#my laptop is so hot i can cook chicken on it
Backpack must-haves: College edition
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Pens, laptop, notebooks, water, some cash and a charger with the odd mint or tictac chilling somewhere at the bottom of your bag.
Scrambling around, trying to find your ratty notebook, and then asking your impeccable, super organized neighbor for a pen 6 minutes after class has started only to be shushed by the person in front of you and having 10 heads swivel back and glare at you for interrupting their flow.
Sounds familiar? That was the state of my learning and my bag during my first week of uni, after which my itinerary was promptly overhauled and reorganized.
Question: If your backpack is messy and disorganized, how will that reflect on your studies in the long-run? Not great, so let's go through my back pack must-have's so that you have one less thing to stress about.
1. A pencil case with: 4x pens, 2x pencils, 1x sharpener, 1x eraser, 3x highlighters, 1x scissors, 1x small glue.
The amount and items vary, depending on your major and personal use, but an actual pencil case is a must have. It doesn't need to be flashy, or designer.
Even a plastic ziplock bag will do!
You just need a bag or a container to store your pens so that instead of scrambling at the bottom of your bag and hopelessly trying to find a working pen, you know exactly where everything is.
2. Electronics: 1x phone charger, 1x laptop with charger, headphones
One of the worst things that can happen is low batter, so come prepared! Bring along your phone and laptop charger (if you need your lapop that day) just in case.
3. Your beauty & health case
If you wear makeup regularly, you probably already have a small makeup bag with your products.
Other people, myself included should also have a smaller bag, but not just for makeup or makeup at all.
This case should have tampons, pads, a spare set of underwear and socks (you never know when the rain decides to go apocolyptic, and going back home in wet socks is unpleasant), gum, painkillers, any meds that you may need, deodorant, body spray, hand sanitizer, tissues, some emergency cash, lipbalm etc.
Once again, the actual contents may vary, but the point stands. Get a separate case or bag for your health products, so that instead of trying to juggle several items when going to the bathroom, you can just remove your case and go do your business quickly and easily.
When possible, streamline the process.
4. A full water bottle
Staying hydrated is a must, especially during the start of the school year. All the running around the campus, trying to remember in which buliding your classes are require enough liquids.
Early autumn tends to be quite hot in my region, and only starts to cool off in mid November, so my water bottle requires constant re-filling.
Your studies will thank you, as an over-heated, dehydrated student with a raging headache is rarely a productive student.
(Source: me and a few other uni students who chose coffee over water one time too many, and lived to tell the tale. Oh the regret. Anyway. Live and learn.)
5. Food
Who has time to wake up in the morning, cook a proper lunch, pack it neatly into your lunchbox, shower, get dressed, and make it in time for your morning class bright-eyed and energized?
Not many students, especially uni students commuting to class for 1-2hrs each day.
I should probably make a separate post about meal prep on a money and time budget (lmk if that'll be useful!), but the bottom line is this:
You need to eat, and the on campus cafe's usually charge an arm and a leg, so there are a few options available.
A. Cook overnight and bring leftovers and some snacks to tide you over with you. Snacks may include fruit, sandwiches, some chips etc. Small and light.
B. Live solely on pre-bought snacks. Works for some people, not so much for others. A good option, as long as the snacks have some substance (cheetos don't count! Think more like a fruit cup, or a chicken sandwhich).
C. Depending on your location, some campuses are located in a city, so a quick 10 min bus ride to a grocery store is likely to offer more variety and better lunch options. I
've certainly done that, and guess what? The daily bus ticket and my shawarma cost less than a fancy sandwhich so there's always that!
6. The stationary: Notebooks, textbooks, a planner
Your course may require you to use just one notebook, whereas you may go through 10 notebooks per term in a different class.
Look up the syllabus and email your lecturer in advance to know what material you will need.
Don't forget to include some extra notebooks for your own out-of-class studying. Using the same notebook can have varying results.
Personally, I don't need anyone else seeing my notebook filled with what appears to be incomprehensible scribblings and ramblings, when it's just me annotating my answers to practise questions.
You may like many people use an online planner, but nothing beats having an on paper entry. Besides, it's more convenient to use in those weak or no signal buildings, with wifi so weak that they shouldn't have bothered wiring the building.
7. The wallet
Campus ID, personal ID, card, cash, driver's license, health card, maybe a business card or two.
You never know when you might need any of these things, as things happen, especially on college campuses, so always carry around some cash and an ID of some sort.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
98 Degrees...?
Yelena Belova X Male Reader
Request - Could you write a story about Yelena Belova X Male Reader they both like spicy food so reader decides to cook some hot wings and record themselves he also include Carolina Reaper chili with the chicken and reader eats it and doesn't show any reaction to the chili and it's Yelena turn and she's all cocky then one bite she runs to fridge and grabs the milk and ice cream screaming how hot it is later R shows the video to Nat, Clint and Kate
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“Hi, everyone welcome to our live stream. Today, I’m going to eat hot chicken wings and we are going to see who can handle the Carolina Reaper chili” You smiled.
You made two plates of chicken wings but not both plates have hot sauce. You gave the plate to Yelena, she has a smirk on her face.
“Y/n I don't think you won't handle it. You can't even handle regular hot sauce” Yelena said.
“I can handle the Carolina Reaper chili, just trust me. Let's read some comments to see who they think will win, you or me” You said.
“Obviously, they will pick me,” Yelena said.
“Wow, you are so cocky right now, just wow,” You said.
You have an Instagram account and YouTube channel. Sometimes you post videos of you doing something with Kate, Yelena, Peter, etc. You get a lot of likes and your fan base is getting huge. You were shocked because you thought you won't get over 100 subscribers and many likes.
You start to read a comment and Yelena starts to smirk.
“I think Yelena will win, Y/n you won't be able to finish the first chicken wing,” You said.
“See, I told you,” Yelena said.
“Wow! Okay, I see how this will go” You said.
Yelena starts to read the next comment.
“If I had to bet with money and who will win, I pick Yelena,” Yelena said.
She puts her arm on your shoulder and does a fake pout.
“I won't back down,” You said.
“It’s okay to lose me, Y/n,” Yelena said.
“You are so damn cocky,” You said.
“But you still like me, you can't get rid of me that easily,” Yelena said
“что бы ни,” You said in Russian.
You said ‘whatever’ in Russian and she just smiled at you. You are not offended by what they said in the comments. You know you will prove everyone wrong and you get ready.
“You go first, Y/n,” Yelena said.
“Okay, sure,” You said.
You grab the chicken wing and you start to eat it. You put ketchup on your chicken wings and the hot sauce is the same color as the ketchup. Yelena is shocked and everyone starts to write a lot of comments to you.
“How are you so calm?” Yelena asked.
“Because I can handle the hot sauce. Your turn, Yelena” You smirked.
Yelena grabbed her chicken wing and she starts to eat it. Her face starts to red and her eyes start to get watery. She didn't finish the chicken wing and you keep staring at her.
You didn't finish your sentence, she ran towards the kitchen and she opened the fridge. You followed her and you are still recording everything. She started to drink milk and her shirt got wet. Now she starts to eat the ice cream and you start to laugh.
“My mouth is on fire!” Yelena yelled.
You couldn't help to laugh.
“Yeah, your face is so red right now, like a balloon” You laughed.
“Wait, why your face is normal and you are not fire,” Yelena said.
“Okay, I will tell you my secret, it's ketchup. I didn't put hot sauce on my wings but on your chicken wings I did put hot sauce” You said.
“You did what!?” Yelena yelled.
You repeated yourself and Yelena got angry. She starts to say something in Russian and you start to run. Everyone who is watching is laughing and sending you skull and coffin emojis. You are running and screaming for help, Yelena is still talking in Russian.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
You are spending time with Clint, Natasha, and Kate at the apartment.
“Y/n, why is Yelena mad at you?” Natasha said.
“She won't be mad at me forever. I did a new video of eating hot wings but mine had ketchup and her chicken wings had hot sauce” You said.
“Did you record it?” Kate asked.
“Yes, I will show you,” You said.
You opened your laptop and showed them the video. They did laugh and liked the video now they understand why Yelena is mad at you.
“Y/n, you better sleep with one eye open” Clint laughed.
“Oh!? We should do it, eat hot wings” Kate smiled.
“No,” Natasha and Clint said at the same time.
“Fine, I will do it with Y/n,” Kate said.
You laughed then you texted Yelena what Kate said.
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therichantsim · 1 year
My very long storytelling process that nobody asked for but I'm telling y'all about anyway.
First let me start off by saying it takes entirely too long but here's why.
I multitask on 1000. I work from home. So, first I go to the kitchen and make coffee. Check emails and DM's on my iPad.
Go grab laptop. Check Tumblr for story updates etc. Grab freshly made coffee and load up my game. While that's loading go through notes for story dialog and ideas. Search for poses. Log out of game and add poses and new cc that I got distracted by. Load game again. While that's loading again, go over to my easel and work a little bit on the painting because technically, I'm at work. Post story of my process on IG and TikTok. Post a WIP pic on Threads, X and IG. Remember that I loaded the game. Click on the save I want to load. Then go back to painting. Now I'm a little hungry so, go make a snack. Remember I have a crate full of prints to put on the porch for the mailman. Goes to porch and sets out crate. Comes back in to go to laptop to print shipping labels for new orders. Sees world map clicks build mode of the lot I need so; I can set up scene for next episode.
Takes a sip of coffee, goes to reheat coffee. Oh yeah... print shipping labels... Then closes that screen and starts working on scene. Then notifications pop up from recent post. Go check those. After doom scrolling for 45 minutes, I have to pee.
Comes back and heads for the microwave because of annoying beep. Reheats for 30 secs. Takes a sip, too hot. Go in live mode and starts taking pics. Game freezes. Force close and restart game. Looks over at painting. Trips over labels because the crate they print into is on the porch.
Again, work on painting and actually get some progress done. Has to go pee again. On the way back from the bathroom grabs crate from porch. Tear off shipping labels. add to crate. Go back to game redo what I didn't save, and this time save. Take pics, then open photoshop.
Now I'm hungry for real. Goes to kitchen. Washes hands, cleans and seasons chicken or whatever. Let marinate. Preps veggies etc. Looks over in the sunroom at painting. Has an idea but not sure about it so take pic of painting and messes around procreate or photoshop. Now, stare at story pics. Open notes rethink some of the dialog. Remembers I never finished my coffee. Goes to freezer grabs ice turns coffee into ice coffee. Guzzles down coffee. Runs photoshop actions and starts adding dialog. Looks at time. Goes to kitchen to cook dinner. Dinner is ready and I'm no longer hungry at the moment. By now the day is gone and I start to feel like I'm in a simulation because time moves too quickly like in the sims.
Go back to painting, maybe even paint live on TikTok for an hour or so. Now it's almost midnight and still haven't finished editing. Goes to laptop to finish. Now it's almost 3am. Remembers shipping labels!!!!
Goes to printer, refills ink, adds photo paper, and starts sending artwork to the printer. Orders canvas prints from vendor. Also orders more packing supplies. Has to go pee. Stomach growls, I go heat up some food, eat, get very sleepy and pass out on couch. My daughter or son wakes me up on their way out for work and tells me to go get in my bed.
Rinse and repeat.
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ellaintrigue · 1 year
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This guy's profile is NUTS. I'm going to copy and paste it since it's so long and doesn't screenshot well on my laptop:
"I sure hope you're enjoying that cold vanilla ice cream on this hot day. You could have at least put some sprinkles or hot fudge on top. Don't worry, I won't steal even a slight taste. To all the submissive women who play dominate. It's a turn off for that special guy with the magic touch. I could always just hump your leg like a dog if you prefer to continue that boring scam approach to dating? It's like a creaking bed, just oil it already. Just for today, lets substitute that with an overwhelmingly intoxicant style secret love affair addiction that might never end. The recipe of a roaring fire that best friends never taste? A lover and soulmate, not let's go to dinner and fake it scheme. I'm your favorite guilty pleasure food and your dating approach is a diet. Just cave and taste the good life without guilt, hesitation, or regret. Life without pleasure is no life at all. You don't truly live unless your push your limits on a regular basis. Crashing tsunami waves can be terrifying but I bet you are absolutely sick, tired, and bored of reading all of these fictitious profiles by now. These sweet talking liars are such a struggle. I feel the same torturing torment and am also ready to explode. They are even worse than the same old rhythm of your previous relationships. Might as well just get a cat, larger vibrator, and call it a day. Probably wondering what happened to all of those truth in advertising laws as they apply to online dating. The truth is that I am writing this profile at my friends wedding. This was the shove that pushed me to fluidly penetrate the online dating world. He met an awesome lady on here and now I am curious enough to unlock the basement door. I suppose this is less cliche than a bar, Walmart, or funeral. At least the negative ones show it quicker online than they would in person. Saves us from that awkward moment when someone turns creepy. I just hope that I live to tell the tale... Where do we begin? The chicken or the egg? The fingertips, hands, and arms? The toes, feet, and ankles? The hair, head, neck, and lips? Aristotle defined love as, “love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” I can be a genuine gentleman, true hopeless romantic, or an absolute filthy naughty bad boy. I'm educated, prepared, more loyal than any dog, hardcore, and a true ride or die man. I live an intentional, progressive, healthy lifestyle. Add a pinch of playful mischief and top with chocolate covered whipped cream. Then blend well in a hot tub. Brutal, savage, merciless, and a great cuddler who cooks healthy food. I smell good and you will never forget how tempting my touch can be. It all depends on what I eat for breakfast. Guess what I ate this morning...
Perhaps it's a crime of passion that I’m a gentleman in public and an absolute dirty animal in private. Holding the door open for you while making others jealous of the powerful connection that we have. Your best friend or worst enemy. Knowing exactly what creates goosebumps and sends that trembling shiver down your spine. I’m taller than you, exercise everyday, and refuse to shake hands with toxic fakes. I don’t tolerate BS, play games, or waste anyone’s time. I’m not on here for a meaningless hookup. I’ve never had a one-time thing and don’t want one. Hopefully that’s enough for you to swallow. We both know that nice guy that you want will never satisfy you. They often end up not being so nice in the end. I don't wear a mask. My direct openness and comfort in my own skin might initially throw you off. You need that dirty, intense, crazy, excitement as much as me. The true life blood of that deep bond is the passion which rarely happens by accident. I happen to agree with the Webster’s Dictionary’s definition of love, “A sexual passion or desire; a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour.” I'm just foolish enough to believe in the complete partner package. Maybe now you can see why friendship just never goes deep enough. If you don’t know what you want, hangout with someone like me who knows what they want, how to obtain, build. maintain, and appreciate forever. Are you haunted enough by the law of diminishing returns? I offer an adventure which has the lottery ticket of becoming a forever real life dream come true. I shall shock your conscience into a deeper desire...
What percentage of men are over 6 feet tall, inshape, highly educated, don't cheat, put effort in to maintain a relationship, work hard at their career, and never use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco? Cocky? Maybe... or maybe I just see how most men are these days."
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sspaz1000 · 2 years
Um yes I know that I’m like a week late in getting to this, but this is the first time I’ve been on my laptop in a hot minute. 
Rules: post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
Tagged by @smblmn thank you for the tag!
5 works (in no particular order):
Volunteer - My first drabble. Impressed with myself that I did it. And keep doing it. 
You just wanna feel what can’t be known - Kinky smut. And the only thing that I wrote in 2022 over 100 words. And probably most of that was started in 2021 for that Kinktober, lol. 
Burst: Whump Edition
Bargain/Blanket - My only non D&P work and you can definitely tell cause it got no love, lol. 
4 WIPs
These are among the ones I want to finish for sure:
I have the expanded drabble of Patrick and the Deer drabble completed. Need to look it over, and it definitely needs a beta because I did it during NaNo so it’s most likely very sloppy
Expanded piece on Jewelry drabble about Patrick
I have a Happy New Year prompt written in a notebook and a couple others from that Creative Writing Prompts tumblr. My goal was to write all 31 prompts and then you know tendinitis. I’d like to type them up and get them posted. 
Also I have a David and Patrick try cooking a recipe that one of you lovely people gave me for Instant Pot Crack Chicken. 
3 improvements in my writing
Hahahahahahhahaha, I know I shouldn’t be self deprecating, but yeah, not sure my writing has improved any?
Getting better at noticing when I’m switching tenses. 
Knowing I can write a drabble even if it isn’t that good. I can get my point across in 100 words. 
Um I genuinely don’t know a third thing? 
2 writing resolutions
Taking my time to tell the whole story. Actually finishing it. 
Stats don’t matter.
Number 1 favorite line
I generally don’t go back and re-read my work. So I don’t know, but here’s a line from the last fic I posted in 2022. 
Patrick tries to settle for the night as he licks his lips still feeling the rub of stubble on his face.
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guvato · 2 months
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Tamalog Day 4
Even though i was dying to get some sleep, i waited until 7AM to make sure everyone was okay, and to my surprised they were all topped up, so i just called the Sitter for Picochutchi and Tantotchi and went to sleep, waking up at about 11AM to give Milktchi some care, but when i went to check up on her, i received the battery warning, which made me unable to give her some care, so i just went back to sleep, knowing that she wouldn't need much attention as long as the battery was low.
Waking up at 3PM, i got up and went straight to my laptop to charge my Smart, and would you look at that, Milktchi only had lost 2 hungry bars, which is great. I fed her a hamburguer and cleaned her poop, then left the smart charging for another 10 minutes. Picked up Picochutchi and Tantotchi from the Sitter, and Tantotchi evolved straight away into Haretchi (which still cannot wear the Ribbon i bought em, grr), then i went on to explore a bit, met a new Tama and decided to try the 'cook' feature, took pictures of my breakfest (Rice and Chicken) and when mixed up, they became a sponge cake, which honestly is such a cool feature and i love it. Then, we played today's games, which the theme for today is sports, so we had ping-pong and football, ping pong is the most time consuming and "challenging" of the two, while football is just a timing game, i got some money and went on my merry way. Checked up on Picochutchi and she was doing alright, i gave her some Soup and Canelé, we went on our daily Tama Seach and got 5 hearts with Majoritchi, and then we just played one match of 'Fast Food' at the Arcade for some quick Gotchi Points while also topping up her happy meter.
At night got Haretchi to order some Ham Sandwiches, Picochutchi had a sumo style hot pot (one of her favorites) and Milktchi had Nikujaga, after dinner i cleaned the houses and gave each of them baths, i'm trying to get the houses clean and give more baths so they never need to actually get dirty and their houses don't get dusty, y'know, if i take a shower every day then so should my Tamas, and they get happy after that so it's a win win situation. Picochutchi decided to play on her phone for a bit and since she was doing good, went and gave Haretchi and Milktchi some attention, Haretchi ordered some French Fries cuz she apparently has to have dinner 2 times at night, this lil glutton. Milktchi went to TamaWork and had great fun dancing, made about 1200 GP dancing and felt happier too.
Come 8PM, Haretchi fell asleep, things were chill the rest of the night, Milktchi went to sleep well and Picochutchi brushed her teeth and also went to bed, then one more Tama Day was over. Every tama day is a good day, and i'm loving playing on my Tama Pix, i'm glad it's so feature packed and fun, honestly can't wait to see who will Haretchi evolve to. Also looking forward for the Uni's summer games, will surely be trying to record them and see how much progress i can make on each game, good luck for everyone who also participates :D
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xtruss · 5 months
The 2024 Uber Lost & Found Index Reveals Bizarre Items Left behind By The Customers
— April 17, 2024 | Uber.Com | Written By Uber
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With Mercury in Retrograde, which astrologists say influences forgetfulness, we’re back with the eighth annual Uber Lost & Found Index – a snapshot of the most surprising and most popular items left behind in Ubers.
Over the last twelve months, items of clothing, luggage, headphones and wallets topped the list of most frequently forgotten belongings. But Uber riders didn’t just leave the usuals behind… in fact, folks forgot their frontal hair toupees, live turtles, trays of meat pie, tubs of surgical implants, and more. We saw a few new forgetfulness trends this year, too: Miami was the most forgetful city, red was the most lost color, 9pm and 10pm are when most folks report lost items, and January 21st was the most forgetful day.
Take a look at the full Lost & Found Index below, which includes step-by-step instructions on how to get help getting lost items back in the Uber app. Whether it’s your Beyoncé fold up fan or a whole smoked pork belly, we want to help you reunite with your prized possessions!
The 2024 Uber Lost & Found Index! The 10 Lost Commonly Forgotten Items:
Tablet or book
The 10 Most “Forgetful” Cities:
Miami, FL
Los Angeles, CA
Atlanta, GA
Houston, TX
Dallas, TX
Orlando, FL
Phoenix, AZ
Tampa Bay, FL
Denver, CO
Austin, TX
The 50 Most *Unique* Lost Items:
Frontal hair toupee
Hot sauce and a breathalyzer
I left a leaf in your car that’s much needed
Two containers with spiders in them
A Beyoncé fold up fan
A tray of meat pie
Ceramic cat
Jar of oysters
A personalized blanket with a picture of me and my dog
Small rat skeleton prop
Candle that says ‘See you in court’
A fake tooth / retainer (it’s a really small plastic piece with a fake tooth in it)
Gray tub of surgical implants
Police-grade handcuffs
My live pet animal turtle
Waist beads and a burrito steamer
I left expensive blueberries that are special that I need that the store is completely out of. There’s two packages that I absolutely need.
My girlfriend’s pregnant pills
Small box containing a gnome.
Standup paddleboard paddle
Painting from SeaWorld. It was wrapped up in a roll and I love it.
A playbill from the Spamalot show at the Kennedy Center
My robot
Benihana garlic butter
Contraceptive Plan B from Costco and a BaBylissPRO massager machine
A panic button
A spear and a furry fox tail
Taylor Swift autograph. Framed!!!!
Fart sensor
Bravo Con wristband
A #bestdayever foam sign
3 feathers
Fake butt
Poster of Hillary Clinton
Panty liner and 1000 bucks. That’s all I can remember
Some lotion or my thong
Meditation crystals
Undergarments, bread, pack of ham and mayo
Cardboard cut out panda
Street sign saying ‘She’s drunk’ and a picture frame
My father’s beard softener
Big sentimental carrying jug
Paternity test
WWE championship belt
Harry Potter wand engraved with name ‘Alexander’
Large sticker with a dancing cartoon cat that says ‘Spanky Fest’ on it
I might have left my garden fence in the trunk.
Jeep Liberty engine. Please call me
I lost my wizard woman
Three Japanese ceramic decorative cats – one gold, one black and one pink. All fist-sized.
Top 20 Forgotten Food Items:
Leftovers from Pizzeria Portofino. Soooo expensive.
A whole smoked pork belly
Cooler with meat
I left the ice cream cones in your car and was worried about it melting and making a mess
A nice cheese. Feel free to keep!
A pan of chicken spaghetti
Bucket of cookies
Benihana garlic butter
Mason jar with cilantro
Church cookies in the trunk
Green lettuce in a jar in your car
Fly ass burrito
Side of salmon
Tomatoes (Don’t need ‘em back, just a heads up so they don’t cook in your car!)
A tray of meat pie
I left my pizza in your car! I can’t believe I left it!
Bowl of meat is in your car! And i need it
I left some pasta in the back by accident. Feel free to have it! It was so yummy and I didn’t eat out of the plate. Thanks again!
Jar of oysters
Small container of valuable honey
2024 Lost & Found Trends:
Seeing Red: Lost an item and seeing red? Well, that should help, since the most popular color of lost items was red.
Keeping Cool with Crystals: Channeling your inner zen and manifesting more just got a little harder. Riders around the country lost a number of healing crystals, including purple Amethysts, green Aventurines and more.
Mini Cooper Movers: The top lost car keys were from Mini Cooper owners. They won’t be getting very far in their little cars!
What’s the WiFi: There was a significant number of wifi hotspots and mobile routers left behind this year. Is that why you dropped from the Zoom call?
Getting Sensical: It appears Uber riders are coming to their senses this year, or finding them rather. From dignity, to credibility and memory, riders reported emotional losses left behind.
Next Time, Take Your Board: Whether of sentimental value or brand spankin’ new, skateboarders forgot their #1 tool this year time and time again.
Most Forgetful Days/Times:
Remember 1/21: January 21st is the most forgetful day of the year, with the most lost items recorded.
Losing Hour: The most popular hours of the day lost items were reported were 9:00 pm and 10:00 pm. Not the ideal night time routine we see on TikTok, huh?
Lost Items That Peak On Certain Days:
People are most likely to forget luggage on Mondays.
People are most likely to forget headphones on Tuesdays.
People are most likely to forget wallets on Wednesdays.
People are most likely to forget jewelry on Thursdays.
People are most likely to forget phones on Fridays.
People are most likely to forget vapes on Saturdays.
People are most likely to forget clothing on Sundays.
If you’ve left something behind during a ride with Uber, look no further than this help page, which outlines the simple steps you can take to help you get a lost item returned to you.
The best way to retrieve a lost item is to call the driver – but if you leave your phone itself in an Uber, you can login
Open the Uber app and tap “Activity” on the bottom icon menu.
Select the trip on which you lost the item.
Scroll down to “Find lost item” in the Help section, and then “Contact driver about a lost item.”
Enter your phone number to call the driver.
If your driver picks up and confirms that your item has been found, coordinate a mutually convenient time and place to meet for its return to you.
If your driver doesn’t pick up, leave a detailed voicemail describing your item and the best way to contact you.
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msbarrows · 1 year
Sept 25 - Finished off the tomato sauce (2 cans of crushed tomatoes fixed the consistency, and then we added some additional seasonings). Then took many hours to can it, as unfortunately the gas stove he has is kind of crappy and is very slooowwww for things like bringing a canning pot full of (hot tap) water to the boil for processing. And before THAT we had to bring the jars, rings, and lids to a boil in a different pot to sterilize them before filling them. Argh.
Nephew made a grilled chicken with pesto orzo dish for supper.
Sept 26 - Got nephew's laptop set up to work with my scanner, there's no way we're getting all the scanning done before I head back north next week, so I'm going to leave it here for now. He's invited me to come back down again in late December for a combination of helping him with some more sorting through of things, plus getting to spend Christmas with our side of the family down here.
For supper I pan-grilled a pork tenderloin (after rubbing it with salt, pepper, and ground allspice) and cooked some small new potatoes and green beans then mixed them together with butter and fresh rosemary.
Sept 27 - went through most of the drawers of an old wooden desk that the BIL and his father before him had both used. Lots of evidence of the grandfather's career as an engineer (multiple slide rules) and aging (many difference magnifying devices), not to mention a few decades worth of old bank books tossed in a drawer, dozens of old stamps (both used and unused), coins of varying denominations and ages, unused blank cards and notepaper etc. One drawer is entirely ancient files of the grandfather's that we'll need to do a folder-by-folder pass through to sort out potential keepsakes from recyclables.
Also did more scanning of photos. Most of today's were of a trip to the 1986 Vancouver Expo, plus of BIL hanging out with friends or co-workers. Slightly weird to see him playing with a little blond girl in that phase between toddler and child, and realize from the 80s hair and clothes everyone is sporting that she's probably in her 40s now.
Only one photo had anything written on the back to identify the people in it, and it's just first names.
Nephew made toad-in-the-hole and mixed steamed veg for supper.
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surveysand · 1 year
What kind of movies are you drawn to? documentaries. i don't really watch movies much otherwise. How often do you update your Facebook status? never. What would you like best about living in New York City? public transportation and so many new restaurants to try. also, it seems like exclusive events a lot of artists do tend to be in nyc or la, so those would be cool to attend. What’s the main reason why you use a laptop/pc? it's much easier to use than a phone, especially if needed for school/work things. my old laptop broke for a few days at one point during my junior year and trying to write an essay on my phone was one of the worst things i've ever had to do. What do you think the world needs more of? basic human decency.
What type of pet would you like to have? i would love another dog, but i know that it's not the best move for me financially. How do you feel about mornings? i'm am not a morning person, lol. What breakfast are you most likely to have? a bagel or breakfast sandwich with orange juice or an iced coffee to drink. What type of day do you like more? one where i can just relax and don't have to worry about anything. Your social life is: not that active, but more normal than not.  What career field could you see yourself in? research, clinical positions, etc. When you’re starting to feel sick, you: take medicine and lay down. Which city would you rather relax in? the one i live in currently. What would you enjoy most about being a vampire? being able to avoid light. What colors are you most drawn to? muted tones. What flavor ice cream would you prefer? cookie dough. You rather have lunch at: a mexican place, preferably a local family-owned restaurant. Your oldest friend would describe you as: many things, but i think she would talk about how similar we are to each other and how our "no bullshit" attitudes are what have kept us friends for so long. You are attracted to homes that are: cozy and individual. What deadly sin are you most likely to commit? sloth. What section do you drift toward at bookstores? i really don't know, i haven't been in a bookstore in so long. i usually peruse the whole store. Are you a thinker or a feeler? thinker. Would you rather go to a festival or a book reading? festival. Are you more into drama or comedy? drama. Do you prefer to lounge in a hot tub or swim in a pool? lounge in a hot tub. Can you roll your tongue? yes. You are more likely to stop wearing something because? it doesn't fit well or i don't have anything to wear it with. Have you ever smoked pot? yes. Do you speak a second language? no. How many books do you have out in the public areas of your house? a few. What three words best describe you? funny, accepting, and passionate. What two elements are you most comfortable with? earth and air. Your relationships tend to be: coveted. Who makes a better burger, in your opinion? out of, like, chain restaurants, shake shack is my favorite. it's too bad it's so expensive. Where would you most like to spend Christmas vacation? i'd love to go to maine or somewhere further north. i am not someone who wants to get away from the snow. For you, snow means: winter! my favorite time of the year. What do you like best about the holidays? time off work/school, being able to see those close to me who i maybe haven't seen in a while otherwise, and being able to eat some amazing home-cooked food. You think your eyes convey: anger. Besides screaming for ice cream, what else do you scream for? many things, i'm a loud person, lol. Favorite summer scent? coconut. basically all of my shower products are coconut-scented. Do you listen to Billy Ray Cyrus? no. Do you know how to shoot a shotgun? no. Do you like fried chicken? yes, but i prefer grilled.
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OK, its been a hot minute.
I went to disney. It was super fun. I ended up doing really well in the beginning before the family got there. I proved to myself that I can do this. Truth be told, I was not feeling deprived at all. Then the family came and all bets were off. I kept ordering luxurious meals, steaks, full apps and deserts, and the drinking started again.
Then, I came home, and instead of pulling my shit together, I took an entire month off, binging and drinking when I felt like it, because - why not?
What on Earth is the matter with me? Why do I do this self sabatoge to myself? It always follows a time when I am allowed to be off of my programs. I remember after losing a ton of weight, I ended up going to burger king because I really wanted to try that bbq sauce chicken sandwich they were pushing. It flipped the switch, and over the year that followed I gained it all back and more. Same story every single time I come back from vacation. This time in particular, I felt so angry and resentful that I had to come back home and continue life in the frozen tundra that is NY during March - I was completely unmotivated, had no interest in shopping or planning or cooking, or cleaning. It is April 1st and I still have not run any of my laundry. It is all piled up in my room and the laundry room. I don't know what's clean, dirty, ect. I'm having trouble finding clean underwear. I'm rewearing dirty stuff. This is what I have found myself doing - is it depression? A complete protest of living the way i have to live? A deep regret of the life choices i have made? All of that is amplified when I come back from vacation and see this life with fresh eyes, and juxtaposed with vacations, it sucks. Then, I play the same feelins and thoughts out over my chosen drug. Rinse, dry, repeat.
Anyway, Its April 1 - 1 month of that crap is done. I'm back. I logged my english muffin, egg, and cheese. I have preplanned lunch (out for lunch today for Dad's birthday.) But the thing i did that really triggered me back was ... I won a raffle for Orange Theory Fitness, and I took my first class yesterday. It was VERY scary and i almost walked out, but I stuck with it with much coaching, and I didn't die. I actually felt really good and my body isn't as sore as I anticipated today. I burned 520 calories. Amazing! I signed up for the same coach for tomorrow morning, which means I am not drinking tonight with my friends, even though they are coming over.
I also want to cook the ham my parents gave me - maybe I'll do that tonight and then I can give it away. I want to get a vegetable platter to munch on. Yesterday, I was munchie at my friends house, but couldn't stop with the cheese and the nuts. That was the 520 calories+ right there. GRRR. That's ok, its all new and I have a good feeling about this.
Additionally, I am planning to do some other fitness stuff too. I can't do OTF every day - well, I guess I can the first month, but next month I am signing up for the 4x a month plan, so I will have to suppliment my exercise program with some other stuff. Plus - you know, variety. So I'm thinking walking outside is great with the peleton coaches. They do fun 80s and disney walks so I will do one of those a week. Then I need two more fitness things that are fun and engaging to put into my schedule. That would be 4x a week. Plus I will push myself outside during work for walks to get moving. Its just not healthy to be sitting in front of the laptop for 8+ hours a day.
Also, gotta start planning meals again. Lets go easy - I need to be able to start small with all of this, or i won't see any improvements.
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Being Alone in Your Marriage Is Not The Same as Being Alone
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I’ve heard it repeatedly — friends, clients, and family members telling me that their marriage was lonely and sexless. That they were alone for so many years while partnered that they don’t need (nor want) to devote a window of time post-breakup or divorce to flying solo. This seems to infer that being alone in their marriage affords them a pass from being alone single and allows them to bypass devoting a concerted window of time post-breakup to being on their own.
And every time I hear this, it never feels felt quite right. It gets stuck in my craw and wears at me like a piece of gravel in my sneaker. My mind grapples with the meaning of these statements. With what it says about how we as a society view living solo. With how we perceive singlehood and people who choose not to partner. I bristle because implicit in these comments are values, biases, and fears. It’s fraught with stereotypes and myths, and most importantly, it misses the mark — that being alone in your marriage is not the same as being alone and single and that this is an important distinction to make. It reminds me of people who say they were single parenting while their partner was away for a weekend, that parenting without their partner home was a piece of cake. It’s misguided and inaccurate.
Being alone in your marriage can be profoundly painful, much worse in my experience than being single. Nothing quite compares to the dull and constant ache of having your partner, someone perfectly capable of giving hugs and helping with laundry, sitting lifeless in the next room, coming home clueless from work, walking past you like a ghost. The presence of a loved one in our proximity who does not respond to our aches, needs, and desires amplifies existential realities we often turn to others to alleviate. Realities like we are born into this world alone, and similarly, we will go out alone — that the birth canal and the delirium of dying are individual endeavors, no matter who will hold our hand, nurse us or greet us in the spirit world.
I can still remember a day when my then-partner was sitting on the couch, not even ten feet away from me. I was cooking and accidentally burned my arm by spilling chicken broth. I remember how I cried out and recoiled from the hot liquid that seared my skin, how I heard the continuous clicking on his laptop keyboard while he stared blankly at the screen and did not acknowledge my pain. It’s an extreme example, but you get the gist, we rely on others, our partners, to be there when we need them and when they are not there for us, we feel more acutely alone than we ever would if we were on our own.
But here’s the deal, if you leap from a lonely marriage into a new partnership with no break in between, you miss something that I believe is essential — the opportunity to have a relationship with your adult self and to fall in love with life on its terms. In my experience, the most enduring way to tackle loneliness is through cultivating a relationship with solitude. But sadly, when I go to the thesaurus to investigate solitude, I find words like emptiness, isolation, confinement, loneliness, and wasteland; therein lies my point. We live in a culture that conflates solitude with loneliness; we do not make a nuanced distinction between the two; we are crude people when it comes to words. Something as simple as defining solitude gives way to our cultural fears, biases, and very understandable human vulnerabilities. There is power in language. It can permeate our thoughts and weave a spell, have us stumbling blindly into the arms of another where we expect things will be different, and maybe they will be — for a while. But as any Gen Xer should remember, when Luke Skywalker pulled off the mask of Darth Vader in the Cave of Evil, Luke saw his own face, not Vader’s. Translation: Swapping out partners still brings you back to yourself.
The reality is, it is not either/or. Relationships teach us much when we let them, as does solitude. There is a sweet spot in between serial monogamy and desolation. It requires us to devote a balanced and ample window of time in both relationship and solitude. I’m speaking to the tendency of most American adults to favor the first camp and avoid the second — to treat singlehood as the ugly stepchild adopted only when external circumstances thrust it upon us. I’m offering encouragement that if you commit to spending a minimum of a year alone, the universe may reward you ten-fold. That you will feel as if you have a superpower. Like the unavoidable realities of life: Heartbreak, disappointment, difficult people, and loneliness are no match for your newly found courage, and that this is akin to flight — freedom of spirit.
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I’m aware that what I’m advocating for is unpopular. I get the genuine human need for connectedness and touch. I am a couples therapist; my alliance is to love and commitment. I am also a fifty-two-year-old woman, and as such, I have lived many lives. I have felt the bliss of new love and the solid, steady reliability of a twelve-year marriage — the dependability of someone who will notice if I go into cardiac arrest one afternoon, who can pick up medicine if I am home sick with the flu. I have experienced being a single mother and sole provider, laid in my bed at night with my baby girl in my arms while ice pellets pummel my roof, the power out, no heat but the warmth of our bodies. I’m not the first to wonder if my beloved would poison me and certainly not the last to feel the sting of love gone wrong.
I’ve felt the terror of running headlong into heartbreak more than once, and sometimes I’ve lept, and sometimes I’ve cowered. Though, if I’m to be honest, it’s morphed into it’s a hybrid move, a cower-leap sort of thing.
There have been predictable moments of tenderness, sorrow, terror, joy, and emptiness in each lifetime I’ve lived. What I take away is knowing that cultivating a relationship with oneself is necessary if we wish to embark on the lofty ideals of modern-day love. That mutuality, domesticity, and intimacy — relationships functioning as “people growing machines” are possible. But that they demand of us something far more complex than the nuclear families of our parents — unions rooted in gendered roles and pragmatic resignation to the mundane and the terrible. I hold out hope for the former and shun the latter. I am a believer in modern love.
When my last long-term relationship ended in 2019, I committed myself to spend an entire year single. That year morphed into two-plus years with the onset of COVID19 and the challenges it brought to dating. During that time, I watched no less than six friends become separated, divorced, and re-partner. I’m truly happy for them and genuinely wish them the best. Still, I’m acutely aware that I bring my own biases, and sometimes I feel that I’m in a bind.
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I’m in the business of selling health. As a couples therapist, I err towards preventative medicine versus managing symptoms. I’m more like the doctor promoting eating well and exercise than the physician who hands you a bottle of pills to manage Type 2 diabetes. Sometimes, I feel like people no more want to hear a couples therapist touting the merits of solitude than they want to see a dentist and get a root canal. And it’s OK to re-partner right after a breakup or have a series of flings (I’ve been there), but please don’t claim you get the Fastpass because you were alone in your marriage, don’t trick yourself like that. Say it feels good, say you are afraid, horny, or lonely, say anything (but that) because they are different types of aloneness and can’t be swapped out.
And if you are looking for guidance about what to do if your relationship ends or wondering how to heal best and not repeat the same mistakes — to be fully present for your children as you navigate divorce. Not surprisingly, my recommendation is to stay single for a good long chunk of time. Hang out with every facet of you, with the full catastrophe of living. If you are heterosexual, partake in gender-bending roles that your partner once did. Spend a holiday alone. Have sex for one. Laugh and cry and laugh again. I promise it won’t kill you. And in time, you’ll come to trust that if you shout holy hell at the heavens, a voice will answer (call it the universe or call it yourself), and you’ll understand that you never have to be alone again — in a partnership or singlehood. That the soul-sucking aloneness that nearly killed you has a foe and that your superpowers are there for you — they were all along.
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Are you on the fence about whether to stay or leave your marriage? Do you feel you have tried everything but still feel trapped in relationship-limbo-hell? Join me for my free webinar, Is My Marriage Worth Saving? I will be offering it on three different dates in October and will be available to answer all of your questions, including options for working with me.
Talk With An Expert.
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kimseungmo · 4 years
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Hyun.e's Holiday with 까미 ♡
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slasherwife · 3 years
S/o pampering the slashers + Vincent , they come home and the s/o prepared a bath and cook them dinner.
Y/n Spoiling Their Slasher
Ooh funn! Sometimes these poor bois need extra love 🥺💞
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- He would be a flustered baby from the beginning🥺
- He would feel bad that you’re doing this stuff for him and would feel a bit awkward since he’s so used to being the provider, that he wouldn’t really know how to act 🌼
- He clings to you for guidance, because being so relaxed and spoiled like this feels like a crime to him. And that breaks my heart.
- You end up being the mother hen, coaxing him and cooing at him as he looks up at you as if you're an angel. He'll lower himself into the bath and hold onto your hand, falling into a pit of pure love for you. You are literally his angel and you are GLOWING in his eyes💕
- when you give him a special dinner, he eats it happily and offers to share almost everything with you. It's like he's mostly concerned with what's on your plate instead of his, glancing over and making sure you're enjoying yourself. He can't help it though, it's completely second nature to him 💫💖
He is still hesitant to let himself be comfortable because he has literally never had anything like this ever in his life. He still looks to you for guidance and you tell him that you won't make him do anything he's not comfortable with.
- You both end the night with him clinging to you, buried his face in your stomach with his arms wrapped around your hips. He repeats in his mind that he doesn't deserve an angel like you until he falls asleep, dreaming about you. This boy is lovesick. 💕
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- Jason would just full on melt. He already knew how kind and loving you could be, and honestly isn't too surprised that you would do this. He nevertheless of course, puts his masked-face on your temple in the form of a kiss, and strokes your ear as a thank you💗
- Big boy doesn't waste a minute, he's stripped and ready to dive in. He definitely did NOT expect you to come over there and help him wash. Unsurprisingly he got bashful and looked away as you lovingly scratched his shoulders and unknotted his huge biceps and neck. He ends up going slack in the tub from how good it feels. 😊
- His eyes don't leave you most of the time. He looks away bashfully when you glance at him or smile at him, and his heart is just a fluttery mess at you. When you courteously look away when he steps out of the bath, you direct him to a big meal you made <3
- He has no idea where to start he is a trainwreck at just eating a mf meal. You smile encouragingly at him as he delicately uses his fork (which looks like a toothpick in his hands) and eats like he's at the queen's reception ceremony. He is SO polite. Uses a napkin and everything.
- I canon that he was ALWAYS hungry pre-zombie phase, and could literally eat 5 horses in one sitting (a weird visual but--) he signs to you asking what you were going to eat, and will literally fight with you about you taking his plate if you haven't eaten yet. 💖😤
- hes a babe
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- this bitch. you already know bae.
- He would refuse the bath because he finds it weird that he would bathe in a bath you made him (im confused too dw) He will stand there, his 7 ft tall ass, shaking his head at you no.
- you somehow end up getting in the bath with him because that was the only chance he would take the bath-- with you literally stuck to him as he drags you around like a pool noodle 🥲
- he might initiate funky time but probably not. he just wants to be clean tbh. He spends the entire bath time smelling your hair as he doesn't allow you to move for a good 10 minutes. He strokes your neck though which is nice 💖
- after you guys both leave the bath, he is still carrying you like a purse, but lets you at least put on a towel so you're not sitting naked at the dinner table.
- He's really touchy tonight, and it's mostly because he's filled to the rim with love for you. 💗He expresses it with roughhousing though and handling you like a ragdoll. He does NOT mean to hurt you though and will be gentle if you tell him to cut it out.
- He eats absolutely everything on his plate gratefully, again, doesn't express it in the most civil way, but he appreciates it (surprisingly). He actually might eat from your plate, you can't tell me this 7 ft giant doesn't run on five rotisserie chickens a day.
Bo Sinclair
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- I literally didn't even want to write for this dude. He is an asshole. But he's a hot asshole with daddy vibes so here we are 😤💗
- I would never expect Bo to worship you in return for you doing this for him. There are some things he will boast and tease you about being a swoon for him, being obsessed over him and whatnot~~~ But stuff like this is a little too much for that. It almost touches him. Almost💘
- He initially just doesn't know what to say. He loves you, that’s obvious. So he doesn't want to hurt your feelings by saying the wrong thing (which he does ALL THE TIME) so he's going to be uncharacteristically non hyper-verbal
- When you tell him you have a bath running for him upstairs, he'll think you're joking at first. When it becomes obvious that you're not, you lead him to it, and he looks at you when you're not looking and there's a slight of affection in them🌼
- He offers to share the bath with you, with a glint in his eye and that velvety smooth tone of his. This makes you blush furiously and become shy, which eggs him on. It’s completely up to you though, heh, because this will in fact lead to the sex
- afterwards he may drag you over to the bed to sleep~~~ until you tell him you have dinner waiting for him, and he is a fucking s l u t for food after funky time ✨
- now here he definitely teases you. “you’re practically worshipping me, doll. how am I supposed to treat you now?” What we’re you expecting? but internally he’s bursting at the seams and he’s very touched. 💖Probably to the point where he’s uncomfortable and will either be very quiet (he has no idea what to say) or he’ll tease the shit out of you as a coping mechanism.
- he eats like a normal person unlike everyone else here (and maybe Vincent) going on about his day where you listen patiently with a smile on your face ☺️
- Then when in bed, with his back facing you, he’ll very quietly thank you for doing this for him, because Lord knows he needed it. He’s very thankful 💖
Vincent Sinclair
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- all signs of responsiveness is cut. I mean, he’s the tiniest bit of smug if I’m raw honest. He was the golden child out of the two when he was younger and even if Bo is top dog in Ambrose, the feeling of deserving more than he does is still there. Which he DOES 😭💖
- He’s in absolutely no way like Bo. Bo is a smug ass who doesn’t listen to anyone (who we stan btw), but he’s still touched to the core.💖 You didn’t need to do this, you wanted to
- he knew he was worthy of being loved. He knew Bo wasn’t going to hold him down forever. he’s felt he needed this for the longest time. He wants to beat Bo; ~~~
- and when the prettiest, sweetest angel is at his feet pampering him, he just knows how jealous Bo is. 💘😭 Anyway SORRY I’m rambling~~ I feel like Vinny would be too scared to go into the bath himself and would have you sit on a stool beside him.
- he’ll be signing to you the entire time he’s in the bath~~ about anything and everything. He’s just so emotionally connected to you, he can’t help but spill his thoughts 🥺
- you both would eat your dinner in his room, probably on his bed as you share ideas about sculpting and life Bring a laptop so y’all can watch Netflix together ✨
- he’d want to make love to you after but that depends on how shy he’s feeling. It would probably be gentle and devoid of much lust, only love🥺💓
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noriakihunny · 3 years
some random ass (+ modern day) aot boy headcanons
including: zeke, erwin, levi, eren & armin
trigger warnings: some NSFW+ elements
is tiktok famous solely for being hot
specifically known on tiktok as the "hot guy who can cook but cooks sexually" i.e. he's the kind to grope a steak or stick his finger in a cantaloupe that's cut open in half like a pus-
verified on tinder
pulls matches by having his dog with him as his main profile photo
has airplane emojis in his bio which shows how much he travels
"hey i'm only here for a few days, wanna meet up?"
is the kind who always dresses like a car salesman no matter what the occasion
the kind to document his meal prep for the week on IG like ok we get it zeke you have no issue eating chicken and broccoli for 7 days straight
he incorporates protein powder into literally everything
he got BANNED from planet fitness since he triggered the lunk alarm WAY TOO MANY TIMES
he smells clean, like soapy. dude is always working out so he's always taking showers
hate to admit it but he is naturally a hot person - ie. he has slept for 10 hours - literally has woken up from hibernation and still manages to look hot
one of those hot middle aged bearded guys who practically lives at disneyland - like "i have a fastpass" lookin ass "i make sure to go at least twice a year"
90% of his instagram feed are gym selfies #progress #grind
but he makes a sweet husband. will serve you breakfast in bed with a "kiss the cook" apron (he is also completely butt ass naked under said apron)
has a thigh tattoo. of what? idk - he just has one. probably a dagger or a snake
he drives a goddamn tesla
but drives way too damn fast. he has like 6 speeding tickets
he wears crocs and wears them well
the charms on his crocs? two dogs, the eggplant emoji, the letter "z" and a pizza
he is WAYYYYY too into christmas
like zeke it's almost february please take down the tree
lowkey loves rupaul's drag race
oh god you know what - he is an influencer
use my code "BEAST" at checkout for 10% off your order with HelloFresh
the kid who had a massive glow up like he was bullied in middle school and grew up to be super hot, still with them big ass brows
he shops at express. even worked there at some point because he shops there so much he just wanted the discount
also dresses like a car salesman
also also also dresses like your typical dad with a golf shirt, khakis and boat shoes
loves starbucks
black coffee like straight up BLACK COFFEE no sugar no cream or anything
he is also the hot guy at starbucks who is on their mac laptop. he will literally stay there for like 6 hours to finish his work
the "posting a photo of me wearing a rolex holding my $9 cup of coffee in front of my bmw steering wheel" kind of flex
is only on facebook
he has an instagram account where he follows 0 people but has 26 followers. he created the account but never used it
he smells really good, like always
erwin's hand on your thigh when driving.
christian grey 2.0 like my boy is a FREAK he will tie you up and dick you up and down diva
he's the popular guy in the neighborhood and constantly hosts barbecues and parties
big sports guy - LOVES FOOTBALL
hot dad energy. his son/daughter posts tiktoks of them together and majority of the comments are like "you need a step mom?"
also a soft dad. the kind of dad you can talk to about anything
bringing home your girlfriend/boyfriend to meet your parents for the first time? erwin will literally run a background check and interrogate your significant other to make sure they are good enough for you
if you show him something on your phone, he will put on his glasses, squint and hold the phone like a foot away from his face
"what is a .. meme?"
was given the highest credit limit ever at home depot
he really loves building shit
he drives two cars: his dilf-y BMW sportscar and the honda odyssey family minivan
you will occasionally find him arguing with the Alexa in the living room
enjoys adam sandler movies
he invests in crypto and that nft bullshit
he was a theater kid in high school
also played baseball
yea he got that dump truck, kim k could never
the super chill, yet quiet hot guy that everyone knew. he wasn't popular but he was friends with everyone
levi will be attending the when we were young festival
his photos have been used several times within the emo/scene community on myspace
goes to the mall to shop at only h&m and hot topic. he also loves vans
dresses REALLY hot; he has an all black wardrobe
he also wears a lot of rings jalkdfjalkfdjakl
even though he may look small he can deadlift around 330 lbs
and yes zeke is S H A K I N G because as fit as he may be, he could NEVER
only wears Tom Ford perfume
forever young. middle aged and he still gets carded at 7-eleven when buying beer
drives a motorcycle
he has an iphone 8
also loves coffee
his order: grande iced latte with a splash of cream and sugar free vanilla
but still prefers tea above the rest. they know him at the teavana store
he doesn't understand the concept of almond milk or oat milk
he still hasn't downloaded tiktok
he doesn't even have facebook actually
he's only on IG
soft skin.
yes he has a skin routine; lives by his moisturizer
the only place he shops for food is at trader joes
he loves those soup dumplings
he does radiate minimal karen energy jfc i can see him calling for the manager but, for the greater good!!11!11 ie. the employees were being dicks/not doing their job
he is a plant guy. his one bed studio apartment is just decorated with plants
horror movie buff
he's actually a hopeless romantic
lowkey watches lifetime movies
is a big fan of robert pattinson batman
i can see him being a big nicki minaj fan like-
addison rae follows him on IG
oh god he's a modern day fuckboi
the complete opposite of his brother, zeke
he lives by gaslight, gatekeep and girlboss like he just radiates that energy
is also on tinder
again, opposite of his brother - he loves cats
and yes his profile pic on tinder is of him with his cat
the only thing in his bio is his height and the fact that he loves cats
he loves space song by beach house especially the (slowed + reverb) version on youtube
always smells like he put on too much axe body spray
he has an android phone - actually he is VERY anti-apple
posts very controversial tweets that garner a lot of attention + traffic to his page (but, the good kind of controversial. his tweets get reposted on those shitty fake Drake accounts)
his side hustle is being an uber driver (yes, a 5 star driver)
he drives a corolla but it's one of those really cool tricked out ones
JDM lifestyle
yes he goes to car meets
"can i have a hug" type guy
he has a photo album on his phone specifically for memes and reaction pics for twitter
but DAMN he is HOT HOT HOT. man bun, a sleeve of tattoos and skinny jeans that show off his humongous gingerbread man
he possess such a hot, punky, cyberpunk aesthetic that majority of his "OOTD" posts get reposted by those fashion accounts on IG
doja cat follows him on IG
more active on 4chan than any other social network
shrek is love, shrek is life
boba tea and korean bbq = favs
has seen spiderman no way home about 12 times since its release
this is breaking the fourth wall but yes eren loves anime
........ and yes that includes hentai - he has an ahegao sticker on his corolla for god's sake
will also be attending the we were young festival with levi
if he sees you with a rolling stones t-shirt he will approach you with "name 5 of their songs"
everytime he sings the rock part of happier than ever by billie eilish, he sings it with so much passion you start to worry like damn u ok?
he was very involved in high school clubs; you name it, band, theater, sports - he was even the senior class president
just like erwin, he was someone who also had a tremendous and miraculous glow up
and yes when you are having dinner with armin and your parents, if you ask "will you please pass the salt, daddy?" both your dad and armin will turn around
although, he doesn't believe in tinder. he wants to find love "the old fashioned way"
he smells like fresh laundry and lavender
exclusively shops at h&m and forever 21 like yes a soft white sweater and some joggers fuck me up armih
he's a freak
no, really !!!! he's actually a freak ok like he may seem so innocent on the outside but man he will choke you out in the bedroom
the "i'm only on facebook cause of family" kind of guy; barely posts anything but when he does it's wholesome shit like a video of a dog riding a bicycle
but he is very active on his newsfeed - he will comment and like your posts
a big advocate for gay rights like you will see this man with his shirt off at pride
this man loves k-pop
"i can't stop me" by twice. enough said
his house smells like vanilla
ooh, he's also a minimalist when it comes to home decor
but he has a wall full of vinyls
shops for candles at bath & body
he's a big gamer!!!! 150k subs on twitch. live streams. plays OW and Destiny
jesus christ, he built his own gaming rig
he drives a prius lol
he practically lives at barnes & noble
jim carrey fanatic
*shares a song with you from spotify* "this song made me think of you"
gives the best and warmest hugs
lowkey is a one direction stan
they got your order wrong at starbucks? you asked for 2% milk and they gave you whole milk? no worries, armin will be the one to go up to the barista and POLITELY demand they remake it
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thesolferino · 4 years
Hell On Earth
⤷ dream x f!reader.
⤷ genre: fluff
⤷ word count: 3.2k
⤷ requested: yes, by this lovely anon!
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— summary: you barge into clay’s office to complain about his broken air conditioner, unaware that he’s streaming.
Florida was hell.
You liked to say it as a joke, during October when the rest of the world was freezing, during December when the insane temperatures finally went back under control, and the sun granted you its blessing of a refreshing gust of wind every now and then. You liked to say it as a joke, mostly, but God, did you mean it whenever summer would creep around the corner and you’d get reminded of why you told your boyfriend so often that the devil must’ve left hell, came down to America, and bought himself a nice penthouse in Florida.
It lived up to its title of the hottest state in the US, by far, considering the hellish temperatures that constantly made you dizzy whenever June rolled around. You had great air conditioning in your apartment, though, and as soon as the sun started burning skin, plants, water, and everything in its way, you and your college roommate would lounge at your place as the air conditioner blew cold wind and thank the lord (and the person who invented AC, bless his heart) for providing you with at least one blessing during these trying times.
So, of course that as soon as summer came about, your air conditioning conveniently broke.
Your roommate was out of the apartment within two days, flying to her family in Wisconsin, bidding you farewell as she left you to cook like a raw chicken in your shared apartment. Thankfully, you had a boyfriend - and what a boyfriend he was.
You don’t like to brag, but at these moments, you feel grateful to the universe and whoever else is looking over you for providing you with a rich boyfriend, with quite a big, echo-y house, and air conditioning made of pure heaven. As soon as your roommate packed your bags, you packed yours too, - if one backpack filled with makeup, your laptop, meds, underwear and hopes that he’d let you steal all of his clothes could count as “bags” - locked the apartment and left, ready to leave the AC on snowman temperature for two days minimum and ignore all his complaints.
Bad luck seemed to follow you everywhere, though, because you were there for merely three days when the air conditioning started stuttering.
You were sprawled on the cold sheets of his bed, listening to the low hum of the AC as you scrolled through your phone, his white T-shirt sticking to your back, the cold air cooling the sheen of sweat that covered your body, leaving goosebumps all over. One of your fingers started lazily petting Patches’ stomach, and you could faintly hear Clay talking in the background, the sounds coming from his office.
“Thank you for the gifted subs! Um, yeah, it’s really hot here, I can barely, like, breathe in here. I have the AC on at highest, but all it’s doing is giving me a headache. Even-even my water bottle is completely hot.” You heard him rant and chuckled, turning on your side and continuing to scroll through random videos.
You sort of tuned out his talking, knowing he’d most likely be cooped up in that office for hours before your shared dinner, and started watching random YouTube videos, ignoring your surroundings as you shoved your earbuds in your ears. 
The longer the videos lasted, the more you felt like you were suffocating. The heat crawled up on you slowly, sneakily, almost unnoticeable yet undeniably there, hand made up of pure fire gripping at your throat tighter and tighter. It started off seamlessly, with you rolling around, trying to find a new cold spot on the sheets, to pulling at the shirt, trying to create cold air to soothe you, to wiping the sweat that basically covered your entire forehead, when your eyes finally peeled away from your phone and you realised you were basically choking in the heat, feeling like you’re breathing fire. 
You lift your head off the bed way too quickly, head pounding, and look at the one thing meant to save you from this madness - just to see it leaking water down the wall, barely coughing out any air. Your head miserably falls back down on the bed, hands rubbing at your face, dangerously close to both crying and screaming in distress. After a few moments of self-wallowing, you get up and make your way over to your boyfriend’s office, being met with nothing but silence as you walked to it, happy he ended the stream so you could complain and wail to him, possibly cool down using the AC in his office. 
You slam the door open, seeing him hunched over in his gaming chair, Minecraft open as usual, and as soon as he takes one headphone off, turns around and sends a surprised but oddly panicked gaze your way, you start ranting.
“Babe, you won’t believe what just happened.” you said, rubbing a hand over your face again, eyes closing as you feel the coldness - in comparison to the living hell that was his bedroom right now - of the room wash over you. You don’t even let him speak before you continue.
“The fucking AC in your bedroom just broke. It’s leaking right now.”
Clay looks like he wants to say fifteen words at once, and the first one that comes out is: “What?”
“I swear. I was watching something on my phone, and I realised it’s crazy hot, so I looked up and realised it’s broken. Why does this happen to me!” you complained, and he tried pulling his headphones off for a second but instead pulled the cord out of the computer entirely, letting you hear everything that goes on in his headphones.
It’s silent for a second or two, before you hear a familiar voice.
“Dream.” you hear a British man with an awfully posh accent speak, and your eyes meet Clay’s in pure horror and realisation, when you slap a hand over your mouth. He looks as equally terrified as you, but also disappointed, because oh, that’s why he looked so panicked when you stormed in.
Then you hear another voice, equally British, but higher pitched. They laugh. “Is that Drista?”
Clay seems to snap back into reality, turning around towards the computer and adjusting his mic before speaking. “No- it’s- Tommy she said babe, why would Drista call me babe?”
“You’re so stupid, he was trying to help you.” You hear his long-time friend, Sapnap, deadpan, and you can practically feel all of them freaking out, while you stand in the doorway in horror, cheeks heating up despite the fully working AC.
Another laugh. “No, I wasn’t, I was genuinely asking. Why- Sapnap, why would I be helping Dream?” 
“Dream, you are so stupid.” you hear George laugh into his mic and your boyfriend immediately starts stuttering, trying to defend himself.
“How-how am I stupid?! She’s the one who walked in, what was I supposed to do?” you lean against the doorway as he defends himself, head buried in one of your hands.
“Mute!” you hear Sapnap borderline yell, almost mad. 
“Wait- I don’t get what’s going on- Does Big D have a girlfriend?” you hear the British boy, Tommy, ask, and all of them go silent for a few seconds before a loud, screeching laugh breaks out through the speakers, and when Clay turns around to look at you, all you can do is mouth an apology as you almost break out into laughter at how ridiculous the whole thing is.
“Oh my God, chat is going crazy right now.” George says while Tommy is laughing his lungs out in the background, still.
“Did you actually- did she actually- oh my GOD, Dream has a girlfriend! I can’t believe this!” Tommy keeps on laughing, coughing between sentences. “Dream stans, I am so sorry, this must be just a terrible, terrible day for you all.” 
“You’re probably already trending on Twitter, dude.” Sapnap adds, sounding more worried than your own boyfriend did at the moment.
“It was bound to happen at some point, I guess.” he huffs out, turning around to look at you every so often, gesturing for you to close the door and come in, which you did, guilt weighing you down as you moved.
“Are you serious? Can I- Can I speak to your girlfriend, Dream?” you can practically hear the grin in the boy’s voice and Clay doesn’t even turn to you before replying.
“No, you can’t.” 
“Oh, come on! You let me speak to your mum but not your girlfriend? Just for a little bit, please? I just- I just wanna see which lucky woman managed to get the attention of the Minecraft God, Dream himself. That’s it.” Tommy asks and you don’t even have it in you to laugh because of the anxiety that eats away at you, but then Clay sighs. 
“...Fine, I guess.” he looks up at you. “D’you wanna speak to Tommy?” 
You’re not quite sure what the expected answer is, but you shrug, gaze darting from his eyes to the computer, and then back to him. “Um… I don’t mind, I guess.” 
You hear him sigh and plug the headphones back into the computer, handing them to you. “Alright, she said yes. Here you go.” he stands up out of the chair and lets you sit, placing the way too big headphones on your head as your heart races, standing closely by your side as you roll the chair further towards the desk and microphone.
“Um… hello?” you shyly speak, and you hear something like groans of mixed annoyance, confusion and nervousness coming from George and Sapnap as Tommy starts laughing immediately, greeting you loudly. 
“HELLO, DREAM’S GIRLFRIEND!” you hear him yell in response as your shaky hands land on the keyboard, moving his character left and right. 
“Is the AC really broken?” Sapnap asks and you hear George laugh in response, considering how unimportant that information is right now. You know both of them, obviously - you’ve talked to them more than a few times, joining in on their jokes when Clay talks to them on speaker, growing as close as one can with their boyfriend’s friends.
“Yeah, it is. The AC in here is really good, though. Maybe I should stay and just take over the Dream channel.” You joke and they laugh.
“Yeah, I mean it would probably be better. A woman owning the Dream channel would make it so much better. The views would skyrocket.” Tommy says and you see his character walk up to you before he randomly laughs again.
“I can’t believe- I can’t believe Dream actually has a girlfriend. Is he, like, paying you to do this, or are you really…” he trails off and you giggle at his question, switching tools in the hotbar as you try to figure out how to play the game again.
“No, he’s not. We are dating, yes.” you confirm with a nod, and you feel Clay’s elbow sink into the chair, almost trying to listen.
“Say 1 if he’s keeping you hostage.” he says and you laugh again, shaking your head.
“No, he’s not- he’s not keeping me hostage.” you reply and you hear Clay go “WHAT?” right behind you.
“Well, of course, of course, I mean, who could ever pass up dating the great Dream. With all those subscribers, and Twitch primes, and Minecraft skills. Did- did his Minecraft skills get you?” Tommy asked, but before you could even respond, Sapnap jumped into the conversation.
“Oh yes, absolutely. She loves it. Yes, Dream, speedrun faster!” he sarcastically replies and for a few moments the whole call is blown into loud laughter, screeching and yells before it quiets down.
“Yes, what Sapnap said. I was so impressed, he just blew me away, with um… with his, um, Manhunt skills? I dunno, I don’t play Minecraft.” you hear him laugh at “Manhunt skills” behind you as the rest of the boys start laughing too.
“Dream’s girlfriend doesn’t play Minecraft?! What?! Dream- how could he allow this, seriously…” Tommy argued dramatically, his character staring at yours - or rather Clay’s.
“I can’t imagine if we were both Minecraft players, that would be a nightmare.” you replied.
“Why?” you heard George laugh through the headphones.
“Who do you think peels him away from the damn computer? If I was just like him we would never get out of the house, probably.” you argued.
“Dreamfriend, what is Dream like, you know, in real life?” Tommy spoke up and you heard George giggle again.
“Dreamfriend?” you repeated, a grin forming on your face at his stupidity, finally deciding to move the character around and switch back to the sword in the hotbar.
“Yes! Dream’s girlfriend, Dreamfriend, Dreamgirl, Girldream, whatever you like.” Tommy said and you laughed.
“Dream girl… if I wanted to get clout off Dream I’d use that, that’s genius.” 
“Thanks, I know I’m a genius, everyone tells me so.” Tommy claims and you shake your head, checking your boyfriend’s inventory to see if there’s anything interesting in there.
“Alright, I’m gonna check on the AC, I’ll be back in a second.” Clay says to you, before lowering himself to the mic so the boys could hear him. “Tommy, don’t do anything stupid, okay?”
“Oh you know it, big man! I’d never!” Tommy yells back, despite Clay being unable to hear him, and he leaves the office with one last, quick kiss to your temple.
“Is he gone?” Tommy asks, and you nod and hum, despite him not being able to see you.
“Okay, so you don’t play Minecraft, right?” he asks.
“No, I don’t.” you reply.
“So there’s this really cool thing, right. If you just go in and type /op tommyinnit, there’s this thing that’s gonna-” Tommy doesn’t get to finish his sentence before he’s cut off by Sapnap, whose character suddenly appears in front of you.
“No, no, no, no, don’t trust him, you should-” Sapnap cuts in, but Tommy still loudly protests in the background.
“BE NICE TO OUR GUEST, SAPNAP! Let her do what she wants! She is Dream’s girlfriend after all, the most powerful woman.” Tommy claims and you laugh, sort of blushing from all the attention. You don’t even dare to check the chat or the donations that come in from Twitch, because it must be blowing up by now. As if he can hear your thoughts, George speaks too.
“Oh my God, Dream’s already trending on, like, five different spots on Twitter.” he says, and you instinctively grab your phone to check, before you can even think about it.
“What?” you and Sapnap both say in sync.
“Yeah, ‘Dream’ is trending #2 worldwide, and ‘Dream girlfriend’ is #4.” he lets out a shocked laugh.
“Oh my God…” you mutter out in both excitement, nervousness and dread as you open Twitter and confirm that George is indeed correct. You don’t even dare to press on either of the trends, simply turning off your phone with a sigh and moving back to stream.
“Wow, you’re famous now! How does it feel?” Tommy asks and you let out a quite dry laugh.
“Amazing. I can feel my value as a person increasing as we speak.” you respond sarcastically and hear George quietly laugh in the background.
Just then, you hear the door to the office opening again, but you ignore it because Tommy starts speaking.
“Okay, well, I’m sure that must be very fun and exciting for you, but I really will need you to type in /op tommyinn-” 
“No! I’m not listening to you, Tommy! I’m not about to type in some stupid command and get yelled at!” you cut in, but he keeps on whining.
“Come on, we know Big D would never yell at his… beloved girlfriend! Listen, just do it, I promise he will not be mad.” he argues.
“What does /op even mean?” you ask out loud, and suddenly Clay is yelling behind you. 
“Who is asking you to op them? Give me the headset!” he says, one hand already tugging at the headphones as you laugh while Tommy panics.
“Well, it was fun talking to you guys, but I have to go. Bye!” you bid them farewell and heard George and Sapnap say goodbye as well while Tommy yelled, and you took off the headphones and passed them to Clay who immediately put them on and adjusted them, plopping back into the chair. You left, moving to the living room to process everything that happened and abandon your phone for the next few hours because you were not ready for that type of attention in the slightest.
You laid in front of the TV, watching random shows on Netflix and grabbing a few snacks from the kitchen while you could still clearly hear him yelling and streaming, wondering how he’s still going as if nothing happened. The temptation to check what people were saying was overwhelming to the point your hands were itching to grab your phone and open all social media - before you even realised it, you were on the trending page again, thumb tapping on the “Dream girlfriend” tab. 
You braced yourself for the worst, but that’s not what came at you - sure, there were a couple of tweets telling people to lay off you, and delusional shippers getting ratioed, but they were mostly positive, lighthearted jokes, from single people making jokes about how a Minecraft YouTuber can get bitches but they can’t, to people calling you cute/funny. One hate comment obviously stings more than a million positive comments make you happy, but they were mostly misogynists calling you annoying for the roughly five sentences you spoke on stream or shippers disappointed that their favorite YouTuber isn’t gay, so you didn’t really let it get to you. 
When the house finally quieted down the sun was lowering itself into darkness and melting into a pot of blinding orange and golden honey, and you heard Clay’s footsteps when he finally turned off the stream, stepping into the living room a few seconds after you heard him. He sat down on the couch next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close to him, sitting there in silence with you.
“So… that was something.” he finally broke the silence and you nodded.
“It really was.” 
Another beat of silence passes.
“I’m sorry, baby, but I really need you to stop breaking all these ACs.”
“Sorry, but I’m noticing a pattern here.” he wheezed, obviously just trying to get you riled up as you pulled away so his hand gets ripped off your shoulder.
“Shut up. You better have called someone to repair that damn thing, cause there is no way we’re sleeping in there without an AC.” you huffed, and he shuffled closer to you, arm wrapping itself around your shoulders once again.
“I did, they’re coming by tomorrow.” he assured.
“Tomorrow?” you asked, looking at him in disbelief. “How are we gonna sleep tonight?”
“Who says we have to sleep?” the glint in his eye and the stupid grin plastered on his face tells you everything you need to know, and you roll your eyes.
“If we fuck, I’ll actually die of overheating. Absolutely not.”
“Well in that case, I need to get that AC fixed as soon as possible.”
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lacependragon · 3 years
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So since I got so much traffic on my last post, I figured I’d update everyone. I’m in the midst of playtesting what is probably one of the largest modpacks I’ve ever messed around with. As you can see, we sit at about 465 mods, with many being content mods. I’ve included a list of all the interesting ones (I think) below.
My computer takes a little over 8gigs of RAM to run it smoothly, I give it a little more for safety, and it holds between 40-60 FPS. Dips into the 30s when genning new entities or terrain.
I’ve got magic mods, tech mods, world gen mods, biome mods, mob mods, storage mods, decoration mods, and so much more. I’ve been slowly piecing together the configs, the ore gen, and the recipe alterations. It’s definitely not perfect, but I’m having a lot of fun. I’ve played for a couple hours on survival and I found some stuff I still want to tweak, so that’s what I’m up to at the moment.
Takes about 7 minutes from launch to main menu, and about the same to load into a save. About twice that to generate a new world. But I can still watch videos and scroll Tumblr on the same computer, so I don’t really care.
For what it’s worth: no, my computer doesn’t get hot, yes it runs well, yes the fan does turn on but it’s not at full speed, and my computer is a laptop on a lap desk.
Oh, and I’ve called this modpack: Attempting to Escape the Planet of Dragons with Rockets.
By all means, feel free to reblog and ask questions/be surprised/leave tags. I really loved it last time.
Interesting Mods:
Lag Meter Dragon Mounts Legacy Abnormal's Delight Absent by Design Advanced Chimneys Addendum Additional Enchanted Miner Advanced Rocketry AI Improvements AIOT Botania Akashic Tome Alex's Mobs All the Modium Angel Ring Apotheosis Appleskin Aquaculture Archer's Paradox Architect's Palette Architectury Ars Nouveau Artifacts Astral Sorcery Atmospheric Attribute Fix Baubley Heart Canisters Bed Benefits Bedspreads Better Badlands Better Advancements Better Biome Blend Better Burning Better Dungeons Better End Forge Betterlands Better Mineshafts Better Spawner Control Better Strongholds Better Than Mending Better Tride Return Bigger Reactors Biome ID Fixer Biomes O Plenty Block Carpentry Blood Magic Botania Botany Pots Botany Trees Bountiful Baubles Bow Infinity Fix Builder's Addition Building Gadgets Buzzier Bees Oh the Biomes You Will Go Cable Tiers Caged Mobs Carry On Spice of Life: Carrot Edition Catalogue Cat Jammies Cavalry Caves and Cliffs Backport Charging Gadgets Charm Charms Cherished Worlds Chicken Chunks Chickens Shed Chipped Clay Conversion Clumps Cobble for Days Colds Enchants Colored Bricks Colytra Comforts Common Capabilities Compacter Connected Glass Construction Wand Cooking for Blockheads Copper Pot Corail Recycler Corail Woodcutter Corail Woodcutter BYG Extension Craftable Horse Armour Create Create Stuff Additions Create Addition Crock Pot Cable Tiers Culinary Construct Curio of Undying Curios Curios Quark OBP Curios Armor Stands Curios Elytra Curios Shulker Boxes Customizable Elytra Cycle Paintings Cyclic Dank Storage Darker Depths Dark Utilities Data Fixer Slayer Decorative Blocks DeLogger Demagnetize Diet Differentiate Ding Doggy Talents Double Slabs Draconic Evolution Dragon Seeker Drawer FPS Dungeon Crawl Dungeons Gear Dungeons Mobs Dungeons Plus Earth Mobs Mod Easy Hammers Easy Paxel Eidolon Elevators Emendatus Enigmatica Enchantment Descriptions Enchant With Mob The Endergetic Expansion Enderite Ender Storage Engimatic Graves Ensorcellation Entangled Entity Culling Environmental Materials Environmental Tech Expandability Extended Caves Extended Bonemeal Extra Golems Extra Storage Extreme Reactors Extreme Sound Muffler Fairy Lights Farmers Extra Foods Farmers Delight Farmers Delight Integrations Farming for Blockheads Fast Bench minus Replacement Faster Ladder Climbing Fast Furnace minus Replacement Fast Leaf Decay Fast Suite Farmers Delight Cookbook Find Me Flamboyant Flicker Fix Flux Networks Flywheel Forbidden Arcanus Endertech FPS Reducer Framed Blocks Friendly Fire FTB Backups, Chunks, Essentials, Ultimine Garden Arsenal Glassential Guard Villagers Healing Campfire Help Wanted Ice & Fire I Like Wood I Like Wood BYG Illagers Plus Illagers Wear Armor Immersive Cooking Immersive Engineering Industrial Foregoing Inspirations Inventory Essentials Inventory Tweaks Iron Chest Iron Furnaces Iron Jetpacks Item Collectors Item Zoom JEI + addons Krate KubeJS & addons Lantern Colors Lenient Creepers Light Overlay Lighting Wang Log Protection Lootr Mana and Artifice Masonry Macaw Bridges, Doors, Fences, Furniture, Lights, Paintings, Roos, Trapdoors, & Windows Mekanism Metal Barrels Mini Coal Mining Gadgets Mob Grinding Utilities Mod Name Tooltop Mooshroom Tweaks More Crafting Tables More Dragon Eggs More Villagers Morph o Tool Mouse Tweaks Mystical Agriculture & Aggradditions Nature's Aura Nature's Compass Neapolitan Nether Portal Fix No Fog NoMoWanderer No Potion Shift No Villager Death Messages Nyfs Quiver Occultism Ocean Floor Oh My Gourd Omni Organics Out of Sight Outer End Overloaded Overloaded Armor Bar Pam's Harvestcraft 2 Paraglider Peaceful Recipes Peaceful Surface Pipez PizzaCraft PneumaticCraft Repressurized Pocket STorage Potion Bundles Potion Descriptions Powah Pretty Pippes Project E Project Red Quantum Storage Quark Quark Oddities Quark O Plenty Quartz Chests Random Patches Ranged Pumps Ratlantis Rats Refined Pipes Refined Storage + addons Relics Reliquary Repurposed Structures Resourceful Bees RF Tools suite Gauges & Switches Sapience Savage and Ravage Save My Stronghold Scaffolding Drops Nearby Scuba Gear Serene Seasons Shulker Drops Two Shulkered Shulkersception Shut Up Experimental Settings Silent Gear Silent Gems Simple Magnets Simple Generators Simple Sponge Simple World Timer Simply Backpacks Simply Jetpacks Simply Light Skinned Lanterns Small Ships Smooth Boot Snad Sodium Solar Flux Reborn Sophisticated Backpacks Spark Spartan Shields Spartan Weaponry Spawn Egg Recipes Spawner Fix Starlight StartupQoL Storage Drawers Structures Compass Structuerize Supplementaries Sushi Go Crafting Swing Through Grass Tank Null Tinkers Planner Terraforged Tesseract The Undergarden The Abyss Chapter 2 Thermal Suite Time in a bottle Toast Control ToolBelt The One Probe + addons Torchmaster Towers of the Wild Trample Stopper Translocators Trash Cans Trash Slot Travel Amchors Traverse Treemendous Twiglight Forest Unnamed Animal Mod Upgrade Aquatic Upgraded Netherite Useful Railroads Valhelsia Structures Vanilla Food Pantry Vanilla Tweaks Mr. Crayfish Vehicle Mod Mry Crayfish Furniture Mod + More Furniture Villager Names Void Totem Waystones Well Behaved Mobs Wireless Chargers Wither Skeleton Tweaks Wool Tweaks woot Wormhole Wyrmroost XNet + Gases Yungs Extras
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