#my lazy little promo for now
mclaren masterlist : masterlist
New Addition
Lando Norris x OC Inspired by Mclaren surprising Lando with the puppies! I've had this in the drafts for a while, but was lacking a lot of writing drive lately, so we'll see if this gets me back into the groove!
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The week began as they always do when we're just beginning the summer break.
Lan and I, lazying about the condo in the morning, simply enjoying each others company, before he is called off to MTC and I hop online for my asynchronis classwork.
It's our routine that I love so much, no matter how chaotic, before we take off on whatever adventures he has planned for us for the next few weeks.
Today was different though.
I spent the morning sick as a sailor, Lan holding my hair back and wiping my forehead with a damp towel. That is, until he had to go in to the MTC for a filming session, one he had convinced the uppers to allow Max to film for a Quadrant day in the life. His hesitance was written all over his face, but with a bit of convincing and the promise that I would invite a friend over, I was able to coax him out the door.
"It sounds like you've had a long morning," Kelly sighs with a frown, sitting across from me. When I had called her up, she and P were more than happy to come keep me company. There may be nearly twelve years between us, but from the moment Max and Lando introduced the two of us, it was easy to bring Kelly into my life as the elder sister I so dearly wished for as a child. And now she's here, her daughter's head fast asleep on my lap as I card my fingers through her hair.
"It's just that I am so rarely sick that to be this sick is more annoying than anything," I try to explain, "We're supposed to leave to travel with Martin in a week and I just can't keep being ill, my least favorite thing in life is feeling like I'm not up to my usual speed."
Kelly's eyes light up a bit, glazing over in a look of recognition. "Have you had any other weird symptoms lately? Anything you should keep in mind if you call the doctor?"
"Just some extra tenderness and I've been exhausted, but it's been a long few weeks with the double header and triple header nearly back to back," Its an explanation, one all of the girlfriends have discussed while sipping drinks over the weekends away.
The older of the two can't help but smile, "Dahlia, how about we run to the corner store and see about a test or two?"
A test? A test!
Oh my God.
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"Baby? It's me!" Lan's smooth voice follows click of the door. He's always so loud while out and about, but home, with me, he's so soft.
It's why he's so good with kids at the track.
With Leo and Roscoe and Simba.
With me.
"In the kitchen, love!" In the kitchen with a bag that will change everything.
And there's a yip. A tiny little bark that has my brows furrowing and thoughts leaving my head.
"Lan? What was that noise?" Feet tapping against the ground, I can hear his approach as I step away from the cutting board, the yipping sound continuing. "Okay Lan honestly, what is that-"
It's his rounding the corner that cuts off the all the thoughts that have been spiraling through my head since Kelly, P and I took our little adventure.
He has a dog. In his arms. A little one that is squirming every which way, a collar the color of his race suit around its neck.
Lan has a hesitant smile, the same one he had when he asked me out way back when, and the same one I wasn't expecting to see today. "Surprise?"
My hands find him hips with little thought, staring him down. "Lando Norris, why do you have a dog?"
"I was hoping she could be the newest member of our family?" Oh he's in for something else in a minute or two.
She's is adorable, all happy and squirmy as she rests in whats basically the size of Lan's palm. It's why I move towards him, taking the little thing into my arms and letting her lap at me. "Where did you even find her?"
"Mclaren promo video for a shelter, I spent the morning with dogs and she just really seemed to like me! Stayed in my lap the whole time! So I couldn't just let her be taken back when I knew we could offer her a home!" He's stepping closer, breathe gently fanning over my head as he scratches the pups, his eyes meeting my own with a softness I wasn't expecting. "I know I can't commit to a real kid for a few years, but I was thinking that she could take that place in the mean time."
"About that-" I begin, knowing now is the only right time to mention it. "You know how I was throwing up all morning? And for the last few weeks?"
Theres a spark, the light recognition of an idea in his head, but all he does is nod.
"Well, I had Kelly and P over today while you were out, and we got talking as we do, and she suggested that I take a test."
"A test?" He's piecing this all together.
"A pregnancy test."
"And?" Tears are pooling in his eyes, and while we've discussed kids, we've never discussed the possibility of kids this early, while he's at the peak of his career. "You can't just leave me on a cliff hanger like that, Babe."
"What do you want the answer to be?"
"Babe," This may be the one time in Lando's life that he's stern out of bed.
"It was positive."
There's a pause, the longest of my life, if it wasn't for the fact it was only mere seconds before his arms are wrapped around me, nearly crushing the puppy between us who's only thought is to continue yipping happily. "Lan, baby, I'm going to need something verbal here."
His eyes are meeting mine again, tears trailing down his cheeks as his million dollar smile shines. His hands are still planted on my hips, keeping us close. "You could not have said anything to make me happier than I am right now," and there's so much emotion behind each and every word that I can't help but begin to cry as well. "We're having a baby!"
I can't help but giggle at his joy, "We are! And we have a puppy!"
His lips meet mine, before coming down and meeting the dogs head, nearly bouncing out of his skin. "This is perfect babe, we'll be able to train her and by the time baby Norris is born she'll be ready to be her best friend!"
"I'm calling it now," He states as if it's a matter of fact, curls bopping on his head as he moves. Our lips meet once more, smiles making it awkward like our teenage years, but with so much joy it feels infectious. "Oh my God I need to call Carlos!"
"You what?" There is no way Carlos is the one on his mind right now.
"I have to tell him that Pinon has a new friend! And I'm going to be a dad! He can stop making jokes about me being a child!" He may just be more enthusiastic about this than the baby or the dog. But he's Lando, and I'll give him a time for it later, because seeing him this enthusiastic is a sight too good to miss.
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radiaurapple · 5 months
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Lucid Dreams of New Orleans: Chapter 8
CHAPTER SUMMARY: IN WHICH Alastor goes for a swim.
The last time Lucifer saw his father, he was granted a fragment of His divine power — a punishment in the guise of a blessing — that he might serve as steward of the wayward souls cast down into Hell. It is a cruel gift, designed to ensure that he will always be haunted by his mistakes; Lucifer has endured the past seven thousand years by avoiding its use at all costs. But in the aftermath of the fight with Adam, Alastor’s worsening injury threatens the foundations of his daughter’s dream. Lucifer does what any good father would do: he uses his long-forgotten power to deliver Alastor’s soul from the brink of destruction. In turn, knowing Alastor — with all his sins, past lives, and heartbreaks — teaches Lucifer a little more about what it means to be human.
Another Saturday means another chapter + another promo art attempt!!! it's human Alastor and Lucifer on the subway!! Next chapter coming next Saturday, chapter preview below! 📻🍎
Alastor returns the next three nights. Lucifer brings him first to Victorian-era London, where they explore the rainy streets under a conjured umbrella. The following night they visit a speakeasy in Chicago — the next they spend wandering the streets of modern Tokyo. 
It is nothing like those nights, so many years ago now, when Lucifer would seek out Lilith’s warmth on the other side of the bed. When he and Lilith touched, they almost always ended up somewhere sleepy and serene — a meadow in the midst of Eden’s enormous, ancient trees, or a breezy morning on the deserted Mongolian steppe, in one of Lucifer’s memories of the age before humans spread across the Earth. Perhaps it had reflected a love built more on companionship than actual desire — the love that would bind any two souls alone at the desolate edge of the world. The love that hadn’t been strong enough, in the end, to hold them together — that had instead flickered out over the years into a warm but lonely friendship. 
This is different. 
The doors of the F train slide shut and the train lurches into motion — Lucifer glares up at Alastor, both of them gripping the pole in the center of the car. 
They’re in New York in 2019. Alastor’s visit today was an unexpected surprise on a lazy morning with no meetings and nothing to do; they’d arrived here just before sunset and spent a while exploring the Lower East Side before they hopped on the train at 2nd Avenue.
“You are fucking unbelievable,” Lucifer says, too loud — a father seated between his two children casts him an affronted glance over the top of his phone. Lucifer continues at a whisper: “How the Hell can you be so sure this is a downtown train? You’ve never even been to New York.”
“I can be sure because I have made use of an advanced technique known as observation of our surroundings. I highly recommend it.”
“Okay, well, you’re wrong. I’m getting off at the next stop. Asshole.” 
“This is a downtown train,” says a voice behind him, not unkindly — Lucifer turns around to find an elderly woman watching them, leaning her forearms against a cart of groceries. She inclines her head above her, at the monitor that lists the upcoming stops. “See? It’s going to Brooklyn.” 
“Oh,” Lucifer says. 
He shifts his weight on his feet as the train slows to a stop. The doors slide open; Lucifer stares out at the pillar reading Delancey/Essex and fights a losing battle against the flush rising on his face. After what feels like an eternity, the doors close again and the train accelerates out of the station.
“This is my first time in New York,” Lucifer says to the woman, as if it will in any way improve this situation. The woman glances up at him again and offers him a smile, but says nothing.
“No, it isn’t,” Alastor says behind him. “He’s been here many times before. He is the Devil, nearly as old as time itself — unfortunately he is notoriously absent-minded and plagued by the regrettable belief that he is always correct.”
The woman blinks at Alastor. The silence is broken by the deafening screech of the train’s brakes as it slows; the doors slide open before an enormous sign that reads East Broadway. 
“Ah — this is our stop. Thank you for your assistance,” Alastor says. He steps fluidly off the train and turns down the platform, toward the exit.
Lucifer stares after him in shock for a long moment, then jolts forward. “Hey!” He trips off the train, quickly rights himself — “You can’t just tell people I’m the Devil!” 
Alastor’s laughter echoes down the platform like music. 
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the-other-art-blog · 2 months
I had been debating about posting this or not, but I'm going to because this fandom is getting on my nerves even worse than in the last 2 years.
And just to be clear before anyone accuses me of anything, I invite you to spend one minute on my blog. My favorite book is AOFAG. Even when I am highly HIGHLY critical of Benedict for being an absolute jerk for about 70% of the story, Sophie Beckett is the greatest character that Julia has ever written. She's everything that's good in the world 🥹 and her strength saves this story. Benedict has awesome moments and he apologizes in the end, which is rare in JQ's books, so, he has that on his favor + an incredible love confession that Luke T will absolutely nail (I still think JQ cannot write class-difference stories but whatever) Show!Ben is everything book!Sophie deserves and is going to make the adaptation so much better. I can't wait to see that.
I need Sophie in my life.
I've also written many stories about benophie and posted a lot of love for them for the past 2 years.
And you know what I have also seen in those 2 years? Benophie stans being vile, aggressive, rude, and simply put, absolute bitches. They claim to stan Sophie because of how kind she was despite her circumstances but when the news of s3 came out, they turned into full-time haters.
Now that the antipolin blog published something about the actors they like (they even lied about Claudia Jessie!), NOW they are cutting ties with that account and publishing what seems like "PR statements" (loved how a fan called this on tw) saying that the admin of that blog does not represent them. TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE. AND FALSE. Forgive me for not believing you but that blog repeated the same lies you were all saying.
A few months ago, an account on tw posted something like "I have never seen a Benophie being hateful or attacking Polin." Obviously, Polins began replying with ss of the anti blog and other crazy stans. And I didn't see any big account of Benophie come out and admit that that was wrong or cut ties with those problematic people.
For 2 years,
You called Nic an alcoholic and lazy when she posted about Champagne Fridays.
You called Luke Newton ugly every chance you got.
You cut him out of promotional photos and bts or you put something on his face, even when the photos were shared BY HIM. You use HIS photos where Luke T appeared to throw hate at him.
You made tasteless and aggressive comments about the actors and Polin for 2 years, and whenever someone called you out for that, you claimed it to be a joke and that we lacked humor. It even happened on Benophie week 2023 by the account that organizes it!
You claimed that Nic had access to the writers' room, force s3 to be hers, and purposely took SA's screen time and promo opportunities. Nic had to come out and ask all of you to stop sending hate. The unfairness of promo/screen time for Kanthony was not something Nic or Luke did, blame production for that.
You say her activism is performative cause it would kill you to admit that she's doing something good that other actors have ignored so far.
There was not one single post made by the Bton accounts or JQ that did not contain hate toward the actors/ship on the comments, even today that Benophie season is confirmed.
Even a few months ago, I published a few posts about s3. They were positive posts about Pen's makeover and how important it was for me, and this is the kind of messages I got:
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Was it from a Benophie? I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me. Also, this is the only one I ss, but I got at least 4 of them after this post (x).
Those very people who are crying right now that Benophies is being associated with the anti polin bitch were spreading the same rumors that she mentioned. And they never showed remorse!
Don't come now and say it's just ONE antipolin blog that spread all the hate. She's not talking to herself either, those anons are real because her posts have likes, so she definitely has an audience. I've met them. Unfortunately, every group chat or discord channel about Benophie is not a safe place for anyone who enjoys Polin.
And yes, I know there are equally disgusting people on the Polin fandom that I have also blocked cause they keep attacking Marina, they claim Pen is a saint when she made big mistakes, and they have also spread rumors and insulted fans and actors like Simone Ashley and Ruby Barker, not to mention the people who are obsessed with LukexNic and attack his gf. Like seriously people, you all need to be institutionalized. There is a big HUGE problem in that fandom too, but right now certain benophies are acting all innocent when I have been here also for 2 years witnessing their hate. No! I can't.
I also can't stand that most of them are loving Cressida because the patriarchy forced her to be an absolute bitch. But Pen is the antiChrist.
Some of them even justify Richard's neglect and abuse. "Richard couldn't leave Sophie with anyone else," "Richard truly loved Sophie." Seriously people.
I know most of them will ignore my post, block me even or come to my inbox to insult me. And I don't care. I haven't seen any other person admitting how hypocritical they are being.
If this offends you, I will assume you participated in the 2-year tantrum against Polin.
That's it. End of rant.
Sorry to be so negative but this really pissed me off. That statement! The nerve!!!! Ok ok, now I'm done.
Next, I will post much more positive, lovely Benophie stuff. These people are not going to ruin Benophie season for me.
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harlowtales · 1 year
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Reader X Jack are enjoying a lazy day with their new puppy until reader goes too far and pays the price.
18+ Sweet/Romance/Smut 🚨⚠️
“How are you feeling babe? It’s almost roll out time.” You said affectionately as you ran your fingers through Jack’s curls with his head in your lap. At first you didn’t like the mullet, but now, it turned you on even more if that was possible.
“I’m feeling good baby. It’s finally done and I can chill with you in my biggest, baggy clothes and just fucking play with the puppy.” Jack said and pointed up at you with his lips ready for a kiss.
She was so good when you were gone weren’t you sweetheart?” You cooed at the brown poodle as she jumped up on you wagging her tail enthusiastically.
It was you and Jack’s first attempt at taking care of something together. So far Jack was the doting dad. He ran out and bought everything a puppy could want.
Ok I’ll take her outside for a bit he said getting up from lazing around happily in your lap.
You were having a convo about his first single from the new album dropping. Jack was not super into promo so he was looking for a simple and quick idea to generate buzz.
“You know what Jack, that clip you released on Tik Tok did so well for First Class, why not just do that again?” You suggested.
“What here right now?” He said
“Right now with pups.” You said with that look on your face that Jack couldn’t say no to.
“K what do you want me to do.” Jack said open for anything you had to say.
“Just play with her and sing some of the lyrics.” You said
“That’s it?” He said raising an eyebrow
“That’s it and we’ll put it up. It’ll go viral.” You said assuredly.
“Ight. You know best baby.” He said and started playing with the puppy with the phone on the floor. You looked on in awe of how sweet they both were. These were the simple times you craved with Jack and now your new fur baby. You hoped for a real baby someday with him.
“That was awesome! Let’s post it, don’t redo it or overthink it.” You said and posted it right away. You checked back in an hour and was so excited to see the views, saves, likes, and comments already. “Babe!!! It’s going crazy!” You exclaimed hitting Jack in the arm with excitement.
“That’s all you baby thank you.” Jack said as he snuggled with you on the couch. Little puppers fell asleep in the little space between your legs and you laid on your boyfriend.
“So what are we binging this weekend?” You looked up and asked him
“Anything you want bubs.” He said nuzzling his nose into your neck giving you little kisses with his soft pink lips.
“Pinch me I’m dreaming.” You said wistfully and playfully scruffed up his beard. He wrapped his muscular arms around you and you felt him growing through his sweatpants
“Babe. No, I wanna just chill.” You said
“I’m not starting anything.” Jack lied as he pressed his hips into your back for you to feel the bulge even more.
“You vanilla and a baby anyway.” You said kissing your teeth and rolling your eyes
“Say that again.” Jack challenged. “Matter fact…off me.” He said pushing you to the side enough so he could get up and put the puppy in its cage. “Bedroom. NOW.” He ordered pointing to the bedroom you recently started sharing with him.
“Jackman I was just kidding. They’re your lyrics!!!” You protested as you marched to the bedroom
“You ain’t using my songs against me woman.” Jack said as he closed the door. “Take everything off.” He said and just laid back waiting for you to comply.
“You can’t be serious.” You said half giggling, half afraid. He was being so intense. Jack had a great sense of humour but part of him didn’t like to be ribbed or teased.
“Slower.” He said as you started taking off your clothes. You slowly pulled the TShirt you were wearing that was his over your head. As it landed on the floor you undid your bra’s front clasp to reveal firm beautiful natural breasts and slipped off one strap, then another. He grasped his hard-on building in his sweatpants, taking it all in.
“Turn around and close your eyes.” He said then he walked away. Was this a prank? You thought.
“Jackman….where did you go?” You called out as you stood there in just your underwear with your eyes closed
You felt cold leather and Jack breathing behind you. He placed a blindfold over your eyes and lead you to where you could feel the bed.
“This vanilla enough for you?.” He said in a sexy but sinister way.
“You know what Jack? You’re not vanilla at all baby.” You pleaded
“No take backs” Jack said sternly.
He gently bent you over and tied your hands behind your back with one of his neck ties. “Jack?? Baby, I like that you’re not really adventurous babe.” You said making it worse for yourself.
“Do you ever shut up?” He asked calmly and you could hear the smile in his voice. His fingers trailed up your inner thighs and moved your underwear to the side.
You felt the head of his impressive manhood testing and teasing your space. Gently poking, pulling back out and poking in only half way again. With each slight reentry you responded with more and more slick approval. “Ummmmmmm” You moaned wanting him to just put all of it in but afraid to demand it lest you paid the price.
“Vanilla huh?” Jack said circling around you now, producing a belt from behind his back.
“Jack no you are….my god so thrilling.” You said apologizing
“Say it like you mean it.” He said snapping the belt making you jump nervously. Where was all this coming from? Most times were mostly missionary, but here you were tied, blind folded, and bent over at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
“Jack please.” You begged and he loved it. He teased your bare behind with the belt trailing the smooth leather over one cheek before giving you a little tap just enough to sting. An electric shock ran up your spine as you gasped and a red sore spot was left behind.
He untied you but left you blindfolded grabbing a vibrator from the nightstand. Your vibrator that you didn’t know he knew about. He laid you on your back and held it to your clit driving you insane. Taking the vibrator he slowly put it into your sore space that was wanting more. “Fuck Jack!” You cried out as he sucked on your clit while driving the vibrator in and out of you. He saw all the cum dripping from it and needed that to be him inside you now.
He put you on your side holding one of your legs in the air with his soft hand applying pressure to your throat. He pumped you hard making you scream, pausing and driving deeper for you to feel every inch pressing your G spot. Your legs shook as you erupted in agony. Covering your mouth he got more and more aggressive until he felt your single tear trickle down his hand.
He gave you time to breathe as he stroked himself and came up to your mouth. He positioned you where he wanted you with your head upside down. “Be a good girl and open for baby boy.” He said patting the side of your cheek. You opened wide as he thrust into your mouth making you hold his thighs to steady yourself. You drooled all over him as he repeatedly slid his whole shaft down your throat until he let you come up for air.
He couldn’t take it anymore and took off your blindfold. You enveloped his warm pulsating sack with the fleshy warmth of your mouth and sucked as he jerked and came all over your breasts. “Y/n ah my god!” He exclaimed in painful pleasure smearing his sweet cream all over your chest. You cradled your breasts licking it off. He collapsed beside you on the bed both of you naked, heaving, and glistening with sweat.
You heard the puppy whining in the cage. “Perfect timing” he said recovering his breath “Coming little sweetie.” He called out to the puppy and pulled on his sweatpants to tend to her.
You stayed motionless on the bed not able to move or speak. “I guess I was wrong.” You thought “My favourite flavour is vanilla now.”
@jacks-daycare @ride4harlow @itsyagirljaz
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
I'm not your Lady Whistledown, but the Oliver stuff started very subtly following the joint interview. I think reality hit a few of them following that. They built it up as this big springboard for the ship and when it didn't go that way the, there were no more interviews, or promo for the pair from the show, anger at Oliver started to creep in. It was subtle until Lou closed his cameo, but once they lost their direct contact with him, lots of them blamed Oliver. They believe the show forced him to shut it down. And many believe Oliver had something to do with that. It didn't help that immediately after he closed his cameo he also stopped interacting with or answering their questions on Twitter. And of course Oliver started blocking people as well. There are lots of them who are also freaking out over the SWAT stuff because he's clearly going back to that show, in some capacity, and they don't know what that will mean for his availability as far as 911 goes.
Ryan's interviews aren't helping them either. He's kind of been systematically disproving each of their arguments with every interview he does. The Men's Health interview with Oliver, I think was just what finally broke some of them. He's not going to get on board with Tommy, whether the show gives him canon Buddie or not, he clearly isn't vested in or going to vest in B/T and I think that's getting harder and harder for them to pretend away. I think it's also becoming clear that Lou's enthusiasm for it has certainly dimmed as well, for whenever reason. They're not being fed anything to sustain them anymore because all of it was coming from Lou himself and once he stopped they didn't have anything else to cling too. So being mad at Oliver is all they have left because they're never going to blame or be angry at Lou. So now Oliver, Tim and even Ryan, because lots of them think Oliver would be fine with B/T if Ryan wasn't around, are to blame for everything. Their ship was never about Oliver or Buck. Once Lou made himself available to their fawning and played along with it, all while taking their money, it became a fandom about Lou. Buck was just the character paired with the actor they were fetishizing. Hopefully they follow him out the door.
wait, they are blaming Oliver for the cameos stopping? I mean, I keep joking if it came down to it the production is gonna do what keeps Oliver happy, but to say Oliver has that kind of pull is just a lazy excuse to hate him. Lou was creating a type of publicity that didn't line up with the route they were going. That's even if Lou was told to stop, we don't know that for sure, do we? Dude can just get tired of playing it up not that he got the exposure he could get and now it has run it's course. I have a little prayer circle for him to book something else and not come back, so if he's back in swat, you will hear me cheering, but seriously, the more I learn the more wtf i am. But it does make sense that they built the thing around the shiny new actor and now can't keep up because the part of the ship that actually matters doesn't care, that adds up. I kinda wanna scream tho, Ryan's interviews are because he's promoting a movie. The dude is not getting interviews because of 911, the fact that he can't shut up about buddie doesn't change the fact that he is not there to talk about them. And since the beginning, Oliver keeps talking about Buck being bisexual outside of Buck dating Tommy, and it's crazy to watch the fantasy crumble when there was never to back it up to begin with. Honestly, I do hope that when Tommy goes he takes that part of the fandom with him, because my god....
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farfromstrange · 11 months
I made it back from my little comic con getaway! I’m semi-alive.
I come bearing pics (though not as many as I would’ve liked). So, I’ll put them under the cut for those of you who want to see them. Anyone else, feel free to keep scrolling. This is just me rambling. And showing off my cosplay and Daredevil merch I bought. With a lot of text. Sorry.
I didn’t have the time to take a pic of my Day One Matt Cosplay, but I do have pics from the test run I did a couple of days back.
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(I didn’t have the time to put on the fake blood on Saturday, but that was kind of how I wanted it to look when I first tried it on, minus the added blood on the nose, that was just a stupid attempt at making it look more… gore-y? I think. I don’t know. My brain is tired and I’m just typing this on my phone and I don’t have the brain cells to form a coherent thought.)
Anyway, the first two is a (kind of) look at how I looked at the con on Saturday. It was a very slutty version of lawyer!Matt and the Season 1 promo poster. I tried. Also, I have no idea how to take proper pictures of myself. I apologize 😭
NOW moving on to my look on Day Two (today). That was a lot easier because I already had the sweater, and there was no way I wouldn’t pull up in the iconic “I’m Not Daredevil” Comic!Matt look. It was the obvious choice.
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(Excuse the crusty-ass hotel selfie quality.)
I really enjoyed dressing up, and I think I might invest even more time and money for next year and go all out. As much as I can, anyway.
It was fun, but it was definitely different than last year. A lot less crowded, too. I still think it was amazing and I’ve loved seeing everyone dress up as their favorite characters and just feel welcome because everyone was there for the same reason. That’s why I love these conventions so much. It really is a judgement free zone.
And there is always a lot of shopping, which I did. I secured a lot of goods, and of course, I am going to share them with you now.
I got this amazing Elektra Funko.
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And the girl selling this was so excited someone finally bought one of her Matt prints, we both geeked out. I still can’t believe I found this.
And then I got these pins…
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And a Barbie poster (It says “Hi Barbie” but I was too lazy to unroll it completely)
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Overall, I think I found some amazing stuff! I just had to share it with you.
Can’t wait for spring next year, honestly.
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anewp0tat0 · 1 year
Oh darn! Did I ask you what's your opinion on the new season 4 art style? If i did, TOO BAD! Answer it again! Thanks babe <3
hey dude!! no, you have not asked me this, but it is always a pleasure to hear from you multiple times anyway😊
well, we still don't have a ton to go off of and judge unfortunately, but in my unprofessional opinion, I will try.
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this is the promo art that was released on September 10th of the p4. gonna be completely honest, there are things I like and things I'm a little unsure about. what I like most is that they look very manga accurate! however, that does also lead to a concern I have.
when I look at them, I can't help but feel that they look like manga colorings. that in itself isn't a bad thing, because it could possibly mean that they're working close to yana. but who knows. so the concerns that I have are these:
- tracing/heavily referencing the manga art, if reflected onto the whole anime, could mean that there isn't a lot of quality, effort, or creative direction going into the anime.
-the shading in this promo art is fine, but honestly, I'm not a fan of how gradients are used. I don't see the need for the bottom half of these characters to fade to black. the coloring remains to have the problem of desaturation, which I think was for me the only problem the teaser had, which I explained here last time you asked me hehe.
- this is a much more personal nit pick so it can be disregarded, but if the p4 were meant to look like playing cards or something like that, I do wish more detail went in. like a more varied but cohesive color pallet, or... mhm. maybe I do want them to be a bit glossier. I mean they're the face of the school, make them fantastic.
I think what I'm getting at but trying not to be harsh about is that it looks a bit lazy. and rushed.
however, this was not the case for the teaser. aside from the desaturation problem I expressed above which I think could impact the quality, I thought it was very well done, with a lot of time and effort, and a seemingly high budget?? enough?
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I still think these shots are wonderful.
so all in all, I may~ have a new concern, until the actual trailer drops(some day, who knows) and I can properly judge the art style and the direction. but for now, there's not much need for me to worry. as long as the teaser wasn't where the entire budget went into...
yea, for all we know, that p4 promo art could have been slapped together in a week just to have something new to show at aniplex. thanks again for including us for this year's show :]
so yea, I think that's about all of my thoughts for this little drawing that we have. may I ask your thoughts, dear Mary?(oh just realized your new username lol noice) ^v^
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calumhoodgoss · 3 months
Brandy isn’t ‘lazy’ she’s depressed and has been very open about this and how this year has been one of the worst and hardest of her life (her words on Twitter). She’s now working a full time job while dealing with all her mental health issues so of course she doesn’t have much time to dedicate to her music career, like as soon as I get home from work all I wanna do is sleep and not think about doing anything else lol depression can really take out most of your energy and passion to do things you love.
I really don’t think it’s fair to call her lazy and say she’s squandering her opportunities especially because she’s obviously going through a lot right now, but that’s just my opinion 🤷🏽‍♀️
look i get that, i really really do
if she wasnt posting on socials at all then i definitely wouldnt be so harsh on her but shes literally posting every single day. i know that whats posted doesnt necessarily reflect someones mental state or reality but she literally just needs to post screenshots of her music. thats it. thats literally all she has to do. maybe mention a song once a week, like it's so so simple
i will admit i might be fairly biased though cause i was down bad depressed in highschool/uni and i managed to make it through schooling/my degree. i know it doesnt work like this but, my brain cant help but see it as 'if i could do it then why cant she?' - like its hard, i know that, but just push yourself a little ? (THIS IS PROBS PROBLEMATIC but its my subconscious thoughts. thats my point though, im admitting im probably viewing it in a very subjective way)
i just personally find it very hard to sympathise when her bf has done all the heavy lifting for star baby promo so far and she is out here posting 24/7 but can't even mention her music once. like girllll youre already doing what you have to do (being active), just mention a song - you're already doing 50% of what needs to be done ???? why not just put a song title on a selfie every once in a while like huh ? its literally not hard to do
i know as well as the next person that depression fucks with your motivation and passion but shes still out there being active as ever. idk im probably being too judgemental in thinking that social media promo is easy. but also im not sorry about it, it literally is easy when all you have to do is talk about your own project however you want to with no constraints
also is her job not in social media marketing ? how can she do that and not be capable of her own marketing ? huh ?
also she literally only just got a job - shes had alllllll the time in the world up until now
i get it but at the same time i really really dont
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solvicrafts · 6 months
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let's just ignore the fact that I was too lazy to make a new shop preview banner just for this
It's been a few months since I've given you guys an actual update on the shop, and mainly that's because I've had to put everything on hold due to things going on that were completely beyond my control. :(
The good news is that production will resume next month! The bad news is that some of the things I'd originally planned are gonna get pushed back because I also have some secret special projects in the works.
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I made a couple new little promos; the first three are for some of my existing lines that you guys have already seen, with the fourth being for the Greek collection that I still plan on dropping, but that's gonna be a bit on the slow side since I was only able to complete the Artemis plush, and some of the supplies I needed for the Greek rest of the line aren't available right now.
So while that line is basically in limbo, I'm gonna be focusing on my special projects (two of which are going to be collaborations!) and expanding the elf & drow plush.
What I'm hoping for is that by the end of May, I'll be able to open custom orders for elf plush!
I'm also going to be really focusing on making a lot of new clothing options, props, and add-ons so that people can really make use of the magnets in my plush's hands, and once I can afford to experiment more I want to get back into designing monster plush, starting with displacer beasts, goblins, kobolds, and illithids, but that will be a while away.
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thepixarau · 1 year
My little review of “Elemental” (spoilers!)
Imma be honest my expectations weren’t insanely high. I wasn’t expecting it to be fantastic but I didn’t think it would be bad (Pixar movies almost never are) so I just went in neutral. I saw it with my friends and before we went in they kept bashing it solely bc of how bad the promos are—and honestly they’re right. The marketing for this movie sucks. Do not let any of it fool you, please watch this film. I guarantee you will end up enjoying it.
Now I know everyone was making fun of the character designs since the first teaser was released. I’ll admit some of the background characters are a little lazy and while the designs could’ve been better, the animation made up for it because holy shit is it beautiful. The visuals are absolutely stunning, and I just love the way the characters move and interact with each other and their environment. I can’t imagine how tough it was to animate all of that, especially when your main protagonist is made of fire and therefore is always moving in some way.
I won’t go too much into the whole interracial relationship/struggles of multicultural families aspect because I feel like other people reviewing this movie can explain it so much better than me, but I gotta say really appreciate the fact Elemental had a romance plot but still focuses on the values and importance of family, especially because in most kids films they choose to solely focus on one or the other. I’m glad media is showcasing familial love but not completely abandoning romantic love either.
I’ve seen a lot of people try and compare this to Zootopia, I guess cuz it takes place in a metropolis city and features a mixed ‘race’ main duo and racism/oppression allegories. Honestly tho a lot of movies do this, it’s not a “rip off” of Zootopia cuz it takes place in a city. In Zootopia the city is a prime focus, it’s almost like it’s own character. The whole point is that it’s a place special to mammals because it’s where dreams can come true, where all animals live in harmony together. It’s a dream home for its main character who has to come to terms with the fact it’s not a perfect place. Elemental isn’t as focused on its location and that’s ok. It’s a sanctuary for Ember’s parents when they first arrive, but overall the story isn’t about the city.
Ok now I’ll get to the part you’re here for; Ember and Wade’s story. Wholehearted truth; I love their dynamic and development so much. I definitely felt like they needed more screentime at first (to me the pacing in general was a little rushed in the beginning, then slowed down towards the middle). Call me a hopeless romantic but I’m just sucker for that forbidden love type shit. I’ve seen people try and call this a Romeo and Juliet romcom but I didn’t personally get that from them. I can see why some might interpret it that way cuz they were hiding it from Ember’s dad, Bernie. But really, I wish we’d stop comparing every forbidden relationship to Romeo & Juliet cuz A. that play is so fucked up and is barely a love story and B. there are a million tales of forbidden love out there, it’s intriguing. It sells well for a reason and if you do it right it makes an amazing story!
Anyway, I really adore their dynamic. It’s so refreshing to see a non-married couple say “I love you” in a Disney movie. It’s a simple yet deep, beautiful expression of one’s feelings, I was not expecting them to go that route but I’m so happy they did. I’m even more happy they kissed (I was trying so hard not to squeal at that part, you don’t even know)
I’ll be going on and on about how cute Ember and Wade are on this blog. I’m super excited to add them to the Pixar AU, can’t WAIT to write all kinds of one shots about them tehe.
Sorry if you were expecting a more deep and profound review, I’m just here expressing my thoughts five hours after leaving the theater. I plan on going to see it again sometime so maybe I’ll have more to say after that.
Overall I definitely recommend giving this one a chance. Don’t listen to critics or dumbasses on tik tok, go see it! For me this movie already has a special place in my heart and I hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I did!
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bisluthq · 2 months
Saoirse: I want to do a big movie but they won’t cast me 😩
Also Saoirse: chooses Hanna over The Hobbit, doesn’t do her Barbie cameo because “she’s busy” with The Outrun when I saw her partying and on vacation while Barbie was filming, wouldn’t have been able to do Dune because of The Outrun (there’s no way they would’ve moved that because they always talk about how hard it is to get indie films made), doesn’t have social media, barely does any promo
like I get that though because I’m like “I want to publish a book” and I mean I’m a published writer who has earned a solid amount of money from publishing writing so it’s literally not an absurd dream right like as most people I tell this to say like I… could lol. My ex and her mum have published books and would both connect me if I asked. Even that one guy I fucked like twice who’s a show runner/very acclaimed TV writer was even like “if you wanted to do it as a screenplay of that idea - it’s a fucking good one - I’d be happy to connect you” like nothing is stopping me except laziness lol and I feel like Saoirse is the same lmao.
and much like Saoirse it’s not that I don’t do other stuff like I scaled back work for my whole little meltdown incident last month (and Dr Blank Space says I shouldn’t call it that because it’s more serious than that but also she’s become a bit of a killjoy recently - guess it comes with being like a fellow in emergency medicine rather than a med student/intern but like her and I were out two weeks ago which is when I implemented the “one very low alcohol drink a week is okay” rule because she was like “look, I want to have a beer and I’ll have a light beer with you and you’ve shown me your test results and shit and you’re not an alcoholic so as long as we have one light beer each and you go home and take your meds I’m supportive of this as you returning to normality after a really horrible time” and I said cool and she said “but you know Mr Bislut can’t even have a light beer with the pills he’s on like don’t see this as a he can have some” but the joke is he’s been having drinks now and then and seems ok? Anyway that was a sidebar in terms of updating y’all on my life and how the girl who legit introduced me to ❄️ which I don’t even do became the biggest buzzkill alive).
so after that sidebar like it’s not that I don’t do other work stuff and post that whole situation I’m back to like probably about 5-6 hours teaching a day because I’m quite specialized in terms of my qualifications and certifications and shit and these kids need me and over and above that I’m always doing a little bit of copywriting like even when I took that time off to work on the house but also lmao like come on writing a book seems hard.
and for Saoirse being in a big movie seems equally hard.
It’s privileged and it’s lazy but I get her.
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magnus-sm-writes · 4 months
June 10k Update!
Come one, come all, to Magno’s first 10k writing update of the month. It’s Pride, so you know what that means! I’m writing queer romance novels to keep the love going all month. (And because I think I might just need a little change from my typical faire.) I hit 10,166 words on Friday, June 7. This matters to me because I love putting the numbers down.
For this update, I’ve mostly been working on one (1) work: a romance novel between a demon hunter and one of the children of Satan who wants to fuck with him. It’s not a very original concept, but I just love the idea of lazy demons considering fucking around with humans to be “performing Satanic duties”. Yes, this is a little inspired by Good Omens (all of my demon stuff vaguely is), and also a little bit by my nostalgia for old Buzzfeed Unsolved episodes. Also a little bit by Creep Cast with Wendigoon and Meat Canyon. Basically any dynamic where it’s a mildly antagonistic friendship between two people interested in the paranormal.
That's pretty much it. I hand-wrote some Lessons in Humanity from a Future Physicist, but I don’t count what I write by hand unless I digitize it. This update is exclusively about DHFL. 
(Demon) Hunting for Love is about Quincy, the aforementioned child of Satan, who decides he really wants to mess with this semi-viral demon hunter named Otto. Otto (accidentally) almost caught the demon Shax on camera, and Quincy thinks that he might be able to wrangle Shax into owing him a couple favors if he does this. And it’s also partially for his own amusement, since he enjoys giving humans a good scare every now and then. 
Otto is also currently involved in a scandal where he and his ex-girlfriend-slash-friend Trixie were faking still being together for almost a year on their old demon-hunting channel, so there’s a little bit of controversy surrounding him at the moment. Mainly, a rumor going around that he cheated on her, which is in no way true.
This all is, as Quincy puts it, “deliciously dramatic”. 
I have a WIP intro up about (Demon) Hunting for Love (shameless self-promo, ayyyy). 
When it comes to romance, I’m a simple man of simple pleasures. Those pleasures, of course, being friends to lovers with a little bit of antagonism thrown in. I love friendships where half the time you’re coming up with creative insults and the other half you’re professing your undying loyalty. Double points for falling in love at the end. The spooky ambiance is just icing on that delicious, fluffy cake.
Honestly, this idea came about because I’ve been listening to a lot of CreepCast highlights. I listened to the first few episodes, but those were filmed before they began reading and critiquing the actual stories, so I found them less funny than the latest ones. Especially their hilarious meta references to in-jokes and other Creepypastas they’ve read. Their banter makes me laugh hysterically.
Also, if you’ve seen Buzzfeed Unsolved’s recent compilation of haunted houses, it’s definitely given me a lot of setting inspiration. Broken down creepy buildings are my favorite. (Can I buy and play Resident Evil 7 for this and label it a business expense on my taxes? Is that a thing I can do?)
Okay, okay, here’s the part I’m sure everyone (no one, literally no one at all wants to read these) is waiting for: the excerpts! 
I’m pulling some of my personal favorites in the hope that anyone who enjoyed my WIP intro will also enjoy them. Let’s go!
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Otto laughs. “Have you ever seen a demon?” “No.” Quincy’s smile twists his face. “Do you think you could handle it?” “If they were real,” Quincy says, and carefully holds back his laughter. His father would probably find this just as hilarious as he does. Fucking with humans has always been a specialty of his. Quincy’s taken after him in that way, though he tends to do it in less serious and more amusing ways. Otto blinks rapidly a couple times, then sets his notes down on the coffee table and leans in closer. “Wait a minute.” “Hm?” Quincy tilts his head to the side inquisitively. “You’re saying you’ve devoted a large part of your life to something you don’t believe in?” “I believe in the study of demonology the same way I believe in the study of physics. But you can see gravity.” Quincy gestures floppily, lazily, grandly with his hand. “You can drop a pen, and there it is. Gravity. Pen’s on the ground now. Demons? How can you quantify that?”
This one was actually posted to my Instagram story (magnus_sm.writes), but what better way to immortalize it than in an update post? Quincy loves to lie about anything and everything, including believing in himself.
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Otto straightens the camera on its tripod. “I just can't figure out why it won't turn on.” “Have you replaced the batteries?” Quincy asks, though he knows that it's not the fault of the batteries. Sometimes electronics just can't handle being around him. Especially when they're capturing his likeness. He is also like his father in this way.  “Yeah. I put in my backup, which is fully charged, and it still won't work.” “Sorry. That’s me.” Quincy comes up to the camera and gives it a light pat. “It takes some time for electronics to like me. Dunno what it is. Maybe I’m cursed.”
Because Quincy is a little shit. He knows exactly what’s wrong, and is still cracking jokes about it just because he can.
So yeah, welcome to the first official update post for (Demon) Hunting for Love! Hope y’all’re as excited as I am for this. I’ll be tagging the people who reblogged my WIP intro, but of course, you can ask to be added to or removed from the tag list at any time. :)
Tags: @cwritesfiction @halfbit
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louisisalarrie · 7 months
Can you explain what you mean about Louis team not trying anymore? Do you mean in terms of promo of him/his tour?
Louis is on a break at the moment so not sure what we’re expecting his team to be doing? I’ve got to say I’m not that keen on them either. I mean I like his band members but the management crew do seem lazy and disinterested. Not sure if it bothers L or not. He’s so laid back it’s hard to tell!
Heya anon! Thanks for the inbox, and welcome to the show.
Look… yes, he’s on a break. That’s fine, and while Harry and zayn are currently getting press, there could be concern for over-saturation in the market due to the overlap of fans, and therefore could even be Agreements between H/L/Z’s managers to space out the promo a bit so fans can absorb one thing at a time. Niall’s on tour with consistent promo social media posts (not too many headlines though), so he’s not to worry, and Liam isn’t getting really any press, even though he is being more active with fans. However…
Just because Louis is on break, that doesn’t mean his team needs to be. They should be gearing up with promo for the LATAM tour that starts in 2 weeks. They’ve always been lazy with trying to reach GP and having substantial press/working with interviewers or industry professionals that will connect him to a larger demographic, and have relied on a very dedicated fanbase as their main source of income/Louis’ success. The problem with that, is by forming such a special connection between Louis and the fans, he (his team) need to be creating content and delivering to the fans so it doesn’t feel so one sided. It frustrates me to no end because even though they are doing well with the relationship between louis and fans, sometimes they don’t even know that demographic as well as they think they do.
Louis 100% deserves a break. I don’t expect him to be posting every day or doing livestreams or twitter chats, but his team need to at least be posting on Insta/twitter once or twice a week for him. Theyve been really MIA a little too long in my opinion, and the whole point of this promo is to sell tickets to the upcoming LATAM tour. It is crucial promo time, ya know?
So anyway, again this is just in my opinion and experience and analysing the marketing strategies/timelines of Louis’ past tours/album drops etc., they just aren’t delivering that promo, and haven’t actively tried to reach a larger demographic with the GP like… ever. Could he have done a couple of pre recorded interviews while he wasn’t MIA to drop over this time? He should have. Maybe a few pre written press articles about his tour ready to drop on a specific date? Hopefully. There should be content available to post whenever necessary. And hell, I’m sure there will be some level of promo before the tour, but leaving it til last minute doesn’t really do him any favours.
His team come off as lazy and often rely on us to do the work for him, which like… fine, fans literally keep an artist’s career alive so there is obviously a level of fans promoting said artist, but it feels like it’s a lot of us giving and hanging around and a lot of them taking and too much reliance on just his already established fans selling out shows, not new fans who could grow his numbers substantially.
Again, I’m 100% not advocating for him to not have a break, I’m saying his team are barely doing the bare minimum at the moment, and it’s not doing him and his tour any favours. I’m not saying Louis is lazy, and I’m not saying that he doesn’t care, this is strictly to do with his team and their strategies.
And yes, he does come across as very laid back and yes, he loves what he does and works hard. But I feel there may be a level of complacency with his team right now. Like “oh well, you’re not ever gonna be as big as Harry, so we won’t even bother with this strategy even if it worked for him” kinda thing. But, for the hell of it, let’s say that Louis doesn’t really wanna do more promo. He’s happy at the level he’s at, doing just enough of what his team wants him to do, and he doesn’t want to strive to be any more successful. He knows he’s at a good place, so why bother? But… Matt Vines needs to make money. He’d be on a commission rate of an industry standard around 20%, but might be more depending on their Agreement. It wouldn’t be any less. So… if Louis isn’t making more money, Matt isn’t making more money (he would be making a certain amount with the other artists he manages, but overall Louis would be making the most out of that roster, his commission on smaller bands may lead closer to 15% standard). Obviously money is still coming in to them, but you get me. So, even if Louis is chilling and happy, it’s weird to see such a little amount of promo leading up to a very exciting and hopefully successful tour in LATAM.
You can read in this interview from 2022 with Matt, about his ideas on management. Notably, the below about previous data from 1d and their activations and campaigns and I haven’t really seen too many elements of that in his current promo (obv gonna be at a different scale because 1d was one of the biggest bands in the world for a hot minute there, but there’s been little to no elements of these strategies in his current promo season):
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So i truly haven’t seen much of those marketing techniques employed within his promo these days. And here, he talks about the relationship he has with his artists and why his company stands out from others:
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Which, yes, I agree that a manager-artist relationship should be different from what it’s traditionally known. And I can see that they do have a different relationship, with the lack of stunting and louis taking the reins a lot more. We see more authenticity, and less show, which is great. Louis is serious and has actively worked to understand the business and how different streams and parts of the industry work.
But his team aren’t working to grow the fanbase. Matt Vines has been in this industry long enough to understand marketing and promo and demographics more so than Louis, but it feels like he’s not even helping him grow bigger. Idk, it feels disappointing that for a hot minute he was on a roll and gaining a lot of traction and it seems to have stagnated a little bit and his reach has only gone so far, where it should be further out to the GP too.
Anyway, look, again this is just my opinion. I’m incredibly proud of him and his team have done a lot for him, but they can always do more. And yet, they haven’t. I don’t want to see Louis exhausted and a wreck from touring like the 1d days, but promo comes in so many different forms and it’s not just about stunting and clothing lines and social media. There’s more his team could do for him, without him working 100% of the time.
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talkingtea · 2 years
Is it really that much of a surprise that grant is doing all of this promo now? My guess is he didn’t bother these past few years because he had a steady job in the flash. It’s not like he was going to get fired for not doing promotions. But, that he’s moving on he has to keep his name out there for that next job. I doubt being home with lat is appealing to him. I don’t agree with the lack of flash promo, but I can see why he’s ramping up now.
Grant is usually lazy as hell so yeah it’s a little surprising 😂
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casspurrjoybell-26 · 6 months
💖Sweet Revenge💖 - Chapter 20
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*Warning Adult Content*
Blake Welling
Aaron's been working hard lately, as usual.
Both sides of our business are doing great but his is legitimately booming and as if the candy wasn't enough, he's expanded to catering as well.
Some other business refused to cater a lesbian wedding and Aaron stepped in and offered to give it a shot, pro bono.
It went so well, he ended up booked through the end of the year.
I understand and it's not like he's been neglecting me or anything but sometimes I just want to take him away somewhere, tie him up, fuck him hard and teach him to relax.
Not necessarily in that order. 
Ten minutes of wallowing is enough and I force myself to get up and decide what to do with the rest of the day.
I'd taken it off and I'd thought Aaron would too.
Now I don't know what to do with myself.
I decide to go for a ride.
I love my bike.
It's a top brand and I got it at a steep discount through a promo deal with the shop.
It's way beyond anything I'd be able to afford otherwise.
Besides Aaron, it's my baby.
I can't ride like I once did... a hundred miles at a time, pushing through pain and fatigue just for the reward of knowing what my body can do... but recently I've at least been able to get back into the rhythm of regular rides.
I take a series of back streets and side roads, skirting the busier areas.
When it comes to traffic, I'm still a little gun-shy but there's a paved bike trail on the edge of town and it's peacefully deserted at this time of day.
I ride its whole ten-mile length... farther than I've gone so far.
Taking my time, with plenty of stops to rest my leg, I get back home around noon, hang my bike up in the garage and go in for a shower.
When I come out, wrapped in a loose towel, a noise makes me freeze.
It sounds like someone dropping something in the kitchen but I'm the only one at home.
Heart in my mouth, I creep forward down the hall.
On the way, I grab a framed picture from the wall.
It's not much of a weapon but it's the only thing at hand.
In the frame, Aaron laughs up at me while I grin at the camera.
My mom took it the last time she visited.
Rounding the corner, I prepare to defend my home with life and limb, deadly picture-frame in hand.
What I see sends all thoughts of violence... all thoughts of any kind, actually... fleeing my mind like doves released en masse.
Aaron stands at the stove, stirring something in a small saucepan and humming to himself.
That isn't so odd.
I've seen that plenty of times.
What's different is that he's wearing nothing but his candy-making apron.
It's tied loosely around his slender waist, the tails trailing over his bare ass and swaying between his legs as he rocks gently to whatever tune is playing in his head.
I make some noise... probably a sort of choking, gagging sound and he turns towards me, lips spreading in that beautiful smile I love so much.
His bare shoulders and arms look pale and graceful and I don't know why the hell  it turns me on so much, seeing him like this, except that it's the two things I love most in this world reduced to their barest elements... this man and his candy.
"Aaron...?" my voice is strained and breathless.
He lifts a silicone spatula from the saucepan.
It's dripping chocolate in silky strands.
He gives a quick twist with his wrist, twirling the ribbons and then brings it to his mouth and licks it, red tongue turning dark with molten sweet.
He swallows and bites his lip.
"Almost ready," he says, eyes locked on mine.
On the counter, a plate of strawberries waits.
I move towards him, wondering if maybe I've had a heart attack and my body is lying dead in the shower or something because this looks like heaven.
He turns back to the pan, stirring the contents with the lazy self-assurance of the professional.
I come and stand at his back, breathing in the scent of him and trail my fingers from his shoulders down his lightly muscled arms.
"Uh-uh," he chides, prying my hands off with the handle of his spatula.
"No touching. Not yet."
He smirks.
"What? Did you think I forgot?"
"Uh... yes."
He laughs.
It's a low, sinful sound.
"Now back off, before you get burned."
I do as he says but instead of heaven, now I'm in some kind of chocolate-themed hell, watching and not allowed to touch.
I realize I'm still wrapped in nothing but the towel and that I'm painfully erect.
Two can play at this game.
I let the towel fall and wait for him to turn.
When he does, his eyes drop and go dark.
He licks his lips.
"Well... dip me in chocolate and call me a banana pop," he says.
I should be used to it by now but it still makes me choke and I have to yield the victory.
As ever, he wins.
"Not long now," he assures me.
The strawberries are perfect... long-stemmed and just the right size for a single bite, plump and red.
He takes each by the stem between his finger and thumb and dips them expertly in the melted chocolate.
Then he sets them on a sheet of wax paper cool.
When the last is done, he dips his own fingers in the cooling chocolate and comes towards me, rolling his hips.
He slides his fingers past my lips, across my tongue.
"Suck," he demands.
I suck him clean.
When he withdraws his fingers, a string of saliva trails from my mouth.
He wipes his fingers on his apron and then his mouth is on mine, hot and wet and hungry.
"Do you want me?" he asks, when he comes up for air, lips swollen and slick.
The question is rhetorical.
"God... yes."
His smile stretches a little wider.
"Did you really think I forgot?"
"I... yes."
"I love you Blake Welling but you're an idiot sometimes."
I can't argue.
Most of my blood is below my waist, for one thing.
He takes my hand and pulls me into the living room.
There, he kisses me again, sucking my tongue like it's one of his strawberries.
"Lie down," he says, hands on my shoulders, pushing me to my knees.
I do as he says, lying back on the carpet.
He kneels over me.
I can't see what he's doing behind the drape of his apron but I feel it when he takes me in his hand and guides the head of my cock to his hole.
"Wait..." I gasp.
"Are you ready?"
He grins.
"That was a long ride you went on, babe. I'm more than ready and now it's my turn."
He throws his head back and impales himself on my length in a single, swift motion.
I can't breathe.
"Oh God... fuck," I gasp, struggling for air.
"That's the idea," he says, smirking.
He rides me, taking his own pleasure, slow and sensuous.
I see the red tip of his tongue against his lips and he gasps softly as he moves with me inside him.
Finally, I can't bear it anymore and he knows it.
He gives himself to me hard and fast.
A cry... tears itself from my lips... as I come and he thrusts down, taking me deep.
Slowly, he pulls off me, my softening shaft slicked with lube and my own spill.
His mouth finds mine once more.
"Happy birthday, you sick fuck," he says.
"Don't expect this every year."
~♡♡♡~ ~The End~ ~♡♡♡~
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yooniesim · 2 years
as someone who's been part of simblr since 2017 it's so sad to see the state of things this year. simblreen was so much fun and now it's been reduced to these hastily made packs, while the people who made these creators famous by spreading their content now have to wait at least three weeks before seeing ANY cc from them. by the time non patreons get access to these packs there's not even a point in getting downloading it, because the holiday is already over/ending LOL.
it's just... the community aspect is completely gone from this place. the big creators don't really interact with their followers AT ALL. no posts in their blogs other than when they're selling their 5 minutes mesh edit of an EA hair, they probably don't even play the game anymore at this point. the only community they find is with their equally as popular simblr friends who keep stroking each other's egos while parroting that there's nothing wrong with what they're doing
the only thing that makes me a little hopeful is to see the recent uprising against the bullshit of the CC industrial complex and the people who are calling this out for what it is. thanks, yoonie <3
It is sad, isn't it? You're spot-on with all of this. But I've found so many new creators this simblreen and the free content has been so creative that it renews my hope! My advice is to just block the really popular creators with lazy content and never give them any money or promo. That's when you start finding the good stuff.
I'm glad to give you a lil hope as well! The way there actually has been some changes in how early access is going (people being called out for Halloween cc dates, people changing their subscription methods on patreon, etc) proves that there is some progress being made here. Keep on paywallers' necks to keep them humble, and keep uplifting free creators!
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