#my minecraft skill is exploring
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Man I love modded terrain so much
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slytherinshua · 4 months
OKAY HEAR ME OUT ITS SO SO BASIC but i crave soul fluff :( imagine playing minecraft with him and i honestly feel like it could go two ways: either extremely cute n cozy OR chaos. mans destroying all of ur stuff.
BUT ALSO IM THINKING imagine just matching his vibe so well and speaking his silly alien language, not really caring about weird looks from others … n he’s just so :( i love him btw
actually yk how soul always makes those minecraft villager noises?? MY BROTHER DID THAT TOO WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER :( so actually this is kinda nostalgic... also i forget if my brothers ever did this to me when we were playing minecraft but i always played on creative anyway cause.... i hated dying 👹 warnings: soul explodes ur house ^_^ a lil cursing. wc: ~600.
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“Once we get that flint and steel, we can finally go to the nether!” You said excitedly, making your way back to your house in the Minecraft world you had with your boyfriend, Soul. He loved to play in his free time, and luckily for him, you also enjoyed the game. It was a no-brainer that you two would play together. 
You had gotten decently far in your world. You had built a cute little house, with two cats: Kamden and Mackiah. Definitely not named after your boyfriend’s junior group members (yes, yes they were). 
You had just finished a very successful mining trip, which was the last thing you needed before you could finally reach the nether. You weren’t sure what your boyfriend was doing in the world; your best guess was either exploring a desert temple or an abandoned shipwreck. He always liked going on dangerous missions. 
There was nothing that could ruin your mood, though; everything was going exactly how you wanted.
Until you reached the door of your little house. And immediately you heard a soft little click, and then ensuing explosions.
Oh, you were so going to kill your boyfriend.
“What the fuck did you just do, Haku Shota?” You asked, your eye twitching at the ‘You Died!’ screen on your computer, the score displaying only a couple hundred digits. Your mind thought over what you had in your inventory; 3 diamonds from your mining trip, along with valuable loot from skeletons and zombies you had killed along the way. A nice supply of arrows and an extra bow, your iron tools all needing to be replaced after this.
But what pissed you off the most is your cats. How could he have killed Kamden and Mackiah just like that? Did your boyfriend have no heart? 
Soul knew he was partially fucked. It had been Theo’s stupid idea to pull a prank in your minecraft world, anyway. Maybe he could avoid the blame? Then again, he was the one who executed it. Using the skills that he had honed for hours playing the game, making an elaborate explosion completely hidden in your house with ease… just waiting for you to step on the pressure plate. 
And while your immediate reaction did make a satisfied and mischievous smile grow on your boyfriend’s face, it soon dropped. You never used his full name. Ever. Not even once. Suddenly Soul was a bit scared. You were going to extract revenge, no doubt. For the diamonds, and the loot, but mostly for the cats.
You put your laptop down, turning towards your boyfriend, staring incredulously at his blank expression. What was going through his little brain behind those thoughtless eyes? Was he enjoying your pain and agony, or was he regretting his actions?
“Theo.” He said suddenly, avoiding eye contact with you.
“Oh hell no. You are not gonna blame Theo for this, baby.” You were back to calling him baby— that was a positive sign. You grabbed his wrist, forcing him to face you as you cupped his cheeks.
“You’re going to rebuild my house, right? And get my cats back. And the diamonds. I want double the original amount. Double the size of the house, 4 cats, 6 diamonds. Got it?” You were determined, but Soul could still tell that you weren’t that upset with him. It barely took more than 5 seconds for you to calm down, especially when it was a harmless prank.
He made a slightly reluctant villager noise in response, agreeing to your terms. You grinned and pecked his lips before giving him one last warning.
“If I don’t get 4 cats then I’m quitting the world.” 
↳ p1harmony taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @kangtaehyunzzz,, @amara-mars,, @nyukyusnz,,
@blossominghunnie,, @wccycc,, @seunghancore,, @heavenfilm,, @sobun1est,,
@bananabubble,, @talkingsaxy
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boatemlag · 1 month
like importantly irt ccs complaining abt certain aspects of minecraft being "too OP" like OK:
1. you play minecraft at least 6-8 hours a day, your idea of timeframe is skewed
2. not everyone knows how to do that
3. you can actively choose to slow down or not take the easy route, all of these things are deeply optional
4. minecraft for me at least is not about hoarding resources, its a sandbox game about creating (and also playing with my friends/seeing what they're creating) and exploring the world. having access to infrastructure like farms or travel like the nether roof or elytra opens up the world in a way that means i have access to work on these projects as opposed to struggling to get a stack of mangrove logs. if you want to make that aspect intentionally difficult for yourself, you can
5. irt elytra, it took me a full year to get elytra on my singleplayer world, and i dont have a gunpowder farm, so i have to use them sparingly. because i am bad at pve so the dragon fight was intimidating to me. i used a resource pack that makes the dragon drop elytra bc im bad at raiding end cities. do u get my point. your skill at a game making it boring to you is not a problem of the developers. this happens with literally every game. (thinking abt ppl complaining abt spiral abyss being too easy in genshin like omfg get over it)
this is just the top of the barrel of my arguments and gripes but yeah i think generally just remember that mcyts and ccs are out of touch with the majority of the playerbase tbh
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pamgkrthwrites · 5 months
On a Lead
Summary: Bakugou insults you and the next time you see him is when the village is being raided.
Tags: Bakugou x reader, not beta read, Minecraft AU, emotion hurt/comfort, fluff, no quirks, pet names
A/N: Using my writing skills I got from my writing class to this. Should I be writing an assignment for that same class that's due tomorrow, yeah I should. But I did two assignments today so I think I deserved a little break.
“Are you sure this is a good idea, Bakugou?” 
“Eh?! You scared or something, chicken little?”
You glared at the man as he brought out his flint and steel, He lit it at the obsidian stone, and soon a purple glow enlightened from the centre.
An eerie sound emitted from the portal, making your back shiver.
Bakugou brought out his diamond axe as he started walking forward towards you. You grabbed hold of his black skull shirt quickly, making him turn to you with a glare.
“What is it?” He growled at you.
“I don’t think this is a good idea-”
“Then don’t come with me!”
“Bakugou please!” You pulled at his shirt to make him turn to you. “I know you're the better adventure and fighter than me, but going into the nether is a bad idea!”
Bakugou pulled it away from you. “Don’t you want answers?! Don’t you want to know why we and others all just woke up in this world?!”
“Of course I want to know, Bakugou!” You shouted at him, feeling your bottom lip wobble. You were the lava bubbles echoing in the cave. “But… You could get hurt in there… You may not-”
“I’m not a weakling like you.” His voice rang coldly in your ear. “You and your friends are just farmers. If you guys are alright being in that rebuilt village and farming all your lives, go ahead. But I’m not like that.”
Bakugou’s harsh words made your arms feel like jelly, so when he pulled himself out of your grasp it easily left. He walked through the portal. He didn’t even look back at you as his body disappeared into the purple mist.
Your chest grew tight and your vision grew a bit blurry. You rubbed your eyes as you turned your back on the portal you helped Bakugou make and made your way back through the cave.
Bakugou and his friends were different from you and your friends. His friends travelled and adventured together, fighting monsters and exploring. While you and your friends rebuilt a village, farmed and mined. At most, you would have to fight raiders. Your group monster spawn protected the village and always went into the mines with a shield. 
Apparently, 700 people like you and Bakugou all one day woke up in the world you have been calling your home for a year. Yet none of you could remember your life before any of this.
Bakugou and his friends were part of a group of 60 people who went out adventuring to find answers. The reason of the 600 were split into three groups. The red stoners who made monster farms, the traders, and your group the farmers and miners. The remaining 40 were seen as elders by the groups.
Your group would gather the foods and minerals and then define them, making them into ores, blocks, food, etc. You would then trade those to the trader groups who then will trade with the red stones. The adventures also trade with the traders when they come around.
In other words, everyone interacts with the traders.
The 700 of you called yourself the U.A. Alliance. You and your friends aren’t aware of anyone else joining your world, so you’re not sure why the others decided this name was needed.
As you climbed out of the cave, your eyes landed on your purple-haired friend.
You attempted to smile at him. “Shinso, you waited for me?”
“Where's Bakugou?” Shinso asked you. “Did he say something mean to you?”
You stared at him before lowering your head and pouting your lower lip. “Yeah… He called me a weakling before entering a nether portal.”
Shinso scoffed, looking away from you. “He’s such a jackass.”
You bit the inside of your mouth before walking past him. “I don’t, maybe he’s right.”
Shinso looked at you, his face unreadable. “Don’t say that about yourself. He’s just an uncaring creature.”
There was a screech in the sky. You looked up and as soon as you saw them your eyes almost popped out of your head.
“Don’t worry about it.” He lightly chuckled as he brought out his iron sword. “I’m harvesting their membranes.”
You gave him a look before turning. “Alright, I’m going to bed. Good night, Shinso.”
Almost a week later, you were feeding your prized sheep, jeb_. Bakugou had yet to return from the nether and now some of his friends were asking you what had happened.
You were temped to go in yourself and look for him yourself out of guilt. Maybe you should’ve gone with him like planned. At least that way if he got hurt, he wouldn’t be alone.
Suddenly the village bell was ringing. You sat up straight and looked to the centre of the village. 
You saw many of the adventures quickly pull out their diamonds axes or swords and their shields all looking at something.
You quickly got up and ran out of the sheep barn to see a hoard of a raid coming in, your heart sinking.
You didn’t bring any of your weapons with you today.
You quickly ran to your hurt and pulled your iron sword from your chest and put in your iron chest plate and pants. You looked through out your chest and looked for your helmet but couldn’t find it in time.
“Shit.” You ran from your chest and started to sprint towards the fight.
A pillager turned towards you, glaring at you. He charged his crossbow and aimed it at you. You ditched out of the way as it fired at you before you hit your sword against said crossbow.
You then slashed your sword across his face which made him stumble back which gave you the opportunity to hit him two more times. He fell onto his back with a grunt before his body turned to dust. You noticed one shiny green emerald, quickly grabbing it before moving on to the next pillager in your line of sight.
You heard a horn ring out, indicating the second wave of raiders.
You panted, wiping off the sweat from your forehead as your stomach rumbled. You pulled out some bread from your pocket and quickly ate it. 
You bit the inside of your mouth as you saw two Vindicators step closer. Their blue eyes and grey skin always made this sick uneasy feeling form in your stomach.
You pushed that feeling away as you ran towards the Vindicator, hitting your sword against him. He brought out his axe and used it to shield your attack.
He pushed you off of him, making you grunt as your back his the ground. You couldn’t feel the sun on the skin so you quickly rolled to the side.
As your eyes opened, you saw his axe cut into the earth where you were just. You gulped, quickly getting up and hitting his arm with your sword as he tried to pull his axe from the ground. 
He yelled out in pain, quickly leaning on his axe so he could kick you off of him. You fell to the floor again and as you opened your eyes you were suddenly pulled back from a grip on your arm.
You gave out a yelp as you were chucked behind someone, that same someone pushing a TNT in a minecart. Once the Minecraft hit the Vindicator, you had to cover your ears from the loud explosion.
You looked up and saw a rather beaten down Bakugou, though his armour was no longer diamond blue but a darken grey.
“What wave is this?!” He asked.
“Second.” You quickly answered as you got up.
“Still using iron tools, chicken little?”
You glared at him. “You’ve been gone for 6 days.”
“I’ve already been chewed out by Kirishima, ‘aight?”
“Why you so dirty and burnt?”
“I’ll tell you when we’re done here.”
“Got it.”
Another horn rang through the air, singling the third wave.
And a Ravager was heard stomping before it was seen.
You bit the inside of your lip but Bakugou already ran towards it. You ran after him. You saw others fighting the Ravager as Bakugou approached. Bakugou pulled out his now black axe.
What the hell did he find in the nether?!
When Bakugou’s axe hit the beast, it let out a louder cry than what the diamond tools did to it. In fact, it seemed as though Bakugou’s upgraded tools seemed to have made it easier to defeat the beast.
The beast collapsed into dust, the horn ringing out for a longer time to indicate the raid was over.
Everyone sighed in relief, you sitting down on the grass. You looked up at the sky and saw the sun was ⅗ had been completed. 
You heard people walk away and start talking to each other, but you also heard someone approach you. Soon you saw Bakugou’s face looking down at you.
“Oi, why ain’t you wearing your helmet? You want to get brain damage?”
“Couldn’t find it.”
Bakugou offered you his hand, which is odd.
You gently took it and Bakugou helped you up.
“I’m sorry.”
Silence rang throughout your ears. You turned to Bakugou and tilted your head. “Sorry, what did you say?”
“I said I’m sorry.” He repeated himself. “I shouldn’t have called you a weakling. You’re actually strong and brave.”
You felt your cheeks warm up lightly. “Oh. Thank you Bakugou.”
“Katsuki is fine.” 
You felt your heart warmed. You wonder what happened in the nether for this to happen.
“So, why is your armour and axe now black?” You quickly asked as you tried to ignore the feeling growing in your chest.
Bakugou smirked. “You like it? It’s called netherite. I find it while I actually trying to sleep in the nether. Don’t do that. The beds explode.”
“Oh.” You gently took the axe from him and took a look at it. It definitely much stronger then diamond. 
Suddenly a helmet was on your head, making you look up and noticed Bakugou was putting his helmet on you.
“What are you-?”
“I don’t want you to get hurt.” Bakugou butted in. “My armour is stronger than yours so you may as well wear it.”
Bakugou tightened the helmet onto your head to secure it. “Tighten enough?”
You nodded your head. “Yeah, it’s good.”
Bakugou gently held your face, looking down at you. His eyes were surprisingly soft as he looked at you, his breathing even too. You noticed him leaning closer and your heart started to panic.
“You going to tell me why you so dirty?” You asked him.
Bakugou sighed as he rolled his head on his neck. “Well, the nether is hot and lava is everywhere. I couldn’t see the sky at anypoint. There are also these pig things walking around that would attack if I wasn’t wearing gold.”
You let out a laugh. “Gold? Isn’t it weak?”
“Yeah but it’s everywhere in there, though in much tinier pieces. There was also these fiery gold things. They dropped these things.”
Bakugou leaned to grab something from his back pocket and let you have a closer look. You felt grabbed it and took a look.
“They look like fire trapped in a golden rod.” You described.
“What do you think it is?” He asked.
“I don’t know. Looks like something you would have to give to one of those trader guys.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes and made a vomiting sound. “Sounds lame.”
Bakugou took them take and put them back in his pocket. You took the chance to take a step back but Bakugou just followed your movements and stepped closer to you.
“I’m really sorry for what I said…” Bakugou’s cheeks were a light pink, making your heart jump a little. “I shouldn’t have called you a weakling.”
“... Thank you for apologising to me… Katsuki…” You replied.
Bakugou grabbed gently grabbed your face again and leaned in close.
“I was thinking…” Bakugou said gently. “While I was in the nether. Would you like to go travelling with me?”
Your heart beat fastened. “Travel with you?”
“Alone, just us two.”
Thump Thump.
“Do I need a reason to want to be with you?”
“... I just don’t understand.”
Bakugou called you by your name. “I want to be with you. I want you to be safe because of me. I don’t want those damn extras getting between us.”
Bakugou leaned closer until his and your lips were pressed together. 
You lightly leaned closer as the knots in your shoulders felt as if they were loosening up.
“Oh my god, Bkaugou is kissing her!” You heard a happy feminine voice.
Yours and Bakugou’s lips parted and you both turned, seeing Mina, Kirishima, Denki and Sero all open mouths smiling from shock.
You felt Bakugou’s grip on your arms tightening before he let go and stomped towards them and started shouting at them. You watched as your cheeks warmed hotter and hotter. 
Bakugou wanted you to travel with him, alone.
And he kissed you.
After apologising. 
Your face heated up. Not wanting to be embarrassed, you quickly turned and made your way back to the sheep barn. 
After all, you’d want jeb_ to come with you.
Bakugou called you by name as he stood at the door of your home. “Hurry up, chicken little!”
You open your door with a wide smile and your backpack on your back and your bundle around your waist. 
Bakugou gave you a look. “Why are you carrying so much?”
“My bundle has all my farming seeds, and I’m carrying all nine of my tools. Everything else is nine stacks of cobble, fifteen stacks of wood, and two stacks of saplings. I also have one lead for jeb_!”
“But why?”
“For making the house, dummy!” You pouted and puffed your cheeks up at him.
“I meant the lead. Why?”
You gasped at such a question.
You two started to bicker with each other, Kirishima and Mina watched on with awe.
“You think they’ve tamed him?” Kirishima asked Mina.
“I think so?” Mina asked while tilting her head. “I’m surpised Bakugou wants to settle down with someone.”
“I’m surprised it’s with a farmer. I was always under the impression it would be with one of us adventures.”
You made your way to the sheep barn while pulling out your lead. You gently sechued it around jeb_ before letting him out of his stable. Bakugou waited, tapping his finger agonist his bicep.
“You ready now, chicken little?”
“Why do you even call me that? I ain’t a chicken.”
“Your little and cute, like a chicken.”
“I am not little!” You pouted.
Bakugou laughed before rubbing the top of your head. “Sure sure. Anyway, let’s get going.”
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starsopinions · 22 days
The Minecraft movie........
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I've been playing Minecraft for as long as I can remember. My brother and I would spend hours on Hypixel, our survival world, and building escape rooms for each other (the exit would no doubt be behind a painting). As a movie fanatic, a film about Minecraft sounds like such a fun concept with great potential yet from the look from the teaser trailer it seems like all that potential will remain unused.
Link to the trailer if you haven't seen it yet!
Plenty of people have already commented on how it looks, which let’s be frank, is terrible. This post, however, is not about the look but the story so here is a summary: The set design is quite nice except it does not look like any Minecraft biome. The people look extremely out of place, especially Steve who is supposed to be part of this world. Last but not least, there are moving, working windmills. Anyone who has played Minecraft will probably feel the same way about this, which is not happy. This is the main problem, the makers have maybe watched 1 Let’s Play. They don’t know the Minecraft experience. They haven’t played hardcore survival and felt the pain when you die because your elytra breaks, they have never gone mining at 2 am on a rainy night or have built a beautiful base they a proud of.
Which brings us to the soulless plot. For anyone unfamiliar, this is what Warner Bros. describes it as: “Four misfits—Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie and Dawn—find themselves struggling with ordinary problems when they are suddenly pulled through a mysterious portal into the Overworld: a bizarre, cubic wonderland that thrives on imagination. To get back home, they’ll have to master this world (and protect it from evil things like Piglins and Zombies, too) while embarking on a magical quest with an unexpected, expert crafter, Steve. Together, their adventure will challenge all five to be bold and to reconnect with the qualities that make each of them uniquely creative…the very skills they need to thrive back in the real world.”
That made me throw up in my mouth a little. Minecraft is such a fun and unique game and this is what they come up with? Minecraft is a game about being creative and there are literally endless possibilities. This plot has nothing to do with the actual game and could be applied to any video game. Speaking of other games, it hasn’t escaped anyone’s notice that this is the exact plot of the movie Jumanji.
I’m secretly hoping they pull a Sonic and fix the movie at the last minute but I don’t think that is realistic. I don’t think all is lost though, Emma Myers (who plays Natalie) is, in my opinion, a great addition to the cast and is funny and talented. The rest of the cast isn’t much to write home about, unfortunately. As stated before, I do think the set has a cool look to it, it is just a shame that it doesn’t look like Minecraft.
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Here is what I would do if I were in charge:
Firstly the whole cast is going. I would make it an animated film, Minecraft isn’t a realistic game and it doesn’t come across well in live-action. Steve and Alex would be the main characters.
The movie would have an entirely different plot and would either focus on Steve and Alex trying to defeat the Enderdragon for the first time, etc. (I think this is a bit basic but sometimes less is more)
Or it could be about the lore of the Enderdragon, Endermen, Ghasts, etc. and what happened to them and how they ended up where they are. There are so many theories about this online and it’s a side of that Minecraft hasn't been explored yet.
Another option could be about the villagers and pillagers. It would be cool to see more of their history and maybe Steve meddling to make peace or something in that direction. Think about how cool raids could be in movie form.
(see how I just thought of 3 way more original and fun plots off the top of my head when the writers couldn’t think of a singular one in months)-
A MUST for me is the classic Minecraft music. It should be in the trailer, in the movie, it should be everywhere. It is so nostalgic and everyone who has ever played Minecraft knows how iconic it is. (not saying it is not in the movie right now, I obviously haven’t seen it yet but wanted to include this point)
I think it could be cool if, for example, Steve would find a new biome or a new item and then we would get it in the game in an update. It would show a real connection between the movie and the game which is missing right now. (again not saying they won’t do this but I’m not getting my hopes up)
Besides all this, it would be amazing to see jokes and references to the actual game. Think forgetting to set your spawnpoint, inventory being full, etc.
And lastly, I NEED to see Minecraft YouTuber's references. I think they might do this, I’ve seen multiple YouTubers talk about the movie and I know Mumbo visited the set, so there is a possibility. Minecraft has one of the biggest YouTube communities, not referencing it would be a missed opportunity for sure.
I don’t think this movie will be especially bad, from the looks of it, it’s going to be a whole lot of meh. I do want to say that I have not seen the movie yet as it isn’t out yet, this means that a lot could still change (please please please). I will be in the cinema on April 4th with low expectations but high hopes, I have never wanted to be wrong more. Let me know what you think and thank you for reading all the way to the end <3
As always, this is MY opinion. Feel free to disagree but remember: It is a game about blocks, it's not that important (she says after ranting about it for like 2 hours lmao).
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kunikiden · 2 months
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Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki Headcannons ?!
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki loves video games no matter the genre. However, he tends to prefer games that have a pvp aspect or are competitive due to the skill he holds towards these games. For example, Fortnite, Valorant, Mario Kart, etc.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki always has Minecraft running in the background when gaming, so he can quickly switch to it if needed.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki likes to mine the most in Minecraft. When he's not doing that, he's either exploring or killing off mobs. ( Building is NOT his specialty )
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki wears a soft pink headset that has interchangeable cat ears. ( It was a Christmas gift from Panda. )
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki has a headset that is designed to his likes and his gaming tendencies that also matches the color scheme of his setup, but still wears the ones Panda got him out of appreciation.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki prefers gaming on his PC or his Xbox due to its easy controls, better privacy settings, and raw computing power. ( He is an avid Playstation hater. )
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki has both a regular Nintendo Switch and a smaller Nintendo Switch Lite he likes to bring on his person, whether in public or at school.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki used to be a chronic DS & 3DS user as a kid, but now he keeps it preserved on display in his bedroom.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki was always a big fan of the Pokémon franchise, and some of his favorites are Togepede and the Aloan Vulpix.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki's favorite 'old' Pokémon game is Pokémon White.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki thinks fire starter type Pokémon are overrated and always chooses the water types.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki has a microphone for voice chat but only uses it when he is playing with his friends; aka people who understand his rice ball language.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki wears your classic white boy t-shirts while playing. ( Eat sleep game repeat, I paused my game to be here, etc ) In addition, he has a collection of these but refuses to wear them outside his dorm or house
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki used to rage and go absolutely feral over Among Us in 2020
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki has accidentally cursed someone out of rage, forcing them to log off and delete their account.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki bought a fancy gaming chair that can recline and have adjustable height ( as well as a secret massage mode ) that he can play/adjust by using a remote. ( Panda offered to buy him a toilet bowl attachment )
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki often drags his fellow second years out to arcades in competition to see who can win by getting the most tickets by the end of the night. ( He always wins, but Yuta comes close due to Rika's help ( she's cheating ))
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki has a YouTube channel for gaming that he will occasionally post a vlog on
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki first started posting videos in his rice ball language but realized after a while that the reason he wasn't getting likes was because people couldn't understand him. Shortly after, he stopped talking and just started adding subtiltes/captions.
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki has built his own PC with the help of Yuta. ( All he did was be emotional support as Toge rambled on about it and went with him to shops to buy the necessary parts )
Gamer/Streamer!Inumaki is also really good at board games, but for some reason SUCKS at any type of Monopoly besides the cheaters version. ( and chess, he is horrid at chess )
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thornybubbles · 1 year
Playing Minecraft with the Stardust Crusaders
**Note: Originally I was going to have this be a story with just Kakyoin, but I decided to add the rest of the Stardust Crusaders. Also I decided to just do headcanons instead of writing a full story. I’ve been writing a lot of dark yandere stuff and I just wanted a break. So here’s something wholesome. PS. Polnareff’s part was my favorite to write. XD **
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He may be an old man, but he’s not completely out of touch when it comes to the concept of video games. It takes him a little bit to learn how to play, but once he gets the hang of it, there’s no stopping him. Joseph’s building skills are pretty basic. He’s more interested in the survival and exploration elements of Minecraft. Once he gets his house built, he does a little mining to get a full set of iron armor, weapons, and tools and then he’s off to explore. He’s almost never seen around the main base and spends most of his time many, many blocks away, discovering cool things. He will often ask questions about things he’s unfamiliar with and you explain it to him. Sometimes he hardly speaks at all because he’s too enamored with all the stuff he’s discovering. 
Then there was the “Creeper Incident”. Joseph made the mistake of doing some exploring at night instead of going to sleep like a good little Minecrafter. 
“Hey, what’s this freaky green thing?” he asked you. 
“Freaky green thing? What kind of freaky green thing?” you said, wanting some specifics. 
“It looks like a depressed cactus,” he explained. 
Uh oh.
“Oh! That’s a cr---!” 
There was a distant explosion followed by Joseph screaming, “Oh my God! Son of a bitch!!!” 
After that, something changed in Joseph’s play style. He went from explorer to monster hunter. Angry at having been blown up and losing all his stuff, he goes on a vendetta to destroy all creepers. And why stop there? Zombies, spiders,skeletons or any other creature of the night that crosses his path were quickly dealt with. He goes deep into learning brewing, armor and weapon enchanting, and anything else he can think of to give him an edge against the hostile mobs. With Avdol’s help he builds a battle tower and protective wall around the base. He has very big dreams about taking out the Ender Dragon. 
Joseph is a bit of a jack of all trades when it comes to Minecraft. He may not be the best builder but he has a lot of creative ideas that help all of you with whatever projects you might be working on, especially when it comes to base defense and monster fighting.
He only ever plays when either you or one of the other Crusaders asks him to. When he first spawned in he wasn’t too impressed. He had a hard time figuring out what he wanted to do. At first, he doesn’t bother building a house or anything and just bums around his grandpa’s house. He makes a snide comment about how Joseph’s house is just a big, wooden block with one window and a door. Joseph grumbles something about how his house didn’t need to be pretty, just practical. Joseph ends up being the one to teach Jotaro how to play, while you occasionally interject to mention something Joseph may have forgotten about. Jotaro just responds with non-committal grunts and wanders around the base, checking things out. 
Eventually, he goes off on his own to explore and find somewhere nearby to build a house. He hasn’t collected any resources, has no tools, or crafted a weapon of any kind when he starts exploring. You try to warn him that he should at least get a wooden sword to defend himself with, but he ignores you. It isn’t until night comes and he is nearly killed by zombies that he finally decides to get some wood and stone and make some basic tools. He still hasn’t found a decent place to build yet, though.  
After he’s wandered around for about 4 in-game days, he comes across a village. Jotaro watches the villagers run around, doing their thing, and is bemused at their silly appearance and sounds. But when nighttime comes and zombies start attacking them, Jotaro feels he’s found his purpose in the game. Somebody has to protect these dumb looking guys and it may as well be him. He teams up with Avdol and Joseph (who is a little miffed that someone found a village before he did) to form a “Village Security Team”. While Avdol fixes the village up by patching holes in walkways, correcting poorly spawned buildings, and starting work on building a monster proof wall around the village, Jotaro and Joseph stay up at night to fight off the monsters. 
Eventually, Jotaro builds a massive fortress near the village and Avdol attaches the wall to it. This fortress serves as Jotaro’s home and the village becomes the secondary base for you guys. Joseph jokingly calls him “King JoJo” and “Your Highness” which usually has Jotaro grumbling under his breath. He spends most of his days decorating or improving either the fortress or the village itself. When he’s not doing that, he’s usually tagging along on one of his Grandfather’s adventures. 
The redstone wizard of the group. Noriaki’s beaten the game a few times already, but only recently started messing around with redstone contraptions. He set up an automated farm that both harvests and replants crops as well as a huge mineshaft with minecarts set up so that they returned to the surface to be unloaded whenever players filled them up with resources.
As innovative as he is, though, he often uses his redstone skills to be an absolute troll. And usually, his victim is you. That’s not to say that he hasn’t pranked any of the others yet, it’s just that you’re his favorite target. It’s kinda your fault though. It started back when you first started playing Minecraft together and you might have, possibly, sorta, kinda, completely un-accidentally pilfered a diamond or two from one of his chests. He knew you were the culprit because there wasn’t anyone else in the game at the time but the two of you. He didn’t call you out on it, though, assuming that you would replace the diamonds as soon as you got a chance. You never did. While you actually did have every intention of returning the diamonds to him, you just forgot about it. It didn’t help that you later developed a habit of helping yourself to whatever you found in his chests instead of going out and getting the resources for yourself. Hey, it was easier and it saved time!
Nori never said a word about it, instead opting to quietly plan his revenge. One day you went down into his storage basement to grab some cobblestone from one of his chests. You were only going to grab a stack or two and make a mental note (for the hundredth time) to replace whatever you took, but knowing that you’d probably forget. When you opened the chest, though, you didn’t find any cobblestone. Instead you found yourself staring into the sullen face of a creeper, its warning hiss in your ears. You let out a shriek of terror and braced yourself for the inevitable explosion, but it never came. You examined the “creeper” again only to see that it was nothing more than an armor stand wearing a creeper head and green dyed leather armor. It was inside of a minecart that was cleverly hidden behind the chest. You just stared at it as your brain slowly came to the conclusion that you’d just been pranked. 
“Ah, I see you found my theft deterrent.” Noriaki said, amusement clear in his voice. “It’s a nifty little project I found online called the ‘creeper in a box’ prank.” 
You can’t even say anything. He got you good and you know it. You made it a point to stay out of his storage basement from then on. 
It doesn’t stop there though. That one little incident unleashed Noriaki’s inner troll and you’re the one who gets to suffer for it. From filling your house with dirt blocks to slowly rearranging your decorations over time to see how long it would take for you to notice, Noriaki just seems to love messing with you. You have to admit that while his pranks are annoying, they are pretty funny and too clever for you to really get mad at. Your “favorite” was when he hid a bunch of note blocks under your house and arranged them to play a certain song when you opened the front door. 
“Nori, why is my house Rick Rolling me?” you demand of him, annoyed but admittedly amused. 
“Why are you asking me?” he says, playing dumb. 
He knows what he did. 
You eventually do give him his diamonds back in hopes that will appease him. It does… for a little while at least. 
The master builder. Before being invited to play Minecraft with you guys, he’d never really played a video game before. But there was something about the building mechanics of the game that awakened something within him, possibly nostalgia for those calm times with building blocks when he was a little kid. Whatever the case, Avdol takes to building like a pro and all without any YouTube tutorials, too. You want a medieval style bakery? You got one. Want a modern bungalow? He’ll do it. Giant fire breathing demon chicken to put in the middle of the base? You can envision the weird looks he wants to give you, but he’ll make one of those, no problem. His best projects are the ones he does on his own, though, with no guidance and with minimal suggestions. 
Due to his building skills, he finds himself constantly busy within the game as someone always has some kind of building project they want help with. He even offered to improve Joseph’s plain block house. The old man told him to do whatever he pleased and then went off to go treasure hunting with Jotaro and Kakyoin. When Joseph came back he found his simple home had been converted into a deceptively cute cabin. While Joseph was impressed enough with how cozy it looked, Avdol revealed that the cabin had a secret, a well hidden secret chamber that appealed to Joseph's inner superhero fanboy. He had his very own secret lair now (yeah, it’s not really a secret if everybody on the server knows about it, but let the old man dream)!
Over time, Avdol has added things here and there to the base to keep things from looking so plain. He’s added a decorated pond for fishing and just a place to hang out. There’s also a meeting area for when the whole gang gets together right before going on an adventure (brings back bittersweet memories. At least this time there’s no danger of anyone actually dying.). 
And yes, he even added that giant fire breathing demon chicken statue you wanted so badly. Your odd tastes aside, Avdol managed to make the abomination of a statue look rather cool and stylized. Kakyoin wants it to be the mascot for your group. It ends up being put on any and all banners for the base, much to Avdol’s chagrin. 
Every time he gets online with you guys he is either working on a project or starting another one. He never seems to run out of things to do. Surprisingly, his own home is rather quaint. Just a regular old farm house, but it’s very pretty. And yes, he has a chicken farm. 
Chaos incarnate. This man got into the game and immediately started doing everything WRONG! Digging straight down, forgetting to sleep at least once to ward off phantoms, forgetting to crouch when standing at the edge of great heights, you name it he’s messed it up. So basically just Polnareff being Polnareff. He always manages to find danger or danger finds him. Every monster in the area seems to target him specifically. On one mining trip you actually watched around five zombies shamble right past you and head straight for a very startled Polnareff. They completely ignored you! He’s died so many times that you actually put in the “keep inventory” cheat so that at the very least he stops losing all of his hard earned resources. 
Speaking of resources, when it comes to mining it’s the one thing that Jean Pierre is really, really lucky at. To the point that it makes everyone else jealous. He was the first to find diamonds and emeralds and the first to manage to get full stacks of both. You never even thought it possible to find 64 emeralds naturally, but Polnareff managed to pull it off. Joseph is quick to accuse him of cheating which results in a very childish argument between the two until you step in and explain that you were with Polnareff the whole time and he just finds diamonds and emeralds by chance. Joseph apologizes but grumbles when Polnareff laughs. Ever since then, whenever he comes across diamonds, or anything even remotely interesting, he is very obnoxious about it. 
“HEY GUYS!!! GUESS WHO FOUND EVEN MORE DIAMONDS?!!” he’ll shout in an annoying sing-song voice.
This usually results in annoyed huffs from Avdol and Kakyoin, disgruntled “Good griefs” from Jotaro, not-so-humble requests for him to stop bragging like an asshole from Joseph, and a threat or two from you that if he didn’t stop rubbing your faces in it, you would shove him into the nearest lava pit. This always earns a mischievous giggle or two from him. He’s so full of himself about it. He does make up for it though, when he crafts full sets of diamond armor for you all. For all his arrogant bragging, he’s really rather generous with his finds. If any of you need diamonds or emeralds he’s the first to offer up his stash. After all, he has so many, why shouldn’t he share? ~ ❤
Whenever he goes mining, you usually tag along. You say that it’s so you can help him carry his loot, but actually it’s because you’re his self appointed babysitter. Just like in real life, it just isn’t a good idea for him to run off by himself. You never say that out loud though because you know how sensitive he is about being danger-prone. Besides he likes having you along and the two of you end up as mining buddies almost every time you play. Sometimes Kakyoin joins you as he’s always in need of redstone and other materials for his contraptions (it’s important to note that Polnareff is Kakyoin’s second favorite trolling victim and it always makes you nervous whenever he tags along because you never know if he’s up to something or just genuinely wants to collect resources.). 
Whenever you and Polnareff go off on your own to do anything, the rest of the Crusaders server prepares their poor ears for the inevitable screaming and swearing that will follow. Something happens to you whenever you pair up with Polnareff. Your brain power seems to get cut in half and the two of you end up becoming an unintentional comedy duo that has everyone else either laughing or, in Jotaro’s case, muting you for being “too damn loud”. 
There was one time that Polnereff was digging a strip mine that ended up leading right into the Deep Dark and the Warden’s territory. You can probably guess what happened. Before you could warn him, Polnareff’s antics end up summoning the Warden and the monster kills you both before either of you have a chance to panic. This results in Polnareff seeking revenge (or trying to) and going all the way back to the Deep Dark to fight the Warden again (and dragging you along each time), and (both of you) dying again. This happens about three more times before he actually manages to defeat the Warden only to find out that he doesn’t get any kind of reward for it (other than bragging rights, which believe me, he takes advantage of). 
On a minor note, Polnareff’s inventory is always extremely unorganized. Whether referring to his personal inventory or his storage chests his inventory is in shambles. There’s no rhyme or reason for where he places things in his hotbar and sometimes he’ll end up hitting monsters with a stick or block of glass rather than his sword. He also has a bad habit of using the wrong tool for certain jobs, such as using his pickaxe on dirt instead of his shovel and it drives more organized players like Kakyoin and Avdol insane. 
(We’re assuming that the little gremlin lives with you) While he can’t exactly play video games for obvious reasons, he does kinda like watching you play, but that’s only if he’s not trying to take a nap (you’re kinda noisy). Most of the time he just plops down in his comfy spot and watches you struggle to survive in what he mentally calls the “stupid human block game”. He is really amused whenever you and Polnareff team up because watching you two together is comedy gold. Sometimes, when you’re playing alone, he’ll wait for you to be exploring a dark, creepy cave and suddenly bark very loudly for no reason, causing you to very nearly jump out of your skin. 
Iggy: “BARK!”
You scream, swear, and jump back so hard that your headset falls off. Your mouse has been practically thrown across the room. You turn around and glare at the little brat. 
“IGGY!” you shout accusingly. 
The cheeky little doggo runs out of the room making sounds that can be interpreted as the canine equivalent of snickering.
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
members are fwhip jimmy lizzie mog sausage oli rendog katherine pix shubble scott eloise zombiecleo. modded smp. stream only i think. fantasy themed.
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he logs in and has to choose an origin. seems very dnd-esque? but ive never played dnd so. im guessing here.
he spends 10 minutes choosing just to settle on half elf. he gets to pick 2 skills so he picks quicker regen and most movements wont trigger sculk sensors.
he spawns in :D cleo is there :D but jim hasnt set up voice mod so. they dont talk yet. cleo just starts circling him and its really funny to me
HE GETS SET UP. cleos immediately like youre not small :( (her chat told her he would be) and he was like. well being small is fun for a stream and then it gets a bit annoying doesnt it. which i have Thoughts about
they spawned in like a tower thing. cleo goes down and dies instantly to a bunch of mobs. after cleo dies jimmy goes down and also dies instantly. theres some weird spawn protection thing going on meaning they literally cant beat the mobs
jimmy experiences Modded Minecraft and gets scared. why do his buttons do things. why is there things everywhere. his keybinds have been super messed up so hes having A Time
sausage died and cuz of voice mod he screamed and cut out immediately which is my favourite thing. the entire smp is a mess theres like a million mobs. ive never seen jimmy rage this hard at dying before
fwhip joins and he chose one of the small classes. jimmy starts making fun of him so fwhip crits him like 3 times. jimmy then steals fwhips wood and fwhip tries to kill him again.
it takes establishing that jimmys a half-elf and sausage is a high-elf before the elf superiority starts.
katherine joins and shes ALSO a half elf. sausage starts calling him their daddy. its been 20 minutes
jim and oli meet up (and katherine follows) and olis like. im gonna show you my secret if u give me 6 things. so jimmy gives him 6 things and turns out oli can. go invisible????? and jim and katherine are like :o and are surprised he didnt pick bard. olis like well i already did that. im a mushroom guy now. and takes off his armour to show his skin (he says something about it being similar to his larp outfit which is cool) and jimmys like whats with the glasses. and oli full on whines and goes JIMMMMMMMH :( theyre my mushroom glasses.
they both die within a minute of exploring. cant say its unexpected. they get their stuff back easily enough though
after talking to like everyone jim splits off. he finds a zombie playing bagpipes and i lost my shit
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it just played folk music the entire time he was trying to kill it
meets up with everyone. they talk for a while but nothing super notable to be said
(jimmy got up to get a snack and the stream chat started talking to his chair. it made me giggle)
he got super fast shoes. everyone is jealous of him. bitches love him and his super fast shoes.
i look away for like 5 minutes and hes now. wearing a whoopee cushion on his head. and a crown!
jimmy and sausage beat up a boss and it drops a ring. sausage picks it up and asks jimmy to marry him. jimmy IMMEDIATELY rejects him. no hesitation
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^ little chicken hat :) cleo has a little pig hat and they match and its really cute.
jimmy gets a big axe and is like omg its so big!! and cleo AND sausage immediately jump on like oh tell me how you got it so big jimmy. and hes like guys. guys please.
sausage gets an ancient gong with unreadable runes on it. he obviously hits it multiple times. nothing happens at least.
they find ren and he has a little sheep hat so now 3 of them are matching. sausage feels very left out.
jimmy and oli meet up. oli does a bit of being like.. the spirit of the forest. oli gives jim a sapling and jim gives oli an invisibility cape. oli ends the bit and comes back as himself. he has a bow on his lower back and jimmys like wow you have a bow on your back. oli calls his ass big and juicy. frowns
oli tries to hit jimmy like 20 times and its just not working. jimmy is invincible i think.
oli and jim go to a village and make a bit of stealing childrens lunch money. idk why but they are. it doesnt work.
they meet up with lizzie and oli does his "spirit of the forest" bit again. he starts to give lizzie a riddle and says "what is wet and long- and not dry-" then gets confused and just. doesnt finish it at all.
lizzie mentions jims large weapon. jimmy voice "nothings too big for me" oli voice "nothings too big for jim" why have 2 separate groups made the exact same joke.
lizzie crashes and oli calls her and it goes to voicemail and he leaves a message and he ends it with a bunch of chappell roan song names. when jimmy doesnt know what he means olis immediately like THIS GUY IS NOT AN ALLY.
^ like 5 minutes after that they kiss so.
jim gives lizzie an ocean necklace after she logs in again. crazy
oli and jim are potentially basing together. we MIGHT be back.
uhhhhh stream end :p double upload on sunday (one main channel one roblox channel) not sure if im gonna summarise all these streams if only bc i have. No Idea whats going on. i dont understand modded mc at all. despite that it is a chill vod if u need background noise for anything
YAYYY JIMMY STREAM SUMMARY yeah this SMP came out of nowhere. I heard nothing about it. Fun that Rendog is here though!! And Cleo!!
"well being small is fun for a stream and then it gets a bit annoying doesnt it." OFF TO A NOT GOOD START GRRRRRRRR JIMMY..........my son..... ESMP2 haunts him... And then he goes and makes fun of fWhip LMAO. Not going to fault him but also not going to fault fWhip for almost killing Jimmy a few times, deserved
Sausage's humor making me want to end myself as usual. But Jimmy immediately rejecting his marriage proposal did put a smile on my face. If it weren't for moments like this to balance out Sausage just. the way he is. I would actually be infuriated if I ever watched SMP streams he's in. Sorry Sausage fans
"jimmys like wow you have a bow on your back. oli calls his ass big and juicy. frowns" ?????? Oli?? ok whatever its. whatecver
"Oli starts to give lizzie a riddle and says "what is wet and long- and not dry-" then gets confused and just. doesnt finish it at all." ok thats funny lmao. hurt himself in his own confusion . deserved
Omg Oli and Jim kiss though <3 and them basing together potentially yes please
Ok yeah that sounds both chill and very confusing. I also don't understand heavily modded mc. But why is their humor sense just sex jokes again can they sprinkle in some other jokes every once in awhile PLEASE IM BEGGING
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azullumi · 2 years
the minecraft experience with them — various characters ☆彡
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summary — in the world wherein the blocks are square, the sun is square, the moon is square, everything is square, how will they live and survive?
characters — kaveh, zhongli, childe, tighnari, cyno, wanderer, alhaitham, ayato (w/ gender neutral reader)
tags — fluff, modern, just some headcanons i thought of while playing minecraft; headcanons
word count — 1137
a/n — god my heart is melting seeing my friends act like couples in minecraft.
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KAVEH — It’s obvious, guys, come on. He focuses on arts and the beauty of architecture and would most definitely take on the role of the builder and the designer of the world. He’s the type to build the most beautiful and extravagant house, create an underground base, and have a fully functional and pretty home that it feels literally out of the world. He consumes a lot of resources though and would spend more time gathering the things that he needs more than the time he spent on building. He’s the primary reason why the forests are bald in your world because of the amount of wooden logs he needed. There was also the time wherein a creeper came to his home and blew it up, ultimately destroying it, and he was in despair. Alternatively, if you threaten to destroy his base, hell will break loose.
ZHONGLI — The most efficient and lucky miner of all, as well as the gatherer of materials and resources. He’s the type of player to immediately venture out and look for a cave with a wooden pickaxe on hand. Nobody complains though because he’s extremely lucky at finding ores and getting the things you need early-game. Progress is easily made with him on your side because of how fast he can mine things and because of that, it feels like he’s an expert on the game even when he doesn’t play that much nor has any prior experience. Oftentimes, he’ll immediately find diamonds but doesn’t have the appropriate pickaxe to mine it but it’s not a problem however as he’ll find another one so easily. ‘I came looking for coal but found diamonds instead’ type of beat.
CHILDE — An all-rounder. He can be the miner, he can be the explorer, he can be the gatherer, he can be the farmer, and most especially, he can be the fighter. We don’t talk about his building skills though, this man would build a 5x5 house made out of wood and call it a base then reasons that this is much more effective and saves your resources. Well, whatever makes him happy, I guess. He often accompanies you wherever you go especially when you go mining as he’ll protect you from the mobs. He’s the kind of person to believe that placing a bed on nether and sleeping on it will give you a huge buff. He’s the adventurous type of player, the reckless and careless kind, and is the reason why keep inventory is switched to true.
TIGHNARI — FOOD. FOOD. RESOURCES. FARM. ANIMALS. FOOD. Food is the essence of life and is really crucial in the game. He’s in charge of anything related to farming and alike. You’ll find dozens of chests fully stacked with food and animal products, especially bread and baked potatoes. He’s the main supplier and giver of food, as well as, potions in your world. He’s the type who loves collecting flowers and has his home decorated with plants and vines because it looks pleasant and not like anyone complains because it looks good. He’s also the builder type and just one look at a reference picture for his builds, he knows how it is done even without watching a tutorial. Definitely doesn’t like spiders because of the way it looks and how it can climb up structures and invade your home.
CYNO — The fighter and bodyguard to the farm. He’ll take on the role of the protector as he protects the base and farm from creepers that threaten to approach, blow up, and destroy any form of hardwork and kill annoying skeletons that shoot at you from afar and hide underneath the shade of the tree to avoid being burnt and dying. He often uses the weapon, Trident, and would go even at the ends of the world just to attain it (since it’s a rare drop). He does whatever he is asked to and would often go explore to gather materials or get what is needed. He occasionally finds lush caves and would tell you about it, asking you to come to these specific coordinates if you can. You won’t need Iron Golems and anything to protect your home when you have Cyno.
WANDERER — Just like his name suggests, man is the player incarnation of Dora the Explorer and would rather focus on looking for those rare and hard-to-find biomes than settling in on one place. He takes days just for adventuring and sometimes it can last up to weeks or months in-game. He goes out to venture and seeks for strongholds, mansions, and villages, then once he’s satisfied, he’ll come back with good loot and hard-to-get items on hand. He pulls an uno-reverse card on enemies and would raid them, blowing up mansions and taking everything that he can. He knows how to come back to your base or wherever he came from though no matter how far it is. You really don’t have to worry about him getting lost since he understands how coordinates work and if you don’t, he’ll make fun of you for it but will teach you afterwards.
ALHAITHAM — An explorer and expert in gathering. He has tons of materials stored in his chests that he doesn’t use and only chooses to fight when he needs to but he somehow has his character on a fully enchanted diamond armor with enchanted tools, either iron or diamond. You need a stack of clay? He has it, it’s on the chest on the third column at the top. How about some cactus or snowballs? He has quite a lot of those. He also has a collection of leaf blocks and vines that you might like as decorations of your home. Of course, since he has those unnecessary things, he also has a ton of importance that are often really hard to get and find, especially the slimes. Because of this, farming and gathering wasn’t something you’ll have to think of when you play with him.
KAMISATO AYATO — Exploration? Mining? Fighting? Gathering? Farming? Building? Whatever you mention, he knows how to do it and is even good at it. He immediately becomes an expert on the game from the very first few times of playing, saying that it’s just like life itself with some weird mobs and a square world. However, he only gathers and collects precious and rare materials and items that, majority of the time, he ends up not using. He would never touch copper because he thinks that it has no use— it’s true though. He doesn’t do a lot of work and wouldn’t invest that much time in doing such trivial things and tasks so his base is mediocre, not big nor small, only made for functional and competent use, and his chests are filled with only items that are needed for late-game.
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xerith-42 · 2 months
Can I just get everyone's opinions on Cadenza Zvahl?
Rambly, unfiltered, nuanced, simple, whatever they are, just reblog or reply to this post with what your opinions of her are.
I'll start: Cadenza is my favorite Minecraft Diaries character. She's a character I find a lot of solace in, a character who I always connected with, a character who remained a favorite no matter how little screen time she got. Every time I revisit Diaries for any reason I find something new with Cadenza I can explore, something new to love, something new to create with. She's a muse to me but in a far more personal way than some other characters I post frequently about.
Which may sound ridiculous coming from me, but that's just the truth. Cadenza is a character who I will always love with my entire heart, and I will admit I literally wrote this post just as an excuse to gush about her. She's loyal, she's dedicated, she's insanely skilled in her craft, she provides for the people she loves in real ways, she encourages others to take things easier, she doesn't let the world ever kick her down for long. No matter what the world takes from her, no matter how alone Cadenza may feel, she's never alone, and she never gives up. She always preserves and thrives.
Flowers bloom in different conditions. It just so happens that the most beautiful in Ru'aun bloomed on the Battlefield.
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aquaquadrant · 6 months
Hello! I've been told to ask you this =D
What do you think about Jimmy as a minecraft player, what is he?
It's for a project =3
ooh a project, how fun :0
i should preface this by saying i’m not the BEST person to give this opinion, cuz despite how much i write jimmy, i uh… don’t actually watch his pov? i haven’t seen any of empires (except the hermit’s crossover in s2), i don’t watch his streams, and i don’t watch the one-off vids he posts on his channel. most of my knowledge of jimmy comes from his appearances in other pov’s life series episodes and how ppl portray him in fandom.
howEVER, that said, i’m curious how my interpretation would line up with other ppl’s. i view minecraft players as generally fitting into a few broad categories- tho there can def be overlap between them or a jack-of-all-trades situation. and this prob applies more to people who actually play minecraft professionally (ie. ‘play video games for a living’) than the casual player (such as myself hagshdha).
builders: have a creative eye and practiced skill in building to the point where they can, generally speaking, throw down a decent build on the fly (things that require a lot of planning/detail work often drafted in creative mode first). have good understanding of achieving a certain shape and color with their block placements. may or may not include terraforming ability. generally drawn to the game’s building aspect and spend a lot of time/care making things look good.
redstoners: have an adequate amount of base knowledge for how most redstone components work and interact with each other, tho they may occasionally still use tutorials or take inspiration from others (can only reinvent the wheel so many times). usually capable of making simple redstone machines/contraptions on the fly. generally drawn to the game by the possibility of farms and automation. some take it to extreme game-breaking lengths (doc).
competitors: have highly-trained skill in areas such as PVP, parkour, and/or any other multiplayer server type minigame. think hypixel and MCC. this isn’t to say they don’t have their own solo worlds for building or other projects, or don’t participate in smps, but their main draw to the game initially was competitive multiplayer and it features heavily on their channels. to me, speed-runners/challenge-seekers are a subcategory of this.
explorer: this type doesn’t actually show up often in popular mcyt bc it’s a largely solitary- and in some ppl’s opinion, boring- experience. but these are the players that spend hours in their solo worlds just traveling around, mining out massive caves, or doing any other kind of repetitive grindy work as a manner of relaxation. some ppl really enjoy this aspect of minecraft and it’s a major draw for them. special mention for kurtjmac, a mcyter who’s spent 13 years and counting just walking to the farlands in an old version of the game (tho he does other things on his channel as well).
and now for what category i think jimmy fits best in (which again, doesn’t mean he can’t build or do other things). i don’t have a good name for it rn so i’m just gonna call it ‘the sillies’ (affectionate).
sillies: above all else, they’re here to have fun. most, if not all, of their content is on multiplayer worlds (both public servers and private smps), and on these worlds they are extremely social, making a concentrated effort to interact with others even if not legitimately roleplaying. high amounts of pranks and hijinks abound, as well as ‘committing to the bit.’ lots of videos feature them doing some kind of funny little challenge, game, or mod with their friends. again, that doesn’t mean they can’t engage w the other aspects of the game or be skilled in those categories, but generally, it’s not their main objective and not how they spend most of their time.
that’s what i’ve got! obviously u could split all of these into many subcategories, and your average player is gonna be fairly well-balanced. but for our pro cubitos, i think this is a nice way to categorizing things (and it at least makes sense in my mind).
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acutewitchcraft · 3 months
Experimenting with doing spells and rituals in minecraft again recently and noticing the difference from where i was back then to where i am now
I was and still am a witch in the broom closet, but getting a little older and more crafty and more observant i felt that my practice was a little stagnant and so i spent time branching out with spells and other relevant skills in the physical
Ending up with a lot of experimentation and exploration with types of spellwork since sigilwork wasn't doing it for me anymore
Eventually landed on something I was comfortable with, which was essentially container magic, filling it with herbs and plants that ive bought or grown the past year which was been pretty cool
I've needed the time and experience to develop some of my foundational skills that i thought i had a good handle on but didn't really, and i feel that i know how I can work best now and how to tap into my sense better and feel out energy
Which was interesting when i got back into doing spells with minecraft again
I was going through a tough time the past few days in my personal life, and while the source of stress and my fear had passed, there still lingered a feeling of heaviness in my heart and I wanted to help myself with processing it
So it felt like it was the best time to experiment
Last time, i had been testing and theorising about pixel sigilwork but again it just wasn't cutting it for me anymore
I let my instincts be my guide, and i outlined a few things it had to do
One, the main intentions are cleansing and healing, what i had felt has already been addressed and acknowledged, it just had to be nudged along, and i needed the beginning of my healing process to help me further move forward
Two, putting ingredients / components into a container like a barrel or shulker just wasn't going to cut it because instead of releasing the energy, i felt that that was just going to keep it so i had to take another avenue
Which led me to referring back to my correspondence posts and working on something there
I eventually found myself setting up in the birch forest, finding a nice area to set up the spell in
I have decided that biome due to the associations of birch being of new beginnings, and calming nerves and anxieties
Also i have decided on the idea of the idea of some of well build, since the idea was to throw the ingredients into lava to burn but i had another idea
A minecraft mechanic was that items automatically despawn after a few minutes if you don’t pick it up and i felt that that was the perfect opportunity to utilise it to make it so that each time one of them does, it's like it's releasing it's energy and intentions out into the world
So the lava was replaced at the bottom of the well, where i instead replaced it with water, and later covered the bottom with dripleaves, to signify that despite my trouble and struggles, there is still room for new growth
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Also it made a very cool effect of drooping to drop the items i threw on top of it into the water beneath and i didn't want to pass it up
The colour schemes i chose were black and green, allowing myself to essentially build and texture a black well, surrounding it with a design at the edges with green and then lighting the area up with candles and froglights
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The next part was choosing the spell components i wanted to use, and when that was done, I put away my blocks and my tools, leaving the ingredients in my hotbar and casted a circle in the game to set up the space
I won't really detail how i did that since im not sure that feels right now, so i'll be doing more testing in the future
Next was me trying to replicate what I tend to do to charge the ingredients of the spells with the specific intentions I was going for, and i found that in going down the hotbar, putting the component into my offhand and speaking my focus and intentions to it like that actually worked great
So slowly i worked with each of them, feeling when the energy settled or felt like it was ready before i threw it down the well
And once my hotbar was clear, i waited and felt out the energy, checking to see if the items below had all despawned completely
When it was, i winded things down and closed the circle, and found that the heaviness in my chest had eased quite a bit and i felt a little more settled
It was extremely effective, much more than i thought it would and I'll probably do more spells and experimenting in the future
Also more posts of correspondences to other parts of the game
Excited to do more!
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cas-dyke · 6 months
thinking abt tfw 2.0 hypothetically playing minecraft…
JACK (jackattack) loves creative mode. he’s a fantastic builder and has been working on an insanely accurate and detailed replica of the bunker for MONTHS
SAM occasionally plays on eileen’s account (banshe). he takes bed wars very seriously, and he’s actually getting pretty good at it!! he’s very competitive, eileen loves to taunt him about it.
CAS (castiel123) has a swarm of cats and dogs following him everywhere he goes. he’s always in creative exploring all the biomes and taming any animal he can. he’s a BIG fan of the bees, but has died to them many times on accident.
DEAN (impala67 (obv)) gets an account to bond with jack, but he thinks creative is for pussies. he believes his monster killing skills irl should totally transfer in-game and doesn’t understand how he keeps dying to literally everything.
<impala67> tried to swim in lava to escape <cave spider>
<impala67> Are you ####### kidding me
just my silly thoughts
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storybookprincess · 7 months
Do you have any tips for an aspiring librarian who’s going to college in a few months?
my first instinct upon reading this ask was to give you some good but fairly generic advice about getting library experience via your school's work study program, exploring different career paths within the library umbrella, interning at your local public library if possible, and so on & so forth
but then i realized that that is the sort of information you can find pretty much anywhere & i will instead give you my personal insight into what has helped me be successful in my current library role.
do whatever weird shit you are passionate about with your whole heart & soul, because you will learn invaluable skills without even intending to
what i mean by all that is that my current position as the assistant manager of a small, rural library branch is really just twenty-nine different jobs in a trench coat. i'm alternately an it specialist, a graphic designer, a career counselor, a preschool teacher, a customer service agent, or whatever else a particular situation demands.
and so much of my current skillset is a result of spending my high school & college years doing random nerd bullshit on the internet.
i'm dead serious. my ability to troubleshoot basically any possible tech issue, my knowledge of graphic design software, my extensive research capabilities, my written communication skills, and my absolute certainty that if i don't know how to do something, i can figure it out if you give me fifteen minutes to poke around on google are all products not of my formal education or work experience, but of the countless hours i have devoted to online nerd bullshit
enjoy college. explore your passions. get super into modding minecraft, or archiving lost media, or formatting fanzines, or literally whatever niche nonsense speaks to you. librarianship is a career of quick thinking & problem solving skills, and you'll best develop those doing something you truly care about
in the words of the mountain goats, the things you do for love are gonna come back to you one by one
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novaismybbg · 8 months
Sam Alexander headcanons
Just a bunch of random headcanons abt my boy Sam
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USM Nova
Since he's the shortest(and most likely the smallest in the team), he often gets teased by Peter, who's just a little bit taller than Sam. There were plenty times when they had some banters because of this height issue, that Ava and Danny often were dragged into it. Usually it always ends with Luke's "My dwarfs are bantering again lol" and now everyone after his smug tall ass.
Not a dancer, not a singer, not a musician, but definetely an artist. Has a little art account where he posts his super cool drawings for his 47 followers. It's a small fan base, but they're definetely active and even have their own discord group where they help each other to improve their skills. Nobody knows about this account(Except for Coulson who keeps that sacred secret) and Sam kinda feels like that's the only way he can actually express himself without getting worried about being annoying.
And about being annoying. Sam is definetely uncomfortable with being seen as clingy, because he's not! He's just really talkative extrovert and he does have some problems with shuting up when he's talking about things he's interested in. That's why usually only Danny can handle his endless rants about Space adventures.
Likes to play in Minecraft, especially with space mods, even made a skin of himself. Once tried to make everyone on the team to play in Minecraft and succeed! They've played for 2 hours straight, busy with different stuff. Pretty much sure Danny was exploring the world, Luke got an armor and ran to fight that Dragon, Ava was trying to make a big stylish house and was complaining that there was no female villagers, Peter was constantly dying because of the stupidest things ever, and Sam? Sam was multitasking and helping them all out. It was a fun experience.
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Champion Sam
He's actually an extremely overethinking person with quick reflexes. That's pretty much how he survives in space. It happens that his overthinking is also quite a problem, because it often makes him anxious, especially when he loses fights, or gets in awkward conversation with adult superheroes or just talks to girls he liked. Sometime it's just easier to fly away, but he not oftens gets an opportunity to do so.
In childhood he kinda was 'impressed' by gangsta thing and tried to walk around with his pants sagging. His mom was concerned by that, because gangs aren't about fun and what if her little baby boy will get in some bad company? Luckily, it couldn't happen because his dad clowned him so badly, he was in embarassed state for two weeks at the very least.
It is a bit hard for him to participate in conversations with others about science since he was never a fan of it, but hey, at least he can make jokes about science! (Although most of them are insanely innacurate). Whenever he cracks a joke everyone will went silent for a few seconds, before Kamala will laugh like it was the funniest joke ever, really forcing natural laugh and others will start that too, since, yeah, Sam's joke is terrible, but he tried!
Somehow installed his playlist in his helmet and whenever he has to fly to somewhere for a long time, which is at least 15 minutes, and it is already long for him, he turns in on and just flies, vibing. Sometime it feels like running in the morning and he made an excuse out of it that works perfectly. Back then when only his mom knew about his secret, he used this excuse a lot. He needs to fly and save someone? "Guys, I'm going jogging, yeah, bye" and when he returs he's kinda sweaty and tired and everyone buys it. He can't use this excuse now though, everyone who needs know about his secret identity.
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Yepppp, that's ittt, yehhhhh
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
My friends and I have been discussing how poorly designed/balanced the Warden is in MC and not only have we come up with several different ways to fix it but we've also concluded that Mojang is just utterly shit at balancing their game. Look at end city loot compared to other structures that are even harder to conquer, or how pigs are almost completely irrelevant for farming if you have any other passive mob, or the fact that invisibility potions are completely worthless because they don't work at ALL. I found that last one out the hard way and lost half a month's worth of gear from Mojang's incompetence. They seriously need to get their shit together.
I think loot from structures in Minecraft is somewhat intentionally under-powered, because the game is about building and exploring and farming and the lion's share of your resources are meant to come from your own gathering and farming activities. However you're definitely right.
For example, bastion remnants have really good loot and are relatively common; I've gone on trips into the Nether where I found and cleared more than one in the course of a single trip.
Meanwhile, woodland mansions are vanishingly rare and the valuable rooms may not generate at all. You could have to travel tens of thousands of blocks to get nothing but a bunch of wool and books.
Jungle pyramids are the ones I hate the most, they never have anything worth it in the chests.
But...ancient cities. I love the atmosphere and gameplay experience of the ancient cities, but they really unbalance the game in a lot of ways.
They have more and better loot than basically any other structure in the game, they can be cleared with nothing but skill, no armor or weapons of note needed. I think they USUALLY are a rare find, but this is the trouble with the procedurally-generated nature of the game; I've found multiple seeds with ancient cities directly under spawn, and multiple seeds with two ancient cities within ~250 blocks of spawn.
I think the mechanics and everything of the Warden are very well thought out and I deeply, deeply appreciate how you don't really have to risk the Warden if you are slow and cautious enough.
I complained lots about the Warden, but in hindsight the complaints had more to do with the Warden being prioritized at the expense of everything else and less to do with the Warden itself. We have to admit that the Warden is much better than lots of other hostile mobs in the game. Ghasts have too-small, janky hitboxes and can shoot you with fireballs from OUTSIDE RENDER DISTANCE. The Warden is a huge improvement in that you can prevent summoning him by being careful.
Also, recent updates have been fixing some of the most egregious issues with balancing. Before Caves and Cliffs, clay generated exclusively as small patches on the bottom of lakes and rivers and until the Wild Update it was not renewable. You had to intensively farm vines to get mossy cobblestone. I've only been playing since just after Village and Pillage and I Remember
Metal ores have only been affected by Fortune since 1.17!!!! Before that you had to mine stacks and stacks of ore blocks! Before axolotls were added, tropical fish existed and were completely useless!! Minecraft olds can tell you more.
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