to go to a movie and he didn’t. So he wrote a note saying he was running away and never coming back.”
“And then he disappeared for seven hours,” Lucía chimed in. “Mom was beside herself. They checked the entire house, called all his friends, she was sure he’d been eaten by a coyote.”
“Well I was the one who found him,” Teresa said with a smile. “Up in that tree,” she pointed several feet to the left, “crying because he’d climbed up too high and couldn’t get down.”
“We had to call the fire department to come and get him,” Francesca said with a smirk.
“And when they got him down, did he get in trouble?” Elena asked. “Nope. Because Mama was all—“
“My baby!” all four women chorused together. 
“Carlitos never gets in trouble,” Adriana said. “Ever. All he has to do is bat his eyelashes at Tía Andrea and she starts talking about how innocent and sweet he is and how he could never start a fight or break a window…”
Carlos had put a hand to his forehead and looked like he was in physical pain. “Are you done now?” he asked.
“No way,” Lucía piped up. “We still have to tell T.K. about the time you drove the tractor into the pond.”
“The pedal was stuck!” Carlos cried.
“That’s what he says every time,” Francesca told T.K. “It’s a lie.”
Carlos burst forth in a tirade of Spanish, likely exonerating himself from the tractor-pond fiasco and all of the women immediately began to contradict him. T.K. wasn’t sure whether to smile or intervene as they all talked over each other. His high school level Spanish could only pick up the occasional word. 
“This happens every time,” Elías said. “They’ll calm down in a minute.”
“A minute?” Javier said. “Forget a minute. We can all leave, they’ll be at it for at least half an hour now.”
Things really came to a head when Francesca stood, slammed her hands against the table, and shouted, “I did not put that goat in Lucí’s bed, that was Elena!”
“I watched you do it!” Carlos yelled back.
“Well then your brain is broken because that is not what happened!” Francesca said, pointing a finger at him.
The argument was broken up by the arrival of Andrea, followed closely by another woman T.K. didn’t recognize. “Girls! Ya basta! Qué esta pasando? Arguing in front of our guests, what is wrong with you?” she said, setting a large plate of taquitos in front of them.
“Disculpa Mama,” they all muttered, but T.K. caught Francesca giving Carlos the finger under the table and then she jumped a second later when he pinched her leg.
“Honestly,” she scoffed at them. “I am ashamed of all of you. T.K. I apologize on behalf of my daughters. I did not raise them to be like this.”
“See?” Lucía said with a roll of her eyes. “We’re all in trouble, but Carlitos is completely innocent.”
“Of course he’s innocent, he would never argue in front of guests,” Andrea said. “Did you all say hello to Tía Maria?”
“Hola Tía,” they all chorused.
“And Maria, this is T.K., Carlos’ boyfriend,” Andrea said with a smile.
T.K. felt himself stiffen under the intense gaze of Carlos’ infamous aunt. But he smiled and waved a hand. “Hi, nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” she said. She turned and looked at Teresa and Javier. “Cuándo será la primera comunión de Marco y Diego?"
T.K. caught a glimpse of Francesca who smiled at him and raised her eyebrows in an “I told you so” kind of way. 
“Later this summer,” Elena said smoothly. “We will send you an invitation of course.”
“They are a bit behind, no? Why the delay in this important milestone?”
“Tía, with Covid and everything it all just got pushed back. Don’t worry,” Elena told her.
“You’d better get a move on,” Adriana said. “We wouldn’t want them to miss out on all the blessings of the Lord.”
Tía Maria’s eyes narrowed as she picked up on Adriana’s sarcasm. “Is there something wrong with wanting my nephews to grow up properly in the church?”
“Of course not,” Andrea said quickly. “And they are Maria. Very good, pious little boys.”
T.K. saw the mischievous glint in Francesca’s eye as she opened her mouth. “So T.K., you live with your dad?” 
Everyone at the table froze and turned to look daggers in her direction. “Ah Maria! The watermelon! We forgot it inside, come on,” Andrea said quickly, glaring at her daughter over her shoulder as she ushered Maria away.
“Cesca!” Teresa chastised as soon as they were out of earshot.
“I was just trying to take the pressure off of Elena,” Francesca said innocently, taking a sip of her mojito.
“You were trying to stir up trouble,” Lucía said as the baby began to fuss. 
“Well someone has to keep things fun around here!”
“Mom! Mom! Mom!” Marco and Diego ran toward them, kicking up dirt as they skidded to a stop by the table and interrupted the conversation. 
“Mom can I have another cookie?” Marco asked.
“I want a drink but Carolina said I can’t have a soda, but can I?” Diego asked.
“And Tía Teresa, Gabriel wants to know, can he get his Switch out of the car now, because he said you said he could get it later and now it’s later,” Marco spoke up on behalf of his cousin.
“Okay, hold on, everybody take a breath,” Teresa said.
The group momentarily broke up as everyone went to tend to their children’s needs and make sure they had eaten something besides cookies and chips. 
“So, are you ready to run back to New York yet?” Carlos asked when they were the only two left at the table.
“I think I’m holding my own all right,” T.K. said. “You were right about Francesca though. She’s…something.”
Carlos rolled his eyes. “Believe it or not that actually was her being on her better behavior. I swear you’d never know she was working on a masters in biochemistry.”
“She’s fun,” T.K. said. “And she and Adriana clearly have the most dirt on Carlitos.”
“Maybe we should leave now,” Carlos said with a groan. “They’ll keep at it as long as you’ll listen.”
“I like it,” T.K. said, taking a sip of his mineral water. “It’s fun seeing you like this. Baby brother Carlos is a whole new side of you.”
Carlos blushed a little bit. “The way they’d talk you’d think we were all still kids.”
“It’s sweet. They adore you.”
Carlos was interrupted by Valentina, Teresa and Javier’s youngest, who came running over, crying so hard she was hiccuping instead of breathing. “Tío Carlos!”
“Valentina, qué pasó?” Carlos asked worriedly, gathering her into his arms and sitting her on his lap.
“Marco me dijo que no podía jugar pelota con él,” she sobbed, her little heart so clearly broken over her cousin’s refusal to let her play ball with him.
"Lo siento, Valen. That's not very nice." Carlos hugged her close and kissed her hair. "Pero no le hagas caso. What if we get you a cookie, will that help?”
She shook her head, lip stuck out in an adorable pout, fresh tears threatening to spill over.
“Two cookies?”
She held up three little fingers and Carlos opened his eyes wide in mock surprise. “Tres?! Ay Dios mío.” He shook his head. “Come with me, pero no le digas a mamá.”
He slid Valentina off his lap and offered her his hand, which she grabbed onto eagerly. He looked at T.K. “I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time,” T.K. said, watching them walk over to one of the tables. 
Carlos pointed to several different options, Valentina shaking her head at each one until he found the kind of cookie she liked best.
T.K. felt a presence next to him and turned to find Francesca had returned. She had a strange look on her face. “You know he’s never brought anyone home before. Not like this.”
T.K.’s breath caught in his chest. “I didn’t know that.”
“He’s happy,” Francesca said. “Happier than I’ve seen him in a long time.” She turned and looked at him. “You make him happy.”
“I do my best,” T.K. said. “He makes me happy too.”
“Yeah.” She looked at her brother again, adding some fruit to Valentina’s plate. “He wants kids. You know that right?”
“I do,” T.K. said. 
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re good with that?”
T.K. looked at his boyfriend who was tenderly wiping the last of the tears from Valentina’s cheeks. They had talked about it of course. A few times. In passing. He knew where Carlos stood. And he knew that he wasn’t sure what kind of dad he would be, but also that he would do anything to make Carlos happy; including facing his own fears about being a father. “He’ll be a great dad,” was his answer.
She squinted at him, then squared her shoulders. “I’m only going to say this once and if you ever tell anyone I will deny it and shove your balls so far up your ass you won’t know how to get them out again. Carlos is special. And I know you’re all city boy, New York, squeaky clean, firefighter paramedic, or whatever.”
“But if I hurt him you’ll kill me?” T.K. asked, raising his eyebrows.
“No,” she looked at him like he was crazy. “Teresa will. She’s like his second mom. She’ll take you down so fast you’ll never even see it coming.”
T.K. laughed. “I have no intention of ever breaking his heart. I promise.”
“Good,” she said. “That’s good.” She cocked her head the way Carlos did when he was about to say something he knew was funny. “You’re pretty great for a stripper.”
“Okay, one more time. Not that there is anything wrong with sex work, but I have never been, and have no intention of being, a stripper,” T.K. said firmly.
“That’s what they all say!” she tossed over her shoulder as she got to her feet and flounced away to find Adriana. 
“What was my sister telling you?” Carlos asked as he returned, Valentina now seated happily with some other cousins at a kid sized picnic table. “Oh god, was she talking about the time I got arrested for skinny dipping in the lake because there is so much more to that story than the way she tells it.”
“No,” T.K. said, raising his eyebrows, “but now I want to hear the rest of that. No she was just…being a good big sister. You’re lucky to have so many people watching out for you.”
Carlos softened, his hand seeking T.K.’s. “And now I have you too.”
T.K. squeezed gently. “Yes, you do.”
All in all the day was going well. T.K. had handled every nosy question, every argument, every weird thing his sisters or relatives did with his usual charm and self-confidence. He fit in. 
All Carlos had really wanted was for T.K. to like his family, but seeing them like him right back…it was doing strange things to his heart. He hadn’t known until this moment how much it meant to gain his family’s approval of his relationship. He’d convinced himself that he was fine either way, and he probably would have been. But seeing them all joke and talk and laugh together was beyond his wildest dreams. And it was making him think some pretty crazy things about the future.
They’d chatted some more with his siblings and a few other family members who’d stopped by the table. But now Lucía had gone to put the baby down for a nap, and Teresa and Elena had been pressed into kitchen duty with his mother, while the men of the group had been enticed inside by a game on TV. Which left only Adriana and Francesca at the table. 
“So, T.K., now that the boring adults are gone, tell us everything,” Francesca said, a sneaky smile on her face.
“Ooh yes,” Adriana said, getting comfortable on the picnic bench. “Tell us all your dirty secrets T.K. You lived in New York so do you actually work for the mob? And how hard was it for you to learn to put gas in a car at such an advanced age?”
“Unfortunately no mob connections, although that probably pays better than firefighting or being a paramedic,” T.K. said with a laugh. “And the learning curve on driving was actually pretty quick. We have to fuel the engines, even in New York.”
“Well that’s boring,” Francesca said as she picked up a tamale. “Come on, you have to be more exciting than that. Any secret lovers you’re keeping back there on the side?”
“Cesca!” Carlos said sharply.
“I’m watching out for you!” Francesca cried. “I mean if you two have an open relationship or something that’s your business, but if he—”
“No,” T.K. said quickly. He looked at Carlos. “There’s no one in New York. Or anywhere else.”
Adriana and Francesca both wrinkled their noses, but Carlos hardly noticed, too busy looking at T.K. who was gazing at him with so much tenderness and love. He was taking it all in stride, the insanity, the prying. Questions that might have set him off a year or two ago he now brushed off like it was no big deal.
“Ugh, come on!” Adriana said. “There has to be something. You basically grew up on the set of Gossip Girl. You have to know at least one Kardashian or something.”
“Yes, how many private helicopter rides have there been?” Francesca asked eagerly. “Or penthouse ragers? You have to have been to a penthouse rager of someone famous!”
T.K. shook his head. “Sorry to disappoint.”
Adriana pouted. “So boring. Not one secret?”
“Oh, I have secrets,” T.K. said with a grin. He laced his hand through Carlos’. “But only Carlos gets to know them.”
“You play dirty, Strand,” Francesca told him with an approving smile. 
Carlos had had enough. “Come on,” he said, pulling T.K. to his feet and away from the women without a backward glance or apology. 
“Where are we going?” T.K. asked and Carlos wished the answer was a dark corner somewhere that he could kiss his boyfriend’s face off and show him how much he appreciated his efforts today. But that would not be happening anywhere on the premises. Francesca and Adriana could sniff out a couple having a quickie from a mile away. They’d caught Teresa and Javier in a Sunday School classroom during Elena and Elías’ wedding and had never let them forget it. Although Bianca had been born nine months later so apparently getting caught hadn’t been too much of a turn off. He definitely wasn’t risking it though. 
He pulled T.K. over to the patio where the music had cranked up to an all time high now that his cousin Rafael had arrived and was playing DJ.
“Okay,” T.K. said, looking nervous all over again. “You know I can’t really dance right? That first night at the bar, that was all just to get in your pants, you know that right?”
“What?” Carlos feigned surprise and then rolled his eyes. “Yes, I know. And considering that you managed to get into my pants about half an hour later, I’d say it worked pretty well.”
“Not the point Carlos.”
“I’ve seen you dance. You’re fine,” Carlos told him.
“Yes in the club!” T.K. told him, eyes wide as he took in the way some of Carlos’ relatives were dancing around them. “This is like something out of Grease! Did you all rehearse this before you got here?”
“Look, Justin’s dancing.” Carlos nodded to where Lucí had managed to get a moment free from her children and pulled her husband onto the impromptu dance floor. 
“Justin’s been in your family for five years. He’s had practice.”
“You’re just going to follow my lead,” Carlos told him confidently as he pulled T.K. close. “Relax.”
“I can’t relax. Your Tía Maria looks like she’s about to come over here and remind us to leave room for the Holy Spirit,” T.K. hissed.
“Like I said earlier, I don’t care what Tía Maria thinks. I haven’t for a long time. I just want to dance with you.” He cocked his head and turned on his most charming smile, eyes pleading a little bit.
T.K. rolled his eyes and groaned. “You know I can’t say no to that face.”
“Exactly,” Carlos allowed himself a full on smirk.
He put one hand on T.K.’s shoulder, the other on his hip and gave a comforting little squeeze. “And now you just follow my lead.”
He took a half a step forward, slowly, not following the music at all, encouraging T.K. to step back with his opposite foot. They managed fine for about three beats until T.K. stepped wrong and they stumbled over one another’s feet. “Sorry,” he said, face going slightly pink. “I told you.”
“You’re tense,” Carlos said. “You can’t dance when you’re tense. Relax. It’s all in the hips.”
“I’m from New York. I barely have hips at all, let alone beautiful, sexy, latin caderas like yours.”
Carlos laughed and bumped up against T.K. with said caderas. “You like my caderas?”
“You know I love your hips and normally I wouldn’t complain about anything you do with them, but everyone is staring at us.”
“They are not.” Carlos took a quick glance around the area and found that indeed, many of his relatives were staring, and he could read wedding bells going off in their eyes. “Okay they are but that’s because they’re nosy, not because of your dancing. Don’t worry about them. Focus on me.”
“Just don’t blame me if I break your toes,” T.K. said nervously.
“I think I’ll survive,” Carlos told him. “I’ve never seen you like this before. I like it.”
“Like what?”
“Completely off your game,” Carlos told him. “You never approach anything with less than one hundred percent confidence and charm.”
“Well I only do things I’m one hundred percent confident in,” T.K. said. “That way I never have to look like I don’t know what’s going on.”
“Ahhh, now it all makes sense,” Carlos said with a laugh.
The music changed and Carlos shifted so that they were closer together, one hand entwined with T.K.’s, the other on his lower back. “So. Tell me the truth. How glad are you that your dad didn’t come today?”
T.K. laughed. “Oh god so glad. You know how he is. He and your sisters would have spent the entire day trying to one up each other on embarrassing stories about us. And he might have won.”
“Oh I doubt that. We’ve got about two more hours until my sisters bring up the bathtub incident.”
T.K.’s eyes widened. “The bathtub incident?”
“Let’s just say it was very expensive and mostly Francesca’s fault.”
“You know, your sisters seem to take a lot of the blame in these stories even though you have a starring role in all of them. I’m starting to wonder who’s really telling the truth here.”
“Shh,” Carlos said, pulling him a little closer. “I’m a cop. I’m very trustworthy.”
“Uh huh.” T.K. looked amused.
“Hey, guess what?”
Carlos leaned forward so his lips were touching T.K.’s ear. “You’re dancing.”
And indeed he was, their bodies swaying back and forth, T.K. following all of Carlos’ movements without any trouble. T.K. opened his mouth to respond but he was interrupted by the reappearance of Adriana. “I take it back,” she said, causing them both to pause their movement.
“Take what back?” Carlos asked in confusion.
“There’s no way he’s a stripper. Not with dance moves like that. Yikes.”
“I don’t know whether to be relieved or insulted,” T.K. said.
“Good,” she said, giving him a mischievous wink. “I like to keep people guessing. Now step aside gringo and let us show you how it’s done.”
She grabbed Carlos’ hand and before he could protest she’d pulled him out to the center of the dance floor, yelling at Rafael to put on something they could really move to. Rafael smoothly transitioned into a song Carlos recognized and Adriana grinned as she began to salsa, clearly expecting him to partner her. He rolled his eyes, but obliged, catching her around the waist and moving back and forth in time with her.
“We approve,” she said as he spun her back and forth.
“Of my dancing?” Carlos asked.
“No, of T.K.,” she said with a smile. “We really like him. Me and all your sisters.”
It should not have warmed his soul so much to hear the words, but it did anyway. “Good,” Carlos said. “Is that why you pulled me out here? To tell me you like him?”
“No, I pulled you out here so he could check out your ass while you dance,” she said, looking over his shoulder, her grin widening. “Which he totally is by the way.”
“Adriana, shut up,” Carlos said, but he smiled anyway and dipped her, really letting loose as the music hit the chorus. Because apparently he was not above showing off for his boyfriend.
By the time the song ended he was sweating and breathless and so was Adriana. “You’ve still got it cousin,” she said. “Now go on. Go over there and take a victory lap with your boyfriend and his puppy dog eyes.”
Carlos looked over to find T.K. looking suitably impressed at the edge of the patio. Carlos shook his head, a blush rising to his cheeks as he walked over. “Well someone’s been holding out on me,” T.K. said when Carlos got close.
“It’s just dancing,” Carlos said.
“Just dancing? Carlos that looked like…I don’t even know, but it was freaking amazing!” T.K. said, his eyes wide. “I didn’t know you could dance like that. Why are you over here dancing with me?”
Carlos rolled his eyes and pulled T.K. close to him. “Trust me, Adriana might be a state champion in Salsa, but I prefer dancing with you any day.”
“She’s a state champion?” T.K. asked in surprise.
“Yep,” Carlos said, pulling him back onto the dance floor. “Three years in a row.”
“Yeah, Adriana is good at pretty much anything she decides to be good at. It’s a little ridiculous.”
“That doesn’t explain where your dance moves came from,” T.K. said, looking expectant.
“I um,” Carlos thought for a half second about lying before he decided to give in and tell the truth. “I may have partnered her for a few years.”
“How long is a few?”
Carlos sighed and squeezed his eyes closed. “Like fourth through seventh grade.”
T.K.’s jaw dropped. He pointed a finger at Carlos’ chest. “I can’t believe you’ve never told me that!”
“Well it’s not like it’s relevant to everyday conversation! When would it have ever come up?”
“I don’t know!” T.K. shook his head. “What made you stop?”
Carlos shrugged. “I’m good, but I’m not championship level good. And I was getting into baseball. And Adriana is…really difficult to work with.”
“Carlos! T.K.!” They both turned to find a very welcome presence interrupting their conversation.
“Tía Luci,” Carlos said, pulling back from T.K. so he could give her a hug. “I wasn’t sure if you were coming.”
“Well you know I had a date querido. T.K. mi amor! It’s so good to see you!” The many bracelets she was wearing jangled loudly as she hugged T.K. with equal fervor. 
T.K. had been to several Sunday dinners at this point and Tía Luci had accepted him exactly the way Carlos hoped she would, with nothing less than complete and total love. She’d always encouraged Carlos to be exactly who he was and love whoever he desired. It helped of course that she’d had four husbands of her own and was currently single and dating with astonishing frequency.
“It’s good to see you too Tía Luci,” T.K. said with a smile.
“I thought mom said you had a pottery class,” Carlos said.
“I had a date at pottery class,” she said and then leaned closer. “And the clay wasn’t the only thing that got handled, if you catch my meaning.”
Carlos’ cheeks burned as T.K. laughed. His aunt was a free spirit and that meant she was pretty free with most things. Including her sex life. And while Carlos didn’t judge, he definitely didn’t always need all the…details she provided.
“Oh don’t look so scandalized,” she admonished, squeezing his arm. “It’s not like you’re a saint either, sobrino. With a boyfriend like this you must get up to all kinds of nonsense. And if you’re not you should start. You’re only young once!” Someone caught her attention and she waved. “I must go see Alejandro, but you two have fun dancing.”
“How about we run away to New York together?” Carlos asked as she floated away.
“You love her,” T.K. said knowingly.
“I do. But I don’t need to know every detail of her dating life. And no matter how many times I tell her that she doesn’t quite seem to get the message.”
“Seems like Francesca and Adriana come by it honestly,” T.K. said. “Oversharing runs in the gene pool.”
“Yes along with nosiness, a strong desire to meddle, and a life long obsession with the Astros,” Carlos said with a roll of his eyes.
“And yet somehow you have none of those qualities,” T.K. said, raising his eyebrows in a way that suggested he was being sarcastic.
“Me?” Carlos said. “What are you talking about? I don’t do any of those things.”
“Maybe not so overtly. But when you found out Mateo’s house had blown up, you organized all those donations to help out him and his roommates.”
“Because it was the right thing to do!”
“Of course it was. But it was also meddling. Kind meddling. But meddling. And we’ve talked about the cow eyes.”
“What do the cow eyes have to do with anything?” Carlos asked, slightly annoyed.
“When you want to know something that I don’t want to share, you waste no time turning them on. And you know that neither I, nor anyone else can resist. Nosiness.”
“That’s not nosy! It’s…digging for information.”
“Information your chosen suspect may or may not want to share. The suspect being me. Admit it Carlos. You’re more like your family than you’d like to believe.”
“I—“ Carlos struggled to come up with a reply. “I don’t like that you’re siding with my sisters. That was not the point of bringing you here. You’re supposed to back me up.”
“Oh I will never speak to your sisters about this,” T.K. told him. “I’ve got your back. I just want you to know that I know.”
Carlos opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by a small body hurtling into his legs so hard he almost fell over. “Tío Carlos!” Marco practically yelled. “You said you would come in an hour. It’s been more than an hour. Will you pleeeeeeeeeeeease come throw the ball with me? You promised!”
Carlos looked a T.K. who smiled and nodded toward Marco. “Go ahead. I’ll be fine.”
“I’m not sure I want to leave you alone with my sisters after what you just said. I’m scared about what other things they might put into your head.”
T.K. laughed and gave him a little push. “Go. I’ll try not to be swayed further to their side.”
“You heard him! Go! Go!” Marco pushed Carlos from behind over toward the grassy area past the picnic tables.
“Marco, Marco, relax,” Carlos said, breaking away from his nephew’s aggressive pushing. 
“I waited all day,” Marco told him with a glare.
“And you’re going to wait longer if you’re not polite,” Carlos told him.
Marco looked only slightly chastened. “Sorry.”
“Mhmm.” Carlos tried not to roll his eyes. “Do you have a ball and a glove?”
“Yes!” Marco ran ahead and grabbed them off a picnic table. “Here. This one’s yours. Abuelo got it out of the garage for me.”
Sure enough it was Carlos’ high school mitt. It was beyond worn out, but it would do for a quick round of catch before he rescued his boyfriend from the clutches of whichever sister had decided to grill him next. 
“Okay you go over there and I’ll go over here,” Marco said excitedly, running several yards away, ball clutched in his hand.
His first throw took Carlos by surprise. “Whoa! You’re getting really good at that,” Carlos said as he tossed it back.
“Dad says I might make the travel team this year,” Marco said excitedly as he delivered another throw that made Carlos’ palm sting.
“Yeah I think you’ve got a good shot at it,” Carlos told him. “How’s your fast ball?”
“So good! But I have to work on my curve ball. It doesn’t always go the right way.”
“Ah, I’ve got a trick for that. Let me show you.”
It didn’t take long for all of Carlos’ nieces and nephews to realize he had left the adult table and was available for fun. After he finished with Marco, a game of tag was requested by his other nephews. Then Bianca and Elena wanted to show him the crafts they’d been working on and make him a friendship bracelet which he immediately put around his wrist. 
Nearly an hour had gone by and Carlos began to look around for his boyfriend, feeling guilty for having left him alone for so long. But just as he began making his way back to the picnic tables, Carolina found him and wanted to tell him all about a school project she’d finished recently.
One minute he was chatting with her about orca whales and the next something was colliding with his skull, hard and fast. He felt his head snap to the side, fingers automatically going to touch the spot directly behind his ear.
Carolina had frozen her eyes wide. “Tío Carlos? Estás bien?” she asked tentatively.
The world seemed to tilt and he sank down slowly onto a picnic bench, fingers fumbling against the weathered wood as he tried to aim successfully and not miss and fall to the ground instead. “Sorry!” Marco called, running over. 
Oh. The baseball. That’s what had hit him. That explained the extreme throbbing that had started and why he could already feel a knot growing at the site of impact.
“You hit Tío Carlos right in the head!” Carolina scolded.
“I didn’t mean to!” Marco protested back. “I just threw it, that’s all! I was working on my curveball! It wasn’t my fault!”
“It’s nobody’s fault,” Carlos said calmly, even though his vision was starting to blur at the corners. “It was an accident.”
“See? It’s fine!” Marco told her. 
“I’m telling Mom!”
“No you’re not!”
The two continued to squabble and Carlos closed his eyes as their raised voices cut through his skull like a knife. “Carolina,” he interrupted finally. “Can you go find T.K. for me? Tell him I need to ask him something.”
“Yeah.” She narrowed her eyes at Marco. “I’m still telling mom,” she hissed, causing him to take off after her as she ran away.
Carlos swallowed against the sudden queasiness in his stomach. He was regretting the number of tamales he’d eaten now.
The sunlight was really starting to hammer into his skull so he closed his eyes and concentrated on breathing through his nose, trying to keep his stomach from becoming violent. A hand on his knee startled him. “Carlos?” T.K.’s voice was quiet and concerned. 
Carlos opened his eyes and found his boyfriend or rather, several blurry versions of his boyfriend, looking up at him. “Hey,” he said quietly. Even talking seemed to hurt his rattled brain.
“Are you okay? Carolina said something about a baseball.”
“It was an accident,” Carlos said. “I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Okay,” T.K. said slowly, clearly trying to gauge the situation and read between the lines of what his boyfriend wasn’t telling him. “Where did it hit you?”
Carlos took another slow breath in through his nose as his stomach clenched. “Behind my ear.”
“Which side, this side?” T.K. asked, lifting a hand and gently probing at Carlos’s skull.
His fingers found the knot almost immediately and even though his touch was gentle it sent a stab of pain shooting through Carlos and his stomach lurched. He jerked away, unsuccessful in suppressing a tight lipped moan.
“Okay, hey I need you to talk to me, all right?” T.K. said, his voice going serious as his fingers instinctively sought the pulse point on Carlos’ wrist. “How bad is your pain?”
Carlos had had concussions before; you couldn’t play varsity baseball without the occasional injury. This was ten times worse than he remembered. “Like a seven?” His voice was shaky and opening his mouth at all felt like a huge risk given the discontent happening in his stomach. “And there are about four of you right now.”
“Did you lose consciousness?”
“Can you tell me your name?”
Carlos squinted at him. “Are you really asking me that?”
“Answer please,” T.K. said, eyes serious.
“Carlos Nicolás Reyes Moreno.”
“And where are we?” 
“My parents’ ranch.”
“Good. And what’s your badge number?”
Carlos opened his mouth and found his mind strangely blank. “I—”
“You can’t remember?” T.K. asked.
“I—no.” He felt panic start to well up in his throat. “T.K…”
“It’s okay,” T.K. said calmly, gently cupping the non-injured side of his face. “You’re going to be all right. But we need to go to the hospital, okay?”
“Oh god,” Carlos groaned partly from pain and queasiness and partly from panic. “Any chance we can sneak out of here without telling my family?”
“Oh, babe, I think that ship has sailed,” T.K. said sympathetically.
“Carlitos? What happened?” Andrea approached at a rapid pace, the Reyes sisters flanking her along with Adriana, Tía Maria, and Tía Luci. He was sure his father wasn’t far behind.
Even as pain clawed at the inside of his skull Carlos tried to assuage their fears. “I’m fine, just a little accident,” he managed.
“Carolina said Marco hit you in the head,” Elena said worriedly. 
“Head injuries are very serious,” Tía Luci told them. “I once dated a tennis player who got a concussion.”
“He got hit with a tennis ball?” Elena asked.
“No, we got a little overly enthusiastic in the bedroom. No half assed sex from that one!”
Carlos heard Tía Maria start muttering a prayer.
“Andrea! What’s going on? Is he all right?” Predictably Gabriel had caught up with the group, a large grill spatula still in his hand.
“Let’s just give him a little room to breathe,” T.K. said calmly, holding up a hand to keep them from coming in closer to smother him with concern. “Francesca if you could go get me some ice and a towel please.”
She disappeared in an instant toward the back of the house.
“Should we call an ambulance?” Teresa asked.
“I am fine,” Carlos insisted again, squeezing his eyes closed as another wave of nausea and dizziness swept over him. He would be. As soon as he was away from his coddling family and in his bed at home.
“Carlitos you be quiet and listen to your boyfriend. He is a professional,” Andrea scolded, worry coloring the sharpness of her tone.
“Yes, T.K., what does he need?” Gabriel asked.
“We’re going to get some ice on here and go from there,” T.K. said. “I don’t think an ambulance is necessary at this point.”
Francesca returned with ice and a towel. “Thank you,” T.K. said, wrapping the ice up tightly and then ever so gently pressing it against Carlos’ head.
He hissed in pain, knuckles gripping the edge of the picnic bench so hard he felt splinters of wood begin to dig into his fingertips. “I’m sorry,” T.K. murmured sympathetically. “We need to try and get the swelling down.”
“It’s okay,” Carlos said through gritted teeth. He hadn’t thought it was possible for his head to hurt more, but the added coldness of the ice was proving to be too much and he felt the tight hold he had on his composure starting to slip. He wanted to leave, he wanted to lie down and sleep, he wanted T.K. to hold him while he cried like a baby because everything hurt like a motherfucker and he was embarrassed as hell about it. 
His family was still carrying on around him, he could hear them asking questions and making plans, but all he focused on was T.K.’s free hand, the one that wasn’t pressing ice to his skull. That hand was resting comfortingly on his knee, thumb moving slowly back and forth. Thank god T.K. was here to mitigate the chaos.
He didn’t realize he was starting to drift away until T.K.’s hand squeezed his knee more tightly and then moved up to his shoulder, keeping him upright. “Hey, hey, no, don’t go to sleep,” he said urgently.
Right. Sleep was not a good idea. Carlos forced his eyes open and tried to focus on his boyfriend’s worried face, but it swam in front of him and made his stomach churn. “T.K…”
“I’ve got you,” T.K. said firmly. He turned and looked up at Andrea and Gabriel who had come to hover a little closer. “We need to get him to the hospital.”
“I’ll drive you,” Andrea said immediately.
“You’re entertaining all these guests mi amor,” Gabriel said. “You stay, I’ll take the boys.”
“We’re all coming,” Lucía said immediately.
Carlos felt his heart rate quicken at the thought of his entire family standing around in the hospital waiting room and the kind of chaos that would cause. He didn’t need to worry though. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” T.K. said quickly. “There’s no reason to believe this is anything more serious than a concussion. It will be quick, not worth everyone coming out.”
“I will update you the entire time,” Gabriel promised.
“Text messages every five minutes,” Andrea ordered.
“Can you stand?” T.K. asked and Carlos nodded his affirmative, immediately regretting the motion when the throbbing in his skull increased.
T.K. took his arm and Carlos got up on wobbly legs. He made it about two steps before his knees began to give out and he felt his father grab his other arm. “Steady mijo,” Gabriel said.
It seemed like an eternity before they passed through the house and into the front driveway. Out of sight of his family Carlos felt the last of his control slip away. The blood drained from his face and he gagged. 
“Whoa!” T.K. said, quickly lowering him to the ground as he began to heave out the contents of his stomach onto the concrete.
By the time it was over Carlos’ pain had ratcheted up to somewhere in the nines and he heard himself letting out a pathetic whimper as his brain exploded inside of his skull. “Easy Carlitos, easy,” his father said, the words barely registering as he and T.K. lifted Carlos back onto his feet and basically carried him the rest of the way to his dad’s truck.
He ended up with his head in T.K.’s lap, his boyfriend continuing to hold ice against his head with one hand, while the other ran soothingly up and down his arm. “Stay awake for me, all right?” he said.
“Trying,” Carlos said, his voice sounding cracked and broken. Mostly he was trying to breathe because he really didn’t want to throw up again. Every bump in the road, every touch of the breaks, sent pain ricocheting through his head. “It really hurts.”
“I know, I’m so sorry. We’re almost there,” T.K. said softly. “You’re all right, keep breathing, okay?”
Gabriel pulled directly up to the ER doors and he and T.K. helped Carlos into a wheelchair. If he’d been in any less pain he would have found the entire thing humiliating, but every bit of his energy was currently being spent on staying awake and not vomiting all over the floor.
“I’ll park the car and meet you inside,” Gabriel said as T.K. pushed him through the doors.
The next few hours were a hellish blur. They ran a battery of tests including an MRI and a CT scan, asked him dozens of questions, all of which he was able to answer thank god.
Despite his best efforts, he threw up twice more, T.K. holding a basin in front of his face each time, then rubbing his back comfortingly as he curled into a ball, knives stabbing through his head after such violent movement.
He hated being reduced to a shaking, moaning mess, especially in front of his father, but there was no help for it. The pain was only growing worse and there was no relief in sight, not until the tests came back.
“Breathe,” T.K. said, running a thumb back and forth over Carlos’ hand. “Carlos you have to breathe and try to relax.”
“I can’t.” The words came out on a whimper. “It hurts.”
“Carlitos, you have to try,” his dad said, sounding beyond concerned. “The more tense you are the worse it will feel.”
Tears slid down his cheeks as the pounding in his head beat on relentlessly. It had been hours and there was never any relief to the waves of pain, just a constant throbbing, knifelike agony. He squeezed his eyes shut and curled in on himself, ragged, stuttering breaths tearing from his chest.
“I’m going to go find the nurse,” Gabriel said. “My wife and daughters might be better at nagging, but I’m sure I’ve picked up a thing or two.”
He disappeared out the door and the next thing Carlos knew the bed was shifting as T.K. climbed in with him, wrapping his arms tightly around Carlos’ body. “What are you doing?” Carlos choked out.
“Taking care of you,” he said, his lips by Carlos’ ear. “You’re okay. I’ve got you. Breathe. Just a little bit longer and we’ll get you some medication. I promise.”
T.K.’s fingers stroked up and down his arm and he continued to murmur soothing words into Carlos’ ear. Carlos felt his muscles slowly begin to unclench one at a time. The agony in his skull began to ease, just enough that he could breathe easier and think a little more clearly.
His dad must have given someone a piece of his mind because within fifteen minutes the doctor had returned. “Okay, Mr. Reyes we are looking at a grade two concussion here. All your scans came back clear so while painful, your recovery should be pretty easy.”
“No brain bleed?” T.K. asked.
“No. No brain bleed, no skull fracture.”
He could see T.K. and his father sag in relief. They were both putting on a good front, trying to be strong for him, but in that moment the worry in the room finally lifted off like a cloud, dissipating into calm.
“We’re going to keep you for a little bit, start you on some strong Tylenol to help manage the pain. I’ll come check on you in an hour okay?”
It was another two hours before they were finally able to go home, Gabriel dropping them off with promises to bring Carlos’ car over in the morning.
He was more steady on his feet now and the medication had helped both his headache and the nausea, so with T.K.’s help he was able to manage the stairs without too much difficulty.
T.K. sat him on the bed and began undoing the buttons on his shirt. “I can do it,” Carlos said, but his boyfriend gave him a stern look and continued. 
This behavior persisted until Carlos was settled in bed, an extra pillow behind his head, a glass of water on the nightstand along with additional Tylenol. “Better?” T.K. asked as Carlos leaned back against the pillows with a sigh.
“Yeah,” Carlos told him. The lights were dim, causing his splitting headache to dull to a throbbing one instead. 
He heard his phone buzz for the thousandth time in the last few hours. “Do you want to see who that is?”
He couldn’t look at the screen without feeling like someone had stabbed a knife through his eyes. Hopefully that would pass quickly. It was only a grade two concussion and most of his pain was coming from the actual injury itself, not his brain rattling around in his skull.
T.K. punched in Carlos’ passcode and then scrolled through. “You have forty seven unread texts. Most of them are from your sisters. A few from your mom and aunts. And one reminding you to vote next week.”
Carlos groaned. “You’d think I was dying. This isn’t even as bad as the time Elías flipped the four wheeler over while we were on vacation. He broke his leg in two places and had to have surgery and nobody was all over him.”
“Oh, the texts aren’t about you,” T.K. said, eyes lighting up with mirth.
Carlos squinted at him. “I’m confused then.”
T.K. cleared his throat. “You listen to T.K. and do what he says. That one is from Teresa.” He scrolled a little further. “Congratulations on picking someone who’s not a dick. He actually comes in handy, that’s Adriana.” He snorted. “And this one from Francesca just says, ‘Remember not to fuck again until your brain is better.’”
“You know, Tía Maria campaigned pretty hard to send her to a convent when she was a teenager. Some days I think we should have let her,” Carlos said.
“The rest are variations on how great I am and how you need to eat a lot of soup and get a lot of rest. And I have a text from your mom.”
Carlos cracked one eye to look at him. “Are you going to share?”
“Mm…I’m not sure you can handle this one.”
T.K. was grinning from ear to ear, clearly beyond proud of himself and delighted to have information Carlos didn’t. 
“T.K. just read it. I can see that smug look on your face.”
He cleared his throat. “T.K. thank you for taking care of our Carlitos. You are such a blessing to our family.” T.K. grinned. “They like me.”
“Of course they like you.”
“They really like me.”
“Yes, T.K. My family loves you. Just like I always knew they would.”
“Well I appreciate that. But you really didn’t have to get hit in the head with a baseball just so I could endear them to me with my paramedic skills.”
“Don’t thank me, thank Marco,” Carlos said. “He’s the one with an arm like a Major League baseball player.”
“Yeah he can really throw huh?” T.K. said, brushing a gentle hand through Carlo’s curls, careful to avoid the area the ball had struck. “How’s your pain?”
“Tolerable,” Carlos said. 
“And the nausea?”
“Better,” Carlos said. 
“Good.” T.K. seemed relieved. “Listen, next time you want to get out of a family activity, you can just tell me. You don’t need to give yourself a grade two concussion. Just say the word and I will fake an emergency and get us out of there.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t fake an emergency after hour one,” Carlos said. “Thank you for today. You getting along with my family it…” Tears threatened to close his throat and he forced them back because he really wanted T.K. to know what he was feeling. “It means everything.”
“They’re easy to get along with,” T.K. said. “And we have a lot in common.”
“We all love you.”
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❦ born on accident | pjs
↬ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ: tatts & cupcakes | chapter 4
↬ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: park jongseong / jay x reader ft. all members + eventual appearance of i-land k
↬ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: enhypen single dad au | ceo!jay | single dad!jay | baker!reader | single mom!reader | fluff | slight angst
↬ ɴᴀᴠɪ: beginning | previous chapter | next | series masterlist
↬ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: talks about kids being born on accident, implies that the boys weren’t wanted, slight crying, semi-angsty (if there are any other warnings I missed please let me know)
↬ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.2k
As you checked the time on your phone for what seemed like the hundredth time in the few minutes that Jay and Ni-ki were gone, it felt like they were just taking too long. You looked around, searching for Jay and Ni-ki when you saw Ni-ki in his arms some distance away nearby the bungeoppang stall. Normally, you wouldn’t have minded that the two of them were just hanging out together but the black-haired man standing in front of them who looked too familiar was enough to instill panic within you. You practically ran to them, evident in how you were breathless, but whether your eyes were wide due to surprise or from running you weren’t sure.
“Y/n?” you heard from both men, causing two pairs of eyes to settle on you.
“Hey, are you ok? I’m sorry we didn’t go back right away, Ni-ki wanted bungeoppang, and I bumped into one of my old hyungs.” You saw Ni-ki nibbling on said bungeoppang and was glad that Jay was kind enough to buy it for him but that wasn’t the focus on your mind right now.
“Are you two together?” you heard from K. After so long, that was the first thing you heard from K’s mouth?
“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” you answered. Deep down, you knew that one day you were going to have to confront K and tell Ni-ki who his biological father was. But you’ve always thought that it would happen later on in life when he was in high school or even after college, never did you think that you’d be seeing K again for the first time after so many years right now.
“Y/n, what the hell happened in 5 years?” Unable to stop yourself,
“You wouldn’t know now, would you? Seeing as you’ve absent.”
“I’m not the one who walked out.”
“You don’t wanna go there,” you warned, eyes glaring daggers at him. If looks could kill, he’d be 6 feet under years ago.
“Can we at least talk? It’s been 5 years and I-”
“I have never shut the door to Ni-ki’s life but unless you want to actually be a part of it, I have no reason to talk to you. So, if you’ll excuse me, well be going home.” You took Ni-ki from Jay, starting to walk off in the direction where the car was parked. It didn’t take long for Jay to reach you both and unlock the door to the car. Once the drive back to your apartment started,
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Jay said.
“What happened today isn’t anyone’s fault, Jay.” Tears were threatening to pour out of your eyes but you knew damn well that you weren’t going to cry in front of Ni-ki. Looking at Jay, “Can we stop by somewhere, please?”
“Yeah, of course.” You dropped off Ni-ki to Heeseung’s apartment, promising to pick him up later tonight. Upon seeing the panic on your face and Jay behind you, Heeseung knew better than to ask what had happened right now. It wasn’t until you were back in your apartment, sitting on your couch, and fully processing everything that had happened, that you cried. Nose snotty, eyes puffy, throat heavy ugly cry. Not knowing what else to offer but his embrace, Jay hugged you and brought you closer to his chest. He was warm, his soothing rubs of circles on your back were comforting, and his scent of honey and lavender reminded you that you weren’t alone. When the tears were finally manageable and you found enough strength inside of you to talk,
“Ni-ki was… he was born on accident,” you said, having to clear your throat after the statement. You loved Ni-ki with all of your heart and hated how bad it sounded but you couldn’t hide that it was the truth. As silence filled the room, you could feel Jay’s eyes on you but you were too scared to look at him. All you’re life you’ve been given looks of pity, anger, and sometimes even disgust. While you didn’t care about the looks from other people, you cared more than you wanted to admit about how Jay saw you. You didn’t know how long the two of you stayed in silence until finally,
“So were Won and Sunoo,” Jay said. At those words, you looked up to be met with a look of empathy and comfort in Jay’s eyes. You realized that Jay wasn’t and couldn’t judge you like everyone else did because he knew what it was like to be in your position.
“Born on accident, I mean,” he added.
“I guess we’ve never talked about our kid’s other parent,” you found yourself saying.
“We never had a reason to until now.” Though you were feeling slightly better, you still clung to Jay while his arms never left your waist.
“Jungwon and Sunoo’s mother was my ex-girlfriend. She was constantly cheating on me during our relationship and at one point, I even found myself questioning whether or not Won and Sunoo were truly my sons. I hate myself for it but I had a DNA test done when they were a few months old. After they were born, things were okay for a short while until one day, she left them in front of my doorstep at 5 am. I never saw or heard from her again. She was always kind of absent so it’s kinda been like Won and Sunoo never had a mother.” You looked up at Jay to see him now crying. As you wiped his tears away, you couldn’t stand the thought of someone just leaving the two sweet boys who have started to become more than Ni-ki’s friends and more like his brothers.
“Your turn, only if you’re comfortable with it,” Jay said. You figured it’d do you some good to get the weight off of your chest. There were some things about K that you never told anyone, not even Heeseung.
“K and I were together since high school. After high school, he decided to start his career as a choreographer and I wanted to sell the stuff that I baked. When I got pregnant with Ni-ki, K started changing the way he acted and his feelings towards me. I didn’t want to continue a relationship with a man who couldn’t accept changes so I packed my things and never looked back. When Ni-ki was born, K visited 3 times and never came back after Ni-ki turned 2. Heeseung’s helped out a lot but there’s only so much he can do, y’know what I mean?”
“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean,” Jay replied with a sigh. As he played with the ends of your hair, “At least we have each other now.”
As the days went on, you found yourself constantly wondering what to do about K. If you wanted to, you could call his studio and talk to him but did you want to? After all, over the past few years, you invited him to multiple important occasions in Ni-ki’s life but your calls were sent to voicemail, texts left on read, and you eventually just stopped. You weren’t going to beg someone to be a part of your son’s life when he had no interest in it. You were closing up the bakery one Friday night a few minutes later than you normally would have but the bakery was one of few things that grounded you lately. Ni-ki was sleeping over at Jay’s house with Sunoo and Jungwon so you didn’t think too much of it. It wasn’t until the bell rang, signaling that someone had come in that things started to take a turn.
“We’re closed,” you called out from behind the counter.
“Can we talk?”
❦ written by riri (@enhykkul) | next | series masterlist | main blog masterlist
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @cha-raena | @hoonieclipsee | @affectionaterainoflove | @ghjasksdk | @j45uk3 | @enhypenova | @googoojeu | @softnanaaaa | @rubyanne | @steadyfreakmuffinalmond | @ncityy04 | @gratefulmaria | @j1ungluvr | @lixseu | @thenoceurgirl | @dear-dreamie | @jay-ke | @sunoosh1ne
taglist status: open! if you’d like to be on the taglist comment/send an ask 
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wosoimagines · 4 years
Hugs - Tierna Davidson Imagine
prompt: the reader just really needs a hug from someone.
warnings: mentions of death.
words: 2423
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I smiled as I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around me. I grinned a little as I held onto the arms that had been wrapped around my neck. The person just pulled me closer to them and it felt right.
“Is there something I can do for you, Baby T?”
“You looked like you could use a hug,” the defender softly said behind me. I couldn’t help but smile at that. I had gotten closer to the defender since I had been traded to the Stars. “I hate to see my favorite forward sad.”
“Well, trust me, I could never be sad when you give me a hug.”
The woman grinned when I turned to face her. I bit my lip as the blue eyed woman pulled me closer to her. I wrapped my own arms around her.
“I love your hugs,” I whispered.
The defender held me tighter for another minute before pulling back. She seemed satisfied when she saw the smile on my face. Tierna gave me a smile before she ran off to join Becky and Alyssa as they were waiting for her by the hotel doors.
“You have it bad,” a voice teased. I rolled my eyes before turning to face Sonnett. I sent her a glare before turning to look at the others with her. We all tended to hang out with each other since we were mostly the youngest on the team. “Hey, (Y/N), if you and Tierna get together will that make Tierna part of the Thorns family?”
I rolled my eyes at Sonnett. It was a common joke that Sonnett had more than one parent on the national team since Tobin acted like our parent between those of us who played for the Thorns. Although I had been traded from Portland to Chicago, Tobin was still my team mom considering her and Christen had taken me under their wing almost immediately after I had joined the national team.
“Shut up, Em,” Lindsey said as she pushed the defender. Lindsey turned to me and gave me a small smile. “Don’t listen to her, (Y/N). If you like Tierna, that’s fine.”
“She just gives amazing hugs,” I shrugged as I defended myself. I shook my head as we were getting off topic. “So, what are we going to do today?”
“Well, we were thinking about going shopping,” Mal admitted. I grinned because that sounded like an amazing idea. “We were wondering if you’d like to go with us.”
“I’d love to,” I grinned before Rose grabbed my arm and started to drag me out of the hotel.
I grinned as I hugged the defender from behind causing her to jump. “Scared, Davidson?”
“Shut up,” Tierna muttered as she shoved me. I grinned at her. “You know, if you hadn’t been trying to scare me, I would have said that you give pretty great hugs too. But, it wasn’t that great. What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing in Zumiez?” I furrowed my brow in confusion. I was actually surprised that Tierna was here. “I’m surprised that you’re here. I didn’t realize that you or Becky or Alyssa likes to skateboard.”
“Tobin’s with us,” Tierna rolled her eyes at me. She glanced around us before pulling me closer to give me a kiss. “Besides I thought I’d get you some new clothes.”
“You know, I can get my own clothes, T,” I smiled at her. Tierna only shrugged at that before turning back to the rack of clothes. “Are they really for me or are you just buying hoodies for me to wear until they smell like me so you can steal them and wear them?”
Tierna threw a glare at me before turning back to the clothes. She pulled a shirt off the rack and held it up to me. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow before she gave me a smile and threw the shirt over her arm.
“What are you doing here?” Tierna asked as she turned to a different rack of clothes.
“What am I doing here?” I asked Tierna to make sure I heard her right. Tierna nodded as I moved over to her side. “What am I doing in Zumiez? You do realize that this is like one of my favorite skateboard shops, right? I came to get a new skateboard. Besides, I had one shipped here so I’m picking that up.”
“I meant at the mall,” Tierna said.
“Oh,” I said as I slowly nodded. I glanced behind me to see if the others had followed me in yet or not, but they hadn’t. “Um, Mal said that the others decided that they wanted to come shopping so I joined them. Well, I better go get my skateboard and look at the ones that they have in.”
“Yeah, you should.”
I gave Tierna a small smile and I would have given her a kiss but I noticed Becky out of the corner of my eye. I smiled at the forward and sent her a wave before I headed to the back of the store. I greeted Tobin since she was looking at the skateboards before I joined her. I ultimately didn’t find a skateboard that I liked, but Tobin did. I got the skateboard that I had sent to the store before leaving.
I smiled as I took a seat at the table for the press interview after the game. We had won and I had done really good. I also knew that the team had already left the stadium since I had already taken a shower and sent my stuff back with Lindsey since we were rooming together.
“What’s up, guys?” I grinned at the reporters. I immediately spotted Katie Nolan in the front row. “Katie, what you got for me?”
“Wonderful game, (Y/N). Amazing assist tonight and you had a beautiful header,” Katie congratulated me. I smiled cause Katie always knew how to make me more relaxed. “You’re getting ready to go to the World Cup, what’s been your process for getting ready for that?”
“I’ve been training a lot with just different players on the team. I went on this little road trip during December and went through Seattle, Colorado, New Jersey, Connecticut. I went to Orlando and spent some time with Ash and Ali. Recently I spent time with Alex and Tierna in California,” I shrugged. I had been working out a lot with my different teammates. “I just have been working with my teammates. Been getting our chemistry to be better and just improving my skills all around.”
I kept answering a few questions. A man entering in the back caught my attention while I was giving an answer. I watched as he whispered something to a man. Once I wrapped up my answer, I didn’t have time to ask anyone else for a question as the man stood up.
“(Y/N), when is the funeral going to be? Will you stay for the rest of the camp even with the deaths?”
I furrowed my brow in confusion as I looked over at Aaron since he was our press manager. He was busy on the phone as I looked back at the reporters. My phone buzzed on the table beside me. I glanced at it and noticed the text from my brother.
“Is your parents’ death going to stop you from going to France?”
Most of the room turned to look at the man in surprise. I looked to Aaron as I started to panic because I had no idea what he was talking about. Katie rushed to the table and I was surprised that the security didn’t try to stop her. She immediately unplugged the mic.
“Get out of here,” Katie whispered. I looked at her in confusion. “He’s trying to get your reaction. Get out of here.”
I nodded and stood up from the table. I kept my head down as I started to leave the room. Aaron fell into step beside me as he helped pull me out of the room. Once we were out of the room and far enough away, I stopped Aaron.
“What was he talking about?”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” Aaron shook his head. He took a deep breath. “I would have told them you were unavailable if I had known.” All Aaron was doing was making me panic more. I didn’t like the bad feeling that had washed over me. “You should call your brother. I’ll be down the hall, let me know if you need me to call you a ride to the hotel.”
I furrowed my brow in confusion as Aaron walked down the hall. I pulled my phone from my pocket and opened it. I sighed before I called my brother. The phone rang a few times before there was an answer.
“(Y/N)?” the voice asked. The first thing I noticed about Blake’s voice was how shaky it was. Blake’s voice was never shaky.
“Blake, what’s going on?” I asked. I just needed to know what had happened. Why I had been asked those questions during an interview.
“(Y/N), Mom and Dad-”
Blake’s sob interrupted him from speaking. I started to shake my head. It couldn’t be true.
“Blake, tell me...” I stopped as I turned and pressed my hand against the wall before resting my head against it. I took a deep breath. “Tell me there’s nothing wrong. Tell me that this is just some kind of sick joke.”
“There was a car accident. The guy ran a red light,” Blake choked out. I started to gasp for breath. “They said they never had a chance.”
I turned and pressed my back against the wall as I slid down it. It wasn’t until I had been sitting on the ground for a while before I reached for my phone again. I ended the call to my brother as my hands shook. I opened up my texts and it took me a minute to send a text to Tierna asking where she was since my hands were shaking so bad.
Tierna didn’t take long to text me back letting me know that she was in Alex and Allie’s room with the rest of the team for team bonding. I shot off the ground as I ran out of the stadium. I didn’t even bother with calling an uber or a cab. I head straight to the hotel not caring that it was a couple miles away or the fact that I was in jeans and a hoodie. I just needed Tierna.
Once I got to the hotel, I raced for the stairs knowing that I would be able to get up them faster than I would in the elevator. It didn’t take me long to get to Allie and Alex’s room before I knocked on the door. I tried to wipe away the tears from my cheeks knowing that the whole team was in the room. Becky opened the door with a smile.
“(Y/N), are you okay?” She asked, her smile dropping. My breathing sped up as I could only think about what had happened. Becky put an arm on my shoulder. “Hey, I need you to calm down.”
“(Y/N)?” Tierna’s voice called out. I pushed past Becky and made my way into the room. I ignored the looks that my teammates were giving me as my eyes landed on Tierna. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I need a hug.”
Tierna nodded and immediately shot up from her spot on the bed to wrap me into a hug. I wrapped myself around her before I finally broke down into tears. Tierna kept whispering in my ear trying to calm me down.
“They were in a car accident,” I finally whispered in her ear. Tierna held onto me tighter. “My parents. They didn’t make it.”
Tierna turned so that she was facing the rest of the team. I buried my head into her neck before she grabbed under my thighs causing me to wrap my legs around her waist.
“I’m taking (Y/N) to my room,” Tierna said. I held onto Tierna tighter in case someone tried to take me away from Tierna even though I knew none of our teammates would argue with Tierna. “Sonnett, do you mind staying with Lindsey tonight?”
“No, it’s no problem,” Sonnett assured.
Tierna nodded before she turned around again. I wasn’t surprised that Tierna didn’t make me walk myself as she carried me out of the room. Tierna took me back to her room. She held me as I cried without asking what had happened.
I eventually fell asleep from crying so much. It wasn’t until I woke up that I realized that I wasn’t in my own hotel room with Lindsey. I also wasn’t in my own clothes, but I recognized Tierna’s smell on them instantly. I reached for the other side of the bed but Tierna wasn’t there. I looked over to the other bed, but she wasn’t there either. It took me a moment before I heard the water running from the shower.
I got out of the bed before softly walking to the bathroom. I opened the door as I could see the figure behind the shower curtain. She was softly singing and it made me smile at how soft her voice was.
“Tierna?” I said. The shower curtain was pulled back before Tierna stuck her head out to look at me. She looked surprised to see me. “Do you mind if I stay in here while you take your shower.”
Tierna’s eyes softened before she shook her head. I gave her a soft smile before I sat on the bathroom sink counter. Tierna gave me a smile before she continued to sing causing me to lean back against the mirror. I didn’t even realize when Tierna got out of the shower and dried off before putting on her clothes before she pushed my knees apart and stood in between my legs. I opened my eyes and looked at her.
“How are you doing, (Y/N)?” Tierna asked. I sighed as I shook my head. I didn’t even want to be more than a few feet from Tierna right now. “You want a hug?”
I nodded causing Tierna to wrap her arms around me as she pulled me off the sink counter. I wrapped my own arms around Tierna. We stood there for a while before Tierna pulled me back into the room and on the bed. I wrapped myself around Tierna as she pulled me closer to her once we were laying down.
“Do you want me to go get your stuff? Jill’s letting me fly with you,” Tierna softly said. I let out a small whine when she tried to pull away from me. “We’re gonna be flying this afternoon.”
“I just want you close right now.”
“I can do that.”
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